How to celebrate your 30th birthday. We celebrate our thirtieth birthday beautifully. Anniversary in nature

Every person's birthday is a special date. After all, this is a year of life lived that cannot be returned. And many do not celebrate their birthdays, citing the fact that they are already tired of celebrating every year. But the anniversary is a different story. The anniversary is celebrated every time, because this event occurs once every five years. We have a ready-made script for a man’s 30th anniversary for you. We think we've succeeded cool script, because it has games and competitions, funny skits and much more. Watch it and choose what you like best.

First toast.
The first toast I want to say is about the moments of our lives. Everyone knows that every moment in our lives cannot be repeated. Every moment comes once in a lifetime. And even if we get together in a few years in the same company, everything will still be different.
I propose to raise a glass to the hero of the day. Raise him so that he appreciates every moment of his life. And so that you always go towards your goal!

The main holiday.

You know, every person dreams of something. We cannot live without a dream. I don’t know what our hero of the day dreams of, but I will try to make his dream come true. Which he once dreamed of. All people, one way or another, wonder if there is life on the moon? I can tell you with confidence - there is!
And in confirmation of these words, I give the hero of the day a visa to the moon, which was personally given to me by the head of the moon. And a certificate to visit the moon at any time!

Game for the mood.
Let's play one game that will cheer us up and liberate us all. The game is called - and it’s in my pants. Many people know this game, but still play it. Because she is cheerful and funny.
The rules of the game are simple: the guest says the phrase - AND I HAVE IN MY PANTIES, and then takes out one piece of paper from the bag and reads out what is in his pants.
Examples of phrases for the game:
- a subtle taste of modern England!
- a complete collection of modern entertainment!
- hedgehog!
- a living source!
- the most favorable conditions!
- nothing went sour!
- cleaning is underway!
- the universe will fit!
- exchange office!
- something is hidden!
- favorable rate!
- bad visibility!
- sale!
- pass to the country's secret facilities!
- Sometimes it rains!
- dry and fresh!
- there are storms!

A scene for the hero of the day - baby.
For the scene you need some props. You need to prepare a sheet with a hole for your head and for your arms. You also need to sew it on the sheet rompers. The sheet is pulled on both sides by the guests and held.

The presenter begins:
- a long time ago, 30 years ago, a child was born in one family.
(the head of the hero of the day appears in the place for the head, and the hands of another person appear in the place for the hands).
His parents were delighted with him and immediately shouted - hurray! But the child was frightened by their scream and began to scream himself.
(the hero of the day cries, imitates the baby’s first cry)
The parents began to calm their boy down and waved to him. In response, the baby waved his hands at them as well.
(the hero of the day, that is, the one who plays the role of his hands, waves his hands)
The baby grew not by years, but by days. He quickly understood everything and within a few days he learned to pat himself on the head.
(hands stroke the hero of the day on the head)
The parents thought that this was the child’s way of showing them that he wanted to wear a cap. And they gave him a cap.
(they give a cap to your hands and your hands try to put the cap on your head)
Although the child grew quickly, he still ate from the bottle.
(they give a bottle of milk into your hands and your hands try to feed your head)
IN kindergarten The child really fell in love with music and even started going to dances.
(they turn on the music and the hands dance with their heads)
And at school he fell in love with rap music.
(include rap)
Soon our baby became quite an adult and tried alcohol for the first time.
(they put a glass of vodka in your hands and let your head drink it. They don’t give you a snack and the hero of the day winces)
See how he immediately didn’t like drinking!
And so year after year went by, and our boy turned 30! And now he became like this:
The screen is removed and the hero of the day appears in all his glory.

Game with guests.
This block is entirely dedicated to playing with guests. The essence of the game is simple - funny tasks are written on the cards that the guests will have to complete. Guests take turns taking out one card at a time and doing what is written there.

An unusual game with guests.
You need to select four guests - two girls and two guys. They turn their backs to the guests. Signs are hung on their backs. For guys: sobering station, registry office. And for the girls: sauna, bushes. It is important that the signs with the words are not seen by the participants in the game. And the guests could see them.
After the signs are put on, the presenter begins to ask them the same questions. And the participants answer while the presenter comments on the answers.
- do you like going to this place?
- how often do you go there?
- Who do you usually go there with?
- do they like it?
- how much time do you spend there?
- what are you doing there?
- would you recommend guests to go there?
- and which of the guests specifically?

Since the participants do not know what is written on the signs on their backs, their answers turn out to be ridiculous and ridiculous. The main thing is not to forget about the host’s comments!

Gifts for guests.
The hero of the day was brought gifts for the holiday. But the hero of the day is not going to let the guests go empty-handed. let's hold a raffle and distribute gifts!
The lottery is simple - numbers from 1 to the number of guests are written on the cards. And each number has its own verse and a gift under the verse. Guests take turns taking out a card with a number, and the host reads the verse and gives a gift.
Poems for the game:

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It's time to put everyday life aside. Trips to buy groceries, trips to the clinic, the boring evening buzz of the TV. It's time to gather all your friends, people dear and dear to your heart, and have fun from the heart! For your 30th birthday, we have 10 cool ideas!

1. Time machine. How often, leafing through a student photo album, we sigh dreamily: “Oh, what times those were!” Party in USSR style

Jeans, a new tracksuit (almost Adidas), a cigarette - and off to the disco! And there - the shine of mirror balls, blue neon, a cassette recorder... Remember? And also - your favorite chewing gum - “Love is...”, and the desire to find out what it is - LOVE?

Maybe this rarity is stored somewhere in your attic? Go searching immediately! All the posters of the idols of those years, all the cassettes with popular music, all the clothes will become simply indispensable for your “Student Party ala 90s”. Oh yes! And further. Don't forget to tell your friends to do the same! And then, at the end of the evening, hold a competition for the best “outfit.”

2. Mardi Gras. Have a carnival. A real French (Italian) carnival!

Put it on big rings, beads, earrings, masks! Clothes in blue, green, purple colors. And also - turn on real carnival music and dance samba with rumba until the morning! Celebrate brightly, cheerfully, shockingly!

3. Oktoberfest. Lots of good beer and hearty food have never ruined a party! 30th Anniversary Beer Party

4. Wine and cheese tasting or 30th birthday wine party

For this party, you need to set up a “showcase” for the tasting room. Make labels for each drink, indicating the grape variety, year of production, storage conditions, country of origin, etc. The same goes for cheese.

You can also ask guests to bring with them a collection bottle that they brought from their last vacation (business trip). Let this wine be a gift for you in honor of your thirtieth birthday!

5. Park party. 30th birthday party in the park

Why not celebrate your birthday publicly? For example, in the nearest public park? Organize a dance show with barbecue, karaoke, and competitions. Surely random passers-by will want to join your celebration. And this is the romance of random interesting meetings...

6. Party on the shore of a pond or water party for 30 years

The water is mesmerizing! You can look at her for hours. Exactly the same as on fire. And also - you can splash around in it, fool around, swim, dive. Yes, anything! Especially if you do all this in the company of your best friends and your loved one! And then - set the sea table! He will certainly become great decoration your beach party! And be sure to serve original dishes! Your guests will surely appreciate your ingenuity!

7. Hawaiian Party or Birthday in Hawaii

Developing the theme of a beach party, you can give your friends (and yourself, first of all!) original holiday in the style of the locals of the popular resort island. Wear flower crowns and famous Hawaiian grass skirts and dance to the fiery island tunes! And for greater effect, invite the organizers of fire shows to the holiday! And treat your guests to real Hawaiian palm vodka (or a cocktail with it at the base).

8. Only girls in jazz! 30th anniversary in jazz style

The idea of ​​the holiday is the majesty of music that unites generations! Of course, the ideal is to hire a live jazz band and organize a good dance floor. But if this is not possible, both the notes and the nearest lawn will do! The main thing is the appropriate mood!

9. Casino night or Las Vegas party for 30 years

Green cloth, roulette, poker, blackjack. Set your party to start at midnight! Oh yes! Casino - a world of glamor! So be sure to tell your friends about the dress code - evening dresses and suits! And prepare a lot of fake money for them (after all, your Vegas is just an imitation of a real casino)! Prepare holiday-themed treats!

10. Arab holiday or 30 years in the UAE

Luxury food, rich fabrics, quiet Arabic music, hookah... An abundance of divine sweets... Invite professional dancers to the party oriental dance. Their performance will add color to your holiday in Arabic style!

And remember, you deserve such a holiday! Long everyday life, the qualities of your broad soul, sincere friendship. Rest assured, your friends will pick up the theme and tone you set by throwing a themed party. The main thing is to start. And then the ship called CELEBRATION IN HONOR OF THE THIRTY-YEAR ANNIVERSARY will sail on the correct course. Even without the clear guidance of the captain!

The first truly mature anniversary - 30 years - is a wonderful reason to arrange a real holiday for yourself. Why not do it creatively? Read on for tips on how to celebrate the best day of the year, get inspired by our seasonal ideas and weird resolutions, and find out some superstitions about turning 30.

How a girl turns 30: a selection of seasonal ideas

Every time of the year has its advantages in terms of organizing a holiday. And it’s not just about the seasonal menu for the banquet; there are a variety of entertainments, all of which are perfect for summer or winter.

Early spring, when nature is still in snow and early for outdoor parties, is suitable for indoor celebrations. Where else can you celebrate your 30th anniversary if not in a club? The night disco, bowling alley, and entertainment center are equally great in this regard.

The Easter weekend and May holidays provide the opportunity to go out into nature, so a barbecue or barbecue picnic will be an anticipated event for your guests.

A summer holiday can be wonderfully spent at the dacha with family and friends, exclusively with small children. You can go to the river bank, to a beach club, or a summer cafe. For sports and hunting lovers, the idea of ​​spending a day in an outdoor entertainment complex, where there is a playground, for example, paintball, a shooting range, a ropes course or a water park, will work perfectly. This is also a wonderful idea for celebrating your spouse’s 30th birthday; he and his friends will really enjoy such fun.

The beginning of autumn, when seasonal products are abundant, the best option There will be a rich feast - not too authentic, but everyone will like it. A feast on the mountain can be thrown in a banquet hall or at home. Can't give up your dream of impressing your guests? Then resort to the services of the best boss chef in the city - his signature genre and the elitism of the event will raise the feast to the new level.

Late autumn is a great time to sit in a warm sauna, especially since modern bath complexes include a steam room, a swimming pool, billiards, karaoke, and a restaurant all rolled into one. The main thing is to choose a luxury establishment so that everything goes off with a bang.

On New Year holidays Birthday girls usually have a dilemma - to celebrate the New Year or their jam day on a grand scale? If your choice is in favor of the latter, still focus on your New Year’s well-being, organize a colorful party in a separate room of a restaurant or hotel room.

A suitable theme is masquerade, Hawaii, Moulin Rouge, etc. Whether to invite a host or not is your decision, but don’t forget to prepare exciting leisure activities for your guests in the form of raffles, competitions, concert performances (amateur performances are allowed) and, of course, the traditional birthday cake.

How else can you celebrate your thirtieth birthday?

You can approach your plan completely differently. personal holiday and spend it tete-a-tete with yourself or with your loved one. Sometimes you don’t want to gather a loud group, pay tribute to relatives and parents, set the table with salads that set your teeth on edge...

And in return for this, I want to escape from the turmoil, forget myself for a day or two and do something beautiful for myself, make a dream come true, plunge into romance or arrange a romantic holiday named after myself.

The first option for a girl to notice that she is 30 years old is to go on a foreign tour. It’s not as hackneyed as a banquet in a restaurant, it’s also moderately selfish (just what you want from time to time), and compared to a family feast it will leave a truly unforgettable experience.

Maybe you dreamed of seeing one of the European capitals? Or hide from everyone for a week on the other side of the world - in Fiji or Cuba? You are required to have a foreign passport with a visa, purchase a last minute or booked trip, funds for unexpected expenses and several vaccinations if you are traveling to an exotic country.

The advantages of such a present to yourself are a complete change of atmosphere, a sensitive shake-up and brilliant sensations. In a word, there will be something to remember.

The second option is to add a bit of adventure to the familiar party format. How is this allowed to be done? Choose a strange place to celebrate, a new environment and add a little recklessness - just without extreme steps!

Here are some ideas:

  • take your gala dinner to the roof of a tall building with stunning views all around;
  • instead of barbecue at the dacha, take your friends by minibus to a forest house for a few days; after the party, you and your girlfriends will enjoy a nice walk in the forest, for your spouse and his friends - hunting or fishing;
  • if there is a navigable river near you, celebrate the jam day on a boat, yacht or in a floating cafe;
  • gather your girlfriends for a “fashion cult trip” - it can be anything desirable, from shopping and a spa salon to visiting a social event (and suddenly on your jam day there is a fashion week in the capital?);
  • arrange a surprise for your colleagues and invite actors from the event agency to entertain everyone with a game of congratulations - we think that the management will not refuse the girl and will agree to 10 minutes of mayhem in the workplace if you coordinate the appearance of “gypsies” or magicians in the office in advance;
  • celebrate this day in a team of romantics - lovers of hiking or kayaking, climbers, bards, go with these enthusiastic people on a trip to a festival or to the mountains, forest, or river;
  • if you notice in nature, arrange a high Pioneer bonfire or small fireworks (with a person who knows how to do this!);
  • If you are on vacation and there is a sea nearby, hire a diving instructor; Allow yourself to spend every day on the most exciting water attractions, book the most amazing excursion available to you, and don’t forget to film it all!

30th anniversary and prejudices

In addition to fun and joyful moments, this jam day brings some girls a little grief. Many people are not even sure whether to notice it.

The fact is that certain dates usually have a special attitude, and people prone to superstition are afraid to notice such dates as men's 40 years, women's 53 years, children's 13 years. In addition, the Orthodox have a special superstition - not to celebrate 33 years (at this age Christ was crucified). Why haven't they celebrated Jam Day for 30 years? Apparently, the date mentioned in connection with the crucifixion moved to a round one - the thirtieth anniversary, and hence a superstitious horror appeared before this anniversary.

In addition, there is a very common belief among women that thirty years is a farewell to youth. And I don’t want to advertise or somehow emphasize my age - not out of superstition, but psychologically.

Unwillingness to accept personal age reaches various levels: from self-irony to depression.

Perhaps the girls do not notice this date, explaining that they are not in the mood, do not want to spend money, etc., but they simply are not morally accustomed to the idea that the mature years of their lives have begun.

So that you are not too irritated by thoughts about your new age, be sure to remember how your parents, relatives, and girlfriends noticed their 30 years. They probably made an effort to make this day go amazingly, and their plans came true. There is nothing terrible about joyfully overstepping this age and entering the charming time in the life of a girl who is “invariably 18”!

How to celebrate 30 years so that you remember it for a lifetime? Girls (boys), what to do? Birthday is coming soon, where to celebrate 30 years, how to celebrate? I'm in a panic - no ideas!

Don't panic! There are a lot of ideas, for every taste and budget.

We are not discussing the “home feast” option - then thirty will look like twenty-nine and twenty-eight, but we need SPECIAL holiday. So we’ll have time to retire with a cake in the kitchen. Just inviting 30 friends to a restaurant with a lot of food and alcohol is expensive and, let's be honest, pretty stupid. For the money you spend on a good restaurant, you can give yourself an incredible global break.

Let's start with emotions for ourselves, beloved,

which I had wanted to experience for so long, but there was still no time or reason. Now, that very occasion has come! Just do it!
Flight in a gyroplane, aerochute or parachute jump. This is real heaven, extreme and an intoxicating feeling of overcoming oneself. An hour's break - 15 thousand rubles. A few seconds of free fall - from 6,000 rubles. Options are possible in tandem with photo and video recording of your achievement.

Scary, but still want to? Then - a flight simulator. Everything is the same, only on earth. An excellent gift worth 3500 rubles. They can give you a discount for your birthday. If you live in Moscow, you have the opportunity to “fly” the SU-27 with 100% immersion. In St. Petersburg you will be offered a Boeing.

From the same area flight to hot-air balloon, hang gliding or in a wind tunnel, ziplining and panda parks, riding ATVs or go-karting, bungee jumping or rope jumping - everything you wanted, but didn’t dare to do because you were “still small”. You're thirty - do it! If not now, then when? But these are options for convinced singles and crazy couples. What if you are planning a “global getaway” with family and friends?

How do you like the idea of ​​going to a museum?

Are you kidding? Instead of a crazy dance floor and amazing designer cocktails, a dull art gallery? Not necessary. Museums contemporary art certainly cannot be called boring and dull! Among the incredible installations and crazy art objects, you simply won’t get bored. Rather, you will vying with each other point your fingers and giggle embarrassedly in front of the controversial creations of contemporary artists, filming them on your phones.

To choose from in Moscow:

Sometimes you come across very original solutions that were even difficult to imagine. In addition, at most venues you can organize an event "Full construction". The owners will be happy to help with catering, offer proven hosts, or take care of the hassle with decoration. In general, everything you need for a perfect holiday is in one place.

All you have to do is bring alcohol and a birthday cake in advance; they will be happy to help you with the rest. And besides, there will be more time to think through the details of the holiday and prepare properly.

Theme party

Organize your own party according to your scenario. Decide on a topic (if one is planned). The most popular, unpretentious and appropriate would be:

  • Chicago(aka “Mafia” and “Gangster Party”)
  • Gatsby(American luxury of the 20s)
  • James Bond(impeccable secret agent style)
  • Hipsters (fashionable images USSR 50s)

These party themes are great because they imply beautiful outfits and do not require super preparation. Everyone has something in their wardrobe White shirt or a long dress. Add a hat, suspenders and a vest - and you already have real gangster. Ladies have an improvised coat and high gloves. Also add a headband with a feather and get a long mouthpiece (easy to make from a straw) - this is your look for two parties at once, "Gatsby" And "Mafia". Whiskey, champagne, the sounds of jazz and black and white old films will help create the right atmosphere.

For "Hipster" polka dot dresses, combed hairstyles and bright makeup. For guys, colored jackets, checkered trousers and pompadour hairstyles. The brighter the better!

It's even easier with secret agents. It's enough to look "brand new". A snow-white shirt, a fitted jacket and slightly tapered trousers for the guys. A revealing evening or cocktail dress and red lipstick for Lady Bond. Add to this the carrying of a concealed weapon. (fake of course), suitable soundtrack and James Bond's favorite cocktail “Vodka Martini + 2 olives”- and the party was a success.

Having a theme is still better than not having one! This way you will emphasize the significance of the event. Guests will also have to consciously approach the process, which means that everyone can show your individuality, thereby you will provide your holiday with a unique atmosphere.

But if, for some reason, you decide to abandon a themed party, at a minimum it is worth indicating the standard holiday dress code: boys - shirts, girls - dresses and shoes. It's a holiday after all. We'll still have time to hang out in T-shirts and sneakers.

Invite a popular presenter

Regardless of whether you have chosen a party theme or not, it’s worth thinking ahead how will you entertain yourself. Do-it-yourself is, of course, good, but it is much better to leave it to the professionals. You're in your thirties! On this occasion, you can invite the presenter (not to be confused with toastmaster). Guys who are close in spirit and have a wonderful sense of humor are most suitable here. Consider KVNshchikov or Stand-uppers!

Depending on the fame of the presenter, the cost per event varies from 15 to 200 thousand rubles. But you can be sure that no one will be deprived of attention and will definitely not get bored. Funny competitions and fun tasks for guests will keep everyone on their toes until the very end of the event.

You shouldn’t worry about the excessive intrusiveness of the artists, as well as boring, dull competitions like “pencil in a bottle” or “pop a balloon”. That was earlier, everything is different now! A sea of ​​positivity is guaranteed for you and your friends.

Photos with your hashtag on the big screen!

Great idea to note! We are sure you and your friends I really like to take pictures and post on Instagram. Why not make a whole entertaining show out of this, and also please the birthday boy and all those invited? It's about coming up with your own unique hashtag holiday, for example #MashaToday30 or #30 yearsPeteVobed (limited only by your imagination) and show on the big screen slideshow of all photos, posted online under this hashtag in real time! Sounds great!

We will need a projector or large plasma, a computer, an installed application and dozens of your friends’ smartphones. Just take any photo (preferably related to the event), post it on your Instagram, indicate the desired hashtag and your photo on the screen. An original way to express your feelings, say a couple kind words, it is unusual to congratulate and wish something good to the birthday person.

We assure you that during the evening you will accumulate so many cool photos that you will smile for a long time, looking at an endless carousel of funny pictures.

For such a performance, lofts with large projectors are best suited. The site administrators will help you set everything up, just ask.

Professional photographer

Instagram and special hashtags are good, but what about professional photographer and videographer? After all, it’s an anniversary, a big date, a wonderful place, everyone is elegant and beautiful. Capture this moment for life. The right light and a professional camera in the hands of a master can work wonders. By inviting a photographer to 2-3 hours, You'll get 150-200 high-quality shots. There will be another reason to please your friends and remember bright moments when in a couple of days you receive the long-awaited link to the processed photos.

There are a great many worthy photographers and videographers on the Internet. Be sure to look at portfolio masters before inviting a specialist. Everyone has their own shooting style and features. Some specialize in certain types of celebrations, while others work only in studio settings. We need a person with experience in shooting at outdoor events and professional equipment to be able to photograph in dimly lit rooms.

The cost of a good photographer starts from 3-4 thousand rubles per hour, minimum 2 hours. A 3-minute festive video from the event will cost 10-12 thousand rubles.


The costumes have been selected, a suitable playlist is on the flash drive or phone, the guys from Comedy Club waiting for the appointed hour, the saxophonist is polishing the brass, the photographer is uncovering the soft boxes. Almost everything is ready! It remains to decide food, drinks and birthday cake. Here catering, the nearest Auchan or Metro and a pastry shop from Instagram will come to our aid. The choice of food should be approached carefully. What's a birthday without festive table?

Fortunately, this is not New Year and Olivier is not necessary here. But beautiful cold and hot snacks They will be just right. A variety of canapés, rolls, hamburgers, quesadillas, kutabs, kebabs, ciabattas, kebabs, slices and fresh vegetables will look great on the buffet table. Light salads, rolls and sushi - all this can be ordered from catering services.

Everything will arrive in advance, it will be beautifully served and filed in at its best. Many lofts already cooperate with various caterers, so ask the managers if they can recommend anyone. If not - look at reviews on the Internet and choose the appropriate set for your holiday, based on your preferences.

On average, delivery of ready-made food to any place within the city will cost from 300 to 3000 rubles per person. If you don't get enough, you can always re-order pizza from the nearest restaurant.

Alcohol, where would we be without it?!

It's even easier with alcohol. Just ask or figure it out yourself, who drinks what and in what quantity. You know your company, their preferences and characteristics better than anyone else. Make a list and “blow” to the nearest hypermarket. No one has come up with anything new here yet. We go where there is more, take what is cheaper (joke).

Don't forget soda, juice and bottled water. Champagne for the first toasts, girls wine, men whiskey. Cognac, tequila, vodka, this list can be continued for a long time, here you know better. If your holiday is planned bartender, then you can agree on the desired cocktails in advance and purchase the necessary ingredients. In this case, don’t forget about lime, sugar and lemons, they will definitely come in handy.

By loading a couple of carts of liquid into the machine, you can bring everything to the place in advance holding the event, having previously agreed with a representative of the site. As a rule, loft owners always meet halfway in such matters.

It is also worth clarifying information about the dishes. What to drink from, what to eat? Basically, glasses, shot glasses and glasses are always present on the platforms. Shots, rocks and highballs are the most common glass objects in people's hands at parties.

But also the good old ones plastic cups may come in handy. They cannot be broken, which means you won’t have to pay for breaking the dishes.


You can make a birthday cake to order, or can be purchased at the same hypermarket. As practice shows, less than half of the guests “survive” to the sweet table, so there is a high probability that you will take it back with you. But still, by all the rules of the genre, he be obliged. Moreover, there is a high probability of children and car enthusiasts who will happily eat a couple of pieces with a cup of tea.

Lately, edibles have been gaining popularity. photo prints on cakes. If you already have a prepared image that you would like to see printed on the main dessert of the evening, just send it to the pastry chef and wait for delivery on the appointed day.

It is best to arrange delivery directly to the venue on the day of the event.

Inflatable 30

Well, how can we manage without those very cherished balls? We're talking about two brilliant numbers "3" and "0", which proudly hover in the air in every photo and then remain on avatars for a long time in social networks. It looks beautiful and speaks for itself. Why not? The main thing is, before the bird jumps out, make sure that the numbers didn't mix and didn’t create a phone number familiar to everyone "03". In this case, jokes and jokes are guaranteed.

Further decoration of the site, first of all depends on the chosen topic holiday, secondly depending on your desires and capabilities. Basically, all lofts provide free time before the start of the event, to prepare and decorate the hall. Add some balloons, flags and signs Happy Birthday. You shouldn’t overload the room too much, unless, of course, the author’s thematic idea requires it.

Basically, an abundance of decor is ordered for a wedding. Here you can get by symbolic minimalism. Moreover, most sites already have a rather festive look.

I'm 30 years old today...

In addition to standard holiday services, it is worth considering an invitation musical group or cover groups. Popular hits in new versions will be welcomed "with a bang" revelry public. Dancing with the whole group with live music young bands cannot be compared with ordinary disco at parties. If this is too much, then as a last resort, karaoke no one canceled!

The main thing is not to fall into prolonged sadness under soulful songs of youth. It's better to choose something positive, incendiary repertoire. Gas sector - “I am 30 years old today” you will hear more than once this evening, believe me, like other thematic compositions related to the celebration birthday.

It would take a long time to list all the different show programs, bands and artists that you could invite to your event. Luckily for them great multitude, for every taste, color and budget.

From the ordinary DJev before shocking freaks, from mystical magicians before scientific chemistry show. You have already seen, heard, read all this somewhere. The main thing you really need to focus on are three things.

Three pillars of any holiday:

  1. Where to go for a walk?!
  2. Who to walk with?!
  3. What to drink and what to snack on?!

The right place, the right company and enough food and alcohol- haven't ruined a single birthday yet! The only thing "weak link", of course, human factor , but here everything is purely individual.

No matter what they say, this is really the one milestone, the date that needs to be properly celebrated. The line beyond which awaits us is completely different, adulthood. That moral threshold of growing up that must be crossed with your head held high and with a complete sense of self-satisfaction.

Know everything "yummy" are waiting for you ahead! And we’re not just talking about the main upcoming event of the year - your exciting thirtieth birthday, but also about life in general.

We are sure that your first adult anniversary will be unforgettable!

With coming!!! Good luck!

One of the significant round dates in a person’s life is the thirtieth birthday. How to celebrate 30 years so that this day remains in the memory forever and is remembered not only by the hero of the day, but also by his family, friends and acquaintances?

Usually 30 years is the beginning of the second youth of a man or woman. Often people at this age have already achieved impressive results, they know their life goals and how to achieve them. And there are opportunities for organizing a luxurious holiday.

  • 1 Holiday at home
  • 2 Banquet in a restaurant
  • 3 How to celebrate a woman’s anniversary?
  • 4 Celebrating a man's holiday
  • Holiday at home

The most traditional and conservative way to celebrate holidays is a feast at the home of the hero of the day.

Depending on his financial capabilities and the availability of free space in the house, the number of invited guests can vary from a narrow family circle to a crowded party to which all relatives, friends, colleagues and even neighbors will be invited.

If there is a spacious, well-equipped dacha, a feast can be organized there. Advantages of this option: Fresh air, the opportunity after the feast to walk through the forest or clearing, swim in a lake or river. Disadvantages: Many dachas are located far from shops and the ability to purchase anything, such as additional food or alcohol, is limited.

Start organizing the holiday a week or two before the scheduled date. Determine the circle of people you want to see at your holiday and notify them in advance. This is necessary so that the invitees free the desired day from all responsibilities and worries in advance, and do not make other plans for this date.

If the feast is being held in a country house, think about how guests will be able to get to it. Think about the variety of dishes on the table. Traditionally, hot meat dishes, salads, and sweets are served on the table. The amount of food is selected with a substantial reserve so that guests can eat to their fullest.

It is quite labor-intensive to prepare dishes for a large number of guests, so some (or all) of the treats can be bought ready-made or ordered from a cafe or restaurant. Fans healthy image life, athletes, as well as deeply religious people prefer non-alcoholic parties.

If among the guests not everyone shares the idea of ​​feasts without alcohol, it is worth warning about this. If you plan to drink for a holiday, you usually stock up on several types of alcohol of varying strengths. Vodka, cognac, whiskey - for lovers of strong alcohol. Wine, champagne, cocktails - for ladies and those who cannot tolerate strong drinks. There are often good varieties of beer on the tables.

Banquet in a restaurant

Celebrating your thirtieth birthday in a cafe or restaurant costs several times more than a home feast. But if the number of guests greatly exceeds the apartment’s ability to accommodate everyone, and financial capabilities allow it, this becomes an excellent option to celebrate your third decade. Preparing for a holiday in a restaurant is not as labor-intensive as celebrating at home.

Choose an establishment to your liking, arrange table reservations in advance with the administration, and discuss the menu. If you want the celebration not to be disturbed by strangers, it is better to rent a separate room.

A banquet in a cafe or restaurant would be a great idea to celebrate 30 years. Please note: if the anniversary is planned for the evening and the celebration will continue until late at night, you should take care of transporting guests home in advance. To do this, it is enough to hire a taxi or a small minibus that will take everyone home.

This idea will also appeal to those who came driving their own car: they, too, can safely drink to the health of the birthday boy.

A good idea might be to combine a feast and a short trip: organize a cruise on a boat. A walk along the sea or river in a noisy company will make the 30th anniversary unforgettable for many.

You can celebrate 30 years in a very original way by inviting guests to a picnic. Kebabs and barbecues in a forest clearing or on the beach do not require large financial expenditures. However, if there are many elderly people among the guests, this option may not be suitable for them.

How to celebrate a woman's anniversary?

To celebrate 30 years in an unusual way, a woman needs interesting entertainment: competitions, themed games, lotteries.

Good ideas are masquerade-style parties, when guests are required to come in various costumes or masks.

Or in Hollywood style, when men should wear suits with butterflies, and ladies should wear chic evening dresses. Or in the old style, when the 30th anniversary is the same as it was celebrated in the 18th-19th centuries.

If you don’t have enough imagination, you can contact specialized holiday agencies – event firms. Specialists will not only offer a dozen options for a fun, interesting and unusual celebration of thirty years, but will also independently select the necessary props, invite the host, actors, and will entertain the guests all evening.

In many cases, the anniversary is celebrated cheerfully by inviting a good joker presenter. Single ladies may like the idea of ​​a romantic holiday. For example, to celebrate a girl’s 30th birthday in winter, you can go to a ski resort or skating rink.

In the summer - on an exotic trip together with your loved one. Or take a hot air balloon ride. For a girl, this will be an unforgettable way to celebrate her 30th birthday.

Celebrating a man's holiday

To celebrate a man's anniversary, costume parties are not necessary. A 30th anniversary can be spent in an all-male company. For example, in a nightclub or in a sauna, while fishing or hunting.

You can arrange skiing or snowmobiling in winter, and in summer - jet skiing, ATV or water skiing. At 30 years old, a man feels young, and in most cases his health is still good.

Therefore, it is very unusual to celebrate your 30th birthday by skydiving, diving, participating in auto racing or other extreme entertainment. There are many ideas: kayaking, going to the mountains, attending a rock band concert, playing paintball or bowling.