Methodological development on the topic: Scenario of the New Year's party "Visiting the Golden Fish, or Adventures in the Underwater Kingdom". The scenario of the New Year's holiday "New Year in the underwater kingdom

Children come out to the music of "New Year's" (1)

1 child:

She has been going to us for a holiday for a whole year
The green beauty of the forests.
Then she slowly dressed up
And now her outfit is ready.

2 child:

We all admire the Christmas tree today
She gives us a delicate aroma.
And the best New Year's holiday
Comes with her to kindergarten.

3 child:

When the sparklers shine
When crackers are heard thunder
All with New Year om, congratulations on the new happiness
And we will sing at the Christmas tree at the holiday.

4 child:

Time is running at full speed
Under the frosty sound of winter.
“Happy New Year!”, “Happy New Year!” -
We talk to each other.

5 child:

With new happiness! Happy New Year!
Happy holiday for everyone.
Let them ring under every vault
Songs, music and laughter!

Song about the New Year:

Children sit on chairs


At the holiday we will dance from the heart,
Let's sing our favorite songs.
Of course, we'll tinker a little
And we will all fall into a fairy tale.

The curtain closes, the lights dim a little, magic music plays

Leading: Guys, look, we are on seabed, in the underwater kingdom!

The sad Sea King comes out. He sits on the throne and sings the song "I am a water"(2 ) from the cartoon "Flying Ship", then leans on the armrest and mournfully lowers his head on his hand.

Oh what a bore
All this beauty.
Everything boils here every now and then -
How tired I am of this!
The waves are rising
Then they suddenly go down.
Kwakunya, where are you, slacker?

Kwakunya runs out. Pisces girls getting ready to dance

Kwaki is here, your sea majesty!
Neptune (lovingly).
Oh, you, my green!

Oh, you, my bug-eyed!

Do you love me?
Kwak mother! Kwak dear dad!
Neptune (terribly).
So what do you make me miss?
Kwak would not twak, I prepared a surprise for you.

Girls dancing fish dance (3)

The Pirate Boys are getting ready for the "Dance of the Pirates".

Dove fish, can you teach me how to get rid of boredom? You swim everywhere, dive to the depths. A? (The fish shake their heads - they don’t know anything). Wow, I love you! Out of my sight!

The fish run away and sit on the chairs.

Neptune (Kwakune).
Well, Kwakunya, surprised!
Well, Kvakunya, made me laugh!
What, I didn't see the fish?
You goofy bastard!

Kwak, call the brave
One-eyed bastards.

Boys dancing "Dance of the Pirates" (4)

My pirates, sea eagles! What advice would you give to your king on how to have fun?

Pirates put their index finger to their foreheads and, swaying from side to side, mumble and "think".

Well? What did you think?

The pirates shrug.


You are in underwater chambers
Get out, pirates!
Shit, one-eyed!

Pirates run away and sit on chairs.


In vain dragged pirates,
Well, what's the use of pirates?
Yes, boredom!


I figured it out. How about we sink a boat? Maybe we’ll catch someone with nets, we’ll force you to entertain !! Look into your shameful pipe, can you see anyone on the surface of the sea?


Light head! Get the pipe! Now we will play with you in “Sea Battle”. (Looks.) I see a fishing boat. Grandfather casts nets. Probably, again for a gold fish came! Oh, no luck today old man!

The sea is worried - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three!

The soundtrack of the storm “Storm” by Vanessa Mae sounds. (5)The grandfather from "The Tale of the Goldfish" appears. Kind of confused, in the hands of a fishing net.

Grandfather: I don't understand! The sea was calm and calm. I threw a net for the first time, but caught only the mud of the sea. I threw it for the second time ... And then the wind, thunderstorm, waves like this (shows). I didn’t have time to look back - I ended up at the bottom of the sea.

Neptune. : You see, grandfather, we had to deliver you to the bottom of the sea. I'm bored and sad! Longing green tortured. Cheer me up, make me sweat, show me how people have fun on earth, then I will let you go with God! You will return to your old woman, and I will also give you a new trough!

Grandfather: I would be glad to stay in your underwater kingdom, but the New Year is just around the corner. Who will bring a Christmas tree from the forest to my grandchildren? Yes, and the grandmother is waiting for a New Year's gift. And you don’t have a Christmas tree here, no snow, no Santa Claus!

Neptune. : (stunned ): Snow… Christmas tree… Santa Claus… What is it?

Grandfather: Santa Claus is a very kind wizard. It brings happiness, joy and fun to all people on earth.

Neptune. : Joy! Happiness! Fun! It's exactly what I need! Give him here quickly, your grandfather!

Grandfather: How can I! I'm not a magician. It's up to you to try your best! But first, let me go home, otherwise your witchcraft will not work!

Sea King. : Okay, so be it! Walk with God.

Grandfather leaves, Neptune conjures

Neptune. : The sea is worried
The sea is worried - two
The sea is worried - three!

Santa Claus appears to the music(6)

Father Frost:

Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
I wish everyone to be healthy!
Many years, health to you!

(He looks around in disbelief and continues.)

Both big and kids.
Oh where did I go
Yes, I must have disappeared!
And what country am I in?
I don't know anything!

Santa Claus is surprised, depressed. Sea King. examines Santa Claus from top to bottom. Touches with a finger, sharply withdraws his hand. Santa Claus does not move, he watches the Sea King with one eye.

Neptune. : Well, great Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Hello Sea King. Since when did you start inviting me to visit?

Neptune: Yes, don't be offended! Rumor has it that you are very funny. You bring joy and happiness to people! They say you have a Christmas tree, winter, snow. Show me what it is I don't know! Here is “New Year”, for example, what is it eaten with?

Santa Claus: Well, Neptune, although I am in a hurry, on New Year's Eve, you know, there are so many things to do, but I feel sorry for you too! How is it possible to live so many years without the main holiday of the year! You will have a New Year's holiday! And there will be snow, and a Christmas tree, and most importantly - guests and fun.

Knocks with a staff, music sounds, Santa Claus and the sea king push the curtain. The general light is on.

Father Frost:

Arrow moving forward
Soon there will be a New Year.
At Neptune's Gate
Gather, my people!
Let's sing songs,
Let's have fun dancing!
Christmas tree even under water
Shine on us again.

Father Frost.

Come on, tree, wake up!
Come on, tree, smile!
Come on, tree, one, two, three,
Burn with the light of joy!

The Christmas tree lights its lanterns.

NEPTUNE (goes around the Christmas tree).
Oh, what a wonderful miracle!
I have never seen such magic.

Children sing the song "Our Christmas Tree"

Christmas tree girls dance "Modern Tree" (7)

How amazing!. From Christmas tree lanterns in the sea kingdom it became even brighter

Santa Claus: Well, here, the Sea King, we figured out the Christmas tree. Now listen to the New Year.

Children 1: What is the New Year?
Time of joyful worries,
Good news time
Time for fabulous guests!

2. At this time in magic
They all believe.
In fulfillment of a dream
Everyone believes: me and you!

3. They believe in a Christmas tree to heaven,
Waiting for unseen miracles
And more, for sure,
Waiting with bag gifts!

The song is about Santa Claus.

The boys dance the dance- "bells"

Neptune: Oh, how great, oh, how fun!
But I still didn’t understand what “winter”, “snow”, “frost” is.

Santa Claus guys will tell you now!

Children read poems about winter, snow, Christmas.

Neptune : So you can freeze

Santa Claus: Our guys will not let you freeze

Children perform the dance "Russian Winters" - group "Stagecoach" (8)

Neptune: Oh great

Father Frost.
And so that you don’t freeze at all, we brought you, Sea King, a gift - felt boots. A good thing! Warm! It's good for you to keep your feet warm.

Dance of the girls "Valenki"(10)

Father Frost.
But now we will play with felt boots.

The game "Who will run faster in felt boots around the Christmas tree?". It is carried out 2-3 times.

Neptune How fun it is to play games, and longing has gone somewhere. Thank you for teaching. We also know one interesting game. Kwakunya, show me!

Game "3 Claps"

Santa Claus: These are the things brother, Neptune! I hope everything is clear to you about winter, snow, New Year! And now the most important thing!

Neptune: The main thing? So that's not all?!

Santa Claus: I'll untie my bag.
Save gifts for everyone!
He looks around, looking for his bag.
Where is my bag? It was you who brought me here too unexpectedly, Neptune!
A bag of gifts left at home! What are we to do now?
Walking, thinking.

Neptune. : Santa Claus, in our underwater kingdom there are countless jewels - there are corals, pearls, different stones. Let's give them to children!

Santa Claus: No, that's not it at all. Children are waiting for sweets ... What do you have here a lot? So! Most of all you have here water! Now we will make gifts out of water!

Takes out a barrel (bucket) with gifts.
On top is a jar of water and a jar of artificial snow.

Santa Claus: Water, cold water,
tap water,
Water from the blue sea
Stand, water, you are frost,
Cool down even more -
Turn into cold snow.
And now, vodka,
It's time to turn into gifts!

Santa Claus splashes water on the Christmas tree, floor, children, guests, then scatters a snowball,
shows that the water has turned into snow. And, finally, he takes out gifts from the keg.
Distribution of gifts.

Neptune: Goodbye, goodbye
My dear friend, Santa Claus!
You kept your promise
Happiness, joy brought me!
Goodbye friends!

Santa Claus: Yes, and it's time for me to say goodbye. And in parting, I have a wish for you:
Let the Christmas tree sparkle with lights!
Let your songs and laughter sound without ceasing!
May this year be full of joy!
You are all very nice people!
Goodbye! See you again next year!

Documents for download:

Holiday script
"New Year in the underwater kingdom"
for older preschoolers.

Musical director
Taratorina N.Yu.

Children enter the hall to the music, perform a dance.
Happy New Year everyone!
May he enter your home with happiness!
And all the good things we dream about
It will happen, it will come true, it will come!

Glistening with golden rain
Our cozy, bright room,
Yolka invites you to visit:
It's time for the holiday.
Our Christmas tree is full of toys
And the balls are hanging on it.
Our Christmas Tree
Congratulations to all the guys.
We will stand near the Christmas tree
Let's start a round dance,
Happy New Year to all,
Let's sing the song together!

Children sing the song "Where does the New Year come from?" A.Pinegina

She has been going to us for a holiday for a whole year
The green beauty of the forests.
Then quietly dressed up in this hall,
And now her outfit is ready.
We all admire the Christmas tree today,
She gives us a delicate aroma,
And the best New Year's holiday
Comes with her to kindergarten.

When the sparklers shine
When crackers are heard thunder
Happy New Year everyone, Happy New Year,
And together we all sing at the Christmas tree!

Children sing the song "Carnival at the Christmas tree" Z. Root

To the music, the children sit down.
Look at our Christmas tree:
Very good tree!
To become more elegant
It's time to light the fires.
Let's clap our hands together,
Loudly say: one, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, burn!

Children say the Christmas tree "does not light up."

Speak very quietly
Come on, moms, help!
Let's say it loudly, with full force:
Become, Christmas tree, beautiful!

Moms say words with their children, the tree “does not light up”

Still quiet, still weak
Our dads need to shout.
I'll just say: one, two, three!
Let's shout: Christmas tree, burn!

Children together with dads say words, the Christmas tree "does not light up"

We screamed to no avail
Our Christmas tree has not woken up.
So no one was screaming
So, someone was silent.
Come on, let's shout again
Louder, more fun
One, two, three, Christmas tree burn!

Everyone repeats the words together, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.
Miraculous transformations
We can't count today!
For everyone who loves a miracle
There is a place here.
They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want-
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!
Guys! Every year we celebrate the New Year with you. And it would be interesting to see how the New Year is celebrated in other countries, on other planets, or at the bottom of the sea. Would you like to?
Only once, on New Year's Eve, miracles happen. Let's try and today we go on a magical journey and see: how do sea inhabitants celebrate the New Year and do they have a holiday?
You need to close your eyes tightly and make a wish, then it will surely come true. Ready?
Everyone closes their eyes, the leader pronounces the spell words
We want to try hard
Everything will be at the bottom of the sea!
Let the miracle happen
It will take us to the underwater world.

Music sounds, at this time a curtain with the theme of the underwater kingdom falls behind the Christmas tree, a throne and a chest are installed in front of the Christmas tree. There is a tambourine on the chest.
Tsar Vodokrut enters, followed by his daughter, the Sea Princess.
The king moaning, sitting down in an armchair, the daughter stands near him.
Bor-u-u-ch, daughter! It's not like people. They are now preparing for the holiday, receiving gifts, waiting for miracles. And we have everything as before, only boredom.

Yes, as usual, father, AS USUAL! Shows with his hand at the Christmas tree Because of the sea-ocean, the Christmas tree was brought to you. The little mermaids dressed up with New Year's toys - they tried all night. Sea stars adorned with lights. And you say that we are not festive.
Yes, that's the way it is! Just a Christmas tree? There is still no fun. Bor-u-u-ch! Where are the gifts?
Daughter opens chest, takes out jewelry
Which presents? You have a whole chest of jewels. Why do you need more gifts? Look how they shimmer!
He goes through the jewelry, holds it in front of him, admires them.
The king is strict
Well, put it back! The daughter quickly puts everything back in place, closes the chest, discreetly hiding jewelry in the chest for the gifts that are in the same place.
This is your dowry, not gifts. And I want Christmas gifts, infusion-i-i-schi! Vesyo-yo-yo-lyh!
So, maybe let the goldfish dance for you? Will they amuse you?
Claps the tambourine, shouts loudly
Come on, goldfish! Amuse you my father-king of the sea.

Girls run out - fish, perform a dance to the music of "Golden Fish". Show group Smile.

So what, fish? All day long only fish, jellyfish, sea stars Vaughn sniffs his clothes The whole already smells of fish! .Nadoe-e-e-ate! And yesterday they danced, and the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday. And the New Year does not smell!
Father! And we have prepared a special number for you. The sea robbers have been delivered. Let them have fun!
Come on, come on! Show me what's in there.
Daughter claps the tambourine
Look, father!

The sea robbers come out, perform a dance. During the dance, the king twitches his feet to the rhythm and fidgets his booty in his chair.
Well, nothing, of course. Only, the robbers are regularly passing through us, but the New Year does not come for some reason! Something is missing!
Daughter! You should at least cut an Olivier salad, or something. Maybe then the New Year will come to us in the Underwater Kingdom.
Father! Which Olivier? Take care of your health, eat better seaweed salad!
The king angrily
Tired! Knocks a trident on the floor Seaweed again! Cabbage in the morning, cabbage in the evening, even cabbage on a holiday! When is Olivier?
Daughter closes in fear
Father, don't be angry! Olivier will be for you! Now I will order the cooks - everything will be done!
Runs away
The king addresses the children
Here! Seen? Even my own daughter does not understand that my soul is asking for a great-a-day! And where to get it? Bor-u-u-ch!
Dear Vodokrut! After all, a holiday comes when they are not just waiting for it, sitting on the couch, but when they are preparing for it! They dance round dances, they play games.
How is it? Games are played! Do they lead round dances? What can you think of at the bottom of the sea? What to play?
Here, watch and learn! And we will have competitions of the sea.

Competition "Catch a fish"
A rope is pulled, fish hang on it. The players are two teams.
Each of the participants must run up to the rope, take the scissors that lie on the chairs near the rope, cut off the fish, put the scissors in place, bring the fish to their team in the basin, thus passing the baton to the next participant.

Ha, I could do that too! You just caught all the fish!
Well, why all? We have the most beautiful goldfish left. You have the opportunity to catch her. And our guys will help you.
The game "The fish swims in the water"
Children stand in a circle, after one raise their hands. Thus, passing a fish to each other to the music, it seems that it is swimming on the waves. The water spinner runs around, catching a fish. He, of course, fails.
At the end of the game, Waterspin collapses into a chair, waving his hands.

Fu-u-u-! Dead! Driven! All my fish were caught!
Do not worry, king, the guys will release all the fish back into the sea, and you will be able to participate in the competition more than once!

Music sounds, Blizzard runs in
Aha-ah! I see the guys even made friends with the Marine Waterpipe, but they don’t like me! Did you decide to hide from me at the bottom of the sea? Will not work! shakes his finger Now I'll freeze you, I'll cover you with snow, there will be no holiday for you.
Do you remember the snow blizzard!
It flies around the hall, performs passes around the guys, throws artificial snow on the guys and Watercrank and “flies away”.
The waterpipe freezes.
Guys! What good fellows you are! Neither blizzards, nor frosts, nor blizzards are terrible for you! Turns to Waterspin
Oh, and it looks like the blizzard froze Tsar Vodokrut! He's not used to the cold! What to do? How can we unfreeze it?

New Year's music sounds in the recording.
Of course, why didn't I think of it. After all, on New Year's Eve, all wishes come true! Guys, let's close our eyes and wish to remove the evil spells from the Waterspin and he returned to us.
Magical music sounds, everyone performs the task.
And now, let's get up in a round dance and tell Vodokrut about the real one, happy winter.

Children perform the dance "Winter counting rhyme" by D. Sokolov

At this time, Waterpipe comes to life.

Oh what was that? So I got cold all over. What a merry winter you are telling me about. Our guest was not so cheerful.
It was a blizzard. She comes sometimes in winter, but our guys are not afraid of her because they do not sit still in the cold. They are moving. Guys, tell Vodokrut: what do you do in winter.

Children tell
Is this Winter Fun? How interesting! So funny. And sadly I can't do anything!
Well, our guys will teach you now.
Get up in the circle,
Yes, repeat after us!

Round dance “Christmas tree, shine with lights” by L. Olifiova with words about Vodokrut
The water twister repeats the movements after the children, at the end, rejoicing, claps his hands.
How interesting! That's what I mean - New Year's Eve! Now that's fun! Here are miracles!
Well, that's not all miracles! After all, the most important guest has not yet arrived!
Whirlpool capricious
How did it not come? Here I am - I am the most important! And miracles for me, and gifts for me, and round dances for me!
No, Your Majesty, you are wrong! New Year for everyone. And round dances for everyone, and miracles for everyone, and gifts. And the main one at the holiday. Guys, tell me: who is everyone waiting for for the New Year?

Children: Santa Claus!

What else is Grandpa? What Frost? I've had enough of the cold, I don't want to freeze anymore!
With Santa Claus, the New Year comes to the house, the smell of the Christmas tree and gifts, miracles and songs.
Well, where is he - Santa Claus? Why didn't the New Year bring us?
So he should be called. I think he does not even suspect that we are visiting at the bottom of the sea. Let's all shout together to Santa Claus so that he does not get lost.

Everyone's name is Santa Claus.
Music sounds, Santa Claus enters.
Father Frost
Hello, here I am
Hello everyone, friends,
May it bring joy to all
Good, glorious New Year!
Let laughter ring everywhere
Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!
Waterpipe bypasses Santa Claus
Here it is, yes! The real Santa Claus! So what are we waiting for? It's time to continue the holiday! It's time to celebrate the New Year!
Singing and dancing today
Played different games
I propose to show:
How did you learn to play the instruments?
We play with the guys.

Children perform "New Year's song-dance" with DMI. Santa Claus at this time sits on a chair near the Christmas tree on the chair offered by the leader.

Father Frost
Hey, musicians
Well, they surprised
New Year's number
You amazed me.
And now, so as not to be bored,
It's time to read poetry.

Children read poetry.
Guys! You told me so much about winter today! ABOUT winter fun. About some sleds, skis that you ride in winter. And how do you ride?
Father Frost
Oh Waterpipe! You don’t know anything, but you don’t see it on your seabed. You don't even watch TV?
Yes, I have no time to look, because I command the whole underwater kingdom. Either a herring will quarrel with a catfish, or an octopus will occupy someone else's hole, or crabs do not want to move backwards. Until you decide all the questions, there is no time to watch TV.
Well, I think our guys will now show Vodokrut how to sled.

The relay game "On the sled" is held.
Two teams. Each of the team members must lead the puppet on the sled to the mark and return with it back, passing the sled to the next participant. The team that “rolled” the toy faster wins.

Yes-ah-ah-ah! I would love to go sledding too!
Do not worry, Your Majesty, you also ride water slides in the summer, so you know how great it is to fly from the mountain.
Yes, it's absolutely breathtaking. In general, I liked New Year's Eve. Only, someone else told me that they give out gifts-a-arches at the holiday, but I didn’t see any gifts
Father Frost
No one ever leaves the New Year holiday without a gift. And, of course, everyone will receive a gift today.
Santa Claus! And you can't see the bag. Maybe you forgot it in the forest? Or lost along the way?
Well, that's what I knew: we didn't have a real New Year. I left without a gift
Father Frost
No! I didn't lose my bag! He knew that at the bottom of the sea he would get wet, and all the gifts would become salty from the sea water. Why do I need a bag? After all, I have a magic staff, and I already noticed a chest for gifts!
Oh well! Noticed. Yes, he's already busy! There, the dowry for my daughter closes the chest. Yes, and I do not believe that such a thing can happen! Take the jewels and I'll be left with nothing!
Santa Claus pushes him away
Father Frost
Don't be greedy, Your Majesty! Nothing will happen to your dowry! We don't need anything from you. Friends are to be trusted!
Waterpipe with doubt in his voice
Father Frost
Come on, move away, don't interfere!
The water twister moves away, looks doubtfully at the actions of Santa Claus
Father Frost
You, chest, help me,
Your locks, you, unlock,
The chest is not sorry
Gifts for kids!
Crible, scrabble, rable, duy-
Conjure gifts for us!
Knocks with a staff on the chest, music sounds.
Well, Vodokrut, unlock the chest, and take out the gifts!

The water twister opens the chest, gasps,
Oh, yes, Santa Claus, Well, the magician! After all, it’s true: he conjured gifts! takes out gifts, gives them to Santa Claus, who distributes them to children.
Father Frost
Now it's time for me to hit the road
Wait for me in the New Year!
It's time for us to say goodbye.
Goodbye, kids!
The fairy tale is over
We all tried
Let it be, maybe
We didn't succeed!
But dances and songs
And just fun
Good for everyone
Bring the mood!
So let the jokes and laughter never cease,
May only success await you in the New Year.
All in unison
Happy New Year!

Music sounds. Everyone takes pictures with the characters.

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Lullaby music plays.

Sea King:
Oh what a bore
All this beauty.
Everything boils here every now and then -
How tired I am of this!
The waves are rising
Then they suddenly go down.
(Loudly in the hall) Boring! (listens to see if anyone answers?) Oh, how boring!! (listens again, screams even louder) I told someone BORING!!!
(No one responds).
Hey! Daughter! Where are you?
The Little Mermaid enters.

Called, father?

Sea King:
Well, he called. I'm bored, baby.

What to do with you? You've been sitting there for a day, feeling sad. What can cheer you up? Well, let's call the beautiful girls?

Sea King (startled):
What are these beautiful girls? Are these the ones you had last time?

Well, yes, fresh has not been reported yet.

Sea King:
(drooped, distressed) Will they dance again?

Do not dance, but dance.

Sea King:
Eh (waves his hand and sadly props his chin with his fist), call your beautiful girls.

Girls! Beauties! Come out dear, the Tsar himself demands you. Don't be ashamed.

The girls dance round dance.

Sea King:
Ahh! No no no!
The dancers stop, looking at each other in bewilderment.

Well? What's wrong again?

Sea King:
On-to-e-whether! Tired of your beautiful girls. Firstly, they are the same all the time, secondly, they do not get younger, but grow old, and thirdly, it is ... whatever it is ... the repertoire needs to be changed!

The queen makes a sign, the girls are groomed from the stage.

Sea King:
Boring Mermaid! Passion, how boring!

(offended) Well, you don't like my beautiful girls. I don’t like rattle shells, yesterday you put an octopus out of the palace and even into it and launched it with a chessboard! He now, poor, limps seven legs.

Sea King:
And I had nothing to win. I tell him in Russian: Lose! Who are you playing with? With the Sea King himself! And he? He began to cheat, moving the knight with one foot, and stealthily looks like a rook with the other. Honestly, what do you think? And serve him right! It was also necessary to damage the eighth, so that it would be disrespectful! Let him know how to checkmate the Tsar!

Now you're bored.

Sea King:
Then it's ... dance yourself!

What are you, old, completely crazy?! I, read already 300 years in the afternoon will be. I'm not something to dance, I can barely walk!

Sea King:
Then sleep!

Aha! All I have to do is sing!

Sea King:

(hooked up) What? What you said?! Would you like to be called?!!

Sea King:
(waving) What are you, what are you?! It’s me for my boring life ... Murlo, I say, and not life ...

Well, well, so be it. I'll call your mermaids already.
I have achieved my goal!
He comes to the edge of the stage and calls the mermaids.
Mermaids! Mermaids! Who am I talking to?

What do you need?
Once upon us.
We rest.

If you don’t listen to what I say, I’ll ask the Lord of the Sea to stir up the sea, then you will have rest and a sea cocktail with shrimp!
Oh, don't, don't. Let's go, let's go. Let's hurry up.

They come to the edge of the stage, turn to the Mermaid.

And what should be done?

The Tsar-father is bored, he orders you to amuse him.

Mermaids (aside):
Look what the old bastard thought! Give him songs again! Nothing to do but sing.

They go on stage. Music sounds. They sing a song.

Sea King:
(plugging ears) Don't! No need! I have heard this song (twisting my fingers, counting in my mind) one hundred and twenty-nine million times since the time of Sadko.

But to hint at age, father, is not royal.
Yes, not like a man!
You are not a gentleman, Lord of the Sea, oh, not a gentleman!

Sea King:
Hush! Scoundrels! Go out of sight! Kish, otseleva!

The mermaids run to their table.

(howling) Wow….

(annoyed) What's wrong again?!

Sea King:
So boring!
Kwak, where are you, slacker?
Quack, show up!
Quack, call back!
Kwak appears on the scene.

Kwak here, your sea majesty!

Sea King (lovingly).
Oh, you, my green!


Sea King:
Oh, you, my bug-eyed!


Sea King:
Do you love me?

Wow mother! Kwak dear dad!

Sea King (terribly).
So what do you make me miss?

Kwak would not twak, I prepared a surprise for you. New Year is called!

All this time, the mermaids listen to what is happening on the stage. After Kwak leaves, the mermaid is sent to listen to what is being said in the royal palace.

Sea King (to the Little Mermaid meaningfully):
ABOUT! Daughter! Heard what?! Kwak brought us the New Year! (turns to Kwakuna, rubs his palms impatiently) Hurry, show your New Year! Where are you hiding it? (Jumps up from the throne and runs around Kwakuni, looking)

No, your Majesty! I spied on people on land!
How are we here?
Waves go back and forth
The sea people swim
And they have the opposite.
(Pointing backwards with thumb.)
And on land - the New Year!

What is New Year's Eve?

People lead a round dance,
Near the forest tree -
There is a holiday in such a winter!
With the Snow Maiden Santa Claus
They are lucky with toys.
We are alone in the water
Even on holidays.
No one to sing and dance with.
So let's get old
And for the New Year again
We will be without guests.
What can I tell you, king...

Sea King:
You will say stupidity ... However, spar.

Will you listen or not
I want to give you one piece of advice.
We will steal the Snow Maiden,
In the sea, qua-qua, we will lure.
I know spells
In them - wow! - I'll put in the effort.

Sea King:
Spells you say? OK, try!
Mysterious magical music sounds, Kwak conjures.
You, Snow Maiden, sleep - kva-kva!
You quickly fall asleep - kva-kva!
Kwak - your eyes will fall asleep,
Thoughts will go away.
Swamps sleep until morning
And it's time for you to sleep.
Tired white pens -
They don't want anything, wow.
What is will, what is bondage -
Doesn't matter!

Sea King (rubbing his hands with glee).
Hello, Kwak, you figured it out. Time to get ready for the holidays.

They go backstage.

Mermaid 1:
Look what you have come up with! New Year wanted to arrange.

Mermaid 2:
And let's spoil the New Year for them?

Mermaid 3:
How is it?

Mermaid 2:
How how! Let's send an octopus to land, let him lure Santa Claus to the bottom of us.

Yeah, that's how he fell for me

Mermaid 1:
And you hypnotize him with tentacles!

Mermaid 3:
Speak up, friends.

Mermaid 2:
So. Kwak bug-eyed Snegurka bewitched? Bewitched!

Mermaids nod their heads.

And we will hide Santa Claus at the bottom, so there will be no holiday!

They giggle happily, rubbing their hands. The octopus goes after Santa Claus.

Well, I went. (deleted)

The Sea King, the Little Mermaid and Kwak appear on the stage, adorned with tinsel.
The king goes to the throne.

Sea King:
Kwak! How is the preparation for the holiday going? Where is my surprise?

Kwak, call the brave
One-eyed bastards.
You are in underwater chambers
Come join us pirates!

Pirates come in, wind up the enchanted Snow Maiden.

Your Sea Lord-Majesty!
So that nervousness does not happen to you,
We brought you a gorgeous girl,
Yes, not simple, but slightly magical.
It is called by the people the Snow Maiden,
Pretends to be a half-asleep fool...

Sea King:
I understood about the Snow Maiden, but not quite about the fool.

Pirate 1:
Well what can I say? The girl is very good, kind, though somewhat strange.

Wow, weird?

Pirate 2:
Shows clear aptitude for mathematics. He constantly counts.

Pirate 3:
Right now, while they were coming to you, she asked us all the tasks. Oh, and complex. I didn’t remember anything, and so, I wrote down the condition on a piece of paper (takes out a sheet from his pocket, reads): How well does the “MIF-universal” save capital? How many hours longer do the people of Villoribo wash their dishes than the people of Villobargio? How to save six bars of "Saveguard" soap and how much cheaper did "Lace" chips become?

And right. Smart girl. I would not have mastered such tasks in my life!

Pirate 1:
She also reads poetry all the time. True, the lyrics are quite unusual.

(nodding their heads) Reading, reading. We swear by our cocked hats!

Sea King:
Poems? I love verses. I want poetry!
He jumps off the throne, runs up to the Snow Maiden.

Girl Snow Maiden, read a poem to the Tsar-father. Amuse him. He will give you a pearl for this.

Pirates with a Wahkuney:
Read, read quickly!

While the Sea King, the Queen, Kwak and the pirates, carried away by the Snow Maiden, listen to verses, the Mermaid starts bound grandfather Frost with a gag in his mouth.
The mermaids push him under the table. (You can put a chair on the floor and cover with a cloth).

Sea King:
Stop, stop! No, I don't like those lines.
Sits on the throne. Thinking.
Can she sing songs?

Mermaid and Kwak (to the pirates with hope):
Can you sing?

Can sing! An extremely talented girl!
(To the Snow Maiden) Sing, baby, don't be ashamed.

(Snow Maiden sings a song)

Sea King:
Well, Kwak, surprised!
Well, Kwak, made me laugh!
As with such a Snow Maiden, not only the New Year, but also no fun to be seen!
In vain dragged pirates,
Well, what's the use of pirates!
You are in the underwater chambers
Get out, pirates.
I got upset.

Octopus "swims" to the throne.

Octopus (sarcastically):
What, Your Majesty? Is the girl sick?

Sea King:
Get out of here, viper! Bubble-eyed flounder!
Majesty, you will call names, I will not tell you how to cure your fool from illness!

Sea King:
She is not sick, but bewitched! Now I will order Kvaku, he will instantly disenchant her. Really, Kwak?

Kvashe Kvelichestvo, but I… forgot, you need to disenchant the kwak! Completely forgot (knocks himself on the head).

Sea King:
How did you forget?! How I forgot! This is what, now we will remain without the New Year ?!
Get out of my sight, green monster!

Kwak (wailing, leaves):
What a stupid head I have! Everything comes out of it...

Yes, everything is clear. We have to save the girl. I suggest getting a doctor.

Sea King:
But where can you get it on the seabed? Rybka, are there any doctors among the new drowned men?

Eat. Some kind of Dude, or Chumak .. Oh, yes! Exactly! Alan Chumak. He swears that he can heal everyone.

Sea King:
So what are you standing for?! Bring him here quickly!
The New Year is just around the corner, but our Snegurka is not cured! The Christmas tree is not dressed up!

Rybka runs away and soon reappears with Dr. Chumak.

Doctor (approaches the Snow Maiden, makes passes with his hands):
What is the problem?

Snow Maiden:
MMM - no problem!

You see, she has one advertisement in her head! She needs to clear her mind somehow.

Snow Maiden:
Only Comet! It kills germs too!

Little Mermaid (to the Doctor):
Help me please! New Year's Eve is on the brink!

Snow Maiden:
Please pay your taxes!

Yes, it's a tough one. (Turns to the Snow Maiden) Do you know who I am?

Snow Maiden:
Doctor Caries?

Doctor (to everyone):
We'll have to use the deep charge method. (turns to the Snow Maiden, puts her on a chair and hypnotizes her, making mysterious movements with her hands).

On the count of three, you will fall asleep and wake up only when I say! One two Three!

The Snow Maiden falls asleep, everyone becomes around her, blocking from the audience. The doctor imitates a surgical operation, throws a detail aside. Everyone disperses to the sides, revealing the sleeping Snow Maiden.

OK it's all over Now.

Did it work out?

Now we'll see!
One two Three!

The Snow Maiden opens her eyes, looks around, gets up.

Snow Maiden:
What happened to me? I was sick?

All (vying):
Happened! No, you need to check! (Snow Maiden) What is Ariel? Blendamed? Dirol? Comet? Silit?

The Snow Maiden looks at them like they are crazy, then turns to the audience.

Snow Maiden:
And what language do they speak?
Oh, where did I get to?

Sea King:
Recovered, disenchanted! (claps his hands) And you got to us. In the underwater kingdom We want a New Year!

Snow Maiden:
Oh, it's true! New Year is just around the corner, but where is grandfather?
Where did he disappear to?
Have you met him by any chance? How are we going to celebrate the New Year without a grandfather?

Sea King:
Why do we need a grandfather? We are here ourselves with a mustache. I mean, aged. We can do without grandpa.

Snow Maiden:
Yes, it is impossible without a grandfather! He has a magic staff and a bag of gifts. After all, he just carried him to the underwater kingdom. The fish really wanted to receive gifts. He went ahead of me to the shore. I was a little late, I came, and he was gone. Maybe someone saw the grandfather?

Sea King:
I did not see. Daughter, have you seen your grandfather?

No, father, I did not see!

Sea King:
Kwak, Kwak, come here!

Kwak comes running.
Have you seen this girl's grandfather?

Santa Claus? No, Kvashe Kvelichestvo, I haven't seen it.

Sea King:
Pirates! Call the pirates here!
The pirates enter.
Have you met Santa Claus?

No, Majesty, they did not meet!

Sea King:
Doctor, didn't you see it too?
No, Your naval Majesty, it did not happen.

Sea King:
Octopus... Did you see it too?

Octopus (covers his mouth with his hands desperately, turns his head)

Sea King:
Octopus, come on! I see what I saw in my eyes!

The octopus closes its eyes tightly.

Sea King:
Well, mermaids to me! Immediately!

Mermaids! Swim here quickly! The King is calling you!

Mermaids trudge onto the stage.

Sea King:
Well?! Your handiwork?!

What are we?
We are nothing.
We are not guilty. He himself came.

Sea King:
Tsit! Where is Santa Claus?! Submit it here!

The mermaids pull out the bound Santa Claus from behind the chair and lead him to the throne room.

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather! Cute! What did they do to you? (pulls out the DM's gag. Kwak helps untie the ropes).

Father Frost:
Oh, thank you, granddaughter. I'm tired of sitting there.

(turning to the Tsar) Father, let's punish the mermaids! How much longer do we have to endure their antics?

Sea King:
How will we punish?
Maybe kick them out of the party?

Mermaids (whimper):
We don't need to be kicked out. We also want a New Year. We will no longer hide Santa Clauses. Well, don't kick us out.

Kvashe Kvelichestvo, and let them make a blizzard with the guys!

Sea King:
How is that?

And snowflakes!

Mermaids descend into the hall, offering several guests to take light cotton snowflakes from the tray.
Each player tosses his snowflake and, blowing on it, tries to keep it in the air as long as possible.

Sea King:
Santa Claus, well, when will we start celebrating the New Year, huh?
I can't wait anymore!

Snow Maiden:
Here you go. Our Christmas trees are decorated. Grandpa, the lights don't burn!

Father Frost:
Disorder, the Christmas tree does not burn with multi-colored lights.
I will say the cherished words, and you help me.
Come on, tree, wake up!
Come on, tree, smile!
Come on, tree, one, two, three,
Burn with the light of joy!

The tree does not light up.

Father Frost:
It can be seen that they ate little porridge,
Maybe the kids got sick?
(He touches the forehead of one, the second viewer).
Why are you screaming so softly?
Don't you want to help me?

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, our guys can scream loudly. Come on one more time.

Father Frost:
Come on, tree, wake up!
Come on, tree, smile!
Come on, tree, one, two, three,
Burn with the light of joy!

The tree lights up with colorful lights.

Sea King, Mermaid, Kwak, Rybka, Mermaids, Pirates (all shout together):
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!!!
Everyone starts dancing around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost:
There is one game for you:
I will read poetry now
I'll start and you finish
Chorus, answer together!

It's snowing outside,
holiday coming soon
(New Year)

The branches gently rustle
Beads are bright

And the toys swing
flags, stars,

Threads of colorful tinsel,

Fish fragile figurines,
Birds, skiers,
(snow maidens)

White-bearded and red-nosed
Under the branches
(Father Frost)

And decorating the top
There it shines, as always,
Very bright, big

Well, the tree, just a miracle!
How pretty, how

Here the fires were lit on her,
Hundreds of tiny

Doors wide open, just like in a fairy tale,
The round dance rushes in

And over this round dance
Talk, songs, ringing laughter...
(Happy New Year)

With new happiness at once

Father Frost:
Well, King? Well, Mermaid? Did you enjoy the holiday?

Sea King:
Oh, I liked it, grandfather! Liked it a lot, Morozushko!

Father Frost:
I see we came here for a reason.
But it's time for us to part.

Snow Maiden:
Goodbye friends.
We wish you fun!

Together: Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

Sounds like a Christmas song.

Sea King:
Everything happens in life
Happiness happens, trouble happens ...

All is well that ends well.
We must always believe in the good.

All characters:
Goodbye, Old year!
It's sad to leave.

Here comes the new one:
The clock strikes twelve

Do not delay the shooter's run,
Brightened faces...
And on the old, gray snow
New snow falls.

Mermaid 1:
Let the world spread over the Earth,

Mermaid 2:
Your umbrella of the world is blue.

Mermaid 3:
For everyone will light a flower of dawn,

Pirate 1:
Let the rockets be peaceful

Pirate 2 and 3:
Let the sun shine in the sky clearly

May the New Year be wonderful!

Sounds like a Christmas song.
Father Frost:
The old year is gone forever.
He brought us a lot of new things.
Run away to the past
To make the future closer.

Snow Maiden:
New Year is coming to a close
With new, cheerful speeches.
The old year is leaving just in time,
And he warmly says goodbye to us.

Father Frost:
May there be more fun and laughter
Let people only cry for joy!

Together with the Snow Maiden:
We wish you great success in everything,
I wish you good luck in work and study!

The music intensifies. All characters leave.
The evening continues.
Disco, games.

Irina Eduardovna Polulyakh
Scenario "New Year in the underwater kingdom"

Scenario« New Year in the underwater kingdom»

Children are in the lobby, parents are in the hall.

presenter: Hello guys!

Schoolchildren and kids

Everyone, without exception

We invite you to our fun.

They are waiting for you on the tree

interesting games,

Wonderful fun.

And to everyone's surprise -

Fun show!

Here comes Santa Claus

With the Snow Maiden goes!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.)

D.M.: Hello guys!

Schoolchildren and preschoolers!

We haven't met for a whole year.

Now the time has come - gathered

In our fairytale palace!

You have grown up, matured,

They must have gotten smarter.

Granddaughter, look

Among them are strongmen!

And the girls are like peahens -

Stately dressed!

Snow: Grandfather, well, stop talking,

It's time to invite

Dear guests at the Christmas tree,

Play laugh, dance.

Appealing to children:

We invite all friends

We invite all guests

To our Christmas tree, in a good hour,

Carnival is open for you!

(D. M., the Snow Maiden and the children enter the hall. In the hall, the general light is turned off. A colored flashing backlight lights up, aimed "Octopus"). Sounds like phonogram:

Listen to everyone and don't say you haven't heard! At the behest of their Wettest, Vodokrut XIII, Santa Claus and Snegurochka are ordered to immediately appear in underwater kingdom! Their Wetness is in swamp anguish and demands a New Year's Eve. underwater carnival!

(The general light turns on, music sounds. F. “Sharks appear and take Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden away.)

Vedas: Today here in the hall

Mysteries live -

They are waiting at every turn.

Malicious, insidious nets weave,

But friends help the brave!

We are together - and, therefore, we will defeat the enemies

Go ahead, sound the alarm!

We will never give offense to friends

And together we will master the road.

(Flashing backlight on "Octopus", the voice of the phonogram.)

Octopus: In order to help out your friends, you need to pass 6 tests. For each victory, you will receive one pearl. If you manage to collect all six pearls from the Sea Princess's necklace and wake her up, then the Sea King Watertwister XIII will take pity on us and let us go.

("Octopus" removed behind the tree.)

Vedas: Well, why weren't you afraid? Well done. And for greater courage, I will teach you one spell.

"Stomp, clap, smile,

Gain courage and strength!"

Repeat after me (repeat). Words with movements.

(phonogram : strange sounds: squeaks, gurgling.)

Vedas: Will we find our friends?

Children: Let's find it!

Vedas: Will we save Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

Children: Save!

Vodokrut: (hidden)

You won't find anyone!

You can't save anyone! Ha ha ha!

And you won't get away alive!

Vedas: Yes, this is who is playing hide and seek with us, but come out.

Song of the Waterbender: (F.)

I dance, slap, slap

I trample, top, top

I'm formidable, I'm cool,

I'm Wet Water Spinner XIII! Ha-ha-ha"""

Vodokrut: XIII!

Vedas: Something we haven't heard about, right, guys? Are you lying?

Vodokrut: What are you doing! Yes I take you now (angry) grind into powder!

Vedas: Well, guys, let's remember our spell:

"Stomp, clap, smile,

Gain courage and strength!"

Let's do it again, louder!

"Stomp, clap, smile,

Gain courage and strength!"

Vodokrut: Hey, hey, take it easy, I can't stand the noise, I can't stand it.

Vedas: Answer, you stole our Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, deprived the guys of the holiday?

Vodokrut: I!

Vedas: Give them back!

Vodokrut: Ha-ha-ha! What are you? I'm bored here, but they will amuse me.

Vedas: But we will make you laugh, and you will let Santa Claus and his granddaughter go.

Let's play a game now "Who laughs louder girls or boys"? The girls laugh first. And now the boys. And now all together!

Vodokrut: Hush, hush, make some noise, okay, I'll take you to my kingdom, I will show all my servants and maids, choose who you want.

(Water twister goes to scene. The curtain is closed.)

Vedas: Guys, we forgot what you told us "octopus" To save your friends you need to find 6 pearls. Reply to me question: "What are the pearls in?" Right in the shells. Look how many there are! Let's now quickly break into 4 teams and play.

A game (1st pearl)

(The curtain opens to the music. The water twister sits on the throne.)

Vodokrut: Abracadabra! (claps three times)

Dance of the jellyfish (on stage) .

(An adult jellyfish appears. She descends to the children.)

Jellyfish: Hello earthly people

Both small and large.

Come on don't be shy

And talk to me.

I teach dance.

I will teach you now. Please music.

Dance "Fish"

Jellyfish: You guys, well done, danced from the heart. And for that, feel free to. I will give you the pearl. (2 pearls)

Vodokrut: Well, what my dancer liked, take it!

Vedas: No, Vodokrut, don’t muddy the water, return Grandfather and granddaughter!

Vodokrut: Quiet! Quiet!

(Calls like a dog. On frog appears on the scene.)

Vodokrut: Oh my pretty!

Oh my green!

Come on, show me what you can do.

(The toad dances with a croak).

Vodokrut: Well, take it with you, it will come in handy on the farm.

Vedas: What can he do?

Toad: Yes, I'm the most kva-kva-sour,

I am the most kva-kva-kva cunning,

I am the fastest jumper in our kingdom!

Vedas: Our guys are also dexterous and fast.

Toad: Let's check? (The host breaks the children into teams. Near each team there is an adult organizer). Qua-quadet the ball between the boots, pinch it so that it does not fall and qua-quad jump like me! Only on my signal to begin. 1-2-3-4-5 we all start jumping!

Ball game.

Toad: Wah-wah, you are bouncy,

Wah-wah you jumping.

Kwa-kva looks just like me kwa-kva! For this I will give you a pearl. (3 pearls)

Vodokrut: But look what kind of sharks I have - there are robbers, Veselchaki and nothing more.

Dance of sharks - robbers.

(F.) We are fun guys

We are shark guys.

We invite you to play.

Ride on your tails.

A game "Tail Riding" (3 teams)

Vodokrut: Well, that toothy! How do you like these kids?

Shark 1: Yes, it seems not from a timid dozen. Even our teeth were not afraid.

Shark 2: I think that for their courage they can give a pearl.

(F.) Cool you boys, and girls too.

(Vodokrug sits on the throne and blows bubbles.)

Vedas: Vodokrut, can you show tricks?

Vodokrut: This was asked, of course I can.

Vedas: Well, at least show me one. And then you sit on the throne, you blow bubbles.

Vodokrut: Do you also want to blow bubbles? Now I'll give you a trick. Divide into two teams - girls on the right, boys on the left. Whose side will have more bubbles, that team will lose. It's clear?

Vedas: We understand, but the bubbles are not visible.

Vodokrut: 1-2-3 bubbles - fly!

A game - "Pass the Bubble to the Neighbor". (F.)

The music is over, all the balls are tossed on scene. A pearl descends from the ceiling on a fishing line. (6 pearl)

Vedas: Oh, guys, look at another miracle. Vodokrut gave us the sixth pearl. Let's quickly string the necklace and awaken the princess. We quickly got into a circle. We pass each pearl in a chain in a circle and string them on a thread.

Vodokrut: Only this must be done while the enraged cancer will whistle. (F., whistling and light music. Children string a necklace.)

(F. "Crystal Music". The shell opens, the princess wakes up. The presenter puts a necklace on her).

Morse. princess: Father, a miracle happened, I woke up, but to whom should I be grateful, who saved me?

Vodokrut: Yes, these are these fearless, dexterous, friendly children who have passed all the tests, saved you and demand the return of friends Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden (crying in frustration).

Princess: Oh, that's what you were doing, scaring the children! Well, release Father Frost and the Snow Maiden right now.

Vodokrut: Eh! Yours is taken. Abracadabra (claps 3 times, disappears backstage).

(F. Music sounds, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear).

D. M .: Thank you guys for your kindness, for your courage, for not leaving us in trouble.

Snow Maiden: Oh, guys, how happy we are

To see you all at this hour.

Get up in the round dance

And invite the princess

Let's sing and dance

Play different games.

D.M.: There is no order in our hall.

The tree is sad.

Well, wake up Christmas tree.

Well, the tree wake up.

colorful lights

Light up from top to bottom.

(Christmas tree lights on).

(F.) Song - "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree". Round dance!

Princess: How beautiful in this room.

The tree is slender.

Everything sparkles with lights

How crystal rings.

Here is the real one New Year!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, would come up with a game to amuse the kids.

D. M .: And what is there to think, let's play my favorite "I will freeze". And you, Snow Maiden, help.

A game - "I will freeze"

Princess: They froze all the same you guys!

Well, nothing, now let's warm up in the dance.

Mass dance - « New Year» .

D. M .: You are masters of dancing, but can you guess riddles?

Riddles D. M.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, did you notice how beautiful, different costumes guys today. And now everyone will demonstrate their own. Everyone stood in a big round dance. Snowflakes, princesses, queens come to me. We will dance with you "Waltz".

Princess: All the little animals come to me. Now we will dance for you. Dance to the song "Gypsy".

Toad: All musketeers, knights, parsleys, etc.

Dance "Lady" or "Letka-enka"

D.M.: All costumes are good. And you, probably, prepared poems and songs for me? And so that I can hear everyone, you must split into 4 teams (D.M. -1; Snegurochka - 2; Princess - 3; Toad - 4, we read until we hear the chimes.

(F. Fight of Chimes. All participants rise to scene) .

D. M .: The battle of the Chimes beats on the tower

The old year is fading away.

New time is coming

And the departed is not sorry.

Snow Maiden: New year goes by around the world

An important, proud cockerel.

He will bring good luck to everyone

Happiness, joy bag.

(Rooster comes out from behind the curtains and walks along the catwalk).

Rooster: WITH Happy New Year

I wish you happiness and joy.

May the year be successful

May it bring health.

D.M.: So that you grow and get smarter.

Snow: We had fun, we sang songs

King: So that your laughter always rings

All: WITH Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

(Go behind the curtain).

Song - « New Year»

Elena Kandinsky

Journey to the underwater kingdom.

(entertainment for older children)

Development script by Kandinsky E. IN.

Target: To form the primary abilities of vocal performance, rhythmic-motor skills of children.

To educate the child's activity to express themselves in all types of musical activities (dramatization of songs, playing children's noise instruments, vocal performance, choreography, etc.)

To form and expand the vocabulary of children, their ideas about the sea and its inhabitants, as well as develop their imagination and imagination.

To form in children positive emotions, a sense of joy from participating in different types entertainment activities.

To develop the musical and aesthetic taste of children, using the best works of classical, folk music and contemporary composers.

preliminary work: Conversations about the sea and its inhabitants, about the structure of the ship and the members of its crew, about adventures and travel. Learning songs, dances on the marine theme.

Hall decoration: On the central wall- underwater kingdom: on a blue fabric - fish, corals, algae, etc. , the throne of Neptune. In the foreground is a ship. (the steering wheel, from which garlands with bright flags depart)

Attributes: "Portholes"-rings, blue, noise instruments, items for games, a chest with gifts, a rope.

adult heroes: Captain, Neptune, Shark, Pirates.

Children: sailors, jellyfish, fish, mermaids, octopus.

Children enter the hall to the music (song "Where is the boat sailing" music A. Arsentieva) presenter: Guys, we got an invitation,

Yes, I don't know what to do with him.

Whatever decision you make, so be it.

“The king of the seas and oceans sends you fiery greetings!

He is the creator of rains, fogs and the lord of hurricanes,

But ... there is no storm under water, in underwater kingdom-silence,

The king doesn't like her!

IN underwater kingdom hurry up cheer the king of the sea!”

Well guys, let's go to underwater kingdom?

After all, the king can be full of deceit,

What if he wants to deceive us so that he can't bring us back?

Children: 1-We are not afraid of trials, we will complete any task!

2-We will go for new adventures by sea, there are a lot of interesting things, we will find new friends!

presenter: Team, line up! There is a brave captain who has traveled around, seen a thousand countries. He will guide our ship across the seas and oceans.

Song of the Captain (music by I. Dunayevsky)

Captain: I hear noise, fun, singing, my mood has become better!

The crew of the ship "Brave" ready to sail? (Ready)

Captain: We will not hesitate, we will go on the road without further ado.

Sailors! Take a seat on the ship! Full speed ahead!

"Sea Song" (music by Y. Verizhnikov)

Captain: Boatswain! What do you see ahead?

Boatswain: Everything is calm, the sea is completely calm.

I see some kind of bottle overboard, it seems there is something in it.

Captain: Get her on board!

(The boatswain pulls out the bottle, pulls out the message, gives it to the Captain)

Captain: Why, these are magic words that will help us get to the bottom of the sea! The crew of the ship "Brave" ready to go to sea kingdom? (Yes)

Then let's say magical words:

Salty ocean waves (children perform wave-like movements with their hands above their heads)

Splashing joyfully and zealously (clap hands three times)

IN the underwater kingdom beckons, lure (with one hand towards you "name",another)

They promise to reveal the secrets of the depths. (Children squat, lower their heads)

(Sea music sounds. Fish appear.)

Rybka 1: You didn’t hear, neighbors, kids went down to the bottom, not fry and not caviar, real guys!

Sailor 1: Look at the flocks of fish, like kids on the lawn, scurrying between the grasses, they don’t let you approach them.

Rybka 2: There are no fins, no tail, their scales are not the same, algae grow here and there on the tops of their heads.

Sailor 2: If you are very careful, you can pull them by the tail.

Well, what if you make friends?

All: let's have fun together!

Dance with maracas (Latin music)

Sailor 3: They say you have jellyfish with our melons and watermelons?

Rybka 3: Yes, they look beautiful, but their burns are terrible!

Sailor 4: There goes a sea miracle, deftly swims everywhere,

It has eight legs...

Rybka: Why, it's an octopus!

Song "Boogie Woogie for the Octopus" (music by Zh. Kolmagorova)

Sailor 5: Answer me as soon as possible, who is the worst for all the fish?

fish: The shark is the worst for us, but now she has fallen asleep.

Other: No, she is not sleeping, trouble! Run away whoever!

Shark: I'm bloodthirsty! I'm merciless! I came to scare you and holiday merry your wreck!

My anger is known to everyone, I will eat the king of the sea!

Here I will wait for him and suddenly attack!

Neptune: Proud I am the ruler of the seas, fish, dolphins master! What's the noise, what's the howl? Who disturbed my peace?

fish: Tsar! The shark is somewhere here, she wants to eat you!

Tsar: We will outwit her, we will turn everyone here into octopuses,

In an instant, the shark will swim away, it will not find a road to us.

Shark game. (children depict octopuses with hand movements and go to the shark, the shark swims away)

Shark: Sos! Save my soul! I'd rather get on land!

Neptune: You saved the people of the sea, so it's my turn,

Although I am not Santa Claus, I brought you gifts.

Before gifts can be found, trials must pass.

Captain: What if we don't make it?

Neptune: IN underwater kingdom and stay(kidding)

My servants reported to me that you had never heard of us, never seen us. So, I want to make sure that my subjects are telling the truth, or are they lying?

Captain: You guys will have to convince the king that we know the inhabitants very well underwater kingdom.

Questions: - What kind of fish have weapons on their noses? (sawfish, swordfish)

The biggest fish? (whale shark)

What fish are called heavenly bodies? (Sunfish, moonfish)

Which fish use other fish to move around? (stuck)

What fish looks like a snake? (Acne)

Continue talking about fish:

There would be a fish, but a fisherman ... there will be.

The fish in the river is still ... not in hand.

The fish is small, but the ear ... is sweet.

You can't get it without hard work... and fish from the pond.

Neptune: Well, let's go fishing.

A game "Catch a fish"

Neptune: Oh, yes, you are all so dexterous, but for you guys puzzles:

Lives in the river, wags its tail, toothy, but does not bark. (pike)

A miracle giant swims across the sea

And a fountain bursts out of the miracle-giant (whale)

It rushes quickly under water, soars above the water like a bird, it is a resident of warm seas, a faithful companion of ships. (dolphin)

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, lies a mustachioed log (som)

Neptune: (servants): Well, and you say that the guys have not heard anything about us. I'll fire everyone today. (The fish whisper) Don't tell me, I know! We have trouble in underwater kingdom So much rubbish has accumulated that we can't handle it alone. Can you help?

A game "Seabed Cleanup"

Neptune: I wish we had more such assistants, how clean it would be here then!

Neptune: Do you know what my favorite song is?

fish: We know! Kalinka-sardine, my sardine, sardine swims in the sea, my sardine.

Neptune: Yes, you guessed it, this is my favorite song. What songs do you know about the sea and its inhabitants? (Guests holiday sing a verse of famous songs)

Neptune: Well done, you know a lot of songs.

I also have one surprise.

So, a trifle, a whim. (claps hands three times)

Hey mermaids! Do not be lazy, get ready, comb your hair, appear in front of the guests!

Mermaid dance

Captain: dear Lord of the seas and oceans, it’s good for you at the bottom of the sea, but it’s time for us to return home.

Neptune: But I won't let you go anywhere. I changed my mind, I myself need such funny helpers.

Captain: Won't you let go? Did you think well? Then we'll have some more fun. (children, quietly): Take apart the magic tools, start dancing!

Orchestra ( "Lady")

Neptune (dances, gets tired, falls and asks for mercy): Forgive me old, I won’t deceive you anymore, I’ll let you go home, and even let you go with gifts, just don’t play your magic instruments anymore.

Captain: And if you want, we will give them to you, so that in your kingdom sometimes had fun?

(gives tools)

Neptune: You guys made me happy, but before parting, I would like to make sure that you will never pollute water bodies, you will protect all residents underwater kingdom. Do you promise? Accept from us these sea gifts .... And now all circle around you and return to your ship!

Capture of the ship by pirates.

Pirate1: Everyone stay where you are! Hands up, three thousand devils!

Pirate2: Hey Captain, give us your jewels quickly!

Captain: Jewels in front of us, this is my team!

Pirate1: You're joking, captain, but as you know, you can’t joke with us, otherwise we will throw your whole team overboard, I swear on the belly of a shark!

Children: Wait, dear pirates, we are not guilty of anything, we will not defeat you by force, can we give you a ransom?

Pirate1: Yes, we are terrible, yes terrible, an anchor in my throat, but we are for ransom .... Agree! Your ruble is now not in value, it floats on a wave, it is dangerous to take the dollar from the euro, the rate is now jumping terribly.

Pirate2: Pirates take ransom only in the hardest of currencies: dances, jokes, songs and laughter ...

All: this currency is available to everyone!

Pirate1: I love to listen to the nightingale and the lark trill, I want to hear the song, I want you to sing to me.

Captain: Will a song about pirates suit you?

Song "Pirate Grandmother" (music by A. Varlamov, lyrics by E. Uspensky)

Pirate2: Oh, pirate soul, what a good song!

Once again, please us how the sailors dance, show us!

"Sailor" (O. Gazmanov)

Pirate2: Who is glad to measure strength with us?

Captain: Come on, friends, let's pull the rope!

tug of war

Pirate 1: Of course, you won, your Cook feeds you well in the galley, and for three weeks we ate nothing, neither semolina nor jelly, we lost weight without caramel, my lord (To the captain, where is your key to the casket (nods at Neptune's gift chest)

Captain: Isn't it time for you, gentlemen, pirates, to free our ship? After all, the team fulfilled all your conditions?

Pirate2: It's time for us to leave here, but we don't want to!

Pirate1: Yes, did we receive the ransom in full, fulfill your last wish - sing goodbye again!

Song "Seagull in the Sea" (music by S. Savenkov, lyrics by T. Tarasova) (singer performs, girls dance with blue scarves)

(The captain invites the children to see what is in the chest, the children find treats there, treat the pirates, guests, the captain treats the children, they say goodbye and leave the hall)

Captain: let it on your journeys never end,

Wishes and dreams may all come true

And let our guests smile more often!

See you soon!

Mermaid dance

"Sea Song" Y. Verizhnikov.

Song and dance "Boogie woogie for the octopus"

Dance "Sailor"

Characters for the song "Pirate Grandmother"