Download the presentation about mother guardian. Presentation about mom: "The dearest person on earth"

Presentation about mom: "The most native person on the ground"

In the previous article, we already wrote about the participation of Anna and Alexander Gogin in the district Internet competition for Mother's Day. It is impossible to resist and not to acquaint the readers of the portal with the presentation itself - "The dearest person on earth" ...


Children about mother: a story from the younger generation of the Gogin family

On the eve of Mother's Day, the Department of Education of our city held a district Internet competition "The most dear person on Earth." To participate in this competition, you must complete creative work using means of information computer technologies. We decided to definitely participate in it and create a presentation about our mother Gogina Marina Nikolaevna.



Large family as a status: mother's heart

Honorary title large family Is it just a status or also a vocation? Is it difficult to cope? What difficulties arise and what kind of support can families rely on? Today's meeting with Marina Gogina from Murom and a story about her now officially large family.



Fairy tales for children are always a little magical, kind, instructive. What fairy tales are written by children themselves? Today, the mother of Sasha and Anyuta Gogin shares with us two stories of her children, who these days are participating in the storytelling contest " new year story”, conducted by the Central Library System (CLS) of the Murom District. Do we honor?


Alena Shulim
Presentation about mom

Dear Colleagues! Mother's Day is coming soon! In honor of this big day, in our garden there is a competition for presentations! I have prepared this presentation with great pleasure, because MOM is the main thing in a person's life. Parents also took part in this competition, thereby sending a joint photo with the child!

A bird flies over me.

How easy and serene

Next to my mother!

I'll take her by the hand

I will look into her eyes.

Her laughter will drive away the cloud

Rain tears will fall.

I'll sit on my mother's knees

And cozy hug

I don't need sweeter happiness

I'm not afraid of anything! (Maria Arkhipova)

Dear moms, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming day!

Happy Mother's Day - with a wonderful,

Wonderful, bright day.

Let the sky be clear

May the house be filled with happiness.

May troubles and problems

Disappear forever

Everyone will certainly

Happy Years!

P.S. Attached presentation

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You are all familiar with this word. The very first thing in our lives. This the word is mother. The most beautiful word on earth is mother. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life.

IN ancient Rus' composed many proverbs and sayings about mother: It is light in the sun, but good in mother. There is no sweeter friend than my own mother Mother - she is ready for any business. The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people. The kalach cheese is whiter, and the stepmother's mother is cuter. Motherland- mother, the other side - stepmother. Dear mother - an inextinguishable candle Wherever the mother goes, there the child goes. Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.

There is probably no country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to mothers' work and their selfless sacrifice for the good of their children. It's happy Holy holiday, in which all mothers should be congratulated from the bottom of their hearts. Mom is sunlight, The look of wonderful gentle eyes. Save from a thousand troubles And help a thousand times.

in Armenia - on April 7 in Belarus - on October 14 in Germany, Italy and the USA - on the 2nd Sunday of May in Greece - on May 9 in Lebanon - on the first day of spring in Lithuania - on the 1st Sunday of May in Poland - on May 26 in Serbia - in December in Uzbekistan - on March 8 in France - on the last Sunday of May

"All About My Mother" "Mother and Child" "Fashion Mommy" "Mom" "Happy New Year Mom" ​​"Mama Mia"

Hebrew -ima Georgian -deda Korean -omma Ukrainian - mamo Buryat - ezhi. Arabic-omak. Spanish - madre Kyrgyz - apa Japanese - haha ​​Persian - maman

Poets write wonderful poems about mother. Mom - in the whole world there are not enough words to thank you for everything. For sleepless moments by the bed, And for bitter tears of resentment. For your support and your care, Education, the first steps, And for every hard Saturday, What you dedicated to us alone. For the smile that warms the heart, For the hugs of your beloved hands, Mommy - you are the best in the world! Heroine, Woman and Friend.

Mother's character must be Necessarily humane, Very humane! If I do not pass the exam - Do not sigh all evening, But say: - Go to the cinema, Take a walk at the same time - Clear your head From your geometries! There must be a mother's character Be sure to be humane: If in holidays I'll go to the park somewhere, Let him ask - don't call me from the machine, Have fun until late, I'll stay alone! Mom's character must be Humane, Must not be gloomy! .. I will forget the promise To take a purse of vegetables At the summer cottage - Mom must take her, Maybe push herself, Let her not groan: "It's hard to horror!" - Let him show courage! .. Here is such a character of my mother, Without a doubt, humane! He is quite human And quite convenient for me.

There are also wonderful quotes about mom, here are some of them: best gift in the world, this is MOM'S love. The calmest of all, the warmest of all, the most comfortable of all, where MOM is. Where do you feel the happiest? Of course, under the wing of MOM! Being a MOM is the most rewarding work, because you pay for it with love. MOM is the very first and closest friend!

There is nothing that a mother's love cannot stand. (Paddock)

The child recognizes the mother by her smile. (Lev Tolstoy)

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. (Peter de Vries).

In all the languages ​​of the world, crossing the oceans, the first word of a person is the word Mama... (Beat Hoween)

"The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers." (Honore de Balzac)

Worked on the presentation: Shakhverdova Anastasia Ermakova Ekaterina

And their mothers: Nadezhda Shakhverdova Elena Ermakova