Easy hairstyles for 12 years old. Short haircuts for teenage girls and long hair. Hairstyles for medium hair to school

/ 14.01.2018

hairstyles for long hair for girls 12 years old for every day. Selection of fashionable and beautiful hairstyles for teenage girls

In hairstyles for teenage girls, individuality should be traced, because at this time young girls begin to grow up.

Most often, they make a choice in favor of hairstyles that emphasize their features and symbolize lightness, youth and naturalness.

Therefore, girls aged 12-14 almost never use jewelry and hair styling products.

A girl who is 12 years old, first of all, wants her hairstyle to be fashionable. At this time, most girls begin a transitional age.

Here you will need the help of a mother who will tell her daughter what is in fashion now and how to clean her hair.

Basically, girls of 12 years old have medium-length curls. Therefore, they need to pick up such teenage hairstyles for school that remove interfering strands, especially from the face.

Therefore, a girl can learn to weave a French braid in the form of a rim. The braided headband will fix the hair, preventing it from falling into the eyes.

When going to school, a girl can easily make herself a high ponytail, wrapping a strand around its base.

Many fashionable teenage hairstyles are created on the basis of the tail. From the strands gathered together, you can braid a braid or twist the bundles.

When they are already 12, girls like to weave all kinds of braids. They can be textured, that is, woven with the help of side strands, and wide, giving volume to the hairstyle.

Girls weave french braids on medium strands, as well as cool afro-braids and modern zizi, as in the photo.

Moreover, girls who strive to be different from others do not weave them to the end, leaving most of them beautifully falling on their shoulders.

Braids can be of different sizes, woven around the head or diagonally. Often they are collected together, creating a unique pattern.

Very fashionable and at the same time ordinary hairstyles are created using a curling iron. You can leave the curls loose by wearing a rag headband.

But some girls collect their hair in a slide, fixing it with small “crabs”, or clasping it with a satin ribbon.

Two ponytails located on the sides of the head are suitable for girls. From strands of tails you can twist cool horns. They need to be wound up to the very ends, securing with beautiful hairpins.

Flagella and French braid: how to make girls 12 years old?

If there is very little time left for school preparations, it is easiest for a 12-year-old girl to make fashionable tail-based flagella.

This is done quickly and easily, so no parental help is needed. The hairstyle is suitable for both medium and long curls.

First, all the hair must be pulled off with an elastic band at the top of the head. The strands of the tail, so that they are obedient, are lightly smeared with styling foam. Then they are divided into two equal parts (it can be four).

Each strand individually must be tightly twisted in a clockwise direction. After twisting, the strands will need to be connected in a certain way.

They need to be twisted together, but in a different direction, that is, against the clock. This is important, otherwise the created tourniquet will quickly be cut.

Weaving a French braid takes time and skill. But if a 12-year-old girl practices several times, then she will learn to weave this braid quite quickly and beautifully.

It is more appropriate to weave such a braid not for ordinary lessons, but for school holidays, like a classmate's birthday and a disco.

Also, a french braid is a very suitable hairstyle, with which you can capture a photo in a school album.

For weaving a French braid, you need to collect all the strands in the crown area and divide them into three parts.

With a strand from the left edge, you need to cover the one that is located in the middle. Then, in the same place, you need to put a strand from the right edge.

To continue weaving, you need to add loose hair from the sides to the braid.

That is, along with the next left strand, you need to grab some hair from the left side of the head. According to this scheme, the braid is woven to the very tip.

To make the weaving even, all the strands must be of the same thickness. To create a lush braid, you need to take thick strands, slightly pulling them into loops.

In the process of weaving, it is better to hold the strand in the middle with your hand, since when grabbing the side hairs, the braid can unravel.

As soon as there are no free strands left, you can finish weaving in the classic way.

What is interesting for older girls?

13 and especially 14 summer girls already feel like adults, so they want to look the same. Ribbons in braids and simple elastic bands are no longer interesting to them.

Almost all girls of 14 years old are trying to find their own style in makeup and hair.

As for braids, girls prefer to weave complex and beautiful ones. For long curls 14 summer girls do french or fishnet braids, as well as fish tail.

Some 14-year-old girls collect their hair in trendy buns. This hairstyle is created almost without difficulty, and also gives the girl a businesslike look.

Therefore, it is good to go to school with a bunch on your head. In addition, they do not scatter tightly in different directions.

Older girls no longer go to class with loose curls.

They try to be attractive, so they decorate their medium or long strands with elegant hairpins or headbands.

Many make the hairstyle as natural as possible by winding strands on large diameter curlers.

Hairstyles for school should be strict, but attractive. Do not forget that a girl with beautifully styled hair makes a good impression not only on students, but also on teachers. Baskets, French braids and buns are great hairstyles for school to complement the appearance of a conscientious student.

Requirements for hairstyles for girls to school

The school is a strict educational institution. Almost everywhere there is a dress code, so girls are forced to wear the same type of clothes, the same uniform dresses and shoes. You can stand out only with the help of hair. Many mothers start growing their daughters' hair from the age of three so that they can be put together in spectacular styling at school.

But it is worth remembering that in the first place they go to school for knowledge. So show off your bright appearance and don't dress up too much. Many schools have strict requirements for the dress and appearance of students. Therefore, even the most beautiful hairstyle should look neat and give the whole image modesty and rigor.

The girl's curls should be collected. Teachers do not like messy strands that get into the notebook and interfere with learning. Finally, the hair should be clean and well-groomed. Dirty hair, sloppiness, slovenliness at school are unacceptable.

Can decorations be used? If there is no such prohibition, it is better to stop at modest and simple jewelry. Soft headbands, hairpins, elastic bands of neutral tones, ribbons will do. Sometimes parents do not feel the measure and build complex hairstyles for school. It looks stupid and ridiculous, and the child will feel uncomfortable.

Elastic bands, hairpins and other decorations should be combined with the shape. They should not stand out too much, shine brightly and sparkle. This is unacceptable in an educational institution.

Haircuts for short hair for schoolgirls

If a schoolgirl has shoulder-length strands or shorter, do not be upset. If there is no time to constantly style your hair, it is enough to make a haircut that does not require frequent care. Hair falls beautifully and does not require serious effort. No need to create curls, weave braids or build bundles. Simply wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer and a round brush.

Common mistake parents make short bangs at the daughter. This does not mean that the bangs cannot be cut off. It should be neat and tidy, as it can get into your eyes and interfere with learning. It is better to make it rare and direct.

For girls 7–10 years old, the following hairstyles are suitable for short hair:

  • classic bob;
  • bob;
  • bob with bangs;
  • long bob.

It is better to do such a haircut in the salon. Masters take into account all the features of the face, hair, structure of the girl and select the most successful option. At the same time, the creation of hairstyles for an adult and a child is different. Children have softer facial features, usually there are no serious flaws that would not hurt to remove. If you have any difficulties, it is better to contact a beauty salon. Stylists will pick up a good hairstyle that will look great at school.

How to decorate a bob hairstyle:

  • pick up hair with a headband or bandage;
  • pin hair with invisible hair from one or two sides, attach original hairpins on top of invisible ones;
  • braid several vertical braids along the parting;
  • collect two ponytails closer to the back of the head or at the crown, depending on the length of the strands and the character of the girl;
  • divide the strands at the top into 4-6 thin "tracks". Twist each in the direction from the forehead to the crown, fix with small crabs; braid the headband on one side. The beginning of weaving is above the ear. Throw the pigtail like a headband.

Simple hairstyles for girls to school

The childhood of girls is always associated with pigtails, which mothers love to braid their little princesses.

Loose curls in braids

You will need one hair tie or ribbon. The hairstyle is suitable for both long and medium hair. For girls of 7 years old who have just gone to school, such a hairstyle will be irrelevant, since it is better for younger children to remove their hair completely.

  1. Comb your child's hair.
  2. Take the same strands from the temples.
  3. From each strand, braid an equivalent pigtail.
  4. Connect both braids with an elastic band or ribbon at the back of the head.

Thus, the curls will not climb into the face of the child, but will be loose, which all girls love so much.

folk braid

You should not go far for options, our grandmothers also beautifully braided their hair to school. Taking ideas "from the people" is a great option. This weave is suitable for girls with long hair, it is desirable that they be thick. You will need a satin ribbon.

  1. Comb the curls carefully.
  2. Divide them into two parts, making an even parting.
  3. Braid two pigtails having a base above the ears.
  4. Weave with launch satin ribbon.
  5. Connect the end of the right pigtail to the base of the left and vice versa.
  6. Tie the rest of the ribbon into bows.

This weaving is suitable for girls school, in elementary grades. Pairs well with school uniform. Please note that the tape should not be bright and thus stand out. It is best to choose a ribbon in white or bed shades.


You will need a few small rubber bands. This hairstyle will look especially good on long and thick hair Oh.

  1. Comb the strands along the entire length.
  2. Collect in a ponytail at the crown or at the neck.
  3. Divide the resulting tail into equal parts of 5–7 cm.
  4. Put on the elastic bands at an equal distance from each other.
  5. Pull your hair out to the sides between two elastic bands so that you get voluminous “lanterns”.
  6. Secure the strands at the temples with hairpins so that they do not interfere with the girl.

A girl's hairstyle is not only an indicator of neatness, accuracy, but also an indicator of the formation of her taste, personality, and ability to feel style. For everyday hairstyles, do not use overly bright, shiny hairpins, bows. When choosing a hairstyle and jewelry for her, be sure to consult with the child, this will give her the opportunity to show independence, choose a hairstyle that suits her mood or is more comfortable.

geometric ponytails

This hairstyle begins with a triangular parting, in the center of which a ponytail is braided. The remaining hair is divided into a straight parting through the entire head to the back of the head. On both sides, 2-3 "rectangles" with tails are formed. The central one is divided into two parts and connected with an elastic band to the subsequent ones, and those, in turn, to the strands that are located below.

Variants of hairstyles with original weaving of braids and braids

One has only to experiment a little and an ordinary braid can turn into original weaving, for example, if multi-colored ribbons or artificial flowers are woven into it.

Also, based on the usually braided element, you can get interesting hairstyles for schoolgirls with hair. middle length.


You will need silicone rubber bands and hairpins. Weaving is quite spectacular, and with proper skill it will take about 5-7 minutes to complete.

  1. Separate the strand in the temple area.
  2. Weave a reverse braid so that each new strand is braided under the bottom.
  3. As you weave, each stitch needs to be slightly pulled out, these will be flower petals from the hair.
  4. Finishing the braid to the end, secure it with a silicone rubber band.
  5. The braid must be twisted in a circle and secured to the head with hairpins.

Such styling is suitable for a girl not only in a regular school, but also in a dance school. Suitable for ballerinas and other dancers. To give a special touch to this hairstyle, you can use glitter hairspray, which should be applied to the woven flower.

Fishtail braid

Weaving can be started both from the crown and from the tail. Let's consider the first way.

  • First of all, carefully comb your hair for easier separation of the strands. Combing them is not worth it in order to prevent tangling of delicate children's curls.
  • Select two strands and fold them crosswise. Then, from the total density of hair, separate one more strand on the left and right. The meaning of weaving is to alternately embrace and cross strands of hair with each other.
  • Simply put, hold two working strands in your hands, grab a new (third strand) on the left and attach it to the right, thereby overlaying it on the left, and vice versa in turn.
  • This algorithm of actions continues until the scalp is formed. Next, proceed to the free end of the hair. Weave the same way, in two parts. From the left end, detach a small strand from the outer edge and attach to the right side. Exactly the opposite, do the same procedure on the right.

french braid

One of the most famous hairstyle options in 5 minutes is the fashionable French braid weaving technique.

Secrets of a quick hairstyle

  1. Use a wide-toothed comb to gently comb your hair. Select a section of hair from the front of your head, comb it back without parting, and divide it into three sections with a fine-toothed comb.
  2. Cross the left section over the center section and then cross the right section over the center (just joined) section. Tighten tight. Beginning with right side, using your index finger or little finger, grab a small, not stiff strand on the right side. Attach the strand to the right section.
  3. Now throw the right section again, as when weaving a regular braid. Then, in the same way, select a small strand of hair on the left, and attach it to the left section. Tighten tight.
  4. Continue adding small strands to the right and left halves, leaving no loose strands on the sides. Move down to the back of your head.
  5. At the back of the head, divide the remaining loose hair on the neck into two sections (right and left) and attach them to the right and left sections, respectively.
  6. If the hair is long, then weave a regular braid to the ends and secure it with an elastic band or hairpin. The French braid is ready.

The hairstyle performed is quite simple and even those mothers who are more complicated than a simple tail for their girls have not done anything before.

At the temple, it is necessary to separate the middle strand, divide it into three identical ones and start weaving a braid, while capturing only the outer strands. Thus, the child will get a French half spikelet. If there is a desire to additionally decorate the hairstyle, then this can be done using, for example, a bright-colored satin ribbon.

Tails and tufts

Inverted tail

Most girls who go to school have long hair. An inverted ponytail will be an excellent option for a daily hairstyle. It is quite comfortable to wear, with such a hairstyle nothing will stick out or hang down, and if you suddenly need to unexpectedly go to some event, you will only need to slightly supplement such a tail with an elegant hairpin.

Some varieties of this hairstyle provide for the option of leaving a few strands in front or bangs.
How to make an inverted tail?

  • Comb your hair with a comb with frequent, but in no case sharp teeth. Especially useful is the use of combs made of wood.
  • Tie the hair into a loose and at the same time low tail with any elastic band, and after that it needs to be pulled down a little. Right above the gum line, gently make a hole with your fingers and pull the tail right through it. On this hairstyle can be considered complete. It remains only to decorate it a little, for example, artificial flower or a hairpin.
  • If there is time, then you can additionally braid the end of the tail into some kind of braid or wind curls.

Lace tail

A good alternative to a regular ponytail.
Making it simple:

  1. It is good to comb all the hair and collect it in a high, strong and tight tail.
  2. Select small thin strands and start making a pigtail. It is necessary to take individual hairs from the tail, as for a spikelet.
  3. Weave to carry out around the tail. When it is finished, the entire tail should be wrapped in a braid.
  4. If the strands are long, you can wrap the braid around the tail several times. Hairstyle can be lightly sprinkled with varnish, then the braid will not unravel.

Regular bundle

Another very simple and at the moment very common beautiful hairstyle suitable for school is the bun. Laying is one of the fastest in its recreation. To make this hairstyle, you need an elastic band and hairpins. All that will be needed is to collect the hair in a ponytail, twist it into a bundle and secure the result with hairpins. And you can use a special bagel to decorate the beam. It is sold in different sizes.

Such a beautiful school hairstyle fit, both for girls of elementary grades and seniors, and will not force you to draw attention to yourself throughout the day. You just need to firmly fix the hair. In addition, this option is suitable those girls who, after school, hurriedly run home from school in order to be in time for a section or other place where activity is needed.

Bundle of braids

This hairstyle is perfect solution for lessons: it will hold up perfectly even at gym or dance, remaining tidy all day. An elegant-looking bundle consists of three braids connected into one, which is then twisted into a snail at the back of the head. At the end, weaving is fixed on all sides with hairpins.

Beautiful hairstyles for prom

A real hit of hairstyles for graduation 2018 promises to be hairstyles for long hair, which are various options braid It is all kinds of braids that will become relevant for graduates in 2018. This is the good old French braid (“spikelet”), and the braid braided by the so-called “waterfall”, and the interlacing of curls in the form of a mesh pigtail.

All these numerous weaves are recommended to be decorated with a brilliant spray and all sorts of accessories - for example, hairpins with a fancy head, etc. For owners of long hair, a ponytail can also be recommended, since this type of hairstyle was quite common at recent fashion shows. Curl the tail with curls, combine it with a fleece, decorate with ribbons and hairpins.

Prom hairstyles for medium hair suggest styling with waves or curls, which refers us to the romantic and gentle image young aristocratic lady. You can collect your hair in a bun, leaving a few curled and sprayed strands in front. And hairdressers are also advised to think about the option of asymmetric styling - for example, when one ear is open, and the second is hidden under bouffants or complex curls on the side. Or, finally, you can part your hair in the middle and blow-dry it so that the strands frame your face.

Hairstyle in the Greek style

The Greek hairstyle is supposed to have curled strands, so this hairstyle is a great solution for hair that naturally curls a lot. On curly hair, a Greek-style hairstyle will look especially impressive. If you have straight hair, then hair cosmetics and curlers will help to curl it along the entire length or only at the ends, depending on the hairstyle you have chosen.

The Greek hairstyle is a great choice for long hair, as its main elements are wavy curls that are styled with tiaras and hoops. The same hairstyle is suitable for hair and medium length, but beauties with short hair, in order to feel like a Greek goddess, will have to grow their hair.

The simplest option for a Greek-style hairstyle is hair that is picked up from the sides and secured with a hairpin or simply tied in a ponytail. Basically, options Greek hairstyles so many. Wrap the hair on both sides in plaits, then tuck in the direction away from the face, and then bring the plaits to the level of the neck and secure with a beautiful hairpin.

For short hair

It would seem, what hairstyle can you think of if the girl has short hair? In this case, elastic bands, hairpins, bandages and other decorations will come to the rescue. After all, if the length of the hair does not allow you to create a beautiful hairstyle, then you can decorate what you have. Short hairstyles for girls with elastic bands are always relevant, because they are suitable for even the shortest hair.

Also for short hair, you can use various accessories, such as headbands or headbands with flowers, they will open the face and at the same time decorate the image. You can make such bandages yourself, for this you need soft knitwear, artificial flowers or fabric flowers. Do not forget about the various hairpins, with the help of them you can stab the bangs and it will not get into your eyes.

If you want to make traditional two ponytails, then you can make a creative zigzag parting, it should be borne in mind that such a parting is not suitable for too short hair, as they will simply fall out of the hairstyle. Another way to diversify an ordinary hairstyle is to make a parting on the side.

What you need to have to create a children's hairstyle

You can take two or three types of hairstyles as a basis and model various variations based on them, using decorations and small changes in the model. For example, an ordinary braid can be done low or high, diagonally, starting from two temples, combined into one braid, using interesting hairpins and elastic bands.

In order to make the girl happy with a beautiful hairstyle every day and not spend a lot of time on it (as a rule, mom herself needs to get ready for work, cook breakfast) there are some useful tips:

  1. Let the girl learn how to comb her hair well. It is worth teaching even very young schoolgirls to this. To do this, you need a high-quality wide massage brush.
  2. Three types of combs should be at hand - a massage brush and combs with rare and frequent teeth.
  3. Stock up on elastic bands and hairpins of various shapes and sizes suitable for school clothes (pay attention to the length and thickness of the hair when choosing - the longer and thicker it is, the stronger and more solid the hairpins should be).
  4. Special shampoos, balms from a series of children's cosmetics. It can be found in a pharmacy. With long unruly hair, a detangling spray helps to cope.
  5. Access to the Internet, where you can easily find children's hairstyles for girls photos, video tutorials and useful tips.

With time Young lady will be able to repeat the hairstyle herself, which she will learn thanks to her mother. She will be happy to create beautiful hairstyles in order to always look like a real little princess.

This photo collection presents the best hairstyles for teenage girls, which are suitable for birthdays and going to school. Some hairstyles have a non-standard (informal) look, but look cool. The age from 12 to 18 years is the best period for experimenting, changing styles and trying on new looks. Most people have never felt such freedom of expression as they did during adolescence.

We will give you some bright ideas simple teenage hairstyles for short, medium and long hair that are suitable for both school and everyday life.

The choice of hairstyles for teenage girls for every day

We know that you want to not only look cute, but also to attract the attention of boys and get the approval of peers. We are confident that you will be up to both. The only thing you need to remember is that the individual style you come up with is most appreciated.

Also, try to make your hairstyle emphasize your physical advantages. If you like to experiment, then please note that some schools have a set of rules about how a student looks. Sometimes what seems amazing to you can shock others.
And of course, your hairstyle doesn't have to be very elaborate. At school and at other events, it is very difficult to constantly monitor hair. So it’s better to opt for a beautiful hairstyle that you can do yourself at home with a comb, hair dryer and a minimum of hair products.

In addition, there are plenty of cute hair accessories available in stores near your home to help personalize your style. Below you will see a gallery simple hairstyles for teenage girls, both for long and medium and short hair. All these hairstyles are quite easy and simple, so they are suitable for every day. Some of these decisions can be taken into account to create your own unique style.

Cute and simple hairstyles for teenage girls

The hairstyle for teenagers should be cute and stylish yet easy to create. The beautiful hairstyles for girls below are examples of a teenage mix of style, creativity and glamour. No matter how long your hair is, there are a couple of interesting ideas for you!

Youth is the best time to grow long hair until diploma, work and children get in the way. On days when you don't have time to wash your hair, or you just decide to do something stylish with your hair, it's easiest to do a Dutch braid on the side.

Compared to a single chunky braid that has a more bohemian look, small afro braids look more casual. Fans of this hairstyle include Kylie Jenner, Rita Ora. Afro braids are definitely one of the most popular hairstyles for girls this year.

If you need a flirty long hairdo for your high school prom or other event, this is a worthy option. A wreath of flowers may seem a bit overkill for semi-formal occasions, so a few buds can be added to keep the look simple.

The French braid is so versatile that it can be worn indefinitely. But, if you start to get tired of the monotony - just try another weaving technique. A four-strand French braid with or without a ribbon adds texture with voluminous braiding and small knots.

Everything old is back in fashion, for example, the mid-sixties hippie hairstyle is now commonplace at music festivals. Soft waves and a wreath of flowers look quite cute, but you can complement them with a modern messy braid.

A ponytail is great for school on those days when you oversleep or just don't feel like it. A funny braid can change the usual image of a tail. It is best to do it at night, and in the morning just get up and go about your business.

Sometimes you have to attend events with many adults: grandma's or grandpa's birthday parties, weddings, etc. At such times, it is best to stick to classic and not very complicated hairstyles. A braided chignon will add texture to a regular hairstyle.

If you have waist-length hair, then creating a beautiful hairstyle is difficult - too massive, and the ponytail is insanely long and heavy. The wreath braid is one of the best and beautiful hairstyles for girls with long hair because it allows you to hold your hair without it looking bulky.

The messy French braid is cute and light, but the hair is tied back securely. This hairstyle is perfect for long hair that needs a little more volume and texture. This style is suitable for different types hair and face types. Add a waterfall technique to a standard French braid, as shown here.

Those with thin and long hair can use this option when creating a hairstyle to make the hair look thicker. Braids around the face add texture while making the hair appear fuller. If it turns out that your bun is not as big as you would like, try adding braid ends inside to give the bun the perfect donut shape.

One of the most classic hairstyles for girls is the little side bun because it is easy to do and looks good on anyone. Some girls may find this hairstyle too boring. They can add a messy braid and layering to lift up the hairstyle and make it look more messy.

Think of it as an intermediate step between the standard hairstyle and the Indian hairstyle. Pigtails are good because they can be dissolved at any time when you want to change the image. Balance your hair by wearing something that isn't too flashy.

The best way to show off your beautiful hair is with a twist or a braid, but why not combine the two? Although this hairstyle seems simple, it is actually quite complicated, so it is best to visit a stylist who specializes in braiding.

A ponytail is a great hairstyle for teenage girls, but boxer braids (two French braids) are quickly gaining popularity, they can compete with (or complement) ponytails. The two styles come together in one trendy hairstyle. It is best suited for medium to long hair.

Instead of the outdated headbands, pull your hair back with two braids. Unlike many teenagers who wear only one braid, try doing two at once.

A messy knotted Dutch fishtail is a great option for a weekend movie date or hanging out at the mall with friends. When creating a fishtail, use 4 strands of hair instead of 3. Once you braid this pattern, you can make it a little messy.

Lace braid is somewhat similar to a French braid, but you add new strands of hair on one side only. This braid is perfect for teen hairstyles because it is easy to do and looks cool. This style is best for young ladies with long hair.

The hardest part about finding a style for a teenager is not to make the look too grown-up, but at the same time not to make them feel like little girls. Using two lacy Dutch braids woven into a five-piece braid will create interesting patterns of color and texture, not to mention that this hairstyle will make others take notice. Under it is better to wear something bright.

The best way to add volume to a regular ponytail is to add texture. The curls provide volume, and the thin braid wrapped around the base of the ponytail is a small but important detail. You can also add a small bud, just don't choose too big if you have fine hair, it might be overkill.

Festival fashion is very popular among young girls and here is one of the best festival hairstyles for teenage girls. With a colorful floral wreath and braids, a girl will feel like she's at Coachella, even if she's too young to get there.

Sometimes the best hairstyle is just to add a cute accessory to hold your hair together. Long hair flows beautifully, decorated with a bow. Whether you're in braids or ponytails, bows and other embellishments make it easy to style your hair during school.

One of today's cool hairstyles for girls is the high knot. Very simple and suitable for young people, it rightfully remains the main among teenage hairstyles.

Ideal for both school and events. This hairstyle is a combination of a 4 strand braid and a small bun. good hairstyle for a girl, it doesn’t have to be complicated, sometimes a traditional hairstyle fits perfectly. This hairstyle is also convenient, because when the hair gets dirty, it looks even more attractive.

The fishtail looks just amazing on long hair. You may need a few practice sessions before you get the perfect braid, but once you do, you'll be proud of yourself.

Cute and sophisticated. This is an example of a great hairstyle for teenagers, suitable for any occasion. It will look good on medium to thick hair with bleached strands. The longer your hair, the thicker the bun will be. Secure the bun with bobby pins and hairspray.

If you are tired of traditional hairstyles, this is a really cool alternative. Such a hairstyle requires a lot of time and effort, but if done correctly, such a hairstyle will last all day, and possibly two. This hairstyle doesn't just look pretty, it will help keep your hair tied up securely so it doesn't distract you from important things.

A bit of Queen Elsa, a bit of punk, this intricate Mohawk hairstyle is super cool. Add to this the trendy gray hair color today, and you get a truly unique look that will be difficult to repeat.

There are many cute hairstyles for girls, which are often worn by older girls. The fishtail braid is one of them. When weaving it, a lot of hair remains at the bottom, giving the girl a younger look.

Every girl dreams of her prince on a white horse and this hairstyle is perfect for young princesses. If you don't have natural curls, you can use a curling iron or curling iron.

Hairstyles for teens don't have to be difficult, although they can seem complicated at times. The flowy braid takes a bit of practice to create, but overall it's fairly easy to create. This is quite a popular hairstyle, especially in middle and high school.

Like to wear loose hair? Pin the bangs so that the hair does not fall on the face. Stop at the crown and finish the braid with a loose knot. It looks good even on short and thin hair, which means this style will suit every girl. Besides, it looks really cool.

32. Braid basket

This is another type of openwork braid that looks a lot more complicated than it really is. Watching the video tutorial will help you learn how to weave such a braid, perfect for spring.


This hairstyle is similar to the traditional French braid, only it goes down diagonally. Add a flower or ribbon as a detail. This hairstyle is best suited for girls with long hair. On shorter hair, chances are you won't be able to capture all the hair in a braid.

The fishtail wreath is simply amazing. Add small flowers or leaves to your hair (artificial or straight from the garden) to give your look a romantic twist.

If you don't have long hair, you have to put the front strands behind your ears all the time. To fix this problem, weave the headband. You can do this on one side only and secure the ends with bobby pins on loose hair.

Braids adorn any girl, especially those with long hair. They are just for weaving. French braids, inverted braids and fishtails are the most popular right now. Mackenzie Foy shows off a pretty side fishtail parted down the middle and backed out.

Deep waves like Amanda Steele look cool on shoulder-length hair with bleached strands 1-2 shades lighter than the base color. Create random waves with a curling iron with a large nozzle.

Healthy long hair is stunningly beautiful. With a simple bohemian hairstyle like this, you won't lose your face and grab the attention of others. Pin a few thin braids close to your cheek on one side, turn all your hair to the same side, and secure your gorgeous mane with a few bobby pins.

Most of these hairstyles for teens are always a hit, trendy and really cool, especially when you pair them with a dress, top or blouse that has an asymmetrical neckline. These gorgeous curls are twisted, carelessly tossed to one side and secured with a thin braid.

Use cute bright girly accessories like the popular polka dot hair bands or fun bows and you'll be on your way. new level effortless creation of vivid images. If you have beautiful curly hair, a fun detail like this will make your look even brighter and more attractive.

In our opinion, good taste and style are beyond the age limits. Your hairstyle should reflect your good taste and that you follow fashion trends.

If earlier parents did not think about the beauty and creativity of their children's haircuts, now hairdressers are increasingly serving teenagers. An experienced stylist knows which hairstyles for boys 12 years old and older are suitable and which are not. Therefore, he will be able to choose the right option that will emphasize the individuality of the young client.

Features of the choice of teenage haircuts

Before taking the child to the hairdresser, parents need to consider a few nuances on which the haircut will depend.

  1. Look at the condition of the hair. Adolescents 13-16 years old often have fine, soft hair. In this case, long hair must be abandoned, giving preference to hairstyles with short strands.
  2. Think about the activity of the child. If a teenager attends a sports section or has a restless character, you need to choose a haircut that will not interfere with him. The same applies to 15-year-olds who are modest, who are unlikely to want to cut their hair boldly and defiantly.
  3. Decide if there is time to leave. Having chosen a fashionable, but demanding haircut, parents should be prepared for the fact that a 13-year-old boy will quickly get tired of doing it. In addition, such hairstyles need frequent correction. Therefore, you need to decide whether there is time to leave and visit a stylist, or is it better to stop at a less pretentious option.
  4. Listen to teenagers. Boys aged 14-16 react sharply to inattention to their opinion. Therefore, parents should decide on a haircut with the child. And if something does not suit you in his version, explain why exactly and what will be better, taking into account the previous points.

Boyish short haircuts

Teenagers 14-16 years old love short haircuts more than others because of their practicality and difference from girly hairstyles. But it should be remembered that they need to be updated quite often, depending on the rate of regrowth. The most popular are the following types:


A common haircut that does not require special care. Suitable for teenagers of any age - 14, 15 or 16 years old.

  • Pros. With a certain skill, regrown strands can be trimmed even at home. Good as a hairstyle for every day, but if you lift short hair up, fixing it with a gel, you get a solemn option with a twist.
  • Minuses. Not suitable for boys with an imperfect skull shape, because it exposes all the flaws


A classic of hairdressing, in which the hair at the back of the head is cut short, and at the top it remains longer.

  1. Pros. It looks beautiful on straight as well as curly hair, even for 16-year-olds.
  2. Minuses. Needs frequent updates and adjustments.


The shortest variety, ideal for fashionistas 15-16 years old. Hair from the temple line and above is cut with a machine to 3-4 mm, and below - with a nozzle for a minimum length. The bangs are either cut off completely, or removed to the middle of the forehead. In the latter case, it is thinned out with scissors.

  1. Pros. Stylish, does not require daily care. In the summer, short hair does not cause discomfort.
  2. Minuses. Not suitable for teenagers with curly or curly hair, as well as flaws on the head (scars, bumps).


Universal haircut for short strands. The hair of the occipital and temporal parts is cut with a machine with a minimum length nozzle, and in the region of the crown it is cut perpendicularly with a razor.

  1. Pros. Ideal for active teenagers playing sports due to the short length and easy care.
  2. Minuses. Like any short haircut, it emphasizes the flaws of the skull.

Boyish medium length haircuts

Haircuts for medium hair require daily styling and careful care. But everything is compensated by the stylish look of their owner. Therefore, for teenagers who follow fashion trends, such beautiful hairstyles are ideal.


Differs in convenience in leaving and universality. Depending on the styling method, it can look like a casual or festive hairstyle.

  • Pros. Suitable for curly or straight hair of any structure. It is better to cut soft strands with a classic “square”, more rigid ones with graduation.
  • Minuses. Like all haircuts for medium hair, it looks beautiful only on clean, well-groomed hair.


A variant of the cap, which provides for medium-length strands on the back of the head and on the sides of the head. Its derivative is grunge, in which there is no bangs, and the strands are beautifully styled with special tools.

  • Pros. It lends itself easily to various types of styling, looks beautiful on hair of various structures and colors.
  • Requires careful care.

Boyish haircuts for long hair

Older teenagers (14-16 years old) like to wear long strands because such hairstyles make them bold and unique.

These include a haircut cascade, which is distinguished by the presence of strands of different lengths. Allows the owner to change images depending on the type of styling. An elongated bob looks good, suitable for curly and unruly hair. Long bangs means the presence of bangs below the eyebrows. It is combed up and fixed with the help of means, after which such a haircut looks brutal and stylish.

In order for a teenager at the age of 14-15 to feel confident, you need to approach the choice of hairstyle very carefully.

Probably, without exception, girls love to make different ones, and change their appearance with a new haircut. Moms of girls in this regard were a little more fortunate, since little girls also like to show off at school or in front of their friends with interesting braids and hair ornaments. Haircuts and hairstyles for girls aged 12 are beautiful, varied and do not always require the use of styling products.

A girl at the age of 12 begins to enter adolescence and it is very important to instill a sense of taste in a future girl from childhood. The hairstyles and haircuts presented below will help each mother to choose the most suitable one for her child, which is suitable both for every day and for any festivities and special occasions.


Hairstyles for long hair


Hairstyles with braids and different weaving techniques, as a rule, look the most attractive due to their shape. In addition, such styling will stay on the hair. much longer in a more or less presentable form, which is especially important for an active child. Weaves can cover both part of the hair and the entire fabric. All sorts of "baskets", "spikelets", "waterfalls" will undoubtedly decorate any festive outfit and give the image even more solemnity.


Beautiful, large curls, especially for long hair, always look incredibly gentle, interesting and feminine than other haircuts. Such a hairstyle in combination with cute hairpins will allow the girl to look good in the photographs and make any image even more “doll-like”, and the girl will look like the heroine of a fairy tale.

It should be borne in mind that such styling is unlikely to be suitable for an event where any active games or actions, since curls risk losing their original volume and beauty in just a couple of hours. And the use of a large amount of fixatives on children's hair is undesirable.

High hairstyles are suitable for a more formal event, such as a holiday at school. One of the advantages of such styling is that it can be equally beautifully performed as for long, and for short hair. At the discretion of the girl herself, the styling may have many additional, interesting hairpins or not have them at all, consist of interesting weaving or curls, be on the top or just above the back of the head.

Probably, every young girl goes through a stage in her life when she madly wants to change the length and appearance of her hair. Haircuts for girls are selected by a hairdresser individually depending on the age, thickness and length of the hair and, of course, the wishes of the client herself. Below are a few interesting options, one of which will surely suit both the child and the parents.

Short haircuts:

One of the most popular and beautiful hairstyles not only among young girls, but also among adult girls. Such styling looks festive, feminine, unusual and does not require too much time to create and a lot of styling products. A hair bow will decorate any outfit and make the girl look like a real princess and, undoubtedly, will arouse the interest of others.

high tail

Such a setting is universal Suitable for every day and for any holiday. In addition, it is quite practical and allows the hair to remain in a beautiful condition. long time. As a decoration, you can choose any beautiful hairpins or elastic bands, or wind the tail with curls using a curling iron.

Braids in recent years are extremely popular not only among children, but also among young girls. Such a hairstyle always looks very festive due to the beautiful forms of weaving, and new and unusual braids are guaranteed to attract the attention of everyone around you to your child's hairstyle.

In addition, with this hairstyle, you can not be afraid that active pastime will ruin it - the braids hold the hair well in its original position and allow the girl to stay neat for a long time at any holiday.

Any young girl will surely like this styling. Styling can be both high and with loose hair or some kind of weaving. The main focus is on beautiful hairpins or elastic bands with flowers- they will refresh and decorate any outfit for any holiday. Small flower decorations can be chosen as a daily option, and large ones for a big celebration or birthday.

Twelve years - the beginning of adolescence, the boy is not yet a man, but no longer a child. Hairstyles for boys 12 years old should be appropriate - not for children, and at the same time not yet adults. But do not forget that the fashion for children's haircuts for boys is as changeable as for men's hairstyles. It is very important to remember that the haircut should first of all please the child himself. This year, not only haircuts for boys with short hair are in special demand. Large and medium length is also relevant.

For short hair

Haircuts for boys for short hair:

  1. Classic hairstyle. This option is performed in a strict style, in which all lines are even and clear. The bangs are also mostly straight, but combed to the side. This look is perfect for both school and everyday life.
  2. Asymmetrical with bangs. This option is called asymmetric due to the fact that the central part is retracted to the side. In order to perform this hairstyle, you need a short hairline (2-4 cm), the bangs, as a rule, should be much longer and go down over one eye. But since at the age of 12 the boy goes to school and long hair can interfere with his studies, the bangs usually only reach the eyebrows.
  3. Bean. This hairstyle belongs to the category of classic and never gets old. It is made exactly at the level of the ears, the level of the bangs ends at the line of the eyebrows or in the middle of the forehead. Bangs can be oblique or straight, thick or sparse - it all depends on the preferences of its owner.
  4. For curly curls. For owners of curly or very curly hair, a short haircut is suitable, hairs are 2-3 cm long and oblique bangs to the eyebrows.
  5. Hedgehog. A very short version that requires minimal maintenance. This option looks great not only with bangs, but without it. The only drawback is that it needs to be constantly adjusted, since the hairline grows quickly, and this haircut is designed only for short hair. And do not forget that this is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who have an ideal head shape.
  6. Tennis. This option is made from short hairs, but longer strands should remain in one or more places. Such a place, for example, can be the parietal zone of the head.
  7. Half box. This option for a boy can be made from any hair - short or long, curly or straight. In this hairstyle, the longest hair is at the crown, on the sides and on the back of the head, they are much shorter than in the parietal zone, and on the temples and in the neck area, the hairline is removed with a machine. This haircut is often classified as a sports one.
  8. British. A short version with a bang, which is given special attention, since in this hairstyle, the bangs are cut in the form of a ladder, so such a simple, at first glance, haircut looks not only very beautiful, but also effective.

For long hair

It is very important to remember that for this type of hairline must be not only long, but also thick. Haircuts for boys for long hair:

  1. Torn strands. This hairstyle does not follow any clear lines, so it looks a little sloppy. The bangs in this case are mostly oblique, reaching the line of the eyebrows. The hairstyle itself ends at the level of the chin or slightly higher.
  2. Side parting. Very beautiful and easy to care hairstyle. By the name, you can guess that the parting in this case is shifted to the side. This option is made from medium length hair. This haircut looks good, made of wavy hair. The bangs, along with the rest of the hair, are set aside (which one, the owner of the hairstyle decides). Thanks to clear lines, the head has a strict and elegant look.
  3. Dandy. Outwardly, this option is similar to the previous one. Its distinguishing feature is whiskey, cut very meekly or shaved with a typewriter. All lines in the hairstyle are clear and at the same time very smooth. The location of the parting and bangs is determined by the client.
  4. Iroquois. At the same time, the hairline from the temples and sides is completely shaved off, and the rest is lifted and laid by means specially designed for such purposes. If at a young age parents helped the child to create this hairstyle, then in adolescence he can cope with it on his own. It is advisable for schoolchildren to do such experiments during the holidays, because this style is not at all suitable for school walls.

You can create your own unique haircuts for boys with long hair.

12 years old is the age when a child begins to express his opinion, the boys want to look individual and independent, it is easy to show this with a haircut that can be styled in different ways, and every time it will look special. The main thing in this case is to find a good master.


By the age of 12, the boy is already able to take care of himself in terms of hygiene. The task of parents is to carefully ensure that the head of the child is always clean and looks neat. After all, everyone knows that, no matter what the haircuts for boys, simple or complex, it will look unaesthetic on dirty and untidy hair.

Fashionable haircuts are one of the main attributes of the appearance of a fashionista. Hairstyles for boys perfectly emphasize the individual style, but at the same time they must match the structure of the hair, the type of face, and most importantly, the character of the child. Given the age category up to 5, 6-12, up to 16 years old, stylists offer many styling options from which a child can choose his own option.

Any fashionable styling is created on the basis of basic haircuts. When choosing beautiful hairstyles, it is very important to rely on the age of the children. In no case should the child still do intricate styling, which will make his appearance heavier. What hairstyle for boys can you choose?

When choosing children's hairstyles, it is better to consult a stylist or hairdresser who understands the style, because. styling may not fit the structure of the hair or the shape of the face.

The final result may be very different from what is shown in the selected photo.

  • Going to the hairdresser, you should be prepared for the fact that children can start acting up. The fact is that not everyone is calm about the typewriter and scissors. As a rule, this is due to the fact that they are afraid of the unknown and alien environment. Small children are susceptible to this condition;
  • In order for the child not to cry, the master should be called to the house. If this is not possible, then the baby should be taken to a children's hairdresser. The thing is that in such rooms there are a large number of toys that will distract his attention.

When choosing a hairstyle for a boy, be sure to consult with him. After all, if he does not like the chosen haircut, then he will feel some discomfort.

Up to 5

For boys of this age, it is worth choosing children's classic hairstyles. They are very comfortable and require minimal maintenance. Such hairstyles can also be chosen by teenagers aged 12-14 years.

Until 6

For younger boys, you can do long or short children's hairstyles. At this age, the child may begin to express obvious dissatisfaction if he does not like the chosen haircut. That is why before choosing her, it is worth consulting with the child.

The same fashionable styling can also be chosen by teenagers 12-14 years old.

Up to 16

Teenagers are not very fond of children's haircuts, so it is somewhat more difficult for them to choose a hairstyle. At this age, the child must independently choose several options for haircuts, and the stylist will already choose the most suitable one.

12-14 years old is the age when guys no longer want to be like a carbon copy. That is why they choose fashionable, but at the same time not entirely clear options for parents, for example, a mohawk, pigtails or a shaved pattern on the temples. However, you should not go against the boy - he is already an adult who can choose his own haircut.

Care rules

In order for the chosen styling not to become a reason for upsetting the guy, you need to properly care for it. Care rules:

  1. The head should be washed at least 1 time in 2 days. This is necessary so that the hair always looks well-groomed and neat;
  2. It should be understood that the chosen styling is not suitable for everyone. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the type of hair, as well as the features of the face;
  3. If you want to make a complex stylingthat offers complex elements, then in this case it must be styled every day, otherwise the meaning of the haircut will be reduced to zero.

Hairstyles for boys are quite difficult to choose. First of all, this is due to the fact that they should not only fit the image of a fashionista, but also like him. Any chosen styling should decorate the appearance, and not spoil it. That is why it is worth considering the opinion of your children. Only in this case, the selected teenage styling will not cause complexes in guys.

By the way, some children at this age decide to completely change their style, under the influence of a particular subculture. Young parents can only be sympathetic to the preferences of their child, and help him in everything. Today we will talk about fashionable hairstyles for teenagers: girls and boys 12 years old.

For many girls, 12 years old is already a conscious age when most fashionistas consider themselves accomplished. At this moment, many girls form their own, albeit not perfect, but style. Some people think they'll never dye their hair and will blindly follow natural beauty. Others decide to radically change their image and become a hostage of a certain subculture.

Classic hairstyles for girls

Classic hairstyles for girls are represented by a wide variety of styles. For short and thin hair, stylists recommend choosing layered hairstyles, such as a bob-bob, as well as an asymmetrical bob. These haircuts look very stylish, especially when paired with a variety of hair accessories. For medium length hair, a wide variety of styling is suitable. The most popular, of course, is the ponytail hairstyle, which seems boring to many girls. But actually it is not. Modern tails can be complemented with curls, braids, as well as various kinds of accessories. For example, ponytails are very popular today, which are fashionable to collect high on the crown, while the ends of the hair should be curled with a curl.

In addition, small curls created using neutral thermal curlers will be an excellent solution for medium length hair. For long hair, various kinds of braids are relevant, which today are fashionable to collect on the side, semi-free. Also popular this year are hairstyles with hair gathered on the sides, which are called "Malvinka". Greek hairstyles of various types will be a great addition to a festive hairstyle. It can be curls gathered into rings, or a luxurious braid with a volume effect, complemented by a ribbon.

Emo hairstyles for girls

Emo hairstyles are becoming very popular. And all thanks to the influence of Western subcultures. Emo hairstyles are layered haircuts with torn strands. They can drastically differ in length and style. An invariable attribute of emo hairstyles is short straight bangs and voluminous bouffant hair.

Often, adherents of emo culture dye strands of hair in a variety of colors, thereby forming unusual images. So, for example, many emo girls prefer to create leopard strands on their hair, which can be done using a toning spray and a stencil. Or go the simpler way and make overhead strands of hair. Most trendy colors hair for emo: pink, blue, white, light green, purple. This year, coloring at the ends of the hair has also come into fashion.

Vanilla hairstyles for girls

Vanilla subculture is perhaps the brightest among all existing ones. She appeared relatively recently. For those who don't know, we discussed this fashion trend, but for now, in a nutshell, let's talk about vanilla hairstyles. One of the most popular vanilla hairstyles has become a classic ponytail, which is fashionable to collect in the middle of the head, while creating voluminous curls at the ends of the hair, or to form a styling without them. However, the classic ponytail must be complemented by a delicate accessory, such as a hair bow, for example.

The same goes for braids, they can be the simplest, but a cute accessory makes all the difference. The brightest vanilla hairstyle was the “tousled bun”, which is fashionable to assemble in haste, randomly, without thinking that a few strands will be careless. On the contrary, the more careless the hairstyle, the better! You can decorate such a hairstyle with a flirty hoop or flower, bow.

Classic hairstyles and haircuts for boys

For boys, the formation of their own style is no less important process. At this age, many teenagers choose their own style, which is directly dependent on the subculture. Perhaps it will change in the future, but for now, each of the young people strives to look perfect.

Trash, emo hairstyles

Trash hairstyles provide maximum volume. And besides this, strands of hair should be different lengths. Such styling looks simply amazing, setting the hairstyle in motion. They are created on the basis of multi-level hairstyles, as well as haircuts with a displaced center. The easiest haircut to get a trashy hairstyle is a multi-level cascade. Trash hairstyles are fashionable to style randomly and carelessly, high styling is also relevant. Emo haircuts are very similar to trashy hairstyles and come in a wide variety of colors such as black, pink, blue, red, blue, etc.

Punk, grunge hairstyles

Punk hairstyles can be formed on the basis of classic styling. Many boys today prefer to wear them. Since the days of rock and roll, they have changed significantly and have become something of a cross between classic hairstyles and punk styling. By the way, punk hairstyles today are high styling with styling in the middle. You can achieve this effect very simply with the help of liquid hair wax. In second place in popularity are grunge hairstyles, which are characterized by tousled hair styled with a careless effect.

sports hairstyles

Sports hairstyles are the easiest option, all you need is a classic boxing or semi-boxing sports hairstyle. Then it's all about styling. You can style your hair in a high style, or you can create a dynamic sports hairstyle with a parting, comb your hair back using liquid wax and much more. The styling can also be supplemented with a sports hoop.

Each of you will be able to do children's hairstyles for girls with your own hands - in the presented master class, we have collected only simple and very quick styling.

Multilayer basket

Do you like retro style? Hairstyle in the "grandmother's" style looks very interesting! With a certain skill, it will not be difficult for you to complete it for your daughter!

  1. Distribute the hair around the entire circumference of the head.
  2. From the crown, start circular weaving according to the principle of a French braid. Grab loose strands only with outside.
  3. Moving in a circle, braid all the hair. You need to finish weaving with a regular three-row braid.
  4. Tie the tip with an elastic band and hide it under the "basket", fixing it with an invisibility.

Pigtail in the form of a rim

A hairstyle for every day in the form of a circular braid is very simple and allows you to carefully remove the strands from your face.

  1. Separate the hair near the forehead with a thin comb.
  2. Gather the rest of the hair with an elastic band so as not to interfere.
  3. Throw the strands at the forehead to one side and start weaving a French spikelet, grabbing the free strands on both sides.
  4. Tie the end of the braid with a very thin elastic band and hide it under your loose hair. If you wish, wind them with a curling iron.

beautiful hair flower

Such a very beautiful styling is perfect for matinees and celebrations.

  1. Comb your hair smoothly and comb it to one side, making a side parting.
  2. Tie the ponytail with a thin elastic band.
  3. Separate the middle strand from it and braid the pigtail to the very tip. Tie it with another thin elastic band.
  4. Use hairpins to tie the braid around the main elastic to make a flower.
  5. Wind the ends of the tail on curlers.

Hairstyle "Heart" for medium length

Beautiful children's hairstyles will turn your little girl into a real princess. This elegant option captivates with simplicity!

  1. Comb the braids with a comb to the center parting.
  2. Tie one section of hair with an elastic band.
  3. Braid from the second part french braid, weaving loose strands only from the outside. Then it will resemble the shape of a heart. Tie the end with a rubber band.
  4. On the other hand, repeat the same weaving. Braids must be symmetrical.
  5. Tie the ends of the braids together.

See the video for more details:

Elegant wreath of rubber bands

Hairstyles with rubber bands are in great demand, as they allow you to create real beauty in just 10 minutes! This option is suitable for medium length hair.

  1. Part your hair with a side part.
  2. Divide each of the two parts in half with a horizontal parting.
  3. Now do the same for each of the 4 sections. You will get 8 identical strands.
  4. Tie each strand with a thin colored or plain elastic band. As a result, you will get 16 small ponytails arranged in a circle.
  5. Gather them in the middle with one large rubber band to make a wreath.

Side bun of braids

An elegant hairstyle for kids will go with any outfit and make your daughter a beautiful little princess.

  1. Tie a side ponytail.
  2. Braid three braids. If the hair is thick, it can be much more.
  3. Wrap each braid around the base of the ponytail, securing with hairpins.
  4. Decorate the bundle with decorative elements.

"Sign of Infinity"

This wonderful hairstyle comes from the 80s. IN modern version it's easier to make, but it also looks great.

  1. Make a central or zigzag parting and tie two tails almost at the back of the head.
  2. Braid two braids.
  3. Bring the right braid up and pull it under the elastic that holds the ponytail. For reliability, you can use another gum.
  4. Pull the left braid into the resulting ring.
  5. Fasten the end too.
  6. For decoration, use hairpins with bows or flowers.

Also, you will like these options:

Low braided bun

Girls 10 years old can braid such an amazing bunch - feminine and elegant. Just like your beloved mother!

  1. Comb your hair into a side parting.
  2. Tie a low ponytail.
  3. Divide it into 5-6 equal parts.
  4. Braid each section.
  5. Tie the ends together with a very thin elastic band and fold in half so that the tails look up.
  6. Secure the bundle with an elastic band and complete with a hairpin or a fresh flower.

Hairstyle for loose hair

Cute styling for loose hair can be done in kindergarten both on holidays and weekdays.

  1. Comb your hair into a side parting and tie 4 small ponytails along it.
  2. Divide the second and third in half and connect the adjacent strands with an elastic band.
  3. Divide the central tail in half again and attach the resulting strands to the extreme tails.
  4. Braid the ends of the tails into pigtails.

hair bow

A festive children's hairstyle for a girl with your own hands does not require special knowledge. Everyone can make it!

  1. Tie a high ponytail. Do not pull the hair to the end, but leave the tip hanging down on the forehead.
  2. Divide the resulting loop in half.
  3. Throw the remaining ends back to completely cover the elastic. Secure it with invisibility.
  4. Spray the bow with varnish.

How do you like this bow?

Knot laying

This hairstyle is durable - it will last all day, giving your daughter a neat appearance.

  1. Make a side parting.
  2. On the left and right, separate the strands with a parting passing from the temple to the ear.
  3. Divide each part into three identical sections.
  4. Starting from the parting, twist a tight tourniquet, gradually adding loose strands. Make three strands on both sides.
  5. Divide the hair at the back of the head in half.
  6. We make the tail on the right side by attaching the appropriate harnesses to it.
  7. We do exactly the same tail on the left side.
  8. We twist two beams, fixing them with hairpins.
  9. We distribute the protruding tips and sprinkle with varnish.

Two hearts

From long and thick hair you can make two hearts. Looks very nice!

  1. Divide your hair in half with a straight parting.
  2. Make two tails.
  3. At the base of the elastic, make a small indentation and pull the tail through it.
  4. Divide it into two parts and twist each into a tourniquet.
  5. Form a heart and secure with an invisible or hairpin.

How about these 2 options:

Lightweight fishtail

This fashionable hairstyle can be safely performed even on short strands.

  1. Comb your hair and separate two identical strands on the sides.
  2. Tie them with a thin elastic band.
  3. Lower it a little and stretch the tail inward.
  4. Below, separate two more of the same strands and repeat the process.
  5. In this way, you can braid all the hair, but you can only make 3-4 weaves.