Where to celebrate the New Year in Spain. New Year's tours in Spain. Symbols and rituals

Each country has its own characteristics and traditions of celebrating winter holidays. Spain is no exception in this regard. In all cities and provinces, streets, shop windows, houses of residents are decorated with various lights, Christmas trees are put up, which creates a festive mood for residents.

Christmas Eve is celebrated in Spain on December 24, the day before Christmas. This family celebration, like Christmas, so only family members gather at the table. According to the established tradition, children sing songs and eat sweets on the table.

Children also receive symbolic gifts. The pagan character "Caga tio" is not uncommon in Catalan homes. This log looks unusual. It has a human face, front legs and is covered with a blanket. Children either buy it or make it themselves. It is believed that if you take care of it, it will bring gifts.

Caga tió (Tio de Nadal)

At night, at two o'clock, all the people gather for the Rooster Mass (Misa de gallo). According to beliefs, it was the rooster who first saw the birth of Christ and then spread the news throughout the world.

When is Christmas celebrated

Christmas is officially celebrated on December 25, but the celebration itself begins a little earlier. Christmas is an exclusively family holiday in Spain. Each family gathers together, even the most distant relatives come. All houses according to ancient custom, illuminated by kerosene lamps. On Christmas night, the festive table is filled with numerous sweets and seafood. The main dish is turkey with mushrooms. And after dinner, until the morning, everyone has fun and sings Christmas songs near the Christmas tree.

Christmas traditions

The Hogueras celebration is an old Spanish tradition of celebrating the winter solstice. This is the shortest day of the year. In some regions, the Spaniards jump over the fires, and this is considered a ritual that protects against disease.

The most popular and important traditional symbol is, of course, the belen. It has the form of a layout that demonstrates the birth of Christ. It is a real decoration of the city and houses. All shops, offices, restaurants put their own belen on public display. And the most beautiful Christmas compositions are located on the main square of each city. These are real works of art that display a piece of life. Now any store in Spain sells items for the construction of henbane, and the material is the most diverse. Therefore, each family has its own composition.

Every year the residents are entertained with pyrotechnic shows, music, Christmas markets and traditional fairs. All this provides a special mood. In a town located in the province of Malaga (Málaga), in Andalusia (Andalucía), Christmas is celebrated in the style of flamenco, along with competitions and related concerts. This is a major cultural event. The tradition is not old. It has emerged quite recently. Residents enjoy the performances of singers and dancers. And also, tasting of anise liqueur, dessert wine and local pastries.

Archena at Christmas becomes a real medieval trading point. The market sells old jugs, mixtures of herbs, fat tails for wine. Clowns, witches and fortune tellers are an essential attribute. Residents seem to fall into the last century.

Every year on December 25, on the first Sunday of January and on January 6, the Brotherhood of the Good Name of Jesus holds unusual ritual in Caudete (Province of Albacete). These days, dances are held "Reinado infantil" ("Children's kingdom"), then "Reinados adultos" ("Adult kingdom"). Venue: Church Square. From the square, all the fun is transferred to the halls of the local Compars Association.

Residents of the town of Galisteo, located in the province of Caceres, have a slightly different Christmas experience. The members of the brotherhood, formed in 1662, perform an Act of Faith. Actors present to the audience only one "play" of the brotherhood. Preparations begin on the first Sunday in November. The host himself chooses the theme of the rehearsals. On Christmas Eve, around 10 am, the assistant steward appears outside and beats a drum. Thus, he calls all the members of the brotherhood to the house of the steward. There is already a cradle with the baby Christ. All the brothers bow to the cradle. After a peculiar ceremony, they all collect Christmas alms. In the process, they sing various songs. And on December 25, the steward treats all the brothers to dinner. In parallel, Carantolha, who personifies Herod, "scares" people on the street with his appearance. The performance of the "Sacred Act", which begins at 3 pm, brings the holiday to its logical conclusion.

Jerez, located in the province of Cadiz (Cádiz), on the eve of Christmas strikes the city with New Year's illumination. The Christmas program includes a market, competitions, the Cotillion holiday. The tradition is to perform hymns to the glory of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child accompanied by sambobo. This is an old noise instrument. Improvised concerts are also arranged and songs are sung.

Vejer de la Frontera in the province of Cádiz has its own traditions. During the Christmas period, the town is simply filled with the sounds of sambobo. A whitewash competition is also held among all residents and a display of "Live Pictures of Bethlehem" is organized.

Spanish New Year's carols, or "", originated in the 13th century and spread to Spain in the 16th century. The term itself is associated with the word "villa" - a village. That is, this suggests that the songs originally originated in the villages. In those days, they were performed by peasants at various festivals and had absolutely nothing to do with Christmas. But in the 19th century everything changed. These songs became associated with the birth of the baby Jesus.

December 28 is celebrated. It is an analogue of the Russian April 1. The Spaniards are a cheerful people, so they know how to joke with each other. On this day, newspapers publish various false advertisements, and fountains are filled with soapy suds. It is considered a standard joke to stick a “monigote” figurine to the back of a friend. It is also popular to replace sugar with salt at the family table. This day, by the way, has a religious origin. According to Catholic traditions, this is the Day of the Infant Martyrs. And it is celebrated in memory of the children who were beaten on the orders of Herod in Bethlehem.

When is the New Year celebrated

Celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. It is public in nature, as all residents flock to the main squares of cities and expect the chiming clock. New Year in Spain, this is exactly what differs from a quiet and family Christmas in the family circle. Of course, and in new year's eve Spaniards dine with their families at home or in restaurants, but after that they definitely go outside.

New Year traditions

The most famous tradition is eating 12 grapes, which must be eaten under the chiming clock. Grapes in Spain have long symbolized wealth, happiness and health. By the way, ready-made packages of grapes (12 pieces) are sold in stores.

Red, which symbolizes mostly Spain, is also preferred for the New Year. It is believed that red underwear will bring good luck and happiness in the new year.

The Spaniards have one symbol called "Caganer" ("El Caganer"). This is not an ordinary figurine. It represents a defecating little man, which, as it turns out, symbolizes good luck in the new year. It is believed that he thus fertilizes the earth.

San Juan de Beleño (San Juan de Beleño) has its own peculiarity of celebrating the New Year. A mysterious figure collects New Year offerings on January 1st from the people of Beleno. This figure is accompanied by 40 people on horseback. “Girria” is the main character, dressed in white pants with red inserts, a cap on his head, and a bag of ashes on his shoulders. With this bag, he beats women who prevent him from approaching him. Every year "Girria" is different. And the face is revealed only at the end of the ritual.

Final holiday

The series of Christmas and New Year holidays and traditions ends on January 6, which is the day. This is a children's holiday. On the square there is a performance with the participation of fairy-tale characters. According to traditions, children write a letter not to Santa Claus, but to the three Magi.

During the holiday, you can also watch the procession in all cities of Spain. Kings on camels pass through the streets and scatter candies, while children and adults collect them. It is on this day that children receive long-awaited gifts. The procession itself begins at about 7 pm and is broadcast on all central channels.

Christmas and New Year traditions in Spain are numerous. Each town and province has its own, but the festive mood, brightly decorated streets and the cheerful nature of the Spaniards make the series of New Year holidays unforgettable.


Spain… A country of giants and beautiful ladies, masterpieces of the brilliant Antonio Gaudi and amazingly delicious wines. The inhabitants of such an amazing country certainly know how to celebrate holidays somehow unusually, with their own “zest”. How is the New Year celebrated in Spain? Just sit down at the table, drink champagne and make a wish while the clock strikes? Let's look into the depths of centuries and find out what are the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Spain: how it was before and what is happening now.

History of New Year's Eve in Spain

Actually, the New Year as a separate holiday in the country has not taken root to this day. The Spaniards have long had a whole “combination of holidays”: they begin on December 25 with Christmas, then smoothly flow into the New Year and, finally, end on January 6 with the Day of the Magi (or the Day of the Three Kings). It has long been customary to celebrate holidays noisily, with carnivals, lights and dances.

New Year's Eve in modern Spain

Nowadays, the Spaniards prefer to celebrate the holiday not at home, but among friends, in a circle of noisy fun. Christmas is celebrated with family, and on New Year's Eve they try to get together with friends and pals. The streets are decorated, Christmas trees are put up, garlands are hung in shop windows. The houses of the Spaniards on New Year's days are also beautiful.

The hosts decorate the Christmas tree or buy a flower that bears the romantic name "flor de navidad", which means "Christmas flower". Indeed, in shape it resembles a star. The second name of the flower, much better known to us, is poinsettia. On the eve of the holidays, store shelves begin to burst with sweets: marzipans, halva, anise candies. All this is purchased in large quantities.

The Spaniards prepare the New Year's table, form small gifts for friends and relatives: handbags called "cotillions", which are filled with various New Year paraphernalia: masks, crackers, musical horns, confetti. After celebrating the New Year at home with champagne and wine, they take to the streets to continue the festivities.

Spanish New Year's Eve

On the table that night, there are certainly carabinieri (shrimp), melon with jamon (that is, melon cut into pieces with dried pork ham), tartlets. Seafood is one of the first places on holiday table.

In addition, there is a dish with grapes, which is associated with a special tradition, so no New Year is complete without wine berries. You can also enjoy almond tarts and cumin cookies. Everything is delicious, fresh - and asks in the mouth. Drink on New Year's Eve, of course, champagne and fine Spanish wine.

New Year traditions and customs in Spain

Until now, in many places, an old tradition is alive: to gather near temples at night and discuss the most diverse events of the outgoing year. Previously, during such “spontaneous meetings”, the Spaniards wrote different names on pieces of paper and mixed them in a special bag. Then those present took turns drawing lots. Some don Pedro came across to you - which means that he will be your couple for the whole New Year's Eve, or even until the end of the holidays.

A very important tradition that is observed to this day: during the period when the clock strikes twelve, you need to quickly eat 12 grapes. In this case, it is desirable to make a wish. The Spaniards believe that the observance of the custom will bring happiness, which is enough for the whole next year.

Another tradition is to organize processions and carnivals on holidays. True, most of them fall on the eve of the Day of the Magi (from January 5 to 6), but something similar can be observed on the New Year itself. Participants in the processions, festively dressed, throw sweets and toys to the children who greet them.

Spanish Santa Claus

Olentzero - that's the name. His second name is Papa Noel. This comrade is no stranger to simple earthly joys: he goes from house to house with a bottle of good wine. A sad (but with a good ending) legend tells about the origin of Olnetzero. Once a little boy who had no parents, a certain fairy attached to a childless family. He grew up and began to make toys.

And Olentzero had so many toys that the good man went to the poor children and gave them everything. Since then, children have always been happy to wait for Olentzero and his gifts. But he died saving the kids from the fire. The same fairy did magic: she revived Olentzero and turned him into a good wizard. Now, before the New Year, he presents children.

In Spain, they love the New Year and approach its celebration in an extraordinary way. The Spaniards know: how you meet this holiday, you will live the whole year. Therefore, joy and noisy fun here do not stop until the morning.

Those who happen to visit Spain in late December - early January are lucky: carnivals and festivals go on here in an endless series, charging guests with fun and good mood. You will see how the New Year is celebrated in Spain - emotionally, brightly, paying tribute to local customs.

Winter holidays in Spain - photo

Spaniards are great organizers holiday events. In celebrating Christmas, they rely on centuries-old traditions.

The country began to celebrate the New Year widely later, but the unique national flavor is already well felt in this holiday.

What date is celebrated - the exact date

Christmas Spain celebrates 25. It is followed by 12 holidays, ending on January 6 with the Day of the Magi.

New Year, like the Russians, the Spaniards celebrate on the night of December 31 to January 1. This holiday is public. Theaters and cinemas are closed at this time, sitting near the TV is also not in local traditions, so all fun activities are moving to the streets and squares.

Information from the Christmas story

In addition to the fact that in Spain Christmas is a national holiday, it is also a very important event for the Catholic world (the inhabitants of Spain are mostly Catholics). In Spanish, the holiday is called Navidad, and Christmas night - "Nochebuena" (in translation - "good night").

It has always been customary to start the dawning day here with a visit to the church, and now most Spaniards adhere to this tradition. The festive service has an unusual name - Misa de gallo, which means "mass of the rooster".

According to legend, this bird was the first to know about the birth of Christ and immediately informed the whole world about it.

Another old tradition: to celebrate on these holidays "Hogueras"(Hogueras) - winter solstice. Until now, in some Spain (for example, in Granada), meeting this event, they make fires, as in ancient times, in order to jump over them. In this way, it was customary to protect one's health from various ailments.

The country celebrates the onset of the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar, starting from 1582. Today this event marks old chimes and tower clocks in all Spanish cities. By tradition, people gather in the squares to witness the change of one year to another.

Weather and temperature these days

Spain differs from most European countries in its mild climate even in winter. IN northern regions air temperature in December it reaches a positive mark of 14 degrees, in the south - 17-19 degrees of heat. During the celebration of Christmas and New Year, the average for the capital of the state is 10 degrees Celsius during the day and 6 degrees Celsius at night.

Meteorologists, based on long-term observations, consider the "holiday period" in Spain to be quite comfortable: there are quite a lot of sunny days, rains happen infrequently.

The scope of the celebrations

The motto of the Spaniards on Christmas and New Year's days is walk so walk. Events are held on a grand scale, fireworks and red are very fond of - it is one of the symbols of the winter holidays.

How is Christmas celebrated?

The desire to celebrate the Spaniards is so great that they begin to celebrate Christmas in 1-2 weeks before it comes. Gala dinners in restaurants, where colleagues and friends gather, continue until the morning.

Given that each Spaniard becomes a participant in such feasts on average 3 times, the second half of December does not turn out to be a working language.

But Christmas itself is a holiday family. The Spaniards try to gather at the big table all the relatives, even the most distant ones, with whom they are likely to meet again not earlier than in a year. Interestingly, for a long time in Spain there was no tradition of giving gifts to each other on this day, however, envying how this is done in neighboring states, the Spaniards now give gifts.

Children are feeding for Christmas Eve special socks so that adults fill them with toys or some useful gizmos.

How is the New Year celebrated?

The Spanish name for this holiday is Nochevieja, translated into Russian - “old night”, which quite accurately denotes the meaning of what is happening on December 31 for the Spaniards: they see off the outgoing year to a greater extent than meet the new one.

Although the holiday is considered less "home" than Christmas, people who gather in the squares and streets of cities behave like a family. As soon as the chimes strike 12 times, even strangers congratulate each other hugging, kissing and giving small gifts. Festivities, round dances begin, firecrackers and fireworks “explode”, songs are heard, sparklers sparkle.

Christmas traditions

Many Spanish holiday rituals are hundreds of years old. Sometimes they are ridiculous, funny, but they are not going to refuse them.

Symbols and rituals

One of the symbols of the holiday is a mythical character Kagatio. "Pooping log" - this is how his name is translated into Russian. In fact, this is a stump of a tree to which they attached legs and painted a face. Kagatio is in almost every family, passed down from generation to generation.

In December, they take it out of the “stores”, bring it to the kitchen and start feed, leaving food for the night, and wrap him in a blanket so that he does not freeze. At Christmas, the poor guy is beaten with sticks for no reason by the kids, they demand that he "pump" them gifts. The fact that each of the kids under the covers really has toys or sweets "from Kagatio" is taken care of by parents in advance.

The guys dream of gifts and on the Night of the Magi (6), they try not to go to bed to consider who will put them near the bed. When there is no strength left to fight sleep and the children fall asleep, parents will bring gifts for their children. Sometimes the guys manage to become participants "Cavalcade of the Magi"- a kind of carnival, the participants of which, dressed up as sorcerers, distribute various trinkets to boys and girls.

Living symbol of the holiday - indoor plant poinsettia, sometimes called "Star of Bethlehem", because its leaves are just that, star-shaped.

natural or artificial Christmas trees in Spanish houses and on the streets, too, but poinsettia is a must.

Of the New Year's traditions, the most popular and ancient - "12 grapes". At one time, the Spanish kings pampered their subjects with a sweet berry (distributing it for free) if the year was fruitful. Today, in order for the next year to become successful, generous, “productive” in every respect, you need to eat a dozen grapes while the clock strikes 12 times (the seeds must be spit out).

If the holiday is celebrated in a restaurant, then before the clock strikes, each guest will be given a plastic bag with berries. Breaking the ritual is a bad omen.

And here is a tradition that is still taking shape - young people who have gathered for the holiday write their names on pieces of paper and throw them into a bag. Then the contents of the bag are mixed and, in turn, notes with names are pulled out of there - this is how they add up "couples in love" for the upcoming holiday.

Spanish Santa Claus

In Spain it is a character named Olentzero. His costume is styled national traditions, lavishly decorated. In his hands is a flask of whiskey.

Despite his addiction to alcohol, the Spanish Santa Claus does not forget about his main purpose - to congratulate the children. He does not like to put gifts in a sock or hide them under the tree, he usually folds them on the windowsill.

Decorations and attributes

Most Christmas and Christmas decorations- traditional for many countries: garlands, balls, candles, tinsel. But there is also an "exclusive": belen- a model that depicts a picture of the birth of Christ. Belem can be placed in the town square or in a shop window, and in a miniature version - in the houses of the Spaniards.


It is customary to give edible gifts for Christmas - nougat and champagne. In addition, when going to visit to celebrate a holiday, you can purchase Christmas gifts in the store. gift set with jamon (raw-cured ham, a national Spanish delicacy).

It is customary to prepare gifts for guests - cotillions. So called handbags filled with holiday paraphernalia: carnival masks, serpentine, crackers, balloons.

By tradition, it is allowed to open a gift cotillion only after the chiming clock.

January 6th in Spain is considered Happy Boxing. They, as once to Jesus, today are brought to children by people depicting the Magi. more toys and sweets are given to children who have been obedient, diligent during the year, and therefore deserve encouragement.

Table setting features

The main dish of the Christmas table is a turkey stuffed with mushrooms. Besides, festive table decorate:

  • dishes from seafood(shrimp, crabs);
  • dishes from meat(roast lamb, stewed beef or chicken with langoustines);
  • christmas soup with stuffed biscuits;
  • greenery;
  • sweets(marzipan cakes, wine donuts, halva, shortbread cookies with lard, glazed nuts, honey pastries);
  • Spanish champagne Cava for adults and grape juice for children.

For the New Year's table, the Spaniards make fewer blanks, especially if they plan to celebrate the holiday outside the home. In this case, light snacks are enough, otherwise you can count on a restaurant. Nevertheless, to celebrate the New Year you will need:

  1. grape(to perform a festive ritual);
  2. tartlets with different fillers;
  3. fish snacks;
  4. "Russian salad"(an analogue of our "Olivier", which is sold in supermarkets);
  5. snacks from melon and jamon;
  6. confectionery(cumin cookies, cakes and pies, Spanish nougat "Turron");
  7. red (preferably Spanish) wine.

Different regions of Spain have their own culinary and confectionery preferences. On, for example, these are festive desserts: almond cream and Canarian milk pudding.

On New Year's and Christmas holidays, it is customary to buy a roll with cream for the table, which is called "roscon". She has a surprise baked inside. The one who gets this surprise when the roll is cut into pieces will have to gather guests in a year, already in his house.

How much more Spanish Christmas traditions can you learn from this video:

New Year's Eve in Spain can by no means be called a family celebration, here it is a real nationwide festivities. Here this holiday is celebrated in a special way, in accordance with the hot temperament and ardent disposition of the locals. Snow rarely falls here, but this does not lose the festive atmosphere at all - everything sparkles with multi-colored illumination lights, shop windows and residential buildings are smartly decorated, and the streets are full of cheerful and smiling people who love and know how to have fun. It is not in the tradition of the Spaniards to spend New Year's Eve at a magnificent feast - a few light snacks and one main course, sweets - that's all that can be seen on New Year's table Spaniards, and, of course, a lot of wine and champagne. A richer dinner with plenty festive dishes customary to arrange on the eve catholic christmas. In general, the Spaniards are used to celebrating the New Year very noisily and massively in the main squares of cities around the New Year tree. Although at home many people prefer not to put a traditional coniferous tree, but buy a beautiful Christmas flower - poinsettia. This is probably why the local Santa Claus, who is called Papa Noel or Olentzero, leaves gifts on the balcony.

New Year traditions of the Spaniards

The Spaniards have an ancient and very beautiful tradition: while the chimes are striking, you must eat twelve grapes, one with each ringing. This ritual can be performed in the square of any city in the country where there is a huge clock. Grapes for the Spaniards symbolize wealth and prosperity. Well, what is the New Year without a Christmas tree? But the Spaniards prefer the poinsettia flower more than this tree. The fact is that this unusually beautiful plant blooms on Christmas Eve and therefore many locals associate the New Year with this flower. As in other countries, the children of Spain believe in Santa Claus, they only call him Olentzero. This is the same grandfather with a beard, only in traditional Spanish clothes and with whiskey in his hands. Olentzero leaves gifts not in shoes, but on the windowsill.

On the festive table there is various dishes from seafood and fish, pies, tartlets, sandwiches, cumin cookies, almond cakes and much more, which are cooked with all my heart by the hostesses. Be sure to have a good tasty wine on the table, as Spain is famous for its winemaking. Young people tend to wear red outfits and masks. It is believed that this color symbolizes good luck. At midnight, people in the squares congratulate each other on the holiday. Even a stranger can give you a small trifle as a present. Here is such a friendly and hospitable people in Spain.

New Year 2019 in Spain - how to celebrate?

In winter, you can go with your children to the islands of Spain, of which there are several. One of the most frequently visited is the island of Palma. The vegetation is beautiful here, and the place is considered the most developed in the Canary Islands group. The area is considered a nature reserve. Throughout its territory, the landscape varies: the northeast is rich in banana plantations and laurel forests, while in the southwest there is little vegetation. You can go to a secluded place with your beloved on the island of Homer. Amazing nature is sure to win the heart of every traveler. On the island of Ibiza there will always be interesting entertainment. Discos, night clubs, etc. work here. Artists perform in such institutions, and therefore you can choose it according to your direction of music. Because of the constant entertainment, Ibiza is called the island of eternal celebration. The area is rich in vegetation and amazingly beautiful sea. Mallorca is a beautiful Spanish island, which is also suitable for a fun holiday with your family or loved ones. Beautiful nature, comfortable living conditions and luxurious estates - all this is located on the island. From entertainment there are bars and discos.

Christmas in Barcelona 2019

Do you want to make your Christmas holidays temperamental, sparkling and eventful? Book in advance a tour for the New Year to Spain, where you will find a lot of bright entertainment, cultural and historical attractions, as well as the original immediacy of the local population! In this country, it is not customary to arrange hearty feasts with the family, the Spaniards prefer to exchange their positive emotions during mass festivities on the streets of cities. The squares and avenues are so beautifully decorated with illuminations, shiny tinsel, and toys that even the absence of snow that we are accustomed to does not upset us. The main action of the holiday in Barcelona traditionally takes place on the central streets and squares, in particular at the Singing Fountains (Montjuic Mountain).

The grand show, regularly held on Christmas Eve, will impress even skeptics with its scope. The entrance is free. Fans of dancing and good music can go to the Spanish Village, but it is advisable to book tickets for this performance in advance. Surrounded by the aroma of ripe oranges, Seville is surprisingly good and pampers its guests with warm weather and sunny days. Decorated Christmas trees and colorful nativity scenes look very contrasting on its blooming boulevards. Shop windows are full of purple, pink and white poinsettias. In this place, you should definitely visit the competition of nativity scenes held by the municipal authorities with the awarding of prizes to the winners. The sight is simply unforgettable!

Where to go during the New Year holidays?

Choosing New Year's tours in Spain, you can visit the main square of Madrid Puerta del Sol and Plaza Mayor. For spiritual relaxation, you can choose the Prado National Museum, which contains about 60,000 paintings. If you like to visit museums, there are a lot of them in Madrid. Among them are the famous Reina Sofia Museum, the National Archaeological Museum and others. Many will be surprised, but tourists go in droves to the Atocha railway station for an excursion. The fact is that on the territory of the station there is a chic greenhouse, in which there are many species of tropical plants. With children, you can visit the zoo and the aquarium. However, this pleasure is not cheap. The cost of an adult ticket is 23 euros, a child ticket is 18.5 euros.

Mallorca or Madrid?

By old tradition On December 31, in the main metropolis of the island of Mallorca - Palma de Mallorca - the liberation from the Moors is celebrated, in honor of which the Fiesta de l`Estendard is held. It is a bright kaleidoscope of theatrical street performances, performances by ethnic musical groups, fairs. The culmination of the evening is a solemn Mass in the Cathedral, in the restoration of which Antoni Gaudí took part. All this can be a great addition. new year holidays in Spain. Convinced extroverts go to Madrid for a charge of positive emotions. At the Puerta del Sol on New Year's Eve, a diverse, but surprisingly positive audience gathers. colorful fireworks, sincere wishes happiness, friendly hugs can save any person even from prolonged depression. Therefore, if you lack communication in your life, feel free to start your New Year's tour to Spain from its charming capital. However, visiting any city of the hospitable country of the Iberian Peninsula will leave behind unforgettable memories. It doesn't matter when you decide to go there. At any time of the year, she is beautiful or coquettish, majestic or democratic. It all depends on your perception of reality and worldview!

New Year holidays in Spain 2019

And if it is customary for us to drink sparkling wine to the chiming clock, then in Spain at this time you must definitely have time to eat twelve grapes, which symbolize a happy life in all twelve months of the coming year, and those who are lucky enough to have time to eat all the berries are guaranteed the fulfillment of the most cherished desire. Although, according to Spanish belief, in order for wishes to really come true, it is necessary to put on new underwear on New Year's Eve and certainly red. Also, in order to live happily next year, you need to eat one of the national delicacies - halvah with nuts, dried fruits or chocolate, because since ancient times it was believed that it brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

Very interesting spanish new year tradition is a kind of lottery - the names of all the boys and girls present are written on scraps of paper, then the bundles with the names are put into two baskets, separately male and female names, after which everyone pulls out a bundle with the name of his companion or companion. Sometimes, in this way, couples are formed, which subsequently bind themselves in marriage. The celebration of the New Year often takes place right on the street, everyone has fun from the heart, organizes various processions and carnivals, general dances - and all this is always accompanied by continuous fireworks and various pyrotechnic shows.

The New Year is a holiday awaited with great impatience and hopes for happiness by millions of people. For some, this is an occasion to get together with the whole family, for some - to see old friends, for some, customs and traditions are important. The holiday is loved all over the world. What can we say about the people of Spain - emotional, hot, sensual, cheerful. The traditions of the New Year in Spain can simply amaze an ignorant person, unfamiliar with the culture of the country. Carnivals, processions, festivals, all kinds of events - this is a kind of lifestyle for the people of this country, they cannot live without fun. The New Year in Spain is no exception. Traditions, customs, we now consider.

About the holiday in general

The winter period of carefree fun here begins on December 25th. This year they celebrate Christmas. The holidays last for 12 days, until the Day of the Magi (January 6). Each of these dates has its own traditions. Adults and children are waiting for the New Year in Spain, because this is an occasion to have fun from the heart, and not at home watching TV, as is customary with us, but on the streets of the city. On this day, you will not get into any theater or cinema, everything is closed here. It is believed that everyone should be on the streets as much as possible.

Tree or flower?

Sometimes the traditions of the New Year in Spain seem even a little ridiculous. For example, we associate this holiday with a Christmas tree - beautiful, big, dressed up. However, many Spaniards do not perceive this evergreen miracle as a symbol of the New Year. For these purposes, they have a flower - poinsettia (Flor de Navidad). Its flowering time, as a rule, falls on Christmas, and the bracts are star-shaped. Many residents call it the "Star of Bethlehem". Yes, do not be surprised, because we have just begun to discuss the traditions of the New Year in Spain. You will find out more and more.

Of course, such a love for poinsettia does not mean at all that there are no Christmas trees here. They are in the houses, and on the streets, and in the central squares. Even if family or friends gathered at the table that day, after the meal they simply have to go outside and celebrate the New Year there. In Spain, such traditions appeared largely due to the warm climate, otherwise they would hardly have been maintained for many years. Well, who wants to be cold?

Where without Santa Claus?

In Spain, his name is Olentzero. He is always dressed in which he is sewn and decorated by hand. It is almost impossible to see it without a flask of excellent locally produced whiskey in hand. The traditions of the New Year in Spain for children, of course, are associated with a bearded grandfather. He also brings gifts. It just leaves them not in socks that are hung from the fireplace, and not under beautiful Christmas tree, but on the most ordinary windowsill. On a festive morning, children find sweets, souvenirs and other pleasant things there.

Festive table

Regarding this part of the holiday, there are special traditions of the New Year in Spain. The photos posted in our article will help you better feel the whole atmosphere, at least mentally visit Spain on special days. As we have already said, before entering the streets of the city, people sit down at a richly laid table. For such a holiday, they prepare both traditional dishes and their favorite dishes. This is an appetizer of melon with jamon, and tartlets with all kinds of fillings. Tables are usually full of fish and seafood. Naturally, a full-fledged holiday is impossible without a mass of sweets - cumin cookies, pies, almond cakes. Also, a bottle of very high-quality wine must be on the table, because it is not for nothing that Spain is famous for winemaking all over the world. As you can see, in terms of a magnificent feast and richly laid tables, they are very similar to our New Year traditions in Spain. Briefly describe all the delights of the holiday in this country is almost impossible. But still we will try to describe the main, most significant points.

New Year Traditions in Spain

On English language little is said here, although on this day you can hear such congratulations, songs. There is another tradition in these parts that is alien to us. As you already know, after a homemade feast, people gather to continue the fun on the streets of the city. While some dance and sing, others meet at the church and for several hours remember all the significant events of the outgoing year. Then carried out fun competition among young people. They write the names of all those present on pieces of paper, throw them into a bag and pull them in turn. In this way, “couples in love” are formed for the whole day. Although this is a joke, they must still behave all night as if they had loved each other for a long time.

What happens at midnight?

As soon as the clock marks the beginning of the New Year, all those gathered in the city square begin to hug, kiss each other, congratulate, even some give pleasant little things to complete strangers. It looks very sweet and at the same time solemn when complete strangers behave as if they were relatives or best friends. After that, real folk festivals begin with crackers, round dances, songs, fireworks.

12 grapes

This tradition has its roots in the distant times of the Spanish kings. If over the past year the grape harvest in the country was very good, the kings ordered their subjects to distribute it in all the streets to all the townspeople in any quantities. Today, between the strokes of the clock, there are 3 seconds during which you need to have time to eat a grape, for a total of 12 berries. Only the bones must be spit out before the clock ends. Grapes for the Spaniards are a symbol of wealth, prosperity, well-being. It should be present on the festive table, in the baskets of those people who go to the square to have fun. That is, during the battle of the clock, you cannot be left without a vine in your hands - a bad omen. Even if you are celebrating a celebration in a restaurant, you will definitely be served 12 berries without a branch in polyethylene at the right time.

Buy red underwear

This tradition was born relatively recently in Spain. In order for the coming year to be successful in all aspects, it is imperative to wear red underwear (panties, garters, socks, etc.) on a festive night.

What else is going on interesting?

If on the eve of a holiday in this country you decide to go on a visit, be sure to take a piece of nougat with you as a present and

If guests come to you, do not forget to prepare special gifts in advance - handbags, which are called cotillions. As content, you need to place holiday paraphernalia in them - Balloons, serpentine, masks, musical horns, etc. You can open them only after the clock has struck. It turns out that the owners of the house are guaranteed to get a cheerful and noisy holiday.