Outline of educational activities in the senior group on the topic: “Our clothes. Seasonal clothes. Synopsis of GCD in the senior group. Cognitive development Topic: “Clothes Nod description of clothes in the senior group

Summary of GCD on cognitive development for children junior group"Cloth".

1. To develop the ability of children to listen carefully to the teacher, to respond to questions asked.
2. Encourage children to name items of clothing.
3. To form the skill of drawing with a brush.
4. Develop interest in visual activity.
Lesson progress(the educator enters with a parcel containing children's clothes, cards with the image of clothes and sheets of paper for each child in the form of a dress).
Educator: Guys, a package was brought to our group, on which it is written: “To the youngest children kindergarten". Do you think this was sent to our group?
Children: Yes, because we are the smallest children in kindergarten.
Educator: Well, then I will open this package (opens, and in it different clothes). Guys, what is this? (shows children items of clothing).
Children: This dress, pants, blouse, hat, shorts, jeans, T-shirt, jacket, mittens.
Educator: That's right, but how can you call it all in one word?

Children: Cloth.
Educator: And who will wear these clothes?
Children: These clothes are worn by boys and girls.
Educator: Name the clothes girls can wear.
Children: Dress, t-shirt, skirt, sundress.
Educator: Right, what clothes do boys wear?
Children: Jeans, T-shirts, shorts.
Educator: Well done boys. And there are clothes that are designed for every season. Now we will play a game in which we need to distribute clothes for winter and summer. On the easel, where the snowflake is depicted, you need to attach winter clothes. And on the easel with the sun, you need to attach summer clothes (children take cards with the image of clothes and distribute them on easels).
Game: "Distribute the clothes."
Educator: You correctly distributed clothes, well done. But I see some leaves in the parcel, it is written that they need to be beautifully painted. What do these sheets of paper look like?
Children: On a dress.
Educator: That's right, but the girls wear beautiful, bright clothes. Let's paint our dresses in bright colors, but first let's stretch our fingers, do gymnastics.
Finger gymnastics: "I put on a glove"
I put on a glove
I don't get into it.
Stroking in turn with one hand with the other, as if putting on gloves.
Count it guys
How many fingers does the glove have.
Let's start counting out loud:
One two three four five.
Fingers curl.

(Children sit at tables and paint dresses using bright colors, the teacher helps them apply familiar patterns).
Educator: Well done guys, you have made very beautiful and bright dresses for girls. Did you enjoy coloring? Did you enjoy looking at the clothes? Let's hang your dresses at our exhibition.

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive, speech development.

Target: Clarify the functional significance of clothing in people's lives, differentiate it by season.



  • to promote the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;
  • to form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities.

Cognitive development:

  • to form children's ideas about clothes, shoes;
  • to form the ability to classify objects;
  • develop curiosity, cognitive motivation, creative activity.

Speech development:

  • enrich the passive vocabulary: national, seasonal, demi-season clothing;
  • enrich active vocabulary: winter, summer clothes.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activity Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

1. Conversation about human needs

Target: clarify the functional significance of clothing in people's lives. The need for clothes is inherent only to people.

2. Explanation of the proverb.

Target: develop the ability to express their point of view.

3. The game "Be careful"

Target: form the ability to focus on one type of activity. Promote the development of distribution and switching.

Cognitive research


Target: consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of clothing. Fix the names of clothes in speech.

Dynamic pause "Moth"

Target: Develop physical activity
Perception fiction

Reading a poem

Target: develop the ability to listen carefully to the text, to delve into its meaning

Methods and techniques:


Drawing and application on the theme: "Clothes", Shoes", didactic game"Be careful".


Showing subject pictures depicting national (traditional) and modern clothes, shoes and care items for them, observing people dressed differently.


Reading a poem, proverbs, conversation, guessing riddles, stories of a teacher and children.

Material and equipment:

Pictures with the image of clothes, shoes and items for their care, magnetic board.

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading poems, stories, proverbs on the subject.
  2. Drawing, applications on the theme: Clothes.
  3. A conversation about clothes.
  4. Didactic games "Name the clothes."
  5. Role-playing games "Shop", "Family".
  6. Introducing children to different types of clothing.
  7. Writing descriptive stories.

Logics educational activities

The activities of the educator Activity Expected


The teacher asks a question:

What are the needs of humans and animals? Name a need that is unique to humans. Why?

Summarizes answers...

Answer the question The interest of children has been updated.
The teacher offers to solve riddles:

The wise man and the ignorant know. People all need ... (clothes).

Even if your teeth are cold

So put on ... (fur coats).

The rain is pouring down,

Children put on ... (jacket).

We are in the winter out of habit,

They put on ... (mittens).

Guess riddles
Today we will talk about clothes, what it is, what it is made of. And as the motto of the lesson, I propose to take the proverb: "They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind."

Offers to explain how it can be understood?

listen Able to express their point of view
- What is clothing?

If we open Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, we learn that "clothes are several items that cover the body."

What were the clothes made from before?

What materials are sewn from now?

Answer Build the ability to answer questions
The teacher offers to listen to a poem and demonstrates drawings with the history of clothing. Summarizes what has been read:

Think about what clothes are for their intended purpose

What is the difference between the clothes in which they play sports and the one in which they go to visit?

What should be home clothes?

Listen, watch

Answer questions

There are also seasonal clothes. The teacher draws attention to the blackboard.

Why are there tables of the three seasons on the blackboard?

In winter we wear winter clothes, in summer we wear summer clothes, and in autumn and spring we wear demi-season clothes.

think answer the question To form the ability to classify clothes
The teacher offers the children a dynamic pause:

Moth, moth, moth - this is a harmful insect

Moth, moth, moth - a mustachioed cockroach,

Moth, moth, moth is a small bug,

Which eats everything up and down.

Moth, moth, moth ate daddy's panties,

Moth, moth, moth - ate my mother's coat,

Moth, mole, moth - all ate books in the house,

I put on my coat and went to the cinema.

To the words "Moth, mole, mole" children clap their hands or stomp their feet.

Children sit down

The teacher offers to play the game "Be careful." They are able to reason and give an adequate explanation to the questions posed.
Attaches pictures on a magnetic board, which depict clothes and items for caring for her. The children are watching closely
- Pictures need to be divided into 2 groups Children do the task
- What are these groups? (clothing and care items).

How should you take care of your clothes?

Answer questions
- Do you think the clothes have always been the way they are now?

Why do people need clothes?

Why did people start creating artificial and synthetic materials for clothes?

Why do modern people not want to constantly wear national clothes?

Express their opinions

What new did you learn today?

Synopsis of GCD in senior group

on the topic “Clothes. Shoes. Hats"

Correctional and educational goals:

Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic. Familiarize yourself with the purpose of clothing.

Correction-developing goals:

Development of visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment: type-setting, pictures with the image of clothes, a ball.

Dictionary:Items: chintz, linen, silk, leather, fur, wool, cotton; clothes, fur coat, coat, jacket, jacket, blouse, shirt, T-shirt, T-shirt, trousers, shorts, suit, skirt, dress, socks, tights, gloves, mittens, scarf, overalls; cap, hat, cap; boots, shoes, shoes, sandals, felt boots; sleeve, pocket, hood, collar, buttons, loops, zipper, buttons, cuffs; sole, heel, laces, tongue; seamstress, shoemaker, shoemaker.

Actions: sew, sew, knit, wear, take off, put on, fold, hang, unbutton, fasten, tie, untie, clean, wash, iron, sew up, lace up, buy, wear.

Signs: calico, silk, woolen, leather, fur, knitted, rubber, replaceable, sports, elegant, winter, summer, autumn, comfortable, beautiful, fashionable, top, bottom, seasonal ...

1. Organizational moment.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Guys, this morning they brought multi-colored envelopes to our group. And what is in the envelopes you will find out for yourself by sorting the pictures so that you get three common words. You will collect them by company.

The teacher distributes chips of three colors, dividing the children into 3 companies.

Teacher: Guys, what is shown in your pictures?

Game "Catch and answer"

I will throw the ball to you and ask questions, and you will answer and throw the ball back to me.

Who sews clothes and where? A seamstress sews clothes at a garment factory.

Who and where sews shoes? A shoemaker in a shoe factory.

What clothes are there for the time of year? Summer, winter, spring - autumn.

The game "Lay out the clothes according to the season" by companies.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think what clothes are for? (To protect the body from cold, heat, dirt, dust, rain; to be comfortable and beautiful).

Where do they sell clothes? Shoes? (In the store "Clothes", "Shoes")

Who buys clothes?

What clothes will dad buy? Mother? Children? (father - male, mother - female, children - children's)

What is home wear called? (Home)

Clothes for work? working

Party wear? Festive

Sportswear? Sports.


We walked in the winter - put on fur coats,

They put on fur coats and played snowballs.

We walked in the spring - put on raincoats,

Cloaks were put on - puddles were counted.

In the summer we walked - put on shorts,

In the summer we walked - put on dresses.

They walked through the meadow - they caught butterflies.

Exercise"Name and show the parts":

shirt - sleeve, pocket, cuffs, collar, loops, buttons;
shoes - sole, heel, laces, tongue

A game "What are the clothes made from?

Leather gloves, what? Leather.

Fur coat, what kind? Fur.

What kind of wool hat? Woolen.

Cotton T-shirt, what kind? Cotton.

Chintz dress - ...

Silk dress - silk

Rubber boots - ...

The game "Who will pick up more words" - Let's take another look at who is wearing what. Answer my questions. Pictures will help you with this.

What can be worn?

What can you wear?

What can be connected?

What can be tied?

What can be fastened?

Finger gymnastics "Alenka"


Nimble, fast: 2 times.

She applied water Fingers are bent one at a time, starting with the big one.

The sundress has finished

Tied the sock

Picked up berries

Finished the song

Rushed everywhere. Clap hands, punch each other

Exercise "Say the opposite"

I will name the words, and you will say the opposite.

Put on - ... (take off)

Unfasten - ... (fasten)

Tie - ... (untie)

Mint - ... (stroke)

White - ... (black)

New - ... (old)

Clean - ... (dirty)

Teacher:Guys, how should you take care of your clothes so that they are clean? (wash, clean)

- To keep it neat (to iron, fold, do not scatter)

Exercise find the “extra item” and explain why it is superfluous.

Dress, shorts, trousers, boots.

Jacket, hat, scarf, shorts.

Sandals, cap, shoes, boots

Summary of the lesson.

Remember what we talked about in class?

What did you like?

"Such different clothes!"

Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world "Such different clothes!"
“Such different clothes” Prepared by the teacher of the kindergarten “Yugorka” of the city of Pokachi, Tyumen region Abuchova M.M.
Direct educational activity of a cognitive and aesthetic nature in the general developmental group "Brook" of children of the fifth year of life
Purpose: to promote the formation of a subjective-value attitude to the man-made world of objects.
1. Clarify the functions and purpose of different clothes (for protection, convenience and beauty). To improve the ability to separate the utilitarian and aesthetic functions of clothing, to formulate judgments.
2. Concretize knowledge about why a person needs different clothes (in cold and warm weather; for work).
3. Activate creative imagination.
4. Develop children's speech breathing.
5. Develop fine motor skills children's hands.
Expected result:
- activation of cognitive interest, the basis of a subjective-value attitude to clothing;
- enriched ideas about the purpose and functions of clothing,
- ability to formulate reasoned judgments; create a graphic image of clothing;
- experiencing cognitive and aesthetic emotions from the result of their work in the classroom (solving problem-search situations, statements, image of clothes, working with a model).
Preliminary work:
Examining, trying on clothes, highlighting design features, shape, material. Enriched practice of recognizing and modeling sets of clothes according to the signs of purpose and function. Reading fiction, looking at didactic albums, dressing up, playing with clothes, guessing riddles. Examining illustrations. Didactic games: “Guess the clothes from the description”, “Where are the clothes sewn”, “What can the clothes “tell” about? ".
Educator of the general developmental group "Brook" of children of the fifth year of life Abuchova M. M. Pokachi 2012

Lesson progress
Children enter the hall in pairs and sit on chairs. In front of them is an easel.
Hello guys. Listen to the riddle and guess what we will talk about today.
Everywhere you see these things, because they are comfortable and warm,
And there are many of them in the world, but remembering them is tricky.
These things you need to know, they are good to play and sleep in.
Walk in the summer and in the cold, and even in the cold to hide your nose.
They can tell you a lot:
Who put them on, where did they go.
For the legs, for the hands, for the head, they are important and good.
Beautiful - just a feast for the eyes, what is my poem about?
- That's right, this is a mystery about the most different things, which can be called in one word - clothes.
- Do people need clothes? -Yes!
-And what is it for?
To protect our body from cold, rain, sunburn.
- Guys, what is shown in the picture? (SNOWFLAKE)
- What time of year is it? (for winter)
What clothes do we wear in winter? (warm)
- Find and show cards with winter clothes.
- Look at the cards. Is everything shown correctly?
- What is the name of your clothes?
What is shown in this picture? Sun. What time of year does it belong to? To summer. What clothes do we wear in summer? Easy. Show pictures of summer clothes and name them.
Or maybe one of you knows poems about clothes?
Pants - boys need
The boys are friendly with them,
Both winter and autumn
They wear them daily.
For Antoshka and Arkashka
Made new shirts
Both are happy from the bottom of their hearts -
So the shirts are good.
hat with scarf now
We fit just right
So as not to accidentally forgive
And be healthy.
- Well done boys.
Today we are going to talk about clothes. A long time ago people didn't know how to make clothes. They used animal skins. It took many years before man learned to do nice clothes leather, linen, wool.
Let's take a look and name what clothes are. What is this? Skirt, jacket, shirt. Who is this dress for? For women. So what is she like? Women's.
Name the clothes you see. Suit, pants, shirt. Who is it for? For men. So what is she like? Men's. Name this dress. Pants, sliders. Who is this garment for? For children. So what are the clothes? Children's.
Let's just say, what is the name of this clothing? Sports. Right. This clothing is designed for sports. Why do we play sports? To be healthy and not get sick. Right. Well done.
Guys, all the wonderful clothes that we wear are sewn by the hands of craftswomen. Clothes are sewn in factories from different fabrics: fur, drape, linen, cotton. Today I brought cotton. He grew up in a distant land of India. There is often a warm wind blowing. Let's put a piece of cotton on the palm of your hand and blow on it like a warm wind blows. At the same time, we do not raise our shoulders and do not puff out our cheeks. (2-3 times).
Did you enjoy playing with cotton? Yes! Amazing. Now take your seats.
Look at the next slide. Who is this? People. Name the clothes they are wearing. Suit, shirt, pants, tie. This style of clothing is called business. Where do you think you can go in such clothes? To work. Right.
And now I will show you clothes that will tell you who wears them. Who is this?
- Military.
And how did you guess? - By form.
- And who is this? - It's a doctor. Why do you think the doctor wears a white coat? - So that germs do not fall on the patient.
And who is this? -Builder. Tell me, children, why does the builder wear a helmet? - To protect the head, so as not to get hurt.
Tell me, who is this? - It's a chef. Why does the chef wear a white coat? And the cap?
-And who works in such a suit? Diver. Right.
- And who is it? This is a fireman. What does firefighter clothing protect against? From fire.
Who do you see on this slide? This is a sailor. Right. Who is pictured here? Hockey player.
That's right guys. You know, there are even theatrical clothes. Who wears it? Clowns.
So, clothes not only warm and protect us, but also tell us about who wears them.
Tell me, guys, what can you call clothes designed for work? Working. - And also, guys, it's called - special, or overalls.
Well done, you know a lot about clothes. We will have a little rest, but first, remember what time of year it is? - Spring! And what happens in nature with the onset of spring? - The birds are flying, the snow is melting, the grass is turning green.
-Become in a circle. We'll have a fun workout.
Zhur, zhur, zhur, the river murmurs,
I flow from afar
Past, past, past. Past.
The clouds float by
-"Where are you going? - the river screams,
Clouds: - "there, there",
- Can you come again?
And they: - when? When?
The wind drives us with a vengeance,
We only dream of peace!
-Well done!
-Tell. Do you like to collect puzzles? -Yes!
On the table are puzzles with the image of clothes. Collect and name it!
(children sit at tables and collect)
Get in a circle, we will play the game "Say the other way around."
I will throw the ball to you to name the words, and you name the opposite, that is, vice versa.
Put on - take off, iron - wrinkle, dirty - wash, buy - sell, clean - dirty, new - old, white - black, tie - untie, fasten - unfasten.
- Well done. And now I will name phrases, and you try to portray what mood you will have.
- Show how you feel when wearing Nice dress or a suit? And if it's small tight clothing? And if you are wearing a fluffy, soft fur coat? What about dirty clothes?
Answer, what work do you know about a sloppy boy from whom his trousers ran away? Children: "Moydodyr". And who is the author of this work? K. I. Chukovsky. Would you like the author to tell you this story? -Yes! Then sit back and listen.
Guys, can you be so dirty? Clothes need to be taken care of. - Well done.
You and I did a great job, remembered the names of clothes, found out what it serves and what it can tell about. Well done!

This outline plan of the GCD is compiled taking into account the requirements of the FGT. It outlines the material studied within the framework, reflects the forms and methods of joint activities of a speech therapist and children. The logic of educational activities is built taking into account the expected results of children. At the end of the topic, a final event is proposed.

Outline of directly educational activities with children of the preparatory group.

Theme: "Dress for Cinderella".

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Cognition", " Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”, “Physical culture”.

  • to clarify the idea of ​​children about the items of clothing, details, material and tools necessary for its manufacture ("Knowledge")
  • generalize and activate vocabulary on the topic ("Communication")
  • develop coherent speech skills when building a complex common sentence and compiling a descriptive story (“Communication”)
  • exercise in the use of antonyms and case inflection ("Communication")
  • form the foundations of systemic thinking and logical analysis of the surrounding reality ("Knowledge")
  • improve the skills of sound analysis of the composition of the word (“Communication”)
  • to cultivate the ability to work in a group, the ability to listen to each other, take into account the opinion of a partner (“Socialization”)
  • develop Creative skills through the image of clothes for fairy-tale characters ("Artistic creativity")
  • contribute to the formation of the need for motor activity ("Physical culture") Methods and techniques:

Practical: physical minute "Sawing firewood"; finger gymnastics "Let's sort out the groats"; didactic game Miraculous Pouch»; composing words from letters based on color; modeling a ball gown by selecting details; drawing clothes for fairy tale characters; laying out the sound scheme of the word with the help of sound chips.

Visual: examining the clothes of the Cinderella doll, demonstrating her dressing; monitoring the actions of a speech therapist during the experiment; demonstration and review of the table to determine the parameters of the dress; subject pictures; examination of tools for making clothes.

Verbal: riddles; speech situation "Who brought us a letter"; games "Say the opposite", "Add a word", "Infinite sentence"; writing a story description.

Materials and equipment: Cinderella doll (one in simple clothes stained with ashes, the other in a ball gown); equipment for the experiment (sticks, chips for burning on a metal tray); envelope with letters different color, a picture of crystal shoes, a magic wand; a bag with items for sewing (a pillow with needles, a thimble, a spool of thread, scissors, an iron); tissue samples; cube with numbers; dress parameters table; bowls with different cereals, pictures depicting fairy-tale characters, pencils, paper.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children activities

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities
Motor Fizminutka: speech in motion "Saw firewood", finger gymnastics "Let's sort out the groats"
gaming Didactic games-exercises "Say the opposite", "Add a word", "Infinite sentence", didactic game "Wonderful bag"
Productive Drawing clothes for fairy tale characters
Cognitive research Modeling a ball gown for Cinderella using a cube and a table of dress parameters; observing the actions of a speech therapist during the experiment
Communicative Speech situation “Who brought us a letter”; Riddles about sewing items; Drawing up a story describing a ball gown according to a model;

Drawing up a sound scheme of a word using sound chips.

Perception of fiction Fairy tale C. Pierro "Cinderella"

Logic of educational activity

Activities of a speech therapist

Children activities

Expected results

Draws the attention of the children to the envelope lying on the windowsill: Someone threw an unusual letter out the window to us. Maybe it was a sparrow, flying, dropped,

Maybe someone lured a letter, like a mouse, to the window?

Draws the attention of children to the fact that the envelope depicts a fairy with a magic wand;

Encourages them to guess that this is a letter from a fairy tale.

They listen, examine the envelope, share assumptions, guess who the letter is from. Formed motivation and interest in the upcoming activities.
He takes out multi-colored letters from the envelope and announces the task of the fairy: lay out the letters in the same order in which the colors of the rainbow are located, then we will find out which fairy tale we will get into. They examine the letters, remember the sequence of colors of the rainbow, lay out the name of the fairy tale: red - Orange - O

yellow - L

green - U

blue - W

blue - K

purple - A

The ideas about the primary colors and their sequence, the skills of composing a word from given letters are fixed.

Brings the doll Cinderella, sings on her behalf:

In the kitchen I work, I work,

I'm fiddling with the stove,

Forces not sparing, from that I am in ashes.

I'm torn from morning until late at night.

Anyone can order

And say "thank you" to me

None wants.

Encourages children to look at the clothes and appearance of Cinderella: canvas skirt, jacket, soiled apron, face and hands are soiled in ashes.

Examine the doll, her clothes, appearance listen to the song.

The emotional perception of the fairy tale has been formed, the prerequisites for the formation of moral feelings, sympathy, empathy have been created.

He asks why the stepmother and sisters teased the girl with "Cinderella". He listens to the answers of the children, explains: Cinderella - because she is soiled in ashes. Ash is obtained when dry branches, firewood, sticks burn in the stove. They express their assumptions about the name of Cinderella. The emergence of cognitive interest in children.
Invites the children to go to the laboratory and, by experimenting, find out how ash is obtained (burns sticks, chips to get coal). They observe the process of the experiment, find out the meaning of the words “ash”, “Cinderella”, draw a conclusion. The vocabulary was replenished by establishing cause-and-effect relationships.
Informs the children (on behalf of Cinderella) that the stepmother and sisters are going to the ball to have fun, and Cinderella was ordered to do a lot of work. He asks if the children remember what their stepmother was like; conducts a didactic exercise "Say the opposite." They practice using antonyms: Evil stepmother - Kind Cinderella (rude - polite, sloppy - neat, lazy - hardworking). Activation of the dictionary of antonyms.
Invites Cinderella to tell about her work. Didactic exercise "Add a word." Finish the phrase by selecting a word in the accusative case singular. and many others. h: Cinderella: I'm cooking Children: lunch

(I wash - dishes, wash - linen, sew - clothes, iron - dresses, shirts, sew - buttons, darn - socks, clean - shoes, boots, saw - firewood, water - flowers, etc.)

Activation of vocabulary, development of the skill of case management.
Encourages to help Cinderella (leads the children to perform physical minutes) 1. “Sawing firewood” - speech in motion.

2. "Let's sort out the groats" - finger gymnastics

1. Perform movements in accordance with the text: Drank saw, drank firewood On the stove, on the jar,

On a warm couch.

(get up in pairs, move their crossed arms, imitating a sawing of firewood.

2. Work in groups of three, disassemble the mixed cereals:

rice, buckwheat, oats in separate plates.

The need for children to move is provided, the ability to combine words with actions is worked out. Fine motor skills activated
Thanks on behalf of Cinderella for the work and asks for help in choosing fabrics for the ball gown. Consider, name different types fabrics, determine from which ball gowns can be sewn. The vocabulary has been replenished by naming various fabrics.
Didactic game "Wonderful bag" (from the face of Cinderella he takes out a bag for sewing and makes riddles: a small bird, a steel nose, a linen tail (needle and thread). The tool is experienced, not big, not small, it has a lot of worries, it cuts and cuts (scissors).

On the finger of one bucket upside down (thimble).

The cat rolled me with its paw, and unwound all the threads for me (a spool of thread).

It strokes everything it touches, and if you touch it, it bites (iron).

Guess riddles and take items out of the bag. Development logical thinking, the dictionary was replenished with the names of objects and tools.
The speech therapist turns the doll back to the children (she seems to be sewing), conducts the word game "Endless sentence". Make up a sentence, determine the number of words, distribute it by introducing homogeneous members: Cinderella sews. Kind, hardworking Cinderella sews.

Kind, hardworking Cinderella sews an elegant, ball, silk dress. Kind, hardworking Cinderella sews an elegant, ball, silk dress for her stepmother and sisters.

The dictionary is activated by spreading the sentence by introducing homogeneous members.
Modeling a ball gown for Cinderella. While Cinderella is sleeping, he offers to come up with a ball gown for her using a cube and a table. One by one, a dice is rolled on the sides of which numbers are written. Based on the number, selects the dress parameter: color, collar, sleeves, trim details, decorations, and composes the dress on the flannelgraph. Describes it based on the table. Details of clothes and their names have been clarified. Replenished experience joint work and receiving overall result. Compiled a story-description.
The speech therapist, on behalf of Cinderella, thanks for the dress. With the help of a magic wand found in the envelope, he “dresses” Cinderella in a ball gown (changes one doll for another behind a screen), offers to send her to the ball. They say: Hush, hush, hush, let's start miracles Figurative perception and emotional responsiveness are formed.
He finds a picture of crystal shoes in an envelope and offers to conduct a sound analysis of the word "shoes". Carry out sound analysis based on the sound scheme The skills of analyzing the sound composition of the word have been worked out.
In a place with children, he recalls (based on pictures) other fairy-tale characters and offers to become Wizard tailors and sew (draw) unusual clothes for them: Ivan Tsarevich - a painted shirt; Alyonushka - a Russian sundress;

Kashchei the Immortal - bulletproof overalls;

Baba Yaga - a new skirt decorated with mushrooms, berries, etc.

Children choose a fairy-tale character and draw clothes for him. The creative abilities of children are activated.
Offers to continue work on manufacturing at home various clothes and arrange an exhibition of various types of clothing. They share their impressions of the drawings, highlighting and motivating the costumes they like the most. Interest in further activities on this topic has been formed.

Final event on the topic: organization of the exhibition "Young Fashion Designers". The clothes are presented, modeled by children together with educators, parents in the form of drawings, applications, dolls dressed in different costumes.

Dorozhkina Svetlana Alexandrovna,
teacher speech therapist,
MKDOU No. 324, Samara