Old New Year activity with children. Holiday scenario in kindergarten this old new year. Holiday script for kids "Farewell to the Christmas tree"

The brightest and most carefree period of a person's life is childhood. It is inextricably linked with the story. And the most magical of the holidays is New Year. New Year is an amazing holiday, which even in adults, against their will, causes a feeling of a miracle.

In our kindergarten"Snow White" of the city of Noyabrsk, YNAO has already become a tradition to celebrate the old New Year. Old New Year is just Vasily's day, but since it is between Christmas and Epiphany, it falls into a series of Christmas holidays. Yes, this is a good reason to once again fully celebrate the New Year. These holidays continue to immerse our children in the atmosphere of a fairy tale and create a favorable emotional condition. They also meet with various characters and the main characters of the holidays - the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

During the celebration of the Old New Year holiday, fairy-tale characters introduce children to the rites of this holiday, and one of them is “Dumplings with surprises”. Vareniki with surprises : the most common tradition in Russia on the night of the old New Year is to sculpt and cook dumplings, some of which are with surprises. At our holiday, dumplings were with such surprises:

  • Beans - to a new toy
  • Button - for a new thing
  • Candy - sweet surprise
  • Thread - a trip to the mini-museum of the preschool educational institution

In each locality (even in each family), the meanings of surprises may differ, but the tradition itself is very warm and friendly - it allows the whole family to get together and talk.

During these holidays, even the most indecisive and shy children join in a round dance, go dancing, singing and playing with the Snow Maiden and fairy-tale characters.

Much, of course, depends on the abilities of children, but beautiful costumes, appropriate decorations and attributes help the child feel like a hero of a fairy tale, and wonderful music, light poetic text allow small participants to convey the plot of a fairy tale.

The main purpose of the holiday is to preserve, strengthen and develop folk customs and traditions. And most importantly, children develop national self-awareness or ethnic identity, as an awareness of their belonging to a particular ethnic group.

Every time looking at the sparkling eyes of children, hearing their sonorous laughter and observing a genuine interest in everything that happens, you feel a sense of joy yourself. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the impressions received in childhood are the most vivid, and they remain in memory for a lifetime.

Kotova Olga Yurievna

music director MBDOU kindergarten k / V "Snow White"


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Scenario of the holiday "Old New Year"



Presenter 1: Anush Rafikovna

Presenter 2: Natalya Geyzovna

Baba Yaga: Irina Viktorovna

Snowman: Evdokia Makarovna

Santa Claus: Elena Anatolyevna

Monkey: Alexandra Nikolaevna

Children enter the hall under the New Year's song.

Lead 1.

There is a favorite holiday for everyone -

Old New Year!

He teases us with gifts

Happiness brings home!

We are with you this holiday

We'll see you in January.

Let it sparkle with lights

Christmas tree kids!

Let's all celebrate this holiday.

We are among friends

Let today in our hall

It will be more fun!

Lead 2.

Today, our tree invited everyone to the hall again for the old new year.
Elegant, fluffy, green, fragrant
Our Christmas tree sparkles, everything burns with lights.
Decorated with toys balls and crackers
And each needle quietly tells us:

Snowstorms are splashing in the forest
Hares hiding under the spruce
Then the wolf will flash by
That is a red fox
And I'm smart for everyone
green cool
I love loud songs
And your voices.
So many years in a row
The Christmas tree pleases the guys
Your dads are your moms
They also led a round dance
Under the old new year
From colored lanterns
needles glow,
So sing a song about me "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Children perform song and dance"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Lead 1.

How many on this winter day

People gathered here

We are happy to congratulate you all...

Children: Happy Old New Year!

Lead 2.

How beautiful in our hall-

It's like we're in a fairy tale

Everything sparkles and sings

Hello Old New Year!

Children senior group perform a round dance

"New Year's round dance" (St. gr.)

Lead 1.

On New Year's Eve miracles happen everywhere,

And in our hall you can hear all the voices of fairy tales.

Are you ready to meet the magic? (Yes)

Then we start

And in a New Year's fairy tale

You and I are getting...

(lights go out)

Hush, hush, the lights are out

The magic hour has arrived.

The evening star lit up

The forest fairy tale has begun.

Baba Yaga appears.

Tay, tay, come on

Play a game with me!

I am Grandma Ezhka,

Bone leg!

I will entertain you

I will play with you!

girls with mustaches,

Boys with bows.

Oh guys don't yawn

Substitute arms, legs.

A Russian folk game with Baba Yaga is being held. She

names a part of the body - the children must hide it, who did not have time, brings it to the carpet.

Lead 2.

So that the yaga does not conjure,

She didn't cast her spell.

You need friends to dance

Show your prowess.

(Funny music sounds - the selected children dance.)

Lead 1.

To us from Africa for a holiday

arrived funny monkey with your friends.

Dance of the Obligation with Popuasiks (St. Gr.)

Lead 2.

Sweeping the snow with a whisk,

The Snowman is coming towards us.

He is happy to dance by the Christmas tree,

And make the kids laugh!

A snowman enters the hall.

The dance of the snowmen.

A game game-attraction "On the snow-covered paths."

2 teams of children of 6 people are selected: the first child, putting on felt boots and tying a scarf (zyuzi help), walks, stepping over the modules, to the landmark and back. The team that finishes the task first wins.


Lead 1.

Only Mishka sleeps in a den,

Sleeping and having a sweet dream

As if to us in a kindergarten for a holiday

He rides on a sled.

Dance-Song "On the green Christmas tree"(performed by 2 ml. gr.)


Oh, carnival, amazing ball,

How many friends did you gather for the holiday!

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing,

Miracles are yet to come!

And what are miracles without Santa Claus? Let's all call him together!

Children: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

The phonogram of the song "Winter" sounds.

Grandfather Frost enters and he is dressed in a very original way: a bandana on his head, headphones, talking on a cell phone.

Lead 1.

Santa Claus! Is that you?

Father Frost.

I! I! I keep up with the times! Moving in different circles, hanging out! I live modern, easy and fun! (Looking at the Christmas tree) Wow! What a shine!

Presenter1. Santa Claus! Do you know where you came from?

D. M. To the party!

Lead 2.

What other party, what kind of words are these? It's a kindergarten! And our children are educated! What are you teaching them?

Father Frost.

Kindergarten! Yes, what am I, the old one thought? Excuse me, children, forgive me old man!

(Behind the Christmas tree he puts on a hat, turns into a real Santa Claus)

Father Frost.

Happy New Year Old Year! Congratulations to all children!

Together we will stand in a round dance and sing about the New Year!

Round dance "Dance near the Christmas tree" (Md.gr.)

Father Frost

We celebrate the New Year with a dance,

We celebrate the New Year with a song,

And who knows the poem about the Christmas tree,

I hope he reads it to us.

Children read poetry

Santa Claus praises the children for good poems

Lead 1.

For you Santa Claus

We read poetry

For you at this hour

We sing songs!

Children perform the dance "Russian Santa Claus"

Lead 2.

And now Santa Claus

Play with us.

Dance in a circle

With our friends.

Game "Rukovichka"

Father Frost.

Oh, tired, tired, tired!

Vaughn danced merrily.

I would like Snowflakes here,

Tayu-tayu, gentlemen!


Hey, Snowflakes, fly here to us soon!

You will quickly cool Santa Claus!

Dance of the Snowflakes (Md. gr.)

Father Frost : Oh, thank you snowflakes you saved me.

Leading: So let's have fun and dance.

Polka dance (senior group)

Santa Claus treats children with sweets.

Father Frost.

you keep the fun going

Happy New Year

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye

And return to the North.

Goodbye, Kid. See you next year!


Well, it's time for us to go home,

May fun, joy, happiness

New Year will give us.

Children dance to cheerful music.

Performances and dances bring children a lot of joy, each of them manages to visit several Christmas trees, which means that they will meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden several times and even receive several times gifts. The New Year is the most beloved, amazing and long holiday, and the celebration of the Old New Year by Russians becomes its wonderful final point. So it would be good for children to arrange on this day.

We offer one of the options Scenario new year holiday for kids "Farewell to the Christmas tree for the Old New Year." Lyrics and music are included.

Holiday script for kids "Farewell to the Christmas tree"

The song "Swallowed by a blizzard" sounds

The Snow Maiden organizes a round dance with the kids and leads them into the hall. Near the Christmas tree the round dance stops.

Snow Maiden: Hello, friends!

It's me again with you!

New holiday at the gate -

It's Old New Year!

Sounds like "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter" - round dance around the tree

Snow Maiden: And all over the world

Children love to have fun!

They love to run and play

And dance at the Christmas tree!

Caramel "Letka-enka" sounds - children dancing

Snow Maiden: I remember Santa Claus

I brought you this tree.

But Frost is not with us -

I only see a trail...

It sounds like "There was a cheerful Santa Claus" - dance game in progress

(see the text in the document LYRICS)

Snow Maiden: With you, children, I will play -

I turn you into snowflakes

You run away from the wind

Don't get caught in a blizzard!

The game "Snowflakes and wind"

The melody of any waltz sounds, the children move freely around the hall - they are “snowflakes”, the melody changes to rough, disturbing wind music, the “snowflake” children gather in a “clod” and freeze. The game is repeated several times.

Snow Maiden: Maybe someone will read the poems -

It's New Year's Eve!

New Year's poems (children remember them from the New Year's party)

Snow Maiden: And now you, my guys,

Let me turn you into an animal!

Sounds like "Dance of the Animals" - kids are playing

(see the text in the document LYRICS)

Snow Maiden: We will sing a song to the Christmas tree,

Let's all go in a round dance,

Let's wave the Christmas tree -

Let's dance for her!

Round dance "Near our Christmas tree we will go"

(see the text in the document LYRICS)

Snow Maiden: We do not sit still -

Let's keep having fun!

Music, play fast

Invite us to dance!

Free general dance (music - at the choice of the teacher)

Snow Maiden: Well, it's time for us!

Let's shout to the Christmas tree: "Hurrah!"

We know, we know - in a year

The Christmas tree will come to us again!

Goodbye, tree

Winter beauty.

You yourself and your holiday

Children love it!

Children: Goodbye, tree

We'll be waiting for you!

We will be with you, Christmas tree,

Meet New Year!

To the music of the song "Swept a snowstorm" children leave the hall

(to download - click on the file)

Nomination "Methodological work in the preschool educational institution"

For more than twenty years I have been the head of the music and theater studio "Rodnichok" in kindergarten and for more than 15 years I have directed creative association musical leaders of the city working in this direction.

Now I am the head of the “School of the modern teacher”. Therefore, I know from my own experience how beneficial theater affects the development of a child's personality. Shy and timid children become confident, too active children begin to respect the will of the team, learn to live according to its laws. Children develop not only creative and musical abilities, but also develop social and communicative competencies.

Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. But it is equally important that theatrical classes develop emotional sphere child, make him sympathize with the characters, develop empathy in him.

Of all these undoubted advantages of theatrical activity in the development of a child's personality, I want to single out one more form of work within this direction: performances by teachers of preschool educational institutions for children. It is the performances, as a whole, and not just skits and surprise moments at holidays and entertainment, which are also used with great success in various preschool groups for pedagogical impact on children.

The staging of performances by the teachers of the preschool educational institution was very fond of our team. For our productions, we choose musical fairy tales and operas written by composers for children: "Turnip", "Goat Dereza", "Snow Maiden", "Rocked Hen", "Fly-Sokotuha", etc.

Kindergarten teachers and specialists participate in performances with great enthusiasm, and children see their favorite teachers in a new light. Do I need to talk about how the eyes of the children light up at the sight of their teacher singing and dancing?! In our arsenal there are performances where adults play together with children. Passion for adult theater is passed on to children and becomes a common favorite thing. Partnerships are established between adults and children, supported by a creative creative process.

Photos from the performance "A New Fairy Tale for the Old New Year".

Appendix 1: Scenario of the performance.

Klykova Svetlana Nikolaevna, musical director of the highest qualification category MDOU DSKB No. 110, Bratsk, Irkutsk region. Teaching experience 37 years. Excellent student of public education, Veteran of labor, Winner of the city competitions "Teacher of the Year - 2007", "Head of the Children's Creative Team" 2009, "Pearl of Bratsk" in the nomination "Children's Theater Groups" 2010, etc.

From year to year, before the New Year, a fairy-tale world comes to life for the pupils of the kindergarten "Romashka": the foyer and groups of the kindergarten are filled with winter decorations and dazzling illumination, long before the matinee, children are immersed in an atmosphere of magic.

On January 11, on the eve of the old New Year, an unforgettable event took place for 6 groups of the kindergarten "Romashka" celebratory event"Hello old New Year!" Old New Year is just Vasily's day, but since it is between Christmas and Epiphany, it falls into a series of Christmas holidays. Yes, this is a good reason to once again fully celebrate the New Year. These holidays continue to immerse our children in the atmosphere of a fairy tale and create a favorable emotional state. They also meet with various characters and the main characters of the holidays - the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

Many customs and traditions are associated with the old New Year. Scenery, elegant costumes of children, a fascinating plot, musical accompaniment - all this took the kids into a wonderful fairy tale. During the holiday, even the most indecisive and shy children join in a round dance, go to dance, sing and play with the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

The main purpose of the holiday is to preserve, strengthen and develop folk customs and traditions. And most importantly, children develop national self-consciousness or ethnic identity, as an awareness of their belonging to a particular ethnic group.

During the event, the children learned that on the old New Year people not only had fun, walked, ate delicious food, dressed up in various fancy dresses, danced and sang New Year's songs, but also on this night it was customary to guess. There are various holy rituals that are performed on the night of the old New Year. For the children, they conducted a fortune-telling "Who will we be by profession?"

Methodist Olga Abannikova emphasizes: “The tasks of cultivating civic-patriotic feelings, respect for folk traditions, respect for the way of life, way of life, customs of our ancestors, striving to preserve the valuable that still remains of the unfairly forgotten have been fulfilled.” In turn, the educators note that following the results of the event, they managed to awaken an emotional attitude to life and unite the children's team in a single cause.

Every time looking at the sparkling eyes of children, hearing their sonorous laughter and observing a genuine interest in everything that happens, you feel a sense of joy yourself. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the impressions received in childhood are the most vivid, and they remain in memory for a lifetime. But for educators best gift is to see the happy eyes of children.