Drawing Defender of the Fatherland Day preparatory group. Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Defender of the Fatherland Day" in the preparatory group. Fiction for children

Project on the theme "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day" in the preparatory speech therapy group No. 12

Problem: children's lack of knowledge about the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday, lack of interest in the Russian army.

Justification of the problem:

  • insufficient level of knowledge about the Russian army;
  • formation of gender identity;
  • lack of desire in the future to become a defender of the Fatherland.

Project relevance: Children are inherently very inquisitive. They will be interested to learn about the defenders of the Motherland.

The implementation of this project will allow children to form knowledge about the holiday on February 23, expand their knowledge of the history of their native country, and will help to instill a desire to join the army, to defend their country and their loved ones. Each defender with kindergarten must cultivate in himself such qualities of a Russian warrior as strength, dexterity, diligence, honesty, courage, and the ability to protect the weak. Our army is serving under the flag of Russia, which is the symbol of the state. The anthem and coat of arms also belong to the state symbols, with which children begin to get acquainted from an early age. Type of project: research, cognitive-speech.

Project duration: short-term from 01.02.-23.02.2018

Project participants: children of the preparatory speech therapy group, educators, music director, speech therapist teacher, physical culture, parents.

Expected result:

The development of patriotic feelings in preschoolers.

Expanding children's ideas about the Russian army, its defenders.

Self-development of the child.

Activation of the vocabulary, development of communication skills and skills of interaction with other people (adults and children).

Joint work of parents and children.

Participation in this project will help children learn how to extract information from various sources, systematize the knowledge gained and apply it in various types children's activities.

Objective of the project: to develop in children ideas about Russia, its historical development, to give an idea of ​​the Russian army, the holiday on February 23 "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Project objectives:

To expand the knowledge of children about Russia, the army, to introduce the holiday on February 23 "Defender of the Fatherland Day", with its history.

Cultivate love for the motherland.

To develop in boys courage, strength, will.

Raise pride in our country.

Give an idea of ​​the structure of the Armed Forces, state symbols.

Stages of project implementation:

I. Preparatory:

Definition of goals and objectives;

Selection of literature on the topic;

Selection and acquisition didactic material and equipment;

Planning of joint activities.

II. Basic Physical Development:


Develop sports qualities: dexterity, courage, endurance;

Develop a sense of community;

Develop the ability to navigate in space.

OD: - relay race "Nurses", "Ammunition depot", "Combat alert", "Accurate shooters", "Fast boat", "Whose plane will fly farthest";

Exercise in throwing, long jump;

Mobile game "Mine the field."

Social and communicative development:


To form children's ideas about the defenders of our Motherland;

Cultivate a sense of pride in their country, army;

Arouse children's interest in the past;

To acquaint children with the symbols of our Motherland.

OD:- conversations "Our army", "Conversation about courage and bravery", "Symbols of Russia";

Observation "Where do we meet the Russian flag, coat of arms, anthem";

Role-playing game "Scouts".

cognitive development


To form in children a sense of pride in their state, its historical past, as well as the huge potential for its development in the future.

To acquaint children with the basics of geography: the capital of our Motherland, nature.

OD:- conversation: “Our Motherland is Russia”, “I am a future soldier”;

Examination of illustrations, albums of the Russian army "Type of troops";

D / and: “Whose uniform?”, “Military equipment”, “Find the flag, the coat of arms of your country.”

Speech development

Continue to teach children to correctly perceive the content of the text, answer questions; - develop general speech skills, coordination of speech with movement; - keep developing logical thinking.

OD:- conversations about military professions, about the Motherland.

Learning the poem "Our Army";

Learn finger gymnastics "Soon the holiday of all fathers";

- D / i:“Continue the offer”, “What troops”, “ Good words about dad";

Solve the rebus;

Reading poems about military professions;

Come up with a riddle about military equipment.

Artistic and aesthetic development


To acquaint preschoolers with the features of the profession of military personnel;

To teach children to sculpt military equipment;

Develop the ability to correctly position the image on a sheet of paper;

Develop fine motor skills hands of children, logical thinking;

To cultivate interest in expressive singing, pride and responsibility for the fate of Russia.

OD:- viewing illustrations, books on the topic;

Origami "Boat", "Airplane";

Drawing "Portrait of the Pope";

Application "Russian flag";

Labyrinth "Border Guard";

Learning the songs "Three Tankers", "Budyonovtsy";

Learning the dance "Apple"; - listening to the anthem of Russia.

III. Final

Making with children invitations and gifts for dad for the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day";

Holding a thematic holiday "We are military" on February 22, 2018;

Design of the exhibition "Military equipment";

Make a presentation "We are proud of our native army";

Present certificates for participation in the exhibition "Military equipment".

Conclusion: participation in the project allowed children to satisfy cognitive activity. Children became interested in the theme of the holiday "February 23", together with their parents and educators participated in project activities. Children were able to increase their own self-esteem, they contributed to the common cause, rejoiced at their successes and the successes of their comrades, felt their importance in the group, speech activity became more active.


1. L.A. Kondrykinskaya “Where does the Motherland begin?”.

2. I.A. Lykov " Visual activity in kindergarten."

3. O.S. Ushakov "Development of speech and creativity of preschoolers".

4. N.V. Alyoshin Patriotic education of preschool children.

5. E. Stupak "Gifts for the holiday."

Target: the formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, the satisfaction of the needs of children.

Educational areas: artistic - aesthetic, speech development, physical, cognitive.

Integration of activities: expanding the horizons of children, developing free communication, mastering ways of interaction; mastering the norms of speech, the formation moral values(care for others); preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Forms educational activities : joint (partnership) activities of the educator and children, game, individual approach.

Activities: playful, communicative, productive.

Educational tasks:

  • continue to expand children's ideas about the Russian army;
  • to acquaint children with various types of troops, military equipment;
  • to learn to independently select the content of their work and fulfill the plan, using previously acquired skills and abilities;
  • to form the desire to be like the defenders of the Fatherland;
  • to form the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

Development tasks:

  • develop logical thinking, spatial imagination;
  • develop mental processes children: memory, attention, thinking, aesthetic feelings, creativity, imagination;
  • develop dialogue and coherent speech (express and prove your point of view);
  • arouse interest in doing work, good deeds and deeds;
  • develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Educational tasks:

  • to cultivate curiosity, the desire to show respect for the defenders of the Fatherland;
  • to cultivate the desire to imitate warriors in dexterity, speed, courage;
  • encourage creativity and independence.

Equipment: colored paper: cardboard and plain, illustrations on the theme of the Russian army, postcards with the same theme, glue - pencil, planks, scissors, napkins.

Planned results:

  • a preschooler who can understand cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions;
  • a preschooler who can work in a group showing activity, initiative, enterprise, contact, discipline, criticality;
  • a preschooler who has ideas about kindness and good deeds;
  • a preschooler who knows how to listen, perform according to a given pattern and rule;
  • a preschooler who knows how to evaluate his own and other people's actions, awareness of his qualities, self-esteem (praise himself).

preliminary work: looking at illustrations on military topics, memorizing poems, riddles about warriors and soldiers.

1. Introduction

Educator: Hello, guys, girls and boys! Today we have an unusual activity. It has guests. Greet them and give them your smiles. Now smile at each other. On this winter morning, I hope everyone good mood. My mood today is like a snow-white cloud in the blue sky. What is your mood like? Children's answers. Well done, I am very glad that everyone is in a good, cheerful mood.

2. Main body

Today is the holiday of all fathers,

All sons, all who are ready

Protect your home and mother

Protect us all from harm.

Yes, these lines are dedicated to the holiday - February 23 "Defender of the Fatherland Day!" and we are preparing to meet him.

And who are the defenders of the Fatherland? (Children's answers.)

Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who protect their people, their Motherland, Fatherland from enemies. This is the army. The Russian Army is the armed forces of our Motherland, which defend its independence and freedom. Your dads, grandfathers, great-grandfathers also served in the army, guarded and defended their Motherland.

What types of troops exist in the Russian army? (Children's answers.)

There are three main groups of armed forces in the modern army: ground troops, Air Force, Naval Forces, Space Forces.

Please name the military professions. (Pilots, tankers, paratroopers, submariners, sappers, sailors, etc.)

Right! Who knows poems and riddles about the defenders of the Fatherland. Children's answers:

Both on land and at sea

He is always on guard

And the country will not let you down

The intruder will not pass! (Border guard.)

striped shirt,

Ribbons curl behind the cap.

He is ready to argue with the wave

After all, his element is the sea. (Sailor.)

Replace robot - car

He himself will defuse the bomb, mine.

Shouldn't be wrong at all.

To stay alive later. (Sapper.)

Worthy of respect

Brave and courageous warrior:

It is difficult to get behind enemy lines,

To remain unnoticed

Remember everything, find out

In the morning at the headquarters to tell. (Scout)

Broad wings burn in the sun,

You see an air detachment in the sky.

Circles, turns and circles again

A miracle is flying - birds one after another. (Pilots.)

The crew is fearless.

Protects peaceful labor

And the fighters from the round tower

All enemies will be rebuffed. (Tankers.)


Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,

Guard the border with a machine gun,

To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field

He will protect the gate.

And for a friend in the yard and school

He will accept an unequal difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten

Harder than playing war...

If you didn't protect the girl

How will you protect your country?

Our army

On the high mountains, in the steppe expanse

Guards our Motherland soldiers.

He takes off into the sky, he goes to the sea,

The defender is not afraid of rain and snowfall.

Birches rustle, birds sing,

Children grow up in their native country.

Soon I'll be on guard at the border,

So that only peaceful people dream dreams.

Educator: Guys, you are just great, you know poems, riddles. There are other proverbs about warriors, listen to them.

Stand up for the right cause.

With a fist you will defeat one, but with your mind you will defeat thousands.

The recumbent is not beaten.

A small world is better than a big fight.

(To remember, repeat with the children aloud.)

What do you think a defender, a soldier, should be like? (Children's answers.) He must be strong, brave, dexterous, kind. He must know and be able to do a lot.

Physical education:

To become strong and dexterous, (arms to shoulders and up)

Let's start training. (walking in place)

Inhale through the nose and out through the mouth. (hands on the belt, inhale-exhale)

We breathe deeper (hands up - inhale, hands down - exhale)

And then step in place, slowly. (walking in place)

How good the weather is! (jumping in place)

We are not afraid of powders, (walking in place)

We catch snow - clap your hands. (clapping hands)

Hands to the sides, at the seams, (hands to the side)

Enough snow for you and us. (clapping hands)

We are now throwers (imitate throwing with the left hand)

We hit the enemy (same with right hand)

Swing your hand - throw!

A snowball is flying straight at the target. (imitate alternately throwing hands)

Joint exercise for a minute.

Educator: February 23 is a very important and solemn day. On this day, we congratulate all those who defended our Fatherland from enemies: war veterans, those who served and are serving, our boys - the future defenders of the Fatherland.

We made different gifts. What now, you can offer as a gift? (children's answers) Look at the postcards. I would like to propose to make such a postcard. ( joint choice)

Stages of work for children.

Educator: Your work will go through stages. Step 1 - Take a rectangular sheet of cardboard and fold it in half. Who will explain how to do it? (Children answer.) Set aside the workpiece, you do not need it yet. In step 2, you will trace the star template on a sheet of red paper. How to circle it correctly, who will tell? (Child's answer.) Then paste and highlight it with a mosaic. Stage 3 is to make a St. George ribbon. Think about how to do it yourself. Stage 4 is gluing the congratulation itself, it is ready, and stick it in the middle of the postcard. Good luck to everyone in the job. Guys, a neat and attentive attitude is the key to a beautiful postcard.

Final part

Analysis of finished works. Organization of finished works.

Educator: Your gift turned out to be worthy, beautiful, because it was made by your own hands, which means you put a piece of goodness into it. Present postcards to dads, grandfathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Program tasks:

Educational tasks:Continue to form children's ideas about the army, about the types of troops, about the features of military service (soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles, etc.).

Development tasks:Develop quick wit, ingenuity, logical thinking, memory, attention; Withstimulate the speech activity of children.

Educational tasks:Cultivate a sense of pride in your army; cause a desire to be like strong, courageous Russian warriors.

Material used:Illustrations and pictures depicting various types of troops, illustrations, stencils of military equipment, pencils showing the everyday life of the army - training soldiers in the gym, on the obstacle course, at the training ground, etc., pictures for the game "What is superfluous and why?"

Methods and techniques:

  • Visual, (show, demonstration);
  • Verbal, (artistic word, conversation, question-answer);
  • Game (didactic games, outdoor games, Dunno surprise moment);
  • Pedagogical technologies: student-oriented, research, gaming.
  • Health saving technologies: dynamic pause.

Preliminary work:Reading a poem by Z. Alexandrova

"Patrol", K. Simonov's ballads "The son of an artilleryman", stories by S. Baruzdin "For the Motherland!", "Glory!", L. Kassil "Your defenders". Examination of paintings, illustrations about the Great Patriotic War.

Vocabulary work:duty, defender, service, Fatherland, army, border, pilots, sailors, gunners, foot soldiers, missilemen, submariners, military equipment.

Lesson progress

Talk about the army


A surprise moment Dunno came to visit the children.

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, February 23 is very important holiday for our country - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Dunno came to visit us, he also wants to know about the holiday on February 23. About defenders of the Fatherland. Know-nothing is interesting to learn about the Russian army, about military equipment, about various types of troops.

Will the guys tell Dunno, everything that we know?

Let's start with the defenders of the Fatherland.

Who are the defenders of the Fatherland?(Children's guesses.)

Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who protect their people, their homeland from enemies. This is the army.

Every nation, every country has its own army. Russia also has an army. And she defended her people from invaders more than once.

Look at these pictures.(Illustrations depicting various types of troops are exhibited.)

Who do you see here?(Answers of children).
That's right, these are tankers, sailors, artillerymen, pilots, border guards, etc.
You correctly named everyone, these are different types of troops.

Why do you think so many branches of the military are needed?(Children's guesses.)

If there are various types of troops in the army, such an army is strong: it can defend its country both at sea, and on land, and in the air.

Pilots protect the sky; foot soldiers - land; sailors - the sea.

A game "Who serves where?"


I invite you children and you Dunno, go on a journey.

Imagine that we are in the army.

You already know that there are different types of troops in the army.

You need to guess who serves where.

Who is on the tank?(Children: tankers).

Who serves on the border?(Children: border guards).

Who flies in a helicopter?(Children: helicopter pilots).

Who serves in the missile forces?(Children: rocket launchers).

Who serves on submarines?(Children: submariners).

Who serves in military aviation?(Children: military pilots).

What is the name of a soldier who does not have military equipment?(Children: infantryman).

Independent artistic activity of children

"Exhibition of military equipment and parade of troops"


Well done, guessed who, where, serves.

Guys, let's arrange for Dunno, a parade of troops, and an exhibition of military equipment.

But for this you need to choose from all the toys you need for the parade of troops.

The teacher leads the children to the shelves where different toys are laid out.

(Dolls, cubes, cars, nesting dolls, military vehicles, soldiers, superheroes, airplanes, rockets and ships). Children put the selected toys on the table.

Guys, what a great fellow you are, the parade of troops is already ready for us.

It remains to prepare an exhibition of military equipment.

We have to big job let's sit down at the table.

After all, we must sketch military equipment, it must be similar to the real one.

Choose any stencil for yourself, and paint over.

(Children are offered stencils to choose from and coloring,

Tank, locomotive, plane, boat, rocket)

Get to work.

Guys, in order for us to get beautiful military equipment, you definitely need to watch how you sit, your back should be even.

Completion of the task by children (music sounds).

(Individually approach each child, direct in case of difficulties.)

Didactic game"Find out the description."


The children approach the flannelgraph.

Guys, now let's show Dunno how you can, according to the description, guess the soldiers of various branches of the military.

On the flannelograph there are images of soldiers of various branches of the armed forces, the teacher thinks of one of them. Children ask questions to the teacher, trying to guess who he thought of. The teacher can only answer yes or no. Then this game can be repeated with a leader selected from the children.

Grow up and follow my brother
I'll be a soldier too
I will help him
Protect your ... (country)

The brother said: “Don't hurry!
You're better off in school!
Will you be an excellent student -
You will become ... (border guard)

You can be a sailor
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,

And on a military ... (ship)

The plane flies like a bird
There is an air border.
On duty day and night
Our soldier is a military man ... (pilot)

The car rushes into battle again,
Caterpillars cut the ground
That car in a clean field,
Operated by ... (tanker)

Can you become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly
And in the ranks to go hunting -

Waiting for you, soldier, ... (infantry)

Any military profession
You must definitely learn
To be the backbone of the country
So that there is no ... (war) in the world

Physical education:

Now, we will have a little rest. Imagine that we are pilots.

Hands made in expansion - the plane turned out
Wing to and fro,
Do one and do two.
Keep your hands to the sides.
And look at your friend.
Get down quickly
Get on the landing.

The game is being played "What is redundant and why?"


Children sit on chairs.

Guys, every soldier should have a good ear. In order to hear all the commands well. Now we will play to determine if you have a good ear for the game “What is superfluous and why?”

Rocketeer, helicopter pilot, football player.

Plane, tank, parachutist.

Automatic, pistol, tanker

Submariner, gunner, ship.


Guys Dunno wants to ask you questions:

1. Now there is no war, no one is attacking us, why do we need an army in peacetime?(Assumptions of children).


The army must always be ready to repel the attack of enemies.

2. What do soldiers in the army do in peacetime?(Children's guesses)

That's right, the soldiers are training.

Soldiers are taught and trained by officers.

To defeat the enemy, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, fast, and well-aimed.

And to become such, of course, you need to train.

Now you and Dunno will look at photographs of how soldiers live and train.

Examination of illustrations that tell about the everyday life of the army.



Guys, Dunno brought pictures and doesn't know what the soldiers are doing in the pictures? Tell us what they are doing.
(They are engaged in the gym, raise the barbell, pull themselves up on the horizontal bar).
Why is this needed?
(To be strong).

What are the soldiers doing here?
(learn to shoot).

Why is this needed? (To be accurate during the fight).
But in this picture you see an obstacle course.

What are the soldiers doing here?(They run along a log, climb over a high wall with windows, shoot, jump over a deep hole, go through the fire).
Why do you think they train on the obstacle course?
(To be hardy during the fight and easily overcome various obstacles).

Motor warm-up"To serve the Motherland,

you have to be strong, dexterous!”


Now we will show Dunno how strong and resilient you are.

1. Competition in hitting the ball on the floor.

2. Stand on one leg, then on the other, without losing balance.

3. Measure strength: children become pairs against each other, feet shoulder-width apart, palms are joined in a mirror image. Pressing with force on the palms of each other, it is necessary to stand still, without taking your feet off the floor.

The children are seated and the activity continues.

discussion of proverbs.


Since ancient times, people have been proud of their defenders of the Fatherland and have come up with proverbs about them. Listen guys and dunno.

The first thing in life is to honestly serve the Fatherland.

We don't want someone else's land, but we won't give up our own either.

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.

From military science, the mind and hands are getting stronger.


Well done guys and you Dunno today you showed your abilities, I hope our boys, as adults, will also go to serve in the army and become real defenders of the Fatherland.

Let's remember again, what holiday will be soon?(Children: February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day).

To whom is this holiday dedicated?(Children: military: sailors, border guards,tankers, pilots ...)

What do you need to do to become like them?(Children: serve in the army, train a lot, be brave, strong, fast, accurate, fearless).


For a peaceful life native land Russian soldiers carry out their difficult service with dignity.

Today we are convinced that a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland is growing up in our country. And this means that we will have someone to defend our Motherland. We once again congratulate everyone on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, wish you health and happiness. And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue!

Guys, let's give Dunno our drawings,

To show them to his friends.

Dunno thanks the children.

Children say goodbye to Dunno.

Pre-work for class

1. Examination of the picture - V. Vasnetsov "Three heroes", - illustrations, which depict the types of troops, military equipment;

2. Reading the epic “Ilya Muromets and the nightingale the robber”

S. Baruzdin “A soldier was walking along the street”;

L. Kassil “Your defenders”;

Yu.Strekhnin “City of the Brave”;

Ya. Makarenko “Victory Banner”;

Yu. Gribov “The Word about Praskovya Malinina”;

N. Bukin "Yashka - gunner";

P.V. Svetlov “Boys from Tikhvin” (excerpts from the book).

3. Riddles:

turtle crawling,
Steel shirt.
Enemy in the ravine -
And she is where the enemy is (tank)

On the mountain
Black old women sit
If they gasp, people will go deaf (guns)

Under water iron whale
The whale does not sleep day and night.
No time for that whale,
Day and night on post (submarine)

4. Learning proverbs:

The hero who stands up for the Motherland

As a Russian takes a bayonet, so the enemy is shaking

Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother

Fight bravely for what is right

To live - to serve the Motherland

Motherland, know how to stand up for her

For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life

Russian neither with a sword nor with a kalach is joking

In Rus', not all carp - there are ruffs.

5. Drawing - warriors, warrior-heroes, military equipment;

6. Modeling of military equipment;

7. Manufacture of knightly helmets;

8. Drawing up stories from photographs (brought from home), about dads and grandfathers;

9. Learning the poem by S. Marshak “Our Army”.

  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about who the defenders of the Fatherland are.
  • To cultivate patriotic feelings, an emotionally positive attitude towards the defending soldiers.
  • To form ideas about the best male qualities.
  • Enrich the vocabulary of children: courage, justice, will, courage, fortitude, kindness, sportiness; ground troops, Navy, airborne troops; artillerymen, submariners, tankers, border guards; Mace, club, chain mail, helmet, armor, machine gun, machine gun, anti-aircraft missile launcher, etc.
  • Cultivate love for the native country, Motherland; the desire to be defenders of the Fatherland, to serve in the Army.
  • Maintain children's interest in the past of their grandfathers and fathers (service in the Army).

Equipment and materials:

  1. Painting by V. Vasnetsov “Three heroes”
  2. Illustrations military branches
  3. Author's games: “What's in the military package?”, “Defenders ancient Rus' and Russia”
  4. Wall newspaper “Valiant Warriors of Russia”, using photos from family albums.
  5. Photos of dads, grandfathers in military uniform (when they served in the Army)

Lesson progress

The teacher attracts the attention of children, turns on a tape recorder with a recording of the song “Glory”.


And there is something for
Rus' mighty,
love you
Call mother.

Rus. Motherland. Russia. What beautiful, wide and mysterious words. Rus! Short - in one syllable of everything! - it came to us from hoary antiquity and forever remained with us. The word Rus, Motherland has not one meaning, but many.

Guys, what does the word Motherland mean to you?

Motherland is the house and the street on which we live. This is our favorite city of Tikhvin. Motherland is our capital Moscow; this is mom and friends; This is our kindergarten and our teachers.


Guys, soon our Motherland will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day.

And what do you think, who are the “defenders of the Fatherland?”

These are those who protect, protect, defend the Motherland. These are warriors who warn of danger. These are soldiers, officers, military sailors, tankers, paratroopers.


Well done boys.

In ancient times, enemy raids posed a great danger to the Russian lands: they ravaged villages and villages, took away the looted wealth with them. And every time, Russian heroes stood up to defend their homeland - the defenders of the Russian land.

And what Russian heroes do you know?

Children: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.

Educator: - And what defenders of the Fatherland do you still know?

Russian commanders: Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky, Georgy Zhukov.

Our countrymen: Mikhail Kuzmin, Kirill Meretskov, Vasily Zaitsev.


Well done boys. That's how many defenders you know.

And now we will play with you. Before you are laid out pictures that depict weapons and clothing. You need to choose what relates to the weapons and clothes of Russian heroes, and what to modern defenders, name and spread out next to the cards depicting ancient Russian and Russian warriors. And at the end of the game, we will check whether you completed the task correctly with each other (Annex 1)

(Russian heroes: bow, arrows, sword, club, mace, helmet, chain mail, spear, armor and cloak. Modern warriors: grenade, machine gun, machine gun, rockets, pistol, OMON uniform, cap and tunic, boots, peakless cap)


Well done guys, everyone did a great job.

Russian people deeply loved their Motherland and expressed their feelings for her in proverbs.

Let's take a look at some of them together.

The hero who stands up for the Motherland.

As a Russian takes a bayonet, so the enemy is shaking.

Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.

Fight bravely for what is right.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Motherland, know how to stand up for her.

For their homeland neither strength nor life sorry.

Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke.


How many proverbs you remembered, well done!

Guys, from ancient times to the present day, there has been such an honorable, but difficult and dangerous profession - to defend the Motherland. Our peaceful life and peace are protected and guarded by Russian soldiers. They serve day and night, in blizzard and heat, on earth, in heaven and at sea.

And what do you think, what should be our military, our defenders?

They must be brave, courageous, strong, patient. They must be honest, courageous, hardened, hardy, disciplined. They must be able to endure difficulties, know a lot, be able to play sports. Shoot well, run fast.


Our boys, and maybe even some girls, when they grow up, will also serve in the Army. It is an honor. And we need to prepare for this now.

Guys, how can you already now prepare for service in the Army, for the defense of the Fatherland?

We must do exercises, brush our teeth, temper ourselves, study well, study hard, eat well.


“To serve in the army, one must be strong, dexterous”

(Physical culture minute)

Every day in the morning
We do exercises, (walking in place)
We like it very much
Do in order:
It's fun to walk (walk)
Hands up (hands up)
Hands down, (hands down)
Squat and stand up, (4-6 times)
Jump and jump. (5-7 jumps)


There are various types of troops in the Russian army: Ground forces that operate on land.

And who serves in these troops?

Children: - tankers, artillerymen, border guards, rocketmen


The Air Force - they protect our homeland in the air.

Who serves in these troops?

Children: - Paratroopers, pilots.


The Navy, on duty in the seas and oceans.

Tell me, please, who serves in these troops?

Children: - submariners, sailors.


What military equipment do you know?

Tanks, warships, machine guns, Katyusha rocket launchers, submarines, helicopters, destroyers, combat aircraft.


And now we will play a game called “What's in the military package?”

I will give you pictures with different types of troops. They need to be decomposed into large cards depicting the sky, water, land, distributed according to their affiliation. (Annex 1)


Well done, you got it right.


Guys, did your grandfathers and fathers serve in the Army?

Yes, even grandmothers served.


Who wants to talk about their dads, grandfathers?

(Children tell using photographs brought from home).


Guys, Dima G., prepared a story with dad and mom about their grandfathers (appendix 2)

Dima tells using family wall newspaper. At the end of the story, he invites the attention of children military tunic his grandfather. The guys examine, carefully touch the awards, try on the tunic for themselves.


Guys, of course, we really want you, when you become adults, to love, protect and defend your Motherland, your Fatherland.

At the end of the lesson, Dima T. will read us a poem by S. Marshak

"Our Army"
On the high mountains.
In the steppes
Guards our
The homeland of the soldiers.

He takes off into the sky
He goes to sea
Not afraid of a defender
Rain and snowfall.

birches rustle,
The birds are singing,
children grow up
At home country.

Soon I'll be on guard
I'll stand at the border
To only peaceful
People dreamed.

List of used literature

  1. Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the surrounding and social reality. /Senior and preparatory groups/. M., 2005.
  2. Gribova L.F., Komratova N.G. Patriotic education of children 4-6 years old. M., 2007.
  3. Zelenova N.G., Osipova L.E. We live in Russia /preparatory group/. M., 2007.
  4. Ed. Kondrykinskaya L.A. Where does the Motherland begin? M., 2007.
  5. Ed. Kondrykinskaya L.A. Preschoolers about the defenders of the Fatherland. M., 2007.
  6. Podrezova T.I. Planning and summaries of classes for the development of children's speech in a preschool educational institution / patriotic education /. M., 2007.

Lesson topic. "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Purpose: acquaintance children on the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day".



  • To expand and clarify the knowledge of children about the defenders of the Fatherland.
  • clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic "Defender of the Fatherland Day";


  • develop attention, memory, thinking, speech, imagination.
  • develop coordination of speech with movement.


To cultivate a sense of respect for the Russian Army, love for the Motherland.

Preliminary work: memorizing poems, proverbs and sayings about the army, reading books about defenders.

Equipment: music, slides with illustrations about nature, the picture "Three heroes", pictures of Defenders of the Fatherland, a picture of the flag of Russia, a map of Russia, a picture "Protection of the border", individual envelopes, individual pictures depicting military equipment.

Lesson progress

The song is about the Motherland. (“My Russia has long eyelashes”).

Composer (music): Struve G.

My Russia has long pigtails
My Russia has bright eyelashes,
My Russia has blue eyes
On me, Russia, you are very similar.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing
Downpours pour over Russia
Colored rainbow in the sky
There is no more beautiful land.

For me, Russia is white birches,
For me, Russia is morning dew.
For me, Russia, you are the most precious thing,
How much you look like my mother.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing
Downpours pour over Russia
Colored rainbow in the sky
There is no more beautiful land.
You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth,
You, my Russia, know how to sing songs.
You, my Russia, are inseparable from us,
After all, our Russia is me and my friends.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing
Downpours pour over Russia
Colored rainbow in the sky
There is no more beautiful land.

Against the background of music, there is a slide show about nature (forests, mountains, flowers).

Educator. Guys! Everything that we see in these pictures is our Motherland. Who will tell me what we call the Motherland?

Children. The place where we were born and live.

1 child.

What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And birch trees, along which,
We are walking next to my mother.

2 child.
What do we call motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside.

3 child.

What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.
(V. Stepanov)

Educator. Look guys, how beautiful our land is.

“Everything can be native land -
Can feed with his bread,
Drink from your springs
Surprise with your beauty.
But he can't defend himself."

Conversation with children.


- What do you think, who can protect the native Russian land? (Children's answers: defenders, border guards, sailors, tankers, pilots, etc.)

— Why exactly them? (children's answers: they are strong, brave, etc.)

Guys, soon the people of our country will celebrate a very important holiday. Do any of you know which one?(February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day.)
Why is the holiday called "Defender of the Fatherland Day"? Who are the "protectors"?
(Defenders are those who protect other people.) Soldiers, the military protect our country from possible enemies. Therefore, the Defender of the Fatherland Day is called the holiday of all the military. What military do you know?(These are sailors, pilots, border guards, tankmen, rocketmen, soldiers.)
Guys, who among you knows what the Fatherland is?
(The word "Fatherland" comes from the word "father". Fatherland is called the Motherland.)
What is the name of our country?
Russia is the country where we were born and where we live. And our military is protecting it.
Look guys, what is it?
(Flag. ) The flag of which country?(Russia.) So this is the Russian flag.
(You can take a closer look at what color the stripes on the flag are and in what order they are located.)

Educator. Guys, who guarded the Russian lands in the distant, distant times?

Children. Bogatyrs. ( Consider the picture "Three heroes", remember the names of the heroes.)

Leading. Before the battle, each hero prepared weapons and armor. Do you know what the weapons and clothes of heroes looked like and were called.

Children. Spear, spear, arrows, mace, club, sword, knife. Armor - chain mail, shield, helmet.

Leading. The armor protected the warriors. The chain mail covered the chest and back, and the neck was covered by the aventail - a mesh of metal rings. With a shield, the hero reflected the blows of the sword and hid from arrows.

4 child.

I dream of being strong

Like Muromets Ilya,

Here is such a hero

I want to be too!

Look at the picture. Here is a parade. Who is participating in the parade?(Military, soldiers of our army.)

Please note that different soldiers have their own uniforms. (Examining the uniform of the military).

What is this military?(Sailors. ) And how did you know that they were sailors?(Sailors in uniform are dominated by black, white and blue colors, caps with ribbons on the head, striped vests, sailor collars - guises.)

For about a hundred years in the navy, the predominant type of ship was the steamboat with its accompanying coal dust. The black cloth uniform was not afraid of a small amount of coal dust, at the same time, on long voyages under the hot sun, it was convenient to be in light white clothes. And finally, a blue collar - the color of the sea.

And who are these soldiers?(Pilots.) They are dressed in warm jackets, helmets on their heads. The parade uniform of the pilots is green, on the caps there are cockades with wings.
What other military people wear helmets?
What is the name of the soldiers depicted in this picture?
(Border guards.) Why are they called that?(Guarding the border.)What is a border?(Border is a line separating the territory of one state from the territory of another state.) Who helps the border guards to guard the border?(Specially trained, trained dogs.)

Guys, do you think women can be defenders of the Fatherland?(Of course. Today, women can be found in the military. Most often they work as doctors and nurses. But there are other military professions where women are employed, for example: radio operators, communications dispatchers, employees of military research laboratories, etc.)

Russian warriors have always been distinguished by courage, dexterity, resourcefulness and endurance. This is well said in proverbs.

Guys, what proverbs and sayings do you know about the Army, about exploits, about glory (children answer.)

- A brave fighter, well done in battle.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

- Hero - for the Motherland mountain.

- To live - to serve the Motherland.

— If the Army is strong, the country is also invincible.

The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.

- Stand together for peace - there will be no war.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

- Bold - the enemy will not take.

- The Russian fighter is a model for everyone.
“Fight bravely for what is right.”
- Not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits the target.

Everything you said is necessary to protect our Motherland - Russia.

These strong, strong, hardy our defenders.

And now, friends,

You charge for the mind:

Mysteries are extraordinary

Military mysteries.

Now we will play the game "Circle the answer in a circle". Find the answer on the cards. And frame it.

  1. Under water iron whale

The whale does not sleep day and night.

Day and night underwater

guards our peace. (Submarine)

  1. Boldly floats in the sky,
    Flight overtakes birds.
    The man controls it.
    What's happened? (Airplane)
  1. Spread her scarlet tail
    Flew to the starry world.
    Our people built this
    Interplanetary ... (rocket)
  1. Faithful friend of his dog,

He guards the border. (Border guard)

  1. He shoots accurately from a cannon,
    Protects our Russia. (Artilleryman)
  1. He is standing on the deck in a white peakless cap. (Sailor)

7. He on his horse will gallop through quickly and everywhere (Tankman)

To become a military man, you need to start every morning with exercises, wash your face with cold water. Then you will be strong, healthy, you will not get sick. We also try to be strong and healthy. What are we doing for this?(children's answers)

5 Child.

I really, really dream

Hurry to become a soldier

To my own mother

And protect Russia.

6 child.

Defender of the Fatherland is a proud title,

His boys are ready to wear.

But you need to be brave, hardy,


For this you need to be friends with sports.

N. Lukonin

Warm up.

Our warriors are coming
One-two, one-two
The drums beat loudly:
Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!
At sea our ships
Today - here, tomorrow - there!
Long swim in the distance.
Border guard at the post:
Who's coming, who's coming?
Tanks are driving across the bridge:
Trr-forward, trr-forward!
Airplane above the ground
Whoa, whoa!

Missiles allowed to take off:
Ooh, ooh, ooh!

Our guns hit accurately:
Boo, boom!
Our Army - salute!
Let's shout "hooray"! Let's shout "hooray"!

everyone is walking in place.

imitate drumming.

hands - to the sides, sway from foot to foot.
circular motions hands.
“hold the machine”, turning left and right.
make movements with bent arms, forward-

“motor” - circular movements with brushes.
hold hands to the sides, turning
body left and right.
squat down, palms folded in front,

quickly stand up, raising their hands up.

Raise your arms to the sides.

And now we will play with you.

1. Game "Airplanes are flying"

Each child has a sheet of paper and a planar image of an airplane. According to the instructions of the teacher, the children move the plane. (The plane flew to the upper right corner, to the lower left corner, to the upper left corner, to the lower right corner, to the middle).

2. Didactic game "Distribute equipment on cards"

Guys, now in Russian armed forces All troops are divided into 4 types.

  1. Land.
  2. Air force.
  3. Navy.
  4. Strategic Rocket Forces.

Divide military professions into these 4 types: tankman, pilot, sapper, paratrooper, sailor, submariner, artilleryman, border guard, missileman.

And now we will divide military equipment into three elements.

The first card represents water, the second card represents air, and the third represents earth.

Envelopes are distributed individually to each child. They containimages of military equipment (airplane, tank, ship, helicopter, missile, military vehicle, submarine).

Educator. Guys, open the envelopes and put in front of you what is in the envelope. Put the envelopes on the edge of the table. Children, you need to determine where this technique is applied (in the water, in the sky, on the ground). You must take your cards and attach them to the appropriate card.

3. The game "Gentlemen officers"

Children become "officers". The host reminds: now he will give commands, and the children will execute them. But the command should be executed only if it is preceded by the words "Lord officers!".
- Gentlemen officers! Get up!
- Gentlemen officers! Sit down!
- Get on your tiptoes! Who executed the false command? Fly out. We continue the game.
- Gentlemen officers! To squat!
- Gentlemen officers, jump up!
- Jump again! Who got it this time?
The game ends when several children follow the commands without breaking down and at a fast pace.

Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Protection of the border".

The teacher invites the children to look at the geographical map.

Guys, on this map you can find the location different countries. One country is separated from another by a border. Show the border of Russia (the teacher helps the children to point the pointer along the border of Russia.)

And show the borders of other countries. (For example, France, Germany, etc.)

What do you think, is it easy to pass from the territory of one state to the territory of another? (children's guesses.)

Of course, you can’t just go from one country to another, all countries guard their borders.

Who do you think guards the borders? (Border guards.)

Now we will look at a picture that will help you find out how the border guards guard the border of our Motherland.

Who do you see in this picture? (These are border guards.)

Why did you decide that these are border guards? (They are wearing military uniform, they have automatic weapons.)

Why do border guards have spotted uniforms? (So ​​that they are not visible.)

What do border guards have in their hands besides a machine gun? (Bag.)

What do you think is in the bag? (Assumptions of children.) In this bag there is a first-aid kit: a bandage. Vata, various medicines.

Pay attention to the red-green pillar - this is the border pillar. Such pillars stretch along the entire border.

Guys, look at the plowed strip - this is the control and trail strip. What do you think it is for? (Children's guesses.)

If someone wants to cross the border, then traces will remain on the strip. And the border guards pass along the border and carefully inspect the control-trace strip so as not to miss the traces.

Who else do you see in the picture? (Dog.)

What is she doing? (Helps the border guards, follows the trail.)

Guys, who can leave footprints on the strip? (Assumptions of children - spies, enemies, etc.)

Can animals leave a trail? (Yes.)

If the tracks were left by animals, will the border guards follow these tracks? (Children's guesses.)

The border guards must check whether the animals really left traces. After all, violators could put animal tracks on their arms and legs and cross the border in order to confuse the border guards.

So, guys, we learned how the border guards carry out their service. What should a border guard be like? (Strong, hardy, attentive, be able to train a dog, be able to shoot.) To become a border guard, you need to study and train a lot.

Video riddle “Memorable places of our city”.

The teacher offers the children photos of the memorable places in our city, and the children must recognize this place and name it.

- monument to Volodichkin

- Obelisk of Glory

- Eternal flame

A moment of silence.

Educator: the people remember those who died defending their Motherland; erects monuments, composes poems, songs, cities, streets, parks, etc. are named after the dead. It is customary to honor the memory of the dead with a moment of silence. (Children stand up and a moment of silence is announced).

7 Child.

We will remember your names
And bequeath the memory to future generations.
Heroes never leave
They are not threatened by cold oblivion.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator. Guys, remind me what is the name of the holiday on the twenty-third of February?

Children. Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Educator. Guys, you looked like real soldiers in class today! They were hardworking, strong, courageous and overcame all difficulties on the way!