Features of undercover work among minors. Social prevention as a technology of social work with juvenile delinquents. Foreign experience of social work with minors


1 Russian Charitable Foundation "No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction" (NAS) City Center "Street Children" of the Moscow Committee for Family and Youth Affairs Scientific Research Institute of Narcology of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation SOCIAL WORK WITH MINORS EXPERIENCE OF ORGANIZING SOCIAL SERVICE Moscow 2000

2 Author: V.V. Moskvichev With the participation of S.A. Bessudnova Under the general editorship: Zykova O.V., Khananashvili N.L. The publication of the series "Working with Children at Risk" was supported by the Know How Fund of the UK Foreign Office. Series "Working with Children at Risk". Issue 2. Social work with minors Experience in organizing a social service. M.: Russian Charitable Foundation "No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction" (NAS), p. ISBN x Russian Charitable Foundation "No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction" (NAS), 2000.

3 CONTENTS Message from O.V. Zykov, President of the NAS Foundation to readers of the publishing series "Working with children at risk" Introduction Part I. Theoretical prerequisites for the creation of a social service of the NAS Foundation Chapter 1. Social work: theory and practice Chapter 2. Social maladaptation of minors Part II. Social service for socially maladjusted minors Chapter 1. History of the development of social service Chapter 2. Analysis of the experience of social service Chapter 3. Structure of social service Chapter 4. Forms and methods of work of social service Chapter 5. Organization of social service Conclusion APPENDIX Literature

4 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE NAN ZYKOV FUND O.V. TO THE READERS OF THE PUBLISHING SERIES "WORKING WITH CHILDREN AT RISK" Dear colleague! You are holding in your hands one of the issues of the publishing series Working with Children at Risk. These monographs outline the experience of the Russian Charitable Foundation "No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction" (NAS Foundation) in creating a territorial model consisting of technologies aimed at the effective operation of various bodies, services and institutions in the field of secondary prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction among children and adolescents, which we named "Rehabilitation space for minors at risk." We use the concept of "secondary prevention" in accordance with the classification of the World Health Organization (WHO), where primary prevention means work with organized children's groups and public consciousness to implement ideas healthy lifestyle life; secondary prevention is aimed at working with children at risk; Tertiary prevention involves working with chemically dependent patients to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Forming the concept of a rehabilitation space for minors at risk, we proceeded from three main principles: any one, separately taken form of deviant behavior. 2. Our efforts should be aimed at protecting the rights of absolutely all minors; the idea of ​​separating “good” children from “bad” ones is unacceptable, punishing “bad” ones and thus 4

5 to protect the "good". 3. Any rehabilitation technology should begin with a trusting contact with the child, and it is possible only where and when the child himself is ready to enter into this contact; as applied to children at risk, this is, first of all, the street. That is why we consider the organization of street social work the most important factor efficient operation rehabilitation space. In the future, the main task of any technological chain is not to lose the trust that is achieved between a street social worker and a minor. For a child, communication with representatives of various services of the rehabilitation space should proceed in a single conceptual vein. The rehabilitation space can be represented as a house, where the foundation is juvenile justice (the legal aspect of the rehabilitation space), the building itself consists of the “bricks” of rehabilitation programs implemented by state (municipal) and non-state institutions and services (organizational aspect of the rehabilitation space), cement this building information technologies that ensure the continuity of the rehabilitation space (the informational aspect of the rehabilitation space). In the proposed publishing series, an attempt was made to tell how we built this “building” on the territory of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, and what we got out of it. We tried to be honest with you, dear reader, and told not only about our successes, but also about our failures, the description of which, it seems to us, is no less valuable when reproducing our experience in other conditions or in other territories, which is the main the purpose of the submissions. We are convinced that the implementation in your territory of a rehabilitation space model for at-risk minors is viable and effective method protect the rights of our children, as well as create conditions for solving various social problems, such as child drug addiction, neglect and homelessness. 5

6 INTRODUCTION For almost ten years now, Russia has been living in conditions of an almost unceasing social and economic crisis. Enough has already been said about its destructive influence on the social sphere. Numerous articles have been published, many programs have been developed, government decrees and presidential decrees have been adopted. In fairness, it should be said that a lot great ideas was implemented: shelters became commonplace, complexes of social and pedagogical assistance (adaptation) appeared. But there has not been a comprehensive reorganization of the system of social protection of minors. New structures are built into the existing system, adapt to it, patch up its gaps, and as a result, ensure its continued existence with the minimum possible changes. We see the main reasons for this situation in the following: the lack of a comprehensive analysis of the existing social situation - speaking of drug addiction and juvenile delinquency, homelessness, they often forget about their common root - social maladaptation. As a result, the measures taken do not lead to the expected effect, and social maladjustment manifests itself in new forms; the proposed programs of work with minors at risk are based on administrative and bureaucratic logic (departmental division of functions, vertical subordination along departmental lines, etc.), which greatly complicates the real solution of social protection problems, which are usually of a complex, interdepartmental nature; there is a significant gap between theory and practice: at present, quite a lot of literature on social work is published, about ten universities in Moscow alone train social workers, while in Moscow and the Moscow region there is not a single state social service working with minors. 6

7 The current situation is connected, first of all, with the inertia of the state apparatus, the rigidity of the prevailing administrative and bureaucratic stereotypes. For many years, the system has operated in a relatively stable, virtually unchanged situation. The fundamental changes that have taken place over the past 10 years in society, the problems that have arisen before it, have caught the social protection system completely unprepared to solve them. Moreover, unadapted to any change. For quite a long time, the very existence of many social problems, such as drug addiction, homelessness, and prostitution of minors, was not recognized. Typical reaction of many officials in response to a request from a social worker two or three years ago: "There are no homeless children in our district, and there are 4 drug addicts who are registered in the dispensary." Now problems are being recognized, directives are being issued on the need to take measures to prevent drug addiction, neglect, and so on. Various institutions and organizations take on their solution: lectures and trainings are organized, clubs and centers are opened. But, unfortunately, their number is very limited, only a few of the children can use them. In addition, the activities of these structures are often carried out without any interconnection, often intersect, and at the same time do not add up to an integral system of social protection of minors. An analysis of the activities of the children's programs of the NAS Foundation allowed us to quite clearly define our ideas about both the problem itself and the target group. In our work, we met with homeless children, delinquents, children who use PAS, and even with those who combined all of the above in one person. Finding out the causes of these manifestations, work to overcome them allows us to conclude that all these are symptoms of one phenomenon - social maladaptation. This idea is not new; many educators, psychologists, sociologists substantiate it in their research. But, unfortunately, so far it has not been implemented in practical programs of work with minors. There are many examples of unsuccessful attempts to overcome

8 symptoms (particular manifestations) of social maladjustment without taking into account its complex nature. Thus, the struggle of the police against homelessness was reduced to detaining a homeless child, finding out his identity and sending him to his last place of residence: to a family, institution, etc. At the same time, the situation that forced the child to go outside was not taken into account. As a result, minors were forced to choose between domestic violence and police brutality. The effectiveness of the work of the DTC with offenders is extremely low due to the lack of real mechanisms of influence and adequate methods of response. Warnings, reprimands, threats to report to school rarely work on someone who prefers the street to study and family. Recently, the opinion about the need for an integrated approach to solving the problems of minors has been widely recognized. Psychologists and social pedagogues are being hired in schools, commissions on juvenile affairs (CDN) are trying to involve not only representatives of schools and the police, but also specialists (narcologists, psychologists, social workers, organizing teachers) at their meetings. But the attempt to organize in each institution a coherent structure that allows for a comprehensive approach does not bring desired result. There is an inflating of the staff, the assumption of unusual functions, a decrease in the professional level of specialists. At the same time, there is a situation of competition between various departments and structures, shifting responsibility and appropriation of rights. An attempt to solve this problem was made by the Russian charitable foundation No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction (NAS Foundation). Based on the experience of practical activities with minors, the concept of the Rehabilitation Space (RP) was developed. In accordance with this concept, the Rehabilitation Space is a territorial system of institutions, departmental structures, public initiatives involved in the prevention of social maladaptation of minors and their rehabilitation. Purpose 8

9 rehabilitation space - ensuring the unity and continuity of the rehabilitation process, including the prevention and identification of socially maladjusted minors, rehabilitation measures aimed at their positive socialization. The main theses that make up the Concept of the rehabilitation space were formulated during practical work with children, adolescents and their parents: 1. All deviations in the behavior of minors: neglect, delinquency, the use of psychoactive substances are based on one source - social maladjustment, the roots of which lie in family problems. 2. The optimal environment for the full development of the child is the family. Deprivation of a family always becomes a trauma for a child. This means that our main efforts should be aimed at working with the family, organizing cooperation with them, and jointly solving problems. Only in the event that all measures taken in relation to the family have proved to be ineffective and further continuation of work with it is not possible, the issue of removing the child is considered. 3. A socially maladjusted child, teenager, being in a difficult life situation, is a victim whose rights to full development and self-realization in society are grossly violated. Even if he himself becomes a delinquent, this is the way he makes society aware of his violated rights. And this can be a signal to start rehabilitation. Only then can we hope that such manifestations will not be repeated. 4. Only an integrated approach to the rehabilitation of minors at risk can give a stable positive result and avoid the resumption of a critical situation. The unity of the rehabilitation process is ensured by the adoption of the principles of social therapy. The principle of "client-centrism", meaning the recognition of the priority of the rights of the client in all cases that do not contradict the rights of other people; determining the focus of all actions on the development and self-realization of the client, his recovery as a half-9

10 valuable member of society. The principle of consistency, which means the need for a comprehensive analysis of both the problem of social maladaptation itself, and each specific case, and the application of a system of measures that are adequate to the identified issues. The principle of development, which means the readiness of the system for development, the inclusion of new structures in it, the change in the functional content of structures that already exist, depending on the requirements of the social situation. The principle of integrity, which means activity at all levels of social policy: from the client, his family and social environment, in cooperation with public initiative, institutions and executive authorities, to the level of legislation and state social policy in general. Thus, the RP is not an administrative-bureaucratic system with clearly defined boundaries, hierarchical subordination and fixed powers. This is a functional association, the structure of which is determined by the needs of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process. The implementation of the goals and principles of the RP involves bringing social services closer to clients, coordinating the activities of various structures in the rehabilitation process, identifying existing needs for social services and initiating the emergence of new structures, mechanisms, and laws. To implement these tasks, within the framework of the “Right to Childhood” project of the Russian Charitable Foundation “No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction”, a social service was organized for socially maladjusted minors. The social worker becomes an intermediary between the client, his needs and society. He conveys to the client social requirements, a social request (for example, do not drink, take care of raising their children, etc.). At the same time, he makes society's services available to the client, promotes the restoration of his rights, showing the society's interest in his fate. Acting as a representative of the client, the social worker uses the capabilities of all specialized institutions, organizations and other structures as a means in the process of 10

11 client rehabilitation and thus acts as a coordinator of their activities. An equally important part of the activity of a social worker is to contribute to the transformation of existing structures, to change the direction of their efforts. The mere fact of cooperation with any structure does not yet mean its inclusion in the RP system. The main condition for this is the acceptance of the above principles. And the social worker acts as their carrier and conductor. Representing, on the one hand, the interests and needs of the client, on the other hand, the existing resources of the territory, the social worker is able to perform a transformative function, while using his professional knowledge and correlating his actions with his professional position. The main issue in organizing a social service is the selection of the target group, understanding the range of problems with which the social worker works. There are currently many various options specialization of social workers, social services. Among them, the division is based on departmental characteristics (school social teacher, social worker in medicine, etc.), age, and “symptom” with which the social worker works (drug addiction, homelessness, etc.). According to our ideas, a social service operates with maximum efficiency if it is created based on the analysis of a specific social problem and is aimed at solving it. For our social service, such a root problem is the social maladjustment of minors. eleven

12 PART I. THEORETICAL PREREQUISITES FOR CREATING THE SOCIAL SERVICE OF THE NAS FOUNDATION CHAPTER 1. SOCIAL WORK: THEORY AND PRACTICE Speaking of social work, it is necessary to initially define what we mean by this term. By and large, any activity aimed at helping a person in need is social work. “The meaning of social work is the activity of helping individuals, families, groups in the realization of their social rights and in compensating for physical, mental, intellectual, social and other shortcomings that impede full social functioning” [Theory of social work, ed. Kholstova, M., 1998]. Many institutions and structures declare helping people among their goals. But in terms of the content of their activities, they often defend not the right of an individual to a worthy existence, self-realization in society, but the ability of the state to avoid problems associated with the presence of socially unprotected segments of the population. We inherited this legacy from Soviet times, when the existence of social problems was simply not recognized, and what fell outside the scope of well-being was “hidden” from the eyes of society. The collapse of ideology led to the development of new economic relations, new legislation, and new problems. But the response mechanisms, and most importantly, the stereotypes of attitudes towards socially unprotected strata, towards violations of human rights, have remained the same. "Social sanitation", sometimes turning into "surgery", is in no hurry to give up the position of "social therapy". If the family cannot cope with the upbringing of the child, he must be removed and placed in a boarding school. If he escapes from the boarding school, it means that he is not normal, he should be placed in a psycho-neurological boarding school. If he lagged behind the program by 2 classes - to a school for children with mental retardation. And no one has 12

13 the question arises: what is the opinion of the child, are there other ways to solve the problem? This is a clear example of "social sanitation". The list of such samples can be continued. And the worst thing about them is that the logic of such decisions is clearly spelled out, has prescriptions for all cases and does not imply alternatives. It frees officials from the need to think and doubt, to look for the best way. And if someone takes such courage, the system itself waits for his mistake to once again show the futility of the search. But now the old logic itself has begun to falter, and in some situations it does not work at all. There was a need for new patterns of action. In 1991, Russia joined the community of countries where professional social work exists. Such a position was introduced, training of specialists began, departments and institutes of social work appeared. Unfortunately, in practice this has become more of a formal recognition of the need for such activities, rather than its beginning. Specialists do not find application for their knowledge. The idea of ​​the activities of social workers is very vague not only among the administration of institutions, but also among the specialists themselves. As Shapiro B.Yu. notes, “The effectiveness of social work is reduced due to the fact that its various areas are supervised by almost a dozen different ministries and departments that have their own funding.” This leads to the distribution of responsibility for various aspects of the existence of the same categories of the population, as a result of which, depending on the situation, departments either compete for a sphere of influence or shift responsibility to each other when complex problematic, intractable situations appear. This is especially evident when working with socially maladjusted minors. The problem of school maladjustment falls on the shoulders of the Ministry of Education, offenses - on the Ministry of Internal Affairs, drug addiction - on health care, and problems in family relationships are taken into account only in case of their extreme aggravation, the need to apply extreme measures, and fall on the shoulders of the territory.

14 nal guardianship authorities. Commissions on juvenile affairs, called upon to deal with this problem in all its manifestations and endowed on paper with sufficient powers for this, are in fact unable to exert any significant influence on the situation without having either the means or professional training for this. In essence, the CDN has been assigned the functions of a social service, but at the same time, at least some mechanisms for their implementation have not been created. There is a tendency to introduce positions of social workers from various departments. This is how social educators appear in schools, and social workers are also talked about in medicine. But about social work, as a form of helping a person in a difficult life situation, so far they speak only in universities, textbooks and at conferences. At the moment, a lot of literature on social work has been published in Russia. it study guides, reference books, dictionaries. Social work in them is considered as "a specific type of professional activity, the provision of state and non-state assistance to a person in order to ensure the cultural, social and material standard of his life, the provision of individual assistance to a person, family or group of persons." The person or group to whom the assistance of a social worker is provided is commonly referred to as a client. The textbook on social work gives the following definitions of the object and subject of social work: The object of social work is individuals, families, groups, communities in a difficult life situation. A difficult life situation is a situation that disrupts (or threatens to disrupt) the normal functioning of these objects. The subject of social work is a social situation - a specific state of the problem of a particular client of social work, individual or group, with all the richness of its connections and indirect influences related to the resolution of this problem. At the same time, “the purpose of the activity of a social worker is 14

15 improvement, or at least facilitation, relief of the client's subjective experience of his situation. In the practice of social work, three levels of transformative activity are distinguished: within society as a whole (macrolevel); within communities and social institutions (meso-level); within families and individuals (micro-level). At the same time, "social change is achieved only through transformative work carried out simultaneously at all levels." We add that, ideally, the transformations occurring at different levels should be connected by a single logic. Currently, processes at different levels occur independently of each other. As a result, the adopted laws and regulations do not have implementation mechanisms, social work specialists who have been trained in institutions do not find application for their knowledge and skills, and non-professionals who are faced with this need in the course of their practical activities are solving social problems. In our opinion, the foundation of social work is the practical activity of specialists with clients. It is at this level that specific social problems that need to be addressed are clarified, the nature of the necessary assistance and the professional qualities of a social work specialist are determined. Practice makes its own demands both on the training of specialists and on legislation. In the latest edition (1994) of the tariff-qualification characteristics of the position "specialist in social work", the following functions are distinguished: forms of social support, and the implementation of patronage over them); diagnostic (determining the causes of difficulties that citizens face); system-modeling (definition of nature, volume- 15

16 ma, forms and methods social assistance); activation (promoting the activation of the potential of one's own capabilities of an individual, family and social group); effective and practical (assistance in improving relationships between individuals and their environment; consultations on social protection issues; assistance in preparing documents necessary to resolve social issues; assistance in placing those in need in stationary medical and recreational institutions; organizing public protection of juvenile delinquents, etc. .); organizational (coordination of the activities of various state institutions, participation in the formation of social policy, development of a network of social service institutions); heuristic (improving one's qualifications and professional skills). In practice, the implementation of these functions is most often difficult due to the lack of mechanisms to support social work. Identification of clients usually occurs upon the fact of an extreme aggravation of the problem, and there is practically no preventive activity. Establishing the causes is often limited to the testimony of the clients themselves. Specialists are usually not ready to work with unmotivated clients, and "potential activation" occurs by the method of external administrative pressure. The organizational function is faced with the principle of departmental affiliation of various institutions and different understanding of their tasks in relation to the client. The practical implementation of these functions is possible only if a territorial social service is organized. The social service organized by the Russian Charitable Foundation "No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction" (NAS Foundation) can act as a model for such work, which has been tested in the course of practical activities. 16

17 CHAPTER 2. SOCIAL DISADAPTATION OF MINORS According to the accepted definition, social maladjustment means a violation of the interaction of an individual with the environment, characterized by the impossibility of him to exercise his positive social role in specific microsocial conditions, corresponding to his capabilities. Speaking about the social maladjustment of minors, we must take into account that childhood is the period of the most intensive mental, physical and social development. The impossibility of fulfilling a positive social role forces the teenager to look for workarounds to fulfill his developmental needs. As a result, leaving a family or an institution in which it is impossible to realize internal resources, meet the needs of development. Another way of leaving is experimenting with drugs and other psychoactive substances (SAS). And, as a result, offenses. Thus, social maladjustment, caused by a combination of factors of a social, psychological, psychosomatic nature, leads to deprivation of the basic needs of a minor - the needs for full development and self-realization. Returning to the definition of social maladaptation, we note that it is generated by a violation of the interaction of two parties - a minor and the environment. Unfortunately, in practice, the focus is on only one side - the maladjusted minor, and the maladaptive environment remains practically unattended. A one-sided approach to this problem is ineffective both with a negative and positive attitude towards a maladjustant. Applying repression against him is the same as forbidding a person who has a stuffy nose to breathe through his mouth, and not offering treatment at the same time. Of course, there is a certain probability that he will be able to breathe, but soon

On the 18th, he will either break the ban or suffocate. Attempts at rehabilitation, directed only at the child, are reminiscent of the efforts of doctors to cure a tuberculosis patient who continues to live in a damp and cold basement. Thus, work with a socially maladjusted minor requires an integrated approach not only to him, but also to his social environment. Experience allows us to identify the following main causes of social maladaptation of minors (in order of priority): 1. Dysfunctionality of families; 2. Personal characteristics of the child (characteristics, temperament, mental disorders, etc.); 3. School maladjustment; 4. Impact of an antisocially oriented informal environment. 5. Causes of a socio-demographic nature; As a rule, in each case, several reasons are combined. Consider the main options for their combination. 1. Dysfunctionality of the family The family is the main institution of socialization. stand out following features families: 1. Educational; 2. Household; 3. Emotional; 4. The function of spiritual (cultural) communication; 5. The function of primary social control; 6. Sexual-erotic. As Eidemiller notes, “A normally functioning family is a family that performs its functions responsibly and differentiates, as a result of which the need for growth and change is satisfied both for the family as a whole and for each of its members” . There are many possible disruptions in the normal functioning of the family, and all of them inevitably affect children. At present, an increasing number of families need 18

19 are given in the help of specialists - psychologists, psychotherapists. But, unfortunately, the low level of psychological and pedagogical literacy makes the services of psychologists inaccessible to most families. In addition, in every dysfunctional family, in the course of its existence, rigid protective and compensatory mechanisms are formed, aimed at maintaining the existing balance. Thus, only outside intervention, based on an understanding of the nature of dysfunction, can change the situation. And the social worker acts as a specialist on this issue. Dysfunctionality of the family is usually reflected in all areas of the child's life: school performance is reduced, the street company becomes a substitute for the authority of parents, in which the child receives recognition. All this, in turn, leads to a violation of the personal sphere, sometimes to mental deviations. And then - natural consequences: the use of surfactants, offenses, which only becomes the reason for the attention of state structures - OPPN (ODN), KDN. Thus, at the moment the system reacts to the consequences, often ignoring the origins, causes, roots of the problem. 2. The child's personality traits By themselves, the child's personality traits often become the cause of social maladaptation. So, even a disabled child can be quite socially adapted, provided that parents and the social environment have a competent attitude towards his status. But quite often, the characterological features, temperament, restlessness of the child cause inadequate reactions in the parents. The idea of ​​a “good” child as a comfortable, obedient one is confronted with features of a real child that do not correspond to this idea. The alteration begins, the "adjustment" of the child to the general "standard", the struggle against his individuality. The result of this struggle may be different, but the disruption of the functioning of the family is inevitable. The child, feeling rejected, may give up, and the conflict will be transferred inside him, may leave the family and find acceptance in another 19

20 environment, in other forms. Quite often such families become clients of psychologists and our social service. Most often, the aggravation of such contradictions occurs in adolescence when a child has a real opportunity to find other forms of self-realization, when his self-awareness grows, when his peers become an authority, and the opinion of adults ceases to be the only correct one. Parents in such families, under certain conditions, could successfully fulfill their parental duty. But the deviation of the real situation from their ideas and expectations, and the unwillingness to accept the child as he is, leads to conflict, and often to the dysfunction of the family as a whole. What has been said about the family often turns out to be true when teaching a “non-standard” child at school. Unfortunately, teachers are not always ready to take into account the individual characteristics of the student. This circumstance is one of the reasons for another phenomenon - school maladaptation. 3. School maladjustment It's no secret that the school is going through difficult times in our time. The overcrowding of classes, the lack of specialists, often their low professional level, lead to an increase in the number of conflicts between the teacher and students. The school has practically abandoned the educational function and most often uses repressive measures of influence, pursuing the goal of maintaining discipline by any available means, of which there are not so few left. Often a student's progress in a subject is directly dependent on the teacher's attitude towards him. This leads to a decrease in the authority of the school, the significance of education in general. At the same time, school failure causes family conflicts, contributes to the emergence of alienation and the development of family dysfunction. 4. Impact of antisocial informal environment This factor is often attributed to an inappropriately large impact on minors. And this can be understood - "informals" of various directions stand out noticeably on the streets, 20

Annex to the letter of the Department of Education and Socialization of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 30, 2012 06-634

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The best methods for solving this problem are still the methods developed and successfully tested by A. S. Makarenko in his pedagogical activity. In recent decades, psychological and pedagogical research on this problem has been widely developed in our country. The most famous were the works of D. I. Feldstein. He lists four groups of juvenile delinquents.

Representatives of the first group are characterized by the presence of a number of primitive, immoral needs and antisocial views and ideas. They are selfish, embittered, aggressive, deliberately commit offenses, do not like to work. To correct the behavior of such adolescents, they need to be involved in socially useful labor affairs, using their inherent persistence in achieving their goals, the desire for superiority, and a partially conscious sense of their social inferiority.

The second group includes adolescents with deformed needs, imitating the representatives of the first group. They are individualistic, quarrelsome, oppress the weak. Corrective work consists in changing the situation and habitual forms of behavior, expressing confidence in them, approving their achievements, developing the ability not only to obey, but also to command.

Adolescents of the third group have both deformed and positive needs and views. But the latter did not become regulators of their behavior. Selfishness and weak will condemn them to antisocial acts. Useful for them in the educational sense is rhythmic and intense labor activity, work that gives them the opportunity to express themselves and assert themselves.

The fourth group includes teenagers who do not believe in themselves, suggestible, fawning over stronger comrades. Representatives of this group are random offenders. They are weak-willed and unstable before bad influences. It is important for adolescents in this group to arouse interest in a normal life, create a perspective for the development of their personality, and lead them to inclusion in a useful life. labor activity. They need constant work in a team, systematic monitoring and evaluation of their activities, personal responsibility, active participation in the competition.

Consider ways to socially - pedagogical correction adolescent aggressive behavior. In the long process of their re-education, special attention must be paid to overcoming the atrophy of normal human feelings in such offenders. In order to correct it, one should not: assign a negative assessment to such young people, prevent their participation in ordinary youth associations, too persistently and unceremoniously involve a group of students in common affairs. On the contrary, the re-education of offenders requires endurance, the ability to patiently and persistently explain the incorrectness of their views and behavior, to convince and open worthy and exciting life prospects for young people.

Aggressiveness can manifest itself in middle school students in skirmishes between separate groups. The dispute between teenage groups living in the neighborhood is usually over territorial "spheres of influence": clubs, cinemas, dance floors, etc. Rivals are sought to be kept out. To prevent such actions, it is recommended to organize joint mass events that bring together teenagers from neighboring yards. At the same time, it is important to remember that the leaders of these courtyard groups of teenagers should take the most active part in the preparation of this event.

With minors who appropriate other people's things, it is necessary to conduct a lot of explanatory work, showing the inhumanity of their actions in relation to the victim and forming the correct content of the concept of "honesty" as an important personal and civic trait. But the matter is not limited to this. All possible measures should be taken to eliminate the pedagogical neglect of such a student.

The desire of a teenager to test himself in a risky business (a raid on a neighbor's garden, agricultural land, etc.) does not allow him to deeply and seriously think about the wrong form of its implementation. Therefore, explanatory work of educators is necessary to reveal the unlawfulness of such actions. It is also required that the teenager understands not only his own interests, but also takes the position of the victim. Finally, it is necessary to involve the adolescent more and more often in various types of useful activities in which he would have the opportunity to satisfy the above needs.

For effective socialization and social adaptation personality requires purposeful activity not only of the immediate environment of adolescents (families and schools), but also of social workers and social educators, and in some cases psychologists. The need for the intervention of the above specialists is determined by the characteristics of the categories of children and adolescents that we spoke about in the previous paragraph, these are individuals:

In a general sense, social work with adolescents refers to the professional activity of helping both an individual and a group of people in order to improve or restore their ability to social functioning. Such work can be divided into three large groups: prevention, correction and rehabilitation.

The essence of preventive activity is to create conditions and opportunities for the child and adolescent, on the one hand, to satisfy their needs in socially positive ways, and on the other hand, to offer qualified assistance in a timely manner in a life situation that is subjectively difficult for the child, which can turn into a situation of risk.

It should be noted that the organization of work with adolescents with deviant behavior is an interdepartmental task, which includes both issues of education and social work. This task is entrusted today to the bodies of education, social protection of the population, employment, internal affairs, youth affairs, physical culture and sports, culture, health care, and public organizations.

The most important function of educational authorities in preventive work with adolescents is the organization of educational activities.

The goals of the organization of educational activities can be:

  • · socio-pedagogical protection of teenagers;
  • *prevention of interpersonal conflicts, the formation of positive relationships between people; development of abilities and interests of the individual, protection of his rights;
  • *formation and development personal qualities a teenager needed for a positive life;
  • * increasing the degree of relative independence of adolescents, their ability to control their lives and more effectively resolve emerging problems;
  • * creating conditions in which adolescents can maximize their potential;
  • *adaptation or re-adaptation of the so-called difficult adolescents in society (in the event that it takes place, the formed deviant behavior);
  • * compensation for the lack of communication at school, family, among peers;
  • *additional education received in accordance with their life plans and interests.

The professional level of preventive activities is provided by specialists who have received special training and work in various institutions of the social sphere, if their professional activities and job responsibilities have a pedagogical or social protection orientation.

An important role in social and educational activities is occupied by complex social programs work with teenagers, i.e. organization of cultural and leisure activities.

Cultural and leisure activities are one of the most important means of the essential forces of a person and the optimization of the socio-cultural environment surrounding him. The process of functioning of leisure activities can be represented as the interaction of two trends: socialization and individualization. If the first is the appropriation by the individual social entity, then the second is in the development of his individual way of life, thanks to which he gets the opportunity to develop.

If the child is in preschool age does not learn the basics of correct behavior, at school age he will require more attention to himself, he has to educate with significant difficulties. With this in mind, A.S. Makarenko said: “In fact, the main foundations of education are laid before the age of five, and what you did before the age of five is ninety percent of everything educational process, and then the upbringing continues, the processing of the person continues, but, in general, you start eating berries, and the flowers that you looked after were up to five years old. From this we should conclude: if parents did not immediately instill in their children cultural habits or skills of diligence and accuracy, then later these habits will be much more difficult to instill.

Naturally, mistakes in education provoke the development of deviant behavior in adolescence. And if the parents themselves do not have the skills of cultural behavior, then their children, deprived of a positive example, will remain uncultured.

Speaking of correction, it should be said that the need to correct the behavior of a teenager arises when deviant behavior has already been formed and is stable. Those. when the following signs of deviant behavior are clearly present:

  • * social apathy;
  • * autism;
  • * aggressiveness;
  • * irritability;
  • * lack of skill and willingness to cooperate;
  • * excessive emotionality and irritability;
  • * conflict; lack of interest in creativity and learning.

Correction of deviant behavior is a socio-pedagogical and psychological complex of interrelated and interdependent operations and procedures aimed at regulating motivations, value orientations, attitudes and behavior of the individual, and through it - on the system of various internal motives that regulate and correct personal qualities that characterize the attitude towards social action and deeds.

classify methods corrective work with teenagers can be divided into two groups: pedagogical methods and psychotherapeutic methods. Accordingly, each of these groups of methods is divided into subgroups.

Let's take a closer look at pedagogical methods.

  • 1. Methods of public influence:
    • * Correction of active-volitional defects;
    • * Correction of fears;
    • * ignore method;
    • * healthy laughter culture method;
    • * correction of obsessive thoughts and actions;
    • * correction of vagrancy;
    • * self-correction.
  • 2. Special or private pedagogical methods:
    • * correction of shortcomings in the behavior of children;
    • *Nervous character correction.
  • 3. The method of correction through labor.
  • 4. The method of correction through the rational organization of the children's team.

Psychotherapeutic methods include:

  • * suggestion and self-hypnosis;
  • * hypnosis;
  • * persuasion method;
  • * psychoanalysis.

The success of corrective work is ensured through the mobilization of efforts. Therefore, the volitional personal qualities of a person play an important role in it. They allow the individual to activate internal energy, to be active not only under favorable conditions, but also during crises, conflicts, etc. Thanks to the effort of the will, the correction of personal properties, actions and activities acquires an independent character, becomes self-correction.

Self-correction includes:

  • * acceptance by the individual of the goal,
  • * taking into account the conditions of activity,
  • * its programming,
  • * evaluation of results,
  • * correction.

In the context of correctional work with children with deviant behavior, it would also be appropriate to talk about the functions of such an important process as re-education, which consists of the following elements:

Educational - the restoration of the positive qualities that prevailed in young man before the appearance of "deviantness", an appeal to the memory of a teenager about his good deeds.

Compensatory - the formation in a young person of the desire to compensate for one or another social disadvantage by strengthening activities in the area in which he can achieve success, which will allow him to realize his capabilities, abilities and, most importantly, the need for self-affirmation.

Stimulating - activation of positive socially useful object-practical activity of a young person; it is carried out through condemnation or approval, i.e. interested, emotional attitude to the person, her actions.

Corrective - correction of the negative qualities of a young person's personality and the use of various methods and techniques aimed at correcting motivation, value orientations, attitudes, and behavior.

Regulatory - this is a way of influencing a social group on a person, causing a change in the degree of participation of the latter in intra-group processes and group activities as a whole.

In its manifestations, regulation develops from the level of mutual influences of participants in direct interpersonal communication to the level of active self-regulation and self-control.

When organizing corrective work with children and adolescents with deviant behavior, one should not forget about the difficulties that the person himself encounters during the transition period and in the process of direct work. When working with adolescents, the following principles should be adhered to:

  • * unity of diagnostics and correction;
  • * normativity of development;
  • * systematic development of mental activity;
  • * activity principle of correction;

moral and humanistic orientation of socio-psychological assistance;

  • * understanding and empathy;
  • * pragmatism of socio-psychological impact;

priority of prevention of social problems, their prevention;

  • * timeliness of assistance and support;
  • * creative combination of specialization and complexity in work;
  • * professionalism of specialists - psychologists, social educators, social workers, etc.

As for rehabilitation, in itself it is a rather multifaceted phenomenon. In the case of the rehabilitation of a teenager with deviant behavior, it affects all areas of his life and allows you to restore or acquire the lost functions necessary for a normal life in society.

Rehabilitation can be viewed as a system of measures aimed at solving problems of a fairly wide range - from the instillation of elementary skills to the full integration of a person in society.

Rehabilitation can also be considered as a result of the impact on the personality, its individual mental and physical functions.

Unlike adaptation, which is interpreted as an adaptation using the body's reserve capabilities, rehabilitation is understood as restoration, activation.

Therefore, rehabilitation is a system of measures aimed at returning the child to active life in society and socially useful work. This process is continuous, although limited in time.

It is necessary to distinguish between different types of rehabilitation: medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic, professional, domestic.

Medical rehabilitation is aimed at full or partial restoration or compensation of one or another lost function of the child's body or at a possible slowdown of a progressive disease.

Psychological rehabilitation is aimed at the mental sphere of a teenager and aims to overcome in the minds of a teenager with deviant behavior the idea of ​​his uselessness and worthlessness as a person.

Vocational rehabilitation provides for the training or retraining of a teenager in the forms of work available to him, the search for a job for him with easier working conditions and a shorter working day.

Domestic rehabilitation refers to the provision of normal living conditions for a teenager.

Social rehabilitation is the process of restoring the child's ability to live in the social environment, as well as the social environment itself and the living conditions of the individual, which were limited or violated for any reason.

Socio-economic rehabilitation is understood as a set of measures aimed at providing a teenager with the cash payments protection of his legitimate interests and rights.

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation is a system of educational measures aimed at the formation of personal qualities that are significant for the child's life, an active life position of the child, contributing to his integration into society; to master the necessary skills for self-service, positive social roles, rules of conduct in society; to receive the necessary education.

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of adolescents with deviant behavior is implemented, as a rule, in specialized institutions, which are called rehabilitation centers. The tasks of such institutions are:

  • * prevention of neglect, vagrancy of maladjusted children and adolescents;
  • * medical and psychological assistance to children who, through the fault of their parents or in connection with an extreme situation (including physical and mental violence, dangerous living conditions, etc.) find themselves in a difficult life situation;
  • * the formation of a positive experience of social behavior, communication skills and interaction with other people;
  • * performing guardianship functions in relation to those left without parental care or livelihood;
  • * psychological and pedagogical support, contributing to the elimination of crisis states of the individual;
  • * assistance in returning to the family;
  • * ensuring the opportunity to receive education, to develop normally;
  • * taking care of further professional and home appliances.

In other words, the main goal of the activities of such institutions is social protection and support for needy children, their rehabilitation and assistance in self-determination in life.

Thus, the essence of the technology of social work with children and adolescents with deviant behavior lies in preventive, corrective and rehabilitation activities, which are interdepartmental in nature and are based mainly on the prevention and early detection of a tendency to antisocial behavior. Let us further consider such a technology of social work as social design.

alcoholization youth minor inspector

From the age of 14, criminal liability for intentional bodily harm, theft, malicious hooliganism and some other crimes begins; from the age of 16, the responsibility relies in full. The main duty of the juvenile and social worker inspections is to prevent neglect and delinquency of adolescents, to provide them with the necessary educational influence. They deal with minors released from places of deprivation of liberty, convicted with a suspended sentence, systematically leaving the family at the age of 16, avoiding school, using alcohol and drugs. A juvenile inspector is a lawyer and a teacher at the same time. A social worker is primarily a teacher and mentor. They must know each of their wards, control his behavior, do everything possible to prevent offenses. The inspector has the right to visit juvenile offenders at their place of residence, to conduct conversations with them and their parents; call them to the police to clarify the circumstances related to the offense; apply an official warning about the inadmissibility of antisocial behavior both to the minors themselves and to their parents who do not fulfill the duties of raising children and their behavior contributes to the commission of offenses by minors. The inspector works, as a rule, in close contact with the commission on juvenile affairs, for consideration of which cases of offenses are submitted.

One of the most urgent and socially significant tasks facing our society today is to find ways to reduce the growth of crime among young people and increase the effectiveness of their prevention. The need to solve this problem as soon as possible is due not only to the fact that a rather complicated criminal situation continues to persist in the country, but, first of all, to the fact that in the spheres organized crime more and more minors are involved, dangerous crimes are committed by criminal gangs created by teenagers, and their number is steadily growing. Crime is getting younger and takes on a steady recurrence character. And such a criminalization of the youth environment deprives society of the prospects for establishing social balance and well-being in the near future.

The main role in solving this most acute problem is assigned to social pedagogy and social work, although, of course, it can only be solved in a comprehensive manner, with the involvement of all the forces of society. However, the integration of the efforts of society can be carried out only within the framework of a scientifically based, provided with effective technologies, socio-pedagogical system of re-education of the personality of a minor through consistent pedagogical and educational and preventive influences that ensure the formation of a personality with firm and correct life attitudes.

The socio-pedagogical concept of prevention makes it possible to successfully overcome the one-sided approach prevailing for many years, which considered the personality only as a product of “educational influence”, and therefore did not take into account other objective factors, for example, potential conditions that affect the personality.

Many costs, omissions in education are the result of the fact that there is no proper system in the field of individual work, organization of educational and preventive process with specific offenders.

Individual prevention of offenses includes corrective and corrective influence as one of the elements, but is not limited to it. This is a purposeful process of managing the re-education of the individual, which consists in the fact that offenders, under the influence of educators, the public and collectives, develop the right views and beliefs, master the skills and habits of socially positive behavior, develop their feelings and will, and thus change their interests. , aspirations and inclinations. On the other hand, individual prevention is aimed at eliminating adverse effects on a particular person. environment. To effectively manage this process, it is necessary to choose preventive methods that provide:

  • development of moral consciousness
  • Formation of skills and habits of positive behavior,
  • education of strong-willed efforts to resist antisocial influences,
  • social improvement of the microenvironment.

It must be borne in mind that the re-education of the personality of a minor offender, the development of positive skills and habits, strong-willed efforts are associated with various, special areas of psychological activity, rely on certain physiological factors, the specifics of which cannot be ignored when choosing prevention methods.

In the structure of individual crime prevention, the following main tasks can be distinguished:

  • timely identification of persons with socially deviant behavior and those prone to committing offenses, as well as parents and other persons who negatively influence them;
  • study of age and psychological features the identity of juvenile delinquents in order to prevent a conflict between a young person and society, to eliminate the causes and conditions contributing to it;
  • · development of a program of individual educational and preventive impact on the offender and his environment, taking into account the available forms and methods, the effectiveness of their application;
  • organization of interaction and continuity in the educational and preventive work of all subjects of socio-pedagogical activity, daily and continuous monitoring of the lifestyle of adolescents with deviant behavior, responding to "breakdowns" and encouraging positive changes.

Re-education is a complex process that requires enormous efforts, stress, the use of a diverse arsenal of preventive and moral influence, since one has to deal with the most neglected in the pedagogical, educational respect people who could not be given positive behavioral skills by either the family, or the school, or the labor collective . Working with them requires a special ability to highlight the potential of the individual and influence the person in the right direction, help him correct and re-educate. Success here largely depends on how the teenager himself seeks to eliminate negative aspects in his behavior, social lifestyle.

If, in form and purpose, individual prevention of offenses consists in identifying persons prone to committing antisocial manifestations and taking measures of educational influence in relation to them, then in essence it is an organized process of re-education of individuals, carried out for highly specialized purposes - to prevent the commission of repeated offenses.

The specifics of individual prevention, as well as the peculiarity of the objects of study and educational influence themselves, require consideration of:

  • psychological processes (features of imagination, attention, thinking, memory, perception, etc.);
  • The level of ideological and moral development of a teenager-offender, moral motives inherent in this child (a sense of shame in front of relatives, friends, fear of punishment, condemnation of the team, etc.);
  • Characteristic features of the personality of the offender, the level of his consciousness, the motives driving him, as well as his behavior before and after the offense;
  • the circumstances under which the teenager had antisocial intentions, the determination to commit an offense or an immoral offense matured and was realized;
  • negative factors of the specific environment (the immediate environment at school, in the family, on the street) that cause these motives for illegal behavior.

Often, the negative impact on a young person of the microenvironment, life's troubles continues for a long time, changes his personality, and contributes to becoming on an antisocial path. Timely intervention of a social educator in this process can prevent a negative impact on a boy or girl, change their views, beliefs, direct energy in a socially useful direction.

When the subjective ideas, goals and intentions of the child who has committed an offense become known, the motives, beliefs, values ​​of the individual are understood and evaluated, it is possible to proceed to a comprehensive development of a program of educational and preventive impact on the offender. (19, 13)

Preventive impact becomes optimal if it takes into account the characteristics and trends in the development of the individual and coincides with her inner motivations. The process of external preventive influence, then, as it were, merges with the process of self-education, self-development. Naturally, the results of such a coincidence are maximum. Very often, this effect, in the prevention of offenses, depends not so much on the strength of external influences, but on the ability to bring external influences in line with the characteristics of the individual.

When developing an individual preventive impact program, the main goal is to change the personality of a minor in the direction of generally accepted norms, rules and other social values. Moreover, this goal is not realized immediately, but after months or years. Based on the goal, a range of tasks is determined. The main ones are: restoration and development of normal positive interests of a minor; normal communication; sense of social responsibility and discipline.

To achieve the goals of re-education of a minor, it is important to draw up a psychological, social, moral "portrait" of this child in order to identify, first of all, positive aspects in the lifestyle of this teenager, their stability, as well as his needs, interests, inclinations. The past experience of the child, specific criminogenic factors of the environment are studied, his readiness to perceive the educational impact exerted on him and his attitude to socially useful values ​​are assessed. Attention is drawn to the possibilities of the family in the re-education and correction of the behavior of a minor. At the same time, if the parents are unable to control the aspirations of their child and allow the development of excessive claims in him, the appearance of elements of disregard for the norms of public life. Then the social educator needs to assess the role of the family in the process of re-education: either include the family in the process of correcting the adolescent's behavior, or, if we are talking about persistent harmful influences within the family, removing the teenager from this environment.

The main criterion for the professionalism and performance of a social worker is that “the person or family whom he helps to get out of a difficult life situation can continue to do without his help and the help of officials of the social protection system, so that the “client” acquires (or restores , normalized) the ability to act independently in a certain social situation or a specific social context, and secondly, in the social individualized adequate support of those persons who, due to limited physical and mental capabilities, are not able to independently function socially and take care of themselves.

To date, juvenile delinquency has been and remains one of the most significant social and legal problems of Russian society. Despite the efforts made by the state to prevent the criminal behavior of children and adolescents, significant progress in this area has not been achieved. The criminal statistics of recent years record an increase in the number of serious and especially serious crimes of minors, an increase in the share of violent crimes in the structure of juvenile crime, reveals a tendency towards an increase in the degree of organization of juvenile criminal groups, indicates certain changes in the motivation of criminal behavior of adolescents.

At the same time, the main thing that puts juvenile delinquency in a number of urgent problems is the nature of its social consequences: crime morally disfigures and socially degrades young people, who are an active subject of social reproduction, an important reserve and guarantor of national security, economic well-being and spiritual development of Russia.

GOU VPO "Russian State Social University"

Faculty of Social Work, Pedagogy and Juvenology

Department of Theory and Methodology of Social Work

Final qualifying work

by specialty bachelor 040100

On the topic: "Social work with juvenile delinquents in penitentiary institutions"

Made by Lubsandorzhiev Dorzhi Bayartuevich

4th year student Supervisor Demidova Tatyana Evgenievna

Doctor of History, Professor

Admitted to the defense

"___" _____________ 2009

Head Department Starovoitova Larisa Ivanovna

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor _________________________

Moscow, 2010


ChapterI. Theoretical foundations of social work with adolescents in penitentiary institutions ……………………………………………………………………. ....................ten

1.1. Modern theoretical models of social work in penitentiary institutions with convicted teenagers……….10

1.2. Modern theoretical approaches to the organization of social work with convicted adolescents. …………………………………fourteen

1.3. Regulatory framework for social work with convicted teenagers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ChapterII. The problem of the effectiveness of social work with adolescents in penitentiary institutions…………………………………………………..29

2.1. Theoretical approaches to determining the effectiveness of social work with adolescents…………………………………………………….29

2.2. Conditions for effective social work with adolescents in penitentiary institutions……………………………………………32

2.3. Theoretical substantiation of the basic model of social work with adolescents in penitentiary institutions………………………..38

Chapter III. The experience of social work with juvenile delinquents on the example of the State Institution MC "Street Children" of the South-Western Administrative District…………41

3.1. The personality of the former convict and the main problems of social and its social readaptation …………………………………………………...41

3.2. Methods of psychological influence on the personality of a former criminal ………………………………………………………………………………………48

3.3. Factors affecting the success of social readaptation …………….....52

3.4. Analysis of the experience of the Methodological Center for the development of juvenile technologies in the city of Moscow …………………………….56


List of used literature……………..……………….………...68



Relevance of the research topic. Currently requires special attention social support those populations that are unable to protect themselves. These, of course, include convicts, especially adolescents, who are isolated and deprived of part civil rights, and already by virtue of these circumstances they cannot defend their rights on their own.

Over the past five years, the growth of juvenile delinquency has been declining, however, this figure is decreasing not so much due to a decrease in the number of crimes committed by adolescents, but rather due to a decrease in the child population of the country. So over the past sixteen years, it has decreased by one and a half times, and the crime rate in the whole country has decreased by 1-2%. In 2008, 139.4 thousand crimes were committed in Russia by minors and with their participation; and according to the results of 2009 - 135.1 thousand. The given indicators characterize by no means the actual, but only the registered level of juvenile delinquency. To take into account latency, it is necessary to increase the indicators of official statistics by at least 4 times.

The need for social work with adolescents in penitentiary institutions is brought to life by the following factors:

firstly, social work with adolescents is not sufficiently developed, or rather, is at the development stage.

Secondly, due to the fact that juvenile delinquency remains at a fairly high level, the penitentiary system will face even more problems in the future: the number of penitentiary institutions will also increase, in which new technologies for educating and correcting convicted teenagers will have to be applied.

third, The age level of convicts, according to statistics, has noticeably decreased. Now the number of persons aged 14-19 who are in places of deprivation of liberty exceeds 25.2%.

At the same time, it should be noted that adolescents and young people are the most active, able-bodied age category of people, a huge human and economic potential, which is not used in any way for the development of society and the country.

fourthly, convicted teenagers are weakly protected by state legislation from encroachments, bullying and violent measures on the part of the service personnel of penitentiary institutions. The current penitentiary system is based precisely on the priority of punishment and repressive measures in relation to convicts, which contradicts the main goal of its activity - the re-education of criminals.

Juvenile delinquency is characterized by extreme cruelty: the vast majority of crimes committed by minors or with their participation were grave and especially grave crimes.

The main number of crimes in cities committed by teenagers are mercenary. These are all kinds of thefts, robberies, extortion, blackmail, mass fights, murders.

While teenagers are committing crimes, bringing them to justice, applying various types of punishment to them, and deprivation of liberty for a certain period of time is still a priority.

Every 10th convicted teenager is an orphan, or his parents are deprived of their respective rights. Approximately 1/3 of adolescents caught behind barbed wire have deviations in mental development Almost half of the convicts did not work or study anywhere before their arrest.

Thus, persons with a high level of socio-pedagogical neglect, criminal infection, who are sick both morally and mentally, end up in places of deprivation of liberty.

The problem of adaptation, rehabilitation and resocialization of convicted adolescents and released pupils is especially acute. The imprisonment of adolescents leads to irreversible consequences: they are formed as individuals belonging to a criminal culture.

Studies show that prolonged detention of teenagers in fact does not correct them, but contributes to the criminalization and strengthening of anti-social attitudes, this is recognized not only by public organizations, but also by the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, the employees of the colonies themselves. This is revealed in the recidivism of former inmates: every 6th “graduate” of the educational colony returns there again. amounted to almost 65%; of the number of repeat offenders in 2009, one in five committed a new crime while serving a sentence.

Object of study - juvenile delinquents in penitentiary institutions;

Subject of study - social work with juvenile delinquents in penitentiary institutions.

aim thesis work is to analyze the situation of juvenile offenders in the institutions of the penitentiary system and develop ways to improve the organization of social work with juvenile offenders.


1) consideration and analysis of the legal framework for social work with juvenile offenders;

2) analysis of the effectiveness of social work with adolescents in penitentiary institutions

3) study of the technology of social work to provide assistance to juvenile delinquents in the GU MC "Street Children";

The degree of scientific development of the problem under study.Social work inpenitentiaries considered in the works of E. I. Kholostova, I. D. Zharkov, S. A. Vetoshkin. socialwork in prisons the works of V. V. Selyanina, E. Ya. Tishchenko, E. I. Kholostova are devoted.

Particular attention to the specifics of social work with convicted adolescents is given in the works of M. V. Firsov, M. Makoli.

Problemsjuvenile delinquents developed in the studies of A. I. Antonov, O. L. Lebed.

Problems of formation of juvenile law devoted to the work of N. E. Borisova.

The essence and purpose of prison punishment presented in the work of Y. Gilinsky.

Theory problemsand practice of penitentiary pedagogy the work of S. A. Vetoshkin is devoted.

Psychological aspects social work inpenitentiaries covered in the works of B. N. Almazov, Yu. N. Galaguzova, A. V. Melnikov.

Due attention has been paidproblemsmaintaining socially useful ties in the works of E. I. Kholostova, A. V. Melnikov, B. N. Almazov.

Pedagogical aspects of social work in penitentiaries covered in the works of A.G. Slomchinsky, M.A. Galaguzova, D. P. Dyakonova, E. Ya. Tishchenko.


Tomsk 2008

Introduction 3

    Juvenile delinquency: basic concepts and problems
      Personality characteristics of minors
criminals 6
      The main risk factors affecting
juvenile delinquency 11
      Statistics of juvenile delinquency in Russia 16
    Technologies of social work with juvenile delinquents
      Legal basis of social work 21
with juvenile delinquents
      Socio-psychological mechanisms of social
work with juvenile delinquents 29
      Technologies of social and labor adaptation of juvenile delinquents abroad 39
Conclusion 45
References 47


In the modern cultural and historical situation, the problem of the adolescent's mental adaptation to ever-increasing changes in almost all spheres of his life is of particular importance. Behavioral disorders in adolescents have become an extremely urgent problem in recent decades.
Deviations in the behavior of children arise as a result of the political, socio-economic instability of society, the strengthening of the influence of pseudo-culture, changes in the content of the value orientations of young people, unfavorable family and domestic relations, lack of control over their behavior, excessive employment of parents, and an increase in the number of divorces.
Experts from various fields express concern about the degradation of the younger generation, which, before it even started to live, has already deprived itself of the prospect of finding a worthy place in society. The growth of various forms of deviant behavior, crime, immoral manifestations worries parents and teachers, scientists and politicians, police officers, courts, colonies, etc. There is a constant discussion of the problems of creating juvenile justice, focused not so much on the use of repressive measures against minors, but on providing social support and assistance to young people who have problems with the law.
There is an increase in the number of juvenile delinquents in the country. It should be emphasized that the majority of those registered are schoolchildren. Attention is also drawn to the fact that more than half of adolescents have both parents, live in complete families, while before 1990 the bulk of "difficult" adolescents came from single-parent families, were pupils of orphanages and other specialized institutions. Adolescents who have served their sentences and come from places of deprivation of liberty require special attention.
The founder of the cultural aspect of deviant behavior in Russia Ya.I. Gilinsky introduced the term "deviant behavior", which is currently used on a par with the term "deviant behavior".
Yu.A. Kleiberg in the textbook “Psychology of deviant behavior”, M.Yu. Kondratiev in the dissertation "Social-role determination of interpersonal perception in groups of difficult-to-educate adolescents and young men." The issues of social maladjustment of adolescents were considered by E.B. Breeva in the work "Disadaptation of children and the national security of Russia", V.V. Boyko, K.M. Oganyan, O.I. Kopytenkov in his work "Socially Protected and Unprotected Families in Changing Russia". Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the state and causes of juvenile delinquency in the analytical reports of G.I. Zabryansky. Technologies of social work are described by T.V. Gerasimova, E.I. Kholostova. Issues related to the problems of penitentiary and post-penitentiary sociology and psychology are considered in the works of Ya.G. Anapreenko, S.A. Belicheva. Foreign experience of working with juvenile delinquents is described by D. Graham, T. Bennett.
But the technologies of social work with released juvenile delinquents have not been studied well enough.
The existing institutions of the state system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency often operate in a fragmented and inefficient manner. A network of specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation is slowly developing.
The above problems led to the theme term paper"The specifics of social work with juvenile delinquents".
The aim of the work is to study the technologies of social work with juvenile delinquents to prevent relapse.
The object of this course work are juvenile delinquents aged 14 to 18 years. The subject is the technology of social work with released juvenile delinquents from 14 to 18 years old to prevent recidivism.
Work tasks:

    consider the main problems of juvenile delinquency;
    characterize the social technologies of preventive work with released juvenile delinquents;
    to study the technologies of social and labor adaptation of juvenile delinquents abroad.
Statistics and problems of juvenile delinquency should be studied in the works of G.I. Zabryansky.
Technologies of social work are presented in the experience of social services of the Rostov region, in the manuals of E.B. Breeva, M.A., Shakurova, E.I. Single.
Technologies of social and labor adaptation abroad are presented in
the work of D. Graham and T. Bennett "Crime Prevention Strategies in Europe and North America".


1.1. Features of the personality of juvenile offenders
The criminal behavior of minors is now becoming one of the problems that are becoming global. The rapid increase in the number of prisoners aged 14 to 18 requires close attention to the problem not only from law enforcement agencies and educational institutions, but also from institutions of a socio-psychological profile. Indeed, recently more and more attention has been paid by criminal psychologists and criminologists to the study of the socio-psychological causes of criminal behavior; at the same time, the personality of a minor adolescent is increasingly being studied. In this paper, we consider the personality of juvenile offenders from 14 to 18 years old.
Consideration of the problem of deviant behavior of a teenager makes it possible to identify three key situations characterized by a qualitative lag of an individual in mastering the social experience of actions and relationships: either fixation “on the game for the sake of the game”, “study for the sake of studying”, or a significant imbalance in the ratio of intimate-personal communication and educational- professional activities within the framework of multifaceted activities, the implementation of which in socially approved forms corresponds to the expectations of society, presented to an individual standing on the threshold of maturity.
M.Yu.Kondratiev considers the teenager's insufficient training, his mental unpreparedness for the appropriate age norms, the way of interacting with the surrounding reality, familiar to this society, to be a "curvature" of the activity line of ontogenesis 1 .
A.V. Petrovsky, in the concept of personality personalization, considers the need of an individual to be “ideally represented” in the minds of significant other people by a personality, moreover, by those of his own characteristics that he himself values ​​in himself. However, the need to be a person (the desire to emphasize one's individuality, originality) can be satisfied only if one has the ability to be a person. The gap between this need and ability can lead to serious violations of the process of personal development, qualitatively distort the line of personal growth. In adolescence, along with adaptation, active individualization and integration of a teenager into a group of peers is carried out.
The individualization of a teenager can manifest itself in the form of self-affirmation, which has a positive impact on the process and results of social and learning activities if his motive is the desire for leadership and prestige. At the same time, according to D.I. Feldstein, self-affirmation of adolescents can also have socially polar grounds - from a feat to a delinquency 2 .
Ovchinsky V.S. drew attention to the fact that juvenile delinquents are characterized by a distorted, strongly and prematurely developed need for freedom and independence. Thus, the desire for novelty, originality of behavior, leadership and prestige, the desire to fight, to achieve are typical features of a teenager.
It should be noted that the adolescent's desire for extraordinary situations, adventures, gaining recognition, testing the boundaries of what is permitted, considered by adults as deviant behavior, from the point of view of the adolescent himself, can be considered "normal situations", reflecting the adolescent's search activity and the desire to expand the boundaries of individual experience. Thus, behavioral disorders may be the result of a pronounced course of an adolescent crisis - an identity crisis.
A.E.Lichko emphasizes the importance for the teenager of the emerging "system of relations" with peers, communication with peers stands out as the leading activity of this period; adolescents' need for communication, affiliation, and the study of interpersonal interaction becomes the main factor in their psychological development 3 . Many actions typical of a teenager in a situation of communication should be assessed as exploratory, aimed at satisfying the need for obtaining new information, new experiences, and expanding one's experience.
Deviations in the behavior of a teenager are influenced by the following features of relationships: the position of an outcast in the classroom, rejection by teachers, the label of a deviant at school. It is possible that the alienation of adolescents from school is due to tactlessness, irritability towards adolescents on the part of teachers, indifference of teachers who lack elementary knowledge about the causes and forms of manifestation of pedagogical neglect. M.Yu.Kondratiev emphasizes that the low status of a student in the classroom, the inability to individualize and then integrate in the classroom, the unsatisfied need to assert themselves within the school lead to the fact that the teenager begins an active search for other communities where he could compensate for personal failures.
A teenager, seeking to find respect and recognition of his independence, tends to participate in sports, music, other academic or informal groups. Modern adolescents from informal groups have a need for eventfulness, a desire for risk. The frustration of this group of needs is experienced as “emptiness”, “boredom”, “longing”, “life slippage”. Moreover, informal subculture is not something special. It absorbs many characteristics of the traditional teenage "street" subculture, being both a social initiative group, an interest club, a fan club, a carnival-demonstrative movement of hippies and punks, and a teenage gang.
A teenager involved in the activities of street groups, which develop spontaneously, as a rule, on the basis of unhealthy interests, often represent a microenvironment that negatively affects the teenager, socially negative interests are formed, the desire for adult forms of behavior: early sexual experience, group drug use , alcoholization. Membership in adolescent groups, whose "code of honor" is based on the dominance of group norms over universal ones, becomes the key to deviant behavior of a teenager. Its mechanism is as follows: forms of pre-criminal behavior are fixed in behavioral stereotypes, an asocial style of behavior is formed, which can develop into a stable anti-social one. Belonging to a deviant group gives the teenager new ways of self-affirmation, allows him to maximize his "I" no longer at the expense of socially positive ones, in which he turned out to be bankrupt, but at the expense of socially negative traits and actions.
Negative consequences for the personality development of a teenager are also observed within the framework of a closed circle of communication, a closed educational institution, because the narrowing of the social field of activity contradicts both the general personal and age-specific needs of the adolescent.
Scientists unanimously note a huge influence on the formation of deviant behavior of children and adolescents of the family and family relationships. Neglect, connivance on the part of parents, weakening of social control are external conditions that allow the possibility of uncontrolled behavior, which turns into an internal inability of the individual to self-restraint.
Modern research shows the complexity of the relationship between a teenager and adults. Thus, alienation between a teenager and parents, which is expressed in quarrels, lack of communication, alienation of a teenager from his family, disapproval of his friends by parents, is a risk factor for mental disorders and behavioral deviations.
Consequently, a person rejected by society resorts to deviant behavior; weak ties "family-teenager", "school-teenager" contribute to the orientation of young people to peer groups, which are predominantly a source of deviant norms.
The reasons for deviations in the behavior of adolescents are the realities of the present period in the life of society. Adolescents are acutely experiencing social stratification, the inability for many to get the desired education, to live in abundance, in recent years, minors change their value orientations within six months or a year. (In the 1970s and 1980s, this required at least three years). The rejection of basic social values ​​is the root cause of deviant behavior. The moral and psychological “shift” is expressed in adolescents in antisocial behavior and is accompanied by offenses, escapes, drug-related illnesses, and serious neuropsychiatric disorders. D.I. Feldstein notes that the desire to meet the expectations of the team and society is weakening in a modern teenager, and the desire to evade them, on the contrary, is growing; there are no conditions for adolescents to really enter the serious affairs of society, which deprives them of the opportunity to take an active social position, to master the relations of adult society. This contradiction leads to an artificial delay in the personal development of modern adolescents, an acute internal conflict 4 .
Thus, various authors emphasize the negative trends in the development of the personality of adolescents, which can lead to criminal behavior.

1.3. Statistics of juvenile delinquency in Russia
Speaking about the trends in the criminalization of minors, two points should be paid attention to: indicators of pre-criminal behavior and the actual state, level and dynamics of the development of crime in this population group.
The pre-criminal deviant behavior of minors primarily includes: the commission of socially dangerous acts before reaching the age of criminal responsibility, vagrancy, the commission of non-criminal offenses, alcohol and drug abuse. According to these indicators, the cohort of the underage population of Russia has the following characteristics.
In 1998, 88,811 teenagers were brought to the internal affairs bodies for committing socially dangerous acts before reaching the age of criminal responsibility, and in total, 109,947 minors were registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the end of 1998 7 .
In 1998, 1,138,830 minors who had committed offenses were brought to the internal affairs bodies. Of these, 728,146 (63.9%) committed administrative offenses, of which 282,079 (38.7%) - drinking alcohol or appearing in public places while intoxicated. At the end of 1998, 117,575 people were registered with the units for the prevention of juvenile delinquency (PPJ) for committing administrative offenses. Every tenth investigated crime in the country was committed by minors or with their complicity. The number of such crimes in 1998 was 189,293 8 .
In recent years, there has been a trend towards a decrease in the indicators of unlawful behavior of minors, which, however, still remains a mass phenomenon. In 2002, 363,234 persons were registered with the units for the prevention of juvenile delinquency. 1,099,753 teenagers were brought to the internal affairs bodies for various reasons (110,896 of them for committing crimes), and 24,441 people were taken to temporary isolation centers for juvenile offenders.
The implementation of the federal target program "Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" in 1997-2001 made it possible to partially reduce the severity of the problem of child neglect and social orphanhood. A network of specialized institutions for children in need of social rehabilitation has been created, which use technologies to provide emergency assistance to children, maintain and restore their social status, and carry out social rehabilitation. As a result, the number of crimes among minors decreased in 2000 compared to the previous year by 6.2%.
The decrease in the general indicators of juvenile delinquency (in 2002, 139,681 crimes were committed by minors or with their complicity) is accompanied by an increase in the cruelty and public danger of the crimes committed. Almost two thirds of robberies, thefts and robberies are committed by groups of people with the participation of teenagers. The increase in the organization of juvenile delinquency, its group nature, the increase in the proportion of younger (under 16) age groups among its participants, and the strengthening of its ties with adult representatives of the underworld 9 cause alarm.
About 300 thousand socially dangerous acts of minors are detected annually in the country, and 100 thousand of them are committed by children who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility. On average, every third juvenile delinquent does not study or work. Teenagers are often engaged in begging, vagrancy. Every year, up to 60 thousand children and adolescents are identified and placed in temporary isolation centers for minors by employees of the internal affairs bodies.
Statistics show a steady increase in crime and juvenile delinquency. In 2005, about 155,000 crimes were committed by minors or with their participation, 1,120,000 minors were brought to the departments of internal affairs for committing offenses, more than 13,000 were serving sentences, and another 8,000 were kept in pre-trial detention centers.
The reasons for this situation are the widespread family troubles, neglect of the interests of children by parents, the spread of poverty among families with children, insufficient opportunities for families to organize meaningful leisure for children and their development.
Table 1. Indicators of juvenile delinquency (persons)

Diagram 1. Comparative analysis of juvenile crime rates for the period from 1998 to 2005 (pers.)

Juvenile delinquency in comparison with adults is characterized by a high degree of activity and dynamism. People who embark on the path of committing crimes at a young age are difficult to correct and re-educate and represent a reserve for adult crime. There is a close relationship between juvenile delinquency and adult delinquency. One of the causes of adult crime is juvenile delinquency. Adult crime is rooted at a time when a person's personality is just being formed, his life orientation is being developed, when the problems of upbringing, the formation of a personality in terms of the direction of behavior are relevant.
In general, the growth of juvenile delinquency is a symptom, a harbinger of growing social upheavals in the country. Juvenile delinquency creates the prerequisites for the growth in arithmetic progression of general crime.

    The study of the socio-psychological causes of criminal behavior should be inseparable from the study of the personality of a minor teenager. The formation of the personality of juvenile offenders is influenced by such factors as negative influences in the family, in the family environment - domestic, educational, industrial, incitement by adult criminals, a long absence of certain activities for minors.
    The reasons that influence the formation of criminogenic motivation are neglect as a lack of proper control by the family; neglect of future juvenile victims, shortcomings in the educational work of general education schools and vocational schools, shortcomings in the organization of employment and education in labor collectives, shortcomings in the organization of leisure.
    Statistics show a steady increase in crime and juvenile delinquency, which creates prerequisites for an increase in general crime.
2.1. Legal grounds for social work with juvenile delinquents
In tsarist Russia, the system of state charity was introduced by Peter I and had a branched contour of centralized and local government. It was significantly developed and streamlined by Catherine II, who introduced Orders of public charity in 26 dioceses. In accordance with the concept of legal reform in 1864, the opening of new charitable societies was registered. According to statistics, as of January 1, 1899, there were 7,349 charitable societies and 7,505 charitable institutions, and 49% of them were under the direct jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among the latter, a special place was occupied by houses of industriousness and workhouses, which were actively created since 1895. The subject of special attention (especially with the introduction in 1910 in Russia of the institution of the children's court) was the prevention and prevention of juvenile delinquency. According to the research of S.A. Zavrazhin, in pre-revolutionary Russia there was not only a scientifically based preventive doctrine, but also a tendency to strengthen the interaction of official structures and unofficial organizations in line with the humanistically oriented ideology of social assistance and to strengthen targeted social services in the provision of social services to various categories of maladjusted minors and enrich them with the experience of social behavior 10 .
A significant role in the correction of juvenile delinquents held in diverse educational and correctional institutions in pre-revolutionary Russia was played by representatives of patronage organizations. Understanding that recidivism occurs mainly in the environment in which, after serving their sentences, pupils of correctional institutions find themselves, representatives of the domestic patronage system of the pre-revolutionary period created conditions for the social protection of juvenile delinquents from many life hardships. The most frequently implemented forms of social assistance to pupils were: the issuance of cash loans, providing them with tools for doing crafts or agricultural work, looking for places to study and work. As pre-revolutionary criminal statistics testify, in those correctional institutions where there was a well-established patronage, the percentage of relapse was much lower.
In domestic legal psychology and sociology of the Soviet period, the problems of social adaptation and rehabilitation of persons who have served their sentences were practically not developed. The issue of post-penitentiary assistance has been transformed into strict administrative control.
After the change in the socio-political situation in the country, since the late 1960s, domestic lawyers, based on the study of recidivism statistics and “security and preventive” practices, began to actively substantiate and make legislative proposals to improve the organization of administrative control, to provide assistance to those who had served their sentences in labor and domestic device (A.I. Vasiliev, M.I. Voloshin, V.I. Guskov, etc.). Thanks to the activity of scientists and the initiative of law enforcement officers, by the end of the 80s, positive experience in the social adaptation of those released from places of deprivation of liberty (primarily with the help of coordinating efforts of employees of special commandant's offices) was accumulated in Kharkov, Bukhara, Kuibyshev, Togliatti and was actively promoted by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for implementation in all regions of the country.
Work with juvenile offenders was carried out most often, without taking into account the specifics of adolescence, although in recent decades there have been positive developments in this area.
For example, in six pilot regions - Rostov, Saratov, Samara, Volgograd and Kemerovo regions, St. Petersburg and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, there are programs to create a juvenile justice system 11 .
There is nothing new in the idea of ​​juvenile justice. At the beginning of the last century, Russia became the first in Europe to have juvenile courts. In them, the emphasis was on measures of charity, looking after juvenile delinquents. But the Soviet system changed everything, introduced a punitive judicial practice, and the development of juvenile justice was interrupted for decades. The attitude of the new judicial system towards juvenile delinquents in the new Russia softened. “If in Soviet times the state was the main value, now it is the rights of man and citizen. New Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes have appeared, the norms of which are in line with international ones. They determined a softer attitude towards the juvenile delinquent. For example, if a minor commits a crime of small and medium gravity, then the judge has two options: either to impose imprisonment as a punishment, or to apply measures of compulsory educational influence. The main thing in the new approach to the juvenile delinquent is the study of his personality. It is necessary not only to state that a teenager has committed a crime, but it is also worth studying in detail why he did it, in what conditions he lives, what potential opportunities he has.
The process of turning a teenager into a delinquent or criminal takes long time. As the severity of social maladaptation grows, the deviant teenager becomes the object of influence of various institutions involved in the prevention of child neglect and juvenile delinquency. They, depending on the functions they perform, can be divided into four categories:
Primary social prevention institutions (kindergartens, schools, additional education institutions, medical institutions, etc.), whose activities are aimed at ensuring adequate socialization of the bulk of children, the realization of their rights and legitimate interests.
Institutions of primary special prevention (social shelters, rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities, centers for social assistance to families and children, psychological, medical and social centers, centers for post-boarding adaptation, etc.), which provide assistance to socially maladjusted children and children who have found themselves in a difficult life situation. This level of the prevention system works with children who are at increased risk of delinquency 12 .
Institutions of secondary special prevention (departments for the prevention of offenses of juvenile internal affairs bodies, open and closed special educational institutions), which must carry out the resocialization of juvenile offenders and children who have committed socially dangerous acts before reaching the age of criminal responsibility.
Institutions of criminal law and penitentiary prevention (educational colonies), the main task of which is to prevent recurrent juvenile delinquency.
Obviously, a teenager should become an object of influence of higher-level preventive institutions only if the activities of a lower-level institution did not bring the desired result.
At present, there is not a single subject of the Federation in which there would be institutions of all levels of prevention. Naturally, the inability to ensure the continuity of the work of institutions at different levels has a negative impact on the effectiveness of the preventive system.
The wide and diverse nature of activities to prevent juvenile delinquency and crime, involving institutions of various departments (education, health care, social protection, internal affairs, etc.) and management bodies of these institutions different levels(federal, subjects of the Federation and municipal) determines the extreme importance of the task of coordinating their efforts. The only way to solve this problem is to develop a state policy for the prevention of child neglect and delinquency among minors, the main provisions of which should be enshrined in law.
In accordance with Article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the coordination of family protection, motherhood, paternity and childhood is a joint responsibility of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, which makes it possible for state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to develop their own legislation in this direction 13 .
This practice has already spread in the regions where there is an active legislative process and legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are being adopted that ensure the regulation of relations for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.
The Interdepartmental Commission on Juvenile Affairs under the Government of the Russian Federation by a decision of 06/07/1998 approved the draft Concept for Improving the State System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency in Modern Conditions 14 .
This Concept was focused on solving the following tasks:
    overcoming trends in the growth of neglect and juvenile delinquency, creating conditions for the suppression of violence against children and adolescents, ensuring the protection of their rights;
    formation of conditions for a comprehensive solution of the problems of neglect and delinquency of minors, protection of their rights, social adaptation in society;
    creation of legal mechanisms that ensure effective interaction between the subjects of prevention of child neglect.
One of the directions for the implementation of the Concept for improving the state system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors was the legal support, which consisted in the formation of a block of federal laws and regulations that ensure the activities of bodies and institutions of the state system for the protection of the rights of minors, the prevention of their neglect and delinquency, before of all federal laws “On the Fundamentals of the State System for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency of Minors”, “On Commissions for Minors, Protection of Their Rights”, “On Social Services for the Family and Children”.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2002 No. 732 approved the federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2003-2006, which included the subprogram "Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency", the coordinators of which were approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation , the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 15 .
The purpose of the subprogram is to protect and improve the situation of children in difficult life situations, to strengthen the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.
The subprogram included the solution of the following tasks:
    stabilization of the family as the main social institution of society, strengthening the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children;
    improving the system of preventive work to prevent family problems, social orphanhood, child homelessness and neglect;
    resource support for the system of services that carry out the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, the social rehabilitation of minors who find themselves in a difficult life situation;
    development of innovative forms and technologies of preventive work with families and children in difficult life situations.
For the activities of the Children of Russia Program in the period 2003-2006, 20,377.99 million rubles were allocated from all sources of funding, including 6,739.62 million rubles from the federal budget, and 13,417.24 million from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. rubles, off-budget sources - 221.13 million rubles. During the implementation of the Program, measures were taken to strengthen the material and technical base and improve the work of institutions for childhood and obstetric care of the healthcare system, institutions for orphans, institutions for social services for families and children.

At the beginning of 2007, the Concept of the federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2007-2010 was approved, including the subprograms "Healthy Generation", "Gifted Children" and "Children and Family".
The state customer - coordinator of the Program is the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, the state customers of the Program are Roszdrav, Rosobrazovanie, Roskultura, Rossport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

Its goals and objectives are determined based on the presence of childhood problems that have not been resolved within the framework of previous federal target programs, the need to ensure the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, other international legal acts, the Concept of the Demographic Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015.
The program is designed to provide an integrated approach to creating favorable conditions for improving the life and health of children, to solving the problems of trouble for families with children.
The difference between the Program and the previously existing federal targeted programs is that it is focused both on the support and development of children, and on the prevention of family problems and support for families in difficult life situations, primarily families with disabled children; application of modern technologies and innovations in solving the problems of families with children in general and children in particular.
The objectives of the subprogram "Children and Family" of the federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2007-2010 are to protect and improve the situation of children in difficult life situations, prevent social orphanhood and family distress, comprehensively address the problems of families with disabled children, provide them full life and integration with society, the development of family forms of placement of orphans.
Due to the specifics of the problems of various categories of children, within the framework of this subprogram, such areas as “Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”, “Family with disabled children”, “Orphans” are provided.
Within the framework of the “Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” direction, it is envisaged to solve the problems of developing forms of prevention of social ill-being of families with children; protection of the rights and interests of children; strengthening the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency; development of innovative technologies and forms of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, including in rural areas; ensuring the availability of social rehabilitation and adaptation of children in difficult life situations; creating conditions for creative development, health improvement and temporary employment of children in difficult life situations

      Socio-psychological mechanisms of social work with juvenile delinquents
The approach to juvenile delinquency as a socially negative phenomenon presupposes an appropriate action strategy, which includes the development of a system of psychoprophylaxis. Taking into account the fact that in the system of crime prevention by juveniles there are three levels of prevention (the first level is early prevention, the second level is the elimination of circumstances that have already led to the commission of a crime, and the third level is the prevention of relapse), in this work the emphasis is on the level of prevention of relapse - for resocialization.
The problem of resocialization was recognized in the 19th century. In the West, this idea was put into practice in the form of the organization of patronage over those released and released from correctional institutions. At the same time, patronage was understood as a set of special measures of care for persons of this category in order to separate them from the criminal environment, as well as their resocialization. The organization of the patronage took place on a voluntary basis, although the goals set for it were of criminal and political significance, since they involved the fight against crime. Patronage could be personal (providing a place of work, clothing, shoes, food, resettlement, registration) or collective in nature (creating shelters, shelters, workers' shelters).
The problem of resocialization has retained its relevance in our days. In a broad sense, resocialization is understood as an organized socio-psychological and pedagogical process of restoring social status, lost or unformed social skills in maladjusted minors, reorienting their social attitudes and reference orientations through inclusion in new positively oriented relationships. In a narrow sense, resocialization is the conscious restoration of the convict in the social status of a full member of society and his return to an independent, generally accepted social and normative life in society. Thus, according to Article 7 of the Penal Code, the state respects and protects the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of convicts, ensures the necessary conditions their correction and resocialization, social and legal protection, i.e. personal security.
There are different points of view in defining the content of the concept of resocialization. Some authors (Z.A. Astemirov) argue that the concept of "resocialization" can be identified with "re-education". Others (I.V. Shmarov) consider resocialization only as a post-penitentiary activity of psychologists. Still others note that resocialization is a process of restoring and developing socially useful ties and relationships that are expected both during the period of being in a correctional institution and after leaving it 16 .
We are of the opinion that resocialization is a process of restoring social skills and social status in conditions of deprivation of liberty and after release, which has its own signs and stages.
The process of resocialization of juvenile delinquents is carried out in several stages 17 . The first - the stage of adaptation or primary resocialization involves a change, the destruction of previously formed inadequate forms of behavior of a juvenile offender. The second one includes a period of partial unstable resocialization and is characterized by the adoption of new collective norms by a juvenile delinquent, a departure from antisocial forms of behavior (relapses are possible and natural). The third is the period of complete resocialization and marks its practical completion.
It should be noted that the resocialization of minors is an individual process. Its effectiveness depends, first of all, on how the psychological patterns of personality development of a juvenile offender, the specifics of their manifestations in non-standard conditions of a situation of deprivation of liberty and various types of coercive activities are taken into account.
The activities of resocialization centers are based on certain principles that involve both general and individual approaches. The following general principles of work of these centers are distinguished:
    complexity of approach