My family is a small group plan. Family as a small social group. Signs of a family as a small social group

A family is a social community whose members are connected by marriage or kinship, common life and mutual moral responsibility. A family is a social community whose members are connected by marriage or kinship, common life and mutual moral responsibility. A family is a union of people united by love, common interests, mutual assistance and mutual understanding of each other's problems and joys. A family is a union of people united by love, common interests, mutual assistance and mutual understanding of each other's problems and joys.

The study of the family by sciences: Ethnography - describes and analyzes the originality of family life in the past, the mechanism for preserving family rituals, rituals, customs Ethnography - describes and analyzes the originality of family life in the past, the mechanism for preserving family rituals, rites, customs social system, which has the features of a social institution and a small social group. Sociology - studies the functioning of the family as a special social system that has the features of a social institution and a small social group. Family economics - the study of the features of the joint activities of family members in the system of household and production. Family economics - the study of the features of the joint activities of family members in the system of household and production.

Family law considers the family as a circle of persons bound by rights and obligations arising from relations of marriage, kinship, adoption, conclusion and dissolution of marriage. Family law considers the family as a circle of persons bound by rights and obligations arising from the relationship of marriage, kinship, adoption, marriage and divorce. Demographics - analyzes the family structure of the population, statistics on the size and composition of the family. Demographics - analyzes the family structure of the population, statistics on the size and composition of the family. Pedagogy - studies the issues of raising children in the family. Pedagogy - studies the issues of raising children in the family.

Family functions Reproductive Reproductive Educational Educational Economic and economic Economic and economic Emotional and psychological Emotional and psychological Recreational Recreational Social status Social status Sexual

Family relationships Husband-wife Husband-wife Parents-children Parents-children Children-children Children-children Children-grandmother (grandfather) Children-grandmother (grandfather) Married family - parental families of each spouse Spousal family - parent families of each spouse

Gender behavior Gender is a set of biological differences between men and women. (genes that determine sex, sex chromosomes, etc.) Sex is a set of biological differences between men and women. (genes that determine sex, sex chromosomes, etc.) Gender - psychological and behavioral properties that distinguish men from women. Gender is the psychological and behavioral characteristics that distinguish men from women.

The goals of education Instilling hygiene skills Instilling hygiene skills Instilling household skills Instilling household skills Instilling a culture of communication Instilling a culture of communication Physical development Physical development intellectual development Intellectual development Development of abilities Development of abilities Preparation for a certain profession and/or field of activity Preparation for a certain profession and/or field of activity

Parenting styles depending on the support relationship of the child's parents and the features of control over his behavior. Parenting styles depending on the support relationship of the child's parents and the features of control over his behavior. High control High control AUTHORITARY DEMOCRATIC AUTHORITARY DEMOCRATIC Low support High support Low support High support

The motto of education: "TOGETHER" Style of educational relations: DEMOCRATIC The role of the child in the family: an equal member of the team Accounting age features, needs, needs. Goodwill openness, openness, initiative. initiative. Caring, responsibility, independence. independence. Confidence, diligence. Equality. Features of education: Accounting for interests and desires. Forming character traits: Support, help. Mutual care and responsibility.

The motto of upbringing is “DO AS IT IS SAID” The motto of education is: “DO AS IT IS SAID” Style of educational relations: AUTHORITARY The role of the child in the family: a terrible child, tormentor, scapegoat, Cinderella, good boy. scapegoat, Cinderella, good boy. Restriction of freedom of choice, choice, independence. Anxiety, loneliness, inferiority complexes, inferiority complexes, guilt for something. Deceit, servility, servility, downtroddenness. servility, downtroddenness. Vindictiveness, aggressiveness, resentment, bitterness. anger. Ignoring needs, desires, needs. Features of education: High demands, many responsibilities, lack of support. Emerging character traits: Despotism, tyranny, emotional Rejection. Rigid system of prohibitions, prohibitions, sanctions, punishments. sanctions, penalties.

The motto of education: "INSTEAD" Style of educational relationships: HYPER-CARE The role of the child in the family: idol, treasure, sissy, sickly sissy, painful Exemption from difficulties and unpleasant duties Dependency, undemanding to themselves. Capriciousness, indecision, indecision, Lack of initiative. Egocentrism, aggressiveness, rigidity. Behavior is not regulated. behavior. Features of education: Exaggeration of talents and abilities Forming character traits: Satisfaction of whims Patronage

The motto of upbringing: “LIVE AS YOU WANT” Style of educational relations: HYPO-CARE The role of the child in the family: a scapegoat, getting underfoot, a homeless child. tangled underfoot, homeless. Lack of concern for health, needs, appearance. Theft, idleness, vagrancy, pleasure seeking. Rudeness, anger, aggressiveness, vindictiveness. Lack of shame, feelings of guilt, selfishness, deceit. Ignoring needs, desires, interests, needs. Features of education: Emotional indifference, indifference, coldness, rejection. Forming character traits: Reproaches in all their troubles. Permissiveness; or strict requirements.

Style of educational relations: DEMOCRATIC Features of education: taking into account the age characteristics, needs, needs, interests and desires of the child; taking into account the age characteristics, needs, needs, interests and desires of the child; equality; equality; mutual care and responsibility; mutual care and responsibility; support, help, etc. support, help, etc. Emerging character traits: benevolence, openness, initiative, will, caring, responsibility, independence, confidence, diligence, etc. The motto of education: "TOGETHER" The role of the child in the family: EQUAL MEMBER OF THE TEAM EQUAL MEMBER OF THE TEAM

Style of educational relations: AUTHORITARY Features of education: Features of education: restriction of freedom, choice, independence restriction of freedom, choice, independence ignoring needs, desires, needs, ignoring needs, desires, needs, high demands; high requirements; many responsibilities; many responsibilities; lack of support; lack of support; a rigid system of prohibitions, sanctions, punishments; a rigid system of prohibitions, sanctions, punishments; harsh treatment; harsh treatment; despotism, tyranny; despotism, tyranny; emotional rejection. emotional rejection. Emerging character traits: anxiety, loneliness, complexes, anxiety, loneliness, complexes, inferiority, guilt for something, deceit, servility, servility, downtroddenness, pessimism, demonstrativeness, rebelliousness, vindictiveness, aggressiveness, resentment, indecision, anger, lack of initiative, distrust, uncertainty, the formation of neurotic disorders in adolescents. inferiority, guilt for something, deceit, servility, servility, downtroddenness, pessimism, demonstrativeness, rebelliousness, revenge, aggressiveness, resentment, indecision, anger, lack of initiative, distrust, insecurity, the formation of neurotic disorders in adolescents. The motto of education: "DO AS TOLD" The role of the child in the family: a terrible child, a tormentor, a scapegoat, a downtrodden, Cinderella, a good boy.

Style of educational relations: HYPER-CARE Features of education: satisfaction of whims satisfaction of whims patronage patronage liberation from difficulties and unpleasant duties liberation from difficulties and unpleasant responsibilities exaggeration of talents and abilities exaggeration of talents and abilities behavior is poorly or not regulated at all, etc. behavior is poorly or not regulated at all, etc. Character traits are formed: egocentrism, dependency, parasitism, egocentrism, dependency, parasitism, consumerism, exactingness, consumerism, exactingness, capriciousness, dependence, rudeness, indecision, lack of initiative, a tendency to disobedience, riot, aggressiveness, rigidity, behave inappropriately in public and impulsive, undemanding to themselves. capriciousness, dependence, rudeness, indecision, lack of initiative, a tendency to disobedience, riot, aggressiveness, rigidity, in public they behave inadequately and impulsively, undemanding to themselves. In some cases, children become active, decisive and creative people. In some cases, children become active, determined and creative people. The motto of education: "INSTEAD" The role of the child: idol, treasure, sissy, sickly, small.

Style of educational relations: HYPOOPEKA (indifference, neglect) Features of education: lack of concern for health, needs, appearance, success; lack of concern for health, needs, appearance, success; ignoring needs, desires, interests, needs; ignoring needs, desires, interests, needs; emotional indifference, coldness, rejection; emotional indifference, coldness, rejection; connivance in the field of behavior control; connivance in the field of behavior control; permissiveness; permissiveness; strict requirements; despotism, tyranny; strict requirements; despotism, tyranny; blame for all your troubles. blame for all your troubles. Emerging character traits: independence, a tendency to asocial forms of behavior: theft, idleness, vagrancy, the search for pleasure (toxins, alcohol, drugs, sex), rudeness, anger, irritability, aggressiveness, vindictiveness, cockiness, anger, demonstrativeness (as an attempt to attract attention), cruelty, fearlessness, lack of shame, feelings of guilt, selfishness, deceit, manipulation (causes pity, makes promises, pretends to be a fool or charming, eloquently repents), etc. independence, a tendency to antisocial forms of behavior: theft, idleness, vagrancy, seeking pleasure (toxins, alcohol, drugs, sex), rudeness, anger, irritability, aggressiveness, vindictiveness, cockiness, anger, demonstrativeness (as an attempt to attract attention to oneself), cruelty, fearlessness, lack of shame, feelings of guilt, selfishness, deceit, manipulation (causes pity, makes promises, pretends to be a fool or charming, eloquently repents), etc. "LIVE AS YOU WANT" The motto of education: "LIVE AS YOU WANT" The role of the child is the scapegoat, The role of the child: the scapegoat, getting underfoot, the whipping boy getting underfoot, the whipping boy.

So, the family in sociology is considered as a small group and as a social institution.

Speaking about the family as a social institution, it is important to characterize the system of social norms and sanctions that regulate the relationship between spouses, parents and children, and other relatives, to describe the functions of the family institution. As the main functions of the institution of the family, sociologists distinguish:

  • - reproductive a function involving the physical reproduction of the population;
  • - educational a function that provides the translation of culture and the formation of grounds for the personal and socio-cultural self-identification of the individual;
  • - household a function related to solving everyday problems;
  • - economic a function that involves running a joint household and providing for incapacitated family members (children, the elderly, the disabled);
  • - communicative a function in the descriptions of which attention is focused on the spiritual communication of family members and on the provision of emotional support by the family to each of its members.

In addition to the above, it is advisable to consider the functions of the family in relation to such areas of family activity as social status, leisure, emotional and sexual.

Characterizing the family as a group, we must consider it as a small group, whose members are united by consanguinity and marital ties, common life, mutual moral responsibility.

Speaking about the related structure of the family as a group, sociologists distinguish nuclear and extended families. A juclear family is a family represented by a married couple with children. In the extended family, in addition to married couple with children, one of the relatives of one of the spouses also lives.

In the sociology of the family, a number of other grounds are used to distinguish family typologies. Let's show some of them.

By structure of power relations distinguish families:

  • - patriarchal (for Russian culture, as, indeed, for many others, they are traditional), existing on the principle: "the husband is the head of the family";
  • - matriarchal, prescribing the concentration of power in the hands of a woman;
  • - egalitarian, characterized by equality and joint decision-making.

By number of children in families:

  • - childless;
  • - small, medium and large families.

By inheritance practice:

  • - patrilineal (pedigree is conducted on the paternal line, the inheritance is passed from the father);
  • - matrilineal (registration of the pedigree and inheritance is carried out on the maternal line);
  • - bilineal (both lines of kinship are equally significant).

By place of residence."

  • - patrilocal (after marriage, the newlyweds settle in the house of the husband's family);
  • - matrilocal (settle in the house of the wife's family);
  • - neolocal (young couples live separately from relatives).

In every society, culture determines the rules on which relationships are built between husbands and wives, parents and children. The role of a husband or wife is prescribed by society, and the relationship between them is defined by mutual expectations of what is considered behavior "befitting" for a husband or wife. Everyone plays their part within the prescribed limits, otherwise they are subject to sanctions that apply to dissidents. Thus, it makes sense to talk about social

Let us also note that there are not and cannot be universal rules and principles that determine the existence of a family. Structure, values, roles (husband/wife, parents/children) are culturally specific. For example, Western society would severely condemn a man who took a second wife without divorcing his first. However, in some Middle Eastern societies, a man is allowed to have up to four wives. In the West, a family is considered to be a unit that includes a husband, wife, and children, while in many other societies, the family encompasses a wider group of people, including representatives of several generations and lateral lines of kinship. Accordingly, it is worth talking about cultural structuring family life.

A family is a union of people united by love, common interests, mutual assistance and mutual understanding of each other's problems and joys. Family relationships are multifaceted, like the person himself, and in order to establish a comfortable psychological climate in the house, it is necessary to go through a chain of compromises in relationships with each other.
There are more than 40 million families in modern Russia. There are families among them. extended (multi-generation), which unite two or three generations under one roof (according to scientists, there are no more than 20% of them). Most Russian families consist of a married couple with one or two children, they are called nuclear family.
Scientists identify families full(two parents) and incomplete(where, for some reason, one of the parents or the parental generation is absent, and the children live with their grandparents). Families are classified according to the number of children. childless, one-child, few and large families.
According to the nature of the distribution of family responsibilities, according to how the issue of leadership is resolved in the family, two types of families are traditionally distinguished.
traditional or patriarchal, the family assumes the supremacy of the man. Such a family unites representatives of at least three generations under one roof. A woman is economically dependent on her husband, family roles are clearly regulated: the husband (father) is the earner and breadwinner, the wife (mother) is the housewife and educator of children.
To the characteristics partnership, or egalitarian, families (families of equals) include a fair, proportional distribution of family responsibilities, the interchangeability of spouses in solving everyday issues, the discussion of major problems and the joint adoption of decisions important for the family, as well as the emotional richness of relationships. Social psychologists especially note this particular feature, thereby emphasizing that only in a partner-type family can we talk about mutual respect, mutual understanding and emotional need for each other.

Under functions family is understood as its activity, which has certain social consequences. Let's consider some of them.
reproductive function is associated with the biological reproduction of members of society. The new generation that replaces the old one must master social roles, gain accumulated knowledge, experience, moral and other values. This manifests itself educational function. Economic and economic function covers various aspects family relations: housekeeping and family budget; the organization of family consumption and the problem of the distribution of domestic labor; support and care for the elderly and disabled. The family helps a person to find peace and confidence, creates a sense of security and psychological comfort, provides emotional support and maintains a general vitality ( emotional-psychological function). Scholars specifically talk about recreational a function that includes spiritual and aesthetic moments, including the organization of spending free time. In addition, the family provides its members with a social status, thereby contributing to the reproduction of the social structure of society ( social status function). The family regulates the sexual behavior of people, determining who, with whom and under what circumstances can enter into sexual relations (sexy function).
These functions determine the life of the family. They are closely related, although their ratio and specific gravity may be different.

Characterization of my family as a small group.

reproductive function.

From the point of view of the family as a small group, the parents, having given birth to me or my sister, satisfied their need for procreation. From the point of view of a social institution, my family will allow the common human race to continue, reproducing the next generation. Without this interaction in society is impossible, it will cease to exist. And we, the new generation, will interact in it, supporting its development.

educational function.

Being under the direct influence of each other, my parents pass on their knowledge and experience to themselves and their children. For example, my mother cooks well and taught her husband at her leisure (first her father, and then her second husband, my stepfather). Turning to the family as a social institution, we can recall that parents from childhood teach the rules of behavior in society, convey spiritual values, teach moral standards, and help with choosing a profession.

Economic and economic function.

I often notice how my parents argue about the distribution of the family budget. Also by distributing their labor, they contribute to the prosperity of the family as a small group. I am also involved in the distribution of labor, doing this or that housework, for example, washing dishes. From a global point of view, the economic growth of my family contributes to strengthening the economy of the state, and hence the economic development of society.

Emotional-psychological function.

When my stepfather comes home from work, my mother calms him down after a long and hard day (she is currently on maternity leave). And vice versa. Each of us is sure that, being in difficult situation, he will certainly receive support from any member of our family. Turning to society as a whole, it can be noted that a person who is in a permanent disorder can bring himself to a mental illness, as a result of which it is inappropriate to behave in society. The task of the family is to prevent such a state of its members.

recreational function.

We spend our free time together entertaining each other. We travel to other countries, we also have a rest together. We go to theaters together, enlightening ourselves spiritually. From the point of view of a social institution, the family also helps each member to enjoy, and therefore more comfortable and hassle-free to be in society. Moreover, spending time together helps you learn new skills and gain new knowledge, and then apply them among other people.

Social status function.

After marriage, my parents mastered new social statuses, such as husband and wife. Then father and mother. They also gave me and my sister the social status of son and daughter. Possessing new statuses, available, for example, after marriage, parents have new functions or opportunities in society.

sexual function.

My parents satisfy themselves through sexual relations and also control my sexual relations. Satisfying oneself and a partner in sexual need contributes to spiritual and physical flourishing, which will certainly affect the interaction of a person in society.

Classification by family type:

Homogamous. My parents, in this case my mother and stepfather, are representatives of the same nationality (Russians), their age is also the same: my mother is 38, and my stepfather is 45.

Homogeneous. Both spouses come from the same social class.

Matrilocal. In addition to my parents, me and my sister, my mother's father and mother live in our apartment, moreover, the apartment belongs to them.

Small children. There are two of us: me and my sister. I guess large family we cannot be named.

Full. After my mother got married for the second time, the family became complete again.

Affiliate. Both the stepfather and the mother equally distribute the work, family budget make decisions in domestic matters. The stepfather is the breadwinner and the only one professionally employed, at work, but the mother will also come out of the decree and find a job in the foreseeable future.

A family- this is a group of people (at least two), connected by marriage and (and) blood and family ties, common life, household, mutual assistance and moral responsibility. The family is one of the main tools that ensure the interaction of the individual and society, integration and determination of priorities and needs in the life of each person. It gives an idea of ​​life goals and values, behavior in everyday life, morality, humanism, etc. In the family, a person receives practical skills in applying these ideas in relationships with other people, learns the norms of behavior in various situations of everyday communication. The family can be considered as a model and form of a person's life training. On the one hand, social experience is acquired in the process of direct interaction of the child with members of his family, on the other hand, it is accumulated through observation by the child of the peculiarities of the relationship of other family members with each other.

The typology of the family is determined by various approaches to determining the basis for classification, for example:

By the number of children (childless, one-child, small, large families);

By composition (incomplete family, simple, complex);

According to family experience (newlyweds, young family, family of average marriage, elderly married family), etc.

Each of the categories of families is characterized by the socio-psychological phenomena and processes observed in the family, the characteristics of the emotional contacts of family members, the individual psychological needs of its members, etc.

Main goals families are as follows:

- create maximum conditions for the growth and development of the child;

- to become the socio-economic and psychological protection of the child;

- to convey the experience of creating and maintaining a family, raising children in it and respectful attitude towards elders;

- to teach children useful applied skills and abilities aimed at self-service and helping loved ones;

- educate self-esteem, the value of one's own "I".

Currently, many sciences study family problems: sociology, economics, law, ethics, demography, ethnography, psychology, pedagogy, etc. Each of these sciences, in accordance with its subject, reveals certain aspects of the functioning or development of the family group.

The sphere of life of the family, directly related to the satisfaction of certain needs of its members, is called function. Different authors, listing the functions of the family, define them in different ways. So I. V. Grebennikov refers to the functions of the family the reproductive, economic, educational, communicative function of organizing leisure and recreation, and E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Yustitskis - educational, household, emotional, spiritual communication, primary control and sexual and erotic functions. Many researchers agree that the functions reflect the historical nature of the relationship between the family and society, the dynamics of family changes at different historical stages. modern family lost some of the functions inherent in it in the past, for example, production, education, etc.

Among the many functions considered by different authors, we will name several so-called traditional family functions:

Economic and economic;



Recreational 51 - organization of leisure, recreation, care for the health of family members.

However, it should be taken into account that there are many factors that impede the implementation of family functions, for example:

- certain living conditions of family members (material, household, etc.);

- personal characteristics of family members (level of education, character, certain upbringing, interests, etc.);

- Features of relationships between family members, etc.

A family- this is a group of people (at least two), connected by marriage and (and) blood and family ties, common life, household, mutual assistance and moral responsibility. The family is one of the main tools that ensure the interaction of the individual and society, integration and determination of priorities and needs in the life of each person. It gives an idea of ​​life goals and values, behavior in everyday life, morality, humanism, etc. In the family, a person receives practical skills in applying these ideas in relationships with other people, learns the norms of behavior in various situations of everyday communication. The family can be considered as a model and form of a person's life training. On the one hand, social experience is acquired in the process of direct interaction of the child with members of his family, on the other hand, it is accumulated through observation by the child of the peculiarities of the relationship of other family members with each other.

The typology of the family is determined by various approaches to determining the basis for classification, for example:

By the number of children (childless, one-child, small, large families);

By composition (incomplete family, simple, complex);

According to family experience (newlyweds, young family, family of average marriage, elderly married family), etc.

Each of the categories of families is characterized by the socio-psychological phenomena and processes observed in the family, the characteristics of the emotional contacts of family members, the individual psychological needs of its members, etc.

Main goals families are as follows:

- create maximum conditions for the growth and development of the child;

- to become the socio-economic and psychological protection of the child;

- to convey the experience of creating and maintaining a family, raising children in it and respectful attitude towards elders;

- to teach children useful applied skills and abilities aimed at self-service and helping loved ones;

- educate self-esteem, the value of one's own "I".

Currently, many sciences study family problems: sociology, economics, law, ethics, demography, ethnography, psychology, pedagogy, etc. Each of these sciences, in accordance with its subject, reveals certain aspects of the functioning or development of the family group.

The sphere of life of the family, directly related to the satisfaction of certain needs of its members, is called function. Different authors, listing the functions of the family, define them in different ways. So I. V. Grebennikov refers to the functions of the family the reproductive, economic, educational, communicative function of organizing leisure and recreation, and E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Yustitskis - educational, household, emotional, spiritual communication, primary control and sexual and erotic functions. Many researchers agree that the functions reflect the historical nature of the relationship between the family and society, the dynamics of family changes at different historical stages. The modern family has lost some of the functions inherent in it in the past, for example, production, education, etc.

Among the many functions considered by different authors, we will name several so-called traditional family functions:

Economic and economic;



Recreational 51 - organization of leisure, recreation, care for the health of family members.

However, it should be taken into account that there are many factors that impede the implementation of family functions, for example:

- certain living conditions of family members (material, household, etc.);

- personal characteristics of family members (level of education, character, certain upbringing, interests, etc.);

- Features of relationships between family members, etc.