New Year in England is the history of the holiday. Great mood, bright decorations and a magical atmosphere: how they celebrate the New Year in England

Great Britain combines modern civilization and centuries of history. When mentioning such a holiday as the New Year, most people associate with family traditions England. And although most Britons usually celebrate the New Year in a narrow family circle, celebrations on the occasion of the New Year are nationwide.

A week before the holiday, the houses are thoroughly cleaned, the windows are wiped to a shine. Outside, the trees are visible in the windows. People decorate houses and the Christmas tree with toys, tinsel and garlands, put a star or an angel on top of the Christmas tree. Although decorating a Christmas tree was originally a German tradition, it became popular in England from 1841 when Prince Albert decorated a Christmas tree with candles and installed it at Windsor Castle for his wife Queen Victoria and their children.
On the door of each house there is a green wreath of mistletoe, above the door there are multi-colored light bulbs. (If you don’t have your own home, then you can decorate the door of an apartment or room with a wreath).

The place where the main celebrations dedicated to the New Year are held is Trafalgar Square. A huge Christmas tree is set up there (it is traditionally brought from Norway as a token of gratitude for the help provided to the Norwegians in liberation from the German invaders during the Second World War). Thousands of people gather in the square every day. London's New Year's parade solemnly marches through Trafalgar Square. Musicians, dancers, acrobats, clowns and simply mummers take part in it.

Great Britain is a country of traditions. So with the New Year there are a great many of them, but we want to tell you only about some of them.

In England, for example, as soon as 12 blows are heard, the British run to open the back door of the house ( old year leaves) and open the front door - so that he can enter and please for the whole year - the New Year.

In Scotland, the New Year is called Hogmany. On New Year's Eve, the townspeople roll burning barrels through the streets, burning the old year and making room for the new one. The locals are also very kind to the 1st guest on January 1st. Usually the first guest, having entered the house, silently goes to the fireplace - the heart of the house - and throws coal there, and only then congratulations and wishes sound. The first guest is treated necessarily. The Scots bake a cake for the New Year - shortbread, round, richly decorated with sweets, almonds and candied fruits. In Wales, local farmers invite all those who worked and diligently worked during the harvest to the New Year's table.

All over the UK, people hear about the coming of the New Year by the ringing of bells at the famous Big Ben. A little earlier than 2 o'clock, the bell begins to beat slowly, and then louder, because the cover is removed from it. Under the fight

chimes, all lovers kiss under the branches of mistletoe, which serves as a magical symbol of England, and its wreaths are hung throughout the house. It is believed that there will be happiness in the new year if you kiss a person standing in the center of the room under the mistletoe.

New Year's masquerade is an integral part of the festive celebrations. One very interesting custom in Britain is associated with the arrangement of masquerades - for 12 days of Christmas time in each palace or castle, a festival manager was chosen, who in England was called the “Lord of Disorder”, and in Scotland, the “Imaginary Abbot”. Their retinue usually included popular characters of British folklore and folk tales - the March Hare, Humpty Dumpty, Punch and others. In Scotland, in the retinue of the Imaginary Abbot, such a character, characteristic of folk processions of mummers, as a guy depicting a horse, also participated.

Concerning New Year's gifts, then in Britain it is considered unacceptable to give for the New Year expensive gifts. Traditionally, key chains, beer mugs, cute souvenir dolls and tea spoons are given.

On Christmas Eve, children hang their socks over the fireplace or on the edge of the bed so that Santa Claus will come to their house at night and fill the socks with gifts, of course, if they have been good all year! Children also send letters to Santa Claus. According to legend, if you throw a letter into the fireplace, the smoke from it will reach Santa Claus through the chimney.

And now, guys, we invite you to take part in a small quiz, while we ask you to send your answers to English language.

So let's get started:

2. Give a name New Year's Eve in Scotland.

3. What plant is considered the magical symbol of England?

4. What is the English name for "Lord of Disorder", "Imaginary Abbot" and a horse man?

5. Who is in the retinue of the "Lord of Disorder" and the "Imaginary Abbot"?

6. What is the name of the traditional Scottish New Year dish?

The British usually celebrate the New Year visiting friends, on the streets, in restaurants and pubs. Young people have fun at festive parties that start at 8 pm and continue until the morning. In Trafalgar Square, a festive crowd roams all night. Street vendors briskly offer merry Londoners christmas toys, whistles, Carnival masks and balloons.

New Year's festivities

Performances based on the plots of classic English fairy tales are played out for children. There are merry carnival processions led by the chief jester named Lord Chaos. Among their participants are Hobby Horse (a young guy in a horse costume), the March Hare from Alice in Wonderland, Humpty Dumpty, Punch and other fairy-tale characters.

On Trafalgar Square, on Christmas Eve, they install Christmas tree, which, on this occasion, is brought from Norway. The famous London New Year's parade is also held there - one of the most massive New Year's processions in Europe. Usually more than 10,000 people take part in it, including dancers, musicians, acrobats and clowns.

At midnight, the blankets are removed from the bells of Big Ben, in which the clock is wrapped for the winter, and their sound heralds the coming of the New Year. At this time, young lovers try to kiss under the mistletoe branch in order to stay together for the next year.

New Year with family

Christmas trees have been standing in the houses since the celebration of Christmas, sprigs of holly, ivy and mistletoe hang over the doors. The main gifts are given here at Christmas, but on New Year's Eve it is customary to exchange cards and small souvenirs. It is believed that on New Year's Eve, as well as on Christmas, Santa Claus comes to the children. Before going to bed, they leave him a treat in specially prepared wooden shoes, and put a plate for gifts on the table.

TO New Year's table serve traditional festive dishes: turkey with chestnuts and fried potatoes, meat pies, braised Brussels sprouts, oatmeal, roast goose and steaks. Followed by favorite English desserts, incl. pudding, apple pie, fruits and sweets. Punch is considered a traditional New Year's drink.

The most famous British new year traditions- meeting the first guest. It is believed that the year will be successful if, after midnight, a dark-haired young man comes first to the house. At the same time, he should bring bread, coal and a pinch of salt as a gift to the owners - symbols of food, warmth and prosperity. The guest immediately throws a piece of coal into the fireplace. After that, all households congratulate each other and treat the guest.

New Year's is not as popular in England, Ireland and Wales as Christmas. But in Scotland they celebrate the so-called Hogmanay for 3 whole days: they start on the afternoon of December 30th and end on January 1st.

The main Christmas tree in Great Britain is decorated in advance, in early December. It is located in London's Trafalgar Square. The British prefer to celebrate at home, in a narrow family circle. Young people prefer to celebrate in pubs and restaurants.

history of the holiday

For a long time, the united kingdom and the English colonies lived according to the Julian calendar and celebrated the New Year on December 25th. Such a transition took place in 1752.

The British were delighted with the idea of ​​celebrating January 1 as well - traditions with traditions, and extending new year holidays and fun celebrations no one will refuse.

By the way, in 1841, Queen Victoria personally issued a decree that is still valid today on the need to install a huge fir tree on the main square of the country on the eve of New Year and Christmas.

Traditions and customs

Meeting the coming year in the dirt and with trash in the corners is a bad omen, so on the eve of the holiday, all English housewives wash every piece of their home clean. Superstitious Irish women also put a bowl of milk in the corner - for spirits.

As in Russia, in the UK they celebrate the New Year with the hope of new life from January 1: write long lists of what they want to do and what goals they want to achieve. For example, sign up for a gym, quit smoking, pay more attention to family, etc.

When Big Ben starts counting down, the eldest in the family opens the back door to let out everything old and unnecessary. Under the last blow, you need to have time to open the front door and let in the positive changes of the coming year.

One of the oldest New Year's customs: to note who will be the first to visit the house. It's great if the dark-haired one comes to visit first handsome man. But if a woman or a blond - be in trouble. A red-haired man on the threshold also promises misfortune.

New Year in England.

Historians believe that the roots of this superstition must be sought at a time when the Vikings could break into any dwelling. The appearance of frightened women warned of an attack on an entire village.

In any case, January 1 is the date when you cannot enter someone else's housing without symbolic gift. Coins, handfuls of salt - to wealth, pieces of homemade bread or pie - to abundance and prosperity.

The British will be pleased even with a gift in the form of a small coal - this is how the guest wishes the hosts warmth, comfort and tranquility.

In honor of the holiday, unmarried young Irish women put a branch of mistletoe under their pillows to next year sure to meet love and get married.

Sprigs of mistletoe and holly decorate the rooms inside the house. It is believed that these 2 plants should scare away evil spirits and all sorts of misfortunes.

New Year decoration

Although the New Year in Britain is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, the streets are already fully decorated and ready for the holiday since the end of November.

Throughout December, the streets are light even at night: the festive illumination lights up as soon as the sun sets. In central squares and inside public buildings, it is mandatory to install big Christmas tree, decorated with lights, balls, bows, etc.

Keeping old Christmas decorations and passing them on from generation to generation is another sentimental tradition in England. A place of honor on any Christmas tree is occupied by toys made by children: the British treat such things with trepidation.

Interesting fact: since 1947, the main British New Year tree is specially brought from Norway.

Norwegians thus demonstrate gratitude for the fact that during the Second World War, Great Britain stood up for the defense of the neighboring country.

Holiday table features

In the United Kingdom, however, like most other countries, they celebrate the New Year with the whole family, sitting at festive table.

For a plentiful New Year's meal, housewives have to cook several last days outgoing year.

Be sure to have a turkey on the table: it is baked with chestnuts and spices. Sometimes goose with apples is served instead. Traditional side dish new year's eve- fried or baked potatoes.

It is served with steaks of different roasts, meat pies, chicken legs and wings. The vegetables most commonly used are Brussels sprouts and lean oatmeal.

In the choice of desserts, the British are unpretentious: puddings, sweet pies with filling and fresh fruit are in priority.

Scottish women, wanting to impress guests with their culinary skills, bake huge cakes from shortcrust pastry and decorate them with fried almonds, tiny marzipan and sugar figurines, colored icing, etc.

In addition to the usual champagne for us, and England drink a strong punch made from rum, cognac, black tea and honey. For children, a light non-alcoholic punch with pieces of fruit is brewed.

English New Year symbols

In England, the coming of the New Year is symbolized by the 12 strikes of the clock tower at the Palace of Westminster. The bells of Big Ben sound live on all television and radio channels.

With the final blow, grandiose fireworks are set off across the country. In London - usually not far from the London Eye - a huge Ferris wheel.

Holiday for children

In the UK, all large and significant gifts are given to children at Christmas, but on the New Year's holiday they give something very small or do without presents at all.


The always restrained Britons allow themselves to be a little children on New Year's holidays: have fun, meet relatives, believe in miracles. The decoration of houses, streets, and individual establishments also contributes to the magical atmosphere.

Firstly, I wanted to go there for a long time, and secondly, my friend described the opportunities for family vacations so colorfully that it was impossible to miss the chance. Moreover, Christmas and New Year in the UK are centuries-old traditions and many interesting customs. Of course, I had certain ideas about how it all happened. True, they were more based on stereotypical ideas about cozy gingerbread houses, fireplaces with a stocking for Santa, the smell of pies, etc.

We really have slightly different holiday habits and rituals with the British. Moreover, it was interesting to feel the English Christmas flavor. What I liked the most is that the choice of a place in order to feel the festive atmosphere does not matter. It can be a large city or a small village - everywhere there are special unique "highlights".

New Year in the UK: how it is celebrated

A real holiday here, of course, Catholic Christmas because England is mostly Catholic. Christmas here falls on December 25th. And then everyone enthusiastically celebrates the New Year. It is very important to get into the country the day before, 5 days before the New Year in the UK. Just at this time, the famous sales begin, where with significant discounts you can buy not only excellent gifts for all your relatives and friends, but also treat yourself to something pleasant.

On New Year's Eve, the main festive events take place on trafalgar square . The decorated Christmas tree is right there. People are going to the sea. The New Year's parade (the largest in the world) also takes place in this square. I advise you to look into the Chinese regions - there is a very colorful spectacle and high spirits are created by numerous fireworks and Chinese lanterns. We also launched one, fortunately.

In general, in England they love fun, this stereotype about stiffness and sedateness has not worked for a long time. All attributes are present: songs, fervent dances, screams, etc. New Year comes to England along with the battle of Big Ben. True, the bells begin to ring much earlier, but they are specially covered, and then released so that at 12 o'clock at night they loudly announce the New Year. According to tradition, at this time it is necessary to open the door to let in the new year that replaced the old one.

There are a huge number of traditions in England, but they have not been preserved thanks to the conservatism of the British since ancient times. So, in addition to the elegantly decorated Christmas tree, sprigs of mistletoe appear in the houses without fail. It is believed that they are able to bring happiness and drive away evil spirits from the dwelling.

For children in the UK There are also many traditional moments. I didn’t know that you need to put goodies for Santa’s reindeer in boots, and the local analogue of Santa Claus brings gifts to children and puts them in a special plate set on the table just for this purpose.

The festive table is an abundance of goodies. Many things I tried for the first time. To hell with the traditional Russian Olivier! Meat pies, fried turkey, fruit, a variety of pastries and sweets - it's all wonderfully tasty.

The process of giving gifts is also special here.. First, gifts don't have to be expensive. So, cute souvenirs, and it is better if they are universal. In the UK, it has long been customary to share gifts by casting lots. By the way, another original tradition that I even liked. New Year holidays in England it is a way to recharge with positive emotions for the year ahead.

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In England, the New Year is not the main holiday - it is rather a continuation of Christmas. Nevertheless, it is quite stormy, bright and fun. So how is New Year celebrated in the UK?

The British hold a celebration in restaurants, cafes, pubs, gather on city streets or with friends. The celebration starts around 8 pm and continues until the morning. The onset of the New Year is announced by their ringing of bells, which until this moment they “rest” under the covers. When the famous Big Ben sounds, couples in love try to be under the sprig of mistletoe and kiss - this is considered a guarantee that in the coming year their feelings for each other will be just as strong and tender.

On New Year's Eve there are various activities for children. In theaters at this time, performances based on English fairy tales are staged, and in the squares you can meet their main character, whose name is Lord Chaos. In addition to him, other well-known and loved by all the kids characters participate in the festive parade.

The British begin to decorate their house for Christmas and this entourage lasts until New Year's Eve. A Christmas tree is set up in the main room, and over the doors, on chandeliers and lamps, neat sprigs of mistletoe flaunt, expelling evil spirits, holly, which is a symbol of the suffering of Christ, and ivy, which symbolizes support in difficult situations.

As a rule, gifts are inexpensive souvenirs. Close people exchange useful little things with each other: beautiful spoons, key rings, candles, as well as purchased or homemade postcards. At the same time, the latter are especially pleasant, since the warmest and most cordial wishes will be written in them by the hand of a loved one. Sometimes all the presents are put in a large bag, after which each guest randomly takes out one of them. In this case, the gift becomes a real surprise.

In general, the New Year in the UK is incredibly spectacular and fun! Every minute the sky over the River Thames lights up with bright fireworks, loud laughter sounds in the streets, and local clubs are literally filled with visitors. Moreover, such establishments are so popular that both local residents and guests from other European countries gather in them. For example, young people from France and Amsterdam specially come to London to celebrate the New Year here. And this is no accident, because this night there will definitely be something special and incredibly tasty on the menu.

Folk festivals take place in London's Trafalgar Square. Street vendors converge here with knapsacks filled to the brim with Christmas decorations, balls, masquerade masks and other New Year's tinsel. The main decoration of the square is, of course, the Christmas tree, which, according to tradition, is delivered annually from Norway. During the Second World War, the British assisted the Norwegians in the liberation of their country from the Nazi occupiers. And for several decades, the liberated people, as a token of gratitude, each year presents the British with a beautiful New Year's beauty as a gift.

And at the end of New Year's Eve, the most interesting thing begins - the parade, which is the most massive in all of Europe. At this time, the atmosphere of universal love and good mood reigns on the streets of London. The procession starts on Piccadilly Street at about 11:45 and ends at about 15:00 at the Houses of Parliament.

During the celebration of the New Year in England, along the streets of its capital, accompanied by drummers and brass bands, huge platforms move, on which dancers, cheerleaders, clowns, acrobats, etc. perform. And that's not all. Along the route, decorated carriages, vintage cars, horse riders, bikers, music buses, cyclists and even ordinary citizens can join the carnival. fancy dress. In general, such a performance is very spectacular, and there may be about 10 thousand people performing. There are even more spectators - about half a million.

To see the London New Year's parade with your own eyes, you just need to come to the place where the procession starts at the right time. At the same time, the spectacle can be watched completely free of charge. And those who do not want to crowd and want to feel as comfortable as possible, purchase tickets for the stands located directly near the parliament building. If you want to join the procession and become a part of it, then you need to go to the official website a few days before it starts and provide the organizers with information about your role and costume. The brighter and more colorful it is, the better. Do not be afraid to look unusual, as the main characters in the parade are just such - these are witches and vampires, pirates and Indians, as well as various fairy-tale characters.

The English Santa Claus is called Santa Claus. His outfit consists of red pants, a bright red-and-white sheepskin coat, tied with a belt with a weighty buckle, and on his head a hat made in the same color combinations. In addition, he has a long beard and usually glasses. This gray-haired good man always comes with a big bag in which gifts for kids are folded. Children sit on his knees and whisper their deepest desires in his ear, after which Santa hands them presents.

English Santa Claus does not ride a sleigh, but a donkey who needs to prepare a treat. The kids put goodies for him in a wooden shoe, and in the evening on the eve of the holiday they always leave a plate on the table in which Santa Claus should leave a gift. However, every kid knows for sure that you can count on a New Year's present only if he behaved well and obeyed his parents throughout the year. But how will Santa know about it? He should write a letter! Children diligently display the text of the message on a piece of paper, and then burn it in the fireplace. It is believed that together with the ashes it will certainly fall into the hands of the addressee.

In England, on New Year's Eve, adults exchange presents by drawing lots, and this tradition is called Secret Santa. It is distributed mainly among employees of a company, while souvenirs are presented anonymously. When exactly this tradition originated, even the British themselves do not know. It is believed that the first "Secret Santa" was a millionaire Larry Stewart. When he was poor, he met on his way one good man who fed him a free lunch. Years passed, Stuart became rich and, remembering this coming, decided to help those in need without giving his name.

In the center of the table is usually the main hot dish - a roast goose. Steaks, meat pies, round oatmeal and kebben cheese are also served for the holiday. The role of a side dish is played by potatoes with fragrant sauce and stewed Brussels sprouts.

Another traditional New Year's dish is plum pudding. It is prepared from toasted bread, apples, lard and eggs with the addition of candied fruits, raisins, almonds and various spices. Before offering the pudding to her guests, the hostess sprinkles it with rum and sets it on fire.

As a dessert, as a rule, there is a traditional apple pie. In addition, fresh fruits and various sweets are served on the table. And the most popular drinks are, of course, champagne and spicy warming punch.

The main tradition is First Footing or the first leg

There are several New Year's traditions in the UK, and the main one is as follows - the first one who enters the house in the new year will bring good luck to its residents. At the same time, a young, handsome brunette or a foreigner is considered the most successful guest, and red-haired, fair-haired men and women are heralds of disappointment and loss.

The British sincerely believe in this and with the advent of the new year they literally pray to God to send them the “right” first guest.

Plus, the first person who crosses the threshold of the house after the chiming clock must bring with him several symbols: money - wealth, bread and salt - so that the owners do not feel the need, mistletoe - love, coal - for good luck and for a warm atmosphere. The first guest enters through the front door, and leaves the house only through the back door. During his visit, he performs certain actions: he hands mistletoe to one of the guests, throws coal into the fireplace, leaves bread and salt on the table and pours water to the owner of the house. At the same time, the person who enters is silent and does not even respond to the wishes of those gathered at the festive table. The initials of the “first leg” are also of great importance - by deciphering them, the owners of the house will find out what exactly awaits them in the new year.

Signs and rituals

Before entering the new year, the British release the old year. To do this, with the first blow of the chimes, the owners open the back door of their house. At the last blow, they must have time to let in the coming year, throwing open the doors of the central entrance.

The first day of the New Year for the inhabitants of the UK is of particular importance - they make a promise to themselves to fulfill their plans. These can be both important global decisions and simple goals. But the list is compiled necessarily, from which the executed is deleted at the end of the year. In addition, on the same day, the British are trying to determine what the harvest will be like: if it rains, then you should not expect a good harvest. They are trying to calculate the answer to the same question from the shape of the clouds.

In order to see with your own eyes how the New Year is celebrated in England, it is advisable to plan the tour in advance, and then this holiday will bring you a lot of positive emotions and leave an indelible impression. If you gathered spontaneously, then certain difficulties may arise on your way. First of all, this is due to the huge mass of tourists who wish to spend the winter vacation fun and quirky. Thus, it will be quite difficult to find free places in hotels and planes. Therefore, take care of the reservation should be a couple of months. In addition, obtaining a British visa is time consuming and involves exhausting paperwork.

The most exciting show is waiting for you, of course, in London, so it is advisable to go there. And in order to fully enjoy the spectacle, the hotel should be chosen as close as possible to the heart of the city. And if you succeed, then you will be able to participate in the parade completely unhindered, hear the battle of Big Ben and watch the colorful fireworks over the Thames. But at the same time, remember that booking rooms in central London is far from cheap.

You can celebrate the New Year in England not only on the main square of the capital. The most active people prefer to celebrate this event at the skating rink at the Museum of Natural History. And couples in love often choose a cruise on the River Thames. While swimming, you will discover amazing beautiful views night city, and a luxurious dinner right on board a luxury yacht will be a nice addition. All this can ignite incredibly passionate feelings.

And so that nothing overshadows the holiday, you should take care of the presence of warm clothes. In December-January, the air temperature here usually does not rise above +7°C, and at the same time there is a high probability of rain. Therefore, in addition to a jacket, scarf, hat and warm shoes, an umbrella will also be useful. The British are accustomed to such weather, and neither dampness nor cold can stop them from having plenty of fun on the holiday, and an unprepared tourist will experience certain inconveniences.

And don't forget that New Year tours to the UK have one nice feature - it's numerous sales. You can find various promotions and discounts in almost every store. And this is a great occasion to combine the celebration of the New Year with profitable shopping.

In any case, going to the UK for the New Year holidays, you will not lose, as the main components happy holiday are mood, atmosphere and company. Believe me, the way they celebrate the New Year in England is not celebrated anywhere else. It will be remembered by you for many years and will leave behind only positive emotions.