Parent living room project. Parent club "Family living room" methodological development (Grade 3) on the topic. Elements of preparation for classes in the Club

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bereznikovskaya secondary school»

Kindergarten №2 "Katyusha"


parent club

"Family Lounge"

Developers: Shestakova Svetlana Viktorovna,

Social teacher

Bereznik, 2016

“The only value in life is family

As soon as the family perishes, the world perishes.

Show your love first of all in your family.”

(Elder Paisius of Athos)

Explanatory note

AT modern world there is a growing understanding of the family as determining not only the development of the child, but ultimately the development of the whole society.

The interaction of a child with parents is the first experience of interaction with the outside world. This experience is fixed, on its basis certain patterns of behavior with other people are formed, which are passed down from generation to generation. However, according to the general recognition of scientists and researchers, the social institution of the family is currently in a state of crisis. Conditions of social instability and social tension have a negative impact on the educational functions of the family, they are relegated to second and third places, while kindergarten they always come first. But in childhood, the foundation of a person's personality is laid.

The child is growing up in the family. Parents have the first problems associated with the upbringing and development of the child. Studies have shown that modern parents, raising children, increasingly need the help of specialists. Many parents in today's situation are discouraged by the behavior of their kids, since, according to scientists, emotionally unstable children are now increasingly common, who often have a wide variety of elements of personal accentuation (aggressiveness, deceit, impulsiveness, etc.). Many problems become relevant: what should a child be taught, how to play with him, how to cope with his whims and disobedience?

Where can parents get answers to all their questions? Qualified psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance is not available to everyone financially. A kindergarten can become such a center for improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of young parents. In kindergarten, the child is an equal member social group, and in the family - an object of adoration, forgiveness; in kindergarten, the nature of education is purposeful, in the family it is often spontaneous, using individual family traditions. In this dissimilarity lies the main meaning of cooperation and interaction. It follows that only in harmonious complementarity can a kindergarten and a family create conditions for the full development of a child's personality. We must recognize its value, respect its rights to be what it is. modern family needs a variety of knowledge: psychological, pedagogical, medical, etc. In this regard, the activities of the teaching staff of the kindergarten cannot stand aside, it should be aimed at developing the social literacy of the family. The main trend is to teach parents how to solve life problems on their own.

The urgency of the problem is obvious, since many parents want to learn how to raise their children psychologically and pedagogically competently, they need means and methods, they can also use psychotherapeutic methods at an accessible level for them. It is not at all necessary to give parents deep knowledge, but to acquaint them with the main provisions, approaches to raising children, to openly and honestly interact with them is simply necessary.

This was the impetus for the creation of the “Family Living Room” club on the basis of a kindergarten, thanks to which conditions were created for psycho-prophylactic support and psychological and pedagogical support for children and parents, contributing to soft adaptation, formation positive attitude to preschool education, communication skills with adults and peers.

The work of the Club is an important step towards improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents. Traditionally, psychological assistance to the family is provided within the framework of individual psychological counseling. The new socio-economic conditions in the country, which have also affected the work of preschool institutions, require new approaches to working with parents.

Many parents are quite well aware of the shortcomings of raising their children, but very often they lack elementary psychological and pedagogical literacy to solve their problems.

Analysis of family situations in a group helps the parent to look at himself from the outside, “through the eyes of others”. Parents begin to better understand their own parenting stereotypes, which are not the result of a conscious choice of the educator, but are usually adopted by the child either “by inheritance”, or are the result of ideas received from the social environment.

Group effects make it possible to remove the feeling of oneness and uniqueness of one's own difficulties, allow one to receive feedback and a sense of support and understanding from the preschool educational institution.

We all will only benefit from the fact that parents realize the importance of their influence on the development of the child's personality, learn to contribute to its harmonious development, and actively cooperate with the educational institution. Educators, children and parents can learn to better understand each other.


Create a system of psychological, medical and pedagogical support for the parents of pupils throughout preschool childhood;

To help parents to consider the process of education as a continuous partnership dialogue with their child based on the knowledge of psychological, pedagogical patterns and features of age, taking into account the interests and needs of the baby;

To promote the establishment of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in matters of education, upbringing and development of children preschool age;

To popularize the activities of a preschool educational institution among the parent community.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Provide comprehensive assistance and support to parents in the implementation of adaptation measures when children move from home to kindergarten;

To improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents;

Identify and translate positive experiences family education; to promote the establishment of a trusting relationship between parents and kindergarten;

To promote the unity of the parent team in order to prevent interpersonal conflict situations.

These goals and objectives are formed on the basis of the developed regulation on the work of the club.

Regulations on the parent club

"Family Lounge"

1 General provisions:

1.1 The club was created with the aim of establishing cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in matters of continuity in the upbringing of preschool children and the creation of a system of psychological, medical and pedagogical support for parents in the process of educating a child during preschool childhood.

1.2 The main principles of the work of the "Family Lounge" club are: voluntariness, competence, observance of pedagogical ethics, confidentiality.

1.3 Club members are: parents of children, teachers, head nurse of the preschool educational institution, narrow specialists of the preschool educational institution, social teacher.

1.4 The direct supervisor of the Club is the social teacher of the preschool educational institution.

1.5 The Family Living Club operates in accordance with these Regulations.

1.6 The Regulations on the Club are approved by the Deputy Director of the school for preschool education.

2 The main activities of the club "Family Lounge":

2.1 Providing psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and support to parents in the education of preschool children.

2.2 Revealing and broadcasting the positive experience of family education.

2.3 Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents.

2.4 Popularization of the activities of preschool educational institutions among the population of the microdistrict.

3 Rights and obligations of the members of the club "Family Lounge":

3.1 Parents - members of the Club have the right to:

To receive qualified advice on child care, the problems of education, upbringing, development and adaptation of the child in a preschool educational institution;

Obtaining practical assistance in organizing classes with children at home;

Expressing one's own opinion and sharing experience in raising children;

Evaluate the effectiveness of the Club as a whole and on individual issues;

Participate in the planning of the Club.

3.2 DOW has the right:

To identify, study and disseminate the positive experience of family education;

Making adjustments to the work plan of the Family Living Club, depending on emerging problems, requests, the relevance of the previous meeting, etc.

3.3 DOW is obliged:

Plan the work of the Club in accordance with the identified requests of parents and based on the mental patterns of development of children of a given preschool age;

To provide a territory for holding meetings of the Club;

Provide qualified advice and practical assistance to parents;

Observe the principle of confidentiality in solving emerging problems of family education.

3.4 Parents - members of the Club are obliged to:

Respect each other's opinions in the process of discussing issues of children's education;

Observe the principle of confidentiality in the work of the Club;

Take an active part in Club meetings.

4 Organization of the activities of the club "Family Lounge":

4.1 The work of the Club is carried out on the basis of a preschool educational institution.

4.2 The work of the Club is planned based on the results of a survey of parents and the recommendations of the social teacher of the preschool educational institution.

4.3 The number of classes in the Club depends on the identified requests of parents, psychological features given age and the severity of the problem under discussion.

4.4 At the final meeting of the "Family Living Room" club, the results of the work and its effectiveness are discussed.

4.5 Forms of organizing the work of the club "Family Lounge":

Round table;


Solving pedagogical situations;

Discussion and dissemination of the experience of family education.

5 Administrative support for the activities of the club "Family Lounge":

5.1 Creation of material and technical conditions for the activities of the Club: allocation of premises, necessary stationery, photocopy and computer services, etc.

5.2 Support and participation in the organization of the Club's events, if necessary, in order to peer review activities of specialists of preschool educational institutions working with parents.

5.3 Ensuring the parents' request for a meeting with the specialists of the preschool educational institution and related specialists.

5.4 Participation in the final meetings of the Club in order to make an expert assessment of the work done by the members of the Club as a whole.

The work of the Club is a group work with parents that implements several functions:

    Communicative - the function of creating and rallying the parent team as an aggregate subject of pedagogical activity;

    Personally oriented - aimed at self-determination, actualization of personal responsibility, removal of restrictions and disclosure of parents' resources;

    Instrumental - allowing you to choose the skills of analyzing real situations, to form the skills of a collective creative activity to master the skills of self-organization and self-management;

    Ability to listen and interact with others.

Forms of work with parents:

    Information stands, folders-movers, memos;

    Questioning, testing;

    Individual counseling;

    Meetings with specialists from preschool educational institutions and other objects of psychological and pedagogical assistance.

Elements of preparation for classes in the Club:

    Topic selection;

    Determination of the objectives of the lesson;

    The study of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration;

    Conducting a micro-survey in the community of children and parents;

    Determination of the type, form and stages of the lesson, methods and techniques of joint work of its participants;

    Preparation of the script for the event;

    Invitation of parents and other members of the Club;

    Equipment and decoration of the venue for the meeting of the Club.

Stages of conducting classes in the Club:

Warm up

This is the stage of the lesson in which group members prepare for psychological work. Here, exercises are used to reduce emotional distance, train understanding of non-verbal behavior, to relieve tension, etc. (games of dating, games of wishes).

Main part

It consists of several stages.

Theoretical stage , as a rule, it is held in the form of a mini-lecture or consultation on a given problem. Lecture is a familiar form of translation, it allows you to provide large volume information, effective at the beginning of work and in a large audience; its purpose is to focus attention on the issue, to introduce new information on the problem and scientific approaches to it.

Practical stage - specific skills of interaction with children are worked out in the form of solving pedagogical situations, exchanging opinions, games, etc. games and game situations help to avoid the monotony of the lesson, they are an excellent warm-up for any category of listeners. Games help parents to more easily complete complex tasks.

Diagnostic stage - contributes to the parents' own awareness of their problems and includes the development and implementation of testing, questionnaires.

Final part

At the end of the lesson with parents, the results are summarized, which assess whether the expectations of its participants were justified, what was significant for each of them, what conclusions they made for themselves. At the final stage of the meeting of the Club, it is important to find out whether the understanding of the issue under consideration has changed. Each parent must decide for himself what reinforced his opinion in the lesson, and what needs to be reviewed or changed in himself.

The expected result of the Club's work

As a result of the work of the Club, parents form certain models of behavior with the child, the level of pedagogical knowledge and skills increases, and positive thinking helping parents avoid or overcome difficulties in raising children; a trusting relationship is established between the preschool educational institution and parents, which has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the child.

Thematic plan-program

meetings of the club "Family living room"

Topics of the meetings

Conduct form



"Childhood fears"


Social teacher

"Soon to school!"


Social educator, group educator

Round table


Social educator, specialists of the Velsk Center social assistance family and children "Skvorushka"

"What is our life? .. Game!"

Practicum (business game)

Social educator, group educator, physical education teacher

Topics of the meetings

Forms of interaction


"Childhood fears"

Children's drawings on the theme "What am I more afraid of?",

Filling in the table “positive and negative sides of fear” (together with parents),

Drawing up a table of susceptibility to fears in preschool age,

Making the table "The norm of fears in boys and girls of preschool age",

The solution of the crossword "Children's fears" (together with parents),

Memo for teachers, parents and children "Rules for dealing with fears",

Reminders for parents: "Children's fears", "How to help a child overcome fears", "Divorce of parents",

Articles for stands and folders-movers: "Parenting without shouting", "10 practical tips for parents who want to raise a neurotic", "Home Alone", "Children's Anxiety".

Individual consultation (upon request) "Using a fairy tale to fight fear",

Selection of fairy tales for parents who want to help their children get rid of fears (using the book “We are not afraid of the gray wolf” by A.V. Miklyaev, P.V. Rumyantsev).

October December

"Soon to school!"

Solving a crossword puzzle on a school theme (for parents),

Pedagogical situations for discussion with parents,

Tests for parents "What kind of parents are you?", "Are you ready to send your child to school?"

Reminder booklets for parents: “How to overcome fear of school”, “Do you want your child to go to school with pleasure?”, “How to help your child with homework”,

Design in the preparatory group of the stand "Everything about the school",

Making a file of tests for parents of future first-graders,

Articles for stands and folders: “How to help a child preparatory group overcome fear of school and self-doubt”, “Volitional readiness for school”, “ Helpful Hints parents of future first graders”, “Is your child ready for school”, “Psychological readiness for schooling”, “How to motivate a child to study?”, “Adaptation to school”, “Learning to correctly motivate a child to study”, “Read books to your kids", "


Prevention of family trouble

Questioning of parents on the choice of topics and questions for discussion,

"What is our life? .. Game!"

Program content of classes

Lesson 1. "Children's fears"

Target: raise the level of awareness of parents on the problem of "children's fears"; to actualize the problem of children's fears and anxiety for the prevention of their occurrence.

Tasks: to acquaint parents with the definition of "children's fear", the reasons for their appearance, the peculiarities of the occurrence of fears in children; to acquaint parents with methods of overcoming children's fears; Discuss how they can work on the issue.


    Design of an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "What am I more afraid of?" (Figures are signed on the reverse side).

    Prepare a presentation "Children's fears."

    Questions for the game "Quick Answers" (to relieve inhibition that occurs with sudden questions).

    Drawing up a table of susceptibility to fears in preschool age.

    Crossword "Children's fears".

    Memos for parents "Children's fears", "How to help a child overcome fears", "Divorce of parents".

Lesson 2. "Soon to school!"

Target: pedagogical and psychological education of parents on the upbringing and education of children entering the first grade of the school; formation of an idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical readiness for schooling.

Tasks: establish educational and advisory assistance to families in preparing a child for school; involve parents in understanding the social readiness of the child for school through the experience of active learning.


1. 1. Prepare meeting invitations.

2. Prepare a crossword puzzle on school topics.

3. prepare a presentation "School Readiness".

4. Prepare for each parent a booklet-memo "How to overcome the fear of school", "Do you want your child to go to school with pleasure?", "How to help the child with homework."

5. Prepare question forms for the test "Are you ready to send your child to school?"

6. Toys: Malvina, Pinocchio, Carlson (have these fairy-tale characters formed a readiness for schooling?).

Lesson 3. "What is our life? .. Game!"

Target: show parents the importance of games, toys for the full development of the child.

Tasks: tell parents about the purpose of games and toys; teach to control a child with the help of the game; indicate the criteria for choosing a toy for the full emotional development of the child.


1. Prepare an exhibition of didactic and board games for preschool children.

Place of residence - Trans-Baikal Territory, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky

The name of the educational institution is MOU secondary school No. 2 named after. V.A. Orlova

Discipline - psychology

Theme of the event: Child-parent meeting "Family living room"

Grade: Grade 6-7

Duration of the event - 1.5 hours

Parent-child meeting Family lounge

Explanatory note

For the normal development of a person of any age, permanent, built on a positive emotional basis, open and trusting relationships with others are necessary. Properly built relationships with the child help parents successfully solve complex internal problems that concern them and the child. Child-parent meetings give participants a new experience of communication, allow them to see how relationships are built in other families, help children and parents to take a different look at their relationship, become closer to each other and find common ground. This event allows you tothe following tasks:

    Show the value of the family for each person as a life support and support

    expansion of parents' ideas about the importance of the emotional component of child-parent relationships;

    Create conditions for productive communication between parent and child, so that everyone can feel the joy of communication;

Age : students in grades 6-7

Conduct form: training, play.

Equipment and decoration:

    In the center of the class, chairs are arranged in a circle according to the number of participants;

    Behind the circle are three or four tables for creative work in the second part of the collection, which contains the necessary materials: scissors, glue, white and colored paper, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens

    3-4 medium-sized cardboard boxes, the upper part is pre-glued in the form of a roof (these are future houses)

    Screen, 4 signal cards (two red and two blue)

    There is a poster "Family living room" on the board, you can decorate the board with children's drawings on the theme "my family" or "my family's happy day". I use drawings left over from working with children in grades 8-9 “Image of my family” (what does my family look like?)

    Musical accompaniment (you can use children's songs)

    Badges for participants.

Event plan

1. preparation of the classroom and all necessary materials

2. Meeting of participants, seating in a circle

3. Greeting. Message about the topic and purpose of the meeting.

4. Work in a circle (mini-training)

5. Holding a family game.

6. Performing a creative task in groups.

7. Reflection of the meeting

The progress of the meeting.

1. Greeting. Message about the topic and purpose of the meeting.

Leading: Good evening, dear parents, and hello again guys. Our today's meeting is called "Family Living Room". What is a family living room? This is the place where the whole family gathers in the evening or on weekends. When you can discuss some issues, talk about something joyful, or just chat and laugh. Today, at our meeting, we will create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort, and understanding. I think we can do it.

We would like to start our meeting with a parable.

One morning a fisherman went fishing with his two sons. The catch was good, and by noon the three men were ready to return home. But as they began to stretch their nets, a storm suddenly came up and completely hid the coastline from view.

And at the same time, the storm did not spare their little house either. It caught fire, the fire burned to the ground their homes and all their property.

When the fisherman and his sons got ashore, a weeping wife was waiting for him, who immediately told her husband and children about the misfortune that had befallen them. But the fisherman did not raise an eyebrow. The wife was indignant: “Husband, we have lost everything that we had, but you don’t care!”

Then the fisherman replied: "The fire that destroyed our house turned out to be the same light that suddenly appeared in the fog and showed us the way to the shore."

2. "Unfinished sentences"

Leading: The light in the window of the house… How does it make our children feel? Joy, what are you waiting for? Tears of cleansing: "Well, here I am at home"; irritation - well, what do they need, why can't they sleep; fear - how to pass quietly so that there is no scandal and swearing?

Preparing for the meeting, I really wanted to know the opinion of the boys and girls, who themselves in a very short period of time will become fathers and mothers, and will themselves turn on the light in their windows. The children were asked to complete the following sentences.

1. Family is…

2. My parents are…

3. The light in the windows of my house is ...

4. Joy in my family is ...

5. Grief in my family is…

6. Far from my home, I will remember ...

Now I will read you the summarized answers of the children. And I will ask adults to listen carefully and answer what feelings you had, what you thought about (generalized answers of children are read out). Then the parents in a circle share their thoughts, feelings about what they heard.

3. Exercise "Compliment"

Leading: Every person has the ability to love and the need to be loved, and it is very important not to let this ability fade away, but, on the contrary, to allow it to grow and develop. Each of us has an emotional reservoir, which is replenished with emotions and feelings received from our loved ones. This reservoir is replenished as we receive confirmation of love and care. This reservoir provides us with emotional comfort, stability, a sense of security and confidence. An adult fills this reservoir through communication with his parents, spouse and children. But not only we, but also our loved ones have an emotional reservoir. Our sincere care, attention, love for loved ones fill their emotional reservoir and maintain their psychological comfort.

Now we will fill the emotional reservoir of our loved ones.

This is the most exciting moment of the class, as parents and children need to exchange compliments. For example, each ends the sentence:

"My mother (my father)..." or "My daughter (my son)...".

Moderator: This is very important, not just to love, but also to express your love.

4. Family game.

Leading: And now I invite you all to participate in an exciting family game.

All parent-child couples are divided into three groups and sit around tables.

First, participants are invited to assemble a symbol of love, warmth, home (heart) from the cut parts. The winning team is rewarded with applause from the participants. During the game there is no moment of competition and scoring. This is not the goal of the game. Each time in the competition, the winners are awarded with applause and words of support.

Contest "If I were..."

Task description.

In each creative group, one family must be selected to participate in the competition. Work with each family goes in turn. The parent is asked to leave the class, and the child answers 4 questions with multiple answers(cards with questions are given in Appendix No. 1). Then the parent returns to the classroom and needs to guess which answer options the child chose. The parent-child couple is rewarded with applause as a sign of support if they did not do a very good job, or as a sign of approval for a large number of coincidences. The task causes a lot of positive emotions. It also makes it possible to see in which families the parents know and feel their child.

Competition "Questions and Answers"

Task description.

For this competition, 3 parent-child pairs are selected. Pairs take turns competing. A screen and signal cards of blue and red colors are required for the competition. Parent and child stand on opposite sides of the screen, but so that both are visible to the audience. Everyone receives signal cards of two colors. The facilitator asks questions concerning either the child or the parent. It is necessary to answer with the help of signal cards (“yes” - a blue card, “no” - a red card).

Questions for the competition are given in Appendix No. 2. The number of matching answers is counted. The parent-child couple is rewarded with applause from the participants.

Creative task "House of my dreams" (work in groups)

Moderator: Look, I have houses (shows the participants houses glued from boxes). They are all the same, gray and faceless. I suggest you now "build the house of your dreams." Using all the materials for creativity, revive these houses, and think about who could live in this house, for whom it is.

Time to work: 20-25 minutes.

Note: the process of making "houses" turns out to be very exciting for both adults and children. They show great imagination and imagination. The guys write poems about their houses right on the go.

After completing the work, the groups present their houses, as a rule, the guys do this, accompanying their performances with poems of their own composition.

5. Reflection of the meeting

And I want to end our meeting with the following lines.

Light in the window - I want

So that he does not go out.

Light in the window - light

Anxious beloved eyes!

Light in the window - the years are running in succession!

The light in the window - let it never go out!

Thank you for your work.

Application No. 1

Card number 1.

1. If I were (a) a book, then I would be ... (dictionary, detective story, encyclopedia, textbook)

2. If I were (a) an animal, then I would be ... (fox, lion, hare, elephant)

4. What holiday do you like the most? ( New Year, birthday, laughter day, end of school year)

Card number 2.

1. If I were (a) the weather, then I would be ... (thunderstorm, sunny day, light wind, hurricane)

2. If I were (a) a tree, then I would be ... (birch, oak, spruce, palm tree)

3. In which circle would you prefer (would you prefer) to enroll? (chess, gymnastics, dancing, fencing)

4. What breed of dog would you like to have? (sheepdog, husky, dachshund, bulldog)

Card number 3.

1. If I were a musical instrument, then I would be (a) ... (violin, drum, harmonica, guitar)

2. if I were a bird, then I would be (a) ... (kite, titmouse, parrot, bullfinch)

3. Where would you prefer (prefer) to relax in the summer holidays? (on the sea, in the mountains, in the village, in a big city)

4. What programs do you prefer to watch? (entertaining, educational, detective films)

Application number 2.

Card number 1.

    Will your mom scold you if you tear your clothes?

    Is it true that (name) got an A in math yesterday?

    Does mom like her job?

    Is it true that (name) had a fight with his best friend (girlfriend)?

    Did mom have a headache yesterday?

    Favorite school subject (name) is computer science?

    My mother loves classical music very much.

    (Name) dreams of becoming a doctor in the future.

    Mom's favorite movie "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"

    (Name) can't stand long waits.

Card number 2.

    As a child, my mother dreamed of becoming an artist.

    Favorite animal (name) - a dog?

    Mom's favorite color is red.

    Especially well (name) knows how to draw horses.

    Mom's favorite sweet is marmalade.

    (Name) is easy to find mutual language with an unknown peer.

    Will mom let me watch an interesting movie if it's already late?

    (Name) is very interested in football.

    The best vacation for mom is a trip to nature.

    Favorite cartoon (name) - Prostokvashino.

Card number 3.

    Mom's favorite berry is raspberries?

    (Name) dreams of taking up fencing (ballroom dancing).

    Mom believes in omens?

    Favorite actor (name) Bruce Lee?

    Mom loves to sing.

    Favorite school subject (name) is physical education.

    From flowers, mom loves roses.

    On the cover of (Name's) diary, a sports car (famous singer) is drawn.

    Mom likes to do cleaning more than cooking.

    (name) has friends in another locality.



2. A. John "Landscape of a Child's Soul"

3. K. Ross "How to really love children"

4. A. Barkan "Practical psychology for parents or how to learn to understand your child"

Chemaeva Maria Alekseevna
Position: senior educator
Educational institution: MDOU kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 4 "cheryomushki"
Locality: Inza, Ulyanovsk region
Material name: Working programm
Theme: Working programm " Child-parent relationship"as part of the parent club "Parents' living room"
Publication date: 17.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Working programm

"Child-Parent Relationship"

within the parent club

"Parent's Living Room"

Explanatory note.
Children deserve respect, trust and friendship, we are pleased to be with them, in this clear atmosphere of affectionate sensations, cheerful laughter, first good efforts and surprises, pure, bright and sweet joys. J. Korchak Preschool age is the subject of close attention of scientists and practitioners as an important and responsible period in a person's life, as the moment of birth of a personality. During this period, there is an accelerated development of mental processes, personality traits, a small person actively masters a wide range of different activities. At the stage of preschool childhood, self-consciousness develops, self-esteem is formed, a hierarchy of motives is built and their subordination takes place. And it is during this period that the most important is the influence of the family on the development of the personality of the child, the influence of the system of intra-family, as well as child-parent relations existing in it. The leading role in the system of relations of a preschool child with other people is played by relations with adults, in the process of communication with which the assimilation of the experience accumulated by previous generations takes place. Harmonious development is understood as such a unity of development of various qualities of a person, in which their interaction occurs, as a result of which each of these qualities contributes to the effectiveness of the development of another. L.I. Bozhovich noted that the concept of a "harmoniously developed" personality is often used as a synonym for the concept of a "comprehensively developed" personality. Meanwhile, being very close, they are still non-identical. The harmony of the personality from the psychological side implies a high consistency between the consciousness of a person and his unconscious mental processes. Such harmony is ensured by a moral orientation, and its dominant forces are subordinated to a single motive, which dominates both on a conscious and unconscious level. The purpose of the program: to promote the harmonious development of the child in the context of psychological and pedagogical support of the "child-parent-teacher" system. Program objectives:
- creating an environment of psychological comfort and knowledge of the individual and personal characteristics of each child, teachers, parents, as well as the characteristics within family relations; - formation of an active pedagogical position of parents, involving them in active inclusion in the educational process; - implementation of a system of measures aimed at the harmonious development of the child's personality. Accompaniment is seen as helping children to learn about the world around them, themselves and other people, based on the potential of children. In the center is the personality of the child, and the “accompanying” are the parents and teachers. Favorable interaction of children, parents and teachers contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, the preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of children in preschool educational institutions. The most valuable personality traits are: harmonious development child's personality: - the ability to recognize, determine their emotional states, well-developed reflection; - acceptance of oneself, one's strengths and weaknesses, awareness of one's capabilities; - acceptance of other people, awareness of the value of each; - resistance to stress, the ability to find their own resources in a difficult life situation. Among the traditional forms of organizing communication with teachers and parents, the following are distinguished: visual-informational, cognitive, information-analytical, leisure (i.e., introductory, educational, workshops, pedagogical drawing rooms, questionnaires, "mailbox", newspapers). Currently, the actual problem is the interaction of the "child-parent-teacher" system, which involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings, experiences. This program has the following structure: planning of psychological work, interactive forms of work with children, parents, teachers, recommendations for the implementation of the main directions of development. Undoubtedly, if a personality-oriented interaction of teachers and families is carried out in a preschool institution, parents are integral participants in the medical-psychological-pedagogical council. The forms of work through which one of the parties of this interaction is carried out are as follows:
- diagnostics mental development children; - prevention of deviations of mental development; - development of recommendations; - determination of the optimal individual load on the child, taking into account psychophysical characteristics. Thus, it is necessary to build a dialogue between the preschool educational institution and the family, a dialogue based on cooperation, commonwealth, mutual assistance, so that the efforts expended do not differ so dramatically from the results of raising children, which is decisively facilitated by the joint efforts of the family and the preschool educational institution to create a single space for the development of each child. The program can be used by a teacher-psychologist as an additional education (free and paid basis) and as a formative part of the implementation of the main work program. Interaction
Psychological week

"Fundamentals of harmonious development of personality"
The actions of an adult are picked up by the child Active listening is a resonance, where the listener empathizes with the speaker and expresses his feelings to him, helping to better express and understand himself Adults and children act together, actively listen to themselves and each other The actions of the child receive the approval of the adult, causing a desire to act more and more
"Child -

parent -


We believe that one of the main practice-oriented activities in our preschool educational institution is the organization of a psychological week. In this regard, the interaction with the participants in the educational process is built by the teacher-psychologist in accordance with the following principles: - high professionalism; - benevolence and respect for teachers, parents and their children; - ensuring the utmost confidentiality and emotional security; - motivation of participants in the educational process to interact with a psychologist in various ways; - consistency in work, expressed in the relevance, consistency and consistency of work with all participants in the educational process, in their cooperation at all levels preschool education children; - the priority of active methods of interaction: discussions, round tables, role-playing and business games, classes with elements of training, the use of psychotherapeutic methods (relaxation, visualization, elements of art therapy, fairy tale therapy, etc.). During this week, there is a holistic work with children, parents, teachers to achieve the goal. For example, a psychological week, the purpose of which is to expand knowledge about the influence of a person's mental states on his emotional sphere. The organization of the psychological week is aimed at creating favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the full development and formation of an improving socially successful personality, protecting the rights of the child to receive education and development in accordance with their potential in the real conditions of his existence, namely in a preschool educational institution. During this time, with each category, a whole range of activities is carried out aimed at the implementation of the tasks set: - consultations with parents and teachers; - conversations with children; - workshops for parents; - classes with elements of training; relaxation exercises; - practical exercises with parents; - drawing competition; - business games for teachers; - survey of children, parents and teachers. Each day is dedicated to a specific theme. Work plan of the psychological week.
Organization of a psychological week. No. p / p Events Note 1. Work with children. Drawing competition "Me and my family" All groups Poll of children: "In what mood did you come to kindergarten?". All groups Organization role-playing games"Rainbow game is my world." Senior group "Path to my Self." Preparatory group 2. Work with parents. Training lesson "Me and my child". Joint lesson of parents and children Interview of parents: “What mood did you come to the kindergarten with?”. Training lesson "Communication between adults and children." Seminar-workshop "Fundamentals of parental wisdom". 3. Work with teachers. Poll of teachers: "With what mood did you come to preschool?" Teachers "Harmonious development of the teacher's personality" "Self-regulation of the emotional state" Games and exercises to relieve emotional stress; increase in tone.
Monday - "Family Day": Drawing competition "Me and my family" Purpose: development of children's creative abilities. Children are invited to draw their family. "Me and my child" Purpose: optimization of child-parent relationships; development of communication skills. "We stand hand in hand." Adults and children stand in a circle and hold hands. Then we greet each other in an unconventional way, pronouncing the following words: We stand hand in hand, Together we are a big ribbon (big circle), Can we be big (hands up), We can become small (squat), But no one will be (return to sp. ). "Club". Purpose: develops communication skills, promotes communication with each other. The host holds a ball in his hands, wraps the tip of the thread around his finger and asks a question to one of the participants, throwing him a ball. Instructions: Each of you must wrap the thread around your finger and pass the ball to the other, answering my question. Questions for parents: Questions for children: - What is your favorite color? - What is your favorite cartoon? - What do you like to cook? - What is your favorite fairy tale? - What is your favorite animal? - Where do you like to relax? Farewell "I wish you a great mood." Tuesday - "Rainbow Day": Poll of children, parents and teachers: "What mood did you come to the kindergarten with?" Organization of role-playing games “Rainbow game is my world”. A conversation about how different people are, how we differ, how we are similar. The game "Call it affectionately." Goal: To develop a positive self-image. The child calls himself the names that he likes, as they call him at home. Children repeat. Painting. Self-portrait. Farewell "I wish you a great mood." Wednesday - "Communication between adults and children":
Training lesson "Communication between adults and children" Purpose: development of communication skills; developing the ability to listen to yourself and each other. "Preschooler in epithets". Give a description of the preschooler with one epithet (indicate the most significant). Epithets should not be repeated. "The joy of being with a child" I like to communicate with children because… Prolonged communication with children annoys me because… When playing situations, focus on your feelings and ways to neutralize the negative in relation to children. "Harmonious development of the teacher's personality" Purpose: accumulation of emotionally positive experience; reduction of negative feelings. Graphic technique "Four characters". Instruction: "Picture yourself in the images of four characters - a plant, an animal, an inanimate object and a person" (see Appendix 1). Breathing exercise "Balloon" See Appendix 1. Thursday - "Day of emotions": "Path to one's Self" Purpose: mastering the elements of self-knowledge"; "I"-value, as a condition for a better understanding of the world around. "Self-regulation of the emotional state" Purpose: development of the ability to understand one's feelings; familiarization with the techniques of self-regulation of the emotional state. - Body-oriented exercise "Weather". Participants are divided into pairs. One turns his back to his partner, he is paper, the second is an artist. The host invites the “artists” to draw on the “paper” (back) first a warm gentle wind, then an intensifying wind, then rain, a heavy downpour turning into hail, again a wind turning into a warm breeze, and at the end a gentle warm sun warming the whole earth . At the end of the exercise, the participants change places. Each participant expresses his opinion and talks about the feelings that appeared during the game. - "Energy Transfer". Imagine a source of energy in front of you. It warms you, it gives you energy. Try to feel how the energy affects the front of your body.
Breathe it in. Imagine the same source of energy behind your back. Feel the waves of energy moving up and down your spine. Place energy on the right. Feel its effect on the left side of the body. Imagine a power source above your head. Feel how the energy affects the head. Energy source under your feet. Feel the energy in the soles of your feet, then the energy rises higher and is distributed throughout your body. Questions to the participants: did you manage to present the source of your energy? How did you present it? Have you felt its effect on your body? What feeling did it give you? Do this exercise when you feel a loss of strength and energy. 3. Summing up the work. Friday - "Joy Day": Games and exercises to relieve emotional stress; increase in tone. Exercise "Carousel of communication". Purpose: inclusion in work, removal of accumulated stress; rallying, building group trust and acceptance. Participants in a circle continue the phrase given by the leader. - "I love…"; - “I am pleased ...”; - “I feel sad when…”; - “I get angry when…”; - “I am proud of myself when…”. Exercise "Our expectations". Each of us expects something from a new business. What do you expect from this training? (Each participant writes down their expectations in the right column on the sheet) What are you willing to invest in the training? (Each participant writes on the right side of the sheet his contribution to the training) Participants in a circle read out their expectations from the training and contribution. What we have written down, of course, can change throughout the training. You may get something you didn't expect. Much will also depend on your activity. At the end of the training, you and I will have the opportunity to analyze your expectations. Exercise "Rain" Participants stand in a circle one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. With light touches, each participant imitates the drops of the beginning rain. The drops fall more often, the rain becomes stronger and turns into a downpour. Large streams flow down the back. Then the streams become smaller, the drops less frequent and completely stop.

Club "Parents' living room"

(work with teachers)
“From how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand into childhood what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become. VA Sukhomlinsky Undoubtedly, if a preschool institution has a personality-oriented interaction between teachers and parents, the leading participants are teachers. The forms of work of a teacher-psychologist, through which one of the parties of this interaction is carried out, are the following: diagnostics of personal characteristics, counseling, psychoprophylaxis, etc. In order to improve the psychological competence of teachers of a preschool educational institution, including orientation in the patterns of child development, in matters of training and conditions in a preschool educational institution for the development of personal neoplasms, a teacher-psychologist can use a number of methods: a workshop, training, the "brainstorming" method, business game, round table, conversation. It is also necessary to include such types of work that would help improve the emotional well-being of teachers, relieve tension and feelings of discomfort. Relaxation breaks are the most effective. One of the effective forms of work with teachers, I think, is the organization of the club "Parents' living room". The purpose of the club: the awareness of teachers of their individuality. Tasks: 1. Accumulation of emotionally positive experience, development of interest in oneself; 2. Awareness by the participants of their personal characteristics and creative possibilities; 3. Removal of negative experiences and their transformation into positive emotional states; 4. Creation of an atmosphere of psychological comfort in the group. The effectiveness of joint activities largely depends on the optimal implementation of personal and group capabilities. A favorable atmosphere in a group not only has a productive effect on its results, but also restructures a person, forms his new opportunities and shows potential ones. In this regard, there is a need to optimize the style of interpersonal interaction. Thus, psychological science offers practical psychologists a fairly wide range of methods and forms of active group
work with teachers. It is important to choose from them adequate to the goals and needs of a specific group of people - the teaching staff of a preschool educational institution. The psychologist needs to identify the potential of teachers, as well as to determine the range of problems that they have, and based on their analysis to build further work. The work plan of the club "Parents' living room" Stages of interaction between the "child-parent-teacher" system interpersonal relationships in a collective. Team building exercises. 2 “Emotions and feelings”. Test "Do you understand the language of facial expressions?" Business game "Emotions and feelings" 3 "How to maintain mental health?" Consultation with practical elements "How to maintain a woman's mental health?" "Healthy child - healthy teacher: psychological aspect". 4 "Stress must be overcome!" Stress and its features. Exercises to relieve stress. The first stage is a demonstration of a positive image of the child to parents, thanks to which friendly relations with an attitude towards cooperation develop between parents and educators. The significance of this stage is determined by the fact that parents often fix their attention only on the negative manifestations of the development and behavior of the child.

by developing the main components emotional sphere children.
Purpose: development of the emotional sphere of children of senior preschool age. Name of topics Total hours Control form
Diagnosis of the level of development of the emotional sphere 4 hours Identification of the level of development of the emotional sphere Topic: “Resentment” 1 hour Observation method Topic: “Joy” 1 hour Observation method Topic: “Fear” 1 hour Observation method Topic: “Anger” 30 min. Observation method Topic: “Empathy, sympathy” 1 hour Observation method Topic: “Surprise” 30 min. Observation method Topic: "Danger" 1 hour Observation method Topic: "Love" 30 min. Observation method Topic: "Kindness" 1 hour Observation method Topic: "Fantasy" 30 min. Observation method Control diagnostics 4 hours Comparison of indicators of primary and final diagnostics List of references used: 1. Vorobyeva E.N., Kolesnikov V.N., Merck V.T. The program of parent training "Incredible years" // Psychologist in kindergarten. 2008. No. 3. S. 42-63. 2. Gippenreiter Yu.B. Communicate with the child. How? - M., "MASS MEDIA", 1995. - 240 p. 3. Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. Communication of the teacher with parents in the preschool educational institution. - M.: TC Sphere, 2007. - 80 p. 4.Istratova O.N. The big Book child psychologist/ HE. Istratova, G.A. Shirokova. - Ed. 2nd - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2008. - 568.
5. Orlova I.V. Training of professional self-knowledge: theory, diagnostics and practice of pedagogical reflection. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006. - 128 p. 6. Panfilova M.A. Game therapy of communication: Tests and corrective games. A practical guide for psychologists, teachers and parents. - M .: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2000. - 160 p. 7. Psychologist in a preschool institution: Guidelines for practical activities/ Ed. T.V. Lavrentiev. - M.: New School, 1996. - 144 p. 8.Ramendik D.M. Personal Growth Training: Study Guide. - M.: FORUM: INFRA - M, 2007. - 176 p. Appendix 1. Balloon exercise Psychologist: “Now let's try to do the exercise. Let's imagine that the stomach is a balloon, fill it with air through the nose, let the air out slowly and for a long time through the nose, draw in the stomach. Left hand on the stomach, the right one on the chest, when inhaling, the stomach inflates, the chest and shoulders do not rise.
This is diaphragmatic breathing, i.e. breathing with the stomach is the most correct and most useful. It helps to saturate and increase the speed of blood flow, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the central nervous system. Using this type of breathing, we, in fact, constantly train important functions of the body: the heart, nervous, immune systems, which in turn relieves mental stress, improves mood, improves health, develops attention, and thinking. Annex 2. Test “Assessment of the psychological atmosphere and interpersonal relations in the team. Points
Characteristics of the atmosphere in the team Characteristics of the atmosphere in the team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Friendliness Hostility Consent Disagreement Satisfaction Dissatisfaction Productivity Unproductiveness Warmth Coldness Cooperation Mismatch Mutual support Malevolence Enthusiasm Indifference Entertaining Boredom Success Unsuccessfulness The final indicator ranges from 10 (positive) to 80 points (negative score). The psychological atmosphere is unfavorable - 60-80 points. If the situation is not critical, then training can be carried out.

Sections: Working with parents

Today, a new system is being formed in society preschool education. With the introduction of the Federal state standard Much attention has been paid to the interaction preschool with parents.
An important social task facing preschool educational institutions is to assist the family in the upbringing of the child. In addition, interaction with the families of children is included in the scope of the mandatory part of the general education program of each kindergarten. Not only the forms and methods of interaction with the parents of pupils should change, but also the philosophy of interaction: from “work with parents” to “cooperation”.
In accordance with this, parents should be active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates in them, and not just
The interaction between the kindergarten and the family is necessary condition work of a preschool institution in any direction of its activity. The work on the development of the speech of preschoolers is no exception, because best results in work can be achieved if educators, specialists and parents act in concert.
The success of raising children depends on the correct interaction between the kindergarten and the family. The task of the kindergarten is to equip parents with pedagogical knowledge, in particular, specific knowledge on the methodology
speech development. To do this, you can use various forms of work, both traditional and non-traditional.
With all the variety of forms of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family on issues speech development older preschoolers, teachers need to find their own, those who are effective in this particular group. Since parents are primarily interested in the development of their children, it is preferable to encourage them to take part in the life of the kindergarten through awareness of this for the development of their children.
Considering all of the above, we, the speech therapist teacher and group educators set the goal of our work: to increase the level of speech development of older preschool children through the organization of interaction between the kindergarten and the family.
To increase the level of speech development of children, various forms and methods of involving parents in pedagogical process: consultations; providing visual material on the development of speech skills (folders of movement, memos, methodological literature), conducting a master class on teaching articulation and breathing exercises, a round table "Phonematic hearing - the basis of correct speech", a workshop "Sound analysis of a word", a business game " Clever and smart girls”, during the year there were open days.
Now we want to present one of the forms of interaction with parents - the training "Games room"

Speech therapy lesson - training for parents "Playing room, or let's play at home with the children."

Target: to acquaint parents with game techniques when organizing joint activities with children at home.


  • To increase the competence and knowledge of parents about speech disorders of older preschoolers.
  • To draw the attention of parents to the speech problems of children.
  • To improve the forms of parental interaction in the process of conducting special games for the correction and prevention of speech disorders in children

Equipment and materials: tables, a computer, a presentation for the lesson, badges for each group member with a name and patronymic, posters, multi-colored flags, sheets of paper for notes, pencils, pens and felt-tip pens, a ball, newspaper sheets, a ball of yarn, small multi-colored paper hats, a stopwatch.


1. Introduction. Welcome and introduction. (Exercise "Name")

Hello dear parents! I invite you all to introduce yourself - give your name, patronymic. Then describe yourself by choosing words that start with the first letters of your first and last name.

Lesson topic message

All children love to play, the game is a part of childhood, its indispensable attribute. The game gives the child great joy, develops dexterity, observation, fantasy, thinking, cognitive processes. The game stimulates and develops the ability to compare, reflect, analyze, forms a steady interest and a need for intellectual exercises. To switch attention, develop interhemispheric relationships, form language analysis and synthesis, phonemic processes, prevent fatigue in children, various games are included in corrective speech therapy classes.
Today our meeting will be devoted to games that help children improve their speech, and will help consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in speech therapy classes.

Warm-up (game "Spider line")

Let's play the game "Spider web" with you. Think and in one sentence tell what games your child likes to play the most. During the story, it is necessary to wrap the palm of the thread once.
And now you need to dissolve the cobweb. Think and tell in one sentence what kind of character your child is. During the story, you need to free your hand from the thread, wind it up and pass the ball to another.

Accept group rules.

Every game has rules. In our lesson, we must also accept some rules with you and obey them. Listen to them and express your opinion.

  • Try to participate in all games and exercises.
  • Only one person can speak in class.
  • If you completed the exercise, then raise the flag.
  • Do not shout, do not interrupt others, be able to listen to the other person.
  • If something is not clear, be sure to ask a question.

2. Main body

Game "Find words with a given letter"

Teacher. The first game we offer to get acquainted with is called "Find words with a given letter." The game contributes to the development of sound-letter analysis, attention, thinking, memory, improves the reading skill of preschoolers in the future.

(Parents are given forms with printed text, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

Teacher. The text is in front of you. Take markers in hand. On command, in 3 minutes it is necessary to write out all the words with the letter L from the text. After this time, the teacher says “Stop!” - and invites everyone to count the number of written words and name the number. The winner is awarded a prize.

Balda game.

Teacher. We offer you the following game "Balda". This game develops sound-letter analysis and synthesis, thinking, attention, memory.
(the teacher distributes sheets of clean paper, felt-tip pens to parents and explains the rules, the word “balda” is written on the board with dots)
Teacher. The rules are quite simple: I will guess the word, write down the first and last letters, I will mark the missing letters with dashes. You take turns naming the letters. If the letter is guessed correctly, I will write it into the word. If the letter is not guessed, I will write down the first letter of the word "balda". As soon as the word is guessed, the game stops. The winner receives a chip and becomes the leader. Let's determine the theme of the hidden word.
And now I suggest that you practice in performing a sound-letter analysis of a word, since we often remember it from the very beginning of our lesson.

Sound-letter analysis of the word "saw"

Word ball game

Teacher. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the game "Word Ball". I will say a word and throw a ball to one of the players. The player must pick up a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word and throw the ball to the next player or leader. For example: piece-braid-watermelon.

Game "Ladder"

I give you blank sheets of paper and pens. All participants will have to write the letter P on sheets of paper. All the words that you choose will begin with this letter. The task of the players is to add words in each line that begin with the specified letter.
Words are arranged in a ladder as follows: the first is the named letter. Under it is placed a word consisting of two letters, the first of which is named. Below is a word of three letters, even lower of four, and so on. but you need to write only nouns in the nominative case of the singular. You are given 5 minutes for the task.

Game "Proofreading"

The text is in front of you. It is boring, uninteresting. Pick up a pen. On command, in 3 minutes it is necessary to cross out all the letters C.

3. Final part

Reflection lessons

Dear parents, our meeting is coming to an end. You got acquainted with the games, acquired the skills of organizing games at home. You have formed your own opinion about our lesson, so I invite you to choose and “try on” multi-colored hats and express your attitude to the lesson.

Red hat - what was positive in the lesson.
Black hat - what negative points and shortcomings did you see in the lesson.
Green hat - your suggestions and ideas in relation to the lesson.
white hat- What questions arose during the lesson.
Blue hat - summing up: what you have achieved in the lesson, what you would like to receive in the next trainings.