Baby at 8 months not. Quiet time - the sleep mode of the child. Development of auditory attention

Everyone needs to be a kid again from time to time. Perhaps this article will tell you how to properly communicate with an 8-month-old baby, how to deal with him and what you can do without leaving home. To do this, you need to decide on the skills that you would like to develop in a child.

Eight-month-old baby is ready to play and explore endlessly the world Therefore, the task of parents is to help him in this

Learning to interact with objects

Give an 8-month-old baby the opportunity to manipulate objects in every way, studying their qualities. You need to do the following:

  • The development of fine motor skills.

We continue to work with fingers, choosing objects of various shapes 2-3 cm in size for manipulation. These can be cubes, bells, balls and others. Try to select educational items so that they have different density, mass, texture and are made of various materials. This will help develop the sense of touch of an 8-month-old baby, the tactile sensitivity of his hands and fingers.

  • We work with toys.

We stimulate the copying of the actions of an adult (get the cubes out of the box, put them in a line, carefully cover the box, put something in there). We are learning to copy two related actions: approach and take, open the box and get something.

  • Tower of cubes.

Build a turret out of large soft cubes - the kid will destroy it with a blow of his hand. Repeat these actions many times, and this will bring great joy to the child from playing together. At the same time, when you rebuild the tower again and again, he will track the sequence of actions you perform, understand the relationship of objects, and analyze the result of his action.

  • Great bottles.

Place various small items (buttons, coins, bright beads, peas, etc.) into small transparent PET bottles. An 8-month-old baby with genuine interest will examine such a toy, tilt and shake it, looking at how the objects inside move.

  • Drawstring toys.

Tie a toy to the crib with a string or elastic band. The child will move it around the bed, push it through the bars and try to throw it away. But the toy will hang on the string and will not fall, it can be pulled up and thrown again.

Development of auditory attention

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This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

  • Game "What is hidden?".

Cover a sounding object (bell, rattle, squeaker toy) with a napkin. Without showing the item to the child, lift the edge of the napkin and play the sound. After a short break, do these actions again, thereby attracting the attention of the baby and stimulating him to independent actions.

  • The game "Pull the string".

Take a tumbler and tie a string to it. Show your baby that you can pull and pull on him. Cover this toy with a napkin and repeat the steps again. By imitating your actions, the baby will learn the ratio of the actions performed and the result obtained, as well as extract the sound different ways and correctly identify its source.

Auditory attention plays a significant role in the adaptation of the baby in the world around him, and is also directly related to the development of active areas of the brain. That is why parents are advised not to forget about this important and useful skill.

Development of speech attention

  • The game "Find the bear."

This exercise is aimed at teaching the baby to find the same toy in different places in the room. First, move it so that the child sees it, and then change its location so that the baby does not see it. Learning to find 2-3 familiar toys in different places in the room.

  • Game "Ku-ku".

Favorite game for all children. A familiar toy hides under a handkerchief (box, napkin), while the mother anxiously asks: “Where is the bear?”, And then joyfully exclaims: “Here he is!”, dropping the handkerchief from the toy. You can also hide family members by throwing a handkerchief over their faces: “Where is dad? And here he is!”, “Where is Kolya? Here!".

  • verbal games.

We develop an understanding of elementary movements and their copying: “hello”, “give me a pen”, “okay”.

Development of active speech

  • We pronounce babbling syllables.

We encourage the child to pronounce the syllables and sounds that he has been pronouncing on his own over the past months, and also learn new sound combinations pronounced by parents. We supplement the list of these syllables: la-la-la, ko-ko, ta-ta-ta, ba-ba-ba.

  • Set to imitate.

You should start exercises for the development of speech by setting up the crumbs for verbal activity. Its growth is quite slow, so it is important that the child has a little time to prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing some combinations of sounds - for this it is necessary to pronounce these sounds a little in advance.

The development of speech is one of the priority areas for the development of the baby. Mom should talk to the child as often as possible and stimulate him to memorize individual concepts.

In order for the baby to focus his attention on articulation and facial expressions for 60-90 seconds, try to make the pronunciation of words and sounds more diverse: speak either loudly, or quietly, or in a normal, or almost silent voice, intotone sounds different ways, but each time emphasize the articulation. At the beginning of the exercise, repeat the sounds already familiar to the child, and then add new combinations to them.

  • The first imitations of sounds.

Show your child consistently different toys, simplifying their name or replacing it with an associative similar one: car (bi-bi), kitty (meow), doll (lyalya).

Use the effect of surprise when showing: sudden appearance (from under the table or blanket, from behind) and disappearance. It will be useful to perform some actions with the toy: Lala walks (top-top), the car drives and honks (bee-bee), the bird pecks the crumbs (klu-klu) and sings a song (chiv-chiv).

Story games

Story games for children 8-9 months old are still purely exploratory in nature. You introduce the child to the toy, talk about its actions, the sounds it makes, teach primitive game skills.

Show the baby with your index finger, taking his hand in yours, saying: “Where is the cat? Here. And where is the cat's tail, ears, paws, eyes? Let the child himself try to reproduce words and combinations of sounds when pronouncing the names of toys and determining their actions (lala top-top, dog av-av).

The main thing is that parents pronounce not only simplified names and actions, but also complete ones: “mur-meow kitty”, “beep-beep machine”.

  • Teach your child words that reveal actions: come, open, take, close. Invite him to play with you.
  • Comment on all activities when playing with a story toy. Tell the kid: the car arrived, turned around, honked “beep!”, Left. And then the bird flew in “chiv-chiv” and began to peck the crumbs “klu-klu, klu-klu”.
  • Expand your knowledge about toys, which depict real creatures: a dog, a pig, a bear, a doll. Pay more attention to general details - such as the nose, ears, eyes.

And don't forget to take lots of photos of your wonderful 8 month old babies. They change so fast!

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology

Young parents, a few months after the birth of the baby, are surprised at how quickly the baby grows. Every month the child begins to do new things, develops rapidly. It is important for moms and dads to know the features of the development of the baby, ways to help the baby, how to learn many new skills.

An important role in the development of the child of eight months is played by proper care, diet, sleep. Follow the special rules recommended by pediatricians, then the child will grow up healthy and smart.

Baby options

On average, in the eighth month, the child gains about 600 grams, grows by two centimeters. The parameters of boys and girls are slightly different from each other, but the difference is small. The weight of a child at 8 months for girls varies between 6.8-8.9 kilograms, for boys - 7.1-9.5 kilograms. The growth of children at eight months is: girls - 64-70.5 centimeters, boys - 65-71.5 centimeters. Many pediatricians insist on measuring the circumference of the head, the numbers must match: boys - 41-45 centimeters, girls - 41-44 centimeters.

When measuring a baby, remember that all babies are individual and develop differently. If the baby is a little different from their peers, do not panic. Strong anxiety is detrimental to the child. To calm the soul, visit a pediatrician, only an experienced specialist will be able to identify developmental defects, if any.

What should a baby be able to do in the eighth month of life

A child at 8 months becomes mobile, sleeps less, the baby changes significantly compared to the first six months of life. Young parents must necessarily know the basics of child development.

Carefully monitor the behavior of the crumbs, notice small successes:

  • some babies begin to crawl at this age, it is difficult to move fully, so the baby's body is low to the ground;
  • smart kids know how to sit, others are actively trying to learn this process;
  • the child begins to actively roll over in different directions. The development of the baby is completely focused on physical development during this period, injuries and bruises cannot be avoided. The movements of the crumbs are awkward, although they believe that this is not so. Be careful, a baby left for a few seconds can roll off any surface;
  • in a crib or stroller, the child can independently rise, bend his knees, holding on to the railing;
  • the baby knows how to independently hold a bottle, a pacifier, if necessary, can pick up a fallen object;
  • if the parents hold the baby under the armpits, he can walk slowly;
  • the child feels genuine interest in everything that happens: throws various objects at the wall, picks up, examines toys;
  • at the age of eight months, the baby actively uses his hands: he carefully examines toys, objects, turns them in his hands, sometimes tastes them;
  • the baby is interested in folding small objects into large ones;
  • vision, hearing of the child are formed, the baby reacts violently to soft sounds. It is undesirable to let the baby sleep in complete silence, such actions will lead to the fact that the child will wake up due to any rustle;
  • in most cases, an eight-month-old baby already has milk teeth. If new tenants in the dentition have not yet appeared, wait up to a year. Big role heredity plays, some children grow several teeth at once.

All babies react differently to teething. Do not worry if you find the following signs: slightly elevated body temperature, non-specific salivation, gums swell, the baby pulls everything into his mouth, the baby rubs his sore cheek against all objects, even a pillow.

Special test

To calm the soul, carry out a few simple manipulations that allow you to identify deviations in the development of the child, pay attention to them in time to prevent serious pathologies:

  • sit with the baby in front of the table, first lay out bright objects on it. The child should be interested in toys, begin to carefully consider them, sort them out with pens;
  • ignore the baby, a normally developing baby will definitely be offended, cry;
  • an 8-month-old baby should roll over from his back to his tummy on his own, especially for an interesting object;
  • if the baby lies on the back, cover the face with a diaper, the child must free himself from it;
  • give the baby a toy in both hands, then offer another item. Normally, the baby will be puzzled at first, then put aside one toy, making room for another;
  • an eight-month-old baby shows a special interest in strangers, fear gradually disappears.

You need to worry only in the following cases:

  • the baby does not react to sounds, does not show any emotions even to the appearance and communication with loved ones;
  • cannot bring various objects to his mouth;
  • the child cannot or does not try to roll over from one side to the other;
  • the child does not follow moving objects;
  • in an upright position does not hold its weight well.

mental development

The child is actively developing not only at the physiological level, baby goes out new level on a mental level:

  • understands speech, tries to repeat some words, but awkward sounds are heard by others;
  • knows his name, almost always responds to it;
  • the baby subtly feels the emotions of the parents, understands facial expressions and gestures. If you scold the baby, he is already aware of his guilt;
  • the baby recognizes the next of kin, most of all attached to the mother. In its absence, the baby may burst into tears, not because the source of nutrition has disappeared, due to a break in the emotional connection, a lack of a sense of security. Some children at the age of seven months may develop a fear of separation from their parents;
  • attracts your attention in a peculiar way: grabs by the hair, throws toys, screams for no reason;
  • the incoherent babbling of the crumbs gradually becomes meaningful: the words mom, dad, baba slip through, having many vowels, a simple combination. The child is trying to attract the attention of parents with some syllables;
  • an eight-month-old child is ready to be friends with everyone, but does not show initiative himself;
  • hide and seek teaches the child that hidden things do not disappear, they are simply not visible;
  • do not panic if you notice that the baby often uses his left hand. In the eighth month of life, the left hemisphere develops more than the right. The process is temporary, does not mean that the baby is left-handed;
  • 8 month old baby gets scared loud sounds, do not turn on household appliances near the baby (hair dryer, washing machine, food processor).

Proper nutrition

At eight months, the child should be able to drink from a cup on his own, during this period it is important to introduce vegetable and fruit purees into the diet. It is allowed to give one-component cereals or buy ready-made, specially prepared for children (they are enriched with powdered milk, butter). Start with peach, apple, plum, prunes, gradually add carrots, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes. The last ingredients are quite heavy for the child's body, combine it with cauliflower, zucchini.

At the end of the month, give the child a yolk. If the first teeth began to appear, give the baby special cookies, they have a positive effect on the growth of teeth.

What to feed a baby at 8 months? Breastfed babies should follow the following diet:

  • 7 hours - about 200 ml of milk;
  • 11 hours - any porridge (150 grams), additionally give fruit, vegetable puree, juice or compote;
  • 15 hours - include vegetable puree (100 grams), meat puree, juice or compote in the baby's diet;
  • 19 hours - 200 grams of breast milk, a special cookie;
  • 23 hours - breast milk(200 grams).

Advice to parents! Regularly change food for the baby, if possible, diversify the baby's diet at 8 months.

Optimal daily routine

The sleep of an eight-month-old baby becomes deep, lasts no more than 11 hours. During the day, the baby should sleep three times a day for one and a half to two hours. The individual duration of sleep depends on the characteristics of the development of the child. Try to constantly adhere to one regimen, over time the child will get used to it and will independently adhere to it.

If you have milk teeth, consult your doctor about caring for them. Be sure to pick a good brush, paste, regularly clean the baby's cavity from pathogenic bacteria. Healthy milk teeth are the key to an excellent dentition in the future. New foods containing sugar appear in the baby's diet, they can negatively affect fragile enamel.

The intake of boiled water after each meal will help prevent the appearance of caries, the baby cannot yet rinse its mouth on its own. Children's stores sell special "drinkers" for children with two handles. The little man can drink water on his own, holding the container with two handles.

baby vision

Active development has a positive effect on the vision of the crumbs. By the eighth month, the child distinguishes more and more colors and shapes, recognizes objects that are far away. The baby looks at objects of interest from different angles, evaluates the shape, color, distance to the object. Develop your little one's abilities with interesting games.

On the page, read the tips on which stroller is better to choose for a newborn for the winter.

Speech development

An eight-month-old baby still does not know how to speak clearly, but he willingly repeats some syllables, trying to express his thoughts. The child shows his emotions by changing intonation. Many parents note that the crumb to the question “where?” points to familiar objects. For the development of speech, often communicate with the baby, clearly pronounce words, call all objects by name, make accents. Such manipulations will help the child learn to speak faster.

Educational games

Some activities have a positive effect on the baby, keep him busy long time help develop the necessary skills:

  • teach your child to clap his hands, wave his hands, point his finger at different objects;
  • get a few small toys (allowed for games for children of seven months), they develop fine motor skills, which has a positive effect on the skills of the baby;
  • while walking, the baby probably made friends. Maximize the time of communication with other children, playing in a team accelerates the development of the child.

Eight months - wonderful age baby, the baby recognizes the parents, begins to babble cute words. Communicate regularly with the baby, play educational games. Visit a pediatrician, the doctor will help prevent the appearance of developmental defects, serious pathologies.

Watch an interesting video for parents about the development of an eight-month-old baby:

Your toddler has crossed a new milestone - he is 8 months old! The baby already knows how to sit and crawl, tries to get up and walk, easily holds objects in tiny hands and chats non-stop. Most likely, he has already acquired a few teeth and said his first meaningful word. Now new opportunities are open before him: he has acquired key skills and is ready to use them to master the world.

Physical development

By 8 months, the rate of weight gain slows down: don't worry if your baby is only 500-600g heavier than the previous month. normal weight an eight-month-old crumb is 8–9 kg, height is 67–71 cm.

Skills and abilities

This period is extremely favorable for mastering new skills, since an eight-month-old toddler happily copies all the actions of his parents. It is enough for you to show how to play with cubes, a ball or a designer, and the child will diligently begin to repeat your movements.

Achievements of an eight-month-old baby:

  • gets on all fours and easily takes a sitting position for 3-5 minutes, just as freely takes a lying position;
  • tries to walk, holding on to the railing of the playpen or parental hands: slowly steps over with his legs, moves mostly sideways;
  • confidently crawls, leaning on the palms and knees and lifting the whole body above the surface;
  • can climb stairs on all fours;
  • captures small things not with the whole palm, but with two fingers (thumb and forefinger);
  • can hold the toy he likes, even if they try to take it away: pulls it towards him, pushes away someone else's hand, resists;
  • performs various actions with objects: if earlier he knew how to take them in his hand, drop them next to him or throw them, now he can roll them, put one object on another, put toys in a container, knock them on the surface;
  • drinks from a mug, can eat with a spoon.

Since your little one has begun to actively move around the house, it's time to take care of the safety of every corner of the apartment: put plugs on electrical outlets, remove wires from the floor, move all fragile and unstable objects higher, and attach special nozzles to dangerous corners. If you take all the necessary measures, your child will be able to explore the world around him without the risk of injury.

Ways to develop physical skills

  1. Keep strengthening your baby's muscles. For the development of the calf muscles, a light rubber ball is suitable: tie it to the crib so that the baby can reach it with his feet and kick. To strengthen your baby's arm muscles, give him a rubber mallet and teach him to hit the surface with it.
  2. Another effective exercise for strengthening muscles is walking on your hands. Put the baby on the tummy and gently lift it up by the legs (place them parallel to the surface). Let the baby rest his palms on the surface and begin to touch them, making “steps” with his hands.
  3. To develop a sense of balance in a child, you can use a walker (an eight-month-old baby can spend no more than 1 hour in this device). But before you buy them, consult a pediatrician or orthopedist: if the child's musculoskeletal system is not sufficiently developed, the exercise can form an incorrect posture.
  4. Take the little one in your arms and circle around the house, shake it in different directions. This will help develop the vestibular apparatus.
  5. Help your child develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations. Give him pillows and bags with different fillings (rice, peas, cotton wool), musical toys with buttons and keys. At 8 months, it's time to give your baby his first book: let it be a cardboard or textile product with thick pages that the child can turn over and flip through.
  6. It is useful for a kid to play with bulk materials: sand, cereals, peas, flour. For convenience, place them in a "sandbox" - a wide container with sides - and put it in front of the child: let him pour the material, grab it in his hands, and sculpt the Easter cakes. But make sure that a curious baby does not drag small items into his mouth.
  7. Since the little one already knows how to sit, start potty training him: plant him immediately after eating for 5-10 minutes and wait (it is advisable not to distract him from talking or playing). If all else fails, do not force the baby: after all, he is sure to start using the potty no earlier than 1.5 years.

mental development

Eight months of age is called the "period of alienation." And this term was not chosen by chance. A baby at this age perfectly distinguishes between “us” and “strangers”, “familiar” and “unfamiliar”. Unknown people, objects and premises cause him fear: he is afraid to sit on other people's hands, cries when he does not find his parents nearby.

Does your little one never let you go? No need to worry. This is not at all a sign of spoilage. Such attachment to parents indicates that the child has learned to sense the danger: he no longer trusts strangers. You need to show patience and understanding: always be close to the baby, dispel his fears, create a feeling of safety and security. Very soon, the baby will get rid of his fears, become sociable and curious.

Skills and abilities

In psycho-emotional terms, the baby boasts the following achievements:

  • clearly distinguishes the “familiar” from the “unfamiliar” (the same attitude towards all the surrounding people should alert - the indistinguishability of “us” and “them” speaks of a mental retardation);
  • recognizes familiar people in a photograph, can name them (usually with the help of separate syllables: “ma”, “ba”, “pa”);
  • concentrates attention so well that a short break does not prevent him from continuing any activity: he briefly breaks off to see what distracted him, and then returns to the game;
  • demonstrates a new reaction to sounds: frightened by loud noise, cannot fall asleep to loud music;
  • continues to master cause-and-effect relationships (for example, to drop one of the objects from the table, it can push it with others);
  • copies not only your movements, but also emotions: if you are depressed or upset, the baby will cry and act up, if you are cheerful, the baby will answer you the same.

Children during this period demonstrate their inherent properties of character and temperament: some kids are happy to take part in outdoor games that require increased activity, others can look at pictures for a long time or play with blocks. If your little one is not configured for active game, do not force him: let him choose an occupation to his liking.

Ways of development of the psyche

  1. Invite your child to play with the simplest constructors, a pyramid, liners, children's sorters (boxes with a lid in which holes of various shapes are cut). Such toys help develop fine motor skills and intelligence, facilitate the development of cause-and-effect relationships, form an idea of ​​the size and shape of objects.
  2. Teach the baby to fulfill simple requests: stretch out the handle, stomp the legs, clap your hands. To do this, make a request and help the child perform the necessary action. Repeat the exercise several times. Soon the baby will perform the action without your help, responding only to words. It is advisable to accompany such exercises with rhythmic songs or nursery rhymes.
  3. Place the baby in front of you, clap your hands and get the baby to repeat this action after you. Then move on to other movements: wave your arms, clap your palms on the floor, smile, laugh. When the child gets tired of repeating after you, you can switch roles. Such a game will help the kid to master a huge number of new skills.
  4. The main achievement of an eight-month-old baby is the appearance of fears (fear of strangers, loud sounds). The task of parents is to dispel them. To do this, introduce the baby to the source of negative emotions and try to make the child relax: stroke his hand or head, say a few kind words, kiss him. After a few "sessions" the baby will no longer experience fear.

Speech development

There are no significant changes in the child's speech development: he continues to pronounce individual syllables, occasionally combining them into elementary words ("ma-ma", "pa-pa", "nya-nya"). Now the most important thing is to help the little one accumulate a passive vocabulary. It is formed from words, the meaning of which the child understands, but cannot pronounce them yet.

Skills and abilities

New skills of an eight-month-old baby:

  • understands the speech of parents: if you put several familiar toys around the baby and pronounce the name of one of them, he will point to the named little thing with his finger;
  • correctly responds to requests, warnings and prohibitions;
  • learns to pronounce new sounds (gives preference to consonant sounds, can repeat combinations of several consonants for a long time).

When teaching a child to speak, many parents make a typical mistake - they start talking with the baby in his “language”, they lisp, distorting and distorting words. You can't do that. Talk to your child in the same way as you talk to adults - he will understand you perfectly. But deliberate distortion of words will lead to the fact that speech development will go wrong.

Ways to develop speech skills

  1. Read books to your child, tell him about what surrounds him. Such unhurried conversations contribute to the formation of children's vocabulary and help the baby develop faster. At 8 months, the baby is able to understand about 100 words, so it is advisable to introduce new words into his vocabulary every day.
  2. Teach your child not only to speak, but also to listen. Draw the attention of the crumbs to a variety of sounds: the meow of a cat, the chirping of birds, the creak of a door. It is desirable that the sound is repeated repeatedly.

Daily regime


By 8 months, the baby usually has the first teeth. And this means that not only puree, but also solid food: pieces of soft fruits and vegetables, biscuits, meat. The sooner the baby learns to chew, the less problems he will have with his teeth and gums at an older age.

The child's menu should include:

  • multicomponent fruit and vegetable puree;
  • boiled egg yolks;
  • cereals with fruit;
  • juices;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • wheat bread;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt).

The child should receive food every 4 hours. Breastfeeding should not be stopped yet, but the number of breastfeedings should be reduced to two: let the baby receive mother's milk in the morning and in the evening.


Sleep still takes 14-15 hours and is divided into 3 periods: the longest period of sleep occurs at night (10 hours), during the day the baby sleeps 2 times for 2 hours.

However, an eight-month-old baby is not so easy to lay down! He is so passionate about the development of the world around him that he forgets about sleep. Therefore, when a baby who has played out is carried to the crib, he is naughty, cries and does not want to fall asleep. To soothe your baby, turn on soft music and stand next to his crib.

Another obstacle to normal sleep is the pain caused by cutting teeth. To ease the suffering of the child, use special anesthetic gels for the gums. If these remedies do not help, contact your pediatrician.

Remember that eight-month-old babies are sometimes very different from each other. A slight delay or, conversely, an advance in development does not indicate health problems. It's okay if the baby masters some of the skills not at 8, but at 9 or even 10 months.

By the end of 8 months, the baby grows by about 3 cm and his height is 67-71 cm. Boys can grow a little faster than girls.

Baby weight at 7-8 months

As for weight gain, the baby is gaining about 500-600 grams. An obvious difference between babies of different sexes may appear: girls can weigh 7.1-9.1 kg, and boys 7.7-9.6 kg.

But sometimes quite large young ladies or miniature guys grow up in families. With age, genetics will take its toll, and slender beauties may well grow out of donuts, and strong handsome men from little guys.

Vaccinations at 7-8 months old

At 8 months, the baby is not vaccinated (according to the accepted one), vaccination is possible if the child undergoes this procedure as part of an individual schedule, or when you have scheduled additional vaccinations.

What does a baby look like at 8 months of age?

Before you is a very conscious intelligent baby. Despite the pleasant roundness, the baby is very mobile and active. He has smooth skin, round pinkish cheeks, plump fingers and wrinkles.

What can a child at 7-8 months

  • flips over

At this age, the kids have already fully mastered the rollover from the back and back, and also learned to spin in both directions. Lying on his stomach, the baby rises on his stomach, lifts and pulls his own body in a plastunsky way to grab the toy.

The scamp freely adjusts the position of the head in order to listen to something or consider an object of interest. The kid amusingly fits on the barrel and comfortably bridges before going to bed - he learns to control his body.

  • jumping

If you hold the baby under your arms, he will happily begin to bounce and spring in your hands. It gives the child a special pleasure to sit down at the very bottom and push his body with the power of his own legs. Children are very fond of such entertainment, so get ready for the fact that very soon you will be able to be proud of the unprecedented strength of your hands.

  • creeps

Most likely the child has already mastered his own way of crawling, quite fast. He can alternately touch with his arms and legs, or he can pull himself up on two handles at once, bending his legs under him.

Some children show excessive interest in traveling up the stairs. The child takes special pleasure in the fact that he “runs away” from his mother and climbs to previously unattainable heights. Such an adventure is breathtaking and many children show incredible delight from their own success. The kid does not yet understand how to go down, so he can simply lower his legs down according to the type of how to move down the hill. The task of an adult is to ensure that the child does not roll down and hit. More often to pick up the baby from the topmost step, and you will have to insure him on the way to the top.

If the baby does not crawl, it is too early to sound the alarm, it is quite possible that he will immediately.

  • striding

Sitting on the pope, the baby is quite deftly pulled up on the handles. He does not sit in one place for very long, and as soon as he wants to take something on a dais, he pulls himself up, gets up and takes a couple of steps, holding on to the former, the sofa, or his mother's hand. Often, babies simply choose the object closest to them as a support. Sometimes things that are unstable or not quite suitable for this are used, for example, a low stool, a basin with linen or a domestic cat, because the baby risks not holding on and falling.

In Mom's Store you can buy with non-slip soles (safety and stability guaranteed).

  • Holds objects correctly

Your baby has thoroughly mastered the previously difficult "tweezer grip" with two fingers - thumb and forefinger. Now small objects easily fall into tiny hands and straight into the mouth for study. Therefore, if earlier you could still afford to relax a little in terms of crumbs or beads, now you need to always be on the alert. Keep in mind that the child is very interested in household items, so he will be happy to pick out the buttons from the control panel or get into your wallet to profit from coins. The child is also happy to tear the paper into small pieces and scatter it everywhere. Remember that small pieces of paper can also be swallowed immediately. Therefore, first of all, take care of the baby, as well as books and important documents.

The child firmly holds objects in both hands, he shifts, pours, crumples what has fallen into his tenacious fingers.

  • Learn and understand a lot

Your baby is very adult, he knows his family, habitual processes (walking, bathing, sleeping, eating), body parts and familiar objects. The child has fun if you suddenly turn the top upside down on your loved one or baby. For him, funny dangling paws or a doll's head mean all the same toys.

If you call the baby by name, he will turn around, call the person who entered the room, the child will look his way. When you ask to show or give a familiar object, the baby will look for it with his eyes, and when he notices, he will be delighted that everything that is familiar to him is in place and has not disappeared anywhere.

The kid carefully follows the movement of your hand, especially when you want to hide something from his eyes. He can already remember exactly where you put the phone, which one to take, and persistently strives for this particular place.

  • plays hide and seek

Now the baby realizes that the game of hide and seek is interesting, he is happy to look for what you ask, including mom or dad. He can hide himself funny under the covers, exposing his ass. The child has good control over his body, so he easily gets out from under the sheet, or throws off the hat that you put on him.

The child likes to peek around the corner, encouraging you to participate in his search.

  • Doesn't like to dress

Changing clothes is perhaps one of the most disliked processes of all children. The kids spin, roll over from their back to their stomach, pull off their hats. It can be said that everyone possible ways the little bully tries to avoid dressing up and tries to get away.

Often children with a sly expression, throw off their socks. The latter can be observed a hundred times a day, it becomes a training for small legs and a kind of game, because for some reason mom finds socks very quickly and returns them to her favorite heels.

Comfortable and practical clothes for the crumbs will make your life much easier. In Mom's Shop you can choose and buy:

  • and with convenient buttons;
  • bright ;
  • Distinguishes textures and properties of objects

The little person gradually realizes that the floor is smooth and cold, and the carpet is warm and fluffy. Mom's beautiful fur coat is fluffy, like a cat, and dad's funny bristles are prickly, like a brush. The tea is hot, and the porridge is viscous, the water is wet, and the sand is loose. The plush toy is soft, and the rattle is hard, you can knock it, extracting different sounds. You can knock loudly or little by little - quietly. From such simple and understandable things, a wonderful world is gradually formed through the eyes of a child.

  • He eats and drinks

So far, "himself" is very conditional. But the persistent desire to hold a spoon and attempts to send the porridge into the mouth, and not into the nose, will be present and even grow. The child can drink from the cup by himself, holding it with both handles.

Another fun skill may appear, an attempt to repeat after mom all her movements during feeding. The kid grabs a spoon, picks up a portion of food and sends it to his mother's mouth, treats.

This is wonderful, you have a real helper growing up.

Be careful, during such feeding, the child may inadvertently point the plastic fork directly into the mother's eye - from personal experience.

  • Studying "production waste"

The baby is already smart enough, and if it is unpleasant for him to lie or sit in a dirty diaper, he will try to remove it at any cost. This means that the contents can end up anywhere, including in the palms of a small cleaner. The child does not understand the “scale of the tragedy” at all, and does not share the indignation of adults. According to the baby, this is just an interesting substance that can be crushed and smeared. The same can be said about the puddles that the baby will leave for a long time throughout the apartment.

Many people believe that at this age it is necessary to urgently accustom the child to the potty. We do not share this opinion because healthy baby has the full right to defecate on the potty after reaching 2 years. It is at this age that children understand the true purpose of this subject and learn the process quickly and with pleasure.

Of course, you can set a goal and start learning now, so that later you can show off important achievements to other parents. But why? Even if the baby fulfills your "orders" and masters the potty, he will do it purely automatically, like a trained puppy. But the task of the mother is to give somewhat different knowledge. It is important that the baby understands the cause-and-effect relationships, and first of all, he knows how to control his own body. Up to two years, it is basically impossible. Therefore, all children who go to the potty before the age of two do it for their mother, not for themselves. If you really want to master the potty right now, start, but keep in mind that punishing the baby for ignoring this device and soiling his pants is not only pointless, but also harmful.

It's time to take a closer look at the purchase so that the baby begins to get used to this item in the house, knows its place and purpose.

  • Copies the actions of adults

In the near future you will live in a real theater of parodies. The way adults hold a phone, touch the screen with their fingers, paint their lips, tap with a hammer, fold things or wash dishes, everything is subject to immediate scanning. The child “removes” adult gestures and strives to realize them, accompanying them with the characteristic intonation of babbling.

Therefore, first of all, pay attention to your behavior, so that later you will not be surprised where the child has such knowledge or words in the lexicon.

  • plays

We can say that my mother had 10-15 minutes of silence and idleness. It is for such a short time that the baby can get carried away with his important work. He sorts through objects, puts multi-colored containers one into another, tries to string a pyramid or get the contents out of a bag. Thus, the baby determines the order of things and the position of objects in space.

Do not be surprised, everything that the baby manages to grab is immediately sent to the mouth for detailed study. At this stage of development, this is the main way to determine the shape, texture and other properties of objects. The main thing is that the little researcher does not choke or swallow something harmful.

If during the game the child is distracted by something, then over time he will again be able to return to the previous lesson. The kid well distinguishes primary colors and by touch determines the shapes of toys. Now you can say: “Give me a red ball”, or “Where is the bear's blue bow”, the baby will be happy to show you his knowledge.

A special pleasure is given to the child by fussing with household items. A saucepan with small spoons, a small ladle with lids and plastic cups is what you need. The most important thing is that these items cannot be broken, broken or chewed off a small piece. You may be faced with the fact that for the game the child will need the exact pot that you need for cooking. Don't be greedy and share, your little one is trying his best to be like you.

He also likes to throw toys on the floor and watch you pick them up and put them back in place. This activity can continue indefinitely, or rather, until mom loses her nerve. The child likes to scatter the contents of the boxes, especially if they are easily accessible. Therefore, for the hundredth time, check if there are any potentially dangerous items in them.

In the life of a baby, favorite toys, often musical ones, may appear. The child constantly demands to be turned on and funny dances to the beat of the melody. Please note that a large number of toys interfere with the concentration of the child, spraying his attention. Therefore, if there are a lot of toys in the house, every day choose 2-3 and offer them to your baby, the next day hide the used material and offer a new one. Do not expect that the child will learn everything on his own, in mastering new knowledge, like life in general, he needs a mother.

The child loves nursery rhymes, short rhymes and songs. He gladly spreads his palms to play the “magpie-thief”, makes “patties”, “lantern balls”, cuckoo, “fly-fly-flyed on the head sat down”, waves goodbye to the guests. The kid likes all these funny actions and every day he hones new knowledge and skills to the delight of young parents.

Since a large number of toys have already accumulated over these 8 months, it's time to buy in Mom's Store, spare ones, where and will fit perfectly, as well as new developing and. To make shopping as pleasant and affordable as possible for you, we provide fast and pleasant service.

  • Shows character

Little by little, the baby realizes that he, too, can express his preferences and understands how to get his mother to fulfill his desires.

It may surprise you that a child actively protests and puts up real resistance if something does not go according to his plan. This is normal, because a new strong personality is growing and developing in front of you, and it is very important not to suppress it with your authority and excessive prohibitions.

Switch the attention of the baby, lead him yourself and follow him, and do not rest against him to prove who is in charge here. Of course, the child needs to be explained exactly why you cannot allow him to touch certain objects, but before that, do not forget to say that you understand how much the baby wants this. So you will allow the baby to share the "woe of the ban" with mom or dad.

Remember also that all children are different, and this largely determines his behavioral reactions and preferences.

  • Smiling at herself in the mirror

Surely the child has looked in the mirror more than once, watched with surprise at himself, the actions of his father or mother, if they held him in their arms. But right now, the first understanding comes to the baby that the pretty person “behind the glass” is himself.

  • Offended

Your raised voice, angry tone, displeased look, or jerking your baby when he is naughty can seriously upset or even frighten the child. He feels parental irritation and takes everything personally. You can observe funny pouting lips, frowning eyebrows, eyes full of tears. Now it becomes much easier to determine the cause of baby crying. Most likely, slumped shoulders, a puzzled look and restrained sobs will notify you of a deep offense.

What can bother a child at 7-8 months

  • Increased anxiety

Usually at 8 months, something strange happens to babies. Sociable up to this period, the child begins to demand constant attention from the mother. He does not want to stay with any of the family members, he cries and insistently asks for his mother's arms. Some women cannot leave the room even for a minute. The kid constantly keeps his mother in sight and throws a tantrum every time she disappears.

Parents and relatives are perplexed, thinking that the child is degrading, and its development is being hampered. A month ago he was so sociable, but now he is only interested in his mother. In fact, this is an important part of infant development. Mom is a certain constant, which says that a child a priori has love, food, care, protection, etc. And if there is no mother, then what?

The baby “realized” that with the departure of the mother, all these pleasant, very important and necessary things could disappear. The child does not feel the time and those 15 minutes while you went for bread may seem like an eternity to him.

  • Aliens

The kid avoids and even is afraid of strangers. Strangers again include close relatives who appear in the house quite often. Despite communicating with them up to this age, now the child can move away from his beloved grandmothers and find solace only in the arms of his mother. Often this causes resentment among guests and quarrels arise like “The mother of the child does not give us it.” In fact, mom has nothing to do with it at all.

Now the child feels protected only next to his mother, and even better under her breasts. She has defined her boundaries and, as it were, outlines a circle of her own safety, outside of which the baby is very scared. This fear is so strong that it almost borders on panic. Therefore, it is impossible to transfer the baby from hand to hand, to anyone, in any case. Especially if at the same time he is filled with bitter tears.

You need to treat such manifestations calmly, but persistently keep the defense and be on the side of the child. If possible, do not leave the baby with other people.

The tense situation will continue for some time, but it is natural that the baby's lack of sociability is not forever. If you now allow your child to be with you as long as necessary for his peace of mind, you can be sure that gradually his trust in the world around him and in other people will be restored. Show your child that our life is beautiful, kind and amazing. Smile, communicate kindly with other people and find the positive in everything that surrounds you.

  • household items

Since a child at 8 months of age may experience general tension, he begins to be afraid of new sounds or objects. For example, a noisy vacuum cleaner washing machine, hair dryer or drill, cause genuine horror in the kids. You need to be patient and explain to the coward every time what exactly you are going to use and for what purpose. Before you turn on the appliance in front of your baby, growl or buzz to prepare him for the upcoming noise.

Keep in mind that along with the child's anxiety, the surrounding objects may be interested, especially those that open and close, such as a refrigerator or a sliding wardrobe. Also, the child is delighted with household appliances equipped with attractive buttons and holes. Therefore, look around to see if the baby can pinch his finger, or adjust the technique based on his own preferences.

For example, my friend's daughter, who is now 15, shoved a rubber flip-flop into a VCR at the age of 8 months. My husband could not call this unexpected find pleasant.

  • Teeth

The process of the appearance of milk teeth is a test for a young family. Some pass through it, constantly wiping children's tears, others bringing down the temperature. In any case, this natural process is unpleasant for neither you nor the child. You can’t change this, you can only accept and correctly perceive all the features of teething.

At this stage, the baby has already grown from 4 to 8 teeth, but there are slight deviations from the schedule. Now it is useful for the baby to strengthen the gums, which means that it can become a little harder so that the child chews food properly, squeezes it with his gums, and if he already has teeth, then he gnaws.

  • New place

Changes in the usual way of life confuse and even scare the baby. He experiences serious anxiety in relation to everything new, for example, if he bathes in an unfamiliar environment, dine at someone else's table, goes to bed in a bed other than his own.

If a temporary change of residence has taken place, try to keep the time frame for all necessary procedures: feeding, bathing, going to bed. You must be prepared that the child may begin to act up for no reason. In fact, there is a reason, the baby is in a state of stress, so be there so that his confidence in his own safety is restored.

  • Lure
  • A man is the one who makes the decision, is not afraid to take responsibility, helps and protects. Of course, this list can be expanded, but the main tasks of the "male" are that he dominates the family, provides its comfort and protection.

This does not mean that a man only earns money, or becomes a bum, issuing commands. His role is also not limited to "swinging a club" in case of danger. No, we are talking about a man's inner self-confidence and self-sufficiency, which allows him to be strong internally and courageous.

This is instilled in childhood when a tiny boy does simple but important things that help his mother - a woman, even for a second to become weak when he - so strong and courageous brings her a bag or helps to pack things.

  • A woman - she is beautiful, well-groomed, attractive, pleasant, light and witty. It is a woman who creates a family atmosphere in which a man is comfortable and he sincerely wants to take care and protect this weak, fragile creature.

Such characteristics do not at all underestimate the role of female intellect and mind, on the contrary, a smart woman does not nag, does not find fault and does not make scandals. She looks and behaves in a way that allows a man to be realized and take care of her with pleasure, take care of her and protect her.

But modern society is all mixed up, some men "sit on the neck" of their mothers or wives, and women "plow" at work, feeling depressed and unhappy.

This is due to the fact that the majority of parents in the post-Soviet space were either generally stingy with praise, or praised the boys for any reason. And it was not at all easy for the girls, they could not feel like beautiful, airy princesses, they had to earn praise. Cleaned up, cooked soup, washed - well done! put on elegant dress- what dressed up! Such upbringing stimulated male irresponsibility and “hammered” natural femininity.

In some families, such mistakes of upbringing persist even now. As a result, weak, cowardly men and strong, but unhappy women grow up, who work all their lives, trying to "be good" in order to earn approval.

Therefore, remember that when a boy receives praise for helping his mother (giving a spoon, dragging a pillow, putting away toys, washing his hands, etc.) - he commits an act. That is, the future man takes responsibility for his actions and this makes him feel strong, in charge. Similar situations they also teach him to be consistent, to fulfill the promise, to live up to expectations.

Praises for the boy: strong; a real man; champion; my helper; I'm so proud of you; it was so difficult for me, and you fixed everything; you have done so much; you performed/drawn very talentedly; you have a great idea; you put it together perfectly; I still ask you to save me, etc.

As for girls, they should be praised for things that may seem very banal. For example, your daughter combed her hair - you are my beauty! She dressed herself - what a clever girl you are!

If a girl grows up in the family, the words should appear in your speech: Princess, sorceress, doll, charming, beloved, sunny, wonderful, dancer, quick-witted, talented, oh, you are my prankster, laughter, artist, hostess, etc.

There are a few more important rules:

  • Praise your children, but don't praise them.

If now, when the baby is very tiny, he will be receptive to your every word, then over time, some praises will go into the category of things that the child will stop hearing, especially in relation to household processes. The child should have certain “reflexes”, for example, that if toys and things are put in their places, and the dishes are washed, this is normal, and not a reason for admiring exclamations and a holiday in the family. Therefore, praise at an older age should be truly deserved.

  • Do not scold for incompetence.

Never scold the baby if something did not work out for him because he showed clumsiness. Parents who furiously yell at their children for dropping, breaking, spilling, scattering something do not understand that in this way they deprive the baby of self-confidence for a long time, if not forever, ruining his desire to explore something , learn.

Some people may advise you to make a few "healthy" purchases that they think will make your life a lot easier. Most often, such recommendations concern parents whose babies are very active, or those whose children have learned to stand on their feet. It seems to others that the first children must certainly be protected from the world by putting them in an arena. And the second - to urgently teach them to walk, identifying them in special walkers on wheels.

Both the playpen and walkers would probably not be bad inventions if parents used them for 15 minutes a day. For example, it could serve well for those who cannot or do not want to carry a bulky or folding bed with them.

But in reality, such a correct use of these accessories never occurs, and a small person is forced to deviate from natural development, sit locked in an arena, instead of knowing the world, or “fearlessly walk” when his age-related physical data are completely unprepared for this event.

Therefore, everything that slows down or excessively overloads the development of the child is better not to use at all.

What to ask a pediatrician at 8 months of a child's life?

If you plan to meet with the doctor during this period, prepare a standard list of questions, for example:

  • How does the doctor assess the overall level of development of the baby?
  • Do I need to take any tests or examinations?
  • Do I need to contact a specialist to conduct sessions?
  • How will the doctor evaluate your progress in mastering the first complementary foods?
  • Are there any prerequisites for development or?

When a baby is born, he does not know how and is fully supported by his parents. Every month the baby develops: he begins to respond to voices, explore the world around him, play with rattles.

When a baby is born, he does not know how and is fully supported by his parents. Every month the baby develops: he begins to respond to voices, explore the world around him, play with rattles.

It is believed that during the year the child overcomes three stages in development until reaching the age of one. The first - at three months: the baby holds his head confidently, recognizes the voices of his parents. He overcomes the second key milestone in six months: he can be planted, various complementary foods are introduced. And finally, by the age of one, children begin to try to walk on their own, most of the teeth grow.

This parenting approach is wrong.: it is necessary to monitor the development of the child on a monthly basis in order to avoid future consequences. Let's look at the behavior of an eight-month-old baby: how much and how he should eat, the features of physiological and psychological development, and much more. Some children get used to the new world more quickly, others are a little late, so if your baby does not match the calendar at some point, it's not scary.

Physiological features development

By the eighth month, the child already grows from four to six teeth: in some cases, there is a lag in the development of the child on this basis. The presence of calcium in each organism is individual, so the number of teeth may fluctuate.

Children's sleep in the aggregate still remains in the region of 15 hours: the time intervals of the active state become longer, the child begins to sleep more at night. During the day, the child is advised to put 2 times for two to three hours of sleep, the rest of the time, about 9-11 hours, falls at night.

Indicators of weight and height of children are very individual, at the eighth month of life there is a decrease in weight gain. This is due to increased activity, energy expenditure. Please note that at least a slight gain in body weight is mandatory, but if the baby loses grams, you should contact your pediatrician. Approximately average weight is 8-8.5 kg. More detailed information can be seen in the table.

The spine and bones of the child are already strong by this age, and the baby may try to stand on his feet or knees. An adult should help the baby, showing what actions he needs to perform in order to take the desired position.

Psychological aspects child development in the eighth month of life

The psychology, in contrast to the physiological development, of babies is basically the same at the age of eight months. Kids learn the world, they give a response, recognize their parents and loved ones.

The eighth month of a child's life can be a test of the strength of the nerves of mom and dad. He begins to manipulate cries and whims If parents do not find the "golden mean" in communicating with the child, he may grow up with a hysterical character. It is important to consistently and calmly explain to the baby what is possible and what is not. It is better to remove all dangerous things from the eyes of the child so as not to tempt him. If he reaches for the forbidden object, try to say “No” to him and take the baby away or remove the forbidden thing. Soon he will learn to understand the negative reaction of his parents.

At this age, the first fears are formed: the child instantly allocates a stranger to him and may cry and be frightened. Over time, with the right reaction of the parents, this fear will pass, and the baby will respond friendly to the guests.

The line of behavior of parents should be the same: it is impossible for the mother to forbid something, and the father, on the contrary, allowed it. At eight months, although the child still does not really talk and moves with difficulty, his character is already beginning to take shape.

What can a child do?

From six months, children begin to sit down, if they have not done it before on their own. At eight months, babies, already in a stable sitting position, can move their arms.: shake toys, grab nearby objects. He uses both his left and right hand equally. The preference for movements with only one hand does not lead to the conclusion that this is his final choice.

Toddlers begin to crawl, some are already able to move around the entire apartment. Particularly active children try to get up on their feet, and the reverse process - to fall on the ass - is harder for them. Therefore, often at night a child's cry can be heard: getting up, the baby does not know how to go back to the crib.

The child can be taught to walk: gently holding first two, then one hand. You should not rush the baby, he must take steps on his own, you just need to create a support.

The eighth month is marked by the formation of spatial perception: he begins to make decisions in difficult situations for himself: to stop on the edge of a bed or sofa, to freeze if a fly flies by.

The child begins to pronounce various sounds, slurred words. Sing simple songs to your baby, consisting of separate syllables, tell tongue twisters. Children's minds are well absorbed by songs on a military theme, they are rhythmic, and they are easy to repeat.

Meals and menu planning

The number of feedings is reduced to 5-6 times a day with four-hour intervals. This is the best time to wean your baby off. breastfeeding : Night feedings should be limited. The same goes for formula fed babies. At 8 months, the mother should gradually move away from night feedings. To speed up and facilitate this process, there are the following recommendations:

Two hours before bedtime, feed the child first with porridge, and then, after taking an evening bath, with the usual portion of milk or mixture;
- During the day, the baby should receive most of the daily volume of food;
- Replacing nightly feedings with water or unsweetened tea.

An eight-month-old child already has teeth, the digestive system is practically formed, so biscuits, pasta, meat and fish fillets are introduced into complementary foods. The share of milk in the diet should not exceed 30% of the daily volume of food consumed.

You can diversify vegetable purees with parsley, dill, lettuce. Set the spices aside until the child grows up. Portions of fruit puree are increased to 100 g per day. Try to cook all the food for the child yourself.

Hygiene procedures

Daily hygiene routines include taking a bath before bed, washing hands frequently throughout the day, and washing your hands. intimate places after the act of defecation. At this age, small children are actively exploring the environment, touching not only their toys, but also things belonging to their parents. In addition, babies crawl on the floor, collecting small particles of dust. Then they begin to put their hands in their mouths, so they should be washed with soap at least once or twice an hour.

In addition to the personal hygiene of the child, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning, wash with laundry soap twice a day all plastic items. If there are plush and Stuffed Toys They should also be washed periodically.

Evening baths can be turned into a holiday for the child by including various games. One of the simplest is blowing bubbles: if the little one starts to act up in the bathroom, his attention can be diverted by colorful balloons.

At the age of eight months, the child is potty trained.: This process takes more than one day. Parents should be patient and sit the child on his toilet every day. You can turn on the jet of water and accompany it with characteristic sounds and words. So the child will be easier to express their desires at a later age.

Walking on the street is useful for babies of any age: a child of eight months needs a large amount of oxygen, this time the brain cells develop intensively. In addition, children begin to examine the surrounding objects, so when walking with a child, explain to him where the cars, houses, flowers are. You should walk in the morning and in the evening.


At this age, children themselves ask to play with them, while verbally: throw toys out of the crib or playpen, crawling up and stretching their arms towards you.

The child can be offered the following activities:

The game of "Ku-ku";
- use of interactive posters and toys;
- ball game;
- folding a plastic pyramid, first with joint efforts with parents, then the little one will start playing on his own;
- take time to develop fine motor skills, buy wooden toys for your baby (for example, a chain of balls, squares, hearts);
- a game of cubes with painted fruits, vegetables, objects and letters;
- when buying toys, choose items without small parts that a child can tear off;
- you can play with a child without additional attributes; put the baby on your knees, touch him and yourself alternately by the nose, ears, forehead, be sure to pronounce all the words;
- while in the clinic, you can play interesting game, which will reduce the waiting in the queue; draw different faces on your fingers - with multi-colored felt-tip pens, and, bending each one in turn, show your little one;
- train your baby's memory by showing him numbers and letters and saying them out loud.

An eight-month-old man requires a lot of attention, despite this, you can go about your business while being in the room with him. Let the baby learn to spend time on his own, but at the same time, he must feel loneliness.

Mental capacity For the most part, human thinking is formed up to a year after birth. Therefore, every month you need to introduce new educational games, conduct a light daily massage of the baby's fingers and legs, developing fine motor skills. At eight months, a child can begin to be treated like an adult: talk, show and explain how to use various objects.