An open lesson on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group. Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the second junior group. Game "Toy Store"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined type kindergarten No. 68 "Lukomorye"

Abstract of an open lesson

for the development of speech

"Our favorite toys" in the second junior group

Prepared by: teacher

Popova Y.S.

Mytishchi 2017

Synopsis of directly educational activities

on the development of speech in the second junior group

"Our favorite toys"

Target: To form the ability to listen to speech, to finish words and phrases


Integration of educational areas:

Socio - communicative development:

develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions, cultivate the ability to take good care of your toys (do not scatter, do not break)

Speech development:

Ability to describe toys in full sentences; learn to pronounce words clearly

Develop coherent speech, develop the emotional responsiveness of the child

Continue to learn poems by heart with minimal help from a teacher, continue to describe objects (toys)

Vocabulary work: toys, plane, bunny, bear, pilot, landing gear

Physical development:

to consolidate the ability to run in one direction, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the words of the game, to develop dexterity, speed and clarity of movement

Cognitive development:

develop children's interest and curiosity

Materials and equipment:

Masha doll, beautiful box, toys (Bear, Bunny, Airplane, Cockerel), musical accompaniment (airplane flight)

Preliminary work:

repetition of previously learned poems

GCD progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? And what?

Do you want to go to a fairy tale today?

Children: Yes

Educator: Then close all our eyes and say the magic words

One two Three

Fairy tale, fairy tale appear

Oh, guys, look who came to us, who are these guys?

Children: Masha

Educator: And from what fairy tale did she come to us, do you know?

That's right, let's say hello to Masha

Hello Masha! What are you sad about? What happened to you

Masha: Hello. I came to you for help, I had a beautiful box, but I lost it somewhere? Can you help me find her?

Children: Yes

Masha: She is so colorful ... (toy description)

Educator: Guys, then let's look for her! And you, Mashenka, come to visit us.

The teacher with the children finds the box.

Educator: Look what a beautiful box. Masha, are you looking for this box?

Masha: Yes, thanks guys. You can see what's in it.

Educator: Now I will open the box and take out what is in it. Want to see? Then sit comfortably on the chairs

Educator: Our favorite toys are in the box! (shows first toy) Who is this?

Children: Bear.

Educator: Do you like this toy?

Children: Yes!

Educator: See what Mishka has?

Children: Eyes, ears, paws...

Educator: And who wants to pet Mishka? What does he feel like? Soft or hard?

Educator: Who knows the poem about the bear?

Children recite poems “Clumsy Bear”, “They Dropped the Bear on the Floor”

Educator: What do you think, if our Mishka really had his paw torn off, would he smile?

Children: No.

Educator: Certainly! He would be offended. What happens when you get offended?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Show how offended you are.

Children show how offended they are

Educator: But we will not offend Mishka?

Children: No, we won't.

Educator: Look, Mishka smiled at us! Let's smile back at him.

Children smile at Mishka.

Educator: Oh, guys, that he loves to play the game "The bear walked in the forest." Do you want to play with me?

Children: Yes!

The game "The bear walked in the forest"


The bear was walking in the forest

Teddy bear was looking for everything

For a long, long time he searched

Sat on a chair, dozed off

The kids stood up quietly

And they ran up to Mishutka.


Misha - little bear, get up!

Catch up with the kids

caregiver: (sits Mishka down): Sit down, Mishka, rest.

Educator: I wonder what other toys are in this box.

The teacher shows the second toy.

Educator: Who is this?

Children: Bunny!

Educator: What does a bunny have?

Children: Long ears, short tail, fluffy fur...

Educator: Do you know a poem about a bunny?

Children recite poems "The hostess threw the bunny."

Educator: Oh, how not well did his mistress. He must have been quite cold in the rain. Show how the bunny sat wet in the rain.

Children show.

Educator: Do you want to cheer up the bunny?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Let's all turn into hares now and play.

The game "The gray bunny is sitting"

A gray bunny sits and moves its ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this, you need to warm your paws.

Bunny is cold to stand, you need to warm your legs.

Jump jump, jump jump, you need to warm your legs.

Educator: Have Bunny ears warmed up?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Have the Bunny's paws been warmed up?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Bunny smiled! Let's promise him that we will not leave him and that we will be friends and play with him.

Educator (seats Bunny next to Bear): Sit down Bunny next to Bear.

The audio recording "Airplane Flight" sounds

Educator: Oh guys, are you listening? What it is?

Take a look at us and he flew himself. Just like a real one. That he has? (showing, children name) wings, nose, wheels

Do you know who is flying the plane?

The pilot controls the aircraft correctly. What are the wheels on an airplane called?

Are the wheels on an airplane called landing gear?

What material is the plane made of?

Guys, do you want to fly like airplanes?

Then the wings were prepared.

Fizminutka "We put our hands in expansion"

We put our hands up,

Got a plane.

Let's build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Let's fly over the forests

And then back to mom.

Educator: Guys, our toys are a little tired, show me how to sleep

That's right, hands under the cheek, eyes closed, let them sleep a little in the box, and then we will play with them. And you remember. What toys are in this box?

Children: Teddy bear, Bunny, Airplane

Educator: Toys really like to play with you if you don't offend them, don't throw them, and don't forget them. How do you deal with toys?

The children answer the question.

Educator: And now let's say our magic words, how we will play together.

We will play together

Don't offend anyone.

Masha: I believe that you will love toys and play with them carefully.

Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to Masha

Children: Goodbye Masha!

Natalia Lapshina

Educational area:Speech development

Lesson topic: Journey to a fairy tale.

Purpose of the lesson: Development of speech activity of younger children preschool age, through word games, participation in the game - dramatization.


1. Educational: To learn to build a role-playing dialogue, to coordinate their actions with the actions of the heroes of a fairy tale. Exercise in a clear and correct pronunciation of sounds: a, o, y, and. To consolidate knowledge about wild and domestic animals.

2. Developing: Develop creative imagination, emotions, feelings, logical thinking, as well as the ability to answer questions about the content of a work of art.

3. Educational: To cultivate interest in oral folk art, goodwill, sympathy, sympathy for each other, interest in theatrical games.

Material: illustrations of the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok", masks of the heroes of the fairy tale, the "Teremok" house, trees with apples (riddles, tape recorder, flower.

preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Teremok", looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, guessing riddles about animals, didactic game“who screams how”, learning the “teremok” physical education minute, a conversation about wild and domestic animals.

Dictionary activation: teremok, wild, domestic animals, “mouse-norushka”, “frog-frog”, “bunny-jump”, “chanterelle-sister”, “top-gray barrel”, “bear-toed”.

Lesson progress

Organizing time

Greetings: So we all stood in a circle, here it is a fabulous flower. Hello everyone around, hello our magical friend!- Guys, a fabulous flower wants to show us something. (I bring the children to the flower meadow, where the basket with the book is hidden). - See what it is? And in the book, guys, fairy tales. Do you want to get into one of these fairy tales? Let's take a trip with you. But before a long journey, we need to prepare, we need to refresh ourselves!

Articulation gymnastics

THICK GRANDCHILDREN COME TO VISIT (we puff out our cheeks)

WITH THEM THIN - ONLY SKIN AND BONES (we draw in our cheeks)

GRANDMA AND GRANDPA SMILED EVERYONE (smile, head turn to the right, to the left)





PUT THE SAUCERS - PUT THE PANCAKES TO US. (movements with a wide tongue)

WE BLOW ON THE PANCAKE - NOT IN THE CHEEKS, NOT BY (alternate puffing of the cheeks) (WE CHEW THE PANCAKE, WRAPPED AND BITE. (blow on a wide tongue.

we chew the flattened tongue, then we bite it, wrapping it behind the lower teeth

PANCAKE WITH DELICIOUS RASPBERRY JAM. (lick with a wide tongue upper lip front to back).

LET'S PLACE THE CUPS TO POOL THE TEA. (wide tongue lies on the bottom


Well done guys, here we are with you refreshed! We move on.

Exercise for the correct pronunciation of vowels.(Repeat movements in accordance with the text. Clearly pronounce the sounds a, o, y, and.)

Leaves are rustling outside the window, let's say a-a-a together. Quietly sat on the grass, we repeat woo. We are warm on the grass, we repeat oh-oh-oh-oh. Nightingales flew in, let's say amicably and-and-and.

What can you say about these sounds? (These sounds can be sung) (I bring the guys to the tree).

Guys, look, this is a magical tree! And on it are apples with riddles. (guessing riddles about forest animals).


2. The tail is fluffy golden fur, lives in the forest, and steals chickens in the village?

3. Sleeps in winter, stirs the hive in summer?

4. Who is cold in winter, goes angry, hungry?

5. Straight across the field, a white collar jumps.

6. In the summer you will find her in the swamp, green frog, who is it?

Fizminutka.(We walk in a circle, depict mice, hares, foxes, cubs, cubs)

We were guys, we became mice, we were mice, we became hares, We were hares, we became foxes. We were cubs, we became cubs, we were cubs, we became cubs. We were cubs, We became guys.

And now, guys, tell me how our animals “talk” (Mouse - pee-pee, fox - tyaf-tyaf, wolf- oo-oo-oo-oo etc.).

Guys, where do these animals live (in the forest).

Talk about wild and domestic animals.

What is the name of the animals that live in the forest?

And domestic, these are some animals (Which live near a person).

Guys, did you guess from which fairy tale these animals (teremok) came from.

Dramatization of the fairy tale Teremok.

Fairy tale analysis.

Guys, who was the first to find the teremok (mouse)

And who is the last (bear)

How did the bear do? Why? Did he correct his mistake? How? Who helped him in this?

Conclusion: When we are all friendly, kind, then our work is going well.

And let's build our own tower.

Fizkultminutka (stand in a circle, hold hands.

Children pretend to be animals. In an open field, a teremok. He is neither low nor tall. Animals lived there. They lived together, did not grieve. (hugs) There is a mouse, there is a frog, a bunny with a fox girlfriend. Gray wolf, click teeth. They knew a lot about friendship. But a clubfoot bear came across the house, he crushed the house with his huge paw. (knocking with fists) The animals were very scared. They quickly ran away. (on the chairs) And then they gathered again to build a new tower (Again we gather in a circle, hold hands, raise them up).

This is how we will build our friendship, like a big tower!

It's time to go back to kindergarten. (we stand in a circle, take a magic flower)

- One, two, three flowers, bring us back to the garden! (We repeat all together).

Guys, let's say goodbye to our guests and the magic flower:

Here we were in a fairy tale, Learned, played, And helped the heroes, And completed the tasks. Let's say goodbye together!

Related publications:

The final lesson on the development of dialogic speech in the senior group "Journey to a fairy tale" Objectives: To form colloquial dialogic speech; consolidate knowledge of works of art; to strengthen the ability to correctly coordinate.

Summary of the GCD on cognitive development in the second junior group "Journey to the fairy tale" Turnip " Summary of GCD for cognitive development in the second junior group "Journey to the fairy tale "Turnip"". The purpose of the GCD: Systematize the knowledge of children.

GCD on the development of speech in the second junior group "Guess the fairy tale" The goal is ZKR. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sound (b). Learn to distinguish by ear the sound of some musical instruments in onomatopoeic.

GCD on the development of speech "Journey to the fairy tale" Gingerbread Man "for children of the second younger group Program content: Encourage children to remember a fairy tale, answer questions about its content, and speak passages with the teacher.

In this course, we have implemented in our work such a direction as speech development, we rely on the program of N. V. Nishcheva younger age, the program.

OO: Communication

Purpose: to develop creative imagination in children, improve the means of expression in the transfer of images, enrich and activate the vocabulary through theatrical activities. Cultivate the ability to work together.

Program content:

  • Consolidate children's knowledge about the content of Russian folk tales: "Turnip" , "Swan geese" , "Three Bears" , "Kolobok"
  • To develop in children the ability, with the help of a teacher, to repeat the most expressive passages from a fairy tale.
  • Create game situation, contributing to the formation of emotional responsiveness, to activate speech.
  • Promote development fine motor skills fingers, continue to learn to work in groups and pairs.

Development tasks:

  • consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales;
  • to form the ability to recognize and name them by individual objects and illustrations;
  • develop expressive speech, memory, attention, arouse interest in the theater.

Educational tasks:

  • educate children's love and interest in Russian folk literary art;

Methodical methods:

  • Game (use of surprises).
  • visual (use of illustrations, attributes of fairy tales).
  • Verbal (reminder, indication, surveys, individual responses of children).
  • Lesson analysis, encouragement.

Materials for the lesson:

attributes to the magic chest (items from different fairy tales), ball, series of pictures "Vegetables" .

The course of continuous educational activities:

Children sit on chairs. The teacher appears in front of the children in a Russian costume.


Hello guys!
I came to you from a fairy tale
I brought you a chest
The chest is not simple,

It's magical, not empty!
Do you guys like fairy tales?
I see your eyes sparkle!
Do you know many fairy tales?

Now meet them!
1-2-3-4-5 it's time for us to meet a fairy tale,
who was late for the start
he didn't get into the story.

The teacher opens the chest:

Oh what a mess!
I need your help.
You guys help
Take these stories apart.

The teacher from the magic chest takes turns taking out attributes for fairy tales and conducts a conversation on the following questions:

Educator: “Oh, guys, what is this ball (yellow ball)? What story is he from?

He is scraped by the bottom of the barrel,
On sour cream it is mixed,
On the window he is cold
Round side, ruddy side

rolled (kolobok)

Do you know what kind of story this is?

Children: Kolobok

V: Yes, well done, this is the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

Who baked the bun?

Who did the bun meet on the way?

Who ate the bun?

Guys, why was the bun sitting on the window?

D: (children's answers).

Let's play a game "hot bun" , (ball game being played).

Problem question:

  • Why did the bun roll off the window?
  • What would have happened if the fox had not eaten the bun?

Q: Oh, why is this here? What are these guys? What fairy tale are these logs from?

A bunny and a frog-quack lived in it, a wolf and a fox, a mouse-louse, Only the bear could not fit, Our ... teremok collapsed with a bang.

Here is the picture for the story (the teacher shows an illustration for a fairy tale "Teremok" ) Let's count how many residents came to the tower.

Educator: Oh, something in the chest again looks like a round, yellow gingerbread man ...

Once in the spring, in the weather, whether in the garden, in the garden,

Taking a shovel, throwing off his cap, Grandfather planted a miracle turnip ... -

Children's answers...

Q: Who came to help grandfather pull the turnip (grandmother, granddaughter, etc. according to the illustration).

Together they pulled out a turnip.

When we are together, we can do anything.

Let's help grandfather find a turnip among other vegetables.

(The game is being played "Find a turnip" with pictures of the series "Vegetables")

Q: Oh, guys, look, what fairy tale are these objects from? (Shows wooden spoons different sizes.)

Children's answers.

B: Right "Three Bears" . The number 3 appears several times in this tale. (3 bears, 3 spoons), what else was 3? (children's answers).

Here is a page from a fairy tale. And what is this fairy tale who knows?

That's right, well done guys "Swan geese" .

Who helped the children escape from the geese.

And the apple tree gave you a surprise.

Surprise moment. (Children treat themselves to apples)

Bakaushina Yulia Vladimirovna
GBOU School No. 1347 Division 3
Educator of the 1st category

OO: Communication

Purpose: to develop creative imagination in children, improve the means of expression in the transfer of images, enrich and activate the vocabulary through theatrical activities. Cultivate the ability to work together.

Program content:

  • To consolidate children's knowledge about the content of Russian folk tales: "Turnip" , "Swan geese" , "Three Bears" , "Kolobok"
  • To develop in children the ability, with the help of a teacher, to repeat the most expressive passages from a fairy tale.
  • Create a game situation conducive to the formation of emotional responsiveness, activate speech.
  • To promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, continue to learn to work in groups and pairs.

Development tasks:

  • consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales;
  • to form the ability to recognize and name them by individual objects and illustrations;
  • develop expressive speech, memory, attention, arouse interest in the theater.

Educational tasks:

  • educate children's love and interest in Russian folk literary art;

Methodical methods:

  • Game (use of surprises).
  • visual (use of illustrations, attributes of fairy tales).
  • Verbal (reminder, indication, surveys, individual responses of children).
  • Lesson analysis, encouragement.

Materials for the lesson:

attributes to the magic chest (items from different fairy tales), ball, series of pictures "Vegetables" .

The course of continuous educational activities:

Children sit on chairs. The teacher appears in front of the children in a Russian costume.


Hello guys!
I came to you from a fairy tale
I brought you a chest
The chest is not simple,

It's magical, not empty!
Do you guys like fairy tales?
I see your eyes sparkle!
Do you know many fairy tales?

Now meet them!
1-2-3-4-5 it's time for us to meet a fairy tale,
who was late for the start
he didn't get into the story.

The teacher opens the chest:

Oh what a mess!
I need your help.
You guys help
Take these stories apart.

The teacher from the magic chest takes turns taking out attributes for fairy tales and conducts a conversation on the following questions:

Educator: “Oh, guys, what is this ball (yellow ball)? What story is he from?

He is scraped by the bottom of the barrel,
On sour cream it is mixed,
On the window he is cold
Round side, ruddy side

rolled (kolobok)

Do you know what kind of story this is?

Children: Kolobok

V: Yes, well done, this is the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

Who baked the bun?

Who did the bun meet on the way?

Who ate the bun?

Guys, why was the bun sitting on the window?

D: (children's answers).

Let's play a game "hot bun" , (ball game being played).

Problem question:

  • Why did the bun roll off the window?
  • What would have happened if the fox had not eaten the bun?

Q: Oh, why is this here? What are these guys? What fairy tale are these logs from?

A bunny and a frog-quack lived in it, a wolf and a fox, a mouse-louse, Only the bear could not fit, Our ... teremok collapsed with a bang.

Here is the picture for the story (the teacher shows an illustration for a fairy tale "Teremok" ) Let's count how many residents came to the tower.

Educator: Oh, something in the chest again looks like a round, yellow gingerbread man ...

Once in the spring, in the weather, whether in the garden, in the garden,

Taking a shovel, throwing off his cap, Grandfather planted a miracle turnip ... -

Children's answers...

Q: Who came to help grandfather pull the turnip (grandmother, granddaughter, etc. according to the illustration).

Together they pulled out a turnip.

When we are together, we can do anything.

Let's help grandfather find a turnip among other vegetables.

(The game is being played "Find a turnip" with pictures of the series "Vegetables")

Q: Oh, guys, look, what fairy tale are these objects from? (Shows wooden spoons of various sizes.)

Children's answers.

B: Right "Three Bears" . The number 3 appears several times in this tale. (3 bears, 3 spoons), what else was 3? (children's answers).

Here is a page from a fairy tale. And what is this fairy tale who knows?

That's right, well done guys "Swan geese" .

Who helped the children escape from the geese.

And the apple tree gave you a surprise.

Surprise moment. (Children treat themselves to apples)

Bakaushina Yulia Vladimirovna
GBOU School No. 1347 Division 3
Educator of the 1st category

Lesson on the development of speech in the second junior group
"Our favorite toys"


1. To form the ability to listen to speech, to finish words and phrases.

2. Clarify, expand and generalize children's ideas about toys.

3. Educate careful attitude to toys, develop the emotional responsiveness of the child.

There is a knock on the door, Mashenka enters.

Masha: Hello. My name is Masha. I brought you a beautiful box.

caregiver : Hello, Masha! Thank you! Where is your box?

Masha whispers in the teacher's ear.

caregiver : What? Did you hide her? And where? Do we need to find her?

caregiver (turns to the children): Guys, do you want to find a box?

Children : Yes!!!

caregiver : Then let's look for her! And you, Mashenka, come to visit us.

The teacher with the children finds the box.

caregiver A: Look how beautiful the box is. And here it says “Children who love and cherish their toys. (Signed) Mashenka.

caregiver : Thank you Masha!

Masha : What do you think is in it?

Children offer their options.

Masha: You can see what's in it.

caregiver : Now I will open the box and take out what is in it. Want to see? Then sit comfortably on the carpet.

caregiver : Our favorite toys are in the box! (shows first toy) Who is this?

Children : Bear.

caregiver : Do you like this toy?

Children : Yes!

caregiver : Look what Mishka has?

Children : Eyes, ears, paws...

caregiver : Do you know the poem about the bear?

Children recite poems “Clumsy Bear”, “They Dropped the Bear on the Floor”

caregiver : What do you think, if our Mishka really had his paw torn off, would he smile?

Children : No.

caregiver : Certainly! He would be offended. What happens when you get offended?

Children : Yes.

caregiver : Show how offended you are.

Children show how offended they are

caregiver : But we will not offend Mishka?

Children : No.

caregiver : Look, Mishka smiled at us! Let's smile back at him.

Children smile at Mishka.

Bear: I like to play the game "The bear walked through the forest» .Do you want to play with me?

Children : Yes!

The game "The bear walked in the forest"


The bear was walking in the forest

Teddy bear was looking for everything

For a long, long time he searched

Sat on a chair, dozed off

The kids stood up quietly

And they ran up to Mishutka.


Bear - Bear get up!

Catch up with the kids!

caregiver ( sits Mishka ): Sit down, Mishka, rest.

caregiver : I wonder what other toys are in this box.

The teacher shows the second toy.

caregiver : Who is this?

Children : Bunny!

caregiver : What does the bunny have?

Children : Long ears, short tail, fluffy fur...

caregiver : Do you know a poem about a bunny?

Children recite poems "The hostess threw the bunny."

caregiver : Oh, how his mistress did not do well. He must have been quite cold in the rain. Show how the bunny sat wet in the rain.

Children show.

caregiver : Do you want to cheer up the bunny?

Children : Yes!

caregiver : Let's all turn into hares now and play.

The game "The gray bunny is sitting"

A gray bunny sits and moves its ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this, you need to warm your paws.

Bunny is cold to stand, you need to warm your legs.

Jump jump, jump jump, you need to warm your legs.

caregiver : Bunny's ears warmed up?

Children : Yes.

caregiver : Did you warm the Bunny's paws?

Children : Yes.

caregiver : Bunny smiled! Let's promise him that we will not leave him and that we will be friends and play with him.

caregiver (seats Bunny next to Mishka): Sit down Bunny next to Mishka.

An audio recording of a rooster crowing sounds.

caregiver : Who is this?

Children : Cockerel.

caregiver : And let's praise the cockerel.

Children : You have a golden comb. Olive beard. You have a beautiful multi-colored tail. You have legs and spurs on your legs.

caregiver : Who will tell us a nursery rhyme about a cockerel?

caregiver : In his family, the cockerel is dad. And who is mom?

Children : Chicken.

caregiver : And the kids?

Children : Chickens.

caregiver : Let me be a chicken mom, and you be my baby chickens.

Logorhythm "Chicken with chickens"

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass

And behind her are the guys - yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko

Don't go far.

Row with your paws, look for grains

They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm,

We drank a full trough of water.

Where - where? Where - where?

Come on, come on, everybody here!

Well - ka to my mother under the wing!

Where - where did it take you?

caregiver : We will promise the cockerel that we will love and take care of him?

Children : Yes.

caregiver : Sit the cockerel next to other toys.

caregiver : And here's another toy!

Children : Airplane.

caregiver : Just like a real one. He has (showing, children call) wings, nose, wheels.

Do you know who is flying the plane? (children's answers). The pilot is flying the plane.

What are the wheels on an airplane called? (children's answers). The wheels of an airplane are called landing gear.

caregiver : Do you want to fly like airplanes?

Children : Yes.

Fizminutka "We put our hands in expansion"

We put our hands up,

Got a plane.

Let's build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Let's fly over the forests

And then back to mom.

caregiver : Who else is hiding in the box?

Children : Elephant.

caregiver : It is not at all like other animal toys. Look at his ears. Big or small? What is an elephant's nose called?

Children : Trunk.

caregiver : And now I want to read a poem to you. Want to?

Children : Yes.

It's time to save, the bull fell asleep,

He lay down in a box on the barrels.

Sleepy bear went to bed

Only the elephant does not want to sleep.

He nods his head -

He sends a bow to the elephant.

caregiver : Show the elephant how to sleep.

Children show how to sleep.

caregiver : That's right, hands under the cheek, eyes closed.

The teacher puts the toys back in the box.

caregiver : Our toys are a little tired. Let them sleep in the box for a while, and then we will play with them. Do you remember what toys are in this box?

Children : Bear, Bunny, Cockerel, Airplane, Elephant.

caregiver : Toys really like to play with you if you don't offend them, don't throw them and don't forget them. How do you deal with toys?

The children answer the question.

caregiver : And now let's say our magic words, how we will play together.

We will play together

Don't offend anyone.

Masha: I believe that you will love toys and play with them carefully. I want to give you my toys.

End of form