Norms for the design of kindergartens. Ventilation of preschool institutions. Requirements for ventilation in kindergartens

Clean air in the premises and healthy sleep allow you to maintain the well-being of children at the proper level. If natural ventilation and forced-air ventilation provided by fans are responsible for clean air, then properly selected beds and high-quality mattresses are responsible for healthy sleep. Oddly enough, the standards regulate the number of tables and chairs, as well as their sizes, but they say very little about cribs: they must match the height of the child and have a hard bed.

Although the preschool buildings educational institutions are equipped with heating and ventilation systems in accordance with the standards for public buildings and structures, there are certain features.

Requirements for ventilation in kindergartens

The main initial data necessary for calculating the ventilation system for kindergartens and nurseries is contained in Table 19 of SNiP 2.08.02-89. For almost all rooms, it indicates the temperature regime and the requirements for the frequency of supply and exhaust air exchange.

All recommendations and regulations contain the requirement to regularly ventilate the premises when children are not in them. Recommended methods are draft and corner ventilation. The duration of air freshening may vary, as a rule, it depends on the strength of the wind and its direction, the temperature of the outside air, as well as the mode of operation of the heating system. At least once every 1.5 hours, it is necessary to ventilate the room with a draft for at least 10 minutes.

The maximum allowable temperature drop during ventilation is 4 degrees. When it is warm outside, it is permissible to open windows in the presence of children, but only on one side of the room. Airing through toilets is strictly prohibited.

The sleeping area must be ventilated before putting the children to bed. When it is cold outside, the windows should be closed 10 minutes before the children arrive. After the children fall asleep, the windows can be opened, but only on one side. Half an hour before the rise, they should be closed again. In the warm season, sleep should take place with open windows, but drafts should not be allowed.

Airing is effective way natural ventilation, but far from the only possible one. Forced supply and exhaust ventilation of children's rooms is also widely used. preschool institutions. Its arrangement in kindergartens also has its own characteristics:

Clean air in the premises and healthy sleep allow you to maintain the well-being of children at the proper level. If natural ventilation and forced-air ventilation provided by fans are responsible for clean air, then properly selected beds and high-quality mattresses are responsible for healthy sleep. Oddly enough, the standards regulate the number of tables and chairs, as well as their sizes, but they say very little about cribs: they must match the height of the child and have a hard bed.

Despite the fact that the buildings of preschool educational institutions are equipped with heating and ventilation systems in accordance with the standards for public buildings and structures, there are certain features.

Requirements for ventilation in kindergartens

The main initial data necessary for calculating the ventilation system for kindergartens and nurseries is contained in Table 19 of SNiP 2.08.02-89. For almost all rooms, it indicates the temperature regime and the requirements for the frequency of supply and exhaust air exchange.

All recommendations and regulations contain the requirement to regularly ventilate the premises when children are not in them. Recommended methods are draft and corner ventilation. The duration of air freshening may vary, as a rule, it depends on the strength of the wind and its direction, the temperature of the outside air, as well as the mode of operation of the heating system. At least once every 1.5 hours, it is necessary to ventilate the room with a draft for at least 10 minutes.

The maximum allowable temperature drop during ventilation is 4 degrees. When it is warm outside, it is permissible to open windows in the presence of children, but only on one side of the room. Airing through toilets is strictly prohibited.

The sleeping area must be ventilated before putting the children to bed. When it is cold outside, the windows should be closed 10 minutes before the children arrive. After the children fall asleep, the windows can be opened, but only on one side. Half an hour before the rise, they should be closed again. In the warm season, sleep should take place with open windows, but drafts should not be allowed.

Ventilation is an effective way of natural ventilation, but far from the only one possible. Forced supply and exhaust ventilation of the premises of preschool institutions is also widely used. Its arrangement in kindergartens also has its own characteristics:

  1. It is unacceptable to lay air ducts coming from the catering unit through play and sleeping rooms;
  2. The first-aid post should have a fully autonomous ventilation system;
  3. In the absence of windows in the toilet rooms, axial fans should be installed in the exhaust ducts coming from them, which will intensify air exchange;
  4. The use of asbestos-cement air ducts for preschool institutions is strictly prohibited;
  5. The maximum speed of air movement in the premises of nurseries and kindergartens should not exceed 0.1 m / s;
  6. Heating of outdoor air to the required temperature should be carried out in supply cabinets, but the use of window sill air supply devices is allowed;
  7. Exhaust ventilation shafts should be cleaned twice a year.

Air exchange rate of buildings of preschool institutions

All rooms where children are constantly present must be provided with clean fresh air. In one-story buildings, a normal single air exchange is achieved with the help of transoms, in two-story buildings, exhaust duct ventilation with natural induction is arranged.

In the premises of the kitchen and laundry or laundry room, the air exchange rate should be increased to 3-5 per hour, and in the toilet rooms - up to 2-5 per hour, which requires equipment in the shafts of incentive ventilation (thermal or mechanical).

In the premises of group and playing-dining rooms, through or corner ventilation should be provided, which is also recommended to be provided in bedrooms, kitchens, laundry and toilet buildings located in the IV climatic region. In rooms for children, at least 50% of the windows must be equipped with transoms.

The area of ​​the fanlight openings should be 1/40 - 1/50 of the floor area. The outer sash of the transom should open from the bottom up; transoms must have lever devices and side shields (to direct the movement of outside air upwards).

In the main rooms of the groups of the children's institution, a constant air temperature of 20 ° C should be provided, with a relative humidity of 60 - 70%. In group rooms, a wall thermometer should be hung at a height of 1 m from the floor.

Buildings of preschool institutions must be equipped with water supply, sewerage and hot water supply (in accordance with building codes and regulations, chapters P-G1-61 and P-G4-62) by connecting the building to external water supply and sewerage networks available in the settlement or the nearest environment (enterprises, rest houses, sanatoriums, farms, etc.).

In the absence of a village or city water supply and sewerage network, local water supply and sewerage systems that meet hygienic requirements are arranged.

The norm of water consumption in kindergartens without showers is 75 liters per day per child, in kindergartens with showers and in nurseries 100 liters.

Table of calculated air parameters


Design temperature

during the cold season

Air exchange rate or

amount of exhaust air

Playroom, reception of the younger nursery group

Group, dressing room:

early age groups

2 junior groups

middle and senior group

Bedrooms nursery groups

Preschool bedrooms

Toilet nursery groups

Dressing preschool groups

Halls for music and gymnastics


Swimming pool area

by calculation, not less than 50 cubic meters.

per hour per child

Medical premises

Massage and physiotherapy rooms

Service and amenity premises

by calculation



Two options for the kindergarten ventilation system: traditional and modern.

The traditional (simple) version of kindergarten ventilation: Previously, natural ventilation was used in kindergartens - air was supplied through vents and natural leaks in the windows, and the hood went through the shaft to the roof with natural air pressure - that is, warm air rises naturally.

Of course, such a ventilation system has more disadvantages than advantages. Principle of operation:

In those rooms where kids spend more time (bedrooms, playrooms), it is necessary to provide for corner and through ventilation. If the kindergarten is located where in the warm season the temperature stays above +30°C for a long time, then it is necessary to provide through or corner ventilation in bedrooms, dryers, toilets and kitchens. When the room is ventilated in this way, the air is removed through adjacent rooms, for example, when airing the game air "leaves" through the bedroom or dressing room, and when airing the kitchen - through the pantry. Such ventilation will not be needed in the conditions of the Far North.

When a group of children has vacated a bedroom, dining room or other room, it is recommended to ventilate the room. At a temperature of -20 ° C, the time of such ventilation should be no more than 5 minutes, and in another, warmer season - up to 20 minutes.

Modern version of kindergarten ventilation

Apply today different ways forced ventilation (supply and exhaust with heat recovery, overflow valves, mixed type). The variant with supply and exhaust ventilation provides the necessary volume of incoming and outgoing air, and also has the ability to regulate its temperature, which is very important for comfortable working conditions.

Specific features of ventilation in kindergarten

The principle of operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation system is as follows. In the rooms, thanks to the supply and exhaust unit, two air flows are created - clean and polluted. Air masses from the street, passing through the filter, are cleaned of dust, dirt, microorganisms, after which they are heated to the required temperature and enter the room. The polluted air stream with the help of fans enters the air ducts of the unit and is removed outside the premises.

To minimize energy costs, it is worth approaching responsibly the choice of equipment for the ventilation system. It is better to give preference to modern installations, as they are cost-effective and are able to provide heating and humidification of the air to the required levels. The supply and exhaust system with a heat exchanger is ideal for this role. It will significantly reduce the cost of heating the supply air in the winter period of the year, while ensuring a constant supply of fresh air at the set temperature. The recuperator transfers the heat of the exhaust air to the supply air masses, so the amount of electricity consumed (or another source of energy) will be much less.

Modern monoblock ventilation systems with built-in heat exchangers make it possible to transfer up to 70% of heat, which in turn leads to a multiple reduction in operating costs compared to installations without heat recovery. Among the best manufacturers such equipment is distinguished by Dantex, Electrolux, Breezart, Systemair, etc. Below is a supply and exhaust unit that can provide ventilation for a kindergarten.

When a child enters kindergarten parents are primarily obliged to ensure that the microclimate in the preschool organization meets all the necessary standards and contributes to maintaining and strengthening the health of the child. Ventilation measures play a major role in ensuring a healthy microclimate.

When a child enters kindergarten, parents are required to ensure that the microclimate in the preschool organization meets all necessary standards

The need for ventilation

Preschools, where there are large groups of children, and where there is no proper ventilation, contain a large amount of carbon dioxide in the air.

This number is several times higher than the norm, which is fraught with the manifestation of the following symptoms in children and caregivers:

  • migraine;
  • prostration;
  • constant feeling of nausea.

But normal ventilation in kindergarten guarantees the occurrence of the following factors:

  • sufficient oxygen content in air masses;
  • reduction of the number of harmful substances present in the air masses;
  • removal of specific aromas that negatively affect the nerves of various age groups;
  • normalization of humidity of air masses;
  • reducing the spread of various harmful organisms and fungal spores.

Basic rules for ventilation in preschool institutions

In order to prevent the presence of an excessive amount of carbon dioxide in the air of a preschool institution, which will harm all groups of children, SanPiN has developed a special schedule for performing ventilation in a preschool educational institution.

The ventilation schedule developed by SanPin, depending on the season, contains the following requirements:

  • ventilation of the premises in winter should be carried out at a time when children are still absent from groups;
  • in the summer, the preschool institution should be ventilated while the children are on walks (it is allowed to ventilate the rooms in the presence of children, but only if there are no drafts).

According to the data developed by SanPiN, the duration of the ventilation is calculated taking into account the following indicators:

  • area of ​​rooms;
  • the temperature of the air masses in the room;
  • weather.

According to the data developed by SanPiN, the duration of ventilation is calculated taking into account weather conditions

Airing the premises in the kindergarten must be stopped at least 30 minutes before the children return to the groups, this will normalize the microclimate of the room and prevent the development of diseases in children as a result of hypothermia.

In addition, in order to supply the room with the proper amount of oxygen, you must follow these rules:

  1. Ventilation of children's rooms in junior groups should be done once an hour, if this is not possible, then once every 2-3 hours.
  2. If the temperature on the street is less than +10 degrees, then air exchange should be carried out in the morning, even before the appearance of children (approximately 5-10 minutes), and then after every hour, windows should be opened at least for a minute. It should be remembered that children of kindergarten age can get sick very quickly, therefore, when ventilating the room, it is advisable to transfer them to another room.
  3. If the temperature outside the room varies from -5 to -10 degrees, then air exchange should be carried out in the morning before the children arrive, the optimal duration of ventilation is 10-15 minutes. And then after an hour and a half, you should open the windows for 1-2 minutes.
  4. When the temperature regime on the street is from 0 to -5, the exchange of air masses should be carried out in the morning and evening for 15-20 minutes (during this period, children should be absent from the kindergarten, that is, either they have not yet come or have already left). In addition, when children are in groups, ventilate between two and five minutes every hour and a half.
  5. With a temperature regime from 0 to +5 degrees, the frequency of airing rooms increases. Before and after visiting children, it is necessary to ventilate the room for 20 minutes. And when children are in groups, the exchange of air masses is performed after every one and a half hours for 3–7 minutes.

Features of scheduling ventilation in kindergarten

When creating a ventilation schedule in a preschool organization, the following indicators are taken into account:

  • technical characteristics of the building;
  • age of children in groups;
  • season of the year.

When creating a ventilation schedule in a preschool organization, the season of the year is taken into account

The air mass circulation graph contains data on the frequency and time of airing, the type of airing and the place where these actions are carried out.

The creation of the schedule is carried out by a nurse and there are signatures on it medical worker and head of an educational institution. The schedule is updated every new academic year.

An example of an air circulation schedule, types of ventilation

In order to better understand the ventilation mode in kindergarten, you should familiarize yourself with an example of an air mass circulation graph:

  1. 07:00–07:15 - airing in the rooms intended for games. Ventilation corner or through.
  2. 08:45–08:55 - airing in rooms intended for sleeping. Through ventilation.
  3. 10:25–10:50 - airing is carried out in rooms intended for sleeping and playing. Type of ventilation - through.
  4. 12:20–12:30 - airing, carried out in rooms intended for sleeping. Ventilation - angular.
  5. 14:00–14:30 - ventilation is carried out in the rooms for receptions and games. Type - through.
  6. 16:00–16:10 - ventilation is carried out in the sleeping room and reception room. Type - angular.
  7. 17:40-18:00 - the room for reception, games and sleep is ventilated. Type of ventilation - through.

According to the rules that were developed by SanPiN, cross-ventilation and corner ventilation can only be performed if there are no children in the room. If one-sided ventilation is performed, then it can also be done if there are children in groups, but only in the warm seasons of the year.

According to the rules of SanPiN, cross-ventilation and corner ventilation can only be carried out if there are no children in the room

Traditional ventilation of kindergartens

The rules that SanPin has established regarding the ventilation of rooms in such educational institutions are very important, but they must be supported by the presence of high-quality ventilation.

At this stage of time, there are two types of ventilation systems:

  • traditional;
  • modern.

The traditional mode of ventilation is also called simple or natural. The essence of its functioning lies in the fact that the influx of fresh air masses is produced thanks to the vents and the slots present in the windows.

The extraction of the hood is carried out using a shaft on the roof, where there is a natural air pressure, as a result of which the rise of warm air masses is carried out in a natural way.

But according to all calculations, such a ventilation system has much more disadvantages than advantages.

In order for the work of natural systems to give at least some effect, it is necessary to provide for the walls of an educational institution the possibility of performing through and corner ventilation, especially for rooms where children sleep and play.

If the placement of the kindergarten is made on the territory where during the warm season the temperature regime is in the range of +30 degrees and above for a long time, then it is necessary to provide for the presence of through and corner ventilation not only in the bedrooms and playrooms, but also in dryers, toilets and kitchen rooms. In the presence of corner and through ventilation, the removal of air masses is carried out through adjacent rooms.

The traditional version of the ventilation of educational institutions is irrelevant in the conditions of the Far North.

Application of a modern ventilation system

Taking into account the fact that at this stage of time the number of private kindergartens has increased significantly, it has become increasingly popular to carry out modern ventilation systems in them (another name for artificial ventilation).

There are many types of forced ventilation systems that are perfect for a garden, but in most cases preference is given to supply and exhaust systems.

Such ventilation guarantees the timely removal of polluted air masses and their replacement with clean ones. It is possible to control the temperature regime of the air supplied to the room. This is a huge plus, since the likelihood of colds in children present in groups is greatly reduced.

Supply and exhaust ventilation system significantly reduces the likelihood of colds in children

The principle of operation of the supply and exhaust system is that thanks to this installation, two air flows are created in the room - clean and polluted. The air entering the room from the street passes through a special filtration device, where all dust and dirt particles are removed, and harmful microorganisms are destroyed. Then the air masses are heated to the required temperature, and only after that the air enters the room where the children are present.

In turn, the polluted air streams, thanks to the fans, penetrate the air ducts of the ventilation system, and they are discharged to the street.

According to the calculations of experts, when choosing a ventilation system for a kindergarten, it is best to give preference to forced systems. Such recommendations are explained by the fact that it will significantly reduce energy costs, in addition, most of these installations are able to heat and humidify the air to the levels required by the rules.

It is noted that if the main goal when installing forced ventilation systems in kindergarten is the desire to save energy resources, then ideal option there will be a supply and exhaust system equipped with a heat exchanger.

Such a system in the cold season significantly reduces the cost of heating the supply air masses, in addition, the premises are supplied with purified and warm supply air. With the help of a heat exchanger, the heat from the already exhausted air masses is transferred to the supply air masses, so energy costs are significantly reduced.

Modern monoblock ventilation systems equipped with heat exchangers make it possible to transfer about 70% of heat, which reduces costs several times compared to the operation of ventilation systems in which there is no heat exchanger.

Of these ventilation systems, according to the calculations of specialists, the following are most suitable for installation in a kindergarten:

  1. Dantex.
  2. Systemair.
  3. Electrolux.
  4. Breezart.

The Dantex ventilation system is the ideal choice for kindergartens

But in spite of everything positive sides forced ventilation systems for their installation in preschool educational institution they must comply with all rules and regulations.

Basic requirements for ventilation devices in a preschool institution

There are a number of the following rules that the ventilation system in kindergarten must comply with:

  1. According to the calculations, it was highlighted that the multiplicity of air masses per child per hour should be at least 50 m3.
  2. When installing supply and exhaust equipment, it is forbidden to combine supply and exhaust type air ducts from the kitchen room, toilet and dryer with air ducts present in the sleeping room and playroom. In addition, according to the rules, there is a strict ban on the installation in kindergartens of air ducts made of a material such as asbestos cement.
  3. In the room for drying things, in the bathroom and toilet, it is necessary to ensure a constant flow of exhaust air masses, this is due to the presence in the air of a large number of harmful bacteria, particles of household chemicals, steam, and smoke. Therefore, according to the calculations of experts, in these rooms with the help of duct fans, it is necessary to create their own low-power exhaust ventilation system. Installation of fans is carried out either in the shaft or under the ceiling, this guarantees a constant flow of air masses, which will not allow them to stagnate.
  4. In rooms intended for drying and ironing things, it is recommended to install a supply cabinet, in which heaters, convectors or radiators will be used instead of heating elements.
  5. In rooms where children's things are washed, a powerful hood should also be installed, this will prevent the accumulation of moisture in the room, and, accordingly, the risk of developing fungi will decrease.
  6. The ventilation system in such an institution must necessarily be balanced and with a sufficient level of performance, since the state of health of children and caregivers directly depends on this.

Features of ventilation in kindergarten, taking into account zoning

Taking into account the fact that in kindergarten there are several main areas where the child spends more or less time, and requirements for ventilation in these areas have been developed.

At this stage of time, there are three main zones:

  • game;
  • sleeping area;
  • educational.

In the play area, the activity of the child is at a high level, so ventilation in this area should be higher than in other rooms.

In the play area, the activity of the child reaches its peak, so there are increased requirements for ventilation.

In order to ensure a uniform flow of air masses in the playing area, a diffuser is mounted in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling or wall (it all depends on the placement of the air duct). If the correct selection of climatic equipment is carried out, then children are guaranteed the opportunity to play in a room filled with fresh air.

Since children spend only a few hours in the sleeping area, the ventilation there should not be excessively intensive. Otherwise, there is a risk that the child will catch a cold as a result of uncontrolled air currents.

That is why the installation of the ventilation system in rooms intended for sleeping is carried out taking into account the following rules:

  1. The air masses located between the through-type fan grille and the exhaust duct should be minimally mixed.
  2. The temperature in the bedroom should be approximately 1-2 degrees higher than the same indicator in the area intended for games.

The learning zone in kindergarten means a place where children learn to write and read. The temperature regime in this room should be warmer than in the play area and colder than in the bedroom.

To ensure a similar indicator, the guide dampers of the supply type fan are placed in the “up” position. Cold air masses received from the street are pushed towards the ceiling. In turn, the warm air masses present in the room also rise up. Next, they are mixed.

Due to the fact that the mixing is carried out in the ceiling area, the atmospheric flow does not affect the babies, respectively, there is no negative effect on them.

Similarly, the regulation of air flows is carried out during the operation of household-type air conditioners in the kindergarten.

Use of the Tion Eco channel air mass purifier in kindergarten

If the ventilation system installed in the kindergarten does not cope with its functions and there are various smells and polluting particles in the premises, experts recommend installing a Tion Eco duct air purifier.

The air masses passing through this installation are subjected to bactericidal action, and due to the filtration component, various polluting particles are removed from the air: dust, mold, bacteria, viruses, odors, gases.

The popularity of the cleaner is ensured by the presence of the following positive properties in it:

  • not only has a disinfecting effect, but also purifies the air of dust particles and other pollutants;
  • it is allowed to use it as a bactericidal filter for organizing the recirculation of the room;
  • during its operation, no harmful substances and radiation are emitted;
  • the pressure drop across the filtration device is much lower than in similar devices;
  • due to high-quality filtration properties, the probability of penetration of dead microorganisms into the room is practically reduced to zero;
  • consumption electrical energy several times lower than in bactericidal sections;
  • the cost of replacing removable elements is 5–10 times lower than in UV lamps.

The Tion Eco channel air mass purifier is quite popular and has many advantages.

The device consists of 5 main elements, each of which has its own properties:

  1. Prefilter Carries out the retention of large dust particles and prevents them from entering the room.
  2. electrostatic block. Converts mechanical pollutants and bioaerosols in such a way that they have an electrostatic charge.
  3. HEPA filter. On it there is a settling of polluting particles and bioaerosols.
  4. Filter adsorption-catalytic type. Converts ozone to oxygen.
  5. Block automation. It controls the operation of the entire plant. Suspended type models have an indication panel.

Despite the many positive properties of this device, its use in kindergartens is carried out in very rare cases, since the device is quite expensive.

Public preschool institutions cannot afford to purchase such a device, in many cases they cannot even afford the installation of forced ventilation systems and must be manually ventilated.

Regarding private kindergartens, some of them are equipped with such or similar devices. But forced ventilation of the supply and exhaust type is quite enough, and if, in parallel with its functioning, regular ventilation of the premises is carried out, then the children who attend this kindergarten will be guaranteed to be spared from the effects of various kinds of bacteria.