Lesson on the development of speech 2 junior group. Synopsis of an open lesson on speech development in the second junior group. The game "Who is hiding in the forest?"

Abstract of the lesson on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group"Visiting Grandma"


    Learn to choose words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms).

    Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds: h, sh, s, z. Continue to learn how to pronounce sound combinations: meow-meow, mur-mur, woof-woof, mu-mu ..

    Learn to recognize an animal by description, select verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals. Introduce the general concept of "pets".

    Teaching children, together with an adult, to retell Russian folk tale"Turnip".

    To consolidate the classification of vegetables and fruits.

    To develop coherent speech of children.

Equipment: a letter in an envelope, flowers, a crow, a sparrow, a Christmas tree, toys: a cat, a dog, a cow, a hare, an image of a vegetable garden, a garden, symbols, the Turnip table theater, musical accompaniment.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys! Come all to me. Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. Let's all join hands together and say out loud: Good morning", and now let's say in a whisper. Guys, come to the table and play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Let's go for a walk”

Let the fingers go for a walk
And the second to catch up
Third fingers - run,
And the fourth - on foot.
Fifth finger jumped
And at the end of the road he fell.

Guys, look, we got a letter. Can you tell me what the letter is?

Children: in an envelope.

Educator: Let's see who sent the letter. Grandma sent us a letter. Let's read what she writes to us.

"Guys, grandfather can't pull out the turnip in the garden. Let's help them."

Now let's go to grandma's. And what are we going to eat?

Children: by train.

Educator: I will be a locomotive, and you will be small wagons. Whoever says the word first gets behind me. Begin.

    the elephant is big and the dog is small

    warm in summer and cold in winter

    I am tall, and Nastya is short

    mother is young and grandfather is old

    the road is wide and the path is narrow

    the chair is soft and the chair is hard

    light during the day and dark at night(children take turns getting into the train)

Look how long our train turned out.

    Let's take the fast train (shhhh)

    On guard (h-h-h)

    Letting off steam (s-s-s)

    We brake (z-z-z)

So guys, we arrived at the clearing. How many flowers are there. Let's smell them. Breathing exercises “Fragrance of flowers” ​​- through the nose we take a calm breath, hold our breath and slowly exhale “A - ah!”.(Go to the tree and sit down near it)

Educator: Look guys, something happened here.

Look who's sitting there.(Sparrow)
- Where is he sitting?
(On the tree)
- How a sparrow chirps
(Chick chirp)
- And who is this?
- And where is the crow sitting?
(Under the tree)
How does a crow cry?
Guys, how many birds are there? Let's count
(One, two).

Educator: look at the sparrow and the crow are worried, flapping their wings.(Children show the movements of birds). There are many animals near the tree, they are lost, they do not know where their home is. Let's guys guess which animals got lost.

    This is a pet with a fluffy tail, she catches mice(cat). How does she purr?(purr purr) how does she scream?(Meow meow), how does she hiss?(sh-sh-sh).

Let's affectionately name the cat(Kitty, kitty).
What does a cat like to do?
(Catch mice, lap milk, purr, scratch, play)
- What kind of cat?
(Soft, fluffy).

    This is a big pet long tail does she have horns?(Coroava)

Let's affectionately call a cow(cow, cow)
How does a cow moo
(Mu Mu)
- What does she do?
(grazing in the meadow)
- What does a cow do?

    Is it a pet that guards the house?(Dog)

Let's name the dog affectionately(Dog)
- What is the dog doing?
(Barks, guards the house, growls, gnaws bones, runs, wags its tail)
- How does she bark?

Educator: Guys, how can you name these animals in one word?(Homemade)

Why homemade?(Because they live at home)
- Guys, look, who's the odd one here?(Bunny)
Why is he redundant?
(He is a wild animal, lives in the forest).

Etude for imitation (music of rain and thunder)

Oh guys, a cloud has come running(sitting on the floor) it started to rain(tap fingers on the floor) lightning flashed(palms), thunder rumbled(cams) The rain began to subside and stopped completely.

Educator: Guys, let's help the animals return home to their grandparents.(They bring and put the animals on the table near the grandparents).

grandmother: Oh thanks guys, found our animals. Guys, help grandfather pull the turnip out of the ground.(Children sit on chairs in front of the table and, using the table theater, tell the Russian folk tale “Turnip” together with the teacher).

grandmother: Thanks guys for the help. Helped to pull out the turnip. Let's go to the garden. I will treat you with vegetables and fruits.

Guys, vegetables and fruits need to be decomposed. (Lay out with the help of symbols).
- Where do vegetables grow?(On the ground, in the ground, in the garden)
- Where do fruits grow?(On the tree).

(Children lay out vegetables and fruits, talking about their vegetable or fruit).

Well done boys! And here is my treat.(Grandma passes a basket of treats).

Educator: Guys, what good fellows you are! Helped grandfather and grandmother, well, now it's time to return to kindergarten. (Ride the train)

Here we are in kindergarten. Where were we?(At grandparents)
What did we do with them?(Helped pets find their way home, pulled a turnip out of the ground)
- And what did your grandmother treat you to?(Apples)

Amazing! Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and say: "We are very good." First, in a whisper, in a normal voice and shout.

Olga Alexandrova
Development of speech 2 junior group. Lesson summary

Speech development 2 junior group. Lesson summary

Subject: Looking at the scene "Kids are playing". Didactic game "What changed".

Goals: To continue to teach children to consider the plot picture, helping them determine its theme and concretize the actions and relationships of the characters. Practice correct and distinct pronunciation of onomatopoeic words (learn to characterize the location of objects).



Learn to pronounce individual words after the teacher.

Improve your ability to understand and answer questions.

To consolidate knowledge about the shape of objects.


Develop memory, perception, imagination, speech.

Continue develop preconditions for an active speeches.


To cultivate perseverance, curiosity, interest in communicative activities, games.

Learn to play with peers, show interest in joint games.

Planned results: the child shows interest in looking at pictures, toys; participates in physical education, didactic game).

organization directly educational activities

Speech development.

Methods, techniques

Examining the picture, generalizing conversation, re-pronouncing, examining toys, health-saving technologies - physical education, didactic game.

Preliminary work Examination of the picture, didactic game.

Vocabulary work Cubes, beautiful, fence, boy, girl, gate, tower, excellent, truck, blue, Parsley, building material.

Materials for classes

Narrative picture, toys for didactic game.

Hardware and software

Educational Resources

Speech development in kindergarten, V. V Gerbova, pp. 70-71

Internet resources

Additional professional

teacher skills

The course of direct educational activities

Children sit on chairs in the middle of the room.

I. Organizational moment (3 min).

The teacher shows the children a picture, gives the children the opportunity to exchange impressions. Invites the children to come up with a name for the picture together, suggesting that the name should be short, For example: "Children play with cubes", "It's fun to play together". The teacher listens to the children's answers.

II. Main part (10 min).

1. Examining the painting (writing a story).

caregiver: Children from large cubes built a fence. What color cubes do you see? (children's answers). In the center of the picture is a red arch with a blue pyramid at the top. Stopped in front of the arch... (big blue truck). And in the back. (dice). Why is the car stopped? Arch, narrow for this truck. The girl is standing on the other side of the fence, and shows the truck driver where it is better to go around the fence. There is another car at the fence. Describe her. (Small, red, Petrushka sits in the back).

The boys and girls built a fence out of large cubes of different colors - green, blue, lilac - a great fence. This fence has a red arch. A large car loaded with building material drove up to the archway and stopped. Here's the trouble. Narrow arch for a large car. The girl, she stands on the other side of the fence, shows where it is better to bypass the fence. A small red car with Petrushka in the back also stopped. Parsley is dozing, not worried. He knows that the driver will take him to the concert on time.

2. Consideration of building material.

The teacher invites the children to consider the building material.

Look guys, what is it? (children's answers). What color are our cubes? What can be built from cubes, except for the fence that the children in the picture built. (children's answers).

Physical education minute "Grey Bunny".

Bunny gray jumped

He ran away from the wolf

Jump-jump for a bush

On the path under the bridge.

3. Didactic game "What changed?".

The teacher places 4-5 toys on the table and asks the children to tell the children what toys they see and how they are located (indicate the location of the toys, For example: at the edge, in the middle, on the left, on the right). Children close their eyes, and the teacher changes the toys in places. The kids open their eyes and tell what has changed.

III. Final part (2 minutes).


caregiver: You see, guys, we also played together. Did you like it? (children's answers). Let us always play together, it will be fun and interesting for us, because we are very friendly guys! Is it true?

In the final part, the teacher, together with the children, concluded that it was very fun and interesting to play together.

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Sections: Working with preschoolers


  • Learn to choose words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms).
  • Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds: h, sh, s, z. Continue to learn how to pronounce sound combinations: meow-meow, mur-mur, woof-woof, mu-mu ..
  • Learn to recognize an animal by description, select verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals. Introduce the general concept of "pets".
  • To teach children, together with an adult, to retell the Russian folk tale "Turnip".
  • To consolidate the classification of vegetables and fruits.
  • To develop coherent speech of children.

Equipment: a letter in an envelope, flowers, a crow, a sparrow, a Christmas tree, toys: a cat, a dog, a cow, a hare, an image of a vegetable garden, a garden, symbols, the Turnip table theater, musical accompaniment.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys! Come all to me. Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. Let's all hold hands together and say out loud: "Good morning," and now let's say in a whisper. Guys, come to the table and play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Let's go for a walk”

Let the fingers go for a walk
And the second to catch up
Third fingers - run,
And the fourth - on foot.
Fifth finger jumped
And at the end of the road he fell.

Guys, look, we got a letter. Can you tell me what the letter is?

Children: in an envelope.

Educator: Let's see who sent the letter. Grandma sent us a letter. Let's read what she writes to us.

"Guys, grandfather can't pull out the turnip in the garden. Let's help them."

Now let's go to grandma's. And what are we going to eat?

Children: by train.

Educator: I will be a locomotive, and you will be small wagons. Whoever says the word first gets behind me. Begin.

  • the elephant is big and the dog is small
  • warm in summer and cold in winter
  • I am tall, and Nastya is short
  • mother is young and grandfather is old
  • the road is wide and the path is narrow
  • the chair is soft and the chair is hard
  • light during the day and dark at night (children take turns getting into the train)

Look how long our train turned out.

  • Let's take the fast train (shhhh)
  • On guard (h-h-h)
  • Letting off steam (s-s-s)
  • We brake (z-z-z)

So guys, we arrived at the clearing. How many flowers are there. Let's smell them. Breathing exercises “Fragrance of flowers” ​​- through the nose we take a calm breath, hold our breath and slowly exhale “A - ah!”. (Go to the tree and sit down near it)

Educator: Look guys, something happened here.

Look who's sitting there. (Sparrow)
- Where is he sitting? (On the tree)
- How a sparrow chirps (Chick chirp)
- And who is this? (Crow)
- And where is the crow sitting? (Under the tree)
How does a crow cry? (Kar-kar)
Guys, how many birds are there? Let's count (One, two).

Educator: look at the sparrow and the crow are worried, flapping their wings. (Children show the movements of birds). There are many animals near the tree, they are lost, they do not know where their home is. Let's guys guess which animals got lost.

  1. This is a pet with a fluffy tail, she catches mice (cat). How does she purr? (purr purr) how does she scream? (Meow meow), how does she hiss? (sh-sh-sh).

Let's affectionately name the cat (Kitty, kitty).
What does a cat like to do? (Catch mice, lap milk, purr, scratch, play)
- What kind of cat? (Soft, fluffy).

  1. This is a big pet with a long tail, does it have horns? (Coroava)

Let's affectionately call a cow (cow, cow)
How does a cow moo (Mu Mu)
- What does she do? (grazing in the meadow)
- What does a cow do? (Milk).

  1. Is it a pet that guards the house? (Dog)

Let's name the dog affectionately (Dog)
- What is the dog doing? (Barks, guards the house, growls, gnaws bones, runs, wags its tail)
- How does she bark? (Bow-wow).

Educator: Guys, how can you name these animals in one word? (Homemade)

Why homemade? (Because they live at home)
- Guys, look, who's the odd one here? (Bunny)
Why is he redundant? (He is a wild animal, lives in the forest).

Etude for imitation (music of rain and thunder)

Oh guys, a cloud has come running (sitting on the floor) it started to rain (tap fingers on the floor) lightning flashed (palms), thunder rumbled (cams) The rain began to subside and stopped completely.

Educator: Guys, let's help the animals return home to their grandparents. (They bring and put the animals on the table near the grandparents).

grandmother: Oh thanks guys, found our animals. Guys, help grandfather pull the turnip out of the ground. (Children sit on chairs in front of the table and, using the table theater, tell the Russian folk tale “Turnip” together with the teacher).

grandmother: Thanks guys for the help. Helped to pull out the turnip. Let's go to the garden. I will treat you with vegetables and fruits.

Guys, vegetables and fruits need to be decomposed . (Lay out with the help of symbols).
- Where do vegetables grow? (On the ground, in the ground, in the garden)
- Where do fruits grow? (On the tree).

(Children lay out vegetables and fruits, talking about their vegetable or fruit).

Well done boys! And here is my treat. (Grandma passes a basket of treats).

Educator: Guys, what good fellows you are! They helped grandpa and grandma, and now it's time to go back to kindergarten. (Ride the train)

Here we are in kindergarten. Where were we? (At grandparents)
What did we do with them? (Helped pets find their way home, pulled a turnip out of the ground)
- And what did your grandmother treat you to? (Apples)

Amazing! Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and say: "We are very good." First, in a whisper, in a normal voice and shout.

Valentina Viktorovna Gerbova

Classes on the development of speech in the second junior group of kindergarten. Lesson plans

Successful implementation of program objectives depends on a number of factors and, above all, on the way of life preschool, the atmosphere in which the child is brought up, from a specially given, thoughtful developmental environment.

The effectiveness of education and training is achieved through the painstaking work of teachers who work directly with children, and all employees of a preschool institution who communicate with preschoolers during the day.

The system of work on teaching children their native language, familiarizing them with fiction is presented in the works of V. V. Gerbova “Development of speech in kindergarten”, “Introduction of children to fiction» (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005).

The manual “Classes on the development of speech in the second junior group of kindergarten”, written as part of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova, supplements the recommendations on the most important direction pedagogical activity- purposeful and systematic teaching of preschoolers in the classroom. The practical purpose of the book is to give educators approximate guidelines for planning classes (determining the topics and goals of training, ways to implement them).

Features of the development of speech in children of the fourth year of life

In the fourth year of life, special attention is paid to the need to express oneself .

Toddlers speak with the aim of informing, explaining, asking for something, and also accompany game actions with speech. Their messages and explanations consist of one-third of complex sentences, which makes it possible to improve the syntactic side of children's speech.

By the age of three there is speech analysis ability. The child, not knowing how to pronounce the words correctly, catches when someone else pronounces them with errors. Children can distinguish similar-sounding words (Sashulka - icicle). However, it is too early to talk about the speech perfection of hearing (coherent speech is more difficult to perceive by ear than individual words).

At this age, children begin to catch by ear and reproduce some intonations (joyful, instructive, interrogative).

Although the fourth year is a period of intense sound acquisition, along with their correct pronunciation in the speech of children, there is a skip, replacement, assimilation and softening of sounds (the pronunciation of soft sounds is easier for a child than hard ones).

The correct pronunciation of sounds in a child is easily disturbed by fatigue, illness, and communication with poorly speaking young children.

Pronunciation defects make it difficult to master the grammatical structure of speech, prevent the child from communicating with peers, since his statements are incomprehensible to others.

In children 3-4 years old, breathing is interrupted, and the pace of speech is accelerated (less often - slow), so it can be difficult to listen to them. In this regard, the content of the work on the education of the sound culture of speech includes exercises to improve breathing, strength, voice pitch.

Problem vocabulary formation also many aspects. It is known that in the third year of life, children easily recognize individual objects (vegetables, furniture, dishes, etc.), but they are not always named correctly. By the age of three, babies perceive objects, trying to characterize their signs, qualities, actions with them.

Understanding some of the questions of an adult regarding familiar objects can cause difficulties for children, in particular, when the object acts as an object of action. Children, looking at the picture, unmistakably answer the question "Who (what) is this?" (girl, doll, pants, needle, thread) but to the question “Who does the girl sew panties for?” some of them answer “The bear is sewing” (most recently, the teacher sewed up the pants for the bear cub).

Significant quantitative fluctuations are recorded in the vocabulary of children of the fourth year of life, which are explained by individual features toddler development.

Unfortunately, until now, researchers rely on E. Arkin's data on the composition of the vocabulary in children of the fourth year of life, published in 1968. (It is possible that a modern child has different quantitative characteristics.) So, according to E. Arkin in the child's dictionary: nouns and pronouns make up 50.2%, verbs - 27.7%, adverbs - 5%, adjectives - 11.8%.

Children quite successfully master the so-called everyday vocabulary, which helps them communicate. In addition, it is necessary to help children learn words denoting parts and details of objects, their qualities. Some generic concepts should be introduced into the dictionary, otherwise the children group objects, focusing on random, and not on essential features.

At this age, there is an intensive development of prepositions, conjunctions, interrogative words (the basis for improving syntax) by children.

Vocabulary work is closely related to work on improving the grammatical structure of speech(word formation, inflection, etc.).

Children distinguish words, focusing on the prefix, suffix (came - left - went in, a cup - a cup). Toddlers learn the agreement of past tense singular verbs with nouns, correct forms genitive and accusative plural nouns (boots, mittens, foxes), possessive adjectives (hare, fox); begin to use adjectives and adverbs in the comparative degree.

It is known that the development of the grammatical structure of speech occurs especially quickly in the second half of the third year of life. (According to researchers, up to three and a half years, and according to some indicators even up to four years, speech does not change significantly.)

In the fourth year of life gradually the number of simple common sentences increases, complex sentences appear .

At this age, children ask questions that are not related to their direct experience. (“This is a rabbit. And what is his last name?” “At night the sun turns into the moon?” “What kind of relative are you?” (Turns to the teacher.))

In the second half of the year, the number of questions aimed at clarifying cause-and-effect relationships increases.

Features of working with children in the classroom

With preschoolers of the fourth year of life, special classes are planned for the development of speech and fiction. In these classes, work continues to improve the sound culture of speech, the grammatical correctness of speech, to foster interest in the artistic word and the accumulation of literary baggage.

"My favorite toys"

Program tasks:

Educational : expand the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech. Strengthen the ability to describe the toy. To form the ability to find an object, focusing on its signs and actions.



Preliminary work:

Reading and learning poetry, conversation "My favorite toy." Solving riddles. Role-playing games"Toy store", "Kindergarten".


Toys (dolls, cars, balls, designer, soft toys, musical toys, soldiers, matryoshka, steam locomotive, etc.); cards "What is superfluous."

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like to visit?

Children: Yes, we love.

Educator: Who do you visit? Do you like it when guests come to you? Why? Who came to visit you? But guests must be able to meet. Do you hear someone knocking, maybe they came to us? Today, toys from a neighboring group arrived to visit us. Meet them. (A large basket of toys is brought in.)

Educator: Guys, how should you greet guests?

Children: Hello, we are very glad to see you, please come in!

Didactic exercise "Let's get acquainted."

Educator: Guys, let's get acquainted. You need to give your name and say what toys you like to play with the most. For example: “My name is Larisa Nikolaevna. I really like to play with the constructor and the ball. Now, introduce yourself to our guests.

Children name themselves and their favorite toys.

Educator: Well done boys. I present to you our guests.

Game "Guess the toy"

First option An adult shows the child 3-4 toys, and the child must name them. It is necessary to immediately teach the child to correctly name the object: “This is ... a hare (fox, duckling).”

Second option An adult talks about each toy, naming external signs: “This soft toy. She is grey. The tail is short and the ears are long. He loves carrots, jumps deftly. Other toys are described similarly, the child names them

The teacher shows pictures of objects.

"The Fourth Extra".

Guys, this picture shows objects. One of them is redundant. Which? Why? All items are toys, and one is not a toy (an item of dishes, furniture, a tool, a food product, a plant, etc.)

Didactic game

Educator: You know that toys are big and small. Let's play. Each of you will tell about your toy: “The big one is a fish, and the small one is a fish.”

Big doll, little doll.

Big ball, small ball.

Big car, small car.

Big hare - little hare.

The big drum is the small drum. Didactic exercise "Big - small"

caregiver : Guys, we've been sitting too long. Let's play, we'll train our arms and legs.

Bunny came out The bunny went out for a walk. The wind began to subside. (Walking in place.)Here he jumps down the slope, runs into the green forest.And it rushes between the trunks, among the grass, flowers, bushes. (Jumping in place.)Little bunny is tired. Wants to hide in the bushes. (Walking in place.)The bunny froze in the middle of the grass, and now we will freeze too! (Children sit down.)

caregiver : Well done boys. They did a good job.

caregiver : Guys, I see toys in our basket. Yes, not simple, but musical.

What, you tell me. Listen carefully.

Oh, she's ringing, she's ringing

Makes everyone happy with the game

But only three strings

She needs music.

What's happened? Guess!

This is our ... (Balalaika).


She sings very cheerfully if she pouts

Doo-doo-doo, yes-yes-yes. This is how she always sings.

Not a stick, not a tube, but what is it? (Pipe).

Educator: All instruments are guessed. Well done!

Boom-boom, tra-ta-ta!

The drum is beating in the morning.

Prepare your index fingers - “drumsticks”, now we will drum them on the table and say:

"Bam-bam-bam." "Bim-bim-bim". "Boom Boom Boom". "Bam-bem-bem."

Didactic exercise "Drum".


Teacher: This concludes our lesson. Now you can play with toys. These toys were given to us by the guys from the neighboring group, and they will be upset if we return some of the toys to them broken. Please tell us how to play so that the toys do not break and please the children for a long time.

Children: Do not throw them on the floor, they may be stepped on. Don't throw toys. After playing, carefully put the toys back in their place.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the second junior group

"My Favorite Dolls"

Program tasks:

Educational : highlight and designate the external features of the object with a word; teach children to correlate objects with different characteristics; pay attention to words that are close and opposite in meaning, as well as to intermediate signs.

Developing: develop the ability to use accumulated knowledge in a conversation. Develop visual and auditory attention, fine motor skills hands

Educational : bring up careful attitude to toys, responsiveness, the ability to listen to each other.

Preliminary work:

Reading and learning poetry, conversation "This is my doll." Solving riddles. Role-playing games "Toy store", "Mothers and daughters".


Toys: dolls, balls, two pencils. Pictures depicting two different houses, beds, paths. Recording of the song of the group "Giants" - "Robot Bronislav".

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, today I found a doll at the door! She joined our group! And she was very sad!

game exercise"What doll?"

The teacher tells the children that the doll was called ugly, and she was very upset. You need to calm her down - tell her how beautiful she is. - Who is this? (Doll.) What is she like? (Elegant, beautiful.) What is her name? (Tanya) What can Tanya do? (Play, draw, sing, dance.) Let's talk about Tanya together. The teacher begins: “Our Tanya ... (the most beautiful). She has ... (an elegant red dress, a white bow, brown shoes, white socks). From naming visible and vivid signs (color, shape, size), one must move on to listing the properties, internal qualities of the object, its characteristics, comparison.

Exercise "Compare dolls"

The teacher offers to consider two dolls and say how they differ. Children give dolls names (Katya and Tanya) and say: “Tanya has bright and short hair, Katya's - dark and long, Tanya's Blue eyes, Katya has black ones, Tanya is in a dress, and Katya is in trousers, at the dolls different clothes". - The dolls wanted to play, they took ... (balls). This ball... (round, rubber, blue, small). And the other ball ... (big, red). What can you do with balls? (throw, throw, catch, toss, toss). - Look at this ball. It is more than blue, but less than red. What size is it? What is he? (Medium. Medium size.)

Educator: Well done guys, well played! Want to loosen up a bit? Let's have a musical break!

Game exercise "Dolls draw and walk"

First part - Two dolls: big and small. The teacher says that the dolls wanted to draw. A large doll will take a long pencil, and a small one ... (short). A large doll will draw a big house, and a small one ... (small). What is another name for a small house? (House, house.)

Second part - The dolls went for a walk, but they didn’t take an umbrella with them. Then it started to rain heavily, they hid under the Christmas tree. A large doll hid under a tall tree, and a small one ... (under a low one). The rain stopped, the dolls went home. A large doll went along a wide road, and a small one ... (on a narrow one). They came home and started washing their hands. First the puppets turned the faucet off hot water, and then ... (with cold). If you mix cold water with hot water, what kind of water do you get? (Warm, cool.) Let the dolls go to bed. They had different beds. Which? (U big doll- high, for a small one - low, for a large doll - wide, for a small one - narrow.)

Educator: Guys, what do you think is necessary for the doll not to be sad?

Children: Take care of her. Do not throw. Check out her outfits. She must have friends. She needs to be played with.

in junior group 2

(Based on fairy tales: "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen", "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip")

Program tasks:

Educational: Form a dialogue speech, learn to answer questions. To teach to recognize and name characters from familiar fairy tales, to convey game actions by showing. Activate verbal expressions. Exercise in the correct use of case forms of nouns (gen. case. noun)

Developing: Develop pronunciation, intonational expressiveness of speech, rhythm of movements.


Equipment: recording of the song "Steam Engine", characters from the fairy tales "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok", "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen", a basket with a surprise.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children : Like very much.

caregiver : Fairy tales live in a magical land - behind the forests, behind the fields, behind the high mountains. They live and are very worried, they think that you have forgotten them. And you think you can recognize them.

Children: We can.

Educator: Let's try! Let's go to fairy tales. We sit in a fun train.

The train is picking up

The driver looks ahead.

We hold on to each other

And no one is left behind.

Children get into the train, holding on to each other and to the engine.

The teacher, together with the children, sings the song "Steam Engine", while they make one circle around the group

The train stops at the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Educator: Wasn't on the window

Rolled down the track....

- Who rolled down the track? (Kolobok)

- Who baked Kolobok? (Kolobok was baked by Grandmother)

- Whom did Kolobok meet in the forest? (Hare, wolf, bear, fox)

- Who did Kolobok leave? (From a hare, from a wolf, from a bear, from a fox)

- Who ate Kolobok? (Ate Kolobok fox)

- Let's remember the song that Kolobok sang.

Children together with the teacher sing the song Kolobok

Educator: Do you want to play with fairy tale characters?

Speech game:

Bunny hop-hop-hop, Children jump like bunnies.

Bear top-top-top (Stomp, depicting a bear).

And the fox clap-clap-clap (clap hands).

Educator: And now, guys, let's get on the train and go further to another fairy tale.

The big steam locomotive hoots. Small wagons answer him woo.

Children repeat after the teacher.

Educator: Here we are in a fairy tale. Tell me guys, what's the story?

Lives in this house

Very small people

Mouse, frog, hare, fox,

Gray wolf cub - these are miracles!

Only Mishka helped them

Ruined them ...... (Teremok.)

Educator: That's right, guys. And who lives in the teremochka? (Little mouse, frog frog, runaway bunny, sister fox, gray barrel top and big bear)

Educator: And who broke the teremok? (Bear!)

That's right, guys, the bear broke.

Let's help the heroes build a new tower (Let's help!)

Knock da knock with a hammer (Knock on the fist with a fist)

We will build new house

The house is high (Hands stretch up).

House with a window (Hands together and spread apart).

With a sharp roof and chimney. (Hands in the form of a roof).

In the house we live with you (Hug).

Educator: Ah, now let's get on the train and go to the next fairy tale.

We go from hill to hill, from hill to hill, our train rushes forward.

They move by doing a semi squat.

Look what is it? (It's a turnip)

That's right, we got into the fairy tale "Turnip".

What happened to the heroes of the fairy tale, they quarreled, arguing over who will pull the turnip for whom. You have to arrange them correctly.

- Who planted the turnip? (Grandfather)

- Who did Grandpa call? (Grandma)

- Who did Grandma call? (granddaughter)

- Who did the granddaughter call? (Bug)

- Who did the bug call? (cat)

- Who did the cat call? (mouse)

Children put the heroes of the fairy tale in order.

Now everything is fine.

- Let's check the wheels. (Knocking fists on knees)

- We get on the train and move on.

We sing the song "choo-choo-choo-choo, tu-tu-tu." (Repeat the words after the teacher).

- Who lives in this house? (Chicken, Grandfather, Baba, mouse)

- What is this fairy tale? ("Ryaba Hen")

- Why are Grandfather and Baba sad. (The mouse broke the testicle that the Hen laid).

- What to do? (We need to help them - collect the testicle)

The game "Collect an egg" is being played.

Assembling a split picture "Golden Egg"

- How many beautiful eggs turned out. Grandfather and Baba are very happy.

- And now, guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's get on the train and go, humming the song "choo-choo-choo."

Children get into the train, holding on to each other and to the engine. "Return" to the group.

- Guys, you enjoyed our fabulous trip. (Liked)

- What fairy tales have we visited? Whom did you see? ("Teremok", "Ryaba Hen", "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip")

- What was your mood? (Joyful, cheerful).

- You are great. Very kind children - they helped the little animals build a new teremok, reconciled the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip", helped Grandfather and Baba. And I have a surprise for you - these are magic candies. They will help you grow up kind and friendly.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech

in junior group 2

"A fairy tale has come to visit us"

(based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Zayushkina's Hut")

Program tasks:

Educational: to teach children to correctly build an answer to the question posed by the teacher, to answer with a full sentence. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, exercise in a clear pronunciation of sounds. Learn to select pairs of antonyms, exercise in the formation of the names of baby animals in the singular and plural. Consolidate ideas about parts of the day.

Developing: Develop cognitive activity, enrich vocabulary. Arouse the desire to actively participate in the general conversation.

Educational: Raise interest and love for folk tales.

Equipment: paintings from the fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Zayushkina's Hut", a toy bunny, a cockerel, a goat, a gingerbread man, a stump, a ball, photographs, an audio recording "Train".

Lesson progress:

Children freely stand near the teacher.

Educator: I want to tell you that in the country of fairy tales, a disaster happened, fairy tales got mixed up. Let's help the fabulous inhabitants? Then go. On what you can travel, offer. (Children list the types of transport: bicycle, steamboat, plane, train, car. How can I call all this in one word?).

Let's choose a train (imitate a train to the music). Here we have arrived.

A picture from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

Look at the picture and tell me what is the name of this fairy tale?

For whom did the goat sing the song? (For goats).

For what? So that they only open the door for her when she comes home.

And who overheard the song? For what?

To help the kids you need to name the cubs of the animals, then the fairy tale will come into full order. Everyone listen carefully, answer correctly.

The gray mouse has a small mouse.

The cat has fluffy kittens.

Squirrels have red squirrels.

The cow has an affectionate calf.

The pig has a piglet.

The fox has a cunning fox cub.

The goat has a funny kid.

The she-wolf has a gray cub.

The she-bear has brown cubs.

The dog has playful puppies.

The horse has a foal.

And mom and dad have a baby.

Well done, well done!

Bunny sits and cries.

Children, who is this? (Bunny).

Ask Milana what happened to him?

Bunny: How can I not cry. I had a hut, a fox asked me to come, and kicked me out.

Let's remember what this fairy tale is called? ("Zayushkina's hut").

Educator: Guys, why did the fox begin to ask for a bunny? Her hut melted, it was icy, and the bunny had bast, i.e. wooden.

At what time of the year did it start to melt? (Spring).

And who wanted to help the bunny in trouble? (Dog, wolf, bear, rooster).

And which of them kicked out the fox? (Cockerel).

So let's call the Cockerel so that the fairy tale ends well. (Children read the nursery rhyme “Golden Scallop Cockerel”).

Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku, what happened?

Children, explain to Cockerel what happened. (Children explain).

Cockerel: I'll kick her out.

Bunny: Thanks guys for the help. And here is a gift from us. Goodbye.

Let's see what the Cockerel and Bunny gave us. This is the opposite game. (ball and paper).


Big small


Dark - light



Long short

High Low


Switch on switch off


Kind angry


Cheerful - sad

White black

Bold - cowardly.

Educator: Well done guys, you're right!

Look - a stump, a bun on a stump. Hello, kolobok. What are you thinking about? On the day off, a hedgehog took a picture of me, and I confused all the photos. Can you help me put them in order?

Guys, what is the bun doing here? (Charging).

When do we recharge? (In the morning).

So this is a bun in the morning.

What is he doing here? (Asleep). What time does he sleep? (At night). How did you guess? (Stars in the sky).

But the bun is walking. When does he walk? (Daytime).

And here the bun is tired, walked up for a day. When it was? (In the evening).

Now let's put the photos in order and tell the kolobok - when and what he did on the day off. (morning afternoon Evening Night).

Educator: It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip? What did we do well today? What do you remember? What will you tell your parents at home?