Neurotic reactions are observed at what degree of adaptation. Features of adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. degree of addiction, or adaptation to kindergarten

Depending on the duration of the adaptation period, there are three degrees of adaptation of the child to kindergarten: light(1 - 16 days), medium (16 -32 days), heavy (32 -64 days).

With easy adaptation The child's behavior returns to normal within two weeks. Appetite is restored by the end of the first week, after 1-2 weeks, sleep is getting better. The preschooler is dominated by a joyful or stable-calm emotional state, he is in contact with adults, children, surrounding objects. The child quickly gets used to new conditions: a new room, communication with a group of peers, unfamiliar adults. At the same time, speech may be slightly inhibited, but the baby responds and follows the instructions of the teacher. The incidence happens no more than once and passes without complications.

With an average adaptation sleep and appetite are restored after 20-40 days. For a whole month, the emotional state of the child can be unstable. During the day, the baby is characterized by tearfulness: crying, crying when parting and meeting with parents and loved ones. Attitude towards peers, as a rule, is indifferent. Speech activity slows down. There are signs of neurotic reactions: selectivity in relation to adults and children, communication only under certain conditions. The incidence occurs no more than twice and lasts no more than ten days, proceeding without complications.

This adaptation period of two weeks is characterized by the following vegetative changes in the body: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, skin peeling (diathesis). However, with the emotional support of an adult, a child, showing cognitive and behavioral activity, is easier to get used to a new environment.

About hard adaptation indicates a bad (short, restless) sleep of the child. He may scream, cry in his sleep, or wake up crying. There is a decrease in appetite, a persistent refusal to eat is possible. Also possible are such neurotic reactions as vomiting, enuresis, tics, uncontrolled stools, stuttering, addiction to personal things, fears, uncontrollability in behavior, hysterical reactions.

The child can be in an active emotional state, which is characterized by crying, indignant screaming, aggressive-destructive behavior. Or, on the contrary, be passive, depressed, tense, avoid communication with peers, he shuns and refuses to participate in any activity. Severe adaptation leads to long-term illnesses, complications, including growth retardation and weight gain. There may be a delay speech development. Illnesses occur more than three times lasting more than ten days. To avoid such complications, it is necessary to prepare the child for admission to kindergarten in advance.

graduate work

3. Classification of the severity of adaptation of children

Each child goes through a period of adaptation individually. Some babies get used to the new regimen in a couple of weeks and at the same time feel great, their appetite is maintained throughout the entire period of adaptation. Other kids have a hard time adapting, they are depressed, and there is no appetite. poor appetite these babies can be at home.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicators of severity are the terms of normalization of behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

With easy adaptation within a month, the child's behavior normalizes according to the indicators that we spoke about above, he calmly or joyfully begins to relate to the new children's team. Appetite decreases, but not much, and by the end of the first week it reaches the usual level, sleep improves within one to two weeks. By the end of the month, the baby's speech, play, and interest in the world around him are restored. Relations with close people with easy adaptation in a child are not disturbed, he is quite active, but not excited. The decrease in the body's defenses is expressed slightly and is restored by the end of the 2-3rd week. There are no acute illnesses.

During adaptation of moderate severity, violations in the behavior and general condition of the child are more pronounced and longer. Sleep and appetite are restored only after 20-40 days, the mood is unstable for a month, activity is significantly reduced: the baby becomes whiny, inactive, does not seek to explore a new environment, does not use previously acquired speech skills. All these changes last up to one and a half months. Clearly expressed changes in the activity of the vegetative nervous system: it may be a functional violation of the stool, pallor, sweating, "shadows" under the eyes, "flaming" cheeks, manifestations of exudative diathesis may increase. These manifestations are especially pronounced before the onset of the disease, which, as a rule, proceeds in the form of an acute respiratory infection.

Of particular concern is the state of severe adaptation. The child begins to get sick for a long time and seriously, one disease replaces another almost without interruption, the body's defenses are undermined and no longer fulfill their role - they do not protect the body from numerous infectious agents that it constantly has to deal with. This adversely affects the physical and mental development baby. This type of severe adaptation is more common in children of 1.5-2 years of age with a history of deviations in health, the consequences of toxicosis of pregnancy in the mother, complications in childbirth, diseases of the neonatal period. Another variant of the course of severe adaptation: the child's inadequate behavior is so severely expressed that it borders on a neurotic state. Appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, the child may experience a persistent refusal to eat or neurotic vomiting when trying to feed him. The baby falls asleep badly, cries and cries in a dream, wakes up with tears. Sleep is light, short. During wakefulness, the child is depressed, not interested in others, avoids other children or is aggressive towards them; constantly crying or indifferent, not interested in anything, convulsively clenching his favorite home toy or handkerchief in his fist. It is difficult for us adults to comprehend the extent of his suffering. A child who violently expresses his protest against the new conditions by screaming, crying loudly, whims, clinging to his mother, falling to the floor in tears, is uncomfortable and disturbing for parents and educators, but causes less anxiety in child psychologists and psychiatrists than a child falling into a stupor, indifferent to what is happening to him, to food, wet pants, even to the cold. Such apathy is a typical manifestation of childhood depression. The general condition of the body suffers: there is a loss in weight, vulnerability to infections, signs of childhood eczema or neurodermatitis appear. Improvement is extremely slow, over several months. The pace of development slows down, there is a lag in speech, play, communication. Sometimes it takes several years to restore the health of such a child. Adaptation of such severity is manifested most often in children from the age of three, when the formation of personal qualities, the psyche is characterized by rapid development and becomes especially vulnerable and sensitive to circumstances that aggravate development, as well as in frequently ill children, from families with overprotection. In the anamnesis of such children, unfavorable biological factors are recorded - the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother, leading to hypoxia of the fetus and newborn. As a result of severe adaptation, both physical and mental exhaustion of the child's body can occur, which indicates his maladjustment and excludes the possibility of attending a preschool educational institution. Children with severe adaptation need repeated consultations of a pediatrician, neuropathologist, psychologist; in this case, specialists can recommend parents to postpone the child's admission to preschool until he gets stronger and his nervous system becomes stronger.

Summing up, we can say that the unfavorable course of adaptation to a preschool educational institution leads to a slowdown in intellectual development, negative changes in character, violations of interpersonal contacts with children and adults, i.e. to poor mental health.

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Classification of adaptation according to severity.

The nature and peculiarity of the course made it possible to classify adaptation according to the degree of severity: light, medium and heavy. At the same time, for children of early and preschool age, the main parameters for determining the severity of the course of the adaptation period are the timing of normalization of behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, and the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

At easy adaptation the behavior of young children is normalized within a month, for preschoolers 10-15 days. There is a slight decrease in appetite: within 10 days the amount of food eaten reaches the age norm, sleep improves within 20-30 days (sometimes earlier). Relations with adults are almost not disturbed, physical activity does not decrease, functional changes are barely pronounced and normalize within 2-4 weeks. During the period of easy adaptation, diseases do not occur. Children younger than 8-9 months or older than one and a half years old with a favorable anamnesis, good health and age-appropriate level of socialization easily adapt.

At moderate adaptation all violations in the behavior of the child are more pronounced and are long-term. Violation of sleep and appetite is normalized not earlier than in 20 - 30 days. The period of inhibition of orienting activity lasts an average of 20 days, speech activity is restored on the 30-40th day, the emotional state is unstable for a month, there is a slight decrease in motor activity for 30-35 days. At this time, relationships with adults are not violated. All functional changes are clearly expressed, especially in the days preceding the disease, which, with this form of adaptation, occurs in the form of an acute respiratory infection that occurs without complications. Such a course of adaptation occurs in children placed in a changed social environment: from 9 months to a year and a half, or in school-age children who have deviations in health or pedagogically (from 2 to 6 or more months) and the severity of its manifestations. The number of such children neglected. their signs.

At first option the child begins to get sick again, which is unfavorable

Severe adaptation characterized by a significant duration is relatively small (8 - 9%), and they require special attention. This form of adaptation can take place in two versions, each of which is reflected in the state of reactivity of his body, general somatic status, indicators of physical and neuropsychic development. This type of severe adaptation is more common in children 1.5–2 years of age who have a history of health problems due to toxicosis of pregnancy in the mother, complications in childbirth, diseases of the neonatal period, etc.

Second option severe adaptation is characterized by the duration and severity of manifestations of inappropriate behavior bordering on neurotic states. There is a prolonged decrease in appetite (its recovery begins no earlier than the third week, sometimes later). In some cases, when eating, persistent anorexia or even neurotic vomiting is manifested. For a long time (within 30-40 days), sleep is disturbed (sensitive, shortened). The child slowly falls asleep, waking up, crying. Decreased orienting activity.

Children, as a rule, stubbornly avoid contact with peers, show aggression towards them or seek solitude. Attitude towards adults is selective. The emotional state is permanently disturbed. This is expressed either in crying during wakefulness, or crying and whimpering are replaced by passivity, indifference. Motor and speech activity sharply decreases, game activity becomes primitive.

The child is naughty, requires increased attention from an adult, cries out in a dream, is frightened of strangers. The positive dynamics of behavior indicators is growing slowly. The improvement of this condition is unstable, relapses of crying and passivity are possible.

With severe adaptation, the pace of neuropsychic development of the child slows down. The development of speech and play activity, compared with the age norm, lag behind by 1 - 2 quarters.

Severe adaptation, manifested in a child by a violation of behavior, is more often observed in children from 3 years old, that is, in the period when the formation of personal qualities is most actively carried out; the psyche is characterized by rapid development and becomes especially vulnerable and sensitive to circumstances that aggravate development. In the anamnesis of such children adverse factors are recorded: biological - pathology of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother, leading to hypoxia of the brain of the fetus and newborn, and social - violation of age-related sleep patterns, leading to slow falling asleep, lack of daytime sleep and shortening of the night, violation of the feeding methodology, resulting in regurgitation and vomiting after eating, improper organization of wakefulness, etc.

Severe adaptation, due to the reasons causing it, adversely affects the development of the child and his state of health, which are normalized in the future very slowly, sometimes over a number of years.

Easy adaptation of the child to new social conditions largely depends on his emotional state. On this basis, a higher level of his cognitive activity in the new conditions is formed.

The adaptation period is completed on average within 3 months. There are children whose adaptation is delayed. If the child's condition has not stabilized after 6 months, there is a threat to his health. In this case, another form of assistance to the development of the child is shown.

Adaptation of the child to kindergarten


Snezhana Ivanova

Adapting a child to kindergarten is a complex psychological process that can be accompanied by various negative manifestations.

Kindergarten is the place where the child spends most of his preschool time. Kindergarten is the first social institution in which the baby has to be, interact with other children. It is in it that children learn to communicate with each other, build friendships, share toys, etc. Every kid who enters kindergarten will not pass a difficult process of adaptation.

Adaptation is the process of getting used to the child to the group, caregivers, other children.. Often the requirements that apply to a child during admission to a children's educational institution are quite high. The child needs time for the addiction to go smoothly and painlessly, without leaving rough marks on the psyche. Adaptation of a child is a complex psychological process that can be accompanied by various negative manifestations. Parents and educators should be tactful and friendly. During this period, it is important to help the baby, support him in every possible way and calm him down.

Features of the child's adaptation to kindergarten

Kindergarten at first seems to the little man an unpleasant place in the world. Firstly, the child is separated from his mother - the closest and dearest creature. Secondly, he must enter his first collective in his life and take his individual place there. Both of these are very difficult to do. Adult support at this stage is extremely important, because without such help, the baby will either withdraw into himself or begin to show aggression. What advice should parents and caregivers take into account?

Changing the routine of the day

Being in the family circle, the child lives in a certain rhythm and mode. When he enters kindergarten, his life changes rapidly. There is a change in the regime of the day, to which it is not so easy to adapt. It can be difficult for a baby to get used to when to eat, when to sleep or wake up. At home, all these actions were performed at completely different hours. In order to make the adaptation to kindergarten easier, it is recommended to follow the same schedule at home. An orderly lifestyle will help the child quickly get used to the new environment.

getting used to the group

It should be taken into account that it is not always easy for a child to get used to the atmosphere of the group itself. He may not like something in the outer space. Not all children always develop good relationships right away. Children, especially in young age, still do not know how to be friends, take into account and accept someone else's point of view. It is necessary to teach them to express their emotions correctly, to show their best qualities of character (and every kid has them). Sometimes when picking up a child from kindergarten in the evening, parents note that he has become nervous and irritable. This is due to the fact that during the day there were some intra-group conflicts. They may not have been expressed or resolved in a timely manner.

Child health

When sending a child to a kindergarten, parents need to be prepared for the fact that his health may noticeably decrease in the near future. This phenomenon has become the main feature of adaptation. The immune system of the child begins to rapidly rebuild. The disease is a protective reaction of the little man. His body learns to adapt to changing conditions. At home, he was in an isolated environment, where, whenever possible, purity, love and attention always reign. Kindergarten carries unfamiliar smells, sounds and vivid impressions. The child learns to communicate with other children, instantly becomes infected from a suddenly ill classmate. Usually, when entering a kindergarten, the child begins to get sick steadily once every two weeks or even more often.

Opportunity to express yourself

Each child has their own individual characteristics. If you want to see your child successful in the future, then give him the opportunity to express his personality. To grow happy person, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for it in reality. The process of adaptation to kindergarten is sometimes accompanied by conflict situations. In them, the child learns to defend his point of view, to express his own feelings. Don't interfere with this. No need to try to turn a child into a robot that must justify the expectations placed on him by adults. Your son or daughter in the team must have the opportunity to somehow prove themselves. Make him feel important, significant, accepted, and loved. Only then will the baby attend kindergarten with pleasure, without throwing loud tantrums to his parents in the morning.

Desire to be seen

Another feature of adaptation is the need to be noticed in the group. If this does not happen, the child can openly provoke a quarrel, go into conflict and even fight. Some educators are faced with foul language from their little pupils and grab their heads. In any case, it must be remembered that such behavior is dictated by the desire to be noticed, accepted by the team. All these negative manifestations may well be part of the child's adaptation, getting used to a new place.

Longing for mom

The child, finding himself in kindergarten, experiences severe anxiety and fear. These emotions are caused not just by a change in the usual environment, but by longing for the closest person - mom. Even adults sometimes find it difficult to find mutual language with colleagues in a new team. The child is afraid to be alone in an unfamiliar place. All the actions of the teacher and other children cause him fear, to which he reacts with distrust, hysteria, and additional whims. Until the baby realizes that nothing bad will happen to him in kindergarten, he will continue to cry. Crying here is a way to get attention. One should take into account such a feature of adaptation as a pronounced longing for the mother. The child must feel and know that his parents will definitely take him home, and not leave him “with someone else's aunt” forever.

The degree of adaptation of the child in kindergarten

Depending on the conditions of the kindergarten, the child's addiction is easier or harder. Three main degrees of adaptation should be noted, which indicate a different psychological state of the baby, the characteristics of his nervous system.

Light degree

An easy degree of adaptation is characterized by the rapid adaptation of the child to a new social environment. The child literally in a week begins to freely navigate in space, to know all those present in person, establishes friendly relations with classmates. Mild is less common than moderate and severe. With this approach, children get tired less, show less aggression and isolation. In most cases, with a mild degree of addiction, the child gets sick less often and misses intra-group classes, freely comes into contact with peers.

Average degree

The average degree of adaptation is characterized by a fairly long addiction. For a long time, the child cannot understand why his mother took him to this institution and why he does not come for him for so long. A kid of two or three years old does not understand the meaning of being in a state building at all. He sees many children around him, but does not realize that for each of them the parents return in the evening. If you observe the reaction of the baby, it will become clear that he thinks that his mother is leaving him forever. Every time he experiences separation from her, it's like the last time. For a child who has not reached even three years of age, separation from his mother is the greatest tragedy. He does not know how to behave in an unfamiliar environment, does not know what is happening to him, cannot control his own feelings.

Severe degree

With a severe degree of adaptation, the child cannot enter the children's team for a long time. In the morning farewell to his mother, he reacts with a stormy cry, turning into hysterics. Such a kid is often sick, refuses to attend kindergarten, does not follow the rules of behavior, strives to disrupt the caregiver's regime moments, distracts and attracts the attention of other children. A severe degree of addiction is characterized, as a rule, by sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, and stool disorder is sometimes observed. The child becomes nervous, uncontrollable and at the same time helpless. By his behavior, he demands participation, tries to attract the attention of those who are nearby. Unfortunately, not every adult is able to understand this and make the right decision.

Time of adaptation of the child in kindergarten

Many parents are interested in a completely logical question: how much time does a child need to successfully undergo adaptation? It should be noted that this process is not easy, depending on many factors. Here one should not rush and in every possible way adjust the child, force him to adapt to the established order. Adaptation to kindergarten takes place individually for each child. The adaptation time depends solely on the following significant points.

Child health

The more physically developed and hardy the baby, the easier it will be for him to adapt to the constantly changing conditions in kindergarten. The health of the child is paramount here. Otherwise, the baby will get sick very often, which will negatively affect his internal state: he can become nervous and irritable.


There is a rather controversial point here. There is an opinion that the process of adaptation to kindergarten is influenced by the age of the child. But here experts disagree. Some say that what younger child, the easier it is for him to survive separation from his mother and other family members. Others argue that older children adapt better to kindergarten due to the development of some consciousness. Not accustomed to attending a kindergarten from one and a half to two years old, it becomes difficult for a child to fully adapt at three to four years.


Much in the process of adaptation to kindergarten depends on individual features personality. It is harder for a modest and quiet child to survive separation than for a sociable and lively one. Of course, an accommodating baby is convenient for the teacher: he does not climb anywhere, does not cause any trouble. However, having failed to throw out their emotions in kindergarten, the child accumulates them in himself, which cannot positively affect both health and adaptation in general.

If you decide to send your child to kindergarten, then follow the advice of a psychologist below. In this way, you will help your child go through the process of adaptation in kindergarten in the most favorable way. Many parents get lost in elementary situations due to lack of necessary experience and do not know how best to proceed. The advice of a psychologist will help to cope with this difficult task.

Don't leave it for long

In the early days, you should limit the hours of stay to two or three. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to properly adapt to the environment and will long time cry. Just imagine how much stress it is for him to be separated from his family and stay in unfamiliar walls for a long time! It's time for anyone to get confused, let alone a little man who has just begun to live.

Getting to know the group

Introduce your favorite child to kindergarten in advance. Let the child gradually get used to the teachers, the children, the environment. Then the process of adaptation to kindergarten will be much easier. For starters, you can come to the group just to get to know each other, to see what conditions the children are in. This will benefit both you as a parent and your child. The kid will no longer be scared when you bring him there next time.

home conversations

They will help to partially overcome the internal conflict arising from the fact that the child does not understand why he should stay in kindergarten, while a loving and caring mother leaves him. Be sure to explain that you will take him back home in the evening. It will be even better if the parents not only silently take their child to kindergarten, but also tell in a nutshell what kind of place this is and what it is intended for. Talking at home can be extremely helpful, especially if you suspect that the adjustment process will be difficult for your baby.

Thus, the adaptation of a child to kindergarten is a complex and multi-level process. The task facing parents at the moment is to help him cope with emerging fears, overcome anxiety.

Tatyana Detskova
Classification of the severity of adaptation to preschool children of early age


Easy degree of adaptation.

By the 20th day of stay in the kindergarten, the child's sleep normalizes, he normally starts to eat. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relations with close adults are not violated, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, he is interested in other adults. Attitude towards children can be both indifferent and interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the instructions of an adult. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. Incidence on more than one occasion, for a period of not more than 10 days, without complications. Weight unchanged. There are no signs of neurotic reactions and changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree of adaptation.

Violations in the general condition are more pronounced and longer. Sleep is restored only after 20-40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored in 20-40 days. Mood unstable during the month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards relatives is emotionally excited (crying, crying at parting and meeting). Attitude towards children, as a rule, is indifferent, but may be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills, the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. Incidence up to two times, for a period of not more than 10 days, without complications. Weight does not change or slightly decreases. There are signs of neurotic reactions: selectivity in relations with adults and children, communication only under certain conditions. Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, skin peeling (diathesis) - within 1.5-2 weeks.

Severe degree of adaptation.

The child does not fall asleep well, sleep is short, cries out, cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, uncontrolled stool. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the kindergarten. Attitude to relatives - emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, avoids or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Does not use speech or there is a delay in speech development for 2-3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

A severe degree of adaptation can manifest itself in two ways:

1) Neuropsychic development lags behind by 1-2 quarters, respiratory diseases - more than three times, lasting more than 10 days, the child does not grow and does not gain weight within 1-2 quarters.

2) Children older than three years old, often ill, from families with hyper-care from adults, caressed, occupying a central place in the family, behavioral reactions normalize by the 3rd-4th month of stay in preschool educational institutions, neuropsychic development lags behind by 2-3 quarters (from the original, growth and weight gain slow down.

neurotic reactions:

Addicted to personal things

Presence of fears

Unruly behavior

The desire to hide from adults

Hysterical reactions

Tremor of the chin, fingers

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