Teaching children the time of day and days of the week. Games and game exercises to introduce children to the days of the week. Names of the days of the week

Purpose of joint activity
- Teach children the days of the week in a playful way.
- Introduce children to the names, sequence of days of the week.
- Fix in active speech the names, the sequence of days of the week.
- Teach children to visually lay out the days of the week in a certain sequence.
- Continue to teach ordinal counting.
- Develop attention, memory, thinking.
- Continue to teach children to name the colors of the spectrum.

memorization methods
1. Visual aids
2. Gymnastics
3. Visual gymnastics
4. Outdoor games
5. Poems and riddles
Names of the days of the week
A week is a seven-day period of time. In Rus', a week was called a week (seven days).
Monday is the first day of the week following the week (the seventh day in ancient times was called the week).
Tuesday is the second day of the week.
Wednesday is the third day that is in the middle of the week.
Thursday is the fourth day of the week.
Friday is the fifth day of the week.
Saturday - the sixth day (from Hebrew word"Shabbat") - rest, end of business.
Sunday - the seventh day of the week, Christians began to call Sunday in honor of the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Visual aids
To make it clearer and more interesting for the child to study the names of the days of the week, various manuals can be made.
Circle with an arrow. A circle cut out of cardboard is divided into 7 parts. We number each part (or draw 1 - 7 points), sign it, you can draw some special thing that you usually do on this day (Monday - we go to the store - we draw a store, on Tuesday - we visit the pool, etc.). In the middle of the circle we make a rotating arrow so that you can move it around the days of the week.
Train with windows. Each car is numbered, signed, painted in its own color. Various animals are glued to the windows. Shutters at the windows opening - closing. What day of the week - those shutters are open.
Poster with Velcro and pockets. Seven (according to the colors of the rainbow) multi-colored pieces of fabric or fleece are sewn one after another, making pockets from dense polyethylene or Velcro. Every day, a sun or a cloud is attached to pockets or Velcro and, depending on the day, a card with one dot, two, three, etc.
Flower - seven-flower. Such a flower can be made from cardboard or fleece. It is desirable that the petals be removed and attached back (with Velcro, buttons, zippers, paper clips, etc.). The child needs to attach a petal every day, and on next week on the contrary, "open". At the same time, the days of the week and such concepts as yesterday, today, tomorrow are spoken out.
Ladder. We cut out a staircase of seven steps from cardboard, number it, and sign it. Every day, some fairy-tale hero or the child himself (cut out of a photograph and pasted on cardboard) will “climb” the ladder. If there is some interesting event coming up this week, for example, a Sunday trip to the circus, then on the very top step you can place a picture of a clown or a performing lion.
Tear-off calendar. Prepare a pack of leaves of different colors and the same size, number them, sign, fasten them on top. Every day, the child will need to tear off a leaf and put it in a box. When there are 7 leaves, explain that this is a week. Such a tear-off calendar can be made from a notebook on springs.
There are many ready-made posters for sale. You can buy them and work on them.
Engine. Depending on what day of the week, a ball or little animal is attached above the engine or above one of the cars. Children themselves can rearrange the ball and name the days of the week.
.Quickly remember the names of the days of the week helps
physical minute "Days of the week".

Tell the child a poem and with it depict movements corresponding to the text:

On Monday we washed
The floor was swept on Tuesday.
On Wednesday we baked kalach.
We played ball all Thursday.
On Friday we washed the cups,
On Saturday we bought a cake.
And of course Sunday
Everyone was invited to a birthday party.
They sang, they jumped, they danced,
The days of the week are counted.

Finger gymnastics "Days of the week"
This finger gymnastics was compiled and developed with the aim of forming preschoolers' ideas about the days of the week and their sequence, since temporary ideas are formed with difficulty and without repetition and an interesting presentation of the material is indispensable here.
EXACTLY SEVEN KNOW THEM - we show 5 fingers of one hand, and 2 of the other
FIVE WORKERS, TWO OTHERS - 5 fingers of one hand we squeeze-unclench,
then 2 fingers of the other hand
STARTING TO NAME, - the fingers of both hands unbend and bend
LET'S BECOME FINGERS UNBEND: - fingers of both hands in cams
WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY - for each day of the week, we unbend our fingers
one hand
DAYS OF REST, FUN - unbend 2 fingers of the other hand

“Days of the week” gymnastics complex for every day
Monday in Kindergarten
The bunnies jumped. (Jumping on two legs)
Loved them deeply
Girls and boys. (wrap your arms around yourself)
Invited them to dance
Put the legs together (In turn put the legs forward)
Squat to the right, (Turn to the right with a crouch, look back)
Squat to the left, (Turn to the right with a squat, look back)
And then spin boldly. (Spin around)
And the palms of the guys
It's like the leaves are rustling. (Rub the palms of your hands together.)

Came to us on Tuesday
Long-legged stork, (Wave your arms up, down)
He walked through the swamp (Walking in place, raising his knees high)
I got fish, frogs,
Bent over, straightened up, (Tilts forward, take your hands back)
I looked into the distance at the edge of the swamp (Look into the distance, putting the river to my head like a visor)
And on the nose. Oh, where is he? Here he is! (Look at the finger put forward, bring it to the nose, without taking your eyes off the finger)
The stork flew home, (Wave your hands up, down)
We wave to him. (Wave hand or both at the same time)

On Wednesday the elephant came to us,
Taught feet to stomp, (Walking in place)
And perform tilts, (Forward tilts)
And stand on tiptoe. (Rise on toes)
We'll turn our heads
Like a trunk with you. (Circular turns of the head, look look: up, right, down, left and back)
Let's play hide and seek
We close our eyes.
One two three four five,
We're going to look for an elephant.
Five, four, three, two, one
The elephant goes to the store. (Close your eyes tightly with your fingers, count to five and open your eyes wide)

And on Thursday she came to us
Sly fox, (Walking in place imitates the soft steps of a fox)
Showed red ponytail
So soft and fluffy. (Turns of the torso to the right and left, trying to look as far back as possible with a glance)
Sit, stand
Hiding like a fox (Squats)
They looked for a mouse in a mink (Sit down and, as it were, rake the ground with their fingers)
These are miracles! (Stand up and spread your arms to the sides, raising your shoulders).

The bear came on Friday, (Walking in place imitates the steps of a bear)
He found honey in the forest
On a high tree
Where are the sharp needles. (Look up, down. Fingers spread apart like needles)
We will ask the bees for a honey (Shake your hands)
Autumn has come in the yard, (Stretch)
Soon the bear will go to bed, (squat slowly)
He will suck his paw. (Tilts of the head to the right, to the left, hands under the head)
The bees gave honey
Whole deck. (Clap hands and jump on two legs)

We invited on Saturday (Wave your hands to yourself)
Nimble squirrels for lunch. (Turns of the body to the right, to the left with a squat)
We boiled the cabbage soup, (Both hands are clenched together, circular motions, both hands, the body turns after the hands)
Cooked cutlets. (Palms lying one on top of the other change places)
Squirrels galloped to visit, (Jumping in place)
We looked at the tables ... (Open your eyes wide and close them tightly)
They ran back into the forest (Running in place)
They are behind the nuts. (Tapping fists against each other)

Sunday off,
We go for a walk with you. (Walking in place)
Look to the right (Turn the body to the right, look back)
We look to the left, (Turn the body to the left, look back)
We don't know anything. (Spread your arms to the sides and be surprised)
Here is the fence, and behind the fence, (Arms stretched out in front of you, hands turned vertically, fingers spread apart like needles).
A formidable dog walks barking, (transfer both hands from right to left at the same time, look at the hands)
Here the cow mooed, “Moo-u-u”, (Bending the torso forward)
The engine started, "Doo-doo-doo-o", (Imitation of a moving train on the spot)
And the horse beats with its hoof,
Suggests a ride. (Hands on the belt, raise and lower the right and then the left legs)
We are on this carousel
Wanted to ride. (Arbitrary circular movements of the hands).

Visual gymnastics should be carried out regularly 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes. For gymnastics, you can use small objects, various simulators. Gymnastics can be carried out according to verbal instructions, using poems, nursery rhymes.
When planning, it is recommended to take into account the principle of complication, having first worked out simple eye movements: right-left, up-down, circular movements, squinting, blinking, protruding eyes, and then using them along the path of a more complex poetic text in various combinations. The poetic text should also be used at first small (up to 4 lines), and then move on to more complex and long ones.
The most interesting are gymnastics for the eyes, which use objects or tasks in poetic form, movements along certain paths, tasks to search for objects and pictures in different parts of the group.

“Merry week” gymnastics for the eyes
All week in order, Raise your eyes up; put them down
The eyes are charging. down, the head is motionless;
On Monday, when they wake up, (relieves eye strain).
Eyes smile at the sun
Look down at the grass
And back up.

Tuesday watch your eyes, turn your eyes to the right,
They look back and forth, and then to the left, the head is motionless;
Walk to the left, walk to the right (relieves eye strain).
They will never get tired.

On Wednesday we play hide-and-seek, close your eyes tightly,
We close our eyes tightly. count yes to five and wide One, two, three, four, five, open your eyes; (exercise for
Let's open our eyes. relieving eye strain).
We squint and open
So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance, look straight ahead
It’s not a pity for this time, put your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm.
What is near and what is far from the eyes, look at the tip of the finger
Eyes must be considered. and look at him, lower your hand. (Strengthens
eye muscles and improves their coordination).

On Friday we did not yawn, lift your eyes up, right, down,
Eyes darted around. left and up; and back: left, down,
Stop, and again to the right and again up; (improves
Run to the other side. complex eye movements).

Even though Saturday is a day off, look at the top right
We are not lazy with you. corner, then lower left; translate
We are looking for corners, look in the upper left corner and lower
To run pupils. right (improves complex eye movements).

On Sunday we will sleep, close the eyelids, massage them with circular
And then let's go for a walk, finger movements: the upper eyelid is related to the outer
To harden the eyes at the edge of the eyes, lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then
You need to breathe air. vice versa (relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation).
- Without gymnastics, friends, close your eyes, then blink 10 times,
Our eyes cannot live! Repeat 2 times.

Games with a child
Games can be used to reinforce the concepts being studied.
Wednesday we don't clap
You name any days of the week, the child claps his hands (1 time). But on Wednesday you can't clap your hands!

Be careful
you call different words, including days of the week. If the baby hears the name of the days of the week, then he should clap his hands: fox, bread, Tuesday, Wednesday, book, Sunday, shorts, bicycle, etc.

Weekends - weekdays
If you name the weekday of the week, then the child pretends that he is doing something: playing with toys, writing, drawing. If the day off - claps his hands or pretends to be asleep, or something else at your discretion.

throwing the ball
Stand in front of each other, throw the ball to each other and take turns calling the days of the week. You can complicate the game by naming the days of the week in reverse order.

Matryoshkas - days of the week
Line up 7 nesting dolls with your child in height and ask him to name each nesting doll a specific day of the week. All seven matryoshkas are a week.

Toys and days of the week
Have 7 toys sit in front of the child and offer to give each toy a circle of seven different colors. The child distributes and calls: “To the bunny - Monday, to the fox - Tuesday, etc.). Then the circles are collected, mixed and distributed again in exactly the same way in the order of the days of the week.

Funny verses will help you remember the names of the days of the week faster. There are many simple verses that will help you learn the days of the week. The regular repetition of these rhymes will eventually establish the order of the days in children's minds. Don't worry if the kids confuse the days of the week. The concept of time is an abstract concept for young children and takes time to remember and learn.
Fly - clean
Once upon a time there was a fly-cleaner.
The fly was swimming all the time.
She bathed on Sunday
In excellent strawberry jam.
ON MONDAY - in cherry liqueur,
On TUESDAY - in tomato sauce,
WEDNESDAY - in lemon jelly,
ON THURSDAY - in jelly and resin.
ON FRIDAY - in curdled milk,
in compote and semolina ...
ON SATURDAY, having washed in ink,
She said, "I can't take it anymore!"
Terribly, terribly tired
But it doesn't seem to be clearer.
(Jan Brzehwa) Here is a week, it has seven days.
Get to know her quickly.
First day of all weeks
It's called MONDAY.
TUESDAY is the second day
He stands in front of the environment.
It's always been the third day.
And THURSDAY, the fourth day,
He wears his hat sideways.
Fifth - FRIDAY - sister,
A very fashionable girl.
And on SATURDAY, the sixth day
We rest with the whole crowd
And last, SUNDAY,
We appoint a day of fun.

Tell us the animals
how to remember the days of the week!
First Monday, bunny - needlework
and after him is Tuesday, the nightingale
and after Tuesday, Wednesday is fox food
after Wednesday Thursday - Wolf eyes sparkle
after thursday friday kolobok will ride
and after Friday, Saturday, there will be a raccoon bath.
after Saturday, Sunday - we have fun all day!... Where did Monday go?
-Where's slacker Monday?-
Tuesday asks.
-Monday is not a loafer,
He is no slacker
He is an excellent janitor.
He's for Wednesday's cook
He brought a bucket of water.
To the stoker Thursday
He made a poker.
But Friday came
Shy, shy.
He left all work
And rode with her on Saturday
Sunday for lunch.
I sent you my regards.
seven days of the week
Too bad it's only seven days a week
Cases in bulk at Emelya:
MONDAY on the stove
Wipes bricks.
Not bored on TUESDAY -
He weaves a muzzle for the elephant.
Threshing tongue on WEDNESDAY
And he beats the neighbor's bucks.
After the rain on Thursday
He sets off fireworks.
FRIDAY - hard day:
The shadow leads to the fence.
And SATURDAY is not Saturday:
He's a fly hunter.
But the seventh day will come -
Move the hat to one side ...
Because SUNDAY
This is a holiday and fun:
And laying down on the stove
Emelya kalachi eats!
In general, it is difficult for Emelya to live ...
There would be eight days in a week -
That's when he could
Do a lot of important things! (A. Usachev) Emelya
We asked Emily:
-Tell us the days of the week!
Emelya began to remember.
Emelya began to call.
My uncle called out to me:
It was on MONDAY.
I climbed into the attic
and the janitor drove me with a broom on TUESDAY.
WEDNESDAY I caught a bug
And fell out of the attic.
Fought on THURSDAY with cats and
stuck under the gate.
On FRIDAY teased the dog,
Ripped off his shirt.
And on SATURDAY - that's fun -
I rode a pig.
I rested on SUNDAY
lying on the bridge, bored,
Yes, he fell off the bridge into the river -
Man is not lucky!

Teddy bear and days of the week:
Teddy bear on Monday morning
I looked into the fragrant spruce forest.
Ant this afternoon
he helped build the house.

And it rained on Tuesday
The bear went to the wolf
Haven't seen him for a long time
and played dominoes.

Wednesday Bear to the red squirrel
I looked at the gatherings.
Reading a book together
and the nuts crackled.

And on Thursday the bear woke up
and went to the beaver for a haircut,
did a trendy hairstyle
and bought myself a comb.

Friday with a new hairstyle
the bear went to the pine forest,
he was happy with the hare
there to collect a bucket of oil.

And on a fine Saturday
Our bear went to the swamp,
met a frog
gave him a butter dish.

Last day - Sunday
the bear made jam.
invited all my friends to a feast
I didn't even forget the birds

flew by one after another
seven happy days weeks
the bear did everything
Week managed to help all friends
Big brother MONDAY-
A hard worker, not a bum.
He opens the week
Makes everyone work.

TUESDAY follows brother
He has a lot of ideas
He takes everything boldly
And work began to boil.

Here is the middle sister
She shouldn't be lazy
And her name is WEDNESDAY,
A master anywhere.

Brother THURSDAY and so and so,
He is a dreamer
Turned back by the end of the week
And it barely dragged on.

FRIDAY - sister managed
Finish the job quickly.
If you're making progress
There is also time for fun.

penultimate brother SATURDAY
Doesn't go to work.
Prankster and mischievous
He is not used to work.

He has another talent
He is a poet and musician
Yes, not a joiner and not a carpenter,
Traveler, hunter.

SUNDAY visits,
He loves food very much.
This is the youngest brother
He will be glad to visit you.
Look at seven of them.
Do you remember everyone? Repeat.
S. Mikhalkov

Steam locomotive and six wagons:
There are seven days in a week...
Through fields, uphills, slopes
It's not too lazy to ride the train.

Monday - train
He is the beginning, as always,
Days of the week proudly carries!
After - Tuesday and Wednesday.

And after them rushes Thursday
Happy Friday of course...
Time won't slow down
The train is moving fast.

That's joy and fun:
Here's Saturday and Sunday!
We want to reveal a secret to you:
The kids are excited for the weekend!

You can sleep longer in the morning
Walk and play all day long.
Just uselessly jump
Loves only a slacker.
again after the weekend
It will be Monday.

Our merry train is moving forward, -
The new week is here.
The sound of a clock is like the sound of wheels:
Balls again - on the locomotive!

Steam locomotive and wagons
We are being taken into the unknown
The train rushes steadily -
Our route to the future.

Older children at the stage of fixing and working out the material can make riddles.

There are exactly seven of these brothers.
You all know them.
Around every week
Brothers walk one after another.
Say goodbye to the last -
The front appears.
(Days of the week)
This one is a hard worker.
He rejected laziness and idleness.
Everything is in a hurry to finish
Name day (Thursday).

They say it's heavy
And the loafer is not friends with him.
To work, kindergarten, school
Dispatches (Monday).

Tired since noon
The day is rolling downhill.
"Oh, I'm tired! I would like to rest!"
- Dreaming (Friday).
All in worries early in the morning,
They feed and drink us.
He is second in rank.
Well, of course it is (Tuesday).
This day awaits us
Only homework.
Washes, cleans, cleans
Day named (Saturday).

In trains, in workshops, in cars
This day is always busy.
He is the middle of the week
Well, simply, (Wednesday). Leave everyone at home in the morning
Magic day. That's luck!
But for some reason it goes
Very fast (Sunday).

Learning the days of the week is not a quick process. At first, the child will confuse the order of days. But with regular practice and repetition, everything will eventually fall into place.

Explain to your child that there are 7 days in a week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). The first five days are working days, on these days adults work, children go to kindergarten or go to school. The last two days (Saturday and Sunday) are days off, these days all people have a rest.

Next, move on to the concepts of "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday". Explain these words to the child using a specific example, for example, what he is doing today, tell him what you will do tomorrow, remember with him what you did yesterday.

. Why do you need to learn the days of the week?

As soon as children go to school, every day becomes more organized for them. This is noticeable not only at school, but also at home. It is very important for children to know what day it is and what will happen on that day. Perhaps they have a book to donate to the library, or a friend's birthday. From the very first time a child asks what day it is, parents should encourage this interest. Children must learn to be independent in managing their time. Knowing what day it is today, the child will take the first steps towards planning his time and schedule, which in turn fosters composure and organization.

. When should the days of the week be taught?

The names of the days of the week can be used from a very young age. Children will hear the names of the days of the week and although they will not understand them yet, they will begin to assimilate this information and get used to it.

Pay more attention to days that are important to your family: birthdays, celebrations, grandparents' visits, weekends, etc. Like so much else, this training can be easily integrated into everyday family conversations.

. Ways to teach the days of the week

There are many ways to help learn the days of the week. Here are just a few tips:
You can make a simple calendar with the days of the week and hang it in a prominent and easily accessible place. In any case, it will be possible to refer to this calendar to find out what day it is today, what day it was yesterday and what will happen tomorrow. To diversify and enliven this calendar, you can write important events near each day that occur daily on that day.

There are rhymes that will help you learn the days of the week. The regular repetition of these rhymes will eventually establish the order of the days in children's minds. Don't worry if the kids confuse the days of the week. The concept of time is an abstract concept for young children and takes time to remember and learn.
Talking about family plans and creating simple schedules that reflect future events will bring order and more meaning to the concept of "days of the week."

. Regular repetition.

Don't expect learning the days of the week to be a quick process. At first, the child will confuse the order of days. But with regular practice and repetition, everything will eventually fall into place.

. Introducing your child to the days of the week

Introduce your child to the days of the week. You can try to sing the names of the days of the week in a row to some suitable motive. Pin a table on the wall in the children's room with the names of the days of the week and each time, hugging the child in the morning from bed, show him what day it is. You can also make a kind of dial with the names of the days of the week, and then the baby himself will be able to translate the arrow to the desired day.

Pay attention to the fact that some events in his life are repeated on certain days: going to the pool, dancing, the arrival of his grandmother, etc. When he learns the days of the week well, introduce him to the names of the months.

Hang a calendar in the children's room and cross out the day with your child every night. Remind him what month and day it is and show them where they are on the calendar. Let the child cross out the date himself, even if he does not yet know the number (by the way, this is a good prelude to getting to know the indicated numbers).


Among the days of any week
Monday will be the first.
The second day followed him,
This Tuesday came to us.

We can't go anywhere...
The third day is always Wednesday.
He is the fourth here and there,
This day is called Thursday.

In a series of working days
Fifth Friday now.
All work completed
Day six is ​​always Saturday.

Day seven?
We know him:
Sunday - rest!

flew by one after another
Seven merry days of the week, the bear managed everything
I managed to help all my friends!


Tatyana Utkina
How to help your child remember the days of the week in a playful way

How help your child remember the days of the week in a playful way.

By the end of the seventh year of life, the child must:

Understand and use a general concept in speech "days weeks» ;

Clearly know the sequence of days weeks;

distinguish and name "weekend", "work days";

Orient yourself in the surrounding reality.

Therefore, systematic activity for the assimilation of this abstract concept should begin when the child is 5 years old. A little later, in the seventh year of life, work should be carried out with the child to clarify ideas, consolidate understanding of the sequence of days weeks, the relationship between them in direct and reverse order.

However, one important fact should be remembered and understood. In children preschool age visual action thinking. In this regard, for the successful assimilation of knowledge about the days weeks must be associated with visual didactic materials (pictures, colored squares) and direct action with them.

color a week

Make a calendar where every day is marked with a certain color. Every morning, explain to your child what day it is by showing the color on the calendar. Cut out 7 circles from colored cardboard according to the color of the days. Invite the child to lay out the days weeks, beginning with Monday. When completing the task, ask the child to name each of the days. To complicate the task, lay out circles starting from Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.

We asked Emily:

tell us the days weeks.

Emelya began to remember.

Emelya began to call.

My uncle called out to me "loafer" -

It was in Monday.

I climbed the fence, and the janitor

Chased me with a broom on Tuesday.

On Wednesday I was catching a bug

And fell out of the attic.

Fought on Thursday with cats

And stuck under the gate.

Friday teased the dog -

Ripped off his shirt.

Saturday is fun! -

I rode a pig.

Rest on Sunday

Sitting on the bridge, dozing.

Yes, he fell off the bridge into the river.

No luck for a man!

So our Emelya

days weeks have flown by.

A. Timofeevsky

Discuss Emelya's pastime.

A similar learning technique is based on colored squares.

To introduce the child to the days weeks take 7 colored squares (purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red).

Each color strictly corresponds to a specific day. weeks(violet - Monday, blue - Tuesday, blue - Wednesday, green - Thursday, yellow - Friday, orange - Saturday, red - Sunday).

Tell the child that one card is a day or a day, and many days are a week. Then ask the child to count how many days week. Repeat with the child several times what was agreed earlier.

Then tell the child that each day has its own name ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

Repeat with the child several times the names of the days weeks.

The story of how fingers help you remember the days of the week.

IN week seven days. Among them are five working days and two days off. Remember working days will help five fingers on the hand.

The first finger on the hand Monday. It is called so because it comes after weeks.

The second finger is Tuesday.

The third finger is Wednesday, because it is in the middle.

The fourth finger is Thursday.

The fifth finger is Friday.

Weekends are just a must remember, not connecting with anything - Saturday, Sunday.

Learning from child poems, you also help him remember the days of the week

Uncle shouted to me "loafer" -

It was in MONDAY.

I climbed the fence, and the janitor

Chased me with a broom on TUESDAY.

WEDNESDAY I caught a bug

And fell out of the attic.

Fought on THURSDAY with cats

And stuck under the gate.

On FRIDAY teased the dog -

Ripped off his shirt.

And on SATURDAY - that's fun! -

I rode a pig.

I rested on SUNDAY -

Sitting on the bridge, dozing.

Yes, he fell off the bridge into the river.

No luck for a man!

Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother.

The goat did not suffer from bad appetite.

Ate in Monday bridge over the river,

I ate laundry with a trough on Tuesday.

On Wednesday - for dinner - wallpaper from the wall.

On Thursday - only foam from jam and croutons.

On Friday - boots, tights and notes.

So he barely made it to Saturday.

I ate a pillow from the bed on Sunday,

Two sheets, a duvet.

Everyone heard how she whispered old lady:

"You, my dear, would go for a walk in the forest."

IN Monday we washed,

The floor was swept on Tuesday.

On Wednesday we baked kalach.

We played ball all Thursday.

On Friday we washed the cups,

On Saturday we bought a cake.

And of course Sunday

Everyone was invited to a birthday party.

They sang, they jumped,

days weeks counted».

Here a week. It has seven days

Get to know her quickly.

First day

For all weeks

Bears a name Monday.

Tuesday is the second day

He stands in front of the environment.

Mid-Wednesday -

There was always a third day.

Thursday is the fourth day

He wears his hat sideways.

Fifth - Friday

sister -

A very fashionable girl.

And on Saturday - the sixth day -

We rest with the whole crowd.

And the last - Sunday -

We appoint a day of fun.

Kindergarten again tomorrow

Waiting for his guys.

Riddles about days weeks.

Children's riddles about days weeks with answers will help child to learn the days weeks of play. First you need to explain to the child that in one week 7 days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. The first five days are working days, on these days parents and grandparents earn money, and children go to kindergarten or go to school. And the last two days are days off.

Riddles about days weeks

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every a week around

Brothers walk one after another.

Say goodbye to the last -

The front appears.

Answer: Days weeksThey say that he is heavy

And the loafer is not friends with him.

To work, kindergarten, school


Answer: Monday

All in worries early in the morning,

They feed and drink us.

He is second in rank.

Well, of course it is.

Answer: Tuesday

In trains, in workshops, in cars

This day is always busy.

He - middle of the week,

Well, simply.

Answer: Wednesday

This one is a hard worker.

He rejected laziness and idleness.

Everything is in a hurry to finish

Name day.

Answer: Thursday

Tired since noon

The day is rolling downhill.

"Oh, I'm tired! I would like to rest!"

- Dreaming.

Answer: Friday

This day awaits us

Only homework.

Washes, cleans, cleans

Name day.

Answer: Saturday

Leave everyone at home in the morning

Magic day. That's luck!

But for some reason it goes

Very fast.

Answer: Sunday

Folk proverbs and sayings about days weeks

IN Monday sneeze - a gift for week.

IN Monday give out all the money weekly expenses.

Tuesdays and Saturdays are easy.

Leave on the road on Tuesday or Saturday.

What God will not give, but do not spin on Wednesday.

Whoever starts a business on Friday, it will back away.

IN Monday, Wednesday and Friday do not start any business.

I’ll leave the Saturday massacre - I’ll survive Sunday.

Wednesday and Friday to Thursday is not an index.

As you work with your child to improve their knowledge, you need to remain calm, wise, and demanding. After all, the assimilation by children of such a temporal characteristic as "days weeks» , is possible only with the competent conduct of direct educational activities.

Fun week - learn the days of the week with children

Many of you have small children in your family and every parent wants the child to be healthy, smart and well-mannered. Therefore, education must begin at an early age. These classes will not be in vain and the child will be prepared not only for visiting kindergarten but also to school.

Of course, you won’t be able to teach kids everything, but it’s necessary to introduce them to the concepts of time. And before you introduce the child to these concepts, he must have an idea about such concepts as seasons, days of the week, parts of the day. It is better to start acquaintance with ideas about the seasons, months, and then introduce him to the days of the week. You can talk about them from the age of 3-4, and especially when some days of the week are associated with certain events. First of all, you need to tell the baby that there are seven days in a week and name what each day of the week is called. Learning is best done in a playful way:

- draw a calendar with animals or stick an animal for every day. Playing with them, the child will "feel the days of the week." Arrange animals by day, as in a poem and learn it with a child:

Tell us, animals, how to remember the days of the week.
The first Monday is a needlework bunny!
Behind him comes Tuesday - a nightingale.
After Tuesday - Wednesday, chanterelle food.
Thursday after Wednesday - the wolf's eyes sparkle.
After Thursday, Friday will roll over to us like a kolobok.
After Friday - Saturday, a raccoon bath.
After Saturday - Sunday, we have fun all day long.

- make a train and write the days of the week on the trailers (it is better to paint them in different colors) and numbers from 1 to 7. The child will learn the days of the week, colors and numbers.

Fly - clean
Once upon a time there was a fly-cleaner.
The fly was swimming all the time.
She bathed on Sunday
In excellent strawberry jam.
ON MONDAY - in cherry liqueur,
On TUESDAY - in tomato sauce,
WEDNESDAY - in lemon jelly,
ON THURSDAY - in jelly and resin.
ON FRIDAY - in curdled milk,
in compote and semolina ...
ON SATURDAY, having washed in ink,
She said, "I can't take it anymore!"
Terribly, terribly tired
But it doesn't seem to get better!

(Jan Brzehwa)

- come up with a task for the child every day:

On Monday I washed and on Tuesday he swept
On Wednesday, baked kalach with honey,
And on Thursday I played ball.
On Friday I washed the dishes, and on Saturday I bought a cake,
On Sunday I rested, I read good fairy tales.
(P. Bashmakov)

- you can make a calendar or dial with a movable window and let the child move it every morning:

Monday Turtle
I bought fabric for a shirt.
Tuesday - cut, cut.
On Wednesday I sewed, sewed, sewed ...
By Thursday she was tired
So I napped on Friday.
I woke up only on Saturday.
Looking at your work
Day ironed creation.
Tried on Sunday.

There are other ways to help you teach your child the days of the week. This is watching cartoons about the days of the week, flowers or stairs "days of the week", games with children, including the days of the week and learn poems about the days of the week:

Among the days of any week
Monday will be the first.
The second day followed him,
This Tuesday came to us.
We can't go anywhere...
The third day is always Wednesday.
He is the fourth here and there,
This day is called Thursday.
In a series of working days
The fifth is Friday now.
All work completed
Day six is ​​always Saturday.
Day seven? We know him:
Sunday - rest!

Here's a week. It has seven days

Get to know her quickly.

First day

For all weeks

It bears the name Monday.

Tuesday is the second day

He stands in front of the environment.

Mid-Wednesday -

There was always a third day.

Thursday is the fourth day

He wears his hat sideways.

Fifth - Friday -

sister -

A very fashionable girl.

And on Saturday - the sixth day -

We rest with the whole crowd.

Here is a week, it has seven days.
Get to know her quickly.
First day of all weeks
It's called MONDAY.
TUESDAY is the second day
He stands in front of the environment.
It's always been the third day.
And THURSDAY, the fourth day,
He wears his hat sideways.
Fifth - FRIDAY - sister,
A very fashionable girl.
And on SATURDAY, the sixth day
We rest with the whole crowd
And last, SUNDAY,
We appoint a day of fun.

And in conclusion, a cartoon that you can watch with your kids and teach the days of the week.