Beautiful hairstyles for girls for long, medium and short hair: the simplest hairstyles for girls to school and kindergarten for every day. Children's hairstyles for girls photo. Children's hair styling products

Should be simple and clear, easy and fast. And they should also be comfortable and practical so that they do not disturb the child under any circumstances, and also give aesthetic pleasure from wearing really beautiful and comfortable hairstyles. Modern little fashionistas often want to choose what they will have on their heads today, and, accordingly, adults will have to try to bring all the desires of a little princess to life. In this article, you will find a lot of options for simple hairstyles and you can always please your child with a variety of styling without going to salons and without spending hours of time on it.

We select a hairstyle for a child:

  1. If the hair is liquid: braids are contraindicated (strong pressure on the roots).
  2. If soft and wavy curls: well semi-loose styling, and braids also do not fit (all the zest of such hair is lost).
  3. If the face is wide, square or rectangular type: short haircuts are possible, but sleek and smooth styling will not work.
  4. If a high forehead: the presence of bangs is required.
  5. If the face is narrow, elongated: short haircuts are possible, but the volume at the temples is important (it can be bows, flowers).
  6. If there is a large amount of hair, lush: braids are perfect (they remove excess volume).

For long hair

good, shiny long hair for a little lady, this is of course the pride of both mother and child. They decorate girls very much and are an indicator of health, both in general and hair in particular. But, when choosing another hairstyle, do not choose too complex and hung with a lot of elastic bands, bows or using a curl of the entire head - do not torment either the child or the curls. The consequences can remain for a long time and it will take many years to recover.

The easiest way to install - loose hair , but this is not very practical, especially for kindergarten children. But it is difficult to replace the showiness of loose hair with something and often you really want just such an option. And here you can collect the hair a little at least in some places: for example, tie up the fly to remove the hair from the face, a headband is also suitable. You can also fasten bow hairpins on the sides to fix the side strands. For more effective hairstyles, twist the ends of the curls, but use soft curlers and dry your hair naturally.

Celtic knot

Braids and weaves . Long hair gives incredible ground for fantasy on the theme of weaving. You can implement a million options. Here are some instructions:

  • on the sides, braid one ordinary pigtail (you can use bundles) and connect them at the back, in the back of the head, into the tail. Tie with an elastic band. Wrap the ends of the braids around the elastic band and form a basket. Loose ends can be left loose, or you can also braid 2 more additional braids and add to the basket.
  • we divide the hair with a side parting in half. In the lower part we make 3 ponytails at the same distance (if more is possible, we do more). We twist each ponytail into flagella. We connect them with the rest of the hair and make a side ponytail. We divide the tail into strands and twist the tourniquet from each. We lay each flagellum in the form of a loop and fix it at the base with thin rubber bands. You can decorate the finished hairstyle with a small flower.

simple tails a good option for everyday hair. By adding some interesting details, it will turn from a simple and ordinary styling into something bright, original and play in a new way.

Divide hair into two halves. Separate the strands that are at the level of the middle of the ear and above. Make a ponytail from the lower strands, but do not tighten the elastic. Make a hole behind the elastic in your hair and pass the end of the ponytail from below through this hole. Pull up so that the elastic also comes out through the hole up (the base of the tail should twist). Pull up the elastic.

Select a new strand above the finished ponytail. Make a ponytail and also pass the end through the hole, but at the same time grab the end from the first ponytail. Repeat the same steps with the third ponytail. The remaining ends can be arranged in the form of a bundle, a knot or a simple ponytail.

For medium hair

Medium-length hair is the golden mean: there are enough styling for them, and caring for them is much easier than for long ones, they also tangle a little and dry much faster. The most popular hairstyle for medium hair is the bob haircut. She does not need any styling and is therefore quite popular with mothers who find it difficult to braid their hair every morning. The only thing that can be added to the hairstyle is a hairpin or a pair of hairpins, crossed crosswise and fixed on the side. A zest is needed for any styling.

Wreaths and placers of flowers . From the entire mass of hair, form a high bun, secure it. Put a wreath on top, a bandage with flowers, so that the beam falls in the center of the accessory. Headbands and wreaths with flowers can be worn on loose hair - this is a lovely, fresh addition to summer styling.

mischievous ponytail. Tie a ponytail on the side, at ear level. Decorate it with a bow or twist the ends a little.

Other styling options: braids, plaits, roses, bunches . The combination of these elements in a single hairstyle. Addition of multi-colored rubber bands. In general, all manifestations of fantasy will help you.

For short hair

Short hair is certainly not long, but it can also be beautifully styled and with a twist. Of course, there are not very many options, but those that are will help diversify your everyday look and add new emotions!

So, the simplest options are: loose hair , you can play a little with the parting (oblique, torn, zigzag), the addition of all kinds of accessories. Headbands (plain or decorated with some cute detail), headbands or ribbons (with long ends will look very interesting and unusual), hairpins (they are collected in groups and all the necessary strands are fixed with them).

funny ponytails : one, two, three - as much as you like. They look incredibly cute, light and at ease. Instead of elastic bands, you can add bows. And the ponytail at the back of the head is well suited for active girls (for walking and playing sports), as it allows you to quickly collect hair and at the same time keeps well and does not fall apart even with the fastest movements.

The main element with which you can diversify the hairstyle itself and generally increase the number of hair styling options is accessories. There is a wide variety of them today. For short hairstyles ideal option there will be headbands and ribbons. Only bangs will need styling, while the rest of the hair needs to be combed back and a bezel fastened to them. Pay special attention to what the accessories are made of. They should not have sharp corners, be soft, not tight, not stain the scalp.

Very original on short hair will look braids. You can braid the French braid in a circle - from temple to temple. And you can divide the mass of hair in half into a parting and also braid pigtails from the parting to the temples - you get an openwork rim of braids. All this is beautifully decorated with flowers or ribbons. Looks amazing.

For very little girls

Starting from kindergarten, girls can already do interesting and varied hairstyles and styling, since by this age the hair is already enough industry for mom's experiments on her hair and the realization of long-standing desires to decorate her child. Hairstyles for such young children usually consist of simple elements, complemented by accessories, and no chemicals are used in any way. Hair health and wearing comfort above all else!

Gather your hair into two or three high ponytails and tie them with colorful elastic bands. Such hairstyles for very young children should benefit from color, brightness, and not due to the complexity of weaving.

Long bangs can be removed under the rim (pinned with a funny hairpin) or made into a small bow with beautiful rubber band. It turns out very cute and funny.

We make a ponytail at the back of the head. Wet the end of the tail with water. Wrap it around your finger and dry it with a hair dryer (use the cold setting so as not to dry out the ends). You should get a graceful curl.

If the length allows, then you can try to braid small pigtails. We decorate each pigtail with thin multi-colored rubber bands or bows. The main thing is not to overload the child's head with accessories and voluminous, bulky styling - all this will only interfere with him!

For little schoolgirls

Whatever you wear to school, both in terms of clothes and in terms of choosing a hairstyle. School styling should be serious, concise, without unnecessary elements and neat, so that nothing distracts a young schoolgirl from the learning process. Naturally festive options, too voluminous styling, brightly colored hair, non-standard hairstyles (various fashion trends) are not suitable for school.

The most common hairstyles are simply loose (but this may not be very practical), various kinds of buns and tails, braids and weaves.

Cartoon Princess Jasmine's Tail: Braid a regular ponytail, comb it up, and tie it with thin elastic bands in several places.

Bun: Braid a regular bun, but tousle it a little, but not much. This is very relevant today and looks fresh and interesting. Such a beam is very feminine and well emphasizes the delicate features of the face.

The tail is the opposite. Tie a regular tail - not tight. At the base, we divide it in half and insert the lower part of the tail into the hole formed. In principle, you can leave it that way, or you can form the lower bundle by wrapping the end of the tail to the base again and decorating it with some kind of hairpin or simply fixing it with hairpins.

  • preparing hair for styling: first wash the curls with shampoo. Before washing off the shampoo, comb the strands with a rare comb. After rinsing out the shampoo, pat your hair dry with a towel (do not rub) - all these measures are necessary to prevent tangling and minor damage to the hair and roots.
  • for dry hair: after washing, be sure to apply conditioner.
  • dry preferably in a natural way.
  • varnish and other styling products are contraindicated for children under 7 years of age.
  • it is advisable not to use small hairpins and hairpins in hairstyles for very young girls - this is not safe.
  • if you want to decorate your hair with a bow, then choose a small, neat bow, and not a huge and lush one. A small bow to match the dress will be a wonderful and original addition.
  • braids are perfectly complemented by pearls, ribbons, flowers and hairpins.
  • hair should not get into the eyes - this is fraught with conjunctivitis and strabismus, and in general this creates great discomfort.
  • if the hair is thin and long, then it will be very attractive to braid the braid and collect it in a high bun, and you can also decorate it with beads or flowers.
  • if you really want curled curls, then it is better to use a more gentle way of curling: in the evening, wet hair is braided into tight braids.
  • children's styling has one unpleasant property - they quickly lose their shape and fall apart. What to do?! Here you need to choose the right hairstyle. All kinds of weaving are best - braids, baskets, snakes and spikelets. They can withstand the activity of the child well, while the hair is selected and does not climb into the eyes.
  • it is advisable to distract the child with something during the process of laying: he will not be bored, and you will succeed in everything neatly.

Modern hairstyles for babies have long lost their boring and inexpressive character . Even the most uncomplicated hairstyles are woven today with incredible enthusiasm and creativity. Little fashionistas always want to look stylish, and their mothers are puzzled over how to make beautiful, and at the same time uncomplicated hair for their children. Let this article inspire you with new ideas and help you find interesting hairstyle options for both festive and everyday without any difficulties.

The main thing in the article

Hairstyles for girls for long hair

When choosing a hairstyle for a daughter with long hair, it is necessary to take into account options that will not allow hair to get into her eyes and distract from exciting games and activities.

Fishtail braid

Weaving can be started both from the crown and from the tail. Let's consider the first way.

  • First of all, carefully comb your hair for easier separation of the strands. Combing them is not worth it in order to prevent tangling of delicate children's curls.

  • Select two strands and fold them crosswise. Then, from the total density of hair, separate one more strand on the left and right. The meaning of weaving is to alternately embrace and cross strands of hair with each other.

  • Simply put, hold two working strands in your hands, grab a new (third strand) on the left and attach it to the right, thereby overlaying it on the left, and vice versa in turn.
  • This algorithm of actions continues until the scalp is formed. Next, proceed to the free end of the hair. Weave the same way, in two parts. From the left end, detach a small strand from the outer edge and attach to the right side. Exactly the opposite, do the same procedure on the right.

When braiding a fishtail braid, wrap the strands of hair as thinly as possible, so the hairstyle will look more sophisticated.

Diversify this braiding method by dividing your hair into two braids.

Textured ponytail

The ponytail is a fairly common, but already a little boring hairstyle. You can diversify it with the help of rubber bands, so you get a simple, but very interesting styling.

  • Braid in the first step high ponytail, pick up the elastic bands to match the hair.
  • The next moment, divide the hair on the tail into equal intervals, securing each of them with elastic bands. To add volume, lightly fluff up the divided sections and you're done!

Bundle of hair with a roller

  • First, make a ponytail, choose the height of the hairstyle at your discretion.
  • For work, pick up a roller of medium diameter so that it does not look too massive against the background of the baby's face. In principle, this accessory can be easily built on your own, using, for example, an old sock.
  • Pull the ponytail up, as shown in the photo, and gradually wind it onto the roller to the base of the elastic band. If necessary, fix the resulting beam with invisibility.

Interesting hairstyles for medium hair

hair bow

A creative solution would be to decorate the image with just such a hairstyle.

  • First, tie a ponytail at the top of your head, only with the last grip of the hair with an elastic band you do not need to pull it out completely. There should be a small bun and the free edge of the tail, which is tied with an elastic band, it must be pulled in the direction of the face, not the back of the head.
  • Secondly, divide the resulting bundle into two equal parts, fasten their outer edges with invisibility to the rest of the hair.
  • Thirdly, throw the free edge of the tail that remained under the elastic band through the middle of the formed two halves of the beam, so you will decorate the middle of the bow. It also needs to be fixed to the hair, and hide the remaining tip along one of the edges of the bow.

Hairstyle with a flagellum

  • Comb your hair, divide it into two parts.
  • On one side of the head, braid the flagellum along the entire length of the head, to do this, weave the hair from the edge that frames the face.
  • Then connect the two parts of the hair with an elastic band, one of which is braided with a tourniquet.
  • Form a bun from the free edge of the tail, give it a slightly careless look.

How beautiful to style short hair for a girl?

With a short hair length, it will be a little more difficult, especially when it is necessary to make a hairstyle in an extremely short period of time, but there are options.

Luxurious curls

It will be great if the baby's hair is naturally curly, but if not, then curlers will be the way out, or you can braid pigtails for the night on wet hair. Let the word "hair curlers" not scare you, because there are many varieties of these devices, foam rubber curlers will be the most gentle.

playful ponytails

If you beat the options for hairstyles with the most common ponytail, you can get a very perky and cool option.

If you place a lot of miniature ponytails all over your head, you can get a pretty cute hairstyle. For the brightness of the image, pick up multi-colored elastic bands, let your baby please those around you with rich colors. You can add zest by dividing the partings between the ponytails in a zigzag manner.

A few words about accessories

In case the baby's hair is already very short, that it is impossible to even grab strands for any hairstyle, you can turn to a variety of hair personal belongings for help. It can be various hoops, headbands, bandages, hairpins. All this can also decorate any boring look.

Nowadays, the range of these products on sale is incredibly wide, and little fashionistas, however, like their mothers, will not be able to see enough of such beauty.

Simple hairstyles for girls

simple eyelet

This technique is easy to perform. Make a low ponytail with a hair tie. When you pass the hair through the elastic for the last time, do not pull out the free edge of the hair, but wrap it around the base of the resulting loop, thus also hiding the elastic.

Tail inside out

We make a low ponytail, fix it with an elastic band. Then loosen and pull the elastic down a little. Without dissolving the resulting ponytail, divide the hair that is above the elastic into two sections. Pull the end of the ponytail into the hole between both parts of the hair. Slightly tweak the twisted ponytail.

How beautiful to braid a girl?

Hair bundle

  • Braid the tail at the back of the head or crown.
  • Divide the hair from the tail in half.
  • Twist both strands of hair tightly, like bundles.
  • After completing the previous paragraph, weave these two bundles together. Be sure to weave in the opposite direction from the one in which you twisted the two parts of the hair.
  • At the end, tie a tourniquet to match the hair.

hair waterfall

  • Weaving starts from the temporal part: separate a large strand, divide it into three equal parts and weave a regular braid.
  • The meaning of weaving is not to knit the upper strand of each section of the pigtail, but to leave it free, this is the beginning of the waterfall.
  • Replace this free strand in the weave with a strand from the total amount of hair. So do each link of the braid.
  • Continue weaving to the second temple, fix the hairstyle with hairpins or invisible, if desired, you can decorate this edge.

Hairstyles for school

The main task of the schoolgirl's hairstyle is to give a neat look and not interfere with the lessons. There are a lot of techniques for creating hairstyles, in addition to those mentioned, here are some more of them.

Festive hairstyles with bows

You can give your hair a relaxed festive look with the use of bows. With them, the whole image will look solemn and richly beautiful. Here are some ideas to admire and get inspired.

Hairstyles for every day

Below is a selection of simple everyday hairstyles that will give the baby's hair a cultured and well-groomed look.

Hairstyles for girls with step by step photos

Required inventory:

  • One pair of fabric elastic bands
  • One pair of silicone rubber
  • Two-meter satin ribbon
  • Hairpins, hairpins.

Prepare your hair for work, comb it gently. For convenience, you can resort to using a spray to avoid excessive electrification.

After preparation, divide the head of hair into two equal parts.

Tie two medium-sized ponytails using fabric elastics.

Comb the resulting tails and braid a tight braid from the beginning of the elastic band, tying it with a silicone rubber band. Try to hide the ends of the pigtails.

Then wrap the fabric elastic bands with the resulting braids, secure the ends with invisibility.

Decorate your hair with ribbons by tying them with a bow. Just like that, very neat and cute “bumps” turned out just like that.

How to make an unusual hairstyle for a girl: video instruction

It is very important for a girl to look beautiful and original even from early childhood. These tips will help you, together with your daughter, decide on future hairstyles and experiment with ways to weave them.

Every morning at academic year for schoolgirls, it begins with putting their hair in order. After all, teachers require students to comply with norms, a neat appearance. Boys and girls should have well-groomed appearance and neat hair. Hair must be collected so that it does not get into the eyes, does not interfere with physical education in sports. In addition, it is good if the child likes the view. Girls love beautiful hairstyles, sometimes they even compete who is better at doing hairstyles for school.

What hairstyles for school are suitable for girls

Fittings may vary. Mainly:

  • tails
  • bundles
  • weaving

Hairpins, hairpins, hoops, elastic bands and other beautiful devices are used to create them.

easy hairstyles for school

Easy hairstyles for school they look very nice, despite the fact that you will spend quite a bit of time to create them. The main condition is that the strands must be washed and combed. Then your styling will be perfect.

  • To create such a beam, as in the image, you will need to prepare curls (comb) and take an elastic band, hairpins.
  • Gather the ponytail at the crown, secure with an elastic band.
  • Divide your hair into two equal sections.
  • Wrap the tail with one, shape the bundle with the other part to make it neat.

  • IMPORTANT! In the same way, you can make two beams with an even gap. In addition, in order to add zest to your hair, use beautiful hairpins that will support naughty bangs or disheveled strands.

Here is such an intricate heart pattern you will get with the help of ordinary rubber bands. If you make decoration styling bright rubber bands or hairpins-flowers, then the hairstyle will become even better.

Hairstyle for a girl to school - photo

The use of a simple clip for strands with a flower will decorate the hairstyle of two braids of a young fashionista.

multicolored beautiful ribbons on ponytails, pigtails look especially good if they fit the girl's outfit.

Hairstyles for school every day

When your head is full of studies, there is little time left for styling, so it’s good to choose your option. hairstyles for every day to school so that it doesn't take too long. Next, see examples of such styling on curls of different lengths.

Casual hairstyles for school - photo

Beautiful hairstyles for school

When are the school festive events, the child wants to change something in the image and look different from the usual - everyday. This problem will help to solve not only a new stylish outfit, but also a beautiful, unusual styling. Hairstyles with original, stylish weaves, twisted curls, hair bows, etc. look beautiful on long strands and medium-length hair.

How to do hair for school?

Sometimes you want your hair to rest from daily styling in the form of pigtails and ponytails. Then it is enough to put on an elastic bandage on the head. The strands will not interfere with the girl in the classroom.

From thin braids you get a beautiful weave, if you connect them together with hair ties. To create them, it is enough to braid three pigtails on one side and three on the other, after making a zigzag parting. Then fix the weaves through the same gap along the entire length of the hair.

Hairstyles for long hair for school

Long strands are the dream of many girls. From such hair you can come up with a lot different styles. Starting from braids, weaves, ending with ponytails, curls and other stylish styling.

High ponytails look very pretty.

Hairstyles for long hair to school - photo

If your child likes experiments and often changes hairstyles, then these cute bows made of thin strands will give the girl's appearance a neat, pretty look.

The braid, pressing loose strands, will emphasize the beauty of the girl's curls and bring romantic notes to the image.

A bunch in the form of a flower will appeal to both girls of primary school age and older girls.

A Greek-style braided tail looks great on long curls. Make it easy. Detailed instructions see images below.

  • IMPORTANT! Hair styling should always be in harmony with the outfit. For a hairstyle for a gala event, only a festive outfit is suitable.

Hairstyles for medium hair to school

Hairstyles for school for teenagers

High school girls often get haircuts to emphasize their individuality. The bob hairstyle is now very popular among young people. However, long hair also does not give up its position. Next, see examples of styling for high school students to attend classes at school.

Quick hairstyles for school

Quick hairstyles for school for girls are done by mothers who also rush to work in the morning. As this type of styling, you can imagine hairstyles with hairpins, invisible, elastic bands, braids, which do not take much time to weave.

Quick hairstyles for girls - photo

What hairstyle to do to school for a holiday?

If you do not have talent in weaving braids or creating masterpieces on your head, then contact the masters in the salon. They will not only advise a cool hairstyle, but also make it at the highest level. the child will be satisfied after visiting the beauty salon.

Children's hairstyles for school - photo

Even the smallest schoolgirls can be unhappy with their hairstyle. Therefore, mom should learn to weave or create various styling on the strands of babies. Monotonous hairstyles can get boring - experiment, come up with your own options.

School hairstyles for girls - the easiest

Every mother knows how to make a ponytail and braid a braid. See the simplest examples of hairstyles using these skills.

Do-it-yourself hairstyles for school - photo

Doing styling in beauty salons is often not affordable for everyone. Eat Alternative option- Do your own styling. After all, now in the open spaces online you can find many guides for creating various hairstyles with your own hands. See how weaving can be done with ribbon, and then make a neat bun at the back.

With thin braids, you get a stylish big pigtail for long hair.

And from two braids loosely braided, you can create two buns. In order for it to hold well, it is necessary to use elastic bands, invisible hairpins, hairpins.

Cool hairstyles for school - photo

If you use bright accessories to create masterpieces on your head, you get very cool styling. See for yourself - what a beauty.

Hairstyles with loose hair for school

Quick hairstyles for girls for long hair - video

Fashionable hairstyles for school

Now in fashion, both long hair and haircuts for different lengths of hair. Therefore, the hairstyle can be selected based on your preferences. Below you will see a number of offers from which you can choose your favorite.

What to wear to school?

Every morning before school, this question is relevant. In order not to think a lot, see examples of beautiful weaves and learn how to make them yourself according to the diagrams in the pictures.

  • IMPORTANT! When creating styling for children, do not abuse the use of hair fixing products in the form of varnish, foam, mousse, etc. Girls may develop allergic reactions to such cosmetics.

What hairstyle can be done to school for every day - video

Each of you will be able to do children's hairstyles for girls with your own hands - in the presented master class, we have collected only simple and very quick styling.

Multilayer basket

Do you like retro style? Hairstyle in the "grandmother's" style looks very interesting! With a certain skill, it will not be difficult for you to complete it for your daughter!

  1. Distribute the hair around the entire circumference of the head.
  2. From the crown, start circular weaving according to the principle of a French braid. Grab loose strands only with outside.
  3. Moving in a circle, braid all the hair. You need to finish weaving with a regular three-row braid.
  4. Tie the tip with an elastic band and hide it under the "basket", fixing it with an invisibility.

Pigtail in the form of a rim

A hairstyle for every day in the form of a circular braid is very simple and allows you to carefully remove the strands from your face.

  1. Separate the hair near the forehead with a thin comb.
  2. Gather the rest of the hair with an elastic band so as not to interfere.
  3. Throw the strands at the forehead to one side and start weaving a French spikelet, grabbing the free strands on both sides.
  4. Tie the end of the braid with a very thin elastic band and hide it under your loose hair. If you wish, wind them with a curling iron.

beautiful hair flower

Such a very beautiful styling is perfect for matinees and celebrations.

  1. Comb your hair smoothly and comb it to one side, making a side parting.
  2. Tie the ponytail with a thin elastic band.
  3. Separate the middle strand from it and braid the pigtail to the very tip. Tie it with another thin elastic band.
  4. Use hairpins to tie the braid around the main elastic to make a flower.
  5. Wind the ends of the tail on curlers.

Hairstyle "Heart" for medium length

Beautiful children's hairstyles will turn your little girl into a real princess. This elegant option captivates with simplicity!

  1. Comb the braids with a comb to the center parting.
  2. Tie one section of hair with an elastic band.
  3. Braid from the second part french braid, weaving loose strands only from the outside. Then it will resemble the shape of a heart. Tie the end with a rubber band.
  4. On the other hand, repeat the same weaving. Braids must be symmetrical.
  5. Tie the ends of the braids together.

See the video for more details:

Elegant wreath of rubber bands

Hairstyles with rubber bands are in great demand, as they allow you to create real beauty in just 10 minutes! This option is suitable for medium length hair.

  1. Part your hair with a side part.
  2. Divide each of the two parts in half with a horizontal parting.
  3. Now do the same for each of the 4 sections. You will get 8 identical strands.
  4. Tie each strand with a thin colored or plain elastic band. As a result, you will get 16 small ponytails arranged in a circle.
  5. Gather them in the middle with one large rubber band to make a wreath.

Side bun of braids

An elegant hairstyle for kids will go with any outfit and make your daughter a beautiful little princess.

  1. Tie a side ponytail.
  2. Braid three braids. If the hair is thick, it can be much more.
  3. Wrap each braid around the base of the ponytail, securing with hairpins.
  4. Decorate the bundle with decorative elements.

"Sign of Infinity"

This wonderful hairstyle comes from the 80s. IN modern version it's easier to make, but it also looks great.

  1. Make a central or zigzag parting and tie two tails almost at the back of the head.
  2. Braid two braids.
  3. Bring the right braid up and pull it under the elastic that holds the ponytail. For reliability, you can use another gum.
  4. Pull the left braid into the resulting ring.
  5. Fasten the end too.
  6. For decoration, use hairpins with bows or flowers.

Also, you will like these options:

Low braided bun

Girls 10 years old can braid such an amazing bunch - feminine and elegant. Just like your beloved mother!

  1. Comb your hair into a side parting.
  2. Tie a low ponytail.
  3. Divide it into 5-6 equal parts.
  4. Braid each section.
  5. Tie the ends together with a very thin elastic band and fold in half so that the tails look up.
  6. Secure the bundle with an elastic band and complete with a hairpin or a fresh flower.

Hairstyle for loose hair

Cute styling for loose hair can be done in kindergarten both on holidays and weekdays.

  1. Comb your hair into a side parting and tie 4 small ponytails along it.
  2. Divide the second and third in half and connect the adjacent strands with an elastic band.
  3. Divide the central tail in half again and attach the resulting strands to the extreme tails.
  4. Braid the ends of the tails into pigtails.

hair bow

A festive children's hairstyle for a girl with your own hands does not require special knowledge. Everyone can make it!

  1. Tie a high ponytail. Do not pull the hair to the end, but leave the tip hanging down on the forehead.
  2. Divide the resulting loop in half.
  3. Throw the remaining ends back to completely cover the elastic. Secure it with invisibility.
  4. Spray the bow with varnish.

How do you like this bow?

Knot laying

This hairstyle is durable - it will last all day, giving your daughter a neat look. appearance.

  1. Make a side parting.
  2. On the left and right, separate the strands with a parting passing from the temple to the ear.
  3. Divide each part into three identical sections.
  4. Starting from the parting, twist a tight tourniquet, gradually adding loose strands. Make three strands on both sides.
  5. Divide the hair at the back of the head in half.
  6. Making a tail with right side by attaching the appropriate harnesses to it.
  7. We do exactly the same tail on the left side.
  8. We twist two beams, fixing them with hairpins.
  9. We distribute the protruding tips and sprinkle with varnish.

Two hearts

from long and thick hair you can make two hearts. Looks very nice!

  1. Divide your hair in half with a straight parting.
  2. Make two tails.
  3. At the base of the elastic, make a small indentation and pull the tail through it.
  4. Divide it into two parts and twist each into a tourniquet.
  5. Form a heart and secure with an invisible or hairpin.

How about these 2 options:

Lightweight fishtail

This fashionable hairstyle can be safely performed even on short strands.

  1. Comb your hair and separate two identical strands on the sides.
  2. Tie them with a thin elastic band.
  3. Lower it a little and stretch the tail inward.
  4. Below, separate two more of the same strands and repeat the process.
  5. In this way, you can braid all the hair, but you can only make 3-4 weaves.

Hairstyles for children - mom can do anything

By the beginning of attending kindergarten, girls' hair is of sufficient length. Moms are already used to waking up children a little earlier to do their hair. All households are sometimes connected to this process.
The choice of the morning version of children's hairstyles is limited by time. But there are other equally important requirements. Hairstyles should be comfortable and functional.

They keep well on the head, withstand outdoor games. If the child goes to kindergarten, the hairstyle should be quickly restored with the help of a nanny to its original form (optional). If a girl goes to school, she should be taught to clean herself up after sports lessons or running around at recess. And of course, its owner will like it, because beauty is important for a girl.

The formula “fast does not mean high quality” when creating hairstyles on your own is completely wrong. A lot depends on the experience of the mother and the structure of the girl's hair, as well as the patience of the child himself. For some options, just 10-15 minutes are enough and the stunning image of a young beauty is ready.

Additional accessories make installation much easier. They can noticeably streamline and decorate the appearance of a girl. Hairpins and hoops, elastic bands and tiaras, as life-saving tools, allowing you to significantly reduce time in the morning and give a respectable look.

A separate category is pigtails and variations on this theme. The number of their varieties today is huge. This is a win-win option, even if you were going to kindergarten or school, but ended up on an autumn holiday or an open lesson.

DIY hairstyle with accessories

The choice of hair jewelry should be treated with caution. After all, their purpose is to hold the strands and decorate the hairstyle. They should be safe and comfortable, not injure children's curls, easy to put on and also take off. Sometimes it is enough to comb your hair, then collect it in a ponytail and decorate it with your favorite hairpin. The hairstyle is ready.

This basic option can be supplemented with several pigtails, if the length of the strands allows. Their weaving also does not take much time. If a young beauty has short hair, you can make several ponytails. They can start from the temporal and parietal regions, be of any length and thickness. It all depends on the imagination and preferences of the child. Such simple hairstyles are suitable for daily trips to kindergarten, school.

Hairstyles for the holiday - we create it ourselves

Elegant children's hairstyles require more time to prepare for the celebration. They are in harmony with clothes and shoes, and if a special holiday outfit is planned, then with it. In order to make them, it is not necessary to enroll in a hairdressing salon. The hairstyle can be easily created by self-reliance at home.

Short hair requires a special approach.

  1. Hairstyle "Knots" is unusual. Divide your hair with a vertical parting into two sections.
  2. On the front parietal region, separate the strand near the hairline. Then divide it by two.
  3. Tie them together with a knot. Then separate a new strand and tie it again.
  4. After the knot, combine the strands together and tie with a new curl.
  5. Nodules are sent to the back of the head, and their number depends on your imagination. Secure the last knot with an "invisible" or bright decoration. The hairstyle is ready.

A large number of holiday hairstyles can be done independently for medium and long hair. Preference can be given to options with braids or loose curls. Together, these two elements complement each other and look great.

  1. If you decide to make a loose hairstyle with loose hair, make sure that the strands are wavy. Roll them cold the day before. To do this, use soft flexible curlers or curlers that will not interfere with the child.
  2. Separate two strands on the temporal areas.
  3. Divide each one into three parts.
  4. Braid the pigtails and direct them to the back of the head, where fasten them with an elegant hairpin. The rest of the hair may be fluffy.

Choose a small accessory. He should go with the outfit. Perfectly matched, it will not only be in harmony with the color, but also with all the elements of the outfit. In girls, hair that is gathered in a bun always looks beautiful. However, this hairstyle is quite easy to do. You need to collect the hair in a bun at the back of the head or crown. In this case, a small part of the hair should remain free. It needs to be braided into a pigtail, then to wrap the bundle itself.

To give hair volume, a hairdresser's sponge is often used. A tail is pulled through it. Then the hair is carefully distributed over the sponge, masking it. The strands are stabbed with hairpins, the ends are hidden. A simple and luxurious hairstyle is ready!

Variations with "crabs"

Large or small hairpins - "crabs" have become a real lifesaver for mothers. They know that having only a few bright hairpins available, you can make an original hairstyle for your daughter in a few minutes. It doesn't matter how thick or long the child's hair is. The result is always excellent.


For this hairstyle you will need the smallest "crabs" of bright colors.

  1. Comb your hair, separate the strands above your forehead with a parting.
  2. Starting from the center line of the head to the ears, grab the separated hair in small buns, securing them with “crabs”. The distance between the hairpins should be the same.
  3. Make a parting parallel to the first. This time, gather your hair into buns, secure them, placing them diagonally to the first row. Moreover, in each new beam there should be half of their first row.
  4. The third row of hairpins is placed on the head, similarly to the first.
  5. Hair that has not been pinned up is left loose or braided, the tip is fixed with a bright elastic band.

This hairstyle is perfect for a warm day. But it is worth considering that hairpins under a headdress can interfere with a child.


Simple and yet very smart hairstyle, which is suitable for a student or a girl with long or medium-length hair who is going to a holiday. To build this beauty on her daughter's head, mom should prepare in advance a thick elastic band to match her hair, a few hairpins, invisible and beautiful brooch in the form of a flower.

  1. After combing your hair, collect it in a ponytail high on top, securing it with an elastic band.
  2. Divide the tail into two strands of equal thickness.
  3. Style your hair into a bow and secure it with hairpins.
  4. The ends of the strands are crossed and cover the elastic with them.
  5. Fix the ends of the hair with invisibility, sprinkle the hair with varnish.
  6. Fasten the decoration under the bow.

A simple trick - fluffy waves

Many mothers know that preparing for morning gatherings starts the night before. Therefore, they use a simple trick. So that in the morning there are no problems with a hairstyle for a girl, in the evening, well-combed hair, they braid it into several braids.

During the night, the strands will not tangle, like loose ones, and you won’t have to comb them for a long time. In addition, they will become wavy and fluffy. And on the basis of such curls you can weave voluminous braids or do hairstyles in which part of the strands remain loose.

air curls

  1. Unbraid the pigtails, comb the hair with a thick comb, starting from the tips.
  2. Divide the strands with a central parting into two parts.
  3. Secure the curls on the right with a hairpin. Separate the hair in the left temporal zone with a parting.
  4. Braid the strands into a French braid, securing the end with an elastic band.
  5. The strands on the right are also braided into a spikelet braid.
  6. Interlace both braids together.
  7. Hide the ends of the hair and fix with invisibility.
  8. For a festive version of the hairstyle, they use the hair stretched through the braids as a decoration. satin ribbon or a flower that is slaughtered at the junction of two "spikelets".

Harness is fashionable

Braids have always been in favor with women, but today a fashionable tourniquet, which is one of the varieties of weaving, has come to the fore. It is used to create original hairstyles that do not require a lot of time and special skills. In this case, the girl's hair should be shoulder-length or slightly lower.

With a little practice, mom or the young fashionista herself will be able to do original hairstyles in a matter of minutes. A tourniquet instead of a braid is worn in kindergarten, high school girls. In both cases, it looks interesting and appropriate. Weaving it is no more difficult than a regular braid. When sending a girl to school or on a holiday, put it in a wreath around her head. And for a walk, a regular tail braided with a tourniquet is suitable.

If you want to learn how to do it, follow these simple tips.

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly. Collect them in a tail.
  2. Part your hair in half.
  3. Using your fingers, start twisting each strand clockwise, starting at the base of the ponytail.

Completely twisted strands are twisted together to the end. Secure your hair with an elastic band.

  1. Comb your hair and part it in half with a zigzag parting.
  2. Gather the strands high on the sides into ponytails.
  3. In each tail, separate a small tuft of hair, braid it to the end, twisting with a tourniquet. Secure with a thin, bright elastic band.
  4. Decorate the bases of the tails with small ribbon bows or bright hairpins.

With your own hands, you can create many simple and interesting hairstyles. They do not require special tools or experience. Any mother, if desired, copes with them. Regardless of how old a child is, daily hair styling is not only an important part of care, but a guarantee that he will always look good and feel confident among his peers.

Combing hair in the morning and evening, washing it with gentle baby products that use natural ingredients will ensure the health of children's hair. And on strong and well-groomed strands, even the most simple hairstyle will look great.