History of buttons presentation for children. Synopsis of the game teaching situation in kindergarten. Senior group. Joint creative exhibition of works

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Target: the formation of children's ideas about the objects of the world around them, expanding their horizons through cognitive research activities.


Cognitive development:

  • introducing children to the history of the button;
  • formation of ideas about the variety of types of buttons;
  • development of mental activity and curiosity;
  • develop fine motor skills;
  • encouraging children to independently use the mastered standards for analyzing objects, highlighting their similarities and differences for several reasons;

Speech development:

  • promote the development of children's speech activity;
  • dictionary enrichment;

Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • to form artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children;
  • to develop the design and design abilities of children.

Social and communicative development:

  • to cultivate the desire for friendly relations, respect for each other;
  • to form the ability to communicate in the process of joint activity.

New words: fibula, clasp, soldier's uniform, designer.

Methods and techniques: creation of a problem situation, game method, search questions, brainstorming, viewing presentation slides, artistic word, surprise moment, practical.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, a screen, a laptop, a pointer, an audio recording, various buttons, scissors, a tree layout, a picture of buttons “Air balloon”.

Preliminary work:

Reading riddles, poems about buttons. Reading the fairy tale by G. Shalaev “The Lost Button”. Reviewing the album "Crafts from buttons". Creation of a mini-museum “Button” in the group, competition with parents “Magic Button”, didactic game “Mosaic of buttons”, “Count buttons”, GCD “Sew on a button”, GCD “Objects that surround us”, creative task “Pick up buttons ”, the joint activity of the teacher with the children “Button Butterfly”, the painting “Fish”, “Vase of Flowers”.

Working with parents:

Creation of the “Buttons” collection, competition with parents “Magic Button”, participation in the project “Magic Button”, master class “Wreath of Buttons”.

Expected Result: expanding the horizons of children, the ability to create teamwork, evaluate the correctness of work, ask questions to organize their own activities and cooperation; to see the beauty in the world around, to be in the role of designers, to create crafts from buttons with your own hands, a surge of emotions.

Sounds like number 1.

Educator: Look at each other, smile with the kindest and most friendly smile, gently touch your palms to each other with the words:

wonderful day,
Smile at me.
Well, I smile
I will give you.
“Hello, it's me! ”

Educator: Guys, how are you feeling?

Children: Good, kind, cheerful, spring.

Educator: Ah, I am also in a good mood, and I made you a gift, a beautiful picture. Consider it. What is it made of?

The children look at the picture.

Children: It is made of buttons.

Educator: In this picture, we are flying with you to hot-air balloon. Do you like her?

Children: Larisa Anatolyevna, a very beautiful picture, well done.

II. GCD progress

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle.

Get dressed -
You won't get along without me.
Adults and children know
I'll zip up everything. What is this?

Children: Button, button.

Teacher: What is a button?

Children: Clasp for clothes.

Educator: What fasteners do you know?

Children: Buttons, hooks, zippers, Velcro, lacing.

Educator: Guys, if you lost a button from a dress, shirt, how to solve this problem?

Brainstorming, children express their opinions, suggestions on how to solve this problem, work in pairs, as a team.

Children: You can sew on another button.

Educator: You don't have another button.

Children: Fasten to a pin, stab with a toothpick, sew with a thread, stab with a needle, tie with a cord.

Educator: Such a small thing is a button, but what an important one. You agree with me?

Educator: Guys, do you want to know the history of buttons, what were the buttons, how old is the button?


Look at me!
I am your tour guide today
Not wasting a minute
I invite you on my way
Don't forget to take skills!

Presentation “History of a small button”.

The history of the button began seven hundred years back.

In ancient times, people made their own clothes from animal skins. The skin was thrown over the shoulders and tied around the waist. Such clothes were uncomfortable: they made it difficult to move, they swung open. To fasten clothes, animal bones and wooden blocks were used, which were threaded through holes.

Centuries passed. People learned to spin wool, make cloth, sew clothes from it. The fasteners have also changed. Drilled pebbles began to be attached to clothes, pieces of wood on which they threw - loops.

Brooches served as clasps to the ancient Greeks and Romans. They looked like safety pins. In addition, brooches also served as decoration, being signs of wealth and nobility.

Slide 7,8,9.

In Rus', the most common were hollow metal buttons of a spherical or elongated shape with a round loop. They were made of silver, gold, richly decorated with pearls. Buttons in those distant times were an expensive and water thing. These buttons cost more than the dress itself.

Ordinary people believed that buttons decorated with patterns drive away evil forces, act as amulets, which is why they were called buttons - from the word “scare”. The circles meant the sun. The five-pointed star is a symbol of fertility. For “greater strength”, a piece of metal or a round pebble was also placed in them, which, when moving, made a sound similar to the ringing of a bell. Finding a button is still considered a good omen, and if a black cat crosses your path, just touch the button and you can safely move forward.

Peter I ordered to sew buttons on the front side of the sleeve of a soldier's uniform for one purpose: to keep expensive cloth, not allowing soldiers to wipe their nose or mouth with their sleeve after eating, weaned them from a bad habit.

There were even buttons that were a real work of art. Artists began to paint buttons like paintings: images of people, animals, insects. Many of them have become works of art and are now kept in museums.

Slide 13.14.

To make buttons available to the public, craftsmen began to use cheap materials in their manufacture - wood, bone, glass, metal, etc.

Slide 15,16.

Different buttons were used in the army so that it was possible to distinguish a sailor from a signalman or artilleryman.

Slide 17,18,19,20.

Very quickly, buttons became an important element of clothing. In modern life, buttons are used not only to fasten clothes, but also to decorate and create interesting beautiful things. For example, such as those shown on the slide. People who make such unusual beautiful things are called designers.

Educator: Repeat guys designers.

Children: Designers.

Educator: Do you want to become designers?

Physical education "Button"

One two three four five,
We all know how to count.
We can also rest.
Let's put our hands behind our backs.
Let's raise our heads higher
And easy, easy to breathe.
Take buttons in hand
And we pass to the music.
When there is silence.
Tell me, what button do you have?

When the melody stops, the child, who has a button in his hands, names the properties of the button, big, green, beautiful.

Children: Yes.

Educator: There are a lot of buttons in my box and they are all so different.

Educator: Look, what is on my table?

Children: Tree trunk, birch trunk in a pot.

Educator: Let's make a button tree with you. You will collect buttons, twigs of this tree on a fishing line and attach to the trunk.

And I want to remind the rule:
Don't put buttons in your mouth
Don't stick them up your nose.

The teacher together with the children makes a button tree. An audio recording sounds, a children's song “The button comes off”.

The teacher reads the poem "Button".



In the dust, barely noticeable
Copper button.
You rub it harder
The anchor glows on it.
This button
On a sailor's jacket
Traveled almost half the world
Came from afar.
So she saw
Lop-eared elephant.
Visited, then, countries,
Where on the branches - monkeys.
On the edge of a huge ice floe
The penguins danced for her.
At the pier at dawn
Her children accompanied her.
Maybe in a storm at the helm
Nearly tore it off
From a sailor's jacket,
Don't grab her hand.
G. Gorbovsky


Educator: Look what a beautiful tree we got. You are real designers. Did you like our activity? So, what have you learned?

Children: We learned the history of the button, were in the role of designers, created a button tree.


But it's time to say goodbye
I say goodbye to you.

List of used literature.

1. Journal “Preschool Pedagogy”, No. 1, 2014;

2. Nuzhdina T.D., Encyclopedia for kids, 2008;

3. O.V. Dybina, What was before, 1999.

4. Internet resources.

Big head, narrow gate? Do mice peek out of the mink? What it is? ... Right. This Button was made by Lyubov Vladimirovna Mayorova, teacher-defectologist

What is a button? A button is a fastener on clothes and other garments, designed to connect its parts. The button on one part of the garment is threaded into the loop on the other part, and thus fastening is carried out.

When did the button appear? The most ancient buttons and button-like objects were used as decoration, not for fastening.

How did the button appear in Rus'? In Russian, everything is a little different: a button is a "pugach" or "scarecrow" (according to V. Dahl's dictionary), which directly indicates its magical purpose.

P ugovitsa in Rus'. Especially popular were gold and silver buttons-weights on caftans during the time of Kievan Rus (IX-XII centuries)

Button in Rus'. The largest number of buttons was supposed to be on the tigil (a quilted caftan with short sleeve worn by warriors). By the way, the Russian sundress, and the women's corset, and the short caftan of the Cossacks, and the winter sheepskin coat were fastened with buttons.

From the history of buttons. The XVIII century is called the golden age of buttons, then their variety was limitless. For production were used: gold, silver, tin, steel, brass, glass, horn, ivory, mother-of-pearl, tortoiseshell, enamel, wood.

Function of a button The utility function of a button is to connect pieces of clothing.

The decorative function of buttons is also well known. Sometimes the buttons were the main decoration of the costume and cost more than the entire wardrobe. Button function

Magical function - the button was a type of amulet that was supposed to scare away hostile forces. A pellet, a piece of tin or a pebble was placed in hollow buttons, which, when moving, made a muffled sound, reminiscent of the sound of a bell. Button function

The informative function appeared rather late. The button is used as a sign of belonging to a certain group, profession, type of troops (forces), etc. (service uniforms, liveries, etc.) Button function

Buttons have been and are made from a wide variety of materials: metal, glass, wood, amber, mother-of-pearl, leather, bone, porcelain, ebonite, etc. Since the 1930s of the 20th century, plastic buttons have become widespread.

Varieties of buttons Button with two or four through holes for sewing.

Methods for sewing on buttons

Button with an eyelet - on the back of the button there is a protrusion with a single hole, through which the button is sewn to the clothes. Varieties of buttons

Button shape

Russian proverbs and sayings about the button The buttons are gilded, but they haven't eaten for three days. A smart smart girl is like a bright button. Buttons are not molded, loops are not twisted, nothing is done. Do not sew a button on someone else's mouth.

Application of buttons

Internet - resources Vignette with buttons Ranko Elena Alekseevna teacher primary school MAOU lyceum № 21 Ivanovo; http://ru.wikipedia..docx; http://www.luxemag.ru/fashionhistory/7978.html.

Where does this element of clothing - a button - originate?

What story is hidden behind her elegant brilliance?

  • Button- fastener on clothing, designed to connect its parts. The button on one part of the garment is threaded into the loop on the other part, and thus fastening is carried out.
  • The simplest button is a disk with two through holes in the middle, but there are buttons of other types and shapes (for example, square, triangular, cylindrical or spherical). The number of holes can also vary.

  • Ancient people, instead of buttons, connected pieces of their clothes with thorns from plants, animal bones and sticks.
  • In ancient Egypt, buckles were already used, or one piece of clothing was threaded through a hole made in another, or the ends were simply tied.
  • The earliest buttons and button-like objects, used as decoration rather than fasteners, have been found in India. Similar objects of the Bronze Age have been found in China (c. 2000-1500 BC), as well as in the territories of the former Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.
  • Functional buttons made of stone have been found in southeastern Turkey and date back to 1500 BC.

  • In the past, the button was one of the important magical amulets designed to scare away forces hostile to man.
  • It was in Rus' that this function of the button remained the main one for a long time.
  • The word "button" came to Rus' from the East, it came from the ancient Indian language and literally means "lump, heap, mass." The button, which was then called a "button", "came" to Russian fashionistas at the end of the 15th century.
  • Before the famous Petrine reform of the costume and the order to wear foreign dress, Russian boyars and boyars did not skimp on paying goldsmiths and foreign merchants a lot of money for buttons made of precious metals with inserts of turquoise, pearls, corals, enamels. Very fashionable were round, ball-like buttons with a loop for sewing - they were called gags.

Old Russian buttons-weights

Buttons on kaftans. Approximately tenth century.

Buttons. Silver, enamel. XVI-XVII centuries

  • Russian boyars and noblewomen did not skimp on paying goldsmiths a lot of money for buttons made of precious metals.

In Russia, buttons on clothes were a kind of "calling card" of the owner.

Their number, shape, patterns and signs on them could tell about the position of a person, his merits, proximity to power.

Buttons from the dining royal caftans

Royal caftan, women's fur coat

  • A strictly defined number of buttons was required for each type of dress: 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 19 buttons were sewn to the caftan; for a fur coat - 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 each. The largest number of buttons was supposed to be on the tigil (a quilted caftan with short sleeves worn by warriors).
  • The more buttons on clothes, the richer its owner, the higher his position in society, the lower those around him bowed to him.

In the 18th century, which was already seething with the brilliance of silks, the foam of lace and the play of diamonds, their grand entrance took place.

Hundreds of manufactories and individual craftsmen in many countries, most of them in Paris, sewed, assembled, turned, stamped, cut and cut buttons.

Along with magnificent samples of gold, silver and precious stones close-fitting buttons began to appear, which were to become predominant in the next century.

They were made to match the clothes, fitting a wooden or bone button on a leg. Buttons with through holes came into fashion much later.

  • For a long time, buttons were the privilege of men. Buttons not only served as fasteners, but were also a compositional part of the men's suit.
  • Jewelers made buttons of very high value for ceremonial men's toilets, using expensive stones and sophisticated techniques.

Buttons entered women's fashion much more slowly.

The reasons were rooted in public morality, which rejected fasteners in front.

And until the early 1920s, fasteners in women's clothing, for the most part, were behind.

  • In the future, the denoting role of buttons developed greatly - both in the tsarist, and in the Soviet, and in our times, uniform buttons of professional, military, educational, legal and other institutions tell about the wearer's belonging.
  • Nicholas I, who introduced departmental buttons into use, almost all officials of the empire - from the watchman to the state chancellor - wore uniforms with buttons of a certain type.

Officers' buttons differed from soldiers' ones in that they had to be gold or silver, but more often they were made gilded and silvered.

Soldiers were made of copper, bronze, tin and brass. In the guards and the generals, the buttons were emblematic, with an eagle.

In addition, in those regiments where the patrons were members of the imperial family, there was an image of the imperial crown on the buttons.

The history of small devices for fastening parts of a suit is an entertaining story about invention, craftsmanship, fantasy of tailors and other craftsmen.

In the very nature of buttons there is some kind of spark, a challenge, the ability to organize a suit, subordinating it to a single style, creating a mood and a holiday for every day.

Project on: “Once upon a time there was a button!”


Educators of MBDOU "KINDERGARTEN №16 of Vyborg"

Filippova N.F.

Peskova L.A.

Type of project: by subject area - cognitive development; by the nature of the subject area - park-indicative; by composition - group; duration - 1 month.

Project participants : children middle group, parents and caregivers

Problem: lack of knowledge about the history of the button.

Objective of the project: development of the cognitive interest of middle-aged children preschool age to the subject world.

Final event: creation of a mini-museum "Once upon a time there was a button ..."

  • For children: to acquaint children with the history of the appearance of buttons; show the importance of buttons in people's daily lives; consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained about buttons, their meaning and application in various creative activity; develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory; develop Creative skills, imagination and fantasy of children.
  • For teachers: simulate a cycle of game tasks and exercises with buttons; to promote the use of the project method in working with children, to form a positive attitude of teachers to project activities; use non-traditional forms of interaction and cooperation with parents.
  • For parents: creation and replenishment of the collection; increase the competence to familiarize children with buttons; engage in active participation in project activities.


Project products: For children: crafts from buttons on the theme "Wonderful transformations of a button"; fairy tales and tales of button adventures; drawings on the topic: "What are the buttons" For teachers: project presentation; production of manuals and didactic games. For parents: creation and replenishment of the collection. Project stages: 1. Preparatory - familiarization of parents with the problem, purpose and objectives of the project; distribution of tasks between project participants; selection of visually methodical, informative and fiction, illustrative material on the topic; selection of material for research and productive activities of children; selection of material for the collection; development teaching aids, abstracts of OD 2. Practical: integration of educational areas on the project.


Educational area "Cognition" Conversation: “What is a button?”, “What are buttons for”, “The history of the button”. Game activity Didactic games : "What is extra?" , "Find a pair", "Beads", "Pick by color", "What does a button look like?", "Pick to clothes", " Miraculous Pouch», « More less”,“ What is superfluous? ”,“ Patterns from buttons. Game exercises: "Find the right house", "Decorate the dress", "Count by touch", "Hit the target" - an outdoor game, sort the buttons according to signs: by shape; by color; to size; by the number of holes, count the buttons on yourself and show them in numbers, laying out geometric shapes from the buttons. Construction . "Photo frame for a cute mommy", "Funny snake", "Button Bouquet" Experimental search activity . Examining patterns on buttons under a magnifying glass. Acquaintance with the qualities and properties of the materials from which the buttons are made.

« Artistic creativity» Drawing: "Shoe for mom, decorated with buttons", "Design and Draw Your Own Button", "Button Wizard" « Communication » Proverbs and sayings about buttons, composing fairy tales about buttons. Games with the use of TRIZ technology: "What would happen if people lived without buttons." Compilation of descriptive stories about buttons. "Socialization" plot- role-playing games: "Atelier", "Shop", " Family" During the implementation of the project, the following work was carried out: Work with children. The main research questions were identified: “What does the word “button” mean?”, “What did people use before the invention of buttons?”; "What were the first buttons?"; "What types of buttons are there?"; What materials are buttons made from? "What are the ways to sew on buttons?"; “What else, besides the clasp, do they use buttons for?”, learned that the word “button” came from the word “scare”. During the implementation of the project, work with buttons made it possible to significantly expand the horizons of children.


Riddles and proverbs

1. You are going to get dressed - 1. " Don't sew buttons on someone else's mouth"

You won't get along without me.

Adults and children know 2. "Smart smart girl is like a bright button"

I'll zip up everything. What is this?

3. "Simple as a button"

2. Round, but not a wheel?

3. Round with holes, can it be sewn on? 4. “Buttons are gilded, but you haven’t eaten for three days”

4. Rolling but not a circle?


In the dust, barely noticeable Copper button. You rub it harder The anchor glows on it. Maybe, This button On a sailor's jacket Traveled almost half the world Came from afar. So she saw Lop-eared elephant. Visited, then, countries, Where on the branches - monkeys. On the edge of a huge ice floe The penguins danced for her. At the pier at dawn Her children accompanied her.

Maybe in a storm at the helm Nearly tore it off From a sailor's jacket Don't grab her hand. G. Gorbovsky

Physical education "Button"

One two three four five,

We can also rest.

Let's put our hands behind our backs.

Let's raise our heads higher

And easy, easy to breathe.

Take buttons in hand

And we pass to the music.

When there is silence.

Tell me, what button do you have?

Fairy tale "Magic Button" Iris Revue

There lived a hedgehog. One day he was walking along the path and found a button.

- Nice present for my new frock coat, thought the hedgehog.

But the squirrel neighbor said that it would be nice to find the one who lost this button.

- This button cannot belong to a titmouse, she has a yellow vest, and the button is red, - said the hedgehog.

- It doesn't fit the hare either. He has a gray or white coat, - prompted the squirrel.

- Maybe a red fox or a brown bear lost a button? - the squirrel and the hedgehog were guessing. But friends did not want to meet either the fox or the bear.

And fresh news brought magpie on the tail. She said that Baba Yaga had lost the button, and that this button was magical.

The hedgehog and the squirrel were delighted, but a little upset. They were delighted that the button is magic, and magic is always interesting, but they were upset because they had to go to Baba Yaga, and she would always think of something.

But there is nothing to do, send a hedgehog with a squirrel to Baba Yaga. She saw her button, and immediately smiled.

- It's from my sundress, she said. And then she narrowed her eyes cunningly, looked at the good-natured hedgehog and squirrel, and said:

- I will give this button to you. She is not easy. If you rub it lightly, then it will begin to tell fairy tales.

Friends were delighted, thanked Baba Yaga.

Now, when a hedgehog and a squirrel go out to twilight, they take with them magic button. She tells them stories...

slide 1

Project activity
Pupils of 4 "B" class MBOU secondary school No. 21 Antseva Victoria Supervisor: Belousova M.I.

slide 2

Project theme: "Button in our life"

slide 3

Type of project: creative Form of work: extracurricular Purpose of the project: to get acquainted with the history of the emergence and life of the button Objectives: to study the history of the emergence of the button to form an idea of ​​the variety of buttons to develop the desire for creativity

slide 4

Why did I choose to study buttons? I want to know: what does the word "button" mean? What did people use before buttons were invented? What were the first buttons? Do buttons have rivals? What are buttons used for, besides fasteners?

slide 5

In this creative work we'll consider:
Ancient buttons Archaeological excavations Buttons in Russia Protective buttons Buttons in the wardrobe The price of a button Variety of buttons Monuments to a button Crafts from buttons

slide 6

Most of the things around us were invented so long ago that now no one can say exactly when it happened. So it happened with the button that accompanies us all our lives.

Slide 7

Thorns, small sticks, animal bones - all this was used by ancient people in order to fasten fabric, skin, and skin on themselves.
ancient buttons

Slide 8

The first fasteners appeared in the 3rd millennium BC. At the excavations of archaeologists in the Indus Valley, real stone buttons with two or three holes were found.
Archaeological excavations

Slide 9

Buttons have been known in Russia since the 6th century. But they were used as a talisman. Large amulets buttons, with some kind of pebble inside to ring like bells, were sewn to clothes, sometimes without a loop at all. When the amulets fell into disuse, the button acquired its direct purpose - it became a clasp.
When did buttons appear in Russia?

Slide 10

Ancient shamans and sorcerers could, with the help of buttons, bewitch a loved one or drive away evil spirit. A button with 4 holes could affect the fate of a person, it is enough just to sew it in the right way.
Charm buttons

slide 11

The word "Button" comes from "scare": to scare away evil, hostile forces to a person. Often they were made in red. Since it was believed that red is the color of fire, it enhances the properties of the amulet button. The shape of the buttons was also not accidental: in the form of an acorn or an egg - a symbol of fertility. The symbols of the sun are a circle with a dot in the middle, a spiral - protection from black, hostile forces.

slide 12

Folk wisdom says that if a man lacks a button, he should marry or divorce. If you meet a chimney sweep on the street, you need to take him by the button and make a wish - it will certainly come true. If a black cat has crossed your path, you should pass the ill-fated place with your eyes closed and holding the button.
folk wisdom

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In Europe, buttons began to be used recently - about 500 years ago. Europeans used laces and sewed buttons on the suit by the tens and hundreds, but not for convenience, but for the sake of beauty.
Europe without buttons

Slide 14

Buttons were only for men
Women did not use buttons for a long time, only men were interested in them. So many buttons were sewn onto a man's dress, more than a few thousand, that it became very heavy.

slide 15

History remembers that the French King Francis ordered 13,600 gold buttons to decorate his velvet suit.

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By decree of Peter I, it was ordered to sew buttons on front side sleeves of a soldier's uniform. The purpose of the decree was to wean soldiers from wiping their mouths with their sleeves after eating in order to keep expensive cloth longer.
Decree of Peter I

Slide 17

Centuries ago, buttons were not just expensive - they were precious. They were passed down from generation to generation. A fur coat could cost less than the buttons placed on it. One such button could buy a house, and a set of buttons could buy a small principality.
Price like pearls and gold

Slide 18

In the 19th century, precious clothes were forced out of the wardrobe. The buttons have also changed.
Cheap and beautiful

Slide 19

The advent of plastic was a revolution in the history of button making. Celluloid, invented in the 60s of the XIX century, was easily processed and dyed in different colors. It was used to make both linen buttons and exquisite ones for ball gowns.

Slide 20

On men's clothing buttons are located on the right, and on the women's - on the left. At the time of the creation of buttons, men often dressed on their own, and women were dressed by maids - therefore, buttons were sewn for them in a mirror image.
Men and women

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In the 20th century, clothes became even simpler, more comfortable. Functionality was valued, not decorative. What buttons you will not see: from metal, glass, plastic, wood, knitted, leather, embroidered, mother-of-pearl.
20th century

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After the Second World War, button materials were sorely lacking. In Germany, buttons were made from the windshield of decommissioned fighters. Near Moscow, they set up production from gramophone records softened on fire.

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In the 21st century, buttons have many rivals: hooks, buttons, zippers, Velcro. But not a single fastener can compare with a button in beauty and variety.

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For centuries, there have been all sorts of buttons: from a small pea to the size of an egg, in the shape of a cone or a ball, faceted, chased, openwork, decorated with carvings, enamel, glass or pearls. Many of them have become works of art and are kept in museums.
Variety of buttons

Slide 25

Buttons of the Great Warriors

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Buttons with watercolor inserts