The best day of winter holidays. Composition on the topic: "My winter holidays." March - World Water Day essay

How to spend a joint vacation with your children in order to saturate it with events, make it original and informative, and not sit in front of the TV all day?

Let's go out of town

If you have the financial means, take a weekend getaway to a family hotel outside the city. There you will have a great opportunity to go skiing, ice skating or just on cheesecakes. You can go ice fishing or just take a walk through the fabulous snowy forest. In family country hotels, a special program for children and adults is being prepared for the New Year holidays: these are animation programs, sleigh rides, round dances around bonfires, and carols. Your child will be completely delighted, for him it will be new and thus even more interesting.

Holiday at home

If you decide not to go anywhere and stay at home, this should not mean sitting at home and being bored, because even in the courtyard of your house you can arrange a real holiday for your child. For example, make fairy-tale heroes from snow with your baby. Give the child the opportunity to lead this process, give him the opportunity to dream up. Praise him for successes and do not scold him for failures. If suddenly the fairy-tale hero did not work out, come up with a child for him a new name and story.

Arrange a sled race with your child. To do this, only you and the baby are needed, well, a couple more sleds and dolls (or other toys). Put your dolls and animals on the sled and stand at the starting mark. Run to the finish line as fast as you can, stumble, fall, rush to it, but still let the kid win. You can give this game a spark - let dad be a villain and attack you. If you can play sincerely with your child and not be afraid of the ridicule of others (although this is unlikely to happen), then give the child a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive and joy. The kid will remember this game for a long time, praising the villain dad and his victories.

You can open a snow range. To do this, prepare a target in advance - paint a large circle cut out of cardboard in the same way. Hang it in the most convenient and safe place in the yard. Together with the baby, prepare shells - snowflakes. Next, start the game by throwing shells at the target one by one. The one who hits the target more times is the winner. By the way, the winner can be presented with a gift: a chocolate egg or your child's favorite fruit.

home crafts

Making a birdhouse will be a very useful and interesting activity for your child. Make a birdhouse together and head to the nearest forested area, although you can hang it in the yard of the house. It is not necessary to make a classic birdhouse, you can simply cut a feeder out of a large plastic bottle. During the manufacturing process, tell the child why feeders are needed, how difficult it is for birds to get their own food, and that you definitely need to help them. Let a wonderful tradition appear in your family - to feed the birds during walks, and not only in winter. Walking to the feeder and feeding the birds is a great alternative to cartoons. Children are always happy to feed birds and animals, this develops in them a sense of responsibility and significance.

If suddenly there is a snowstorm and slush on the street and the weather does not favor winter games and walks, it is better to stay at home. But at home you can have fun and informative time. Play slides with your child. If you don't have a home slide in your arsenal, build one. Just throw blankets and pillows on the bed and next to it and cover everything with some kind of slippery material: it can be curtains for the bathroom or oilcloths for the kitchen table. To make the slide stable, secure the material.

Kids love to draw and cut out paper figures, give them this opportunity. Invite your child to cut snowflakes together and prepare a prize for the most beautiful one! In the continuation of the game, decorate windows and apartment with snowflakes.

A very fun and active game that your kids will love is the relay race. With the help of pillows, chairs, balls, build a track with climbs, turns, obstacles. Well, if the whole family gets together and plays the relay, it will be real fun.

Arrange a children's party at home, invite your child's friends to visit and cook dinner with the baby. Put on a cap and an apron on him, let him be a chef and start cooking meals together.

Why not go to the theater or circus with your child? During the winter holidays, cultural and entertainment centers offer a very interesting program for children of all ages. Buy tickets in advance, usually in such places on holidays sold out. You can also visit the water park and the dolphinarium, and if you go with your baby to interesting exhibitions, then his joy will know no bounds. Believe me, he will be delighted looking at such different and such beautiful cats, dogs or even butterflies!

Winter holidays are a great opportunity for parents to fully spend time with their children. In the daily bustle, many see them in the morning, going to work, and late at night. Therefore, make sure that the upcoming holidays give you as much joy as possible to communicate with your children. As a reward, you will be the words of the child about what a wonderful vacation he had.

My winter break

Winter is a very good season. On the street, everything is white-white, nature seemed to freeze in anticipation of a miracle. A miracle is New Year's Eve! Guests came to our house to celebrate the New Year. It was fun! The next day the guests left, but the festive mood remained.
I really liked the winter holidays, I had a good time: I walked a lot on the street, skated, went to visit my grandmother. But I didn't just play and have fun. During the holidays I read books, made various crafts, helped around the house. Winter holidays are great! Student 3 "B" classSyomushkin Artem

I love winter holidays because they are filled with holidays. But perhaps that is why they pass so quickly.
This year, as usual, the holidays began with a school Christmas tree. At home, we decorated a Christmas tree and decorated all the rooms with tinsel. On the evening of December 31, my grandparents came to visit us. We celebrated the New Year together, went outside, launched rockets and burned Bengal candles. In the morning Santa Claus brought us gifts under the Christmas tree.
And then the holidays just flew by. My brother and I watched cartoons, played computer games. This is how my winter holidays went by. Student 3 "B" classFaretdinov Samir

I spent my winter holidays wonderfully. I like winter. This is my favorite time of the year. I called my friends and we made snowmen and snowmen in the yard. It was cool! I liked it very much. We skied down the ice slide. A lot of times rolled down the train. They also skated. It was the best vacation of my life. I had a wonderful New Year. I was given a lot of necessary things and what I dreamed of. And it was a great Christmas. Student 3 "B" classShergunova Vika

The best day of my winter holidays I consider New Year's Eve. On December 31, my parents stayed at home, and we began preparing for the holiday. Mom cleaned the apartment, and my dad and I went shopping. There were a lot of people in the store. Everyone was cheerful and happy. Then we watched "Home Alone" with the whole family and cut salads. By ten o'clock guests came to us - grandparents.
At the festive table, I managed to make a lot of wishes. Just before the holiday, Santa Claus came to visit me! I was very happy. He gave me a big radio-controlled plane and lots of sweets. It's all because I behaved roughly the whole year. New Year is a family holiday. And I am very happy that we all spent this New Year together. This was the best day of my vacation!

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Theme description: Winter holidays are a magical time of the New Year, frosty January days, when you can play winter games on the street, and in the evenings do your favorite things in a cozy home environment. And, of course, winter holidays, like any other, are full of impressions and interesting stories.

How I spent my winter holidays.

I spent these winter holidays in the city. The holidays began a few days before the New Year, and it seemed to me that they would go on for a very long time. A lot of snow fell just before the New Year, which gave the winter, especially, a fabulous look. We celebrated the New Year at home with the whole family. And although I no longer believe in fairy tales, I wanted some kind of miracle or magic. And so it happened!

Rather, it was a strange accident. On that day, when, on the eve of the holiday, my mother was busy in the kitchen for a long time, and my father and I were decorating the Christmas tree, the doorbell suddenly rang. We were waiting for my grandparents, and so I ran to open the door. She looked through the peephole and couldn't believe her eyes. Outside the door stood a real Santa Claus in a red coat and with a huge beard, and next to it was the Snow Maiden with a blond braid. Why did I immediately think the real one, because the last time it was an unsuccessfully disguised dad. Everything turned out to be easier than it could have been. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden turned out to be actors who got the wrong apartment, but I still got the magic candy.

The first days of the winter holidays in January turned out to be sunny and very frosty. These days it was great to walk outside and play various winter fun games. True, it was not possible to make a snowman, because in such frosts the snow turned out to be free-flowing and not at all sticky. After such fun walks, it was especially nice to be at home, where my mother's hot dinner was waiting for me. And in the evenings, my dad and I read books and played board games, which turned out to be much more interesting than a computer.

On one of the days of the winter holidays, the whole family visited the circus. To be honest, I didn’t really like it, because I felt sorry for the animals. On another day, together with my mother, we went to the theater for a performance for schoolchildren, it turned out to be very interesting and not boring at all. This is how I spent my winter holidays, which, although not as long as summer ones, are rich and interesting. So now it remains to be patient and wait for spring and summer.

Newspaper of the Beloselskaya secondary school No. 1, January, 2011

What was the most memorable day of your winter vacation? We conducted a blitz survey among students in grades 7 and 9 and received the following answers:

ABOUT lga Kasatkina, 7th grade: I liked New Year's Eve at school. We performed artistic performances, then participated in various competitions and answered quiz questions. The funniest contest was "Letter to Santa Claus". We spoke different adjectives, for example: beautiful, gloomy, kind. And Inna Fedorovna Chernova, the presenter, inserted them into the text. It was unexpected and very funny. We were presented with funny souvenirs with the image of a rabbit, a symbol of the new year. Tea and disco rounded off the evening.
Alexey Melnikov, 7th grade.: In the winter holidays, I went with my father to the forest to prepare firewood. The forest dozed under a blanket of snow. There were animal tracks in the snow. There were especially many traces of hares, as if they were playing catch-up.

Suddenly there was a crunch of snow. We quieted down and, looking around, saw a big elk. He stood very close and gnawed the bark from the aspen. The elk was so beautiful and proud that we involuntarily admired it. I wanted to get closer, but the beast sensed the man, started up and ran into the depths of the forest with large sweeping steps. We didn't see him again.
Anatoly Petrov, 7th grade: Probably most people's favorite day is the New Year holiday. And my day is Christmas. On January 7 the weather was wonderful. Everyone so wanted a light frost. In the evening, walking on the street, I saw the first star. Mom told me that when the first star appears, it means that Jesus Christ was born.

I was expected at home. Guests came to us, and we celebrated Christmas cheerfully.
A Alexander Surikov, 7th grade: It snowed that day. The snow was wet, and my brother and I decided to make a snowman. We rolled big snowballs and put them on top of each other. Carrot - nose, embers - eyes. Here is the finished snowman! For several days he stood with a twig in his hand at our house. And on that day we skied, built ambushes and played snowballs.

Nastya Artemyeva, 7th grade: The best day of the winter holidays is New Year's Eve. I always look forward to this holiday with impatience and joy. We decorate the house in advance with colorful garlands, snowflakes and posters. Most of all I like to decorate the Christmas tree. You will bring the forest beauty into the house, and in all the rooms you will smell of spruce. Touch every branch, hanging toys. Some toys are more than thirty years old, but we carefully store them.

I love setting the table. Guests come, sit down in their places and unanimously praise the dishes that my mother and I have prepared.

After the chiming clock, we congratulate each other and give gifts. And the most interesting thing is the festive fireworks that take off into the night sky and scatter bright stars in it.
Alexander Melnikov, 9th grade: On December 31, the whole country said goodbye to 2010 and welcomed the New Year 2011. I had a great day. There were many phone calls and messages of congratulations. In the evening my friends and I went to the club. There, the guys performed at the Christmas tree, held many competitions. By 12 o'clock we returned home, opened champagne and joyfully congratulated relatives and friends on the coming year.
Nastya Panteleimonova, 9th grade: The most fun day of the winter holidays is the first day of the year, or rather, the night. On New Year's Eve, after the feast, we went to the club, where I was offered the role of the Snow Maiden. I entertained people during the disco. My assistants were Nastya Tkacheva and Katya Komarova. They were symbols of the year - Rabbits. We held various competitions until 7 o'clock in the morning. After the disco, the festivities did not end, but were in full swing.
Anna Komarova, 7th grade: We celebrated the New Year in the family circle. And then we went to the club. There the Snow Maiden and two Rabbits entertained the people. It was possible to write a wish for everyone or specifically for one person, participate in contests and receive gifts.

The Management Council organized an interesting game program "Visiting Baba Yaga and the Rabbit" for children and parents.

After the lessons, we went outside, where the Tiger, the symbol of the old year, was waiting for us. He explained how to find the way to the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga left landmarks: on the road at a certain distance lay toffees. We chose a guide who was supposed to find the toffee, then he was replaced by another guide.

We walked for a long time and came to the sign, it was written: "If you go straight - you will disappear, if you go back - you will not come home, but if you go to the left - you will get to Baba Yaga." We had no choice, and we turned left. There were toffees along the way, which means we were on the right track.

Here another sign appeared with the inscription: "If you are a brave person, start a song." Children, parents and director of our school Lyubov Alekseevna Skobeleva with songs continued their way along the forest path. The forest was amazingly beautiful. The branches of the fir trees, under the weight of the snow, bent almost to the ground. It seemed that one more turn - and the hut of Baba Yaga would appear.

We walked, walked, and again the sign: "One hundred steps to Baba Yaga, count aloud." All amicably, began to count loudly. There was a narrow path and a tree. The fire was burning, crackling merrily. Suddenly, how Baba Yaga will jump out with the Rabbit! Some thought that Grandma Ezhka was real. But then they recognized her as my mother, Valentina Alexandrovna. Baba Yaga sternly asked why we came and if we brought gifts for the Rabbit. After all, the coming year is the year of the Rabbit. We took a carrot with us and hung it on the Christmas tree.

And then we played, danced round the Christmas tree, sang songs. It was so much fun that no one wanted to leave the forest. At parting, everyone took confetti in their hands and launched colorful fireworks.

We invited Baba Yaga and Rabbit to visit us at school. They gladly accepted our invitation. There we were given hot fragrant tea to drink and treated with chocolates. Everyone liked this unusual, simply fabulous holiday. Thanks to everyone who made it for us.

A Natoly Petrov, 7th grade

AND not just in the theater, but in the first Russian theater, which Fyodor Volkov created in Yaroslavl.

I was struck by the beauty and majesty of the building, built in 1911 and restored half a century later. The interior also left no one indifferent. Beautiful crystal chandeliers under the ceiling, gilded sconces on the walls, carpets on the floor, many photos of the actors - everything attracted the attention of the audience.

On this day, the premiere of the play "Devil's Dozen" took place. Our seats were on the balcony in the first row. From here the stage was clearly visible, and from the height it was even breathtaking. I really liked the plot of the play. It consisted of 13 episodes. The relationship between a man and a woman is the main theme of the comedy. Mr. Rock spoke with humor about how to win a woman's heart. The actors performed their roles wonderfully, as if it were not a performance, but real life. Laughter, applause, and someone even shouted "bravo" were heard in the hall every now and then.

This evening left an indelible impression on the soul of each of us. Of course, we were a little tired, but we returned home happy and satisfied.

Svetlana Ivanova, 10th grade

Ivanova Svetlana, a student of the 10th grade, took 2nd place in 18 regional local history readings “Tourist and local history movement “Fatherland” (head Chernova Inna Fedorovna).
- Fedor Chernov, a 10th grade student, took part in the regional Biology Olympiad (headed by Alexander Nikolaevich Chernov).

Skobeleva Lyubov Alekseevna, director of the school, and Komarova Anna Sergeevna, deputy director for educational work, took part in the regional introductory seminar for leaders of innovative sites. Our topic is "Models of organization of extracurricular educational work in a rural small school based on the integration of the activities of institutions."
- On the last Saturday of January, the evening of the meeting of graduates took place.
Our address: 152871, Yaroslavl region, Poshekhonsky district, Beloe village, st. Fedorovskaya, 32.

Email mail: beloeshkola @ yandex. en