Does love make a person happy. Composing a discussion on the topic Does love always make a person happy? essay option Does love always make a person happy

Thematic direction: He and she

23.09.2019 18:00:29

Love is the most difficult feeling that is characteristic of a person. I believe that everyone has experienced this feeling in their life. Love can be different: maternal, passionate, deep, friendly, fleeting, strong, and so on. It inspires, elevates, inspires, but, unfortunately, does not always make a person happy.
Reflecting on this topic, I cannot help but turn to the work of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". Zheltkov has been unrequitedly in love with Vera Nikolaevna for seven years now. This love is "hopeless", "polite". The hero himself believes that God sent him this feeling as "great happiness", as a reward for something. But can Zheltkov really be considered happy? What gave him this feeling, still not interpreted by anyone? In the life of the hero, nothing interested, and every moment of the day was filled only with thoughts, dreams and "sweet delirium" about Vera Nikolaevna. Where is happiness? As a result, Zheltkoa commits suicide. Love does not bring the hero anything but pipe dreams and death.
In A.I. Kuprin's story "Olesya" the characters are in love with each other, their love is mutual. When they are together, there is no limit to their happiness, they feel good together. When parting, longing falls on them. Ivan Timofeevich wants to marry Olesya and take her to the city. It would seem that this is the long-awaited happiness! But they are not destined to be together. You can figure out for a long time what caused their separation, but this does not change the essence: love made these heroes unhappy.
Love is a wonderful feeling. She is multifaceted. It gives self-confidence to many, makes them live, relieves loneliness and longing, helps to forgive, but, unfortunately, it also makes someone unhappy due to some circumstances. That is life. You won't get away from this.

Number of words - 286

Ekaterina, the essay was written independently, it gets a "credit", but you need to clearly build the logic of the essay: in the introduction there should be an introduction to the main idea of ​​the essay and the formulation of the main thesis - the answer to the question of the topic of the essay. How do you define love?

And only one sentence - the answer to the question of the topic:

If a definition is given to a concept, one must also adhere to logic. You write:

First, remove "etc." Secondly, in the series of homogeneous members, maternal, friendly love is indicated, and then the types of love are listed according to the strength of feeling. It is necessary to distinguish between definitions of love. Further, the thesis is argued by two works about the love of a man and a woman. Therefore, it is logical to write definitions about the strength of a love feeling, excluding the adjectives "maternal" and "friendly".
In the introduction, you must, logically reasoning, indicate WHAT makes a person unhappy and move on to the argument.

Ekaterina, try to avoid categorical reasoning in your essay. Here you write:

Why "so far"? There are many definitions of the concept of "love", there cannot be an unambiguous one.

When using an argument from a work, the author's position must be taken into account.
You ask a question:

You think that the hero was not happy. Carefully read Zheltkov's letters to Vera, his last letter. Check out the critical literature. Determine the author's position: does Kuprin consider the hero unhappy in love with Vera Nikolaevna. If so, what is the cause of the tragedy.

In the argument, again, you need to refer to the main idea of ​​​​your essay:

and ask yourself the question: does this example prove the main idea?

The second argument is superficial, without relying on the text, does little to reveal the topic, only general reasoning:

WHAT caused the separation and tragedy - this should be written in the argument, this is the topic of the essay.
Since the introduction defines what love is, you draw a conclusion corresponding to this:

This is a logical error, but the continuation of the sentence saves you:

But this is a thin thread that logically connects with the theme of the essay. And again, the uncertainty in the words: "some circumstances."
Elena, in order to write a test essay, you need to work on your speech. You make gross speech errors:

Speech error, lexical incompatibility of words "faced the feeling"

loves Vera Nikolaevna. Love this "hopeless", "polite". - Speech error, repetition of words.

So, Ekaterina, work on the logic of the composition, be attentive to the text of literary works - and you will receive a "credit".

Criteria scores K1: 1; K2: 1; K3: 0; K4: 1; K5: 1; Paid: ;

Final score- 4 Pass

Love is a feeling of attachment and aspiration to the object of sympathy. The most common misconception about love is the idea that love always brings happiness to a person's life. This statement can be refuted by the example of A. N. Ostrovsky's drama "Dowry".

Larisa - main character drama, a very beautiful, smart and proud girl. Her misfortune lies in the fact that she lives in a cruel, cynical and cold world.

Larisa's mother makes money on her, for Knurov and Vozhevatov she is just a thing, Knurov said about Larisa: "An expensive diamond requires an expensive setting." But her main problem is the lack of a dowry. She is a dowryless woman, because her two older sisters got all the dowry. And in this heartless world, Larisa had a hope - an acquaintance with Sergei Sergeyevich Paratov, "a brilliant gentleman, from the shipowners, thirty years old." In the city he was respected and loved. Larisa and Sergey Sergeevich had a great time together and soon fell in love with each other. But Paratov urgently needed to leave the city due to problems with property. He left without saying anything to Larisa, without even saying goodbye to her. It was a vile act on his part. In my opinion, they loved each other, but after parting, both became unhappy, especially Larisa. She was in despair, this could be understood from her monologue: “I suffered for a year, I could not forget you for a year, life became empty for me; I finally decided to marry Karandyshev, almost the first person I met. I thought that family duties will fill my life and reconcile me to it." Larisa's sincere love led her to misfortune.

After returning, Paratov learned that Larisa was marrying Karandyshev. Paratov had a feeling of jealousy, which proves his love for Larisa. At a dinner party, Paratov got Larisa's fiancé drunk and invited her on a trip to the "Swallow". She still had feelings for Sergei Sergeyevich, and she was tired of Karandyshev's behavior, so she agreed. But Paratov again committed a vile act. He announced to Larisa that he had married and could not be with her. The second time he betrayed her. By shooting Larisa, Karandyshev saved her from suffering, because Paratov's betrayal would have ruined her. I think that Sergei Sergeevich loved Larisa, but money was more important to him. He again made himself unhappy, after her death he will have a feeling of guilt.

As a result, we can say that love, unfortunately, does not always bring happiness. For love to make a person happy, it must be mutual. Unrequited love or betrayal of a loved one brings only suffering, wounds to the very heart.

1 essay version

Love. Everyone interprets this word in their own way, and for many centuries a person has not found a clear explanation of what love is. Does it make a person happy? Should she do it? I think definitely yes. Any love, whatever it was, makes a person happier, even if sometimes he even suffers. There has not yet been found a person who would say, I lived my life in vain, not loving, on the contrary, many regret that they loved too little. There are millions of answers to this question posed above, since everyone has their own love, each person feels and perceives it in his own way.

This is a philosophical question that will have a thousand opinions because people will answer it. different ages. Indeed, love is perceived differently depending on age. It’s hard to admit it, but it’s the little children who know how to truly love, since they are not burdened by the society that imposes their ideals on them, they love a person because he simply is, he is nearby. This quality of love is preserved, alas, not in every person.

In pursuit of personal well-being attention wealthy man we perceive as true love, correct. But will there be happiness after? It will probably be if a person strives for well-being. Therefore, answering the question above, we can confidently answer that yes, love makes a person happy if he achieves what he wanted, and it doesn’t matter at all what: money, another person, career advancement.

I believe that it is not worth condemning people who choose a career or wealth, this is their life and their path, an outsider will never understand the soul of another person. It is better to choose your love and strive to keep it, this is your path that you will have to go through yourself.

Essay 2 Does love always make a person happy?


  1. Introduction
  2. Love is on the side of good
  3. Love and emotions
  4. Shades of love
  5. In childhood
  6. Conclusion


There is no such person who has never experienced the feeling of love. It is laid in us from birth and goes with us through life, then flaring up with new force, then fading. Initially, people are in search of love, strive for it. Love is the feeling that surpasses other emotions in strength and fullness of sensations.

Love is on the side of good

It is generally accepted that love is on the side of good. Growing up, it ennobles the soul, awakens only the positive in a person, gives faith in the good, gives impetus to the awakening of the best qualities. But how to explain the fact in the past that wars flared up in the name of love, brother turned against brother, and friend became enemy? Throughout history, the situation has not changed. And now people are losing their minds because of love. Many are ready to do anything for her. This "everything" includes both self-sacrifice and active work for the good of love, as well as the development of hatred up to murder.

Love and emotions

Love attracts many emotions. It is accompanied not only by joy and happiness. Next to her walks jealousy, sadness and suffering. Love cannot make everyone equally happy. Just as laughter is bitter and tears are tears of joy, so is love. For one person, it is a gift and is the highest good and pleasure. For others, it is excruciating suffering. Why is that? Yesterday we loved, today we hate. I think everything is very individual and depends on the character traits, upbringing and psychological development of a person.
Throughout life, our love chooses various objects of adoration.

Shades of love

Like all feelings, it is not subject to the mind and it is almost impossible to control it. I believe that love has shades. Its strength depends on who we love. There is one love for a mother, another for a wife, and a third for knowledge. If we consider such an option as love for an inanimate object and for a living being, then it becomes obvious that love for a living being is stronger, brighter and more emotional. With the loss of any beloved thing, a person does not experience as much grief as when parting with a loved one. It turns out that for happy love the object must be with us. Losing it, we continue to love, but mixed with a sense of bitterness. We love, but it hurts us. The person is alive and well, but not with us, and we suffer from it. Maybe it's a matter of excessive selfishness? The Bible says that love forgives everything and does not seek its own. And we can't let go of the one we love. We cannot be happy for him if he is well, but not with us. The passion inherent in love is especially destructive. Passionate natures are more susceptible to love, which does not bring happiness.

In childhood

We are loved from childhood and inspire love for others, but no one warns about her dark half. We see crying mothers. After all, if they did not love us, no act could bring them pain. We see pride in us and love in their eyes, but if they didn't love us, they wouldn't care. We see a dog that squeals with joy that we have come, and its sadness when we are far away. And we see a strange dog that passes by without looking in our direction. Hence the conclusion that love is interconnected with sadness and suffering. Love, of course, happiness, but always mixed with grief and pain. Perhaps, in this way, love is strengthened and tested, but again through pain. No other way. Yes, there are people who believe that love brings only happiness. But there are others who see it as addiction, loss of self, disease, evil. One enjoys, the other mourns.


I think that love brings happiness only to those who appreciate it and truly love it, no matter what. He loves and rejoices in the fact that he loves another more than himself. Happy in love is the one who is sincere in his feelings and does not think evil. A person is given love, and whether it will bring him happiness depends only on him.

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What is love? Love is a tender, beautiful feeling that a person can experience. She ennobles, makes you perceive differently the world, admire and admire the one you love, and even perform feats. Real love has an inexplicable power over a person, it makes him better and happier. But does love always bring happiness? Unfortunately, not always. The greatest suffering is experienced by a person with non-reciprocal love.

In the work of Alexander Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" we see an example unrequited love. Zheltkov is in love with Vera Sheina. He writes letters to her that always go unanswered, and on her birthday he gives her beloved a garnet bracelet. The gift causes an uproar. For the little official Zheltkov, love for Princess Vera Sheina became the meaning of life. But when he was forbidden to even think about her, he could no longer live and committed suicide. True love often ends not with happiness, but with a tragic outcome, because it is far from always mutual.

Thus, love is an incredible feeling that can control people, it gives happiness to one, and sadness and disappointment to others. Love does not always make a person happy, because it is often unrequited and non-reciprocal. But I believe that it is better to experience a great feeling of love once than never to know it at all, fearing suffering, disappointment and heartache.

Should make you laugh , "fly" and, above all, do .

Unfortunately, the traditional and archaic notions that true love is always associated with suffering, and tears are normal when you are in a relationship with someone.

This concept is rooted in classic image of romantic love who has done so much harm to many generations of lovers. It is because of this that, even in our time, many people have a somewhat distorted picture of what attachment is, as well as what relationships in a happy couple should rely on.

Today in our article, we invite you to think about it together.

True love shouldn't be a source of tears

Maybe at some point in your life, someone in your inner circle told you something like this "it is what it is. You just accept it or walk away from it. There is always someone in a relationship who always cries. This is fine."

Sometimes what is considered normal carries dangerous and destructive ideas. Therefore, you must clearly understand that love does not mean suffering. The one who makes you cry doesn't really love you, or worse, loves you, but chooses the wrong and unhealthy way to do it.

Romantic love, or love-suffering

How more pain, more passion, more attraction, the more and herself . These are the same classic ideas that the ideal of romantic love has left us, and we often find them in movies or classical literature.

  • Believe it or not, this approach still defines the lives of today's young people. Thinking that jealousy or possessiveness is the main sign of love, they sometimes get involved in a very dangerous relationship.
  • Romantic love, moreover, recognizes only the first stage of falling in love, full of passion. It cannot be transformed into a stronger and more stable feeling, a mature love.
  • Another misconception related to romantic love, lies in the fact that it is inseparable from suffering and tears. This is part of the relationship, and we just have to accept this fact as a given. In fact, this is absolutely not true.

Surely even among your acquaintances there are many people who for whom love is such a destructive feeling that it only brings. These people are extremely unhappy, their self-esteem tends to zero, their relationships are built on addiction, and they constantly endure pain and tears.

They don't believe in the idea that when you love, you shouldn't be hurt by it. Healthy true love never seeks destruction.

Conscious, mature love

No one is born knowing everything about love. To acquire this knowledge, we must experience disappointments, emotional wounds, and even, in some cases, be alone, to rediscover ourselves.

  • You should never blame yourself for failures or think that "love is suffering." It's not, or at least it shouldn't be.
  • Conscious love always begins with such a simple and, at the same time, important thing as self-love.

Only when you feel confident, yours is not underestimated and you understand exactly what you deserve, you can enter into healthy, responsible and happy relationships.

  • Mature, true love always begins with your inner harmony.
  • Self-confident person, without emotional problems and with good self-esteem, will not project their fears onto a partner or be obsessed with the idea of ​​complete control, fearing possible betrayal.

Therefore, the one who loves will not betray, and the one who respects is worthy of trust.

True love should make you laugh

Making those we love happy is of great importance to ourselves as well. . Unfortunately, there are those who do not agree with this.

  • For some, it is completely normal to make a partner suffer. So they have a very clear goal: to control.
  • At the same time, such people are extremely surprised to see their partner's tears. They usually say: what are you offended by on an empty place? Familiar phrase?

In this case, you must understand that in front of you is a person who unable to empathize and take responsibility for their actions.

The one who really loves you will strive to make you happy and, bring smiles and joy even on rainy days.

Because every smile hides the power that makes your couple stronger. Every act of caring strengthens your bond, making your relationship stronger.