Download teaching aids for doe. Benefits for educators. Directions of development and education of the child

This collection of recommendations presents the main issues that teachers face when working with children. Even if something is erased from memory over time, you can and should periodically read these recommendations. I would like this material to be a small handbook when working with children. After all, sometimes they bring a lot of trouble to both parents and educators. And we forget that by their behavior they want to attract more attention to themselves, to show how bad and uncomfortable they are, that something is bothering them.





Prepared by:

teacher-psychologist Arzhanovskaya E.A.

All children are different.

All children are different. And even the sense organs, which seem to be the same for everyone, they use in different ways. One child, when visiting a friend for the first time, looks at the pattern on the wallpaper with pleasure. Another listens with interest to the sounds, the third is in a hurry to pick up soft toy. For the first (visualist) the main thing is visual information, for the second (audialist) what is important is what he hears. For the third (kinesthetic) - what he feels. These features affect the behavior of your child and even the perception of educational material.


He may not like being touched by other people. Keep this in mind and do not scold the child if he is dissatisfied; it has nothing to do with you personally.

He is more afraid of emotional outbursts of others and conflicts than other children.

He quickly perceives material that is well illustrated.

Easier to acquire skills through observation.

In individual lessons, his results are better than when working in a group.


He prefers conversation to any activity. He can even talk to himself - this is normal.

It is unlikely that he will understand your expressive look (angry, offended, angry), it is better for him to explain in words what you feel.

He remembers verbal material well.

For quick skill acquisition, invite your child to comment on what he is doing.


For him, more than for others, touches are important, by them he judges

how do you feel about it.

His mood changes more often than other children, he is vulnerable and touchy.

It is best to remember information in the process of activity.

So that he does not get distracted, give him the opportunity to play an active role.

Verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

In traditional pedagogy, it has long been believed that speech development the child largely depends on the speech activity of educators, parents. "Talk to your child as much and as often as possible," - such advice was constantly heard by parents from preschool specialists.

Each word contains not only informational, but also emotional meaning. The word can create psychic reality, it has a special power, truly magical.

In the traditional system of education, adults often forget about caution, resort to threats, intimidation of children. Not considered anti-pedagogical "labels": slob, clumsy, crybaby, sneak, dormouse, stubborn.

One of the modern teachers compared the child with a multi-window house: what quality we call out, then it responds and opens. So the "label" becomes an installation, a forecast for the future.

Where to hang a sign: "Caution - a word. A word can cripple the soul"? The American psychotherapist Cecil R. Benoist, in his book When Love Is Not Enough, asks adults, especially those who consider themselves competent educators, to refuse such statements to children:

" If you don't behave properly, no one will love you." (The child perceives this as: "The way I am, I'm not acceptable")

"If you don't behave well, you won't have friends." ("I must be bad").

"Well, how can you be so stupid?" ("I must not be smart").

"You never understand anything." ("I'm dumb, incapable!").

Maria Montessori wrote that by demanding obedience, by depriving the child of the freedom to act independently, we do not instill discipline in him at all. It only seems to us. In fact, we fetter the development of the will, and instead of conscious discipline, we develop anxiety, fear, slavish obedience, behind which aggressiveness is hidden. We compress the spring, but we don’t know when it will open and how and whom it will hit. How many words do we use? How many repressive forms of speech! But at the same time, we believe that we educate the individual.

American psychologist Arnold Gesell: “If teachers and parents believe that anything can be molded from a child, it is enough just to persistently put pressure on him from the outside, this means that adults have not yet come close to knowing the true nature of the soul. It is more appropriate to compare the soul with a plant, and not with a lump of clay. After all, clay does not grow, the form is completely given from the outside. The form of a plant, on the contrary, is acquired from within, thanks to its own growth potentialities.

Children learn everything, and the art of communication, from adults, especially from those adults who are respected.

Preschoolers are more willing to respond to those words, gestures that they perceive as approving, while reacting very painfully to humiliating remarks. Often such remarks lead children to disbelief in their own strength.

Do not forget that censure suppresses abilities, and approval inspires, supports children.

In order to teach something, you must first establish good relations with the child, M. Montessori believed, to give him freedom. Freedom for development, research and self-knowledge.

The empirical discoveries made at the beginning of the century by the doctor of medicine and teacher Maria Montessori were confirmed at the end of the century by the most famous psychologists and educators. All of them prove, like the creator of "silent pedagogy", that the child is a non-verbal being. It is argued that all information is perceived by preschoolers through relationships, and not through words.

With words, we load the left hemisphere. It is responsible for logic, for understanding speech. A child is a right hemisphere creature, his thinking is figurative. Turning on the right hemisphere first, non-verbal, we gradually pull the left hemisphere to the process of cognition. And then the baby develops harmoniously, he does not have an overload of the nervous system, the psyche.

Psycholinguists supplemented these conclusions by proving that "personal meanings exist in two forms: emotionally direct and verbalized.

The verbalized form is awareness, a designation of what gives meaning to the situation. Emotionally direct is its emotional experience.

The verbalized form of comprehension is practically inaccessible to preschool children.

Proved that there are two languages:

one language - this is the language of words, concepts, categories, generalizations, speech units, phrases;

second language - this is a wordless language: the language of facial expressions, smiles, grimace, laughter, crying - the language of emotions, experiences.

This second language appears very early and allows the baby to "read" information about the attitude of others to him and to each other, their mood, emotions.

Child entering the group for the first time kindergarten, will immediately determine the attitude of unfamiliar children and the teacher. He may not understand a single word, he will not immediately get used to the pace of the teacher’s speech, pronunciation, but wordless communication will not let him down: what tone does this aunt speak to the children and what kind of mother, head; turns away from him, from the children; preens, not noticing the children, or smiles at them; embraces the offended. He will take everything into account, absorb his mind.

Information for reflection. How does a child begin to learn verbal communication?

The kid first learns to manipulate, control behavior, including speech, of other people (mom, dad, loved ones) using non-verbal means, and only much later copes with his own behavior.

The experience of communication with peers begins to form in the third year of life, and develops intensively in the fourth. Contacts of three-year-old children are often dictated by the subject environment.

Active, meaningful and emotional contacts depend on many reasons and on the internal capabilities of the child.

Being in a children's team, away from their parents, the child wants to be independent and protected at the same time, he wants from adult understanding.

And understanding also does not have to be expressed verbally. Non-verbal methods are more important here: an encouraging, warm look, a kind smile, sometimes a touch with your hand, stroking will say more than words.

Montessori educators are very aware of the power and impact of the gaze. With a direct, demanding look, we seem to penetrate into the soul without any request from the one we are looking at. And if the look is still not good?

Wordless communication is the most honest. Since childhood, we all determine intuitively who loves us and who does not, and without any words we know how they treat us. The child feels it much more subtle, stronger.

Experiences remain in the depths of emotional memory and are discovered after many years. What will we adults be like in the memory of a child? How does a child see us? How is it portrayed in the game? How does he draw?

So, how to teach, not forgetting the precept of the Montessorians: "Do not translate into a verbal series what can not be translated. It is better not to verbalize relationships, especially not to formalize any comments verbally."

The reason for the preference for non-verbal learning in Montessori technology can also be formulated as follows: "I hear - I forget, I see - I remember, I do - I learn."

Thus, non-verbal communication is the whole atmosphere in the group: and free access to any benefits, and these benefits themselves, and a special order, and the relationship of adults and children, and their gestures, views, and rituals, traditions in the group, and family environment.

Commandments for parents and educators.

Children learn from what surrounds them.

If a child is often criticized, he learns to condemn.

If a child is often shown hostility, he learns to fight.

If a child is often ridiculed, he learns to be timid.

If a child is often shamed, he learns to feel guilty.

If a child is often indulgent, he learns to be patient.

If a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence.

If a child is often praised, he learns to evaluate.

If a child is usually honest - he learns justice.

If a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe.

If a child is often approved - he learns to treat himself well.

If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world.

Commandments of Janusz Korczak "How to love your child":

1. Don't expect your child to be the way you are, or the way you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

2. Do not ask your child to pay for everything you have done for him. You gave him life, how can he thank you? He will give life to another, that to a third, and this is an irreversible law of gratitude.

3. Do not take out your grievances on a child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread, for what you sow, that will come up.

4. Don't take his problems lightly. Life is given to everyone according to their strength, and be sure that it is no less difficult for him than for you, and maybe more, because he has no experience.

5. Do not humiliate!

6. Do not forget that the most important meetings of a person are his meetings with children. Pay more attention to them - we can never know who we meet in a child.

7. Don't torture yourself if you can't do something for your child. Torture if you can - but you don't. Remember: not enough is done for a child if everything is not done.

8. A child is not a tyrant who takes over your whole life, not just a fruit of flesh and blood. This is the precious cup that life has given you for keeping and developing the creative fire in it. This is the liberated love of mother and father, in whom not “our”, “our” child will grow, but the soul given for safekeeping.

9. Know how to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not like to be done to yours.

10. Love your child in any way - untalented, unlucky, adult. Communicate with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

Methods of self-regulation of the emotional sphere

Self-regulation is the management of one's psycho-emotional state, which is achieved by a person's influence on himself with the help of words, mental images, control of muscle tone and breathing.

I. Methods related to management breath

Breath control is effective remedy effects on muscle tone and emotional centers of the brain. Slow and deep breathing (with the participation of the abdominal muscles) reduces the excitability of the nerve centers, promotes muscle relaxation, relaxation. Frequent (thoracic) breathing, on the contrary, provides a high level of body activity, maintains neuropsychic tension.

Method 1. Sitting or standing, try, if possible, to relax the muscles of the body and focus on breathing.

On the count of 1-2-3-4, take a slow deep breath (at the same time, the stomach protrudes forward, and the chest is motionless);

- hold the breath for the next four counts;

- then a smooth exhalation at the expense of 1-2-3-4-5-6;

- again delay before the next breath at the expense of 1-2-3-4.

After 3-5 minutes of such breathing, you will notice that your state has become noticeably calmer and more balanced.

Method 2. In a situation of irritation, anger, we forget to exhale normally. To calm down

- exhale deeply;

- hold your breath for as long as you can;

- take a few deep breaths;

- hold your breath again.

II. Methods related to the control of muscle tone, movement

Under the influence of mental stress, muscle clamps and tension arise. The ability to relax them allows you to relieve neuropsychic tension, quickly restore strength.

Method 3. Since it is not possible to achieve complete relaxation of all muscles at once, you need to focus on the most tense parts of the body.

Sit comfortably, if possible, close your eyes;

- breathe deeply and slowly;

- walk with your inner gaze throughout your body, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your toes (or in reverse order) and find the places of greatest tension (often these are the mouth, lips, jaws, neck, nape, shoulders, stomach);

- try to tighten the clamps even more (until the muscles tremble), do it while inhaling;

- feel this tension;

- sharply relieve tension - do it on the exhale;

- Do this several times.

In a well-relaxed muscle, you will feel the appearance of warmth and pleasant heaviness.

If the clamp cannot be removed, especially on the face, try to smooth it out with a light self-massage with circular movements of the fingers (you can make grimaces - surprise, joy, etc.).

Method 4. In free minutes, rest breaks, master the consistent relaxation of various muscle groups, observing the following rules:

1) be aware of and remember the feeling of a relaxed muscle in contrast to overexertion;

2) each exercise consists of 3 phases: "strain-feel-relax";

You can work with the following muscle groups:

- faces; - neck, shoulders; - chest; - hips and abdomen; - hands; - the lower part of the legs.

III. Methods associated with the impact of the word

Verbal influence activates the conscious mechanism of self-hypnosis, there is a direct impact on the psycho-physiological functions of the body.

Self-hypnosis formulations are built in the form of simple and short statements, with a positive focus (without the “not” particle).

Method 5. Self-orders.

A self-order is a short, curt order given to oneself. Use a self-order when you are convinced that you need to behave in a certain way, but are having trouble doing it.

“Talk calmly!”, “Be silent, be silent!”, “Do not succumb to provocation!” - it helps to restrain emotions, behave with dignity, comply with the requirements of ethics and the rules of working with students.

- Formulate a self-order.

- Mentally repeat it several times. If possible, repeat it out loud.

Method 6. Self-approval, self-encouragement.

People often do not receive a positive assessment of their behavior from the outside. This is one of the reasons for the increase in nervousness, irritation, especially in situations of increased neuropsychic stress. Therefore, it is important to encourage yourself.

- In the case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself, mentally saying:

“Well done!”, “Clever!”, “It turned out great!”

- Find an opportunity to praise yourself during the working day at least 3-5 times.

IV. Methods related to visualization (using images)

Visualization - mental representation, playback, vision of images. It actively affects the entire system of feelings and ideas.

Method 7.

To use images for self-regulation:

- Specially remember situations, events in which you felt comfortable, relaxed, calm - these are your resource situations.

- If you feel tense, tired:

1) sit comfortably, if possible, closing your eyes;

2) breathe slowly and deeply;

3) remember one of your resource situations;

4) live it again, remembering all the visual, auditory and bodily sensations that accompanied it;

5) stay inside this situation for a few minutes;

6) open your eyes and get back to work.

Using visualization, follow the basic steps

Decide what you want to achieve: literally, clearly, visually, in colors and colors (mentally create accurate pictures and scenes of what you want to achieve)

Relax. For 5-10 minutes mentally imagine the desired reality. As if creating a video film of successful actions.

It is important that you remember that when you visualize, you need to be systematic. The main thing here is practice. Don't expect quick results. It is not enough to imagine something once or twice. The result will appear if the image is imprinted in the mind again and again for weeks and even months. So keep practicing visualization until your goal is fulfilled. Do not try to evaluate the results after one or two imaging attempts. If in doubt, avoid fighting them. What you fight against only gets stronger. You just have to ignore your doubts. Cut them off and discard!

Method 8.« Cut off, chop off” - suitable for working with any negative thoughts (“I won’t succeed again ...”, “it’s all useless, etc., etc.) As soon as you feel that such a thought has crept into your soul, - immediately “cut it off and discard it” by making a sharp, “cutting” gesture with your left hand and visualizing how you “cut off” and discard this thought.

After this discarding gesture, continue to visualize further: place another (positive, of course) in place of the removed negative thought. Everything will fall into place.

Method 9. "Label or Label".

If a negative thought comes into your head, you must mentally step back from it and watch it from the side, but do not allow this thought to take possession of you. Some people think that the effect of this technique is enhanced when you imagine how you not only "pulled" a negative thought out, but performed some actions in your imagination on it. For example, they imagined that they sprayed paint on it from a spray can, marked it (poisonous green, canary yellow, etc.) and now you are watching from the side.

Negative thoughts have power only over you and only if you react to them with fear, anxiety. They get that power from you. As soon as you stop responding to them, they lose their power. Say: It's just a negative thought!

Method 10. Exaggeration.

As soon as a negative thought comes up, exaggerate it to the point of absurdity, make it funny.

Method 11 . "Recognition of one's merits"

Helps with excessive self-criticism. One of the antidotes is to realize that you - just like other people - cannot and should not be perfect. But you are good enough to live, be happy and, of course, be successful.

And now - the most self-sustaining technique. Every day, when you stand in front of the mirror and get ready for work, confidently look in the mirror, directly into your own eyes and say at least three times: “Of course, I’m not perfect, but I’m good enough (good)!”. It's good if you smile to yourself!

Memo to the teacher

How to work with children with disabilities

1. It is necessary to build a trusting relationship with the child and his parents;

2. Accept the child as he is, and do not evaluate him according to the norms of healthy children;

3. In developmental work, go from the actual capabilities of the child, and not from what he “should” according to the age norm;

4. It is important to determine the "zone of proximal development" and the priority task of the child's development;

5. Step-by-step mastery of a learning skill, introduce a new skill only after mastering the previous one;

6. Support the child: praise even for small successes and encourage in case of failures. In no case do not scold and do not scold!

7. Remember: parents are your most important helpers. Give homework assignments to consolidate the acquired skills.

8. Praise children to their parents.

9. Try to create a favorable atmosphere of love and acceptance in the group. Each child needs to realize that he is needed in the group, he is valued and expected.



Dear educators!!!

To make it easier for you to live with us, and we loved you:

1. Do not load us with boring and tedious work. More life! More dynamics! We all can!

2. Don't hesitate to give us long instructions! At the fifteenth word, we are more interested in what color the neighbor's socks are than in your instructive speech. Be specific, to the point, no more than ten words.

3. Don't expect us to be attentive, careful, and diligent at the same time. This is beyond our strength!

4. In general - remember: praise and blame affect us more than others.

Tips for the educator

The morning gathering of a kindergarten group is a wonderful way to create a sense of community, keep children and adults interested in each other, "learn effective communication skills, and develop key competencies. Good morning gathering akin to a production summer meeting - it is carried out quickly, easily and naturally, but even experienced teachers sometimes have problems in conducting it.

Advice for the educatorwhat can be done:

The morning group gathering should not be too long: 10-15 minutes for small children; 10-20 minutes for older preschool children. At the beginning school year group gathering can be carried out for several minutes, gradually increasing the time.

In early age groups, and also in situations where group gathering is just being introduced into daily practice, it is better to have several short group gatherings with small groups of children, starting with those who have shown interest and desire, than one long gathering with the whole group. This will give more attention to each child and give everyone the opportunity to speak. Under such conditions, there will be fewer distractions.

To determine the space for the children to sit during the collection, you can stick tape to the floor in the form of a circle. You can stick the tape not in a continuous strip, but in separate parts according to the number of children, and they will have less reason to quarrel over a place.

Some children prefer to sit on chairs arranged in a circle. The right to choose whether to sit on the floor or on chairs remains with the children.

It is best to hold a group gathering away from toys placed on the shelves and other places in the room where there are many distracting seductive objects.

Install one or two simple rules helping children behave. Rules can be, for example, such: "We listen carefully to each other", "We speak in turn."

Group gathering time should not be used to teach children specific skills. This is a time to sing together, play, laugh, listen to a fairy tale, plan what individual children or the whole group will do today, discuss what interests children, distribute responsibilities for the day.

Start a group gathering with a fairly fun, but not violent, game that doesn't require a lot of attention, but encourages you to sit in your seat.

Be sure to include in the general circle of all those present in the group - the assistant teacher, guests. This will allow you to redistribute attention, take breaks, give children the opportunity to hear other people.

If children are distracted during common activities

Boredom is the most common cause of children getting distracted, chatting, and fighting among themselves. Therefore, do not forget that the group meeting should be short, dynamic and interesting. Children who usually always hurt and distract each other, plant away from each other. Start gathering without waiting for everyone to sit down and be silent. To get the children's attention, first raise your voice, but then, as soon as you notice that some of the children have calmed down and started to listen, speak calmly. At the very beginning, remind the children that they will have the opportunity to speak as soon as you finish speaking. Use non-verbal means - gestures to attract the attention of children. For example, a raised finger can be a signal for "attention". This will allow you not to interrupt the conversation once again. Always try to give children more opportunities to talk and move. Seek their active participation during the gathering.

If children find it difficult to sit still

For a variety of reasons, some children are unable to sit still for more than a few minutes. This creates problems both for the children themselves and for the other participants in common events: the former cannot concentrate on the topic of the gathering and distract the others with their behavior.

Tips for the educatorin this case the following:

Prepare for these children a quiet activity where some movement is required, such as puzzles or drawing materials on a table nearby, where the child would not distract other children. This is a manifestation of an individual approach to the child, the satisfaction of his urgent needs, but not encouragement or punishment.

If other children also want to do this non-core activity, explain to them that the one who is currently doing the other task got it because it is still difficult for him to sit quietly in one place, but that he will soon learn and be able to sit with everyone else. To those children who are sitting quietly, say that it is wonderful, that you are very happy that they work so well together with everyone, it is very polite and good towards others.

For some active children, it helps if they sit on the lap of an adult during the gathering.

Let the restless children begin to participate in a group gathering with other children, and then, when you see that their patience is at the limit, offer them a choice - to do something else or stay a little longer with everyone. The amount of time that such a child can stay with other children should be gradually increased if, of course, you are working on the root causes of the problem.

If, despite the fact that he received a separate task, the restless child continues to distract the attention of the entire group, another adult (the one who observes) should take him to another place - where he will not be seen and heard by the other children, and allow him to continue his occupation in solitude. An adult should look after the child, but at the same time trying to pay as little attention to him as possible: after all, often the goal of children who misbehave is just to attract him to themselves. Tell the child that he can return to the group as soon as he feels that he can safely work together with everyone. When the child returns and sits quietly for a few minutes, praise him heartily.

Little tricks

Every day brings many surprises to both children and adults, as lively and direct children know how to create difficulties. In addition, direct instructions on what can and cannot be done in relation to children are often ineffective. Therefore, educators often have to invent little tricks to make the overall event go well. If you need to seat the children, go around the children before the start of the group activity and stick a sticker with a serial number on their wrist.

This can be done earlier, when you just met the children in the morning. In this case, this action will cause a cheerful mood in the morning - everyone will walk around with bright stickers. When the time comes for seating, announce: today the one with the number 1 sits next to me on the left, and the one with the number 15 on the right. .). In order to settle in the general circle, the children will need to find their partner and sit next to each other.

Lay out the children's name pillows in advance. This will determine the seating pattern, but be prepared for some movement to follow. Warn the children in advance that today the condition for seating in a circle will be the alternation of a boy - a girl. You can come up with a lot of such ways, and yet do not forget that children gather at such events to be among friends. So, do not try to regulate and streamline everything, let them sit where they want.

During general events, a lot is usually used various materials- pictures, toys, items from activity centers. In order for children to make a decision about what they want to do, what they want to learn, additional questions will be required. Obviously, in each situation and for each age group, these questions will have their own characteristics. It is important not only to remember what questions to ask, but to be ready to “play with questions”. In this case, they turn into an exciting game "Question", and communication becomes informative and businesslike.

"Formation of relationships between children in a role-playing game"

The game is an independent activity of preschoolers. In the game, as in any creative collective activity, there is a clash of minds, characters, ideas. It is in this collision that the personality of the child is formed, the children's team is formed. In this case, the interaction of gaming and real relationships is usually observed. If the child is passionate about his idea, his role, play relationships win. If he is indifferent to the game, a different picture is observed: the role has little effect on his behavior, his relationship with his comrades. Only that game that captures the child, mobilizes his mind and will, awakens strong feelings, can subdue the plan of selfish motives, bad habits.

The children's team in the game is formed gradually, under the influence of the work of the educator.

The formation of a game team depends on the content of the game, the richness of the idea, in turn, the very fact of the formation of the team has an impact on the development of game creativity. The ability to organize a game, to agree, to distribute roles is necessary in order to get an exciting game. Even with sufficient knowledge, rich impressions about the depicted idea, the idea is not realized if the children are not brought up with the moral qualities necessary for a collective creative game.

The organization of the children's team in the game is both a prerequisite for the success of the work and one of its results. In order to maintain and develop the interests of children, their activity, independence, purposefulness, it is necessary to organize a children's team, and the well-formedness, the presence of the above qualities help to establish friendly relationships, acquire the skills of collective action. A high level of game creativity, rich content of games, a team united by common interests - all this is achieved thanks to the long-term thoughtful work of teachers.

There are two interrelated ways to form a children's team:

Through the game image;

Through the implementation of the norms of behavior adopted in the group.

On the one hand, the game manifests a culture of behavior brought up in children outside the game.

On the other hand, the fascinating content of children's games contributes to the development of friendly feelings, unites children. Such a unity of play and real relationships helps to create a moral orientation in children's behavior.

From the first days of a child's stay in kindergarten, it is important to arrange him for a teacher, comrades, to facilitate the transition to new living conditions.

There should be enough toys in the group room so that the child has the opportunity to choose the most attractive one for him.

The educator needs to find out (with the help of observations) what each child likes to play, how each of the children relates to their peers, which of the children can play together.

It is necessary to create conditions for individual games, as well as for "games side by side".

To this end, the teacher must play with the children himself. The beginning of joint games does not mean that the child is friendly with his comrades. He has fun playing with them, but he does not care about them, but about his own pleasure. The task of the teacher is to awaken feelings of sympathy in the game.

The teacher's work in instilling friendly feelings in children should begin with the fact that he teaches children to treat the game of their comrades with care and respect. The child built a house, worked hard to make it beautiful.

The teacher should draw the attention of all children to the building, offer to carefully go around it so as not to inadvertently hurt, sets an example.

In the younger middle groups the unification of children is often hindered by the inability to understand the intention of a friend, the kids are not always able to express their intentions in words. It is important to notice this in time, come to the rescue, prevent a quarrel.

At an older age, talking with the child about his behavior, acting on his consciousness, the teacher needs to cite as an example his favorite heroes, people whom the child imitates.

It is necessary to jointly discuss the course of the game, learn to coordinate their actions with each other.

With shy children required individual work. The child does not dare to take part in a collective game, although he wants to play, he resignedly gives up the toy, silently, but bitterly experiencing resentment. It is especially difficult to understand a child whose shyness is masked by pranks, lethargy sometimes turns into excessive excitement. It may seem that insecure, timid children have little self-esteem, but this opinion is erroneous. On the contrary, shyness often stems from morbid pride. Hence the excessive touchiness and sometimes even aggressiveness. As the child gains confidence in his own strength, he gets rid of these shortcomings.

In order to help an inactive child enter the children's team, the teacher must find him a suitable comrade, choose a role in the collective game, help him perform it well and thereby win the recognition of his comrades. At first, such a child is offered an interesting but simple role that does not require organizational skills, for example, to become a postman or a cashier, but gradually such a child should be involved in more complex roles. The educator should try to support his initiative, approve him in every possible way, and increase his authority.

In older groups, the educator, first of all, by his example teaches children various methods of organizing the game, helps in solving organizational problems.

The most difficult thing for children is to learn to independently and fairly resolve controversial issues, to respect the opinion of a friend, to reckon with him, to show self-criticism. This can help conversations, conversations with children during the occurrence of such situations, while the teacher needs to be objective, observant, fair.

Availability of possible skills upon admission to kindergarten (age from 2 years 6 months to 3 years)

Self-care skills

Eats rather neatly, can chew food, uses a spoon and a cup (small supplementation is possible);

Tries to dress independently (without buttoning up): puts on underwear, socks, pants, shoes, hat, etc.;

Independently washes and wipes hands and face, begins to use a handkerchief;

Asks to go to the toilet using words;

Recognizes his things;

With the help of an adult, removes toys.

Individual characteristics

Uses the pronouns "I", "MY" in speech;

Understands the words “no”, “must” sometimes performs;

Likes when they read books;

Examines pictures, can designate an object, an action with a word;

Likes to listen to music;

She loves to draw the way she can.

Development of communication

Depicts the behavior of an adult;

“acts out” familiar actions on a doll, a bear: feeds, puts to sleep, etc .;

Likes to play with other children, sometimes tries to make contact;

At the request of an adult, he can provide assistance: give a towel, bring a spoon.

Speech development

Understands speech addressed to him;

Repeats sentences of 3-4 words after an adult;

Independently builds sentences of 3-4 words (an illiterate construction of a phrase is acceptable);

Can answer questions: "Where?", "Where?".

sensory development

Matches to the sample of each of the primary colors (red, yellow, blue, green) objects of the corresponding color;

Oriented in contrasting forms of objects (ball, cube, brick, roof, etc.)

productive activity

Independently makes buildings (house, sofa);

Can draw a closed line (ball, ball);

He tries to mold buns and cakes from dough.

Age features of children from 3 to 4 years

The leading need is in communication, in respect; in recognizing the autonomy of the child.

The leading activity is gaming.

The transition from a manipulative game to a role-playing game.

The leading function is perception.

Age features:

1. Crisis of 3 years. Formation of the "I system".

2. The development of imagination through the development of the function of replacing one object with another.

3. Emergence of the semantic structure of consciousness.

4. The child achieves a new status, as a result of which he shows stubbornness and negativism.

5. Development occurs through communication. With an adult, communication becomes extra-situational and cognitive.

6. Holds attention for 7-8 minutes.

7. Can perform mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.

8. With a new activity, it is necessary step by step explanation(do like me).

Goals and objectives for adults:

1. Help to master different ways of interacting with adults and peers in the game and in everyday communication.

2. Contribute to the manifestation of all types of activity of the child.

3. Form the first "moral emotions": good-bad.

4. To form the ability to act according to the rules.

5. To form the ability to empathize, sympathize. Build emotional responsiveness.

6. Contribute to the formation of a positive self-esteem of the child in the process of communicating with an adult.


1. Assimilation of primary moral norms.

2. Self-esteem.

3. Emergence of elements of partnership communication.

4 to 5 years

The leading need is cognitive activity; need for communication.

The leading function is visual-figurative thinking.

Age features:

1. Speech begins to perform a controlling function.

2. Volitional manifestations become more complicated (the ability to subordinate one's behavior to the rules in the game).

3. Increased cognitive activity.

4. The situational-business form of communication with a peer continues to be preserved.

5. Interest in another child as a reflection of himself. More often he sees negative traits in others. There is a reflection of their actions through the reaction of another child.

6. Complication of the role-playing game.

7. The emergence of awareness of one's own actions.

Goals and objectives for adults:

1. Create conditions for the development of creative imagination.

2. Continue to form the ability to subordinate your actions to the rules, complicating the activity by increasing the number of rules.

3. Create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity.

4. Promote the manifestation of emotional responsiveness.

5. Create conditions for the transition of children from complicity to cooperation in different types activities.


1. The controlling function of speech.

2. The emergence of elements of creative imagination in the role-playing game.

3. The appearance of elements of randomness.

4. The emergence of an extra-situational-personal form of communication with an adult.

5 to 6 years old

The leading need is the need for communication; creative activity.

The leading activity is a role-playing game.

Age features:

1. Manifestation of elements of arbitrariness of all mental processes.

2. Communication with an adult is extra-situational and personal.

3. In communication with a peer, there is a transition from a situational-business form to an out-of-situation-business form.

4. The manifestation of creative activity in all activities. Fantasy development.

5. Gender identification.

Goals and objectives for adults:

1. To form elements of the arbitrariness of mental processes in children in all types of activities.

2. Support and create conditions for the development of the child's creative potential.

3. Promote the development of empathic manifestations.

4. Encourage children to show initiative and independent thinking in all activities.

5. Organize joint activities in order to develop elements of cooperation.

6. Teach children the ability to plan upcoming activities. Use imagination as a prerequisite for the development of an internal plan of action in children and exercise external control through speech.


1. Anticipation of the result of activity.

2. Active planning function of speech.

3. Extra-situational-business form of communication with a peer.

6 to 7 years old

The leading need is communication.

The leading activity is a role-playing game.

The leading function is imagination.

Age features:

1. The manifestation of the arbitrariness of all mental processes. But not formed educational activity school type.

2. Transition to primary school age.

3. The manifestation of the crisis 7 years (whims, clowning, demonstrative behavior).

4. Hypersensitivity.

5. Complete trust in an adult, acceptance of an adult's point of view. Treating adults as the only source of reliable knowledge.

6. Visual-figurative thinking continues to be the leader.

Goals and objectives for adults:

1. Contribute to the formation of educational and cognitive motive.

2. Promote the development of thinking.

3. To form the arbitrariness of all mental processes.

4. Contribute to the retention of the internal position of the student.

5. To promote the formation of communication skills of cooperation in communicating with a peer.

6. Contribute to the formation of self-awareness and adequate self-esteem.

7. Contribute to the formation of an internal plan of action through the internalization of the activity structure.

8. Continue to form ethical ideas.


1. Internal plan of action.

2. The arbitrariness of all mental processes.

3. The emergence of subordination of motives.

4. Self-consciousness. Generalized and extra-situational attitude towards oneself.

5. The emergence of the first integral picture of the world.

6. The emergence of educational and cognitive motive.


Friendly communication style between teachers and parents

A positive attitude towards communication is the very solid foundation on which all the work of the teachers of the group with parents is built. In the communication of the educator with the parents, categorical, demanding tone is inappropriate. After all, any model of interaction with the family, perfectly built by the kindergarten administration, will remain a “model on paper” if the teacher does not work out for himself specific forms of correct treatment of parents. The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the attitude of the family to the kindergarten as a whole will be. The daily friendly interaction of teachers with parents means much more than a separate well-conducted event.

Individual approach

It is necessary not only in working with children, but also in working with parents. The teacher, communicating with parents, should feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. This is where the human and pedagogical ability of the educator to calm the parent, sympathize and think together how to help the child in a given situation will come in handy.

Collaboration, not mentoring

Modern moms and dads are mostly literate, knowledgeable people and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, to demonstrate the interest of the kindergarten team to understand family problems and a sincere desire to help.

Getting ready seriously

Any, even the smallest event to work with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared. The main thing in this work is the quality, not the quantity of individual, unrelated events. Weak, ill-prepared Parent meeting or a seminar can negatively affect the positive image of the institution as a whole.


Kindergarten today should be in the mode of development, not functioning, be a mobile system, quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational needs. Depending on this, the forms and directions of the work of the kindergarten with the family should change.


1. Don't make judgments.The educator needs to avoid judgments like “You devote too little time to raising your son (daughter)”, since these phrases (even if they are absolutely fair) most often give rise to protest on the part of parents.

2. Don't teach. Don't suggest solutions. You can’t impose your own point of view on the interlocutor and “teach the life” of parents, since the phrases “If I were you, I would ...” and the like infringe on the interlocutor’s pride and do not contribute to the communication process.

3. Don't "diagnose".It must be remembered that all phrases of the teacher must be correct. Categorical statements - “Your child does not know how to behave”, “You need to contact a psychologist about deviations in the behavior of your son (daughter)” always alert parents and set them against you.

4. Don't pry. Parents should not be asked questions that do not concern pedagogical process, as excessive curiosity destroys mutual understanding between the family and the kindergarten.

5. Don't divulge the "secret".The educator is obliged to keep secret information about the family entrusted to him by the parents, if they do not want this information to become public.

6. Don't provoke conflict.The educator will avoid conflict situations in communicating with parents if he follows all of the above rules for communicating with parents.


Children with adequate self-esteem

Children with high self-esteem

Children with low self-esteem

Parents devote a lot of time to the child

Parents give the child

a lot of time

Parents spend very little time with their children

Evaluated positively, but not higher than most peers

Rated highly, more developed than most peers

Rated lower than most peers

Often encouraged (not gifts)

Very often encouraged (including gifts)

Don't encourage

Punishment in the form of refusal to communicate

Rarely punished

Often punished, reproached

Adequately evaluate physical and mental data

Mental data is highly valued. Praise in front of others

Low rate

Predict good school performance

Expect great success in school

Do not expect success in school and life

How to find an approach to a "protesting" child

Does a young child have a crisis? How does it manifest itself?

1. The fact that a child, starting from the age of 2, wants to do everything himself. It was at this time that the personal level of development was formed and the first I appeared in the child's speech. And with it the first conscious "I Myself". The kid categorically refuses to accept someone's help: he eats himself, dresses himself, brushes his teeth himself. And parents should be prepared for this. The independence of the child should always be welcomed, except for episodes when it may affect issues of preserving life and health. It is necessary to introduce the concepts of "dangerous" and "safe". Everything that does not threaten the health and life of the child, you can safely entrust him to do it himself. But sometimes he insists on the impossible. For example, he picks up a kitchen knife, seeing how you work with it every day. You can say, "I know you can handle a knife, but I'm worried because I love your hands so much - let's do it together." Thus, you will explain to the child the reason for your anxiety and allow you to do what you want.

2. Hysteria, violent manifestation of negative emotions. The most common situation at this age is hysteria. Reasons can be completely different and seemingly unfounded. It is difficult to deal with such an argument as tears, especially if the child falls to the floor in the store and urgently demands to buy him useless "sweets", another one hundred and first doll or car. It is important to understand that this is temporary! Our babies often arrange such concerts in crowded places and mom needs to know how to act correctly.

The main thing is to calm down! If you approach such an educational moment emotionally, consider that you have lost, and the next time the tantrum will be even louder. The child tests you for strength, and you complex what others will say. Remember that this is your relationship with the child and strangers have nothing to do with it. In this case, you need to get down to the level of the baby’s eyes and calmly say something that the baby does not expect in any way: “Baby, when you yell like that, a million loud whistles whistle in my ears!” or "During such a cry, all the elephants flew off the roof of the store." This will switch the child's attention from hysteria to the subject of interest to him, and the conflict will be settled!

3. Picky. At this age, many babies become very picky. For example, in the choice of clothes. It is completely useless to persuade a capricious two-year-old to change her dress for trousers. The cold snap is not an argument for her. Out of principle and out of a desire to prove to her mother her "adulthood" and independence, she will stand her ground to the end. Go to the trick - let her put on her favorite thing, and warm the child on top with a blouse.

In addition, at this age, children often turn into reverse babies. They can speak in black and white, which is dark during the day ... and if you try to convince him, show some kind of emotion - this behavior is fixed. The kid now knows where your “button” is and will press it (manipulate you). To prevent this from happening, play the game "on the contrary" with him - say "in no case do not change your shoes", "in no case do not my hands" (of course, we warn the child that this is a game).

4. Negativism. If you hear a short “NO” to all your sentences, know that a small independent personality is already maturing in the child. This is a variant of the "I myself" already known to us. Of course, it is very difficult to cope with all these "nos", there is a great temptation to suppress them, to insist on your own. But a depressed child becomes either too obedient or a rebel. If you want your child to grow up as a harmonious personality, it is at this age that you will have to learn to negotiate. If in your opinion the child is behaving incorrectly, in no case do not tell the baby that he is behaving badly or raising his voice. It will be better if you say: "I unpleasant, when you talk to me like that." When we talk about our feelings, we ourselves calm down, and give the child new model behavior.

5. Stubbornness. He does not need a neighbor's ball for nothing, especially since he has the same one.

But he will demand this ball from morning until late evening. The kid insists on something, not because he just wants to, but because he has already said and does not want to give up his words. And now there is nowhere to retreat, because his opinion must be taken into account. But do not be offended and do not be angry with him. A better balance of affection and rigor. After all, it was you who taught him that any of his desires is like an order. And he does not understand that he has grown up for you, and you have changed the system of requirements.

A good example of this behavior of the baby will be his refusal to eat, which many mothers of 2-year-olds struggle with. If you call him yourself, then the child may resist. Try to turn into a Good Fairy: touch the baby with a magic wand (felt-tip pen, pencil, ladle), and turn him into a "Glutton". He will not be able to refuse a new role with pleasure to eat. In addition, a young child can be easily distracted. If he is really upset, it is enough for an adult to show him his favorite or new toy, offer to play your favorite game with him after eating - and the child, whose one desire is easily replaced by another, instantly switches, obediently opens his mouth, and then enjoys doing a new thing.

6. Depreciation. For a child, his favorite toys, stereotypes of behavior are depreciated, often, by the way, imposed by diligent grandparents. All these are attempts to show that he already has his own choice. He can throw away all the purchased toys, categorically refuse his favorite clothes. Support his "adulthood": call him on the phone, ask for advice, make "adult" gifts ( ballpoint pen, umbrella, trouser belt or a set of children's cosmetics for a little princess).

7. Fears. When a child turns 6-7 years old, all kinds of fears become aggravated: death, darkness, loneliness, etc. These are all manifestations of intrauterine and birth psychological trauma. The child is not afraid of death itself, but of being "out there" without you. Do not ignore the fears of the child, tell him about the soul, about its immortality and that in God's kingdom you will definitely be together.

Hide-and-seek games are very helpful. Fearful kids often choose this game: hiding, they are looking for a new "cocoon", "womb". This happens at the subconscious level.

Look for your baby, and when you find it, express your love and joy to him that you are together again.

8. Manner. The child is no longer a preschooler, but not yet a schoolboy. Suddenly, naivete and immediacy disappear. He begins to behave, to be capricious, to walk differently from how he used to walk. Something deliberate, absurd and artificial appears in the behavior, some kind of fidgeting and clowning. Such a child asserts himself in a new role, reacting aggressively to others and guardianship on their part.

9. React calmly to such transformations, even if you do not like them. Do not try to "break" the child, but simply tell that you liked him much more the way he was before. Play this situation with him, because the maximum educational effect can only be achieved in the game. "Look" about the apartment of your "former" son, listing what positive qualities he possessed.

If a child bites

The reasons: it happens when a child

Is in a state of excessive excitement, fatigue, or discomfort (for example, he is hot or hungry);

Defends his toy or protects his (in his opinion) territory;

Wants to get something and does not know how to do it differently;

Still not able to sympathize with other people;

Tries to attract attention to himself, which he lacks;

Too severely (physically) punished by parents.

Children usually break the habit of biting at the age of three or four, when their speech improves and they can normally communicate with others with words.

How to stop biting

□ Never laugh if someone is biting or bitten.

□ Do not bite your child as a joke. He won't understand the difference between your gentle bites and his own.

□ Teach your child another way to get what he wants, such as politely asking with words or with your hand.

□ Teach your child how to share. For example, share cookies with him. Praise if the child is sharing with someone.

□ Teach your child to take turns with other children or together to play with the toy. Praise if he does it in front of you.

□ Teach him to act affectionately while playing. For example, show him how to hug a bear, pet a kitten, love a doll. Praise if the child plays peacefully

□ Do not disregard if a child beats toys, beats cars, throws dolls, tirelessly explain that the toy hurts, it should be pitied.

Adults need to observe exactly when the child begins to bite, and, if possible, anticipate and prevent painful and conflict situations.

Keep an eye out for children who are prone to biting and fighting while playing.

If you see a baby approaching another baby with the clear intention of biting, place your hand over their mouth as quickly as possible, thus creating a physical barrier and preventing the bite. At the same time, it must be said, resolutely and strictly, that "you can't bite!"

If the bite happened

□ Look the biter in the eyes and say in a stern, unfriendly voice: "Don't you dare bite, it hurts." Do not use long complex explanations - the child may not understand them.

□ Pay close attention to the bitten child. Calm him down. Give me a drink. Carefully examine the bite site. If necessary, disinfect the bite site with an antiseptic. You can apply a cold compress or bandage.

□ Then return to the biter again. Strictly say with your hand to his mouth that you can not bite people. "Add," if you want to bite, you can bite a rubber toy, a ring, a pillow, etc. "and put one of the indicated objects in his hand. Say" this toy does not hurt, but Katenka is in a lot of pain, she is crying.

You can ask an older child why he bit: "Did you want to play with a red ball? You had to ask Katya to wait until she finished playing. Or would you contact me, I would help you"

□ Of course, you should not punish your child physically. After all, by punishing, you will demonstrate negative patterns of behavior to him.

□ But you can isolate the biter from children for a while. For example, say: "Biting hurts; it's very bad when you hurt someone. Now we have to sit on a chair and think why you can't bite."

Biting is an atavism, an inborn reaction common to all children. Therefore, parents and educators will need time, attention and great patience for the child to outlive what is inherent in him by nature.

Are punishments necessary?

Punishment is a double-edged sword. It hurts both parents and children. Should the child be punished? What to do if the baby does not obey? To answer these questions, consider the causes of disobedience.

Foreign psychologist R. Dreykurs identified 4 goals of misbehavior or disobedience:

  • getting more or extra attention: the child believes that "if I get attention, I will be appreciated", the child calms down and believes that he is important when he is in the spotlight; the feeling of an adult that signals the presence of this problem in a child - irritation;
  • children who want to stand out with something and are disappointed can turn to the following goal: to achieve power (“everyone is obliged to do what I want”), children can use not only strength (aggression, stubbornness, whims), but also weakness ( illness, fear), the feeling of an adult - anger;
  • if a disappointed child comes to the conclusion that with the help of power he still cannot find a position among people, then he chooses the 3rd goal - the desire to take revenge on the child, it seems to him that he was harmed by other people or circumstances, the only way to achieve a sense of one's importance - to avenge oneself; a child can break things, harm people; the feeling of an adult - he was offended, hurt, some desire to take revenge;
  • inadequacy - a complete departure from an independent solution to the problem, if all previous goals were unsuccessful. Persuasion child - leave me alone. The feeling of an adult is impotence.

The process of education cannot do without punishment. By punishing your child, you teach him to be responsible for the consequences of his actions.

Unfortunately, parents do not always restrain themselves so as not to raise a hand against a child. Many ask slaps and cuffs without hesitation, out of habit. Parents who often use physical punishment achieve only the appearance of obedience from their children.

Very often, punishment does not cause repentance and a desire to improve in children, but completely different feelings:

Resentment and resentment: “This is unfair. I didn't deserve to be treated like that";

Revenge: “They have won now, but I will get even with them”;

Protest: “I will do it to spite them, let them understand that I have the right to act in my own way”;

resourcefulness, cowardice: "Next time I'll try not to get caught";

Decreased self-esteem "I'm bad."

Penalties may not be needed if the following rules are followed:

1. Act according to the laws of child development. For example, let him move a lot, do not slow down his curiosity.

2. Try to distract, switch the attention of the capricious.

3. Let him try for his own experience, "what is good and what is bad" (let him touch a very warm kettle and find out that you can burn yourself about it).

4. The code of prohibitions should not exceed 7 points. All of them are justified and cannot be canceled (you can’t play by the road, you can’t sit on the windowsill by an open window, etc.).

5. Explain the rules in plain language, no need to read long notations. Speak simply and clearly (“Let go of the cat, it hurts”).

6. Emphasize what is good, not what is bad. You don’t have to say: “Don’t get into a puddle,” but say: “Well done, walked around the puddle and your feet are dry.”

7. Create the necessary environment for growth and development (organize a creative corner, a place where you can tumble around to your heart's content).

8. Do not impose and help when the child asks for it.

9. Observe a reasonable alternative (“You can’t make noise indoors, but you can shout outside, in the forest”).

10. You can't say one thing and do another. For example, you forbid saying “bad” words, but you use them yourself.

11. You can not postpone the punishment. You should not say: “Yesterday you didn’t obey me, so you won’t ride today.”

12. You can’t show inconstancy: either forbid something, then allow it to be done. By doing this, you confuse the baby, and he will no longer understand what is possible and what is not.

13. Don't be intimidated by something you'll never do ("I'll never buy you a toy again").

If your kid is guilty, you can be punished with deprivation of privileges (not allowed to watch a cartoon in the evening). Only he must be informed about this immediately, and then be sure to fulfill the promise. The main thing is to follow the sequence: what is forbidden is forbidden forever, and the punishment for this will follow in any case.

In no case do not punish the baby with labor, a negative attitude towards him may form.

Physical methods will also never bring the result that you expect. When a child is hurt, he does not think about what he did wrong.

Never intimidate a child: "I will not love you", "Go away, you are bad." For any child, these are the most terrible words. The little man should never doubt your love under any circumstances..


How much we know how to listen, and most importantly hear each other, depends on how harmonious your relationship with others, with people close to you will be. Often these relationships are violated, especially when one of the participants in the communication experiences some negative feelings at the time of communication. In this case, you can use the rules of the technology of active listening, which are offered by Yu. B. Gippenreiter.

1. When talking with a child, it is necessary to turn to face him, it is also important to look into his eyes (so that yours and his eyes are on the same level, you can sit next to him, pull the child to you, etc.)

2. Seeing the negative experience of the baby, do not ask him many questions, this form of conversation does not reflect sympathy. It is desirable that your answers sound in the affirmative form. ("You're crying so hard, you must be in a lot of pain")

3. It is very important to pause between remarks in a conversation - this helps the child sort out his feelings. If his eyes do not look at you, but to the side or into the distance, then continue to be silent, very important and necessary work is happening in him now.

4. When responding to the child's experiences, try to indicate more precisely that you understood the feelings that he is experiencing. (“I understand that you are very upset right now”)

Results of this method:

Disappear or significantly weaken the negative experiences of the child;

After making sure that the adult is ready to listen to him, the child begins to talk even more about himself; sometimes in one conversation a whole tangle of problems and sorrows unwinds;

By expressing what is sore, the child himself is advancing in solving his problem;

The child himself begins to actively listen to adults.

In addition, to make communication with your child more pleasant and effective, heed the following tips:

Encourage your child's curiosity; if you try to get rid of him when he asks frank questions, the child will look for an answer on the side;

When a child is talking to you, listen to him carefully, with understanding, without interrupting or turning away; do not let him suspect that you have little interest in what he is talking about;

Don't ask too many questions and don't set too many rules for your child: he will stop paying attention to you.

Ways to calm an angry child:

If a child rushes around the apartment without stopping, screams in a voice that is not his own, rolls on the floor, makes chaotic movements with his arms and legs and does not hear at all what you are saying to him - catch him, hug him and offer him to play in a quiet voice.

1. Agree with the baby that as soon as you press his nose, he will immediately “turn off”. You can expand on this idea by drawing a remote control (or use an unwanted TV remote). Press the button on the remote control and say: “reduce the volume (turn off the sound, turn on the slowdown). Let the child follow the commands.

2. Invite the child to imagine that he is a tiger on the hunt. He must sit motionless in ambush for a long time, and then jump and catch someone. Or, with your child, catch imaginary butterflies, which you need to slowly and very quietly sneak up on. Under some kind of game redlog, hide together under the covers and sit there quietly.

3. Have your child pretend to be a whale. Let him take a deep breath and dive into the depths. A whale can be given instructions to swim to different continents or look for something at the bottom.

4. Ask the child to close his eyes and sit still, waiting for a certain signal. For example, when the bell rings for the third time. Or ask the child to do something with their eyes closed (put the car on the windowsill, collect cubes from the floor).

5. Ask the child to perform a complex movement that requires concentration (run a finger through the drawn maze, drive the car along the rope between the skittles). For performance, promise a prize.

6. Take a napkin (or a piece of wood) and toss it up. Tell your child that while the napkin falls, you need to laugh as loudly as possible. But as soon as it falls, you should immediately shut up. Play with your child.

7. It is better to teach the child even as a crumb that when you spread your arms, he will run into your arms, hug him tightly and hold the hug for a few seconds.

8. Sew a palm-sized bag and pour 3-4 tablespoons of sand or cereal into it. Encourage your child to run, jump and misbehave while holding this pouch on their head. Promise him something pleasant (to treat him with something, play or read) if the bag does not fall until the timer rings (depending on age, the time period is 1-5 minutes).

9. Block the road or grab a child running around the apartment. In order to pass (free himself), he must answer a question that requires concentration (For example, name a sea animal, count the number of windows in an apartment, or come up with five words starting with the letter A).

How to work with hyperactive children:

Show enough firmness and consistency in education;

Avoid, on the one hand, excessive softness, and on the other, excessive demands on the child;

Repeat your request with the same words many times;

Listen to what the child has to say;

Use visual stimulation to reinforce verbal instructions.

Give your child enough attention;

Don't argue in front of your child.

Set a solid daily routine for the child and all family members, teach the child to clearly plan his activities;

Show your child more often how best to complete the task without being distracted;

Reduce the influence of distractions during the child's task;

Protect hyperactive children from prolonged use of the computer and watching television;

Avoid large crowds as much as possible; during play, limit the child to only one partner. Avoid restless, noisy buddies.

Remember that overwork contributes to a decrease in self-control and an increase in hyperactivity, when a child is tired, do not insist on an urgent task, give him the opportunity to rest;

Come up with a flexible system of rewards for a job well done and punishments for bad behavior. You can use a point or sign system, keep a diary of self-control;

Do not resort to physical punishment! If there is a need to resort to punishment, then it is advisable to use quiet sitting in a certain place after the act;

Praise your child often. The threshold of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low, so hyperactive children do not perceive reprimands and punishments, but are sensitive to rewards;

Make a list of the child's responsibilities and hang it on the wall, sign an agreement for certain types of work; gradually expand the responsibilities, having previously discussed them with the child;

Do not give your child assignments that do not correspond to his level of development, age and abilities;

Help the child to start the task, as this is the most difficult stage;

Do not give multiple directions at the same time. The task that is given to a child with impaired attention should not have a complex structure and consist of several links;

Verbal means of persuasion, appeals, conversations rarely turn out to be effective, since a hyperactive child is not yet ready for this form of work, the most effective means of persuasion “through the body” will be: deprivation of pleasure, treats, privileges, a ban on pleasant activities, telephone conversations; reception of "off time" (isolation, corner, penalty box, house arrest, early departure to bed); holding, or simply holding in an "iron hug"; extraordinary duty in the kitchen, etc.

Give the child only one task for a certain period of time so that he can complete it;

Reward your child for all activities that require concentration (e.g. building blocks, coloring, reading)

Give your child the opportunity to expend excess energy. Useful daily physical activity in the fresh air - long walks, running, sports activities.

Try not to give the child additional mental stress, in primary school it is not recommended to visit art, music schools, various circles, it is recommended, on the contrary, to visit sports sections, especially for children with ADHD, gymnastics and swimming are useful.

Talk to your hyperactive child about their problems and teach them how to deal with them.

Keep in mind that the hyperactivity inherent in children with Attention Deficit Disorder, although inevitable, can be kept under reasonable control with the help of these measures.

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Assortments of Videos Cambridge ESOL BEC Cambridge ESOL CAE Cambridge ESOL CPE Cambridge ESOL FCE Cambridge ESOL IELTS Cambridge ESOL YLE English for Specific Purposes Happy Hearts Type I Idioms Type II Type IV Practice Exam Papers Prepare and Practice for the TOEFL iBT Readers Resource Books Skills Books Upstream VIII view. The program of V.V. Funnel VIII species. Program I.M. Bgazhnokova Welcome Academic textbook Academy English in focus Archimedes Teacher's library Quickly and efficiently Extracurricular activities Magic workshop Meetings Geeks Horizons State final certification Rakes of history Grammar in tables Preschool world Unified state exam Behind the pages of the textbook Problems Star English Golden series of French fairy tales From childhood to adolescence History in faces. Time and contemporaries So, German! Final control in elementary school Final control: GIA Final control: Unified State Examination To the top five step by step Classic course Krokha Labyrinth Vocabulary in pictures Linguistic simulator Life line Literature for educational organizations with Russian (non-native) and native (non-Russian) language Lomonosov Moscow State University School Mosaic On facets of the world German language. Preparing for the exam Perspective Polar star Speech therapist portfolio Programs Profile school Five rings We work according to new standards We work according to the GEF of preschool education Rainbow Tutor We solve non-standard problems Russian culture Blue bird Soon to school Difficult USE topics Second generation standards Literacy steps Fate and creativity Spheres 1-11 Your friend French Your outlook Current control Universum Russian lessons Success Successful start(Mathematics) Educational cards Teaching aids for universities Learning with enlightenment Federal State Educational Standards: Assessment of educational achievements French in perspective Reading, listening, playing Step by step to the five School of Russia School dictionaries Elective courses Encyclopedic dictionaries I live in Russia “English” author. Kuzovlev V.P. and others.

Select UMK line

UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 9th grade UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 8th grade UMK Yu.M. Kolyagin, 7th grade UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 9th grade Depth UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 9th grade UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 8th grade (deep). UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 8th grade UMK Yu. N. Makarychev, 7th grade UMK Yu. M. Kolyagin, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK Yu. M. Kolyagin, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK Yu. V. Lebedev, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK E. M. Rakovskaya, 8th grade UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 9th grade UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 8th grade UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 7th grade UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 11th grade (bases). UMK Sh. A. Alimov, 10th grade (bases). UMK Reading. S.Yu. Ilyina, 4th grade (VIII view. VV Voronkov) UMK Reading. S.Yu. Ilyina, 3rd class (VIII view. VV Voronkov) UMK Reading. S.Yu. Ilyina, 2nd grade (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) EMC Reading, 9th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Reading, 8 cells. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Reading, 6 cells. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) EMC Reading, 5th grade. (VIII view. I.M. Bgazhnokov) EMC Reading, 5th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) EMC Reading, 4th grade. (VIII type. I.M. Bgazhnokov) EMC Reading, 4th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Reading, 3 cl. (VIII view. I.M. Bgazhnokov) EMC Reading, 3rd grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) EMC Reading, 2nd grade. (VIII type. I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Reading, 1 class. (I type) UMK Artistic work/T. Y. Shpikalova, 4th grade UMK Artistic work/T. Y. Shpikalova, 3rd grade UMK Artistic work/T. Y. Shpikalova, 2nd grade UMK Artistic work/T. Y. Shpikalova, 1st grade UMK Oral speech, 4 cl. (VIII view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Oral speech, 3 cl. (VIII view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Oral speech, 2 cl. (VIII view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Oral speech, 1 class. (VIII view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Technology, 4th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Technology, 3rd class. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Technology, 2nd class. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Technology, 1 class. (VIII view. VV Voronkov) UMK T.Ya. Shpikalova, 8 cells. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 7th grade. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 6th grade UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 5th grade UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 4th grade. UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 3rd grade UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 2nd grade UMK T. Ya. Shpikalova, 1 class. UMK T. G. Khodot, 6th grade UMK T. G. Khodot, 5th grade UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 4th grade UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 3rd grade UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 2nd grade UMK T. A. Rudchenko, 1 class. UMK T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, 5th grade UMK Solodovnikov, 11th grade (bases). UMK Solodovnikov, 10th grade (bases). UMK S. N. Chistyakova, 8th grade UMK S. N. Chistyakova, 10th grade UMK S.K. Biryukov, 8th grade UMK S. D. Ashurova, 5th grade UMK S. V. Gromov, 9th grade UMK S.V. Gromov, 8th grade UMK S.V. Gromov, 7th grade UMK Russian language. Speech development, preparatory class. UMK Russian language. Speech development, grade 3 UMK Russian language. Speech development, grade 2 UMK Russian language. Speech development, grade 1 UMK Russian language. Literacy education, grade 1 (II type) UMK Russian language, grade 9 (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 7th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 6th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 5th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 4th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 4th grade. (I type) UMK Russian language, 3rd class. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 3 cl. (II type) UMK Russian language, 2nd class. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Russian language, 2nd grade. (II type) UMK Russian language, 1 class. (II type) UMK Revyakin, 8th class. UMK Revyakin, 7th grade UMK R. B. Sabatkoev, 9th grade UMK R. B. Sabatkoev, 10th grade UMK Pronunciation, 4 cells. UMK Pronunciation, 3 cells. UMK Pronunciation, 2 cells. UMK Pronunciation, 1 class. UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 8 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 7 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 6 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 5 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 4 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 3 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 2 cells UMK Ed. B.M. Nemensky. 1 class UMK Acquaintance with the outside world, 2 cl. (I type) UMK Acquaintance with the outside world, 1 class. (Type I) UMK Acquaintance with the outside world (prepared). (I type) EMC Teaching literacy, grade 1. (I. M. Bgazhnokova) Teaching and reading materials, 1st grade. (VIII species. V. V. Voronkov) UMK O. S. Soroko-Tsyupa, 9th grade. UMK O. E. Drozdova, 7th grade (electronic) UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 9th grade. (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 8th grade (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 7th grade (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 6th grade (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 11th grade (deep). UMK O. V. Afanasiev, 10th grade (deep). UMK N. Ya. Vilenkina, 9th grade (deep). UMK N. Ya. Vilenkina, 8th grade. Depth UMK N. S. Rusin, 6th grade UMK N. A. Kondrashova, 9th grade (deep). UMK N. A. Kondrashova, 8th grade (deep). UMK N. A. Kondrashova, 7th grade (deep). UMK N. A. Kondrashova and others, 11th grade. (deep). UMK N. A. Kondrashova and others, 10th grade. (deep). UMK World of History, 6th grade UMK Mathematics, Preparatory class (VIII type. VV Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 9th grade. (M. N. Perova, VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 7th grade. (VIII type. VV Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 6 cells. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 5th grade. (VIII species. V. V. Voronkova) UMK Mathematics, 4th grade. (VIII type. VV Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 3 cl. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 2nd grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Mathematics, 1 class. (VIII view. V. V. Voronkov) UMK M. Ya. Pratusevich, 11 class. (deep). UMK M. Ya. Pratusevich, 10th grade (deep). UMK M. Ya. Vilensky, 5th grade. UMK M. T. Baranov, 7th grade UMK M. T. Baranov, 6th grade UMK M. G. Akhmetzyanov, 5th grade UMK L. S. Atanasyan, 9th grade UMK L. S. Atanasyan, 8th grade UMK L. S. Atanasyan, 7th grade UMK L.P. Anastasova, 3rd class. UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 9th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 9th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 8th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 7th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 7th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 6th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 6th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 5th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 5th grade UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 11th grade (prof). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 11th grade (bases). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 10th grade (prof). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, 10th grade (bases). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, "Law", 11th grade. (prof). UMK L. N. Bogolyubov, "Law", 10 cells. (prof). UMK L. N. Aleksashkina, 11th class. (elekt). UMK L. M. Rybchenkova, 9th class. UMK L. M. Rybchenkova, 8th class. UMK L. M. Rybchenkova, 7th class. UMK L. M. Rybchenkov, 6th grade. UMK L. M. Rybchenkova, 5th class. UMK L. M. Zelenina, 4th grade UMK L. M. Zelenina, 3rd class UMK L. M. Zelenina, 2nd grade UMK L. M. Zelenina, 1 class. UMK L. I. Tigranova, 6th grade. UMK L.I. Tigranova, 5th grade UMK L.I. Tigranova, 2nd grade. UMK L. I. Tigranova, 1 class. TMC L. G. Sayakhova, 9th grade UMK L.V. Polyakova, 4th grade UMK L.V. Polyakova, 3rd class UMK L.V. Polyakova, 2nd grade UMK L. V. Polyakova, 1 class. UMK L.V. Polyakov, 11th grade UMK L.V. Polyakov, 10th grade TMC L. V. Kibirev, 8th grade UMK L.V. Kibirev, 7th grade. TMC L. V. Kibirev, 5th grade UMK L. A. Trostentsova, 9th grade UMK L.A. Trostentsova, 8th grade UMK History of the Fatherland, 8th grade. UMK History of the Fatherland, 7th grade. UMK Fine arts. 2 cells (VIII view of I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Fine arts. 1 class (VIII view of I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK I.A. Viner, 2nd grade UMK I.A. Wiener, 1 class. UMK I. O. Shaitanov, 9th grade (elekt). UMK I. O. Shaitanov, 11th grade (elekt). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, III class. (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, II class. (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 5th grade (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 4th grade. (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 3rd grade (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 2nd grade (deep). UMK I. N. Vereshchagin, 1 class. (deep). UMK I. L. Bim, 9th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 8th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 7th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 6th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 5th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 4th grade UMK I. L. Bim, 3rd grade UMK I. L. Bim, 2nd grade UMK I. L. Bim, 11th grade (basic) UMK I. L. Bim, 11th grade. UMK I. L. Bim, 10th grade (basic) UMK I. L. Bim, 10th grade. UMK I. K. Toporov, 5th grade UMK I.K. Kikoin, 10th grade UMK I. V. Metlik, A. F. Nikitin, 11th grade (bases). UMK I. V. Metlik, A. F. Nikitin, 10th grade (bases). UMK I. V. Anurova and others, 6th grade. (deep). UMK Z. N. Nikitenko, 3rd grade UMK Z. N. Nikitenko, 2nd grade UMK Z. N. Nikitenko, 1 class. UMK Living World, 3rd grade (IIIV view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Living World, 2nd grade. (IIIV view of I. M. Bgazhnokov) UMK Living World, 1 class. (IIIV view of I.M. Bgazhnokov) UMK E.A. Bazhanova, 1 class. UMK E. Yu. Sergeev, 9th grade UMK E. S. Korolkova, 7th grade UMK E. E. Lipova, 5th grade (deep). UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 4th grade UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 3rd grade UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 2nd grade UMK E. D. Kritskaya, 1 class. UMK E. V. Efremova, 7th grade. UMK E. V. Agibalova, 6th grade UMK E. A. "Agricultural labor", 5th grade. UMK D.K. Belyaev, 11th grade (basic) UMK D.K. Belyaev, 10th grade. (base) UMK Geography, grade 9 (VIII view. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Geography, 8th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Geography, 7th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Geography, 6th grade. (VIII view. V.V. Voronkov) UMK G.P. Sergeev. Art, 9th grade UMK G. P. Sergeev. Art, 8th grade UMK G.P. Sergeev, 7th class. UMK G.P. Sergeev, 6th grade UMK G.P. Sergeev, 5th class. UMK G. P. Sergeeva, 1 class. UMK G.E. Rudzitis, 9th grade UMK G.E. Rudzitis, 8th grade UMK G.E. Rudzitis, 11th grade UMK G.E. Rudzitis, 10th grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 9th grade UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 8th grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 7th grade UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 6th grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 5th grade UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 4th grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 3rd grade UMK G. V. Dorofeev, 2nd grade UMK G.V. Dorofeev, 1st class. UMK Vedyushkin, 6th grade UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 9th grade. UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 8th grade. UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 7th grade. UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 6th grade. UMK V. Ya. Korovin, 5th grade. UMK V.F. Chertov, 9th grade UMK V.F. Chertov, 8th grade UMK V.F. Chertov, 7th grade UMK V.F. Chertov, 6th grade UMK V.F. Chertov, 5th grade UMK V.F. Grekov, 11th grade. (bases). UMK V.F. Grekov, 10th grade (bases). UMK V.F. Butuzova, 9th class. UMK V.F. Butuzov, 8th class. UMK V.F. Butuzov, 7th class. UMK V.F. Butuzova, 10th class. UMK V.P. Maksakovskiy, 10th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 9th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 8th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 7th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 6th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 5th grade (1st year of study) EMC V.P. Kuzovlev, 5th grade. UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 4th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 3rd grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 2nd grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 11th grade UMK V.P. Kuzovlev, 10th grade UMK V.P. Zhuravlev, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK V. N. Chernyakova, 5th class. UMK V. L. Baburin, 11th grade (elekt). UMK V.K. Shumny, 10th grade UMK V. I. Ukolov, 5th grade UMK V.I. Ukolov, 10th grade UMK V.I. Lyakh, 8th grade UMK V. I. Lyakh, 4th grade UMK V. I. Lyakh, 10th grade UMK V. I. Lyakh, 1 class. UMK V.I. Korovin, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK V. G. Marantsman, 9th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 8th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 7th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 6th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 5th grade UMK V. G. Marantsman, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK V. G. Marantsman, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK V.V. Zhumaev, 9th grade. (VIII view. V. V. Voronkov) WMC V. B. Sukhov (prepared). (I type) UMK V. A. Shestakov, 9th grade. UMK V. A. Shestakov, 11th grade (prof). UMK Biology, 9th grade (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Biology, 8th grade. (VIII type. V.V. Voronkov) UMK Biology, 7th grade. (VIII type. V. V. Voronkov) UMK Biology, 6th grade. (VIII species. V. V. Voronkov) UMK BDD / Ed. A.T. Smirnova, 5th grade UMK BDD / Ed. A. T. Smirnova, 10th grade UMK BDD/P.V.Izhevsky, 1st class UMK A.O. Chubaryan, 11th grade (prof). UMK A.G. Gein, 9th grade UMK A.G. Gein, 8th grade UMK A.G. Gein, 7th grade UMK A. Ya. Yudovskaya, 8th grade UMK A. Ya. Yudovskaya, 7th grade UMK A.F. Nikitin, 9th grade UMK A.F. Nikitin, 10th grade (right). UMK A. T. Smirnov, B. O. Khrennikov, 11th grade (basic/professional) UMK A. T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov, 10th grade (basic/professional) UMK A. T. Smirnov, grade 9 UMK A. T. Smirnov, 8th grade UMK A. T. Smirnov, 7th grade UMK A. T. Smirnov, 6th grade UMK A. T. Smirnov, 5th grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 8th grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 6th grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 5th grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 3rd grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 2nd grade UMK A.P. Matveev, 1st class UMK A. N. Sakharov, 7th grade UMK A. N. Sakharov, 6th grade UMK A. N. Sakharov, 10th grade (prof). UMK A. N. Kolmogorova, 11 cells (bases) UMK A. N. Kolmogorov, 10 cells. (bases). UMK A. L. Semenov, 4th grade. UMK A. L. Semenov, 3rd class. UMK A.L. Semenov, 7th grade UMK A.L. Semenov, 6th grade UMK A.L. Semenov, 5th grade UMK A.K. Reading, 7th grade. (VIII view. V. V. Voronkov) UMK A. I. Gorshkov, 11 class. (elekt). UMK A.I. Vlasenkov, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.I. Vlasenkov, 11th grade (bases). UMK A.I. Vlasenkov, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.I. Vlasenkov, 10th grade (bases). UMK A. I. Alekseev, 9th grade UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 9th grade (deep). UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 9th grade UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 8th grade (deep). UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 8th grade UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 7th grade UMK A.D. Aleksandrov, 11th grade (professional / deep). UMK A.D. Aleksandrov, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.D. Alexandrov, 10th grade (professional / deep). UMK A. D. Alexandrov, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.G. Gein, 9th grade UMK A.G. Gein, 8th grade UMK A.G. Gein, 11th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.G. Gein, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK A.V. Filippov, 11th grade (bases). UMK A.V. Filippov, 10th grade (bases). UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 9th grade UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 8th grade UMK A.V. Pogorelov, 7th grade UMK A. V. Pogorelov, 10th grade (basic / professional). UMK A. A. Ulunyan, 11th grade UMK A. A. Preobrazhensky, 6th grade UMK A. A. Murashova, 11th class. (elekt). UMK A. A. Levandovsky, 8th grade UMK A. A. Kuznetsov, 8th grade UMK A. A. Danilov. Peoples of Russia, 9th grade. UMK A. A. Danilov, 9th grade UMK A. A. Danilov, 8th grade UMK A. A. Danilov, 7th grade UMK A. A. Danilov, 6th grade UMK A. A. Danilov, 10th grade (elekt). UMK A. A. Voinova and others, 4th grade. (deep). UMK A. A. Voinova and others, 3rd grade. (deep). UMK A. A. Voinova and others, 2nd grade. (deep). UMK A. A. Vigasin, 6th grade UMK A. A. Vigasin, 5th grade UMK "I am a citizen of Russia" L.V. Polyakov, 5th grade (electronic) UMK "School of Russia" M.I. Moro, 4th grade. EMC "School of Russia" M.I. Moro, 3rd grade EMC "School of Russia" M.I. Moro, 2nd grade EMC "School of Russia" M.I. Moro, 1st grade EMC "School of Russia" L.F. Klimanov, 4th grade EMC "School of Russia" L.F. Klimanov, 3rd grade EMC "School of Russia" L. F. Klimanov, 2nd grade EMC "School of Russia" L.F. Klimanov, 1st grade UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Luttseva, 4th grade UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Lutseva, 3rd grade UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Luttseva, 2nd grade UMK "School of Russia" E. A. Luttseva, 1 class. EMC "School of Russia" V.P. Kanakina, 4th grade EMC "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 3rd grade EMC "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 2nd grade UMK "School of Russia" V. P. Kanakina, 1 class. UMK "School of Russia" V. G. Goretsky, 1 class. EMC "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 4th grade EMC "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 3rd grade EMC "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 2nd grade EMC "School of Russia" A. A. Pleshakov, 1st grade EMC "School of Oleg Gabrielyan", 10th grade UMK "French in perspective" E. M. Beregovskaya and others, 4th grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" N.M. Kasatkina and others, 3rd grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" N. M. Kasatkina and others, 2nd grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 9th grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 8th grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" A. S. Kuligin, 7th grade. (deep). EMC "French in perspective" A. S. Kuligin, 6th grade (deep). EMC "French in perspective" A. S. Kuligin, 5th grade (deep). UMK "French in perspective" G.I. Bubnova and others, 11th grade. (deep). UMK "French in perspective" G. I. Bubnov and others. , 10 cells (deep). EMC "Universum" S.V. Gromov, 11th grade EMC "Universum" S.V. Gromov, 10th grade UMK "Technology. Sewing business" 7 cells. UMK "Technology. Plumbing" 6th grade. UMK "Technology. Agricultural labor" 9th grade. UMK "Technology. Agricultural labor" 8th grade. UMK "Technology. Agricultural labor" 7th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, grade 9 UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 8th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 7th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 6th grade. UMK "Your friend is French" A. S. Kuligina and others, 5th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 4th grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 3rd grade. UMK "Your friend is the French language" A. S. Kuligina and others, 2nd grade. UMK "Spheres". Yu.A. Alekseev, 11th grade UMK "Spheres". Yu.A. Alekseev, 10th grade UMK "Spheres". E. A. Bunimovich, 6th grade UMK "Spheres". E. A. Bunimovich, 5th grade UMK "Spheres". D.Yu, Bovykin, 8th grade UMK "Spheres". D.Yu, Bovykin, 7th grade UMK "Spheres". IN AND. Ukolova, 5th grade UMK "Spheres". V. P. Dronov, 9th grade UMK "Spheres". V. P. Dronov, 8th grade UMK "Spheres". V. I. Ukolova, 6th grade UMK "Spheres". A. P. Kuznetsov, 7th grade UMK "Spheres". A. A. Lobzhanidze, 6th grade UMK "Spheres". A. A. Lobzhanidze, 5th grade UMK "Spheres" Chemistry, 9 cells. UMK "Spheres" Chemistry, 8 cells. UMK "Spheres" Social science 5 cells. UMK "Spheres" L.S. Belousov, A.Yu. Vatlin, 9th grade UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 7th grade. UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 6th grade UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 5th grade UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 11 cl. (prof). UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 10-11 cells. (base). UMK "Spheres" L. N. Sukhorukova, 10 cells. (prof). UMK "Spheres" V. S. Kuchmenko, 9th grade UMK "Spheres" V. S. Kuchmenko, 8 cells. UMK "Spheres" V.V. Belaga, 9th grade UMK "Spheres" V.V. Belaga, 8th grade UMK "Spheres" V.V. Belaga, 7th grade UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 9th grade UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 8th grade UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 7th grade UMK "Spheres" A. A. Danilov, 6th grade EMC "Blue Bird" E. M. Beregovskaya, 5th grade EMC "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 9th grade EMC "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 7th grade EMC "Blue Bird" N. A. Selivanova, 6th grade EMC "Agricultural labor", 8th grade EMC "Agricultural labor", 7th grade. EMC "Agricultural labor", 6th grade UMK "Continuity" UMK "Polyarnaya Zvezda". Yu. N. Gladky, 11th grade UMC "Polar Star". Yu. N. Gladky, 10th grade EMC "Polar Star" A.I. Alekseev, 9th grade EMC "Polar Star" A.I. Alekseev, 8th grade EMC "Polar Star" A.I. Alekseev, 7th grade EMC "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 6th grade EMC "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 5-6 cells. EMC "Polar Star" A. I. Alekseev, 5th grade UMK "Perspective" N.I. Rogovtseva, 4th grade UMK "Perspective" N.I. Rogovtseva, 3rd grade UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogovtseva, 2nd grade UMK "Perspective" N. I. Rogovtseva, 1 class. UMK "Perspective" L.F. Klimanov, 4th grade UMK "Perspective" L.F. Klimanov, 4th grade UMK "Perspective" L.F. Klimanov, 3rd grade UMK "Perspective" L.F. Klimanov, 3rd grade UMK "Perspektiva" L. F. Klimanov, 2nd grade UMK "Perspektiva" L. F. Klimanov, 2nd grade UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanov, 1 class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanov, 1 class. UMK "Perspective" L. F. Klimanov, 1 class. UMK "Perspektiva" A. A. Pleshakov, 4th grade UMK "Perspektiva" A. A. Pleshakov, 3rd grade UMK "Perspektiva" A. A. Pleshakov, 2nd grade UMK "Perspektiva" A. A. Pleshakov, 1 class. UMK "Fundamentals of Cooking", 10th grade UMK "Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia", 5th grade. EMC "Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia", 4th grade. EMC "Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia", 4th grade. UMK "Objective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 11th grade UMK "Objective" E. Ya. Grigorieva, 10th grade UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 9th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 8th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 7th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 6th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". N. D. Galskova, 5th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". L. N. Yakovleva, 11th grade (deep). UMC "Mosaic". L. N. Yakovleva, 10th grade (deep). EMC "MSU - school" S. S. Berdonosov, 9th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. S. Berdonosov, 8th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 9th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 8th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 7th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 6th grade. EMC "MGU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 5th grade. EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 11th grade. (basic / professional). EMC "MSU - school" S. M. Nikolsky, 10th grade. (basic/prof.). EMC "MSU - school" S. V. Novikov, 10th grade (prof). EMC "MSU - school" N. S. Borisov, 10th grade (bases). - A. A. Levandovsky, 11th grade. (bases). TMC "MSU - School" L. S. Atanasyan, 11th grade (basic / professional). TMC "MSU - school" L. S. Atanasyan, 10 cells. (basic / professional). EMC "MSU - school" V.P. Smirnov, 11th grade. (prof). EMC "MSU - school" A. O. Soroko-Tsyupa, 11th grade. (bases). EMC "MSU - school" A. A. Levandovsky, 11th grade. (bases). EMC "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 9th grade EMC "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 8th grade EMC "Lomonosov" A. A. Fadeeva, 7th grade UMC "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 9th grade (deep.) UMK "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 8th grade. (deep.) UMK "Lyceum" A. A. Pinsky, 7th grade. (Deeper) UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 9th grade UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 8th grade UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 7th grade UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 6th grade UMK "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, grades 5-6 of the TMC "Line of Life". V. V. Pasechnik, 5th grade UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 5th grade UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 11th grade UMK "Labyrinth" I. Yu. Aleksashina, 10 cells UMK "Contacts" G.I. Voronin, 11th class. EMC "Classic Course" G. Ya. Myakishev, 11th grade EMC "Classic Course" G. Ya. Myakishev, 10th grade UMC "So, German!" N. D. Galskova, 11th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, grade 9 EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 8th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 7th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 6th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 5th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 4th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 3rd grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 2nd grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 11th grade EMC "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 10th grade UMK "Star English", K. M. Baranova, 1 class. UMK "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 9th grade EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 8th grade EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva et al., 7th grade EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva and others, 6th grade EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva and others, grades 5-6 of the EMC "Tomorrow" S.V. Kostyleva and others, 10th grade of EMC "Business French" by I. A. Golovanova, 10th grade. (elekt). UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 9th grade UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 8th grade UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 7th grade UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 6th grade UMK "Horizons" M. M. Averin, 5th grade UMK "Geeks" G.V. Yatskovskaya, 5th grade TMC "Geeks Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 8th grade TMC "Geeks Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 7th grade UMK "Geeks Plus" O. A. Radchenko, 6th grade UMK "Meetings" N. A. Selivanova et al., grades 8-9 UMK "Meetings" N. A. Selivanova et al. (Electr.) UMK "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 9th grade. EMC "Archimedes" O.F. Kabardin, 8th grade EMC "Archimedes" O. F. Kabardin, 7th grade EMC "Archimedes" K. Yu. Bogdanov, 11th grade EMC "Archimedes" K. Yu. Bogdanov, 10th grade UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 9th grade. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 8th grade. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 7th grade. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 6th grade. UMK "English in focus", Yu. E. Vaulina, 5th grade EMC "English in Focus", O. V. Afanaseva, 11th grade EMC "English in Focus", O. V. Afanaseva, 10th grade UMK "English in focus", N. I. Bykova, 4th grade EMC "English in focus", N. I. Bykova, 3rd grade EMC "English in focus", N. I. Bykova, 2nd grade UMK "English in focus", N. I. Bykova, 1 class. UMK "Academy" A. A. Pinsky, 11th grade (ang.). UMK "Academy" A. A. Pinsky, 10th grade (ang.). UMK "ABC bookbinder", 5 cells. Russian language. Literacy education. (1) Russian language. Literacy education. (0) Russian language and literary reading, grade 4 Russian language and literary reading, grade 3 Russian language and literary reading, 2nd grade Russian language and literary reading, 1st grade Russian language (9) Russian language (8) Russian language (7) Russian language (6) Program edited by B. M. Nemensky. Visual arts, 5 years Program edited by B. M. Nemensky. Visual Arts, 4 years Program edited by BM Nemensky. Visual arts, 3 years Natural history. (5) Continuity Acquaintance with the outside world. Preparing, 1st and 2nd grades. Guidelines (Types I and II) Young Learners" Portfolio Wuthering Heights Wishes B2.2 Wishes B2.1 White Fang Welcome Starter b Welcome Starter a Welcome Plus 6 Welcome Plus 5 Welcome Plus 4 Welcome Plus 3 Welcome Plus 2 Welcome Plus 1 Welcome 3 Welcome 2 Welcome 1 Upstream Upper-Intermediate B2+ Upstream Proficiancy C2 Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1 Upstream Level B1+ Upstream Intermediate B2 Upstream Elementary A2 Upstream Beginner A1+ Upstream Advanced C1 Upload 4 Upload 3 Upload 2 Upload 1 Treasure Island The Worms The Wonderful Wizard of Oz The Wind in the Willows The Wild Swans The Ugly Duckling The Time Machine The Tiger Shark The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Teacher's Basic Tools The Story of Santa Claus The Stone Flower The Speckled Band The Snow Queen The Shoemaker & his Guest The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf The Selfish Giant The Prisoner of Zenda The Prince and the Pauper The Portrait of Dorian Gray The Phantom of the Opera The Octopus The Nightingale & the Rose The Mysterious Island The Merchant of Venice The Maori People The Man in the Iron Mask The lost world The Loggerhead The little red Hen The Little Mermaid The Lion & the Mouse The Last of the Mohicans The Humpback Whale The Hound of the Baskervilles The Hare & the Tortoise The happy prince The Hammerhead Shark The Great White Shark The Golden Stone Saga II The Golden Stone Saga I The Giant turnip The Ghost The Frog Princess The Fisherman and the Fish The Father & his Sons The Creeping Man The Cracow Dragon The Canterville Ghost The Bottlenose Dolphin The Blue Scarab The Ant & the Cricket The Amazon Rainforest 2 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World The 7 Engineering Wonders of the Modern World Teaching Young Learners Swan Lake Successful Writing Upper-Intermediate Successful Writing Proficiency Successful Writing Intermediate Storytime Storyland Spark 4 (Monstertrackers) Spark 3 (Monstertrackers) Spark 2 (Monstertrackers) Spark 1 (Monstertrackers) Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs Sleeping Beauty Skills First: The Magic Pebble Skills First: The False Smile Skills First: The Castle by the Lake Skills Builder STARTER 2 Skills Builder STARTER 1 Skills Builder MOVERS 2 Skills Builder MOVERS 1 Skills Builder FLYERS 2 Skills Builder FLYERS 1 Sivka-Burka Simon Decker & the Secret Formula Set Sail 4 Set Sail 3 Set Sail 2 Set Sail 1 Romeo & Juliet Robinson Crusoe Robin Hood Reading Stars Reading & Writing Targets 3 Reading & Writing Targets 2 Reading & Writing Targets 1 Pygmalion Puss in Boots Pride & Prejudice Practice Tests for the PET Practice Tests for the KET Practice Tests for the BEC Vantage Practice Tests for the BEC Preliminary Practice Tests for the BEC Higher Peter Pan Perseus and Andromeda Orpheus Descending On Screen B2+ On Screen B2 Oliver Twist (illustrated readers) Oliver Twist (classic readers) New Patches for Old Mowgli Moby Dick Mission IELTS 1 Mission 2 Mission 1 Merry Christmas Macbeth Little Women Little Red Riding Hood Life Exchange Letterfun Kidnapped Journey to the Ce ntre of the Earth Jane Eyre Jack and the Beanstalk Interactive 2 Interactive 1 IELTS Practice Tests 2 IELTS Practice Tests 1 Henry Hippo Happy Rhymes 2 Happy Rhymes 1 Happy Hearts Starter Happy Hearts 2 Happy Hearts 1 Hansel & Gretel Hampton House Hamlet Hallo Happy Rhymes Great Expectations Grammarway 4 Grammarway 3 Grammarway 2 Grammarway 1 Grammar Targets 3 Grammar Targets 2 Grammar Targets 1 Good Wives Goldilocks and the Three Bears Gharial Crocodiles Game On Fun with English 6 Fun with English 5 Fun with English 4 Fun with English 3 Fun with English 2 Fun with English 1 Frankenstein FCE Use of English 2 FCE Use of English 1 FCE Practice Tests 2 FCE Practice Tests 1 FCE Practice Exam Papers 3 FCE Practice Exam Papers 2 FCE Practice Exam Papers 1 FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 3 FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 2 FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 1 Fairyland Starter Fairyland 6 Fairyland 5 Fairyland 4 Fairyland 3 Fairyland 2 Fa iryland 1 Excalibur Enterprise Plus Enterprise 4 Enterprise 3 Enterprise 2 Enterprise 1 Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde Death Squad David Copperfield CPE Use of English 1 CPE Practice Tests 3 CPE Practice Tests 2 CPE Practice Tests 1 Count Vlad Click On Starter Click On 4 Click On 3 Click On 2 Click On 1 Cinderella Chicken Licken Business English Marketing and Sales Blockbuster 4 Blockbuster 3 Blockbuster 2 Blockbuster 1 Blackbeard's Treasure Black Beauty Beauty and the Beast Around the World in 80 Days Anna & the Dolphin Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Aladdin & the Magic Lamp Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary Access 4 Access 3 Access 2 Access 1 Aboriginal Australians A Trip to the Rainforest A Tale of Two Cities A Mirror, a Carpet & a Lemon A Midsummer Night's Dream A Good Turn of Phrase A Christmas Carol ( illustrated reader) A Christmas Carol 20,000 leagues under the Sea "Success", 6 years "Success", 5 years "Success", 4 years "Success", 3 years "Rainbow", 6 years t "Rainbow", 5 years "Rainbow", 4 years "Rainbow", 3 years "Rainbow", 2 years "From childhood - to adolescence", 6 years "From childhood - to adolescence", 4 years "From childhood - to adolescence", 3 years "From childhood to adolescence", 1 year

Educational teaching aids are necessary only in order to adequately organize the entire educational space, use certain equipment and inventory.

Features of use

According to the federal educational standards of the new generation, which were introduced in preschool educational institutions, educators must take into account the individual characteristics of each child.

Teaching aids for preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standards have also been developed for children who have serious physical health limitations.

Principles laid down in the new standards

Among the core principles included in preschool education, select:

  • the usefulness of the child's life at all stages of his childhood, the opportunity for development;
  • creation of educational trajectories based on the individual characteristics of each child;
  • full cooperation between children and adults;
  • support for the creative initiative of children in a variety of activities.

Teaching aids for preschool educational institutions should help to familiarize preschoolers with social and cultural norms, family values, and pride in their country.

In addition, it is important to form the child's cognitive interest in various types activities.

Educational and methodological aids for the program from birth to school according to the Federal State Educational Standard take into account the age adequacy of preschool education. All methodological materials must meet the requirements of age, developmental features of children.

Benefit objectives

The new teaching aids recommended for use in the preschool system under the new Federal State Educational Standards are aimed at giving every child the right to a quality preschool education. The task of the teacher is to protect the psychological and physical health of children, to provide the same opportunities for self-development of each child, regardless of place of residence, nationality, language, as well as the social status of his parents.

Teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education for use in preschool educational institutions must ensure the continuity of education. They should create favorable conditions, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, and contribute to the manifestation of the creative abilities of the younger generation.

Directions of development and education of the child

To fulfill all the tasks assigned to teachers preschool institutions, the content-rich part of the manuals should include gaming, health-improving, sports equipment that allows for the research, cognitive, creative activity of all children, to form fine motor skills, contribute to the creation of a favorable emotional environment, self-expression of children.

List of benefits, educational programs for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (DO)

We offer an approximate list of those materials that meet the requirements of new educational standards implemented in preschool educational institutions related to physical and psychological education the rising generation.

  1. E. Ya. Stepanenkova wrote the manual "Physical Education of Children in Kindergarten", published by "Mosaic-synthesis" in 2006.
  2. M. A. Runova. The book "Motor activity in kindergarten" was published in 2000.
  3. M. A. Runova. The manual "Acquaintance with nature through movement" was published in 2005.

Of interest are the following methodological materials recommended for use by the Ministry of Education, corresponding to the new educational standards:

  1. Manual M. A. Runova "Physical equipment for preschool educational institutions" printed in 1999.
  2. The book by L. D. Glazyrina about physical culture for preschoolers, published in 2004.
  3. Material by L. V. Yakovleva about physical development and health of children 3-7 years old, which appeared in print in 2003.
  4. The educational and didactic manual, authored by A.P. Shcherbak, is devoted to thematic classes and holidays in a preschool institution. It was published in 1999.
  5. The author T. L. Bogina offers material on health protection in preschool institutions, 2006.
  6. The material on raising a healthy child was published by M. D. Makhaneva in 1997.
  7. A manual that allows you to educate gifted and talented children was created by L. A. Wenger in 2000.

This list includes many more benefits, each of which is aimed at the formation healthy generation who loves his country, respects the traditions of the people.


Teaching aids for elementary school are also developed taking into account the requirements of new standards. Among those books that can be recommended to primary school teachers, we note the following materials:

  1. S. A. Kozlova. "I am a man. The program of social development of the child" - Moscow, "School press", 2003;
  2. K. Yu. Belaya. "Me and my safety. Thematic dictionary in pictures" Moscow, "School Press", 2010;
  3. V. I. Semenyuk. "Study of traffic rules" - Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1996;
  4. R. B. Sterkin. "Fundamentals of safety of primary school age" - Moscow, "Prosveshchenie", 2000;
  5. L. Ya. Kondykinskaya. "Classes on patriotic education in kindergarten" - Moscow, "Sphere", 2010.


Any teaching aids for elementary school in mathematics, the Russian language, the world around us, fully meet all the requirements that apply to the teaching of these academic disciplines by second-generation standards.

The developing object-spatial environment, which is represented by special equipment, equipment, materials, is an important component for the development of children of preschool and school age. It allows you to take into account age features, to strengthen and protect the health of children, to carry out adjustments in educational and educational processes.

All modern educational and methodological literature used by educators in kindergartens, teachers in primary and high school, must be recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, comply with the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard. They are aimed at strengthening and protecting the physical and emotional health of children, developing independence in the younger generation of the country.

Benefits that do not meet the updated Russian education are not approved by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, are not used by kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers in secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums.

Poglazova O.T., Popova S.V. Getting ready for school. Methodological recommendations for a textbook for preschoolers Together with a fairy tale

Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions and parents. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010. - 182 p.

Ulashenko N.B. Organization of theatrical activities.

preparatory group.2009 (jpg)

Zenina T.N.

preschoolers with natural objects.

preparatory group

Vershinin. Vasiliev.

Comprehensive diagnostics of program assimilation levels.

preparatory group


Enrichment and activation of vocabulary.

preparatory group

Nature is around us.

Entertaining materials. Kindergarten,

preparatory group

Tikhomirova L. F. Development of cognitive abilities of children.
A popular guide for parents and educators.

Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.

The book contains games, tasks, exercises that allow you to successfully develop such cognitive processes in children as perception, memory, attention, which is necessary for their preparation for school and further successful learning and intellectual development.

Paramonova L.A. Theory and methodology of creative design

in kindergarten, M .: Academy, 2002. - 192 p.

In the manual, in line with the system developed by the author, the psychological and pedagogical foundations for the formation of creative design in children 2-7 years old are characterized; new technologies for teaching designing from various materials (natural, paper, designers, etc.) are presented. Different forms of organization of this work are shown, highlighted overseas experience in the field of children's creative design. The book may also be of interest to students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions, preschool teachers, and parents.

Shvaiko G.S. — Games and game exercises for the development of speech

(Collection of games for the development of speech), Enlightenment, 1983

Litvinova, M. F. Russian folk outdoor games. Psobie for a kindergarten teacher. / M. F. Litvinova; edited by L.V. Russkova. - Moscow: Education, 1986. - 78, p.

The collection contains Russian folk outdoor games, as well as their variants. Rules for the games are set out guidelines educator in their organization with children of preschool age.
The collection consists of four sections: running games, ball games, jumping games, low mobility games. The application contains ancient and modern counting rhymes.

G.F. Martsinkevich. Lesson plans. Teaching literacy to preschool children.

I.A. Bykov. Teaching children to read and write in the form of a game "Childhood-Press"

The game methods and class notes proposed in the manual will allow preschool teachers, speech therapists and parents to prepare children for the correct perception of speech sounds and writing. The funny rhymes about letters and games for the development of fine motor skills presented in the book will help them to be better prepared for schooling. Classes can be carried out both individually and with a group of children.
Designed for preschool educators, speech therapists, parents of preschool children.

Elena Valentinovna Voronina

"We develop by playing"

In order for our children to have a happy childhood, the main place in their life should be occupied by play. AT childhood The child has a need to play. And it needs to be satisfied not because business is time, fun is an hour, but because playing, the child learns and learns about life.

This album presents manuals from non-standard materials for children's play activities aimed at mastering sensory standards. The use in the practice of the educator of modern materials that meet aesthetic, hygienic and pedagogical requirements is very justified.

Didactic guide"Flower meadow"

For the development of imagination in children, the formation of hand-eye coordination based on actions with objects, a didactic manual "Flower Glade" was made. It attracts attention with brightness, interesting content.

Description of the manual: The manual consists of a board with glued flowers made of self-adhesive film, a hole is cut in the center of the flower, into which the necks of bottles of different sizes are glued. Corks are screwed on the necks.

Examples of didactic games, tasks using the "Flower Glade" manual.

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge of size; colors; hand motor development.

"Pick the middle to the flower"

“Wrap the largest center of the flower. The smallest"

“Wrap the red center of the flower. White"

Didactic manual "Finger dry pool"

Dry pool - used for simultaneous active impact on various points of the hands, fingers, palms; sensorimotor development, the formation of basic sensory standards: shape, size, material, weight, sound; education of perseverance and patience in work; removal of emotional stress. It is very simple to make it: we fill the capsules from Kinder Surprise with various fillers (rice, peas, beans, paste over with thermal film for Easter eggs, put them in a small deep plastic container, hide the toys from the kinder surprise at the bottom.

Ask your baby to look in the "dry pool" for various small objects or toys. Plunging as deep as possible into the filler, the child's hands are massaged, the fingers become more sensitive, their movements are coordinated.

This manual can be used in music lessons.

Didactic game"Salt Dough Beads"

Purpose: strengthening and development of fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination; the formation of the ability to combine by color; development of concentration of attention; development of perseverance, accuracy, children's creativity, a sense of beauty in their work and the work of other children; learning how to model and create your own product.

This allowance can be made by the baby himself, with a little help from an adult. Dough modeling is very helpful in developing a child's motor skills. After all, the baby can change the shape of an object from a spherical shape to a square, or triangular. And, picking up a piece of dough, he can feel its weight, heaviness and viscosity.

cook salty dough(mix 1 glass of Extra salt, 1 glass of flour, 0.5 glass of cold water, leave for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, make balls, make holes in them with a cocktail tube, leave to dry completely. Beads are ready!

Didactic manual "Spread the testicles into your houses"

Purpose: to form the ability to distinguish and correctly name the 4 primary colors;

to teach to combine a testicle with a cell, to perform correlative actions (a guide by color); act purposefully, consistently: from left to right, without skipping cells; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Description of the manual: We paint over the cells of the container for eggs with the main colors, cover with varnish. Capsules from Kinder Surprise are tied with the appropriate color.

It turns out a bright and beautiful handout.

Children should arrange the testicles in houses, according to their color.

If possible, name the color of the testicles and the color of the houses.

Didactic manual "Spread the pencils into cups."

Purpose: to form the ability to distinguish colors; learn to combine a pencil with a glass; act purposefully, consistently: from left to right; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Description of the manual: Cut out rectangles and pencil figures from the ceiling tiles. Glue the rectangles to the middle with squares of self-adhesive film of different colors. Paste the pencils with the appropriate colors. Fast, beautiful, economical!

Didactic guide " Ladybug find your meadow

Purpose: to distinguish colors and understand the names of colors, to learn to select objects of the same color.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

We make ladybugs from disks, pasting them with a self-adhesive film. We cut out flowers from linoleum, glue them with the appropriate colors. Leave a part of the disc not pasted over, so that when a sunbeam hits, they glare. The manual attracts attention with brightness, interesting content, kids are happy to work with it.

"Sensory footpath"

This is a track made of maple, on which materials of different textures are sewn. A variety of sensations makes walking on the path exciting. Such walking is useful for the development of tactile perception, as well as for coordination of movements and the prevention of flat feet. For a more complete experience, it is recommended to walk barefoot or in thin socks.

Didactic manual "Mosaic"

Putting together the puzzle is very important for the mental development of the child.

Fine motor skills of the hands participate in the game with the mosaic, imaginative thinking, imagination develop, the ability to distinguish and correctly name colors is formed. And yet, the mosaic develops the artistic taste of the child, the ability of children to navigate the plane of the playing field, allows him to show his creative activity.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Option number 1: Print large pictures of coloring pages, cut out along the contour, place the template on the mosaic board (fix it with tape for convenience).

Option number 2: Print large color pictures of coloring pages, stick them on wooden planks, drill holes according to the diameter of the mosaic.

It is difficult for young children to create images from a mosaic on their own, and they do an excellent job with working on a template.

Didactic manual "Magic clothespins"

In order to firmly, easily and firmly hold a pencil (ballpoint pen) in the hand, the child must have 3 fingers of the right (left) hand developed. The clothespin contributes to the formation and then development of the movement of squeezing and unclenching the fingertips of the right and left hands. To make the game interesting for the child, you can attach clothespins according to the theme (rays to the sun, needles to the hedgehog, petals to the flower, ears to the bunny's head)

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Print large color plot pictures, cut them out without any elements, stick them on linoleum. On the reverse side, paste the text with the task in poetic form.

When children learn to put on and take off clothespins, you can offer them games - tasks.

"Make branches for a tree"

Using clothespins of the same color

Purpose: to teach children to select the right clothespins of the same color, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, tactile sensations.

"Make thorns for a hedgehog"

Alternating clothespins by color

Purpose: to learn to alternate clothespins of two colors; develop fine motor skills.

"Make the sunshine"

Manifestation of creativity

Purpose: to teach to use the color range of clothespins of your choice, to develop creative abilities, fine motor skills of hands.

Didactic manual "Autumn leaves" and "Mushrooms"

Purpose: to distinguish colors and understand the names of colors, to learn to pick up objects of the same color, but of different sizes. Establish identities and differences in the color of homogeneous objects. Learn to understand the words "such", "not such", "different".

Description of the preparation of the manual:

We cut out leaves, mushrooms, baskets from linoleum, glue them with the appropriate colors. Leaves of various shapes and sizes. This manual can be used in music and physical education classes.

Didactic manual "Dress the doll"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of visual and tactile examination of objects and materials and the ability to analyze their properties and qualities;

Exercise and activate visual functions and fine motor skills;

To teach children in naming an object, its colors; development of speech and exercise in the use of different grammatical forms;

Bring up careful attitude to things, to provide mutual assistance to each other when dressing.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Tie the details of the clothes in the same color.

Our boys and girls dress up dolls with great pleasure.

Didactic manual "Spread on plates"

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish colors and use the name of colors in speech. Strengthen the ability to recognize geometric figures and name them (circle, square, triangle). Learn to understand the words "such", "not such", "different". Develop fine motor skills.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Disposable plates in 4 basic colors. We cut out geometric shapes from linoleum, glue them with the appropriate colors.

Didactic manual "Roll the ball through the gate"

Purpose: To teach children to match objects by color; introduce the concept of "round"; form an idea of ​​the size of objects; to consolidate the ability to perform practical and play actions with objects in accordance with their properties (shape).

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Wooden collars and balls of 4 primary colors.

Didactic manual "Reels"

Purpose: to introduce children to threads; talk about their purpose; teach how to wind a thread on a template; develop fine motor skills and the ability to perform actions with both hands at the same time.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Cut out a plexiglass spool template, wind threads of different colors.

Didactic manual "Bus"

Objectives: to teach to distinguish between objects, round and square;

navigate on the plane; to teach to combine forms with an object, to perform correlative actions (landmark by color); develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

to teach the understanding of words and phrases: “bus”, “the bus has wheels, windows”; replenish the child’s dictionary with the words: “car”, “rides”, “stands”.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

We cut out bus stencils from plastic, without windows and wheels. We make wheels and windows in the appropriate shape (circle, square). We glue the manuals with self-adhesive film in the appropriate colors.