“The development of fine motor skills of hands in young children in the process of didactic. Game didactic aids for the development of manual motor skills of preschoolers Melnikov didactic games for the development of fine motor skills


“Who is more likely to roll the tape? »

Purpose: to develop motor skills of fingers and hands, to form the speed and accuracy of movements.

Equipment: two ribbons fixed at one end on sticks (length 50 cm, the same width and the same color.

Game progress:

The teacher calls two children to him, shows the tapes and says: “We will play. This is a tape. We need to roll the tape. Whoever turns faster, that’s a gift.” "One, two, three - cool." First, the teacher shows how to twist the stick to roll the ribbon.

Then the teacher invites two children to perform the shown action. Two other children help - they hold the free ends of the ribbons, standing on the same line marked by the teacher, trying not to leave it. The winner is the one who first rolls the tape by twisting the stick and winding the tape around it.

You can also arrange team competitions. Children are given more ribbons. At the command of the teacher, several people from one team and the other begin to twist the ribbons at once. Prizes for the winners - a badge, a sticker or something similar.

A complication may be the task to collapse the tape in a certain time. For example, the teacher says: "I will count (clap)." The teacher together with the children begins to clap, the child twists the ribbon. If he did, he gets a prize; if he didn't, the tape goes to another child and everything starts all over again.

"Journey of the Fingers"

Equipment: a sheet of paper, which shows 2 houses at different ends of the "island" for moving fingers.

Game progress:

the child sets his fingers near the first house. Then he begins to move with his fingers along the islets to another house, without taking his fingers off the other “bump”.

you can move around, for starters, using 2 fingers;

all fingers must participate;

you can not tear off the first finger without rearranging the other.

"Make Beads"

Purpose: to teach how to make beads from cut tubes from felt-tip pens; to teach to make simple combinations on the instructions of the educator and according to the scheme, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, to teach to concentrate on one type of activity, to develop perseverance.

Equipment: a box, multi-colored tubes from a felt-tip pen, of various lengths (from 1 cm to 3.5 cm, laces of different colors and different lengths from 20cm to 35cm., sequence diagram for stringing tubes - 5 pcs.

Game progress:

children are given multi-colored tubes from a felt-tip pen, of various lengths (from 1 cm to 3.5 cm, laces of different colors and different lengths from 20 cm to 35 cm, a sequence diagram for stringing the tubes. At first, samples of beads were shown to the children and offered to make the same beads for their favorite dolls. Explain to the children how to hold the cord correctly so that it is more convenient to string rings.At first, it was simply suggested to the children to collect beads, and then the task became more complicated, and it was necessary to collect beads of a certain color, or long, or string long and short tubes.

"Make a pattern or picture out of rubber bands"

Purpose: To teach children to make a pattern from bank rubber bands, to develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, hand-eye coordination, to learn to work according to a pattern.

Equipment: a plate that is cut out of plywood, plastic rods with 22 caps are fixed on it over the entire plane, the distance between them is 3-4 cm; multi-colored bank rubber bands in a box; schemes depicting pictures or figures - 6 pieces.

Game progress:

in this game, children are offered to make a pattern from bank rubber bands, pulling them on posts that are fixed on plywood. It was explained that various shapes can be made from these elastic bands: a square, a rectangle, a triangle.

At first, they taught the children how to do this work correctly: to complete the figure, you need to take the elastic band and fasten it to the post, and then stretch the elastic band to the desired length with the fingers of your right and left hands and fasten it to the posts. Then the children are invited to perform any figure, to follow the actions of their hands.

"Make a pattern of matches and sticks"

Purpose: To teach children to reproduce the pattern by laying out figures from matches and sticks, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, imagination, hand-eye coordination. Learn to work according to the model, compare the work done with the model.

Equipment: matches in a box; multi-colored sticks in a box; pattern samples; strips, rectangles, squares of multi-colored cardboard for laying out a pattern.

Game progress:

this game consists in laying out a figure according to the model from matches or counting sticks. It was also necessary to compare the work performed with the sample.

To complete the work, you need samples of patterns and matches and counting sticks. Children are invited to work in an art workshop, to make a pattern from sticks. You can follow the prepared samples or come up with a pattern yourself.

“Good luck! »

Purpose: development of dynamic coordination, alternation of hand movements.

Game progress: (2-10 people play) during the game, children build a column from their hands, producing various generally accepted combinations. For example, fist - fist - palm.

Rule: You can't be wrong. The hand that made the mistake is removed.

"Bunny and the Mirror"

Goal: Improved coordination, automation and shift smoothness.

Game progress: left palm up, make a "goat". We put the right hand on top of it, which also depicts a “goat” (back side up). Set up and down the middle and ring fingers both hands and move them in opposite directions.

"Who will remember? »

Purpose: To develop memory, fine motor skills.

Equipment: a box with colored sticks of different sizes, samples drawn on the tables.

Game progress:

an adult shows a sample to a child for 5-10 seconds. The child must carefully consider it and remember the order in which the sticks are placed. The adult removes the table, and the child independently lays out the drawing that he has just seen from the sticks. At the end of the work, the child compares the drawing with the sample.

Game with clothespins "Charging for fingers"

Purpose: development of fingertips, development of attention.

Equipment: Clothespins

Game progress:

With a clothespin, we alternately “bite” the nail phalanges (from the index to the little finger and back) on the stressed syllables of the verse:

“A silly kitten bites hard, he thinks it’s not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)

But I'm playing with you, baby, and if you bite, I'll tell you: “Shoo! ".

"Gliding on skis"

Purpose: development and training of coordination of finger movements, development of fingertips, development of attention.

Equipment: two stoppers from plastic bottles.

Game progress:

We put the corks on the table upside down. This is skis. Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. We move on “skis”, taking a step for each stressed syllable:

"We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,

We love the fun of a cold winter."

You can try to do the same with both hands at the same time.

Corks from plastic bottles can be used as "cars" and play "racing".


Purpose: development and training of coordination of finger movements.

Equipment: carpal expander (rubber ring)

Game progress:

The child takes an expander, squeezes it for each stressed syllable to the beat of the poem “I adore all my friends” by E. P. Pimenova. After each line, there is a change of hands.


Equipment: round hair brush.

Game progress:

the child holds a round hairbrush with his hands, rolls the brush between his palms, saying: "Pine, fir, spruce trees have very sharp needles. But juniper will prick you even stronger than spruce."

"Knead the dough"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity and complexly coordinated movements of the fingers and hands.

Equipment: saucepan, 1 kg of peas or beans

Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into the pan. The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, saying: "Knead, knead the dough, There is a place in the oven. There will be buns and rolls from the oven."

"Take the peas"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity and complexly coordinated movements of the fingers and hands.

Equipment: peas, saucer.

Pour the peas on a saucer. The child takes a pea with his thumb and forefinger and holds it with his other fingers (as when picking berries, then he takes the next pea, then another and another - this way he picks up a whole handful. You can do this with one or two hands.

Publication date: 03/18/18

Compiled by: Zhanna Alexandrovna Strigunova

Safina Svetlana Vladimirovna

  • Explanatory note…...……………………………………………3 – 4
  • List of games. ……………………………………………………………8 – 34
  • References …………………………………………………………35

2. Prospective planning of didactic games ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  • Explanatory note

Didactic games for the development of sensory and fine motor skills

The relevance of these games lies in cognitive development preschoolers. These games are developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation”, according to the Federal State educational standard preschool education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.

Preschool childhood is a period of intense sensory development, i.e. formation of a full perception of the surrounding reality. It serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first step of which is sensory experience. The success of the mental, aesthetic and moral education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, i.e. on how well the child hears, sees and touches.

The greatest effect for sensory development and the development of fine motor skills is given by productive activities, the content and organization of which are subordinate to tasks. mental education children.

The main task of the development of the child is the development of sensory skills, fine motor skills and coordination of movements. A good helper in the development of fine motor skills in our group are various didactic games that we made ourselves.

The development of elementary sensory representations is an area where, under the condition of systematic training, it is possible not only to give a certain amount of knowledge, but also to form a high cognitive activity, independent thinking, which later become the basis of intellectual and creative activity child.

Didactic, finger games, games with clothespins, finger theater, games for the development of visual sensations, auditory sensitivity are developed in accordance with our theme, which contribute to the improvement of speech and the expansion of the vocabulary of preschoolers. Games for children 3-4 years old are offered according to the degree of increasing difficulty.

Forms of work with children:

  • Collaboration with kids
  • Individual work with children
  • Free and independent activities of children


The development of sensory activity, as a means of increasing sensory activity and developing fine motor skills in younger preschoolers through educational games.


Form sensory standards (color, shape, size).

Contribute to the improvement of speech and the expansion of vocabulary through finger games, games with clothespins, finger theater, games for the development of visual sensations, auditory sensitivity. The games are designed for children from 3 to 4 years old.

Perspective planning of didactic games





Didactic game: "Games with clothespins" - "Help hang clothes" (color, for drying on a rope and attach with clothespins).

Development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, teaching household skills.

Didactic game: "Each house has its own window" (Montessori)

Exercise children in distinguishing by color and shape, finding similarities in distinguishing and choosing an object of the corresponding color from several, slightly different from the sample. To form attention, concentration, speech, to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Finger theater: "Turnip"

Didactic game: "Rainbow".

"Goslings - beads"

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children.

teach orientation in space. Learn about the order of colors in the spectrum. Draw the attention of children to the fact that the colors of the rainbow are given in the same sequence both in the poem and in the picture. .

Teach children to collect beads on shoelaces to feed the caterpillars.


Didactic game: "From what tree leaf."

Development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, thinking, speech.

Didactic game: "Magic dishes". "Boxes"

game exercise"What grows in the garden" (caterpillar)

Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination of preschoolers. Teach children to select clothespins according to the layout. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of a preschooler, as well as the development of memory and thinking

Didactic game: "Who eats what?".

"Magic Covers"

The development of fine motor skills, the ability to correctly select the appropriate clothespin to the playing field.


Mittens Theatre: "Teremok".

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

"Wings for a bird" - an exercise with clothespins (silhouette of a bird, wings made of clothespins).

Development of attention and fine motor skills of hands, the ability to select appropriate clothespins for silhouettes.


Didactic game: "Rainbow"

"Aquarium", "Bunny"

Learn about the order of colors in the spectrum.

Theater on magnets: "Rocked Hen".

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.

Didactic game: "Let's build a tower" - cups.


Didactic game: "Cheerful little men."

"Magic Dishes"

To teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to exercise in laying out sticks in boxes of the corresponding color, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Game - competition: "Who will twist the tape faster"

The development of fine motor skills, to develop the ability to quickly work on a signal.


Didactic game: "Rainbow".

"Merry meadow"

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children. Learn orientation in space. Continue to introduce the sequential arrangement of colors in the spectrum.

Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination of preschoolers. Teach children to select clothespins according to the layout. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the preschooler's vocabulary, as well as the development of memory and thinking.

Didactic game: "Find the same color and shape."

To teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Finger theater: "Teremok"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.

Didactic game: "What mice love."

"Klad" - dry pool

Development of fine motor skills, consolidation of spatial representations; development of attention, thinking and speech.

Self-massage of hands and fingers contributes to: normalization of muscle tone; stimulation of tactile sensations; an increase in the volume and amplitude of movements of the fingers; the formation of arbitrary, coordinated movements of the fingers.


Didactic game: "Magic dishes".

"Magic Covers"

To teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to exercise in laying out sticks in boxes of the corresponding color, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

The development of fine motor skills in children. Develop sensory abilities, fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements, creative imagination, fantasy.

Didactic game: "Colorful flags." "Lay out according to the model"

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children. Learn orientation in space.

Didactic game: "Rainbow".

"Walking in traffic jams"

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children. Learn orientation in space.

Theater on flannelgraph: "Turnip"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, conveying the emotions of the characters.


Game exercise: "On a visit to the sun" - drawing with groats

Didactic exercise: "What I hear."

"Sort By Color"

The development of auditory memory, the ability to distinguish and differentiate noise.

Didactic game: "Fairy tale game" with clothespins.

Develop the creative imagination of preschoolers. To teach children to manipulate objects according to the model, to show imagination by choosing the right one from the proposed clothespins. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the preschooler's vocabulary, as well as the development of memory and thinking.

Cheerful lacing: "Garden", "Wonderful tree".

Didactic game: "Let's collect the beads"

Development of attention and fine motor skills of hands.

Develop children's sensory perception. Arouse a desire to help the doll, collect beads on a string.


Game exercise: "Fence near the house." "Who lives in the house"

Develop fine motor skills, learn to manipulate objects, develop orientation in space.

Game task: "Glasses".

"Walking in traffic jams"

To teach children to manipulate objects according to the model, to show imagination.

To develop motor skills and coordination of fingers in children.

Didactic game: "Frogs in the swamp"

Finger theater: "Kolobok"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.


Didactic games: "Aquarium". "Bunny"

The development of fine motor skills, the consolidation of spatial representations. Development of attention, thinking and speech.

Game exercise: "On a visit to the sun" - drawing with groats

To teach children to draw lines on the croup with a finger; draw paw prints with fingers folded in a pinch. Learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Collective drawing: "What grows in the garden"

Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination of preschoolers. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the preschooler's vocabulary, as well as the development of memory and thinking.

Theater on spoons: "Three Bears"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.


Game exercise: "Pick by color."

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children. Learn orientation in space.

Didactic game: "Lay out according to the model"

Didactic game: " Miraculous Pouch»

Teach children to identify objects by touch and name them.

Didactic game: "Critters"

Exercise children in identifying objects by color, fix the names of the primary colors.


Didactic game: "Cheerful little men"

Development of fine motor skills of hands, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech.

Finger theater: "Kolobok"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.

Game exercise: "Find a sheet, which I will show."

To develop fine motor skills of hands, the development of imagination, thinking, speech, to fix the spectrum of colors.

Didactic exercise: "Find the same flower in the bouquet."

Continue to teach children to distinguish between primary colors, develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

List of games

Montessori frame inserts

Target: to exercise children in distinguishing by color and shape, finding similarities in distinguishing and choosing an object of the corresponding color from several, slightly different from the sample. To form attention, concentration, speech, to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Equipment: stencils of houses with cut-out windows in red, blue, yellow, and green. Under every house are small geometric figures(windows) of different shapes and colors.

Game progress:

In front of the children, houses are laid out with cut out windows of red, yellow, green, of blue color.

Lived merry gnomes.

Each in his own house.

The teacher pours out all the windows to the houses from the box and mixes them with the words:

Let's go for a walk gnomes

And they switched houses.

Help them quickly

Find windows in the houses.

Children find windows to the houses, matching them by color.

magic tableware

Target: to teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to exercise in laying out sticks in boxes of the corresponding color, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Equipment: stencils (dishes) of red, blue, yellow, green, cards of the listed colors with the image of dishes.

Game progress: children have red, blue, yellow and green cards. Having determined what color the card is, the children go to the table, on which there are dishes with outlined contours of different colors. On the tables, dishes of blue, red, yellow and green colors are mixed. The teacher offers children who have red cards to choose all red dishes, if they are blue, then all blue, etc.

Let's collect the beads

Target: develop children's sensory perception. Arouse a desire to help the doll, collect beads on a string.

Equipment: beads of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green), laces of the same colors.

Game progress: offer the child collect beads on a certain color lace. Complicating the task, invite the child to alternate the beads in color. The teacher shows the children a doll and reads a poem.

Who doesn't know this doll?

You won't find a better doll.

Immediately opens his eyes, just collect the beads.

Finger gymnastics "Clothespin"

« Clothespin, clothespin, help!

Stretch your finger for me.

You walk on the finger, knead each finger "

A series of games with clothespins: “Aquarium” “Frogs in the swamp” “Merry clearing” “What do mice like?” "What grows in the garden?"

Target: develop fine motor skills and creative imagination of preschoolers. Teach children to select clothespins according to the layout. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the preschooler's vocabulary, as well as the development of memory and thinking.

Equipment: clothespins with an image (mice, fish, frogs, strawberries, flowers, carrots, cabbage).

Game progress: Each child is given a model of the game and clothespins. Children should attach clothespins according to the layout.

At the bottom of the box, the Light burns.

What clothespins to take

He tells us.

You choose, do not confuse, look carefully, attach a Clothespin of the same color.

The fish floats on the waves and calls friends to itself! The fish is not simple, the fish is golden!

Frog: "Quak-quack!"

And the mouse: “Pee-pee!”

Everyone said, everyone asked.

We talked well!


Target: development of fine motor skills, consolidation of spatial representations. Development of attention, thinking and speech.

Equipment: clothespins and templates.

Game progress: attach clothespins to templates.

A bunny is freezing on the edge,

He hid his paws, hid his ears.

Bunny, Bunny, don't shiver

Paws, ears show.

Fish, fish, why are you sad?

Can't see a smile?

Without tail and fins

There is no fish.

We harvested the crop, And cut off all the tops. We attach the leaves - we recognize the vegetables.

A cloud walked across the sky. Lost all raindrops.

"Harvest - a fairy tale"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, templates of vegetables.

Game progress: well, it's all right now. We found ourselves in the garden. Radishes and carrots grow here. And beets. But it's awkward. We need to get them out of the ground, we need to do something. (attach tops, do).

Our harvest is so good! A prickly hedgehog will be happy. Feast on children Carrots and turnips. And radishes and beets. Let's take the hedgehog now. Here is the forest, and here is the hedgehog. It looks like a prickly ball. Hedgehog, we hurried to you, we have not forgotten about you.

The game is a fairy tale with clothespins.

Target: development of fine motor skills, consolidation of spatial representations; development of attention, thinking and speech.

Equipment: clothespins, hedgehog pattern.

Game progress: Come closer, look, look, don't miss anything. Oh, and who is this: Button eyes, arched back? It seems like a hedgehog, but it seems not ... ... Well - give me an answer, why is our hedgehog sad, maybe the dinner was not tasty? Maybe he suddenly got sick? Or did you eat something wrong? Maybe he's in trouble? Or lost something? How can we help a hedgehog so that our hedgehog becomes exactly the same. Looks like other hedgehogs. Would you be cheerful and handsome? (children offer options. Our hedgehog without needles, you need to make needles for a hedgehog)

Clothespin game "Who eats what"

Target: development of fine motor skills, the ability to correctly select the appropriate clothespin to the playing field.

Equipment: clothespins with animal templates, pet food box for animals.

Game progress: the child is offered a ready-made playing field, divided into sectors with the image of animal food, clothespins with the image of animals.

Game "Big Wash"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, teaching household skills.

Equipment: clothespins, rope, doll clothes, handkerchiefs

Game progress: pull the rope. Take doll clothes or a few multi-colored handkerchiefs. Tell the child that they are dirty. First, play with the laundry, then offer to hang the doll clothes or handkerchiefs on a string to dry and secure them with clothespins. You can choose by color (we fix the blue handkerchief with a blue clothespin, the red handkerchief is red, etc.)

Our mother is tired

Washed all clothes

Help my dear mother

I'll attach all the clothespins.

Game Make up a story "Summer in the forest."

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, Christmas tree templates, sun, flowers, grass;

Game progress: attach clothespins to templates, and then come up with a story;

"Funny little people"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, patterns of men.

Game progress:

"What tree is the leaf from?"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, thinking, speech.

Equipment: tree templates with notches, colored leaves according to the colors of the trees (yellow, green, red).

Game progress: children have patterns of trees (red, yellow, green) colors. Having determined what color the trees are, the children approach the table, on which leaves of the same colors are mixed. The teacher offers the child who has a red tree to choose all the red leaves, if it is green, then all the green leaves, etc.

A light is on at the bottom of the box.

Which leaves to take, the guys say

You choose, do not confuse, look carefully

Find a leaf of the same color.


(dry pool - rubber balls)

Target: Self-massage of hands and fingers contributes to:

Normalization of muscle tone;

Stimulation of tactile sensations;

Increasing the volume and amplitude of finger movements;

Formation of arbitrary, coordinated movements of the fingers.

Equipment: small pool, rubber balls, "treasure" - a toy from kinder.

Game progress: and at the bottom of the "pool" to hide the toys from the kinder surprise. Under the reading of finger gymnastics: “Fingers” put the hands into the “pool”, mix the balls while squeezing and unclenching the hands, then find and get the toy.

The fingers went out to look for treasure.

One, two, three, four, five

Hiding in the house again!

"Funny lacing"


Target: development of attention and fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: patterns of beds laces of different colors.

Game progress:

All day the prankster mole ruined my garden

He pulled out carrots, onions, beets and was like that.

What to do, how to be? Who will help plant

Everything is back, everything is as before - there is only one hope for you.

Take a multi-colored cord, deftly attach to the beds

A row of cabbages, a row of carrots, look how clever you are!

Do not forget about the delicious onion - it cures all ailments,

Plant more cabbages. I see you are very smart.

And when everything grows up, delicious borscht is waiting for you.

« Miraculous Tree»

Target: development of attention and fine motor skills of hands;

Equipment: tree patterns, fruits and vegetables, shoelaces in different colors;

Game progress: In the middle of a large field, they saw Kolya and Olya

A wonderful miracle - a lovely tree.

Surprised and dog Druzhok, He could not understand how he could not,

As on a single tree, orange grows with a mushroom,

And a banana, and a pear with a cherry. How did such a miracle happen?

You try to guess - ka,

Who is the owner of the tree? Who collected both the mushroom and the fruit,

Drying food on the branches?

Well, of course, this is a squirrel, Drying everything is her trick.

Suddenly a prankster breeze. Blown away plums and fungus.

All products fell down.

Kolya and Olya picked them up.

Help the kids soon

Tie all the fruits to the branches. To climb a tree

It takes a lot of effort.

Lace up the steps tightly

Attach them to the sides

And, holding hands on the branches,

Get on the crown yourself.

Lace up soon, the peach apple is stronger.

Each fruit in order.

You are a squirrel's best friend.

"Magic Covers"

Target: development of fine motor skills in children. Develop sensory abilities, fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements, creative imagination, fantasy.

Equipment: plastic caps of different colors, cards for each child with the image of familiar objects, a cloth bag, a box.

Game progress: Teacher: What do I have in my hands?

Children: Wonderful bag.

Educator: Let's think about what lies in it?

Children: Toys, gifts, sweets, prizes.

Educator: but you didn’t guess, listen, (I shake the bag, the lids rustle) now you guessed what is there?

Children: Balls, cones, walnuts.

Educator: but you didn’t guess, touch (I go up to each child, he touches). Now guess what's in the bag?

Children: Circles, lids.

Educator: Yes, there are caps in the bag, from juice and bottles. Why do you think we need them, what can we do with them?

Educator: but we didn’t guess, we will upload drawings from them.

Lay out a picture of plastic caps, choosing the right color,

You need to take the lid one by one from the box.

Educator: I have pictures, tell me what they show.

Children name the pictures and complete the task.

If the child laid out everything correctly, the teacher praises him and offers to lay out another picture, asks how many caps were needed. At the end of the game, the children say whether their comrades did the job correctly.

"Visiting the Sun"

(Drawing with a finger on the croup)

Target: to teach children to draw lines on the croup with a finger; draw paw prints with fingers folded in a pinch. Learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Equipment: trays with semolina, distributed in a thin layer, from yellow cardboard harvesting the sun.

Game progress:

Educator: Guess the riddle: “It shines, sparkles, warms everyone. What is it?

Children: Sunny.

Educator: That's right, it's the sun. How do we call him? (sun) What does our sun not have? (rays)

Educator: Let's give the sun magical, kind rays so that it shines and warms even more.

Put in front of each child a tray with semolina and an attached sun that has no rays (depending on the size of the tray, one for two children can be used).

Educator: "Guys look at our sun is not cheerful, it has no rays, let's help our sun smile, but for this we need to draw the sun and rays."

Children draw a circle and sticks on the croup with their fingers.

Educator: (on behalf of the sun) “Thank you guys! Now I'm having a lot of fun."

The teacher reads the poem to the children and then memorizes it:

Sunshine, come up soon

And their rays came.

To warm the earth

They warmed us with their warmth.

"Finger Theatre"

Target: arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, conveying the emotions of the hero.

Equipment: various types of finger theater (mittens, sewn from felt, wooden (factory), paper, etc.).

Game progress: plays from 3 to 6 children and an adult is the leader. The educator helps to distribute the roles and determines the order of the characters' performances.

Example: "Turnip" is played by 3 children. The game takes place in the garden. Grandfather planted a turnip. She grew up. Grandfather himself can not pull out and called for help grandmother, granddaughter, dog Zhuchka, cat Murka and mouse. Everyone together pulled out and ate a turnip.

"What do I hear"

Target: development of auditory memory, the ability to distinguish and differentiate noises.

Equipment: large eggs from kinders with fillings: peas, cereals, pasta, foam balls, and so on, the filling of the “eggs” can be replaced as you guess the sound.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to make noise with "eggs" and guess who has what kind of sound - quiet, noisy, noisy, deaf, etc. Sounds should be clear and contrast so that the child can guess them.

"Sort By Color"

Target: to teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to exercise in laying out the squares in sections of the corresponding color, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Equipment: a box with separate sections and foam rubber squares in four colors (blue, yellow green and red).

Game progress: the teacher places on the table a layout of sections divided into four colors and shows the multi-colored squares that the bear scattered. Children - participants are invited to decompose all the squares into compartments of their color. The teacher examines the squares together with the children, drawing the attention of the children to the fact that the color of the square and the section are the same (same). Then the children complete the task.

Gradually, the number of sections and squares of primary and secondary colors may increase.

The game "Walking in traffic jams"

Target: to develop motor skills and coordination of fingers in children. Train your memory with poetry

Equipment: covers.

Game progress: educator: I propose to arrange a “ski relay”, we put two corks from plastic bottles on the table with the thread up, this is “skis”. Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. We move on skis.

We're skiing, we're racing down the mountain

We love cold winter fun.

The bear is clubfoot, walking through the forest ...

We bring to your attention children's games aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands in children of early and preschool age using items and materials that are within walking distance. This will not only save family budget but also spend more time with your child.

Games for kids 0+

Massage of the hand and fingers. For greater effect, massage with nursery rhymes, for example, "Magpie Crow";

Let the child feel objects with different textures, different sizes and temperatures: pieces of ice, Walnut, a prickly rubber ball, a warm metal bowl, fur hat etc). To stimulate tactile sensations, do.

Homemade photo frames with materials of various textures are an excellent tool for massaging children's hands.

Tie different pieces of fabric, ribbons, pompoms, etc. to the hoop. The game causes a grasping reflex and encourages the baby to be active in the prone position. These movements strengthen the muscles of the hands and fingers and contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Suggest stringing large pasta onto straws/skewers.


Teach your child to make balls and sausages from plasticine, and then flatten them with your finger, show that you can draw on plasticine with a toothpick or special tools.

Play finger games or finger theater, for example, based on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood (print template).

Place small toys or any small objects in a basin of water, offer to catch them with your hands, a spoon or a strainer.

Games for kids 4+

Using a thread and a needle, make beads from mountain ash, small pasta, foil balls or real beads. Pasta can be pre-colored.

To develop fine motor skills, practice winding yarn into a ball or winding thread on a spool.

Make lacing with your own hands (templates): cut out the contours of any object (cars, clouds, apples) from cardboard, make holes along the contour with a hole punch, tie to ear stick a bright thick thread and show what needs to be done. Surprisingly, such homemade lacing is of interest to children many times more than store-bought counterparts.

Think over the menu in such a way as to involve the child in cooking as much as possible: let him whisk with a whisk, peel boiled eggs, cut a banana, etc.

Practice tying bows, knots different types, weave pigtails and lace up shoes.

Helps develop fine motor skills:

Games with all kinds of tweezers. For example, you need to arrange the beads on a soap holder with tweezers.
Pipette games. We offer a game with Lego blocks. The challenge for the children is to fill each hole with as much water as possible without spilling a drop.

Applying small stickers.

Working with scissors. Play hairdresser.

Modeling. See ideas for classes.

Games with rubber bands (for weaving bracelets). How to make a developing game "Math tablet", see.

Puzzles. You yourself can make simple and photographs.

Mosaic. Especially, kids will love doing

Screwing on lids. For example, you need to pick up lids for jars.

Lego and other designers with small details.

All kinds of transfusion of liquids and pouring of bulk materials from one container to another.

Creative activity using a figured hole punch (in, in).

Trainers for the development of fine motor skills

Educational game "We develop basic skills" (c, c).

The board "Developing basic skills" is both a puzzle and a frame with fasteners. It will help your baby learn how to fasten buttons, belts, zippers, lace up shoes. In addition, during the game, the motor skills of the pens and logical thinking develop.

Book-simulator "I dress myself" (in, in, in).

The book-simulator "I dress myself" will help the child develop fine motor skills, speech skills and independence. Your baby will learn: tie shoelaces, fasten zippers, buttons, Velcro and buckles.

Book-simulator "I dress myself" (in, in, in).

Set of 6 trainers (for )

With the help of simulators, the child will learn how to lace up, unfasten and fasten buttons, rivets, zippers, buckles, and practice tying bows.

Fine Motor Books

We offer a selection of useful and exciting books for children that will help develop the skills necessary to master the letter. (Click on image for details).

Workbooks for the development of fine motor skills

Publishing house "I can":

Publishing house "Prof-Press":

Publishing house "Clever Media Group":

Albums on the development of fine motor skills
Recipes for kids

More ideas for games for the development of fine motor skills can be seen in!

Do not forget that in addition to exercises for the development of the muscles of the hand, it is important to regularly train the muscles of the forearms and shoulders, because the same letter is a monotonous process in which the whole hand is involved, and not just the fingers, and a trained child will find it easier to write for a long time at school. Therefore, do not forget about active walks, ball games, banal exercises, and exercises in the pool.

Didactic manual "Kolobok" for games with beans

Do-it-yourself didactic manual for kindergarten

Material Description:the material will be useful to teachers and parents in order to organize games for the development of fine motor skills of hands in children of primary preschool age.

The development of fine motor skills in children is a long continuous process during which the child learns the world, begins to communicate with it, gains dexterity and even begins to speak. Fine motor skills are the coordinated work of muscle, bone and nervous systems organism.
Science has proven the existence of a connection between the development of fine motor skills and logical thinking, memory, intelligence and speech in children. Therefore, experts recommend developing fine motor skills from an early age.
The hand has the largest representation in the cerebral cortex. Finger games are also good helpers in preparing the hand for writing. Thanks to finger games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate.
Games with cereals help develop fine motor skills. In this case, games with beans are proposed.

The game "Let's Treat the Bun with Vitamins"

Target:development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.
Funds:2 plastic jars with lids, beans.
Making allowance:
1. We take 2 plastic jars with lids.

2. On one of the covers we depict a kolobok with the help of an application from a self-adhesive film.

3. From the old soft toys cut off legs and arms. We process their edges with a needle and thread. In one of the jars we make small holes for the arms and legs. We insert finished parts into them. Glue a cap on the head.

4. We make a hole in the mouth of the kolobok.
5. Pour the beans into the second jar.
Game progress:
The teacher tells the children that beans are vitamins for the bun. Children are happy to treat the kolobok with vitamins. They take one bean seed (one vitamin) and put it in the opening of the mouth.

Game "Kolobok Mood"

Target:the formation of the ability to express emotions, the development of fine motor skills.
Funds:kolobok character; cards with pictograms: joy, sadness, surprise; beans.
Game progress:
- Guys, when the bun was hungry, what mood did he have? (sad)
- And when he saw how many treats we had for him, what happened to the bun? (he was surprised)
- When the bun was full, what mood did he have? (fun)
- In front of you are cards with the image of the parts of the face of the kolobok. Try to put a mouth out of the beans to get the emotions of sadness, joy and surprise.
- Guys, depict the emotions of sadness, surprise and joy on your face.
/ children using facial expressions depict these emotions /

Game "Magic bags"

Tasks:develop fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensitivity, consolidate the concepts of "many", "one".
Funds:character kolobok, three balloons("Magic bags"), beans, tray.

Game progress:
- Guys, the bun wants to play hide and seek with you. He hid various amounts of bean seeds in the balls. Let's find some beans, shall we? /let's/
- Guys, show the ball in which one bean seed is hidden.
- And in which ball are many seeds hidden?
- Let's find a ball where there is none.
/ children feel the balls with a tactile method, find the beans and answer how many beans are hidden in which ball/

Kolobok praises children for their resourcefulness and dexterity.

Game "Hide and Seek"

Target:involuntary massage of the fingers.
Tasks:develop fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensations.
Funds:character kolobok, a bowl of beans, figures from kinder surprises or buttons.
Game progress:
The teacher invites the children to again play hide and seek with the kolobok. The gingerbread man “hides” figures in a bowl with cereals, and the children look for them with the help of their hands.

Game "Magic Sieve"

Target:development of the intellectual sphere and cognitive interest through the enrichment of the sensory experience of children.
Tasks:develop fine motor skills of the hands; accuracy.
Funds:kolobok character, a bowl of cereals (beans and semolina, a sieve with a handle, 2 cups.
Game progress:
- Guys, the gingerbread man accidentally mixed two types of cereals in a bowl: semolina and beans and asks us to help him sort them into different cups.
- Can we help the kolobok? (Yes)
- How to choose beans from a bowl? (with fingers)
/ children try to separate the cereal by hand /

Modern parents begin to engage in the development of the child literally from the first days of his life. Pediatricians and psychologists recommend paying special attention to fine motor skills, as it is directly related to the formation of speech. Toy manufacturers have long picked up this idea and brought it to life, releasing numerous educational toys. But many of them can be made by hand.

Why you need to develop fine motor skills

Many people know about the need to develop fine motor skills in children from an early age. However, not everyone understands why this is necessary and what such classes are.

Fine motor skills is the ability to perform precise actions with the hands and fingers. It is coordinated by the work of the nervous, muscular, bone and visual systems. Its development begins in the first months of a child's life with looking at his own fingers and pens. Then the baby gradually learns to master them by taking toys. Motor skills have a positive effect on manual dexterity, the formation of a student's future handwriting, and reaction speed.

It has been established that the level of development of a child's speech directly depends on the degree of formation of finger movements. In the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and motor skills are located side by side. Thus, when one area is stimulated, the other is also activated.

DIY toys for the development of fine motor skills in children

Shelves of children's stores offer a wide range of educational aids. It's no secret that their cost is quite high. It will not be difficult for interested mothers to make toys for fine motor skills with their own hands. And the main thing will be uniqueness - after all, they will be executed with great tenderness.

sensory pouches

Sewing sensory pouches with your own hands is not difficult at all. You will need a dense fabric of different colors and textures and a filler, which can be used as:

  • pasta (spirals, shells, bows, tubes);
  • cereals (millet, buckwheat, barley, rice, oats);
  • flour and starch;
  • legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, beans, corn);
  • sweets;
  • nuts;
  • natural materials (acorns, chestnuts, shells, pebbles);
  • erasers of various shapes;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • buttons and beads.

Safety regulations

Natural materials must be washed and dried thoroughly before use, and toys with food products must be stored in a dry place - pasta and cereals are afraid of moisture. The bags must be sewn or tied in such a way that the baby cannot, under any circumstances, get their contents.

Video: how to make do-it-yourself sensory pads

Photo gallery: homemade sensory pouches

These bags are easy to make yourself even without a sewing machine. The filler can be invested not only in the fabric: dense Balloons Tactile perception can be developed not only with the help of filler, but also using fabrics of different textures. Bags can be of different colors and sizes.

sensory cube

Such a toy is a cube, on the sides of which there are three-dimensional objects of different shapes and shades or applications made of various materials.

How to make a cube for the development of fine motor skills

In order to make a sensory cube with your own hands, you will need:

  • small pieces of fabric of different textures and colors;
  • synthetic winterizer or foam rubber as a filler;
  • interlining;
  • decorative elements (buttons, ribbons, ropes, rings, fabric remnants, thermal stickers);
  • threads;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine.

From shreds of fabric (it can be cotton, silk, velvet and others), you need to cut 6 squares with the same size edges.

From interlining, you need to cut out squares with a side 1–1.5 cm smaller than from fabric. Non-woven blanks are superimposed on fabric blanks and ironed - both parts will stick together, get a rigid structure and keep their shape well.

Each square is designed in accordance with the idea: it can be figures of animals and birds, geometric shapes made of fur or felt, thermal stickers, buttons, locks and much more.

When the design is completed, you need to sew 4 squares in one strip.

The two remaining blanks are sewn to one of the squares above and below.

The seams are made along the contour of the non-woven edges, after which they are fixed. Further, the development is sewn together in such a way that a cube is obtained.

On the last edge in the corner, you need to leave a small hole and carefully turn the cube through it. The toy is filled with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer and stitched with a hidden seam. Together with the filler, rustling paper or a bell can also be placed in the cube.

Video: how to make a developing cube with your own hands

Tactile cushion

Sensory (tactile) pillows are suitable for babies from 2-3 months to 3 years. It all depends on the set of those elements that are placed on it. For the little ones, a small amount is suitable simple materials. Before giving such a toy to a child, you need to make sure that all the elements are firmly fixed: if the baby pulls one of them into his mouth, he should not come off.

For children from 1 year old, you can pick up and sew on more diverse and complex educational items: zippers, buttons, lacing, Velcro, bows and ropes that can be tied and pulled. You can make such a toy using a ready-made pillow and sewing a pillowcase with decorative elements for it.

Photo gallery: sensory pillows of different shapes

This pillow is suitable for babies from 2-3 months. For the image on each of the squares, you can use a fabric of a different texture This pillow is suitable for children from 1 year old. It presents more complex elements: buttons, ribbons, bows, Velcro, lock Such a turtle has several faces, each of which has different developmental elements: a carabiner, lacing, buttons. It is suitable for children from two years old.

Do-it-yourself pillow for the development of fine motor skills

You can sew such a pillow at home.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • fabric - green (53 × 30 cm) and blue (83 × 20 cm);
  • interlining (53 × 50 cm);
  • fabric for the back side (50 × 55 cm);
  • felt of different colors and floss threads to match;
  • zipper 50 cm long;
  • Velcro, buttons, braid, ribbons, hat elastic;
  • drawing paper, paper, pencil;
  • scissors;
  • threads, needles and pins for sewing;
  • pillow 45×50 cm.

Before you start sewing, you need to make a sketch of the future pillow in life size. You can use stencils for this.

The blue fabric is cut into two strips (the first is 30 × 20 cm for the pocket, the second is 53 × 20 cm for the base). A piece of green fabric and a blue flap prepared for the base are duplicated in size by interlining. The cutout for the pocket folds in half.

The sun is connected from yellow felt and ribbons: a circle with a diameter of 10 cm and 7-8 strips of 10 cm in length each.

A felt sun with beams folded in half is attached with pins to a blue fabric prepared for a pocket.

The details are sewn on sewing machine or by hand in small neat stitches.

The elements of the main part (blue and green) and the pocket are connected together.

The basis of green fabric is located below, of blue - on top. A pocket with the sun is applied to the upper left corner

Then the base and non-woven substrates are connected with pins, after which they are sewn together.

Elements from the drawn sketch are cut out of felt.

"Felt waves" are interconnected. For each fish you need two parts (you can use different colors) and an elastic band 10–15 cm long

Elastic bands with knots tied at the ends are placed between the elements of the fish and sewn together. The waves are laid out on the base (departing from the edges 1–1.5 cm for seam allowances).

Multi-colored fish are placed between the waves and fixed. Elements of the river are sewn first at the bottom, then around the entire perimeter.

The next element is a tree. For each of them, you need two crown blanks, one trunk and several apples or pears. The parts are sewn together, while the fruit is located inside between the two crowns, and the trunk remains on top.

The blank for the railway is made of gray felt. Its size is 53x5 cm.

The railroad is placed on a green clearing that already has a river and trees.

For the manufacture of a steam locomotive and a trailer, you will also need two elements each. Facial details are made using felt of different colors (wheels, windows, pipe). Details are sewn on top. A small button is attached to the rear edge of the train, and a small ribbon loop is attached to the trailer. A ribbon 50 cm long is threaded through the unsewn edge, at the ends of which knots are tied. The structure is located on railway and fixed.

Clouds are made from blue felt - also two elements each. Through them, as through a train, a braid is passed, the ends of which are sewn to the blue part of the base.

Flowers are cut out of felt of different colors, for the middle of which Velcro is used, and placed on a green meadow next to the river. The seam is made along the edge of the Velcro, and the petals remain free.

Following the example of fish, a butterfly and a bee are made. Velcro is sewn on the reverse side of each figurine - so insects can sit on flowers.

A lock is sewn into the middle of the piece of fabric that was chosen for the back of the pillowcase.

The front and back of the pillowcase are foldable front sides inside and sewn around the perimeter, leaving allowances for the seams (1–1.5 cm on each side).

If desired, you can make figurines of animals that will ride on the train. Their faces can be drawn with a marker.

The pillowcase is ready. The kid can play with her, placing the animals in the trailer, rolling the train along the rails, planting insects on flowers, looking for fruits on the trees.


Effectively promotes the development of the motor ability of the fingers modeling. Plasticine, with which all parents are familiar from childhood, to give one year old baby dangerous, because he tastes everything. The usual dough comes to the rescue. It can be prepared independently from safe ingredients.

Modeling dough recipe

For it, you will need finely ground salt and water (one part each), flour (2 parts).

  1. Combine salt and flour in a deep bowl, add water.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Knead the mass to the consistency of soft plasticine.

If after cooking the dough sticks to your hands, you can add salt and flour to it (observing the proportion). In case of getting a crumbly texture, it is enough to increase the amount of water.
If the baby loves to sculpt, you can immediately make a lot of dough. You need to store it in the refrigerator, pinching off the “working” pieces as needed. But such material should not be stored for a long time - over time, the dough loses its elasticity. For older children, you can add food coloring during cooking. After drying, the figures from the dough become hard and durable. They can be colored and used for games.

Photo gallery: do-it-yourself dough figures

You can make such a basket together with your baby - this is an exciting, creative and useful activity.
From the dough you can mold figures of your child's favorite animals Dried crafts can be painted acrylic paints From the figures you can make whole pictures and use them to decorate a children's room

Collapsible elements

Very well develops motor skills game with small details.

felt coats

All large details on such samples (pockets, sleeves and even a collar) are removable. The child himself will be able to create interesting models by combining colors. These toys are suitable for kids from two years old.

Math strings

When the baby begins to show interest in numbers, you can offer him mathematical strings. They not only develop fine motor skills well, but also help to learn counting.

Video: didactic games with furs


Such devices are great for improving the motor activity of fingers and pens. After all, a multi-colored rope must not only be taken - it must fall into a small hole.

Simple lacing can be made from any safe surface: a wooden plank, a plastic cover, or ordinary thick cardboard. On them, using a screwdriver heated on a candle or an awl, you need to randomly make holes with a diameter of 5 mm.

An even easier way to keep your child busy with lacing is to use a colander.

More complex laces can be made in any shape. This will take a little more time, imagination and material.


Sorters, in addition to fine motor skills, allow you to develop perseverance, attentiveness and quick wit in your baby. Making them yourself is also possible, although a little more difficult than lacing or math shoelaces.

The sorter will need cardboard box and several small toys of various shapes. On one side of the box, you need to cut holes that match the shapes of the selected items, only a little larger.

Photo gallery: do-it-yourself sorters

Round holes are cut slightly larger than plastic caps.
Such an original large sorter is suitable for babies who already know how to walk. For the simplest version of a homemade sorter, you will need a box and cardboard blanks

Developing stands - universal didactic devices

The developing stand can combine elements of all the described objects and games.

To make such a board, you can attach to a sheet of fiberboard or an unnecessary countertop any items that are found in the house:

  • latches,
  • locks,
  • sockets with plugs attached to them,
  • switches of different sizes and shapes,
  • door hooks,
  • bolts,
  • clothes hooks,
  • old rotary telephone
  • bell on a string
  • glockenspiel.

Over time, existing items can be changed to new ones, while maintaining the child's interest in the game.

Educational books

Educational books are great fun for kids of any age, from the moment when the child can sit up on his own.

You can make a book based on your kid's favorite fairy tale

Video: handmade educational books

Foot massage mat

Fine motor skills are the development of not only hands, but also toes. Orthopedists talk about the positive effect of walking a child barefoot on different surfaces. In the summer it is easier to do this - you can walk on sand, grass, pebbles. And in other seasons, miracle rugs will come in handy: on dense fabric small flat pebbles, plastic bottle caps, buttons and much more are sewn on or glued on.

Photo gallery: homemade massage mats

This rug combines materials that give different sensations to children's feet.
The pebbles are glued to the carpet base You can make a massage mat from many materials, including plastic covers.

The development of fine motor skills in a child is possible without expensive store toys. There are always many items in the house that are interesting for children. Joint family creativity gives an amazing feeling of closeness, and even more pleasing is the delight and success of the child.