What to do if the child is 2 months. The second month of the life of a newborn child: development, weight, care. Physical development of the child

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The development of a child at 2 years is no longer as rapid as immediately after birth. But by this age, children have acquired many new skills. They walk and run, they have excellent control over their bodies, they have well-developed fine motor skills. Toddlers eat by themselves, try to dress themselves, many go to the potty on their own.

Speech becomes richer, children begin to speak in short sentences, they perfectly understand adults. The difficulties of two-year-olds are associated with the next transitional age. The child is more and more established as an independent person, but it is still difficult for children to cope with all the challenges.

Physical development of a two-year-old child

The weight of a two-year-old boy reaches an average of 11-14.5 kg, girls - 10.8-14 kg. Height - 83.5-93 cm and 84-90.4 cm, respectively. The circumference of the head in boys is 47.6-50.9 cm, and the chest is 48.4-54.7 cm. In girls, the head in circumference is 46.6-50.0 cm, the breast is 48.5-54.0 cm These indicators should not be taken as an absolute norm, they are averaged. For example, the WHO table of physical development offers large variations by year and month. Therefore, only a doctor can establish a lag by conducting special tests.

The baby moves well by the age of two. He walks and runs, climbs stairs, goes up and down stairs. Can back up, spin, make sharp turns. Children calmly jump over obstacles, can stand on one leg. They rise on their toes or tiptoes to get the thing they need. Rearrange the chairs, put the toys out of the box, and put them back. The child can maintain balance on the crossbar, dig the ball with his foot.

Fine motor skills are also actively developing. At 2 years old, a child should fold towers from cubes, confidently draw vertical lines, hold scissors in his hands and cut paper. Some children can perform more complex tasks. Most at this age begin to disassemble toys into parts. It is impossible to swear for this with children, otherwise they may lose interest in the world around them. Without disassembling the toy, they will not be able to understand how it works and functions.

The household skills of the child are also improved. He eats well with a spoon and does not spill even soup, he drinks from a mug. Many children no longer like small tables, they want to sit at a large table. The kid himself washes his hands and face, tries to brush his teeth. Some children are able to dress themselves by the age of two. True, they still have problems with fastening buttons and tying shoelaces. The fingers are not yet sufficiently developed, so parents should help them a little. If you haven't potty trained your toddler yet, now is the time to start. Two-year-olds already manage to control their physiological needs, they can learn to go to the toilet quite consciously.

Mental development of the child

In the second year of life, emotional and intellectual development child continues. His sensory skills are improving. The baby distinguishes about eight shades. Can pick up several cards or cubes of the same color according to the sample. He is well versed in the sizes and shapes of objects, he can fold figures into a frame without errors. He already operates with such concepts as "big" and "small", "high" and "low", "warm" and "cold". Can sort items according to their attributes. They begin to navigate in time, understand what “now”, “later”, “in a few minutes” means. True, more distant time periods do not mean anything for children yet. They are not guided in terms of "always", "in a year", etc.

Baby games become more meaningful and complex. He can build a garage for the car, bring it there. Loads cubes into the body and unloads them. Girls feed the doll from a spoon, shake it, try to dress it. Children actively talk and comment on their actions. They like to chat on a children's phone, copying the behavior of adults. It is very important to support at this age the desire of the crumbs to help you around the house. If he wants to dust or wash the dishes, give him a cloth and let him work with you. Collect toys only with children to teach them to order.

The speech of two-year-old children becomes richer. By the end of the year, the child should know 200-300 words. He names many objects in his own way, but these are already conscious names, and not random sounds or syllables. Toddlers begin to speak in short sentences, try to use prepositions, adjectives. Children also refer to themselves in the third person. Speech development girls is faster than boys. Many at the age of two can already repeat short rhymes, songs after their mother, they speak in rather large sentences of three or four words. Whereas in boys motor functions develop more intensively. If the baby is hyperactive, he starts talking later than calm children. There is no need to be especially afraid, because the development of children is individual. It happens that by the age of three, babies begin to speak clearly, and in large sentences. But if the child has not started talking after three years, you should go to a speech therapist.

The passive vocabulary of the child is even greater, he perfectly understands adults. Moreover, he knows what actions will follow after certain words. For example, when mom says “let's go for a walk”, she is looking for clothes, when she says “let's paint”, she starts to pull out an album and paints. Performs rather complex requests - “put the toy in the box”, “wash your hands and come to me”, “bring the cubes and fold the turret”. The kid is well oriented where his things are (clothes, toys, dishes), he can find hidden objects. If you look at pictures in a book with children, they will accurately show them at the request of their parents.

hard at two the year is coming memory development. When you go for a walk with children, they will lead you to an already familiar area. Many objects in the house are associated with other people. Kids know that dad's jacket and mom's handbag. By the age of two, children memorize new material well, short rhymes, pictures in books, and even letters. Of course, every child has their own age features, some speak and learn faster, others more slowly. Therefore, the mother's adviser should not be a forum on the Internet, but an experienced doctor or psychologist.

Emotional development of the child and the crisis of the second year

The emotional development of the child undergoes no less changes than the intellectual. He is more and more aware of his individuality, asserts himself as a person. Many things the child wants to do on their own. When they do not give him, he becomes angry. Bouts of anger - a fairly typical phenomenon for a two-year-old. Parents wonder why their cute baby suddenly became moody, often aggressive. They do not understand how to behave in such situations. They often believe that they treat children incorrectly, do not pay enough attention to them, and make mistakes in education.

It must be understood that a child’s temper tantrums are not the fault of the parents or lack of upbringing. He has not yet learned to control his emotions and understand them. The child experiences the limits of what is permitted and his capabilities. At such moments, it is important for parents to do two things - to understand why the child is angry, and not to become irritated himself.

The causes of anger for adults may seem quite petty, but for a baby they are very significant. But it’s not always worth giving in, although you can’t be too strict with children either. It is necessary to clearly define for the baby what is “possible” and what is “impossible” and never deviate from this principle. Small child needs limits, he feels so safe. If mom always follows his lead, he becomes insecure, becomes even more capricious and uncontrollable. There should not be too many restrictions, an infinite number of prohibitions are simply not perceived by children.

You need to talk to a child like an adult. If the baby has fallen to the floor, screaming, throwing toys, but has not yet fallen into a tantrum, try to talk to him. Sit down next to him, try to explain in quite mature phrases and arguments why you cannot fulfill his request. At this age, it turns out less and less to distract the baby with other things, after a while he again returns to his requirements. By the age of four, the problem goes away. If aggressive behavior persists, it is necessary to consult a psychologist who has experience working with such children.

Interaction with other people in a two-year-old is more active. He clearly distinguishes what he can do with mom and dad, grandma and grandpa. The kid becomes cunning, he understands that from whom one can demand, who is affected by his whims, and who is not very. With strangers, the baby still behaves wary, silent, hiding behind his mother. There are also more sociable children who quickly make contact with strangers, it all depends on the character. The child is interested in other children, but their interaction is still weak. Most likely, the kids will play side by side, from time to time taking toys from each other, they may even fight. If the child is greedy, not too willing to play with others, you should not worry. Real interaction between children will begin only after a few months, closer to three years.

The regimen and nutrition of the child

A two-year-old child already chews food well, he has almost all milk teeth, because baby food can be diversified. Meat is given not only in ground form or in the form of steam cutlets, but also in pieces. It is best to stew or bake it in the oven with different sauces. Children can already be given lean pork, lamb, but duck and goose are worth the wait. The basis of the meat diet should be beef or veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey. The optimal daily amount of meat is 90 grams. The fish is also useful for the baby, they give it twice a week, approximately 90-100 grams each. Smoked meat is not recommended, but by the age of two, flour products, pancakes, pancakes are introduced into the diet.

Vegetables should form the basis of the menu. Soups are cooked on their basis, mashed potatoes, salads, casseroles are made. Useful for the child will be pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce and spinach, you can add eggplant. Fruits and berries containing vitamins, the baby should eat every day. Almost everything is allowed, only strawberries and citrus fruits are given with caution, as they may be allergic. But with chocolates and sweets, you should wait up to three years. Have not lost their relevance and porridge. They need to be made viscous, liquid and cereal are mixed in a ratio of 3: 1. If the baby does not like to eat cereals, make cutlets half with meat from them, or casseroles with vegetables. Milk and dairy products the child should drink approximately 600 grams per day. You can give the baby to drink diluted juices, compote, tea, mousse from berries.

Here is an approximate daily menu for a child who is two years old:

  • Morning meal. Rice porridge with dried apricots, cottage cheese, bread with butter, tea.
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad of cucumber and greens, bean soup with carrots and potatoes, potato zrazy stuffed with meat, apple jelly.
  • afternoon tea. Banana, yogurt, dry biscuits.
  • Evening meal. Turkey cutlet, stewed cauliflower, berry puree (strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries), baby milk, bread with butter.

A two-year-old child sleeps at night for about 9-10 hours, during the day - 2-3 hours. At this age, the baby is already switching to one-time sleep, the period of daily activity lasts about 4-5 hours. Children can still wake up at night, especially if the day turned out to be eventful and nervous system overexcited. If this happens regularly, the baby is naughty for a long time, then sluggish all day, you need to consult a doctor. Walks are very important for a two-year-old child. In the warm season, it must be taken out into the street in the morning and evening for 2-3 hours. In winter, walks with children should last at least an hour. You need to bathe the baby every evening, be sure to put toys in the bathroom, teach him to wash himself little by little.

Gymnastics with a child of two years

Physical exercises should continue to take place in the form of a game, but they can be more varied. useful to the child there will be gymnastics. Prepare a lesson plan, take a ball, cubes, a stick, a board, a ladder (it's good if there is a wall bars in the room). The first exercise with children is walking on an inclined plane. Lay the board with one end on the floor and the other on a raised platform. Help the baby to get up and down it. Next, move on to stick exercises. The child lies on the mat, you ask him to reach out with his legs to the stick, which is placed horizontally at the level of his chest.

Spread the cubes to the left of the baby, ask him to shift them to right side. Play with the ball, first throw them to each other, then invite the baby to hit the ball on the target, for example, in a box. Help your child climb up and down the ladder or wall bars. All exercises should be repeated 4-6 times, work with him until he perceives the lesson as a game.

If the child complains that he is tired, gymnastics should be stopped. Do gymnastics with music, so children have more fun doing it, and they will show interest in physical exercises for a longer time. On the street, try to run with him, play catch-up. Take the little one in a stroller less, let him walk on foot for a walk, push his “transport” himself. Encourage him to play with other children, then the kids move more and develop better physically.

Classes for the mental and sensory development of the child

At 2 years old, the intellectual development of the child allows you to seriously engage with him. It is important to pay attention to the development of speech, sensory, logic in a child. To do this, you can choose one of the methods of early development, or just regularly engage with the baby. To improve speech skills, it is very important to read books with children, memorize poems. In order to learn a poem, first read it several times, then ask the child to repeat the last word in line. Read one line, and the second ask the child to recite the second himself. Many children find it easier to sing than to tell a rhyme, so try learning songs with your baby. Comment on your actions, name the surrounding objects and pictures in the book, so that by the age of two the child will better replenish his passive vocabulary.

Kids are actively developing, every month they learn something new. Parents need to carefully monitor their children during this period, correct their behavior. Calm environment in the family, proper nutrition and physical exercise will only contribute to the harmonious development of the beloved child.

Physical development of a child at 2 years 2 months

Children at this age grow literally by leaps and bounds. The kid moves more and more confidently, can walk on heels or toes, run without holding the hand of an adult and jump.

He is good at descents and ascents on the surface.with a slight slope and stepping over obstacles (bumps, pebbles, scattered toys). Climbing stairs is now a fun activity. The kid learns to walk up the stairs so as to touch each one leg without putting the second one.

Be careful! Children at 2 years and 2 months are active and curious, and parents cannot always react in time and protect the child from danger. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the baby under close supervision and, giving him the opportunity to independently move up the stairs, stay nearby for "insurance".

Ball games will now become more diverse. By this age, a baby can firmly hold a toy in his hands and throw it into a basket if it is located nearby.

Features of the psyche in babies at 2 years and 2 months

Most children at two and 2 months are friendly towards the world around them. They are cheerful and active, able to experience a wide range of emotions.

Stubbornness and whims are normal at this age. So the child learns to defend his position and demonstrates preferences.

Increased interest in other people, both adults and children. On the street, during a walk, the baby most often carefully examines passers-by and makes the first attempts to make friends with peers.

Another character trait that begins to appear at the age of 2 years and 2 months is impulsiveness. Children are not always able to predict what their actions will lead to. To teach the baby this and explain what is good and what is bad is the task of parents.

Harmonious, calm relations in the family, the absence of scandals and raised voices will serve as an example.

Communication with others

By the age of 2 years 2 months, babies understand well what adults are talking about, they can answer simple questions “What is your name?”, “What color is the ball?”, “Who is it?” (pointing to an animal or cartoon character).

The vocabulary of the crumbs is replenished every day . Thanks to this, parents and educators during this period may notice that the little one begins to pronounce not just individual sounds and words, but to make sentences out of them.

Children at 2 years and 2 months old are able to recognize a character or object from a description and guess simple riddles.

Poems help in the development of speech and memory. Simple works by S. Marshak "Roly-Vstanka", "Ship" and A. Barto "Humpty Dumpty" or "Toys" will do.

After watching their favorite fairy tales or cartoons, children like to discuss them. Often they ask to watch the video they like or read the fairy tale again.

New skills in children aged 2 years and 2 months

By this age, babies are skillfully handling kitchen appliances and are able to eat and drink on their own without spilling the contents of spoons and cups.

Kids can do a lot on their own!

  • They brush their teeth.
  • Wash hands with soap and water after walking and before eating.
  • They wash themselves.
  • Wipe hands with a towel.
  • They go to the potty on their own and notify adults in time that they want to go to the toilet.

If you deal with a child, instill in him accuracy, then at 2 and 2 he will learn to fold his things and spread out the crib before going to bed.

The kid needs to be taught independence from an early age!

Nutrition for children at 2 years and 2 months

There should be 4 meals during the day. About 25% of the daily norm is breakfast, 30-35% is lunch, up to 20% is an afternoon snack, and about 25% is left for dinner.

Berries, soft fruits and vegetables can be given without kneading, but cutting into small pieces.

Fried food in the children's menu should not be, like smoked and sausage products. Gradually, small pieces of boiled or stewed meat (except duck and goose) can be added to the diet.

Intelligence in children aged 2 years and 2 months

A child who has crossed the barrier of two years of age is able to distinguish between wild and domestic animals, to generalize objects (fruits, clothes, toys, furniture).

The kid is interested in professions and can tell who a person works for, being determined even by work clothes (builder, doctor, policeman, astronaut, fireman). Most children at this age know the names of the main geometric shapes, animals and flowers.

The baby already understands well the definitions of “far-close”, “inside”, “side”, “behind-front”.

The collection of puzzles becomes conscious. The child is able to collect simple images from 4-5 parts, but he no longer just puts the pictures side by side, but tries to assemble the drawing, to find the right piece of the puzzle.

Educational games and toys for children aged 2 years and 2 months

What contributes to the development fine motor skills in children?

  • stringing beads on a thread.
  • Button games (You can additionally ask the baby to name their color, shape, size).
  • Pulling shoelaces or thread through special pictures.
  • Modeling from plasticine.
  • Drawing (with paints, pencils and fingers, if you prepare finger paints).

The crumbs show particular interest in designers. They are interested in studying every detail and building a turret, a car, etc.

Mandatory mobile - catch-up, ball games, gymnastics. Thanks to this, the baby will improve coordination and strengthen immunity.

It is necessary to engage with the child regularly, instill new skills in him, set a positive example. During this period, the baby copies the behavior of adults, so parents and relatives need to communicate kindly, avoid tantrums.

The success of your own children causes the most exciting and joyful emotions. If you are the parents of a two-year-old child, then you are probably in seventh heaven with happiness, because during this period your child develops so rapidly that an adult can only dream of such a thing. Next year will require even more endurance and calmness from you, but remember that the results will pay off all efforts.

Physiological features

The development of a child of 2 years is already at such a level that the baby confidently jumps and runs. His body, perfectly coordinated in space, is already quite strong. Children at this age are very mobile. The task of parents at the same time is to provide the kids with all the opportunities for active games. It is recommended to regularly spend time outside, where there is more motivation and space. The development of a 2-year-old child will improve significantly if, for example, he steps over a tree lying on the ground or walks on it, thereby honing his sense of balance. On the street you can feed the birds, hang on the horizontal bar, go up and down the stairs ... At home, the baby has much less to do. Physical development children (2 years old - the age in question) during this period, more than ever, contributes to acquaintance with the outside world. Try to make sure that the baby regularly performs the following exercises:

Baby psychology

The development of a child of 2 years old allows the psyche to fully open up to receive new information. Of course, before your child was also interested in many things, but this kind of curiosity was in the subordination of instincts, not reason. The psychological development of a 2-year-old child has reached the stage when he instantly learns new information and practically forgets nothing. This is the most fertile period for the most effective development. Mastering the skills is quite easy, while they are remembered for the rest of their lives.

The mental development of children of 2 years old allows them to understand well the simple stories of adults, for example, about the events that have occurred. In the game, kids reproduce simple logical actions. They are happy to take on the construction of turrets or pyramids.

The development of a child at 2 years old is such that he already knows how to hold a pen (pencil). It's time to introduce him to creativity. The lessons of joint drawing are very useful. Lead the baby with your hand, let him make some squiggles on his own. Despite the fact that the first drawings are illegible and abstract, their role in the development of the baby can hardly be disputed. At first, it is recommended to give the child felt-tip pens - they are not only bright, but also very light, so working with them will not require significant effort.

A two-year-old child is already much more diligent than 6-12 months ago. He will be able to keep his attention on any action even for half an hour, especially if you are involved in the process. During this period, it is recommended to purchase the first puzzles and construction sets for the baby (however, do not choose toys with small details). Girls will enjoy playing with dolls. Toddlers are already able to figure out what they like and what they don't. It is not easy to distract them from the activity they like and it is just as difficult to interest them in a new one.

Children as young as two years old willingly take part in adult activities. This period is the best suited for unobtrusive labor education. Can be converted joint work at home into the system. In this case, parents will need great patience, because it is much easier, for example, to wipe the dust on their own, but the baby also needs to learn. We list the main household skills:

  • The baby washes, washes his hands and uses a towel with little help from his mother.
  • Helps adults clean the table after eating.
  • Spilled liquid can be wiped up with a sponge.
  • He eats thick food on his own.
  • Watering flowers.
  • He cleans up his room, puts toys away.

Basic skills and abilities

Features of the development of a child of 2 years are as follows:

Features of the organization of life

Considering the development of a child of 2 years old, we note that during this period the baby can hardly fall asleep during the day or even refuse daytime rest. In this case, it is recommended to arrange for him at least an hour of quiet pastime with reading books, for example. However, one should not completely abandon daytime sleep because it is harmful to the health of the baby.

Do not forget to alternate activities of the child during walks and games. His attention can be directed to one thing for thirty minutes.

Two-year-olds, as a rule, are already asking for a potty. But still plant them before a walk and after a nap.

Work on motor skills

The methodology for the development of a child of 2 years old involves holding fun competitions (for example, who will sit down / get up faster from a lying position). They help work out gross motor skills baby. For such exercises, it is recommended to use a soft bedding.

An equally exciting activity is riding a baby on the shoulders of an adult. When you are sure that the child is not afraid of heights, dance or squat. This exercise will develop the muscles in both of you.

As for the development of fine motor skills, classes with small boxes filled with buttons or small toys will become indispensable. Show your child how fun it is to transfer things from one container to another. At the same time, make sure that he does not swallow anything. Another option for exercises for fine motor skills is drawing with fingers or a brush. While playing in the sandbox, invite your child not only to dig with a shovel, but to make Easter cakes, dig a garage for a car and pave the way to it. At home, arrange bath procedures for your favorite toy, while studying bathing items - a washcloth, soap, towel, shampoo. At the same time, you can show the child which water is flowing from the tap - warm, hot or cold.

Early development of children (2 years). Paying attention to articulation

  • Show your child how to blow out candles, blow bubbles, etc. This skill is individual, not everyone masters it at an early age. Don't worry if your baby doesn't get much done yet.
  • Perform the exercise "Slow and fast breeze" (while the baby should blow with all his might or smoothly).
  • Make faces together in front of the mirror. Show your tongue and twist it in all directions.
  • Teach your child to make bubbles in water by blowing air through a straw.
  • Speak sounds or words with your child at different volumes.

Remember that the most effective classes are not forced. The kid will quickly acquire useful skills if he performs tasks with pleasure.


  • Let the baby feel objects of different textures. Discuss their properties.
  • Organize games like “Find a Pair” (to successfully complete the task, the child must correctly match the white jersey, cotton pad, hard cardboard, soft paper, etc.).
  • Closer to three years, the baby should already try to determine things by touch, with his eyes closed, pulling fruits, vegetables, toys out of the bag.
  • Conduct classes to introduce your child to smells and tastes.

Child 2 years old. Speech development

All the methods listed below are suitable for those kids who already know how to pronounce individual words (even if in a special “childish” language).

  • Ask your child questions about what is happening around (on the street and at home), what is shown in the pictures.
  • Discuss current events in detail. Thus, there will be a gradual replenishment of your child's passive vocabulary.
  • Sing songs to the baby, read poems and fairy tales to him.
  • Play out scenes together (for example, from the fairy tale "Teremok", when the child plays the role of a mouse sitting in a house). During the lesson, it is important to encourage the baby to perform various actions.
  • Listen and sing songs.
  • Engage in the study of adjectives. Use them in communication with the baby, describing various objects.
  • Learn different adverbs, prepositions and pronouns.
  • When mastering various lexical topics, focus on what parts the objects consist of. For example, a house has windows, a roof, doors, etc.

Tasks for children who have not yet mastered speech

But what to do if a child of 2 years does not speak yet? The development of the baby's speech should be carried out according to the following scenario:

What is the child learning

The development of a child at 2 years old allows him to study several properties of objects at the same time. You can, for example, put yellow marbles in one box and blue cubes in another. Create situations where the baby will need to think through the solution to the problem. How, for example, to pull out a ball rolled under the sofa? Let your child find his own way out.

At this age, you can buy the first books with simple riddles. In order to make it easier for the baby to guess them, it is recommended to show him a toy or a picture depicting a hidden object. At the end of the game, remind the child to put everything away.

Behavioral Features

Two years of age - time for active development creativity and initiative. The kid has already learned a lot - he eats and dresses himself. At the same time, it is important not to interfere with his independence.

A child can react to certain life events in different ways, sometimes too violently. At the same time, it is important to pay special attention to how people from his immediate environment behave, because babies at this age are instantly infected with emotions.

The main task of parents

The development of a 2-year-old child should be carried out with the obligatory encouragement of various manifestations of creativity. Often invite the baby to sculpt, play scenes with dolls, draw, etc. At the same time, do not forget to sincerely praise the child. Teach your child to be kind to peers. Explain to him how important it is to be able to share and respect the property of other children. Show your baby how to feel sorry and empathize (for example, pet a boy who has fallen and cries bitterly).


The development process of a two-year-old baby should be under the control of parents. During this period, it is important to support the child and explain incomprehensible moments to him. In order to achieve success, one must have patience in order to calmly relate to the failures of one's own child. Don't build early development in a cult, so as not to injure the psyche of the baby.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

At 2 months, the baby is increasingly adapting to the world around him. And mom has already learned to understand her baby: why she cries, what she wants to say with a squeak, when she kicks her legs, how she behaves if she is hungry, if it is cold, hot, wet ...

The baby himself masters such a universal means of communication as a smile. These are no longer the old grimaces, but a bewitching, radiant, attracting - in a word, a real smile. The baby bestows it on every face and voice addressed to him. First of all, of course, my mother and father. There is joy and trust in this smile. To parents, to the world. Confidence in the world also increases thanks to the “eye to eye” game, that indispensable communication when a baby can look into his mother’s eyes for a long time, seeing in them, as in a mirror, his own reflection and perception of himself by others.

Crying continues to be a means of communication. But now it acquires a social meaning - a request, a call: to come up, play, pick up, show that there is something interesting around. When the baby is good mood, he brings out vowel sounds, listening carefully to himself and fading, so that later he can repeat it all over again: e-a-o, a-o-u ... This is the forerunner of speech.

Play with the baby, repeating his "liver" after him - listening to them "from the side", the baby will understand how to make them more like the sounds that you make when talking. In addition, by conducting such a dialogue with his mother, the child trains the speech and articulatory apparatus.

By 2 months, the ability to coordinate the muscles of the eyes increases and visual concentration improves. The gaze becomes directed. Now the baby can follow the moving object and not lose sight of it when it stops. The baby follows the gaze of an adult moving away from the crib, and meets him, looking for the source of the sound, if the adult, approaching, is talking.

At 2 months, the child is able to look at objects that are about half a meter away from him. This means that toys and rattles should hang above the crib or deck chair at exactly this height. Simultaneously with visual concentration, eye-hand coordination begins to form. The kid tries to grab objects in the field of view, knocks on them. Fingers are almost always clenched into a fist. And when some “accidentally” bends back and gets into the mouth, the baby sucks it intently.

Let's taste

The fact that the baby drags everything into his mouth is quite understandable. It is this way of getting to know the outside world that is familiar to the baby from the womb. Do not worry (unless, of course, you took care of the cleanliness of the apartment in advance): the crumbs' saliva is so enzymatically active that the child is relatively safe.

Sucking is generally a favorite pastime. However, by this time, the baby begins to understand how the chest differs from the blanket - it tastes, of course. Moreover, when the baby is hungry, he will demand the breast (or bottle) and will never agree to anything else. And he can even help himself by supporting the boobs with his fists and “tightening” her so that more milk flows into her mouth.

By 2 months, the child, if not sleeping, is almost all the time in motion, which he does not yet control. His head tilts to one side, then to the other, arms and legs fly up, the back arches ... The baby prefers to sleep in the pose of a swordsman. But if you put the baby on the side, he will be able to roll over on his back. And if you put it on your tummy, it will try to raise its head. Usually, by 8-9 weeks of age, the child can already hold it for 10-15 seconds. Tired, the kids close their eyes and turn their head in the direction where there are no "irritants".

Massage and self-massage

Let's start with massage. After you have mastered and done regular massage for 2-3 weeks, you can introduce your baby to new sensations. To do this, you will need rolling objects: small balls, pencils, nuts, smooth sticks. Use them to stroke. If your “tool” is small, you can stroke the entire body of the crumbs with it, if it is large, use it only for the back.

It is useful to offer the child and "self-massage". To do this, pour cereal on the diaper laid out on the changing table and place the baby on it. If the baby began to actively use his hands, put him on his back so that he does not inadvertently put grains in his mouth or nose. If the hands are still living on their own, the child can be placed both on the back and on the tummy.

The baby will crawl on the croup, thereby getting a lot of new tactile sensations. At the same time, you can change the size of the cereal: start with the smallest, such as millet, then pour in buckwheat or rice, then round peas, and finally, pine nuts or beans. The duration of the procedure should be short so that the child does not become painful and unpleasant.

If the baby has lost the tone of the legs and arms, and he began to actively move them, make him real dumbbells. Certainly tiny. To do this, take small bottles (from under Rastishka or Aktimel), pour some water into them, close and attach (for example, with a hair tie) to the arms and legs of your beloved child. Let him practice lifting weights. When this weight is mastered, fill the bottle with water up to half.

Finger charger

In infancy, it is useful to train the movements of the fingers, thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At the age of 2 to 3 months, the child has groping movements. From this moment on, the centers of the tactile analyzer of the cerebral cortex are turned on. Finger movements are of particular importance, as they have a huge impact on the development of higher nervous activity.

In the first months, practice reflex exercises using the grasp reflex. For example, such: in an open palm, achieving a reflex grasp, a ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm is inserted. Balls are selected that are different in weight, material (plastic, rubber, wood, etc.), home-made cloth, from smooth or terry fabrics, hard and soft.

Balls tied on a ribbon descend into the palm of the child from above. This exercise gives the baby relative independence, exercising in grasping. You can alternate the balls, lower them in turn into each hand, simultaneously put the same and different balls into both hands, etc. Sipping the ball by the ribbon, and not removing it from the baby's palm, the adult stimulates a stronger grasp.

A similar exercise can be performed with sticks (section diameter 1-1.5 cm, length 25 cm). Sticks are selected round, smooth, ribbed. It is good to give liners in the form of small rolls of oilcloth, terry, chintz fabric. They stimulate hand movements (grasping, squeezing), develop tactile sensitivity of the palm.

These reflex exercises are passive in nature, but they are extremely useful for developing the sense of touch. This feeling develops very early, as soon as objects begin to fall into the crumbs' handle.

We develop auditory activity

The game "Where is it ringing?"

For this exercise, you need a small bell 5-7 cm high. The child lies on his back. You hold the bell at arm's length (the baby should not see you) and ring softly. Make 2-3 “bells”, and let the sound die down. The baby listens to the sound. Ring the bell again. Let the sound fade before calling. Hold the bell above the baby's chest at a distance of 60-70 cm.

Then tie the bell to the fishing line and move it to the right, muffling the sound. Having moved the bell to a distance of 80-100 cm from the center, ring it slightly, causing the baby to search for eye movements, turn his head in different directions. Move the bell to the left in the same way.

Classes are held 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days. Then it is advisable to take a week break. In the future (for 2 and 3 months of life) you can conduct classes 1-2 times a week.

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Your baby is growing fast! Time flies quickly and the child is already 2 months old. Now the baby begins to recognize his mother, smiles when she appears in the field of view. He used to smile too, but it happened a little differently, unconsciously. Now you can notice that he smiles at your words or at your glance consciously, joyfully, just for you, and not just like that. This smile is the first communication of a child with mom and dad, now the closest people in the world for him and a clear sign of readiness for dialogue, for conscious perception and knowledge of the world around him.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

  • Improves visual concentration. Now the baby sees much further than before, at a distance of 50 centimeters or more. He studies his mother's face with interest, carefully looks at the moving objects that have fallen into the field of view, his gaze is purposeful.
  • Being on the stomach, it can hold the head only for a short period of time - 5-10 seconds. Turns his head towards the sound.
  • Reacts to the appearance in the field of view of people close to him, running and running, begins to coo, actively move his legs and arms. Pronounces various roulades of vowel sounds.
  • Considers objects located no further than 50 centimeters from him or toys suspended above the bed.
  • He likes to suck his fists or fingers when he accidentally bends them.

At the age of 2 months, the baby is sleeping about 16-18 hours a day, of which at night he can sleep for about 6 hours in a row without waking up. In total, it takes from 9 to 10 hours for a night's sleep. It is important to remember that the skull of a child at 2 months is still very soft! When putting the baby to bed, change his position in bed from time to time in order to avoid deformation and improper fusion of the bones of the skull. Children at the age of two months already distinguish between day and night, and therefore sleep longer at night than during the day.

At this stage of its development, the baby adapts to the environment. At this age, he has already mastered the first communication skill - a smile. It is different from the grimace that was before. The smile becomes truly radiant, attractive and simply bewitching. The baby endows it with any person talking to him, and, of course, first of all, his parents - mom and dad.

Interestingly, at 2 months infant already recognizes his mother by voice, smell or face, but, nevertheless, continues to study her, follows her with her eyes when she moves around the room in which the baby is located.

Mom, in turn, begins to understand her baby more and more, why he cries, what he wants. Partly comprehends the differences in behavior, what's wrong with him: hungry, or maybe he became hot, cold or wet. He learns to figure out what the child wants at the moment through his crying, which now changes intonation, denoting a call or request: to just come to him; fed when he is hungry; held in their arms; took time to play.

Watch the baby, and you will notice that he already knows how to show emotions: he rejoices, realizing that the moment of feeding is coming, he may worry before bathing. Despite the fact that your child is still quite small, he is already beginning to understand how loved ones react to his crying when he wants this or that.

Development at 2 months

At 2 months, the nervous system continues to actively form and become more complex. Reactivity of congenital reflexes decreases. Your baby constantly reinforces the skills of movements, develops coordination, thereby acquiring conditioned reflexes. Increased physical activity requires increased attention from parents, since lack of supervision can lead to a fall and injury, even if the little one does not crawl too fast. Don't leave your child alone. The movements of the little one are more purposeful than before, and he really likes to explore his new abilities.

Due to the fact that the child was in a bent state for a significant part of his life in the womb, he will keep his legs and arms pressed to the body for a long time, and his fingers clenched into fists. From time to time, he straightens his legs and arms, stretches, while unclenching his hands. By the end of the second month, the baby will learn to open the brush and keep it relaxed. Neck muscles are also developing. To speed up the process of their development, you should often put the baby on the tummy.

Care at 2 months

The most important indicator that your baby is absolutely healthy is his light yellow stool, which has a slightly sour smell. At this age, the chair is from 2 to 4 times a day, and if the child is fed artificially, the feces will be a little dense.

Remember that at this age it is very tender and sensitive skin, and first of all she is irritated by feces and urine. Keep diapers clean, do not leave babies in wet clothes for a long time. Another important point: when changing a diaper, do not forget to wipe intimate parts on the child's body with special wipes for children or wash under running warm water. Wipes should be damp and without any strong odors.

You ask, how often to bathe a 2 month old baby? At this stage of development, it is best to bathe children twice a week, adding a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort to the bathing bath. Frequent use baby soap or shampoo while bathing a child will adversely affect children's skin, because. she is easily irritated, very tender and receptive. And decoctions of chamomile or St. John's wort have a beneficial disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect on children's skin, eliminating allergic rashes and soothing the body.

Hygiene. Sometimes on the face of a two-month-old child, red rashes in the form of acne can be found. This is not a cause for concern - in this way, maternal hormones are removed from the body of the baby, which come along with breast milk. In the event that the rash does not stop within 4-6 weeks, contact your pediatrician in order to rule out other causes. Also keep an eye on the condition of the scalp. At 2 months, it flakes off and has a scaly cover - the so-called neonatal gneiss. This is due to the fact that the excretory function of the sweat and sebaceous glands is still poorly developed in the baby. Believe me, this does not cause any discomfort in children, and the peeling itself will gradually disappear over time.

Watch your nails. Now their growth is incredibly accelerating. Cut nails better during the day when the baby is awake, and not before bedtime, because the baby, naughty after cutting nails, does not fall asleep for a long time. For this procedure, comfortable, well-cut children's scissors are needed, which will not cause strong dislike in children during subsequent procedures.

A 2-month-old baby grows and develops, so his body has changed significantly compared to an earlier period. Continue to stay healthy walks on fresh air , spending in general from two to four hours a day, depending on the time of year.

At proper development and nutrition from the beginning of the second month to the end of it, the child will grow by 3-5 cm, and gain weight by 560-1100 grams.