Crocheted Easter basket. Crochet: Easter basket-souvenir Description and crochet basket pattern for Easter

Soon a big Christian holiday - Easter and it's time for us to prepare holiday attributes. A crocheted Easter basket will decorate the table, and even a novice craftswoman can create such beauty. These baskets are perfect both as an Easter gift and as a portable container for Easter souvenirs.

There are a lot of options for Easter baskets. On the Internet, you can find a wide variety of models. From simple

and to complex ones, in which real stories are knitted, with animal figures. These Easter bunnies are very often found in the decoration of holiday baskets. Remember, we also made a similar one, only not knitted, but sewn from fabric?

Original crochet Easter basket

To facilitate knitting and make the basket more stable, we will take a plastic container as a basis. And here is what we get from it.

Easter basket crochet

The list of materials needed to create an Easter basket is not so great:

  • a plastic bowl of a round shape (we often get these in supermarkets);
  • scissors;
  • crochet hook (3-3.5 mm);
  • dense yarn of beige and brown colors (you can take thin yarn and fold it 5-6 times);
  • scissors;
  • universal polymer glue "Dragon" or similar;
  • a sheet of white paper plus a pencil;
  • artificial flowers for temporary filling.
All we need

The upper rim (we do not touch the lower one) of the plastic jar is carefully cut off with scissors (at the junction with the hollow fields), we will not need it.

Cut off the top of the bezel

Then we insert the ends of this strip into the cavities of the protruding rim, placing them diagonally (against each other) - we get a functional handle.

"Mount" the handle

After we have determined the place of attachment of the handle, we take out the plastic blank and proceed to its finishing. To do this, we connect two types of yarn, pick up 1 air loop and wrap the handle with a working thread. After each circle passed, the thread should be fixed (always knit a new loop, that is, gradually create a chain and thus move to the very end).

We collect loops We tie the handle

Now you can safely create "clothes" for the vessel. From a lighter thread, tie a chain, the length of which is adjusted according to the length of the round bottom. Then connect the ends of this pigtail together to get a ring-shaped figure.

The walls of this ring need to be expanded with circular rows crocheted with single crochets. First we knit 2 rows with a beige thread, then 1 row with brown. We repeat this alternation until the sides of the knitted rim reach the side of the future Easter basket.

We knit a "side" We control the height

Attention! Do not decrease or increase the number of loops, otherwise the knitted attribute will not fit on the sudok, or vice versa, it will sag. Knit evenly, without increments!

Now let's proceed to the interior decoration and decor of the side. It is better to glue the bottom and walls with white paper to remove the transparency of the plastic. And you can pre-paint with paint.

Decorate the inside of the basket

Optionally, it can be brown, beige or other colored paper, the printed background “cell”, “stripes”, the “basket” theme will also look good (such wallpapers are easy to download from the Internet).

Crocheting the basket inside is not worth it. Firstly, this will reduce its capacity, and secondly, no one sees the product inside, do not waste your time!

Mask the upper plane of the side with a beige chain folded in half, and the side with a single brown chain. You can also easily glue them with glue. This decoration of the Easter basket will increase the decorative effect of the product.

Double chain on top... ... and a single chain on the side

Also hide the internal joints of the container with knitted chains, gluing one from below and the other from above.

Decorate the inner joint

And now our masterpiece from improvised means is ready! It remains only to fill the Easter basket with painted eggs and present a souvenir to the delight of relatives and friends!

Crocheted Easter basket

So we looked at how to make an Easter basket with your own hands and now you can come up with your own decor for this product. Such a crochet Easter basket is knitted quickly enough, so you can easily create an original holiday souvenir. As ideas for decoration, I can suggest the use of or artificial flowers. That's all for today, good luck with your work!

Greetings to all craftsmen and needlewomen on the Handicraft Paradise website. There is not so much time left before the brightest Easter holiday, and therefore I suggest you start preparing for it today) I want to infect you with the idea of ​​knitting decorative baskets for Easter eggs. Baskets will perfectly fit into the design of the festive interior of your home, they can decorate the Easter table setting. And yet, baskets for Easter eggs can be knitted for gifts. Baskets are knitted very easily and the work will take you very little time. See the master class)

To knit a basket, we need a hook and thread. Threads can be cotton or thin wool blend, depending on what exactly is in your stock. In this master class, iris is used.

Let's get to work. We collect a chain of 5 air loops, connect it into a ring.

We knit the 1st row - 12 columns with a crochet,

2nd row - 24 double crochets in the loops of the previous row (2 columns in one lower loop),

3rd row - we knit 24 columns with a crochet between the columns of the bottom row (see photo below).

Thus, we got the bottom of the basket.

4th row - 48 double crochets,

5th row - we knit 4 double crochets together, then 10 air loops and repeat. In total, we get 48 columns.

6th row - we tie chains of 10 air loops: 6 double crochets + 1 single crochet. We repeat 8 times.

Now we knit the handle for the basket. We collect 38 air loops and tie them to your liking, as you wish - with or without double crochets. The miniature butterfly consists of 4 rings, 10 and 8 air loops. Rings are connected together and tied.

You can start assembling the basket - sew on a handle and a butterfly. Can be glued with hot glue.

That's all handmade for Easter) Do not forget to starch the basket in sugar syrup or you can use starch spray.

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On this day, we give each other and congratulate on this wonderful day. Our regular author Anna has prepared master classes on how to crochet baskets and. To do this simply and quickly according to step-by-step descriptions of work. You can knit several of these baskets to give to your grandmother, mother, friends, or you can take them to an exhibition at school. Or send a photo to our

Knitted baskets, crochet. Designations:

  • vp - air loop
  • ssn - double crochet
  • pssn - half-column with a crochet
  • sc - single crochet

Easter egg basket

To crochet such a basket, you will need:

  • yarn "Karachaevskaya" lilac color,
  • yarn "Children's novelty" white, pink, green and mint;
  • hook 3 mm, hook 1.75 mm;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

Let's start knitting the bottom of the basket. We take "Karachaevskaya" yarn and a 3 mm hook.
In a sliding loop we knit 9 dc. Do not forget to first make 3 ch, which we will consider the 10th column.
Then we add to each loop of the bottom row. At the beginning of each row you need to do 3 ch, and at the end of each row you need to knit 1 joint venture in the 3rd loop of them.
Then we will add and knit the required number of rows for the desired basket size. Increasing knit with an offset of 1 loop. If last time the increase was performed in each loop, then in the new one we will skip 1 loop. In it we knit just 1 dc, and in the 2nd loop we will tie 2 dc.
In the next row we will knit in 2 loops of 1 dc, and in 3 we will knit 2 dc. Then in the new row we will knit 1 dc in 3 loops, and in the 4th we will perform 2 dc. Further increases will go to 5, 6 and so on loops. Enlarge the circle to the desired size.
Photo 1

In the next row, we no longer add. We will knit 1 dc, but not in the loop, but behind the back of the loops. That is, for a half-loop.
Photo 2

Then you need to knit again for both walls of the loops. We increase the basket up by knitting 1 dc in each loop for the required number of rows. It all depends on the desired height of the basket.
Photo 3, 4

We cut the thread and join with white yarn. We knit 1 lifting loop and 2 sc. Then we rise 2 loops and we knit a picot. Next, we knit 3 sc and again pico. Then again 3 sc and pico. So you need to tie the entire basket.
Photo 5

Let's knit a pen.

For her, you need to dial a chain from ch. Their number also depends on the size of the basket and on the desired length of the handle. Next, we knit 1 dc in the 3rd loop from the hook. Until the end of the chain, we perform 1 dc. We will also make a strapping with a white thread, but now we don’t do a pico, but just knit 1 sb each. In the corners you can knit 2 sc.
Photo 6

Sew the handle to the basket from the inside.

Now let's tie . We change the thread and take a hook 1, 75 mm. You can knit with the same crochet in 3 mm.
We make a sliding loop. Then we knit 5 ch. Of these, 3 lifting loops and 2 ch according to the figure. Next, we knit 1 dc. We make 2 ch and 1 more dc we knit inside the ring. Repeat until the end of the row. In total we knit 6 dc. Together with the lifting loops there will be 7. At the end, we will do 2 ch and 1 joint venture in the 3rd lifting loop of 5.
Photo 7

We begin to knit petals. We knit under the arch 1 sbn, 4 dc and 1 more sbn. So under each arch along the entire row. We knit 3 flowers of different colors.
Photo 8

Sew the flowers to the basket. This is how you can crochet a basket for Easter eggs very simply.
Photo 9

Baskets with flowers in the video from YouTube:

Basket for one testicle two-color

To make the gift look more interesting and original, we will knit such a simple basket. The master class is very detailed, such a description will be clear even to novice needlewomen.

For knitting you will need:

  • Yarn "Children's novelty" yellow and mint;
  • Hook 1, 75 mm;
  • Scissors.

Let's start knitting with a yellow thread, then we will make a harness and a mint-colored handle.

We knit the bottom of the basket. This will be a circle of 36 loops. Therefore, we knit 2 ch, and then in the 2nd loop from the hook we knit 6 sc. Or you can knit 6 sbn in a sliding loop, and then tighten this loop well so that there is no hole.

And in the 3rd row, so that there are also 6 increases, we knit 2 columns only in every 2nd loop. That is, we add through 1 loop.

4 row is also surplus. But since there will already be 18 loops here, then you need to knit 2 sc in every 3rd loop. Therefore, in the 5th row we knit the increase in every 4th loop, and in the 5th row in every 5th loop. So we get 36 loops.

At the beginning of the 6th row, we will make 3 lifting loops, since in this row we will knit not sbn, but ss1n. We knit in half loops for the back walls of the loops. That is, we introduce the hook not under the full loop, but only under its back wall. We knit 1 ss1n. At the end we will knit the cn in the 3rd lifting loop.

Now we will knit the main part of the basket. Again 3 loops for lifting. Then 1 embossed front double crochet. And in the next ss1n of the bottom row, we knit 1 purl embossed double crochet.

And again 1 front.

We knit, a series of 1 column, to the end. In the next 2 rows, we simply knit according to the pattern.

We change the thread and make a strapping sc, 1 per loop.

At the beginning of the row we knit 3 air ones. Then to the same point 3 ss1n.

Skip the base loop and work 1 sc into a new one.

Skip 1 more stitch and knit 4 dc.

We knit like this until the end. At the end we collect a chain of 30 loops. Then we perform 1 joint venture in each loop.

Sew on the second end of the handle. The basket can be decorated with a flower. To do this, we will make a sliding loop. Then 3 ch and 2 ss1n, again 3 ch and 1 sp. So we repeat 4 more times. We tighten the sliding loop. A flower can be sewn onto a basket, or you can decorate a handle with it.

Due to the fact that it is very simple and quick to make such baskets, you can knit many coasters of different colors. Eggs in such baskets will be a beautiful and original souvenir for Easter.

egg basket

There is not much time left before Easter, so it's time to prepare coasters and baskets for the main symbols of the holiday - eggs. In this master class, we will crochet a simple, but very beautiful and delicate crochet basket.

To knit a basket you will need:

  • Thread "Iris" peach and brown;
  • Hook 1.5mm;
  • Scissors.

For knitting a basket, any thin thread of any color is suitable.

Let's start knitting from the bottom of the basket, so we make a sliding loop and knit 6 sts inside. In the next 6 rows, we will make 6 additions.

In a new row, we make an addition through the loop. Since we will knit using the amigurumi method, we will increase in the new row through 2 loops, and then through 3 loops and so on, until the bottom of the basket consists of 42 loops. If you need a smaller basket, then we will reduce the number of additional rows. You can try on the basket to the egg as you knit, so that in the end it turns out to be the right size.

In the new row, you need to deploy the hook. We knit a row of stbn, but we knit convex columns. That is, we do not hook the hook into the loop, but behind the leg of the stbn of the bottom row.

And in the next row we will alternate 2 convex columns and 2 concave stsn. In the 3 lifting loop we will connect 1 connect. column. And further in each row we will knit only embossed sts.

Let's expand the basket. In the new row, under the convex columns, we will knit the convex columns without changes by 2. And in the concave columns we will knit 2 concave columns. So we increased the number of concave columns by 2 times.

Let's add more. In convex columns we knit 1 convex column, and in concave columns we knit as follows: we make 2 concave columns in the first column, 1 in the next 2, and 2 again in the last column.

So it turns out that we have 2 convex columns and 6 concave columns.

We knit the next 2 rows simply according to the pattern. Now let's make a handle for the basket. To do this, we will collect a chain of 35 loops with a brown thread. Then we knit 1 dc in each loop, starting from the 3rd loop from the hook.

We also collect a chain of 50 loops and stretch it approximately to the place of the 4th row between the loops.

It remains only to place the egg in the basket. We tighten the lace from the air chain and tie it with a bow.

These openwork baskets can be knitted according to the description in this video:

Basket with cones:

Chicken basket

Eggs are a must. And to make the festive table look more interesting and original, we will crochet a basket for eggs in the form of a chicken.

To knit a chicken basket you will need:

  • Yarn "Folk" brown, yarn "Children's novelty" red and orange;
  • Hook 3 mm;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • 2 beads.

We form a chain of 12 ch. Add 2 more loops on the rise. We knit further in the 3rd loop 1 pssn. And here we will also connect 1 more pssn.

Then knit 1 dc in each stitch, leaving the last one. You need to tie 6 pss into it at once. Then on the new side we knit 1 dc, and in the last loop 3 dc. Since we consider the lifting loops as 1 pss and 2 pss knitted in one loop at the beginning of the row, we get 6 pss in 1 loop.

In the new row we will knit 1 dc in each loop, except for 6 on the rounding. We knitted them in 1 loop in the previous row. In these 6 loops, you need to perform 2 pss. On the 2nd side exactly the same.

If you need a larger basket, then you need to knit a few more rows with increments in the loops on the rounding. Next, they need to be added through 1, then through 2, 3 and so on loops.

The next row will be knitted pssn behind the back wall of the loop. We perform 1 pss for each half loop.

Then we turn in the opposite direction and knit 1 sc in each loop.

In the new row we will knit lush columns. To do this, we crochet into the loop, pick up the working thread and pull it out. But we do not knit, but again we make a crochet, we pull the working thread through the same loop. Yarn over again and pull up a loop. Just now we grab the working thread and draw it through all the loops on the hook. We do 1 in.

We skip the loop and knit a new magnificent column. Then again ch 1 and a fluffy column through the loop. So the whole line.

In the new row we will knit everything the same, only now we perform lush columns 1 ch of the bottom row. That is, between the lush columns of the bottom row.

And repeat the series 1 more time.

Now let's tie chicken head. In a sliding loop we knit 6 sc. Next, we will increase the part to the desired size, adding in each row.

In the 1st row, we will make an increase in each loop. Then in the next row, the additions will go through the loop. And then after 2 loops. Now we have parts of 24 loops in the last row.

We knit 5 rows of 24 sc in each. That is, no additions.

To tie the beak, you will need an orange or yellow thread. In a sliding loop we knit 6 sc. We add through the loop. We get 9 loops. We knit 1 row of 9 sc.

Now we will knit a comb. From the red thread we form 8 ch. We knit 1 sc and make a pico from 5 ch. Then 2 sc and pico from 3 ch. Next, 2 sc and pico from 2 ch and again 2 sc and pico from 2 ch.

Sew on the beak and scallop. Then we sew the head to one edge of the basket. You can fill it with padding polyester, but this is not necessary. Due to the thickness of the thread, it itself holds its shape.

It remains to tie the tail. We collect a chain of 10 ch. Then we knit 6 pss, and then 2 sb. And again we dial 10 ch. We repeat the same. And once again we dial 10 ch and knit 6 pss and 2 sb. All elements are performed 1 in a loop.

Sew on the tail. Sew on 1 beads instead of eyes.

Crocheted Easter egg basket is ready!

Bunny ear stand

Knitted Easter egg holders are a great way to decorate holiday favors. In this master class, we will look at how to crochet funny and cute bunny coasters.

To complete this craft you will need:

  • Thread for knitting "Yarn Art Jeans" white and pink;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle;
  • Hook 1, 75 mm.

You can knit such coasters from a thread of any color. The main thing is to pick up 2 hanks of different colors that will blend well with each other.

First, we will form a sliding loop and immediately rise to 2 loops instead of 1 half-column with a crochet. Next, we knit the entire row with half-columns with a crochet. In total, you need to tie 12 half-columns inside the ring along with lifting loops.

We tighten the sliding loop so that there is no hole at the bottom of the basket. In the new row, we knit 2 half-columns with a crochet in each loop. We will start each row with 2 lifting air loops.

We will finish the row with a connecting loop in the 2nd lifting loop. We start the row with 2 loops, and then we knit with the addition through 1 loop.

We get a circle.

In the next row, we will not add. We need to knit 1 double crochet in each loop. In this row we will knit, winding the hook only behind the back wall of the loops.

We continue to knit the stand up. But now for both walls of the loops.

The next 2 rows are again knitted for both walls of the loops. We will not add, we just knit in a circle.

We fix the thread and cut it off. We attach a pink thread and make a strapping with a crustacean step.

Now let's knit ears. Cast on 14 stitches. Then we knit 1 element in each separate loop. We carry out 1 connecting column, 2 columns without a crochet, 3 half-columns with a crochet, 3 columns with a crochet, 3 columns with 2 crochets. In the last loop we knit 2 columns with 2 crochets at once.

We pass to the 2nd side of the chain and we knit in the same way as on the first side, only in the reverse order.

We knit 1 more piece in the same pattern. We find the central loop on the ear and count 2 loops in both directions. We mark the loops with a marker. That is, they selected 5 loops in the center.

We attach a pink thread and knit single crochets. From marker to marker we knit 2 columns. That is, in 5 loops we knit with increments.

Instead of ponytail Let's make a little pom-pom.

Sew on the pom-pom at the back. We sew the ears in the same place.

Easter egg stand is ready!

Stand for 6 eggs

In this master class, we will crochet a cute stand for Easter eggs. The stand will have 6 pockets: each egg has its own pocket. Such a stand will decorate the festive table for the Easter holiday.

To knit an egg stand, we need:

  • Yarn Karachaevskaya (Caucasian);
  • Hook number 3;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Needle.

Yarn take two colors. Karachay yarn is quite stiff and will keep its shape perfectly in the product.

We begin to knit the largest part of the stand. We collect 2 air loops. We knit in the 2nd loop 6 sc. And then we will knit a circle with uniform increases along it.

1p: 2 sc in all loops.

2p: in this row, the increase will be performed through the loop, in every 2nd.

3p: we knit increases through 2 loops, in every 3rd.

4p: in this row, increase through 3 loops, in every 4th.

5p: we make increases through 4 loops, in every 4th.

6p: in this row we knit increases through 5 loops, in every 5th.

7r: we knit increases through 6 loops, in every 6th.

8p: we perform increases in this row through 7 loops, in every 8th.

9p: here we make increases through 8 loops, in every 9th.

R 10: Knit inc through 9 sts, every 10th.

11r: in this row we will increase through 10 loops, in every 11th.

12r: we make increases through 11 loops, in every 12th.

13r: we perform increases through 12 loops, in every 13th.

14r: we knit increases through 13 loops, in every 14th.

15r: in this row we will increase through 14 loops, in every 15th.

16r: in this row, the increase will be knitted through 15 loops, in every 16th.

17r: we knit increases through 16 loops, in every 17th.

18r: we perform increases in this row through 17 loops, in every 18th.

19r: we make increases through 18 loops, in every 19th.

20r: This is the last row with increments. And in it we knit an increase in every 2nd loop.

With yarn of a different color, we tie a circle with a crustacean step without increments.

Now we count from the beginning of knitting 12 rows. And we fasten the yarn in the 12th row, which was used for tying.

We knit with connecting posts in a circle to the end of this 12th row. The thread is at the back, on the other side of the circle.

This is how the bottom turns out.

Loops of a different color (purple) also appeared on the reverse side. We knit sc for them.

A cute crochet miniature Easter basket will be a great addition to a present for the bright holiday of Easter. You can put a painted egg in it (see article) or a souvenir, or maybe a small toy - or. This basket can be used to store small things. It is soft, so if you fill it with something heavy, you need to consider an additional frame so that the basket keeps its shape. But something small (paper clips, eraser, beads, small toys, sweets or an egg) such a basket will easily hold.

To knit a basket with a diameter of 8 cm from the specified or similar yarn, we knit exactly as described.

To crochet an Easter basket you will need:

acrylic yarn Fiesta Gardenia (100% acrylic, 100 g = 300 m);

suitable size hook;

Crocheted Easter basket: description and diagram

We knit the bottom of the basket with single crochet stitches according to the standard circle pattern, evenly adding 6 stitches in each row. We knit to the desired size of the bottom of the basket.

1 row. Around the amigurumi ring - 6 tbsp. without a crochet.

2 row. In each column of the previous row - 2 tbsp. without a crochet. It turned out 12 loops.

3 row. According to 2 tbsp. with a crochet - in every second loop. It turned out 18 loops.

4 row. We double every third column. It turned out 24 loops.

5 row. We double every fourth column. It turned out 30 loops.

6 row. A row of single crochet with doubling every fifth column. It turned out 36 loops.

7 row. Doubling - in every sixth column. Total - 42 loops.

8 row. We double every seventh column. It turned out 48 loops.

9 row. We double in every eighth column. It turned out 54 loops.

10 row. Doubling in every ninth column. Total 60 loops. We close the row with a blind loop. The bottom of the crochet Easter basket is ready, now we will knit just up to the desired height.

11-16 rows. 3 vp lifting, a row of double crochets without increments, decreases, finish the row with a blind loop in the third lifting air loop.

17 row. Select handles. Our row is 60 columns, we will select 8 loops for the handles. We calculate the distance between the handles: (60-8x2): 2 = 22, where 60 is the length of the row in columns, 8 is the length of the handle, and two is the number of handles. It turns out that the distance between the handles will be 22 columns.

We knit this row like this: 3 ch. lifting, 1 tbsp. double crochet, ch 8, 22 st. with a crochet through 8 columns of the previous row, 8 ch, 20 st. with a crochet, a blind loop into the third lifting air loop.

18 row. Binding of handles. 3 vp lift, st. with a crochet, 10 tbsp. with a crochet around a chain of air loops, 22 tbsp. with a crochet, 10 tbsp. with a crochet around the next handle, 20 tbsp. double crochet, blind loop in the third ch. lift.

19 row. A row of single crochets to seal the edge.

If desired, the finished basket can be decorated with ribbon, pendants, knitted flowers, bright buttons, beads, etc. Because we plan to use a photo basket in the future, it should not draw all the attention to itself in the frame, so we left it without decor, in the most concise style.

How to compact the basket if necessary

  • cut out a strip from plastic or cardboard (the length is equal to the circumference of the bottom, and the width is the height of the basket to the handles) and a circle (the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the bottom); according to the same dimensions as the plastic or cardboard blanks, cut out the lining (plus seam allowances); make a lining by laying seals between it and the knitted part;
  • tie a “whalebone” around the perimeter of the bottom and the upper edge of the basket (used to seal the edge of knitted hats).

Every year, Easter time for many turns into pleasant chores to create real masterpieces from eggs and Easter cakes. Most often, most attention is paid to Easter eggs. They are decorated with special paints and. However, the decoration of eggs continues in the form of decorating the container where they will be. So, beautiful baskets and baskets for Easter eggs appear. You can make such a basket for Easter eggs yourself with the help of yarn and a hook.
More specifically, a knitted egg basket will require the following materials:

- thick yarn
- thin yarn
- plush yarn,
- suitable hooks for the selected yarn,
- ribbon,
- beads.

The process of creating an Easter knitted basket begins with the creation of the bottom. We knit it according to the circular knitting pattern. To do this, using thick yarn, we collect 5 air loops (vp) on a large hook and close them into a ring using 1 connecting column (ss).

In the resulting ring from VP, we first knit 3 lifting VP, and then 14 columns with 1 crochet (s1n). At the end of the row we do 1 sl-st.

In the next row, we again start with 3 lifting ch. Next, we knit 2 s1n in each loop of the previous row. At the end of the row we do 1 sl-st.

In the next row we knit the sequence - 1 dc, 2 dc, 1 dc, 2 dc in each loop of the previous row.

Next, you need to move on to knitting the walls of the basket. To do this, we knit a row of c1n in such a way that the hook passes through the upper half of the loop of the edge, while the second half of the loop remains intact.

Thanks to this method of knitting s1n, a row of s1n is oriented upwards.

We knit s1n with the second row, but alternate the usual s1n and s1n, knitted according to the type forward work. To do this, the hook is not threaded into the loop of the previous row, but under the s1n of the previous row, as if protruding it forward.

Due to the alternation of conventional s1n and s1n with the forward work, a corrugated surface of the walls of the basket is formed.

The next row is knitted in the same way.

Next, we take plush yarn and tie the edge in the following sequence - c11, 1ch, 1 sl-st, 1 ch and so on.

We pass a ribbon through the corrugated wall of the basket and make a bow.

Now you need to make a small flower to decorate the middle of the bow. We dial 5 ch and close in a ring.

Next, we make petals. Each petal consists of 3 ch, 2 s1n, 3 ch. At the end of each petal we make 1 sl-st in a ring from ch.

We sew a flower in the middle of the bow, fixing a bead in the middle.

Our Easter egg basket is ready.