Can you wear tight jeans while pregnant? What clothes can be worn throughout pregnancy? Save on unnecessary What to wear for pregnant women

Often, recommendations for the formation of a wardrobe for pregnant women are based on the division of the whole year into two seasons: spring and autumn-winter. But every woman who has ever been pregnant understands inwardly the wrongness of this approach. If you're due in October, you can't buy fall season clothes because you have to cope with the hot July and August summer days, when you are already in the second half of your pregnancy.

General rules for choosing clothes during pregnancy

Therefore, when choosing clothes, the expectant mother should think about what clothes and for what time of the year she will need. So before you go picking out yours, think about how you'll be shaping your wardrobe in the coming months. Start with the essentials: underwear, nightgowns, tank tops, tracksuits, maybe a pair of black leggings to wear under an oversized shirt or sweater. When choosing clothes, you also need to consider that some women can get by with the smallest. Others definitely need more variety and change in clothing to feel happy and comfortable. But let's not forget that with today's choice of stretchy fabrics that allow the skin to breathe, you can make do with your regular clothes for much longer, avoiding buying special maternity clothes entirely or postponing their use until the third trimester. You can also borrow items from your husband's wardrobe: men's shirts, jackets, baggy sweaters, stretchy shorts for running in the morning, his oversized t-shirts, windbreakers, jackets and outerwear, which will help you save money on buying new clothes.

The choice of clothes during pregnancy will dictate to you, and your lifestyle. If you are a full-time lawyer and must appear in court, then consider suits or any other clothing you can wear to work. If you are a housewife, then ordinary loose clothing is more suitable for you.

The role of the season in choosing clothes for pregnant women

If you are due to give birth in January or February- therefore, you will grow out of your old clothes by August-September.


  • 1 free. But if you want to save money, instead of a dress, choose a jumper that can be worn both at home and on the street, and in a color that will be acceptable in early September and all the time until February. Get creative with this. Look for something unusual, but solid.
  • 1 day off. If you choose an off-season cut, you can wear this dress in early September and during the colder months. A dress with three-quarter sleeves can also be versatile - not too long so as not to be out of place in warm weather, and not too short so as not to feel uncomfortable when it gets colder.


  • 1 pair of jeans.
  • 2 pairs of breeches or gabardine trousers. If one pair is black, then you can wear it for an evening in December. And wearing a black sweater under the breeches or trousers, you will feel comfortable.
  • 1 pair of woolen or gabardine fine trousers.

3 sweaters

4 shirts or pullovers(Set one aside for the holidays ahead of time.)

1 training suit. If pregnancy takes over New Years and Christmas, there may be a strong urge to be ready to dress up, so don't spend all your money in the early fall.

If you are due to give birth in March or April- it means that you will grow out of your old clothes by October-November.

To look great, feel comfortable and comfortable throughout your pregnancy, you will need:


  • 2 free. The choice of dresses for pregnant women is wider and better than two-piece suits. Since you can afford to focus on the winter season, pick up two dresses that you can wear during the day to work or at home and in the evening for an event.
  • 1 day off (holidays are waiting for you).


  • 1 pair of jeans.
  • 2 pairs of warm winter pants (pleated pants are fine, but maybe corduroy pants are the way to go, as this material is so stretchy and has become so versatile in recent years).
  • 1 pair of good quality woolen or gabardine wide leg trousers.

3 sweaters (these may not withstand stretching).

4 items with long sleeves (blouses, knitted blouses, winter pullovers or warm T-shirts).

In addition to this, you will need to choose exclusively winter clothes to wear during pregnancy, so it would be a good idea to purchase a cotton jumper. Choose the style that best suits you.

If you are due to give birth in May or June- so you will grow out of your previous size by December-January.

To look great, feel comfortable and comfortable throughout your pregnancy, you will need:


  • 1 free. When choosing a dress, think about spring, even if you have to buy clothes in February or March. You'll have to wear this dress until June.
  • 1 day off. It is advisable to choose a dress of a simple style, so that it can be worn at breakfast and put on for dinner.
  • 1 summer dress. It is advisable to choose a solid color so that you can wear it with a blouse or T-shirt in the cold season, and by June, when the weather changes, then by itself.


  • 1 pair of jeans.
  • 1 pair of plush trousers. Choose a soft color. Warm winter pants are also great for the March weather.
  • 1 pair of cotton trousers. Choose dark wide trousers and they will serve you in the spring and in the first half of the summer. For example, black cotton trousers can first be worn with a sweater, and then with summer clothes in May or June.
  • 1 pair of good shorts.

2 sweaters. Choose to buy one wool sweater (or wool blend) and one cotton sweater for warmer weather.

3 shirts. When buying it in March or April, choose a shirt with long, wide sleeves that you can roll up when it gets warmer.

2 T-shirts for late spring and early summer. Choose wisely as they can be used with other clothing as well.

1 jumper.

If you are due to give birth in July or August- therefore you will outgrow your old clothes by February-March.

To look great, feel comfortable and comfortable throughout your pregnancy, you will need:


  • 1 free.
  • 1 day off.
  • 1 year old.


  • 3 pairs of cotton trousers.
  • 1 pair of shorts.

2 sweaters. Choose a composition and color that will work for several seasons at once, and so that sweaters can be worn alone or with a shirt.

2 summer shirts or T-shirts.

1 bathing suit.

If you are due to give birth in September or October- then you will grow out of the previous size by April-May.

To look great, feel comfortable and comfortable throughout your pregnancy, you will need:


  • 1 day off.
  • 2 summer.
We recommend choosing dresses during pregnancy so that one of them can be worn as a jumper.


  • 2 pairs of cotton trousers. If you choose, for example, a dark color, you can wear trousers in spring, summer, and autumn.
  • 2 pairs of shorts.

1 sweater.

3 things to combine with other clothes.

1 piece of outerwear with long sleeves.

1 linen striped jumper or jumpsuit.

1 bathing suit.

If you are due to give birth in November or December- then you will grow out of your previous size by June-July.

To look great, feel comfortable and comfortable throughout your pregnancy, you will need:


  • 1 free.
  • 1 day off.
  • 1 summer dress.


  • 1 pair of jeans.
  • 1 pair of plush or light wool or gabardine wide leg trousers. Lightweight plush pants are worth choosing, as you can wear them with a sweater in early October.
  • 1 pair of cotton trousers.

2 sweaters: one light and one wool for winter weather.

2 shirts with long sleeves.

2 short summer tops.

1 bathing suit.

Soft, cozy, homely… clothes for any occasion

Most pregnant women do not have special requirements for home clothes when choosing a wardrobe. This is rather a legacy of the old days, when being just a housewife was considered indecent. Today, along with those who make a career, there are more and more women who choose the work of a homemaker. However, even those who work from dawn to dusk have hours and days of leisure that can be spent without leaving the apartment. And it's much more pleasant to do it by wearing attractive clothes, rather than an old T-shirt with worn-out sweatpants.
Pregnancy, in addition to other joys brought by this state, is also a great occasion to take care of your home wardrobe. All the same, in the last months of bearing a baby, the old clothes will turn out to be small, so why not immediately buy things that are dear to your heart for various household chores? And there, you see, a habit will be developed to look beautiful not only when entering the "light", and the collection will be constantly replenished with more and more new items.

The words "I'm sitting at home" is hardly possible to correctly describe all the CHALLENGES that fall to the lot of the hostess. During the day, she has to do laundry and cook, clean up and socialize with neighbors, do gymnastics and knit in front of the TV ... And for such a variety of tasks, different clothes are required. So what are the requirements for choosing home clothes for expectant mothers?

The main requirement when choosing wardrobe items for pregnant women is their comfort and ease of wearing. Therefore, preference is given to natural, breathable, soft fabrics with high hygienic properties. For such clothes, it is best to go to specialized stores for expectant mothers. Along with everyday and holiday sets for work and leisure, manufacturers also produce a wide range of household goods. In each season, new collections appear that meet the requirements of fashion.

All models for women in an interesting position, including home ones, are developed by designers with the participation of medical specialists and taking into account the changes in the body of the expectant mother during the nine months of pregnancy.

Therefore, the main number of presented outfits for the home can be worn from conception to childbirth: they will “grow” along with the tummy. This is especially convenient also because almost all things will come in handy in the postpartum period. The figure will not immediately take on its former forms, and the favorite wardrobe items will last for some more time.

What are these wardrobe items?

1) Cozy pajamas

They are not only meant to be slept in, as many people think, although such options are also very popular. In beautiful, high-quality pajamas, you can safely go out for breakfast, meet guests in an informal setting, and do needlework. Choosing pajamas for a pregnant woman will take a lot of time and creativity, because the range is very large: stylish velor sets, jackets and T-shirts with short and long sleeves, with shorts, capris, long pants. You can purchase several options: for warm and cold seasons, for everyday wear, more elegant and even sexy - any models are in stock. The colors are also very different: from the "expectation color" - blue or pink - to any other shade. In such pajamas during pregnancy, and at any other moment of life, a woman feels very cozy and comfortable.

2) Sleep comfortably

Let's talk about nightgowns. Models designed specifically for expectant and nursing mothers are a real find. Thanks to natural fabrics, the body breathes, the cut allows you to wear your favorite nightgown both while waiting for the baby and after his birth. The top is designed in such a way that it is easy to get the breast for feeding the baby. There are models of nightgowns for every taste: knee-length and ankle-length, from lighter and warmer fabrics, strict and with funny prints. Therefore, the choice of this kind of home clothes, like a nightgown, will be exciting for a young mother and, of course, effective!

3) Femininity and elegance

Those future mothers who like emphasized femininity will be happy to purchase a dressing gown. There are many options for such clothes: with buttons, with a zipper, with a smell. Each of them is convenient in its own way and takes into account the anatomical features of the growing tummy. Since such bathrobes are intended for any period of pregnancy, including for the first weeks, when the figure has not yet undergone significant changes, you can not part with your favorite little thing even after the birth of the baby. There are also quite a few varieties of bathrobes: elongated and shortened, "winter" and "summer", pastel shades and with bright patterns.

4) How to please the legs?

Of course, you can not ignore the legs. Those who choose slippers for themselves can choose either a flat sole or a stable wedge. Slippers should be at least two pairs - for the warm and cold seasons. And if the former can be made from any lightweight natural material, then when choosing the latter, you need to pay attention to the fabric - it must retain heat. There are also a lot of those who are used to doing without indoor shoes: they believe that their feet should rest. It’s hard to disagree with this, but in winter, and just in cool weather, the feet are still cold. Help out cute socks of various colors, made of cotton or wool. When choosing socks, the expectant mother needs to pay attention to the sole - it must be made non-slip, which will protect the expectant mother from accidental falls.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the choice of home clothes for a pregnant woman deserves the same attention as things for going out. No matter how much time the fair sex spends at home - an hour a day or seven days a week - a real woman always wants to dress like this. to look like a queen at any moment. And with the right items for both everyday wear and home toilet, she will certainly succeed!

With the onset of pregnancy, everything around you changes. A woman in an interesting position becomes more emotional and changeable. But there is a desire that remains - you always want to look beautiful! You want to dress as beautifully and stylishly as before pregnancy.

But even the most style-savvy women are puzzled over how to do it. But pregnancy is just a special time when you can look and feel magical. Enjoy!

The course of pregnancy is quite a long process: you and your body change gradually. Just as no two women are the same, no two pregnancy paths are the same. We are all different. However, each goes through certain stages. These stages are called trimesters and last for three months.

On the first

The first trimester is accompanied by minor changes in your body and significant psychological changes. Your taste for food, flowers, and, of course, clothes may change. Yes, because you now have a new status! Don't be afraid to be new. Changes in clothes will echo your internal changes, and you will feel harmonious.

Somewhere towards the end of the first - at the beginning of the second trimester, you will already feel the physical need to update your wardrobe.

You will have a long search for virtual and real stores. I advise you to start with the latter, in this case you will be able to try on more unusual clothes and understand what is comfortable and necessary for you. Finding the perfect outfit right away will not be easy.

I can offer a couple of tips that I, as a designer and mother, have experienced for myself:

  • choose quality clothing. You will wear and wash your "pregnancy" wardrobe much more often than other clothes;
  • fabrics from which things are sewn must be natural. They will help to avoid allergies, overheating and sweating;
  • do not hide your bulging tummy. This is the most wonderful time in your life! Accept it and don't hide behind shapeless clothes;
  • reveal your strengths. Choose models that emphasize your neckline and shoulders;
  • find a thing for yourself, the so-called "investment". It will last you several seasons. For example, a self-sufficient autumn dress, which in winter can be worn with golf and leggings;
  • Get the most out of your maternity wardrobe. Choose modern, relaxed silhouettes in neutral tones, then just play with shoes and accessories.

For the second

Now you are ready to be beautiful in the next months of your pregnancy. The next second trimester for many passes on the rise of strength and energy. I want to do everything, move mountains. And you will succeed!

Go to the theatre, listen to music, hang out with friends. You may want to be the center of attention. Then choose beautiful bright clothes. Your skin and hair glow, you can emphasize this with a new hairstyle or accessories.

You can stand out with unusual details, interesting fabric patterns and bold colors. But everything must be in harmony. Your joy will be emphasized by rich colors such as royal blue, emerald green, bright pink.

For the third

In the third trimester, women usually finish their personal affairs, take maternity leave and prepare directly for the arrival of the baby. During this period, the expectant mother wants to look and feel relaxed and stylish.

Then you can choose comfortable and fashionable clothes. Here, more than ever, the style of minimalism will come in handy: it is not striking, it protects you, the absence of controversial details will give confidence in your choice. For example, straight tunic dresses in dark soothing colors.

Cozy free-form clothing will help you gain a sense of security: voluminous sweaters, fur vests, ponchos. It is important, especially in the cold season, to choose an outer wardrobe that will be light, comfortable, and can come in handy even after the baby arrives. Choose fashionable things, the winter season allows it.

And for dessert

Every trimester is good in its own way. And if you feel good, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting holidays and parties. You can and even need to go out, arrange wonderful romantic dinners in evening dresses, the festive atmosphere will only benefit the future baby - after all, mother's emotional background is transmitted to him!

At the same time, it is important to choose the right evening dress so that a woman feels like a king.

But no matter how you live your pregnancy, do not try to just wait it out. Catch every moment, give yourself joy from every little thing. Do not hide your bulge, dress beautifully and stylishly, this will add good mood and health! Chat and dress up! After all, you will remember this period for the rest of your life!

Have a nice mood!

Dear readers! Do you agree with Tatyana's recommendations? Should a pregnant woman remain stylish and bright. Or should the tummy be hidden behind shapeless clothes from prying eyes? We are waiting for your answers in the comments! If you still have photos of the "magic time", we are waiting for them in the folk photo fact

Hormonal surges will lead to mood swings, the need to combine pregnancy and work in the first months - add general fatigue, changes in appearance - cause anxiety and concern for your appearance. Yes, you cannot control the changes that occur with the body, but you are quite capable of controlling your emotional state.

There are three well-known postulates that you must remember and follow: good sleep and rest, proper nutrition and self-care. Many books and articles have been written about the first two, here we will talk about the wardrobe of a pregnant woman. I will try to cover as much as possible the issue of completing a wardrobe, choosing suitable styles, what to wear for a pregnant woman, where to buy clothes and what things are critically needed, and which ones can be discarded.

The need to think about what to walk in for 9 months makes many pregnant women feel sad and does not at all contribute to the joy and happiness that is important to experience when carrying a child. The upcoming financial constraints when going on maternity leave can be scary and you don't want to spend money on new things that you only need for 9 months.

However, do not be greedy and do not stop caring for yourself! Like malnutrition, lack of self-care closes the cycle of depression. If you look good, you are more likely to be in a good mood. Pregnancy is the time to choose an easy-to-care haircut, revise your daily makeup and audit your wardrobe in order not to spend a lot of time and effort on them. In addition, there is a way to look beautiful and not spend a lot of money.

What to wear during pregnancy? Where to buy clothes? Having gone all this way myself, I can say from my own experience what a future mother will need, and what can be easily abandoned.

How to choose clothes.

During pregnancy, your body changes. The belly grows (for everyone) and the total body weight increases (not for everyone). If you were not overweight before pregnancy, and you ate right, chances are that your body will not change, only your belly will grow.

Therefore, do not immediately buy things a size larger. There is a great risk that such clothes will hang like a hoodie, adding visual weight and reducing height. Besides, it's not pretty. Often the size remains the same as before pregnancy, and the changes concern only the style.

Yes, it is realistic to wear your size throughout the entire period! But that doesn't mean you can wear all your old stuff. You can, but not all. I'll tell you which ones below.

Before you storm stores and online maternity clothing stores, take a look at your wardrobe. I'm sure there will be a lot of things of the right style, length, which were gathering dust in the closet and simply weren't worn! A great reason to give them life.

So, we are looking for in the wardrobe and put it in a pile:

  • Long T-shirts, tops, blouses, button-down cardigans, sweaters and sweatshirts;
  • Tunics;
  • Knitted dresses of a straight silhouette and A silhouette (both casual and sports, a la Lacoste);
  • High waist items;
  • Leggings with a wide elastic band;
  • Knitted sweatpants and shorts with soft elastic;
  • Jackets and outerwear of a straight and loose, flared style.

Now allocate a separate place for them in the wardrobe. These are the things that you can wear throughout your pregnancy. Match them with pairs, if necessary.

Many women wear their regular jeans and trousers for up to 3-4 months. I succeeded too. But! Everything is individual, make a choice based on the size of your tummy and convenience. There should be no pressure on him! If you feel the slightest discomfort - do not risk it, get a model with an elastic band.

Models of trousers and jeans for expectant mothers differ in height and elastic density. There is a low, medium and high elastic band (stretched above the navel!). It makes sense to try on all three and choose the most comfortable for yourself. It is usually more convenient in the 1-2 trimester with low or medium, and in 3-4 to switch to high, when it can already be “pulled” on the tummy.

Regardless of where you shop for clothes while pregnant, pay attention to the following:

  • For style. Look for A-line styles, wraparound, straight with darts under the bust and tucks at the waist.
  • On fabric. Best natural with the addition of elastic fibers. Natural fabrics allow air to circulate, while elastic fibers ensure a perfect fit.
  • For details. Jeans, trousers with a hard elastic band set aside in the far corner. Buy pants and/or jeans with elastic at a maternity store.
  • For length. T-shirts, blouses, sweatshirts and other shoulder clothing should be longer than usual to cover the tummy. Tunics, elongated cardigans and sweaters are suitable.
  • Accents. Shift the focus to the upper body and arms. Choose styles with a high waist, moderate neckline, bright accessories. So divert attention from the rounded tummy and the waist hiding behind it.

Most of the clothes a pregnant woman, oddly enough, can buy in ordinary stores. One has only to choose clothes according to the above recommendations for length, fabric, style! But for what it is worth going to the store for pregnant women, it's jeans and trousers.

The minimum necessary wardrobe for a future mother for 9 months.

To feel confident in the wardrobe should be the following minimum things:

Season autumn-winter

Season spring-summer


Poncho, A-line coat, fur-lined parka

High waist raincoat, parka, poncho

These things you

Jeans or trousers with elastic



You can wear it even after your newborn is born!

2-3 blouses

2-3 blouses

Warm dress with long sleeves

Light dress

Leggings or tights

Ankle boots or boots with low heels

Ballerinas, slippers, sandals

You can wear it even after your newborn is born!

When choosing shoes, give preference to models with low heels and non-slip soles. It will most likely be inconvenient to tie shoelaces, so models without them are preferable. If you have a slim figure, then up to 4 months you can walk in regular shoes and even afford a heel or wedge! Look at your own feelings.

Underwear for expectant mothers.

Should be comfortable and true to size. It can be bought in regular stores. Pay attention to the wide straps, natural fabric, flat seams.

Examples of stylish images for pregnant women.

Being pregnant and looking stylish is not that hard! It is worth just a little and include care for your appearance in your daily schedule. Be stylish, confident and delight yourself, your husband, and everyone you want with your appearance. Easy pregnancy and childbirth! Remember, a happy mother is a happy child! Everything will be fine!

During my pregnancy, I made many irrational decisions about the distribution of the family budget. Especially, it concerned spending on a personal wardrobe. The figure changed every month and I, succumbing to the impulse of the soul, rushed to the store for a new thing. If I now returned to the moment when I just found out about my interesting situation, then the first thing I would do was draw up a wardrobe plan for the entire pregnancy and fill the closet with the necessary things in the first month. Since the closer the birth was, the more money flowed out of the wallet and under the pressure of spending on clothes, it was practically empty. You can’t turn back time ... But you can warn other girls against mistakes.

The first advice I would like to give to all expectant mothers is to take tight jeans, trousers, skirts, dresses, and high heels and carefully fold them into tight dark bags. Put these bags in the closet and do not open until the figure returns to its original shape after childbirth.

Why should this be done?

  1. The body of a pregnant woman gets fat very quickly. And if you wear jeans several times on a butt that is much larger than their size, then they will stretch and lose their appearance. And in a year you won't want to wear them anymore. By giving up your favorite things now, you will save them for yourself in the future. I personally really regret the carelessly worn favorite trousers and blouses.
  2. Knowing that you have a bunch of practically new things will be very stimulating to get back in shape as soon as possible.

And what then to wear pregnant?

  • The first purchase you need to make is with an extremely loose waist, but cute enough that you can go to the office or to your usual events in them. Look at the outfits of Alla Pugacheva, which she wore 10-15 years ago. Estimate what kind of style would suit you and where you can buy it in your city. Now it may seem that they are useless. But the moment when you will abruptly stop fitting into your entire business and formal wardrobe is very close.
  • Also worth it. You can wear them around the house, in the hospital or outside if the weather allows. In such clothes you will look much more elegant than in a dressing gown. And right before the birth, this will be the only type of clothing in which you will like yourself and feel comfortable.
  • Tight lace underwear should also be put away in a bag with jeans and heels. For your health and the health of your child, it is better to wear from the first days. In addition, sexual sets are very useful to you during the period when you will return to the previous rhythm of intimate life after childbirth. If the temperature is less than 5 degrees outside, then ordinary underwear must be supplemented with the same dimensionless thermal underwear.
  • Along with heels, sneakers and other narrow shoes should be abandoned. During pregnancy, you should be careful about your legs, since many women have varicose veins in this glorious period, blooming luxuriantly. Now you should buy only the warmest ugg boots with a high top, ballet flats and demi-season men's boots without a hint of a heel. All pairs are one size larger. In the last months, the legs will be very swollen in the evening.

If at the beginning of pregnancy you buy the above items of clothing, then there is a great chance that you will not encounter the problem of “nothing to wear and nothing to buy”. You will save money and feel confident.

  • difficult to pick. Unlike loose dresses and oversized underwear, coats and down jackets should be bought in the period as close as possible to the moment when they will have to be worn. But you need to take a size larger. With luck, you can get by with one piece of clothing for the season. I also recommend putting a fur coat and elegant autumn clothes in a bag. I ruined my Italian coat for 18 thousand by wearing it three times, being in a state of hippopotamus.
  • Many pregnant women buy denim overalls with a loose waist for themselves. I was given such compassionate relatives. I wore it for two weeks and it suddenly became small for me. I became like Carlson in it. So, I would not advise you to spend money on such a thing.

A long-awaited article about style and wardrobe for pregnant women. :-)

Dear girls, as a mother of two children, I tried to tell in detail about the features of the wardrobe for this wonderful period.

I hope you enjoy the article and find it useful!

How to dress during pregnancy?

A woman in anticipation of a baby is especially beautiful. It is during this period that the qualities that are inherent in us by nature are especially clearly revealed. Femininity, charm, universal love overwhelm us. Of course, at this time we are faced with certain difficulties. One of these difficulties is our wardrobe, when we realize that most of the clothes with every month of pregnancy no longer fit us.

In this article, I will tell you how to stay stylish during the “interesting position” period, as well as give practical advice on creating a functional wardrobe that will work for you after the baby is born.

wardrobe during pregnancy


When shaping your wardrobe, give preference to basic things. Choose a color, not a complex and decorative cut. Things sewn in a straight line sit on any figure, but various “complexities” interact poorly with volumes and bends. And volumes and bends within 9 months, as you understand, will only increase :)

Your figure will noticeably change during pregnancy, so it is better to decorate it with clothes made from high-quality natural fabrics with a laconic cut. So you will feel comfortable.

And the color will help diversify your wardrobe and, accordingly, make the image interesting.


Also in the last few seasons, straight-cut and oversized things have been in fashion. In such clothes you will look good before and!

You can buy these things at any clothing store. You don't even need to do shopping in maternity stores, which are famous for their unsympathetic assortment. Just stop paying attention to fitted clothes and you will see what a really large selection of clothes for this period you will find in the most ordinary and familiar stores!


From brands like ASOS, ZARA, H&M and many more, including specialty brands, you'll find skirts and pants with an elastic waistband that molds to your rounded tummy. It is very comfortable!

Avoid clothing made from tight, inelastic fabrics. Since your body measurements are rapidly changing right now, these clothes are more likely to find a place on one of the shelves in your wardrobe marked “until better times” than in one of your looks.


When choosing things with a straight cut, you should not overdo it and choose clothes that are too shapeless. Remember, the more you want to hide your pregnancy under plus size clothes, the bigger you will look in it.

If you still want to hide your “interesting position”, then in the first stages of pregnancy, a few simple tricks will help you with this.

Pay attention to blouses and knitwear that do not emphasize the waist. There are sooooo many such clothes in all brands. Just choose stores of the usual price category or look for the right things online.

To hide a hint of a tummy, a straight-cut blazer or vest will help.

In fitted jackets of an outdated style, you run the risk of feeling uncomfortable and can give away your position by emphasizing a rounded waist.

Please note that for reliability, you can release the top over a skirt or trousers, i.e. do not tuck it in, and throw a blazer or vest on top.

Straight-cut dresses (cocoon or trumpet) also perfectly mask the first signs of a wonderful position.


Another important point that is relevant for many is whether or not to wear tight-fitting things during pregnancy. If you look at world stars, then during pregnancy they actively wear tight-fitting things, wanting to emphasize their rounded tummy.

We believe that tight-fitting things will suit slim girls who have not gained extra weight during pregnancy. Only in this case, the knitted sheath dress will look beautiful on you, and you will tell the whole world about the upcoming event in your life, not forgetting your sense of style.


During pregnancy, you should also pay special attention to shoes. Everything is very individual! Someone runs on stilettos all the way to the hospital, and someone has swelling and “hello” uggs and ballet flats are 2 sizes larger.

From a purely medical point of view, opt for low-heeled or flat-soled shoes and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Fortunately, just "" is in fashion now. Sneakers, sneakers, loafers, boots - you can definitely choose a stylish and up-to-date option.


Don't forget the dresses. During this period, a knitted dress with a wrap, which you can wear after pregnancy, as well as a dress with a high waist and a loose fit, is perfect for you.

A knit or cashmere sweater dress is another practical piece that you can wear throughout your pregnancy. And, of course, a cocoon dress! In such options, you will be very comfortable.


If a dress code and a sweater dress are not an option in the office, then, again, straight-cut blouses or draped blouses, slightly loose shirts, comfortable skirts and trousers with an elastic waistband (it will not be visible under the top) will come to your aid. ), smooth knitwear, blazers, cocoon dresses and wrap dresses.

If you find it difficult to find blouses or dresses with sleeves, then you can always throw a loose cardigan over your shoulders!

For important meetings, you can wear low-heeled pumps, and you can store a pair of comfortable shoes under the table. :-)


In the cold season, you will be warmed by an elongated down jacket. Depending on the gestational age and your volumes, choose the appropriate size. Also, a coat made of soft cashmere, a model with a wrap, is perfect for you.