Social Studies. Interpersonal relationships. A story on the topic "the basis of interpersonal relationships" Interpersonal relationships story

short story on the topic interpersonal relationships and got the best answer

Answer from Anyushka[master]
I'm not strong in psychology but maybe this will work
A gave B a contemptuous look. He defiantly turned away -
a transaction has occurred. The same, but B just looked at the other
side and did not notice the sign of contempt - the transaction did not take place
(there was no contact). A told B some news, B smiled without saying a word.
words - the transaction nevertheless took place, since a smile is
“gesture”, communicative stimulus. And as an actor, he delivered a spectacular
replica, the auditorium (as the addressee) held its breath -
the transaction took place. The same - if the audience hissed indignantly,
laughed or burst into applause. Human transactions
almost always involve the use of several codes at the same time,
i.e., a “bunch” of languages. The language of words is combined with the language of pauses, intonations, postures
and mimics. Silent from Griboedov's story "Woe from Wit" is very antipathetic to me.
this man is cunning, modest, and at the same time he believes that if you suck up
to "special" personalities, for example: puffer. That being can be obtained
a huge amount of money and rise to high ranks. .

Answer from Mikhail Levin[guru]
Carl stole corals from Clara...

Answer from [email protected] [newbie]
four black filthy imps
draw in black ink

Answer from Alexander Kuzmin[newbie]
In our modern world Often, money has become the basis in people's relationships. Money manure - no today, but tomorrow - WHO!

Answer from Ermolaev Pavel[newbie]
?Interpersonal relationships are mostly made up of emotions and mutual feelings. Undoubtedly, you should be surprised that the Russian dictionary contains more than a hundred words that denote human feelings. Quite a lot, right? It is unlikely that any of your acquaintances or friends can list them all. However, the entire list of feelings that are the basis of interpersonal relationships can be summarized under two main groups. Representatives of the first group bring people together, by will not by will, but people develop positive attitude to each other. Well, to the second - only those emotions that make relationships difficult, paint them in a negative color, negatively affect the possibility of cooperation between people.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

The general concept of communication as the basis of interpersonal relationships Considering the way of life of various higher animals and man, we notice that two sides stand out in it: contacts with nature and contacts with living beings. The first type of contacts is activity. The second type of contacts is characterized by the fact that the parties interacting with each other are living beings, organism with organism, exchanging information. This type of intraspecific and interspecific contacts is called communication. Communication is characteristic of all higher living beings, but at the human level it acquires the most perfect forms, becoming conscious and mediated by speech. In communication, the following aspects are distinguished: content, purpose and means. Content is information that is transmitted from one living being to another in interindividual contacts. One person can transfer information to another about cash needs, counting on potential participation in their satisfaction. Through communication, data on their emotional states (satisfaction, joy, anger, sadness, suffering, etc.) can be transmitted from one living being to another, aimed at setting up another living being for contacts in a certain way. The same information is transmitted from person to person and serves as a means of interpersonal attunement. In relation to an angry or suffering person, for example, we behave differently than in relation to someone who is benevolent and feels joy. The content of communication can be information about the state of the environment, transmitted from one living being to another, for example, signals of danger or the presence of positive, biologically significant factors somewhere nearby, say, write. In humans, the content of communication is much wider than in animals . People exchange information with each other, representing knowledge about the world, rich life experience, knowledge, abilities, skills and abilities. Human communication is multi-subject, it is the most diverse in its inner content. The purpose of communication is what a person has this type of activity for. In animals, the purpose of communication may be to incite another living being to certain actions, a warning that it is necessary to refrain from any action. The mother, for example, warns the cub of danger by voice or movement; some animals in the herd can warn others that they have perceived vital signals. In humans, the number of communication goals is increasing. In addition to those listed above, they include the transfer and acquisition of objective knowledge about the world, training and education, the coordination of reasonable actions of people in their joint activities, the establishment and clarification of personal and business relationships, and much more. If in animals the goals of communication usually do not go beyond the satisfaction of their biological needs, then in humans they are a means of satisfying many different needs: social, cultural, cognitive, creative, aesthetic, the needs of intellectual growth, moral development and a number of others.



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Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and name each of them. The nature of interpersonal relationships

essentially differs from the nature of social relations: their most important specific feature is the emotional basis. Therefore, interpersonal relationships can be considered as a factor in the psychological "climate" of the group. The emotional basis of interpersonal relationships means that they arise and develop on the basis of certain feelings that people have in relation to each other ...

Naturally, the "set" of these feelings is unlimited, but all of them can be reduced to two large groups: 1) bringing people together, uniting their feelings. In each case of such an attitude, the other side acts as a desired object, in relation to which a readiness for cooperation, joint actions, etc. is demonstrated; 2) feelings that separate people, when the other side appears as unacceptable ... in relation to which there is no desire to cooperate, etc. The intensity of both kinds of feelings can be very different. The specific level of their development, of course, cannot be indifferent to the activities of the group.

Question 1. Can a person do without interpersonal relationships? Justify your position.

Against A person cannot do without society, he needs to keep in touch with other people. The most striking manifestation of this connection is communication in a team.

Question 2. Fill in the table "Levels of interpersonal relationships." Highlight the types of relationships in which you are involved.

Relationship levels Relationship example I am a member

Acquaintance acquaintance with a new student +

Friendship communication between people of interest +

Partnership for mutual assistance at work, at school +

Friendship includes both partnership and friendship +

Which of them do you think are the most important for a person? Why?

The most important are friendship and fellowship. Friendship is a personal disinterested relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are reciprocity, trust and patience.

Question 3. Everyone knows that there are people who cause sympathy for each of us (like), and there are those who cause antipathy (unpleasant). Write in the table the character traits of a person who is attractive and unpleasant, in your opinion, justify your choice.

Good traits: responsiveness, neatness, friendliness, intelligence.

Bad traits: arrogance, cunning, inconstancy.

Question 4. Solve the crossword. If all answers are correct, then you will be able to find in it all levels of interpersonal relationships.


1. relationship. 2. help. 3. friendship. 4. lies. 5. empathy. 6. communication. 7. partnership.


8. acquaintance. 9. sympathy. 10. friendship. 11. antipathy. 12. trust.

Question 5. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to interpersonal relationships.

Underline the term that “drops out” of this list.

Reciprocity, partnership, mutual assistance, friendship, acquaintance, language of communication.

Question 6. Fill in the comparative table "Business and personal relationships."

Similarities in the levels of relationships - acquaintance, friendship, partnership.

Differences in personal relationships people share information with each other on interests, communicate on free topics, and in business relationships they communicate about work, production plans, use business language.

Question 7. Below are examples of interpersonal relationships at various levels; arrange them in the appropriate columns of the table.

1. Taisiya has a neighbor Albina. They greet each other when they meet.

2. Galina and Polina, meeting, exchange news.

3. Eugene and Matvey play in the same volleyball team.

4. Sidor and Alexander are always ready to come to each other's rescue.

5. Gleb and Fedor are classmates.

6. Maria and Claudia are sitting at the same desk.

7. Diana and Marina go home together after school.

8. Larisa and Artyom do their homework together.

9. Nina and Zina rested together in a summer camp.

10. Nikita and Plato exchange stamps.

11. Julia and Yana spend their free time together.

Acquaintance - 1, 9. Friendship - 6, 7, 10. Partnership - 2,3,5,8. Friendship - 4.11.

Question 8*. Write a short story on one of the following topics:

3. The basis of interpersonal relationships.

Communication is a process of interpersonal interaction generated by the needs of interacting subjects and aimed at satisfying these needs. The purpose of communication is that for the sake of which a given type of activity arises in a living being. In animals, this may be, for example, a warning of danger. A person has much more goals of communication. And if in animals the goals of communication are usually associated with the satisfaction of biological needs, then in humans they are a means of satisfying many diverse needs: social, cultural, cognitive, creative, aesthetic, the needs of intellectual growth and moral development, etc.

Interpersonal relationships are the relationships of a person with the people around him: with one person or a group of people. The nature of interpersonal relationships can be: business (official) or personal (informal). Personal relationships include acquaintances, friendships, friendships, and family relationships.

Typically, interpersonal relationships are based on reciprocity. It provides for the existence of mutual understanding between people (for example, the sound quality directly depends on the mutual understanding of musicians during a concert), interaction (coordination of actions when performing different jobs, tasks, etc.), mutual perception (the desire of people to make a favorable impression on each other) .

Feelings are the basis for any interpersonal relationship. Feelings are emotional experiences. Feelings can both bring people together and alienate people from each other. Readiness for joint efforts and actions with an internal disposition towards a person, his attractiveness in your eyes is called sympathy. Lack of desire for cooperation, internal dissatisfaction with a person, dissatisfaction with his behavior - antipathy. In some cases, interpersonal relationships are complicated by the presence of stereotypes. A stereotype is a well-established, generalized, often erroneous idea about some features of people belonging to a particular group. For example, all football fans are hooligans.

Exist different types interpersonal relationships. The most common is dating. They can arise on the basis of both business (you can know a person by business) and personal relationships. Acquaintance can be superficial (know a person by sight, recognize on the street). With a mutual greeting, the presence of common topics for conversation, other people are already spoken of as “good acquaintances”.

From this circle, subject to mutual attraction, sympathy, mutual desire for communication, friends and, accordingly, friendly relations can appear over time. In the presence of business ties, a common goal, means and results of common activities, partnership relations arise. A higher level of relationship is friendly. Friendship is characterized by noble feelings, mutual understanding, frankness, trust, mutual assistance, fidelity, inner closeness. Distinctive features true friendship is sincerity and disinterestedness.

Love is considered to be the highest form of interpersonal relationships. It is very difficult to define love. It arises only when there are noble feelings, dedication, readiness to do everything possible for the well-being of a loved one, responsibility for him.