Preschoolers annual project of good manners. Project “Speech etiquette: the history of the origin of traditional greetings among different peoples. Municipal educational institution

Hovhannisyan Sofia Arturovna Rules of etiquette Student year project elementary school under the theme "I am a citizen of my country"

MBOU Kirov Gymnasium named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Sultan Baimagombetov

Head: Khoroshavina R. B.

Assistant: Oganesyan E. G.


  • Objective of the project.
  • Introduction.
  • The most important qualities of a citizen.
  • The constitutional duties of a citizen.
  • The concepts of the word citizen and individual.
  • History of etiquette.
  • Types of etiquette.
  • School etiquette.
  • Conclusion.
  • References.
Purpose of my project To know: What is etiquette? What is being educated? Why do you need to know these rules? How should you behave? How to behave at school? What is a citizen? Introduction: We live in a state called the Russian Federation, and we are its citizens. A citizen is a very important title that people are proud of and which is not given to everyone. Every citizen is endowed with certain rights and has duties that must be fulfilled. 1. Compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation. 2. Respect for the rights and freedoms of others. 3. Care for children and disabled parents. 4. Obtaining basic general education. 5. Taking care of historical and cultural monuments. 6. Payment of taxes and fees. 7. Protection of nature and the environment. 8. Defense of the Fatherland.

The constitutional duties of a person and citizen include:

Concepts of the word citizen A citizen is a person belonging to the permanent population of a certain state, enjoying its protection and endowed with a set of political and other rights and obligations. Who is an individual An individual is a person who has certain qualities, abilities, external signs that distinguish him from other people. Important qualities of a citizen I believe that the most important qualities of a citizen are diligence, patience, courage and observance of the rules of etiquette, because if a person does not have these qualities, then a real personality will not come out of him. Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. All the rules of etiquette that are expressed in certain forms of behavior. Types of etiquette Depending on the situation, the following types of etiquette can be distinguished: speech; everyday; official; festive; professional; wedding; - dining room; - day off; -religious; -school. The first side of behavior expresses a moral norm: precautionary care, respect, protection. The second side of behavior speaks of the beauty, elegance of forms of human behavior. History of occurrence The word "etiquette" came to us from French, where "label", "label" matters. The French king Louis XIV introduced this word in the 17th century, but a set of certain rules of conduct existed in prehistoric times and was dictated by the need for peaceful coexistence with neighboring peoples and tribes. Louis XIV (1638-1715) - King of France from the dynasty Bourbon who ruled from 1643-1715. The formation of etiquette in our country is associated with the adoption of Christianity in the 9th century. The richest spiritual heritage of Orthodoxy had a huge impact on the formation of moral standards in Rus'. In this regard, it is impossible not to recall the name of John Chrysostom. In his "Conversations on the Gospel ..." one can find quite a few quite practical advice how to behave in different life situations. Chrysostom considered the best human qualities to be kindness, modesty, tolerance and the desire for self-improvement, and their importance is undeniable in our time. In the works of Chrysostom, both Yaroslav the Wise and Vladimir Monomakh, the smartest and most educated people of Ancient Rus', learned a lot of important things for themselves. A huge contribution to the development of etiquette in Russia was made at the beginning of the 18th century by Peter I, who traveled a lot around Europe. It was during the reign of Peter I that a book about good manners "An honest mirror of youth, or indications for everyday behavior" was published. This work was addressed primarily to young people and in an accessible form told about the rules of behavior in society. In the future, etiquette in Russia underwent various changes, gradually approaching its current state. However, like many centuries ago, the principle remains unchanged: "Treat people the way you want to be treated." school etiquette Since I'm in school, I'm currently more interested in school etiquette and "Class Rules". These include: - Friendly attitude towards each other. - Say hello to all adults, whether they teach us or not. - Smile. - Do not litter in the classroom and school, use the trash cans like well-mannered people. - Do not be late and do not skip classes. - After dinner, clean up after yourself. - Do not use phones and players during lessons. - Do not raise your voice or shout. - Speak politely to adults and to each other. - Don't say bad words. - During school-wide public events, enter the assembly hall and dining room without backpacks and outerwear. - Do not touch or damage other people's things. - Be sure to attend school-wide meetings. - Love, cherish and support school traditions. At the end of the work, I made the following conclusions: While working on my project, my knowledge on this topic was enriched with interesting information about the manners of communication, types of etiquette, history of occurrence and features, about culture in general. I think that this topic is important for me and the guys in my class. I am sure that all people need to comprehend the rules of etiquette with special diligence, as they will teach us to live in harmony with everyone around. Conclusion: Polite person - very attentive, well-mannered, it is pleasant to communicate with him. I believe that the citizens of our country should know and adhere to the rules of etiquette. Knowledge of the rules of etiquette always remains a necessary attribute of an educated person.


By not observing the rules of etiquette, you show disrespect for others and in vain count on them respect for yourself.

Thank you for your attention! I think that you liked my annual project and you learned a lot of new and interesting things! References
  • 1. Kobzeva V.V. Etiquette in questions and answers. Class teacher No. 7 - 2001. Beginning at No. 1, 2, 3, 6. 2001.
  • 2. Savenkov, A. I. Research teaching methodology junior schoolchildren. - Samara: Educational Literature Publishing House, 2007.
3. Smirnov N.A. Ethics and etiquette of younger students: A guide for teachers and parents of primary school students / ed. L.V. Kuznetsova, G.S. Semenov - M .: School Press. 2002.
  • 3. Smirnov N.A. Ethics and etiquette of younger students: A guide for teachers and parents of primary school students / ed. L.V. Kuznetsova, G.S. Semenov - M .: School Press. 2002.
  • 4. Persian and others. Class hours in grades 1 - 4 /. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  • 5. Shemshurina A.I. Ethical grammar in primary school: to help the teacher M.: Shkola-Press. 1998.
  • 6. Encyclopedia for children. I know the world. Moscow, 2000.
  • 7. Etiquette from A to Z. Author-compiler N.V. Chudakov. - M .: AST Publishing House, 1997.


Volkova Anna, Garina Oksana,

Zhurilova Maya, Mosina Ksenia


Yurievets 2010

1) definition of goals and objectives of the School of Etiquette project;

3) questioning students in order to study the level of upbringing and analysis of questionnaires;

4) a plan for conducting educational activities to improve the culture of behavior of students;

5) development of an educational event "Let's talk about politeness", drawing up a presentation for it;

6) holding the event "Let's talk about politeness" in the 3rd grade of the secondary school No.

7) conclusion.

The child at the time of birth is only a candidate

into a person, but he cannot become one in isolation: he

you need to learn to become a person in dealing with people.

A. Pieron

1. Defining the goals and objectives of the School of Etiquette project

The problem of forming a culture of student behavior is one of the most urgent problems for the teacher. The class teacher conducts various educational activities, conversations, examines the level of upbringing of students. After all, it is necessary to teach the child to respect society as a whole and each of its members individually, to treat them as he treats himself. The rule is very simple, but, alas, in everyday practice, such forms of work are not always effective. Meanwhile, the culture of human relations, communication between people play an important role in life.

The School of Etiquette project we propose, designed for six months, will help improve the culture of schoolchildren's behavior. To this end, we have developed a system extracurricular activities for elementary and middle school students. Such events will be held by high school students. Fundamentally, nothing changes in the method of carrying out in this case. But the general mood of the students becomes completely different: they are happy to meet a new face, perceive information in a completely different way and are ready to do everything just to listen to their guest, even if it is a high school student.

The goals of our project:

improving the culture of student behavior;

familiarity with the rules of etiquette.


Improving student discipline.

It is assumed that after holding such events, the way children communicate will really change and discipline will improve in the classroom, breaks, in the canteen, on the street. Improving the culture of behavior can be tracked through school duty.

2. Learning forms educational work

For the implementation of the project, the following forms of work were chosen: lesson-acquaintance, lesson-training, game.

At the heart of all the developed activities is the game as one of the forms of organizational training, education and development of the individual. The possibilities of the game are very great: firstly, they are recreated interpersonal relationships, modeling the conditions of social life, and secondly, the learning process is activated by stimulating the motives of educational activity. The game not only contributes to the active interaction of students, but also increases their emotional tension, which expands and deepens the process of creative self-determination. The game provides knowledge and assimilation of objective and social reality, intellectual, emotional and moral development of the individual.

3. Questioning of students with the aim of the level of upbringing and analysis of questionnaires

At the beginning of the study, students were asked to answer the following questions:

1. Do you always say hello when you meet

A) with your teacher

B) with a teacher who does not work in your class;

C) with classmates?

2. Do you say "thank you" when you get up from the table

A) at home to parents;

B) at the school for employees of the canteen?

3. Enters a crowded bus old man. What is your reaction?

A) stay seated

B) I will offer my place.

4. Do you always stand in line

a) in the school cafeteria

b) at the store?

5. You came to visit a friend, and he celebrates his birthday. How will you do it?

a) apologize and leave

B) congratulate the birthday man, apologize and, if invited, stay;

6. Do you have to say hello to all passengers when you get on the bus?

7. Can I come to visit an hour before the appointed time?

8. What to do chewing gum if you are a guest at the table?

Questionnaire analysis:

A) 100%; B) 30%; C) 80%; A) 80%; B) 60%; A) 60%; B) 40%; A) 100%; B) 80%; A) 20%; B) 80%; Yes - 10%; No - 90%; Yes - 20%; No - 80%; Throw away - 60%; Leave on the table - 40%.

4. A plan for conducting educational activities to improve the culture of student behavior

1) "Let's talk about politeness" Grade 3

2) "Oh, this glorious etiquette" Grade 4

3) "The luxury of human communication" Grade 5

4) "The art of giving and receiving gifts" Grade 5

5) “Our priceless gift is speech” Grade 6

6) Meeting of the etiquette club "Faculty of Forgotten Truths" Grade 7

5. Development of an educational event

Educational event "Let's talk about politeness"

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1) Acquaintance with the traditions of greeting different peoples

2) Teaching the rules of etiquette

3) Education of speech culture of younger students.

slide 1

Senior student: Good afternoon guys! When we say these words, we sincerely wish those with whom we meet, goodness and joy. And our hearts open to sincere and kind people.

Dear Guys! Today in our lesson we will remember some rules of etiquette and talk about politeness.

What is etiquette?

(children's answers)

slide 2

high school student: Etiquette is a word of French origin, it has entered the lexicon since the time of the French king Louis XVI, who had a loud nickname “king of the sun”, an extraordinary love of luxury. At the king's reception, guests were given cards listing some of the mandatory rules of conduct. From the French name for cards - labels, the word "Etiquette" came from

(Explanatory Dictionary of N. Ozhegov)

What is politeness?

(children's answers)

Senior student: Politeness is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. Until the 16th century, "Vezha" meant "expert", - one who knows the rules of decency, forms of expression of a good attitude towards people.

Today we will talk about one of the rules of politeness, and which one you can guess now.

Guys, let's imagine that we are lost in a strange city, and there is a hard frost, very cold. Show what actions will help us understand that it is cold and cold around us.

(All the guys, together with the leader, shiver, wrap their arms around themselves, tremble, pretend that they are trying to keep warm, stamp their feet, clap their hands, blow on their hands, rub their hands, etc.)

And now we are coming with you to a beautiful large house, the door of which is ajar, we entered and immediately felt warm, the kind voice of the owner of the house said!” Come in, dear guests!” What should we say to the owner of this house when we meet?

Senior student: We will say “thank you” in response, and then the word “hello.” This is how it is customary to say hello all over the world when you enter someone's house or meet a kind person.

slide 3

Bowing, we said to each other,
Although they didn't know each other,
What special topics did we say to each other?
Just “Hello” because we didn’t say anything else.
Why did a drop of sun increase in the world?
Why is there a drop of happiness in the world?

Why is life so joyful?

Yes, guys, you said hello, and life became a little more joyful. But sometimes you will shout or mutter something indistinct: either “splash”, or “sweat”.

Saying: "Hello", we wish you health.

slide 4


Guys, do you know how you used to greet each other in different countries?

slide 5

Tibetans, for example, greet by removing their headdress, left hand they pawn behind the ear and even stick out their tongue.

On Far North hunters, meeting, rubbed their noses.

The valiant musketeers bowed gracefully, waving their long-feathered hats.

In the East it was customary to put the hand to the forehead and to the heart.

- And what gesture greetings do you know?

- Can you imagine if we spent so much time bowing and curtsying?

- What would come of it?

- All this is done in accordance with traditions and must correspond to the situation and time.

Greetings have always existed among all peoples. In our time, different peoples greet in different ways:

slide 6

    In Russia we say: “Hello!” Chinese people bow to each other Eskimos rub their noses in greeting In England they say: "Hello" In France, they say hello like this: “Bonjour” In Germany, they say “Hello” like this: “Guten Tag”.

What unites all these peoples in greetings?

Yes, people celebrate the simplest and most frequent event in their lives in different ways - a meeting with another person. And yet there is something in common. Avoiding a greeting, not answering it at all times, among all peoples, was considered the height of bad manners and disrespect for others. Indeed, in the bow, in the words of greeting, there is a very large and important content: “I see you, man. You are pleasant to me. Know that I respect you, I want you to treat me well. I wish you the very best." This is what the simple and common word "hello" means.

Slide 7

“Hello,” you say to the person.
"Hi," he smiled back.
And probably won't go to the pharmacy
And will be healthy for many years.

Please remember the verbal greetings that you know.

(children's answers)

Senior student: Firework! Hello! Chao! Good morning! Good afternoon You already know what the word "hello" means. Now let's turn to the Russians folk tales and find out when this word occurs there, who uses it and in what cases.

    Kuma fox and gray wolf met. Hello, fox, hello, kumanek. (Fox and Wolf) At the behest of his stepmother, the old man brought his daughter to the forest in winter, left it under an old spruce. Morozko comes, jumps on the trees, looks at the red girl. "Hi, girl." “Hello, Morozushko, hello, father.” Are you warm, red one?” - “Warm, Morozushko, warm, father!” (Morozko)

Senior student: What is this word: hello, hello. Why did the characters in these tales use it during meetings? Can anyone explain?

True, these are words of greeting, a sign of good respect between people for each other, and it means the same wish for health.

Be healthy, don't get sick
This is the request of all people.
Hello, all you have to do is say
And no need to explain:
We want to be healthy
And we are talking about it.

I think "hello" is the best word
Because "hello" - be healthy
Remember the rule, you know - repeat.
Say this word to the elders first.
In the evening they parted, met in the morning.
So, it's time to say the word "hello".

Now we will check how much you master the art of etiquette and reveal small secrets of behavior . Explain how to behave in this situation:

    You are walking down the street with a friend. He greeted a stranger. Do you need to say hello? You entered the bus from the back platform and saw that your friends were standing at the front. Do I need to say hello to them and how to do it? Teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them, you saw your class teacher and, passing by, politely said: “Hello, Maria Ivanovna!”. Did you do the right thing?

Slide 8

The game "Polite - impolite"

If you think it's polite, clap your hands.

If impolite - stamp your foot.

· Say hello when you meet

· Call a classmate a bad word

· Do not give up your seat to an elderly person

· Pushed, don't apologize

· help pick up a fallen item

· talk loudly in in public places.

Well done boys!

Golden rules:

    always say hello first, especially if you join a company or meet older people; do not be embarrassed if you accidentally say hello twice, it is better to do it again than never; remember the traditions of the society in which you find yourself; always say goodbye, regardless of the gender and age of the interlocutor.

To say hello to a person so that he becomes joyful and sunny, you also need to be able to. Have you paid attention to how many shades you can pronounce the simple word "hello"? warm, official, cold. It all depends on the intonation, “subject to” a person.

If you treat each other politely, you can avoid many troubles. Now we learn about the rules of politeness from S. Marshak's poem “If you are polite”.

If you are polite
In the soul, not for the mind
In the trolleybus you will help
Climb the disabled.

high school student : That at the entrance to the bus, you must first let the elderly, old people through. Since they are already weak, not strong, but young, strong, daring.

And if you are polite
That, sitting in the classroom,
You won't be with a friend
To crackle like two magpies.

What do you understand from these words? (children's answers)

Senior student: Well, it's quite simple! We go to the lesson in order to study, gain knowledge, and not indulge and talk like magpies.

And if you are polite
That in a conversation with my aunt,
With both grandma and grandpa
You won't beat them.

There is such an expression; be able to listen. In a conversation with adults, this is especially appreciated. If an adult speaks, then you need to be attentive, and not interrupt him.

6) An educational event “Let's talk about politeness” was held in the 3rd grade of the MOU secondary school No. 1 named after. .

During the event, visualization (drawings, posters) and ICT (presentation) were used.

Information presented in a visual form is the most accessible for perception, assimilated easier and faster. When using visual methods, we observed a number of conditions:

the visualization used should be appropriate for the age of the students; visibility should be used in moderation and should be shown gradually and only at the appropriate moment of the lesson; observation should be organized in such a way that all students can clearly see the object being demonstrated; it is necessary to clearly highlight the main, essential when showing illustrations; think over in detail the explanations given during the demonstration of phenomena; the displayed visualization should be precisely coordinated with the content of the material.


In the process of working on the "School of Etiquette" project, we were convinced that high school students can help in solving the problem of forming a culture of behavior for junior and middle school students. As a result of the survey, it was found that not all children in everyday life behave in accordance with the rules of etiquette, and many do not know these rules. With the help of this project, you can change the way students communicate.

Since our project is designed for six months, it is too early to draw conclusions. But even after one event, it can be noted that the 3rd grade students began to greet not only their teacher, but also other teachers and staff. We will continue to work with the School of Etiquette project, we plan to organize 6 more educational events. Through the analysis of school duty and the last survey, we can sum up the final result of our work.


1. Education of schoolchildren. 2003. No. 10; 2005.№4.

2. Do you communicate with Shkatov? M., 1991

3.Modern etiquette. M: EXMO, 2005

4.Black events grade 6. M. "VAKO" 2008

5. Etiquette for all occasions. M. AST-press, 1999

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution
Chernyakhovsk "Kindergarten of combined type No. 1"

Group, creative, long-term project.

Relevance of the topic.

Every parent wants to raise their child happy man, self-confident, successfully decisive life problems accepted in society, rich in friendly and business ties, loved by loved ones and friends, work colleagues. That is why adults around him need to patiently and kindly teach him the rules of cultural behavior, explain the rationality and the need to observe them, teach him to rejoice in his good deeds and be upset because of wrong, erroneous ones.
The concept of a common culture certainly includes a culture of communication, a culture of relationships, a benevolent attitude towards people. According to geneticists, kindness is good for the human species. And goodwill towards others is worth developing in oneself.
Etiquette is the rules that a person must follow in a given society under certain circumstances (what politeness formulas to use, how to behave in public places, at the table, etc.) and according to which the first impression is formed about him, which is often decisive for further communication.
Knowing the rules of etiquette and the ability to use them enables a person to behave more confidently, naturally, with dignity under any circumstances.
In kindergarten, compliance with the rules is necessary for the normal existence of the children's team, and the teacher forms ideas about the norms and rules of behavior, thereby influencing the relationship of the preschooler with peers, parents, other people, acquaintances and strangers, helping to navigate social life.
In the new federal law"On education in Russian Federation' says that preschool education should be aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of intellectual, moral, aesthetic qualities. Therefore, we are with educators preparatory group developed and put into practice the project "Etiquette from an early age".
Project type: group, creative, long-term.
Project participants: educators, speech therapist, children 6-7 years old, parents of pupils.
Educational area: social and communicative development.
- to form the skills of cultural behavior;
- to increase the level of communicative competence of children;
- involve parents in the cultural education of children in the family;
- to study the concepts of "etiquette" and "cultural person";
- to form cultural behavior in various life situations;
- activate Creative skills, imagination, curiosity, thinking, communication skills, cognitive interest in ethical rules and norms;
- to consolidate children's knowledge of speech etiquette in certain everyday situations;
- to form the ability to independently analyze and systematize the acquired knowledge, lexical and grammatical means of the language, expand vocabulary, develop coherent speech, work out sound pronunciation;
educate children moral qualities necessary in society;
- work with parents on the moral education of their families;
- create a developing environment.

Estimated results of the project implementation
1. Formation in children:
- the concepts of "etiquette" and "cultural person";
- the ability to correctly use the words of greetings, gratitude, to conduct a conversation with partners, without offending or humiliating the interlocutors;
- knowledge about the rules of good manners, expressive means of the native language, the culture of behavior, the ability to apply them in various life situations;
- knowledge of speech etiquette in certain everyday situations;
- the ability to analyze their actions and develop forms of desired communication with people;
- moral qualities necessary in society;
- the desire to reflect their feelings in artistic and creative activities,
2. Activation of the participation of parents in the life of the group, playing and artistic and creative activities, joint with children.
The first stage is goal setting
IN modern society for the successful existence of a person, it is necessary to observe the rules of behavior adopted in certain social circles. Currently, there is a widespread lack of morality among children, adolescents and adults. Cruelty, arrogance, indifference give rise to an increasing number of conflicts in society. In this regard, the relevance of studying etiquette as the rules of conduct adopted in certain social circles is beyond doubt.
Familiarization with the basics of etiquette at preschool age allows you to learn the norms of behavior in society and turn them into a habit. An outstanding teacher A.S. Makarenko noted that adults educate a child not only during a conversation with him, but also when they are happy, communicate with other adults, read newspapers.
All parents want their child to be polite, but in doing so, they set a completely opposite example. They force the child to say hello at the entrance to the group, but they themselves do not.
Politeness is not born by itself, it is brought up from an early age in the family, kindergarten. And to whom, if not educators, the teaching staff as a whole, to solve this everyday, figuratively speaking, jewelry work. In a preschool educational institution, teachers form ideas about the norms and rules of behavior, thereby influencing the relationship of a preschooler with peers, parents, other people, acquaintances and strangers, helping to navigate social life. They give the concept that a cultured, educated person has such qualities as friendliness, kindness, courtesy. An important role in the culture of communication is played by well-developed speech - a means of human communication. Knowing the rules of etiquette will allow the child to have good manners, restraint, be tactful and gallant.
Teaching children the rules of behavior is exciting if done with love and imagination. The child learns a lot about the world around him from his parents and from his own observations. The tasks of teachers are to expand and correct the knowledge of children, to bring them into the system. This work needs to start at an early age. We believe that the project "Etiquette from an early age" will help to achieve successful results in the formation of cultural behavior skills among preschoolers.
The proposed tasks include modeling the child's behavior in various situations, mastering the ways of communicating with people, teaching good in direct communication with each other, and developing organizational skills in the game.
At runtime design work pedagogical conditions are being created for educating a culture of behavior and communication in older children preschool age.
All work on the project is built in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and is aimed at creating a general culture of intellectual and personal qualities that ensure the social success of preschool children.
The second stage - project development
1. Making the project participants understand the importance of the problem.
2. Selection of methodological, popular scientific and fiction, illustrative material.

3. Preparation of creative works for the exhibition.
4. Drawing up a work plan for the implementation of the project.
The third stage - project implementation
1. Diagnosis of the level of formation of behavioral skills, relationships and aesthetic ideas in children.
2. Directly educational activities.
Lessons by topic:
- ABC of courtesy. Etiquette. What is this?";
- “How does the morning begin, or the Word “hello””;
- "Let's get acquainted";
- "Polite Journey";
- "Behavior at the table" (practical task);
- "How to properly use personal hygiene items";
- “Who is neat is pleasant”;
- "Our Friendly family»;
- Make people happy good deeds»;
- “And we have guests!”;
- “Malvina has a birthday”;
- "How we behave in society";
- "On the street, in the museum, theater";
- "What is friendship";
Who do I want to be friends with?
3. Informative conversations on topics:
- "Who and why came up with the rules of conduct";
- "Talking on the phone";
- "Polite interlocutor";
- "We receive guests";
- "So that you have many friends";
- "Your good deeds";
- "Rules of conduct in public transport."
4. Solving problem situations: "Correct or not" (situations from pictures); “Polite rabbit”, “Chatty hedgehog”, “Dirty bear cub”, “What to do at a party if ...”, “Guests at your house”, “So that guests do not get bored”, “Culture of appearance”.
5. Reading Fiction:
- poems by E. Alyabyeva "Wish people well", "It's nice to be kind"; reading the story of V. Oseeva: "The Magic Word",
- cycles of poems by A. Barto “Vovka-kind soul”, “Yesterday I was walking along Sadovaya”, M. Druzhinina “Who knows the magic word”, A. Kondratiev “Good afternoon”, V. Krivosheev “Good morning”;
- moral and ethical fairy tales for children: Russian folk "Two greedy bear cubs", K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", "Moydodyr",
6. Looking at pictures and talking about them: "Lessons of politeness", "Me and my behavior."
7. Learning proverbs, sayings on the topic "Politeness, kindness."
8. Theatrical games:
- dramatization based on the story by V. Oseeva "Just an old woman";
- puppet theater "Let's save kindness";
9. Didactic games: “We are going to visit”, “Tree of kindness”, “Who knows more polite words”, “Etiquette is a school of graceful manners” (part 1 - culture of behavior; part 2 - use of cutlery), “Pleasant appetite”, “How to behave”, “Telephone conversation”, “Praise a friend”, “Guess my name”, “Set the table for tea”.
10. Role-playing games: "Family", "Away", "Shop", "Beauty Salon", "Journey around the city", "Bus", "Dialogue", "Interview", "Cafe".
11. Psycho-gymnastics. Etudes: “Attentive boy”, “So it will be fair”, “Polite child”, “ kind girl».
12. Communication games: "Meeting of two friends", "Greeting", "Request", "Farewell", "Choosing and presenting a gift to a friend", "Invitation to dance", "Only together!", "All together!", " Acquaintance".
13. Visual activity:
- drawing on the themes "Good and Evil", "I have such a mood today";
- making a homemade book "Our good deeds";
14. Creation of a developing environment:
- production of attributes for role-playing games: "Malvina has a birthday"; "Cafe";
- replenishment of the games "Family", "Away", "Shop", "Beauty Salon", "Journey around the city", "Bus" with attributes;
- production of didactic games: "Tree of kindness", "What is good and what is bad?".
15. Working with parents:
- questioning parents on the topic of the project;
- parent meeting in the form of a round table discussion "Educating a culture of behavior among preschoolers";
- production together with the parents of the homemade book "Our good deeds";
- organization of the photo exhibition "Good deed".

The fourth stage is the final
1. Performance analysis.
The level of formation of habits of moral behavior
Norm of behavior Know the norm % Formed stable Know the norm, but habit of behavior, habit of behavior, % not formed, %
start end start end start end
Greeting (habit to say hello) 50 80 30 60 50 20
The habit of sharing with friends in the game 40 70 40 70 40 -
Cultural behavior at the table 40 90 30 70 40 40
The habit of deliberately apologizing for
bad deeds 30 60 20 30 30 30
The habit of helping adults at their request 40 70 20 70 40
Having introduced children to certain rules in the classroom, I fixed it through didactic games, game exercises, role-playing games, in everyday life.
So in joint activities she conducted improvisation games, exercise games. For example, in the improvisation game “Meeting Guests”, we learned with children how to thank the host for the evening spent. In another game, they learned to say hello, say goodbye, thank you.
Didactic games helped children to consolidate their knowledge about the dishes, that they can be dining room, tea. Learned to set the table.
Role-playing games provide more opportunities for learning and reinforcing the rules of etiquette. Because during the game you can see what skills the children already have, what else you need to learn, and during the game I showed how to behave in a given situation. So, playing “Family” with the children, they learned how to treat loved ones, how to set the table, how to receive guests, how to behave at a party.
The formation of a culture of communication and etiquette is impossible to imagine without the use of fiction. After all, when reading a book, a child sees a certain picture, a specific situation, an image in front of him, experiences the events described, and the stronger his experiences, the richer his feelings and ideas about reality.
After reading fairy tales, stories, poems, they discussed the actions of the heroes with the children. She asked questions that allowed her to think and draw conclusions. Which of the characters did the right thing and which didn't.
As a result of purposeful work, we can say about some achievements. When we started work on the formation of a culture of communication and etiquette, 50% of the children from the group did not say hello, did not say goodbye, did not thank for the help. Now children know how to say hello, say goodbye, say “Thank you” leaving the table. Children are happy to offer their help (untie a scarf, fasten sandals), making a request, saying “please”.
Children pay more attention to their appearance: they tuck shirts into shorts, whether shoes are in order, girls ask to comb their hair.
Throughout the project, work was carried out on interaction with the family.
At the first meeting, the topic of the project was announced to the parents, the problem was identified, and a survey of parents was conducted on the topic of the project.
At the parent meeting in the form of a round table discussion, the topic “Educating a culture of behavior among preschoolers” was discussed. Parents got acquainted with the results of diagnosing the level of formation of habits of moral behavior and made sure that the indicators were not high enough. The tasks of common interaction to solve this problem were determined.
Workshop for parents. "Games that develop the moral qualities of children" helped parents to feel through games how difficult it is sometimes to find the right words, to say a compliment, to express in words their feelings and attitudes towards others.
Production together with parents of the book "Our good deeds";
To conduct a group discussion on the topic “Our friendly family”, children with their parents prepared stories about their families and a genealogical family tree. Prepared works for the photo exhibition "Good Deed".
In the parent's corner there were consultations "Lessons of good manners", where parents could get acquainted with the rules of etiquette and in an accessible form talk about it with the child at home.

Conclusion. The work done made it possible to draw the attention of children to the ability to treat people around them delicately and considerately, to behave depending on the requirements and the specific situation. Children gradually became more restrained in the manifestation of negative emotions, the cases of negative behavior towards peers and adults, including parents, decreased. Classes have helped many to look at themselves from the outside.
Children became more attentive in the classroom and during conversations with them, more sociable in games, their emotional state improved.
It was possible to activate the parents and include them in the work on the implementation of the project (photographing, searching for information). But the most important thing that we were able to convey to parents is the conviction that they are the main example for their children, that is, parents raise a child with their own upbringing.
I believe that the tasks of forming a culture of communication of etiquette should go through all sections of the general educational preschool programs and work in this direction should be continued in the future academic year. Children still need to learn a lot to become educated and cultured people.
2. Registration of project materials.
Lesson "How does the morning begin or the word: "hello"".
Purpose: to introduce polite forms of greeting into speech
Lesson: Polite Journey.
Purpose: to continue to form positive moral qualities. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions. To consolidate the ability to correlate game actions with the role performed.
Game situation "In the bus", In the store", "In the hospital", in the hairdresser's
Lesson: "Behavior at the table" (practice).
Purpose: To teach children to set the table, to expand children's knowledge of the rules of good manners at the table. Bring up good manners.
Strengthen the ability to maintain the correct posture while eating.
Improve the ability to use cutlery (spoons, forks, knives, plates for various purposes, etc.).
Teach different types of serving, table, folding techniques tissue napkin. Continue to acquaint with what, how and what they eat.
: "He who is neat is pleasant."
Purpose: Lesson To teach children to be neat, clean, to be able to notice the beauty of the costume, its originality, style, fashion. Carefully and carefully fold and store clothes, keep the place of use of things (wardrobe, shelves) clean. Keep an eye on your appearance, do not forget to comb your hair.
Lesson: "Our friendly family."
Purpose: To educate children in goodwill towards relatives and friends, the ability to notice the noble deeds of others, the culture of communication with adults and peers: play calmly without disturbing others, be sociable, share toys, help mom clean up things, bring toys to brother, serve a plate to grandmother and etc.
Lesson: "Malvina has a birthday."
Purpose: To continue to introduce children to the concept of "etiquette", to acquire communication skills, behavior at home, on the street, in transport, etc. Strengthen the ability to give and receive gifts. To develop coherent speech, the ability to make independent judgments, the ability to conduct a dialogue. To educate the ability to behave in society, the desire to take care of others, to create a joyful-emotional mood.
Reading fiction.
Dramatization based on the story by V. Oseeva "Just an old woman"
Communication games: "Only together!", "All together!"
Homemade book "Our good deeds"
Parent meeting at the round table "Education and formation of a culture of behavior of preschool children"
Purpose: to educate children who can behave with dignity in society and subsequently become a harmoniously developed personality.
List of used and recommended literature

1. Alyabyeva E.A. Days of ethics in kindergarten. Planning, games, fairy tales, poems. M., 2013.
2. Alyabyeva E.A. Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers. M., 2004.
3. Barinova E.V. Lessons in Politeness and Kindness: A Guide to children's etiquette for teachers of kindergartens and schools early development. Rostov n/D., 2013.
4. Demidova O.N. Always be polite. Summaries of lessons on ethical grammar with children 6-7 years old. Prakt. manual for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. Voronezh, 2009.
5.Mulko I.F. Ethics for children 5-7 years old: Method, manual. M., 2012. Shorygina T. A. Conversations about ethics with children aged 5-8 years. M., 2009.

Olga Kryazh
Project "Etiquette from an early age"

Relevance project:

in the new federal law "Education in the Russian Federation" it is said that a preschool educational institution should be aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of intellectual, moral, aesthetic qualities. Therefore, we have developed project« Etiquette from an early age» .


culture of behavior is a characteristic feature good upbringing. Therefore, teaching good manners is an important part of educational process. It is necessary that the child not only knows how to behave in society, but also knows how to do it.

Target project:

introduce children to the concept etiquette, to form cultural behavior in different life situations.

Tasks project:

Build cultural skills.

Study concept « etiquette» And "cultural person".

To educate in children the moral qualities necessary in society.

Involve parents culturally and moral education children in the family.

Create a development environment.

Expected results.

Formation children:

concepts « etiquette» And "cultural person";

The ability to correctly use the words of greetings, gratitude, conduct a conversation with partners, without offending or humiliating the interlocutors;

Knowledge about the rules of good manners, expressive means of the native language, the culture of behavior, the ability to apply them in various life situations;

The ability to analyze your actions and develop forms of what you want

communication with people;

Moral qualities required in society;

The desire to reflect their feelings in artistic and creative activities.

Location: MBDOU kindergarten No. 22 of the village of Yaroslavskaya.

Members project: teachers, children.

Children's age: 5-6years

Implementation timeline: November 2017 - May 2018

Stages project:

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Making participants understand problem importance project.

Selection of methodological, popular science and fiction.

Drawing up a work plan for implementation project.

Stage 2. Performance project

Leisure activities, conversations, reading books, watching cartoons, holding quizzes, guessing riddles.

Games are dramatizations.

Conducting mobile, didactic, role-playing games.

Stage 3. results

Processing, design of materials on the topic.

Holding exhibitions.

Performance project.

Teaching children the rules of behavior is exciting if done with love and imagination. The child learns a lot about the world around him from his parents and from his own observations. The tasks of teachers are to expand and correct the knowledge of children, bring them into the system. We believe that to achieve successful results in the formation of cultural behavior skills in

preschoolers will help project« Etiquette from an early age» .

At runtime design In our work, we created pedagogical conditions for educating a culture of behavior and communication in children of senior preschool age.

For the successful implementation of this project diagnostics of the level of formation of behavioral skills, relationships and aesthetic ideas in children was carried out.

Leisure activities were carried out topics:

« Etiquette. What is this?";

"How to behave at the table";

"How to use personal hygiene items";

"How we behave in society - on the street, in a museum, in a theater".

Informative discussions were also held on Topics:

"Who and why invented the rules of conduct";

"Talking on the phone";

"Polite Interlocutor";

"The Polite Listener";

"Hosting guests";

"To have many friends";

"Your good deeds";

"Rules of conduct in public transport".

The children were asked to solve problems situations: "Right or Wrong" (picture situations); "Polite Bunny", "Chatty hedgehog", "Dirty Bear", "The Nutcracker and Toys", "What to do at a party if.", "Guests at your house", « Etiquette and my home: beauty, cleanliness and comfort», "Neat Monkey", "Lion on the phone".

Reading fiction is also very important. literature:

Poems by E. Alyabyeva "Wish people well", "It's nice to be kind";

Cycles of poems by A. Barto "Vovka-kind soul", “Yesterday I was walking along Sadovaya”, M. Druzhinina "Who knows the magic word", A. Kondratieva "Good afternoon", V. Krivosheeva "Good morning";

Moral and ethical tales for children: Russian traditional "Two Greedy Little Bears", I. Syrovatkina "Country of Rudeness", K. Chu-kovsky "Fedorino grief", "Moydodyr", T. Shorygina "Native Tales", D. Mamin - Siberian "Smarter than everyone".

Looked at the pictures with the children and had conversations on him: "Lessons in Courtesy", "Me and my behavior".

Learned proverbs, sayings on the topic "Courtesy, Kindness".

To consolidate knowledge about the rules of good manners, the culture of behavior, the ability to apply them in various life situations, we made and acquired didactic games:

What do you know about personal care products?;

« Etiquette» (part 1 - we are going to visit, part 2 - the use of cutlery, "Bon appetit", "Set the table for tea";

"How to behave".

Conducted role-playing games: "Family", "Away", "Shop", "Beauty saloon", "City Journey", "Bus", "Dialogue", "Interview", "Cafe" and game simulation situations: "The phone rang", "Acquaintance", "In the shop", "A toy shop" as well as communicative games: "Meeting of two friends", "Greetings", "Request", "Parting", "Choosing and presenting a gift to a friend", "Invitation to Dance".

Very important and illustrative activity:

Drawing on themes "Good and evil", "I'm in such a mood today".

In order to work on project was built in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and aimed at creating a common culture of intellectual and personal qualities that ensure the social success of preschool children, the developmental Wednesday:

Replenished with attributes of role-playing games "Family", "Away", "Shop", "Beauty saloon", "Bus", "Cafe";

Didactic a game: "School etiquette» ;

competitions were held: "Let's set the table for the holiday", "Culture of Behavior at the Table", "Boulevard of Polite Words", "Square of Compliments".

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Etiquette word of French origin, meaning demeanor.

At one of the magnificent and elegant receptions of King Louis the Fourteenth, the guests were presented with cards listing several mandatory rules of conduct. From the French name of the cards - " labels» and the word happened "etiquette".

In Russia, in 1717, under Peter the Great, the book “An Honest Mirror of Youth or Indications for Worldly Behavior” was published. In it, following the alphabet and arithmetic, the rules were set out on how to sit at the table, handle a knife and fork, at what distance to take off your hat when meeting with a friend ...

“Do not slurp over food like a pig, and do not scratch your head, do not speak without swallowing a piece, for the ignorant do this. Often sneezing, blowing your nose and coughing is not good.”

Of course, over time, the rules of conduct have changed, but much has not changed since ancient times.

Since the time of ancient Rome, the custom of hospitality has come to us. Cutlery was already held in high esteem by the Egyptians. And the ability to eat beautifully and silently has always been considered a great dignity, an important element of the culture of behavior.

How to properly and beautifully sit at the table while eating, use cutlery and utensils, how aesthetically pleasing to eat and drink - these and other similar questions are not at all idle, especially when you consider that in recent years we have all become much more sociable, we communicate a lot with different people. people, travel, and therefore eat out. And how uncomfortable a person sometimes feels when invited to a party or an official reception, not knowing the meaning of many of the instruments located in front of him. What glass to pour into, what fork to eat, if there are two or even three for each person, and everyone is different - and now the feeling of comfort has been lost, and perhaps the whole evening has been spoiled. Yes, and at home, in the family circle, it is not out of place to skillfully wield a fork and knife, to use a napkin correctly.

Of all the simple rules of behavior, many have learned only one thing - “when I eat, I am deaf and dumb”, and by the way, it is not the most important thing.

But to know how to properly arrange dishes on the table, the sequence of their serving, to be able to take care of guests - all this is a mystery to many of us. Maybe you shouldn’t solve it, because it’s quite possible to do without a knife and a napkin at dinner - a plate with a spoon is enough? Well, based on this, it is not a sin to remember the times when plates with a spoon were a “whim”, they, like the rest of the serving, were replaced by a knife and a large slice of bread. But for this, people came up with cutlery and rules of conduct in order to feel freer and more comfortable at the table.

There are many rules of behavior, but there is the simplest rule: a person by his behavior and appearance should not cause inconvenience to people around him.

Etiquette- good manners, good manners, the ability to behave in society.

There is a word in Russian politeness. Polite called a person who knows the rules of conduct and - The main thing! - complying with these rules.


Etiquette- a set of rules of conduct, treatment adopted in certain social circles.

In the days of absolute monarchy, etiquette was a system of rules of conduct at the court of the monarch, aimed at securing signs of attention in front of his person.

Mark Twain has an impressive scene in The Prince and the Pauper dressing the king:

“First of all, the Lord Ober - Master of the Horse took the shirt and handed it to the first Lord Jägermeister, he handed it to the second Lord of the bedchamber, this one in turn - the chief forest warden of Windsor Forest, that one - the third Ober - chamberlain, this one - the royal chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, that one - the keeper King's robes, this one to the King of Arms of Norroy, that one to the Commandant of the Tower, this one to the Lord Housekeeper, that one to the chief hereditary napkin binder, this one to the First Lord of the Admiralty, that one to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and finally the Archbishop to the first Lord of the Bedchamber who put on the shirt - or, rather, what was left of it - on the king.

Every accessory of his toilet was subjected to the same slow and solemn process.

Repeated daily - from our point of view meaningless - ceremonies were an integral part of courtier etiquette. But from an ethical point of view, they were necessary. The observance of various kinds of ceremonials emphasized the unique role of the royal person, contributed (even outwardly) to her exceptional social position, and also emphasized the dependence of the lower ones on the higher ones.

The rules of etiquette were elaborated in detail and required strict implementation.


Modern culture has inherited the true wealth of mankind, it has singled out from the diverse heritage of the past everything that has retained its true value. natural value. Of course, from the etiquette that came from the past, they also took rational rules of behavior, courtesy, courtesy and reasonable traditions.

It is no coincidence that specialists, turning to the study of etiquette, find a lot of similarities in the unwritten rituals of the highlanders, and in the customs of the Russian people, and in the rules of conduct of eastern nationalities. All of them are characterized by respect for elders, the laws of hospitality, the requirement of restraint in manners, and much more. It is this, and not formal ceremonies, that we have taken.





In the Austrian capital, Vienna, there is the Hofburg Palace, and in it is the “Chamber of Table Linen and Cutlery”. Tablecloths, napkins, cutlery and sets (complete sets of tableware or tea utensils), crystal and porcelain used by the Habsburg dynasty are stored here. In total there are 177558 items in the collection.

Napkins and tablecloths are made over a hundred years ago from the finest Czech linen. The length of the largest tablecloth is over twenty meters (imagine what kind of table it covered!). Napkins are divided into "imperial" - meter by meter in size and "court" - 70 by 70 cm.

Items from the collection are sometimes used today during state receptions and banquets. “Imperial” napkins are put only for monarchs, and for presidents, heads of governments, ministers - just “court”.

At the same time, napkins are folded in a special, "proprietary" way - as was done under the Habsburgs. This is done by a collection specialist.

Of the services now most often used is the one that belonged to the last Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph.


Table setting - this is preparing him for breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea, that is, the correct, in a certain order, arrangement of all necessary items - dishes, cutlery, napkins, etc.

Table setting must meet the following requirements:

match the event- breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, banquet, buffet, etc.;

be aesthetic- be in harmony with the shape of the table, tablecloth, napkins (the shape of their folding and color), interior;

strictly match the menu served snacks, meals and drinks;

reflect the thematic focus of the feast, for example, a celebration on the occasion of a birthday or a meeting of the New Year, etc .;

all things serving should be located in accordance with accepted rules.

To learn how to properly and beautifully set the table, you need to remember the numerous serving items, their names, and most importantly, their purpose. At the same time, not only accuracy is required from the hostess, but also artistic taste, the desire to deliver something pleasant to all participants in the feast.

Beautiful clean dishes, a complete set of all necessary utensils, snow-white table linen will help decorate the table itself and the entire room intended for a feast, create an atmosphere of solemnity and comfort, all this is a guarantee of a good appetite and mood.

first they cover the table with a tablecloth;

arrange the plates;

lay out cutlery;

put glass (crystal) dishes;

lay out napkins;

arrange devices with spices, vases with flowers, etc.

By following such a strict sequence, you can not only quickly and correctly arrange numerous table setting items, but also avoid such an unpleasant thing as breaking dishes, especially crystal.

First of all, plates and cutlery should be well inspected, wiped and polished to a shine with a towel or napkin.


To behave confidently at the table, you must, first of all, know the serving items and their meaning.


The table linen used by all participants in the feast includes tablecloths And napkins.


Clean, well ironed and neatly bedded tablecloths give the table a festive, solemn look. The ends of the tablecloth should hang down by about 25-30 cm, and a little more from the ends of a rectangular table. For solemn occasions, snow-white tablecloths are recommended, and for a tea table - colored ones.

The tablecloth is taken with two hands in width, shaken sharply above the surface of the table and, lowering it onto the table, pull it towards you. The air layer formed by shaking between the table and the tablecloth makes it easy to move the tablecloth in the right direction so that its central folds lie exactly in the center of the table. Each corner of the tablecloth should fall strictly against the legs of the table and close them.

It is best not to flatten the tablecloth by pulling it around the corners or stroking its surface with your hands.


An indispensable detail when setting a table are napkins.

Today we have at our disposal a great variety of materials from which napkins are made. Except tissue And paper napkins, there are also napkins from interlining. All of them come in different sizes, colors and patterns.

Depending on the purpose, they are divided into canteens And tea. Table napkins measuring 46 by 46 cm are needed at the table in almost all cases, and only tea napkins 35 by 35 cm in size, mostly colored, are recommended for serving the table for tea.

For ceremonial feasts, it is preferable linen napkins.

There are many ways to fold napkins, but it's best to use the most convenient and easiest way to touch it as little as possible with your hands and so that it does not look wrinkled when unfolded. Rolled napkins are placed on each guest's dinner plate.

Here are several ways to fold napkins: roller, wave, pocket, hat, cocked hat, bag, fan, pyramid, candle, lily.

In addition, there are many ways to decorate napkins with rings.

The rings made of silver, marble, faience and porcelain look exquisite. But no less beautiful are homemade rings made of artificial pearls, silver plates or flowers.

Thanks to this design, the table will look unique and individual and will be remembered by guests for a long time.


The basis of the ring of flowers is the wire. Fresh flowers are tied tightly to each other with thin threads to the wire ring. Only the visible part of the ring can be entwined with flowers. Artificial or dried flower rings can be used several times.

Rings of fresh flowers really enliven the table.


As napkin rings, both wooden and metal rings. In addition, the napkin can be tied with a tulle or silk ribbon, decorated with a bow.

It looks very romantic.

Imitation pearls are more suitable for a festively elegant table. Wooden "pearls" are more suitable for a rustic-style table. Colorful artificial pearls can decorate a fun carnival feast. You can make rings from the leaves. For them, use any inexpensive jewelry. These rings are suitable for silver or gold


For eating at the table, a variety of porcelain or faience dishes are used:

snack plates with a diameter of 200 mm for all cold and some hot snacks;

dining deep dishes(large with a diameter of 240 mm and a capacity of 500 cubic cm and small with a diameter of 200 mm and a capacity of 300 cubic cm) - for all soups and cereals, especially for those served with milk or liquid jelly;

bouillon cups with a capacity of 250-300 cu. see for broths, purées, and some dressing soups served with garnish cut into chunks;

small dinner plates with a diameter of 240 mm for all second hot dishes. In some cases, a plate is substituted under a dining deep plate with soup, and at receptions and banquets - under a snack plate;

patty plates- for bread, buns, cheesecakes, donuts, croutons and other bakery products intended for each participant in the feast. Pie plates, if the feast is family, and not official, can be replaced paper napkins;

dessert plates(small and deep with a diameter of 200 mm) - for sweet (dessert) dishes. They differ from small and deep dinner plates in that they are usually painted with fruits, berries and flowers. Sweet pies, fruits and berries, as well as various confectionery products are served on dessert small plates, and so-called voluminous sweet dishes (for example, mousse, sambuco) and sweet cereals with fruits, jam, etc.

Dessert plates can be completely replaced with snack and small dining deep plates;

kremanki- metal or glass - for many sweet dishes (jelly, compotes, fruits or berries in syrup, ice cream, etc.). Kremanki with sweet dishes are placed on patty plates before serving.

The above dishes are basic. There are other utensils in which dishes are cooked, served and from which it is eaten. This one-portion frying pans, chillers, cocotte makers and much more.

After the table is covered with a tablecloth, you can begin to arrange the plates. A snack plate is placed strictly against each chair, making sure that the distance from the edge of the table to the edge of the plate is approximately 1.5-2 cm.

When setting the table on the occasion of special celebrations, small dinner plates are first placed as a stand, and snack plates are placed on them (so that the snack plate does not slide around the shallow dining room, you can put a napkin between them). In this case, it is necessary to observe the same distance from the edge of the table to the edge of the plate as when arranging snack plates.

Then, at a distance of 5-15 cm to the left of the snack bars (or small dinner plates), patty plates are placed, while remembering that their center should be on the same line.

In especially solemn occasions, a pie plate can be placed so that the edges of the plates farthest from the edge of the table are in line with a small dinner plate.


Basic cutlery includes knife, forks And spoons.

Each knife has a corresponding fork.

With help table knives and forks they eat dishes from meat and meat products, dough products (except sweet ones), pies, pancakes, etc. In addition, the tip of the knife blade can be used to grab a side dish on the fork.

Table-knife in size corresponds to the diameter of a small dinner plate, fork the same size as a knife or maybe a little smaller.

Fish knife and fork necessary for the consumption of fish dishes. In the absence of special devices for fish, two forks are used. Knife and fork for fish are somewhat smaller than canteens. The fish knife is blunt, similar to an elongated spatula, and the fork has four shortened and wide horns.

With help diner knife and fork eat various snacks - meat, fish, vegetables, etc.

Dessert knife and fork you will need for sweet pies, some pies, watermelon, melon, etc.

Almost everyone uses table knives, but few know why it has such a shape. Why does it have a rounded end? After all, cutting, especially tough meat, is more convenient with a knife with a sharp end?

Table knives had a sharp end until the century, and the famous Cardinal Richelieu, the head of the Catholic Church in France, rounded them off. One day at dinner, he noticed that one of the guests was picking his teeth with the tip of a knife. The next day, the cardinal ordered his majordomo to saw off the sharp ends of all table knives and round them. Then the whole of France adopted the new fashion, and then the whole world. By the beginning of the last century, a pointed table knife had become a rarity.

spoons for a meal, whether it is a gala dinner in a restaurant or a feast in the family circle, a lot is required:

table spoon- for soups served in deep bowls;

dessert spoon- for many sweet dishes served in bowls or in deep dessert bowls, as well as for soups served in bouillon cups;

teaspoon– for hot drinks (tea, coffee with milk, cocoa) served in tea cups or glasses;

coffee spoon– for black coffee served in a coffee cup.

The number of knives, forks and spoons used depends on the composition of the breakfast, lunch and dinner menu.

To the right of the plates (snack bars or small canteens), knives are laid out in the following order: closer to the plate - a table knife, to the right next to it - a fish knife, and last - a snack knife. All knives should be facing the plate. If guests intend to serve soup, then between the diner and fish knives you need to put a spoon with the spout up. If there is no fish dish, then a spoon is placed between the snack and table knives.

To the left of the plates, lay out the forks corresponding to the knives, with the prongs up.

The distance between the plate and the appliances, as well as between the appliances themselves, should be approximately 0.5 cm.

All devices must be placed strictly parallel to each other and perpendicular to the edge of the table. The distance between the ends of the instrument handles and the edge of the table is the same as for the plates - 1.5-2 cm.

The number and name of the devices used for serving depend on the intended menu. If the menu includes only cold appetizers, then only snack utensils should be used for table setting; if the menu includes both cold appetizers and a second hot meat dish, then you will need snack and table knives and forks for serving. If the menu includes snacks, two second hot dishes of fish and meat, then the table is served with snack utensils, a spoon, knives and forks for fish and knives and forks for meat.

Dessert devices are laid out in front of the plate in the following order from the plate to the center of the table: knife, fork, spoon. In this case, the knife and spoon are placed with the handles to the right, and the fork - to the left.

Dessert device, depending on the composition of the dessert, can be used partially. For example, if you intend to serve one sweet dish (compote or jelly) for dessert, then you only need a dessert spoon. If you serve more fruit or some kind of confectionery, then in addition to spoons, you will also need dessert knives and forks.


In addition to food, various drinks are traditionally served at the table.

Each drink has its own dishes:

vodka glass with a capacity of 35-50 cu. cm - for strong alcoholic drinks (vodka, bitters, liqueurs), which are usually served with various snacks;

Madeira glass with a capacity of 50 cu. cm - for fortified wines (madeira, port wine, etc.) served with first courses;

Rhine wine glass two types: ordinary with a capacity of 75 cu. mass media colored glass on a high leg with a capacity of 150 cubic meters. cm - for natural white wines served with hot fish dishes and some cold appetizers;

lafitte glass with a capacity of 100 cu. cm - for natural (grape) red wines served with hot meat dishes;

wineglass with a capacity of 125 cu. cm - for champagne served with dessert dishes;

wine glass with a capacity of 200-250 cu. cm - for mineral or fruit water and other soft drinks;

cognac glass with a capacity of 15-20 cubic meters. cm - for cognac or rum, usually served with coffee. If only cognac is served at the table, then it is drunk from a glass of vodka;

conical stack with a capacity of 120-150 cu. cm - for various juices and fruit drinks;

cylindrical stack with a capacity of 250-500 cubic meters. see - for beer and fruit drink.

You can see that the capacity of the glass is directly related to the strength of the drink: the stronger the alcoholic drink, the smaller the glass for drinking it.

If it is supposed to serve only water (mineral or fruit) and beer, then in the center for each plate or to the right her, on the line of intersection of the upper edge of the plate with the end of the first knife, put a glass. Such an arrangement of glass or crystal in the first case is called center, and in the second right hand. If instead of water it is supposed to serve kvass or fruit drink, then instead of a glass, you need to put a mug by turning it with the handle to the right.

For another drink - vodka or cognac, or wine, or champagne - next to the glass, to the right of it, they put the serving item corresponding to the drink - a glass or a glass. If there are two drinks besides water, the glass is placed one position to the left of the center of the plate, and next to it, to the right, they put dishes for alcoholic beverages (for example, madeira or vodka glasses).

At banquets, for example, when the assortment of drinks is very impressive, all subsequent items made of glass or crystal for drinks are placed in the second row, since it is not customary to put more than three items in one row.

This service is called complete applicable only on special occasions.

Central And right table setting schemes are the main ones: they are the most common both in our country and abroad.

The distance between glasses, as well as between glasses and a plate, should be at least 0.5-1 cm.


Perfect table decorations are flowers. They are especially good in the morning, as if welcoming those who sit down at the table with Good morning.

Low vases with fresh garden or wild flowers, 6-7 pcs. in each, they are usually placed in the center of the table, although this is not necessary. Place vases with big bouquet not recommended: after all, flowers should not obscure either the dishes or the people sitting opposite.

Very good so-called "floating" flowers, especially recommended for decorating a banquet table. To do this, low, flat vessels are filled with water and only inflorescences are immersed in them.

Next to the devices of the anniversaries, guests of honor can be put buttonholes from flowers without a strong smell. The stems of the flowers must be dry so that there are no stains on the tablecloth.

Any flowers are suitable for decorating the table. Not only traditional roses and carnations are good, but also wildflowers, simple and unpretentious, and in autumn and winter, leaves, small twigs with fruits, pine branches, and spruce can be used.


Everyone should know in what order it is recommended to serve certain snacks and dishes.


Cold drinks include alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

A rare lunch is complete without various non-alcoholic drinks. In fact, most people, eating food, wash it down with various drinks. These are natural plain and carbonated water, table mineral water, kvass, fruit drinks, fruit and berry carbonated drinks, fruit and berry juices and many others.

Drinks are available for all tastes. But, serving drinks on the table, you need to focus not only on the taste of the guests, but on their compatibility with food. Then they will completely replace the ill-fated wine and vodka products.

So to snacks it is recommended to serve light grape juice, lemon, which is especially suitable for fish dishes, carrot, birch, etc.; To hot fish dishes- cranberry juice, lemon, dogwood and cherry plum juices; To hot meat dishes- tomato, red grape, pomegranate, apple, blackcurrant, plum and other juices, bread kvass; To dessert- dessert carbonated water, fruit and berry juices.

Almost all of these drinks are drunk from wine glasses, kvass and fruit drinks - from mugs or glasses and glasses, and juices - from conical piles. And what is very important: mugs are taken by the handles, wine glasses and glasses - by the "waist", and piles - by the "sides".

Usually wine is served on the table in a bottle, in a decanter or in a closed wine jug. A bottle of champagne in an ice bucket is placed on the edge of the table or on a serving table. They open it without taking it out of the bucket. When opening champagne, you need to turn the cork to the side before the last turn. Keep the bottle slightly tilted so that carbon dioxide can escape from it.

Cocktails, which have recently become very widespread, are served in special glasses or glasses of a conical or cylindrical shape. An indispensable condition is that cocktails must be cooled before serving.

For a more complete and vivid manifestation of the taste and bouquet of wines, the temperature of their serving is of great importance. So, white table and semi-sweet wines are recommended to be served slightly chilled: in winter - up to a temperature of 12-14 ° C, in summer - up to 8-10 ° C.

Red dry table wines, on the contrary, are heated: in winter - up to 20 ° C, and in summer - up to 18 ° C. Sherry and Madeira are also recommended to be heated 4-5 ° C above room temperature, and red wines such as port wine are best at room temperature . The same can be said about dessert and liqueur wines.

According to etiquette, a non-drinker can, after proclaiming a toast, raise his glass and put it back in its place. At the same time, you can sip a glass, thus expressing your respect for the companions.


fish snacks and dishes- granular caviar, pressed caviar; salted fish (salmon, chum salmon, salmon), boiled, aspic, stuffed, with mayonnaise, marinated, fish gastronomy (cold and hot smoked fish) and canned snacks; herring natural, with garnish, chopped; fish salads;

meat snacks and dishes- boiled meat, jellied meat, jelly, stuffed meat, larded meat, fried meat, meat gastronomy (sausages, smoked meats), cold poultry and game; meat salads;

vegetable and mushroom snacks- fresh and canned vegetables, stuffed peppers, eggplants;

dairy snacks- various cheeses.

Fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes) and canned (gherkins, pickles, squash, etc.), pickled and salted mushrooms, as well as butter can be used both as an independent snack and with any other snack.

So, the variety of cold appetizers and dishes is truly inexhaustible. Here it is necessary to remember the main thing: the sequence of their use. First go fish, then - meat, vegetable, lactic acid.


Soup served in deep bowls. However, broths, pureed soups, and some dressing soups in which the garnish is cut into small pieces can be served in broth bowls.

Bouillon served with a pie or croutons in a bouillon cup placed on a saucer. The handle of the cup should be on the right, and the pie should be on the left.

Puree soups, broths with garnish(egg, vegetables, casserole, etc.) and some dressing soups also served in bouillon cups with a dessert spoon. At the same time, the cup and saucer are placed in front of the guest with the handle to the left.

Filling soups- cabbage soup, borscht, pickles, hodgepodges, vegetable soups, soups with pasta, vermicelli, noodles, etc. - are a special pride of Russian cuisine. Serve them in deep dinner plates with a tablespoon.


Majority hot snacks served in the dishes in which they were cooked: in chill molds - in the form of a metal shell shell with a handle, cocotte makers - 100-gram saucepans with long handle and portion pans with two opposite handles.

A chill mold in a chiller, a cocotte in a cocotte maker or a hodgepodge (meat or fish) in a portioned pan are placed on pie or snack plates and served to each guest so that the handle of the chiller or cocotte maker is to the left of the person sitting at the table. At the same time, so-called papillottes. A papillot for a cocotte maker is a paper tube with a cut and beautifully wrapped end, and a triangular paper cap for a kokotnik.

A food appliance is placed next to the mold or cocotte: a fork to the mold, a coffee or teaspoon to the cocotte, the handles of which should be turned to the right.


Portions boiled or fried fish of partial breeds, previously divided into fillets (without bones and skin), as well as portioned pieces of sturgeon fish, served with a side dish and eaten with a fish knife and fork.

If the fish knife is not served, then you can use two forks: the right one is for separating the bones, and the left one is for sending pieces of fish into the mouth.

At formal lunches and dinners, fish is served whole and takes center stage.

Garnish, sauces, potatoes for fish are served in a separate bowl.

It is good to serve lemon with fish.


All meat dishes prepared from beef, pork, lamb, as well as from poultry and game, according to the methods of their use, can be divided into the following groups:

    Meat dishes- boiled, fried or stewed meat, cut into portions of 100-200 g each (for example, steak, pork or lamb chops, etc.), poured with sauce or melted butter, served with a side dish on a warmed small table plate.

    Meat sauce dishes- meat cut into small pieces and stewed in sauce (goulash, azu, beef stroganoff, etc.) with various side dishes is served on small dinner plates.

    Minced meat dishes or cutlet mass (cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, etc.) made from various kinds meat products are served with side dishes.

    Poultry and game dishes(fried or boiled chicken, Kiev cutlets, etc.) is quite often present on the menu of festive dinners.

chicken tobacco- this is a whole chicken or half of it, fried on both sides under a load, flattened and beaten off with a chopper. It is served in in kind on a small dinner plate. Separately, in a gravy boat, placed to the left of the person sitting on a pie plate, with a teaspoon, garlic sauce (garlic tincture in water or broth) is served. To the right they put a glass or crystal salad bowl with a side dish - chopped onions or green onions, fresh or pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, squash or pickles. On top of the garnish put a spoon for shifting.

The Kiev's cutlets prepared from thinly beaten chicken fillet with a bone. For a cutlet with right side usually put on a papillot. This cutlet is stuffed with minced meat, as minced meat - creamy oil.

Hot fish and meat dishes can be served both on a common dish and in separate portions.


Tea served in cups placed on saucers or in glasses.

Putting a teaspoon on each saucer with the handle opposite to the handle of the cup, a cup of tea is placed in front of each person sitting at the table so that the handle of the cup is turned to the left.

On the table for tea put a sugar bowl with sugar and tongs or a spoon (if there is granulated sugar in the vase); a vase with jam (or honey, jam, etc.), next to which they put a stack of rosettes and put a spoon to put the jam into the rosettes.

Lemon for tea is served in sliced ​​circles on a tray or saucer. Next to the lemon put a fork for shifting.

Sometimes tea is served with liquor.


When inviting guests for breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea, they agree personally, by phone or in writing, indicating the day and time. This should be done a few days in advance so that guests can prepare for the meeting in advance. If for some reason one of the invitees cannot come, he must notify the hosts in advance. You need to come to visit exactly at the time indicated by the owners, and preferably 5-15 minutes earlier.

You can wait no more than 15 minutes for a late guest and invite everyone to the table.

If the guests are already sitting at the table, the latecomer should approach the hosts and apologize. At the same time, the hosts do not get up from their seats and do not find out the reason for the delay, but only indicate to him a place at the table.

Guests are greeted, as a rule, by the host with the hostess or one of them. When a husband and wife come to visit, the wife is the first to greet - first with the owner, then with the hostess, and then her husband - with the owner's wife. When meeting men, you need to introduce men to a woman, but if two men or two women meet, then they introduce the younger ones to the elders.

If many guests are invited, it is enough to introduce the newcomer to everyone, stating his name, patronymic, surname. At the same time, one can mention “my colleague”, “my elder brother”, etc. In turn, the newcomer does not have to shake hands with everyone, it is enough to make a general bow to everyone.

When more than half of the guests have gathered, you can offer them, especially in hot weather, chilled juices, other soft drinks, and cocktails. At this time, guests can talk in a more relaxed atmosphere, get to know each other better.

When meeting, the woman is the first to extend her hand.

While waiting for an invitation to the table, men, with the exception of the elderly, usually stand, while women can sit.

When all the guests have gathered, the hosts invite them to the table.


I think dining etiquette is very important. Of course, you can do without it, but a properly laid table, the correct serving of dishes give the event a solemn look. In addition, it is always pleasant to be in a well-mannered company. After all, the observance of etiquette is a sign of good breeding.


1. Women's Encyclopedia"For you, ladies"


ed. N. E. Petropolskaya

Publishing house "AVS" 1997.

2. Encyclopedia “I know the world. Culture»


ed. N. V. Chudakova

Publishing house "AST" 1995.

3. "How to find yourself"


ed. V. Pekelis

Publishing house "Children's Literature" 1989.

4. "How to behave"


ed. I. Aasamaa

Publishing house "Valgus" 1989.

5. "Modern encyclopedia for girls"

ed. N. M. Volchek

Publishing house "Literature" 1998.