How to remember big. Do you need to quickly memorize a large amount of information? Then forward to the main secrets! Division into fragments


Modern world with a huge amount of constantly updated information makes high demands on human memory. Before people striving to succeed, the question arises - how to remember a lot of information in a short time? The best minds of mankind, who have found a way out for such people, have been “fighting” over this problem for a single year. According to them, the use of special techniques.

How much information can a person remember

Scientists have been trying for a long time to find the answer to the question of how much information an ordinary person can remember. However, so far no solution has been found that satisfies all physiologists. It was assumed that the human memory is capable of storing ten million bits of information. But soon scientists abandoned this theory due to the fact that this volume is very small and does not reflect the real state. The human brain contains not only the data that he is forced to remember, but also those that accompany his existence - the nicknames of pets, facial features of relatives, etc.

According to the American researcher Cooper, each neuron of the brain is capable of storing up to one hundred thousand units of information. Given their total number, a person's memory can hold information of 10 to the 17th power of bits. This figure, according to a number of physiologists, is reliable. However, some scientists argue that human memory is a more capacious concept, and it is capable of containing information of 10 to the 23rd bit. Based on these data, it is clear that people have not yet learned how to use the most complex mechanism given to him by nature.

Determining the type of memory

In everyday life, there are individual differences in the field of mental processes. One of these processes is the storage of information. The features of the memorization process characterize the personality, becoming its properties, leaving an imprint on the activity and behavior of a person. Depending on which analyzer prevails in the work of memory, it is customary to distinguish four types of memory:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • motor;
  • mixed.

Auditory (sound or auditory) type is characterized by a high degree of memorization and reproduction of all kinds of sounds: music, spoken words. It is important when remembering voiced information. It acquires special significance at certain periods of life. Auditory memory ensures good academic performance of schoolchildren and students. It is necessary for successful professional activity for composers, musicians, linguists.

Visual memory is the ability to perceive, store and reproduce visual images. According to psychologists, people with a developed visual type have a well-developed imagination. They are able to "see" images even after they have disappeared from view. This type of memory is of particular importance for designers, engineers, artists, and designers.

Motor (motor) memory is characterized by the ability to remember and reproduce movements. People who possess it are able to keep in memory not only motor representations, but also their characteristics: amplitude, speed, tempo, rhythm, sequence. The success of the formation of motor skills of labor, play, sports activities depends on the level of its development.

The mixed type is characterized by the absence of the predominance of any one memory. Its peculiarity is that mixed memory provides the same good memory material using different analyzers. People who have it use several types of memory at once: visual-motor, visual-auditory, motor-auditory.

There are other types of memory, based on the activities of individual analyzers, which are not essential in human life. Their capabilities are limited and come down to meeting the biological needs of the body. These types of memory include: olfactory, tactile and gustatory. To find out which way of remembering prevails for you, use the psychological technique "Determining the type of memory."

To conduct it, you will need an assistant who must read out a few rows of words. Each of these corresponds to a specific type of memory. After reading aloud a group of words by the leader, the subject in the allotted time must write them down from memory. The data obtained must be compared with the rows of words and identify how many are named correctly. At the end of the calculation of the coefficient according to a special formula, a conclusion is made about the predominant type of memory.

Cheat sheets will help you quickly remember a lot of information in a short time

What is the best way to remember information? Cramming takes a lot of time and is not always effective. The favorite method of student "smuggling" - cheat sheets, helps in solving this issue. According to physiologists, the use of cheat sheets activates the activity of several analyzers, as a result, several types of memory take part in the memorization process - visual and motor. This approach ensures fast memorization. The peculiarity of cheat sheets lies in the way information is stored.

A large amount of data cannot fit on a small piece of paper, so the answer to the ticket question is written briefly in the form of diagrams. They reflect key points or individual phrases that reflect the essence, from which logical chains are created by conscious processing of information, which ensures consistent memorization of the text. This method is successfully used not only by students, but also by people who operate with large amounts of data - managers, teachers.

Connection of auditory, auditory memory

According to physiologists, the auditory type of memory is a powerful memorization tool. Psychologists believe that auditory memory develops more easily than visual and motor memory. The use of this tool increases the possibilities of memorization. To use auditory memory, it is recommended not only to write, but also to read the same cheat sheets. Repetition of information aloud before the exam increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the case.

The main method of using auditory memory is to record information on a voice recorder and listen to it. For example, you can record lectures given by a teacher, or read material on your own with a recording on a voice recorder. Regular listening to information provides a strong memorization. At one time there was a theory that if you listen to information in a dream, then it is well remembered, but scientists have questioned the application of this method.

visual memory techniques

Visual memory accounts for most of the information we perceive. IN educational institutions main emphasis on serving educational material is done on visual perception, so most of the data is located on the blackboard. To increase the capabilities of this type of memory, several methods of visual memorization are used:

  • visual material. When studying a theoretical issue, the material is supported by vivid illustrations.
  • Reading. This type of activity also connects the visual analyzer to the memorization process, which allows you to capture the necessary information in the brain.
  • Note-taking. The material intended for memorization is outlined using multi-colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
  • Schulte tables. This "simulator" is used to train speed reading skills. In the process of training, peripheral vision is connected, which ensures the memorization of more information.

Techniques for memorizing large amounts of data using motor memory

Less often, motor memory is used for memorization. However, connecting your own body to the processes responsible for storing information provides a strong memorization. Methods that activate motor memory are: writing cheat sheets, practical implementation of an action that should be remembered (for example, playing a dance element). Such techniques are actively used in childhood and among people whose activities are connected with the formation of practical skills - pilots, surgeons, builders, cooks, athletes, dancers.

How to learn a foreign language in a short time: the secrets of abilities

The question of how to learn to memorize information worries people and, if necessary, in a short time to master foreign language. The book in this case carries only background information. Physiologists recommend increasing the amount of audiovisual information. Watch films in your chosen language with Russian subtitles, listen to songs, find someone who speaks the language and communicate with them regularly. A computer and social networks will be great helpers. If there is a club in your city where foreigners gather, visit it and practice your pronunciation.

There are a lot of computer techniques that involve practicing pronunciation, listening to words accompanied by translation. One of the popular techniques used in the study of languages ​​is the method of "Mental repetitions". Its essence lies in the periodic mental repetition of information. It is important to follow the exercise schedule:

  • The first repetition after the study is carried out 60 minutes after the initial perception of the data.
  • The second - 3 hours after the first.
  • Third - the next day at any time.

The number of repetitions, the time intervals between them are regulated at their own discretion, taking into account individual abilities. It is allowed to increase the number of repetitions and lengthen the intervals between them. Be sure to make sure that the breaks are not long, otherwise the information not fixed on time may not be saved in the end.

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Tomorrow is an exam and you didn't prepare for it because you didn't have time or you put off studying until later? You can prepare for the exam in one day if you are disciplined and attentive. It is better to prepare in advance, for example, a week before the exam, but there are situations when this cannot be done. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare for the exam in one day.



    Find appropriate place for classes. Nothing and no one should distract you - neither friends, nor any objects in your bedroom. Find a study area where you can focus on the material you are learning.

    • Study somewhere quiet and peaceful, such as a private room or a library.
  1. Prepare everything you need. Before you begin to study the material, prepare everything you may need, such as textbooks, notes, markers, a computer, a light snack and water.

    • Remove everything that will distract you.
  2. Turn off your phone. If you don’t need your smartphone to study, turn it off so that it doesn’t distract you from studying the subject. So you can focus solely on the material being studied.

    Consider whether you should study on your own or in a group. Since time is limited, it's probably best to study on your own, but sometimes it's helpful to study the material in a small group to better understand the concepts and terms. If you decide to work in a group, make sure that it consists of people who are as prepared as you are; otherwise, the efficiency of work in the group will not be very high.

    Learn to work effectively with a textbook. You will not remember the material if you just read the textbook (especially if your time is limited). As you read your textbook, pay particular attention to the chapter summaries and key information in bold type.

    • Find the questions that are given after each chapter (or at the end of the textbook). Try to answer these questions to test yourself and understand what you should learn.
  3. Create tutorial. It will allow you to better understand the material and quickly review it on the day of the exam. In the study guide, fill in the most important concepts, terms, dates, and formulas and try to state the main concepts in your own words. Self-formulation of concepts and writing them down on paper will allow you to better understand and remember the material.

    • If you don't have time to create a study guide, ask a friend or classmate for one. But it will be better if you create your own study guide, as stating and writing down the main concepts will help you remember the information better.
  4. Prepare for the appropriate exam format. If you are pressed for time, be sure to keep the format in mind when preparing for the exam. Ask your teacher about the format of the exam or look in the curriculum, or ask your classmates.

Lesson plan

    Create a lesson plan. Include material that will definitely be on the exam, such as important dates, certain scientific concepts, math formulas or equations. If you don't know what will be asked on the exam, ask your classmates. To pass the exam successfully, it is important to know what material you need to learn (especially when time is limited).

    Create a class schedule. Schedule the whole day leading up to the exam and determine the hours that you will devote to studying the material. Don't forget to make time for sleep.

    Create a list of topics to study. Review the textbook, study guide and notes and write down the topics that will be present on the exam.

A good memory is a matter of pride. In the modern age, we daily perceive tons of information. It's just that not everything can be remembered. Needless to say, lately people have become accustomed to entering everything into telephone memos. But still, the most powerful and reliable hard drive that cannot be hacked is our brain. However, in order to remember information, you need a good memory and following some tricks. However, first things first.

Memory usage

How to memorize information faster? It is impossible to find the answer to this question without understanding your abilities given by nature. The thing is that almost all of us have developed several types of memory. But one of them is the strongest. So, here are all its types:

  • visual (visual);
  • auditory (auditory);
  • tactile (kinesthetic);
  • gustatory and olfactory.

The latter type of memory is considered the least practical, because taste and smell are the least likely to act as leading analyzers. However, all of these types are combined into one type of memory - figurative. Image, sound, sensation, smell and taste - all this contributes to the creation of a certain picture in our imagination.

There is also verbal-logical memory, motor (motor), emotional, voluntary, involuntary, short-term, long-term and operational. But remembering contributes, of course, the first of this list.

figurative method

If we talk about how to memorize information faster, then this method should be noted first of all. Because it is the most efficient.

Memorization is the process of finding connections. Or their creation in an array of images. If you want to put something in memory, you need to find or create a new visual connection. Information, especially abstract information (ideas, thoughts), cannot be memorized.

Here is a simple example. Word sleeve, which is translated from English as "sleeve", you can try to drive into your head for an hour, repeating it ad nauseam. But why, if it's really memorized in 5 seconds? Everything is simple! It is enough to imagine the sleeve of a jacket, filled to the brim with plums. Strange? May be. But now you don’t even have to remember what the word means sleeve. And all thanks to the creation of a connection between him and the image.

Even in teaching this method is used. Recall at least the lessons of mathematics in school. Yes, any person who completed it 10, 20 and 30 years ago, to the question of what a bisector is, will answer - this is a ray that divides one angle into two. And all why? Because the bisector is a rat that runs around the corners and bisects the corner. This simple rhyme was used by all teachers to make life easier for students.


This method is similar to the previous one. How to memorize information faster? Think of associations! These are groups of images that encode information. They always have a base and superimposed elements.

You don't even need to look for associations, because they surround us. Phone numbers have birthdays to remember. In memorable dates - house numbers, addresses of friends. And, of course, words are the main assistant of each of us.

How to quickly memorize the spectral classes of stars? They are denoted by letters, and far from being in alphabetical order - O, B, A, F, G, K, M. If you think a little, you can come up with a funny association by writing a word for each letter and combining them into a semantic sentence: "One White-haired American Chewed Dates Like Carrots". And according to this scheme, you can remember almost everything - starting with dates, ending with formulas.

In the process of learning

Most often, schoolchildren and students are interested in the answer to the question of how to memorize information faster. Those who need to learn something, and preferably quickly. The above methods should be used, but they will be auxiliary in this case.

The most important thing is to set a certain mode. The best time to absorb information is from 8:00 to 11:00 and from 20:00 to 23:00. However, it all depends on what time a person goes to bed and gets up. After analyzing your activity, it is not so difficult to find the best time for yourself.

Having chosen the time, you need to turn off the Internet and all electronic gadgets, ensure silence or non-distracting background music, and then concentrate, removing everything that may seem more interesting than studying. For many, this is the problem. But you can concentrate if you break the material you are learning into several parts and learn a little.

For example, a student needs to prepare for the exam, which will be in 5 days, 40 tickets. This means that he will need to do 10 pieces every day. Five in the morning, and the same number in the evening, and you can rest during the day. On the fifth day, repeat everything. This will help. The main thing is to set yourself a goal and follow a clear plan.


How to quickly remember "big" information? The question posed in this way worries all students on the eve of the exam or test. The amount of information (besides not the most interesting) is great, but there is no time. What to do? The answer is simple. Gotta get excited.

After all, everyone noticed how imperceptibly time flies during walks, travels, entertainment! And then we remember everything in amazing detail. All because it was interesting. Preparing for tomorrow's exam, you need to get carried away with the subject. “But why do I need it!”, “I will forget everything in a day!”, “There is nothing more boring in the world!” - all these excuses are familiar to students. But you need to teach, so you have to convince yourself that the subject and information are of unprecedented interest. You need to try to find something catchy or maybe useful in it. Or to convince yourself that today nothing from the classes, except for the teaching of this subject, is available. And be sure to find motivation. You can promise yourself to arrange a holiday after successfully passing the exam. In anticipation, information is remembered really better.

A solid approach

There are people who are not interested in how to quickly remember a large amount of information. It is important for them that certain data be stored for a long time on their internal “hard drive”.

To do this, you need to use a combined technique of fast and detailed reading. So, first - a detailed acquaintance with the material. Someone reads 2-3 pages to understand what he is dealing with. Others snatch the text from different parts of the book (summary or other source of information). However, this is an individual question. The meaning of surface reading is not to memorize the text, but to get acquainted with it.

And then comes the time for a detailed method. It involves a slow, thoughtful reading of all available information and its parallel analysis. You can highlight difficult words or interesting phrases, reread what you could not understand the first time.

In parallel, it is desirable to take notes and even sketches. And also talk to yourself. Thinking aloud is very useful because auditory, verbal and visual memory is involved. In addition, mindfulness is activated more strongly, because reading aloud is impossible without concentration.

Useful Tricks

How to learn to quickly memorize information? You have to learn one simple rule. You need to scream! It has been proven that information fits into the brain faster if a person shouts it out.

Emotions help too. Especially expression. Gestures, phrases, facial expressions - and everything that can express it. You can even act out a scene in front of a mirror.

Also, you can't sit still. If you learn something by turning circles around the room, you will be able to activate the work of the brain and, accordingly, your ability to remember information.

By the way, if there is an opportunity to change the situation, you need to use it. And it is desirable to exchange the room for nature. Fresh air and the absence of concrete four walls will contribute to more active memorization.

Active repetition

This is another good way to quickly remember information and transfer it from temporary memory to long-term memory.

At the very beginning, it was about images and connections. With their help, you can really remember information faster. But! If a person does not use these connections, they will simply collapse over time. This is the reason why we forget what we used to remember. And the weaker, more indistinct was the connection - the faster it will collapse.

That's why you need to use this method. Repeat connections, update visual images and make them more vivid. And here is the conclusion: memorization is not constant cramming and looking at external sources, but regular retrieval from memory of images that have ever been created. And it's better to spend a little time to think of them, and then remember the information for the rest of your life, than to memorize it for hours and forget it in a day.

Habit formation

There are people for whom to quickly remember the necessary information - just spit. And all because they constantly follow the above recommendations (and some more that they come up with themselves). These people train their memory and improve the ability given by nature. And for them, the question of how to quickly remember information before the exam or what they saw in passing is not relevant. And this is the main secret.

It is necessary to develop the habit of memorizing or learning something every day. And with the help of the above methods. They are effective, tested by many. In addition, they contribute to the development of thinking and verbal-logical memory.

Bad memory? Forget something important? Need to learn something new quickly? Read how easy it is to memorize large amounts of information and become smarter!

This article will help you quickly prepare for exams, easily improve your skills at work, learn new languages, or easily master any new direction for yourself. At the same time, your brain will memorize large amounts of information better and faster, and your memory will automatically increase!

1. We remember information visually!
2. Why is it worth mentioning the video separately?
3. We connect hearing and sensations!
4. Sleep and sleep learning!
5. How to memorize large amounts of information correctly?
6. Connect new information with past experience!
6. How to learn to memorize a large amount of information at once?
7. Exercise to improve memory!
8. Program for synchronization of the hemispheres of the brain!

We remember information visually!

Scientists have found that despite the difference in the representational system (as you know, auditory, visual and kinesthetics are distinguished, you can determine your type), the brain of any person perceives basic information visually.

Moreover, vision greatly affects all other senses and often distorts the information they receive.

An experiment was carried out...

Wine lovers and connoisseurs were asked to recognize what is in their glass. And in a glass, white wine was served, to which red food coloring was added.

None of the participants in the experiment said that the wine was white, since it was red in color !!

How to use this knowledge to remember large amounts of information?

Any text the brain does not perceive information as a stream, but only as a picture. When we read a word or phrase, we use our imagination to grasp the meaning. In other words, we translate the literal text into a visual one.

But this significantly reduces the speed and quality of memorization!

But if we immediately see a picture before our eyes, then its meaning becomes clear without “translation” and is remembered much better!

Therefore, each new thought of the memorized text should be associated with a visual image. These can be explanatory pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams, etc.

Why is it worth mentioning the video separately?

Especially well visual information is perceived in motion. A static image is much less effective than a dynamic video. Therefore, if you memorize new information, include themed videos in the learning process!

We connect hearing and sensations!

Even if you are a kinesthetic or auditory person, hearing and sensations will still be additional sources for you to assimilate information. But it’s clearly not worth discounting them even for bright visuals.

The more channels of perception we use during memorization, the better the information is assimilated, and the longer it stays in our RAM.

Therefore, remembering the text, do not be too lazy to read it aloud. Also use visual aids that you can remember by touch.

Sleep and sleep learning!

Sleep itself, especially before an exam or other important event, when you need to “cash out” the knowledge you have learned, already plays an important role. Several hundred students were tested on this subject. Those students who slept peacefully the night before the exam showed much best result than those who were engaged in night cramming.

Therefore, if you sleep well, then you will have much more chances to remember what you have learned!

Also worth noting is the phenomenon of learning in a dream.

Scientists have found that the human brain remembers information well in the first 60 minutes after falling asleep. Therefore, by memorizing information aloud, you can turn on the recorder and record it, and then turn on playback when you fall asleep.

How to memorize large amounts of information?

How you organize your training also greatly affects the final result.

Many use the method of cramming and "wither away" over knowledge until they "learn". However, this approach is not efficient.

It is much easier and easier to remember a large amount of information if:

  • take breaks between studying each new block of information;
  • to study new blocks mixed;
  • write a summary of what has been learned;
  • repeat what you learned after an hour, then after 3 hours, and then the next day.

What does it mean to learn new blocks mixed up?

When learning new information, you can go sequentially. First learn one, then the second, which follows from the first, then the third, closely related to the second. It would seem that such an approach should be correct. But no.

When a person switches attention to a new aspect that is not related to the previous one, he perceives information much better. So let's say if you're studying English language, take 15 minutes to memorize new words, then rest for 5 minutes and start listening to English speech for 15 minutes, then take a break again and start reading. Again a break, then a translation of the text. And after an hour, repeat the learned words. The result will surprise you!

Separately, it is worth saying a few words about the abstract ...

No need to write down everything in a row and turn the outline into a cheat sheet. It is enough to write down one word of each new thought, while the word should reflect this very thought. With this approach, you only need to look at the written word in order to remember everything connected with it.

Connecting new information with past experience!

This is another important aspect! New knowledge should occupy its own department in your memory, then it will be easy for you to “pull out” them when necessary.

Let's look at an example...

Many people have trouble remembering new names or numbers. To fix this problem, try to memorize this information with some image that is already in your head.

For example, a new employee's name is Ivan. Do you remember that that was the name of the Russian hero folk tales. All! This name will be firmly imprinted in your memory! Or, let's say, you were advised to contact Marya Ivanovna on some issue. In order not to forget this very Marya Ivanovna (after all, you have not even seen her yet), you just need to remember that that was the name of your first teacher ... In general, the essence is clear.

It's the same with numbers!

There is no need to look for some kind of logic in your reasoning when you are trying, for example, to remember the password for a new bank card. The thought may come like this: 18 - youth, 70 - old age. Now you will remember the password 1870 for the rest of your life!

All you have to do is pick your association!

And if, for example, you are learning a new business or mastering a new ability?

All you need is to analyze what aspects and details you already know.

Let's say you want to open a slate making business, and before that you were engaged in the supply of food.

What can be common?

Not as little as you think. For any business, you will need to draw up a business plan, purchase the necessary equipment, determine the target audience, think over an advertising campaign, and resolve the issue with employees. And you already know all this! You just have to focus on the differences and delve into the manufacturing process of this very slate.

Agree, it seems much easier than mastering a completely new and unfamiliar activity.

How to learn to memorize a large amount of information at once?

Remember at school there was such a form as retelling? But it is no coincidence!

Retelling the information received to someone, we immediately remember it, and for a very long time. Therefore, if there are "free ears", use them for the good of the cause. At the same time, it is better to retell looking at the summary, then even a large amount of information will settle down in your memory completely and completely.

But if there were no free ears at hand, a mirror will come to the rescue.

At the same time, try to explain everything to your reflection as clearly as possible - using facial expressions and gestures.

The more bodily movements you use in the process of retelling, the better the information will be absorbed. And in the “hour X” itself (an exam or other similar event), you can remember your grimaces and gestures, while the accompanying information that you tried to explain to your reflection will pop up in your memory by itself.

Also, as mentioned above, for clarity, it is worth including images in the abstract.

Exercise to improve memory!

This simple exercise gives an incredible effect!

It helps to expand the working memory of the brain and easily allows you to remember large amounts of information.

Some schoolchildren who used to have difficulty remembering lessons, after regularly doing this exercise, increased their academic performance many times over, became smarter and got rid of problems with their studies.

After several weeks of classes, adults noted that they stopped forgetting important things, they began to easily memorize large amounts of information, it was easier to endure information loads and stresses!

Just 5 minutes a day will help you quickly memorize large amounts of information!

This exercise synchronizes the activity of both hemispheres of the brain, which allows you to remember more, faster and better!

What do we have to do?

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. With your right hand, you need to take the lobe of the left ear, and with the left hand - the lobe of the right.

3. While inhaling in this position of the hands, perform a squat.

4. On exhalation, stand up in the same position of the hands.

You can do multiple sets for a total squat time of 5 minutes, or do squats all at once. This time per day will be enough.

Yoga also has a beneficial effect on memory for the brain (practice), as it provides additional blood flow to the brain.

The program to synchronize the hemispheres of the brain!

To improve memory and memorize large amounts of information, it is also good to use a special audio program that synchronizes the activity of the hemispheres of the brain and increases its "throughput" ability to receive information. In addition, the program contributes to the self-development of the individual as a whole. It is advisable to listen to it daily during the daytime.

Program for synchronization of the hemispheres of the brain

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Representational system - the concept of neurolinguistic programming, meaning the predominant way a person receives information from the outside world (

It goes in one ear and out the other. Common situation? Oh, how great it would be to take and remember the necessary information from the first time ... I decided to see what His Majesty the all-knowing OK Google says about this. What is the best way to remember? And, alas, some of the advice made my eyebrows clench in surprise. For example, shout out the memorized text loudly. Or walk constantly while reading and memorizing. Or sit meditating for hours to get in tune with the universe...

I'm not against all this. And I think meditation is a wonderful tool, and movement really helps memorization. But... I imagine a picture of you preparing for an exam for several days in a row, shouting for several hours a day a textbook on quantum physics or management. So you can completely lose your voice. Meditation is also good, but as an opportunity to tune in to memorization or give the brain time to assimilate and retain what has been memorized. However, if you do not remember, then there will be nothing to keep.

I want to talk about ways to better remember information. My personal work. What I have tested in practice.

How to remember better: create an incentive for yourself

Nothing increases the speed and accuracy of memorization like our personal interest in the material being studied. You, I think, have often come across the fact that if you are interested, then remembering or studying a fact is not difficult.

This is the basic mechanism of our involuntary memory: what is interesting equals what is important. What is important, it is necessary to remember and the brain itself remembers.

How can it be used?

If you need to remember something that at first glance seems uninteresting, create yourself motivation and interest. If this is a large block of information, an academic discipline, then first find out what is interesting in this area?

The latest developments, products, secrets, maybe secrets? For example, studying boring sections of physics can be interesting in that you learn the basics that calculate the most complex space launches of the most advanced satellite, or you learn the basics that will then allow you to understand how sensitive sensors are built in the most intelligent autonomous robots.

Find out what practical interest this or that training can bring to you. And in the near future. Perhaps a boring study of tax legislation will allow you to start advising businessmen you know about taxes right now, which will allow you to create additional income. Money is one of the most powerful motivators.

It is difficult to give complete advice on how to create motivation for yourself, because each of us has our own interests, motives. Look for interesting things for yourself.

How to remember better: create images

A small educational program. The fact is that our brain operates with images. Think: images. We think in images. Often visual, slightly less auditory, tactile. Mankind has created a lot of symbolic information: texts, numbers, diagrams, graphs. All this makes up a large part of our daily intellectual activity. And figurative memory is the fastest. Yes, we can memorize both numbers and logical connections, but much slower, in a smaller volume and harder than images. So why not take advantage of the fastest memory?

How to memorize images

Try to translate everything that you need to remember into images (pictures in your head). Before your presentation, present the key points of your report with bright pictures with a plot.

Live the text of the educational material, imagine it in your imagination. If you're studying biology, imagine all the insects and cockroaches, all the leaf veins. If this is mathematics, then think of graphs as objects that can move along the trajectory of this graph. Imagine a parabola as a ball flying up. Sinusoid like a bat. Visualize the law and formulas, provisions and principles, theorems - everything that is possible.

If you are dealing with numbers, then you represent certain objects behind the numbers: a box of oranges is 50, a truck of oranges is 1000.

Come up with your own figurative notation for frequently used symbols. For example, I often have to deal with chemical equilibrium. I think of it as a pan scale. I see how these scales shift to one side if something happens in the system. I know people who imagine the current in the wires as rivers flowing along their channels. Enstein imagined himself as a photon flying at the speed of light. Some biologists walk inside cells, walk through mitochondria, unravel DNA in the nucleus.

It's nice to study the material like this, isn't it? Yes, at first it may seem unusual, you need to stir up your brains.

I agree, it's not always easy in the beginning. But if you develop a habit, then automatically every complex text will be drawn like a movie in your head. And the quality of memory will be on top.

How to remember better: tell someone

Many people know about this method how to remember it well and quickly. You just need to retell. And know what needs to be said. An even greater effect occurs when you not only need to tell, but also make a favorable impression. For example, you are presenting a business idea, the results of which decide whether there will be investments in your project. In this case, the motivation to memorize facts is very high.

How to use this method in practice:

Create conditions for yourself in which you would need to speak in front of an audience. It could be your family and friends. If this is not a motivating factor, then speak in front of an unfamiliar audience.

Create your own video blog specific topic(Youtube for help) and regularly record videos around your learning tasks. The need to regularly cover issues in the topic of your blog will make you a real expert.

Enter charitable educational lectures for schoolchildren, open lectures for the public. No more efficient way understand the topic and remember it, how to study the topic and clearly tell it to children or grandmothers.

We studied the topic - recorded a video, told people. A little lazy, right? But you have no idea how much it increases the quality of memorization. So the choice is yours.

How to remember information better: apply

Tell me, would you learn to ride a bike or swim only from books? I doubt.

We remember most of all what we do. Therefore, whatever you wish to keep in your memory, first bring it to life. Exactly: apply first, before memorizing.

This method is applicable in order to better remember words, read text, action algorithms, even numerical data. And much of what we need.

  • If you need to remember the algorithm of actions, then just do it several times (Of course, peep, do not remember it by heart yet). Let it be conditional attempts. Let's say you need to remember the algorithm for working with computer program. Go to the program and, while following the prompts, go through the algorithm.
  • If you need to remember a route, conditionally move around your room in small steps, imagining the road and making turns as necessary.
  • If you need to know the sequence of points in your oral presentation, tell it as if in front of a real audience.
  • If you need to know the method of solving problems, solve these problems using this method, with a hint and peeping. Just don't act like a cheating schoolboy. Feel free to look at the examples.
  • If you are participating in training, then it is pointless to memorize. Large arrays of information poured into you will fly out of your memory instantly. Put into practice what you want to remember. Website creation training - make a website right away, relationship training - apply practices.

Obviously? Yes. But we often do not use them, but only read or watch. remember, that memory for actions is the strongest.

Once again: take it and immediately do what you learn. Otherwise, you will not be able to remember what you read or heard better.

Let the first experience be not the most successful, this is not the main thing. The main thing is to do what you want to remember.

How to remember better: create a base or foundation

Can the base be zero or non-zero? It depends on what ... Our brain is cunningly arranged. The basis of his physiological work is neural networks, and the cognitive consequence of this work is the associativity of thinking and memory.

This means that the new can only lie on the well-known old, cling to known information.

Associations are like hooks: if there are none, then there is nothing to hang on. If the hanger does not have hooks, then how?

If the subject of study is completely unknown to you, even in its minimal basis, then memorizing the material becomes extremely difficult.

Can you navigate in an unfamiliar city without a map and the help of passers-by? Will you walk at random until you practically explore the city? A good strategy, but you will achieve your goal (find a certain building) in a few weeks, or maybe months at best. As we usually do in such a situation: maps, navigators, communication.

Why then do we try to remember the new to zero base? We hope to quickly find a hotel without a map for tourists?

How to memorize new material better:

1. Before learning and memorizing something new and complex, find in other sources (Google and Yandex to help you) the simplest explanation of the basics of the topic under study. Let it be a Wikipedia article, a lecture for dummies or for schoolchildren. It is important to understand the basics, the key principles (to nail the hanger with hooks)

2. Read the book on the spiral algorithm (I have about this method of working with information), several times. It will be a quick skim first, then a reading of the key takeaways, then a deeper read.

Each time you will fill the knowledge base on this topic, each reading will be hanging new ideas on existing hooks.

3. Choose such materials (books, trainings, lectures, articles) in which you know 20-50% of the material. The result of memorization from mastering information of such a distribution will be higher than from 100% new information. Amazing, isn't it?

So, we looked at 5 important principles on how to remember any material better. I really hope that you will start using at least part of it right away (see above why this is important). And now take and retell these principles to someone so that most of the information remains in your memory, and in the first case (the first book, lecture, training), immediately study the materials so that they are remembered as fully as possible.

Leave your impressions and wishes, I really love comments!