Dymkovo birds drawing in the middle group. Abstract of a lesson in decorative drawing in the middle group “Dymkovo bird. The course of the educational and developmental situation on a game basis

Tasks: Continue to teach children to make a pattern from the elements of Dymkovo painting (dots, rings, circles, stripes). fasten skills: apply dots, straight and wavy lines with the end of the brush, draw circles, arcs, rings with the whole brush, hold the brush correctly. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, creativity. Generate interest in a folk toy. Cultivate independence, accuracy in work, respect for work folk craftsmen.

preliminary work:

Examining Dymkovo toys and talking about them;

Album review "Dymkovo toys";

Drawing elements of the Dymkovo pattern;

Compilation of stories and fairy tales, the characters of which are Dymkovo toys;

Learning poems about haze.

material, tools, equipment:

Winter landscape painting (old huts, smoke comes from the chimneys, trees in winter dress);

Dymkovo toys (turkey, young lady, bird, horse);

folk melody;

Samples of elements of Dymkovo painting.

Toys silhouettes (turkey, young lady, bird, horse, goat)- at the choice of the child;

Gouache, brushes, napkins, cups of water.

Methodological techniques:

Show and explanation of the educator;

Game motivation;

A reminder of the drawing technique;

Supervision of the work of children;

Individual explanations;

Analysis of the work of the educator and children.

Lesson progress:

Guys, I invite you to the mini-museum of the Dymkovo toy (exhibition of Dymkovo toys).

In the north of our country, in the village of Dymkovo, there live wonderful craftsmen who know how to make funny toys and decorate them with bright patterns (show a picture of the winter village Dymkovo)

Smoke comes out of the chimneys

It's like a haze all around.

blue gave,

And the big village was called Dymkovo!

In ancient times, the inhabitants of the village, young and old, sculpted clay toys for the spring fair. In winter, the whole village is covered in smoke from the fact that stoves are stoked and toys are burned. Perhaps this is where the name Dymkovo came from, and the toys began to be called Dymkovo.

Here are the toys! (show)

Toys are not simple, but Dymkovo, painted!

See what different toys made by Dymkovo masters!

Name who you see? (deer, lamb, horse).

Everyone has the same legs, body. Instead of wool, patterns are drawn. Masters singled out the most important thing for each animal, what distinguishes them from others: a deer has branched horns, a lamb has antlers bent in rings.

Let's look at what patterns animals are decorated with? (from circles, rings, stripes)

Guys, circles, rings, stripes are called pattern elements (large and small elements are combined)

The most famous Dymkovo toy was a female figure - a young lady, a water-carrier, a nanny with babies in her arms ... They wore bright painted skirts, aprons decorated with frills, and beads around their necks. Various patterned skirts (checkered pattern, and in each cell there are rings, circles, dots)

What elements make up the pattern on this skirt? (from stripes)

What is on the head? (kokoshniks, hats)

Important ladies!

Dymkovo craftsmen delight and amuse people with their toys.

Look and name all the colors of paints that the Dymkovo masters use to draw patterns. (red, orange, blue)

They stand out well against the white background of toys. Lots of different bright colors in the patterns! Therefore, the toys are so joyful and cheerful even on a cloudy day!

What are Dymkovo toys for? (there are toys with which they play, and there are those with which they decorate dwellings)

Toys are molded from clay, then dried in a room for several days, then fired in special ovens. Toys become hard. When the toys are cool, they are covered with white paint, then "dress up". Painted with bright colors using soft brushes.

Guys, you will also try to decorate the young lady's apron with Dymkovo patterns.

I suggest you become Dymkovo masters! Let's decorate the young lady's apron with a Dymkovo pattern. Agree to be Dymkovo masters?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 we start to play!

Turn right, turn left

All turn into masters!

I invite you to the art workshop!

Pay attention to posture, the amount of paint collected, the correct washing off of paint from the brush in water.

finger game

Here are my helpers

Turn them however you want!

So and so, so and so

Don't get offended!

10 fingers - a pair of hands! Here is your wealth, friend!

(We keep working)

Display children's drawings.

Work analysis.

Here it is a Dymkovo apron for our young lady! Combines their colors of paints and patterns! Do you like your work?

We are all interested in looking at them!

Aprons are decorated just wonderfully!

Lyubov Frantseva


Cognition. Communication. Health. Reading fiction. Music.

Materials and equipment:

illustrations of Dymkovo toys; Dymkovo toys; split pictures with Dymkovo toys.


Clarification and consolidation of children's ideas about Dymkovo painting as a folk craft, about the history of Dymkovo toys.



To cultivate love for the folk art of Russia, Russian traditions and crafts, masters of folk art.


Create conditions for introducing children and parents to folk art with the help of Dymkovo toys;

Expand the horizons of children and parents about the haze, the history of its occurrence;

Create a steady interest in the Dymkovo toy;

Develop attention, memory, active mental activity.


To acquaint children with the Dymkovo toy and arouse their interest in this type of folk art;

To form the skills of the technical execution of Dymkovo painting;

To form in children an attitude towards color, as the most important property in the development of aesthetic taste;

To be able to select and name color shades and make a pattern of Dymkovo painting;

Be able to name the elements of Dymkovo painting;

Be able to write a short descriptive story about a toy.


To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about the Dymkovo toy, its elements and colors.

Develop ideas about folk applied art and folk traditions.


Enrich the dictionary with supporting words on the topic: Dymkovo painting, Dymkovo toy, Dymka village, circles, wavy and straight lines, a cage, dots - peas;

Write a short descriptive story about the toy;

Develop the ability to answer questions meaningfully, in a complete sentence;

Cultivate the ability to listen to each other.


Strengthen the muscles of the trunk and limbs.

Form the correct posture.


Develop emotional responsiveness to music;

To promote the development of movement to music.

Preliminary work:

drawing Dymkovo toys, modeling from salt dough, clay Dymkovo toys, making didactic games: “Learn the elements of the pattern”, “Make a pattern”, “Cut pictures”, “Lay out the pattern”, “Find the extra”, “Domino”, “Lotto”, examination of Dymkovo products, illustrations.

Course progress.

The children are in a group. Knock on the door. The postman Pechkin enters.

Pechkin:- Hello guys! / Children say hello /.

Pechkin:- I brought you a letter from afar, and it was sent by Marya the artisan. Want to know what's in it?

Children:- We want!

Pechkin reads a letter in which Marya the artisan invites children to the country of masters.

Educator:- Behind high mountains, blue seas there is a country of magic masters. Guys, do you want to get into this country?

Children:- Yes, we do!

Educator:- But how to find the way there?

Pechkin:- For you, Marya the artisan sent games with tasks, and if the guys complete them correctly, they will find their way to the country of magical masters.

Didactic game "Collect the whole" /cut pictures of Dymkovo toys/.

Didactic game "Find a couple."

Pechkin says goodbye and leaves. The children are doing the task.

Educator:- and now we are going to the country of masters. Let's ride horses.

Children:- The horse is waiting for me on the road,

Beats with a hoof at the gate.

Mane plays in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful.

I will quickly jump on the saddle,

I won't go - I'll fly!

tsok, tsok, tsok, tsok,

Click, click, click, click.

There beyond the river

I'll wave my hand to you!

Children find themselves in the country of masters, they are met by Marya the artisan.

Mary the Craftsman:- Hello, dear guests! Welcome to the land of magical masters /children are looking at Dymkovo toys/.


What is it?

Why are they called that?

Why is the village called Dymkovo?

What toys do you know?

What are they made of?

How did you start making this toy?

How was it painted?

What colors were used for painting?

Mary the Craftsman:- Smoke comes out of the chimneys

As if in a haze all around,

blue gave,

And the big village "Dymkovo" was called.

They loved songs, dances,

Miracles were born there.

And sculpted there from clay,

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted.

Snow-white, like birches,

Circles, cells, stripes.

Seemingly simple pattern

But you can't look away!

Mary the Craftsman:- Guys, you probably know how to tell poems and stories about haze?

1 child:- We brought clay from a distant hillock,

Get to work, miracle masters!

I'm making a horse, I'll pet it,

And I will smooth the seat with a fringe on the back!

Blind, dry and in the oven!

2 child:- And then we'll write

We will bake a toy

The oven is blazing hot.

And in the oven - no kalachi, and in the oven - no Easter cakes,

Not donuts, not cheesecakes,

And Dymkovo toys!

3 child:- Here is a smart turkey,

He's all so folded

At the big turkey

All painted sides.

4 child: How good is this girl?

Scarlet cheeks burn, amazing outfit,

The kokoshnik sits proudly,

The lady is so beautiful!

Mary the Craftsman:- Oh, what good fellows! And now let's play the game "Tetera" with you.

Mary the Craftsman:- Guys, now let's listen to stories about Dymkovo toys: about a horse, a young lady and a turkey.

1. This is a young lady. It is made of clay. Her clothes are painted with straight and wavy lines, circles, dots, checks, stripes. The pattern has different colors: red, green, yellow, blue. /Vlada/

2. This is a horse. It is made of clay. The horse is painted with circles and dots. The pattern has red, white and black. /Mark/

3. This is a turkey. It is made from clay. It is painted with circles, stripes, wavy lines. There are red, yellow, blue, green, black color in the pattern. /Nastya/

Maria the artisan thanks the guys. The children go back to kindergarten.

Educator:- Children, did you like our trip?

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Image Library:

Synopsis directly - educational activities

(Introduction to the subject environment)

in "Cognitive Development"

Theme: "Dymkovo toy".

Prepared by the teacher:

Filippova R.M

Target: introduce children to a folk toy (Dymkovo toy).


Tutorial: to expand children's ideas about the folk toy (Dymkovo toy).

Developing: to develop the ability of children to notice the characteristic features of the Dymkovo toy.

Educational: to cultivate interest in folk art.

Integration of educational activities:

Educational area: "Speech Development" (Connected speech).

To develop the ability of children to participate in a conversation, improve dialogical speech.

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development" (Decorative drawing).

To form in children the ability to create decorative compositions based on Dymkovo patterns.

The use of pedagogical technologies: TRIZ Alshuler.

Person-oriented technologies N.Ya. Mikhailenko, I.A. Korotkova

Course progress.

Educator: Hello guys and dear guests, I am very glad to see you today.

Emotional mood.

(children stand in a circle)

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Teacher in folk costume: I want to invite you to travel. How can you go there?

(children's answers)

Educator: Guys,maybe we'll go on a boat trip. In the meantime, we will sail, I will tell you an amazing story.

Children: on a boat (imitation of movements), swim across (imitation)

On the low bank of the Vyatka River there is an old settlement called Dymkovo. There, Russian craftswomen sculpted various toys during long winter evenings: horses, deer, birds, turkeys, young ladies. Look, blue smoke rises above each chimney. From that they called the village Dymkovo, and the toys - Dymkovo.

Children get off the boat.

Educator: Guys,We have reached the village of Dymkovo

and I invite you to visit the exhibition of wonderful craftsmen.

Children approach Dymkovo toys

Look how many beautiful, bright, elegant toys are here. These things delight us with their beauty. (Are you familiar with these toys? I suggest you take a closer look) These toys are from Dymkovo itself. So what are they?

Children: dymkovo.

Educator: Right. Why were they named that?

Children: because they were made in the village of Dymkovo.

Educator: Guys, let's see what elements of painting the masters used for the toy? (circles, stripes, dots, mesh, ring).

What colors do craftswomen use to paint toys (crimson, red, yellow, green, blue, orange).

Educator: Well done guys (Done the task) I liked the way you answered.

Guys, I found out that in the village of Dymkovo the best master is grandfather Tikhon. Let's go to visit him, see the master.

(They approach the house and knock. Grandfather Tikhon comes out.)

Grandfather Tikhon: Hello dear guests, why did you come? Who are they?

(children talk)

Educator: We came to the village to get better acquainted with the folk craft of the Dymkovo toy. And you are such a sad grandfather.

Grandfather Tikhon: The Dymkovo toy fair will open soon, and due to illness I was able to paint only one toy. Very sad about this. It is very important for me to take part in the fair, to show people my skills.

Grandfather Tikhon: Because of my illness, I became inattentive and scattered all the jars of paints. And since I can’t see well, I can’t collect all the jars. Help me collect all the colors.

caregiver : Well, don't be sad, grandfather, we will help you.

Game: "Collect the right colors."

Grandfather Tikhon: Well, well done guys. How attentive and nimble you are.

Can you help me color my toys?

(children agree).

Independent work of children to calm folk music (help for children who are at a loss, ind.work.)

Finished works are laid out on a common table, children and Grandfather Tikhon are examining them.

Grandfather Tikhon:

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted.

Snow-white as birches,

Circles, cells, stripes.

Seemingly simple pattern

But you can't look away.

Thank you for your work dear masters! Thanks and says goodbye to the children.

Educator: Oh, guys, what good fellows you are all done with the task and help Grandfather Tikhon a lot.

But it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. (Children sit on a simulated boat and return to the group) Well, how did you like our trip.


Questions: Where were we? Whom did they help? What toys did you meet? etc)

Lesson in kindergarten for children 4-5 years old on the topic "Dymkovo toy"

Berdinskaya Elvira Galievna, teacher of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 29", Sterlitamak, b. Bashkortostan
Material Description: I offer you a summary of organized educational activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) on the topic "Dymkovo toy". This material will be useful to educators of the middle group. This is a summary of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development, aimed at developing children's interest in folk arts and crafts, familiarization with national cultural traditions, expansion and deepening of knowledge about folk toys.
Synopsis of organized educational activities in the middle group "Dymkovo toy"
Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.
Target: aesthetically educate children with the help of folk art.
- to expand the knowledge of children about the Dymkovo toy: continue to acquaint children with Dymkovo toys, painting elements, colors;
- learn to decorate the silhouettes of Dymkovo toys. To consolidate the skills of drawing elements of Dymkovo painting (circles, stripes, wavy lines, dots),
arouse a desire to do something yourself, adopting simple tricks from craftsmen.
- to develop children's interest in folk arts and crafts; to attach to national - cultural traditions, expanding and deepening knowledge about folk toys.
- to promote the development of speech, visual memory, observation, attention;
- expand and activate children's vocabulary;
- develop a sense of color, aesthetic feelings;
- develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions;
- develop general and fine motor skills;
- develop imagination.
- to cultivate interest in folk toys, respect for the work of folk craftsmen, admiration for their work;
- educate independence, activity;
- to form aesthetic perception and imagination, to accustom children to politeness (to teach to say hello, say goodbye, thank for help);
Preliminary work:
viewing the presentation "Dymkovo toy", memorizing poems, solving riddles about the nesting doll, examining the Dymkovo toy, playing with nesting dolls.
Form of organization: subgroup, individual.
Vocabulary work:
To intensify the use in speech of the names of the elements of the Dymkovo painting.
Fixing: Dymkovo toy: turkey, rooster, dog, goat, deer, young lady; elegant, joyful, cheerful, festive.
Materials and equipment:
Dymkovo toys;
illustrations depicting Dymkovo toys;
horse stencils, gouache, brushes, cotton buds, paints and brushes, napkins (according to the number of children);
tassel queen
elements of the Dymkovo toy painting;
samples decorated with painted silhouettes of horses;
the image of the sun;
Preliminary work:
viewing the presentation "Dymkovo toy";
examining a Dymkovo toy;
patterns used to decorate a Dymkovo toy;
Methods and techniques:
psychological attitude (establishment of emotional contact);
greeting in verse "Hello";
demonstration of toys and illustrations of Dymkovo toys;
a story about how Dymkovo toys appeared;
word game;
dynamic pause - the game "What happened?";
surprise moment;
game with the Queen-tassel "Name the pattern and color";
the riddle of the Tassel Queen;
simulation exercise;
finger gymnastics;
independent work of children (drawing);
gymnastics for the eyes "Ray of the sun";
exhibition of children's works, discussion;
reflection. I. Organizational moment.
Psychological attitude
(establishment of emotional contact)
Children stand in a circle
Close your eyes and imagine
We present ourselves here and now.
What happened yesterday, we forget
We think only about what is now.
Good, beautiful each of you,
You are the best thing in the world.
We open our eyes
Hello children!

Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today, let's say hello to the guests.

Greeting in verse "Hello"

Children: Hello golden sun!
Hello blue sky!
Hello, free breeze,
Hello little oak tree!
We live in the same region
I welcome you all!

II. Main part
Educator: Today we have wonderful toys made by Russian craftsmen. (Demonstrate toys and illustrations of Dymkovo toys)
Russia was famous for its miracle craftsmen,
Wood and clay turned into a fairy tale.
They created beauty with paints and a brush,
Young people were taught their art.
These toys are called Dymkovo toys, they are made of clay and painted with bright colors. Listen
The story of how Dymkovo toys appeared
People lived in the same village. When it was cold outside and winter frost fettered the earth, stoves were lit in the houses, smoke enveloped the roofs, yes, so that nothing could be seen, only smoke. So they called that village Dymkovo. Adults worked in that village from morning until late in the evening: they sowed bread, cooked food, tended domestic animals: cows, sheep. And the children played in the meadow, sang songs. They didn't have toys like you. And adults thought: how to please the kids? They collected clay from the river bank, fashioned various funny figures, burned them in a furnace, covered them with chalk and painted them with paints. So Dymkovo toys appeared: ladies, goats, horses, pigs, deer. Bright, cheerful, perky - they fell in love with the children.

And now I propose to play the game "Insert a word"
word game
“... Smoke comes from the pipes in a column,
As if in a haze all around,
blue gave,
And a big village ... ("Dymkovo") was called.
They loved songs, dances,
Miracles were born there ... (fairy tales),
And they sculpted there from ... (clay)
All toys are not simple,
And magically ... (painted),
Snow-white as birches
... (Circles, cells, stripes -) the teacher shows
Seemingly simple pattern, matching patterns,
But I can't look away." as well as images
From clay ... (goat) in apples, animals and people
Good looking, very handsome. in the illustrations
But ... (deer) on slender legs,
All the beauty of a deer is in ... (horns).
But Dymkovo ... (ladies):
They have pretzel hands
Cheeks like apples.
I have known them for a long time
All the people at the fair.

Dynamic pause - the game "What happened?"
Raise your palms up and fold over your head.
What happened?
The roof came out, and under the roof - we are with you.
Raise your palms higher, and then bend the arc.
Who came out?
The geese came out - here is one, and here is the other.
Raise your palms up and place them in front of you.
What happened?
The bridge came out, the bridge is strong and straight.

Educator: Well done boys!

surprise moment
The melody of the Tassel Queen sounds. Guys, now the Tassel Queen invites you to come to the tables.

Game with the Tassel Queen "Name the pattern and color"
The tassel queen reminds us that Dymkovo toys are always white. And the masters painted their toys with bright colors and offers to name the colors used by the Dymkovo masters (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, black, blue). Educator: What colors do the masters use when decorating their toys? (Children's answers) How, in one word, can you say about these colors? (Children's answers: bright, smart, funny, festive).
Guys, the Tassel Queen asks what patterns Dymkovo masters paint their toys with? (Children's answers: straight line, wavy line, dot, circle, ring, cell, lattice)
And what do the painting elements mean (a circle is a symbol of the sun, dots are stars, a straight line is a road, a wavy line is water, a Christmas tree is a symbol of health), and then find and show these elements on the images of toys.
The Dymkovo toy has its own colors, its own ornament, its own shape, which gives the toy individuality, which makes it unlike other toys.

Mystery of the Tassel Queen
The brush queen invites you to try to become craftsmen yourself. First, guess the riddle:
Very slim and handsome
With bangs and fluffy mane.
Can swim and jump
Eats oats, knows how to laugh.
Jump into water and into fire
Faithful to man ... (horse)

Let's picture how horses walk
simulation exercise
Oh, lyuli, oh, lyuli,
The horses went to the meadow (they walk in place, raising their legs high)
Horses are removed
Proud, dashing (perform a spring, as if holding on to the reins with their hands)
The tassel queen has prepared horses for you, only they haven't been painted yet. Let's try to paint the horses. (Children come to the tables prepared in advance for drawing, take their places). Let's remember how we will paint it. What parts do we paint over completely? (mane, ears, tail, hooves). Where do we place the pattern? (along the neck, torso, legs).
Now close your eyes, imagine with what pattern you will paint your Dymkovo horse, the color of the pattern, how you position it, where you will start drawing. Now open your eyes, stretch your fingers and start drawing.

Finger gymnastics:
Before drawing.
You need to stretch your fingers.

Index and middle
Nameless and last.
Say hello to the big one.

Now let's rub our hands.
We are a little bit about each other.

Fists unclenched - squeezed,
The fists were unclenched - squeezed.
Here are the fingers stretched.

And now the masters.
It's time for everyone to work.

Independent work of children.
Russian folk music sounds softly. Children work independently. In the course of work, the teacher fixes the name geometric shapes, flowers, painting elements, conducts individual work, reminiscent of drawing techniques.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Ray of the Sun"
Ray, mischievous ray, play with me.
(blink eyes)
Come on, ray, turn around, show yourself to my eyes.
(do circular motions eyes)
I will look to the left, I will find a ray of sunshine.
(looks to the left)
Now I'll look to the right, again I'll find a ray.
(looks to the right)

Exhibition of children's works. Discussion.
From the work performed, invite the children to make the exhibition "Merry Dymkovo Fair". When analyzing, note the location of patterns, color, accuracy of work. The teacher pays attention to the brightness of the horses, their beauty, invites the children to answer the questions: “Whose work do you like best? Why? Which horse is the most accurate?

Municipal Preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 23 "Alyonushka"

Educator: Tomina E.N.

Abstract open class on educational activities in the middle group on the topic: "Dymkovo toys"

(educational areas "Communication", "Cognition", " Artistic creativity»)

Tomina Elena Nikolaevna, teacher


To consolidate the skills of drawing elements of Dymkovo painting (circle, dot, stripes, grid, ring)

Continue to teach children to decorate the silhouettes of Dymkovo toys with decorative painting elements.

Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape, proportions.

To cultivate interest and aesthetic attitude to folk art.

Material: ready-made template drawings of the Dymkovo toy, watercolors, brushes, napkins, jars of water.

Occupation progress I:

The group is decorated with Dymkovo toys.

The children are in the group.


Children, do you like to travel? So today I invite you to take a trip! And we will go on a trip by bus.

And where we will go - it will be a mystery to you. In the meantime, we got on the bus and our journey will be long, so that we are not bored of the ride, let's sing a funny song.

Song "Our bus is blue" Words by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko.

Educator: So we arrived at an interesting place on the banks of the Volga River in the village of Dymkovo. And it is called so, because in the old days - both in winter, when stoves were heated and in summer, when it was foggy, this village seemed to be shrouded in a light haze.

(I invite you to the tables (to the workshop), we look at toys, pictures, photos).

Smoke from the chimneys in a pillar, as if in a haze all around.

Blue gave, and the big village "Dymkovo" was called.

There they loved songs, dances, a miracle of a fairy tale was born in the village.

All toys are not simple, but magically painted.

They themselves are snow-white, like birches,

And on them are bright circles, cells, stripes.

Yes, in the old days in the village of Dymkovo, the Dymkovo toy was born. What did the masters make it from?

Children: They made this toy out of clay.

caregiver: But the clay toys don't look very elegant, how did the Dymkovo toys turn out to be so cheerful and elegant?

Children: Because the Dymkovo masters painted them with bright patterns.

caregiver: And what elements of painting did the masters use?

Children: Circles, stripes, dots, mesh, ring.

Educator: Did you know that a circle means the sun, wavy lines mean water, and the intersection of straight lines means earth.

And what colors did the craftswomen use to paint the toy?

Children: Crimson, red, yellow, green, blue, orange.

educator b: And how can one say about colors, paints in one word?

Children: bright, elegant, cheerful, festive.

caregiver: I really liked how you talked about the Dymkovo toy.

Physical education:

The right hand grips our fingers,

The left hand squeezes our fingers,

This pen nods exactly in time with the head.

The right hand squeezes our left hand,

the left handle answers with the right.

Two hands are now squeezing our fingers,

These pens help the masters a lot!

We will get down to business, and the work has begun to boil!

Knock on the door: A girl enters in the outfit of the “Dymkovskaya young lady” (in her hands is a basket, and in it are figurines of toys that the master did not have time to paint).

Girl: Hello guys! My name is Irinka! I was at the fair and bought my favorite toys there, but the craftsmen did not have time to paint them yet. Can you help me turn ordinary figurines into real Dymkovo toys in your workshop?

caregiver: Of course, Irinka, we will help you, and you sit down with us for this exciting activity.

Independent work of children under calm folk music. Assistance is provided during work, instructions are given.

Finished works are laid out on a common table, the children examine them.

caregiver: Here our toys lit up and became beloved. And really, do not look at them enough! Even my heart was happy.

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted.

Snow-white as birches,

Circles, cells, stripes. Seemingly simple pattern

But you can't look away.

Thank you for your work, dear masters!

Tomina Elena Nikolaevna