Modern problems of science and education. Development of initiative and independence of preschool children in fine arts Development of initiative in children fine arts

Smirnova Evgenia Alexandrovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18" Zvezdochka"
Locality: Vorkuta, Komi Republic
Material name: Essay
Subject:“Development of initiative and creativity in children preschool age on the basis of cooperation with adults and peers in visual activity through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques"
Publication date: 19.03.2019
Chapter: preschool education

"Development of initiative and creativity in preschool children based on

cooperation with adults and peers in visual activities through

using non-traditional drawing techniques"

Smirnova Evgenia Alexandrovna,

teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18", Vorkuta

The country that will teach its children art,

will surpass all others

Preschool age is a bright and unique page in the life of every person. Exactly at

at this age, the child is a little explorer, with joy and surprise

discovering such an unfamiliar but amazing the world. It is in this




nature, the objective world, which means that there is an initiation to culture, to universal

values. In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational














abilities, creative and cognitive potential of children.

According to












the potential of each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults.

In this regard, the key role of the teacher is to create conditions for the formation of a harmonious,

spiritually rich, aesthetically developed personality, possessing an aesthetic creation, inclinations

culture, creative abilities for individual self-expression.




going on



aesthetic activities. Great potential to unlock children's creativity enclosed in

visual activity of preschoolers. Of all its types, drawing is almost

most interesting view activities for preschoolers.


psychological and pedagogical




drawing is an important medium aesthetic education: it allows children to express

own idea of ​​the world around, develops fantasy, imagination, makes it possible

to fix



being improved






creativity, the ability to independently create beautiful things with affordable means.

Based on the objectives, the focus of educators should be the orientation of the educational

process on the DEVELOPMENT of the child, taking into account his personal characteristics, his individual logic







Development in the child of the position of an active participant in creative activity;

Focus on age and individual characteristics, i.e. for a specific situation

child development;

Taking into account children's interests and preferences;

development of initiative and independence, i.е. personal qualities child that will allow

achieve the targets set out in the Federal State Educational Standard.

This task can be carried out most fully in the process of productive activity.

It is only important to encourage children to activity, to make them believe that they are very simply

can become little artists and work wonders on paper. Such an incentive rightfully

may be drawing using non-standard techniques. Unconventional techniques -

it is an impetus to the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative,

expressions of individuality. Applying and combining different ways images in one

drawing, preschoolers learn to think, independently decide which technique to use,

turned out



techniques allow, moving away from the subject image, to express feelings and emotions in the drawing,

give the child freedom and inspire self-confidence. Mastering various techniques and







choice, and what

The more diverse the art materials, the more interesting it is to work with them.

Therefore, familiarization of preschoolers with non-traditional drawing techniques allows not

simply enhance children's interest in fine arts, but also promote the development

creative imagination.

In my work, in accordance with age characteristics I actively use the most

various non-traditional drawing techniques:

Junior preschool age:

Drawing with hands, palms, fingers, palm edge, fist

Imprint with stamps from potatoes, carrots, polystyrene

Drawing with cotton swabs

Middle preschool age:

Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush

Printing with foam rubber, corks

Wax crayons and watercolor

Candle and watercolor

Leaf Signets

Drawings with cotton swabs, crumpled paper

Monotype subject

Senior preschool age:


monotype landscape

Drawing with salt, sand, semolina, soap bubbles, crumpled paper



We can say with confidence that a variety of techniques contributes to expressiveness.

images in children's work. Mastering the technique of image gives children true joy,

they are happy to cover with spots, strokes, strokes one sheet of paper after another,





snowflakes. Children boldly take up art materials, they are not afraid of diversity and

the prospect of self-selection. They are ready to repeat this or that action many times.

And the better the movement is, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if

demonstrating their success, and rejoice, drawing the attention of an adult to their achievements.

In this interaction, I thought out the stages and directions of work with children:






intellectual experience is the basis for creativity.

2. Stage of imitation and imitation. There is a development of standards of creative activity,

its methods, technologies and means. The main thing at this stage is the activation of existing experience.

child in an aesthetic educational space.

3. Stage of transformation. Application of mastered standards and their transformation into new ones

conditions in accordance with individual features and opportunities for preschoolers.






independent expression of artistic images.




going on



from drawing individual objects to drawing plot episodes and further to plot


from the application of the simplest types of non-traditional imaging techniques to more






you need to make your own;

from using the imitation method to independent implementation of the plan;









non-traditional drawing technique.


artistic and creative


is being considered


"Artistic and aesthetic


carried out

main forms:

Direct educational activities;

Independent activity of children;

And, of course, the joint activity of an adult and children, as well as a child with a peer.

In my work I use such forms of organizing and conducting classes as: conversations,

travel through fairy tales, observations, targeted walks, excursions, photo exhibitions, exhibitions

drawings, competitions, entertainment.

It is possible to encourage a child to activity using such methods and techniques as:

play, which is the main activity of children;

a surprise moment - the favorite hero of a fairy tale or cartoon comes to visit, and

invites the child to go on a journey;


feel important;

musical accompaniment, artistic word.










more varied



more interesting


drawing, preschoolers learn to highlight the features, qualities, external properties of objects,

main and secondary details, correctly install and correlate one part of the object with






in kind, with the work of peers. In the process of drawing, children learn to reason and draw conclusions.

Their vocabulary is enriched. In this regard, special attention should be paid

to the notion of "perception". The child perceives artistic images in his own way,

enriches them with his own imagination, correlates with his personal experience.

One of the main tasks in this direction is the development of emotional responsiveness. Through

empathy, complicity, "entering the image" is the formation of the foundations of artistic

aesthetic culture of the personality of a preschooler.


artistic and creative
















requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.







activities will be facilitated by the use of modern developing technologies:

personality-oriented (problem issues and situations);

communicative (conversation and dialogue, expansion and activation of the dictionary);

project activity. So, we implemented the project “Vegetables and fruits are healthy




came up with ways to use it, fixing it all in a diary and depicting it

different ways and techniques.



we pay


artistic and aesthetic activities with a variety of games. Therefore, it is provided

creating images of items for games: " Beautiful napkins in the doll's corner", "Treat

for toys”, “Gifts for toys”, “Crafts for dolls”, etc.





the formation of a child's confidence in their abilities respectful attitude of adults to

results of children's artistic activity. Therefore, when organizing educational

activities, I pay attention to such a form of work as exhibitions of children's and joint works

on the topics: "Gifts of Autumn", "Autumn Colors", "Santa Claus's Workshop", "Easter Miracle". IN

as a result, children develop confidence in their abilities; children actively use

means of expression for the figurativeness of the drawing; embody in artistic form





experiment with different art materials; develop creative imagination.

The children's works serve as a decoration for the group, the reception room. The group has a permanent exhibition,

gifts are being prepared for the holidays, which has a positive effect on interest in creativity.

Often our favorite characters come to visit us - Smeshariki, Fixiki, etc., who need

help (they don’t know something, make inaccuracies, etc.), thus a motive appears

activities to help organize it.







activity is facilitated by a situation of success. In my work, I encourage not only creativity

activities of children and independence, but also any efforts aimed at acquiring

new knowledge.

One of the methods of joint creativity of children and adults is the method of co-creation,

when all participants equally contribute to the manufacture of the product, the so-called





compositions, and the children complement it with the appropriate details. Yes, we have made







defender of the Fatherland, etc. Each child chose what he wants to do, what material,

what technique.

One of the most important components of work in this direction is the provision of conditions

for the development of creative abilities - the creation of a developing subject-spatial







artistic and aesthetic





productive activity and with the aim of developing artistic and creative abilities in the group





coloring pages,


applied drawings or part of it), children's magazines with creative tasks; posted on

in a conspicuous place, sheets of various shapes and colors for drawing, blanks with printed figures,

art material for individual and collective work.

picked up





using the synthesis of arts and the integration of different activities.

For review and

playing out presents handicrafts, interesting photographs, elements

paintings (albums, sheets), illustrations.







imaginations in the group I have developed:






research actions, analytical skills, development of sensory standards;

Board-printed games for the development of skills to distinguish, compare patterns, elements,

Games and exercises aimed at developing creative and aesthetic abilities:

"Unfinished pictures", "Let's turn objects into heroes of fairy tales", "What it looks like";

Exercises and games that contribute to the enrichment of the sensory experience;

Presentations and virtual tours.

Attract children's attention and ignite the spark of creative activity, form the ability

on one's own







non-traditional techniques in artistic creativity called "IZO-Laboratory", an organization

which in an accessible form allows children to conduct experiments on mixing colors,

experiments with textured prints, drawing with juice of vegetables (beets, carrots) and berries (currants,

Work in the research laboratory includes such forms of work as:

1. Studying the color wheel.

2. Finding new colors and shades by mixing paints with each other and with

water. Figure 1. Working with the palette

3. The study of "cold" and "warm" colors. Experience "Fire and Ice" (How one color can

make both cold and warm by adding yellow or blue paint). Figure 2. Drawing

houses in warm colors

Figure 3. Drawing using cold tones






pencil of different softness, etc.).

5. Drawing with semolina, previously dyed with food coloring.

Figure 5. Drawing with semolina






7. Laboratory work on a walk. Acquaintance with the initial knowledge of air and

objective perspective (In the distance, the forest is blue, and the objects are smaller).

9. Study of the pressing force of a pencil to transfer any material (soft

pressing: clouds, smoke, wool, hair. Hard pressing: stone, buildings).

10. Research of natural food dyes.

11. Painting of various objects. Explore the ease of application. Figure 7. Painting

Easter eggs

12. Coloring semolina and flour with colored crayons.

13. Painting blanks from salt dough. Figure 9. Figures from salt dough

The inclusion of parents in the process of developing the creative abilities of children was realized in

in the following forms: I have developed leaflets and booklets, in the form of creative workshops

master classes were held, a series of visual information was drawn up - “Drawing with fingers”, “Not

be afraid to experiment", "Unconventional drawing techniques in collaboration with an adult












participants in events such as joint holidays, promotions, exhibitions of creative works.







with pleasure and pride participated in the design of the portfolio of their children, and children not only

performed creative work, but also made suggestions for their placement in the album.

After analyzing the results of his pedagogical activity, I came to the conclusion that






preschoolers in the process of visual activity and the use of non-traditional techniques






dynamics is noted by all criteria:



artistic and figurative


emotional-sensual attitude to objects and phenomena of reality; technical

skills and abilities;







The level of artistic skills and abilities;







independence, the ability to cooperate with others, the need to defend one's point of view,

coordinate it with others, etc.);

Creative skills.

no doubt





Winners and laureates creative competitions different levels, which

show creativity, imagination, realize their plan, and independently find means for

incarnation. Their masterpieces live, breathe, and most importantly, each drawing can rightly be called






real artists. The creative process is a real miracle! I love to watch how






drawing. Our task as educators is to help and support them. creative initiative, and most importantly,

desire to dream and create.

Not every child comes into this world to become an artist. But it is also true that







man, and this potential must be unlocked. Under these conditions, the most gifted will more likely find their

way, and everyone else will gain valuable experience in the creative embodiment of their own ideas.




beautiful images, we will move on to beautiful thoughts, from beautiful thoughts to a beautiful life and from

beautiful life - to absolute Beauty. Thank you for your attention!

Natalia Tsyryapkina
Development of initiative and independence of preschool children in visual activity

Development of independence and activity is an important task of education preschool children. It is during this period that the child in his actions and deeds actively and persistently shows a desire for independence. Relevance of the problem development of independence in younger preschoolers associated with certain distortions in education children. Research carried out recently testify to that children are characterized by infantilism and helplessness syndrome, since adults do not give children freedom of choice and do not create conditions for development of independence. Delay in development of independence leads to the appearance of children's whims, stubbornness, bad habits constantly hope to help those around you.

However, developed independence and activity ensures the formation of an emotionally positive mood of the child in the team, the balance of his behavior, activity in relationships with peers. timely development of independence in younger preschoolers is a necessary prerequisite for their active mutual assistance, concern for others, careful attitude to things.

To solve this problem, each teacher selects the most optimal methods and techniques in their work.

Development of initiative and independence of preschool children in visual activity.

What does the concept mean initiative and independence?

Independence - work done on our own, without outside influences, without the help of others.

Initiative- primary symptom independence showing independence from extraneous influences most the origin of a particular action.

For independent activity of a preschooler characterized by the ability to act on one's own initiative both in familiar and new conditions; set a goal and plan for the result; the ability to perform the actions necessary to achieve the goal without the help of adults; Availability self-control and self-esteem.

The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the main principles preschool education is support children in various types activities.

Visual activity- one of the favorites of children in their free time and is one of the important species children's activities in which these qualities can be successfully formed. But for a child to become enterprising, independent And creative person in the process, it is necessary to form certain technical skills and abilities in him.

After analyzing the work children performed in their free time, I saw that they were wearing reproductive character: children in their work use only those skills and abilities that they have acquired in the classroom, without showing creativity and imagination. Works by topic and method Images are similar to the topics. With this in mind, I set myself target: development of initiative and independence in children in visual activity.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

Develop creativity and fantasy, observation and imagination, associative thinking and curiosity;

Improve skills in working with different visual materials;

promote development of children's ability to independently set a goal, select for this necessary material and tools in the Creativity Center, determine the sequence, methods and techniques for performing work, adequately assess the result obtained, and, if necessary, correct it.

Classes visual activity interesting and attractive preschoolers entertaining content, focus on results.

Independent visual activity arises at the initiative of children to meet their individual needs. Wish on one's own leads to results children overcome difficulties, show perseverance, ingenuity.

For development of initiative and independence in children in visual activity serves created in the group developing a subject-spatial environment in which every child can do what they love.

At the Creativity Center, I collected various means artistic activities and materials such as traditional and unconventional: glitter paints, crayons, pencils, palettes, toothpicks, seals, cotton buds, tubes for inflating, a variety of paper (newsprint, wrapping, cardboard, drawing, color, tinted, stencils for drawing, foam rubber, cotton wool, sponge and other means for artistic activities.

This allows the child on one's own choose the material that interests him and create such bright and memorable works that can be used in the interior of the kindergarten and in the interior of his own room or apartment in which the child lives.

In my work I adhere to the principles of novelty and dynamism, i.e. I try to regularly replenish the content of the Creativity Center with new artistic materials, visual allowances: interesting books illustrated by artists, coloring books, photographs, games - crafts so that children are not bored, but interesting. I change materials regularly.

To generate interest in visual activity, expanded representations children about various techniques and techniques in creativity, introduced the use of non-traditional materials in the manufacture of works. For example, you can draw not only with a brush, but also with a finger, sponge, wand, paper napkin etc. When making an appliqué, use not only paper, but also buttons, beads, natural material, foam rubber, etc. You can sculpt not only from plasticine, but, for example, from dough. All this helps develop creativity, mind, speech, brings up aesthetic taste.

The use of non-traditional methods is very attractive for children, as it opens up great opportunities for expressing one's own fantasies, desires and expression in general.

In an effort to create a need for independent creativity in children, carefully think over the organization of various forms visual activity(Creation collective work, making attributes for role-playing games etc.). I select interesting theme children: "Gold autumn", « New Year» , "Butterflies", "Aquarium" etc. All this gives impetus to the child's imagination, makes the child think creatively.

Such work develops independence in children, self-confidence, encourages the manifestation initiatives, holding independent research, creating new creative works.

During work, I treat all children favorably, I encourage them, I approve. If the work has an unfinished or sloppy look, I don’t talk about it myself, but I try to introspection the child saw the work and understood how to finish or transform his work. In each of them I try to note something good. I don’t give samples to children as examples, I don’t focus on what should turn out, I don’t customize, I don’t hang out only the best works, I don’t compare them so as not to develop feeling of rivalry, as it interferes with normal relationships between children.

At work I use various methods And tricks: information-receptive (contemplation, observation, sample and adult display); reproductive is a method aimed at consolidating knowledge and skills children; heuristic method is aimed at the manifestation independence at some point in the lesson, i.e. I suggest the child to do part of the work on one's own; research method is aimed at development in children not only independence but also fantasy and creativity.

In many ways, the result of the child’s work depends on his interest, so I activate attention in the lesson preschooler I encourage him to activities with additional incentives:

The game that is the main view children's activities;

Surprise moment - the favorite hero of a fairy tale or cartoon comes to visit and invites the child to go on a trip;

A request for help, because children will never refuse to help the weak, it is important for them to feel significant.

One of the important means of encouraging and development of children's fine arts creativity are a variety of exhibitions children's drawing. The exhibition is very important point comparing their work with that of their peers. In these moments, the child sees his work better and better understands the degree of skill of others. children. Reporting exhibitions are held once a quarter.

Convinced that not a single upbringing or educational task can be successfully solved without fruitful contact with the family. She built her communication with parents on the basis of cooperation, which, according to parents, brought them closer to their children, and allowed them to discover some new aspects of their child's personality.

Spent parent meetings on topic: « Development of independence in children of primary preschool age», « We develop together creativity in the child "; consultations: How often do you draw with your child?, "Usage unconventional ways V visual activity», « Development of visual activity of children in the family»; arranged folders - shifting: "How to educate child's initiative» , « Child independence. Its limits", held a master class "We dip our hands into the paint" where parents and children created joint works.

In the group I constantly arrange exhibitions of children's works for children and for parents. Many parents are beginning to show interest in creativity children when they see children's work at the exhibition. I constantly hold exhibitions of joint works of parents and children.

As a result, work with parents has reached a higher level. This is manifested in the interest activities, which is expressed in the desire to take part not only in exhibitions of joint creativity with children at the district level, but also at the regional and All-Russian.

As a result of my work, children increased interest in independent visual activity. In the classroom and independent activities children became more independent and active in bringing the work to the end, in choosing the necessary pictorial materials and tools to achieve results. The subjects of children's works have become more diverse and are distinguished by expressiveness and originality.

Ending the year with kids middle group, I outlined the prospect of work for the next academic year:

Continue work on development of initiative and independence in children in various activities;

Take advanced training courses to create conditions for development of initiative and independence in preschoolers.

Summing up the work done, we can say that such a personality trait of a child as autonomy needs to be developed throughout the period preschool age.

I consider myself a creative educator and try to live and work in principle: "If you want to educate in children independence, the courage of the mind, to instill in them the joy of co-creation, then create such conditions that the sparks of their thoughts form the kingdom of thought, give them the opportunity to feel like a ruler in it.

List of used literature:

1. Approximate basic general educational program preschool education "Birth to School" N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. M., 2014

2. Federal state educational standard preschool education.

4. Vinogradova N. A., Gainullova F. S. Subject- developing environment of the kindergarten. / Ed. N. V. Miklyaeva. – M.: TC Sphere, 2012.

5. Dron A. V., Danilyuk O. L. Interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents preschoolers. Program "Child - teacher - parent"/A. V. Dron, O. L. Danilyuk. - St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE LLC "CHILDHOOD PRESS",2012.

6. Kazakova T. G. Develop creativity in preschoolers. Allowance for the educator det. garden / T. G. Kazakova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012

7. Kovalitskaya L. M. Methods of skills formation visual activity in the preschool educational institution: A guide for educators / L. M. Kovalitskaya. - M.: Arkti, 2010

8. Artistic creativity and child / Ed. N. A. Vetlugina. - M.: Pedagogy, 2002

9. Yusupova G. Education independence in children. // D. c. 2004.- No. 8.

"The importance of visual activity for the comprehensive development of a preschooler"

Visual activity is invaluable for the comprehensive upbringing and development of the child. It allows children to convey what they see in the life around them; what excited them caused a positive, and sometimes negative attitude (for example, fear; by drawing any phenomena, the child, as it were, outlives the fear caused by them). Many great philosophers and educators of the past highly valued the importance of drawing in the upbringing of children. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle attached great importance in the development of the child to the subjects of the aesthetic cycle (music, drawing). He emphasized that drawing is studied because it develops the eye in determining physical beauty. (1).

Socio-economic transformations in society dictate the need to form a creatively active personality, in connection with this, preschool institutions face an important task of developing the creative potential of the younger generation. The creative imagination of children represents a huge potential for the realization of the reserves of an integrated approach in teaching and upbringing. The visual activity of preschoolers has great opportunities for the development of creative imagination. Visual activity is a peculiar form of cognition of reality, the surrounding world, comprehension of art and correction of children's development. Visual activity is closely connected with the knowledge of the surrounding life and nature. At the beginning, this is a direct acquaintance with the properties of materials (paper, pencils, paints, clay, etc.), knowledge of the connection between actions and the result obtained. In the future, the child continues to acquire knowledge about the surrounding objects, materials and equipment.

Classes in visual activity, in addition to performing educational tasks, are an important means of comprehensive development of children. Learning to draw, sculpt, apply, design contributes to the mental, moral, aesthetic education of preschoolers. The development of visual - figurative thinking occurs in the learning process. The studies of the famous teacher N. P. Sakulina showed that the successful mastery of image techniques and the creation of an expressive image require not only clear ideas about individual objects, but also the establishment of links appearance object with its appointment in a number of objects or phenomena. Therefore, before the beginning of the image, children solve mental problems based on the concepts they have formed, and then look for ways to implement this task.

Also, visual activity is closely related to problem solving. moral education. This connection is carried out through the content of children's work, which reinforces a certain attitude to the surrounding reality, and the education in children of observation, perseverance, activity, initiative, the ability to listen and complete the task, to bring the work begun to the end. The surrounding life gives children rich impressions, which are then reflected in their drawings, etc. In the process of depiction, the attitude towards the depicted is fixed, since the child re-experiences the feelings that he experienced when perceiving this phenomenon. Therefore, the content of the work has a great influence on the formation of the personality of the child. Sometimes the work of preschoolers is organized as a collective performance of work, in the process of which they develop the ability to work together, in concert, to come to the aid of each other. (2).

Visual activity is of great importance in solving the problems of aesthetic education, since by its nature it is an artistic activity. Modern children are actively mastering virtual world. At the same time, they have a decrease in interest in the environment, in the children's minds the boundaries between good and evil, beautiful and ugly are erased. Undoubtedly, the foundations of a developing personality are laid in childhood, and there is a danger that society in the future may receive an unspiritual generation, indifferent to painting, not understanding music, poetry. Therefore, today aesthetic development comes to the fore, there is a need to revise his ideas, search for new approaches that allow building the process of aesthetic development in accordance with the interests of the child, his needs, abilities, motives of activity.

The experience of working with children allows us to note that it is non-traditional drawing techniques that create an atmosphere of ease, openness, looseness in the classroom, develop initiative, independence, create emotionally - positive attitude to activity.(4).

It is important for children to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the environment, the ability to see and feel the beautiful, to develop artistic taste and creative abilities. The ability to admire the beauty and diversity of natural forms, to notice in the inconspicuous - significant, in the unsightly - expressive, to admire the corners of native and exotic nature;

The ability to feel the nature and variability of natural phenomena, to express one's attitude towards them in landscapes - moods (morning, afternoon, evening, night, autumn, winter, spring, summer);

Willingness to emotionally experience the figurative form of works of fine art, etc. (3).

All types of visual activities, if properly organized, have a positive effect on physical development child. They contribute to raising the general vitality, creating a cheerful, cheerful mood. Vision is of great importance for drawing and modeling. The image of an object requires a clear idea of ​​its color, shape, design, which the painter can get as a result of preliminary targeted observations. In this work, the role of the visual apparatus is especially important.

The first children's drawings, of course, are not yet something masterpiece and conceptual. At first, these are just horizontal lines, then the child learns to draw vertical lines, then circles, and only then - to combine all this into one plot. Even if you still do not understand what the kid is drawing, he is still the BEST ARTIST IN THE WORLD! Remember, not a single praise in this matter will be superfluous.

Drawing, sculpting, applique, designing contributes to the development of the child's hand, especially the muscles of the hand and fingers, which is so important for further learning to write at school.

Thus, visual arts are an important means of comprehensive development of children.


1. Komarova T. S. Visual activity in kindergarten. program and guidelines. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008. - 192 p.: color. incl.

2. Theory and methodology of visual activity in kindergarten. Proc. Allowance for students ped. Intov majoring in Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology. M., "Enlightenment", 1977. 253 p., 8 ill. author, V.B. Kosminskaya, E.I. Vasilyeva, N.B. Khalezov and others.

3. Koptseva T.A. Nature and the artist. Artistic and environmental program in fine arts for preschool educational institutions and educational - educational complexes. M.: TC Sphere, 2006. - 208 p. (Development program).

4. Tsvitaria T.A. Non-traditional drawing techniques. Integrated classes in the preschool educational institution. - M.: TC Sphere, 2011. - 128 p. (Library of the Educator). (8)

5. Baranova E.V., Savelyeva A.M. From skills to creativity. Teaching children 2-7 years old drawing technique, - Teaching aid. M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2009. - 64s.

Article prepared by:

teacher of additional education in fine arts

which feeds the source of creative thought.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

At preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the world around him with joy and surprise. The child strives for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, but to contribute to its further development. The fuller and more varied the children's activity, the more successful its development, the potential opportunities and the first creative manifestations are realized.

According to paragraph 2.4 of the Federal State Educational Standard, the educational program of preschool education should be aimed at creating conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, development of initiative and creativity through collaboration with adults and peers and age - appropriate activities .

According to scientists (A.V. Zaporozhets, A.G. Kovalev, A.N. Leontiev), visual activity at preschool age is the most effective for the development of initiative and creative abilities of children. Visual activity, arising at the initiative of the child himself, expresses his interests, inclinations, and most importantly, contributes to the manifestation of his abilities.

It is necessary to develop the creative ability and initiative of preschoolers from an early age, when they independently take up pencils and paints. The successful development of children's fine arts depends on a number of conditions. The main one is the purposeful teaching influence of the teacher who organizes the activities of children, the systematic and consistent development of perception, ideas, on the basis of which the imagination is formed; teaching visual skills and abilities; the ability of teachers and parents to "read" the drawings of children and evaluate them. For the development of children's creativity and the mastery of visual activity by children, it is necessary to take into account the interests of children, use various forms of organization (individual and collective) and themes of classes. It is very important to create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.

Drawing, modeling and appliqué classes are part of the multifaceted work of the kindergarten, so visual activity should be closely related to all aspects of educational (music classes, acquaintance with the outside world, games, reading books, etc.) and educational activities, during which preschoolers receive a variety of knowledge and experiences. For the image, it is important to choose the brightest phenomena from the life of preschoolers so that the proposed topic is familiar to them, arouses interest, positive emotional mood, the desire to sculpt, draw, cut or paste.

Of particular importance is the relationship of visual activity with play. This relationship is dictated, on the one hand, by the commonality that exists between the two types of activity (reflection of the impressions of the surrounding life); on the other hand, the specifics of visual activity, the desire of children to play with objects and images (often, having drawn or fashioned an object, children begin to play with it). Based on this provision, it is advisable to use various forms of communication with the game: to offer preschoolers to create creative products that can then be used in the game, to introduce game situations, game teaching techniques, to offer preschoolers to reflect in their work the images of children's games.

In the classroom, it is better not to use the teacher's sample, as the children will not show independence, but simply copy from the sample. It is important to let the children work out the details on their own. You can show several methods for solving one problem, and children must take the initiative in choosing a topic suitable for their solution. Especially interesting and informative for children of any age will be the use of non-traditional materials and techniques. And for this it is necessary to give the child practical skills and still give him the right to show independence, because they love to experiment, create something new and unique in their own way. And in no case should you criticize the work of the child.

Thus, the more diverse the conditions, content, forms, methods and techniques of working with children, as well as the materials with which they act, the more intensively the creative abilities of children will develop. An indispensable condition for creative activity organized by adults should be an atmosphere of creativity, i.e. the state of children when their feelings are awakened, imagination, when the child is passionate about what he is doing. At the same time, each child feels free, liberated, comfortable.

Ushakov D.N.

The current guidelines for the modernization of the Russian education system - accessibility, quality and efficiency - place increased demands on preschool education.

The purpose of preschool education at the present stage is not only the formation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also the development of the basic abilities of the individual, his social and cultural skills, the foundations of culturally appropriate behavior, healthy lifestyle life. Therefore, the development of a strategy for the development of preschool educational services in preschool educational institutions is an urgent and important task at this point in time.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State educational standard In preschool education, the task of educating an individual who is proactive, independent, and creative is one of the priorities.

Psychological research proves that during this period favorable opportunities open up for the formation of the foundations of independence and creativity (Alexander Vladimirovich Zaporozhets, Alexander Grigorievich Kovalev, Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev, Anna Alexandrovna Lyublinskaya). According to scientists, visual activity at preschool age is the most effective for the development of initiative and independence of children. Visual activity, arising at the initiative of the child himself, expresses his interests, inclinations, and most importantly, contributes to the manifestation of his abilities. Independent artistic and creative activity contributes to the development of independence, initiative, activity, creative manifestations, interest in one's own artistic activity.

The main types of visual activities of preschoolers are drawing, application, design, modeling and manual labor. Each of these types has its own capabilities in displaying the child's impressions of the world around. Therefore, the general tasks facing visual activity are concretized depending on the characteristics of each type, the originality of the material and methods of working with it. The use of various types of visual activity gives the child a wide opportunity in the manifestation of his creative inclinations, in the formation of an initiative, independent, individual personality.

So in drawing, working on the thematic block "Landscape", we start looking at landscapes with children from the early preschool age. Children have a desire to draw and they embody their emotions from what they saw and experienced in their first landscapes, so landscape sketches appear: “Buds and leaves”, “Rain, rain: drip-drip-drip!”, “Wind”, “Blizzard- zavirukha ”,“ Bad weather ”, etc. Children already at a younger preschool age show independence in choosing different material and take the initiative in depicting elements of landscape painting. The need for independence arises in a baby very early, it is important not to miss this moment, to help the child show his individuality, give him a choice and help discover what is inherent in every baby by nature. In children of older preschool age, individuality in the depiction of the landscape manifests itself more clearly. Each child sees changes in nature in his own way, feels the beauty and uniqueness of nature at different times of the year and reflects this in his work. This is how children of older preschool age depict nature in transitional seasonal states: the beginning of autumn, Golden autumn, late fall. Individuality is also manifested in the expressive means of painting - color, composition, drawing. One child depicts a snow-white winter, while the other has a purple winter. Individuality is also manifested in the construction of the composition. To support children's initiative and independence, we use the technique of unfinished compositions, experimenting with color, where children independently mix paints and find the right shade, choose a background and material to convey the image. Children's independence and initiative is supported through collective compositions, where children choose a partner, work in pairs, subgroups.

In children's works you can see what kind of wind blows, how they fly and spin autumn leaves, carries them with a light cool breeze or a piercing evil north wind. Children independently come up with the names “Tender Morning”, “Terrible Whirlwind”, “Northern Lights”, etc. for their works. The result of the work done to familiarize preschoolers with landscape painting was the exhibition of children's works “Beautiful corners of our city”. In their works, the children showed individual style, independence in choosing the plot, materials and means, the ability to interpret artistic images. The choice of plot is not accidental, each child depicts his favorite corner of the city, which means that he develops love and a sense of patriotism for his native land. Each type of visual activity, along with a general aesthetic impact, has a specific impact on the child. As the experience of the teachers of our kindergarten shows, the use of non-traditional techniques in the application contributes not only to the development of artistic imagination and aesthetic taste, creative thinking, spatial perception, but also the development of children's initiative and independence. We use different types applications that differ in shape (volumetric, flat), color (one-color, two-color) and theme (subject, decorative, plot). To create them, we use colored paper, plasticine, fabric, straw. Children are happy to use the origami technique in combination with the application. As unusual materials for the application, we use adhesive modules: adhesive sheets and adhesive tapes, paper mosaic. Children with the help of flowers, arrows, stars make out both voluminous and flat applications, themed postcards, wall panels. Working with unusual material allows preschoolers to show imagination, creativity, creative approach, teaches them to think outside the box.

Modeling is of interest to almost children of all ages. The teachers of our preschool educational institution use various material: plasticine, dough, gypsum, clay and various techniques for working with these materials. The non-traditional technique for working with plasticine "Plasticinography" is actively used in the practice of our preschool educational institution. (“Plasticineography” (“graphics” - to create, depict, “plasticine” - the material with which the execution of the plan is carried out). The principle of this non-traditional technique is to create a stucco picture depicting convex, semi-volumetric objects on a horizontal surface. The subject material of the classes is a sequence of carefully selected, gradually becoming more complex products. Each new image is based on what has already been studied, contains familiar forms and is performed with techniques already known to the child, but at the same time supplemented with new, more complex elements that are not yet familiar to him. Topics are close and understandable to the child - these are objects that he encounters daily and knows well: toys, sweets, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, insects, birds, ancient and fabulous animals, inhabitants of the underwater kingdom. Children are happy to invent new ones, interesting topics for pictures. The first successes will surely arouse in children the desire to create compositions in their own, independent creativity, to show initiative, individuality, since this technique is unusual, attracting attention and interest. In our work we use such types of plasticineography as reverse plasticineography, plasticine mosaic, modular plasticineography. Children are provided big choice various plastics. In plasticineography, we use the same techniques as in modeling: pressing down, smearing, smoothing, flattening. The colors are easy to mix with each other and additional shades are obtained, which helps the child to develop color perception. Parents, having visited the exhibition of three-dimensional paintings in the kindergarten, actively responded and attended master classes, where together with the children they created plasticine masterpieces. Many of the parents created their own corners of creativity at home, which led to the manifestation of independence in the creativity of children. Systematic and gradual work with plasticine when creating three-dimensional paintings allows children to show originality, independently bring the matter to a completed end.

We bring to your attention a master class on the topic "Plasticineography"

This master class can be useful for parents, educators and teachers in working with children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Target: development of independence, initiative, individuality through plasticineography.
Material for work: plasticine; colored cardboard; markers; rods from ballpoint pen; stack photo frames.

Choose unfinished compositions for yourself, if you wish, you can apply your drawing: an object, a flower, a mushroom, a butterfly and plasticine. In this case, we provide a large selection of plasticine. Now I will talk about several types of plasticineography, and you yourself choose the type that you like best.

1. Reverse plasticineography - an image of a stucco picture on the reverse side of a transparent surface or stained glass.

This type of plasticineography is used on glass, the image is obtained from the other side, therefore it is called reverse plasticineography. Because preschool children cannot work on glass; plastic or plexiglass can be used.

When reverse plasticineography, the surface for work must first be thoroughly washed with soap or water. detergent for glass. Transfer the drawing to the surface with a marker or stained glass outline, and then fill in the elements of the drawing with plasticine. To do this, you need to pick up a piece of plasticine in size and knead it well in your hands, and then smear it on the glass. You can smear it with your fingers or with a stack, carefully pressing it to the surface to get a thin layer. new color must be applied sequentially and separately. Along the contour, the resulting work can be pasted over with strips to make a neat frame, or inserted into a finished frame.

2. Modular plasticineography - an image of a stucco picture using various elements - rollers, balls, braids, disks.

This technique is more complex, since it requires mastery of all modeling techniques. First you need to transfer the drawing you like to a sheet of cardboard and fill each section of the picture with plasticine of the corresponding color, which can be done with small balls, flagella or whole parts, giving the edges the desired shape with the help of a stack.

3. Mosaic plasticineography - the image of a stucco picture using balls of plasticine or ball plasticine.

This technique is the simplest, since the elements are all the same - plasticine balls. It is only necessary to beautifully combine colors and carefully fill the space without going beyond the outline. You can get to work and choose any technique of plasticineography.

While our colleagues are working, I will talk about other types of plasticineography.

There are several other types of plasticineography.

3. Direct plasticineography - the image of a stucco picture on a horizontal surface.

Mostly all children work in this technique, starting from an early age. For an early age, you can prepare a simpler outline drawing, without small details, and at an older age, children can apply more complex compositions on their own, with small details. The drawing is filled with softer plasticine, such as wax. It spreads well and blends beautifully. This technique must be performed on a sheet of thick cardboard, but in this case it is necessary to first paste over the surface with tape. It is best to smear plasticine on cardboard with your hands, since the material under pressure lies evenly on the surface, thus achieving the effect of a smear with oil paints.

4. Contour plasticineography - an image of an object using flagella.

This technique is more like for older people, as it requires perseverance and painstaking work. The contour drawing is filled with flagella, which are pre-rolled by the child himself or prepared in advance by the teacher. To do this, put the plasticine in the syringe, and place the syringe in hot water to melt the plasticine. After 2-3 minutes, plasticine can be squeezed out, so you can prepare exactly the same flagella, which subsequently fill the space.

5. Multilayer plasticineography - a three-dimensional image of a stucco painting with successive application of several layers. The advantages of this technique are that a very beautiful and vivid plot can be performed on a plane. This technique is suitable for depicting the sky, mountains, forests and other landscape scenes, when one layer is covered from above by another. Some details of the plasticine picture may have a complex contour. In this case, you need to apply a plasticine cake and remove excess plasticine with a stack.

If the picture contains elements that are difficult to mold, then they are repeated with a thin layer of plasticine on paper, cut out with scissors and stuck to the base using thin plasticine rollers, thus achieving a 3-D effect.

6. Textured plasticineography is an image of large areas of a painting on a horizontal surface with a more convex image (bas-relief, high relief, counter-relief)

Slides captions:

Plasticineography Educator: Skiba O.A.

What is "Plasticineography"? Plasticineography is unconventional technique modeling, which is expressed in the "drawing" of more or less convex (bas-relief) images on a horizontal surface with plasticine.

What is plasticine? Plasticine (Italian plastilina, from other Greek πλαστός - stucco) - material for modeling. It is made from purified and crushed clay powder with the addition of wax, lard and dyes. Serves to perform various shapes and images.

Materials used in plasticineography Plasticine ( different colors). Plastic boards for work. Stacks. Cardboard (plain and color), preferably dense. You can also creatively use any dense surface: wood, glass, plastic. Waste material- to create game fantasy images: paper of different textures, candy wrappers, seeds, grains, buttons, plastic containers etc.

Ball clay Floating clay Modeling mass

improve visual perception. promote cognitive-creative and sensorimotor development: develop the perception of shape, texture, color, weight, plasticity of the material; develop fine motor skills hands, synchronization of actions of both hands; develop fantasy, imagination, spatial thinking; to form the emotional-volitional sphere of children, to develop the skills of self-control over the actions performed. to promote the socialization of children: the development of their labor skills in planning work to implement the plan, the ability to foresee the result and achieve it, if necessary, to make adjustments to the original plan. Tasks:

Direct plasticineography - an image of a picture on a horizontal surface; Reverse - an image on the other side (stained glass)

Contour plasticineography - an image of a picture along the contour, using flagella Multilayer - applying plasticine in several layers

Modular plasticineography - application of many ready-made elements Mosaic - application of identical elements (balls)

Textured - a more convex image (relief, bas-relief)

* You can paint over the template with plasticine; * scratch with a toothpick a drawing on a layer of plasticine; * sculpt three-dimensional picture- bas-relief; * make a plasticine picture. Sometimes it is convenient to use ready-made durable forms for modeling - jars, bottles, plastic eggs, boxes. They serve as a solid and comfortable base. It also helps to avoid redundant work. Sculpting in the form Drawing with plasticine

When the image is created from separate parts, as from the details of the designer (hence the name). In this way, they begin to sculpt as early as 2-3 years old (pyramid. beads. Fence, well) Combines two methods: constructive and sculptural. It is called plastic or modeling from a whole piece, when the child models the shape - the basis with various movements: pulls, bends, crushes, pinches where necessary: ​​from above, on the sides, from below. Constructive method Sculptural method Combined method The modeling technique is varied, but at the same time it is accessible even to small children.

Rolling Rolling Retracting Flattening Indentation Bending Handling

“The ABC of Modeling” - a technique for rolling the shape of a ball: we play with plasticine in the “Magic Bun” Slightly stretch on both sides and roll out an ovoid or ellipse balloon, melon. Pull off on one side - pear, matryoshka. Flatten between the palms into a disk-wheel, flat cake. Roll into a cone - ice cream, pyramid. Flatten on one side into a hemisphere - gingerbread, beetles. Make a depression with your fingers or a pencil - a mushroom cap, a cup, a vase.

“The ABC of modeling” - a technique for rolling out the shape of a cylinder: we play with a “sausage” Together with children, we perform movements with the palms of our hands forward and backward (until we get the part desired shape and size) with the simultaneous pronunciation of the following text: “A locomotive is driving, two pipes and 100 wheels:“ Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo! ”(especially relevant at the initial stage of mastering the basic form-building movements).

Stage 1 Visual-tactile examination of an object - determination of the features of its structure: parts and details of which it consists.

Sketching the image, determining the amount of plasticine Stage 2

Stage 3 Direct creation of a plasticine image, using the techniques of the ABC of Modeling and the techniques of plasticineography derived from them.

FINAL PART In order to complete the lesson, a brief summary must be summed up Self-assessment of the work with the help of: cards - symbols; scheme; emoticons, etc. Creation of a plot composition, exhibition and general evaluation of work by a teacher Evaluation of work by a neighbor; a hero from a surprise moment

Thank you for your attention!

List of sources "Plasticine country Lepilka" Selivon V.A. Minsk: "Poppuri", 2010. "Program 4 types", ed. Plaksina L.I. http: // http: // "Plasticineography: animalistic painting" Davydova G.N., publishing house: Scriptorium 2003. Year of issue 2008. http: //