Intellectual development of preschoolers through educational games. How to improve the intelligence of a child and not lose your own Games that develop intelligence in children

Games and game exercises for the development of intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age

I. Mental operations.


"Break it apart"Purpose: to train children in dividing the whole into parts, identifying the relationships between them.

Progress: children dismember either the one shown in the picture or the object itself into parts, and the parts into parts. Explain the significance of each part and detail, reveal the relationship between them.

"Tell me about the toy (about the subject)"

Purpose: to exercise children in a multilateral, multifunctional analysis of the properties, qualities and characteristics of objects, while using socially developed sensory standards.

Progress: the teacher asks if the child in the group has favorite toys, objects. Invites the child to play with them, naming their characteristics and features (color, shape, size, proportions, properties, qualities).


"Come up with a name"

Purpose: to exercise children in combining random, chaotic elements into a holistic image, to develop creative imagination.

Move: there are cards on the table in front of the children, pictures down. The game consists in the fact that, turning over two cards, each child combines their features, finds an analogy for the object created in the surrounding reality and comes up with a name, for example: 1) TV and tape recorder - (video recorder); 2) scooter and briefcase - (“self-rolling” briefcase); 3) umbrella and fan - (shadow "cooler"); 4) shoes and springs - ("long jump"); 5) boxing gloves and a mat - (“dust beaters”); 6) battery and pen - (“recorder”), etc.

"What is it?"

Purpose: to exercise children in assigning each element of a group (subsystem) to the entirety of the system.

Move: choosing from the series of cards proposed by the teacher 2-3 pieces, which are parts of any one system, the child must name it, for example: tree, bush, birds - this is a forest. 1) waves, coast, salt - ... this is the sea; 2) grass, flowers, meadow - ... this is a meadow; 3) books, magazines, shelves - ... this is a library; 4) hummingbird, thrush, goldfinch, penguin - ... these are birds; 5) rye, wheat, oats - ... these are cereals; 6) domestic animals, a house, a river, a potato field - ... this is a village, etc.


"Find similarities and differences"

Purpose: to exercise children in comparing objects and phenomena based on the consistent identification of signs of similarity and difference. Progress: each child selects a series of cards (3) depicting homogeneous objects, objects and phenomena. Then he finds as many similarities and differences as possible for each selected series of pictures: - sunny morning - cloudy morning - rainy morning; - sad children - playing children - sleeping children; - a yacht with white sails - a ship with scarlet sails, a boat without sails; - characters from fairy tales: an old man with a goldfish - an old man with a turnip - an old man with a mitten; - models: cube - oval - prism; - insects: bumblebee - wasp - bee, etc.

"Think - Say"

Purpose: to exercise children in isolating the most essential properties of objects.

Move: in front of the children there are pictures depicting a lake and a river, an onion and a pineapple, a snowman and ice, a book and an album for drawing, fabric and paper, etc. Then the teacher invites the children to pick up characteristic properties for paired cards.

"Find My Mistake"

Purpose: to exercise children in comparing and selecting signs that are opposite in meaning.

Progress: the teacher explains to the children that she will name two opposite signs of different objects, and their task is to find an error and choose the right, opposite value. For example: there were 2 apples on the table: one sour and the other beautiful. Instead of the word beautiful, it is necessary to name the word sweet. 1) Masha and Dasha are two girlfriends: the first is cheerful, and the second is beautiful ... (sad). 2) 2 rivers flow around the village: one is wide and deep, and the second is narrow and cold ... (shallow). 3) Arthur's tower is higher, and Serezha's is larger ... (below). 4) On the square, near the New Year tree, there are 2 ice slides: one is high and slippery, and the second is small ... (low) and smooth ... (non-slip). 5) Dad bought 2 books: one is colorful and interesting, and the other is without bright pictures and funny ... (boring). 6) Dinar's dog is big and brave, while Timur's is small and smart (cowardly).

"What do you think, tell me"

Purpose: to exercise children in understanding figurative comparison.

Move: the teacher invites the child to think and say what he understands by the following concepts: 1) grass, like a carpet; 2) the sun is like a stove; 3) a man is like a rock; 4) ice, like a stone; 5) a girl like a swan; 6) thin as a match, etc.


Purpose: to exercise children in a clear distinction between essential and non-essential distinguishing features and properties of objects.

Progress: the teacher offers the children cards with images of objects. He proposes to find as many essential and non-essential distinguishing features and properties of these objects as possible (at least 4): 1) TV and VCR; 2) chair and armchair; 3) pen and marker; 4) kettle and coffee pot; 5) rollers and skates, etc.

"Beasts and Burrows"

Purpose: to exercise children in comparing and correlating two serial series of objects (transitivity).

Progress: the teacher offers the children 2 rows of serial objects: animals and holes. Children should correlate pictures with images of animals and holes of different sizes, "settle" each animal in a hole that is suitable for it in size (a bear - in the largest hole, a fox - in a smaller hole, a hare - even less, a mole - in the smallest) .


"Pick up the word", "Think, find"

Purpose: to exercise children in the classification of objects according to generalizing words. Progress: the teacher invites the children to pick up 5 pictures with the corresponding images for the reference words, such as: coniferous trees - spruce, pine, fir, cedar, juniper. 1) appliances needed in the house - ...; 2) parts of the body - ...; 3) professions - ...; 4) outerwear - ...; 5) Bashkir folk tales- ...; 6) medicinal plants of Bashkortostan - ...; etc.

"Guess Why"

Purpose: to exercise children in highlighting several common features and properties characteristic of a number of objects.

Progress: the teacher brings the children to a group of objects. It can be made of plastic and small in size: - red cubes; - blue globe; - white rectangular chest; - yellow oval teapot; - a frame for a portrait; - decorative vase made of plastic bottle or other items from another group of materials (wood, clay, wool, glass, paper). Next, the teacher asks to think and tell why these miscellaneous items are together, and suggests highlighting 4 common features that are characteristic of all these items.


“Who (what) is more (less)?”

Purpose: to exercise children in generalizing species and generic signs objects and objects.

Progress: the teacher invites the children to inspect the group room and say what is more (less) here: 1) tables or furniture; 2) children or girls; 3) violets or indoor plants; 4) toys or machines (dolls); 5) guppies or fish in an aquarium; 6) cups or utensils, etc. On a walk, on a hike: what is less? birch trees or trees, birds or titmouses, insects or ants, grass or clover, flowers or dandelions, etc.

"The Fifth Extra"

Purpose: to exercise children in excluding a concept based on generalization on various grounds (functional, situational, categorical).

Progress: the teacher invites the children to exclude the superfluous from the pictures with groups of objects and call the remaining groups a general concept. For example: thermometer, medicine, nail, oxygen bag, phonendoscope - ... items needed for treatment; 1. Hook, float, fishing rod, soap, bucket - ... items used in fishing; 2. Brick, cement, carpet, slate, boards - ... materials necessary for construction; 3. Vacuum cleaner, washing machine, food processor, watermelon, iron - ... household items; 4. Arrow, bee, kite, shoes, satellite - ... flying objects; 5. Paints, pencil, lamp, books, bricks - ... objects that are in spatial proximity; 6. Keys, wallet, comb, handkerchief, TV - ... items in mom's purse; 7. Milk, flour, sugar, frying pan, potatoes - ... products needed for baking pancakes in a frying pan; 8. Stick, skates, ice stadium, gates, telephone - ... means for playing hockey; 9. Wardrobe, binoculars, stool, dress, hangers - ... a stool is needed to stand on it and hang a dress on hangers in the closet. 10. Honey, crocodile, shark, hawk, lynx - ... predators; 11. Doll, car, cubes, strawberries, mosaic - ... toys; 12. Airplane, train, bus, ship, satellite - ... passenger transport; 13. Violet, begonia, geranium, cactus, bluebell - ... houseplants; 14. Russula, chanterelles, boletus, fly agaric, road - ... mushrooms.

"Say one word"

Purpose: to exercise children in summing up a series of objects and phenomena, qualities and attributes of objects under the concept - an empirical generalization.

Progress: the teacher lays out 6 groups of pictures in front of the children and suggests naming each group separately with a generalizing concept: 1) spring, summer, autumn, winter - ... seasons; 2) rain, snow, hail - ... precipitation; 3) tamer, fakir, tightrope walker, clown - ... circus performers; 4) watermelon, sugar, ice cream, chocolate - ... sweet; 6) knife, scissors, needle, sword, arrow - ... piercing, sharp objects.

"What is it, who is it?"

Purpose: to exercise children in generalizing a group of homogeneous concepts with defining words for them.

Progress: the teacher, laying out 6 groups of pictures on the table, characterizing them, invites the children to find a common concept for them. 1) African giraffe, Indian elephant, Chinese panda - ... wild animals; 2) sweet bananas, juicy lemons, orange oranges - ... citruses; 3) gold fish, wooden Pinocchio, Tin Woodman, sister Alyonushka - ... fairy-tale characters; 4) fun room, roller coaster, inflatable trampoline, electronic cars - ... attractions.

"Riddles - riddles"

Purpose: to exercise children in generalizing according to the totality of essential properties, signs and qualities of phenomena, objects, objects. Exercise in generalization by describing possible actions with an object.

Progress: the teacher tells the children that he has prepared several surprises for them. But in order to get them, children need to find out who or what they are talking about: 1) A lump of fluff, a long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots ... (Bunny) 2) No legs, but walks, no mouth, but says when to sleep, when to get up, when to start playing ... (Clock) 3) It was green, small, then I became scarlet, I turned black in the sun, and now I have ripened ... (Cherry) 4) Blink, blink, into a bubble dives into the bubble under the visor, at night in the room - a day ... (Flashlight, light) 5) A ball, but not fluffy, prickly and ruffy ... (Hedgehog) 6) White, fluffy, light, fibrous ... (Wadding) 7) Neither it doesn’t burn in water, it doesn’t sink in water ... (Ice) 8) You knock on the wall - and I will bounce, Throw it on the ground - and I will jump. I fly from palm to palm. I don’t want to lie still ... (Ball) 9) Children love it very much, Chill in the bag. Chill-chill, Let me lick you once ... (Ice cream) 10) For the tops, like a rope, You can pull it out ... (carrot) 11) They put it on two fingers And, what is necessary, they cut it ... (Scissors)


"Name the Sign"

Purpose: to exercise children in highlighting the essential properties, features of objects and abstracting them into non-essential ones.

Progress: the teacher shows the children a number of objects and invites them to name the main properties and signs of these objects and translate them into non-essential ones. 1) colored pencils - bright, sharpened - thin; 2) an umbrella - for children and a small one - on a strap; 3) glass - glass and fragile - transparent; 4) sweets - sweet and tasty - without wrappers; 5) carpet - warm, beautiful - round; 6) book - interesting, colorful - heavy, etc.

II. Solving elementary intellectual problems "Gymnastics of the mind"

Purpose: to exercise children in solving elementary problems in an abstract, abstract form.

Progress: the teacher formulates 4 tasks in an abstract form and invites the children to solve them without relying on visualization. 1) How will you divide the 7 books in the box among seven children so that each child gets one book and one book remains in the box? (One child will get a book along with a box.) 2) There were 3 women walking along the road, two of them were daughters and two were mothers. Is it possible? (3 women are grandmother, mother and daughter.) 3) Imagine that you are an athlete. You and three of your fellow athletes are training at the stadium. Two more athletes have joined you. How many athletes will rest on the bench after training? (6) 4) A year ago you were 5 years old. How old are you then now? And how old will you be in a year?

“From the models on the table, shift the figurine to me”

Purpose: to exercise children in search planning, i.e. development of a program for the implementation of actions to achieve the goal.

Move: the teacher invites the children to solve 4 tasks for transforming figures: 1) rearrange one stick so that the house is turned over to the other side; 2) shift 6 sticks so that the ship turns into a tank; 3) shift 5 sticks in such a way that a TV is made from a vase; 4) shift 3 sticks to make 4 equal triangles from the house and 5) the task of collecting a rocket model from the LEGO constructor, using all the proposed details, without a visual sample. The teacher explains that you first need to talk about all the actions and only then proceed to them.

III. Visual modeling


Purpose: to exercise children in the application of actions for replacing elements of the modeled content (that is, individual concepts corresponding to the elements of the replacement model).

Progress: the teacher draws the attention of the children to the immediate environment (the location of windows, doors, furniture). Then he invites them to model, lay out on a flannelgraph of deputies: 1) a group room, placing furniture in it in the same way as in reality, with the definition of their location in space; 2) sports ground on the site of a kindergarten with sports equipment and determining the location of an object (toy).

"Lay out the model of the fairy tale"

Purpose: to exercise children in modeling a sequence of actions.

Progress: the teacher invites the children to listen to a fairy tale (story, story) with a clear plot action. Then he asks to build a model of the listened fairy tale, selecting episodes for understanding its meaning and designating them with the help of substitutes.


Purpose: to exercise children in using a serial series of quantities as a model of serial relations between visually represented objects.

Progress: children are presented with a series of cards depicting pets and are asked to line them up in order in terms of their speed of movement while simultaneously selecting the strips corresponding to their speed. For example: - the horse moves fastest of all - the longest strip corresponds to it; - the goat is inferior to the speed of movement of the horse - a strip slightly shorter corresponds to it; - then a sheep - the strip is even shorter; - the cow moves the slowest of all - it corresponds to the shortest strip. Option: the teacher removes the cards with the image of animals and explains to the children that the stripes are their replacement models and offers to list the animals by stripes. Next, the teacher puts the replaced model of the lake on the table and asks the child which animal will get to the lake the fastest and drink the water? Children first bring the longest strip, a model of a horse, to the lake, saying that the horse moves the fastest, so it will get to the lake and drink water before the rest, then ... (Further by analogy.)


Purpose: to exercise children in using a serial series of quantities as a model for verbally denoting relationships between objects.

Progress: the teacher offers the children a flat screen - the sea, and figures 4 marine life: octopus, jellyfish, seahorse, shark. Asking the children, he clarifies that on the very surface of the sea, above all marine life, a jellyfish swims; a little below it, in warm layers of water, a seahorse swims; further, even lower, almost at the very bottom, sharks prowl in search of prey; well, below all, octopuses move along the very bottom of the sea. The child, guided by this description, selects an appropriate substitute for each object and marks it with an icon. For example: - jellyfish - small circle, red icon; - seahorse - a larger circle, yellow icon; - shark - the circle is even larger, a blue icon; - octopus - the largest circle, blue icon. Then the teacher removes the figurines of marine life and invites the children to place the replaced models on the screen of the sea, according to the depth of their habitat.

IV. logical operations.

"What first, what next?"

Purpose: to exercise children in reflecting the natural connections and relationships of objects and phenomena.

Progress: the teacher offers the children a series of cards that depict objects, phenomena and events in different periods. The task of the children is to arrange the cards in sequence, for example: wind - clouds - thunderstorm - rain; 1) seed - stem - bud - fruit; 2) foundation - walls - roof - windows - doors; 3) nest - egg - chick - bird; 4) wash - dry - iron - dress; 5) morning - afternoon - evening - night; 6) breakfast - lunch - afternoon tea - dinner, etc.

"Everything is the opposite, as it does not happen"

Purpose: to exercise children in isolating causal relationships in a sentence and replacing them with opposite ones.

Move: the teacher calls the phrase, and the children are invited to complete it so that it turns out the other way around, in a way that cannot be meaningful, for example: 1) Alina eats currants because she does not like her. 2) Children play in the yard because they don't want to play there. 3) Maxim does not want to go to Kindergarten because - he loves kindergarten. 4) The guys could not make a snowman because the snow was sticky and soft. 5) My older brother hurts cats because - he loves them. 6) I am a coward, because I am not afraid of anything in the world, etc.

"Complete the phrase"

Purpose: to train children in logical operations in verbal terms.

Progress: the teacher sequentially calls the phrases and invites the children to complete the sentence. 1) Misha thought because ... 2) We will go to the clinic to ... 3) Summer will come, and then ... 4) When I was (a) in the country (sea, field, etc.), I realized that … 5) The water in the flower vase should be changed daily, then… 6) We would start picking potatoes if…etc.

"Think, Answer"

Purpose: to exercise children in understanding the relativity of concepts (transition from the direct, actual position of the child to a conditional one).

Move A: the teacher invites the children to imagine themselves for a while by someone or something, for example, a monkey or a book, and make up a story on behalf of the chosen object “My adventures in a day”. If the children find it difficult, offer them a series of questions, answering which they will make up a story " Balloon»: - how did I appear (as) in a certain place? How did the people around me react? - who (what) did I like (elk) more? - My actions; - my travels, adventures.

Move B. The teacher invites the children to answer the questions: 1) The boy Sasha has 2 sisters, do his sisters have brothers? 2) There were 4 brothers in the train compartment, and each of them had a mother. How many mothers were in the compartment? 3) Is the grass on the children's lawn tall? And for the ants? 5) Which is longer, 5 minutes of classes or 5 minutes of games?

"I will start and you continue"

Purpose: to exercise children in highlighting the actual logical relationships between concepts.

Progress: the teacher shows the children 12 cards, half of which he names and selects an attitude towards them. Children must match the same connection to the second pair of words. 1) School - training, hospital ... (treatment); 2) fork - silver, stool ... (wood); 3) airport - plane, railway station ... (train); 4) shark - mouth, man ... (mouth); 5) sadness - tears, fun ... (smile); 6) juice - drink, cake ... (food), etc.

“What is the result?”

Purpose: to train children in mental anticipation of the result of a certain action.

Move: the teacher invites the children to think and say what will happen if: 1) hit the ball in the window? 2) pour ink into the aquarium? 3) plant tulip bulbs in a potato field? 4) pour flour, sugar, salt into a bowl, add milk and one egg? 5) compose a poem for mom? 6) teach little sister the magic word? etc.

Group games and exercises for the development of intelligence and communication skills in a child (a comprehensive program of educational games)
The proposed program is based on the idea of ​​using the child's own activity in teaching in the conditions of a collective game.
Only that knowledge is firmly assimilated, which is obtained independently. What the child is told may pass by his consciousness; but what he guessed himself, his own discovery, remains in his memory forever.
In the process of classes, the activity of the child is specially directed, which contributes to the development of mental processes of memory. attention, thinking, imagination, etc. in the most natural form for him
- game . In addition, the use of group games contributes to the development of communication skills, the establishment of mutual understanding, partnership, mutual responsibility, etc. Without these skills, it will be difficult for a child to adapt to the school team.
Before conducting any game, make sure the children are ready for it (do the children know the letters, can they count, do they distinguish between vowels and consonants, etc.).
Remember that these games should bring joy and inspire children with confidence in their abilities.

Occupation 1
1. Acquaintance
One child throws the ball to another, saying his name. The second catches the ball and says his name. And so on.
One child approaches another, touches with his palms
I call my name to his palms, the second one calls his own in response, etc.

2. Straight check
The leader throws the ball to the child and says: One, the child catches the ball and
continues counting: Two. Then he throws the ball to the next child.
continued counting: Three. He catches the ball: Four., etc.
3 . « Listen claps"
The players walk in a circle. When leading claps their hands once, the children stop and assume a weeping pose and you. (feet shoulder-width apart, arms slightly apart at the elbows and hanging, head tilted to the left shoulder). If the facilitator claps their hands twice, they assume the frog pose (crouch, heels together, toes and knees apart, hands between feet on the floor). Three claps of the stork pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides). At four claps, the children resume walking.
4. Countdown
The leader throws the ball to the child and calls the number 12. The child catches the ball and continues the count in reverse order- 11. Throws the ball to another child, continuing the count in reverse order, 10. He catches the ball 9. And so on.
5. "Listen to what's outside the window »
The facilitator invites the children to listen and remember what is happening outside the door, then outside the window, then- Behind the door. Each child should tell what he heard.
Occupation 2
1. Consolidation of acquaintance
The leader throws the ball one of the children (optional) and asks all the children standing in a circle : “What is the name of this boy (girl)?” The children call his name in unison. And so several times.

2. "Not skip the plant"

Developing the Ability to Switch attention

The players sit in a circle and listen carefully to the words that the leader pronounces. Whenever the name of a plant is found among the words, the children should stand up and immediately sit back down.

Word options
The game is played twice. Children who make mistakes twice are out of the circle. The game continues until
until there is only one left (champion).

3. "Do as I do"

Children stand next to each other. Hands rest on the shoulders of the person in front. At the first signal of the leader, the first child raises his right hand, at the second signal, the second child, etc. When all the children raise their right hand, they begin to raise the next signal in the same order left hand. Then, at the signal of the leader, the children should lower the first raised right hand, then the left.
The game is repeated twice, with an acceleration of the tempo. A child who makes a mistake twice is out of the game. This continues until there is one winning child left.

4. "Who will see and remember more?"

Development of attention and memory

The children are offered the following lesson: while the leader counts up to 30, you need to find in the room and remember all the objects that have two syllables in their names. When the leader pronounces the last number “thirty”, all children close their eyes. One of the children (named leader) lists everything that he remembered; then the rest of the children complete it. After everyone has listed everything they could, everyone opens their eyes and counts together how many items are missing. There are various variations of this game. For example, for a smaller score (up to 20), list all the items in the room that have only one vowel in their name.

5. "Attentive hands"

Development of voluntary attention, phonemic hearing

The host reads a series of words in which there are sounds "I", "Y" or without them. Children listen carefully and, if there is an “I” sound in the word, they raise their right hand if there is a “Y” sound.- left; if there is neither one nor the other- hands remain on the knees.
6. "Snake", or "Finish the word"
Development of attention, speech, memory, ability to work in a group
6-10 children stand in two equal lines opposite each other. The last one in the line calls the syllable, the one standing opposite finishes the word, choosing the appropriate syllable (two syllables are possible), I, in turn, names my syllable- a task for the second member of the opposite line standing opposite, and so on until the end.

Occupation №3

1. "Roll-call-confusion"
Development of voluntary attention

The host calls surnames and the names of the children present, confusing
at the same time, then the first name, then the surname (the name is called correctly, the surname
- No; surname is correct, first name is different). Children listen attentively and respond only when both the name and surname are correctly named. Who makes a mistake is outgames.

2. « Four forces »

Development of attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analyzers

The players sit in a circle. The host explains the rules of the game: if he says the word "land", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water"- stretch your arms forward, the word "air" raise your hands up, the word fire- perform rotation in the wrist and elbow joints. The game is repeated twice. Whoever makes a mistake the second time is out of the game.

3 . "Listen and do»

Development of attention and memory

The host calls and repeats several different movements 1-2 times without showing them. Children must reproduce the movements in the same sequence in which they were named by the leader.

Lesson number 4

1. "Do not miss the profession"

Development of the ability to switch attention , broadening one's horizons

Children stand in a circle, I carefully listen to the words that the leader pronounces. Whenever the name of a profession is found among the words, the children should jump in place.

Word options

BUILDER, THUNDER, Hoop, Carpenter, Mill, Weaver,

2. « Multi-colored balls»

Children sit in a circle. The host silently throws the ball to someone. The one who caught the ball calls a vowel sound, if the ball is red, consonant- if the ball is blue and returns the ball to the leader.

3. Gawkers

Development of voluntary attention

The players walk in a circle holding hands. At the leader's signal, they stop, make four claps, turn around and continue moving. The direction of movement, therefore, changes after each signal from the leader. Those who did not complete the task correctly after the second mistake leave the circle and carefully observe the game.
4. « Name neighbors" (option with numbers)
Development of attention, speed of thought processes
The players sit in a circle. The leader throws the ball to the child, naming numbers from 0 to 30. The one who catches the ball must name the “neighbors” of the given number, that is, the numbers 1 less and 1 more than the one named, or the previous and the next. After that, he returns the ball to the leader. If a the child who caught the ball misses the name of the “neighbors” twice, he leaves the circle and carefully watchesside game.

Occupation 5
"Right, Left"
The development of voluntary attention, auditory concentration, phonemic awareness
The facilitator reads a series of words with consonants at the end. In pauses between words, the children raise their right hand, if the ending is solid, the left- if soft.
Word options
coward, crunch, lose weight, sadness, LOAD, STEP, SHAWL, POISON, SOUTH,

2. « Ball-s m softener"

Development of attention, speech, pace of thinking

Children sit in a circle. The leader, throwing the ball, pronounces a word with a hard ending. The child who caught the ball, before throwing it back, says the same word, but with a soft ending.

Word options

3. " Path"

A mobile game for the development of discipline, organization. cohesion

Children hold hands, forming a circle, I, at the signal of the leader, begin to move in a circle in right side until the facilitator says the word-task. If the leader says: “path”, all the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. If a host says: Kopna!,- The children walk towards the center of the circle with their hands out in front of them. If he says: Kochki! children squat with their hands on their heads. Leading tasks are alternated. Whoever completes all the tasks faster and more accurately will receive incentives. glasses . The child with the most reward points becomes the champion.
four. " H call your neighbors" (variant with letters of the alphabet)
Development of memory, ability to switch attention
The players stand in a circle. The leader takes the ball. He throws the ball to one from children, naming any letter of the alphabet. caught ball must name the "neighbors" of the specified letter, i.e. the previous letter and the next. After that, the child returns the ball to the leader. He throws the ball to another child, calling a different letter of the alphabet. And so on. A child who makes a mistake in naming "neighbors" twice is eliminated from the circle. I am watching the game from the side.

5. "Find a couple

Development of attention, observation, thinking

Children receive cards with syllables:




Task: find a couple and stand side by side to make a word.

Occupation №6

1. « Finish the sentence"
Development of conceptual thinking

Children sit in a circle. The leader throws the ball to one of them and says the beginning of the sentence. The child who caught the ball must complete this sentence. Thereafter he returns the ball to the leader. And so on. Baby, twice not who managed to finish the sentence, leaves the circle and carefully observes the children who continue the game.

Birds live in nests, but people...

It snows in winter and in summer...
You read with your eyes, but you write...
In Russia they speak Russian, but in England...
They knit from wool, and from fabric ...
The ballerina is dancing. and the pianist...
In Hungary they speak Hungarian, but in Sweden...
In Estonia they speak Estonian, but in America...
In Poland they speak Polish, but in Germany...
Firewood is sawn, and nails ...
The singer sings, and the builder...
The composer composes the music, and the musician...

2. “Let us hear correctly and show thatheard" Children sit in a circle. The host agrees with them how they will show what phrase they heard:
if exclamatory, then both raised hands are connected above the head:
if interrogative
- the right hand is raised and bent in a semicircle, the left- in front of the chest, fingers are gathered into a cam;
if affirmative
- both cams are pressed against each other. The facilitator then reads the text, pausing at the end of the sentences. Children should depict with their hands what they heard (interrogative, exclamatory, going affirmative phrase).

Text options

From Russian folklore

- Where are you, brother Inai?
- In the mountain.
- What are you doing?
- I help Peter.
- And what does Peter do?
- Yes on ovens lies.

- Laziness, open the door, you'll burn!

Though sg yell, yes I will not open.

- Fedul, what pouted his lips?
- Yes, the caftan burned through.
- Start up can.
- Yes, there is no needle.
- How big is the hole?
- Yes, one gate remains.

Did you eat the pie?
-- No, not me!
- Do you want more?
- Want.

I caught a bear!
- So bring the table!

Doesn't go.
- So myself go!
- Yes, he does!

From foreign folklore

What time is it now?

What time is it now?
Twelve strikes.
Who told you?
Familiar cat.
Where is the mouse?
AThis nest.
What are you doing?
Pants sews
To whom?
To his spouse.
And who is the husband?
Baron Kukarekuh!
Was there a shoemaker?


Sewing boots?
Who are the boots for?
For the neighbor's cat!

3 . How many syllables in a word in?"
Development attention. Speed ​​of thought
Children sit in a circle. The leader, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word. The child who received the ball says the number of syllables in this word and returns the ball to the leader.
Word options

Lesson number 7

1. « Blue red"

Development of attention, speed of thinking

Children sit in a circle. The leader, throwing the ball, says the word. The child who caught the ball calls the number in this word: vowels- if the ball is red, consonants- if the ball is blue, returns the ball to the leader.
2. "Fish, Bird, Beast"
Developing the ability to perek l yuche neither yu attention, memory, thinking

Children sit in a circle. The leader takes turns pointingfor each player, I say: “Fish, bird, beast, fish, bird, beast, fish ...” case any fish. And names are not should be repeated. If the answer is correct, the host continues the game. If the answer is wrongor the name is repeated (delayed response is also considered a mistake), then the child leaves the game, leaving his “Fant” to the leader. The game continues until one player remains. He and the presenter play out what to do for each "fantas".

3 . "Chorus"

Development of phonemic hearing, attention, thinking

3-4 children take part in the game. The rest are watching the game closely.
One of the playing children is asked to leave the door for a while (going to turn around to playing with their backs). The rest receive cards with words from one sentence, which must be pronounced at the signal of the presenter at the same time,- each your word. The task of the "guesser"- understand and pronounce the entire sentence. The game is played several times so that all the children take part in it. If the guesser does not cope with the task immediately, you can repeat. The one with the fewest reps wins.

Offer Options
Shelonstreet squad.
The goat went for nuts.
Here are two roosters.

It became important for the toad to croak.
Forty flew high.
Flour found money.
The cuckoo walked past the garden.
The cook was preparing dinner.
The poor cat cut her paw.

There is a stump in the swamp.
There lived an old man.
Layers is walking down the road.

4. "Look at your hands"

Promotes calm and organization

Children stand one after another, the first child- commander. During a quiet walk in a circle, the commander shows various hand movements, the rest repeat these movements. Then a new leader is chosen. He must come up with other movements, the rest of the participants in the game repeat them.

5. "A lot - one"

Development of attention, speed of thinking

Children sit in a circle. The leader, throwing the ball, calls the word in the plural. The child returned the ball- in the only one.

Word options
6 . "Animals »
Memory Development
The leader throws the ball to the child, naming the animal. The child catches the ball, remembers some other animal, names it, throws the ball to another, etc.

Lesson #8

1. "flower, tree, fruit"

Development of the ability to switch attention, memory, thinking

Children sit in a circle. The facilitator in turn points to each player and says: “Flower, tree, fruit, flower, tree ... The player on whom the counting rhyme stopped must quickly (while the facilitator counts to three) name the word, in this case- wood. We hide each next time (when a tree, or a fruit, or a flower falls out) the names should not be repeated. If the answer is correct, the leader continues the game. If the answer is incorrect, or the name is repeated, or the child did not meet the time, then he is eliminated from the game. The game continues until there is only one player left- winner).

2. « Ball-connector»

Development of attention, speed of thinking, speech

The host throws the ball to one of the children, while uttering inconsistent words, for example: "dog, walk." The child, having caught the ball, pronounces a sentence from these words and throws the ball back to the leader. Repeated 10 to 20 times- depending on the situation, the number of participants in the game and the state of the children.
Variants of inconsistent words

3 . « Remember your place"
Development memory, attention
Children stand in different corners of the room. Each child must remember their place. At the signal of the leader (one clap), everyone runs from their seats and begins to walk in a circle. At the next signal of the leader (two claps), the children should return to their places. The location of the children changes several times. The winner is the one who has never confused his place.

four. " D wa or three syllables »

Development of attention, speech, speed of thinking

Children sit in a circle. The host throws balls at random, while pronouncing a one-syllable word. The child who has caught the ball, before returning it, changes the word so that it becomes:
disyllabic if the ball is red- (house - at home);
trisyllabic if the ball is blue (house
- houses).
Word options
Occupation №9
1. "Fourth
Development of attention, memory, logical thinking
the children sit in a circle. The leader throws the ball to the child and names 4 objects, 3 of which belong to the same general concept. The child must identify an extra object, i.e., not suitable for the rest, call it to return the ball to the leader '.
Word options

1) table, chair, bed, kettle;
2) horse, cat, dog, pike;
H) Christmas tree, birch, oak, strawberry;
4) cucumber, turnip, carrot, hare;
5) notebook, newspaper, notebook, briefcase;
6) cucumber, watermelon, apple, ball;
7) wolf, fox, bear, cat;
8) violet, chamomile, carrot, cornflower;
9) a doll, a typewriter, a skipping rope, a book;
10) train, plane, scooter, ship;
11) sparrow, eagle, wasp, swallow;
12) skis, skates, boat, sled;
13) chair, hammer, planer, saw;
14) snow, frost, heat, ice;
15) cherries, grapes, potatoes, plums;
16) bus, tram, plane, trolleybus;
17) river, forest, asphalt, field;
18) firefighter, cosmonaut, ballerina, policeman;
19) desk, board, student, hedgehog;
20) snake, snail, butterfly, turtle;
21) brushes, paints, kettle, canvas;
22) hat, roof, door, window;
23) milk, tea, lemonade, bread;
24) leg, arm, head, shoe

2 . « Arrange posts »
Promotes calm and organizations

Children march one after another. The commander is ahead. When the commander gives the signal (claps his hands or blows his whistle), the last child must stop immediately and stand at the post without moving, while the rest continue to walk.

So the commander arranges all the children in the order he intended (ruler, circle, in the corners, etc.). Then a new commander is appointed, and so on, until each child is the commander.

3. "Who will be who?"

Development of attention, imagination, thinking, speech

Children sit in a circle. The facilitator, turning to each child in turn, asks the question:
Who (what) will be: egg, chicken, boy, acorn, seed, caviar, caterpillar, flour, iron, brick, fabric, student, sick, girl, pack, puppy, wool, skin, calf, board, chick, kid, lamb (etc)?
When discussing children's responses, it is important to emphasize the possibility of several options. For example, a chick, a crocodile, a turtle, a snake, and even a scrambled egg may appear from an egg. The one who names the most options wins.
Lesson #10
1. "Who
Development of attention, imagination, memory, thinking, speech
Children sit in a circle. The facilitator, turning to each child in turn, asks the question:
Who (what) was before: chicken (egg); horse (foal); cow (calf); oak (acorn); fish (caviar); apple tree (seed); frog (tadpole); butterfly (caterpillar); bread (flour); cabinet (board):
bicycle (iron); shirt (cloth); boots (leather); house (brick); strong (weak); master (student); leaf (kidney); dog (puppy); sweater (yarn); fur coat (fur); bird (chick); goat (kid), sheep (lamb)?

2. "Ball with confusion"

Development of imagination, speech, emotional discharge

Children sit in a circle. The host, throwing the ball to the child, calls an animated noun. The child, throwing the ball back, answers with a verb, but inappropriate, for example:
CROW... mooing
DOCTOR... chirps etc.

Variants of animate nouns

3. « magic n blots »

Development of imagination, thinking, speech

Before the game begins, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of a sheet of paper and the sheet is folded in half. The sheet is then unfolded andyou can start the game. The players take turns saying what the blot looks like. Whoever names the most items wins.

4. Guess question"

Development of attention, thinking

Children sit in a circle. The leader, throwing the ball to the child, calls the noun; child throwing the ball back,- question to this noun (who? or what?).
5. "What to do?"
Development of auditory concentration, thinking; motor discharge The facilitator reads the story, stopping after each word. Task for the children: if they hear a word that answers the question "What to do?", you need to raise both hands above your head and wave them.

Intelligence is a term whose meaning can be interpreted in different ways. Is the person who calculates the most difficult mathematical examples smart? Or the mind is more developed in one who has good creativity, verbal skills, etc.? What is this about? How to develop intelligence in an adult and a child?

What is intelligence?

According to experts, intelligence is sanity, the ability to independently resolve situations, the ability to learn new things based on one's own experience, to adapt, to correctly determine the main contexts and relationships (including social ones), through which everyday problems are solved. Intelligence is a mental development, a thinking ability characteristic of humans and animals.

The degree of intelligence is extremely important for life. It is a key success factor in work, relationships, studies, business, as well as in entertainment (chess, sudoku, etc.). The level of development of the mind can be measured using the IQ test (this abbreviation stands for intelligence quotient).


Speaking of intelligence, one important, relatively new concept cannot be ignored - Howard Gardner's theory of mind types. Gardner defines intelligence as follows: "... it is the ability to solve problems or create products that have some value in one or more cultural environments." Therefore, he emphasizes that the importance of intelligence is always in a broad cultural context, closely related to real life. He divides intelligence into a number of relatively independent aspects:

  • linguistic - the ability to use language to convince other people, the ability to use speech to memorize, explain information, the ability to control one's activities, think about oneself;
  • musical - the ability to perceive melodies, rhythms, tones;
  • logical-mathematical - the area of ​​logic and scientific - research - thinking (from objects to statements, from activity to relationships, from abstraction to specific images);
  • spatial - the ability to transform and change initial perceptions, to form new ideas from one's own visual experience (creativity);
  • bodily-motor - the ability of mobility, the ability to move smoothly with minimal interruption after processing incoming stimuli (sports, dancing, acting, manual skills);
  • personal forms - intrapersonal and interpersonal - a dual formation that arises as a subject of research in 2 psychological areas and in social psychology:
    • intrapersonal form - the most important component is self-awareness, expressed by a culturally conditioned balance within a person, created on the basis of internal feelings, the influence of other people,
    • interpersonal form - the ability to recognize and understand other people, their mood, temperament, motives, intentions; the ability to distinguish them, to work with them.

None of these points can be ignored. This is due to the fact that a certain harmony and integrity can be developed only when a person's personality is harmonized. A balanced and harmonious personality is emotionally stable, sensitive to social processes, receptive to itself.

How does intelligence affect life?

The debate around intelligence quotient (IQ) is often very heated. Everyone wants to have an IQ of 120 (by the way, the maximum among the recorded results is 250-300). But for most people of adult (and even elderly) age, it is about 100. People who have a lower level of intelligence are considered stupid. The public often misunderstands IQ. Did you know that one unnamed but world-famous director with a reputation as a genius in his field achieved an average result on an IQ test? The explanation is simple. In his work, the director uses completely different skills that the test does not take into account. For example, creativity and communication.

Albert Einstein, the greatest genius of mankind, had mediocre knowledge in the field French. Therefore, a high IQ does not guarantee success or happiness in life. In fact, people with any IQ can be equally successful, so the level of intelligence affects the quality of life less than we tend to think.

How can intelligence be improved?

To increase intelligence and develop memory, remember the rule of three "study". Calmness is necessary for maximum concentration, but also constant mental activity, a desire to explore, consideration of problems, a combination of possible solutions, constant use of your brain.

Remember: intelligence is an innate quality, which, however, develops over the course of life. Contrary to popular belief, preterm babies are no different from full-term babies. It depends on environment and parental relationships.

Work in a cool environment

For maximum mental action, the temperature in the workroom should be 1-3°C lower than that at which you usually sit in front of the TV. Mild discomfort prompts the body to improve performance. The ideal operating temperature varies from person to person, but a range of 17-20°C is generally recommended for men and 19-22°C for women.

oxygen and stress

For the development of intelligence and thinking, a sufficient amount of oxygen is necessary. It has a positive effect on brain activity, therefore, improves thought processes.

Working under moderate stress can increase intelligence better than being completely calm. By overcoming stressful situations, minimizing their negative impact, you can acquire useful skills.

Eat chocolate

Chocolate is a pleasant way to increase the body's resistance, eliminate fatigue. This delicacy is also a way to develop intelligence. Thanks to chocolate, a substance that causes pleasant sensations is released in the body.

Bonus: chocolate improves mood, provides relaxation.

Drink coffee and stimulant drinks

Schedule work at a convenient time

Determine when it is convenient for you to work and when to rest. Compare the amount of work you did per hour under comparable conditions in different parts of the day.

Eat foods that are good for your brain

The diet should be as varied as possible. Its supplementation with food useful for the brain is good way for training brain activity, therefore, improving intelligence. Such products include:

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • walnuts;
  • curry;
  • celery;
  • red meat;
  • blueberries.

Motivate yourself, set goals

Researchers at the University of Philadelphia demonstrated motivation in an experiment in which they asked students to take an IQ test. Half of the students were promised financial rewards if they best results. The motivated part of the respondents showed an average of 20 points higher.

Endless social media account checking, creating the perfect profile, constant monitoring of likes significantly reduce the motivation needed to achieve better results (an idealized vision of oneself is so satisfying for a person that he does not want to achieve more difficult goals).


The ability to focus on solving a problem, eliminating unwanted and distracting influences, is one of the most useful skills in developing intelligence.

There are many publications on relaxation exercise methods. Learn them and start practicing.

Make a cheat sheet

Yes, creating a cheat sheet is a good practical way to develop intelligence in an adult and a teenager (used, for example, during the exam period). By writing it down, you are repeating and learning things, putting them in your memory.

Take IQ tests, read books

There are countless IQ tests on the Internet that will help not only determine, but also increase the level of intelligence. Preparing for tests, finding answers to test questions will increase your mental abilities.

Build a strategy

The first stage, from which the IQ test should begin, includes the consideration of all tasks. Then solve the problems that are best given to you, do not linger on the questions unnecessarily. Don't be afraid to guess the answers sometimes. Control the time, but don't worry about missing the test. IQ tests are designed in such a way that it is usually impossible to fail.

go in for sports

A good way to develop fluid intelligence is regular exercise. Physical activity has a beneficial effect not only on the state of the body, but also on the functionality of the brain. For example, students are encouraged to train in running to improve their learning ability. Physical activity promotes blood flow to the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning, supports the production of new brain cells.

Students at Naperville High School in Chicago start every school day with a run. According to the teachers, with the beginning of the morning training, the results of the exams improved significantly.

Play games

modern card, logical games develop mental capacity. Games also have a social effect, as it's about fun for the whole family. Forget about crossword puzzles, play scrabble and sudoku. Crossword puzzles improve memory, but "trained" memory only works for the duration of the crossword puzzle. Creative logic games that support the development of intelligence include chess, tic-tac-toe.

Solve puzzles

Regular brain stress over quizzes, puzzles, puzzles will help to achieve a state in which a person is able to maintain a long-term mental load. It improves the performance of the mind and the level of intelligence.

Functional literacy training

Functional literacy is a combination of knowledge and skills that allow a person to navigate the world, understand and not be afraid of it, integrate into society, and communicate with others. Only a functionally literate person can be smart, regardless of IQ score.

Constantly learn

The world is constantly changing, requiring new skills and ways to solve problem situations. For the concept of new technologies, production processes and modern society, human learning should not stop throughout life.

They say that life experience is more important than all professions, and in many ways this statement is true. Thanks to rich experience, an “amateur” can solve problems more easily than a professional without it.

iodine intake

There is a well-known connection between the lack of iodine in pregnant mothers and the subsequent intellectual problems of their children, which manifest themselves already in the first years of life. Consume broccoli, cherries, chocolate, use iodized salt.

Don't be afraid to say "I don't know"

Sometimes it doesn't hurt to admit that you don't understand something. Don't be afraid to ask, it's better than pretending to understand the problem.

Looking for a company. You can get a lot of valuable advice and information from friends and new acquaintances.

Combine, combine things in context

Combine information from different sources into a mutual context. Intelligence means not only knowing a lot of information, but also the ability to use it at the right time.

Don't be afraid to innovate

Change your desktop icons from time to time, choose a different route to work - changing your usual actions will help you get away from stereotypical thinking.

Sufficient, quality sleep

The need for sleep is individual. Napoleon slept only a few hours a day, someone needs to sleep 9 hours. Try to set aside different times for sleep after an equally stressful day and evaluate how you feel.

Learn to be silent

This proverb is worth its weight in gold. Think before you say anything. If you keep silent, you will be counted smart person despite the lack of knowledge in a particular area.

Learn to speak and debate. This is important at times when it is impossible to just be silent. It is important to learn how to work with an unknown audience.

Be active

A passive approach will not bring success in life. Therefore, take an interest in the events around you. Intelligence is also defined as an increase in brain activity.

Think creatively

Thanks to creative thinking a person has the ability to move in several separate areas of knowledge (for example, in the world of technology, technology and trade), to think classically and unconventionally, mutually combining these styles.

Ways to increase the intelligence of children

Is it possible to develop the intellect of a child, or is this property "given from above"? Both possibilities are valid. The basis of a child's mind is genetically predetermined. However, scientific research shows that everything is not completely hopeless. While innate abilities are the "starting point" for developing thinking skills, children's ability to think effectively and logically can be developed.

Logical games

Crosswords, cryptograms, puzzles, checkers, sudoku, chess are ways of entertainment and at the same time a simple method of increasing intelligence. Such games are suitable for elementary and high school students, that is, for almost all age groups. Players must plan, build strategies, solve situations, make decisions.

video games

Of course, we are not talking about mindless "shooters", but about strategy games. With their help, children gain experience, train creativity, look for opportunities, plan, form coalitions, learn group cooperation, develop observation.

As demonstrated by a study conducted at the University of Rochester in New York, video game players are able to perceive visual stimuli faster in everyday life.

Playing a musical instrument

If your child has at least a minimal ear for music, enroll him (at least for a couple of years) in a music school. Research from the University of Toronto has convincingly shown that playing a musical instrument increases IQ. And the longer children play, the greater the benefits for the brain. Little musicians were more successful older university students than children who had never played a musical instrument.


Reading is simple, inexpensive, but proven and effective method support the brain, enhance intelligence.

Although recently, due to the presence of other modern, dynamic high-tech methods, reading has begun to be underestimated, it significantly improves the ability to learn. Reading develops logic, imagination, and this applies to children of all ages.

Experts agree that when parents support inquisitive children, encourage them to come up with new ways to solve everyday problems, they send them a clear message: knowledge is important.

Therefore, do not roll your eyes at the next question “Why?”, Support various children's hobbies, hobbies, interests.


"You will succeed!" The child should hear this sentence as often as possible. Parental support motivates children. But it must fall within the limits given by innate abilities.

Physical activity

Old but proven advice. A University of Illinois study showed a strong link between physical activity and intellectual ability, especially among elementary school children. Classes in collective sports increase self-confidence, teach teamwork, and train leadership skills. This is evidenced by the fact that 81% of women in leadership positions were involved in team sports as children.

Friends, we will not get tired of repeating: preschoolers are taught in a playful way. And the more exciting game process, the higher the effectiveness of developmental classes. In the game, the child learns to interact with other people, gets acquainted with the laws of the world, learns letters and numbers. While playing, the baby develops his creative and intellectual ability.

Have you played all the games you know and are looking for new ideas? Eureka will always help!

Game 1

For this game, the child needs to learn to weave phrases. Yes, not anyhow, but such that all words begin with one letter.

For example,

  • BUT viators a fruited a ktoru BUT alexander BUT ndreevich BUT Brikosov.
  • B quickly b runs b big b uraya b Christmas tree.
  • AT olk in left in he.

In fairness, it should be noted that even for an adult, but not a trained person, this game can be quite difficult at first. Start small. Let the kid come up with two-word phrases. Offer to pick up any signs or actions that begin with one letter (without reference to a specific object). If you play regularly, the skill will gradually develop, and with it the intellectual abilities of the child will develop.

Option 2

You can upgrade the game a bit. One letter is still selected, and then the presenter asks questions, the answer to which should be words starting with the selected letter (prepositions are not taken into account).

For example, we got the letter "G":

  • Who? - G alina!
  • With whom? - FROM G orilla!
  • Where? - AT G arage!
  • What for? - Per G aikami
Game 2. "What happens ..."

For this game, it is desirable to use the ball. So it will turn out more dynamic, and therefore more interesting.

The goal is to teach the child to quickly select an object that matches the sign.

How to play

Throw the ball with the words: "What happens (your question)"?

The child must catch the ball, answer the question and return the ball to the leader.

For example:

  • What gets wet? - Stones, grass, dress.
  • What is sweet? - Cake, sugar, tea.
  • What is high? - Tree, house, giraffe.

Option 2

You throw a ball to the child and name a color, and the child must quickly name an object that can have this color.

For example:

  • White! - Snow, cotton, cloud.
  • Red! - Tomato, sweater, curtain.
  • Green! - Traffic light, apple, grass.
Game 3. "The missing letter"

* The game is suitable for children who have already mastered reading.

How to play

You write a word by intentionally skipping one or more letters. The task of the child is to find the loss and correctly read the word you intended.

You can use a slate or marker board, you can lay out words from letter cubes or a magnetic alphabet, or you can simply write words on a regular sheet of paper. The main thing is to create a cheerful atmosphere conducive to attentiveness and effective work of thought.

Option 2

If finding the missing letters becomes uninteresting, offer to play differently.

Tell that while you were carrying the word in your bag, all the letters were mixed up. Now, in order to understand what was written on the card (board), you have to work hard. Offer the baby several letter sequences behind which certain words are hidden.







Game 4. "Who's in charge"

The rules of the game are simple.

The child is presented with the main subject: a word is called or an image is shown. Then the adult reads out a list of words related to the main subject. Of these, you need to choose the two most important - those without which the main object cannot exist.

For example, there is no garden without vegetables and land, but there can be a garden without a fence and a watchman.

Fulfilling the conditions of the game, be sure to discuss with the child his answers:

  • Why did you choose these features?
  • Why do you consider them important?
  • How important are the rest of the list items to the main subject?

If it is assumed that several children will participate in the game, you can prepare cards of this type in advance:









Each child receives their card, thinks about the answer for a minute, and then acts as a speaker.

Game 5

Exercises of this type perfectly develop spatial thinking, teach you to look for non-standard solutions, help to consolidate the learned mathematical concepts in the mind of the child.

The smallest ones can be offered to repeat the proposed pattern or lay out letters, numbers, figures from sticks.

In senior preschool age choose more difficult tasks. For example, these:

small house

  1. Count out 11 counting sticks.
  2. Build a house out of them.
  3. Move one stick so that the house looks in the opposite direction.


  1. Count out 8 counting sticks.
  2. Make a fish out of them.
  3. Move three sticks so that the fish turns in the opposite direction

Eureka Tips:

  1. To develop ingenuity, offer the kids a variety of puzzles. These Mind games and logical simulators can be selected for any age.
  2. Stimulate your baby's intellectual abilities with . So that the little fidget does not get bored of solving them, when choosing tasks, avoid the same type.
  3. Excellent mind training. Good memory and attentiveness are necessary for success in the game. Chess develops arbitrariness. They teach you to think several moves ahead, building winning strategies.

Friends! Do not forget that it is possible to develop the intellect of a child not only by monotonous teaching at a desk. Pay attention to everything that happens around him, use any time to spur the work of children's thoughts, play word games, make riddles and set logic puzzles. May your parenthood be fruitful and happy.

AT modern society It is generally accepted that a child's performance in school is the only indicator that determines his potential. When a child gets older, many parents want him to become well-rounded and successful in various areas of life. But before he goes to school, you need to understand that your child is smart, despite his grades and physical condition.

Scientists claim that there are different types intelligence (there are 8 of them in total), and a child can have any of these eight types. In some way, he is bound to be strong.

Parents should from an early age of the child recognize the signs that characterize his type of intelligence. If you start developing these traits from an early age, you will be able to appreciate his potential and realize that it may be more important than academic performance in math or physics. Consider how to determine the type of intelligence of your child.

Theory plural intellect

American psychologist Howard Gardner proposed a theory that explains different kinds intellect. The scientist suggests that reducing the definition of a child's intelligence to a simple test of IQ is not enough. Academic achievement is undoubtedly important, but just as important are the child's inclinations for drawing, music, dancing, entrepreneurship, etc. All these inclinations must be taken into account when determining the child's potential. This is how the theory of multiple intelligences arose, which proves that 1 or 2 of the 8 types of intelligence can dominate in a child.

8 types of intelligence

The theory of Howard Gardner quickly found followers all over the world. Teachers from different countries began to incorporate the theory of multiple intelligences into their education systems.

Let us consider in more detail the types of intelligence that are found in children.

1. Body-kinesthetic

Children with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence tend to excel in sports and other physical activities. They move a lot and their movements are well coordinated. If your child shows interest in outdoor games and can coordinate the movements of his body well, then it is safe to say that he has developed this type of intelligence. Watch him to better understand his tendencies. Is he too fussy? Is he always in good shape? Can't he sit in one place for a long time? Small details like these can help you identify a child's bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Many famous athletes, actors and dancers have it.

2. Visually- spatial

This type of intelligence determines how well a child can visualize objects, places, and even their dreams. Children of this intelligence are talented in drawing, modeling, and other similar pursuits. They are good at determining the size of objects and can reproduce past events in detail. They also tend to express their thoughts and feelings in a visual way.

If your child pays attention to details and is able to remember the smallest details of everyday events, he has developed visual-spatial intelligence. Children who possess it can become artists, architects or specialists in similar fields.

3. Logico-mathematical

Logical intelligence is related to the child's ability for mathematical calculations and reasoning. An important part of logical-mathematical intelligence is decision skills various tasks. If your child is observant, able to think outside the box, reason logically, explain, understand hints, he has developed this type of intelligence. Such children are inquisitive and often ask questions. They have a good understanding of the language of numbers, graphs and diagrams. Many famous mathematicians have developed this type of intelligence.

4. Musical

If a child likes to listen to music, this does not mean that he has musical intelligence. This type of intelligence is developed in children who love to compose music, sing and tap different rhythms. They understand music better than others. If your child has a beautiful voice, he has a sense of rhythm, distinguishes between keys and is interested in playing musical instruments, then he undoubtedly has a developed musical intelligence. However, it is important to understand that musical intelligence is a fairly broad concept, and it can manifest itself in different ways in different children.

5. Linguistic

Children with linguistic intelligence usually have well-developed language skills. If your child has beautiful handwriting, loves to read, understands grammar well and knows how to write complex words correctly, he has developed this type of intelligence. Such children love to play with words and solve crossword puzzles. They usually have a large vocabulary, they easily memorize new words. They also have developed the ability to tell stories.

6. Existential

Existential intelligence should not be confused with introversion or self-centeredness. It is associated with a person's ability to enjoy loneliness. If a child, being alone, is not bored and not afraid, then this type of intelligence is developed in him. This type is associated with such qualities as responsibility, self-awareness and independence. Children with existential intelligence are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. If your child is confident in the correctness of his actions, despite the fact that others think otherwise, he has developed this type of intelligence. These kids are confident in everything they do. They listen to others, but do what they themselves think is right. These kids grow up to be successful entrepreneurs.

7. interpersonal

Children with developed interpersonal intelligence are able to communicate well with others. They usually have many friends and like to be in company. If your child constantly spends time with his friends and likes to communicate with people, he has developed this type of intelligence. These children are able to find mutual language with different people and understand how to deal with different situations. In company, they seem calm and relaxed. With friends, they are compassionate, kind and helpful. Such children grow up to be good diplomats, leaders and teachers.

8. Naturalistic

If your child is interested in gardening, taking care of pets, then he has developed this type of intelligence. These kids love nature. They are interested in various natural phenomena, like to walk in parks, near rivers and wherever there is no asphalt. They are also concerned about the conservation of nature.

When you know how each of the eight types of intelligence manifests itself, you can determine where your child is strong. Watch him, notice his abilities and help develop them. Appreciate his talents from an early age and you won't have to worry about his future.

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