Is the girl suitable? The only sure way to know that she's your destiny

There are a lot of girls, and you are alone. Often men ask themselves: “Is a girl right for me?” On the one hand, there is no universal answer, but there are general parameters of fit girls.

1. You can call a girl anywhere

Go with her to a party with friends, to parents on family holiday Or go to a club? No problem. The girl is mature enough and you don't worry about her behavior. A girl can make the right impression, you can rely on her anywhere and anytime. This girl definitely fits.

2. The girl is adequate

The complex of the princess or the presence of a "pussy" is not her case. She understands that a man is able to find another hundred other girls and appreciates him. The girl does not take advantage of the fact that she is a woman and does not try to pull the blanket over herself. She tries not to be capricious, not to hysteria and not to fuck her brains for any reason. The girl respects herself and her man. This girl suits you.

3. The girl has her own life

Is the girl right? See if she has a life outside of you? Work, hobbies, friends. How self-sufficient is she? Does the girl know what she wants from life or does she rush from side to side? A girl with a narrow outlook on life and a lack of other interests will quickly bore you.

4. The girl looks after herself, not you.

Stupid women are jealous of how much in vain for any reason and to any girl. They follow the man, trying to control him. A smart girl takes care of himself and his appearance. The girlfriend knows that she is not perfect, but she plays sports and her appearance. The girl is self-sufficient in her desire for self-improvement. The girl takes care of herself, not you. This girlfriend is good and definitely fits.

5. The girl loves sex

A passionate and temperamental girl herself wants sex. She is not shy about your penis and her sexual desires. She can tell her secret erotic dreams and make yours come true. The high temperament of the girl is manifested in an independent initiative for sex and general behavior in bed. Sexual temperament is the most important quality of a girl. Don't lose her. There are many logs among the girls. And then you have to spit on the girl's back to simulate an orgasm, so as not to sweat over a useless log.

6. The girl has a good character

The girl is not trying to make you jealous. She doesn't play silly games of manipulation and capriciousness. She does not gossip about you and does not run to complain to her girlfriends. A girl can easily express her opinion and listen in response.

7. The girl is cheerful

The girl has a positive character, and she will not throw a tantrum because of a broken nail. The girl is optimistic about life and does not suffer from constant depression. She does not walk around with a perpetually dissatisfied face and does not whine. With such a girl is almost always fun and easy.

If you are lucky enough to meet such a girl, then grab her. The girl is suitable not only for a relationship, but also for the role of a wife. Muti with her in an adult way.

A few tips to make it easier for you to understand that the woman who is now next to you is the only woman who will become your wife

  1. Why wives cheat on their husbands or the psychology of female infidelity

Women... You can't live without them, but you can't live with them either. Catch phrases are rarely useful in life, but this is exactly the case when a single phrase contains a deep and useful life meaning.

If you think about it, you are in a trap. How is it impossible to live neither without women, nor with them?! Fortunately, there is a way out - you can find your soul mate and live a long and happy life with her.

The main trick in understanding life is the question of understanding who exactly is nearby, whether it is she, or another “staging post” in the search for eternal love. Is she the guardian of your personal happiness?!

There are no comrades for the taste and color, each man has his own preferences and desires in the matter of choosing women. In this article, you will find several basic signs that your woman is already next to you. Read carefully.

Here are some tips to make it easier for you to understand that the woman who is now nearby is the only woman who will become your wife:

1. You trust her like you trust yourself.

The issue of trust is fundamental in any relationship. It is very important to realize that between two lovers there is a fragile, but such an indestructible concept as "trust". Especially between two people so close and admiring each other.

When one person loses the trust of another, the feeling of pain cannot be avoided. The more one lover trusts another, the more you take care of him, the more painful and terrible his pain after betrayal.

Such pain leaves scars in the soul, which can not be cured by anything. They hurt forever. If you have found a woman whom you can trust unconditionally, moreover, a woman who, in your opinion, will never be able to betray, then with you, finally, your one and only.

2. Her presence in your life is your strength and inspiration, not Negative influence and disappointment

This is something that I did not understand before, something that came over the years and took a lot of time and effort to realize. To be honest, this came to me quite recently. When you are in love, it is very difficult for you to understand how your chosen one really affects your life.

Love blinds, it makes it impossible to think rationally, it is almost impossible to see the negative influence of the second half.

In your life, for sure, there are people who always support you, constructively criticize your actions and help you perceive life and learn from your mistakes. It is these people who initially see the bad influence that destroys your life.

If your woman affects your life negatively, then it's time to break off this relationship. They will only bring pain and disappointment.

3. She believes in you and motivates you to believe in your own abilities.

Imagine that you are lucky to live to be 80, which is exactly 29,000 days. I mean exactly 29,000 days you need to wake up every morning and look within yourself for the strength to live and do good deeds. It is very difficult to find a person who will motivate you day after day; in general, it is very difficult to find the right way of motivation, specifically for yourself.

But your significant other should motivate you daily. Find such a woman, and you can feel the difference between realizing your dreams and constant failure. Ideal woman will inspire you to find yourself and make your life better. And she will do it in both active and passive ways.

The main gift of a beloved woman for a man is that she is the reason for him to become better.

4. Your life with her is much better than life without her.

The woman you should marry should bring something good into your life, not just take everything out of it. You must first give, and then only take. But again, it's hard to see the difference when you're in love, but you have to learn.

Your emotions when you're in love tell you that you need this woman, but you might actually be better off without her. Take a deep breath, stop and think about your life for better and worse with your chosen one?!

5. Is she never around? When she is needed. Think about it!

This aspect goes along with trust. Your beloved woman, is she a woman you can rely on? Will she be there in difficult times? Or is she with you only when everything goes like clockwork for you?

Will your chosen one be by your side when you're in trouble? Or will her love evaporate at the first difficulty on the horizon?

Some women are more interested in what you can do for them than what they can do for the men they love.

6. Sex with her is very ... well, very good.

This is already a certain level of chemistry, which, in my opinion, is simply hyper-important in marriage. I have never really understood those couples who abstain from intimacy before marriage. If sex is as bad as a moral concept, then why have it after marriage? And if making love with your soulmate does not bring you joy, what if you are not compatible in bed? What then?

Some people claim that they don't really care about sex, supposedly it doesn't play a huge role for them... So I'll tell you why, they just never had intense sex with an unforgettable partner before. Although you may not pay attention to this issue, but why expect anything less?

7. You both want the same things in life.

Here's another one of the most important aspects of a relationship that people only pay attention to when it's too late. It's easy to love a woman when you don't fully understand her. And in order to understand her to the end, you need to find the reason for her true desires, to understand what she really wants from life.

What does she want to do with her life? Her experience? What are her goals in life? Her dreams, desires? Her needs?

It is very difficult sometimes to realize that you seem to be like each other, but your views on life are fundamentally incompatible. It is unbearable to live with a person when your paths through life were initially parallel.

8. You are madly in love with each other

Before you say “Yes, I agree” in front of the altar, make sure you fully understand what it means to “love someone very much.” Loving someone with all your heart means loving mercifully and loving romantically. Loving someone with all your heart means not only loving them for what they mean to you, but also for who they are in life.

You must love a person for his deeds done for you. The definition of “just loving a person” is initially incorrect. You need to love for something, and not in spite of. True love cannot be destroyed. It forms a great union that external circumstances cannot destroy. Such love is eternal.

Translation of Article 8 Signs You've Found The Woman

Probably, more than one man going on a first date is interested in the answer to the question - will there be a second date? And what should you pay attention to in order to understand whether it is necessary, this second date?

Let's try to figure it out together. Here are five guidelines for you, according to which, perhaps, you will understand whether your new passion suits you or it is better to end the relationship without starting it.

1. See how she treats others.

Did you make your first date at a restaurant? Excellent! Now pay attention to how she will treat, for example, the waiter. Do not forget, she wants to make the most rosy impression on you, and this is always a little slyness and deceit. But in a conversation with a waiter, she will most likely behave the way she used to behave with people who are serving her at the moment.

If your new acquaintance shows rudeness, intemperance towards the employee of the institution, then this is a hint that you should think about another candidate as a bride. You don't want to feel compelled to pay the waiter double the fee whenever and wherever you may end up with this girl to make up for your girlfriend's bad manners!

2. She asked about the restaurant bill?

Of course, a man should pay the bills, especially on a first date. It's not a question. And every normal man will turn out the latter, but will not allow his girlfriend to climb into his wallet. And now an unexpected turn - fix in your brain, did she look into the restaurant "sentence"? A trifle, of course, but in subsequent relationships it can play an important role. No one, of course, expects that the girl, inquiring about the amount, will take over the payment. But complete indifference to the account can also mean complete indifference to your boyfriend in principle. Do you need it in the future? Think!

3. The rule of conversation between two

Tonight is the first time you meet a pretty girl that you like. Get ready for lovely girlish chirping, think in advance about the questions, the answers to which will give you an idea about her, her life, interests and plans. But be sure to pay attention to one nuance. If she will willingly answer your questions all evening about herself, her beloved, but does not ask ANY counter questions about yourself, your life and your interests, you should know - most likely, she wants to see in you a spectator of her successful career and a wordless admirer of her talents, but not a co-author of your common future life.

4. The rule of drinking alcohol

Worse than being rude, for a girl, is being rude and drunk. On the first date, if you order alcohol, don't be shy and take a closer look (invisibly to her, of course) how much she drinks. For many experienced guys, the benchmark is whether she drank more than her new friend or less. If from the very first minutes of your date she knocks over a glass of tequila and squeals with happiness when the waiter brings you new strong drinks, if she fills her mouth with alcohol more often than throws a snack there, know that this is an alarming bell for you.

5. Her ability to say "thank you"

It's nice when a girl on a first date after dinner at a restaurant says this magic word. This is especially nice if dinner for some reason was not perfect. But gratitude for communication in a restaurant immediately after the interlocutors got up from the table is, let's say, a general rule of etiquette. And it’s a completely different matter if the girl finds an opportunity the next day to call you or send an SMS with words about how pleasant the last evening was and how grateful she is to you for it.

Experienced people say that if a man does not receive such recognition within 48 hours after the first date, then it is not out of place to think again whether he made the right choice. And in no case do not try to be the first to ask her if she liked your first date! You have your own manhood, don't you?

Do you like a girl? Do you think that there is no one like her in the whole wide world? But is it really so? Are you sure that this is the girl to whom you want to devote all your attention and give your love and tenderness? Can you say with certainty that you want to spend your whole life with her? This is not an easy question, but by focusing on what matters most to you, you will be able to find the right answer.


Look for a person with good qualities

    Pay attention to such a quality as kindness. When you choose a girl, pay attention to whether she is kind. Believe me, someone who does not care about the feelings of others will not be able to maintain a healthy relationship for a long time.

    • Pay attention to whether the girl is kind to others. It is important that she not only be kind to you. She must also be kind to others, at all times, not only if the job requires it (if she is a service worker). Some situations force us to show courtesy and kindness, but pay attention to whether the girl shows these qualities when the situation does not require it.
    • In addition, it must be fair. Fairness is a very important quality in a relationship. Does she offer to pay equally for something? Does she properly distribute responsibilities around the house? Thanks to this, you will be able to see if your well-being is important to this girl, as this is the key to a warm relationship.
  1. Does the girl work hard? Pay attention to girls who work and want to succeed in life. If a girl works hard, she will be able to achieve a lot in life, and her life will turn out the best way.

    • For example, if she wants to buy a wallet, she must sell one of her old things. She shouldn't expect you or her parents to buy it for her. Of course, gifts for the holidays do not count.
  2. Look for a girl with the right values ​​and priorities. This is very important for a good relationship. Her values ​​and priorities do not have to match what is right in the eyes of others, but they must match your value system and your priorities. However, there are exceptions. Your girlfriend must:

  3. Look for a girl who will not judge you, and in whose company you will feel free. In her presence, you must remain yourself. You should feel free with her, cry when you feel like it, not be afraid to be stupid and do things that you usually don't do in front of other people.

    • For example, if you tell her something personal (for example, that you are depressed or that you want to be an astronaut), she should not laugh in response. She should try to help you, or at least not hinder you, even if she doesn't agree.

    Looking for a good partner

    1. Pay attention to how you feel in her company. This is very important to consider. You should feel better when you are in the company of this girl. You should feel confident and happy. You must miss her when she is not around you. You should not feel weak or stupid in her presence. You don't have to worry about saying or doing something wrong. You should feel natural in her presence.

      • Some people enjoy being in the company of someone who makes them feel bad and angry around them. This may be a good option for short-term relationships, but for longer ones it is not. the best option. Constant trouble is not the best basis for a long-term relationship.
    2. Look for a girl who will be a good influence on you. When you're in a relationship, you have to get better. If you build a relationship with someone and get worse, this is not the best option, right? Consider dating a girl if you are getting better. If so, then this is the right choice.

      • Does this girl encourage you to improve yourself and your life? Does it help you achieve your goals? Does she do everything she can to make your life better? Does she want you to have a good future?
    3. Choose a girl who, like you, will invest in a relationship. When two people are in a relationship, they should be willing to invest equally in the relationship. If she wants you to change, but does not want to become better herself, this is not a good sign. But if she makes enough effort, it characterizes her from the good side.

      • For example, she may arrange your dates from time to time, you do not have to do this all the time.
      • This does not mean that she has to be very active in the relationship. If you are equally doing it together, it shows that you are building relationships correctly. The most important thing is that your views and needs are the same.
    4. Notice how she expresses her gratitude. You don't need a person who takes everything for granted. Pay attention to how she thanks you or how she expresses her appreciation when you do something nice for her. You should also notice the good things she does for you and be grateful for it.

      • Even if she does something small for you, it's good. Not everyone has the time or money to make big gestures. But even something small favorite dish or a love note that will show that she thinks of you and wants to show you that she cares about you.
    5. Think about whether she is ready to take responsibility. For example, is she ready to take responsibility in financial and economic matters. This will show that she is fair, hardworking and honest. If she is not ready for this, then it will not be so easy for you in such a relationship.

      • Of course, this does not mean that you should distribute your income evenly. For example, if you live in the same apartment, it is not necessary to pay equally. Instead, each person can pay about 30% of their income. For example, if you earn 4,000 rubles a month, and she is 1,600 rubles a month, your contribution should be 1,200 rubles, and hers should be about 500 rubles.
    6. Find someone who will balance you as a person. It is very important to have a lot in common with your partner. You need a person who will be like you. However, this person should not be a repetition of you, you may have different views on some things.

      • For example, you can be organized but shy, while she is more free and sociable. She can help you learn to be more social, and you can help her get her life in order.
    7. Look for a girl who will be honest when you have to sort things out. Unfortunately, quarrels in a relationship are normal. It can even be a sign of a healthy relationship. However, the girl must be honest when there is a quarrel between you. It should not insult or humiliate you. This is a serious sign of disrespect. She also shouldn't blackmail you if she wants to get something. Instead, look for a partner who will be willing to lead the discussion until you find a compromise.

      • For example, she should not start a fight every time you come home late. This is unfair to you and bad for your relationship.

    Looking for a kindred spirit

    1. Look for a girl who will share your interests. Thanks to this, you will enjoy spending time together. Choose a person with whom you will be pleased to communicate. Choosing a girl with similar interests is crucial. Given this, you will not have problems in the future.

      • You will have common topics for conversation and interesting joint activities. Take up a new hobby together. For example, you can study together foreign language. You can find free language courses online or attend one of the language schools.
    2. Choose a girl who will share your values ​​and priorities. This girl should have the same values ​​as you. This is very important for a good relationship. This girl's values ​​should be similar to yours. This will prevent tensions and conflicts that may arise in the relationship.

      • For example, if she is more conservative in her judgments and you look at things freely, you will have disagreements, which will lead to you having less respect for each other.
      • However, if you can find mutual language By having different values, you can build a healthy relationship. For example, there are many examples of good marriages where partners have different religious views. For example, the husband may be Jewish and the wife may be Christian, but they love God together, so this does not provoke conflict. Sometimes the fundamental belief is more important than the details.
    3. Look for a girl who has the same goals as you. You must have similar goals in life if you want to build a lasting relationship. Of course, your short-term goals may be different, but your big goals should be the same. Such goals will unite you on the path of life. If your paths diverge, relationships will be very difficult to build. Moreover, it will be simply impossible.

      • For example, if she does not plan to get a higher education, and this is not so important for you either, your views coincide on this issue. However, if education and ambition are very important to you, but they are not so important to her, problems may arise in the relationship.
    4. Choose a girl who treats your friends well and has good friends herself. Your life is not just the two of you. The relationships you have with other people often play an important role in creating a romantic relationship. You want to have a wife who knows how to communicate with other people, and also respects them? Likewise, you should get along with her friends.

      • For example, if her friends are mean and trying to get her to spend less time with you, chances are you won't be able to build a healthy relationship.
      • Think about whether you need such problems. If this will greatly affect your relationship, and the girl does not want to work on herself, then this is not the best option. Of course, you should talk to her about it and see what her reaction will be.
    5. Choose a girl with a similar life experience. Of course, this is not a requirement for happy relationship but that would be an added bonus. People who grew up in similar environments or have done similar things in their lives tend to understand each other better. If your girlfriend's life is similar to yours, then it will be easier for you to build a good relationship.

      • For example, perhaps your girlfriend, like you, had a difficult relationship in the family. In this case, the girl will be able to understand your feelings when you do not go to the holidays with your parents and will try her best to organize such a holiday at home for the two of you.
    • Learn to be yourself with everyone you know. Among other things, in any social situations you need to feel comfortable. If you get to know yourself, you can best demonstrate confidence, a trait that almost all women find attractive. While this suggestion is hardly advice, take it as a fundamental part of not only these steps to find a girlfriend, but to succeed in life.
    • Remember birthdays, anniversaries and all the things she loves most in life. Don't make a big deal out of remembering all the dates and her favorite things, but surprise her from time to time to show that you know what she wants. Don't make a habit out of these surprises or you'll come off as clingy or intrusive.


    • Don't pretend to be someone you're not, just be yourself.
    • When you get to know a woman, especially one you may think of as "the one", you will want to really engage in real conversations, and that requires listening. Avoid constant talking about yourself. Ask questions that you could only ask if you learned new information from her. If you're not sure what question to ask, just ask how she felt in a particular situation and why. She will appreciate that you understand her.
    • Women are used to men wanting to appear different to the women they like, so don't "act" in front of a girl. Behave the same way you treat everyone else. Tease her, flirt with her, but don't hold back. Most importantly, enjoy yourself and her company. Women will understand that you are a sincere person if you demonstrate your confidence; There is nothing sexier than a man who knows who he is and what he wants.
    • Try to avoid women who like to get too much attention; they are often superficial and manipulative, and almost always insecure.
    • Compliments are fine, but make sure they're not just about how sexy she is. Although many women like to hear that they are sexy, at certain points if you constantly comment on her body, she will feel like a sexual object, not a girl or future wife.
    • If you are young, do not rush into intimate relationships.
    • Never behave with her arrogantly, do not quarrel, otherwise she will think that you are "not self-confident."
    • Depending on your age, this could be your future wife, so choose wisely.
    • Smiling and nodding your head is not a solution unless you're having a serious conversation and it would be rude to interrupt her.