Abstract of traffic rules in the senior group "journey to the country of road signs" outline of the lesson (senior group) on the topic. "What do the road signs say?" Senior group Occupation in dhow road signs

Subject: What are they talking about road signs

Goals: continue to work on familiarizing preschoolers with road signs and the rules of safe traffic on the road; to expand children's ideas about the purpose of road signs; familiarize yourself with road signs: Roundabout Circulation”, “No Entry”, “Dangerous Turn”, “Only Bicycles Allowed”, “Only Pedestrians Allowed”.

Material: road signs, pictures depicting situations on the road along which vehicles are moving, pedestrians are walking, a cyclist is riding; algorithms: rules for the behavior of a cyclist and a pedestrian on the road; didactic game: "Who is an excellent pedestrian?".

Lesson progress

The teacher offers the children to consider pictures with various situations on the road on which vehicles are moving, pedestrians are walking, a cyclist is riding, and asks the children to tell what rules of behavior both the driver and the pedestrian should follow on the road.

Guys, there are still signs on the road that every driver should know. These are prescriptive signs: “Roundabout”, “Only bicycles are allowed”, “Only pedestrians are allowed”; prohibition sign "No entry" and warning sign "Dangerous turn".

Let's look at what they look like and read verses about them.

Let's remember now what other signs it is very important for a pedestrian to know. (Answers: this is a prohibition sign "No pedestrian traffic.")

This sign is placed on the road if there is a dangerous gap in the road and there is no pedestrian crossing. Therefore, it is very important for a pedestrian.

Who knows the poem about this sign? (Children read poetry.)

The man is surrounded by a red circle,

He screams: “Come back! You will pay for this!”

No way I will climb on the rampage,

I'd rather go where there is no prohibition.

What other signs are important for a pedestrian to know? (Answers: "Pedestrian crossing", "Underground crossing", "Elevated crossing", "Pedestrian traffic is allowed.")

Children, it will be warm soon and you will be riding bicycles. Do you know the rules of cycling? (Answers: the cyclist must be attentive, must follow the rules of the road and know the road signs.)

There is a sign that all cyclists should know - "Biking is prohibited." (Shows a sign.)

Reads a poem.

The bike slides easily

But I noticed a road sign:

I need to walk here

To avoid trouble.

Children, can you ride a bike on the road? (Children's answers: you can’t ride a bike on the road; you can ride a bike only in the courtyard of your house or on the sidewalk with adults; when riding a bike, you need to be very careful not to harm pedestrians walking along the sidewalk; in order not to get injured, you can’t ride fast.)

Before getting on a bicycle, the cyclist must check his transport to see if it is in good condition. And then just hit the road.

The teacher suggests fixing the rules using algorithms for the rules of the road for pedestrians and cyclists.

(The door opens, three balls fly in, with an attention sign, and with a letter on the other side).

Educator: Guys, come here as soon as possible. Miracles! Someone sent us balloons? How bright and beautiful they are.

Look, along with the balls, some kind of sign has arrived (the teacher removes the “Attention” sign from the ball).

Do you guys know what this sign means?

(A message is written on the back of the sign)

It has a message from our friend Traffic Light (the teacher reads the message).

“Guys, this sign means attention, there is a danger on the road that you can get into if you don’t understand what the signs are talking about, and you can understand them by visiting our “young pedestrian” school, where many interesting tasks and tests await you, after passing which you will receive the “young pedestrian” badge. And you will get to school if you guess the magic word secret in the message. We look forward to seeing you."

Guys, I would really like to get into this school, and you? I wonder how we can get there?

By the way, did you pay attention to the color of the balls on which the message arrived?

I wonder what these three colors can represent?

So, the traffic light is the magic word

Friends, I know how to say the spell correctly. Listen and do.

(during the pronunciation of words, the teacher puts on the clothes of a traffic police officer, opens an easel).

Close your eyes tightly

And in your thoughts you say a word.

Turn around three times, (1 2 3)

And be in school now.

We open our eyes

Here we are at the "Young Pedestrian" school.

Hello, welcome to the traffic police inspector

(Whistle blowing,)

Look guys

This school will answer

What about the signs, you need to know

To avoid getting into trouble?

I ask my friends to sit on the chairs

(The teacher takes the envelope)

Your traffic light friend is wondering if you understand sign language? Let's get a look.

(the teacher takes out signs of different shapes and colors from the envelope and places them on the board)

1. In the white triangle

With a red border

Humans - schoolchildren,

Very Safe.

This road sign

Everyone in the world knows:

Be careful

On the road ... (Children)

2. Black and white stripes

Pedestrian walks boldly...

Let the car run quietly.

On road…

3. Bicycle on a red circle

So it's dangerous to drive here!

There are many different road signs on the streets of the city and they are best friends drivers and pedestrians.

There are a few more signs in our envelope.

(lays out the remaining signs on the typesetting canvas: warning - “Road works”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, index - “Bus stop”, “Point medical care»; prohibiting - "Entry prohibited", "Pedestrian traffic prohibited")

Do you know what these signs mean?

Well done.

Why do you think these signs are of different shapes and different colors?

You know what they're talking about.

I will help you reveal this secret.

Some signs warn of danger, others prohibit something, others point to something.

Warning signs are triangles with a red border. They warn drivers what to look out for on that stretch of road.

In the top row you see warning signs.

What do they warn drivers about?

What shape are the warning signs?

What color is the border of the sign?

What are the triangular signs with a red border called?

You remember my dear preschooler.

This sign will always warn

If you see a red triangle

So something is waiting for you ahead

Directional signs are square or rectangular, but always of blue color.

Directive signs

Information is given

Where can you find a stop

Pedestrians where they go.

In the middle row you see index signs.

What do they point to?

What shape are the signs?

What color are the markers?

What are the blue, rectangular and square signs called?

Prohibition signs are the most restrictive among road signs. They impose various prohibitions and restrictions. They have a round shape and a conspicuous red background or red border.

Here are the signals round like the sun.

Borders red rim

white window in the middle

Every sign to the driver is a lesson.

So what are these signs forbidding?

Prohibition signs, only what form?

And what color do they have?

What are the strictest signs on the road?

We learned about three types of signs, different shapes and colors

What signs did Matvey learn about today?

Katya, how are the signs different?

We have learned about warning signs for drivers, direction and prohibition signs for drivers and pedestrians.

Therefore, we can work on the errors in the signs in these pictures.

Game "Road signs"

(Five cards show different combinations of three signs, two signs of one kind, and one of another)

The guys on the cards have three characters, let's try to determine which character is superfluous and why?

(Shows one card at a time.)

The bell rings, the lesson is over, it's time for a break

I suggest you play one. interesting game titled "Attentive Driver"

I will show you the signs and you will follow them.

(Arrow right, left, straight, circular, traffic lights, rough road, beware children)

The signal calls for the next lesson, go to another class.

Where a new task has been prepared for you is a serious test. We divide into three groups, the first goes to the table with a red circle, the second with yellow, the third with green

Your task is to arrange the pictures in order.

What the pedestrian does first, what then and how his movement ends.

While respecting the rules of the road

(the cards are on three tables)

1st table (red traffic light) - You get pictures where a boy crosses the road at a pedestrian crossing.

(1 - the boy looks to the left, 2 - reaches the middle, looks to the right, 3 - crosses the road)

2nd table (yellow traffic light)

You have to accompany the bear cub with friends to cross the pedestrian crossing with the help of traffic lights, and at the traffic light for drivers the green signal is lit, and for pedestrians it is red.

(Three pictures; 1 - red light is on for pedestrians and green for drivers, 2 - yellow traffic light is on, 3 - green signal is on for pedestrians and red for drivers.)

3rd table (green light)

You have a situation with a girl, determine her movement when leaving the bus.

(1 - gets off the bus, 2 - waits for it to leave, 3 - crosses the road)

Let's try to make pictures.

Who can be the first to tell about the movement of his pedestrian.

How will your pedestrian cross?

Now let's see how your pedestrian follows the rules.

(If the children find it difficult, the teacher helps explain the actions of the pedestrian)

That's how good fellows we are, we know how to cross the road correctly.

Now let's see how you can apply your knowledge on the road. Exit the red traffic light group

(Suitable for two-way road taped on the floor)

The boys take the steering wheel, you will be the drivers, and the girls, along with the dolls, will be the pedestrians, go to the road.

Drivers and pedestrians start moving.

What is it, why can't we cross the road, and why don't cars stop?

How to be, and what can we do?

Well, let's lay out a pedestrian crossing and put up the necessary sign. "Crosswalk".

Now the yellow traffic light group will try to be road users.

Drivers and pedestrians take their places on the road. The movement begins.

Were all the rules observed by the participants of the movement?

Guys, what else can stand on a pedestrian crossing?

I wonder if you can meet a green man at a pedestrian crossing?

(The teacher shows a traffic light for pedestrians)

If this signal lights up, can you cross the road?

And if the signal with the red man is on?

And now the green signal group will try to cross the road using this traffic light.

(The teacher regulates the signals)

Were all traffic rules observed?

Of course, guys, always before you cross the road, make sure that there is no danger threatening you.

Well done, you not only know the rules of the road, but you can apply them.

The guys in the envelope had another job, let's see.

(The teacher takes out multi-colored figures, forms of signs, shows them to the children)

What could it be?

Let's fix this situation and make beautiful, new signs for the game in the kindergarten "Road Signs".

See which of these signs you would like to make.

(Pointing to signs posted on the board)

Disassemble 3 parts needed for one specific sign. Be careful to pay attention to the color and shape of the sign. Once you decide which sign you have, you can stick it on.

I also want to make a sign, you can.

I know what sign I got, do you know?

Now let's check. Put up the warning signs

Raise who made index, and now forbidding.

What sign did Ira make?

And what sign did Sasha get?

Daniel, tell me, what sign did you make?

There are three boxes in front of you.

Put your sign in one of these boxes.

In which box did you put the warning signs.

What signs are in the blue box.

In the round box you placed what signs?

(whistle sounds)

This is where our testing ended.

It's time to go, back to kindergarten with our magic spell.

(The teacher takes off his uniform and meets the children)

Here you have arrived. Were you guys interested in visiting the Young Pedestrian school? What new did you learn?

Target: introduce children to some warning signs.

Material: stand with road signs.

Lesson progress

Teacher. Today we cannot even imagine what would happen on our streets if there were no road signs and road markings. They have become the main assistants for all road users: both for pedestrians and for drivers. You are not yet able to drive a car. Who are you so far?

Children. Pedestrians or passengers.

Teacher. What are the benefits for drivers, pedestrians and passengers of road signs and road markings? (Children's answers.)

The signs are different. For example, some of them warn us about something and therefore are called warning. Such signs look like a white triangle surrounded by a red stripe. On a white background, what we need to pay attention to is usually drawn.

Together they consider and discuss warning signs: "Slippery road", "Children", "Roadwork", "Pedestrian crossing", "Gravel emission" (see fig.).

To clarify the knowledge gained and develop auditory perception, the teacher makes riddles, and the children find the corresponding signs on the stand.

Neither drive nor pass: a road sign on the way!

The shooter gives orders: this place is bypassed!

Do you want it straight? What are you, what are you! Here... (road works).

You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

Eye color defined:

Red, yellow and green.

("Section of road controlled by traffic lights.")

In a white triangle with a red border

Human schoolchildren are very safe.

Everyone in the world knows this road sign:

Be careful! On the road ... (children).

An outdoor game is held at the choice of the teacher.