Table for Valentine's Day ideas. Table setting for valentine's day. Menu for the festive table for Valentine's Day

Have you already chosen a venue? romantic evening, thought out decorations and entourage and bought cute gifts? Now is the time to think about food. And it does not matter where the festive breakfast, lunch or dinner will take place, the main thing is not to miss the choice of dishes. Thinking through the menu for Valentine's Day, you need to pay attention to aphrodisiac products. This is understandable, because, most likely, dinner will end in bed. Dishes for a romantic menu should be both hearty and light. The task is almost impossible if you follow the beaten path and prepare an ordinary festive table with mayonnaise puff salads, plentiful meat dishes and side dishes ... Therefore, pay attention to seafood dishes. Now in any store and on the market you can buy almost any marine delicacy. Perhaps the most affordable seafood, literally stuffed with aphrodisiacs, is shrimp. Culinary Eden offers you a Valentine's Day menu for a romantic dinner.

200 g boiled shrimp,
150 g imitation crab meat,
200 g of hard cheese,
4 boiled eggs
3-4 garlic cloves,
green onion,

Set aside a few shrimp for garnish. Grate cheese, eggs and garlic on a grater. Add shrimp and chopped crab meat. Mix and season with mayonnaise. Garnish with shrimp and chopped green onions.

400 g shrimp
4 eggs,
1 small can of canned pineapple
1 mango
1-2 green apples
300 g celery stalks,
olive oil, dry white wine - for frying shrimp.

Shrimp fried in a hot mixture olive oil and dry white wine. Celery, apples and boiled eggs cut into thin strips. Drain the juice from the pineapples, pour a little into a bowl and mix with mayonnaise. Add chopped pineapple and mango to the rest of the ingredients and season with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with chopped parsley when serving.

1 jar of pitted or pitted olives
300 g shrimp
3-4 boiled eggs

Boil the shrimp in boiling salted water, peel and chop with a blender (or pass through a meat grinder). Mix with yolks from boiled eggs, rub thoroughly and add so much mayonnaise to make a rather sticky mass. Dry olives or black olives. Grate boiled egg whites on a fine grater. Roll up small balls from the shrimp mass, press inward along the olive and roll in protein. Serve on green lettuce leaves.

300 g large shrimp
150 g broth from shrimp,
200 ml 35% cream,
100 ml dry white wine
100 ml milk
3 tbsp with a heap of flour
4 eggs,
1 tsp dijon mustard,
4 tbsp butter,
3-4 peas of allspice,
½ tsp ground nutmeg,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste,
sour cream.

Boil the shrimp in boiling salted water, drain 150 ml of the broth, cool the shrimp, peel and cut into small pieces. Melt the butter in a frying pan over low heat and fry the flour in it until creamy, then add the shrimp broth and wine, heat for a minute and pour in the milk and cream. Add allspice, mustard, salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Meanwhile, separate the yolks from the whites. Add a little sauce from the pan to the yolks, mix well and add to the rest of the sauce, mixing well so that no lumps form (preferably with a mixer). Put the shrimp in the sauce, stir and remove from heat. Cool and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt, gently fold the mass into the shrimp sauce and mix. Spread the resulting mass into molds and put in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Serve topped with sour cream.

But a person does not live by shrimp alone - a light snack can also be prepared from other products!

250 g boiled tongue,
4 eggs,
2 apples
150 g prunes,
150 g hard cheese,
100 g walnuts,

Cut the tongue into strips, grate the boiled eggs on a coarse grater. Rinse the prunes well, dry them and cut into thin strips. Peel the apple and grate it for Korean carrots. Mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise. When serving, sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped nuts.


6 large champignons,
2 eggs,
1 small onion,
100 g hard cheese,
2 tbsp sour cream or mayonnaise
salt, parsley, vegetable oil.

For washed mushrooms, carefully remove the legs and clean the caps inside. Cut the onion and mushroom legs into small cubes and fry for vegetable oil before golden color. Boiled eggs also cut into cubes, add chopped herbs, add fried onions and mushrooms, mix and season with sour cream. Add half the norm of grated cheese on a fine grater, mix and stuff the hats. Place in a baking dish, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake at 200°C for 20 minutes. Garnish with herbs when serving.

For the main course, you can choose lean fish, lean meat or cook classic chicken wings. And do not forget to cook fresh vegetables for a side dish, they will not create heaviness in the stomach.

2-2.5 stack. flour,
100 g butter,
1 egg
1 stack water.
For minced meat:
500 g shrimp
1 small onion
2 tbsp chopped parsley,
ginger, ground black pepper - to taste,
a pinch of salt.

The dough for these dumplings is prepared in a custard way: Boil water with butter, remove from heat, pour 1 stack. flour and mix quickly until a homogeneous smooth mass is obtained. Cool, beat in the egg and add enough flour to make a smooth dough. Let it rest under the plate for 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, peel the shrimp and onion, mince, add herbs, ginger, salt and pepper and knead the minced meat well. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut out circles with a thin glass. Shape into very small dumplings and boil in salted water. Serve with hot sauces.

400 g pike perch fillet,
100 g of rice
2 bulbs
2 tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
100 ml dry white wine
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
2 cloves,
½ bunch of parsley,
thyme, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Pour the washed rice with salted water and put on fire. Cut the zander fillet into small pieces. Chop greens and garlic finely. Scald tomatoes with boiling water, dip in ice water and remove the skin. Chop the tomatoes with a blender. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the onion and sauté until golden brown. Add tomatoes, garlic and greens, salt a little and simmer over low heat under the lid for 3-4 minutes. Then add the cloves, thyme and pepper and continue to simmer. Drain the cooked rice in a colander, put it in the pan with the sauce and add the wine. Put fish pieces on top of rice, cover and simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes. Serve sprinkled with herbs.


600 g chicken wings,
2 tbsp lemon juice
50 ml vegetable oil,
3-4 garlic cloves,
rosemary sprig,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Combine lemon juice and vegetable oil, add chopped garlic and rosemary leaves and put chicken wings in the resulting marinade. Leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes. Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out the wings and pour over the marinade. Place in the oven on medium heat for 40 minutes to brown the wings. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

2 squid carcasses,
2 potatoes
200 g fresh mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms),
2 tomatoes
1-2 garlic cloves,
grated hard cheese.

Prepare mashed potatoes from boiled potatoes. Fry the diced onion until golden brown. Fry the mushrooms separately in a dry frying pan until the liquid has completely evaporated and add to the onion. Combine mashed potatoes with mushrooms and onions. Peel the squids and boil them in salted water for 2-3 minutes, no more, otherwise they will become rubbery. Stuff the squids with the potato mixture and place in a greased pan. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop. Chop the garlic, fry in vegetable oil for 30 seconds, add the tomatoes, simmer over medium heat, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting squid sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. Place in hot oven and bake until cheese is melted.

250 g peeled shrimp,
250 g crab meat,
½ stack dry white wine
2 tbsp olive oil,
2 tbsp butter,
1 sprig of marjoram
2 celery stalks,
3 bay leaves,
4 sprigs of basil
5 thyme leaves
6 black peppercorns,
7 leeks,
8 drops of table vinegar,
9 drops of lemon juice.

Put the shrimp and crab meat in a saucepan, pour wine over them, add olive oil and butter and bring to a boil. Then the witchcraft begins: one by one, with an interval of one minute, add all the spices: marjoram, celery, bay leaf, basil, thyme, black pepper, leek, vinegar and lemon juice. After adding the last ingredient, boil the dish for 9 minutes and serve. In France, this dish is called "appetizer of passion."

If you have never made fondue, it makes sense to try to surprise your soulmate with cheese fondue or make chocolate fondue for dessert. And what a delicious crust forms at the bottom of the fondue bowl when you make cheese fondue!

250 g Gruyère cheese
150 g Emmental cheese
150 ml dry white wine
1 garlic clove
½ tsp lemon juice
1-2 tbsp starch,
ground white pepper, nutmeg - to taste.
For dipping: cubes of white bread, shrimps, olives or black olives, etc.

Grate the cheese. Rub the walls of the fondue dish with a clove of garlic, pour in the wine and put on fire. As the wine warms up, gradually add the cheese mixture, stirring constantly. wooden spoon, moving "eight". Add pepper and nutmeg, lemon juice and stir. If the mixture turns out to be liquid, add starch, if, on the contrary, it is thick, pour in a little wine. When the mass becomes homogeneous, rearrange the fondue bowl in the center of the table on a stand above the candle. Prick appetizers on forks and dip into bowl.

400 g shrimp
200 g crab meat,
400 ml milk
50 g cheddar cheese
2 tbsp sherry,
hot peppers.

Boil shrimp in 1 stack. boiling salted water, peel and grind in a blender. Dilute the resulting mass with hot milk and bring to a boil with constant stirring. Add the cheese and stir with a wooden spoon "eights" until it is completely melted. Add pepper, sherry and crab meat, bring to a boil and serve. Serve white croutons and sherry with fondue.

1 stack 35% cream,
2 high quality dark chocolate bars
20 g cognac,
1 tbsp liquid honey,
1 tbsp crushed almonds,
1 tbsp chopped walnuts.

For dipping:
fresh fruit pieces, biscuit cubes, nuts, etc.


Place the fondue bowl in the water bath. Pour in the cream, add the chocolate grated on a coarse grater, add honey, cognac and nuts. Stirring constantly, melt the whole mass until smooth. Then place the bowl on the stand with a candle and enjoy an amazing delicacy! Dip pieces of fresh fruit, biscuit or cookies, nuts or dried fruits into melted chocolate.

A romantic dinner is unthinkable without champagne, and when combined with strawberries, it turns into an amazing delicacy.
Strawberries in champagne. Arrange fresh strawberries in tall glasses and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cover each glass with cling film and place the glasses in the refrigerator. When it's time for dessert, top the strawberries with champagne and serve.

Ingredients per serving:
20 ml Curacao liqueur
20 ml lime syrup
20 ml of vodka,
5 ml lemon juice
7-8 ice cubes.

Fill mixing container with ice cubes, add lemon juice, liqueur, vodka and lime syrup, close and shake vigorously for 10 seconds. After that, pour through a strainer into a pre-chilled glass and top up with champagne. Use boiled water to get clear ice cubes.

Bon appetit and romantic mood!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Elena Mamchich

16:15 3.02.2017

To make Valentine's Day leave only the most pleasant impressions, you need to prepare in advance. Think over your image, menu, scenario, gifts and, of course, decoration holiday table. We have prepared simple and beautiful ideas for the best day ever.

Festive breakfast on Valentine's Day

To get into the holiday mood all day long, you need to start it right! For example, decorate breakfast with such cute toasts. with hearts made of jam or jam.

It is good to have breakfast from dishes that are decorated with hearts. If you did not have time to find and buy such cups and plates, do not be upset, they you can do it yourself. For example, cut out an oracal from a film and stick it on your usual dishes. Or draw hearts on plain dishes with a marker.

Textiles for the festive table

Decorate the table by the day of all lovers will help beautiful tablecloth into hearts. They can be made with your own hands, using paints and a stamp.

In the same way it is possible decorate and napkins. After all, there are never too many hearts on Valentine's Day!

Festive table napkin can be decorated with an ordinary wooden clothespin, to which a small heart is glued, as shown in the photo.

For cutlery such a cute pocket will be a wonderful decoration. The heart can either be painted with paint or cut out of red fabric and sewn on.

There are more quick way to decorate Cutlery for Valentine's Day. For example, they can simply be tied with a red ribbon.

For those, who loves to sew We offer such a simple idea for decorating a festive table. For example, sew a ring for a napkin or cutlery in the shape of a heart.

Paper hearts for table setting

To an ordinary table with the most ordinary tablecloth turn into holiday decorations for Valentine's Day, you just need to decorate them with paper-cut hearts.

Flowers to decorate the festive table

You can't do without flowers on Valentine's Day. And it doesn't have to be a million scarlet roses. Just one is enough, but originally filed. For example, as in the photos below.

How to decorate a table with balloons

Balloons not only a celebration of childhood, but also a great opportunity to decorate the table in an original way for Valentine's Day. They can be tied to the back of a chair or to the leg of a table. Draw hearts on the balloons, write wishes or leave traces of red lipstick!

Candles to decorate the festive table

No one romantic dinner Valentine's Day is not complete without candles. After all, they bring a magical mood to the atmosphere of the holiday. Candles can be placed on a regular cake stand and placed in the center of the table.

One big candle place in a transparent vase, which is decorated with felt or paper hearts. Such a vase can be put on a tray or an ordinary flat plate decorated with rose petals.

Central composition for decoration a festive table for Valentine's Day can be made from vases, flowers and candles, as shown in the photo below.

Look for more ideas in every issue of the magazine

On the eve of the brightest romantic holiday - Valentine's Day, which is gaining popularity every year, we offer you to think not only about gifts, valentines and romantic surprises, but also take care of the most important part of this holidayromantic dinner. Table setting plays an important role in creating a romantic evening. Therefore, this time she is in the spotlight.


For a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day, you need to carefully consider all the details. It is better that any of the shades of red is present in the design of the table. After all, it is the color of love, fire and passion. You can cover the table with a purple or raspberry tablecloth. Suitable for tablecloths and white, if it is supplemented with red ribbon bows. The same ribbon can be used to decorate chairs, candles, tie a wine bottle, a flower vase or tie cutlery.


An important attribute of table setting are napkins. On Valentine's Day, they will also help set the general mood of the holiday. It will be possible to support the theme with the help of napkins, if you give them the shape of a flower. The created composition is best placed in a glass. When choosing the color of napkins, give preference to those tones that are present in your decor. Undoubtedly, nothing can support the romantic direction of the event like napkins folded in a heart. Do not forget that you can put sweets, chocolates, cupcakes, a gift box or a small scroll with a love message on a napkin.


Gold and silver cutlery look cute and romantic on a red and white or pink and white tablecloth. You will get a very effective composition.


You can buy plates with hearts, or you can just use regular round plates in the appropriate colors. All of them will perfectly fit into a romantic dinner on February 14th.


Fanciful dance of shadows, tempting reflections on glasses and mysterious twilight will support the intimate atmosphere of this holiday. In the evening, you can afford some wine or champagne, which means that there will be refined dishes on the table. crystal glasses. They can be beautifully decorated. The easiest option is to simply tie the stem of the glass beautiful ribbons. Well, if you have time, you can, using a template, paste over the glass with sparkles, self-adhesive paper or rhinestones - it will turn out very beautifully.


Another way to diversify the table setting in honor of Valentine's Day is to decorate a bottle of wine or champagne. Spare her the label under hot water, wipe it dry, and now you can print and stick any label you have thought up. It can be decorated with paints and glued with rhinestones. You can also just wrap the bottle with beautiful paper or cloth, tie it with a ribbon at the very neck - this will also look quite original.

Central composition

The center of the table can simply be dotted with rose petals or decorated with a sumptuous dessert. You can also put a bouquet of fresh flowers or make an unusual composition yourself: from twigs, hearts, flowers, feathers, balls or even soft toys.


In order for the serving to help bring you closer together, you will have to try and show your imagination. Recall events, things, or trips that both of you have fond memories of. If you met at an exhibition of tulips, then they will become a reminder of that happy time. If you traveled to Paris together, then don't forget the small Eiffel Tower figurine that will take you to that extraordinary atmosphere. Remember the brightest moments of your relationship, perhaps they will help you make the table setting by February 14 special and complete. secret meaning understandable only to you two.


This holiday is impossible without valentines! A heart cut out of colored paper, on which a few warm words will be written, will undoubtedly become a bright accent of the evening. You can make an edible Valentine. Heart-shaped cookies, chocolate, steak, pizza or any other dish will make your dinner unique and magical.


The last touch, without which no romantic evening can do, is, of course, candles. Their uneven light will create an intimate twilight and bring even more charm to a cute romantic holiday. Candles will look in combination with flowers. Inverted wine glasses can be placed on the table, under the dome of which blossomed rosebuds lie, and wide candles are installed on the legs.

Experiment! May February 14 be a day for you, overflowing with the tenderness and love of a dear person. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Dinner at a beautifully laid table is a mandatory attribute of any celebration. St. Valentine's Day, the celebration of which is becoming increasingly popular among both families and couples who are just starting to meet, is no exception.

Table setting, corresponding to the holiday of lovers, creates the necessary atmosphere of comfort and romance in the house for such an occasion.

Decoration and table setting for February 14 - photos and ideas

The table for a festive dinner can be decorated using a wide variety of accessories. Traditionally, Valentine's Day decor uses white, pink and red.

Ribbons, flowers, hearts from a wide variety of materials are indispensable elements festive serving. For a romantic dinner, it’s good to place paired elements on the table.

You can emphasize the spirit of the holiday by using the most ordinary things - tablecloths, napkins, vases, cutlery, table lamps.

Textiles for the festive table on February 14

Usually festive tables are covered with a tablecloth. If you show imagination, it is very easy to make an ordinary white tablecloth, which is available for special occasions in every home, an excellent background against which other attributes will play

Day of lovers. For example, you can sew at a short distance from its edge satin ribbon red or Pink colour. The corners of the tablecloth can be decorated with bows or flowers from the same ribbon.

An addition to a table decorated with such a tablecloth will be napkins trimmed with satin ribbons or flowers from folded ribbons. Ribbon roses can decorate a candy bowl filled with "hearts" made of chocolate or cookies.

Can also roll napkins traditional way and tie with ribbons. A small live rose attached to a napkin with a ribbon looks very romantic. You can fold the napkins into a heart shape.

Paper decoration: napkins for February 14

Perfect for table decoration paper napkins. It is worth stocking up with ready-made multilayer napkins with holiday symbols.

You can serve a dish decorated using decoupage technique and napkins in the appropriate style.

Another simple but effective way to decorate a festive table is to cut out heart-shaped openwork substrates for cutlery and all other items on the table from plain paper or non-woven napkins.

Table decoration with flowers and plants

Traditionally, for most holidays, the table is decorated with flowers. Usually a low bouquet is placed in the center of the table. In the case of decorating the table by February 14, you can beat the vase or the space around it in the spirit of the holiday.

A vase corresponding to the holiday can be bought or painted by hand acrylic paints. Then such paints are easily removed if in the future the vase will be used for other events.

By February 14, the tree of love is sometimes dressed up. The "tree" itself is made from flowering branches of various trees. Apple branches are good for this purpose. 2-3 weeks before the holiday, they must be cut and put in water. By the solemn event, the buds will open and leaves will appear, and possibly flowers.

You can also decorate the usual winter branches of the shape you like with ribbons, various symbols of love - hearts, paired figures of swans, doves. An interesting option love tree decor - place photos of the couple on it. On the table, the tree of love should stand, so as not to cover those present.

Table decoration for February 14 with lighting

Candles are often used to create a romantic mood. If the table space allows, you can lay out an image of a heart from low candles. Floating candles will look great in a low wide vase. Scented candles should be used with care to decorate a festive dinner.

They are used only if it is known that the smell is pleasant to everyone present, and that it does not interrupt the aroma. festive dishes. The use of candles requires caution, since an open fire is always a danger of setting something on fire, especially cloth and paper nearby.

However, on the festive table, the table lamp familiar to us, decorated with our own hands, will also look good. So that its light is not too bright, the lampshade should be wrapped with a cloth. It can be a pink or red shawl or scarf.

Check to see if the fabric is too close to the lamp. Can be attached to fabric paper garlands from hearts, various figures or photographs. It is also good to decorate the lamp with the ribbon flowers mentioned above.

Food for lovers on February 14

On Valentine's Day, you can not only beautifully set the table, but also cook some romantic food. The easiest option is food in the form of hearts.

And no matter what it will be - toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast, watermelon hearts, sweets and cakes or meat steaks in the form of a heart, the main thing is to show your love for the one for whom you decorated your table.

Breakfast on February 14 - ideas

There are many options for decorating the table for Valentine's Day. But when serving for the holiday, we must remember that this is a celebration for two and take into account the aesthetic preferences of the partner. Then the celebration will bring joy and strengthen relationships.

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Deep love, tender love and all-consuming passion have tried to describe many poets and prose writers, but, as Francesco Petrarch said, only those who love weakly can interpret their love. But it's not for nothing that Valentine's Day is also called Valentine's Day. Many are waiting for this holiday precisely in order to say about their love, confess it with the help of a small card in the form of a heart and show all their tenderness and affection, pay attention and devote one day to their dearest, closest and beloved person. On this day, we choose postcards with special trepidation, carefully select important words, we pack gifts, prepare surprises and get excited, like before a first date.

On this most romantic holiday, we want to surprise our loved ones, make surprises and give flowers. But now, the gifts are packed, the confessions are recorded, and our mood is the most romantic, it remains only to create the right atmosphere so that the date with your loved one turns out to be truly touching. It is not necessary to spend the whole day blowing up balloons and laying them out on all possible planes of the apartment, you can prepare some cute surprises in the form of chocolates and postcards, as well as organize a romantic dinner, lunch or breakfast, as you like.

Let's start with breakfast, because you can always invite friends for lunch or dinner, and lovers often have breakfast together. From the very morning, a sweet kiss and a delicious breakfast prepared by our caring hands will help create a light, playful and romantic mood. It is better to prepare for such a breakfast in advance and buy or bake delicious desserts in the form of the main symbol of the holiday - hearts. Lay light on the table crochet a tablecloth or a white shawl, it will add tenderness to the serving. Put your favorite flowers on the table, which can soon be replaced with those that your loved one will give. In the morning twilight, candles will come in handy, just imagine a cold February morning, a gloomy gray sky looks in the window, the wind drives naughty snowflakes, and the two of you don’t seem to notice it, shrouded in the warm light of a pair of burning candles.

You can decorate the table with memorabilia, for example, photographs of your first meeting or collect all the valentines given to each other in order to remember, smile and refresh feelings together. If you are celebrating this Valentine's Day together for the first time, then the hearts cut out by you from colored paper are suitable for decorating the table, on which you can write a few warm words and beautifully lay them out on the table, small chocolates tied with a ribbon, to which a miniature is attached, will look original. postcard with a romantic poem. A card tied up will look cute and gentle beautiful bow and laid next to the napkin. You can also decorate dishes, for example, buy a watermelon, make a salad or a cocktail out of it, and cut out hearts from the rest and decorate cups or your dish with them.

Watermelon in winter is not a cheap pleasure, just like numerous postcards, bows and ribbons. Do not listen to romances that finances will definitely try to sing after such waste! And in general, I want something original and at the same time sincere, so that a piece of warmth and care is invested in serving. If you want it, then you must do it. Cover the table with a tablecloth, preferably a delicate shade, pick up napkins to match it and colored paper. It is from colored paper that it will turn out original decoration your entire table. Remember how you made garlands out of it in school! Fold the sheet a few times and cut out a half heart, being careful not to touch the fold line, then unfold the resulting garland of hearts, fasten the edges and use it as a decoration for teapot coasters, cups, plates or just as a cute table decoration.

Table setting for a romantic dinner is significantly different from the previous options. It gets dark very early in winter, so you need to consider all lighting options. The bright light of electric lamps is best left for other evenings, and for Valentine's Day, the warming soft and cozy light of burning candles is suitable. Fanciful dance of shadows, tempting reflections on glasses and mysterious twilight will support the intimate atmosphere of this holiday. In the evening, you can afford some wine or champagne, which means that refined crystal glasses will replace the morning cups. And if for breakfast you could cheat and serve only dessert, then this number will not work for dinner. And while it should be light, especially if you're hoping for a sequel, serving multiple courses is a must. Several dishes, which means you need several sets of dishes, which, by the way, do not have to be decorated with a scattering of hearts and cupids, it is enough that they fit into the overall color scheme and do not contradict the rest of the table decorations.

Not every one of us experiences a feeling of falling in love, but the holiday is so bright, so romantic and so kind and gentle that we simply cannot afford to miss it and not celebrate it. Therefore, we invite single friends or girlfriends to our place and still arrange a romantic dinner. If the company has chosen exclusively for women, then in serving you can afford such girly decor elements as, for example, feathers, heart-shaped dishes and colored sweets. As a central composition of the table, you can use a glass vase for sweets, to do this, fill it with colorful sweets and place a large wide candle inside. Place a boa around the vase and place small candles at some distance. The abundance of feathers in combination with candles is a very fire hazardous decor, so if the table area is small, it is better to use flower petals that will fill the air with a pleasant aroma and create a romantic atmosphere.

From a dinner in a purely feminine format, let's move on to a neutral one, suitable for a mixed company. We will have to abandon the bright, flashy colors of this holiday and use, for example, noble burgundy instead of red and pink. Instead of a classic vase, put a low rectangular one on the table, tie it with a ribbon and place flowers cut closer to the bud. It is also better to choose napkins to match, decorate with a bow and attach a postcard with pleasant warm words. For such a table, a champagne bucket will come in handy. If you don't have a bucket, you can always make your own. You will need a shallow but wide vase, wrapping, matching the color and theme of the holiday, as well as ribbons. Cover the vase with paper, tie it nicely with a ribbon, fill with ice and place a bottle of champagne.

On Valentine's Day, you can dream up and appear before your loved one in the form of a queen of hearts. To create such an entourage, you cannot do without a deck of cards, especially without a queen of hearts. The cards will great decoration table, and the suit of hearts will only support the main symbol of the holiday. The main colors for table setting in this theme are white, red and black. Postcards and congratulations can be packed in a white envelope, glued to it a heart cut out of red paper and tied with a black lace ribbon. Also, to decorate such a table, black napkins tied with a red ribbon and a salt and pepper shaker in the form of chess pieces of a king and a queen will come in handy. You can put a few lace ribbons along the tablecloth and complement the serving with noble red roses.

For many couples, dinner on Valentine's Day becomes special, they prepare for it in advance, they look forward to this meeting, and there is a slight excitement in the air. In order to maintain each other's festive mood, it is not at all necessary to go to noisy restaurants that are always crowded on holidays, you can organize everything at home and spend time in a quiet, intriguingly intimate atmosphere. No one knows your tastes and the tastes of your partner better than you, so turn on your imagination, remember what you both like, experiment, and let Valentine's Day become for each of you a tender and romantic day spent with the most dear and beloved person.