Who hid the Christmas Star? The story of the Christmas star. educational and methodological material (senior, preparatory group) on the topic The Tale of the Christmas Star script

Fairy tale "The Mystery of the Christmas Star and the Birthday"

Each of us is born to shine and illuminate this world. Indeed, at the moment of our birth, Christmas stars are lit for each of us.

Julia lay down in her warm bed with forthcoming thoughts about tomorrow's event, her birthday. Looking into the night sky, she thought about this holiday, that this is the first holiday in the life of every person that comes every year and even remains after the death of a person in the form of an inscription on a tombstone and in the memory of his family and friends. “Was it always like this?”, a thought flashed through her head, but the round dances of the stars in the sky had already done their job and she fell asleep sweetly ....

- "You were born to shine," she suddenly heard some pleasant and at the same time sonorous and insistent voice.

- “Hey, get up when you sleep, otherwise you will oversleep the most important birth,” the voice did not let up and someone gently shook her by the shoulder. Julia opened her eyes, but apart from the bright flickering light that filled the whole room, there was no one in her.

- "Who are you"? she asked curiously.

- "I'm your Christmas race, well, or the star given to you at birth."
- "What a strange dream" she thought.

- "You need a star." And while Julia was wondering at what was happening, she did not notice how this flickering, warm light was already carrying her, as if on large and powerful wings up through the night sky ...

- "Where are we?" only she had time to shout, as the breath from the speed of the rapidly increasing flight finally intercepted.

- "Where to where, to the Kudykin mountain" the star burst out laughing, shaking the surrounding space with its roar.

- “You are strange people, you have completely forgotten how to believe in miracles, tell me everything, but show me ...” the star said annoyed, but then she continued to soften a little

- "Trust me and you will have a miracle, I promise you like a real star."

And Julia, gaping in surprise, just continued to stare around until they stopped in front of some entrance, from where there was such a bright and blinding light that it was not clear who was there or what was inside.

- "Welcome" - the star sang, to one of the most important departments of the heavenly office "Stars by birthright", she proudly said and gently pushed Yulia inside. An angel met us on the threshold, which for some reason Yulia was not even surprised, well, since the office is heavenly, then of course an angel, it’s quite logical, she reasoned with herself, marveling at the unusualness of her dream.

- "A dream, but not a dream," as if reading her thoughts, the angel said.

- "Let's go soon, I'll take you somewhere and tell you something ... and you yourself will decide whether it's a dream or reality."

She obediently followed him along the bright corridors, listening and feeling with every cell of her body that this “something” would be the most amazing story she had ever heard in her life.

The angel told her, as promised, an amazing story about what happens at birth for every inhabitant of the earth in the night sky, the Christmas star lights up, so that when looking at it, a person always remembers his stellar origin and that he was sent to earth, like his star, to shine with its warmth, its inner light and its love, only not in the sky, but on earth.

- “How is it there, you say, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it!” proudly said the angel.

- “And you people, you often forget about it, yes, what are you forgetting, many don’t even know about their star and even the expression “Star sickness” came up for themselves, it’s called, which, by the way, doesn’t correspond to the true state of things at all, well, yes okay... let's go... that means that someone also needs this for some reason, ”the heavenly escort sighed somehow sadly.

“But, as it used to be, look carefully, but remember it well, then you will tell your descendants so that they don’t get infected with this, the most stellar disease,” he said and laughed out loud.

And fantastic pictures rushed before Yulia's eyes, about the time when the birth of a baby was accompanied by knowledge of his Christmas star and the first fairy tale that the baby heard from his parents was about her, and about his power to shine and illuminate this world, given to every person by right birth. And there was even a whole ritual, a real meeting with your Christmas star. Once a year, you guessed it, it's a birthday, the star and the person feel each other in a special way, preparing to meet.

After all, it is on this day that they again gain the opportunity to come into contact with each other in order to be filled with the divine light of love and heavenly grace for the whole coming year. In ancient times, it was customary to spend this day with your star, remembering your stardom, in the brightest sense of the word. And there was another valuable moment, exactly at the hour of his birth, when the light of a star reaches its maximum strength, a person could make his most cherished desire for this year and it would certainly come true, because it was from the heart, and how else, then the star you can see your own, not with your eyes, but only with your heart and soul ... ".

Julia woke up, and without hesitation ran to the window, peering into the night sky and looking with her eyes and, of course, with all her heart in it for the brightest star given to her, and to each of us, by birthright. After all, today is her birthday and she felt they would definitely meet. And she will tell her her most cherished desire, which will surely come true. And she also firmly decided that the very first fairy tale that she would tell her baby would be the fairy tale "About his Christmas star and her secret."

Mother, she is the leader.
Children - boy and girl
Magi - 3 people.
King Herod.
Servant of the king.
Stars - 4 girls
The star of Bethlehem is a girl.

Scene Mother and children.
Mother takes care of the house, sets the table. Grumbles.
It's late and the kids are still gone. It's so cold outside - all the windows are in patterns, but at least they have something! One word - holiday, Christmas. And what is Christmas without carols! In Rus', Christmas carols are sung! So my neighbors went to congratulate. Okay, once a year there is such a holiday, and the night today is clear, bright, the stars are apparently invisible.
Once upon a time we walked around the village with songs, praised Christ, congratulated honest people. If a generous hostess - wished her all the best, if greedy - then beware!
Don't give me the pie
We are the cow by the horns
And the pig - by the tail,
Let's drag her under the bridge!
Children run.
1.- Mother, mother, look how much we caroled - a full bag of goodness!
2.- We have pies, gingerbread, and sweets here!
Well done! What were you singing?
1. And here's what:
Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
Open up the window
Start Christmas!

2. I sow, I wind, I sing,
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year,
With all kind
To be healthy
Lived for many years!

1. And about Christ also, and about King Herod.

Well done! Go quickly to the table, warm yourself with tea.
They sit down at the table and drink tea.
1. - Mother, why do we celebrate Christmas?
2. - Tell us.
Good. Listen.

2. Scene in the sky.
Vedas: It happened more than two thousand years ago. On a clear winter night, the stars arranged a ball in the sky.
Round dance of stars. The dance ends, the stars start a conversation.
1. - How good it is here, in our sky. You can see everything that happens down there. People are so small, in a hurry somewhere all the time, fussing. Why do they so rarely look at the sky?
2.- Yes, people simply do not understand anything about beauty! How can they appreciate the light of my rays?
3.- And my incomparable shimmer? You won't find anything like this in all of heaven!
4. - And I shine brighter than all of you, everyone knows this!
3. - You? Brighter? Look at you! Your radiance has long since faded!
4. - It's you, sister, you say out of envy. At your age, the only thing left to be proud of is the flicker.
1. - Sisters, do not quarrel! Each of us is good in his own way, each of us does his job. What would travelers and sailors do without us?
2. - Right! And poets would not have composed their best poems without us, musicians would not have composed songs.
The round dance continues. The Star of Bethlehem appears.
1. - Look, new girl!
2. - What is your name?
3. - Why did you come to us?
4. - And what path do you indicate?
Star of Bethlehem:
I am the Star of Bethlehem. Look, down there, on the very outskirts of the city of Bethlehem, in distant Palestine, there is a small cave. The baby Jesus had just been born there. In honor of this birth, they set me on fire. Eastern sages have already set off on their journey, and my light will not let them get lost.
1.- Why was the baby born in a cave and not in a house? And what about the wise men?
Star of Bethlehem:
Caesar Augustus issued a command to make a census of all the earth. And everyone went to sign up in their city. Joseph also went with his wife Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem. When the time came for Mary, she gave birth to the Baby right in this cave and put Him in a manger, because there was not enough room for them in the hotel. The Magi saw me and realized that a new King was born, now they are going to Bethlehem to worship Him.
Song "Big Star"
A big star has risen to the sky

She led the wise men from the east.
And she brought me to the manger in Bethlehem.
A star is burning in the sky
She is on fire for everyone.

The wise men believed in that star

She took them from far away.
Christ is the eternal star.

A star is burning in the sky
She is on fire for everyone.

3. Scene in the palace of Herod.

On the stage - the King (sitting on the throne). Servant enters.
Great sovereign! Magi arrived from Eastern countries!
What do they need?
They say that they have learned about the birth of a new King and want to bow to him and bring gifts!
What?! What is the "new king"? I am a king! The only, greatest, wisest ruler of this earth! I don't know about any Baby! I don't want someone who can threaten my reign! Away! Get the bastards out of here!!!
However, no wait
I need to get rid of the Baby, and for this it would be good to know the place where He was born. I will accept the Eastern sages. Call!
I obey, O great of the greatest!
The servant leaves. The Magi enter.
1. - We welcome you, O great king!
2. - May your days on earth last until the end of time!
3. - May your kingdom be exalted above all the kingdoms of the earth!
What brought you to my country, wise elders?
1. - We were following a bright star that had recently appeared in the sky.
2. - From ancient prophecies, we learned that it marks the birth of a new Tsar.
3. - This star led us to your kingdom, O great king.
2.- Tell us, sir, where the royal Child was born, we want to worship Him.
1.- We bring Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Venerable sages! I do not know the birthplace of the King. So go to Bethlehem and find out about the Child, and when you find it, let me know so that I can go to Him.
I am very glad that such an event took place in my land. Go quickly!
The Wolves leave.

4. Angelic message.
That night, when the Star of Bethlehem rose, the shepherds in the field were watching over their flock. Suddenly an angel appeared to them and announced great joy!
Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem. Here is a sign for you: you will find a baby in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Come and greet Him!
The angel sings the song "What a Child".
So the shepherds learned about the birth of Jesus and spread the news to all people, rejoicing and wondering that everything came true as the angel had predicted to them.

5. Scene in a cave.
Maria and Joseph are on stage. The baby lies in the manger. Mary and Joseph look at Him.
Here he is, our baby! Quite tiny!
He was lucky to be born in a cave and sleep in a sheep feeder!
What are you, Joseph! It is dry, warm, with a lot of fragrant straw. We've settled in pretty well. It's good that at least there was a place for us here. After all, all the hotels in Bethlehem are full.
Yes, many people gathered for the census, because everyone must register in the city where they were born. So for our baby, Bethlehem became a homeland.
Do you hear, Maria, someone is coming!
The Wolves enter.
1. - We have already passed through the whole city, and the star keeps leading us further.
2. - Strange, because it is known for sure that the King should be born in Bethlehem, in the city of David.
3. - Look, the star has stopped over a small cave!
2. - Will we find the Baby here?
Greetings, good strangers! What brings you here?
3. - We are looking for the Child, whose birth this star indicated to us. Maybe it's your baby?
May be. He was born very recently.
1. - Praise the heavens! We found Him!
2. - Let's bow to the King and bring him our gifts.
Magi with a bow bring gifts.
3. - It's time for us to Return trip. We must hurry.
2. - We promised the king of your country to inform where we would find the Baby.
1. - He is very good man and wanted to be here too.
An angel appears.
Stop! Do not return to King Herod. He deceived you. He wants to kill the Child in order to reign alone for many years.
Refers to Mary and Joseph.
You will have to flee to Egypt so that the servants of the evil king cannot harm the baby. You will be safe there until King Herod dies.
Everyone leaves.

6. Scene in the house.
1. - Mother, tell me, did Mary and Joseph manage to escape?
2. - Did they save the baby Jesus?
Of course. King Herod was very angry when he found out that the Magi had deceived him. In a rage, he ordered to kill all the babies who were born in Bethlehem at that time. But Mary and Joseph were already far away. They returned to their homeland later, when the danger had passed.
2. And what happened next?
Farther? You will learn about this when you grow up. And to remember the miraculous birth, we were left with a star on the top of the Christmas tree, Christmas carols and funny holidays. Merry Christmas, good people!
"Christmas Song".

Song "Big Star"
A big star has risen to the sky
And shed a joyful light around.
She led the wise men from the east.
And she brought me to the manger in Bethlehem.
A star is burning in the sky
She is on fire for everyone.

The wise men believed in that star
She led them all to Christ.
She took them from far away.
Christ is the eternal star.

A star is burning in the sky
She is on fire for everyone.

"Christmas Song"
In the realm of frost and snow
Crystal gardens blossomed
To our window from the festive sky

Crystal gardens blossomed
The light of a Christmas star is pouring

Celebration, celebration.

Christmas, Christmas.

To every home and to every child
The golden-winged angel has arrived,
And lit up the Christmas tree
And looked at us with a smile.
The golden-winged angel has arrived,
And looked at us with a smile.

Near the Christmas tree again, near the Christmas tree again
Celebration, celebration.
Christmas, Christmas,
Christmas, Christmas.

Song "What a Child"
What kind of child is in someone else's barn
Mary guards?
Heavenly choir sings about him,
And the shepherds are listening.
This is Christ the Lord,

He is given incense, gold,
And bring myrrh
He is the King of kings, before Him rather
Open the door of the heart.
This is Christ the Lord,
Coming into the world from the heights of heaven,
He is given to us by the Almighty as the Savior, the Son of Mary.

Holiday script for Christmas.

The host (adult) comes out to greet those present.

Readers come out:


I flip through the calendar

January creaks outside the window,

Waving to me, stern,

Spruce branch.


The heart is palpitating,

Purple in the air.

winter fairy tale comes



At home - a Christmas tree and gifts.

In the temple - the light shines bright

And the Christmas troparion

From the kliros it flies to the altar.

The children come out and all those present, together with the children, perform the troparion of the holiday: (with the help of ....)

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, rise to the world the light of reason, in it, for the stars serving as a star, I learn to bow to You, the Sun of truth, and lead You from the height of the East. Lord, glory to You!

Everyone leaves, the host comes out, an asterisk and a snowflake.


Having fun outside the windows of a blizzard,

And, raising lace wings,

Snowflakes herald each other,

That Mary gave birth to Christ.


(Holds out the palm on which lies paper snowflake and says)

You fly, my snowflake,

White fluff!

Tell your girlfriends

What a Christmas! (blows on a snowflake)


What is Christmas?


This means that in the world

The Son of God has appeared!

He lies in a dark cave,

He shines like the sun.

And the rays of your smile

Sends to everyone in the world!


Even evil?!


Everyone! Rich or poor...

Even evil and even harmful...


What are we? Let's fly faster!

And we will visit the Baby!

Suitable for the Icon of the Nativity (Nativity scene)


See how the Savior lies in the manger,

See how His wonderful light burns.


He lies, oh children, in the straw for you.

Maria, Joseph look with love.

Shepherds come out

Shepherd 1:

Herds pastured nearby

Near the mountain river

A star lit up in the sky

Golden candle.

Shepherd 2

Look! This unusual Star above the barn speaks of a Miracle! Let's go to.

What should we give Him?

Shepherd 1:

We are simple people. Here is my bread, cheese, honey...

Shepherd 2:

And I ... I will put fresh hay from fragrant grass in His manger.

Shepherd 1.2 together:

In these poor and destitute walls

The Eternal King lies in swaddling clothes.

The kids come out and sing the song “...”

Leading out


And the star burns and shines in the sky,

And to the star that shone in the distance,

Day and night they rush, forgetting peace,

From the east, magi-kings...

Magi (three children):

We are the star-gazers

In the starry sky we carry out calculations:

Magi (speaking in turn)




Magi (together):

And led by a star

Bow to the Light

We have come

From other sides.

Magi (speaking in turn)

Magi (together):

The best gift of the earth

We are wise men, from the east

They brought it to God.

And no more proof!

We brought our gifts to him!

Song "..............."

Leading out:

And now we want to show you a fairy tale called "The Tale of the Christmas Star."

The Tale of the Christmas Star.

(puppet show)

Musical accompaniment of Alexander on the synthesizer


Christmas star layout

Scenery (winter trees, snowdrifts)

Leading: In front of the screen (read expressively without memorizing)

On Christmas night

Miracles are coming...

Then the angels will light

evening star,

They will begin to prepare

All animals for Christmas.

In the Christmas forest

The forest people do not sleep -

A star is waiting in the sky

To celebrate Christmas.

But suddenly from the night skies

A star fell into the forest.

Are we now

Can't we see Christmas?

The play "Bunny" sounds (music by V. A. Nikolaev).


In the clearing in the forest

Bunnies gathered -

Behind the magic star

They need to go on their way.

1st hare:

I saw myself as a star

Rolled from the sky

And over the mountain - over there

Fell down from the sky.

2nd hare:

We will go with you

Behind the magic star

It's time for us to go -

Soon Christmas holiday!


Bunnies run after a star

They hurry along the forest path.

Only hear - beyond the mountain

Angry wolves howl terribly...

1st hare:

I confess, at least not a coward,

But I'm afraid of wolves in winter!

2nd hare:

May the angel keep us

And protect from the wolf!

An angel appears.


I flew over you

I heard about your trouble.

Don't be afraid. God does not sleep

He will save you from evil.

With you I will walk the path

And I will protect you from troubles ...


Here come the hares together,

They really need to find a star.

The wolf rushes towards them,

The wolf says to the rabbits...


You wait - ka, bunnies,

I won't hurt you guys.

You can't get through here alone

Help me find a star.


Here come the hares with the wolf,

On the way - only Christmas trees.

Only suddenly rushes towards

Hares red fox.


Angel, save us

Save from the fox.


I flew over you

I heard about your trouble.

Don't be afraid. God does not sleep

He will save you from evil.

With you I will walk the path

And I will protect you from troubles ...


Here come the rabbits

With them the mustachioed wolf goes,

And Lisa meets them.

Says, red beauty ...

The play "The Fox" sounds (music by V. A. Nikolaev).


Don't be afraid of me, bunnies,

I don't hate you guys

Me on Christmas Eve

I really want to help you.


Take the road with us

Don't forget the promise!


Here they come, the animals hurry -

Wolf, Fox and Bunny.

Only the Bear sleeps in the lair,

Everyone sighs and snores.

"Bear snoring" is heard.

1st hare:

Quiet! Don't touch anything

We're next to the lair!

2nd hare:

We can't make noise now

Somewhere nearby the bear sleeps.

If we wake him up now,

We won't get a star!


The hares said only barely -

As the moon rose into the sky

And the wolf broke the silence

Howled habitually at the moon ...

(Wolf howls).


Oh, trouble, we are all gone,

Everyone is in trouble...


Oh, the bear is coming

Hide in the bushes, people!


Oh, forgive me

I let you down terribly...


Our angel, help us!

You put down the bear.


I flew over you

I heard about your trouble.

Don't be afraid. God does not sleep

He will save you from evil.

With you I will walk the path

And I will protect you from troubles ...


The animals sat in the bushes -

Hares here, Foxes there...

Uncomfortable brother - Wolf

Under the thorn under the tree.

A bear comes from the forest

The forest breaks and roars...

The play "Bear" sounds (music by V. A. Nikolaev).


Who dares to wake me up?

Who is stupid or very brave here?

How can I find hooligans

I won't regret it!


Hush, bear, do not make noise,

You look at the sky -

Soon the Christmas holiday

A star fell from the sky into the forest.


Disorder, oh, trouble ...

Come all out here.

Of course I will help you

Everything that I can.


Here come the animals together,

They all need to find a star.

An angel flies by

Looks at the animals from above.

Bunnies go ahead

Very sharp guys.

So he remembered -

The fire burned in the distance.


There was a cherished spark

He looks like an ember.


There is no use for you to be sad -

Now I'll take the stars, I'll follow ...


Everyone rushes after the Wolf,

The scent of the Wolf is very delicate,

We climbed the mountain together -

They didn't reach the star.

Asterisk fell into a snowdrift

And all disappeared under the snow.


Our path has been far

But under the snow a light.

How can we get it?

And who to call for help?


I will help you now

I can place a snowdrift.


Here the Fox wagged its tail -

And the snowdrift was blown away by the wind.

Here lies a star, shining,

Everything in the world illuminates.

But you need to get a star -

Hares lament together ...


Where are we, two hares,

Raise a whole star?

Our weak forces are not enough ...

Oh, who to call for help?


Don't cry like that, baby

I will help you now

And I'll get a star!

(Raises a star above his head).


No wonder the bear slept in the den -

He got the star without help.

While he slept - a lot of strength

He accumulated in a den ...

Here's a star shining for everyone

The winter forest illuminates the whole.

Animals in a friendly crowd

Don't fall in love with a star.

Bunnies are worried

Very honest guys...

1st hare:

Christmas is on the doorstep

Yes, go to heaven for a long time.

How to return a star there?

How to go the hard way?

2nd hare:

Angel of God, help

You come to our aid.

Let the star return to the sky

Let the holiday begin soon!

All animals:

Help us, angel of light,

Good and kind angel!

Music sounds


Of course I will help you

I'll take a star to the sky

Don't waste your time

Meet the Christmas holiday.

Flies away with a star


An angel rushed to the sky

Dissolved in the sky

Only shine from above

Clear rays of a star.

Animals have a miracle here,

On the hill, the tree lit up,

sparkled with lights,

Flashing lights.

And immediately the forest is wonderful

Sounded like a magic song...

All animals:

Glory! Glory to Christmas!

Glory to the Lord - the Creator!

The song "Christmas" is performed (music and lyrics by Z. Zinchenko).

Leading out:

All the animals hurried to prepare for the holiday. Do you, dear guests, know a lot about the Christmas holiday? Now I will ask you questions, and whoever guessed, raises his hand and answers!

1. What is the name of the time between Christmas and Epiphany - gatherings or carols? (Christmas.)

2. What was juicy made from - meat or fish? (From wheat, rice or barley grains with honey.)

3. What is the name of the evening before Christmas? (Christmas Eve.)

4. Until when do they start a festive meal on Christmas Eve? (To the first star.)

5. What was the home of the holy family in Bethlehem? (Shepherd's cave, barn.)

6. What was the first cradle for baby Jesus? (A manger is a feeder for sheep.)

7. Who was the first to come with gifts to the baby? ()

8. According to custom, how many dishes should be on the Christmas table? (Not less than twelve - according to the number of apostles.)

9. What kind of shirt did people usually wear at Christmas - clean or fashionable? (New.)


Well done! All our questions were answered. And now the floor is given to the rector of the temple, Fr. Andrey Vakhrushev.

Final song " Holy holiday Christmas "(S. May.)

Similar information.

Do you remember those feelings that appear in the soul of every person the day before new year's eve? Of course! Everywhere on the streets festive lights are burning and shimmering, and if you look closely at the windows of houses, you can see an elegant Christmas tree with fluffy branches. You live in anticipation of a miracle that is about to happen.

Sixteen-year-old Christina returned from the store and stopped at each showcase, which beckoned with its magical light. One could write a whole story about any of them. A little gnome lives here, a brownie lurks behind a Christmas tree, here a fairy knits nice outfit for the princess... Suddenly, the girl remembered that she actually went out not for a walk, but for groceries, and hurried home.

As soon as Christina crossed the threshold of the apartment, her mother came out to meet her:

Well, where do you go? We won't be able to cook everything.

Okay, mom! You have no idea how magical it is outside, - the daughter shared her impressions.

She began to take food out of the bag and suddenly whispered in confusion:

Oops, I seem to have lost something. Mom, only for five minutes - there and back, - throwing on her coat, Christina ran out of the house.

And the girl lost a really important thing - a gift for mom and dad - a small horseshoe for good luck. Christina was looking for a master who would make it for almost half a year, and finally, on December 31, she received a long-awaited souvenir for her parents. And it was necessary for such a thing to happen that he disappeared. “Most likely, she dropped it somewhere near the newsstand when she looked at the window with magazines and Christmas tree decorations. The package was torn, and the gift fell out, ”the girl thought.

Fluffy snow crunched underfoot. There were much fewer people on the street, probably, everyone was already preparing for the holiday. She decided to take a short cut and went across the yard. Here, unfortunately, not a single lantern burned. And in this ominous darkness, something incredible happened. A bright light flared up in the sky and immediately went out. There was a sound, and a bundle fell at the girl's feet. She picked it up and examined it carefully. Unfolded. And... a Christmas star was wrapped in a crumpled piece of paper. Usually people decorate the very top of the Christmas tree with such a toy. There was something written on the sheet. Christina began to read: “Dear friend! You may not believe me, but the New Year is in danger. If you have a kind soul, help me. Take care of this star. Would you like to save the winter and New Year, take it in your hands and whisper: "The Land of Wizards", and you will find yourself in another world. Hurry! Winter Fairy.

Christina read this message several times. “Some kind of nonsense!”, she thought, put the bundle in her jacket pocket and went on. There was not a single person near the kiosk. She searched all around, but found nothing.

Girl, are you looking for this by any chance? asked the boy from the kiosk, handing Christina a small box.

Found! she exclaimed happily.

Christina's new acquaintance was called Cyril, he said that he was replacing a sick aunt. The guys started talking, but it seemed to Cyril that something was bothering the girl.

Just don't think that I've lost my mind, but ..., - Christina told about the mysterious bundle and showed it to Cyril.

What if you really need help? Let's try? You agree?

Well ... Okay, - Christina said uncertainly.

Kirill turned off the light and locked the kiosk with a key. Together they took hold of the star and whispered, "Wizardland." Everything around sparkled, and they fell into a snowdrift. And when they got up and brushed themselves off, they saw a small hut in the distance.

Let's go warm up. I'm cold, Christina complained.

They knocked. The girl opened the door and asked:

Are you messengers of the Fairy of Winter?

Then come on.

A few minutes later, the guys were drinking tea together.

Listen to me carefully. The fate of this country and the beloved holiday is in your hands. You must help us, - Alena said, and then she told the children the story of the Fairy of Winter.

Mom and dad wizards raised three children - a boy and two girls. The family lived together, but the magicians suddenly died of some unknown disease. Do you think sorcerers are immortal? So, you are very much mistaken. After the death of their parents, the sisters were raised by their older brother. The girls turned out to be capable, and he decided to send them to the school of magicians. The young sorceresses were delighted with the lessons of witchcraft. But a year later, discord began in the family. The eldest spent a lot of time studying. The younger one was too lazy to memorize some incomprehensible spells, and slowly she lost interest in divination. The brother and the older girl discussed magic spells for hours, and the younger one constantly felt lonely. She turned into a real snarky and hated everyone around. The day came, and the girl was expelled from the "white" department, then she decided to enter the "black" ... Yes! She became an excellent student there, it seemed to her that evil is much more interesting than good. Over time, the witch decided to take revenge. She sent her elder brother to the Land of no return. And I wanted to do the same with my sister. But her powers were much weaker than the good ones. After the graduation ball, the eldest became the Fairy of Winter. She vigilantly watched that the whole earth was sprinkled with snow, that the children laughed and rejoiced, that everyone winter holidays were wonderful and brought people only joy. The youngest has disappeared. But a year ago there were rumors that she had returned.

The Witch of Ice of Duty wandered among the people and was looking for an opportunity to carry out her cunning plan. And finally she succeeded, - Alena sighed. - There is a Christmas tree in the Palace of the Good Sorceress, and 12 wonderful balls hang on it. Spruce is dressed up every winter, and as long as it has all the balls, everything is fine on Earth. But if at least one toy breaks, people get into trouble. If evil forces take possession of the New Year's tree, a terrible thing will happen. People will disappear, and devils and trolls will settle on the planet. And this could be about to happen. The Witch of Ice infiltrated the Palace, drugged the Winter Fairy with a potion, and locked her in a dungeon. Before falling asleep, she managed to throw out a Christmas star asking for help.

The guys approached an old building with marble columns. The sorceress hid the key to the dungeon in the library in an old cabinet between books with spells.

Unfortunately, I can't go, - Alena sobbed. “The witch feels too well all the people from our country. Here you need an alien from another world, not a magical one. That is why the fairy decided to turn to you.

Christina made her way in the semi-darkness through the spacious halls, climbed the stairs to the top. Wandering through the winding corridors, she finally found the right door and carefully opened it. There was no one in the library. The girl went to the closet, on the shelves were countless books.

Behind which of them did the witch hide the key? she began to think.

Christina took a small volume, and immediately dropped it, because her hands burned with cold. The second, third, fourth - the books were also icy. And suddenly, touching the next cover, the girl felt warm. “Here,” Christina guessed. She pulled the book towards her, and a small key fell out of it. Coming out of the library, Christina went to the stairs. But suddenly she stumbled. Heavy footsteps were heard in the corridor. A door opened in the far corner, and the Witch's pale face appeared in the opening. Her black hair covered her eyes. She listened, but, not finding anything suspicious, she thought: “Probably it was a guard,” and returned back. The girl froze, then jumped to her feet and quickly ran downstairs.

I found him! - she whispered, seeing her friends, - let's leave here.

They slipped into the underground passage prepared in advance by Alena, and the new acquaintance led the friends to the dungeon. Christina took out the key and opened the door. Fairy sat in the far corner. Seeing Alena and her new acquaintances, she smiled.

Here, - Christina held out a Christmas star, - kept it, as you asked.

Thank you. Without this star, my spruce is the most ordinary tree, but if you put it on top, it will turn into a magical one. It is impossible for the star to fall into the hands of the Witch, - the Fairy of Winter explained.

They came out of the dark dungeon. The sorceress whistled several times, and a miracle happened. Four snowflakes swirled around them, soon they turned into polar bears. The animals delivered the Fairy and her companions to the palace with lightning speed and disappeared. The Winter Fairy snapped her fingers, the legs of the girls and the guy left the ground, and they flew. The window of the room where the Christmas tree stood was open. All this time, Christina tightly clutched the star in her hand. She gave it to the sorceress. But then the Witch of Ice entered the room. "Dear guests! I've been looking forward to seeing you!" At this time, Christina quietly hid under the table. The sorceress abruptly threw up her hands, and ice dust flew towards the trio. Fairy of Winter, Alena and Cyril are frozen. A star fell out of the hands of the Sorceress. The witch deftly picked it up and laughed. But she rejoiced early. After waiting for the sorceress to turn away, Christina jumped out of her hiding place and attacked her. The star flew off to the other side of the room, and the girl and the Witch of Ice grappled, preventing each other from approaching her. The girl began to weaken, and her opponent got closer to the toy. Suddenly, Christina remembered what her mother had told her in childhood: “You will always succeed, no matter how hard it is, the main thing to remember is that it’s not the strongest who wins, but the most cunning.” Before the Witch had time to grab the star and get up, she immediately fell down. It was the girl who tripped her, and then shone a flashlight in her face. The sorceress hissed in anger, she could not bear the heat. Christina, like lightning, picked up the star, ran up to the spruce and set the toy at the very top. The lights on the tree lit up and the balls sparkled. The girl's friends began to revive. While they happily embraced, the sorceress, with all her last strength, reached out to the lower branch of the spruce and dropped a ball with the image of an angel from it. He fell and broke into small pieces. Outside the window, a blizzard immediately swirled, the Palace was enveloped in darkness. The Witch's strength was exhausted, and she vanished into thin air, managing to finally whisper maliciously:

There will be no new year. My took.

The frustrated guys and the Winter Fairy froze.

Only one master can make such a ball. He lives in the Land of Artists - far away, it takes several days to get there, and only half an hour is left before the New Year ...

But then Alena smiled mysteriously and took out a small piece of chalk from an old box:

He is magical.

The girl drew a door on the wall, wrote the Country of Artists on it and said:

You can go. Good luck.

Christina timidly touched the painted pen, it immediately turned into a real one. The door creaked open, and, having crossed the threshold, the guys found themselves in a cozy town with small houses. How to find the master, they were prompted by a red cat, which guarded the entrance to the Land of Artists.

A few minutes later, the cherished ball with the image of an angel was in the hands of Christina. In the same way, they returned with Cyril back and returned the toy to the Christmas tree.

Do not forget us, write, - Alena handed Christina a piece of paper with a magic email address.

Take this needle from my Christmas tree, it can fulfill any of your desires, - Feya handed her gift to Kirill.

Farewell! - the children said in unison and held hands.

One click of the Fairy's fingers, and the guys ended up in their own world.

Where are we? Christina asked in surprise.

In the center of the city, - said Cyril. - There are 20 minutes left before the New Year, we will not have time to get home, and transport is not running now.

Christina sat down on the bench and wept softly.

We forgot that we have a magic needle, - Kirill exclaimed.

The girl whispered: "I want to go home - to my father and mother." A car horn sounded from behind. Cyril turned around.

Give me a ride? the man asked.

It would be nice, - Cyril answered.

A few minutes later the car stopped at Christina's entrance.

You will have to come up to us. You won’t be able to go home anyway,” the girl said. “Don't worry, we'll call your aunt and warn her. True, my mother will fly into me now, but I promised that I would be back in 5 minutes ....

This is my friend Cyril, - Christina introduced. – He lives far away, buses don’t run anymore… Can he celebrate the New Year with us?

We don't mind. On such a holiday, you can’t be alone, ”my mother smiled.

And then the chimes sounded, everyone shouted: “Happy New Year!”, People went out into the street and began to congratulate each other. And Christina and Cyril looked out the window at the sparkling stars. It seemed to them that one of them winked brightest of all, as if sending them greetings. The guys rejoiced, because the New Year came to the people again. And this is their small merit.

You probably already guessed that since then Cyril and Christina have never parted. And when they grew up, they got married. Every year, half an hour before the chiming clock, they always went out into the courtyard where they first met, and always found there some kind of gift from the Fairy of Winter. Christina opened her own factory Christmas decorations. On the eve of the New Year, a small copy of the magic Christmas tree always appears in their apartment - with exactly the same 12 balls. So, just in case, so that no witch spoils the holiday for people.

Alyosha woke up early. The alarm clock had not yet rang, and he was already in a hurry to put on his pants and quickly run to the kitchen. Usually, Alexei liked to sleep until noon during the holidays, but today is a special day. Tomorrow is Christmas, so my mother has already started on the pies. They had such a tradition in their family - to decorate festive table a variety of pastries. Mamulya made kulebyaki, and large vegetable pies, and even tiny pies from frozen berries. In the summer, the family went to the village, and there everyone went to the forest together. Then the collected blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and lingonberries were packaged in bags and sent to the freezer, where the delicacy lay until winter. And, then this wonderful day came when mom got the berries! Alyoshka was very fond of sweet Christmas treats. True, this year there were even strawberries, but it was decided not to freeze them, but to eat them. Painfully delicious... The boy remembered how, on one of these trips into the forest, he older sister. Khristina noticed that her brother, hiding behind a bush, was putting berries in his mouth, dragging them from his parent's basket. Oh, and she shamed him then:

Mom and dad collect for everyone, and you hid and quietly burst alone! Why hide if you're not doing anything wrong? And, since you are sitting in the bushes, it means that your conscience tells you that you are not doing nicely. You are greedy, Alyoshka, that's who!

Khristina did not begin to tell grown-ups. However, she never denounced her brother to her parents. But, Alyoshka did not feel any better because of this - she spoiled the whole mood with her talk about conscience. Yes, and the stomach ached by the evening. Either he had stuffed too many strawberries into himself, or it was his conscience itself that was tossing and turning in his stomach. And who knows where it is there, in a person? Here, Khristina sometimes even says that he, Alyoshka, that is, has no conscience at all. But, the boy suspected that there was.

Shaking off the unpleasant memories, he looked into the kitchen. What a scent that came from there!

Mom, can you give me one pie?

Mom smiled.

Let's wait until the evening, and then we'll all eat together.

I had to reluctantly agree. Although, why someone wait is not clear. Whoever stood up earlier - let him receive the award. Eh, I just got out of bed in vain. I might as well take a nap!

Mom, meanwhile, looked at her upset son, and took pity:

Okay, one pie each for you and Khristinka ladies. But you won't get more until the evening! Dad will return for dinner, then we will regale ourselves!

In Alyoshka's hands were two even, neat and tasty pies. He ate one right on the way to his sister's room, and the second ... the second somehow accidentally ate himself. Alyosha did not even notice how this happened. To be honest, he didn’t even feel the taste - he wanted to swallow the “evidence” as soon as possible. Christina got nothing. But it's her own fault! Why sleep so long? Yes, and one pie is not enough! Now, if he, Alyoshka, had a whole plate of pies, he would certainly share it with his sister! Exactly, exactly! He didn't doubt it in the slightest. Ah, so ... and I myself didn’t have enough, not up to treats, in general!

In the evening, when the whole family was sitting at the table, Alyoshka was daydreaming. Here's a feat to accomplish. For example, save a lot of people, or make them happy with something. The boy even closed his eyes with pleasure: all children, like children, dream of gifts, and he, Alexei, is about doing good to others! The evening flew by quickly and it was time for bed. Alyoshka, covered with a blanket, examined the black sky, the moon and one single star, shimmering in the darkness with an unearthly light. Probably, this is the same Christmas star that mother told him and Christina about.

And suddenly... The star shone even brighter and began to move towards Alyoshka's window! The boy picked himself up, opened the window, and a shiny star smoothly fell into his palm. For a few seconds he stood, afraid to move. Then he pinched his side with his free hand to make sure he was awake. It turned out it was for real! And the miracle is not fake and the star is the most real!

How beautiful you are, - the boy whispered and carefully lowered the star onto the pillow.

And, when he got used to what had happened, he began to think what he should do now. Show off to your friends? Never! Will take more! Show mom and dad? Not good either, they will surely force him to return the treasure to heaven. Surprise Christina? Bad idea. After all, suddenly she accidentally let someone out? Now, if he had a lot of stars - then another matter. He would gladly share with everyone. But she was alone...

Alyoshka frowned and made the only correct decision: the Christmas star must be hidden. At least in a jar of jam! And put it under the bed! In the end, because the asterisk flew to him, which means that he is now her only owner.

The bank was found instantly. Alyoshka took for reliability with a lid. And that's not enough. He pushed his treasure further under the bed and tried to sleep. But, little heart alarmingly knocked and did not allow to forget in sweet dreams. Alyosha went to the window. Darkness is impenetrable. Even the moon shone quite dimly, as if experiencing the loss of a star. The boy sighed and looked under the bed. The asterisk dutifully lay at the bottom of the jar.

Gathering all his will into a fist, Alyoshka took it out and brought it to the window. He was so sorry to part with his heavenly guest that he wept softly. Tears rolled down the boyish cheeks, and an extraordinary joy grew inside. Suddenly he felt so light and calm, as he had never been before! An asterisk fluttered out the window and flooded the sky with light. Alyoshka, seeing this beauty, even opened his mouth. Once in the clouds and delighting everyone with its radiance, the Christmas Star seemed a million times more beautiful than when it lay at the bottom of its jar.

That night, Alexei slept very soundly, and when he woke up in the morning, he began to rummage in his nightstand and found three sweets. He hid them there a long time ago - just in case. He took two, leaving himself the most beloved, and took them to his parents. Dad smiled, and mom was so touched that she almost kissed her son:

Did you hide sweets especially for us? He didn’t eat, but did he save for us?

Alexei felt so joyful in his soul, as if that same Christmas star had lit up inside him.

Returning to his room, the boy thought, sighed, and, taking the last candy, wandered into Christina's room. He confessed that yesterday he did not bring her a pie, and lowering his eyes shyly, he held out a treat.

Alyoshka, well, you give! Thanks for the gift! Let's just eat it in half.

On this day, the boy suddenly realized that three candies would never be as tasty as this half from the hands of his sister...