Dye gray dark hair folk remedies. Natural dye for gray hair. Ingredients from well-known brands

If you have gray hair and do not want to use store-bought chemical dyes, then this may suit you. Natural paints are less toxic and do not contain aggressive chemicals. We will try to consider all natural ways dyeing gray hair at home using the ingredients that you most likely use every day in the kitchen. But you must understand that the dyeing process will take a long time and it is most likely faster to dye gray hair with chemicals.

Starting to dye your gray hair with natural dyes, your family and friends will notice how you become younger and more beautiful every day.

Natural dye for gray hair: dyeing blond hair

Recipe 1 Connect one cup lemon juice with three cups of freshly brewed chamomile tea . After the tea has cooled, apply to your hair. Wrap your hair with a plastic bag. Sit in the sun for an hour and then rinse with warm water. Repeat the process daily for several weeks. This method adds shine to blonde hair.

Recipe 2 Saffron adds yellow color to gray hair. Take ½ teaspoon of saffron to 2 cups of water. Add saffron to boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Let the mixture cool for 20 minutes before applying to your hair. Strain the mixture. Pour about 1/4 cup of the saffron mixture over your hair. Let dry. After drying, rinse and dry hair.

Recipe 3 Mix 2 cups (500 ml) distilled water, 3 tablespoons dried petals calendula , 3 tablespoons chamomile flowers and 3 tablespoons chopped lemon peel in a saucepan and bring to a boil on the stove. Remove from heat and let steep for 1-3 hours. Strain the herbs and pour into a dark plastic or glass bottle. Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. To use herbal rinses, simply pour the infusion onto your hair after washing, massage gently, and then rinse. (avoid getting infusion in the eyes!)

Natural dye for gray hair: hair coloring for brunettes

Recipe 1 Take three cups of warm black tea or coffee and apply to hair. Sit in the sun for an hour. Rinse and repeat daily for several weeks to color your hair completely. Gray hair is more resistant to color than normal hair. More treatments are needed to color gray hair.

Recipe 2 Peel of walnuts also used to color the gray hair of a brunette, for this they must be opened in water.

Recipe 3 Black pepper with yogurt Take 100 grams of yogurt and add 1 gram of black pepper to it. Mix this mixture and apply it on your scalp. Leave the mixture on your hair for one hour and rinse your hair using an herbal shampoo. The function of black pepper is to darken hair, while yogurt helps in removing dandruff and making hair silky.

Recipe 4 cocoa powder fill half of the shampoo bottle. Using this hair wash mixture that will gradually darken the hair

Recipe 5 Prune juice

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and rinse thoroughly with warm or cool water. Put a large bowl in the sink. Spray your hair with prune juice. Repeat this procedure several times. After the last rinse with juice, leave it on your hair for at least 15 minutes, then rinse your hair with warm or cool water. Rinsing with prunes must be repeated to paint over gray hair well

For faster coloring of gray hair, a little henna powder is added to plum juice until a paste is formed. The mixture should be infused all night. The next day, add the egg white to the shine mixture, and apply it from the roots of your hair to the ends. Leave on hair for at least an hour, for a darker color you can leave longer. Can be worn on the head plastic bag. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and rinse thoroughly with warm or cool water.

Recipe 6 To get a rich black tint, use an infusion-decoction walnut shells and partitions. Such a decoction paints gray hair. Infuse the shells and partitions for several hours, and then boil until the broth is reduced by a factor of three. Apply several times. Use hibiscus to give your hair a chestnut hue. A decoction of walnut partitions makes hair shiny, crumbly. Amla - one of the most powerful anti-aging plants and is the richest source of vitamin C in the world, and also contains vitamin B1 B2 B3, carotene, methionine, tryptophan, tannin (gallic acid), glucose, albumin, cellulose, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper . This is an unsurpassed conditioner that gives great shine to hair and silkiness. Amla does not darken blonde hair. To shade hair with amla, you need to keep it on your hair much longer than a regular mask. Arita (soap nuts) - a natural shampoo for hair that does not dry them out. Soap nuts do not cause any irritation, peeling and other things, but on the contrary, they successfully treat skin diseases, including dandruff. In addition to saponins, soap nuts contain many natural softeners. Therefore, after such a wash, the hair becomes silky, lush, elastic, acquires shine and vitality. Brahmi - for hair density, against hair loss, against dandruff, stimulates hair growth, can solve the problem of baldness. Having found the source of the problem, the researchers tried to find ways to solve it. The research results look encouraging - it turned out that the process of melanin synthesis can be restored. With regular use of Brahmi, melanin synthesis can be restored. But you can not add all the ingredients, but stop only at the walnut

Natural dye for gray hair: dyeing red hair

Recipe 1 Take 1/4 cup of each of the following ingredients: Withrosehip eye, beet juice, carrot juice . Add three cups of boiled and chilled water to the mixture. Apply to hair. Sit in the sun for an hour. Repeat the procedure daily for several weeks to add a red tint to your hair. After rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo.

Recipe 2 Take 1/2 cup carrot juice and 1/2 cup beetroot juice and mix them together, you should have a dark red-purple mixture. Wet your hair thoroughly. Blot with a towel so that water does not drip from them. Put on a pair of gloves. Pour juice onto wet hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 1 hour while being in the sun. Wash the mixture out of your hair with your regular shampoo. You may need to repeat the procedure for several days in a row to see a noticeable difference.

Do not forget to test the dye on a small piece of hair before coloring your hair. In order to paint over gray hair, you may need several weeks.

Recipe 2 Henna stains gray hair very well, adding a dark red color to it. Make one cup pasta henna , one egg yolk , teaspoon cognac or rum, one teaspoon ground coffee and water. It is best to apply the mixture in the evening. Apply to dry hair. Leave natural gray hair dye on your hair for two hours, then rinse.

Recipe 3 Take three tablespoons henna and mix with eucalyptus oil . Add two tablespoons of decoction black coffee or tea into this bowl and mix well. This mixture must be prepared at least 12 hours before applying it to the hair. After applying henna to your hair, keep it for one to two hours (no more than that) and rinse it with warm water.

Recipe 4 Combine 1/4 cup powdered henna with 2 glasses of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, let it infuse for 2 hours. Use as a rinse before shampooing. Shampoo as usual, rinse and dry.

Recipe 5 This natural gray hair dye will add a reddish gold tint to your hair.

Take 1/3 cup fresh chopped marigold flowers or 3 tablespoons of dried marigold petals simmer in 2 1/2 cups of distilled water in an enamel saucepan for 20 minutes. Remove from fire. After the mixture has cooled, strain. Add 1/4 cup red wine to liquid. Use as a rinse after washing, pouring it on the hair and picking up from the basin to repeat the procedure several times. Let your hair dry naturally in the sun if possible. Repeat the rinsing process every time you wash your hair until the gray is completely covered.

Natural dye for gray hair: How to dye blond hair dark

Welded coffee quite effectively allows you to dye blond hair in dark. To do this, rinse them in coffee 2-3 times. Position yourself over a bathtub or sink and place a basin there. Water your hair with cool coffee for 1-2 minutes, then leave it on your hair for 15 minutes so that the coffee is absorbed. Repeat this procedure two times.

Natural Dye for Gray Hair: Dyeing Dark Hair to Blonde Hair

Thoroughly mix 1/4 cup water and 1/4 cup lemon juice . Apply lemon juice to your hair evenly across the top of your head. After that, you need to spend one hour under the sun, but no more, since lemon acid can severely damage your hair. Repeat this procedure as many times as needed to achieve the desired color. Rinse and dry your hair thoroughly between treatments.

Natural dye for gray hair: with rosemary and sage

Using sage will restore the natural color of your hair.


2 cups hot water

1/2 cup dry sage leaves

1/2 cup dry rosemary leaves


1. Chop 1/2 cup fresh rosemary and sage (or 8 teaspoons dry herb) and boil in 2 cups water for 30 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat and let steep for two to three hours. Strain through a coffee filter to remove the herbs.

2. Wash your hair with your regular shampoo and rinse.

3. The infusion should be warm before applying to the hair.

4. Make sure all of your hair is soaked in the infusion. Leave the mixture on your hair until dry.

5. Add 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar to 1 liter of water. Use this as a final rinse to restore your hair's natural pH balance.

6. Dry and style your hair.

7. Repeat this treatment once a week until your hair returns to its natural color.

Tips and Warnings

Add 1/4 cup chopped catnip or thyme to your mixture if you want to promote hair growth and shine.

If you want gray hair to fade faster, use an infusion of the herb every time you wash your hair, or increase the amount of herb you use.

If you stop using herbs, your natural hair color will return without unsightly roots.

The staining process can take a month

Be sure to test the product on a small patch of skin and leave overnight to check for any allergic reaction.

Do not shampoo your hair for 24 hours

Natural dye for gray hair: with rhubarb root

For coloring gray hair Brown color with a touch of honey, a decoction of rhubarb root is ideal. Prepare the composition 2 tablespoons of chopped rhubarb root, pour a glass of cold water. Boil for 15-20 minutes with constant stirring, then cool, strain and rinse your hair after washing.

For gray hair with normal to high fat content, take 200 grams of crushed rhubarb leaves and roots and boil in 0.5 liters of white wine until the liquid volume is halved. Then cool and apply to hair. Use a decoction for light shades.

Natural dye for gray hair: How to dye gray hair with cocoa powder

What will you need

Non-metal bowl and spoon


measuring spoons

Unsweetened yogurt

Unsweetened 100% pure cocoa powder

Apple vinegar



1 or 2 towels


1. Mix equal amounts of unsweetened yogurt and cocoa powder in a bowl. You'll need at least ¼ cup of each, but if your hair is shoulder length or longer, you'll need twice as much.

2. Add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. honey to the mixture. If you used ½ cup cocoa and ½ cup kefir in the first step, then you will need 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp. honey. Mix the ingredients well.

3. Set the bowl aside while you wash your hair with shampoo. Rinse your hair thoroughly, but do not use conditioner. Dry your hair with a towel, leaving it slightly damp.

4. Gather your hair with one hand, and with the other, apply petroleum jelly to the skin around the hairline, behind the ears, along the back and along the sides of the neck. This will prevent the cocoa mixture from staining the skin.

5. Spread the cocoa mixture on the hair, sectioning and spreading with your fingers, to ensure an even distribution of color. Be careful not to spare the mixture so as not to miss any area of ​​\u200b\u200byour hair, do not forget to color the ends of the hair. Wait at least three minutes before rinsing. Check the results after drying the hair, and repeat the procedure as needed.

Tips and Warnings

Any unused formula can be stored in the refrigerator for up to nine days.

This method works best if your hair color is brown or black. If your natural color is a lighter shade, the results will be less noticeable. For a deeper shade on your hair, you can repeat this process two or more times. This will allow your hair to gradually absorb more of the pigment from the cocoa over a longer period of time. In addition, you can apply the mixture and wrap your hair tightly in plastic wrap and wrap it with a towel. Let your hair stay wrapped for 2 hours and then wash it off with warm water. Your hair will be much darker.

Hot drinks with cocoa powder are not suitable; they contain sugar, milk powder and other ingredients and a small amount of cocoa powder. Make sure you only use ground cocoa powder.

Aging of the body is a completely normal process, accompanied by a number of physical and visual changes. In particular, in women, it is manifested by the appearance on the head. However, such a natural phenomenon needs skillful concealment. That is why many women try to restore their original hair color with the help of chemistry. How to paint over gray hair, we will tell in this article.

Choosing the right shade

So, you decided to get rid of with the help of cosmetic paint. First you need to choose the color of paint that will match your hair tone. What should not be done in this case? You should not attach a package of paint to your head in the hope of immediately choosing the right shade. Remember that the first picture on the package is advertising. And you just need to turn the box over and look at its back panel, where several “before” and “after” photos are usually drawn.

What and how to paint?

At the second stage, before painting over the gray hair on your hair, decide on the goal. That is, you need to clarify the following points:

  • will you dye all your hair completely (moreover, tone-on-tone with the native color of your curls);
  • do you plan to paint over only the roots;
  • want to change the current color to another (for example, darker or lighter).

In addition (mostly for blondes) that you have to paint over gray hair with natural means, you should also get rid of the red tint in your hair. Most often it occurs after not too successful coloring of the head.

Let's look at the numbers

Another important point. Before buying a package of paint, pay attention to the numbers that are indicated on it. So, all base colors are usually indicated by round numbers, for example, 1.0, 2.0 and up to 10.0. At the same time, 1.0 will be suitable for color lovers a la "burning brunette", and 10.0 - for light blondes.

In addition, if, for example, you are a blonde and not only think about how to naturally paint over gray hair, but also plan to give your hair a certain shade, you should buy a tonic or a special balm. Their packages also contain numbers. However, unlike paints, they write 1, 2, etc. instead of zero on tonics. When using a tint dye with the number 1, you can neutralize the redhead and achieve a beautiful ash tint. Choosing 2, get ready to get a beautiful mother-of-pearl shine. If you need warmer shades, then you should give preference to products with numbers 3 or 4.

Mixing dye and paint

In order to paint over gray hair at home and get the desired shade, you should mix the paint and dye. For example, you chose paint 9.0 and dye 10.21. Next, you should take a container and pour out the contents of both packages in a 1: 1 ratio. The main thing is to choose a bowl made of ceramics, wood or plastic for such a procedure. It is strictly forbidden to use metal utensils for mixing paints.

Important! If you bought paint that you have never used before, be sure to do an initial allergy test. To do this, take a little paint and apply it to the delicate skin of the elbow.

What do we paint first?

Please note that if in all previous times you have already tried to paint over gray hair with natural means, and did not affect the rest of the hair length, before starting the procedure, apply regular paint to all curls, bypassing the roots. After about half an hour and put a little paint on them. This way you will even out the color of the roots and ends of the hair.

We use tinting for the desired shade

After we have dyed the roots and the length of the hair or just the roots, you can return to the bowl where you previously mixed. Then apply it on your curls and wait 20-30 minutes, as indicated in the instructions. In this case, use only a special brush or sponge. According to hairdressers, it is not worth using a comb in this case to better distribute the paint. Otherwise, you risk damaging your curls.

Rinse with water and apply balm

The next step is to thoroughly rinse the dyed hair with water, without using shampoo. After that, it is recommended to blot wet curls with a towel and look in the mirror. If the resulting color completely suits you, then it is desirable to fix the effect with the help of a special balm, which is part of the paint box.

How to paint over gray hair on dark hair: highlighting

Undoubtedly, women with blond hair are much easier to deal with gray hair than burning brunettes or brown-haired women. However, for them there are methods of dealing with violent gray hair.

For example, one option involves highlighting. Such coloring, as a rule, allows you to leave your natural hair color and add spectacular light or bright hair to it. Only this method is only suitable if no more than 50% of your hair has suffered from gray hair.

We dye dark hair with a tint balm

If you prefer to use exclusively natural products when changing your hair color, you can always paint over gray hair with a tint balm. The advantages of using this method are many. Firstly, this paint is the most gentle for your hair. Secondly, with its help you can skillfully regulate the intensity of staining.

For example, for a slight shade, you just need to add a few drops of the product to And, of course, after each wash, your color will become lighter.

Using semi-permanent paint

Do not know how to paint over gray hair on dark hair? No problem. Ammonia-free semi-permanent paint will help you solve the problem. It resembles a coloring tonic, as it does not penetrate deep into the hair, but lingers exclusively on its front surface.

Such paint, as a rule, lasts about 7-10 days and, like tonic, is washed out over time. However, this method of staining is not suitable for those women whose gray hair percentage exceeds 30%.

Coloring gray hair with henna

Another simple, and most importantly, safe staining method is the use of henna. Many are familiar with this wonderful substance that strengthens and nourishes the hair, giving it a natural shine. However, not everyone knows how to paint over gray hair with henna.

So, for this procedure, we need henna, a container and a brush or brush for mixing. Next, pour the contents of the sachet into a bowl, add a little water and mix until a homogeneous slurry is formed. If desired, you can add a little oil (essential or cooking) or the yolk of one egg to it. In this case, when applied to the hair, your mixture will lie more evenly and evenly.

Then you should cover your head with cellophane and a towel, leaving the natural composition prepared by you on your hair (strictly according to the instructions) from 40 minutes to several hours. After a sustained time, it remains only to wash off the henna from your curls. About how to paint over gray hair with basma, we will tell further.

How to dye your hair with basma?

Basma is also considered a natural dye that can be safely used without harming the hair. And if henna has a peculiar reddish or reddish tint, then with the help of basma your curls can acquire a darker color, for example, blue-black, milky, chestnut or light brown.

In a word, the principle of action of this substance is similar to the previous remedy. But far from all packages indicate that basma should be used only in combination with henna. Otherwise, you risk getting a non-standard green color hair. And only upon contact with henna, basma neutralizes its original shade and helps get rid of the excessive redness that henna rewards us with. But how to paint over gray hair with henna and basma, correctly calculating the proportion?

According to many makeup artists and hairdressers, the ratio of both natural components is calculated purely individually, it depends on the effect that is planned to be achieved and on the length of the hair. At the same time, the principle of applying this cocktail remains the same as when using classic henna. Or you can dye your hair in two stages: first apply henna and rinse, and then basma and also rinse.

What are the features of using

When using natural dyes, many of the fair sex have a lot of problems. So, for example, some are simply sure that the longer you keep the henna mixture on your head, the more intense the color will turn out. However, this is not the case. Others, on the contrary, are afraid to spoil their curls, referring to the possible fragility and dryness of the hair after using dyes. Answering the question of how to paint over gray hair with henna and basma so as not to dry out the hair, we recall that when using any coloring matter, certain rules should be observed.

So, in order not to harm your hair, you should not overexpose the composition on your head for longer than the norm specified in the instructions. Another important point: if there is still chemical paint left on your curls, then before using henna or basma, it is recommended to first tint one strand. After you make sure that an unexpected reaction has not occurred, and the hair has not acquired a non-standard shade, you can cover the rest of your curls with henna and basma.

In addition, dark or orange stains that remain after staining cause a big problem for beginners. Moreover, they are not as easy to get rid of as when using conventional chemical paint. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to smear all exposed areas of the body before painting. fat cream or olive oil. And in order for the hair not to look heavy, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse it with water, getting rid of

Adding coffee, cocoa and other ingredients

Do you know how to paint over gray hair using henna and other improvised means? As it turns out, this is very easy to do. It is enough to add to the basic composition of henna, for example, a few tablespoons of ground coffee or cocoa. You can also use whey and even cognac. In all three cases, uniform darkening of the hair will occur.

Summary: when using certain means for coloring gray hair, be careful. Read the instructions carefully. Work with gloves and do not overdo it with the dosage.

For most women, the discovery of gray hair becomes not just an unpleasant discovery, but a real disaster. Therefore, it immediately becomes topical issue about hair coloring. In this situation, solving the problem is not as easy as in the case of traditional painting. The reason is a special interaction with chemical or natural dyes.

It is difficult due to the absence of a pigment-imparting substance in the structure, which leads to increased rigidity and resistance to chemical or natural dyes. Influence on the result cosmetic procedure also renders a type of natural melanin. Light curls with eumelanin after its removal are more pliable in comparison with dark, saturated with pheomelanin.

The effectiveness of staining depending on the type of gray hair

In order to properly paint at home, first determine its type:

  • Focal. The peculiarity is the appearance of discolored hairs not over the entire head, but on a certain part of it. In such a situation, a dye should be selected, taking into account the percentage of gray hair and the thickness of the rods. The rest of the strands are dyed in the usual way without adding a natural tone.
  • 10-30%. Hair coloring is practiced by the traditional method or mixed in equal proportions of tones corresponding to the natural and expected darker color, with a three percent oxidant.
  • About half. Pre-determine the number of shades of natural curls, their thickness. If you plan to achieve a beautiful blond at home, and the strands are naturally dark, be sure to lighten in order to avoid the appearance of yellowness. It is necessary to use a mixture with the addition of a natural color in an equal amount with a tint dye.
  • 60-70%. With thin curls at home, it’s really possible to get a beautiful blond even without prior clarification. If they are thick enough, without a pigment-neutralizing drug, it will be possible to paint only in dark options.
  • Gray hair covering almost the entire head. Here, too, there are reservations for thick and thin strands. In each case, an oxidant is used at a concentration of 1.5%.

If by nature the hair is too heavy and the pigment is almost completely absent, it is better to choose special ones.

Professional paints for gray curls

You can paint over gray hair using the following methods:

  • Highlighting with foil. It turns out to be effective if the natural color is preserved at least half. Not one, but two shades are used for coloring.
  • Tinted balm. It does no harm and quickly masks gray hair, but there is no radical change. The composition is applied to the strands at the end of shampooing, evaluating the result. If it turns out to be unsatisfactory, a professional wash of the same brand is used to reduce the intensity.
  • The use of ammonia-free semi-permanent preparations. The tinting agent is unable to penetrate the structure of the curls, so the dye is retained only in the scaly layer close to the surface. Saving the result is noted within 2-3 weeks. It is advisable to use this method in the presence of 30% gray hair.
  • Persistent dyes.

If the original tone does not belong to the blond, but represents a dark range, many experts advise hiding gray hair with coloring and highlighting. A worthy effect is obtained if bleached curls are present in a minimal amount.

Coloring dark and gray hair with natural remedies

These are henna and basma known to all, which can be used both individually and in combination with each other. In addition to high-quality painting with their help, it is possible to restore health, return silkiness, shine, enhance growth, and eliminate dandruff. The only negative is that you have to paint repeatedly, devoting more time to the procedure in comparison with applying persistent compounds. The result is locks that shimmer with light, dark chestnut (read about the rules for staining in chestnut shades), mahogany, fiery red shades.

1. Features of pure henna.

When choosing this method of eliminating gray hair, it is important to consider a number of points:

  • Natural henna products give a bright copper or orange tone. With naturally dark hair and a small amount of bleached strands, it is possible to achieve an even color. If gray hair prevails, pronounced transitions between bright orange and dark copper are not excluded.
  • Before using henna in its pure form, it is necessary to evaluate the percentage of pigmented and bleached curls. It is better if they are distributed evenly, and not concentrated in local areas (for example, at the temples).
  • A feature of henna and other natural dyes is the impossibility of predicting the result. The type of strands has a direct effect on the resulting shade. The maximum penetration of the dye is characteristic of a soft structure. If the hair is thick and coarse, it is often possible to completely dye the gray hair only on the third attempt. This increases the holding time. Sometimes this interval is about 6 hours. Henna does not harm the hairstyle, but there is a significant waste of time.

It is desirable to pour henna with boiling water to enhance the return of natural pigment. Another method of application is to dilute the powder with warm water and then heat the mixture in a water bath for 3 minutes. At the next stage, vinegar, kefir or lemon juice is introduced into the safe paint, achieving the consistency of thick sour cream.

The finished gruel is applied to the curls immediately after preparation, since with prolonged contact of henna with air, it loses its properties. It is better to choose the exposure time to the maximum immediately. If there is a desire to receive not too dark tone, but at the same time paint over the gray hair completely, it is worthwhile to first carry out the procedure for one strand, hidden in the thick of the hairstyle.

2. Henna and basma.

Combining both dyes at once, you need to be very careful about the choice of proportions. The best option is to consult a professional who will evaluate the structure of the curls, the type of gray hair and give appropriate recommendations. As for cooking, the recipe is similar to using pure henna.

Some masters advise to additionally introduce vegetable into the mixture, cosmetic oil or egg yolk for a more even color. At the end of the procedure, the strands are washed only with warm water, shampoo is not applied to them, otherwise the color may change noticeably.

3. Basma and black hair.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to eliminate gray hair and obtain a black tone of curls with the help of basma has two possible options:

  • This effect is given by basma, supplemented with natural black pigments.
  • You can choose a gradual coloring. First, pure henna is applied, obtaining a pronounced red color, then painting is carried out only with basma. The result may not be completely black, but a rich chestnut shade.

When planning the use of henna and basma at home, pay attention to:

  • When gray hair appears only near the roots, it should be painted in several passes with preliminary processing of only the discolored part of the hairstyle. The exposure time can reach several hours, after which the remainder of the mixture is distributed along the length of the hair.
  • To obtain the most stable color, periodic staining must be supplemented by rinsing carried out in between. For this, a special solution is prepared at home, pouring basma and henna with a liter of warm water at the same time. After brewing, lemon juice is introduced and the resulting mixture is well stirred.

Other natural remedies are also used to hide gray hair. One of them is chamomile decoction, which helps to give curls with a natural shade of blond a golden tint.

How to dye gray hair at home - paint over gray hair with paint, natural remedies, herbal decoction? Henna, basma and other natural remedies for getting rid of gray hair at home

Unfortunately, none of us can control the appearance of gray hair. Many women face this problem - someone earlier, someone later. How to get rid of gray hair at home? For every woman, the inconspicuousness of gray hair in appearance is important, and coloring in the conditions of her home is a struggle for her own beauty. If you don't have the time, money, or inclination to go to a salon, you can deal with the problem at home.

How to dye gray hair yourself at home?

The usual, it would seem, the procedure for dyeing gray hair has many of its subtleties and features:

  • Forget about the shade of hair given to you by nature, as returning to it will be a losing option for you. It is better to “move away” from him for a couple of tones.
  • Specialists usually suggest coloring in light shades, because. they smooth out the tone, and dark ones shade, highlight and emphasize all skin defects and wrinkles.
  • Choose a neutral tone, such as medium blond or light beige, by all means pick up the perfect shade for yourself.

When painting gray hair in any shade, keep in mind that:

  • if the hair is not very thick, when dyed in a dark tone, bald patches will immediately become visible on the head, so it is better to use hair lightening. For most graying people, coloring in a light shade will be optimal.
  • Natural hair is uneven in color when the roots are darker than the tips, so the roots are usually darker when dyed.
  • Each person is endowed with an individual “absorption” of hair, therefore, the speed of coloring for each is different.
  • If you still want a dark color, keep in mind that growing gray roots will be much more noticeable due to the contrast with the chosen dark color.

We use natural remedies for tinting gray hair

Data folk remedies are indispensable in painting over gray hair of the head, which many women use quite successfully:

  • Basma, henna.
  • Ground or grain coffee.
  • Chamomile medicinal (aka pharmacy).
  • A decoction of onion husks.
  • Walnut fruits.

But when using natural remedies, remember, that:

  1. natural dyes it is difficult to get the intended uniform color. When the gray strands are sparse, this will make it possible to achieve a color of the same uniformity, when there is a lot of gray hair, the dye particles penetrate the hair unevenly, significantly distinguishing its roots from the tips.
  2. It is extremely difficult for the dye to penetrate inside coarse hair, so it is possible that they are not painted over at the first attempt at dyeing.
  3. To know the consequences when you first use a new dye for you, before fully painting over all the hair of your head, try it on one of your strands.


Getting the right shades of gray hair when dyeing with natural means

  1. The combination of basma with henna gives all kinds of shades, as an option for getting new ones - add coffee, black tea, cocoa to it.
  2. Consider the length of the hair, the amount of gray hair and the desired saturation of the shade - start from these data when choosing proportions for the preparation of natural paint.
  3. For red-haired people, when “disguising” gray hair, natural henna dye or a decoction of onion peel will help.
  4. Dark-haired people should choose basma, after adding henna to it so that the hair is without a blue-green tint.
  5. For a blonde effect, use chamomile.
  6. For brown-haired women to get natural-based paint, add more henna to the basma-henna mixture, also adding coffee / cocoa / tea.

How to dye gray hair with a decoction of herbs

These tips can also be used for the treatment of hair loss and its prevention:

  • Field chamomile brew 1 cup in 0.5 liters of water. After insisting it for 2 hours, pour in 2 tablespoons of tablespoons of glycerin. Then apply to problematic gray areas, not forgetting to cover your head with a special polyethylene cap. After 1 hour of keeping the mixture on your hair, you will get a caramel hair tone instead of gray hair.
  • Rhubarb root will help in painting over gray hair in a light brown color. For this, 2 tbsp. Spoons of rhubarb pour water, then boil everything. After cooling the solution, you can "treat" gray hair.

It is worth noting that these methods are effective for dyeing gray hair at home, when the stage of its appearance is the initial one..

What are the features of using henna and basma when coloring gray hair at home?

Not knowing how to use natural dyes to change the color of their hair in order to hide gray hair, many women find only trouble in this process. So, for example, those who want to become a bright red "beast" try to keep the applied henna on their heads for a longer time, in the end they never get a beautiful hair tone. Others are afraid of such "grandmother's" dyes in every possible way, being afraid to break or dry their curls with them.

So, dyeing gray hair with henna / basma has its own rules:

  1. You can combine two products, but do phased staining: first henna (paint, wash off), then basma.
  2. Do not exceed the temporary limits of the instructions for holding the dye on the hair.
  3. If you did “chemistry” on your hair before dyeing, then first get by with tinting one strand. Only after a calm reaction of your chemically treated hair to such a test, cover the remaining curls with henna / basma.
  4. A common thing for people who dye their hair at home is the stains that are present on the scalp and face after staining with basma / henna. From blue-black to light red - it is very difficult to erase them. For easy removal, you only need to apply any cream or oil to potentially colored skin areas beforehand.
  5. Henna, as well as basma, is a visual "weight" of hair. Therefore, after using them to get rid of the signs of gray hair, you will need to completely rinse the hair with water to wash off all the coloring particles from them.
  6. In case of unsuccessful attempts to cope with the coloring of gray hair on your own at home, you should consult a specialist.

For short and middle length you may need from 100 to 300 grams of basma or henna coloring powder. For long hair you should buy about 300-500 grams of dry powder.

Iranian henna, combined with various additives, allows you to get very beautiful shades:

  • ripe plum: ground dried elderberry should be added to henna
  • dark red: add cinnamon to henna
  • light red: henna and ginger (or parsley)
  • golden wheat: add a decoction of chamomile or dandelion to the henna, you can also add a little turmeric
  • yellow-red tint: you need to add a decoction of onion peel
  • brown with a hint of chocolate: add natural ground coffee or oak bark to henna.

How to dye your hair with henna at home?

  1. Before using henna, you need to brew porridge - take the right amount of milk and henna, mix to a liquid slurry and leave for 2 hours under the lid. If you have oily hair, replace milk with water.
  2. It will take about 5-6 hours to paint over gray hair with henna or basma, so plan and free the day in advance.
  3. After applying henna to your hair, put on a plastic cap, wrap your head in a warm towel and go about your business for at least 4-5 hours.
  4. Over the next three days, try not to wash your hair, do not dry it with a hair dryer or straighten / twist with a curling iron - the hair scales should close, thereby fixing the coloring effect.

Every woman, regardless of age, wants to be beautiful. Alas, gray hair is not included in the concept of beauty for most of us. But how to hide the appearance of gray hair, if you don’t want to spoil your hair with paints? Natural products come to the rescue, which often cope with the task no worse than professional products.

Why does gray hair appear

The appearance of gray hair is a natural process, most people notice the first gray hairs in their 30s or later. If gray hair appeared before this age, then it is called premature.

Melanin is the pigment responsible for hair color in our body. Without it, there would be no brunettes, blonds or redheads on Earth - everyone would have the same gray hair. But melanin is not produced forever. With age, its quantity gradually decreases, which is why the first colorless hairs appear. Older people have no melanin at all, so their hair is completely gray.

As a person ages, less and less melanin is produced.

But how to explain the fact that gray hair for everyone occurs in different ages? In fact, the appearance of gray hair (especially premature) is affected not only by age, but also by other factors, such as:

  • problems in the thyroid gland;
  • undergoing chemotherapy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • improper, especially malnutrition, lack of B vitamins, selenium and magnesium;
  • addiction to smoking;
  • constant stress (but it’s impossible to say for sure yet, as this has only been proven by one study - https://www.nature.com/articles);
  • genetics - if your parents went gray early, the same thing is likely to happen to you.

In my family, for example, all women maternal line sit down early. My mother knew this and tried to prevent it, for example, through proper nutrition and hair care. Alas, it did not help - the first gray hair appeared already at 25. This has not affected me yet, but I am more than sure that early gray hair will not bypass my head either.

Scientists have proven that it is Caucasians who turn gray before anyone else (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com). In representatives of the Mongoloid and Negroid races, the first gray hair appears much later - after 40 and 45 years, respectively.

Quite often, the appearance of early gray hair is genetically determined.

What natural dyes can hide gray hair

To get rid of gray hair, it is not necessary to use harmful chemical dyes. Since ancient times, people have known natural hair dyes.

Henna and basma

Henna is called a natural dye, which is produced from the lavsonia shrub (it grows in some warm countries). This plant is commonly used for dyeing red hair, as well as for creating body markings. . In addition to coloring properties, henna restores hair, strengthens it, and helps to defeat dandruff. But this dye has a drawback - it dries the hair.

Basma is made from the leaves of the dyeing indigo sphere. When used alone, it can give the hair a greenish tint. Basma is usually used together with henna: in this case, the hair can be dyed in dark colors. The ratio of dyes depends on the natural color of the hair. Basma is very persistent and does not harm the hair at all, but the effect of its use can be unpredictable.

Basma together with henna can hide gray hair on dark hair

Other vegetable paints

The following plants can also be used to paint over gray hair:

  • onion peel. It gives the hair a light red tint;
  • chamomile. Her decoction will help hide gray hair on blonde hair Oh;
  • rhubarb. This plant is ideal for use on straw colored hair;
  • coffee Tea. The combination of these two products will hide gray hair with a dark shade;
  • Linden. A decoction based on it is an excellent tool for blond hair.

Linden and chamomile decoctions can help hide gray hair on light shades.

Cosmetic products with natural ingredients

To date, in stores you can find hair dyes that contain only natural ingredients and do not harm the hair in any way. Such funds are produced by the following brands:

  • Biokap. The composition of the paint contains only natural products, for example, oats, soy, wheat, fruit acids. Doesn't irritate and lasts just as long as chemical paints. The brand produces paints in both light and dark shades. Price - 900–1000 rubles;

    Biokap is a brand that produces natural paints in many shades

  • Chandi. This Indian company produces powder paints from henna and various medicinal herbs. This composition allows not only to hide gray hair, but also to improve the condition of the hair, make it more vibrant and silky. Alas, these colors are not suitable for blondes, there are no lighter bronze shades. Price - 500–600 rubles;

    Chandi produces henna-based dye

    logona. This company offers the buyer paints of many shades. No harmful substances are used in the manufacture of this product. chemical substances, everything is exclusively natural: henna, walnut, chamomile, rhubarb. The only disadvantage of these paints is that they do not last long (a couple of weeks), but they not only color, but also improve hair. Price - 900 rubles;

    Logona paints improve appearance hair

    Aasha. The paints of this company are powder, made on the basis of henna and other natural substances. The company produces two lines of colors: for blondes and brunettes (this includes red shades). In addition to coloring, this product is used to reduce hair loss, prevent and treat dandruff. The dye also returns shine and beauty to the hair. Price - about 500 rubles;

    Aasha paints not only remove gray hair, but also treat hair and scalp

    Khadi. The paints of this company consist of Ayurvedic herbs. They not only remove gray hair and revitalize hair color, but also help to cope with many problems. Khadi products are used to get rid of itching, restore hair, reduce hair loss, fight dandruff. Price - from 800 to 900 rubles.

    Khadi makes wonderful natural healing paints.

Folk ways to paint over gray hair

There are quite a few folk ways painting over gray hair, but you need to start off first of all from the natural color of the hair.

Recipes for dark and red hair

The most famous natural dyes for dark hair are henna and basma, which are used together. The number of these dyes need not be the same. You can use a little more henna for a reddish tint, or more basma if your natural hair color is rather dark.

  1. Take a bag of henna and a bag of basma, pour the powders into a container.
  2. Gradually add boiling water, stirring constantly. The resulting mixture should have the density of sour cream. You can add a couple of drops to the paint essential oil, but this is optional.
  3. Let it brew for 5 minutes. If the mixture seems too hot for you, then you can wait a little longer - until the temperature is comfortable.
  4. Spread the mixture over the entire length of the hair, cover the head with a film and a towel.
  5. Keep the paint on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off. You should not keep it any longer - the hair will only dry out.

For red hair, henna is the best dye. If you are the owner of bright red hair, then use this paint separately, and for copper hair, a combination of henna with basma is best, for example, in a ratio of 2: 1.

Henna combined with basma can hide gray hair on red or dark hair

Another way to cover gray hair on dark hair is a mixture of tea and coffee.

  1. You will need 200 ml of strong black tea and 100 ml of strong coffee. Mix them and cool the mixture to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Lean over the bathtub and pour the composition over your head several times.
  3. Wring out the hair, wrap it up and keep it this way for an hour, then rinse it off.
  4. Such a procedure will not immediately hide the gray hair, it must be repeated every other day until you are satisfied with the result.

Good results can be achieved by hiding gray hair with a walnut.

  1. Take unripe walnuts. Be sure to wear gloves so you don't get your hands dirty.
  2. Peel the nut, grind the green peel into gruel.
  3. Pour a little warm water into the crushed peel.
  4. Apply the remedy on your head. You can simply pour the mixture on your hair several times, leaning over the tub.
  5. Cover your head, wash off after an hour. If the gray hair is not completely hidden, repeat the procedure every other day.

Video: walnut gray hair coloring

Recipes for blond hair

For light brown hair, linden is a wonderful natural dye.

  1. Take 100 g of dried linden and fill the plant with half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Put on fire and cook until half of the liquid has evaporated.
  3. After cooking, strain the broth, cool to a comfortable temperature.
  4. Spread the decoction on the hair, insulate them and keep for about an hour, then rinse.

If your hair is light brown, but the shade is closer to golden, then you can prepare a mixture of linden and chamomile for coloring.

  1. Take 2-3 tablespoons of linden and chamomile, pour half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Pour the mixture into a thermos and leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. For application to the hair, both the liquid part and the slurry are useful. The composition should be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  4. The mixture should be on the hair for three hours under a towel, after which it is washed off.

Linden - a wonderful dye for light brown hair

Recipes for blonde hair

For coloring blond hair, chamomile decoction is well suited. After using it, gray hair will become much less noticeable.

  1. Pour 4 tablespoons of chamomile flowers into a saucepan. Pour half a liter of water here.
  2. Put the pan on the fire and cover with a lid, leave on the stove for 10 minutes. After turning off the fire for another half an hour, the broth should simply be infused.
  3. At this time, take a lemon and squeeze out one tablespoon of the juice.
  4. After insisting, strain the broth and add juice to it.
  5. Moisten the hair with a decoction along the entire length. Cover your head and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

With the help of rhubarb, gray strands can be given a straw-yellow tint.

  1. Put about 30 g of dry rhubarb rhizomes in a saucepan. Pour out a glass of water.
  2. Place the saucepan over low heat, bring to a boil, then simmer for about 20 minutes.
  3. Cool the decoction and pour it on your hair.
  4. Warm your head and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Another way to eliminate gray hair is onion peel.

  1. Put three tablespoons of onion peel into the pan. Pour two cups of hot water into it.
  2. Put on low heat, cook for half an hour.
  3. Let the broth cool and strain.
  4. Add 2-3 teaspoons of glycerin, stir the mixture.
  5. Carefully distribute the composition over the strands.
  6. Cover your head and leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse off.

With the help of onion peel, you can paint over gray hair on blond hair

General rules for the use of natural dyes

Natural dyes like chamomile or tea do not have the strongest effect. Be prepared to repeat the procedure several times (preferably every other day) to achieve the desired effect. But there is one big plus in this - these plants have a beneficial effect on hair, so frequent use will only benefit your hair.

But henna and basma are very resistant paints, so you should be careful when using them. In addition, the effect of their use can not always be predicted. Be sure to use only fresh dyes that have been stored properly - in a closed, airtight container, in a dark place where direct sunlight does not reach. In addition, at the first use, paint a small inconspicuous strand and look at the effect in order to correct the shade if necessary, for example, change the ratio of henna and basma.

How to stain? About the same as with shop means. Hair must be dry and clean. Put on gloves and put a cape on your shoulders. Then apply dye. If the composition is liquid, lean over a basin or bath and pour it on your hair.

After applying the paint, the head must be covered with a film or bag, and on top with a towel. Keep the composition on your head right time rinse without shampoo.

Before full coloring with henna and basma, apply paint on a small strand and look at the result

Prevention of gray hair

Although sometimes the appearance of early gray hair is genetically determined, it is still possible to prevent its occurrence. There are several main rules of prevention:

  • make sure that the diet has enough elements such as chromium, calcium, iodine, copper, iron, zinc, as well as B vitamins and fatty acids. With the permission of the doctor, the lack of these substances can be replenished with dietary supplements;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day. The correct drinking regimen will allow the hair to absorb all the nutrients normally;
  • wash your hair with warm water and shampoo without aggressive ingredients;
  • do not forget about hats in the cold season, as well as in the summer heat;
  • do not do hairstyles that interfere with the normal circulation of blood in the head, for example, tight tails and braids;
  • Proper nutrition, smoking cessation and proper hair care will help delay the appearance of gray hair.