Samara rainbow for a friend short. "Rainbow for a friend" Mikhail Samarsky. About the book "Rainbow for a Friend" Mikhail Samarsky

Like uncut dogs... Very witty. Neither sit nor stand. Ah yes, well done. Ah yes people. I wonder what you would say if we introduced a similar phraseologism into our dog speech, but turned inside out? Imagine this situation: I come home from the exhibition, and the neighbor's dog asks me: “How are you, dear? How many dogs participated? And I answer him: “Yes, as people who have not been shot ...” Well, how do you like the expression? I don't think anyone will like it. So it is with us, our dear two-legged friends. How can you not agree that a dog is a clear example of human ingratitude.

Okay, I'm talking about something else. Look what is happening: they grab my ears, shake my neck, put it in my face ... May I say “face”? Well, they stick all sorts of filth in your face ... However, I will not prevaricate. Not bad, far from bad! They often shove such yummy things that you can choke on saliva. Once, I nearly broke down.

We are still standing with my first ward Ivan Savelyevich (God rest his soul) in front of the pedestrian crossing, waiting for the green light to turn on. My job is to make sure all the cars stop. Yes, not just stopped, but in the right place. Do you think it's in vain for you people to draw stripes in front of a traffic light? Taking this opportunity, I ask you: fellow drivers, do not drive over this lane. It is easier for a sighted person, he rounded the hood of the car and went on. And my ward may not immediately understand what I want from him - it seems that they went along the transition, and then the guide pulls the person to the side. Do you understand? I can’t say something, I start to whine, pull the leash, even sometimes I have to bark. My ward is lost, stops to realize that I am suddenly doing this, with a cane, knock-knock-knock. Some drivers almost jump out the window, yelling: you will scratch the car, you bastard! And what kind of bastard is he? He also needs to somehow decide what is in front of him. Here you can’t feel it with your hand - you can feel it so that you will be left without a hand.

In general, until he figured it out, then the traffic light is already blinking, the cars are starting to roar (they are preparing for the start). When impatient drivers put pressure on the gas, it's not so bad. And there are such idiots that they also start honking, they say, come on, come on, blind-eyed, come in quickly. Or they whistle, smack me, like cheer me up. If you knew, people like me at such moments do not like you. Sometimes you look at you and think: why aren't you ashamed? After all, something like this can happen to anyone. Do you really enjoy gaining a couple of seconds at this damned traffic light? I beg you, people: when you see a blind man with a guide (well, with someone like me), behave as calmly and quietly as possible, do not distract us with the person, do not bring us to trouble. Agreed?

Well, we are standing in front of the "zebra", and then I smell a breathtaking smell with my right nostril. The smell is familiar to the pain in the stomach - I already heard it when I passed a kiosk with the inscription “Grill chickens. Shawarma. Trying not to be distracted from the road, I squint my eyes and see such a savory piece of chicken, fried, golden, fragrant ... I still don’t know how I restrained myself at that moment and didn’t grab this delicacy. All-??? school for dogs means a lot.

Thank you, of course, for your kindness, for affection, for the desire to treat, but, people, I'm at work! Do you understand? I am not that pampered lap dog or poodle who carelessly walks with their owners, splashing on the posts out of boredom. I am working. Seriously I say: I'm not just walking with a blind person, I'm working. And believe me, my job is not so easy. My task is to bring the ward to where he planned, and so that he does not break his head during the journey, does not stumble, does not fall, in the end, does not get his feet wet in a puddle. I am obliged to warn of all obstacles, I must always have time to stop in front of any obstacle and allow a person to check with a cane what is in front of him. If an obstacle blocks part of the road, I deviate to the right or left and circle the ward, while still watching that he does not pass under low-bending branches or some other thing at his height. It is also my task to ensure that the ward does not collide with other people. If we are traveling by bus or tram, I indicate the entrance, and then the exit. In general, there are enough worries.

Do you have any idea what it's like to work as a guide? If you say yes, do not be offended, I will bite you. No need to be so arrogant and hasty. Don't say yes right away. To imagine and understand my work, you need to follow these helpless "masters" for a couple of years with a harness on your back. Did you notice that I put the word "owners" in quotation marks?

Yes, some consider themselves our masters, although they themselves cannot even take a step without us. Here I want (by the way, a thoroughbred Labrador, they even say, a relative of the dog of one well-known politician) so that my so-called owner bruises his forehead against the wall or, for example, crashes into some kind of pole, but it’s like a bush for me ... pos-s -look. But I'm a pro, a specialist, I was trained in a special school for two years, and you think that's about ten years. During this time, you manage to get two higher educations. Of course, I will not allow such infamy - to substitute my ward. My task is to save him from all these misunderstandings. But it's a shame when they say: your master. Those whom I accompany are not my masters. These are my friends. And believe me, even among you people, they will never have a friend more devoted and selfless than me. You can make a face, grin, roll your eyes, even kick me with a shoe, but that won't change anything. You yourself came up with the saying "It's good when a dog is a man's friend, but it's bad when a dog is a friend." They came up with, but did not think, although God rewarded you with reason and the ability to think. What's wrong with your friend being a dog? Come on... I understand what you mean. That's why I'm not offended.

In general, if you are interested in this story, I will continue. I'm already five years old. By human standards, I am twice as old as my ward (Sasha is now thirteen human years old). I used to work for a blind pensioner. Ivan Savelievich was wonderful person and my friend. He even let me lie on his bed sometimes. When we get home, Ivan Savelievich will take off all these guide bells and whistles from me, feed me, comb my hair and say:

- Come on, Trison, relax.

Do you think it's easy for me to walk with this harness? In the evening, when I get rid of it, I really want to lie on my back, raise my paws to the ceiling, stretch out to my full height, then jump, drive the ball. Ivan Savelyevich never scolded me, even on that ill-fated evening when I broke the vase. The old man understood that it was not on purpose. I was ashamed. I snuggled up to his leg and quietly whine. Ivan Savelyevich strokes me and says:

- Do not cry, Trison, God bless her, with this vessel. The dishes are beating - wait for good luck.

I still don't understand what kind of luck can come from a broken vase? I haven't heard it on TV yet. In general, my Ivan Savelyevich died. He died and I was sent back to school. How I missed him. The piece did not go down the throat. Everyone thought to whom they would give me now ...

I don’t know in what ways, by what destinies, but somehow Sasha, my current owner ... ward, came to our school.

If you are sighted and have never encountered the problems of blind people, then I will explain on purpose for you. Before we (guide dogs) are handed over to a new ho ... (ugh, hell, wow, as they inspired by their training) ward, we must spend some time together. That is, get used to each other, sniff, take a closer look. Although who will look at me if they are all blind? This is what I have to look at. And they only listen, sniff, well, and still grope. Just in case, so that there is no allergy or some other nasty thing. People have a lot of jumps. We are unpretentious.


Hello Michael. Just listened to "Rainbow for a Friend" in audio format. The book is beautiful and leaves only wonderful emotions. I myself lost my sight at the beginning of the century. I want to draw your attention to one small detail, but it immediately attracts the attention of any of the tens of thousands of blind people who have listened or will listen or read in the text version of "Rainbow for a Friend", since almost every blind person is already a full-fledged computer user and , respectively, of all technologies emanating from this: Internet resources, Internet communication in any form, smartphones, tablets. In several places you write about a braille line connected to a computer, but it is most likely used by some of the blind, who, unfortunately, still have hearing problems or are totally blind-deaf-mute. Yes, unfortunately, there is such a category of people as it is not sad. Or here is the second episode, when the father of the rescued girl brought a powerful modern laptop as a gift to Sasha and calls it a computer specifically for sighted users. Such a separation simply does not exist in nature, since any computer can be quickly voiced within five minutes by installing any of the several existing screen readers, these programs are quickly installed and configured for any operating system. Now even all Apple devices (iPhones, tablets, Macs) are already equipped with such a program from the very beginning and a blind person can immediately start using it, just like all Android smartphones are also voiced ... In general, all blind users are well aware of this and there is big progress. Almost everything is available: working with any text documents, formatting them in any form, reading any Internet information resources, working on almost 95% of sites on the global network. Just do not think that this is some kind of hidden reproach! No! I tried to find other ways through search engines for personal correspondence with you to tell you about this so that in the future you would avoid such minor inaccuracies, but I did not find it. I found this option to contact you, so I am writing all this here. Now in any family where such a misfortune happens, especially with a young man, the first thing that is done is the purchase of an ordinary PC, laptop, netbook, I note, ordinary, and not special, which is, as it were, the eyes of a person who has lost his sight . The screen reader program allows you to do, moreover, almost as quickly to do everything that is available to sighted users.
Once again, I want to thank you very much for such a bright and insanely interesting story! Thank you!

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Samarsky, M.A. Rainbow for a friend [Text]: [story: for Wednesdays. school age] / M.A. Samara. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2012. - 251s. : ill. - (Adventures of an extraordinary dog).

Abstract from the publisher. Sasha is a new ward of Labrador Trison. Yes, yes, ward, that's what the dog calls the people he helps. And Sasha needs help: he lost his sight in a car accident, and now his guide dog has become his best friend. Thanks to the sincere love of this smart and loyal dog, the boy was able to enjoy life again. However, the skill acquired in a special school - not to attack people - played a cruel joke with the dog ... He was kidnapped! But a true friend will not sit idly by, he will fight because Sasha needs him! Trison must return to him!


Shapar Mikhail, 15-6 "in"

I really liked the book Rainbow for a Friend. We were offered to read some books when we went to the library, but I chose this book and read it.

This book is about relationships, friendship between the boy Sasha, who lost his sight in a car accident, and his faithful friend, the guide dog Trison. The events take place in modern times. The author managed to tell me about the dog Trison, about how smart Trison was different life situations and how he managed to find a way out of them. The dog tried to understand the world of people. The story is told from the "face" of the dog. Even his name is not easy - Trison, that was the name of the Tibetan king, who was distinguished by intelligence and kindness.

The writer spoke in his book about the great difficulties of blind people. Kind Trison helped the blind boy Sasha, became his guide. The faithful dog became very attached to the blind owner Sasha, even learned to understand his thoughts and feelings.

Most of all I liked the characters of the story Sasha and his friend the dog Trison, especially Trison, because the four-legged friend worked every day, brought happiness to his master Sasha, was always there. I also have a good four-legged friend who lives with us. His name is Argus. He understands me, always waiting, I love him very much.

I read the book and then thought that we are all alive and we should treat our neighbor with kindness, try to help in difficult times, not commit bad deeds and be more patient and more humane. I think this is precisely what the book “Rainbow for a Friend” by Mikhail Samarsky teaches.

Andreeva Diana, 15-6 "in"

Of all the books I read, I liked Mikhail Samarsky's Rainbow for a Friend the most. The book was big, but I read it quickly. I read the work without taking my eyes off it, and experienced many different feelings. Such as anxiety, pity, doubt, joy. In several cases, I had a desire to help the boy Sasha and his faithful friend Labrador Trison, who was the guide of the blind Sasha. In fragments of the story, I put myself in Trison's place and thought about what I would have done then.

At the very beginning, I felt sorry for Ivan Savelyevich, Trison's former friend, who died. After that, a new ward was found for the labrador - Sasha. But even when Trison had a new ward, the dog often remembered his old friend, his advice and stories. The saddest thing was at the very end of the book. When the boy had new lenses inserted and he could see, he had to say goodbye to Trison. Sasha hugged his faithful friend and could not let go, and after a rainbow rose in the sky, Trison barked three times, Sasha raised his head up, looked there for a long time, and when he turned around, Trison was no longer there ...

In this book, I liked it when Sasha's grandmother read Trison a book about the breeds of small dogs. Many breeds were described there, and one of them was the toy terrier. It was interesting for me to read about the nature of this breed, because the same dog lives in my house. The character of the toy described in the book and the character of my toy Darcy are very similar. I liked this book very, very much. I advise you to definitely read it and I hope it will make the same vivid and unforgettable impression on you as it did on me.

Efimova Lyubava, 15-6 "in"

I recently read a very interesting and fascinating book by Mikhail Samarsky "Rainbow for a Friend". This book tells about a guide dog named Trison, who began to help the 13-year-old blind boy Sasha, but a disaster happened - the Labrador was kidnapped ... I think that for such a UNIQUE and MASTERPIECE work it will not be enough to say "I liked it." It is impossible to describe in words how interesting, and most importantly, moral and instructive book. I have never come across books that tell stories from the point of view of animals, let alone dogs. This work combines two spiritual qualities of people: cruelty and kindness. The well-known aphorism says correctly: “Kindness and cruelty, in themselves and apart from the other, lead to nothing; but in combination, at the same time they teach to feel. It is this combination of human qualities that saturates the book with events. Also, Mikhail Samarsky in Rainbow for a Friend created a very interesting moment: he wrote (on behalf of Labrador) very Interesting Facts about breeds of dogs, about their famous owners... I also liked the fact that the author presents readers with a view of the world of people in a completely different way - in an animal way. I can't call the end of this book a "happy ending" or a tragedy. Because this work ends with a simple but reverent phrase: “He looked at his dream for a long, long time. And when I turned back, I was gone.” This book is the most wonderful and interesting book I have ever read!!!

Ponikarova Pavel, 15-6 "in"

I want to talk about the book Rainbow for a Friend. Most of all in this book I liked the main characters Sasha and Trison. When I read this book, I felt like I experienced it all myself. It's like it all happened to me. When something happened to Sasha or Trisha, I was very worried about them. If something joyful happened, I rejoiced, laughed.

After reading this work, I understood a lot, some moments remained forever in my heart.

I really want to know the continuation of this story. What happened to Sasha. Did Trison get a new ward friend.

Brovkin Semyon, 15-6 "in"

In our class, there is an exchange of books from the library, and I got Rainbow for a Friend. The story was written by a thirteen-year-old teenager. This is a story about the friendship between a labrador and a blind boy. The book is written in an unusual language, because the story is not told on behalf of a person, but on behalf of a guide dog that helps blind people in ordinary life manages without outside help. Dog Trison, trained in a special school, for each of his wards becomes not only an assistant, but also a friend. Both for the pensioner Ivan Savelyevich and for Sasha, the dog is a connection with the outside world. The dog gives the boy the opportunity to restore his sight. He saves the girl, and her father, in gratitude, helps the boy to undergo surgery on his eyes.

The book helps ordinary people to see those in need of help. I liked the book because a faithful guide dog helped a friend's dream come true and give him a real rainbow.

Petrunicheva Daria, 15-6 "in"

I recently read a wonderful book by Mikhail Samarsky "Rainbow for a Friend". This book tells about the boy Sasha, who lost his sight in a car accident, and about a guide dog named Trison. The dog helped Sasha to get used to the world of the blind, but soon disaster struck, the dog was kidnapped. The boy was very sad at the loss of such a good, devoted, honest friend, but soon the dog returned and helped Sasha regain his sight and fulfill his dream. I liked this book because the story is told on Trison's behalf. I also liked that there is a lot of love, sincerity, trust in this book. After all, when it happens that a person loses his sight, he does not see anything and does not know what is happening around, and friends like Trison are ready to lend a helping hand, then the soul immediately becomes easy and calm.

I dedicate to those

who has dead eyes

but living hearts.

The best thing a person has is a dog.

T. Charlet

Chapter 1

Like uncut dogs... Very witty. Neither sit nor stand. Ah yes, well done. Ah yes people. I wonder what you would say if we introduced a similar phraseologism into our dog speech, but turned inside out? Imagine this situation: I come home from the exhibition, and the neighbor's dog asks me: “How are you, dear? How many dogs participated? And I answer him: “Yes, as people who have not been shot ...” Well, how do you like the expression? I don't think anyone will like it. So it is with us, our dear two-legged friends. How can you not agree that a dog is a clear example of human ingratitude.

Okay, I'm talking about something else. Look what is happening: they grab my ears, shake my neck, put it in my face ... May I say “face”? Well, they stick all sorts of filth in your face ... However, I will not prevaricate. Not bad, far from bad! They often shove such yummy things that you can choke on saliva. Once, I nearly broke down.

We are still standing with my first ward Ivan Savelyevich (God rest his soul) in front of the pedestrian crossing, waiting for the green light to turn on. My job is to make sure all the cars stop. Yes, not just stopped, but in the right place. Do you think it's in vain for you people to draw stripes in front of a traffic light? Taking this opportunity, I ask you: fellow drivers, do not drive over this lane. It is easier for a sighted person, he rounded the hood of the car and went on. And my ward may not immediately understand what I want from him - it seems that they went along the transition, and then the guide pulls the person to the side. Do you understand? I can’t say something, I start to whine, pull the leash, even sometimes I have to bark. My ward is lost, stops to realize that I am suddenly doing this, with a cane, knock-knock-knock. Some drivers almost jump out the window, yelling: you will scratch the car, you bastard! And what kind of bastard is he? He also needs to somehow decide what is in front of him. Here you can’t feel it with your hand - you can feel it so that you will be left without a hand.

In general, until he figured it out, then the traffic light is already blinking, the cars are starting to roar (they are preparing for the start). When impatient drivers put pressure on the gas, it's not so bad. And there are such idiots that they also start honking, they say, come on, come on, blind-eyed, come in quickly. Or they whistle, smack me, like cheer me up. If you knew, people like me at such moments do not like you. Sometimes you look at you and think: why aren't you ashamed? After all, something like this can happen to anyone. Do you really enjoy gaining a couple of seconds at this damned traffic light? I beg you, people: when you see a blind man with a guide (well, with someone like me), behave as calmly and quietly as possible, do not distract us with the person, do not bring us to trouble.


Well, we are standing in front of the "zebra", and then I smell a breathtaking smell with my right nostril. The smell is familiar to the pain in the stomach - I already heard it when I passed a kiosk with the inscription “Grill chickens. Shawarma. Trying not to be distracted from the road, I squint my eyes and see such a savory piece of chicken, fried, golden, fragrant ... I still don’t know how I restrained myself at that moment and didn’t grab this delicacy. All-??? school for dogs means a lot.

Thank you, of course, for your kindness, for affection, for the desire to treat, but, people, I'm at work! Do you understand? I am not that pampered lap dog or poodle who carelessly walks with their owners, splashing on the posts out of boredom. I am working. Seriously I say: I'm not just walking with a blind person, I'm working. And believe me, my job is not so easy. My task is to bring the ward to where he planned, and so that he does not break his head during the journey, does not stumble, does not fall, in the end, does not get his feet wet in a puddle. I am obliged to warn of all obstacles, I must always have time to stop in front of any obstacle and allow a person to check with a cane what is in front of him. If an obstacle blocks part of the road, I deviate to the right or left and circle the ward, while still watching that he does not pass under low-bending branches or some other thing at his height. It is also my task to ensure that the ward does not collide with other people. If we are traveling by bus or tram, I indicate the entrance, and then the exit. In general, there are enough worries.

Do you have any idea what it's like to work as a guide? If you say yes, do not be offended, I will bite you. No need to be so arrogant and hasty. Don't say yes right away. To imagine and understand my work, you need to follow these helpless "masters" for a couple of years with a harness on your back. Did you notice that I put the word "owners" in quotation marks?

Yes, some consider themselves our masters, although they themselves cannot even take a step without us. Here I want (by the way, a thoroughbred Labrador, they even say, a relative of the dog of one well-known politician) so that my so-called owner bruises his forehead against the wall or, for example, crashes into some kind of pole, but it’s like a bush for me ... pos-s -look. But I'm a pro, a specialist, I was trained in a special school for two years, and you think that's about ten years. During this time, you manage to get two higher educations. Of course, I will not allow such infamy - to substitute my ward. My task is to save him from all these misunderstandings. But it's a shame when they say: your master. Those whom I accompany are not my masters. These are my friends. And believe me, even among you people, they will never have a friend more devoted and selfless than me. You can make a face, grin, roll your eyes, even kick me with a shoe, but that won't change anything. You yourself came up with the saying "It's good when a dog is a man's friend, but it's bad when a dog is a friend." They came up with, but did not think, although God rewarded you with reason and the ability to think. What's wrong with your friend being a dog? Come on... I understand what you mean. That's why I'm not offended.

In general, if you are interested in this story, I will continue. I'm already five years old. By human standards, I am twice as old as my ward (Sasha is now thirteen human years old). I used to work for a blind pensioner. Ivan Savelyevich was a wonderful person and my friend. He even let me lie on his bed sometimes. When we get home, Ivan Savelievich will take off all these guide bells and whistles from me, feed me, comb my hair and say:

- Come on, Trison, relax.

Do you think it's easy for me to walk with this harness? In the evening, when I get rid of it, I really want to lie on my back, raise my paws to the ceiling, stretch out to my full height, then jump, drive the ball. Ivan Savelyevich never scolded me, even on that ill-fated evening when I broke the vase. The old man understood that it was not on purpose. I was ashamed. I snuggled up to his leg and quietly whine. Ivan Savelyevich strokes me and says:

- Do not cry, Trison, God bless her, with this vessel. The dishes are beating - wait for good luck.

I still don't understand what kind of luck can come from a broken vase? I haven't heard it on TV yet. In general, my Ivan Savelyevich died. He died and I was sent back to school. How I missed him. The piece did not go down the throat. Everyone thought to whom they would give me now ...

I don’t know in what ways, by what destinies, but somehow Sasha, my current owner ... ward, came to our school.

If you are sighted and have never encountered the problems of blind people, then I will explain on purpose for you. Before we (guide dogs) are handed over to a new ho ... (ugh, hell, wow, as they inspired by their training) ward, we must spend some time together. That is, get used to each other, sniff, take a closer look. Although who will look at me if they are all blind? This is what I have to look at. And they only listen, sniff, well, and still grope. Just in case, so that there is no allergy or some other nasty thing. People have a lot of jumps. We are unpretentious.

Although it happens that we also buck. Yes Yes. Our shepherd dog Lada from the seventh enclosure could not find mutual language with his new ward. The woman brought the dog back to school. By the way, a great guide school. So please get in touch if needed. Of course, I am no longer there, but my friends and girlfriends, believe me, will not let you down. Do you know how they check us there? Oh-hoo! All sorts of tests...

In other words, they don't take anyone there. We - the students of this university - all have a balanced psyche, we do not pay (at least we try our best) attention to extraneous noises, we do not notice these disgusting cats at all. No, of course we notice them (how can we not notice them?), but I mean, we don't pay attention to them. Again wrong. And we pay attention to them. But we have no right to react to them, which these green-eyed creatures often use. Seriously.

Here's a recent case for you. I take my Sasha to the entrance (there are a lot of steps, and you need to be extremely careful), at that moment a thief of Persian blood (or wool, whatever you like) comes out of the door, all so pretentious, with an idiotic pink bow around her neck, her claws are trimmed, the tail is perfumed, the ears are like small locators (twirl-twirl in different directions). Here I swear to you by the honor of a dog, I didn’t even think of growling at her, much less barking. And this blond fool will snort, fluff up her tail, arch her back, and - fuck! - me with a paw in the sea ... in the face. If you only knew how upset I was. Yes, if not for my Shurik, if not for my professionalism and not my responsibility, I would have bitten this hysterical tail with one click. Honestly, I almost cried from resentment. I had to whimper a bit - this homegrown "Baroness", despite her clipped claws, still managed to scratch my nose. I licked off a salty drop of blood and took Sanya home. So what to do? I can't be distracted by these idiots...

Before I came to the house, Sasha lived with his mother and grandmother. Their dad died in a car accident. It turns out that on that fateful day, Shurik was also driving in the car with his father. He was then eleven years old. The doctors pronounced a verdict: the iris and the lens are irretrievably lost. I understand little about all these subtleties, but after this tragedy, the kid stopped seeing. They say in the family that there is some famous doctor who can restore Sasha's sight, but no one knows when this will happen. In the meantime, I am his doctor, and eyes, and friend.

Chapter 2

With Sanka, we quickly found a common language. Although at first I was offended by him. Just a little, just a little. Judge for yourself. As you already understood, my name is Trison. When we trained with him at school, he called me that. Everything was fine. Sasha successfully passed the exam. Why be surprised? With me, any beginner will pass the exam. I not only carry out the commands of the ward, I often have to take the initiative. Appropriate, of course. Within a reasonable.

In general, everything went smoothly. We arrive home (Sasha's mother was with us on the road), then her grandmother, Elizaveta Maksimovna. She also greeted us warmly. By the way, I learned her name quite by accident - a neighbor came and called granny that way. Yes, by the way, for some reason everyone calls her granny at home. I noticed people have such oddities. Sasha, of course, calls her that, but Svetlana Sergeevna goes there too. I'm thinking, what kind of grandmother is she to you, if this is your mother? You people are sometimes hard to understand. Well, okay, it doesn't matter.

So, I am Trison. Do you even know what that name is? Oh-oh! This is not some spotted Tuzik and not a clubfoot Rex. Ivan Savelyevich told me in detail about my name. Not only am I a thoroughbred dog myself, but in addition to everything, my name is not simple. That was once the name of the Tibetan king. Trisong Detsen, who many, many years ago came to the conclusion that enlightenment can only be achieved as a result of moral and spiritual improvement under the guidance of a master. Without any bragging, I declare: the master in my school was impeccable. Do you understand what I'm getting at? No joke - an enlightened Labrador!

And suddenly, for no apparent reason, Sanya started calling me Trisha. At first I did not even understand who he was referring to. I woke up early in the morning and fumbles with my hand near the bed, looking for me. But I'm not a fool - to lie under my feet. I placed myself at the end of the bed so that Sasha would not accidentally step on me at night. I got up, yelled softly, making it clear that I was here. I hear him say:

“Three… Trisha, where are you?” Come to me please.

I sit and think, maybe he is looking for a toy? I looked around, I don’t see anything like Trisha. A teddy bear is sitting in the corner. So Sasha himself told yesterday that his name was Toptygin. Where is that damn Trisha? I can't understand anything. Sasha sat and sat on the edge of the bed and said:

- Trison!

It's already me. I run up to him, poking my nose into his knees. He strokes me and says again:

- Trishenka, dear, how did you sleep in a new place?

There it is, I was taken aback, it turns out that Sasha calls me Trisha. Here is the number! What the hell am I, Trisha to you? What are you, Sanek? But the worst part is, what can I do? That's how he called me Trisha, so since then I have been walking in these Trishas. Following Sanka, both Svetlana Sergeevna and Elizaveta Maksimovna now call me only Trisha. At first, I couldn't find my place. As they say "Trishia", my hair stood on end, to lose such a name. Was a king, became some kind of plush dog.

You should have seen me. I am not just a fawn dog, not just yellow, but, one might say, golden. Don't believe? Take a close look at me on a bright sunny day, especially after I get out of the shower. You will not find such beauty in any dog. You would burst with pride if you had a pedigree like mine. My ancestors are Viking and Basque dogs that lived on the island of Newfoundland. Until the 18th century, Europeans did not see any Labradors in their eyes. We, by the way, according to navigators, have always been considered and are still considered the key to a happy voyage. And if you think that this is an ordinary superstition, then you are deeply mistaken. My ancestors have always helped people. If the ship was wrecked, the Labradors pulled a rope onto the shore, along which all the people got over. And my ancestors simply transported sluggish sailors to land on themselves.

Newfoundland sailors always took a couple of dogs with them when they set sail. Of my breed, of course. And what were the names! Wave and Surf! Do you even understand what that means? Wave. Surf. And then some snuffy Trishka. How embarrassing, how embarrassing. Although I have long since reconciled. Damn you, call it what you want.

Once, some familiar old man of Ivan Savelyevich incorrectly called him after the father: either Savich, or Stepanovich. I would have prompted the old man, but you yourself understand ... But I see that Ivan Savelyevich does not lead with his ear. And he calls and calls everything. And suddenly the acquaintance himself came to his senses. How to lament:

- Oh, Ivan Savelyevich, forgive me, dear, - slap yourself on the forehead, - completely lost my memory.

- Yes, nothing, nothing, Timofey Ivanovich, - says my ward, - what difference does it make to us now. Even though you call it a pot, just don’t put it in the oven.

I remembered my old friend and stopped being offended by Sasha. Trishka so Trishka. Call it a pot...

If you are interested, I will explain briefly where the name of our breed came from. Ivan Savelyevich said that today there are three versions. First: the name comes from the island of Labrador, which was not far from our ancestral home. The second (I like this one the most): from the Portuguese word "Labrador", which translates as "hard worker." The third version is kind of awkward, but since I decided to tell it, I’ll voice it too: there is such a black mineral with a bluish tint, that’s what it’s called “labrador”. Why don't I like this version? Because only my ancestors were black. And now among my brothers there are fawn like me, and even chocolate Labradors. No, no minerals, islands. Of course, our breed comes from a Portuguese word. A hard worker - he is a worker in Africa, as my Sasha says.

In Russia, we began to appear only in the late 1960s. Ivan Savelyevich once told one of the guests that the American President Carter had presented a Labrador to Brezhnev, and the Canadian writer Mowat to Kosygin. There were such statesmen in the USSR. At first we lived only in Moscow and Riga. And now my brethren can be found in any region. I myself was born in Russia. And although Labradors are one of the most popular breeds in the USA and England, I want to live in my homeland, work here, help people here. Do you understand that we have been helping you since time immemorial? Our breed knows how to get along with people. Believe me, we are very smart and have a peaceful disposition. Our most important qualities are benevolence and the desire to help people. Although, if you read this story to the end, you will understand that sometimes you have to deviate from your qualities. But, as they say, every rule has its exceptions. However, if there were no people, whom I will tell you about a little later, we would not need these exceptions. Honest dog word. Honestly Labrador!

Chapter 3

Heard our mom talking to grandma.

“Sashka even cheered up, perked up,” says mom. “It will be easier for him with a dog.

“Yes, the main thing is not to offend Shurka,” Grandma replies. Still, a dog is a beast.

My ears perked up at those words.

No, well, you have to blurt out such a thing? “So as not to offend. Beast". I, too, found the beast. Am I a wolf or something, a wild boar or a wounded boar for you. At least think about what you're talking about. And Ivan Savelyevich claimed that old people are wise. He would have heard your words, grandmother Liza. Eh, if I weren’t a guide, I would certainly have bungled some dirty tricks for you, Elizaveta Maksimovna. Still, it was not in vain that my former ward said that dogs have only one drawback - they believe people. We believe, but you do not trust us. Not all, of course, but there are such grannies. Well, at least Svetlana Sergeevna immediately stood up for me.

“What are you, mom,” he grins, “these dogs are very peaceful, friendly. It's not some kind of mongrel. Trained dog.

Thank you, Svetlana Sergeevna, even though you understand who I am. Sasha is a good mother.

- Well, okay, - says the grandmother, - wait and see.

Of course you will. Then you will be jealous. Sasha will still love me more than anyone. You should have seen how Ivan Savelyevich wept over me when I almost fell under the train. When I remember that incident, I get goosebumps all over my body, as if I had a flea.

Can you imagine, we went with my old man to his friend in Saltykovka. The train is the most convenient transport in this case. By the way, if you drive along this branch a few more stops in the direction of the region, my school is located there. We arrived, sat with the same grandfather, however, he is sighted, well, go home. I don’t even know how we dogs should treat people after this incident, but I’m not vindictive. Of course, all the same, I will not give up my profession. In general, we are standing on the platform, the people are like in a stadium, and everyone seemed to be preparing to run a hundred meters. The train is coming up, the crowd will rush to the doors, I thought they would crush us. But Ivan Savelyevich was at a loss, he would not understand anything in this crowd, and there was no trace of me. Just do not think that I got scared and rushed away from this human herd somewhere. No, they just pushed me off the platform, and I ended up between the car and the platform. I hang on a leash and think: you are my poor Ivan Savelyevich, so my end has come, how are you, my native person, without me you will go home, how will you get from the station to the apartment?

By the way, I always lead my ward to the first car in order to be closer to the driver. All of a sudden, what a mess, even though the train will not gallop through Europe (that's what Ivan Savelyevich liked to say to me when I started to hurry). I hear my old man shouting to the driver so that the train does not move, and pulls me up. Do you even know how much I weigh? This is not for you to pull carp out of the river. By the way, remind me, I'll tell you later how Ivan Savelyevich and I went fishing. The old man pulls me, and he groans - the strength is already not enough. Well, some passerby helped him. Pulling me out was the same as strangling me. They pulled me out, but I don’t see white light. Everything blurred in my eyes, and I passed out.

I woke up, I felt something dripping on my nose, I opened my eyes, I looked, Ivan Savelyevich was sitting and crying over me, and next to me some little girl was standing, very tiny, and muttering something. I don’t hear anything, I just see how she moves her lips and picks her finger in her nose. This is where my hearing comes in. I hear the girl asks: grandfather, why are you crying, your dog has died? And Ivan Savelyevich would sob, as if he really was already burying me. He bent down even lower and kisses me, strokes. And I, honestly, for the first moments after the resurrection, I can’t even move my paw, apparently, it choked me great.

Finally, he began to move away, gathered his strength and - liz! - his savior in the face, he already jumped. He was so funny. Imagine a jumping man on his haunches - a spitting image of a turkey. When it dawned on Ivan Savelyevich that I was alive, he would jump up and let me pick me up in his arms, he almost dropped me with joy. But where are you, Ivan Savelyevich, lifting such a carcass. But he nevertheless took me in his arms (and where did the strength come from?), buried his face in my stomach and asked: are you alive, Trisonchik, alive? What will I answer? I had to bark. Hearing my first word, he almost began to dance with me in his arms. Yes, put me in my place, I think it wasn’t enough for you to fall off this stupid platform yourself. How am I going to get you out? To cheer up the dispersed merry fellow, I sang: woo! Ivan Savelyevich heard my song and realized that it was time to lower me to the ground. We sat with him right on the platform for about ten minutes, I completely recovered, pulling the leash, they say, let's go, stop sitting. We got home safely, except for the case in the pharmacy.

A touching story about a blind boy Sasha and his faithful friend Labrador-guide Trison.




Chapter 1

Like uncut dogs... Very witty. Neither sit nor stand. Hey, well done guys. Hey, yes people. I wonder what you would say if we introduced a similar phraseologism into our dog speech, but turned inside out? Imagine this situation: I come home from the exhibition, and the neighbor's dog asks me: “How are you, dear? How many dogs participated? And I answer him: “Yes, as people who have not been shot ...” Well, how do you like the expression? I don't think anyone will like it. So it is with us, our dear two-legged friends. How can you not agree that a dog is a clear example of human ingratitude.

Okay, I'm talking about something else. Look what is happening: they grab my ears, shake my neck, put it in my face ... May I say “face”? Well, they stick all sorts of filth in your face ... However, I will not prevaricate. Not bad, far from bad! They often shove such yummy things that you can choke on saliva. Once, I nearly broke down.

We are still standing with my first ward Ivan Savelyevich (God rest his soul) in front of the pedestrian crossing, waiting for the green light to turn on. My job is to make sure all the cars stop. Yes, not just stopped, but in the right place. You think, in vain for you, people, they draw stripes in front of a traffic light. Taking this opportunity, I ask you: fellow drivers, do not drive over this lane. It is easier for a sighted person, he rounded the hood of the car and went on. And my ward may not immediately understand what I want from him - it seems that they went along the transition, and then the guide pulls the person to the side. Do you understand? I can’t say something, I start to whine, pull the leash, even sometimes I have to bark. My ward is lost, stops to realize that I am suddenly doing this, with a cane, knock-knock-knock. Some drivers almost jump out the window yelling: you'll scratch the car, you bastard! And what kind of bastard is he? He also needs to somehow decide what is in front of him. Here you can’t feel it with your hand - you can feel it so that you will be left without a hand.

In general, until he sorts it out, then the traffic light is already blinking, the cars begin to roar (they are preparing for the start). When impatient drivers put pressure on the gas, it's not so bad. And there are such idiots that they also begin to honk, they say, come on, come on, blind-eyed, come in quickly. Or they whistle me, smack me, like, cheer me up. If you knew, people like me at such moments do not like you. Sometimes you look at you and think: why aren't you ashamed? After all, something like this can happen to anyone. Do you really enjoy gaining a couple of seconds at this damned traffic light? I beg you, people: when you see a blind man with a guide (well, with someone like me), behave as calmly and quietly as possible, do not distract us with the person, do not bring us to trouble. Agreed?

Well, we are standing in front of the "zebra", and then I smell a breathtaking smell with my right nostril. The smell is familiar to the pain in the stomach - I already heard it when I passed a kiosk with the inscription “Grilled chicken. Shawarma. Trying not to be distracted from the road, I squint my eyes and see such a savory piece of chicken, fried, golden, fragrant ... I still don’t know how I restrained myself at that moment and didn’t grab this delicacy. After all, school for dogs means a lot.

Chapter 2

With Sanka, we quickly found a common language. Although at first I was offended by him. Just a little, just a little. Judge for yourself. As you already understood, my name is Trison. When we trained with him at school, he called me that. Everything was fine. Sasha successfully passed the exam. Why be surprised? With me, any beginner will pass the exam. I not only carry out the commands of the ward, I often have to take the initiative. Appropriate, of course. Within a reasonable.

In general, everything went smoothly. We arrive home (Sasha's mother was with us on the road), then her grandmother, Elizaveta Maksimovna. She also greeted us warmly. By the way, I learned her name quite by accident - a neighbor came and called granny that way. Yes, by the way, for some reason everyone at home calls her granny. I noticed people have such oddities. Sasha, of course, calls her that, but Svetlana Sergeevna goes there too. I'm thinking, what kind of grandmother is she to you, if this is your mother? You people are sometimes hard to understand. Well, okay, it doesn't matter.

So, I'm Trison. Do you even know what that name is? Oh-oh! This is not some spotted Tuzik and not a clubfoot Rex. Ivan Savelyevich told me in detail about my name. Not only am I a thoroughbred dog myself, but in addition to everything, my name is not simple. That was once the name of the Tibetan king. Trisong Detsen, who many, many years ago, came to the conclusion that enlightenment can only be achieved as a result of moral and spiritual improvement under the guidance of a master. Without any bragging, I declare: the master in my school was impeccable. Do you understand what I'm getting at? No joke - an enlightened Labrador!

And suddenly, for no reason, Sanyok started calling me Trisha. At first I did not even understand who he was referring to. I woke up early in the morning and fumbles with my hand near the bed, looking for me. But I'm not a fool, lie under my feet. I placed myself at the end of the bed so that Sasha would not accidentally step on me at night. I got up, yelled softly, making it clear that I was here. I hear him say:

Three... Trisha, where are you? Come to me please.

Chapter 3

Heard our mom talking to grandma.

Sasha even cheered up, perked up, - says mom. - With a dog it will be easier for him.

Yes, the main thing is not to offend Shurka, - the grandmother replies. Still, a dog is a beast. “My ears perked up at those words.

No, well, you have to blurt out such a thing? “So as not to offend. Beast". I, too, found the beast. Am I a wolf or something, a wild boar or a wounded boar for you. At least think about what you're talking about. And Ivan Savelyevich claimed that old people are wise. He would have heard your words, grandmother Liza. Eh, if I weren’t a guide, I would certainly have bungled some dirty tricks for you, Elizaveta Maksimovna. Still, it was not in vain that my former ward said that dogs have only one drawback - they believe people. We believe, but you do not trust us. Not all, of course, but there are such grannies. Well, at least Svetlana Sergeevna immediately stood up for me:

What are you, mom, - grins, - these dogs are very peaceful, friendly. It's not some kind of mongrel. Trained dog.

Chapter 4

One thing pleases me: now there is balance in our family. I mean, two women and two men. I arrived here just in time. They though good women, kind, caring, but it seems to me that if it were not for me, they would have killed the kid. Of course, I feel sorry for the boy. The blind are always more pitiful than others. Helpless they, especially children. Some adults cannot even look at other people's blind children without tears. Of course, most people around are happy to help a disabled person. And I thank them very much for this. But, as Ivan Savelyevich said, here the focus is different. You see, what's the matter - a blind person always wants to feel independent of outside help. Seriously. And not because the disabled person is so ungrateful. No. It's just that this incessant guardianship is sometimes tiring and even oppressive. I would like to shout to the whole world: look friends, I can easily do without your help, I do not interfere with your life, take the burden off your shoulders, go about your business!

And I understand them. Someone correctly said: their eyes are dead, but their hearts are alive.

There's just one thing I can't understand. There are 300,000 visually impaired people living in Russia today. There are only 1,000 guide dogs. Ivan Savelyevich said that in our country we get one dog for three hundred blind people. It's a mess. This is very bad. There are countries where there is one guide dog for every ten to twelve disabled people. Do you understand what the difference is? How many people are suffering without our help? The mind is incomprehensible.

Do you know what the Japanese did? It is funny and sad at the same time. They decided to train guide dogs in the prison. I'm talking seriously. Now have puppies teachers - prisoners. They went completely crazy. How did they come up with this? No, well, just imagine, they take a two-month-old puppy and for no reason, bam, put him in jail. Just some bullying. My poor Japanese compatriots. For a whole year, the dog child lives with the prisoners. True, they take care of him there, feed him, in general, they do not offend him. Then, upon reaching a year, an experienced instructor begins to train the dog. I don't know, maybe I'm upset for nothing. What difference does it make where we live up to a year, in a nursery or in prison. The main thing is that the conditions are good. And among the people, probably more fun. Prisoners are people too. No, that's right, I was indignant in vain. The Japanese are not stupid people, they know what they are doing.

Recently Sasha and I rested in the park. Women already trust me. Now we both go to the park. And before they walked, as if under escort. I'm leading Sanka, and my mother or grandmother is behind me. Also my helpers. The route is very easy. I quickly memorized it. It can be said that this is not a route at all, so it is an easy walk. Sanka is already used to the cane. You know, at first they could not convince him to walk with this cane. He resisted terribly. I broke two on purpose. Almost all children are like this.

Chapter 5

Sasha and I agreed: when he asks me a question, and I answer “yes”, then I say: “Aw!”, If my answer is negative, then I answer: “Wow!”. Well done Sanya! Despite the fact that he is only thirteen years old, he is a very smart guy. Yes, I did not make a reservation. What kind of boy is he? You should have seen him. Grandma is on his shoulder. It's kind of embarrassing to call him a boy. real guy. And what I like is that he's so smart. True, too smart. To be honest, I have more work to do.

In this sense, it was easier with Ivan Savelyevich. He was quiet. He goes to himself, sings a song. He had a favorite song about tankers. Honestly, I could sing one song all evening. As "three tankmen, three cheerful friends - the crew of a combat vehicle" will drag on. Sometimes he gets so bored with his song that I even had to stop it. I listen, I listen, I listen, then I quietly say: “Av-av!”. Ivan Savelievich, like me, immediately reacts to any exclamation. There is nothing surprising in this. We are one with him. How do people say? Do not spill water. That's how we are. Say something Ivan Savelyevich, I immediately: "I'm listening to you, my friend!". If I say something, Ivan Savelyevich also asks me: “What, Trison, happened?”

And nothing happened. Your song is just boring. At least change the plate. He would sing, for example, about a birch tree (sometimes he sings, but rarely) or “Katyusha”, in extreme cases, he could also sing about polar bears that rub against the earth's axis. The old man said that this song was from a picture… By the way, for some reason he always called cinema a picture. Not a movie, not a movie, but a picture. So, sometimes he sang a song from the picture "Prisoner of the Caucasus". “Somewhere in the world, where it’s always cold, bears rub against the axis, about the earthly oh-oh-oh-oh ...” Well, and so on. Great song. But he rarely sang it. Mostly flooded with their tankers. I used to think that he was the one who set it up, tankers and tankers. Still, it’s very difficult for us dogs when you can’t ask. Sometimes I would take it and ask directly. But he, sensing my curiosity, told me once while walking. What turned out? He served in the army as a tanker. And, by the way, not just a tanker, he was a tank commander. That's it! After his story about the army, I became more tolerant of his favorite song. I think, let him remember his youth, his friends, everything will be easier for the old man.

I'm wondering: if we were taught to talk at school, could I learn at least a dozen words? I don't need any more. I would be fine with ten words. Why do I need more? I thought about this for a long time and came to a conclusion. It would be just wonderful if we were taught to pronounce such words at school.



Chapter 15

If you think that all people pity the blind, then you are deeply mistaken. Remember, I told you about awards, paintings, books and other human joys stolen from disabled people? These are trifles compared to the fact that some rascals are trying to get into the pocket of a blind man. Literally. Don't believe? But you know, I have no reason to deceive you. With us, with dogs, it is not customary to lie, to fake, to be hypocritical. Leave it all for the people, we don't need it. We, if we rejoice, then rejoice for real, if we are angry, we can bite, if we defend, we do not think about the consequences. We protect because we have to protect. Everything is honest. You believe us and trust. Fine?

For two days Sasha and I did not go for a walk. Women combed me out, washed me five times a day with all sorts of shampoos and conditioners, sprinkled some smelly sprays on my poor head. I endured all this courageously, because I was sure that caring mother and grandmother wish me well. And in fact, what could I not pick up in all those sheds, thickets, monkey houses.

For some reason, people are absolutely convinced that special care products give dogs a pleasant smell. I would like to ask: pleasant for whom? For you? Personally, I would not call these smells pleasant, with the exception of some. But you can’t resist, and it’s not supposed to be according to the instructions, that’s why I sit so humbly and nod my head.

Just let me advise: never use any rubbish containing alcohol, soap, chemicals and medicines to care for us. Fu, what an abomination! Don't skimp on your loyal friends, please. By the way, my friend, the shepherd Lada from the seventh enclosure (she herself told me), it was on this basis that she did not agree with her ward. Remember I told you the dog was sent back to school? What her ward learned ...

In order not to bother with all sorts detergents, which are based on oils of plant origin and extracts of medicinal plants, the woman put Lada into the bathroom and lathered her guide laundry soap- they say, she stank of dog. So imagine what poor Ladushka experienced. Wow. Yes, and it's unfair. The woman herself washes her hair with a decent shampoo, adds lavender-scented foam to the bath, and the poor dog - from head to toe with laundry soap. Who can stand it? Here Lada bucked. Everything can be tolerated - both rudeness, and rudeness, and hunger, but not laundry soap. Excuse me here, fellow human beings. To make you understand our feelings, imagine the following picture: someone got it into his head to wash your body with kerosene. Here is the same for us laundry soap or washing powder.

Chapter 16

I'm unlucky, probably a dog. As soon as all my troubles ended, and on you - I got sick. And, most importantly, a strange disease - pneumonia. I can't understand anything. And where could I catch a cold? But, in general, I guess. It got cold here in Moscow, and after the bath I collapsed in the middle of the living room. The window in the kitchen is open, and the balcony was open in my mother's bedroom. At some point, I felt that I felt chilly, but continued to wallow wet on the floor. Here he did it. Silly dog.

My temperature rose, I began to shiver. Eyes watery. I also wanted to go for a walk with Sasha, I kept bragging, but on the threshold I fell down and I can’t get up. Stars in the eyes, noise in the ears. I can't understand anything. I think maybe my old age has come, it's time to die. On the other hand, I'm only six years old. Live more and live. In general, Svetlana Sergeevna and Elizaveta Maksimovna, frightened to death, called me a dog "ambulance". The doctor listened to me, examined me, sniffed my tongue (a funny guy, but very kind) and delivered a verdict: pneumonia. He prescribed bed rest, put some nasty things in my mouth, I almost choked. It is better to lather with laundry soap than to swallow such muck. But the worst thing is that now they will stuff me with this medicine for a whole week. You will think a hundred times: what is better - to be treated or to die right at the doorstep.

Sanka flatly refused to walk with his grandmother (probably, the supermarket still cannot forgive her), sat down next to me and stroked. Sanka, of course, I am very pleased when they stroke me, but you will soon rub baldness on my head. And then you will have a bald guide.

What are you, my baby? Got sick? He is so sorry for me.

What kind of baby am I to you, Sanyok? I am already a mature man. And, as if on purpose, he continues:

Chapter 17

Well, how can you not believe it when they say that the world is small, like a doghouse. However, first things first.

With ten routes, I got excited, in the morning my mother and grandmother announced to Sanka and me that we were going to visit the whole family on a jam day (don't think that I'm fond of sweets, this is how Sasha calls a birthday) to some grandmother's nephew. It turns out that today is his 50th birthday. People are lucky, they live so long.

And if you want, while our women are preening, I will tell you about long-lived dogs (after all useful thing this TV? You probably know that we live an average of eight to fifteen years. But there are times when some of our fellow tribesmen reach twenty. But the most famous dog, of course, is an Australian shepherd dog named (with a nickname, however, she was not very lucky) Bluey. I don’t know what it means in Australian, but in Russia with that name she would not have lived long. No, well, am I wrong? This OK need to so call the poor dog - Blyuy. It would also be called...

However, wow! Let's leave our fantasies, otherwise you will think that Trison has already become quite insolent. So, that same “vomit-spit” lived for twenty-nine years and five months. Of these, she herded cows and sheep for twenty years, then retired. I keep thinking, what did Les Hall (the owner) feed her? Probably, every day he pampered with milk, cottage cheese, cheese. In addition, the shepherd is always on fresh air. Yes, and weed, for sure, ate some useful. In Australia, they say, there are a lot of all sorts of useful plants. Not like we have - you go out onto the lawn, not grass, but some kind of straw. In the forest, it’s good with us, I pick out all sorts of roots there, I crunch the leaves. Not all in a row, of course, but those that my heart tells me about. Yes, lucky shepherdess. Lived well. And what's interesting is that she didn't even die of her own death. She fell ill at the end of her life, became blind, deaf. Stopped walking. Well, people put her to sleep for humanitarian reasons.

I don’t know if this is humane or not, but the owners probably know better. Although, I would allow not only people, but also dogs to die their natural death. Why put us to sleep? Who knows what will happen tomorrow. Today the dog went deaf, went blind, and tomorrow, you see, she went on the mend. No, this is wrong. People argue about euthanasia, but for themselves, they don’t remember us, although, they say, there are some societies of animal lovers - they stand up for us too. Here's the thing: a person himself can ask to be euthanized. And the dog? How do you know if she wants to sleep or not? And if you don't know, then don't do it. Let the dog die in peace, especially if it has been your devoted friend all your life. I can’t even imagine how you can put your friend to sleep ... Well, okay, let's not talk about sad things.

Chapter 18

If you are not interested in the history of domestic dogs, feel free to skip this chapter.

The nephew spoke with his aunt (that is, with our grandmother) on "you" and laughed merrily all evening. As it turned out, he works as a geologist, and often goes on business trips, because there are no living creatures in his house (who will look after her?). It’s good, everything is calmer for me - sometimes you come to visit, and there are all sorts of Sims, Trezors, Barsiki. Entertain them or, conversely, endure humiliation, they are the "masters". And here I am alone, resting from the hustle and bustle. Cool…

Valentin Igorevich, as Sasha called him, approved the choice of women and praised me very much. Well, to be more precise, not me personally, but our entire breed. What did I tell you? Everyone who understands this matter knows that there is no better guide than a Labrador.

While relatives and friends of Valentin Igorevich ate all sorts of goodies, I stared at the TV. I tell you, such an interesting program that I even forgot about dinner.

It turns out that people have long been arguing from where we came from. There are two versions: some say that from wolves, others - from jackals. No, well, what kind of version is this. From jackals. If they themselves descended from monkeys, now they want to humiliate us too? No, it won't work like that. In general, I think: those who say that dogs came from wolves are created by God, and those who claim that we are descended from jackals - such people came from monkeys. Like this! There is no need to build such a humiliating slander on us. “From jackals…” No, it’s necessary to think of such vileness. Well, at least not everyone thinks so. There is someone to rely on.

Chapter 19

The return tram was half empty. I love when public transport is not crowded. Free, easy, no one will step on your paw. Do you also like free trams? And for us it is even more important. It is very difficult to work in a crowd.

Everything was good with us. We got off the tram and headed straight for our house. Women chirped about their own, Sanka and I walked ahead, or rather, I, as always, first, and he behind me. It seemed, well, what could spoil such a beautiful, warm summer evening. And yet the mood was destroyed. Rather, it was destroyed by one rude uncle. As it turned out later, Elizaveta Maksimovna stumbled over the curb and suddenly found herself on the roadway. I was stunned when I heard a wild squeal of brakes and a scream from my mother. My fur stood on end. I turn around, I see a picture (just don’t think anything terrible, everyone is alive, intact): our grandmother leans on the wing of a passenger car, and a “good fellow”, about twenty or twenty-two years old, jumps out of the door and shouts at a woman:

Where are you going, cow? Are you blind, or what?

I even barked in frustration. Well, how is it possible? An elderly woman - and he is a "cow" on her. How not to be ashamed.

Excuse me, young man, - Elizaveta Maksimovna justifies herself, - I stumbled, you forgive me, for God's sake.