Three degrees of adaptation. Three degrees of adaptation to kindergarten. Social adaptation of the child

graduate work

3. Classification of the severity of adaptation of children

Each child goes through a period of adaptation individually. Some babies get used to the new regimen in a couple of weeks and at the same time feel great, their appetite is maintained throughout the entire period of adaptation. Other kids have a hard time adapting, they are depressed, and there is no appetite. Poor appetite in such babies can be at home.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicators of severity are the terms of normalization of behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

With easy adaptation within a month, the child's behavior normalizes according to the indicators that we spoke about above, he calmly or joyfully begins to relate to the new children's team. Appetite decreases, but not much, and by the end of the first week it reaches the usual level, sleep improves within one to two weeks. By the end of the month, the baby's speech, play, and interest in the world around him are restored. Relations with close people with easy adaptation in a child are not disturbed, he is quite active, but not excited. The decrease in the body's defenses is expressed slightly and is restored by the end of the 2-3rd week. There are no acute illnesses.

During adaptation of moderate severity, violations in the behavior and general condition of the child are more pronounced and longer. Sleep and appetite are restored only after 20-40 days, the mood is unstable for a month, activity is significantly reduced: the baby becomes whiny, inactive, does not seek to explore a new environment, does not use previously acquired speech skills. All these changes last up to one and a half months. Clearly expressed changes in the activity of the vegetative nervous system: it may be a functional violation of the stool, pallor, sweating, "shadows" under the eyes, "flaming" cheeks, manifestations of exudative diathesis may increase. These manifestations are especially pronounced before the onset of the disease, which, as a rule, proceeds in the form of an acute respiratory infection.

Of particular concern is the state of severe adaptation. The child begins to get sick for a long time and seriously, one disease replaces another almost without interruption, the body's defenses are undermined and no longer fulfill their role - they do not protect the body from numerous infectious agents that it constantly has to deal with. This adversely affects the physical and mental development of the baby. This type of severe adaptation is more common in children of 1.5-2 years of age with a history of deviations in health, the consequences of toxicosis of pregnancy in the mother, complications in childbirth, diseases of the neonatal period. Another variant of the course of severe adaptation: the child's inadequate behavior is so severely expressed that it borders on a neurotic state. Appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, the child may experience a persistent refusal to eat or neurotic vomiting when trying to feed him. The baby falls asleep badly, cries and cries in a dream, wakes up with tears. Sleep is light, short. During wakefulness, the child is depressed, not interested in others, avoids other children or is aggressive towards them; constantly crying or indifferent, not interested in anything, convulsively clenching his favorite home toy or handkerchief in his fist. It is difficult for us adults to comprehend the extent of his suffering. A child who violently expresses his protest against the new conditions by screaming, crying loudly, whims, clinging to his mother, falling to the floor in tears, is uncomfortable and disturbing for parents and educators, but causes less anxiety in child psychologists and psychiatrists than a child falling into a stupor , indifferent to what happens to him, to food, wet pants, even to the cold. Such apathy is a typical manifestation of childhood depression. The general condition of the body suffers: there is a loss in weight, vulnerability to infections, signs of childhood eczema or neurodermatitis appear. Improvement is extremely slow, over several months. The pace of development slows down, there is a lag in speech, play, communication. Sometimes it takes several years to restore the health of such a child. Adaptation of such severity is manifested most often in children from the age of three, when the formation of personal qualities, the psyche is characterized by rapid development and becomes especially vulnerable and sensitive to circumstances that aggravate development, as well as in frequently ill children, from families with overprotection. In the anamnesis of such children, unfavorable biological factors are recorded - the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother, leading to hypoxia of the fetus and newborn. As a result of severe adaptation, both physical and mental exhaustion of the child's body can occur, which indicates his maladjustment and excludes the possibility of attending a preschool educational institution. Children with severe adaptation need repeated consultations of a pediatrician, neuropathologist, psychologist; in this case, specialists can recommend parents to postpone the child's admission to preschool until he gets stronger and his nervous system becomes stronger.

Summing up, we can say that the unfavorable course of adaptation to a preschool educational institution leads to a slowdown in intellectual development, negative changes in character, violations of interpersonal contacts with children and adults, i.e. to poor mental health.

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Tatyana Detskova
Classification of the severity of adaptation to preschool children of early age


Easy degree of adaptation.

By the 20th day of stay in the kindergarten, the child's sleep normalizes, he normally starts to eat. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relations with close adults are not violated, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, he is interested in other adults. Attitude towards children can be both indifferent and interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the instructions of an adult. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. Incidence on more than one occasion, for a period of not more than 10 days, without complications. Weight unchanged. signs neurotic reactions and there are no changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree of adaptation.

Violations in the general condition are more pronounced and longer. Sleep is restored only after 20-40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored in 20-40 days. Mood unstable during the month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards relatives is emotionally excited (crying, crying at parting and meeting). Attitude towards children, as a rule, is indifferent, but may be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills, the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. Incidence up to two times, for a period of not more than 10 days, without complications. Weight does not change or slightly decreases. There are signs of neurotic reactions: selectivity in relations with adults and children, communication only under certain conditions. Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, skin peeling (diathesis) - within 1.5-2 weeks.

Severe degree of adaptation.

The child does not fall asleep well, sleep is short, cries out, cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, uncontrolled stool. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the kindergarten. Attitude to relatives - emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, avoids or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Speech does not use or there is a delay in speech development for 2-3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

A severe degree of adaptation can manifest itself in two ways:

1) Neuropsychic development lags behind by 1-2 quarters, respiratory diseases - more than three times, lasting more than 10 days, the child does not grow and does not gain weight within 1-2 quarters.

2) Children over three years old, often ill, from families with hyper-care from adults, caressed, occupying a central place in the family, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 3-4th month of stay in preschool, neuropsychic development lags behind by 2-3 quarters (from the original, growth and weight gain slow down.

neurotic reactions:

Addicted to personal things

Presence of fears

Unruly behavior

The desire to hide from adults

Hysterical reactions

Tremor of the chin, fingers

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What is the "adaptation period"?

One of the most characteristic difficulties in the upbringing of young children is the problem of adaptation to new conditions and to a children's institution.

Admission of a child to a nursery causes, as a rule, serious anxiety in adults. And she is not in vain. It is known that changes in the social environment affect both the mental and physical health of children. An early age is especially vulnerable to adaptation, since it is during this period of childhood that the child is least adapted to separation from relatives, is weaker and more vulnerable.

At this age, adaptation to a children's institution is longer and more difficult, often accompanied by illnesses. Some children experience even a short-term separation from their mother with great difficulty: they cry loudly, they are afraid of everything, they resist any attempts to involve them in any activity. It is clear that at least one such child can "paralyze" the work of the entire group.

It requires patience, the ability to inspire confidence in oneself and cooperation with the mother of the child. And, of course, individual approach: some children need affection and physical intimacy, others, on the contrary, avoid direct contact and prefer to be alone, others can be interested in a new toy.

Changing living conditions and the need to develop new forms of behavior require both the child and the adult to make great efforts. From how the child is prepared in the family for the transition to children's institution, and how educators and parents organize the period of his adaptation, the course of adaptation period and further development of the baby.

A change in lifestyle leads primarily to a violation of the emotional state of the child.

Specialnawnadaptation period:

1. Emotional tension, restlessness or lethargy. The child cries a lot, strives for physical contact with adults or, on the contrary, irritably refuses them, avoids peers. The peculiarities of children's behavior during this period are largely related to the peculiarities of their temperament. Children with a phlegmatic temperament will behave rather inhibited, and children with a choleric temperament, on the contrary, will be overly excited, crying often. In any case, the child's social ties can be very tense, and sometimes completely broken.

2. Emotional distress affects sleep, appetite. Separation and meeting with relatives are sometimes very stormy, exalted: the baby does not let go of his parents, cries for a long time after their departure, and the arrival again meets with tears.

3. At the same time, the activity of the child in relation to the objective world also changes. Toys leave him indifferent, interest in the environment is reduced.

4. The level of speech activity falls, the vocabulary is reduced, new words are learned with difficulty.

5. General depression combined with the fact that the child is surrounded by peers and is at risk of infection, which leads to frequent illness.

Degrees of adaptation

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicators of severity are the timing of the normalization of the emotional self-perception of the baby, his relationship to adults and peers, the objective world, the frequency and duration of acute diseases.

Period easy adaptation lasts 1-2 weeks. The child's sleep and appetite are gradually normalized, the emotional state and interest in the world around are restored, relationships with adults and peers are being established. Relations with close people are not violated, the child is quite active, but not excited. The decrease in the body's defenses is expressed slightly, and by the end of the second or third week they are restored. There are no acute illnesses.

During adaptation moderate violations in the behavior and general condition of the child are more pronounced, getting used to the nursery lasts longer. Sleep and appetite are restored only after 30-40 days, the mood is unstable, during the month the baby's activity decreases significantly: he often cries, is inactive, does not show interest in toys, refuses to study, practically does not talk. These changes can last up to a month and a half. Clearly expressed changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system: it can be a functional violation of the stool, pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, manifestations of exudative diathesis may increase. These manifestations are especially pronounced before the onset of the disease, which usually occurs in the form of an acute respiratory infection.

Of particular concern to parents and educators is the condition severe adaptation. The child begins to get sick for a long time and seriously, one disease almost without interruption replaces another, the body's defenses are undermined and no longer fulfill their role. Another variant of the difficult course of the adaptation period is the inappropriate behavior of the child, which borders on a neurotic state. Appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat or neurotic vomiting when trying to feed the child. The child falls asleep badly, cries and cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; sleep is light and short. When awake, the child is depressed, uninterested in others, avoids other children, or behaves aggressively.

A child crying quietly and indifferently, indifferent to everything, clutching his favorite home toy to himself, not responding to the suggestions of educators and peers, or, conversely, a child violently expressing his protest against the new conditions by screaming, whims, tantrums, scattering the toys offered to him, aggressive - this can be a child in a period of severe adaptation. Improvement in his condition is very slow - within a few months. The pace of its development is slowing down in all directions.

Factors affecting the success of a child getting used to a childcare facility?

1. Physical condition as a factor influencing adaptation.

First of all, the nature of adaptation is associated with the physical condition of the child. A healthy, physically developed baby has the best opportunities, he copes better with difficulties. Children are nervously and somatically weakened, quickly tired, having poor appetite and poor sleep experience, as a rule, great difficulties in the period of adaptation. Frequent diseases adversely affect the immune system, can slow down mental development. Lack of proper regimen and sufficient sleep leads to chronic fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system. Such a child copes worse with the difficulties of the adaptation period, he develops a stressful state and, as a result, a disease.

2. The age of the child as a factor influencing adaptation.

The next factor influencing the nature of the child's adaptation to new conditions is the age at which the baby enters the children's institution. This factor has a deep connection with the attachment of the child to the mother and the neurotic forms of behavior that arise on this basis.

Attachment to mother necessary condition normal mental development of the child. It contributes to the formation of such important personality traits as trust in the world, positive self-awareness, initiative, curiosity, and the development of social feelings. For the emergence of attachment, a long and stable emotional contact of the mother with the child from the first days of his life is necessary. Attachment begins to form already in the first half of a child's life and by the end of the first year takes shape in the form of stable affective-personal ties with loved ones, especially with the mother.

In the first half of the first year of life, attachment is expressed mainly in positive emotions, the special joy of the child when his mother appears. At 7 months, the child begins to react to her departure with distinct excitement, anxiety, and anxiety. In the period from 7 months to 1.5 years, attachment to the mother is expressed most intensively. Sometimes the feeling of separation anxiety becomes so traumatic that it remains for life as a fear of loneliness. A pronounced fear at the age of seven months testifies to the innate sensitivity of the child and should be taken into account both in his upbringing and in deciding whether it is worth giving him to a nursery early. At 8 months, babies begin to be afraid of unfamiliar adults, cling to their mother, as if emphasizing their attachment to her. There is a further differentiation of the social world. “Others” appear in it. Usually, fear of others does not last long, up to 1 year 2–4 months. Subsequently, children perceive other people more calmly, but may be embarrassed in front of them. Fear, anxiety experienced by children from 7 months to 1 year 2 months can become a prerequisite for the subsequent development of anxiety and fear. Under adverse conditions, anxiety develops into anxiety, fears into timidity, becoming a stable character trait. Often there is a neurotic attachment of the child to the mother, to relatives, which is largely due to the anxiety of loved ones.

Many children aged 6 months to 2.5 years find it difficult to adapt to a nursery, but this is especially noticeable at the age of 8 months to 1 year 2 months, i.e. during the period when the anxiety at separation from the mother and the fear of strangers coincide.

3. The degree of formation of communication and objective activity.

Not less than an important factor, influencing the nature of adaptation, is the degree of formation in the child of communication with others and objective activity.

How do leading activities and communication affect the nature of the child's relationships with other people, including strangers? How can they affect the nature of adaptation to childhood institution?

During business communication The child develops special bonds with other people. The direct, emotional contacts of the infant with the mother, which are selective in nature, intimate, personal, are being replaced by contacts centered on an object. Practical interaction with objects and toys is more impersonal. For him, the emotional closeness of partners is not so important, because all his attention is focused on the subject. Of course, any child would rather play with a loved one than with a stranger, but if he knows how to establish business contacts, then it is easier for him to be distracted from the personality of his partner, and therefore it is easier to communicate with strangers than a child who has only experience of personal communication. This means that the adaptation process will proceed more safely with a baby who has business communication skills related to objects. It has been established that children who experience difficulties in getting used to a children's institution most often have predominantly emotional contacts with adults in the family. At home they play little with them, and if they do, they do not activate the initiative, independence of the kids too much. These children have an overdeveloped need for attention, affection, and physical contact. Satisfying this need to communicate with strangers is difficult. In a nursery, where caregivers cannot give the child as much attention as in the family, he feels lonely and uncomfortable. Such a child prefers to play alone, without turning to an adult for help, without involving him in a joint game. Thus, communication and objective activity are separated. Communication takes place on an emotional level, and the game develops mainly without the participation of partners. The cooperation with an adult necessary for this age does not develop. And the lack of practical interaction skills and reduced play initiative with an increased need for attention lead to difficulties in the relationship of the child with unfamiliar adults.

Psychologists have identified a clear pattern between the development of a child's objective activity and his getting used to a children's institution. Adaptation proceeds most easily in children who are able to act with toys for a long time, in a variety of ways and with concentration. Having got to the nursery for the first time, they quickly respond to the offer of the teacher to play, explore new toys with interest. In case of difficulty, such children stubbornly seek a way out of the situation, do not hesitate to turn to an adult for help. They like to solve subject problems together with him: to assemble a pyramid, a nesting doll, and elements of a designer. For a child who knows how to play well, it is not difficult to get in touch with any adult, since he has the necessary means for this. A characteristic feature of children who have great difficulty getting used to the nursery is the low level of objective activity, including play. Their actions with objects often have the character of manipulations; games with plot toys do not captivate them, they are poor in content and composition of game actions. The difficulties that arise either leave the child indifferent, or cause tears or whims.

4. The relationship of the child to peers.

The attitude of the child to peers also has a great influence on the course of adaptation. Children who find it difficult to get used to a children's institution often shun their peers, cry when they approach, and sometimes behave aggressively towards them. The inability to communicate with other children, combined with difficulties in establishing contacts with adults, further aggravates the complexity of the adaptation period.

Thus, the state of health, the ability to communicate with adults and peers, the well-formedness of the subject and play activities of the child - these are the main criteria by which one can judge the degree of his readiness to enter the nursery and the successful adaptation to them.

5. The nature of family relationships.

One more important factor should be taken into account, which can complicate the period of adaptation of the child to the nursery. He is associated with psychological features parents, especially mothers, and the nature of relationships in the family. If the mother is anxious and suspicious and takes care of the child too much, if she has a conflicting character and prefers an authoritarian style of upbringing, if parents experience difficulties in communicating with others, if quarrels often occur in the family, all this can cause the child to become neurotic and difficult to adapt to preschool institution.

How can I help my child adjust to daycare?

First of all, a preliminary acquaintance of the educator with the child and parents is necessary. And such work should begin before the arrival of the child in a children's institution. In many countries, it is widely practiced that educators repeatedly visit the child's family, get to know him in his usual conditions, and establish contacts with parents. Knowledge about individual characteristics children, their temperament, preferences and tastes in food, games and toys, the flow of regime moments will help the teacher to better establish interaction with the child from the first days of his stay in a children's institution.

If for some reason visiting the family is difficult, you can arrange a meeting with the child on the territory of the children's institution. Mom can bring the child to the playground for several weeks at a time when children are playing on it, introduce the child to the teacher, and help the teacher organize a joint game. The same can be done in the group room, where the child will get acquainted with toys and furnishings. Such a visit should be fairly regular, but not long.

The main thing is to interest the baby in a new situation for him, to make him want to come to the nursery again, to prevent the emergence of fear of strangers and the situation.

Rules of conduct for mothers during the period of adaptation of the child to the child care facility.

  1. Support the initiative of the educator and cooperate with him in everything.
  2. Play actively not only with your child, but also with other children.
  3. If you have played with your toddler, gather up the toys and put them back where others can play.
  4. Give your child a choice of games. An adult follows the child, supports his interest, becomes a partner in the game.
  5. When interacting with your child, try to stay at eye level.
  6. Actively rejoice in the success of the baby.

A sign of the completion of the adaptation period is the child's good physical and emotional well-being, his enthusiastic play with toys, and his friendly attitude towards the teacher and peers.

List of used literature:

  1. Galiguzova LN Stages of communication from one to seven years. / L. N, Galiguzova, E. O. Smirnova. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1992. 143 p.
  2. Galiguzova LN Pedagogy of early childhood. / L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. M.: VLADOS, 2007. 301 p.
  3. Lisina M.I. Formation of the personality of the child in communication.Peter, 2009. (Masters of Psychology series.)
  4. Ruzskaya A.G., Meshcheryakova S.Yu. The development of speech. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007.
  5. Pavlova L.N. Early childhood: the development of speech and thinking. M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2003
  6. Smirnova E.O. Child psychology. Textbook. Peter, 2009

The word "adaptation" in Latin means adaptation. By and large, a person throughout his life adapts to something new. But there are periods that require a special effort of all the forces of the body. One of them is the child's admission to kindergarten.

A visit to kindergarten marks a new stage in a child's life. Separation from mom, change of scenery, strangers around, a new route from home to garden - all this is not indifferent to the baby and is reflected in his condition and behavior. Many recently acquired useful skills may be temporarily lost. The child often refuses to eat, daytime sleep, speaks worse and less, may stop asking for a potty. During this period of life, children are more likely to get sick. All of these are normal manifestations of adaptation.

Three phases of adaptation to kindergarten

In the adaptation of the child, there are 3 main stages:


compensation period.

In the acute period, which is otherwise called the indicative stage of adaptation, pronounced changes in the child's behavior are noted. The first 2-3 weeks, all organ systems are maximally stressed, a "physiological storm" is raging in the body. The kid becomes capricious, excitable. Negative emotions appear in communication with adults and children, appetite worsens, sleep becomes disturbing.

During this period, physiological indicators of heart rate, blood pressure and respiration change, the number of microbes on the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, and oral cavity increases. The composition of the blood changes (the number of leukocytes and the ratio of immunoglobulins in the serum). The child may even lose weight. The acute period of adaptation in different children lasts from 10 to 60 days.

Subacute period, or the phase of unstable adaptation, is characterized by a gradual normalization of behavioral and physiological reactions. Appetite is restored most quickly - as a rule, within 10-15 days. Speech normalization is slower, it may take about 2 months. Recovery of sleep and emotional state of the child usually occurs within 1 month.

Compensation period, adaptation to new conditions is characterized by the fact that the physiological and neuropsychic reactions of the child's body reach the initial level or exceed it.

The severity of the adaptation of the child

Easy adaptation child to the garden is characterized by a slight decrease in appetite. The volume of food eaten reaches the initial norm usually in 10 days. At about the same time, sleep is restored. The emotional state of the child, his orientation and speech activity, relationships with other children are normalized in 15-20 days. Communication with adults with a mild degree of adaptation is practically not disturbed. The motor activity of the child is not reduced. Functional shifts in work internal organs are minimally expressed and normalize during the first month of stay in kindergarten. Diseases in this variant throughout the entire adaptive period are not observed.

With moderate adaptation sleep and appetite disturbances are normalized within 20-30 days. The emotional state of the child remains unstable during the entire first month of stay in kindergarten. A significant delay in motor activity is typical, all functional changes in the functioning of organs and systems are clearly expressed, especially in the days preceding an acute illness. Relationships with adults, as a rule, are not violated.

With severe adaptation either there are pronounced changes in the functions of the organs and systems of the child, or his behavior suffers greatly. In the first case, the baby falls ill shortly after the first visit to the garden and continues to get sick almost every month (more than 4-12 times during the first year). Over time, the frequency of diseases decreases, and the child begins to attend kindergarten steadily.

In the second variant of severe adaptation, the child behaves differently than usual. Sometimes his behavior borders on neurosis. Appetite practically disappears, the child refuses to eat. The situation begins to recover no earlier than after 3 weeks of stay in kindergarten. Persistent aversion to food or neurotic vomiting during feeding may occur. The dream becomes sensitive, shortened. The child falls asleep for a long time - 30-40 minutes, while being naughty, crying. Wakes up, as a rule, the baby also with tears. The child either seeks solitude, does not want to play with other children, or shows aggression towards them. He may also have motor disinhibition. The child begins to lag behind peers in speech development. His attitude towards adults becomes selective.

Severe adaptation to preschool education can last from 2 to 6 months. It occurs in approximately 9% of children entering kindergarten.

A child who violently expresses his protest against the new conditions by screaming, crying loudly, whims, clinging to his mother, falling to the floor in tears, is uncomfortable and disturbing for parents and caregivers. But this behavior of the baby causes less anxiety among child psychologists and psychiatrists than a child falling into a stupor, indifferent to what is happening to him, to food, to wet pants, even to the cold, such apathy is a typical manifestation of childhood depression.




Teacher-psychologist: Belialova Ya. A.


Adaptation is the adaptation of an organism to new or changed living conditions or environmental conditions.

Changing the social environment affects both the mental and physical health of children. Special attention from this point of view requires an early age (1-3 years), in which many babies for the first time move from a fairly closed family circle to a world of wide social contacts. If a three-year-old child preparing for kindergarten already knows speech, self-care skills, feels the need for a children's society, then an infant (up to 1 year old) and an early age child is less adapted to separation from relatives, weaker and more vulnerable. It has been established that it is at this age that adaptation to a children's institution takes longer and is more difficult, and is often accompanied by diseases. During this period there is an intense physical development, the maturation of all mental processes. Being at the stage of formation, they are most prone to fluctuations and even breakdowns. Changing environmental conditions and the need to develop new forms of behavior require efforts from the child, causing the appearance of a stage of intense adaptation. The course of the adaptation period, the duration of which can reach six months, and the further development of the baby depend on how well the child in the family is prepared for the transition to a children's institution.

A change in lifestyle leads primarily to a violation of the emotional state.The adaptation period is characterized by emotional tension, anxiety or lethargy. The child cries a lot, strives for contact with adults or, on the contrary, irritably refuses it, avoids peers. Thus, his social ties are broken. Emotional distress affects sleep, appetite. Separation and meeting with relatives are sometimes very stormy, exalted: the baby does not let go of his parents, cries for a long time after their departure, and the arrival again meets with tears. His activity also changes in relation to the objective world: toys leave him indifferent, interest in the environment decreases. The level of speech activity falls, the vocabulary is reduced, new words are learned with difficulty. The general depressed state, combined with the fact that the child is surrounded by peers and is at risk of infection with a foreign viral flora, disrupts the body's reactivity, and leads to frequent illnesses.


Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicators of severity are the terms of normalization of behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

At easy adaptation (favorable)within a month, the child's behavior normalizes, he calmly or joyfully begins to relate to the children's team. Appetite decreases, but not by much, and by the end of the first week it reaches its usual level, sleep improves within one to two weeks. By the end of the month, the baby regains speech, interest in the world around him, and the desire to play returns. Relations with close people with easy adaptation in a child are not disturbed, he is quite active, but not excited. The decrease in the body's defenses is expressed slightly, and by the end of the 2-3rd week they are restored. There are no acute illnesses.

During adaptation of moderate severity (conditionally favorable)violations in the behavior and general condition of the child are more pronounced and longer. Sleep and appetite are restored after 20-40 days, the mood is unstable for a month, activity is significantly reduced: the baby becomes whiny, inactive, does not seek to explore a new environment, does not use previously acquired speech skills. All these changes last up to one and a half months. Changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system are clearly expressed: this may be a functional violation of the stool, pallor, sweating, "shadows" under the eyes, "flaming" cheeks, manifestations of exudative diathesis may increase. These manifestations are especially pronounced before the onset of the disease, which, as a rule, proceeds in the form of an acute respiratory infection.

Of particular concern is the conditionsevere adaptation (adverse).The child begins to get sick for a long time and seriously, one disease replaces another almost without interruption, the body's defenses are undermined and no longer fulfill their role - they do not protect the body from numerous infectious agents that it constantly has to deal with. This adversely affects the physical and mental development of the baby. Another variant of the course of severe adaptation: the child's inadequate behavior is so severely expressed that it borders on a neurotic state. Appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, the child may experience a persistent refusal to eat or neurotic vomiting when trying to feed him. The baby falls asleep badly, cries and cries in a dream, wakes up with tears. Sleep is light, short. During wakefulness, the child is depressed, not interested in others, avoids other children or is aggressive towards them; constantly crying or indifferent, not interested in anything, convulsively clenching his favorite home toy or handkerchief in his fist.

It is difficult for us adults to comprehend the extent of his suffering. The general condition of the body: there is a loss in weight, vulnerability to infections, signs of childhood eczema or neurodermatitis appear. The pace of development slows down, there is a lag in speech, there is no interest in the game and communication. Improvement is extremely slow, over several months. Sometimes it takes several years to restore the health of such a child. Giving the baby to kindergarten, we, adults, should think: is it necessary to get used to such a price?

A child who violently expresses his protest against the new conditions by screaming, crying loudly, whims, clinging to his mother, falling to the floor in tears, is uncomfortable and disturbing for parents and caregivers. But this behavior of the baby causes less anxiety among child psychologists and psychiatrists than a child falling into a stupor, indifferent to what is happening to him, to food, to wet pants, even to the cold, such apathy is a typical manifestation of childhood depression.

Factors determining the success of rapid adaptation to kindergarten.

A number of factors have been established that determine how successfully the baby will cope with the upcoming changes in his usual way of life. These factors are associated with both the physical and psychological state of the child, they are closely intertwined and mutually conditioned.

First, this health and developmental status of the child.A healthy, age-developed baby has great adaptability, he copes better with difficulties. Lack of proper regimen, sufficient sleep leads to chronic fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system. Such a child copes worse with the difficulties of the adaptation period, he has a stressful state and, as a result, a disease.

The second factor is age. in which the baby enters the child care facility.With the growth and development of the child, the degree and form of his attachment to a permanent adult changes.In the first six months of life, the baby gets used to the one who feeds him, puts him to bed, cares for him; secondly, the need for active knowledge of the surrounding world is increasing, the possibilities are expanding - he can already move independently in space, use his hands more freely. But the child is still very dependent on the adult who cares for him, the baby develops a strong emotional attachment to a person who is constantly nearby, usually to his mother. At the age of 9-10 months to one and a half years, this attachment is most pronounced. After that, the child has the opportunity of verbal communication, free movement in space, he actively strives for everything new, and dependence on an adult is gradually weakened. But the baby is still in dire need of security, support that a loved one gives him. The need for safety in a small child is as great as for food, sleep, warm clothes.

Third purely psychological factorthe degree of formation in the child of objective activity and the ability to communicate with others.At an early age, situational-personal communication is replaced by situational-business communication, in the center of which is the child’s mastery, together with adults, of the world of objects, the purpose of which the baby himself is not able to discover. An adult becomes a role model for him, a person who can evaluate his actions and come to the rescue.

Emotional relationships are selective relationships. They are built on the basis of the experience of personal communication with the closest people. If a baby of the first months of life treats any adult equally benevolently, the simplest signs of attention from the latter are enough for him to respond to them with a joyful smile, cooing, stretching out his arms, then from the second half of the year of life the baby begins to clearly distinguish between his own and others. At around eight months, all babies develop fear or displeasure at the sight of strangers. The child avoids them, clings to the mother, sometimes cries. Parting with the mother, which up to this age could occur painlessly, suddenly begins to lead the baby into despair, he refuses to communicate with other people, from toys, loses his appetite, sleep. Adults should take these symptoms seriously. If the child becomes fixated on only one personal communication with the mother, this will create difficulties in establishing contacts with other people.

Transition to new form communication is necessary. Only he can be the key to the successful entry of the child into a wider social context and well-being in it. This path is not always easy and requires some time and attention from adults. Among such children there are many spoiled and caressed. In kindergarten, where teachers cannot give them the same attention as in the family, they feel uncomfortable and lonely. They have a reduced level of play activity: it is at the stage of mainly manipulations with toys.

The lack of skills to enter into practical interaction with adults, reduced play initiative with an increased need for communication lead to difficulties in the relationship of the child with different adults. The accumulation of failures of this kind causes constant timidity and fear in children. Thus, the reason for the difficult getting used to the kindergarten may be the mismatch between the too prolonged emotional form of communication between the child and the adult and the establishment of a new leading activity with objects that requires a different form of communication - cooperation with an adult.

Psychologists have identified a clear pattern between the development of a child's objective activity and his getting used to kindergarten. Adaptation proceeds most easily in children who are able to act with toys for a long time, in a variety of ways and with concentration. Having first entered a preschool institution, they quickly respond to the offer of the teacher to play, explore new toys with interest. For them, this is a habit. In case of difficulty, such children stubbornly seek a way out of the situation, do not hesitate to turn to an adult for help. They like to solve subject problems together with an adult: to assemble a pyramid, a designer. For a child who knows how to play well, it is not difficult to get in touch with any adult, since he has the means necessary for this.

A characteristic feature of children who have great difficulty getting used to kindergarten is the weak formation of actions with objects, they do not know how to concentrate on the game, they have little initiative in choosing toys, they are not inquisitive. Any difficulty upsets their activity, causes their whims, tears. Such children do not know how to establish contacts with adults, they prefer emotional communication.

The course of adaptation is also strongly influenced byrelationship with peers.If we return to the symptoms of dysfunctional behavior of children described above, we will remember that in this area, too, babies behave differently. Some shun peers, cry when they approach, others enjoy playing nearby, sharing toys, striving for contacts. The inability to communicate with other children, combined with difficulties in establishing contacts with adults, further aggravates the complexity of the adaptation period.


Speaking about the adaptation of the child to kindergarten, we must not forget that without joint work parents and educators are indispensable here. One of the basic needs of children is the need for the constancy of the environment. A sharp change in the environment, regime, surrounding people is difficult for any baby.

Educators who want to facilitate the transition of the child to new living conditions, as well as their work with a group of children, should get to know their future pupil in advance: find out the features of his development, home routine, ways of feeding, putting to bed, his favorite toys and activities. It is desirable that in the first days the baby takes his favorite toy to the group.

The number of hours spent by the baby in preschool should be increased gradually, during the first week - no more than three hours a day. If the child reacts painfully to parting with his mother, her presence in the group during the first days is desirable. It is possible to increase the time spent by the baby in a new team only with a good emotional state.

When monitoring a child, special attention should be paid to the state of his health. Even a slight reddening of the pharynx, a slight runny nose are a contraindication to visiting a nursery, for 3-4 days it should be kept at home on a sparing regimen. As a rule, all children entering kindergarten for the first time become ill with an acute respiratory infection on the 5th-7th day. Therefore, it is advisable to take a break in the child's visit to the institution from the 4th to the 9th-10th day. It is better to prevent the disease, since it is rather difficult to predict its severity and possible deviations. Babies who have manifestations of emotional stress need to consult a psychoneurologist.

When it comes to adapting a child to kindergarten, they talk a lot about how difficult it is for the baby and what help he needs. But “behind the scenes” there is one very important person - my mother, who is in no less stress and worries. She also desperately needs help and almost never gets it. Often mothers do not understand what is happening to them and try to ignore their emotions. Admission to kindergarten is the moment of separation of the mother from the child, and this is a test for both. Mom’s heart also “breaks” when she sees how the baby is going through, and in fact at first he can cry only at the mere mention that tomorrow he will have to go to the garden.


  1. Create conditions for a quiet rest of the child at home.At this time, you should not take him to visit noisy companies associated with a late return home, and also host too many friends. The baby during this period is too overloaded with impressions, one should not overload his nervous system even more.
  2. In the presence of the child, always speak positively about the teachers and the garden.Even if you didn't like something. If the child has to go to this kindergarten and this group, it will be easier for him to do it, respecting the teachers.
  3. On weekends, do not change the child's daily routine.You can let him sleep a little longer, but do not let him crumble for too long, which can significantly shift the daily routine. If the child needs to sleep, then your sleep schedule is not organized correctly, and perhaps your child goes to bed too late in the evening.
  4. Do not wean the child from bad habits(for example, from the pacifier) ​​during the adaptation period, so as not to overload the child's nervous system. He has too many changes in his life now, and unnecessary stress is useless.
  5. Try to ensure that the baby's home is surrounded by a calm and conflict-free atmosphere.Hug your child more often, stroke his head, say kind words. Celebrate his successes, praise him more than scold him. Now he needs your support!
  6. Be tolerant of whims.They arise from the overload of the nervous system. Hug the child, help him calm down and switch to another activity (game). Do not scold him for crying and not wanting to go to kindergarten.
  7. Give a small toy to the garden (preferably a soft one; it can also be any safe item that belongs to mom, etc.).Toddlers of this age may need a toy - a mother's substitute. By hugging something soft, which is a part of the house, the child will calm down much faster.
  8. Call on a fairy tale or game to help.You can come up with your own story about how little bear I went to kindergarten for the first time, and how uncomfortable and a little scared he was at first, and how then he made friends with the children and teachers. You can "lose" this fairy tale with toys. Both in the fairy tale and in the game, the key moment is the return of the mother for the child, so in no case do not interrupt the story until this moment comes. Actually, all this is started so that the baby understands: his mother will definitely come back for him!
  9. Organize the morning so that the day goes smoothly for both you and the baby.Most of all, the parent and child are upset at parting. The main rule is this: calm mother - calm baby. He "reads" your uncertainty and gets even more upset.
  10. At home and in the garden, talk to your baby calmly and confidently.Be kindly persistent in waking up, dressing, and undressing in the garden. Speak to your child in a low, but firm voice, voicing everything you do. Sometimes a good helper when waking up and getting ready is the same toy that the child takes with him to kindergarten.
  11. Let the child be taken to kindergarten by the parent or relative (if possible) with whom it is easier for him to part.Educators have long noticed that the child parted with one of the parents relatively calmly, while the other cannot let go of himself, continuing to worry after his departure.
  12. Be sure to say that you will come and indicate when(after a walk, or after dinner, or after he sleeps and eats). It is easier for a kid to know that they will come for him after some event than to wait every minute. Don't delay, keep your promises! You can not deceive the child, saying that you will come very soon, even if the baby, for example, has to stay in kindergarten for half a day.
  13. Create your own farewell ritual.For example, kiss, wave, say “bye!”. After that, immediately leave: confidently and without turning around. The longer you stagnate in indecision, the stronger baby is going through.


  1. Be sure that attending kindergarten is really necessary for the family.For example, when a mother simply needs to work in order to contribute (sometimes the only one) to the family income. Sometimes mothers send their child to kindergarten before they go to work to help him adapt. The less a mother has doubts about the advisability of visiting a kindergarten, the more confidence that the child will cope sooner or later. And the child, reacting precisely to this confident position of the mother, adapts much faster.
  1. Believe that the child is not really a "weak" creature at all.The adaptive system of the child is strong enough to withstand this test. Believe me, he has a real grief, because he is parting with the dearest person - with you! He does not yet know that you will definitely come, the regime has not yet been established. But YOU know! Worse, when the child is so squeezed in the grip of stress that he cannot cry. Crying is an assistant to the nervous system, it does not allow it to be overloaded. Therefore, do not be afraid of children's crying, do not be angry with the child for "whining".
  1. Get help.If there is a psychologist in the garden, then this specialist can help not only (and not so much!) The child, but you, talking about how the adaptation is going on, and assuring that people who are attentive to children really work in the garden. Sometimes a mother really needs to know that her child quickly calms down after her departure, and a psychologist who observes children in the process of adaptation can provide such information.
  1. Get support.There are other mothers around you who are experiencing the same feelings during this period as you are. Support each other, find out what "know-how" each of you has. Together celebrate and rejoice in the successes of children and yourself!