Interactive game new year presentation. Presentation on the theme of the new year. The old year is leaving

4th grade student

Class teacher: Elvira Rimovna Volobueva

Megion KhMAO-Yugra

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The custom of celebrating the New Year originated in Mesopotamia. In Russia, the New Year was officially approved in the 14th century by John Vasilievich the Third, its date was September 1. in 1699, Peter I, by his decree, appointed a new date for the celebration of the New Year - January 1,

A bit of history

The star, which many people place on the top of the Christmas tree, is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem that shone over the birthplace of Jesus Christ. there is a connection between Christmas and New Year.

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New Year's table

  • In Russia: Olivier salad, poultry, meat or fish dishes, New Year's tangerines
  • In Romania, these are cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves.
  • in Italy - pork sausage with lentils
  • in Norway - dried cod
  • in China (imagine!) - dumplings
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    Who are you, Santa Claus?

    Name: Santa Claus.

    He is also: Grandfather Treskun, Moroz Ivanovich,

    Frost Red Nose (Rus)

    Appearance: A tall man with a white beard. Wears a red or blue coat. In his hands he has a magic staff, with which he "freezes".

    Character Previously, Grandfather was harsh. With age, the character of Santa Claus has changed for the better, and now the old man is perceived as a kind wizard with a bag of gifts.

    Age: Santa Claus is very old

    Place of residence: Ancient Santa Claus, lived in an ice hut, where one could get, lives in the city of Veliky Ustyug.

    Kind of activity:. he visits guests New Year and distribution of gifts. True, sometimes it requires the recipient to first tell the rhyme.

    Vehicle: Moves, usually on foot. Overcomes long distances - in a sleigh pulled by a trio of white horses

    The very first Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas. When he left, he left golden apples in a slipper in front of the fireplace to the poor family that sheltered him.

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    Santa Claus around the world

    Belgium, Austria - Saint Nicholas. .Germany - Weinachtsman. Spain - Papa NoelItaly - Babbo Natale.Kazakhstan - Kolotun Aga.. China - Shan Dan Laozhen.

    Russia - Santa Claus. Romania - Mosh Dzharila.

    Serbia - Deda Mraz. USA - Santa Claus. Türkiye Croatia - Deda Mraz. Uzbekistan - Noel Baba. Finland - Yolupukki. France - Pere Noel.

    Czech Republic, Slovakia - Mikulas. Japan - Segatsu-san.

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    New year in Russia

    In Russia, every time the chimes strike, they make a wish. It is believed that these wishes will come true in the New Year. As you celebrate the New Year - such a year will be. For this reason, quarrels and troubles should be avoided on New Year's Eve. It is customary to wear new clothes, associated with the personification of the renewal of the year. there must certainly be money - then the whole year the family will not need them. New Year's Eve has traditionally been considered the most suitable time for divination. Interesting customs in other countries

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    Quiz "Do you believe that..."

    Yes, since 1700, Peter 1 issued a decree to celebrate in the winter months

    2. In Japan, at midnight, the bell begins to ring, which beats 108 beats?

    Yes, each ringing "kills" one of the human vices.

    There are only 6 of them (greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy),

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    3. Do you believe that the first New Year

    postcard appeared in London?

    Yes, it was mailed in 1843 by Henry Cole.

    4. Do you believe that in Mongolia on the New Year it is customary to water each other with compote from


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    5. Do you believe that in Cuba there is such a tradition before the New Year to fill the entire

    dishes with water, and with the onset of the holiday -

    throw it out the windows?

    Yes. Before the New Year, people fill their glasses with water, and when the clock strikes twelve, they pour it out into the street through an open window as a sign that the old year has ended happily and sins have been washed away.

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    Do you believe that in China, with the strike of the clock, everyone runs to swim in the sea?

    NO! In China, thousands of lanterns are lit during processions to light the way for the New Year. The Chinese believe that the new year is surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers. Sometimes the Chinese seal windows and doors with paper to keep out evil spirits.

    Shan Dan Laozhen (China)

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    When the holiday comes

    Sweet and wonderful new year!

    May it be bright and beautiful

    Happiness and good luck will bring!

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    May the New Year be generous

    Let him not skimp on happiness

    Let the stars light up on time

    So that all your wishes come true .

    leaving Old year.

    His last page rustles.

    Let the best that was not go away

    And the worst - can not be repeated

    Let the New Year be a fairy tale

    Will quietly enter your house,

    And happiness, joy, kindness and affection

    He will bring you a gift with him!

    • It's snowing outside
    • Soon the holiday ... (New Year)
    • Softly glowing needles
    • The coniferous spirit is coming ... (from the Christmas tree)
    • The branches gently rustle
    • Beads are bright ... (shine)
    • And the toys swing:
    • Flags, stars ... (crackers)
    • New Year's round dance
    • The children waited for a whole (year).
    • Dads, moms, kids
    • Happy Christmas tree from ... (soul)
    • Everyone have fun today.
    • And laugh, don't be lazy
    • Holidays are fun to celebrate.
    • Not a second ... (bored)









    Competition game "Catch the snowflake"

    • 1 person leaves each team. A paper snowflake is tied to each participant's belt. (The snowflake is behind, almost reaching the floor.) The task of the participants is to tear off the opponent's snowflake by stepping on it, without letting them tear off their own.


    One child sits on a chair, with his back to the children. The presenter chooses a "sparrow", who comes up behind the sitting one, puts his hands on his shoulders. He says: "Sparrow, chirp!" "Sparrow" chirps: "Chick-tweet!" The person sitting guesses who it is.

    Game "WE WARM"


    • Game "We're warming up" (The game is played to music.)- It's cold outside
    • Well, everyone rubbed their noses! ... (Three noses.) There is no need for us to beat the thumbs,
    • Everyone quickly grabbed their ears! ... (We grab our ears.) They twisted, turned,
    • So the ears flew off! ... (Twist the ears.) Who didn’t fly off,
    • They flew further with us! ... (We wave our hands.) They shook our heads! ... (Shake our heads.) They knocked on our knees! ... (We knock on our knees.) They patted our shoulders! )


    with one hand

    Unusual song

    Imagine that you have forgotten how to speak, but you can only bark, mumble, crow. So sing the song “It’s cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree” in the animal language.

    • Riddles are offered to teams in turn.
    • * Who scattered white snow, a river hard ice chained?
    • With a blizzard, cold came, what is her name ... (Winter)
    • * The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole world. (Snow)
    • * It grows upside down, it does not grow in summer, but in winter.
    • But the sun will bake her, she will cry and die. (Icicle)
    • * Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but walking. (Snow)
    • * He pinches his cheeks, bites his nose.
    • Who is he? Will we answer? Of course .... (Frost)
    • * Not prickly, light blue, hung in the bushes ... (Hoarfrost)
    • * Without boards, without axes, the bridge over the river is ready.
    • The bridge is like blue glass, slippery, fun, light! (Ice)
    • * I ride it until the evening time,
    • But my lazy horse carries only from the mountain,
    • And I always go up the hill on foot
    • And I lead my horse by the rope. (Sled)
    • * On New Year's Eve, he came to the house with such a ruddy fat man.
    • But every day he lost weight and finally completely disappeared. (Calendar)
    • * What kind of stars are through on the coat and on the scarf?
    • All through, cut out, and you take it - water in your hand? (Snowflakes)
    • * What beauty is worth, sparkling lightly?
    • How magnificently cleaned .. Tell me, who is she? ( Christmas tree)
    • * He sleeps in a lair in winter under a huge pine tree.
    • And when spring comes. Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

    New Year's presentation New Year, Christmas, Old New Year.

    Who doesn't love holidays? Especially New Year's! We remember the enchanting moment when the lights go out and Christmas tree lights come on - and the familiar world is transformed into a fairy tale, where miracles are about to happen and we find ourselves in a fairy-tale land of gnomes, wizards, dragons and castles in the air.

    But we grow up and ask ourselves the question: why is it possible to celebrate the New Year in Russia ... three times? Name these three New Years: New Year - January 1; Christmas - January 7; Old New Year - January 14th.

    The origin of holidaysWhat do you know about the origin of these holidays? When and why did they arise? How are they celebrated in Rus'?

    New Year In the old days in Rus', the pagan New Year was celebrated on March 1, and only in the 15th century they gradually switched to celebrating the New Year in accordance with church tradition.

    Decree of Peter the GreatBy decree of Peter the Great since 1700, January 1 became the New Year (thereby establishing the European custom of celebrating the New Year).

    Decree of Peter the Great: “And as a sign of a good undertaking and a new centenary century, in the joy of each other, congratulate each other on the New Year. Along the noble and passable streets at the gates and houses, learn some decoration from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper, repair shooting from small cannons and guns, launch rockets, as many as anyone happens to, and light fires. »

    Decree of the king The decree of the king ordered to celebrate this event especially solemnly. On New Year's Eve, Peter himself lit the first rocket on Red Square. Fires were lit along the large streets - bonfires and tarred bulls attached to poles. The festivities with the ringing of bells, cannon fire, the sounds of trumpets and timpani continued all night. The houses of the inhabitants of the capital were decorated with needles of trees and branches of spruce and pine. Since that time, the custom has been established annually on January 1 to celebrate the New Year and put a Christmas tree in the house.

    Nativity of Christ“The holy night reigns over the world, the daily noise of worries has subsided” Over Russia, an exciting and joyful message is borne. In all churches they sing: “Thy Nativity, Christ God, rise up and reconcile the light of reason…” On January 7, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas.

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    Why is the Christmas holiday so revered by Christians? That night a new star lit up in the sky, announcing to the world the coming of the Savior of the human race - Jesus Christ. In Rus', on the eve of Christmas, Christmas trees were decorated in houses - a symbol of eternal renewing life. A star made of paper or wood was hung upstairs. She depicted the gospel star, which showed the Magi the way to the born Jesus.

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    B. Pasternak They stood in the shade, as if in the twilight of a barn, Whispered, barely choosing words. Suddenly someone in the darkness, a little to the left From the manger with his hand pushed the sorcerer, And he looked back: from the threshold at the maiden, Like a guest, the star of Christmas looked.

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    Celebration of Christmas in Russia In Rus', the people celebrated Christmas solemnly. On the first day after the service, young people, adults and even the elderly went to “praise Christ.” The children learned chants like this: “Hail the Magi, meet the saint, Christmas has come, we begin the celebration! The star goes with us, sings a prayer.

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    Christian tradition Christmas was preceded by a long (40-day) fast, during which food was limited. On the day before Christmas, they did not eat anything until the appearance of the first star. In the old days, after its sunrise, the family gathered for prayer in front of the images. Then the elder in the house brought in a handful of straw. She was spread out on the table, covered with a tablecloth. In the evening they ate only vegetables and “kutya” (porridge). The more desirable were the delicacies that the hostesses cooked for the beginning of the festival.

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    Christmas delicacies In the north - Russian provinces they made special cookies "kozulki" in the form of animal figures. They were made for children or displayed in windows. In the Nizhny Novgorod province, pastries from figurines were called "carols", in Ryazan - "oats". In Siberia, they sculpted "cheese" - frozen koloboks from cottage cheese. Such delicacies were placed in bags of congratulators. They gave gifts not only to the worshipers, they shared sweets with the poor, the sick.

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    Christmas celebrationsParishioners invited friends and relatives to Christmas celebrations. Both old and young glorified the birth of Christ in the streets and crossroads. The children went from house to house with a painted paper Christmas star and a nativity scene, a box in the shape of the cave where Jesus was born. This custom appeared in the 16th - 17th centuries. in Little Russia. Children sang about the birth of the savior of the world, adding their own songs - carols. Adults gave the little Christoslavs money and pies.

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    Christmas festivities On the streets, crowds of mummers danced and sang songs of "playful content." They were generously presented with sweets, and in gratitude they wished everyone health and well-being. Children swing on swings and ride boards - a common holiday fun. The people were especially amused by buffoons - songwriters, musicians, dancers and puppeteers.

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    After New Year's Eve Usually, on the first day after Christmas night, as soon as the parents woke up, young people came to them with requests, the kids were waiting for New Year's gifts.

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    Christmas Days "Christmas time, that is, holy days - 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany. They are also called holy evenings, perhaps in remembrance of the events of the Nativity and the Baptism of the Savior, which happened at night. The church began to sanctify 12 days after the feast of the Nativity of Christ from ancient times ... Meanwhile, the sanctity of these days and evenings was violated in many places by fortune-telling and other superstitious customs that survived from the pagan festivities of the same time of the year, ”the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron explains so popularly.

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    Christmas time began to be celebrated as early as 3 thousand years BC. ancient Sumerians, Chaldeans and Assyrians. The first 12 days at the beginning of the year were accompanied by noisy carnivals and mysteries. And the nights on the 8th and 11th days were devoted to fortune-telling. The Slavs called such mysteries - carols. The ritual of these days is playful, but once it had a magical character, aimed at making bread grow and cattle multiply, so that there would be prosperity in the house, and happiness in the family. Divination was the privilege of women.

    New Year is a favorite holiday for both adults and children. You can plunge into the atmosphere of serenity, joy and happiness with the help of various games that can be played both in kindergarten, and at home with children, and New Year's celebration will become cheerful and bright for everyone, a real rest for the soul and body.



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    Slides captions:

    New Year games with children New Year is a favorite holiday for both big and small. You can plunge into the atmosphere of serenity, joy and happiness with the help of various games that can be played both in kindergarten and at home with children, and the New Year's holiday will be fun and bright for everyone, a real rest for body and soul.

    Tiger tail All players line up, holding the belt or shoulders of the person in front of them. The first in this line is the head of the "tiger", the last is the "tail". At a signal, the "tail" begins to catch up with the "head", which tries to escape. The task of the rest of the “body” of the tiger is not to disengage. After several attempts of the "tail" to catch up with the "head", the children change places and roles.

    Poetry competition Children are offered one by one (you can pass a snowflake) to come up with New Year's rhymes: Rhyme options: grandfather - years nose - frost and children - year calendar - January Smeshika - snowflake Pipe - Snow Maiden Run - snow Needle - Christmas tree

    Snowball In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared "snowball" - made of cotton wool, or white fabric. "Kom" is transmitted and Santa Claus says: We all roll a snowball, We all count up to "five" - ​​One, two, three, four, five - You sing a song. Or: And you read poetry. Or: You dance dance. Or: You guess a riddle ...

    Snowflakes On a long tinsel, fixed horizontally, suspended paper snowflakes. The players are put on blindfolds, and to the cheerful musical accompaniment they try to remove the snowflakes. When the music stops, the bandages are removed and the trophies are counted. Whoever collects the most snowflakes wins.

    Smeshinka Each player gets a name: snowflake, cracker, Christmas tree, tiger, candle, flashlight, etc. All names must be associated with the New Year. One leader is selected, who asks various questions to everyone in turn. The facilitator should not know the names of the participants. Participants answer any question of the presenter with their own name. For example: - Who are you? - Snowflake - What do you have (points to his nose)? - Flashlight - What do you like to eat? - Herringbone Whoever laughs is out of the game. Alternatively, the one who laughs must guess a riddle or complete some task.

    Hares All players wear bunny ears. Children are divided into teams and in front of them at the same distance they put a head of cabbage. Under the New Year's music, at the signal of the presenter, the bunnies take turns jumping towards their cabbage. They take off a piece of paper from it and jump back to their team, passing the baton to the next hare. The most nimble hares raise their cabbage leaves with the whole team, informing everyone of their victory.

    Pigs For this competition, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.

    Who will dress up the Christmas tree first Children are divided into 2 teams, which are given the task of decorating their little Christmas tree first from the same number of balls and tinsel. The game is accompanied by Christmas music.

    New Year's bags Each participant receives a bright colorful bag and stands near the table. On the table is a large box with various small items. New Year theme(unbreakable toys, tinsel, serpentine, firecrackers, sparklers) and ordinary small souvenirs that are not related to the holiday. Participants are blindfolded and, to cheerful music, they take items out of the box and put them in their bags. When the music stops, the game stops, the bandages are removed for the children, and they lay out the contents of their bags. The winner is the one who managed to collect the most Christmas-themed items.

    Find the Christmas tree Two teams of players must line up in two columns. The captains are handed a set of New Year's flags, the penultimate set with the image of a Christmas tree. On a signal, the captains pass the flags along the chain to their players, and the last child in the column collects the set. As soon as the captain finds a flag with a Christmas tree, he immediately shouts "Christmas Tree!" and raise the flag up. The team that finds the Christmas tree first is considered the winner.

    Assemble the Christmas tree Several players are offered to assemble an image of a Christmas tree from a cut picture (puzzles), whoever completes it first wins.

    Cheerful monkeys Santa Claus reads rhymes and shows movements: We are funny monkeys, We play too loudly. We clap our hands, We stamp our feet, We puff out our cheeks, We jump on our toes. And we will even show each other tongues. Let's jump together to the ceiling, Bring the finger to the temple. We stick out the ears, the tail is on the top of the head. Let's open our mouths wider, We'll make grimaces. As I say the number "three", All freeze with grimaces. (Children "freeze" In a funny grimace)