Everything in the old year. How to leave all the bad things in the past year. Need to get rid of the thoughts that

My dear and wonderful friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year. May all bad things remain in the past, may all good and magical things happen to you in the new year. I wish you all peace and happiness, strong love and good luck, good miracles and great hopes, high successes and excellent health.

My dear friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year. I wish you to leave everything bad and unnecessary in the past, step into the new year with great luck and a wonderful mood. I wish you good and happiness, great success and wonderful desires, amazing ideas and great happiness.

Dear friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year. I wish you to leave all the bad things behind, and in the new year take your inner strength, confidence and determination. And let there be a bag with luck, health and perseverance under the tree, then you, dear ones, will certainly be able to achieve everything you want in the coming year. Good luck, friends, love and prosperity!

Friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year and I want to wish everyone to get rid of sad memories and all sorts of mistakes, as if from a heavy and unnecessary burden. I wish everyone to start a new path to their successes and victories, and may everyone, in pursuit of their dreams, not forget about happiness, joy, friendship and love in the new year.

My beloved, good and faithful friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year. May all bad weather and sorrows remain in the past, may incredible love and kind joy, great happiness and great success, great luck and brave fun await you ahead.

My dear and dear friends, let the Old New Year will step on the threshold on a grand scale, let all the past become cunning, this year's path will bring us good luck and happiness. May our hearts become kinder, may there be no joy of limit and end. I wish everyone bright smiles and great miracles.

The Old New Year is a great occasion to congratulate you again, my beloved friends, on the holiday! I want to wish our company to be the same friendly and cheerful for decades! I wish all of us to love and be loved passionately, I wish you a romantic personal life and great success in our hard work! Let the sun rise and set, it rains, snows, hail, and our friendship does not weaken, but only grows stronger and grows!

"The bad will remain in the old year, and in new will come good!". Such a toast is often heard at the set table on the most important night of the year. Easy to say, but not so easy to implement.

Often we carry a heavy load of conflicts and quarrels with us from year to year. But you can still leave the past in the past. We picked 9 useful techniques, which will help to say goodbye to absolutely all grievances.

In a relationship

Comfort in personal life for a woman is the key to success in everything else. But how difficult it is not to be offended by a man, to take it easier on his words and deeds and forget everything that hurt the soul. "Keep in yourself" claims is also harmful. What can be done?

1. Make peace first. A good technique for those who quarreled right before the holiday. On the one hand, it’s terribly stupid to put up just to celebrate the New Year together, on the other hand, it’s more stupid than waiting for him to meet you half way you can’t imagine.

How it works. Being at a distance from the offender, going into experiences and plunging into sadness, we fall into the power of fantasies, fears, pride and conjectures. In fact, it could be anything. He did not want to offend you, he meant something completely different, did not understand you or does not realize that your feelings were hurt. In addition, often men do not know how to put up, they do not know how to approach, but they will gladly accept forgiveness. To forgive, it is important to know that the other person is also going through a conflict.

2. Speak out.
We are more afraid of spoiling relationships with our loved ones than with others. Therefore, in many cases we do not even voice unpleasant feelings. Such resentment does not seem strong, but it is very difficult to eradicate it.

How it works. On the principle of "lighten the soul." It is important not to get an answer, not to disrupt the evil and not to take revenge, causing similar emotions to spite the offender. The main thing is to talk about your feelings. Talk about what you are experiencing pain, bitterness, disappointment, sadness. The effect is paradoxical - your attitude towards a person changes for the better.

3. Regret. Whatever a man hurts you with criticism, inattention or ridicule in the end, all this has nothing to do with you personally, but with his habitual reactions to habitual stimuli. We know that all this comes from childhood.

How it works. In this case, a technique will help, during which you imagine your man not as an adult and strong, as now, but as a small child. In your imagination, you need to take this baby in your arms, console and reassure. The formidable figure of the offender, against which you are powerless, decreases and ceases to cause anger and anger.

in friendship

In many cases, close circle influences us more than family. We choose friends ourselves, so often they understand us better, but they also know our weaknesses better. The betrayal of a friend is perceived more sharply, it can deprive us of normal communication for a long time and even change our attitude towards ourselves. You shouldn't let things like that go by your own.

1. Wish you happiness.
It sounds outrageous when it comes to the person whom you consider to have benefited from the situation at a time when you lost. Why on earth, for example, be happy for a friend who stole a man from you? But if you look from a distance, a person decides on such actions only when he feels deprived.

How it works. Louise Hay, author and best-selling author of self-help psychological books, suggests that in this exercise, imagine the abuser on stage and mentally bestow a happy situation and joys on him. After that, you need to “get up” on the stage yourself and also recharge with happiness. Happy people do not harm each other, for them there is no point in insults.

2. Mentally take revenge. This is similar to the famous Japanese clerks' exercise of venting their anger on the effigy of the boss. Conditional "punishment" of the offender provides relief. By imagining exactly what you wish for the "traitor", you can calm down.

How it works. When resentment exists in the form of sad thoughts, it is blurred, elusive, and difficult to destroy. Anger is a more specific feeling, this meaning is conveyed by the sayings "it is better to be angry than offended" and "they carry water on the offended." In addition, we often feel guilty for wanting evil. Having tried to "deal with" the enemy mentally, we can make sure that we are not so angry with him.

3. Defeat the pain. Resentment sits in us like a splinter it is almost imperceptible, but still not part of a healthy body. And every time, accidentally touching the injured place, we suffer and run away from these sensations. What to do? Remove carefully.

How it works. Try to restore to the smallest detail all the experiences about this. Having felt all the most unpleasant, just imagine how, overcoming the fear of pain, you take out the insult, like a foreign object, and throw it away. It is important to catch relief immediately after you get rid of these feelings. You are healthy and this sadness will not return again.

In family

Connections with parents and elders, adults who are authoritative for us, are not realized so strongly. Therefore, children's grievances go away more slowly, but it is very important to say goodbye to them. New Year family celebration, but the triumph is often overshadowed by the echoes of old conflicts and dissatisfaction with each other.

1. Change the script. Including the script of the holiday. Any claims or other behavior of parents offend us because of the inability to solve everything on our own. This is the memory of childhood relationships, when we did not really have this right. Now there is, so we are offended by ourselves.

How it works. Write two behavior plans. Plan A how everything usually happens, how the participants in quarrels behave (you, your parents, brothers and sisters), plan B how you would like. This will help you break the pattern and start changing your role. The roles of other heroes will change in fact. There will be no room for resentment here.

2. Find your benefit.
Relationships are associated with trust, but life corrects these beliefs. It is difficult for us to allow ourselves to bargain with relatives, to make a deal with them, although we easily do this in love or at work. From the family, we expect understanding a priori. At the same time consider your interests this is normal for any relationship.

How it works. If it's to your advantage not to be offended, don't be offended. Does resentment torment you? What will you get if you choose to forgive? Freedom, the joy of communication, closeness with family. Benefits can be both material and moral. Forgive in order to get help, praise and attention? Why not.

3. Forgive just like that.
The idea of ​​forgiveness as such is inherent in the nature of any living being, therefore animals and children do not hold anger for long in their souls and quickly return to pure feelings of love and affection. So it helps to forgive and religious feeling just letting go of the past.

How it works. Dealing with old troubles is painful, difficult, and energy intensive. In any case, this is no longer the case. By letting go of the situation, you start from scratch and a clean slate. Even if the abuser remains at the mercy of his emotions, your mood can inspire him too.

There is very little left before the New Year, but there is much to do. Feng Shui expert Natalya Pravdina recommends entering the New Year 2015 with renewed vigor and pure intentions, and for this you need to take several important steps that will help you free yourself from all bad things and joyfully celebrate the New Year 2015.

Clear the space

Natalya Pravdina recommends starting with this. If you want to free yourself from negativity and bad memories, then change your space! This can be general cleaning with the expulsion of unnecessary rubbish from the house, minor repairs, interior decoration, or simply rearranging furniture.

Return debts

You should not drag old debts with you into the New Year, otherwise their financial situation in 2015 will remain at the same level. Also, we are talking not only about material debts, but also about given promises. Keep all these promises, this will free you from the burden on your soul.

Forgive offenses and ask for forgiveness yourself

Do not take with you to the New Year the bitterness of resentment, bad thoughts about someone, disappointment and guilt. If someone holds a grudge against you, apologize. If they hurt you, forgive this person, because nothing poisons a person’s soul like resentment and a desire for revenge.

Leave in the old year all the bad

Take a piece of paper with a pen and write down what you would not like to see in your life in the New Year 2015. These can be bad habits, activities that do not benefit you, people with whom it is unpleasant for you to communicate, and so on. Natalya Pravdina advises to make a list of the most unnecessary things in your life and burn it in a candle flame. This ritual will help you get rid of past negativity and unnecessary deeds.

Treat yourself

New Year is the time of miracles! Be your own Santa Claus and make your wish come true. Treat yourself to the gift you've been dreaming of for a long time. Do not spare money on yourself, then the Universe will see how you rejoice in new acquisitions, and in the New Year will send you even more wealth and prospects.

Buy gifts for loved ones

Don't leave this matter for later. Natalya Pravdina advises to take care of gifts in advance. Make a list of gifts in advance and make sure that your loved ones like them. Giving the desired gifts, you will attract a lot of positive energy, which will undoubtedly come in handy in the New Year 2015.

Do a good deed

Do a good deed for someone you don't know well or don't know at all. Take care of animals that need help. Kindness always comes back, remember that.

Send a postcard or letter to your old friend

In this age of the Internet, mail is already out of fashion. But how pleasant it will be for your old friend, who lives thousands of kilometers from you, to receive New Year's greetings!

Wrap up the year

Natalya Pravdina advises not to be cunning to yourself and to honestly admit to yourself the mistakes and failures of the past year. Celebrate your achievements too! Ask yourself what you have done useful this year, what has happened bad in your life, and what is good. Thank the Universe for its gifts.

Make a wish

Of course, one of the most important things before the New Year is the ritual of making a wish. Write on a piece of paper what you want to achieve in the New Year 2015 and keep this piece of paper for the whole year. After a year, you will be surprised how many items on your list have come true!

Natalya Pravdina advises before the New Year 2015 to complete all unfinished business and draw up an action plan for the New Year. All bad things must be forgotten, burned in the fire, thrown out of the house along with old things in order to meet the holiday with renewed vigor and positive emotions! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.11.2014 09:17

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“Let all the bad things remain in the old year” - such a wish sounds on December 31 more often than the usual “happiness, health”. At first glance, these words seem banal and “just to say”, but if you think about it, you understand: how great it would really be to leave all the negativity in the outgoing year. And we will show you how to do it.

Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of serious mental wounds in a couple of days. But nothing stops you from at least starting.

We have collected several psychological tricks, thanks to which you can free yourself from old grievances and unpleasant emotions and enter the New Year 2017 with a light heart.

1. Direct conversation

Do you know what half of the grievances that have settled in your head are based on? On innuendo. A carelessly thrown word, not in time question asked"what did you mean?", and that's all - you can no longer get rid of the unpleasant sensation that occurs every time you think about your offender.

Photos: 123RF/ Sebastian Gauert

Why not find out right now - before the New Year? Meet, call or write - it doesn’t matter how, but most importantly, talk to the one you hold a grudge against. Tell about your experiences, ask “why?”, listen calmly and try to accept everything that the interlocutor says. You'll see, half of your experiences are not worth a damn. No wonder they say that sometimes only one conversation separates a person from happiness.

2. Out of sight

In many countries, before the New Year, it is customary to get rid of old trash. No "what if it comes in handy." In Italy, for example, people simply throw out unnecessary dishes, interior elements and even small-sized furniture out of the windows. Have you ever thought that this is a great way to free up not only space in the apartment, but also your head from bad thoughts? We're not suggesting that you throw chairs out the window of a high-rise building, but why not finally get rid of things that remind you of your ex and your difficult breakup?

If it's about something expensive, place an ad for sale. If it's old T-shirts or stupid postcards, just throw them in the trash. You'll see, the unpleasant emotions that you experienced when bumping into this or that thing will instantly disappear.

3. Burn the negativity

Psychologists say that this method perfectly helps to get rid of negativity. Take a piece of paper, a pen or pencil and write down all your grievances, fears and doubts. Do not choose words, let thoughts flow freely. Write whatever comes to mind. Offended by a colleague? Are you angry with your husband? Do you blame yourself for rarely calling your mom? Are you afraid you will lose your job? Write everything.

Photos: 123RF/progressman

Ready? Now take matches or a lighter and burn all the negativity written on the piece of paper. Shake out the remaining ashes in the window. Someone is sure that the matter is self-hypnosis. Others say that in this way we actually get rid of the negativity that has been accumulating in us for years. Be that as it may, such a ritual really helps. Not always the first time. Sometimes you have to repeat it over and over again, but you have to start somewhere. The main thing is to follow the fire safety technique so as not to add problems to yourself before the New Year.

4. Empty chair technique

You know that it is very important not to hush up grievances, but what if it is impossible for some reason to talk to the person who hurt you? Then the empty chair technique comes to the rescue. Everything is very simple: you need to stay alone in the room (or even better - in the apartment), put a chair in front of you and imagine that your offender is sitting on it. Sit in front, choose comfortable posture and start the monologue. Tell me about your feelings, cry, scream, throw pillows at the chair, you can even kick it if you want - throw out all the negative emotions that have settled inside. You will see, at some point you will feel tired and empty. This will be a signal that the "session" was not in vain. You may want to repeat the “conversation with an empty chair” more than once or twice, you yourself will feel when enough is enough. The main thing is to allow yourself to release the negative, do not keep destructive emotions inside.

Despite the fact that the days before the New Year will be filled with work, buying gifts and hectic preparations for the holiday, try to devote at least a couple of hours to yourself. Let this time the wish “leave all the bad things in the old year” turn out to be not an empty phrase for you. With a little effort, you can enter 2017 a little happier than before.