Internet contests for children 3 4 years old. Interesting entertainment and competitions for every taste or children's birthday contests at home: how to organize and conduct. Parent and child - double talent

In the bag

The role of the leader in this game should be played by adult. He puts a hat on one of the participants and turns on cheerful dance music. While she is playing, the children pass each other a hat, be sure to try it on and turn around on its axis. But as soon as the host turns off the music, the participant remaining in the hat at that moment is eliminated from the game. Also, instead of a hat, a “bomb” can be used - an ordinary rubber ball, which the participants need to throw over their heads, while having time to clap your hands (it is believed that the loser "blew up on the bomb").

What does it look like?

This exciting competition is somewhat reminiscent of an association game. To carry it out, you need to prepare any object, for example, an orange. The facilitator shows an example to the participants, passing an orange to the first player: "If this is not an orange, then the sun." The next one should continue: “If this is not an orange and not the sun, then it is a ball!” What else does an orange look like? globe, head, Christmas tree decoration...
A participant who thinks for more than one minute is eliminated from the game.
After that, the competition continues, but with a new word. The winner receives the title of "Most erudite" (do not forget to explain to the children the concept of this word).


"Yesterday in the yard I met a crocodile ..." - the first child starts the game .
“The crocodile was sitting on a bench and chewing gum,” picks up the second.
“The chewing gum looked like balloon' continues the third.
“On the ball, the crocodile flew into the sky,” a fourth fantasizes.
Thus, by adding just one word, the guys create a fantastically fascinating story. True, as he composes, the slowest "authors" drop out of the game.

Secret bag

IN beautiful bag (bag or box) collect a few small items - an apple, glasses, a balloon, a book, a toy, a postcard. Each child in turn must be given the opportunity to determine by touch: what is hidden there.

Let's find a color

Prepare a few sheets of colored paper. During the game, take them out of the folder one by one. Let the children find the same colors in the design of the room or their clothes. The winner is the most active child, who found the largest number of suggested colors.


To conduct this game, it is necessary to make a chamomile out of paper in advance, and there should be as many petals in it as there will be children at the holiday. The resulting flower is brightly painted, and simple comic tasks are written on the back of each petal. Each child present at the holiday will have to tear off a petal and complete the written task: walk in single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song, repeat patter . All participants are awarded prizes.

Color the beetle

This competition is suitable for a fun summer children's party. However, it can also be held in winter, diluting the holiday with bright summer colors. Each child needs to distribute one coloring sheet, which depicts any insect (you can either download them on the Internet, or just gut any thematic coloring book), wax crayons, pencils or felt-tip pens and ask to color what is shown in the picture. The jury, consisting of adults, condescendingly evaluates the masterpieces. And depending on the quality, speed, correspondence to reality, as well as fantasy talents, it distributes prizes among all participants.


Each participant is given one "snowball" made from a small ball of cotton. The child must loosen his snowball and, at the signal of the host, launch it into the air. In order for the snowball to stay in the air as long as possible, it must be strongly blown from below. The winner is the participant whose snowball “hung” in the air longer than the others.

The article will help you prepare your child's holiday so that it is fun and interesting for everyone.

The birthday of a beloved child is always the excitement of the mother, not only regarding the set table, but also regarding its fun. How to make a holiday fun not only for children, but also for guests?

Contests for the birthday of a child 1 year old

Since a baby at 1 year old cannot yet understand the whole meaning of what is happening, almost all competitions are aimed at the participation of guests in them.

Who knows the child best?

For guests, a number of questions are asked about the birthday man. Whoever answers correctly first gets, for example, one candy. Whoever collects the most candies wins. If there are many guests, you can divide them into several groups. In the end, respectively, one of the groups will win. Some questions are obvious, but designed for speed. Sample questions:

  • How much did the birthday boy weigh at birth
  • What day of the week was born
  • What time was born
  • What is the patronymic of the birthday
  • Favorite toy
  • When the first tooth came out
  • How many teeth now
  • Favorite food
  • Zodiac sign
  • The name of godmother and dad
  • What was the first word he said?
  • Favorite cartoon
  • What is the current weight
  • When you first stood up

IMPORTANT: There can be many such questions. But do not overdo it so as not to tire the guests with interrogation.

Who will be the birthday boy in the future?

This competition is personal for the birthday boy. But other small children can also participate.

Items are laid out on the table. The item that the child will take and will mean his future profession. Example:

  • Keys - Builder
  • Comb - hairdresser
  • Money is a financier
  • Book - scientist
  • Soft toy - veterinarian
  • vitamins - doctor
  • Flashlight - Cop
  • Calculator - Economist/Accountant
  • Any equipment (mouse, remote control, tablet) - programmer or technician
  • Doll Outfit - Fashion Designer
  • Spoon - restaurant business
  • Beautiful figurine - interior designer
  • Children's Signet - Lawyer
  • Pen - Writer
  • Brush - artist

IMPORTANT: You can come up with a lot of your own options

When the birthday person makes the choice, give other children the same opportunity.

The best foodie.

  • From the guests, invite several people to participate (it will be more fun if they are supporters of early feeding)
  • Pre-prepare jars baby food and take off the labels
  • Take turns giving it a try. Whoever guesses the taste the most wins.

IMPORTANT: It will be more fun if you choose less tasty options for testing: broccoli, cauliflower.

Spit it.

For the competition, you can take two or three children from 6 years old. Each give a dummy or pacifier (better - the same). Whoever spits the farthest from two attempts wins.


The competition is suitable for children who are not afraid to go into the arms of other people's uncles.

Invite men to the competition. Let everyone lift the child and name the approximate weight. Who will be closer to the truth - he won.

Birthday laugh.

Call for a contest of those who wish, regardless of age and gender.

The one who can make the birthday man laugh in 1 minute - he won.

After each competition, medals can be awarded to guests:

Contests for the birthday of a child 2-3 years old

At 2-3 years old, the child will already actively participate in competitions.

Funny balls.

For this competition, attract small children and their mothers or fathers.

Give each child an inflated balloon and a marker. To the music, children with the help of their parents draw funny faces. At the end of the music, the presenter evaluates the drawing of everyone and, of course, we say that friendship has won. We give prizes to all participants.

Accuracy competition.

  • To participate, take the birthday boy and his friends. Line up the kids
  • Opposite each at a distance of 2-3 meters, put an adult with a bucket. Give each child a small ball or paper crumpled into a ball.
  • Give everyone 3 attempts to roll. Who will show best result- he will win


  • Print 3 types of pictures with animals about 10 by 15 cm in size in several copies
  • The number of copies depends on the number of participants. Cut each picture in half
  • Give each participant 3 cut pictures. On a signal, everyone begins to collect the picture. Whoever gets 3 pictures first wins.

IMPORTANT: You can involve moms to help

Show the beast.

  • Write on pieces of paper animals that children love and know how to show: dog, cat, mouse, frog, monkey, bear, hedgehog, donkey, duck, bird, goose, chicken
  • Inflate air balloons, having previously thrown a piece of paper with the name of the animal into each. Tie the balloon on a bow (in case someone is afraid of bursting the balloon)
  • The child chooses a balloon, you pop or untie it, and name the animal that the child should voice or show. It will be more fun for both children and adults if mom and dad keep their baby company
  • At the end of the competition, all children win.

Contests for the birthday of a child 4-5 years old

Candy soup.

  • Please invite two children to participate.
  • Give each one a ladle. Opposite after 3 meters, put a stool with a saucepan. And near the child - a handful of sweets
  • The task of the participants is to put the candy in the ladle, carry it and pour it into the pan
  • Whoever did it faster - he won

Attentive parrot.

  • The host explains to the children that they must repeat after him all the words, except for the word "parrot". To quiet music, the presenter calls words, including the word "parrot". The one who repeats "parrot" is out of the game
  • With each elimination, the facilitator speeds up and speeds up to make it easier to confuse the kids
  • The last one left wins
  • Maximum children are invited to participate. Adults can also participate for fun
  • One person sits on a chair, facing away from the others. One participant from the rest comes up from the back and pronounces the sound of an animal: "woof-woof", "meow", "wee-wee-wee"
  • Sitting in a chair should understand who came up. If you guessed right, then a suitable child sits in a chair
  • There is no such thing as a winner. Everyone is rewarded for participating

Fun birthday contests for kids

Following the tracks of the animals.

  • Parents and children participate
  • Each team is given two cardboard cutouts in the shape of an animal footprint. At a distance of 3-4 meters improvise the finish
  • The task of an adult is to substitute a cardboard box for each step of the child
  • The task of the child is to go the whole distance exclusively on cardboard


  • There are two teams of children. Give one team 5 inflated balloons of the same color, the other team - a different color.
  • Put the teams opposite each other. Draw an impromptu line between them (like a volleyball net)
  • When the music starts, each team tries to throw their balls over the line, and, at the same time, knock out the opponent's balls from their territory.
  • At the end of the music, the team with the fewest balls on their territory wins.

Easy birthday contests for kids

We make barbecue.

We give each participant a stick (it can be from balls) and put 10 dryers on a plate. Whoever quickly puts the drying on a stick, he made the first shish kebab.

Collect sweets.

Sprinkle candy on the floor. On command, the children begin to collect them in their hands, pockets, sleeves. Whoever collects more - he won. Of course, everyone takes their own sweets.

Musical competitions for children on their birthday

Find a color.

  • Children participate in the competition. The presenter says aloud some color and the music is turned on for 10 seconds
  • During this time, each participant is looking for something in the room of the appropriate color and put his hand to it (guest clothes, toy). Who could not find it in the allotted time - he leaves
  • Next, another color is announced, and so on until one winner remains.

Guess the song.

  • A leader is selected from adults or older children. He goes into another room. At this time, the children are divided into two teams. Each team thinks of a song
  • When the host returns, the teams simultaneously begin to sing their songs. In this noise, the presenter must guess who and what song is singing
  • If he doesn’t guess, he fulfills the desire of the children

Mobile games at the birthday party

Relay "Find a Pair".

  • 10-14 participants are invited to participate (even number). Adults can be involved. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams
  • Each participant removes shoes from one foot. All removed shoes are placed in one pile, located at the same distance from both teams.
  • The relay is to run to a pile of shoes, find your own, put it on and return to the team
  • The team that boots first will be declared the winner

Wind the coil.

Two people are involved. Each is given a spool of thread. For two, a thread of 5 m is issued. The middle of the thread is marked with a knot. Participants begin, on a signal, to wind the thread each on their own spool from two edges. The one who wraps the knot first wins.

Funny birthday contests for kids

Who said meow.

  • Choose one adult to lead. There can be as many children as players
  • The host turns away, and one of the children shouts “meow”. It will be better if the child says it with a grimace or changing his voice
  • Then the leader turns, and all the children begin to shout "meow" and run and jump around the room
  • In such a noisy atmosphere, an adult tries to guess who said “meow” first.
  • To make it more fun, the losing host draws a phantom from the bag (for example, portray some kind of animal). The kids will have a lot of fun watching this.


The competition will appeal to younger children. The host says that he is going to the zoo and leaves the room. Returning, he says that he saw there, for example, a bear. After that, the children all together should show how the bear does.

Questions contests for children on their birthday

Fairy tale connoisseur.

The host calls the beginning of the tale, and the children guess the ending. For the correct answer, everyone gets a candy. Whoever gets the most candies wins.

  • "Red..."
  • "Wolf and..."
  • Snow White and…”
  • "Baba..."
  • "Tom and..."

Guess a riddle.

The leader asks riddles. For each correct answer gives a candy. Whoever has the most candy wins.

  • They were waiting for their mother with milk, but they let the wolf into the house. Who were these little children? (Seven kids)
  • She bought a samovar, and a mosquito saved her. (fly Tsokotukha)
  • He is always at work when we speak. And rests when we are silent. (language)
  • Lots of teeth, but nothing to eat. (comb)
  • every day at six in the morning he crackles "It's time to get up" (alarm clock)

Birthday contests for children in the form of a fairy tale

  • To conduct a fairy tale contest, good preparation of the organizer is required. Need props, script, musical accompaniment
  • by the most simple option there will be a fairy tale "Kolobok". All children know it, it is not very long and easy to remember.
  • Participants: grandfather, grandmother, Kolobok, bear, fox, hare
  • For everyone, props should be prepared to help see who the participant is performing: a scarf for a grandmother, a hat for a grandfather, hats for a bear, a fox and a hare (or ears)
  • The facilitator reads the story expressively and slowly. And the participants portray their role every time they are mentioned.

Table contests for a child's birthday

Guess yourself.

  • Stickers are handed out to everyone at the table.
  • In turn, everyone writes a word known to everyone on their sticker: fruit, vegetable, animal, and others. After the stickers are passed in a circle
  • Having received a sticker, the participant sticks it on his forehead and asks everyone leading questions. So he tries to guess who he is. Of course, the author of the word does not try to guess and suggest
  • Sample questions: Am I a fruit? am i red? am i round?

Broken phone.

The participant comes up with a phrase. Passes it to the neighbor in a whisper in his ear. Neighbor to another neighbor. And so on until the end. At the end, it's quite fun to hear the phrase that the last member will voice.

Prizes for birthday contests

The choice of prizes depends on the budget you expect. It can be:

  • Egg Kinder Surprise
  • chocolate bar
  • Candies
  • Chupa Chups
  • small soft toys
  • dolls for girls
  • Cars for boys
  • air bubbles
  • Puzzles

Economical, but at the same time, a memorable option would be medals. Print on thick paper, thread the string. You can give after each competition.

Contests for adults at a child's birthday

Unravel the ball.

  • One adult and children participate in the competition
  • The adult goes out the door. Children stand in a circle, hold hands
  • Then they begin to get entangled, stepping their feet or hands over the hands and feet of others. Hands should not let go
  • The adult comes back and tries to unravel the ball without unhooking his hands. If he untangles, he receives a prize. Does not unravel - fulfills a desire

Eat for health.

  • Adults participate in the competition. Everyone sits down at the table
  • Before each is placed a plate of crumbly food - ideally rice or buckwheat porridge. Each participant is given Chinese sticks
  • On command, everyone begins to eat with chopsticks. Whoever eats the most in a minute wins.
  • Portions should be equal.

As you can see, a children's birthday can be fun for both the guests and the birthday boy. The main thing is preparation.

Video: Games and contests for BIRTHDAY 2-3 YEARS Part 2

For each child who comes to visit, the host (dad, mother, grandmother or grandfather) announces that the entrance is only with a password. If you have time, come up with a "ceremonial gate" through which you need to pass. It can be just a doorway to the room, decorated with balls or flowers from corrugated paper. And you can come up with a narrow and low hole between two chairs. Decorate them with balloons or soft toys too.
The password can be written in advance in the invitation. If you haven’t handed them out, just teach the guest at the front door: “Wow-wow, meow-meow, happy birthday.” For many, the end of the phrase sounds "congratulations".

Salute in honor of the birthday

Our birthday boy is 5 years old, so we will clap exactly five times. All children stand in a circle. inside children's circle sketch a lot of colorful balloons. At the command of the host, the children clap their hands 5 times, then quickly bend over the balls, throw them up with the word "Salute!". They immediately bend down for the next ball, again shouting "Salute!" And so you can shout, tossing balls, a couple of minutes. Turn on a cheerful song, write down this cheerful congratulation for the family chronicle.

finger tree

In order for the child to remember the birthday of 5 years for a long time, I propose to make the painting “Magic Tree” with finger paints. It is desirable, of course, that each guest has his own color. There are as many fingers on the hand as our hero of the occasion is, so we will dip each finger into the paint. I got the idea from wedding tradition, you can see how beautiful the tree with finger leaves looks. Such a panel may well decorate the children's room for many more years.

Sign the names of the guests with a pen. Now is the time to wash your hands before eating! We all go to the bathroom.


Immediately after eating active games not recommended, so let's deal with a giant application. Lay out roll paper for drawing or unnecessary wallpaper (pattern down) on the floor. Cut out clouds, the sun, trees, flowers, mountains, sea, fish, etc. from colored paper in advance. And we will also need modes of transport on which we will send the birthday boy on a trip: a car, an airplane, a balloon, a boat, an elephant. If you also print and cut out a round portrait of a child, it will be generally wonderful.
Lay out the application together with the children, come up with a trip together, glue the figures with a glue stick.

candy soup

This is a relay. Bring two pots, put them on stools or just on the floor. Choose two participants, give each a ladle (according to experience, five-year-olds are easier to manage with it than with a spoon). Now, at a distance of 2-3 meters from the pans, put 2 handfuls of sweets. You need to transfer one candy in a ladle. Try to help the lagging behind so that friendship wins and the children get the same prizes.

guess the beast

Blindfold the child's eyes. We give in hand soft toy. You have to guess who it is. I advise you to involve adults in this fun. Let them show that this is not a very serious task - you can joke, make assumptions for a long time and, in the end, call the hare a dragon. Children quickly adopt the manner of comic guessing, they laugh a lot. Prizes for everyone!


The most common game with the search for a hidden toy. The children leave the room, the presenter hides the bear, calls everyone back to the room. According to the words "cold-warmer-hot" children understand where to look. To children at the age of 5, this game seems very mysterious.


While the children are eating the cake, we tell them the fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik". Not everyone remembers the plot and moral of the work of Valentin Kataev, they listen with great pleasure. Now we get our flower. It is not necessary to make a leg for him, it is difficult. You can use a ball mount. Your semi-flower should have multi-colored petals. Before parting, we ask guests to tear off the petal and wish our birthday something really important. Connect adults, they already know what to say.


Suitable music from "Barbarikov" or "Multkontsert". If the kids are tired, at the end of the holiday, arrange a joint viewing of your favorite cartoons - this always goes well.
Have a great holiday!

To make the children's holiday fun, you need to come up with games and entertainment for kids. An adult acts as a host, other adult guests of the holiday can also participate in the games or help with their conduct. If the holiday is held in an apartment, then you can choose games that are easy to organize in a limited space. For a holiday on the street, we offer outdoor collective games.

We hold games and competitions at home

If we call some kind of entertainment the word "competition", then we mean that we use this concept conditionally. After all, in a real competition there are winners and losers, but we don’t need such a competition at our holiday. Our goal is to have a fun and joyful time. Therefore, all our participants are great, everyone gets applause and praise. Well, the one who fell behind or made a mistake can perform some kind of comic task.

Riddles in verse

Children love to solve riddles. We offer you several thematic series of riddles in verse. The facilitator reads the riddle, and the kids should add the last guess word in unison.

Riddles in verses about parts of the human body. (Children answer in chorus, pointing to the hidden part of the body.)

I won't get sick in winter

I will tie a scarf ... (neck)

Mom gave me a hat

So as not to freeze ... (head)

For a long time we walked along the road,

And we are tired ... (legs).

Let's have breakfast with you!

I'll take a spoon ... (with my hand).

I don’t want compote now -

Full of semolina ... (mouth).

I brought a flower to my face.

To sniff, you need ... (nose).

They are used to talking

After all, it lives in the mouth ... (language).

They are hidden from everyone by lips.

You smile - you can see ... (teeth).

Riddles in poems about animals.(Children finish the lines of poetry in unison.)

Jumping through the forest clearing

Long-eared gray ... (bunny).

The most cunning in the forest

They call everything ... (fox).

Among the trees, among the cones

A clubfoot is wandering ... (bear).

Terribly he clicked his teeth.

Everyone in the forest is afraid ... (wolf).

Early in the morning at the window

Licks our paws ... (cat).

New Year's riddles in verses.(Children in chorus add words to rhyme.)

The winter holiday is upon us!

We celebrate ... (New Year)

green needles

At the elegant ... (Christmas trees) \

Bright on New Year's Eve

Hidden under the tree ... (gifts)

Who brought gifts to everyone?

Kind Grandfather... (Frost)

Competitions for small artists

You can organize competitions for young artists, after which they immediately make an exhibition of works.

draw. For this task, you will need drawing sheets, felt-tip pens or colored pencils. On all sheets, you need to draw the beginning of the drawing in advance. It can also be simple geometric figure, and a tree trunk, and a flower stalk. Participants of the competition are given the task to complete the drawing in 5 minutes. For example, you give the children sheets of paper, on each of which a circle is drawn. Kids draw what their fantasy tells them: a flower, the sun, a car or a little man.

Decorate the Christmas tree. If you are celebrating a New Year's holiday, then as a task, you can give out sheets with a Christmas tree pattern. Children will have to draw holiday decorations on it.

colorize. For the smallest participants, you can give the task to color the finished drawings.

Tests for the dexterous

Among children, you can conduct tests for dexterous. Such competitions are held if children express a desire to participate in them. You can exclude the competitive element if the children perform the task in turn. But adult guests can compete by participating in the same competitions. We offer you several tasks.

Right on target. To conduct the competition, you will need a ball of any size and some object that will be the goal. You need to roll the ball so that it hits the target. The younger the children, the larger the ball should be and the shorter the distance to the target.

Don't spill. For the competition you will need wide bowls of water, tablespoons and identical glass jars, on which a line is marked at the same height, for example, at a height of 5 cm from the bottom. Participants need to use a spoon to pour water into the jar to the designated level.

Breeze. To hold the competition, you need to make a small ball out of cotton. Competitors must blow on the balloon, thus advancing it on a flat surface from the start to the designated finish.

Games for attention

Ear - nose. The facilitator explains to the children that he will name the parts of the body, and they should point to them. He himself will also point to a part of the body, but perhaps not to the one he named, that is, the children should follow the words of the leader, and not his gestures. Whoever makes a mistake performs some task: tells a rhyme, dances, depicts some animal.

sun - rain. The game is played like the previous one, only two moves are selected. If the facilitator pronounces the word "sun", then everyone shows their palms up with their fingers up. If the leader pronounces the word “rain”, then everyone lowers their palms with their fingers down and wiggles them. The leader confuses the players with his gestures.

Comic entertainment for children

On children's holiday You can hold comic entertainment in which both adults and children will take part. We offer several joke contests, and you can come up with others.

make-up artists. Theatrical make-up is required for the performance. Children paint their parents' faces. Let them use makeup to create images of animals.

Unusual outfit. For the competition, you will need to collect different things from the wardrobe, it is best to find clothes large sizes and accessories to it. It is necessary to break the company into pairs: a child and one of the parents. Clothes are put into boxes according to the number of couples participating. The child becomes a fashion stylist and dresses up an adult using the contents of the box. Then all the adults show off their outfits. Don't forget to take photos as a keepsake.

Simulation games for kids

Children will enjoy participating in role-playing games. We present some of them.

What's happened? Who it? The most artistic adult is appointed as the leader in this game. With the help of movements and sounds, he shows children animate and inanimate objects. Who guessed, he raises his hand. After the shown is guessed, the facilitator invites the children to depict the action associated with the shown object. For example, the host showed a wolf. The children guessed, and the host asks them: “How does the wolf click its teeth?” Everyone is doing this at the same time. It is better for very young children to show animals that they know. Older children can also be shown inanimate objects or phenomena that are familiar to them, for example: wind, mobile phone, water faucet, machine. Older preschoolers will already guess the people involved in different types sports, and people of different professions. While watching an adult presenter, some children may wish to act as entertainers themselves.

Zoo. Each child is secretly given a picture with an animal. The host announces that each participant in the game must draw an animal from the picture that he got. The rest of the children guess the animals. All performances are supported by loud applause and praise.

animal voices. The roles of animals are distributed between children. These should be animals that can be portrayed with a voice. After the distribution of roles, the host asks everyone in turn to voice their beast. The game is played in this way: the host calls the animal, it must immediately respond. The game is played at an accelerating pace. Possible animals: cat, dog, cow, goat, mouse, bear, lion, etc.

Theatrical games for children

To play such a game, you need to write a small script for several characters (animals, fairy-tale characters, plants, etc.). Here are some small plots for theatrical games.

curious ducklings. One of the adults is assigned as Mother Duck. The host calls Mother Duck to the center of the room and asks to show duck movements: hands on the belt, flapping the wings-hands and quacking. All children become ducklings and repeat the movements of mother Duck. The children are told that they will have to hide from Duck's mother and come out when she says the word "round dance".

Leading. Mother Duck took the ducklings for a walk.

All the children line up in a column behind their mother Duck and walk in single file.

Leading. But the curious ducklings fled in different directions.

Children run and hide.

Mother Duck. Quack quack! Where are you, ducklings? Where are you guys?

He calls several times, but the ducklings do not come out.

Mama Duck. I know how to collect them. My ducklings love to dance!

All ducklings should gather near Mother Duck.

Leading. Let's start the duck dance! All are taken under the arms and go in a circle to the music. As soon as the music stops, everyone flaps their wings and quacks loudly.

The host suddenly turns the music on and off several times.

Jumping Bunnies. The host lines up the children in a line and says that now they are bunnies. You can give everyone a bunny mask or ears. For convenience, each bunny keeps its own name.

Leading. What are the best things bunnies do? Of course, jump. But each bunny jumps in its own way. Each of you will need to remember your jumps.

The host calls the children one at a time, announcing how his bunny is jumping.

Leading. Bunny Sasha is the best jumper on one leg! Show us all! Are you so good at it?

Everyone jumps like Sasha.

Then the methods of jumping are distributed to everyone: one jumps back, the other jumps on each leg alternately, the third jumps holding the ball between his knees, the fourth jumps with a turn around himself, etc. Then the bunnies jump to the music. As soon as the music stops, all bunnies should sit down and not move. The host suddenly turns the music on and off several times.

Win-win lottery

We propose to include a win-win lottery for guests in the holiday program.

There are many ways to run the lottery. Can make lottery tickets different color and pack the prizes in matching color boxes. You can make cards with images of prizes that guests will pull out of the bag. You can hang prizes with numbers on a rope and invite the participants of the holiday to blindly pull out pieces of paper with numbers from the bag.

Children's disco

Be sure to organize a children's disco at the holiday. To do this, you need to make a selection of children's songs in advance, under which you can dance. Of course, children can dance on their own, but not for long. Therefore, we offer several collective dance fun.

Dancer in a hat. In the hands of the host is a hat (any children's headdress will do). The host announces the rules: only the one on whom he puts on a hat dances, and everyone else clap their hands. So alternately the host puts a hat on one or the other child. And can wear it on adults.

Mirror reflection. For this entertainment, the leader must come up with a sequence of dance movements in advance. Everyone stands in a circle and repeats the movements of the leader to the music. You can include some funny movements, even not quite dance ones.

round dance. The most popular round dance new year holiday- “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, during which the participants in the round dance make movements according to the text of the song. For a round dance, music is not required, but a song is needed. If you are not holding a New Year's disco, then any rhyme that can be sung and staged is suitable for a round dance. Here is an example of such a round dance.

Round dance "Sun". The song is sung to any suitable motive, repeated several times.

Sunshine, sunshine

Warm all around!

(Children raise their hands up, turning around themselves.)

Sunshine, sunshine!

(Children, holding hands, walk in a circle.)

Gather in a circle!

(Everyone, holding hands, walk to the center of the circle.)

Incendiary dances. The host invites the participants to dance in a special way, changing the task after a short time. He suggests dancing like bunnies, like bears, like mosquitoes, like horses, like butterflies, like frogs, like aliens, etc.

Interrupted dance. In this dance fun there is a condition for the dancers: if the music is interrupted, then some action must be performed. For example, shout “Hurray!”, puff out your cheeks, sit on the floor, take a candy from a box, or plug your ears.

Fantasize, invent, and all the guests at your holiday will have fun!

Competitions for children 4 years old will create a holiday of magic and magic. It is enough for you to transform into a fairy-tale wizard, funny clown or a magician and hold competitions from our selection with a noisy company of kids.

Chain on bumps

We divide the kids into teams. Each adult is tied around the waist with a rope, a chain of children is obtained.

We make bumps from plywood on the floor, they will slide out of paper. You can use self-adhesive tape. Over the bumps, the team needs to get to the shore on the other side. Whoever gets over the whole team first is the winner.

For this game you will need to prepare 2 ropes, about 20 "bumps".

Master class for Cinderella

Everyone watched the fairy tale about Cinderella, where she had to go through the cereals to be allowed to the ball. We offer children a set of vegetables and fruits, for example: pear, orange, apple, beetroot, potato, onion, etc. Participants need to sort these products into baskets, i.e. one for fruits and the other for vegetables.

For the game you need: baskets (according to the number of teams), for convenience, you can make pictures and attach them to the baskets so that the children do not get confused about what to put where; fruits and vegetables themselves.

animal jumping

In the animal world there is various ways locomotion: crawling, running, walking. And some animals generally move by jumping. We suggest you try and jump in the same way as they do ...

  • hares;
  • kangaroo;
  • sparrows;
  • frogs.

You sing great!

Everyone knows how to sing correctly. But it's not always interesting. Perform the song "Little Country" sung by Natasha Koroleva, and at the same time:

  • take water in your mouth;
  • bite your lower lip
  • pinch your nose with your fingers.

Right on target

For this competition, you need balls of any size and an object that will be our goal. The task is to roll the ball in such a way that it hits right on the target. The smaller the children, the larger, preferably, the size should be the ball and the smaller the distance to the target.

Wind for the ball

For the competition, make cotton balls. Players need to blow on a cotton ball so that it rolls from the start to the intended finish line.

Nose ears

The host calls the parts of the body, and the children need to show on themselves. The presenter himself will also show parts, but sometimes not the one that he himself called on purpose. The main task of the guys is to be attentive and follow the words of the leader. For those who made a mistake, you can come up with a task: sing a song, dance or tell a poem.


We offer you some funny games in which adults who came to the holiday to your baby can take part.

For the first competition you need theatrical make-up. You can set themes, such as images of animals, and let the kids paint their parents' faces.

super stylist

To hold this contest with humor, you need to collect as many different things from your wardrobe as possible, the most interesting things will be large-sized items and accessories for them. Create paired teams: baby and one parent.

We put the clothes in a box according to the number of pairs. So, the child turns into a super-stylist and dresses an adult, everything that is in the box should go into action. Then there is a model show, where parents demonstrate the resulting outfits. Take photos as a keepsake.

Lottery for everyone

We also offer you to include a win-win lottery for your guests in the holiday program.

Here are a few ways to do it:

  1. Make colorful lottery tickets. Prizes pack the boxes of the corresponding color.
  2. On the cards, depict the prize that the guests will take out of the bag.
  3. Hang the prizes on the ropes with numbers and invite the participants to take out a piece of paper with the number from the bag.

In the bag

The leader has a hat in his hands (any children's headdress is also possible). We announce the following rules: as soon as the host puts on a hat, he dances, and the rest clap their hands.

So, it is desirable to dress everyone in a circle. You can also include adults.

Dance of the little monkeys

The host comes up with a movement, and everyone in the circle repeats it, we invite the most artistic one into the circle and now he comes up with the movement. So, too, you can call everyone into a circle and dance, mirroring the actions.