How to choose a hairdresser: what to look for in the work of a master. Practical tips for choosing a hairdresser Pay attention to small, but also very important points

I am sure that this topic worries many, since for girls the quality and condition of the hair is always very important, and you don’t want to entrust the “most expensive” to just anyone.

With the development of care technologies, as well as with the development of the Internet, a lot of masters have appeared. Master hairdressers different levels- from low to high.

But the really best hairdressers are united by the same principles and rules that I once singled out for myself and wrote below in the article. What I write is my purely personal opinion and for me is 100% correct.

Rules for choosing a good hairdresser

1. Narrow specialization.

A real professional will never deal with several services at the same time: hairdressing + eyebrows + nails + eyelashes + epilation ... It's just incomprehensible to the mind and the master will not be good anywhere. You can't sit on two chairs with one booty. I am so scrupulous in my work that I went into coloring, and haircuts in my studio are masters who specialize in haircuts. Can I cut? Well, of course I can! otherwise there would be no ideal schemes in coloring without the ability to cut.

2. Place of work.

A master who respects you and himself will never paint you in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the toilet or in the corridor. It should be a salon or a specialized room in a house / apartment without children / cats / dogs, without beds, wardrobes, clothes. There must be order.

Although I do not deny that among those who work "at home" there may be good craftsmen, but most likely beginners. After all, that’s how I started, too. An experienced, professional master, as a rule, has a large client base and the opportunity to rent an office, a hairdressing place or open his own, even a small beauty salon.

3. Quality portfolio.

Be sure to look at the quality and level of the hairdresser's work. See how he styles his hair, how his hair is dyed, how neat everything looks in general. Pay attention to what colors are used on the hair: do they look harmonious, are there any inappropriate shades? The background of the photograph is also of great importance: if there is nothing on the background (ideally, it is white, black or gray, a solid background), which is distracting, then this indicates the scrupulousness of the master: your comfort is important for him, the master is most likely neat, which is very important for complex staining.

Examples of high-quality hair coloring photos

4 A good hairdresser does not make empty promises.

A pro will never promise a 100% match with the picture that the client brings (even if it is his work). After all, everything is too individual with hair: pigment, structure, history of dyeing and quality of hair. To say yes, but definitely no. This is one of the features of a professional hairdresser - to say in advance what will work out exactly and what will never work out.

5. No cheap services.

A professional with a capital "P" cannot have cheap services. The price of a hairdresser's service is made up of many factors: rent of premises, taxes, the cost of purchasing the most the best materials such as hair dye, keratins, etc., learning new techniques and much, much more. A hairdresser who claims to become a “good hairdresser”, and possibly the best, is forced to spend money on training and, in general, on a quality approach. He cannot, by definition cannot, set prices of 500 rubles. for such services as: "shatush", "ombre" and so on. Difficult coloring, at a good hairdresser will always cost "adequate money" and on average the price will be slightly higher than most.

6. Consultation.

A good hairdresser will always consult with you. And if necessary, he will do a “test strand” if it is a wash from black, especially if it is working with henna, basma, chemically treated hair, and so on. The master will always ask you about what happened to your hair before, what was dyed, whether there were washes, henna, basma, how long ago, etc. A real pro works only after he gets acquainted with the history of your hair.

7. New technologies and constant learning.

A professional hairdresser, always keeping up with technology, hairdressing develops and changes every year. What was relevant two years ago may not be relevant today. The master must be aware of all trends and must constantly learn. Follow the masters in the social. networks, usually everyone shares their successes, new technologies and skills. The one who is trained is never greedy for knowledge.

8. Clear speech.

A professional always communicates competently, explains clearly and understandably without “shifting” from foot to foot. Everything is clear and reasoned and understandable to the client.

9. Neatness of the hairdresser.

A good hairdresser is neat in his work. Again, pay attention to the personal photos on the instagram of the master - is there a styling on the hair, is the hairdresser dyed the roots, what is the condition of the nails and the face in general.

If there is a photo of the workplace, pay attention to the order and cleanliness of the workplace - a good hairdresser should have everything clean! It is important!

10. The ability to say "no"!

A professional hairdresser knows how to say no, when he knows that what the client wants will not work out, the case when the master knows that the client’s hair will not withstand the next lightening, and it will not be possible to lighten into a blond from black. There are no miracles in the "hairdressing world", and unfortunately, everything that the client wants to do is impossible, there are limitations. And in this case - to say "no" is always better than to promise impossible and not done.

11. The presence of an assistant.

The presence of an assistant, at first glance, may not say anything. But in fact, the master who works with an assistant has an advantage over those who work without an assistant.

Ask why? Because the master can work fully with the client, without leaving him, fully control the process. At the same time, without being distracted by a set of paint, searching for combs, etc.

In addition, there are such complex staining techniques (for example, Airtouch) that cannot be done without an assistant.

12. Reviews.

Everything is simple here: if a hairdresser has a lot of clients, he will have a large number of reviews! Reviews are an interesting thing: if there are a lot of bad ones, then you should think about whether to go to the master or not. If there are a lot of good ones, then you shouldn’t be scared, it’s just not worth it - it means that a hairdresser or a beauty salon cares about their reputation, trying to satisfy customers as much as possible.

If there are negative reviews, then you need to look at how the master responds to them.

Thus, eliminating reviews from unscrupulous competitors.

Nowadays, finding a good hairdresser is not an easy task, despite the fact that beauty salons and hairdressers are found at every turn. For a woman, it is important that the master not only does his job perfectly, but understands it perfectly. Therefore, every visit to a new hairdresser resembles a game of roulette, because you don’t know how a visit to a particular salon will end. In this article, we will discuss how to choose a hairdresser that you will want to return to again and again.

Why can't a hairdresser and a client always find a common language?

When planning a visit to the hairdresser, we always try to decide on the haircut that we want to get. Having come to the master, we try to convey what we want, but in the end we get absolutely not what we wanted. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out:

What should you pay attention to when choosing a hairdresser?

At first glance, it may seem that finding your own among hundreds of thousands of hairdressers is unrealistic. But that's not the case at all. Armed with the right knowledge on how to choose a hairdresser, this matter becomes not so difficult.

The first step is to pay attention to the beauty salon itself. The room should be clean, and there should be no strong odors in the cabin that may indicate poor ventilation. The masters and the administrator of the salon must be friendly and tidy. It is also worth paying attention to professional cosmetics and cleanliness of instruments. All this can indicate the level of the hairdresser, and hence the quality of the services provided.

A good hairdresser will have an appropriate look. A real master will not allow himself to walk with a bad haircut and poor-quality coloring.

When communicating with a hairdresser and choosing a haircut that suits you, you should pay attention to how the master himself treats this. A professional will start working with enthusiasm, because your mood depends on his work, and therefore your desire to return to this hairdresser again. If the master is not interested in the result, then as a result you will get a haircut of not the best quality.

A good master is always actively in contact with his client, as a rule, the hairdresser is very friendly and does not spare advice on hair care.

What should be discussed with the hairdresser before a haircut?

Arriving at the salon, you always need to know what result you want to get. If you cannot explain the desired haircut on your own, then you should look through magazines with the latest trends in hairstyles together with the master. Perhaps the hairdresser will suggest something else that more suitable to your type of appearance.

If you decide to significantly change your image, then this should be carefully discussed with the master. This is done so that the result is as close as possible to the desired haircut. It is necessary to specify not only the ideal hair length and the desired shade when dyeing, but also what shape the bangs will be or which side the parting will lie on. Also, do not forget about the discussion of the styling method after the haircut.

The master is obliged to find out how many chemical hair treatments have already been, if the hairdresser forgot to ask about it, then you should not keep silent about this fact.

What to do if the hair is damaged?

Unsatisfactory results after a haircut, unfortunately, are not uncommon. As a rule, this is found out only at home after the hair has settled a little after the salon styling, but there are times when problems are immediately visible. Do not panic and succumb to emotions, and most importantly, do not be silent about the presence of a problem. Explain to the hairdresser the reason for your dissatisfaction, and then try to find a solution with him.
For long hair, hairdresser's mistakes are not so terrible, because they can be corrected with little loss. But if the haircut was poorly done on short hair, then, unfortunately, there is little you can do and the mood will probably be spoiled, but you should try to negotiate with the salon for the future on the provision of free services.

Do you want to know how to choose a good hair stylist among the huge variety? Today we will tell you about it!

The beauty and health of hair largely depends on the professionalism of the hairdresser. The search for a beauty master can take a long time if you do not know a few secrets right choice specialist. will help you easily find the right person In your city.

Armed with our tips, you will be sure that you trust your own hair in safe hands! Figure out how to find a good stylist on the first try.

1. Education and experience is an important selection criterion

  • To select a professional beauty master, you need to have detailed information about the candidates. website pages offer reliable data about each specialist. Today, some people simply take short-term courses that do not in the best way affects the results of work.
  • If you need to find a stylist, and not just a hairdresser who will cut the ends of your hair or trim your bangs, refuse the services of such specialists. Real virtuosos often study abroad or attend individual classes that the best masters hairdressing services.
  • Find out the experience of a specialist - this is especially important if you intend to radically change your own image or conduct an original experiment. Remember that the best hair stylist regularly improves his skills, attends various seminars and competitions. Numerous diplomas and diplomas will tell about the achievements of a professional.

2. Find out the specialization of the master

Are you still thinking about where to find a good stylist who is equally good at hair coloring, haircuts, and lamination? Of course, a professional master should be able to do everything, but he must have a specific specialization. If you need to make a chic wedding hairstyle, then you should not hope that the armoring master will cope with this task 100%.

3. Examples of work - what words can not tell

Of course, in order to find a beauty master in your city, you can chat with familiar girls and ask them for a recommendation, but sometimes the opinion of one person is not enough. Don't trust online reviews too much? On the website you can see photos of the results of the work of various specialists. The pictures are uploaded by girls who have already managed to assess the level of skill of the hairdresser in practice. Just browse the gallery and choose your favorite! You can also immediately make an appointment with a hairdresser online.

If you are going to order modern hairdressing services, then you definitely need to pay attention to the appearance of a specialist. An untidy person with unkempt hair is unlikely to be able to help you improve the image.

4. Pay attention to the manner of communication and behavior

Thinking about where to find a good hair stylist, do not limit yourself to studying information about a specialist. To get started, you can write to the person and tell him what you need. An experienced and knowledgeable specialist competently operates with professional terms and at the same time knows how to give detailed and understandable answers to the client.

Is it worth saying that good master should be attentive, polite and friendly? Finding a professional hairdresser will be much easier if you spend a few minutes on the phone - this will help to avoid disappointment.

5. Meeting with the master: do not miss the details

Someone prefers the services of a private professional hairdresser, someone likes to go to salons more - this is a matter of your taste and financial capabilities. Pay attention to other important details:

  • how to find a good hairdresser if you have only brief information and a few examples of work? Take an interest in what brands of products the specialist uses, see if his workplace is neatly designed;
  • a qualified stylist tells visitors in detail about what he does to achieve desired result. After finishing work, you will receive valuable recommendations for hair care;
  • remember that a virtuoso stylist does not just fulfill the requirements of the client. If you have not decided on the desired image, then the master will always suggest the perfect solution.

Now you know how to choose a beauty master without wasting time. Creating the look of your dreams is easy!

The beauty industry is growing rapidly, but qualified professionals are rare. Finding a hairdresser with a specialized education and good creative potential is the main problem that beauty salons of any level face. It is not enough just to know the basics of hairdressing, you need to hear the client and be able to choose the most harmonious image for him.

What qualities should a talented specialist have? What should employers pay attention to? How to find a good hairdresser? The advice of experienced recruiters, successful masters and businessmen working in the field of beauty will help to understand this issue.

The choice of a specialist

Specialization plays an important role in the selection of personnel. Wanting to save money, hairdressers often hire one person, whose duties include not only a haircut, but also care advice, complex coloring and other types of services. Employers do not even think about the fact that the ability to work in different directions is not given to everyone, and they demand the impossible from the employee.

Only a master from God can satisfy any client’s requests, for whom the profession is a vocation and favorite hobby. Such a specialist is called a universal hairdresser. His responsibilities include cutting, styling, curling, coloring, consultations and selection of the appropriate image. In the labor market, a generalist hairdresser is the most sought-after employee, it is difficult to find him, and his wage usually an order of magnitude higher than others.

IN hairdressing There are narrow specializations and directions:

  • female master makes haircuts and styling for women and children;
  • a male hairdresser works with representatives of the stronger sex;
  • a hair extension specialist is engaged in increasing the length of the hair by attaching overhead strands and tresses;
  • a specialist in weaving braids deals with women's and men's hairstyles using weaving;
  • hair stylist creates evening looks for special occasions, as well as styling and coloring.

It is important that the hairdresser not only copes with his duties, but also takes into account the wishes of the client. A peculiar vision of the image by a hairdresser can lead to the fact that a person will feel uncomfortable in a new image and will be dissatisfied with the result. A professional, in addition to basic skills and abilities, must have good communication skills, stress resistance, charisma, and patience.

The key to success is constant communication with the client and the ability to find the golden mean between the set requirements and your own ambitions. You should also take into account the accuracy and cleanliness of the hairdresser. People do not want to be served by an untidy master who does not pay attention to his appearance.

Setting the scene

The quality of services directly depends on the equipment and materials used in the work. For a beauty salon, it is important to create the most comfortable conditions not only for the client, but also for the hairdresser himself. Every self-respecting barbershop should have the following basic items:

  • professional hairdressing chair;
  • sink with cold and hot water;
  • sushuar;
  • metal cabinet for towels;
  • wooden cabinet for dirty laundry;
  • washing machine;
  • working toilet with cabinets, mirror, drawers.

Consumables include perfumery, cosmetics and disinfectants, hair dyes, and waving compositions. The presence of professional equipment will greatly simplify the work of a hairdresser.

Where to look

Where can I find a real hairdresser? In the world of information technology, there are many sources for the selection of qualified personnel. Let's list the main ones.

  • ads
    These are ads on the Internet, social networks, on advertising sites, as well as publications in newspapers or magazines. An independent search for a hairdresser does not always lead to a successful result, since the employer may not know the criteria for the correct selection and be guided only by his intuition. As a result, he chooses not a professional, but a person with whom he is simply comfortable communicating.
  • Recruitment agencies
    They independently find and check applicants for compliance with the desired position (work experience, specialized education). However, it should be borne in mind that such services are paid.
  • Employment Center
    In fact, it does the same work as recruitment agencies. It is enough for the employer to leave an application and wait for the employee to be selected by specialists. The advantages of this method include the absence of payment and the availability government programs, which guarantee a reduction in taxation due to the employment of the unemployed.
  • Educational establishments
    Schools, schools, colleges and masters' training courses are the most effective way to find the best specialist with hairdressing talent. All the above institutions are happy to cooperate with the owners of hairdressers and beauty salons, since their duties include further employment of students. You can put up leaflets, or you can talk to the school principal, offering your conditions and requirements for a future employee. The advantage of this method is that you can objectively evaluate a person's talent in terms of their hairstyles and academic achievements.

If you want to find a truly valuable employee for your salon, heed the tips below.

  • Look no further for diplomas and certificates. They can only indicate that a person has attended a course of lectures and has basic skills. Creativity, professional qualities and the ability to communicate with people are worth much more than a piece of paper with a seal.
  • The age of the applicant should not become an obstacle to employment in a beauty salon. The young master will try to do his job qualitatively. In addition, good potential and a modern vision of style distinguish such an employee from a versatile hairdresser with many years of experience.
  • It is desirable that the hairdresser knows how to listen to the client and be a good psychologist. The profession involves long-term close contact with a person, as a result of which the master learns many intimate details. On the basis of a life story, you need to choose beautiful image and please the customer. A closed and silent hairdresser will most likely only scare people away.

Pre-employment screening

If you decide to find a stylist yourself, carefully consider the interview. In addition to personal acquaintance, you should check the professional skills and abilities of the employee. Offer him to do his hair on a mannequin, look at the portfolio - this will help to understand the level of skill. For a good master, the task will not cause discontent or panic.

Feel free to ask about the reasons for dismissal from the previous place. Whatever the person tells you, take the time to talk to your former employer on your own. So you can compose complete picture about the personality of the hairdresser, to find out how conscientiously he does the work and whether he hides the unpleasant facts of his biography.

Social networks are a very convenient tool for finding information. Usually, clients post their photos and leave comments on the work of a particular hairdresser. It will be useful to find testimonials from people who have been served by the prospective candidate. If the shortcomings are insignificant, you can consider his candidacy for the vacancy of a hairdresser.

Be sure to check your wages. This can be a fixed rate and monthly salary, a percentage of a client, or renting a place. Discussing the money issue at the first meeting will help to avoid misunderstandings and omissions in future joint work.

Nastya Kostyuchenkova

There are times in life when your master left the beauty salon and did not leave an address, or you yourself moved. But you never know the reasons and situations when you have to look for a new master and puzzle yourself with the question - how to choose a hairdresser. We'll talk about this.

We must be aware that there are not too many chances to quickly solve such a problem. Only by risking and trying can you eventually find a good hairdresser. In this case, errors and losses occur. But it's one thing when you go at random, at random, hoping for a chance. And another thing is when you filter out obviously unsuitable options according to certain criteria, narrowing the search circle, reducing the likelihood of failure. Let's try to work out ways to evaluate and choose a hairdresser.

We will immediately agree that we will talk about finding a good hairdresser, because if the main thing for you is a low price, then the chances of finding a worthy professional working cheaply are close to zero. You can buy nickels for a penny. If for you the result on your head is at least a little more important than money, and in caring for male attention you understand that saving on your beloved is the last thing, then you can use folk signs that distinguish a good hairdresser from a bad one. After reviewing many blogs, I wrote out and tabulated the tips that are most often given to a friend of a friend when looking for a good hairdresser. All these signs of qualification and skill level are not indisputable, but it is by them that the majority of the inhabitants of the blogosphere judge.

Probably worth going to a hairdresser Carefully! You can run into trouble
It's hard to find a hairdresser Easy to get in, no queue to the hairdresser
There are diplomas and regalia No medals or certificates
Neat appearance sleazy look
High prices Relatively cheap
You can find reviews Word of mouth is silent
Photo gallery of works (preferably not on models, but on ordinary clients) Portfolio not visible
Average age Either too young (does not know how), or no longer middle-aged (at the age, many stop learning new things, developing)

Before you look for a hairdresser, you need to decide on yourself

Before you go to an unfamiliar hairdresser, you need to understand what you yourself want from your future haircut. Look into yourself. If you do not formulate it, and mumble something unintelligible to the hairdresser, then there is little chance that you will convey your thoughts to him. This immediately reduces the likelihood that the result will match the expectations, because you simply will not understand each other and will not think the same way. Then in an unsuccessful haircut there will be a fraction of your fault. If you yourself don’t know what kind of haircut you want, cover yourself with magazines, print something fashionable from the Internet (taking into account, of course, your face shape, hair structure and color, etc.). If neither one nor the other comes out, then at least bother to describe your mood and state to the master, exhale and say "do whatever you want on my head, I'm all yours." Believe me, sometimes it's not worse. It’s worse when you don’t do this or that - you don’t give the hairdresser the opportunity to show your talents and skills, or you clearly define what you expect from his work.

The first screening of unsuitable options - first we choose a beauty salon

It makes little sense to look for a hairdresser on the other side of the city and waste time on the road. Today in every neighborhood there is a good stylist, and not just one. This narrows the search to two convenient places - where you live and where you work. There are few options, but they are all quite working.

The first way is word of mouth. You interrogate your neighbors, of course, those who have what suits you on their heads. And you get options.

If there is no one to ask, then it remains just to go around the area, paying attention to the appearance of the institution or use the Internet to search.

On foot: you can just walk around the area, examining the local hairdressing establishments, as they say, live. Appearance And the sign says a lot. And by the people leaving the salon, you can always get an impression of who goes to this beauty salon, and in the warm season, and evaluate the actual haircuts. If on the doors of the salon there is an announcement “discounts, discounts, discounts”, “pensioners at half price”, “required for the work of a master” and so on - it is worth doubting that this is the right salon.

In the Internet by typing in the search line something like “beauty salon of the Taganskaya metro” (metropolitan residents do not use official names districts, such as "Veshnyaki-Vladychino", and sometimes they are not even known. Therefore, they traditionally look for something in the area of ​​​​a certain metro station). A lot can be said about the degree of presence on the Internet and the level of the site. In addition, you can find independent reviews of salons in your area on the Internet. However, it is difficult to assess the coloring from the photos on the site, except perhaps the shape of the haircuts.

So, one of the three listed methods selected several beauty salons of candidates to choose from. Now we will look for a good hairdresser in them.

The second filter is a call to a beauty salon

So, after filtering, we have a few establishments left. Call to the beauty salon - The best way reject unsuitable establishments remotely and at the same time learn something about the local hairdressers. You will need to speak with the administrator. It is necessary to briefly describe yourself and your tasks (for example, I am a blonde, I want to grow long hair, heal them. The more specific you are, the better). After listening, the administrator of the beauty salon can advise one (ideal case) or several (already suspicious) hairdressers who, in the opinion of the administrator, will better cope with the tasks. After all, there are no absolute generalists among hairdressers. Anyway, someone cuts short hair better, someone long hair. Someone is inclined to creativity, and someone to the classics. And the third prefers to make conservative and strict office haircuts. There are also those who specialize in evening hairstyles, there are masters in wedding styling (most often the process is long, with future bride meet more than once or twice to discuss a hairstyle in combination with a wedding dress). As for hair coloring - the specialization of hairdressers is even thinner. Not everyone knows how to paint well in blondes (in dark color always easier), do highlighting, paint in three colors, and so on. And among the masters there are lovers of braiding Afro-braids or hair extensions. At the stage of the call, the final choice is made, and a lot of things influence it - including courtesy, and most importantly - the awareness of the administrator.

Coming to the beauty salon

Having signed up for an unfamiliar master, you are not at all obliged to immediately sit down in a chair. If, having come to the salon, you felt or saw something that did not meet your expectations - and this could be dirt in the salon, the untidy appearance of the administrator or the hairdresser himself, rudeness, inattention, or simply an unhealthy appearance of the staff - no matter what exactly you did not like. Perhaps you just feel that this is not your salon, and not your master - it's better to turn around and leave than risk it. Do not cut your hair - and you will save your nerves, and the hairdresser.

If the first impression is favorable, talk in detail with the hairdresser. A good master will definitely listen to your wishes. Tell us in more detail what exactly you want to get. For example, you can ask to see similar haircuts in magazines that either each master has or is specially for visitors. In addition to the fact that the master will show how correctly he understood the course of your thoughts, he can offer to supplement the chosen hairstyle with some additional details, or vice versa, recommend a completely different haircut, in his opinion, more suitable. If he agrees with all your wishes unconditionally, then this is by no means a sign of high qualification. A good hairdresser, seeing that the client is not right with his desire to have a certain type of hairstyle, should stop him. The master must tell in detail and explain for what reasons it is not worth painting in one color or another or doing this or that haircut. Most likely, as a result, the stylist will offer several options for hairstyles, taking into account the type of hair, because everyone's hair is different, a good master will carefully look at them, take them into account when cutting or coloring. In addition, he will definitely take into account the shape of the face, hair color, etc. A good hairdresser must combine both the qualities of a hair doctor and an image creator. The task of a professional is to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws, so the more he knows about you, the faster he will succeed. Do not forget to mention your previous experience in a conversation with a hairdresser, especially negative ones (for example, there were unsuccessful experiments with some specific paints, etc.)