True love - the arguments of the exam. Composition on the topic “Is it possible to be happy without love? Is it possible to be happy without love literature

Love has a special place in the life of every person. This feeling can be many-sided and many-sided. Love between a man and a woman, love for children, parents, home, love for their homeland. Each of these feelings has its own emotional connotation. After all, maternal love and love between spouses are fundamentally different and cannot be put on a par.

However, whoever our love is addressed to, it is based on mutual understanding, respect, tolerance, readiness to help at any moment and the ability to donate

the most expensive for the sake of a loved one.

Every person deserves the love they deserve. If a person does not know how to respect himself and others, he is unlikely to feel respect for himself from even a loved one. A person who is able to appreciate himself will definitely meet on the way someone who will also appreciate his best qualities. You can not humiliate yourself and go in cycles in your shortcomings. Otherwise, a person runs the risk of meeting neglect and pity, but not love. Often, the opinion of others means more to the lover than his flared feelings, and love leaves. Can't let others interfere

to your personal space. Protect your feelings from prying eyes.

Lovers can handle all the difficulties, and the world begins to exist only for the two of them. At the time of falling in love, you want to change everything for the better, dream of a wonderful future and enjoy every new day. No wonder there is an opinion that lovers produce a hormone of happiness that awakens the hidden possibilities of a person.

It is mutual love that gives a person great happiness. However, there is often an unrequited feeling that makes you suffer inconsolably and cry. Unrequited love often forces a person to do stupid things, but you should not do this. It is best to treat this feeling like last year's snow and wait for a new meeting like next winter, when new fluffy snow falls.

Love between a man and a woman is the beginning of a new life and the guarantee of eternal life on Earth. Writers, artists, composers, actors, sculptors found inspiration in this aspect of love.

W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is one of the most beautiful and eternally relevant works about love. Two young hearts could not unite during their lifetime, but the power of their love united warring families for years. In this tragedy, love is shown as a great and all-conquering feeling capable of performing a miracle.

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  • Love for people is the ability to sacrifice yourself for their happiness.
  • Love brings out the best feelings in a person


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Pierre Bezukhov's love for Natasha Rostova can be called real. He knew that Natasha was the bride of Andrei Bolkonsky, his friend, so he did not allow himself too much. Pierre's best feelings were manifested in his readiness to help, support in difficult situation. He respected the man he loves. Pierre had the opportunity to look after Natasha when Prince Andrei was away, but he considered it low to interfere with someone else's happiness, to destroy the relationship of people close to him. Takova real love: she lives inside a person, manifests itself in noble deeds.

A. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet". capable of true love it turns out Zheltkov, an ordinary official. Love for Vera Sheina is the basis of his life. Zheltkov devoted his entire existence to this woman. He understood that they could not be together: the social status of these two people was very different. Zheltkov did not interfere with Vera Nikolaevna's life, did not dream of conquering her, but simply loved - this was the highest happiness for him. The hero's suicide is not cowardice, because he passed away so as not to interfere with Vera Sheina. Zheltkov gave her the most precious thing he had - a garnet bracelet. He said goodbye to life with a feeling of gratitude for everything that love had given him.

M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Margarita's love for the Master can be called real, incredibly strong. Margarita is ready to do anything that will allow her to be with her loved one again. She makes a deal with the devil, becomes the queen at the ball of Satan. And all for the sake of one person - the Master, without whom she cannot live. Love motivates a person to do the most insane things. The power of love is greater than fear. Margarita proves this, for which she receives a reward - eternal rest with the Master.

Jack London Martin Eden. Coming from the working class, a poor young sailor Martin Eden falls in love with Ruth Morse - a girl belonging to the upper class. Love motivates a young man with little education to develop in order to overcome the gulf that separates him from Ruth. Martin Eden reads a lot, begins to write his works. Soon he becomes one of the most educated people, having his own opinion on everything, most often different from the opinions prevailing in society. Martin Eden and Ruth Morse are engaged, but this is kept secret, because the young man is still trying to become a writer, but still has no money in his pocket. No one believes in Martin Eden: neither the sisters, nor Ruth, nor the Morse family. He works hard in the name of love: he writes, sleeps for four hours, reads, writes again, because he truly loves Ruth, wants to ensure their happiness. After a scandal over the identity of Martin Eden, arranged by a young reporter, the engagement is broken off. Ruth doesn't even want to talk to him. But when he becomes popular, rich, gets recognition, then they begin to love him. Ruth is no longer against marrying him: she says that she always loved him, that she made a terrible mistake. But Martin Eden does not believe these words. He realizes that he hasn't changed a bit since then. By the time the engagement was broken off, the acclaimed works had already been written. So, since Ruth broke up with him then, she really did not love. But Martin Eden's love was true, real, pure.

M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil". Real can be not only love between two hearts, but also love for people in general. Danko, the hero of the work, sacrifices his life in the name of saving people. His purpose is noble. Danko rips the heart out of his chest and lights the way for them. People come out of the forest and are saved. But no one remembers the feat of the hero, and yet he gave his life for the happiness of others.

With Cupid's arrow in the heart, according to polls, no more than 34% of married Europeans live. And somewhere in the East and even less - a different mentality. Yes, and love with happiness - terms with an indefinitely broad content, that is, the concepts are extensible: everyone has their own ideas about them.

It was all out. Love is a perishable product, and both partners understand this. But are they in a hurry to scatter when the feeling goes away or fades? Often not, because a stable couple has already formed, overgrown with children, property, traditions, friendship, affection have appeared ... And many people do not want to break all this, squander what they have accumulated over the years, even for the sake of such a bright but unstable feeling as love. Or they don't risk it.

Lost crying. 75% of people, according to surveys, tried to return a great love at any cost. According to the same statistics, only 62% fight for a disintegrating marriage. Conclusion: Love is dearer to us than family. But if only it were that easy! After all, it is not known how many of these marriages were for love. Perhaps the remaining 38% do not seek to save their marriage because they know for sure that there is no love left there or there was none at all. And fighting for love, no one knows what will become of it over the years, whether it will bring happiness in the end (family or at least some kind). But since we do not want to be even less happy than we are at the moment, we try not to miss even a scrap of this feeling. Losing something real is always hard. But without saying goodbye to one love, you cannot find another. And without knowing the bitterness of misfortune, one cannot understand what happiness is.

If you are full and your nose is in tobacco. During the experiment, scientists asked couples questions: “How often do you touch each other? Do you use common things? Do you look into each other's eyes?”… Those who answered in the affirmative underwent a brain scan. And it turned out that loving partners activate the same area of ​​the brain that is responsible for basic needs - food, water, sleep, a roof over their heads, oxygen. Thus, comfortable, friendly, tender, respectful, trusting relationships with the opposite sex can also be considered our basic need. And if she is satisfied, albeit without unbridled passions, then we can feel full and happy.

Love-carrots, mist-deceit and all that. David Lewis, PhD in psychology from the UK, explains: "From a biological point of view, love is a unique trick of evolution." Children, roughly speaking, are born not from love, but from sex, and love was conceived by nature as a trick or bait so that we would more readily mate and reproduce. New love- new offspring, one more love - and again offspring ... For the population - this perfect option. For some individuals, too. But this has little to do with family happiness. Family happiness in our culture and in the modern sense is the stability, stability of the couple, its reliability, the confidence of each of the partners that he can fully trust his half.

For the rest of my life. It happens that love lives in the soul, but there is no partner nearby. Can a monogamist, left without an object of feelings, be happy in family life? Maybe if he convinces himself that: "I (and my child) are a full-fledged family, and I am happy." No one requires you to betray and forget a wonderful feeling, but you must also allow yourself to become happy again. The main person with whom you need to build a relationship is yourself. If you know how to enjoy loneliness and appreciate the time spent with yourself and for yourself, then you certainly won’t be killed, for example, because of a broken marriage. Well, then it’s not in vain that they say that they knock out a wedge with a wedge. Today's marital happiness is always more expensive than the past, albeit such wonderful feelings. You just have to allow yourself to feel it. Someone who knows how to love so deeply and for so long has great emotional potential. It may well be enough for another marriage and new happiness. Even if the beginning of the relationship is not too passionate.

She accidentally pops up. It is well established that love cannot be synthesized artificially. Scientists at Rutgers University in the United States conducted a series of experiments in which they tried to instill love with the help of hormone injections. But it only managed to evoke a feeling of excitement. I couldn't find a combination that would make you fall in love. But gradually falling in love with a partner in the course of life and finding happiness with him, as practice shows, is very possible. Contrary to misconceptions, love is not always the push element in a relationship. A family story can begin with a banal desire of one or both partners to settle down, streamline their lives, continue their family, improve their financial situation ... But the relationship develops, the partners open up and the feeling that the poems compose (“I remember a wonderful moment”) gradually matures. sing songs (like Whitney Houston) and make touching films (like "Titanic" or "Three Poplars on Plyushchikha").

Composition on the topic “Is it possible to be happy without love?”

Love, in my opinion, is a very contradictory feeling. It can save a person in difficult times and give him wings, make him happier. But it may happen that this same wonderful feeling will destroy a person or cause unbearable pain that cannot be forgotten even over the years. Therefore, it is very difficult for me to answer the question: “Is it possible to be happy without love?”, But I will try to come to an answer in my reasoning.

It seems to me that love between a man and a woman is rather fleeting. I once heard on a TV program that the feeling goes away after about three years. But after all, many couples exist for 50 years or more. And at the same time they consider themselves quite happy. It seems to me that when love passes after three years, then there comes a moment when a person is just so used to another person that he can no longer live without him. When a person feels good with another person, why can't this also be considered love? A special love that does not cause such a storm of emotions, but which awakens a quiet light in the soul, capable of warming the soul for many years. This cannot be considered love in its entirety. But affection and sympathy based on respect and mutual understanding can also make a person very happy for many years. But, of course, for such a metamorphosis, long and hard work on oneself is necessary. The second partner should do the same work. Only in this case can passionate love turn into reliable sympathy and affection.

But it is often possible to observe another picture. When the couple united in a family of great love. And while they had this three-year period of love, everything was relatively good. But after passing this period, the couple begins to make more and more scandals and find flaws in each other. And no one wants to do any work on each other. There are no old feelings, and there is nowhere for new ones to appear. There is a conflict. Often there is only one way out of this conflict - this is a divorce. People had love, but did they become happy with it after three years of relationship? I doubt that divorce can be perceived as a holiday. For a short period of time, these people may have been happy because of love. But as soon as the love is over, they part to find a new one. But at the same time, they forget that it can be preserved for many years thanks to understanding and respect.

Absolutely never loving anyone, it seems to me, it is also difficult to live. A person whom no one has ever loved and who himself has not experienced this wonderful feeling becomes tough, indifferent to the feelings of the people around him, rude. Such a person can perhaps be happy deep within himself. But this happiness will come from the suffering of other people around him. So this happiness cannot be real. Only the person who makes the people around him happy can truly become happy. Not to love anyone is, in my opinion, a weakness of character and cowardice. Yes, love can bring not only joy, but sometimes suffering. But giving it up completely is not an option either. After all, until you recognize the pain, you will not be able to appreciate the beauty of happiness. Therefore, in my opinion, it is absolutely impossible to live a happy life without love. And at the same time, it is not so important how long it will last, the main thing is what you will feel at this moment, what feelings will arise when you look at your loved one. It's so wonderful to know that your love is mutual and makes happy not only you, but also those around you.

Is it possible to be happy without love?

    There is no happiness without love. Everything else is self-deception.

    It was said above about different types love. Everything in the world is built on love. Monks live in love for people and for God. Women love their parents and children more (many try to give up intimacy, explaining it with an eternal headache). And lustful women, by the way, have always been condemned. Scientists are obsessed with ideas, artists with their images. But such love has nothing to do with intimate love. The law of self-preservation is self-love. etc

    How long can we live without love?

    A genius would be able to do something.

    Firmly sure that no, all excuses for a kind of love of art. just excuses and unwillingness to admit the obvious.

    I think yes. Not a definite answer, of course. You can answer that no, a person without love cannot be happy.

    But, I consider myself a happy person, even though there is no love at the moment.

    I just know for sure that in the future, that in the future this love will come.

    And here it will just be complete, one whole and happiness and love.

    Happiness lies in the little things.

    And the eyes say a lot. They always say more. They have their own soul, separate from words. The eyes will always tell the truth.

    If you look into my eyes, you can see that I am happy, although sometimes not everything is perfect, but this is rare.

    I have a house, parents. This is happiness.

    No, parents and love is a completely different topic. If this issue is considered as a family, then there is mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and love. Parental love.

    That is clear.

    But I understood this question as a relationship between a guy and a girl, later on a husband and wife and their love. That's it.

    And there is happiness even without love.

    But when happiness complements love, then this person is so happy that it simply cannot be described, it just needs to be felt.

    Remember Pugacheva's life without love may be possible, but ... how in the world to live without love.

    No, you can't be happy without love. People who claim otherwise are lying. to those around you and/or to yourself. You can live without love for a partner, but still we live by loving relatives and friends, plants and animals, poetry and our hobby in the end. And we need a response, by the way. Consciously or not.

    Man is designed in such a way that he needs sincerity.

    It is definitely impossible to live without love. For some, the most important thing in life is love for a man (woman), for someone, love for a child, love for work, love for money, love for power, love for parents, love for animals. You can never be happy without love!

    Of course you can.

    Love is so subjective and everyone looks at it differently.

    Is it possible to be happy without a family that appreciates and cares about you? I think that in the end, everyone needs such a family, they need a close person who will support and help, who can be trusted. But not everyone will agree with this.

    You can be happy without legs, and without money, and without this very love. Especially if love for Lenka from the 9th century. In happiness, the main thing is to have what you want, and love is too subjective to be desired.