Family holidays for kids presentation. Presentation "family traditions". Favorite vacation spots

Library lesson "Family and family traditions"


To acquaint children with the family, as a part of the family, in which the thoughts, traditions and culture of the Russian people merge;

The development of creative activity, the ability to work with proverbs, the development of speech;

Raise interest and love for family traditions.

Equipment : interactive whiteboard, projector, computer, presentation.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Hello dear guys! Today we are talking about the family and the relationship in it, about family holidays and traditions. A family is not just people who live together. These are people close to each other who are united by feelings, interests, ideals, attitude to life, people who will help in Hard time and will rejoice in your success more than anyone in the world. Family is when you love, and you are loved, and not for something, but in spite of everything.

SLIDE 1 "My family is my fortress"

2. Introduction to the topic


In the work of Yuri Kuranov "The Warmth of the Hearth", the concept of "family" is revealed in this way: seven - I. That is, I am repeated in my children seven times. Because it was believed: seven children should be in every family. And why? Since ancient times, the number "seven" has been considered significant and especially happy, because it means the fullness of a person's earthly life, success in all his good undertakings.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the family consisted of more than one generation, it was not by chance that such a word was formed - FAMILY. It included grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. They lived together and helped each other. Some kept pace with the housework, others worked in the field, older brothers and sisters protected the younger ones. They lived happily, respected old age, protected the young. Families were large and strong.

SLIDE 4 "Family is ..." (poem)

Why do you think family is so important for every person?

What do we get in the family?.

Now, let's see if we named everything?Slide 5.

And what is the most important thing we get in the family?slide 6.

Families are all different. And how do they differ? Of course, with their habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere, traditions. Traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. A person is born into the world, grows, thinks: Who am I? Where am I from? Where are my roots from?

Since ancient times, one of the traditions in Russian families has been the tradition of learning about their ancestors, compiling their family tree, family tree.

3. Presentation of family trees is shown

Slide 7

Ignorance of one's ancestors used to be equated with a lack of education.

Have you ever heard the word "genealogy" before? It means "pedigree" in Greek. So, this is a science that searches for the ancestors of people.

Geneology - Greek word, genealogy

Now everything has been simplified to such an extent that we sometimes do not know not only great-grandmothers, but even cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. It is known that one of the subjects that A.S. was especially proud of. Pushkin, there was a button from the uniform of his distant famous ancestor - Abram Hannibal. The poet ordered to put a button in his favorite cane, which he almost never parted with, and proudly showed it to his friends.

Slide 8 with the image of A. Pushkin.

The homework for all of you will be this: to make a genealogical tree of your family. The best entries will be appreciated. Originality, accuracy of work and knowledge of the genealogy of the family will be evaluated, i.e. the more knees you specify, the better.

We will try to compile our genealogies. Of course, we do not have 5,000 historical names in them, as in the genealogy of A.S., Pushkin. Who will have 10-15 leaves on the tree, who will have more.

4. Conversation about traditions.

Since ancient times, there was a tradition in Rus': representatives of one familyengaged in one activity.

This is how the dynasties of potters, tailors, bakers, shoemakers, military men were born. Builders, miners, teachers... Are there families in your class where dynasties have formed?

Students talk about the dynasties in their family.

Slide 9, 10 - continuation of the dynasty.

Many families have a traditionjoint holidays and free time.

Students describe how they spend their free time with their families.

Slide 11 - fishing

Slide 12 - in the park

Slide 13 - sports

- Take care of aging parents is one of the wonderful traditions in our families.

There is a traditioncollect and store family photos.


Guys, raise your hands, who has such a tradition at home, to collect family albums?

Since 1829, when the French artist and designer Daguerre invented photography, the tradition of compiling and storing family albums has firmly entered our lives. Every family has photographs that leave a memory of dear people, events in family life for a long time.

This tradition is very important. Not without reason, during the war or in other situations, when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things, and among them are photographs of dear people “To remember what we were - look in the family album” - is sung in one of the songs .

Many housesantiques are kept. The person is no more, but we keep, and the things belonging to him live. We keep and protect them. These are also our traditions.

Guys, who has the oldest thing at home?

Why do we keep these things? They are interesting to us from a historical point of view as objects of antiquity, culture, everyday life, but they are also dear as a memory of our relatives. We should not be "Ivans who do not remember kinship." The history of a thing is the history of a person, the history of a family, the history of a people, the history of the Fatherland. This is a wonderful tradition for many families.

One of the most common Russian traditions isfeast tradition. slide 15 (feast in the old days)

Guests gathered at the common table, sang, the hosts regaled them with some kind of food.

Our ancestors, no less than their contemporaries, loved to have something sweet for dessert. What kind of delicacies (sweets, as they were lovingly called) were on their table in those days when not a single confectionery factory was built in Rus' yet?

Fig, or dry jam. Great-great-grandmothers talked about amazing home-made sweets made from berry flour. For their manufacture, dried berries were ground, then a little honey was added to this “dust”, and balls the size of a large nut were rolled from the resulting mass. At first they resembled our toffees, and then they hardened, and the most natural caramel in the world turned out! Another Russian delicacy was made from crushed berries with the addition of molasses. Cherry, viburnum, mountain ash, strawberries retained their aroma and healing properties in such a dessert.

- Celebrate family holidays is also a tradition.

New Year - family celebration, and each family has its own rituals that make it special. They create a mood and truly unite us.

Birthday is the holiday that you always want to diversify, spend in a special way. And whatever the traditions of celebrating a birthday, they are always very expensive, and the feelings that they bring, I want to experience again and again, because they exude family warmth, love and kindness.

Easter is a favorite holiday for both children and parents. We all traditionally bake Easter cakes, make cheese Easter and paint Easter eggs. Everyone has many culinary secrets and traditions associated with the preparation of these special dishes.

What holidays are celebrated in your family?

Students describe how their families celebrate the holidays.

slide 16-18

- Fulfillment of family responsibilities is also a tradition.

Family and work are historically linked. The well-being of a person, his health, labor productivity directly depend on the quality of the family. The foundations of diligence and diligence are laid in the family.slide 19.

The next tradition is family reading. slide 18.


And a house filled with goodness is not yet a house.

And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a house.

And on the window with vibrant color - not yet a house.

When the evening darkness thickens,

So this truth is clear and simple -

That from the palms to the window the house is filled

Your warmth.

What kind of warmth are we talking about? What is this Truth, which should be simple and understandable?

Children offer their own answers.

Of course, in your young hearts, a feeling that lies in the depths of everyone's soul is born from childhood and grows stronger over the years - this is love for one's Home. The birth of this love is a great mystery that requires reflection. Therefore, one can only touch it and prefer the path of leisurely reflections and questions. A great thing is when questions are born in the soul. And this is the work of the Soul.

I think that you will agree with the validity of these words. What could be more important cozy home where you will always be understood, sympathized, supported?

5. Work with proverbs

What proverbs about family and home do you know?

A game. Make a proverb about the family from these words. (Cut words - cards)

SLIDES (proverbs)

What is the treasure when the family is in harmony.

And when children appear in a family, then this is already a union of several loving hearts, where "all for one, and one for all." ABOUT friendly family so they said - "I don't take grief even if I agree with my family."

Learn this proverb about children.

Children are not a burden, but a joy.

We also note such folk proverbs and sayings that sound very modern:

Not the mother who gave birth, but the one who raised.

- Explain the meaning of these proverbs:

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

Which proverb do you remember the most?

On this slide you see the statements of famous people about the family.

Slide 21.

The people who wrote these lines lived at different times, but look how accurately they describe the meaning and meaning of the word “family”. Why do you think this is happening? That's right, in whatever era a person lives, for him the most important thing will always be the family.

6. Quiz

And now I'll check how you listened to me today, who remembers the most?

1. What does the word FAMILY mean?

2. What are family traditions?

3. What is a family tree?

4. What family traditions do you remember?

5. What is a family dynasty?

7. Reading a poem

What could be more precious than a family?

What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love,

And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together

sit for festive table,

And together they are not bored at all,

And five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a pet for the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything,

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more precious

In this fabulous land

And at the end of our lesson, let's listen to a song about family

"My family"

8. Summary of the lesson

Each nation has its own customs, each family has its own traditions. But for all of us humans, it must become main tradition- live according to the laws of goodness and justice. Let every family become the main wealth careful attitude each other, empathy and understanding.

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Presentation for the lesson

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Goals and objectives:

1) To introduce students to the concepts of “family” and “family traditions”.

2) Expand children's knowledge of family traditions.

3) Support the tradition of family reading.

4) Involve children in family reading.


Let's smile at the sun
Let's give each other a hand
Let's cheer up
For yourself and a friend.

(Give a hand to a neighbor, start a spark of good mood to everyone present!)

Event progress

What do you think the word “happiness” means to a person?

Is it career, family, power or money? Slide 2.

Of course, happiness is first of all a family. Why do you think family is associated with happiness?

You have probably heard this expression: “Happiness is when you are understood!”? Such words were said by the hero of the film “We'll Live Until Monday” and how right he was, because what could be more precious than the realization that you are needed, needed by other people, without you their life is not life? The very word “happiness” suggests the answer. After all, in ancient times it sounded differently “compassion”, i.e. your participation in the affairs of other people, the troubles and joys of other people, and these others - in your own worries, labors and successes. And where, if not in the family, there are people who will support you in difficult times and will not demand anything in return! Only in the family they do not look at your social status, career growth, actions. What is important is the person himself, who is loved for nothing, but just like that, for what he is !!! slide 3.

Listen to the parable of the lonely boy! slide 4.

A long time ago there lived a boy. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, he did not share his joys and sorrows with anyone. And the boy was very sad. One day he went to the seashore and met a gray-haired old man. He was very old, but very wise.

Where are you going? asked the old man.

I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.

I know how to help you. Come with me,” the old man suggested.

He brought the boy to his house, where his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren lived.

Look! - said the old man. -We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we grieve together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.

The boy stayed and after a while realized that only now he had learned to rejoice and became truly happy.

Why do you think this happened? What did he get? Of course, family!

Now listen to how the author of this poem talks about the family. Slide 5.

Why do you think family is so important for every person? slide 6.

What do we get in the family?

Now, let's see if we named everything? Slide 7.

And what is the most important thing we get in the family? slide 8.

Can we say that all families are the same?

Of course not. And how do they differ?

That's right, each family has its own habits, traditions and atmosphere. Today we will dwell on family traditions in more detail. How do you understand the word "tradition"? What about family traditions?

Let's see what "family traditions" are! slide 9.

There is a tradition in some families - to continue their dynasty . slide 10.

What do you think it is about? What is a dynasty? In the complex dictionary of the Russian language, edited by A.N. Tikhonov gives such a definition to this concept: a dynasty is a series of monarchs of the same kind who consistently rule the state; workers who pass on their skills and traditions from generation to generation. There may be dynasties of military men, doctors, teachers, etc. And among you there are those who want to continue their dynasty, who want to connect their lives with the profession that your parents are engaged in?

The next tradition is family holidays. What holidays can there be? Slide 11.

Do you think helping around the house can be a family tradition? slide 12.

And if you clean up the house every Saturday with the whole family?

The next tradition is family reading. slide 13.

How do you understand it? To whom did mom or dad read bedtime stories as children? Are they reading now?

The next tradition is joint games, entertainment and fun. Slides 14.

Raise your hands, who plays games with their parents, rides down a hill in winter, or just fools around?

An important tradition is the joint cooking. slide 15.

Why do you think? As you can see on the slide, here the grandmother and mother are teaching their granddaughter and daughter to cook, i.e. the connection of generations, strong family ties are visible, as well as the transfer of experience from the older generation to the younger.

And no less important tradition - breakfasts, lunches and dinners in family circle. slide 16.

A very pleasant tradition - walks in the fresh air. slide 17.

Why is this a very pleasant tradition? What can be combined during such walks? Of course, pleasant with useful!

It is also a very important tradition to keep family photos. slide 18.

Why is this tradition so important? What do photographs hold? That's right, the memory of dear people and events. Not without reason, during the war or in other situations, when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things, among which were photographs of relatives and people close to them.

Another very useful tradition is joint sports. slide 19.

What could be more useful than joint cycling, skating, skiing; playing football, hockey and even chess!

And the most pleasant tradition is a joint vacation! slide 20.

After all, rest, as you know, can be active and passive. You can just bask in the sand near the sea, or you can climb mountains, raft down rivers. After all, overcoming difficulties unites the family, makes it organized, because. each member of the family performs its own functions, without which a single well-coordinated team will not work.

And now we will talk about a tradition that is beginning to fade into the past. It is a tradition to write letters and congratulate relatives with the help of postcards. Slide 21.

Previously, there was no telephone, the Internet in every family, and people communicated with each other through letters. They expressed their thoughts, feelings, experiences in them. It is not for nothing that you see a picture on the slide where a guy hugs a girl, as if leaving a letter ... After all, when reading a letter, you seem to find yourself next to the person who wrote it, communicate with him, find out his thoughts and feelings. Letters connect people who are far apart.

And how nice it is to receive a postcard for the holiday, to feel that close people who are far away remember and love you!

A very pleasant tradition - to make pleasant surprises for loved ones . slide 22.

I think that any person will be pleased to receive a small gift, a surprise just like that, for no reason! After all, you don’t have to buy a surprise ... You can do it yourself: draw a picture; make a craft; clean the apartment, to the arrival of parents; bring a bouquet of daisies picked near the house; just give good news. Raising the mood of a loved one - raise it to yourself!

And the most pleasant tradition is a kiss before leaving the house, before going to bed or just like that. slide 23.

A kiss before leaving the house cheers up and gives strength for the whole day; a kiss before bed is a ritual that prepares you for sleep, you fall asleep with the thought that you are loved, you are needed!

And now advice to those who do not yet have family traditions. slide 24.

And if you do not have family traditions, then you can come up with them yourself, thereby making the life of your family bright, rich and memorable.

Look at the next slide, read the proverbs about family, happiness, home and explain their meaning. slide 25.

On this slide you see the statements of famous people about the family . slide 26.

The people who wrote these lines lived at different times, but look how accurately they describe the meaning and meaning of the word “family”. Why do you think this is happening? That's right, in whatever era a person lives, for him the most important thing will always be the family.


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Wedding ceremonies Weddings were usually celebrated in autumn or winter after Epiphany. The wedding ceremony consisted of several stages and took a long period of time. The godfather with the godmother or the boyfriend's parents came to woo the girl, less often - other relatives. They sat under the mother and started a conversation allegorically: "You have a product, we have a merchant" or "You have a chicken, we have a cockerel, we will bring them into one barn." If agreed, then a series of pre-wedding meetings took place: the bride's bride, acquaintance with the groom's household. They agreed on the date of the wedding, the amount of the dowry, the size and content of the masonry - the groom's monetary contribution and the clothes that he bought for the bride (this could be a fur coat, overcoat, silk dress, boots with galoshes, etc.). After that, preparations for the wedding went on for about a month. Throughout this period, the bridesmaids gathered in her house for evening parties, helping to prepare gifts for the wedding and a dowry: they sewed, knitted lace, embroidered.

Slide 10

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Wedding ceremonies All the rites included in the wedding cycle were accompanied by songs according to the moment - sad, lyrical, laudatory, comic, farewell. The playful nature of the wedding entertainment was fully manifested the next day, when the son-in-law, and after him all those present, went "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." Among the Cossacks, for example, after a noisy (with tossing and beating plates) fun in the mother-in-law's house, they dressed up in different clothes, painted or covered their faces with canvas and, with a whoop, with songs, drove around the village on oxen harnessed to wagons - rydvans. We went to visit godfathers and other guests. The wedding could last a week or more. Despite the limited number of invitees, almost everyone could be present, join in dances, performances, occasionally indulge. Collectors of folklore note the impoverishment of wedding rituals in the 20th century, the disappearance of not only many sad ones, but also a number of game moments. The composition of the participants expanded, but the wedding "roles" were lost. Ritual song folklore went into the realm of history.

slide 11

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Calendar holidays and rituals, folklore The main winter holidays were in January. Two holy weeks (Christmas time) united three big holiday: Christmas, New Year (old style) and Epiphany. On holidays, magic games were played, symbolic actions were performed with grain, bread, and straw ("to have a harvest"). Children, girls and boys went from house to house caroling on Christmas Eve, and caroling on New Year's Eve. The whole Christmas period, especially on New Year's Eve and after it, the girls were guessing to find out their fate. Dressing was an obligatory element of Christmas time. The youth dressed up as old men and women, gypsies, hussars; they smeared their faces with soot, put on fur coats turned inside out and walked around the village, making fun of everyone, playing skits, having fun. Mostly young people participated, the rest were spectators.

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Long before midnight, believers, in bright clothes, flock to the temple and reverently await the Easter Celebration. Before midnight, the great minute of the Light-bearing Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is announced. Priests with a cross, lamps come from the altar and, together with the people, go around the church singing. This is a rite of passage around the church. Easter in Russia is also celebrated with several other rituals: dyeing eggs and baking Easter cakes. This is such a common ritual in Russia that even practically non-believers do not avoid it. It consists in the exchange of kisses with a greeting-congratulation: "Christ is risen!" and the answer: "Truly risen!" followed by the exchange of colored eggs. The egg, traditionally dyed red, has become an obligatory attribute and symbol of Christian Easter since the 12th century.

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Celebration of the Old New Year. No other country has this. It falls on January 13th. Until 1918, the Julian calendar operated in Russia, which was 13 days ahead of the Gregorian calendar common in Europe. By a decree of the Soviet government of January 24, 1918, Russia began to live according to the same calendar as the rest. However, for a long time, all dates were indicated with a mark "according to the new style" or "according to the old style." However, on January 13, according to the new style, most families still celebrated the Old New Year, it was he who was considered "real". Over time, people got used to the new calendar, but the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year remained. Now many interpret the Old New Year in their own way: as if the New Year in 13 days has already become “his boyfriend”, “old friend”, “old” and this event is being celebrated. This holiday is often more fun and democratic than the more solemn meeting of the New Year.

slide 30

Definition of need: Many people forget about real family holidays and I think it is necessary to recall some of them and talk about a few holidays in other countries that we don’t have so that there are more days in the family when the whole family gathers at a large friendly table and celebrate these unforgettable days!

Birthday Birthdays should be celebrated brightly and cheerfully, if it is the birthday of a small child, then it should be remembered for a long time. There should be a lot of gifts, games, laughter, and most importantly, that your relatives be with you. You can also invite several guests: friends of your parents or your friends.

Christian holidays - Maslenitsa, Easter, Christmas Easter is a common family holiday, when many friends and relatives gather at the same table, kids run around. On Easter, it is customary to give each other, and especially children, small gifts: painted boiled or artificial decorative eggs, small beautifully decorated Easter cakes, Easter cakes, Easter souvenirs- bunnies, birds, candles, wreaths and baskets.

Maslenitsa Maslenitsa is not only folk festivals, but also a family holiday. At home, in the family, this holiday should also be canceled, because since ancient times, Russian people have tried to meet, and especially to see off Maslenitsa with dignity, so that later they would not live the whole year “in bitter trouble”.

Christmas Christmas is a family holiday. But it will be special when the very essence of this day is first discussed in the family, and then amazing dishes, exquisite outfits, games and fun harmoniously complement it. When there are children in the family, you need to tell them a Christmas story in a language that is understandable for their age.

International Women's Day - March 8 On March 8, we congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, aunts and so on. Therefore, we must prepare for it in advance, namely: prepare small, but nice gifts for their loved ones, to help mom with cooking.

November 3, World Men's Day In our country, the day of men and fathers is not celebrated at all, except for February 23, but this is Defender of the Fatherland Day and not everyone defended it, so I want to talk about world day men. On this day, you can congratulate anyone: dad, grandfather, brother, uncle and they will be very pleased.

September 9, Grandparents' Day Everyone likes to visit their grandparents for the summer, but you probably didn't know that they also have their own holiday: Grandparents' Day. Be sure to congratulate them, because every good deed you do will please them, make sure that there are as many smiles on their faces as possible!

And the last, the most important family holiday for me, is the All-Russian Day for the Family, Love and Fidelity. In another way, this holiday is called the Day of Peter and Fevronia. For the first time, Russia began to celebrate this holiday in 2010, and now every year on July 8, all Russian families celebrate this holiday. I am glad that this holiday has appeared, which brings together all the families of our country!