Presentation of the project for children about buttons. Presentation for the research work "The big story of a small button". And we pass to the music

Big story of a small button.

You can become an archangel, a fool or a criminal and no one will notice. But if you don't have a button, everyone will pay attention to it. (E.M. Remarque)

Button. What can be interesting in this familiar, ordinary subject? "Clear as a button" we find in the dictionary of comparisons.

However, if you look at it a little from the other side, then a lot of interesting things can open up. After all, every thing has not only its own history, but also a lot of fantastically exciting features.

The first fasteners, resembling buttons, appeared around the 3rd millennium BC. At the excavations in the Indus Valley, a real button with two holes for sewing was found.

In Europe, the first buttons appeared in the 4th century BC. the Greek soldiers.

During the Middle Ages, knights brought them to Europe from the Middle East, but buttons gained popularity only in the 18th century. And at first, oddly enough, men showed interest in new fasteners. Women, on the other hand, met the appearance of buttons "with hostility" and continued to use pins.

Men's clothing at that time was not inferior to women's clothing in brightness and luxury. Buttons were made of precious metals, often decorated with precious stones.
The button, which was then called a "button", "came" to Russian fashionistas at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century.

If we collect the ideas of scientists from different fields of knowledge - historians, ethnographers, etc., then we can distinguish four main functions of the button:

1.utilitarian (button as fastener);

3. magical (button - a talisman or talisman);

4. semiotic or informative (a button as an identification mark).

On the one hand, buttons found in various excavations clearly served as clasps. So, the uniform of the Greek warriors was fastened in front with straps on several metal buttons with “legs”.

On the other hand, among the archaeological finds of ancient Greek art from the 4th c. BC. according to the 1st century AD there are buttons made of gold, which speaks, first of all, of their decorative value. A fact is known when the cost of a fur coat was two and a half times inferior to the cost of the buttons placed on it.

Today, hardly anyone remembers that in the past the button was one of the important magical amulets designed to scare away forces hostile to man. A pellet, a piece of tin or a round stone was placed in hollow buttons, which, when moving, made a muffled sound, reminiscent of the sound of a bell. And the buttons turned into amulets.

Interestingly, the button in Russian has the same root as the words scare, scarecrow, scarecrow. Some Russian researchers believe that this coincidence is due precisely to the fact that the button served as a protection against evil forces for a long time. From this we can conclude that among the Western peoples, the main functions of the button have always been utilitarian and decorative, while among the Slavs, the function of the amulet was put in the first place.

When buttons appeared, they were worn much more than necessary, because the more noble and richer a person was, the more they should have been. It is known, for example, that the French King Francis I once ordered 13,600 small gold buttons from a jeweler to decorate just one velvet suit.

In many countries, philobutonism, the collection of buttons, is as popular as philately, the collection of postage stamps.

The button was the very first fastener for clothes that was invented by man. And, as it turned out, the longest-playing. This is not only a functional detail, but also a decorative accessory, which often allows itself to “break away” from clothes and live an independent life. IN recent years two or three, interest in buttons in our country has increased markedly. There were directories, a thematic site on the Internet. We began to take seriously such a seemingly insignificant thing as a button. This is very important, because the button is a witness to the era.

Synopsis of the game teaching situation Topic: "Button History" for older children

Target: creating a collection of buttons
1. Introduce children to the history of the origin of buttons.
2. Stimulate interest in comparing objects, knowing their features, purpose.
3. Form a skill safe behavior when working with buttons.
1. Fix a quantitative score within 10, the ability to determine the shape, color, size.
2. Consolidate knowledge about buttons (shape, size, types, what material they are made of).
3. Expand the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech, memory and creative imagination.
4. Broaden your horizons with the help of cognitive research activities.
5. Develop a figurative perception of the history of our past, interest.
6. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
1. To cultivate respect for our ancestors, their work and life, for national values.
2. Cultivate accuracy, curiosity, perseverance.
Preliminary work: conducting organized educational situations within the framework of the Buttons project; looking at buttons under a magnifying glass; experiments: “Sinking - not sinking”, “Will it attract with a magnet”; selection of sayings and proverbs about buttons; viewing crafts from buttons in illustrations; game with buttons "Collect beads for a doll"; reading "The Lost Button" by G. Shalaev.
Methods and techniques:
Practical - playful: didactic games
Reception: questions, instructions, explanations, creation of a game situation.
Visual - a method of demonstration, the use of TCO.
Receptions: demonstration of presentation, objects;
Verbal - teacher's story, conversation, questions to children; method of increasing cognitive activity: comparison, method of questions, method of repetition.
Receptions: explanation, indication.
Equipment: suitcase with clothes; box with buttons; presentation "History of the button"; buttons (in shape, size, material); cards by the number of children with buttons glued on them from 1 to 10; numbers on cards multi-colored cardboard buttons; a box with cells for sorting buttons; TV.

The course of the game training situation

1. Introduction
Children play on the carpet.
Educator: Guys, what a good day today! Let's greet each other.
Greeting game "Our smart heads"
Let's stand side by side, in a circle,
Let's say hello to each other.
We are not too lazy to say hello:
Everyone "Hello!" and "Good afternoon!";
If everyone smiles
Good morning will begin.
2. Main body
Educator: Guys, did you look into our suitcase today? We sometimes find a lot of interesting things in it. What is in it today?
Educator: Seryozha, please bring us a suitcase (Seryozha brings a suitcase). Let's sit down on the carpet to make ourselves comfortable and see what's in our suitcase today.
The teacher unfolds the ribbon in front of the children with the words “Tape, unfold the ribbon and stop the children!” He sits on a chair, opens it and looks into the suitcase, the children too.
Educator: Guys, look - what is it?
Children's answers: Box!
The teacher shows an old box.
Teacher: what beautiful box! What can be in it? Let's rattle, turn the box over (rattles the box, turns it over). What do you think is in the box?
Children's answers.
Educator: Yes ...., anything can be in the box.
Let's see what's in the box now.
The children open the box.
Educator: What is it?
Children: Buttons!
Teacher: What is a button?
Children: A button is a fastener that connects two pieces of clothing.
Educator: Right. Guys, are the buttons all the same? How do they differ from each other? It is necessary to pour all the buttons on a tray and examine carefully.
Children help put away clothes and tape.
The teacher gets up, takes the tray, pours out the buttons and sits on a chair near the table.
Educator: Guys stand around the table.
Children get up and stand near the table with a tray.
Educator: There are buttons on the leg, but there are no legs.
How many holes are on the buttons?
The children answer.
- How do the buttons differ in size from each other?
The children answer.
What material are the buttons made from?
The children answer.
- What color are the buttons?
The children answer.
Educator: Well done, you told me well about the buttons.
Guys, do you know that there were no buttons before. How did people manage without buttons before? What were the first buttons made of?
Interesting questions, really! Would you like to know the answers to these questions?
Children: YES!
Educator: Then I invite you to look at the history of the button. Come in and sit down at the tables.
The teacher leaves the tray with buttons on the table. The children go to the tables.
Educator (Standing at the TV): It turns out that all objects have their own history. And this story is a button.
Children sit at tables and watch the presentation.
Viewing a presentation
slide 1
"History of the Button"
slide 2
Buttons have a rich history.
In ancient times, people made their own clothes from animal skins, threw the skin over their shoulders and wrapped themselves with a belt.
It was very uncomfortable, the clothes were flung open, making it difficult to move.
slide 3
In ancient times, people connected their clothes with various animal bones, small sticks, plant thorns and wooden blocks that were inserted into slots.
slide 4
As time went on, people learned how to sew clothes, fasteners also changed. They still could not be called buttons. These zippers looked like this:
slide 5
Buttons in those days were very expensive and fashionable thing. From what they were not made: from precious metals, bone, wood, leather, crystal, glass, pearls and mother-of-pearl, precious and ornamental stones. Buttons were valued, because often they were full-fledged jewelry. They were inherited, left as a dowry, hidden as treasures.
slide 6
People loved buttons so much that they erected monuments to buttons
Monument to the button in Kyiv, Ukraine
Slide number 7
Dorogobuzh, Smolensk region
Teacher: very interesting story about buttons! Is it true?
And now they closed their eyes.
Gymnastics for the eyes "Eyes need to rest"
(Guys close their eyes)
- “You need to take a deep breath” (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
- “The eyes will run in a circle” (Eyes are open.
Pupil movement in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
- “Blink many, many times” (Frequent blinking of the eyes)
- “The eyes felt good” (Light touch with the fingertips of closed eyes)
- “Everyone will see my eyes!” (Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)

Educator: And now let's get back to our buttons. Get out on the carpet.
Children are scattered on the carpet.

The game "Which side are the buttons sewn on"
Teacher: Look at your clothes. Count how many buttons, if any, you have on your clothes?
Children count. The teacher asks the children how many buttons each has.
Teacher: Guys, look carefully. Do boys and girls have the same buttons? (Children are looking, looking for the answer to the question)
Educator: Girls, on which side are the buttons sewn on your clothes? And the loops on which side?
The children answer.
Educator: And the boys?
The kids are in charge
Educator: Guys, the rule of sewing buttons on men's and women's clothing also came to us from the past. In ancient times, rich women were dressed by maids, and to make it more convenient for them to fasten, the buttons were sewn on the left, and men always dressed themselves, even the richest, and it is easier for them to fasten the buttons on the right.
Educator: Guys, I came up with a game for you. Let these beautiful colored cardboard buttons be like real ones. Choose any button for yourself.
Mobile game "Find the button"
Educator: As soon as the music starts, you will begin to move randomly on the carpet. As soon as the music stops playing, you will be on assignment.
First task: Stand next to each other with buttons of the same color and size. Started!
Children move on the carpet to the music. As soon as the music stopped playing, the children complete the task.
They form three groups: - large blue with 2 and 4 holes
- large red with 2 and 4 holes

Second task: Stand next to each other with buttons of the same color and number of holes. Started!
Children move on the carpet to the music. As soon as the music stopped playing, the children complete the task.
They form five groups:
- large blue with 2 holes
- large blue with 4 holes
- big red with 2 holes
- large red with 4 holes
- small yellow with 4 holes
Teacher: Check with each other. Nobody made a mistake?
Third task: Stand next to each other with buttons of the same size and number of holes. Started!
Children move on the carpet to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, the children complete the task.
They form three groups:- large blue with 2 holes + large
red with 2 holes;
- large blue with 4 holes + large
red with 4 holes;
- small yellow with 4 holes
Teacher: Check with each other. Nobody made a mistake?
Teacher: You did a great job!
Educator: Guys, look what I have. I pasted buttons on the cards from 1 to 10. Your task is this: count the number of buttons on the card and choose the number that corresponds to the number of buttons.
The teacher gives the children cards with glued buttons from 1 to 10 pieces. Spread the numbers on the table.
Didactic game "Stand in your place"
Teacher: Are you ready? Started!
Children count buttons, remember their number, take a number.
Educator: Show your card and the number you have chosen.
Children show.
Educator: Please check each other, is that correct?
Now change cards.
Then change cards and repeat the game again.

Educator: Well done, everyone coped with the task!
Children give the cards to the teacher, put the skittles in the basket.

Physical education minute
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
We all know how to count
We can also rest.
Let's put our hands behind our backs.
Let's raise our heads higher
And let's breathe easy...
One, two! - higher head
Three, four - hands wider.
Five, six - sit down quietly.
One - rise, pull up,
Two - bend, unbend
Three - in the hands of three claps,
Three head nods.
Together with you, we considered
And we talked about numbers.
And now we stand together
They crushed their bones.
well caved in
And they smiled at each other.
3. Final part.
Educator: Guys, where do your mothers and grandmothers keep buttons?
Children: in a jar, in a box ......
Educator: Let's also put our buttons from the box into a specially prepared box that I prepared. I propose to decompose the buttons according to certain signs:
Educator: First, find the buttons on the leg. Now find the metal buttons among them. Put metal buttons in a separate cell. Now find the fabric buttons. Put them separately. Put the remaining buttons in a separate cell too.
Educator: Lay out the buttons on the leg. Now find the largest buttons with two holes. Put them in your cell. Look for slightly smaller buttons with two holes.
Educator: What buttons are left?
Children: With four holes.
Educator: Please put these buttons in a separate
Educator: Look, we have one button left. What is she?
Children: Wooden!

Svetlana Volchenko
Button History Project

« The history of the button»

cognitive research project for preschoolers.

Passport project

Educational area: Cognition

Type project: cognitive research.

By nature of contacts: In progress project children of the senior and preparatory groups, group educators take part.

By number of participants: group.


It is no secret that the leading role in the formation of the personality of the child, in the formation of his spiritual world belongs emotional sphere. It is through her that one should act. A preschool child lives in a specific natural social and cultural environment.

The ability of the child to animate the inanimate world with his fantasy allows him to “humanize everything that exists”

The ways of involving preschoolers in the process of perception and productive creativity are varied. fairy story, game situations, elements of pantomime will give the lessons dynamism, intriguing mystery.

Waste material is probably one of the most common materials for creativity and needlework. Plastic bottles, food containers, cups, spoons and plates, plastic straws, kinder surprises, old things and other household waste cost nothing, but using them in your work you can make real masterpieces.

We will stop at buttons.

Button- This is a ready-made material, convenient to use for crafts with children. One can say "decorative" waste material.

The relevance of our topic is that the task of the educator is to show children what can be done from ordinary buttons where it can be used. Cultivate collecting skills. Interest in research activities

It is also no secret to anyone that the development fine motor skills (flexibility and accuracy of finger movements) and tactile sensitivity - a powerful stimulus for the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking and speech in children. Children who have better developed fine hand movements have a more developed brain, especially those parts of it that are responsible for speech. The fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system person.

Therefore, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child from a very early age. But just doing the exercises will be boring for the child - you need to turn them into interesting and useful games. In our case, in games using buttons. Making crafts from buttons.

And the joint work of parents with children, the creation of a single space for the development of the child in the family and preschool educational institutions, and to make parents participants in the educational process are very important.

Target project:

Formation in children of natural - scientific ideas about the objects of the world.

Expanding horizons through cognitive research activities.

The development of fine motor skills, coherent speech, thinking and creativity children.


Introduce children to the history of buttons, their diversity, range of use.

Development of the desire for search and cognitive activity.

Development of mental activity and creative abilities.

Maintaining the desire of older preschoolers to examine objects to identify their features.

Encouraging the independent use by children of mastered standards for the analysis of objects, highlighting their similarities and differences for several reasons.

Development of communication skills.

Formation of the concept of species diversity buttons.

Introducing children to different ways sewing buttons.

Improving analytical perception, stimulating interest in comparing objects, learning about their features and purpose.

To interest and captivate children with the idea of ​​collecting.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Bring up careful attitude to clothes and buttons including.

Stages project

Stage I - preparatory.

Discussing goals, tasks with children.

Determining the level of formation of preschoolers' ideas about buttons. The model of two questions was used "What do I know?" And "What do I want to know?". Thus, the main research questions were identified activities:

"What does the word mean? button

What did people use before the invention buttons

"What were the first buttons

"What are the types buttons

What materials are made of buttons

Stage II is the main one.

Topics have been chosen projects which children and their parents had to prepare.

The stages of research activities were determined, options for searching for information, products of activities that children planned to receive at the end were discussed. project.

As a result of the implementation of joint projects preschooler prepared samples of sewing methods buttons, picked up material about the species buttons.

Stage III is the final one.

Registration of the result project.

A presentation of the implementation of all stages has been prepared project.

In the course of the study, a mini-museum was created in the group, collections were collected buttons, samples buttons"Metal and plastic buttons» , "Children's buttons» , « Buttons - decorations» .

Implementation project.

educational situation:

Speech development (speech development). Looking at paintings buttons. Story from personal experience "How I Learned to Zip buttons» Writing descriptive stories about buttons. Learning poems and proverbs buttons. Use of proverbs, sayings.

making up stories and stories about buttons« Button» , "Tale of a Beloved button» , « Button» and etc.

Speech exercises: "Choose and Tell", « The button got lost» , "Which button, "Describe button» ;

cognitive development : Conversations on topic: "Where did button» , « The history of the button» , « History of buttons» .

communication situation: « Buttons- information carriers".

Didactic games: "Distribute buttons for groups(by color, shape, size, material)», "Make a Picture", "Find a Pair", What geometric figure does button» ,

Artistic - aesthetic activity:

Drawing: "Let's draw button» , "Let's draw button» , "Grapes

grapes, « Ladybug» , « Buttons for fairy tale characters, "Aquarium", "Sun" and etc.

modeling: "Pyramid", "Dolly from buttons» , "Globe", "Centipede", "Bright photo frame", "Amanita". "Berry Field", "Vitamins in a jar", "Beautiful plate", "Flowers", "Caterpillar", "We decorate the Christmas tree", "Magic Flower", "Ladybug" and etc.

Application: "Put it out button picture» , "Bunch of grapes", "Caterpillar", "Pyramid", "Funny people".

Construction: Creation of three-dimensional structures from buttons using wire, plasticine, cocktail sticks, etc.

reuploading from buttons of various patterns(mosaic, etc.) .

"Caterpillar", "Laying Patterns", "Butterfly", "Bracelet for Mom", « "Tree of threads and buttons» . "House","Pot with a flower" and etc.

Manual labor: Sewing buttons, stringing.

"Beads from buttons» "Beads", "Heart for Mom", "Hot stand, "Kitchen Decoration", "Ring", "Butterflies", "Plate" and etc.

Game activity:

Didactic games:

"What does it look like button» Button mosaic», "Pick up the wheels", "Count", "Miracle- button» , "Look-Decorate", "Sew button» "Flower-seven-flower", « Buttons» , "Composite Pictures", "Putting Order", "Throwing buttons» , "Pick Fruit", « Geometric figures» , "Plant a flower bed", "Pick up to clothes" and etc.

Plot- role-playing games :

"Shop", "Studio", "Family", "We are designers" and etc.

Experimental - search engine activity:

consideration buttons under magnifying glass; familiarity with the properties and qualities of the materials from which they are made buttons(color, shape, size, transparency, strength, weight, texture, etc.)

Working with parents:

parent meetings

Conversations with parents about the importance of this problem;

craft making,

making up stories and button-down stories,

Replenishment of the collection buttons,

Folder replenishment « Button is a wonder» , "Miracle - button»

Conducting a review competition of crafts “My mother and I are needlewomen”

Holding an exhibition-competition of drawings « Button» "My button»

Holding a fairy tale competition button"Dreamland";

Family holidays “My mother and grandmother are great craftswomen!”;

Writing baby books about stories or fairy tales, about button.

Expected results.

Expanding children's vocabulary.

Development in children of interest in research, experimental activities, creative, cognitive abilities.

Active participation of children in experiments and research.

Development of the ability to set a specific problem, find its solution and draw an appropriate conclusion.

The results of monitoring the cognitive development of children in different age (senior preschool, preparatory) group showed the success of the work. Children began to ask more questions, actively show interest in the objects of the world around them, establish connections between the properties of objects and their use.

History of buttons captured children and their parents so much that they began to create family collections buttons.

The main thing you learned project children and parents is the realization that even the most ordinary thing can store amazing history of its appearance.

Implementation results project were designed and shown to parents in the form of a presentation.


1. Dybina O. V. "Man-made world". - M., 2001.

2. Dybina O. V. “What happened before…. Games - travel to the past of objects ". - M., 2001.

3. Kiseleva L. S., Danilina T. A. et al. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution. Handbook for managers and practitioners of preschool educational institutions. - M., 2003.

4. Reference book of the senior teacher of a preschool institution.

To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in:

Slides captions:

Municipal budgetary preschool Kindergarten №12 structural subdivision "Beryozka" Short term project « magic button". Educators: Karmanova G.V. Taepova R.Kh.

Relevance We live in a time of rapid speed and high technology. Every year, the number of technical innovations that amaze with their capabilities is increasing. The world of objects, already huge, is replenished and expanded. All this is reflected in our daily life - we no longer pay attention to the objects that we use every day. It's a pity, because some of them, sometimes even the most ordinary ones, are fraught with a lot of interesting things.

Project type: Research and creative Duration: Short-term (3 weeks) By the number of participants: group (children, parents, teachers) Research subject: Buttons.

Involve parents and children in joint productive creativity. The purpose of the project: Objectives: To broaden one's horizons by introducing to the accumulated human experience of knowing the world. Introduce children to the history of the button, its types and classification, expand children's knowledge about the world around them; Develop the imagination of children and parents, creativity, interest in collecting; develop fine motor skills of the hands, cognitive activity, imagination, communication skills. To cultivate perseverance, the ability to work in a team, to instill a careful attitude to other people's work and crafts.

Preparatory stage: Information sheet for parents about the start of the project; Together with parents, the preparation of buttons for the project; Creation in the group of the collection "Magic Buttons" Selection of illustrative, artistic material; Drawing up summaries of thematic classes for different sections of the program.

The main stage of GCD Work with parents Work with children Joint activities of adults and children

Creation of the collection "Button - sorceress".

Joint activities of parents and children

Works of parents: "Massage mats for the prevention of flat feet."

The family of Andrei O. and the family of Darina Z.


Didactic game: "Remember and repeat"

Didactic game: "Pick up the leaves to the tree"

Button patterns

"Wonder Tree"

Educational activities in sensitive moments Sculpting "The Miracle of the Button"

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing on the topic: "Such different buttons"

Educational activities in sensitive moments "Artistic and aesthetic development" Application: "Fish in the aquarium."

Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling on the topic: "Here our train rushes, the wheels are knocking"

The final stage is the broadcast of the project A photo exhibition of sensitive moments during the project. View massage mats. Design of the mini-museum "Magic Button". Presentation of the project Exhibition of handicrafts of joint activities of parents and children (photo frames, magic pouch, panels, handbags and bracelets, etc.)

Expected result - Development of cognitive and creative abilities of children. - The manifestation of independent activity of children. - Improvement of work on interaction with parents, activation of parents as project participants. - A positive attitude to the world based on emotional and sensory experience.


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MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 2 combined type"


Senior group of TNR "Rainbow"


Belkova E.P.

Golovanova T.V.

Kamensk - Uralsky

Educational project "History of the button"

Project type
: informative and cognitive.
: short term.
Implementation period:
October November.
Project participants:
children senior group, educators, parents.
Integration of educational areas:

O. about "Knowledge"
- GCD information messages about the history of buttons, cognitive research activities with buttons (size, shape, material)
o.o "Communication"
conversation, memorization of proverbs, sayings about buttons.
O.o "Socialization"
- acquaintance with the professions of people involved in the manufacture of buttons, role-playing games "Atelier", "Fashion Salon".
O.o "Safety"
- Familiarity with the safety rules for sewing on buttons.
O.o "Artistic creativity"
- Making crafts from buttons.
“You can become anyone and no one will notice. But if you don’t have a button, everyone will pay attention to it ”E.M. Remarque. Indeed, we no longer pay attention to the items that we use every day. But many of them, sometimes even ordinary Saami, are fraught with a lot of interesting things. We decided to learn about the history of buttons.
Learn about the history of buttons.
Education of cognitive interest in the objective world, broadening one's horizons through cognitive research activities.
Development of fine motor skills, coherent speech, thinking, creative abilities.
Expected Result:
creation of a mini-museum "Button", an exhibition of works on the topic "This is such a button!"
Implementation stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory:
project development, setting goals and objectives, selection required material on the topic (proverbs, sayings, informational material), development of abstracts;
Stage 2 - main:
conversations, viewing illustrative material, reading educational literature about “What does the word button mean?”, “What did people use before the invention of the button?”, “What were the first buttons and what material were they made of?”, what types of buttons are there, a set of buttons;
Stage 3 - final:
the creation of a mini-museum, the creation of the exhibition "That's what a button!"
Forms of work:
GCD, conversations, cognitive - research activities on the topic of didactic games: "Find a pair", "what is the extra one?", "Lay out the pattern", "Collect the beads". Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about buttons, artistically - creative activity, role-playing games "Studio", "Fashion Salon", "Shop", "Department "Button". Creation of a mini-museum, organization of an exhibition of handicrafts from buttons.
Parent involvement:
assistance in the selection of information, participation in the creation of a mini-museum, participation in the manufacture of crafts for the exhibition.

Results of the project implementation:
The result of the project was the creation of a mini-museum, which presented a variety of types of buttons, their accessories and materials from which they are made. Children also learned about the history of the button, its improvement. Expanding the horizons of children: after all, during the project, children carried out research activities: they compared, experimented. The main thing that children and adults have learned is the realization that the most ordinary thing can keep an amazing story of its appearance.

The history of the button

The history of the button began seven hundred years ago. But the name of a person

who invented it, history has not preserved. Interestingly, women

at first they completely ignored this invention and continued

to use pins, buttons were only of interest to men.
Since in those days men's clothing was no less bright than women's buttons were made of expensive metals, decorated with precious stones. And so many buttons were sewn onto a man's dress, more than a few thousand, that it became very heavy. History remembers that French
King Francis
ordered 13,600 gold buttons to decorate his velvet suit. The position of a person was determined by the buttons. Buttons made of gold and silver were made for the nobles, from non-precious materials - for soldiers and servants, from glass and wood for ordinary people.
"Button" in Russian
has the same root as the word
. And scientists believe that this coincidence is not accidental, it served our people as a protection against dark forces, was a talisman that repels evil. For “greater strength”, a piece of metal or a round pebble was also placed in them, which, when moving, made a sound similar to the ringing of a bell. For centuries, there were no buttons. Many of them have become works of art and are now kept in museums. And modern haberdashery stores sell an amazing selection of buttons!
This is interesting
On men's clothing buttons are located on the right, and on the women's left. It is believed that at the time of the introduction of buttons, men dressed themselves, and women were dressed by maids - therefore, for them, buttons were sewn in a mirror image. Decree of Peter I, ordering to sew tin buttons to the cuffs of the sleeves of soldier's uniforms with outside was full secret meaning: buttons did not allow the soldiers, out of habit, to wipe their mouth and nose with their sleeves after eating. So he weaned the soldiers from a bad habit that spoiled uniform cloth. Finding a button is still considered a good omen, and if a black cat crosses your path, just touch the button and you can safely move forward.

The history of the button
The history of the appearance of buttons begins in antiquity. The most ancient samples were found during excavations in the Indus Valley, which means they were used in the Indus civilization (3rd millennium BC). In addition, archaeologists have found evidence that the buttons were used by the ancient Greeks, Scythians and ancient Romans. There are finds that indicate that they were on the belts with which the soldiers fastened their armor. The buttons of those times were distinguished by a variety of shapes - from round to canonical.
However, of course, in ancient times, buttons were not used as widely as in the Middle Ages. Then tight-fitting suits, tailored to the figure, began to come into fashion. First, they were sewn up directly on the person, and then the seams were torn open. Over time, to speed up the process, a seam was invented that fell apart if the thread was pulled at one end. However, this was not very convenient. As a result, the problem was solved with the help of buttons. True, only very wealthy people could afford them, since they were then made from precious metals - gold or silver. The more buttons on a person's suit, respectively, the higher his status. It is known that the King of France, Francis I, was the owner of a suit on which more than thirteen and a half thousand buttons were sewn!
Over time, other segments of the population also got the opportunity to use buttons in clothes, as they began to be made from cheaper materials. It is interesting that they also became a distinction - they were made with a stamped pattern, which testified that the owner of the suit or uniform belonged to one or another department.
An unusual way to use this clasp was proposed by the ingenious Peter I, who issued a decree according to which unnecessary buttons were sewn onto the sleeve of a soldier's uniform in order to wean soldiers from wiping their mouth or nose with their sleeves. This made it possible to preserve the expensive cloth from which the costumes were sewn for a longer time.

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Summary of classes for children of the senior group on the topic

"The Miracle of the Button"

Goals and objectives:
- to acquaint children with the history of the origin of the button; - develop interest in the subject being studied and imaginative thinking with the help of riddles and games; - to expand the representation of children in the field of using buttons; - develop creative imagination. Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Speech development". Material: a collection of buttons, the text of a poem, the text of riddles, pictures for a story.

Educator. - Today we will get acquainted with the history of the origin of a familiar and familiar thing. Many different things surround us, and we never think about where they came from, we are not interested in the history of these familiar things. That's what we're talking about today. -Guess a riddle about the subject necessary in our life: 1. You will find this necessary little thing on clothes. If she is not in place, you are a slut, you will be known. Children's answer. (button) 2. You're going to get dressed - You can't do without me. Adults and children know - I will fasten everything in the world. What is this?
Children's answer. (button) Educator. -Of course it's a button. That's about her and the conversation will go. -Look how different they are. (Pictures with various images of buttons are shown.) A poem by Vera Avdeeva is read. Buttons. Buttons with anchors On seamen's jackets. I want to be friends with the seas. I'm ready to wear a pea jacket. And with oak leaves Buttons foresters. I want to be friends with the forests, I'm ready to protect them. And on the uniform of the machinist Buttons with a hammer. For the train to go fast, I'll be in such a tunic. But my mother said softly, so that I could understand everything: Only the general walks in a tunic for a general. Mom laughed for a long time, Because I'm cunning. I'll be in the form of a general, If I'm an actor.
“Imagine that buttons have disappeared all over the Earth. What should people do? What can replace buttons? Children's answers. Educator. How good it is to have them. What do you think the buttons are for? Children's answers. Educator. Have they always been the way they are now? Listen to the unusually entertaining story of the "button". (The story is accompanied by a display of illustrations, objects on the topic) Do you know that the skin of a killed beast was the clothing of a primitive man?! The skin was thrown over the shoulders and, so that it would not slip, it was held with hands. (Showing the first picture). But the primitive man had to free his hands for work: to prepare tools for hunting, to make a trap for a mammoth. (Showing the second picture). Therefore, fasteners appeared on clothes. The first clasps were hairpins made of turned stones, ties made of strong plant fibers. (Showing the third picture). - Do we use fasteners invented by primitive man? Children's answers. Educator. - That's right, from the depths of centuries we got such a method of fastening as a belt and a belt. Of course, it is very different from its great-great-great-brother and now plays the role of a rather decorative element. (Showing the fourth picture). The button was treated as a luxury item, and in ordinary life they did without it. Made buttons from precious stones, from precious metals and stones, copper, tin, wood, bone and even from fruit stones, were inherited. The more buttons, the more noble the gentleman. A self-respecting nobleman sewed about 40 buttons on his camisole. (Showing the fifth picture). In the Czech Republic, in the city of Jablonec, there is a museum of buttons from different eras and countries.
- Did you know that on women's clothes, buttons are sewn on the left, and on men's on the right. - Did you listen carefully to my story? Then answer the questions: - From what material were the buttons made in the old days? Children's answers. (From precious metals and stones, copper, tin, wood, bones and even from fruit stones) Educator. What material is used to make buttons now? Children's answers. Educator. - Buttons are plastic, metal, wooden, covered with fabric or leather. (The teacher shows the buttons). A person needs buttons for clothes, but you can play with them. Before you are a variety of buttons and I propose to create a pattern for the carpet from them.
Miracle carpet.

. Encourage children to play with various types buttons, develop fantasy, imagination, attention.
Various types of buttons, rectangular blank for "carpet" (various colors). The children complete the tasks. The progress of the task. Children are invited to choose their favorite background for the "carpet". Having chosen a background for the “carpet”, the children independently lay out a pattern from buttons. Educator. Well done guys, you got wonderful drawings on the carpets and I suggest leaving the work on the tables so that you can carefully examine them. (Children get up from the tables and examine the "carpets"). The teacher asks the children about which carpet they liked best.
(Answers of children). Educator. Did you enjoy the activity? (Children's answer). Educator. And what did you like the most? (Answers of children). Educator. Our lesson has come to an end, but acquaintance with miracle buttons will definitely continue.

Simple as a button. Fastened with all buttons. Do not string buttons on someone else's mouth. It seems to the envious that the gold of another shines, and a copper button will come closer. The buttons are gilded, but they haven't eaten for three days. Clever smart girl - This is a light button. Buttons are not molded, loops are not twisted, nothing is done.

You can play games with buttons to not only develop motor skills, but also logic and thinking, as well as color perception, the formation of concepts of the size of objects (large - small), creative imagination. The joint game of children and parents will allow you to get closer, establish a base of trusting relationships. Since exactly in preschool age an adult has a unique opportunity to become significant for his child, to become the person to whom, as an adult (especially in adolescence), the child can turn for support.
You will need: a coffee or cocoa can with a plastic screw cap, buttons (they can be of different colors and sizes, depending on what tasks you set: be it fixing the idea of ​​​​size, color or learning to count). Make a slot on the lid with a knife (according to the piggy bank principle). Show your child how to push buttons through the slot. After all the buttons are in the jar, ask your child to unscrew the lid and remove the buttons. You can start the game over!
You will need: flat buttons different colors and sizes, plasticine, toothpicks. Take a block of plasticine and stick a toothpick into it (you can cut off the sharp tips of the toothpicks beforehand). Show your child how to string buttons on an unusual rod. The next time you play with your child, complicate the task by stringing buttons of a certain size or color. You can make several blanks: on toothpicks inserted into plasticine various colors, stringing buttons of the corresponding colors. You can stick toothpicks of various lengths and ask the child to string the buttons, drawing the child's attention at the end to the relationship between the length of the toothpicks and the number of buttons strung on them. By the way, not all buttons can be strung on a toothpick, since the diameter of the holes on the buttons is not always appropriate. Therefore, either you pre-select suitable buttons for this game, or you provide the child with the opportunity to verify the discrepancy on
own experience and draw your own conclusions. When playing with an older child, you can ask him to express his opinion in advance about whether a given button will be put on such a rod or not, thereby developing his eye.
To develop the baby’s creative abilities and imaginative thinking, you can invite him to lay out flowers, paths, houses, all kinds of patterns from buttons, in a word, what your imagination and the child’s imagination will tell you. "
Finger to finger"
The first player puts a button on his index finger and turns to the second player. He must move this button to his index finger, while other fingers cannot be used. "
Button Football»
For this game you will need 7 buttons. Choose a playing field, for example, a carpet. Gates are made on one side (buttons are placed at a distance of about 10 cm from each other). They also make gates on the other side of the carpet. The remaining three buttons are balls. To make a hit, you need to click a button with your finger. Moreover, you can only hit the button that is between the other two. The players shoot at the goal in turn.

An odd number of buttons are laid out on a carpet or table. The more players, the more buttons. An even number of players take part in the competition. At the signal of the leader, the players begin to collect buttons. You can collect one at a time without raking everything at once. Do not push other players or block their buttons. The one who collects the most buttons wins.
Even further
Players stand at the boundary line, each with the same button in his hand. On the count of one-two-three, the players try to put the button as far away from themselves as possible. You can lean forward, stretch your arms. But you can not leave the place, throw a button. The one who falls to the floor is out of the game. And the one who puts the button furthest wins.
More less
For this game, the more buttons, the better. The main thing is that they all be of different sizes and among them one is the largest and the smallest. The host says: - we are looking for the largest button, - and pours all the buttons out of the box onto the table. Players sit around the table and, without interfering with each other, look for a button. The one who found it puts it next to him. The host collects all the buttons in a box and gives the following task: - we are looking for the smallest button And so on. Tasks can be something like this: - looking for a button with three holes - looking for a triangular button - looking for the largest red button The main thing is to collect all the buttons in a box after each round (to
none of the participants could peep in advance). The game continues until you get bored. As a result, they look at who scored the most winning buttons. That one is the winner.
To win this game you need to be very careful. The task of the players is to build a pyramid of buttons. The first player places a large button in the center of the table, the second player places a smaller button on top of the first, and so on. The higher the pyramid, the more difficult it is to lay out the buttons. The pyramid begins to stagger and from any careless movement can collapse. The player who destroys the pyramid has lost.
All players line up in one line. Each is given one button. The players stretch their left foot forward and make the sock “iron”, so that they can put a button on it. At the command of the leader, all players begin to jump forward on their right foot. You need to jump to the finish line (arranged line) without dropping the button.
Each player is given a thread (about 40 cm) and five buttons with four holes each. The task of each player is to string all the buttons on a thread in such a way that the thread passes through all the holes. The host claps his hands and the game begins. The first person to complete the task wins
"Remember and Repeat"
This game will help develop attention, memory. It requires two cards (divided into 9 squares) and two sets of buttons (18 pieces in pairs of the same). One player is the leader, he lays out several buttons on his field. The second player remembers. Then the field is covered with a scarf, and the second player in his field must lay out the buttons in the same way as the leader. At first, you can train on a small amount, adding gradually.