Traditional doll on a spoon. Eyes for dolls from plastic spoons How to make a doll from a wooden spoon

Manufacturing master class beautiful doll from a wooden spatula for cooking. You can make a doll of any nationality. The brightest are dolls in traditional outfits! You can decorate your house with the resulting unusual souvenir or give it as a gift.

Necessary materials:

1. Wooden spatula;
2. 2 blanks for a skirt-dress: white and with fabric;
3. A bunch of threads (yarn can be used);
4. Preparation of a bow from a rep or satin ribbon;
5. Pencils, markers, scissors;
6. Glue stick;
7. Glue-based rhinestones and semi-beads. If you don’t have these, then you can use ordinary beads and half beads, sequins and PVA glue.

We should start with the doll's face. To do this, we need felt-tip pens and pencils. Stepping back from above about 1.5 - 2 cm, draw eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. Don't forget about rosy cheeks and long eyelashes!

We glue our half-beads to the eyes and press hard immediately, otherwise the adhesive base will dry and then you will not be able to glue them (only if on glue). You yourself can choose the color for the eyes that you like: in our case it is black, but you can choose green, blue and brown, or exotic colors, such as purple.

Our doll needs to be dressed! We take blanks for a skirt-dress. Blanks: both made of white paper and cut out in the shape of a quarter of a circle, you can take a larger angle, the edges are processed with curly wavy scissors, if you don’t have any, it’s okay. On the front side dolls, our dress will be colored - to add texture and brightness, we used fabric, gathered it on top and glued it to a white base, however, you can use other materials for the dress (scrapbooking paper with patterns, corrugated paper, wrapping paper, you can decorate with ribbons and show your imagination). We choose the location of the skirt not too high and not too low, it is necessary to leave room for jewelry and shoes. Using a glue stick, glue a colored skirt on a white base to the front side of the doll and press it.

In order for our skirt-dress to hold securely on the base, we take the second blank of white paper and glue it to the base and to the first part of the skirt on the reverse side, press it.

Decorate the doll beautiful bow! It will also hide the place where the skirt is attached to the base.

Our doll is a real fashionista! We make it bright and shiny: we attach rhinestones, half-beads, sequins with a bow and to a wooden base, you can also decorate a skirt - a field for the imagination of you and your baby to fly!

It was not in vain that we left so much space on top of the doll - chic hair will be located there. We glue the blank of threads on the glue stick. It is very simple to make a blank of threads: we need yarn of natural shades, cut it into pieces of 25 - 30 cm, the number of segments depends on how thick the hair you want to make your doll, find the middle of the future hair and tie them together with another segment.

Being engaged in a club at the museum for the creation of folk dolls, the teacher showed us a simple doll on a spoon. Her history is unknown, some sources say that mothers occupied their children after lunch or dinner so that they would not interfere with household chores. I think this is quite possible. I made my own version, slightly changing the manufacture of sleeve handles, in that version there were no handles given to us by the teacher. Let's make such a wonderful together with your child do-it-yourself folk doll.

It will require: rags or cotton wool for the head, a piece of sewing or lace for an apron, a beautiful piece of colored fabric for a sundress along the length of a spoon and a width of 2o cm, a satin ribbon in the color of a sundress 20 cm long, white calico or chintz for an undershirt in size like a piece for a sundress, and for sleeves 14 by 9 cm, 20 cm lace on the bottom of the shirt, a red piece of chintz for the top scarf, its long side is 20-25 cm, a triangle of white chintz for the bottom scarf, 2 pieces of tea-dyed chintz on the palms of size 3 6 cm, white and red threads and of course a wooden spoon.

Sew on the cut for a sundress to the bottom satin ribbon, connect the side seams. On the bottom shirt to the bottom and also connect the side seams, steam the seams. Stitch lengthwise for sleeves. Wrap a ball of rags or cotton wool with a thread so that it does not fall apart.

Attach an undershirt to the "neck" of the doll. For convenience, so that the assembly is uniform, you can collect the upper edge of the shirt on a thread. The doll's face is the convex part of the spoon.

Wrap a sundress on a shirt. Here I hastened to fasten the apron, you don't do it.

Make palms from two pieces 3 by 6 cm, bend 1 cm along the long edge, roll into a tube, finally bend along the short edge, so that it would be neat, fasten with a hidden seam, make several turns around the palm, do not cut the thread.

In the blank for the sleeves, tuck the edge and collect on a thread around the palm, for splendor, you can put cotton wool or rags inside the sleeve. Wrap a red thread around the palm, imitating cuffs and embroidery.

Attach the handle sleeves to the “back” of the doll and wind it with a red thread crosswise, without cutting the thread, wind the apron, make a knot under the apron, cut the threads.

Such do-it-yourself folk doll, front view.

View from the back.

Put a lump of rags into the spoon and fasten it to tie the lower white scarf, tuck the ends of the scarf inward, so they do not interfere and create additional volume for the head.

Tie a red scarf on top, you can do it like this - like a woman, i.e. married woman with children.

It turned out to be a bright and sincere doll. When making folk dolls, something inside wakes up and warms, probably this is the call of our distant and not very ancestors, who can even make something special out of a spoon.

Connections with ancestors and wonderful dolls for your collection, dear needlewomen!

I would be grateful if, when copying my articles to your website, blog, personal page or diary, you provide a link to the source. Doll from a plastic spoon. Master Class

Making pupae on a plastic spoon, I immediately decided that it would be a panel, the plot of which I once saw in one of the books. Therefore, the back of the head of the dolls remained open. But if you make the doll separately, then you can cut off the scoop from the second spoon and glue the toy to the back of the head.

Spoons before being painted white acrylic paint I lightly sanded it down.

I glued the pea spouts with a hot gun.

Then she painted the faces again with flesh-colored paint.

Then I glued on the pea eyes.

I drew a mouth, a blush.

Glued on a wig.

For the chosen one, the lady cut out a shirt with a one-piece sleeve. The front part was trimmed with appliqué from another fabric and braid.

For the legs of the man, she used wire.

She put on sewn panties on impromptu legs.

A strip of white fabric wrapped around the lower part of the legs. They got onuchi.

Stitching the shoulder seams left a small hole to insert the head. I tried it on. Then the shirt was sewn along the side seams.

She put on her pants, the handle of the spoon would go into one of the pants, and tightly pulled the string around her waist.

She knitted paws. The handles of the gentleman and the lady made balls from tights and padding polyester.

The lady's shirt is a kind of bag with sleeves. So the spoon handle is hidden.

I removed the liquid pigtail, made the other thicker and laid it around the head. I added a synthetic winterizer a little, having decorated the bust of the lady and tightened it with a thread. She put on a sundress over

Traditional doll on a spoon

For the doll you will need: a wooden spoon, a little padding polyester, a bandage-povoynik (here only for the purpose of fixing and decorating the head), a double flap for the skirt along the length of the handle of the spoon, two rectangles of a white flap for hands 10x15 cm each, threads, a scarf diagonally 40- 45 cm

2 We fill the spoon with synthetic winterizer and tie it with a warrior bandage.

3 We turn the white flap on one side inward from the side, determining the length of the arm about 10 cm.

4 Fold according to the principle of the elevator several times on both sides to the center and mark the palm with a red thread.

5 We tie our hands to the handle of the spoon, palms up.

6 We tie the skirt from the bottom up around the handle of the spoon as high as possible.

7 Lower the skirt.

8 We put on a scarf, and if desired, with lace or ribbon we decorate the dress under a sundress.

  • Rag or cotton wool for the head, a piece of sewing or lace for an apron, a beautiful piece of colored fabric for a sundress along the length of a spoon and a width of 2o cm, a satin ribbon in the color of a sundress 20 cm long, white calico or chintz for an undershirt in size like a piece for a sundress, and on sleeves 14 by 9 cm, lace 20 cm on the bottom of the shirt, a red piece of chintz for the top scarf, its long side is 20-25 cm, a triangle of white chintz for the bottom scarf, 2 pieces of tea-dyed chintz on the palms measuring 3 by 6 cm, white and red threads and of course a wooden spoon.

Preparation method

  1. Sew a satin ribbon on the cut for a sundress to the bottom, connect the side seams. Sew lace on the bottom shirt to the bottom and connect the side seams in the same way, steam the seams. Stitch lengthwise for sleeves. Wrap a ball of rags with thread so that it does not fall apart.
  2. Attach an undershirt and a sundress to the “neck” of the doll. The face of the doll is the convex part of the spoon.
  3. Make palms from two pieces 3 by 6 cm, bend 1 cm along the long edge, roll into a tube, finally bend along the short edge, so that it would be neat, fasten with a hidden seam, make several turns around the palm, do not cut the thread.
  4. In the blank for the sleeves, tuck the edge and collect on a thread around the palm, for splendor, put cotton wool inside the sleeve. Wrap a red thread around the palm, imitating cuffs and embroidery.
  5. Put a lump of rags into the spoon and fasten it to tie the lower white scarf, tuck the ends of the scarf inside.
  6. Tie a red scarf on top.

Additional Information

It turned out to be a bright and sincere doll. When making folk dolls, something inside wakes up and warms, probably this is the call of our distant and not very ancestors, who can even make something special out of a spoon.

See website for more details.

Connections with ancestors and wonderful dolls for your collection, dear needlewomen!

Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education for children

"Center children's creativity№5"

Methodical development:

Master Class

"Traditional doll on a spoon"

Developed by: additional education teacher

Highest qualification category

Kichigina Tatyana Avenirovna

Ulyanovsk 2016

1.Explanatory note- page 3

2.1. The history of the folk doll - page 4

2.2.Technology of making a traditional doll on a spoon - page 7

3. Literature - p.12

Topic: "Traditional doll on a spoon"

Explanatory note

The problems of preservation, development and revival of traditional folk culture in our time is becoming increasingly important. In order to preserve its unique culture, it is necessary to study folk arts and crafts, including the traditions in making a rag doll.

The rag doll is an integral part of Russian culture, and in today's Russia it is experiencing a true revival. The hand-made patchwork figurine now performs a new function: it becomes a living means of communication and familiarization with the folk cultural experience.

The traditional doll has come a long way from a simple thread tassel over a baby's cradle to labor-intensive and very beautiful modern dolls made by artists. And she always carried the wish of well-being, health and love to those who became her happy owner and friend.

Toolkit It is intended for students of schools studying folk applied art, masters of folk art and pedagogical workers involved in the basics of folk arts and crafts with children of younger and middle age. Using this development, you can not only make a doll yourself, but also teach children how to do it.

Target : the study of folk traditions, familiarization with folk art, folk traditions.



    To acquaint with the types of traditional folk dolls;

    To acquaint with the technology of making dolls from fabric;

    Learn how to make a traditional doll on a spoon;


    Expand your horizons in the field of decorative and applied arts;


    Raise interest in folk traditions.

Methods and techniques:

    Method of informing (story, conversation, explanation);

    The method of visual demonstrations (showing finished product and phased implementation work);

    Method practical activities(an exercise);

    Reception of activation of attention, thinking, perception, imagination;

    Taking control, self-control.

Conduct form: group.

List of participants: Teachers of additional education; pupils.

Time spending: 1 hour.

Equipment and materials:

    Fabric (color, white);


    Spoon (wooden or disposable);

    Threads (red);



Visual aids: doll samples, technological maps.

The history of the folk doll

The very first dolls were made from ashes. Ash from the hearth was mixed with water. The mass rolled into a ball, and a skirt was attached to it. Such a doll was called Baba - a female deity. "Baba" was passed down the female line from grandmother to granddaughter, and was given as a gift on the day

weddings. This doll was a charm of a woman, a home, a hearth. When moving to a new place, this doll from the ashes of the hearth was taken with them, so that in the new place there would again be a hearth, comfort, home.

Another very ancient doll is known. When a woman cut her hair, she collected it in a small bag and made a doll. It was believed that when a person fell ill, he had to be surrounded by such dolls and he would recover.

Of course, ceremonial dolls cannot be considered a child's toy. After all, the traditional Ragdoll faceless. The face, as a rule, was not indicated, it remained white. In the villages, they explained this simply by the inability to beautifully paint the face, and there were no such colors. But the meaning is much deeper. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible for evil, unkind forces to instill into it, and therefore harmless to the child. She was supposed to bring him well-being, health, joy. The traditional cloth doll is the simplest depiction of a female figure. There is nothing superfluous in it, it is almost a symbol. A piece of fabric, a face made of linen shreds rolled “into a rolling pin”, a chest made of tightly stuffed balls, a braid of hair or tow, that is, made of linen or hemp, an outfit of colorful shreds - this was such a doll. And not by accident. In a rag doll, echoes of ancient beliefs and the folk ideal of beauty were intricately intertwined. For a hard peasant life, health and beauty are almost the same thing. No wonder the doll is so stable, which is emphasized by the wide hem: you can immediately see how firmly it stands on the ground!

They were kept in chests and passed on the day of the wedding. In most cases, the doll is the image of a woman, a goddess, and therefore, of course, a woman had a direct connection with her. A woman gave a doll to a man when he went on a journey or to war. It was believed that the doll protects him and reminds him of the house, the hearth. Each housewife in the house had a doll in the “red corner”, and when there were quarrels in the family, then, left alone, the woman opened the windows and, as if with a small broom, “swept the dirty linen out of the hut” with a doll. Each newborn child had a bright doll in its cradle, protecting the baby from the "evil eye".

The most common children's play doll is the haircut. It was made from cut grass. When the woman went to the field, she took the child and that he could play with something. I made him a doll out of grass. Often such a doll was used for medicinal purposes. When a child was sick, medicinal herbs were woven into such a doll. And when the child played with her, the smell of grass had a healing effect on him.

Another doll that accompanied the child from childhood until it “left”, i.e., was not torn, deteriorated. This is a Vepsian doll. It was made from the old things of the mother, and without the use of scissors and needles. Why is that? So that the life of the child was not "cut and not chopped." Before the birth of the baby, this doll was placed in it to warm the cradle. And after the birth, the doll hung over the cradle and protected the baby from damage. When the child grew up, he played with her.

There were dolls to help the hostess. The ten-handed doll helped a girl or a young woman (a girl who recently got married) in the household. Such a doll was often given for a wedding, so that the woman could do everything, and everything went well with her.

And in order for the house to be satisfying and rich, the hostess of the house made a “grain” or “grain” doll. They did it after the harvest. At the heart of the doll is a bag with grains collected from the field. Also, this doll was made by a woman so that she would have children. Toys were never left on the street, they were not scattered around the hut, but they were kept in baskets, boxes, locked in chests. They took it to the harvest and to gatherings.

According to their purpose, dolls are divided into three large groups: amulets, ceremonial and play.

Charm dolls: Kuvatka, Angel, Likhomanki, Day and night, Paraskeva, Veps, Grandmother's doll, Bell.

Ritual dolls: Lovebirds, the World Tree, Shrovetide and "Home Shrovetide", Kolyada, Kostroma, "Cuckoo" and the Cuckoo doll, Pokosnitsa, Kupavka, Goat, Ash doll, "Kozma and Demyan", Cabbage.

Play dolls: Stolbuski, Baby - naked, Lady, Doll "for free", "Haired", "Doll with a scythe", "Dressy Doll", Girl - Baba.

Traditional doll on a spoon (manufacturing technology)

Putting the baby to sleep, the mother, before his eyes, makes a doll with which he falls asleep. In the morning, the clothes are removed from the doll, and the spoon can be used for its intended purpose.

1. For the doll you will need:

    wooden spoon (you can use plastic)

    some synthetic winterizer

    bandage-warrior (here only for the purpose of fixing and decorating the head)

    double flap on the skirt along the length of the handle of the spoon

    two rectangles of white flap for hands 10x15 cm each


    scarf diagonally 40-45 cm.

2. We fill the spoon with padding polyester and tie it with a warrior bandage.

3. We turn the white flap on one side inward from the side, determining the length of the arm about 10 cm.

4. Fold according to the principle of the elevator several times on both sides to the center and mark the palm with a red thread.

5. We tie our hands to the handle of the spoon with palms up.

6. We tie the skirt from the bottom up around the handle of the spoon as high as possible.

7. Lower the skirt.

8. We put on a scarf, and if desired, with lace or ribbon we decorate the dress under a sundress.

The doll is ready.

It is very important that the child himself gives the doll a name.
It is important that the child helps to choose the material, hold, tie, straighten, etc. up to self-production, especially by an older child for a younger one.
Don't forget to thank your child for helping!
Be sure to be interested in how the child plays with the doll, ask questions, praise for the imagination, for the care and affectionate treatment of the doll.
In such a game, the child develops: communication skills; initiative in setting the task (dress the doll, make dishes for her, etc.); will - as the ability to keep the image inside oneself and complete the task; needlework; role-playing game and a very important game with substitute objects (any material and objects at hand), etc. Learn lullabies for the doll with your child.
Since the doll is play, you can make out the face, but it is hardly necessary. The child will often lull the doll, and open eyes will cause contradiction, in addition, the child experiences different emotions and moods through the doll, and the stamp in the decorated face will interfere more than contribute to such a deep internal connection.

    Literature: Goricheva G. M. Dolls, - Yaroslavl; Academy, 1999.

    Dine G. L. Russian toy, - M., 1987.

    Dine G. L., Dine M. B. Russian rag doll, - Culture and Traditions, 2007.

    Kotova I. N., Kotova A. S. Russian rituals and traditions. folk doll,

St. Petersburg, Parity, 2003.
