Birthday script for children “Travel with Clown Tyapa!” Birthday script “Two funny clowns Birthday script with a clown for a girl

Scenario for a performance with clowns at a child’s birthday party aged 6-10 years

GAME PROGRAM “BIRTHDAY” with jokers Kesha and Ksyusha

Birthday party program for a child aged 6 – 10 years. It can be carried out both at home and in a public area (for example, a cafe) - depending on the desires and capabilities of the parents ordering it. HOSTS need to take into account such a feature of this holiday as a possible composition of guests of different ages and genders.

A preliminary agreement between the HOSTS and parents is provided for their partial participation in the preparation of the holiday and the conditions for its holding: clarification of the composition and number of guests, technical features of the venue, coordination of actions (such as, for example, determining the moment when guests present gifts not immediately upon arrival, as is traditionally customary , and in a certain episode during the program).

List of required details:

– clown costumes
– ceremonial ribbon with a congratulatory inscription
– a container for receiving gifts from guests (an elegant basket, a decorated box or basin) – prepared by parents in advance
– birthday cake with candles (parents)
– musical and song soundtrack
– a set of souvenirs for awards in games and competitions (depending on the repertoire of the Presenters)

/ To the cheerful music - polka, gallop - the clowns Kesha and Ksyusha appear. /

KSH. - Hello, kids!
KS. - Hi girls! Hello boys!

/ They walk in a circle from different directions, shake hands with the children and say “Hello!” to everyone. They meet in the middle of the circle and, by inertia, shake hands with each other. /

KSH./KS. (to each other, comically):

- HELLO! / realize that they know each other /

KSH. - I am Kesha!

KS. - And I am Ksyusha!

/ Laughing, they hug, slap each other on the back, and continue the greeting-clownery: with their heels, hips, etc. - depending on your imagination and physical capabilities. /

KSH. - Hello, grandpas! Hello grannies!

KS. - Hello, uncles - aunts - parents!
Would you like to remember your childhood with us?!

KSH. - Our circus left - but we stayed
And they immediately rushed to you when called!

KS. – Why did we end up here?

KSH. - Yes, what is the reason for the appearance?! /cunningly/

KS. - Oh, it’s a birthday here today!!! / guessing or as if remembering /

/ Another option: the remark is pronounced triumphantly - affirmatively, with a challenge or a trick - “And here today is a birthday!” » /

KSH. - Birthday?

KS. - Birthday! / teasingly sly /

KSH. - Birthday, birthday!...

/ each time the remark can be pronounced with a different intonation: pathetic, reflecting, doubting, remembering interrogatively, etc. – at the request of the performer /

– What does “Birthday” mean?!

KS. - This means jam day!

KSH. – Jam and Cookie Day! / will clarify as if edifyingly /

KS. - And a crazy mood!

KSH. – Friends’ Day invites everyone,

Boxing day of giving,

KS. - All sorts of goodies to eat,

KSH. - Day of playing and singing,

The day of squealing, stomping,

And spinning, and twisting... -

KS. - A day of great significance! / with comic pathos /

KSH. – The whole family is having fun:

On th-that day... WHO was born?

/ directly addresses the hero of the occasion or points at him with an expressive gesture - to encourage him to respond /

REB-K – ME!!

KSH.-KS. - Here is the hero of the occasion!

Congratulations words

We'll tell him today

Let's tie a red ribbon,

/ they put a ceremonial ribbon over the shoulder of the “culprit” with the inscription “Happy Birthday!”, which is then removed at the end of the program /

Let's lead round dances,

Let's sing a holiday song!

/ They put the “culprit” on a chair, one Leader stays with him, holding his hand, the second Leader starts a round dance with the children around the chair. The traditional congratulatory chorus is sung./

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy birthday (name of the “culprit”)
Happy Birthday to you!

KSH. - I have this opinion,

It's time for giving!

/ proclaims /

All the gifts, gentlemen,

Presented here!

/ He sits the “culprit” on a chair and gives him a spacious container, provided in advance by the parents. The song of Gena the crocodile sounds. During the introduction, Kesha invites the children to clap as many times as the age of the birthday boy, then stomp and jump until the introduction ends. While the phonogram is playing, guests put their gifts for the birthday boy in the indicated container, hug him, kiss him, and congratulate him. The presenters direct the donation procedure so that everyone has the opportunity to sing the last chorus of the song together. Then the container with gifts is handed over to the parents, the chair is removed, and the birthday person returns to the circle of guests./

KSH. – And now the journey begins:

All guests are invited to board the train!

Joy and adventure await us!

Let's go to the Land of Birthdays!

/ The first verse of the phonogram “Blue Car” sounds. Children line up in a chain and move like a snake behind the Leaders /

KSH. (at the end of the song)
- That's it, we've arrived! First station!

“Tan-tse-valnaya”! So, with dancing!

KS. – Let’s dance “Little Ducklings”!

And there are no people who don’t want to!

/ The soundtrack “Dance of the Little Ducklings” is played. Everyone is dancing./

KSH. – The journey continues!

The funniest station is approaching!

/ The 2nd verse of the phonogram “Blue Car” sounds, the snake’s movement around the hall is repeated./

KSH. - Attention! Our train is arriving

To the station with the name
- “I – ​​I – GR – R – ROW-Y-Y!”

/The presenters distribute the children into 2 teams. The game part of the program is carried out, which each Presenter draws up arbitrarily in advance according to their choice, capabilities and in relation to age, gender composition and the number of expected participants: funny contests, competitions, etc. After each extra event, awards are given to those who distinguished themselves/

KSH. – And now comes the solemn moment:

The main present is approaching us!

Our host of the celebration is rewarded with it,

And all guests are supposed to try it!

/ The soundtrack “Happy Berthday” or any other solemn melody plays. A cake or pie is brought out. The “culprit” blows out the candles. Everyone helps themselves. The hosts say congratulatory wishes./

KS. - We wish you a whole heap of happiness,

A bouquet of joyful smiles,

Reliable and cheerful friends,

Have wonderful, kind, peaceful years!

KSH. - Let what has not yet come true come true,

So that you can live a long, easy, interesting life,

Loving your friends and parents dearly!

And we will never forget you!

KSH. /“culprit”/

- Now we are going to our home!

But let the holiday always be with you!

/ The phonogram sounds as the clowns leave: “Where has the circus gone”, “Wandering artists”, etc. The presenters conduct another round of the “chain”, as if returning from a trip, and say goodbye to the guests./

Price: 0 R ub.

When a child's birthday approaches, parents are faced with the question of how to celebrate it? The easiest option for parents is to invite little guests to a children's entertainment center or cafe with a children's menu. The most profitable option is to invite the children home and organize the holiday yourself. If for some reason parents don’t want to entertain the kids themselves or don’t have enough time to prepare, then entertainment professionals can help - children's animators. Fortunately, there are now plenty of agencies providing this service, and you can choose a program to suit every taste.

To celebrate the holiday you will need:

  • An adult clown costume (can be improvised, as long as there is a nose and a wig);
  • Clown noses for children (according to the number of invited guests), some other attributes are possible, for example, wigs, headbands with pigtails, ties, etc.;
  • Whatman paper and drawing media;
  • A selection of fun music;
  • Balloons;
  • Small souvenirs for prizes;
  • Delicious food and a cheerful mood.

Entertainment script.

It is best for children to eat at the festive table before the start of the entertainment program. And you will have time to change clothes and prepare for competitions.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, a clown appears with a bunch of balloons (there should be the number of balloons for the number of children, plus 1 for the clown).

Clown: Hello! Friends! How glad I am to see you! What kind of holiday are you having?

(children answer)

Clown:(asks again) - Jam day? (No). Cookie day? (No). Day of torment? (No). A-a-a, School Day? (No). Got it, got it! Birthday!!! (Yes).

Clown: There are so many of you! Let's get acquainted! I know one fun game called “Tender Names.” Stand in a circle. We will throw a ball to each other and say our name. The one who catches the ball must call this name affectionately. Then throw the ball to the next person and say your name. Let me start. My name is Button (throws the ball to one of the children). Child: “Button”, etc. until each child says his name.

Clown: That's how we met! Now, I suggest you join the clown corps and have fun until you drop! Want to? (children answer)

Clown: Then you need to undergo a special rite of passage to become a clown. Now let's check how attentive you are children. (The clown plays the game “Attentive Listeners”). All guests stand in a circle. The clown stands in the center of the circle. The driver (clown) gives commands, and he himself carries them out exactly the opposite. Children should listen carefully to the clown and only do what he says, not what he does. For example, the clown says: “sit down,” and he rises on his toes, while the children must squat down; “hands up”, and he lowers himself down, etc.

Clown: Well done! We completed the task! Now, I can accept all of you as merry fellows - mischievous people. (Hands out clown noses and other attributes). We are now going to a cheerful clown country called “Laughterland”, and we will fly there in balloons. All children take a balloon and run around the room to cheerful music.

Clown: Now, let's play with your balloons. (Game “Keep the ball in the air”). Let's see whose ball will hang in the air longer and not fall to the floor. To prevent it from falling, you need to blow on the ball from below, like this. (The clown demonstrates how to hold the ball) Now try it! (A game is played. The child whose ball was in the air the longest receives a prize from the clown).

Clown: How clever you all are! Now we'll see how serious you are. This is a test of seriousness. The game is called "Bug". Now, with the help of a counting rhyme, we will choose who will be the first bug. (They choose). Now everyone stands in a circle, and the little insect gets on all fours and, crawling in a circle, says:

I'm a boo-bu-bu-bu-bug!


I'm red, I'm blue!

I am the most beautiful!

Whoever laughs first repeats all the same actions and words. Thus, two insects crawl. Whoever laughs next also repeats everything. There are three of them. And this continues until there is only one player left or none at all. The last player remaining earns a prize.

Clown: You guys are very funny! Remind me why today is a holiday?! (Birthday). What do they do at all birthdays? (dancing). I also invite you to perform my favorite dance - “Lavata”. Children dance along with the clown, repeating the movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

Clown: We had a great dance! And now I propose to draw a portrait of our birthday boy! But we won’t be drawing quite normally! I have prompts here that tell you what part of the body each of you will draw. Pull out a picture for yourself. (Children pull out a picture from a clown’s hat, on each of them are drawn parts of the body that one or another child will draw. On whatman paper, guests take turns drawing a portrait of the birthday boy in accordance with the prompt cards. After the portrait is ready, you can glue children's multi-colored palms with the names of the guests, prepared in advance.

Clown: Well done! You made a very beautiful portrait! Now let's see how smart you are. Let's play the game "Guess who I am?" I have pictures here, but I won't show them to you. You yourself will try to guess what is shown there. You see, the pictures are not simple, they have holes for the head. Stick your head into the hole and try to guess who you are in this picture. You can ask questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” (They play a game).

If the children are not tired, you can show them two to four children's tricks, for which you need to prepare in advance.

Clown: Who's birthday is it today? (Children call). Then quickly start singing your birthday loaf! (They play the game “Loaf”).

Clown: What is missing from our birthday? Of course the jetta!!!

The clown brings out a cake with candles. You can purchase self-igniting candles for more fun.

Clown: Everyone please come to the table!

While the children are drinking tea, you can play another game.

Clown: While you enjoy the cake, let's compose a greeting from all of us. Only, bad luck, the words in the congratulations were all mixed up and here it turned out to be something that our birthday boy did not need to wish for. Can you help me figure it out? I will read a congratulation, if the wish fits, you shout “yes”, and if it doesn’t fit, then shout “no”. Ready? Let's start!

Happy Torment Day! (No)

Happy birthday! (Yes)

We wish you happiness and joy! (yes)

Grow (name of the birthday boy) bigger, (yes)

Definitely become fatter, (no)

And beautiful (s), and funny (s), (yes)

Both loud and pugnacious. (no)

Be kind and give care, (yes)

To be mean is to bring everyone to tears! (no)

For mommy to love (yes)

With a strap to hit me more often (no)

She fed me chocolates. (Yes)

And grandma made cheesecakes,

Yes, delicious buns! (yes).

You can end the holiday with a fun disco and cutting prizes from a string.

Anastasia Timoshenko

Day birth

2 people run into the hall clown(Tyapa and Bluster)

clowns: Guys, we were invited to your place for a holiday. We were in such a hurry to get to you, we were so afraid of being late. Did we make it in time?

Tyapa: Oh, while we were in a hurry to get to you and forgot what holiday we came to you for?

Children: Day birth.

Crucifix: Whose day is it today? birth?

Tyapa: Come out here to us, birthday boy. Here's a place of honor for you

To the most beautiful "birthday" chair!

Bungler: Today is the day birth, and what needs to be done at the bottom birth?

Children: Need to have fun, rejoice, give gifts, sing songs,

Tyapa: Hooray! Day birth! This is my favorite holiday. Can I be the first to congratulate Artemy on his day? birth!

Bungler: Tyapa, haven’t you forgotten anything?

Tyapa: I? No!

Bungler: You and I were in such a hurry for the day birth that they forgot to say hello to the guys. Oh, we completely forgot!

Tyapa: Ah, now, now! (runs up to each child and shakes hands)

Bungler: Tyapa, so you will say hello until the night! Say hello to everyone at once.

Tyapa: Oh, really, I don’t have enough time until I run around everyone. Hello, good fellows! Hello, beautiful girls! And now attention, attention! I ask those who don’t like jokes to close their ears and open their mouths, because now in honor of our roads, we will arrange the most

real fireworks! One two Three!

(pierces the balloons)

Bungler: How old is our birthday boy?

Artemy: 4 years!

Tyapa: We will clap our hands 4 times!

We stamp our feet 4 times!

Accept Artemy, as a gift this medal with a number "4"!

You will look at her and remember your A funny day

birth! Louder, music, play, we'll bake a loaf!

round dance "Loaf"

Bungler: I funny clown and I love to do different miracles. Don't believe me?

Close your eyes and repeat the magic words with me words:

“Abra-kadabra-sim-sim-sim! (children repeat the words - Clown hands over

birthday girl a magic wand)

Bungler: This is a congratulations wand! Now we will play with her.

A game “Wand-congratulations”

(children pass it from hand to hand to the music, the one on whom the music is playing

finished - dancing with the birthday boy)

Tyapa: And I cheerful clown Tyapa really likes to have fun and play and I want to play a game with you now

A game « Funny Cars» .

Bungler: guys I have another great game for you

A game "Collect the balls"

Tyapa: Well, thank you guys for inviting us to your holiday.

Bungler: Tyapa, didn’t you forget anything?

Tyapa: nothing is certain, ahhh I forgot to say goodbye to the guys.

Bungler: Tyapa, do you know what for the day birth it is customary to give gifts you came for the day birth and you’re already saying goodbye, but you didn’t give the birthday boy a gift.

Tyapa: That’s right, I completely forgot, thank you bungler that at least you didn’t forget about it, they give a gift to the birthday boy and say goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

Designed for children aged 2 - 4 years old. The scenario is suitable for celebrating a birthday with the family. Venue: apartment. Number of guests.

"Birthday of the clown Lyapa." Entertainment in the second junior group Goal: Creating conditions for an emotionally prosperous climate in the group, the accumulation of positive emotions in the interaction of children and adults.

Who is the most positive hero at many children's parties? Well, of course the CLOWN! And if you didn’t call him, then most likely you visited yourself.

Summary of the role-playing game for children of the senior group “Birthday of the Bim-Bom Clown” Role-playing games allow children to develop their creative abilities, their imagination and artistry, and teach them to get used to the image of a particular character.

Self-analysis of the lesson “Balls for a clown” Lesson Analysis

This script has been used in different audiences. Depending on the age and number of participants, you can slightly change the tasks - either simplify or complicate them.

Klepa. Hey guys! Hi all! Were you waiting for us or not?

Toffee. Oh, so many kids!

Klepa. Hey, let's get acquainted! I am Klepa!

Toffee. And I am Toffee!

Klepa. Just be careful not to confuse it: not a sausage, but a toffee. I bet I can guess your name!

Toffee. But you won’t guess!

Klepa. I'll guess! Let's do it! Together you shout out your name loudly, and I will tell you who’s name is what. (Shouts out names, confusing).

Toffee. Klepa, as always, you got everything mixed up.

Klepa. Not all! I guessed Zhenya!

Toffee. But guess what holiday Zhenya has today?

Klepa. ABOUT! It's easy! Defender of the Fatherland Day! Or New Year? (addresses the children).

Toffee. But I didn’t guess right!

The children give hints.

Klepa. Hooray! Cooking day! I love jam so much! Do you love it? Let's find out which of you is the greatest connoisseur of jams?

Toffee. How will we know?

Klepa. Yes, very simple. You must take turns naming any jam that you remember. Anyone who doesn't remember is out. And the one who remains the very last will be the connoisseur of jams.

Klepa Hey, how could I forget! My wife received telegrams from fairy-tale characters! Oh, where are they? (looks in pockets).

Toffee. Can't be! Have you lost your telegrams?

Klepa. And I didn’t lose them at all - they were stolen from me! And I even know who!

Toffee. Who?

Klepa. Yes forest troll! He really doesn’t like fun, so he’s disturbing us!

Toffee. So what should we do now?

Klepa. Only a magic wand can help us, and it is far away in a fairy-tale forest, lying in a box under a large fairy-tale oak tree. And we will go in search of her, but only toys and animals can enter the fairy forest...

Toffee. But we are just children!.. (prepares face painting: blue bunny, red fox, purple cat, green monkey, pirate, flower, spider-man, butterfly)

Klepa. And we will turn into animals and toys and enter the fairy forest! Now you will turn into different animals, pirates, butterflies! (draws face painting).

Klepa. Now even your own mother won’t recognize you. Let's stand in a circle and say the main spell of magical toys and animals. We try to repeat after me the words and movements:

"We are toys and animals,
we play too loud.
We clap our hands
we stomp our feet
puff out our cheeks
jumping on tiptoes
and even to each other
We'll show you the tongues.
Let's jump to the ceiling together
We bring our finger to our temple.
Let's stick out our ears,
ponytail on top of head.
Let's open our mouths wider,
Let's make a face.
When I say the number 3,
Freeze your faces!"

Toffee. Now you can go to the fairy forest.

Klepa. You just have to take some magical items with you; everything might come in handy along the way. (They go). Look how mysterious it is around! And scary! The gnarled stumps stand, oh, the crows are flying, the trees are waving their branches and paws!..

Toffee. Oh, I'm afraid! (prepares “paths” with “palms”).

Klepa. Don't be afraid, I will protect you, protect you, protect you! We need to walk along the paths, but the paths are so mysterious, they do not allow those who walk on their hind legs to pass through, but only those who walk on their front legs. We need to divide into two teams: toys and animals. Then stand in twos at one end and the other. You run one at a time, then the second one gets on the path and so on until all four have run along the path.

Toffee. And we have one extra animal!

Klepa. We don't have any extra! This is the leader, the commander in chief! While the teams compete, our little fox will keep a keen eye on who can run these paths faster.

Toffee. And we will hold you by the hind legs.

A game

Klepa. So we entered the very depths of the forest. Oh, how dark! I can not see anything!

Toffee. Let's see what magic items we have, maybe they will help us... Here are magic lanterns, but only the fastest can light them. You need to wind the cord around the stick, only each of you takes hold of your own end of the stick.

Klepa. And let's see who will win the lantern to their side.

A game

Toffee. So it became light in the forest... Oh, look: a swamp.

Klepa. Just think! Let the troll not even hope that he can detain us.

Toffee. Are we going to swim across the swamp?

Klepa. Do not even dream. Only the smartest will find their way through the swamp. I will ask you riddles, and if you know the answer, raise your hand up.

Toffee. Just don’t shout, but raise your hand to answer, otherwise you’ll wake up the forest troll.

Toffee. Round, smooth, like a watermelon.
Any color, for different tastes.
If you let me off the leash,
It will fly away beyond the clouds. (ball)

Klepa. The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red riding hood.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

Klepa. I received these miracle bricks as a gift.
Whatever I put together, I break. And first I collect. (cubes)

Toffee. Treats birds and animals.
He treats small children.
He looks through his glasses.
Good doctor... (Aibolit)

Klepa. This funny animal is made of plush. There are paws, there are ears. Give the beast some honey. And make him a den. (bear)

Choose the 2 smartest ones.

Toffee. Have you forgotten that we were going to cross the swamp?

Klepa. Not at all. Our guys, with the help of these two magic planks, will pave a road through the swamp.

Toffee. And then the rest will pass?

Klepa. Certainly! You must put one plank in front of you, stand on it, then put a second one in front of you, stand on it, and take the first one back. And thus reach the figure, go around it and come back.

They pass through the "swamp".

Toffee. How quickly you passed through this nasty swamp!

Klepa. It’s good that you weren’t noticed by the poisonous balls living in the swamp, but they don’t sleep, so you’ll still have to meet them (addresses the winner). You came first, which means you get the right to choose. Will you fight the poison balls or will you tame them?

If they choose to fight.

Klepa. From each team - toys and animals - choose who will be the fighter.

Toffee. With the help of this magic cap he will destroy poisonous balls.

Klepa.. And everyone else will have to help him - direct the balls to him. Put on your caps and be careful, try to touch the flying ball with the top of your head. Each team has 4 balls. Try to deal with the balls faster.

There is a "battle" going on.


Klepa. Don't be afraid, Toffee! They can still be re-educated, and they will become kind and good.

Toffee. Let's populate these balls with kind people!

Klepa. Let's! Toys, take one ball, and you little animals take another. Take markers in your hands and draw a lot of people on the ball. The more people, the kinder the ball.

Draw on balls.

If you choose taming.

Toffee. Let's try to tame the poisonous balls, and for this we will populate them with kind people.


Toffee. Oh, look, there are still poisonous balls left!

Klepa. Looks like we'll have to fight them! From each team - toys and animals - choose who will be the fighter

There is a "battle" going on.

Klepa. So we came out into a clearing, somewhere here there should be a box with a magic wand hidden.

Toffee. Oh, what a bright light here!

Toffee. We are very close to the magic box!

Klepa. We will join hands and make our way in a chain to the hiding place where the box is hidden.

While everyone follows Klepa, Iriska imitates tree branches, touching the children in turn with various attributes: balls, real branches. After that, a chair is installed in the center with the box on it. The guys are lined up with their backs around a chair.

Klepa. Now we are very close to the box, all that remains is to take it. Now be very careful. You must walk five steps in the direction you are directed to. Stop. Turn in the opposite direction. Walk 5 steps again. And take the box.

Children pass by. One of the guys finds the box.

Toffee. You were the first to find the box - you should open it.

They help open the box.

Klepa. Look, there's a note!

Toffee. (picks up a note from the box). This is from Troll.

Klepa. (is reading)“So be it, have fun. You win. Only the wand doesn’t work without the spell. This is the last task.” A spell was written on these pieces, it needs to be folded.

Cast a spell: “Happy Birthday!”

Toffee. Let's all say this spell together!

They say in unison: “Happy birthday!”

Klepa. Oh! What's happened! Telegrams have arrived! (pulls telegrams out of his pocket).

Toffee. Great! Let's read them together!

Klepa. Let's! Only the Troll still did some harm. The telegrams are unfinished!

Toffee. Or maybe the guys will help us read them?

Klepa. Let's try!

They read the telegrams one by one.

Let the sneaky, arrogant people disappear! Hello and congratulations from...
The film about me is a great picture! I wish you a lot of happiness!
Prefer transport on foot. Go to the forest! Greetings...
Let people, birds, animals be friends with you! We wish you success! Tom and...
I promise everyone a piece of the pie! And chicken legs!..
Let the white fluff fall to the ground! More gifts for you!..
Eat more fruits and vegetables! I wish you good health!..

Klepa. We had a lot of fun, but it's time for us to leave.

Toffee. Klepa, what about the guys, will they remain little animals and toys?

Klepa. That would be great! But if you want to become boys and girls again, take a dip in the magic water, and the witchcraft will pass.

Toffee. Bye-bye everyone!

Klepa. See you!

Personal experience

Comment on the article "Birthday with clowns"

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Clown on a child's birthday. Organization of a birthday. Child from 7 to 10. Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, additional activities, hobbies.

Birthday. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. They very actively offer me to order a clown animator. Question: how do children at the age of 2.5-3 years react to clowns and whether they can spend an hour with a stranger.

Section: Birthday (I would like to find one directly, and not through a company. Maybe someone has proven, cheerful, able to occupy a group of 4-5 year old children?) I was at such a birthday myself. Funny. There seem to be two options for clowns. We took Tanusik and Yurasik.

birthday clown? Children holidays. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old, please share!!! how much do Muscovites cost, who invited clowns to their children’s birthday party? If you liked it, share the coordinates and how much it costs...

The child's birthday is coming soon. I would like to invite clowns or some kind of animators to the garden, and best of all a magician - because the child is now very interested in them. Share your experience, please. Thank you in advance.

birthday clown? Children holidays. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old, please share!!! how much do Muscovites cost, who invited clowns to their children’s birthday party? If you liked it, share the coordinates and how much it costs...

Birthday with clowns. Where to celebrate a 7 year old child’s birthday? Girls, I need some advice. Where can we gather people 10 years of age 7? The program for 3 hours costs 15 tr. (possibly less time and cheaper). Birthday. Holidays and gifts. They are very actively offering me...

Birthday. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers. Please recommend good clowns. And how much it can cost approximately. Sorry for the impudence - I just don’t have time to look.

Tell me, where can I find a clown for a children's birthday? We want to celebrate in the kindergarten, since my daughter invited too many people, our apartment won’t accept that much :) The teachers don’t mind :) I’m interested in an entertainment program for an hour or two with a clown or...

Birthday clowns. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers 309 57 90 or 19. Invited to a birthday party and a New Year tree. The children are delighted. Very cool, fun and heartfelt.

Children's cafe with a clown. Serious question. About yours, about your girl’s. Clowns are cheerful, lively, young guys and girls. They have all sorts of funny things ready. Deciding whether to hold a children's birthday at home or in a cafe? Our games are easy to arrange in any setting.

Dear colleagues, everyone knows that the most interesting events are those that do not require much preparation. The main thing is the presence of funny characters, interesting games, funny relay races. I offer you a script, which is taken from the magazine "Musical Director" and based on the musical repertoire that my students know

The clowns enter with cheerful music.

Chupa. Hello, here we are!

Chups. Hello bike!

Chupa. Fireworks, parachute!

Chups. Let's get acquainted! Our names are Chupa and Chups. Do you remember?

Chupa. Chupa!

Chups. Chups!

Both together. Chupa Chups!

Chupa. What’s your name? Tell me in unison!

Chups. One, two, three, say your name!

(children say their names)

Chupa. All clear! All the boys today are called "boo-boo-boo"

Chups. And all the girls “sweet-sweet-sweet”

Chupa. How are you? I can not hear! Let's do this: I ask you, and in response you stomp, clap, whistle...

It's clear? So, get ready!

How are you?

(children stomp, clap, whistle)

And now, attention, game! We start, you continue, answer in unison, in unison, and we will help you.

Chupa. They make wreaths from dandelions, of course (girls)

Chups. You will find bolts, screws, gears in (the boy’s) pocket.

Chupa. We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses (Irishki)

Chups. Afraid of the dark, little cowards,

All as one...

Chupa. Boys!

Chups. Wait, wait, is that true?

There is a rhyme, but it’s not true! These girls are panties!

Chupa. Oh, oh, how attentive everyone is, we couldn’t even deceive you!

Chups. Children, do you like to dance?

(dance “Zverobika”, “Four Steps Forward”)

Chupa. But I really love to draw! Do you love it?

(children's answers)

Chupa. Let's draw three pictures now, each group will draw its own picture.

(drawings on the asphalt)

Clowns, what a treat you, children, excellent spectators and performers and artists, will receive for this treat!


Publication in the magazine “Preschool Education”

Scenario of the day for children: “travel with a clown!” - scripts for children's parties -

Birthday script for children “Travel with Clown Tyapa!”

Scenario for a birthday party for middle-aged children. the hero is the leading Clown Tyapa. Children go to a land of adventure, where they participate in various competitions and games.

Presenter (Tyapa):

Hello everyone, friends!

I greet you all today!

My name is Clown Tyapa,

And I'm not a bungler at all.

What is your name, my dear, charming and funny children? Let's get to know each other better: I throw a ball into everyone's hands, and you must catch it, saying your name in an affectionate manner.

1. Game “Getting Acquainted”

Presenter (Tyapa): We met everyone, but I don’t understand one thing: which of you is the main culprit of today’s celebration?

(children answer)

Presenter (Tyapa) (addresses the birthday boy): Tell me, please, which song do you consider your most favorite?

(birthday boy answers)

Presenter (Tyapa): That’s great! Let's start our holiday with a round dance. I invite all guests to stand in a circle and sing his favorite song for our birthday boy!

2. Festive round dance

(all guests perform the song named by the birthday boy)

Presenter (Tyapa):

Birthday has arrived!

Today is a holiday, treats

There are candies, there are cookies!

But congratulations are not enough.

And now we will fix it. Each person (in a circle) will now wish something good to our birthday boy on this wonderful day!

Performance of clowns "funny clowns". Scenario for a children's party with a clown. scenario for a children's birthday party with the participation of clowns.

Every children's birthday, and especially a holiday scenario with a clown, should begin with a cheerful and bright invitation. Our invitation to the party is a whole clown act in itself. Invitations in the form of a huge candy cracker, with a surprise inside - Tepka and Caramelka’s favorite trick to lure the friendliest guys who are ready to have fun until they drop!


The scenario of a children's birthday party with the participation of clowns takes place, of course, not in an empty hall and not among dull walls! No no! Any clown reprise or clown scene must be decorated!

And therefore, before you are bright compositions of balloons, confetti and streamers, colorful hats and circus bicycles! A huge surprise ball and Masha Doll's chest with colorful outfits and aqua makeup. There is a great mood throughout and a very tasty holiday smell!

Props and gifts for children

Scenarios featuring clowns invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of the circus - an atmosphere of miracles, tricks and laughter. And our props will help with this: suitcases for young magicians, funny ears and masks, prizes from the joke shop, soap bubbles and a variety of circus gifts!

Routh. Meeting with guests

Once in the booth, children find themselves in a reckless land of cheerful clowns, where many miracles, bright attractions, colorful performances and meeting kind and funny characters await them! By the way, here they are! Tyopka, Caramel, doll Masha and dog Sharik! As always, Tyopka and Caramelka are holding a suitcase with laughter and a magic hat with surprises! But the key to the suitcase got stuck somewhere. Probably it was Doll Masha who confused it with her winding key and accidentally lost it! This means that the children will have to find among the many hidden and lost keys the winding key of Masha the Doll and the key to the suitcase! And before you go looking for the keys, everyone is recommended to do a fun face painting and choose a clown costume from Masha’s chest. The trained and well-mannered dog Sharik will be a guide and faithful friend for all the children!

Main program

Finding the keys is a unique clownery scenario, incredible adventures in the world of jokes, surprises, tricks and rainbow fun!

The little guests of the booth are waiting for:

Multi-colored carnival with games and attractions

Finding the keys to the suitcase

Lessons at the School of Miracles

Hot dances

Beautiful show numbers

Circus performances

And the most delicious master classes!

The final. Surprise for the birthday boy. Congratulation

Hooray! Hooray! The keys have been found! Our clowns were helped by the birthday boy and his wonderful friends! But the script for the clown act continues!

A fireworks display of confetti and colorful stars will paint the sky in all the colors of the rainbow and give a lot of positive emotions to all guests of the evening!

Magician and juggler. Incredible tricks, masterful juggling and an open master class for everyone.

Soap bubbles show. An interactive show of amazing beauty and magic for children and adults. Small bubbles dance, the magician's hands blow unusual soap figures, and giant soap bubbles amaze the imagination and defy all the laws of physics!

Clowning show. Comic skits performed by professional clowning actors. An unforgettable funny and dynamic performance for children and adults.

Show of trained animals. A cozy, interactive show of trained forest and exotic animals. Smart hedgehogs and charming raccoons. Fluffy ferrets and funny pigs. Bright tricks and tricks of talented artists!

Master class on making fun and surprise gifts with your own hands from a variety of materials!

Air show. Enchanting costume and musical show. Bright colorful balloons all over. In costumes, colors, unusual designs and surroundings. Funny. It's funny. Beautiful!

Children's menu

The show is over - so what? Can we say goodbye to the holiday? Of course not! Everything is just beginning - it’s time to go to the table. Clowns come to the holiday not only to perform, but also to teach their little friends something new. For example, here is a master class from Sharik on turning vegetables and fruits into funny animals and faces!

And the funny names of delicious dishes, surprise cakes, and the bright decoration of the banquet table will definitely delight little gourmets and their adult friends!

Birthday cake

Of course, a clown program for a child's birthday wouldn't be complete without a birthday cake! A surprise cake with candles that never go out will amuse even adults, and children will be absolutely delighted! And presenting it to the birthday boy is a real clown show!

Musical arrangement

What's a clown scenario without music? Of course, she will be with us throughout the holiday! Music will not only accompany the clown act. Favorite children's songs and soundtracks to Disney and Russian cartoons will harmoniously support the holiday atmosphere and will not let anyone sit still!


This is all just a starting point. Organizing children's parties does not tolerate strict patterns and rules! The scenario for children with clowns can vary and change endlessly, because all children imagine the funniest and funniest clown a little differently.

At your request, we can modify the program and script of the clown performance or supplement it with new shows and numbers.

Everything is possible!

Birthday with clowns

We bring to your attention a variant of the birthday party scenario, where children will be entertained by two clowns - Klepa And Toffee. The scenario with minor modifications can be adapted for children of different ages.

Klepa. Hey hey guys! Hi all! You probably weren't expecting us?

Toffee. Wow, how many children are here!

Klepa. Oh, let's get acquainted! I am Klepa!

Toffee. And my name is Iriska!

Klepa. Guys, just don’t confuse it: it’s not a sausage, it’s a toffee. And I bet I can guess what your names are all!

Toffee. No, I bet you can’t guess!

Klepa. Well, I’ll guess! Let’s do this, you name all the guys, and I’ll tell you what their name is! (Klepa names names, pointing to the guys, but is constantly mistaken).

Toffee. Klepa, you got everything mixed up again.

Klepa. No, not all! I guessed Maxim right!

Toffee. Can you guess what Maxim’s holiday is today?

Klepa. Yes of course, it's easy! Defender of the Fatherland Day? Or maybe New Year? (Klepa asks the children).

Toffee. But I didn’t guess right!

The children begin to give hints.

Klepa. Hooray! Cool, brew day! I really love jam! Guys, do you love him? Let's find the greatest connoisseur of jams among you?

Toffee. How do we find out?

Klepa. It's elementary! Everyone takes turns calling out some kind of jam; whoever doesn’t remember is out of the game. The one who remains last will receive a sweet prize!

A game is being played to determine the title of best jam connoisseur.

Klepa. Oh, how could I forget! I went to the post office and received telegrams for Maxim from fairy-tale characters! But where are they? (looks in his pockets).

Toffee. Well, you are so absent-minded! Have you lost your telegrams?

Klepa. I didn’t lose them, they were just stolen from me! And I even suspect who did it!

Toffee. And who?

Klepa. Who, who is a forest troll! He hates fun, and that's why he always bothers us!

Toffee. So what should we do now?

Klepa. We need a magic wand, only it can help, but it is in a box that lies under a large fairy-tale oak tree growing in a magical forest. But the guys and I will not be able to get into the fairy-tale forest, because only fairy-tale animals and characters are allowed to enter it.

Toffee. But we are just children! What do we do?

Klepa. And we will try to turn into different animals and fairy-tale characters, and so we can enter the fairy-tale forest!

Klepa. Great, now even your parents won’t recognize you. Let's all stand in a circle together and say a spell for magical animals and heroes. Repeat after me all the words and movements:

We are all heroes and little animals,
we play too loud.
We clap our hands
we stomp our feet
puff out our cheeks
jumping on tiptoes
and even to each other
We'll show you the tongues.
Let's jump to the ceiling together
We bring our finger to our temple.
Let's stick out our ears,
ponytail on top of head.
Let's open our mouths wider,
Let's make a face.
When I say the number 3,
Anyone with a face, freeze!

Toffee. Now we are ready to go to the fairy forest.

Klepa. I’ll take my bag of magical things with me, everything might come in handy along the way. (Everyone is coming). Look how mysterious it is around! And even a little scary! There are some gnarled stumps standing, crows are flying and cawing, the trees are waving their branches and paws!

Toffee. Oh, I'm afraid of something!

Klepa. Don't be afraid, guys, I will protect you, I will protect you, I will protect you! If you follow the path, then nothing will happen, but the paths are magical - and they do not let through those who walk on their hind legs, but only those who, like animals, walk on all four legs. Let's walk one by one along our path (an impromptu obstacle course) on all fours and along the way we buoy to make the sounds of any forest animal.

Game "Lanterns"

Klepa. We climbed into the very depths of the forest. It's so dark here and you can't see anything!

Toffee. Let's see what magical items in my bag can help us. Yeah, there are magic lanterns, but only the fastest animals can light them.

Children are divided into two teams and a relay race is held according to the “Cars” relay scenario. The team that reaches the finish line first gets the right to light the lantern.

Game "Riddles"

Toffee. Now the forest has become much lighter... Oh, we’ve just approached the swamp.

Klepa. The swamp is incredible! The troll doesn’t even hope that it will be able to detain us.

Toffee. Are we going to have to swim across the swamp?

Klepa. What are you doing? Let the smartest guys be able to navigate the swamp. I'll ask riddles and if you know the right answer, raise your hand. Toffee. Just don't shout out the answer, otherwise the forest troll may wake up.


This cool animal is made of plush. He has everything, both paws and ears. Make a den for him and give the beast some honey. (Bear)
All round and smooth, like a watermelon.
It comes in any color, to suit different tastes.
And if you let me off the leash,
He will fly away beyond the clouds. (Ball)
He himself is empty, but his voice is thick.
He beats the shot and calls all the guys together. (Drum)

I received these miracle bricks as a gift.
Whatever I put together, I break. And I collect them again. (Cubes)

Heals young children
Treats birds and animals.
He looks through his glasses.
Good doctor... (Aibolit)
From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
A cow jumps deftly.
I gave her a red riding hood.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

Based on the results of a riddle competition, the two smartest guests are chosen.

Klepa. Now our smartest guys must, with the help of two magic tablets, pave the way for everyone through the swamp.

Toffee. Will everyone else be able to follow in their footsteps?

Children walk through the swamp (the rules are described in the competition “Passing the Swamp”). Everyone else follows them.

Toffee. How well done you are, how quickly you were able to get through this stupid swamp!

Klepa. It’s good that we weren’t noticed by the poisonous balls that live in the swamp, but they don’t sleep, and we still have to meet them.

Toffee.(addresses the winner of the competition in the swamp) You are given the right to choose: will we fight the poisonous balls or tame them?

Balloon fight

If a battle is chosen, the children are divided into two teams, and balloons of two colors are scattered in front of them.

Klepa. So we formed two teams of ball fighters. At the signal, the first team begins to pop balls of one color, and the second - another. Try to quickly deal with the harmful balls.

There is a "battle" going on.

Toffee. Oh, Klepa, there are still poison balls left here!

Klepa. Don't be afraid, Toffee! If you re-educate them, then they will become kind and good.

Toffee. Let's populate the remaining balloons with good people!

Klepa. Of course, let's go! Take markers in your hands and in three minutes try to draw as many people as possible on the ball. The more people there are, the kinder the ball will be.

Children draw on the balloons and choose the winner who draws the most people on the balloon.

If you choose to tame the balls, they are carried out in the reverse order: first, some of the balls are tamed (painted with kind little people), and the remaining balls are destroyed

Klepa. So we came out into a magical clearing, somewhere in it a box with a magic wand was hidden.

Toffee. Oh, how bright the light is here, it’s so blinding that you can’t see anything!

Toffee. We are already very close to our magic box!

Klepa. In order not to get lost, let's hold hands and make our way to the cache with the box in a chain.

While everyone follows Toffee, Klepa imitates tree branches, hitting children with various things: branches, sticks, balls, etc. A chair is placed in the center of the room, on which the box is placed. Children are lined up with their backs around a chair.

Klepa. Now we are very close to the box; we just have to walk a few steps and pick it up. You need to be very careful. Take three steps forward. Stop. Turn around in the opposite direction. Take three steps forward and take the box.

Children perform the named actions. One of the guys takes the box in his hands.

Toffee. Well done! You were the first to find the box, you should open it.

Klepa. Look, there is a note in the box!

Toffee. This is a note from a Troll.

Klepa.(reads the note) “So be it, you’ve won, have fun. Only the wand does not work without a special spell. Try to guess it." The box contains pieces of a puzzle, after collecting which, on the reverse side, children can read the spell: “From birth!”

Toffee. Let's all say this spell together in unison!

Everyone shouts in unison: “ Happy birthday!».

Klepa. Oh! And here come the telegrams! (pulls them out of his pocket).

Toffee. Great! Let's read them!

Klepa. Only the Troll was able to do harm here. He erased some of the words in the telegrams, now they are unfinished!

Toffee. Maybe the guys can help read them?

The children take turns reading the telegrams.

about me - great picture! I wish you a lot of happiness,...
Prefer transport on foot. Go to the forest! Greetings...
Let the sneaky, arrogant people disappear! Hello and congratulations from...
Let the white fluff fall to the ground! More gifts for you! ….
Eat more fruits and vegetables! I wish you good health, your...!
Let people, birds, animals be friends with you! We wish you success! Tom and...
I promise everyone a piece of the pie! And chicken legs! ….

Toffee. It's time to refresh yourself! Bring in the cake!

Mom solemnly brings in the cake, everyone sings “Loaf” together, and the birthday boy puts out the candles and makes a wish.

Klepa. We had a lot of fun, but it's time for us to leave.

Toffee. Bye-bye everyone!

Klepa. See you!

Scenario for children "birthday with clowns" - articles


Toffee. Oh, so many kids!


Toffee. And I am Toffee! Just be careful not to confuse it: not a sausage, but a toffee. I bet I can guess your name!

Klepa. But you won’t guess!

Toffee. I'll guess! Let's do it! Together you shout out your name loudly, and I will tell you who’s name is what. (Shouts out names).

Klepa: Toffee, as always, you got everything mixed up.

Toffee. Not all! I guessed Zhenya!


Toffee. ABOUT! It's easy! Today is New Year? (addresses the children).

Klepa. But I didn’t guess right!

Toffee. It must be brew day! I love jam so much! Do you love it? Let's find out which of you is the greatest connoisseur of jams?

Klepa. How will we know?


The game is on.

Toffee. Attention! Attention! Introducing the king of jam Sergei!

Klepa. Okay, Iriska, better ask the guys, what kind of holiday are we having today?

Toffee.: And what kind of holiday are we having today with the guys?

Klepa: Guess it! And the guys will help you.

If there are many balls,

Lemonade and cakes

If they give all the gifts,

If the day passes brightly.

Allowed to kick the bucket,

And in the morning they tear out your ears,

If the house is upside down.

And everyone looks smart,

This day happens once a year

Everyone knows this holiday.

Someone will say without hesitation,

What kind of holiday?

All: Birthday!

Toffee: Hooray! So today birthday? Great! Only your birthday is wrong. At birthday parties there are all sorts of chants, congratulations, noisemakers and games.

Klepa: There will be congratulations for you!

Game "Congratulations"

Klepa divides the children into two teams - “Karapuziki” and “Chumaziks”.

Rules of the game: at the signal, one team shouts “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”, and the other - “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Klepa confuses the children by giving commands to the same children several times. At the end, everyone shouts in unison: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

Toffee: So congratulated, so congratulated! Is it our real birthday now?

Klepa: No. There were congratulations. What about wishes?

Toffee: There will be wishes for you too!

And you guys, don't yawn.

Help in unison!

Game "Wishers"

AND: Happy birthday!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

AND: And, of course, we wish you!

Be beautiful, kind, sweet!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

AND: Both loud and pugnacious!

Children: No no no!

AND. be healthy and happy!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

AND: Receive a cake as a gift

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

AND: And tease your guests

Children: No no no!

AND: Well, of course, give me a treat!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

AND: So that mommy loves!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

AND: With a strap to hit me more often.

Children: No no no!

AND: OK OK. To give gifts

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

AND: Maybe stop congratulating? It's time for us to play!

Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Games are being played

Whistling competition

Whose whistle will be the loudest and most reckless? The competition can be held with a musical soundtrack. The best "nightingale-robber" receives a prize.

Don't clap for Thursday

Guests sit at the table, one leader. The presenter begins to list the days of the week in random order and clap his hands for each name, the players repeat the clapping after him. Clap every day of the week except Thursday. Whoever slams the word "Thursday" is eliminated from the game. The one who doesn't clap wins.

Klepa. Hey, how could I forget! My wife received telegrams from fairy-tale characters!

Oh, where are they? (looks in his pockets).



Toffee. Who?

Klepa. Yes, these are all the tricks of Babok-Yozhek! They love fun very much, so they want us to dance a little now.

Dance of the Grandmothers –Jozek, Lambada


Let's stand in a circle and say the main spell of magical toys and animals. We try to repeat after me the words and movements:

“We are toys and little animals, (girls and boys) we play too loudly. We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, we puff out our cheeks, we jump on our toes and even show each other our tongues. Let’s jump together to the ceiling, raise a finger to our temple. Let’s stick out our ears ", a ponytail on top of the head. We'll open our mouths wider and make a face. As soon as I say the number 3, everyone freeze with the faces!"

Toffee. Hooray! We found ourselves in a fairy forest. Yes, this is the “Dance” clearing, guys, we have to dance the “Little Ducklings” dance.

Dance of little ducks".

The game is a mystery.The pins are lined up in one line; whoever answers correctly moves one step in front and rearranges the pin.

Klepa. Oh, yes, this is a swamp. How do we cross it?

Toffee. Only the smartest will find their way through the swamp. We will ask you riddles, and if you know the answer, raise your hand up. Just don’t shout, but raise your hand.

Toffee. 2. Round, smooth, like a watermelon. Any color, for different tastes. If you let him off the leash, he will fly away beyond the clouds. (ball)

Klepa. 3. The grandmother loved the girl very much. I gave her a red riding hood. The girl forgot her name. Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

Klepa. 4. I received these miracle bricks as a gift. Whatever I put together, I break. And first I collect. (cubes)

Toffee. 5. Treats birds and animals. He treats small children. He looks through his glasses. Good doctor... (Aibolit)

Klepa. 6. This funny animal is made of plush.

There are paws, there are ears.

Give the beast some honey.

And make him a den. (bear)


They say in unison: “Happy birthday!”

Klepa. Oh! What's happened! Telegrams have arrived! (pulls out telegrams from......).




Klepa. Let's try!

Let the sneaky, arrogant people disappear! Hello and congratulations from... Prefer transport on foot. Go to the forest! Greetings... Let people, birds, animals be friends with you! We wish you success! Tom and... I promise everyone a piece of the pie! And chicken legs!.. Let the white fluff fall to the ground! More gifts for you!.. Eat more fruits and vegetables! I wish you good health!..

Toffee. Well, now is the time for Zhenya to start a “Loaf”


Toffee. Bye-bye everyone!

Klepa. See you!

Children's birthday script!

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  • Scenarios for children's parties! How to congratulate your baby on his birthday?
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  • Tooth Fairy
  • Masha and the Queen Toothbrush
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Scenarios for children's parties! How to congratulate your baby on his birthday?

My son’s second birthday was approaching and I began frantically looking through the scripts for children’s parties. Three children our age were supposed to come to us, accompanied by their mothers. And I really wanted the kids to remember the holiday – both my son and his guests. I decided to search the Internet for a ready-made script for a children's party, and based on it, come up with something of my own.

Introduction to the children's party script. Feast The first thing I learned was that at a children's party there is no need for a feast with a large number of dishes; it is enough to prepare something for tea and put a dish of fruit on the table. The scenario when mothers sit in the kitchen and chat, and the children have nothing to play with and are left to their own devices, is not suitable. In this case, the children's party risks escalating into running around with screams, squeals and tears if someone falls. As a result, I decided to think through the script and the children’s games in advance. It is better to organize a birthday in such a way that children’s active games alternate with calm ones. I also prepared toys and all the equipment for the holiday for the kids. By the way, it’s not so easy to choose children’s games for kids; mostly I came across holiday scenarios on the Internet for older people.

How to plan a children's party. What should children play? But that's not all. In addition to a thoughtful scenario for a children's party and preparations for the table, decoration is important. After all, it creates a mood. I decorated the apartment with balloons, hanging them on door handles and on chandeliers. When guests came to our holiday, each of them received a multi-colored cap and a whistle with a curled tongue that straightens out when you blow into it. After presenting and unpacking the gifts, we, according to the script, sat the kids at the children's table to make a greeting card: the children glued balls cut out of colored paper onto a large colored Whatman paper, then glued ribbons to the balls using plasticine. They made a fireworks out of small multi-colored pieces of plasticine, rolled them into balls and flattened these balls on whatman paper. Then we added some sparkles, securing them with the same plasticine. After finishing the nursery, we solemnly presented the birthday boy with such an original congratulation. The kids loved playing with this decoration! Then we didn’t even think about any scenarios - it was time to jump and gallop a little - here we needed children’s songs and enough free space for a celebration of the soul. We tried to teach the kids to dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings” - they honestly tried to repeat some of the movements, which greatly amused their mothers. Then we played a little with toys. This was the most hassle-free part of the scenario - I just took out a box with all the children's toys that we had - and now the kids play on their own, whatever they like. Of course, there were children’s quarrels over toys, but we were there and “resolved” conflict situations.

The end of the children's party. Birthday cake Finally, the final part of the children's party scenario was inviting guests to the table. I baked a charlotte with apples, putting fructose in the biscuit instead of sugar, because the cake is intended for children (the recipe, by the way, is the most basic). My little son blew out the candle made in the shape of the number “2”, and we started drinking tea (the children drank juice). At the end of the children's party, the guests went home, and my son and I just had to collect the toys and wait for dad to get home from work. I couldn’t wait to tell you how successful the children’s party turned out to be - although without cool and unusual scenarios, but why do they need them at that age! Everything went so well! Without any scenarios, you can give your child a great holiday, the main thing is the desire and the guests are good! Here's to a baby's birthday!

First birthday

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Birthday with clowns. Scenarios for children's parties for schoolchildren. leisure and hobbies.

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This script has been used in different audiences. Depending on the age and number of participants, you can slightly change the tasks - either simplify or complicate them.

Klepa. Hey guys! Hi all! Were you waiting for us or not?

Toffee. Oh, so many kids!

Klepa. Hey, let's get acquainted! I am Klepa!

Toffee. And I am Toffee!

Klepa. Just be careful not to confuse it: not a sausage, but a toffee. I bet I can guess your name!

Toffee. But you won’t guess!

Klepa. I'll guess! Let's do it! Together you shout out your name loudly, and I will tell you who’s name is what. (Shouts out names, confusing).

Toffee. Klepa, as always, you got everything mixed up.

Klepa. Not all! I guessed Zhenya!

Toffee. But guess what holiday Zhenya has today?

Klepa. ABOUT! It's easy! Defender of the Fatherland Day! Or New Year? (addresses the children).

Toffee. But I didn’t guess right!

The children give hints.

Klepa. Hooray! Cooking day! I love jam so much! Do you love it? Let's find out which of you is the greatest connoisseur of jams?

Toffee. How will we know?

Klepa. Yes, very simple. You must take turns naming any jam that you remember. Anyone who doesn't remember is out. And the one who remains the very last will be the connoisseur of jams.

Klepa Hey, how could I forget! My wife received telegrams from fairy-tale characters! Oh, where are they? (looks in pockets).

Toffee. Can't be! Have you lost your telegrams?

Klepa. And I didn’t lose them at all - they were stolen from me! And I even know who!

Toffee. Who?

Klepa. Yes forest troll! He really doesn’t like fun, so he’s disturbing us!

Toffee. So what should we do now?

Klepa. Only a magic wand can help us, and it is far away in a fairy-tale forest, lying in a box under a large fairy-tale oak tree. And we will go in search of her, but only toys and animals can enter the fairy forest...

Toffee. But we are just children!.. (prepares face painting: blue bunny, red fox, purple cat, green monkey, pirate, flower, spider-man, butterfly)

Klepa. And we will turn into animals and toys and enter the fairy forest! Now you will turn into different animals, pirates, butterflies! (draws face painting).

Klepa. Now even your own mother won’t recognize you. Let's stand in a circle and say the main spell of magical toys and animals. We try to repeat after me the words and movements:

"We are toys and animals,

we play too loud.

We clap our hands

we stomp our feet

puff out our cheeks

jumping on tiptoes

and even to each other

We'll show you the tongues.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

We bring our finger to our temple.

Let's stick out our ears,

ponytail on top of head.

Let's open our mouths wider,

Let's make a face.

When I say the number 3,

Freeze your faces!"

Toffee. Now you can go to the fairy forest.

Klepa. You just have to take some magical items with you; everything might come in handy along the way. (They go). Look how mysterious it is around! And scary! The gnarled stumps stand, oh, the crows are flying, the trees are waving their branches and paws!..

Toffee. Oh, I'm afraid! (prepares “paths” with “palms”).

Klepa. Don't be afraid, I will protect you, protect you, protect you! We need to walk along the paths, but the paths are so mysterious, they do not allow those who walk on their hind legs to pass through, but only those who walk on their front legs. We need to divide into two teams: toys and animals. Then stand in twos at one end and the other. You run one at a time, then the second one gets on the path and so on until all four have run along the path.

Toffee. And we have one extra animal!

Klepa. We don't have any extra! This is the leader, the commander in chief! While the teams compete, our little fox will keep a keen eye on who can run these paths faster.

Toffee. And we will hold you by the hind legs.

A game

Klepa. So we entered the very depths of the forest. Oh, how dark! I can not see anything!

Toffee. Let's see what magic items we have, maybe they will help us... Here are magic lanterns, but only the fastest can light them. You need to wind the cord around the stick, only each of you takes hold of your own end of the stick.

Klepa. And let's see who will win the lantern to their side.

A game

Toffee. So it became light in the forest... Oh, look: a swamp.

Klepa. Just think! Let the troll not even hope that he can detain us.

Toffee. Are we going to swim across the swamp?

Klepa. Do not even dream. Only the smartest will find their way through the swamp. I will ask you riddles, and if you know the answer, raise your hand up.

Toffee. Just don’t shout, but raise your hand to answer, otherwise you’ll wake up the forest troll.

The fraction beats off. He calls the guys together. (drum)

Toffee. Round, smooth, like a watermelon.

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds. (ball)

Klepa. The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red riding hood.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

Klepa. I received these miracle bricks as a gift.

Whatever I put together, I break. And first I collect. (cubes)

Toffee. Treats birds and animals.

He treats small children.

He looks through his glasses.

Good doctor... (Aibolit)

Klepa. This funny animal is made of plush. There are paws, there are ears. Give the beast some honey. And make him a den. (bear)

Choose the 2 smartest ones.

Toffee. Have you forgotten that we were going to cross the swamp?

Klepa. Not at all. Our guys, with the help of these two magic planks, will pave a road through the swamp.

Toffee. And then the rest will pass?

Klepa. Certainly! You must put one plank in front of you, stand on it, then put a second one in front of you, stand on it, and take the first one back. And thus reach the figure, go around it and come back.

They pass through the "swamp".

Toffee. How quickly you passed through this nasty swamp!

Klepa. It’s good that you weren’t noticed by the poisonous balls living in the swamp, but they don’t sleep, so you’ll still have to meet them (addresses the winner). You came first, which means you get the right to choose. Will you fight the poison balls or will you tame them?

If they choose to fight.

Klepa. From each team - toys and animals - choose who will be the fighter.

Toffee. With the help of this magic cap he will destroy poisonous balls.

Klepa.. And everyone else will have to help him - direct the balls to him. Put on your caps and be careful, try to touch the flying ball with the top of your head. Each team has 4 balls. Try to deal with the balls faster.

There is a "battle" going on.


Klepa. Don't be afraid, Toffee! They can still be re-educated, and they will become kind and good.

Toffee. Let's populate these balls with kind people!

Klepa. Let's! Toys, take one ball, and you little animals take another. Take markers in your hands and draw a lot of people on the ball. The more people, the kinder the ball.

Draw on balls.

If you choose taming.

Toffee. Let's try to tame the poisonous balls, and for this we will populate them with kind people.


Toffee. Oh, look, there are still poisonous balls left!

Klepa. Looks like we'll have to fight them! From each team - toys and animals - choose who will be the fighter

There is a "battle" going on.

Klepa. So we came out into a clearing, somewhere here there should be a box with a magic wand hidden.

Toffee. Oh, what a bright light here!

Toffee. We are very close to the magic box!

Klepa. We will join hands and make our way in a chain to the hiding place where the box is hidden.

While everyone follows Klepa, Iriska imitates tree branches, touching the children in turn with various attributes: balls, real branches. After that, a chair is installed in the center with the box on it. The guys are lined up with their backs around a chair.

Klepa. Now we are very close to the box, all that remains is to take it. Now be very careful. You must walk five steps in the direction you are directed to. Stop. Turn in the opposite direction. Walk 5 steps again. And take the box.

Children pass by. One of the guys finds the box.

Toffee. You were the first to find the box - you should open it.

They help open the box.

Klepa. Look, there's a note!

Toffee. (picks up a note from the box). This is from Troll.

Klepa. (is reading)“So be it, have fun. You win. Only the wand doesn’t work without the spell. This is the last task.” A spell was written on these pieces, it needs to be folded.

Cast a spell: “Happy Birthday!”

Toffee. Let's all say this spell together!

They say in unison: “Happy birthday!”

Klepa. Oh! What's happened! Telegrams have arrived! (pulls telegrams out of his pocket).

Toffee. Great! Let's read them together!

Klepa. Let's! Only the Troll still did some harm. The telegrams are unfinished!

Toffee. Or maybe the guys will help us read them?

Klepa. Let's try!

They read the telegrams one by one.

Let the sneaky, arrogant people disappear! Hello and congratulations from...

The film about me is a great picture! I wish you a lot of happiness!

Prefer transport on foot. Go to the forest! Greetings...

Let people, birds, animals be friends with you! We wish you success! Tom and...

I promise everyone a piece of the pie! And chicken legs!..

Let the white fluff fall to the ground! More gifts for you!..

Eat more fruits and vegetables! I wish you good health!..

Klepa. We had a lot of fun, but it's time for us to leave.

Toffee. Klepa, what about the guys, will they remain little animals and toys?

Klepa. That would be great! But if you want to become boys and girls again, take a dip in the magic water, and the witchcraft will pass.

Toffee. Bye-bye everyone!

Klepa. See you!


Organization of holidays and exciting events - Corporate parties, TeamBuilding - Team building (Team building), Organization of Quests (Quest), Wedding, Script, Anniversaries, Birthday, Hosts of events, Toastmaster, Musicians, Disco, Karaoke, Children's parties, Clowns, Animators, Fairy-tale characters , New Year's holidays, Pop stars, Show Programs, Stage, Sound and Lighting equipment, Cake to order, Decoration with Balls and Flowers, Fireworks, Photo-Video filming, Scripts, Competitions, Integrated organization of holidays