Glen doman early development technique at home. Harmonious development of the child according to the method of Doman. The positive aspects of the Doman technique

Most modern parents believe that from the very first days of a child's life, it is necessary to develop it comprehensively. Today there are many pedagogical systems, developed by both foreign and domestic specialists, aimed at the early development of the child.

In this article, we will talk about one of them, which has been popular for several decades, the author of which is Glen Doman, a neurosurgeon from the USA. The technique of this author, which contributes to the earlier development of children, is now widely used throughout the world. It deals with both healthy children and those with any developmental problems.

Who is Doman?

Before we begin to consider the technique, let's say a few words about its author - Glenn Doman. In 1940, he successfully graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, after which he worked for a short time in a hospital as a physiotherapist. Throughout World War II, he served in the infantry, rising from private to company commander.

Returning to civilian life, he resumed medical practice, and subsequently engaged in the rehabilitation of children with serious pathologies and diseases of the nervous system, as well as with various brain dysfunctions. In 1955 he created and then long time and directed the Philadelphia Institute for Human Development. As a result of years of research and practical work both with sick and healthy children, many discoveries were made and the development methodology of Glen Doman was created.

Basic provisions

When developing the system of early development, Doman and the staff of the institute headed by him relied on the following principles:

  1. Only with constant work can it grow and develop.
  2. A child's intelligence develops best with intensive brain loading from the first days of life to three years.
  3. The good physical development of a small person contributes to a more intensive formation of the brain and motor intelligence.
  4. In the phase of active growth, which lasts from birth to 3-5 years, the child's brain is programmed for learning and does not require additional motivation.

When to start?

Based on the basic provisions developed by Glen Doman, the early development technique can be used starting from 3 months, when the child is already responding to objects. Classes begin with a demonstration of cards, which depict a variety of real objects - fruits, animals, toys, birds, vehicles and others. Thanks to such activities, speech, attention, photographic and auditory memory develop. Parents who used the Glen Doman technique leave positive reviews, since for the baby this is an exciting game, and not boring learning. This technique is designed for children under the age of three, since later, Doman noted, the ability to assimilate new information is significantly reduced.

Motor intelligence

The more intensively the child's brain is loaded, the faster it develops, Glen Doman found out as a result of research. The method he developed proposes to develop the baby's mental activity through the formation of "motor" intelligence, that is, by mastering a variety of motor skills. To “force” the development of movements, Doman developed a special simulator - a crawling track. This is a narrow space, bounded on both sides by sides. The width of the track should be such that the hips and forearms of the baby touch the sides. All this is aimed at creating an imitation of the intrauterine space and awakening the “first reflex” in the memory of the child, thanks to which he was able to be born. Such a simulator allows the baby to actively crawl and “conquer” quite large distances by the age of 4 months, thereby developing his motor intelligence, brain and ability to perceive new information.

You can also make a similar design from two ready-made bookshelves, covering the walls and the space between them with a soft blanket or blanket. To interest the baby, at the end of the "path" you can install a bright toy.

Main tool

In parallel with the track simulator, special cards are used for the early development of children.

They are made in a certain size and contain realistic images and inscriptions, which helps the child to perceive information and get the brain load necessary for development. It is enough for the kid to show cards with images of the concepts being studied, and the child will find the rules to which they obey. As Glen Doman himself argued, this technique, if applied correctly, can bring up a child prodigy and a genius.

Where to get them?

If you are interested and want to work with your child, then you can:

  • buy;
  • find kits on the Internet and print them;
  • Pick up pictures and make cards yourself.

It is only important to remember that if the Glenn Doman technique is used, the cards should be with a white background, on which a large, and most importantly, as realistic as possible image of the object is placed.

At the bottom, a word is written in large red font that denotes the object, object or phenomenon depicted in the picture.

Creation rules

For those who decide to make Doman cards with their own hands, here are their main parameters and characteristics:

  1. Dimensions: 28 x 28 cm. As many parents note, the reduction of a couple of centimeters did not affect the classes.
  2. Each card has one image.
  3. The background is only white.
  4. The image should be clear and as realistic as possible.
  5. The name of the item depicted on the card is written under it in large red block letters. On the reverse side, we duplicate the inscription with a pencil. In the future, it will also be possible to record interesting facts and information there.
  6. The information offered must be new and unfamiliar to the child, otherwise he will quickly lose interest.

How to conduct classes?

How often and how long classes will continue, parents decide for themselves, focusing on the physical and the baby and his regimen. It is worth doing only when the child is calm and cheerful, slept well and is full.

For classes, you need to pick up 5 cards related to the same topic and show the baby each for a few seconds, while saying the name of the subject, recommends Glen Doman. The technique provides for the replacement of one card from the set with a new one after three sessions. Thus, all pictures will be replaced. In about a week, you can slowly get acquainted with the method itself and with the cards.

  • prepare in advance 5 sets of words of the same or different topics;
  • one set is shown once during each session;
  • class time is about 10-15 seconds;
  • up to 15 demonstrations per day;
  • each set and card is shown to the child three times a day.

Learning to read

Glenn Doman's reading technique is based on the child's mechanical memorization of the whole word at once, and not on folding it from individual letters and syllables.

First, the child is shown and voiced individual words, then phrases, and then simple sentences. By the same principle as working with cards, reading books is built. For several days, an adult reads a book two or three times a day. At some point, the child will have a desire to read the book on their own. Since the baby remembers the whole word, and does not add syllables from letters, seeing it in the text, he recognizes and reproduces its sound.

Foreign languages

If your baby masters his native language without any difficulties, then Glen Doman's technique of English, and another foreign language, will also help to master. You can start practicing from the age of two.

Before starting to learn a foreign language with a child, parents should adequately assess their level of proficiency in it. Well-delivered pronunciation and knowledge of grammatical basics will be enough to help the baby in learning a new language. If you doubt your own pronunciation or knowledge, it is better to find a teacher.

Regardless of whether there is a teacher or not, the following flows of information can be organized for the child, which will contribute to the study of the chosen language:

  • Songs and audio fairy tales, television programs in this language, which can be included as a background when playing or laying down for children from birth to two years. The child, most likely, will not look at the screen, but his brain will “record” words and sounds.
  • Starting from the age of two, when the child can already focus on a moving image for quite a long time, you can start watching animated films, fairy tales, theater performances for children in a foreign language. This will help the baby relate situations, movements and objects to sounds and understand their meaning.
  • From the age of three, you can teach your child to use interactive language learning programs on a computer or other device.

Thanks to the great work that Glen Doman has done, it has become very popular. Many parents take it as a basis and optimize it for the development and health of their baby, often combining it with elements of other systems. Remember that for a child this is a game, and it should be fun, interesting and exciting.

About the Author

Recently a software engineer. Favorite platforms ASP.NET, MS SQL. Experience in the field of programming 14 years. In blogging since 2013 (year of birth of Yana). In 2018, she turned her hobby into her favorite job. Now I am a blogger!

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Doman's technique expediency of application: 62 comments

  1. Ilya

    At first I was enthusiastic about this technique, but since my child is healthy, I took only partial moments for education. Training of the vestibular apparatus and "creep" (from 3-4 months), up to a year the child constantly played in the bedroom classical music, in the evening without reading books does not want to sleep. Now (4 years old) plays Lego for 5-6 years old, collects applications very carefully, fine motor skills simply excellent, loves mosaics, calmly collects huge puzzles, rides on carousels like an astronaut. But I didn’t teach reading and counting, I agree that this is an overload and not for the Russian language. In the future, I will definitely learn to program and I think in primary school Learn Lego Mechanics. The most important thing is not to leave the child at the mercy of the TV.

  2. Julia

    Any technique must be approached wisely! I work as a speech therapist with children who have various disorders (speech, intellectual, physical). We use the Doman technique for non-speaking children who do not have impaired articulation apparatus and speech centers in the brain that can speak. When using this technique, it is MANDATORY to use headphones, the cards must be accompanied by the correct pronunciation of the names.
    This technique is used to start speech and expand vocabulary. Works with a bang! If used correctly. Non-speaking children of our center begin to speak, after which we work on expressive and impressive speech.

  3. Oksana

    An absolutely mediocre article, written by a person who has not studied the topic. Although he claims that everything has been studied. Initially, the method was created for children with brain damage. He does help them. As for "Your child is a genius" this is a later version. So parents of children with cerebral palsy and autism can have no doubts and apply the method. If you are not lazy and really want to help your child develop every day, this is what you need. I use a lot of this method to restore my child. I know a fairly large number of children who, using this method, managed to form connections very well. The method is suitable even for very difficult babies, for whom, due to their history, much is impossible from classical methods. Only a mother whose baby is healthy can write about inefficiency. And thank God. Healthy people don't really need to use it. It just doesn't make sense. But I highly recommend it for individuals.

    1. Post Author

      Oksana, I wonder why you comment on an article that you have not read? Read, think, formulate an idea (do not rush, if something did not reach, re-read) and only then welcome in the comments. 🙂 Be sure to get in touch.

      1. Oksana

        I have read the information carefully. The habit of reading carefully and drawing conclusions. The Doman method for individuals, especially complex ones, is very good. In principle, this is all I would like to comment on. This is important, not for you of course, for them. You could not, unfortunately, even competently explain to the reader how and by whom the method was created. From what I draw my conclusion, you have poorly studied the topic. The rest is generally "pitchfork on the water." In order to start applying this method, I devoted a lot of time to this issue. I just didn't have a choice. You have it, so the approach is not so thorough. But these are details. In any case, thank you for your work and negative feedback about the method, there are not so many of them, but such reviews and conclusions as yours have the same place to be :)

  4. Vika

    Mama Boredom! I only read the first line and decided to go straight to the commentary. Our children and mine personally will rule tomorrow. but the children of your worldview will unfortunately be only slaves. those children with whom they were engaged in time.

  5. Sergeev

    To be honest, I don’t really understand how this technique can be applied to teaching Russian reading. IN English language learning initially goes with the whole word. There it makes sense to show a card and name an object. Even so I will say differently and you will not teach. And the Russian word consists of syllables, we can trace the subjunctive principle, so it’s easier to explain the painful flow of a consonant into a vowel than to show long words. Do not agree?

  6. Post Author

    Thank you, Olga, but I already wrote a post about bathing newborns from my own experience. Actually, nothing new has yet been invented - diapers, joint bathing with mom.

    P.S. later, all offtopic will be moved to the appropriate topics.

  7. chrisi

    Mom is a bore, the question of naturalness is also very controversial. Yurt-born human babies and tropical babies have completely different ideas about the naturalness or the need for certain skills. The disadvantage of the educational system, in my opinion, is that someone decided that all children at this moment should study this very thing. Personal preferences and level of development are not taken into account. I am also against homeschooling, even the smallest children, in my opinion, need to communicate with other children, absolutely different ages. But we are not talking about a group of 20 people.

    1. Post Author

      Chrissy, you must have misunderstood me. I am for individual education and training, but with the right approach! I think any modern mother knows the importance of socialization when choosing individual approach make sure that the baby has peers with whom he can communicate regularly. If I had such an opportunity, it is highly likely that I would take advantage of it).

      The difference in geographical location does not allow us to assert that swimming is a natural type of occupation for a person. In accordance with the adaptability to life in a certain environment, the following adaptive types are distinguished among mammals: terrestrial, underground, aquatic, arboreal and flying forms (there are still transitional groups). And man belongs to the terrestrial type, regardless of latitude. There is no such latitude where people are forced to regularly spend at least some time in the water. But the feeling of danger from water is quite natural and I am inclined that it is the genetic memory of danger that brings so many tears during water procedures. When the baby grows up, the knowledge gained about water displaces unconscious fears based on genetic memory and bathing becomes a pleasant process.
      And by the way, the features of physiology still depend to some extent on geography - babies in the tropics need a completely different amount of the same vitamin D and I assume that there are other differences.

  8. chrisi

    Olga, indeed, there is no point in forcibly stuffing knowledge into a child who will be sent to an ordinary school. The difference between "timeliness" and its opposite is subjective. Most people trust kindergarten programs because they seem to have little idea of ​​how limited it is in the real world.
    Methods of early development are aimed at expanding the horizons of the child and satisfying and maintaining innate curiosity (Montessori). This is an alternative view, in comparison with the gardens, remnants of communism. An attempt to identify the true needs of the child, to develop individuality, and not stereotyped and thoughtless obedience.

    1. Post Author

      When using methods, each parent pursues their own goals, and at best it is
      "An attempt to identify the true needs of the child, to develop individuality, and not stereotyped and thoughtless obedience." , but I did not see this in Doman's method.
      In my opinion, the Domanov method is the imposition of certain types of activities. “The main condition of all methods early development-child should like it ”- with the right presentation of classes, kids can like anything and the task of the parent is to choose what his baby needs specifically, and not rush to slogans about the most effective method.

      1. chrisi

        The choice comes with practice 🙂 By the way, I also disagree with Doman's many things, but this does not make me an ardent hater of him. Of course, dynamic gymnastics is clearly not for everyone, but, for example, moderate crawling, early swimming and sign training look personal to me. interesting solutions, since the further benefits of these skills are obvious.

      2. chrisi

        What else would you like to add regarding the opinions of experts. My teachers at the university were entirely doctors and candidates. A psychologist who has a doctoral degree did not consider it shameful to humiliate students, which speaks of professional unsuitability. .Teachers, speech therapists and psychologists have a classical base. Often the teacher's opinion about the choice and presentation of material is conservative, subjective and is presented as an indisputable truth. That is why so many professionals mindlessly continue the traditions of education without even trying alternative methods of education.

        1. Olga

          Chrissy, then our school is also far from the “ideal”. In general, the whole system, it turns out, is imperfect. And you know, I'm in the style of the hostess of the site, I want to go against stereotypes and stand up for kindergarten. Everything is fine there. And again, the notorious human factor plays a major role. Normal classes, according to age. They can be carried out formally, or with interest. And classic classes are not bad. Montessori is certainly good, but children live in society and everyone has their own ideals. And to patronize your child and protect it from everything all your life will not work. And one must be able to adapt to live among people, to "socialize".

          By the way, early swimming is a very dubious element of development (especially in the first months of life). Even terribly traumatic at times. I advise you to study this issue before starting.

          Another argument for a kindergarten is that if a person is genetically normal, no kindergarten will spoil him. Almost all Soviet children grew up from an early age in kindergarten, from which they did not cease to be unconventional thinking people(which I include myself). And we don't walk in formation all our lives. So it's clearly something else. Which generally casts doubt on modern developmental theories. Now, if you don’t study theories with your child and don’t deal with “early development” at all, they almost poke a finger at you, so much it has entered the heads of modern mothers. And as a result, the child will still absorb what he sees in his environment. An apple from an apple tree.

        2. Post Author

          Chrissy, the statement “there is no point in forcibly stuffing knowledge into a child who will be sent to an ordinary school” contradicts Montessori’s theories of sensitive periods, Vygotsky’s zones of proximal development, and the hypothesis of the irreversible extinction of opportunities for effective development of abilities. Just by developing the kids correctly, we “lay the foundation”, otherwise you can miss the moment. By the way, let's distinguish between the concepts of "stuffing knowledge" and harmonious development. These are different concepts and often mutually exclusive)).
          I agree with Olga's remark about early swimming, its benefits, like other activities unnatural for human cubs, are a moot point. I know from the experience of instructors that the first classes are always stressful, and if you take even small breaks in regular classes, then returning to classes is accompanied by repeated stress. At the moment, I am of the opinion that for toddlers who easily perceive everything new, the benefits of swimming outweigh the harm from stress, but for most this is not the case. I will give a personal example about sensitive periods, a month ago my daughter cried when grandmothers appeared (rarely enough they visit us), and now the appearance of ANY guest in the house is a reason for uncontrollable joy. For water procedures, I believe that every baby also has its own age.
          As for education without a kindergarten and education without a school with a LITERAL approach, then of course, this has a lot of advantages, but let's be realistic for the vast majority (as well as for the economy as a whole) an unaffordable luxury for a mother not to work, but to take care of children, therefore home education and learning cannot be an alternative in today's society.

  9. chrisi

    Mom is a bore, as it was said in your article, reading (and counting) according to the Doman method is memorizing pictures (this is how the child perceives words and numbers). So the opinion about the dangers of the submitted material is unfounded.
    The main condition for all methods of early development is that the child should like it. And Doman especially emphasized that classes should always be finished a little earlier than the child would like in order to maintain his interest. I am in favor of early development methods, but it is necessary to develop our own “symbiosis”, since not a single method is complete for me personally, this is normal, since each of its creators pursued their own goals.
    By the way, Doman's goal was to reveal the maximum possibilities of a person. It shows what and how you can achieve, but this does not mean that you need all this.

    1. Post Author

      Chrissy, Firstly, you did not take into account a lot of information about the dangers of early learning, which I have already described in sufficient detail in the comments to this article, including the importance of a certain sequence of maturation of various parts of the brain and the various consequences of disproportionate brain development with excessive stimulation of one of areas of the brain.
      And secondly, I ask you to get acquainted with my views on development before drawing any conclusions about my opinion, because I am in favor of a mix of methods, but Domanovskaya sympathizes with me to a lesser extent.

  10. Olga

    I really liked your site. I find your arguments reasonable. There were intuitive doubts (by the way, neither I have one). Big question: why? Will a child learn to read at the age of three, so what? The only moment is if the child himself wants to learn and shows a clear interest (option: the genius Lomonosov, who came to Moscow for a convoy - a thirst for knowledge :)). But I haven't seen them because they're rare. Examples with super-developed children who at the age of five know a bunch of languages, and read and write, etc. they don’t talk about anything, except for the show-offs of the parents of these children. For the difference between a “developed” child and one who learned to read at the age of 7 may not be noticed at 20. It is not known what the child's choice would be if he had a choice. Before everything you need to ripen, both mentally and physically. Common sense has not been canceled. The only criterion is which of this child will grow up in the end. And here I already have many personal examples of adults who were bullied with "development" in childhood. Clever, but there is some kind of “freakyness” in a person.

  11. Maria

    And I will add my opinion, by the way, for the first time on such a site.
    Dear mother Bore, I began to read your site only because you described why you are a bore and I saw myself (diapers, nakedness)), I cook complementary foods myself, etc.). But on the issue of the Domanov technique, we disagreed.
    I have not been fanatically doing exercises according to his method since birth. And in our 7.5 months. with a weight of 11.5 kg, the boy is very mobile, active, interested. Doctors predicted "sausage" due to strong weight gain. Massage passed only 1 course (therefore, I don’t consider it relevant to justify movement activity).
    At the same time, the father of the child was lazy, did not like to crawl, sat down for about 8 months. I also did not differ activity. (A note about heredity, because I think that this often affects).
    But our relative in her 6 months. does not crawl, rolls over with difficulty, does not hold the torso in his arms while on his stomach, there is no question of anything else. At the same time, according to doctors, healthy child, according to the Apgar scale 10 points, by the way.
    We see the difference in the interests of children - she does not need to crawl to toys, she is not interested in touching sockets and wires, etc.
    And I believe that only from knowledge will the mind, intellect, and ingenuity of the child be developed.
    I won’t teach you how to read Doman, but I started showing cards with pictures. The child shows interest in them. I show not all of the sets, but only what the child can meet in the world around him (for example, a tiger, without varieties of Ussuriys., Bengali).
    And I agree with the girls who wrote that you just need to take care of your children, the most important thing is contact, and it doesn’t matter which method to choose.
    And about the frontal lobes: the husband began to speak at 6 months, he had not yet sat up by himself, by the year he was reciting poetry. I started reading early. His mother did not know any methods, but simply talked to him a lot and grandmothers actively played, and did not leave him alone in the crib. And a healthy man, I tell you, has grown!
    And most importantly: ONLY THE CHILDREN WERE HEALTHY! Same to you)))!

  12. Olya

    everything is good in moderation. we practiced according to Doman at first fanatically, soon in a very truncated version (because it’s unrealistic to prepare all the materials and demonstrate them exactly “in Doman style”) and as a result, without much effort (well, it’s true, it took max 10 minutes a day “showing” cards), by the age of 2, the son went into reading (namely, reading any words, with full understanding (if he is already familiar with it in life), and not “memorizing instead of reading”.

    I really share your excitement, because. indeed, there are no longitudinal normal studies (and it is impossible to conduct), and therefore we are unlikely to see research on effectiveness. and yes, met (virtually) a lot of overly PP-focused moms. here is the overkill...

    I can only say that early reading opened another channel for my child to perceive the world: where an ordinary two-year-old passes by, ours will read the name of the metro station, the name of the product in the store, he will read and remember the poem in the book.

    I do not claim that this (early reading / mathematics / EZ) is mandatory for every child, but I did not see any serious arguments against it in your article.

  13. Elena

    Ekaterina, unfortunately I don't have personal experience to express my “for” or “against”, but the topic interested me, I can’t pass by 🙂 Before my eyes there is an example of a girl who was developed according to various methods, including the use of Doman cards. Everything is fine with her, the child is well developed, but you are right - it was not full version, but a simplified version. Interesting facts are given in this article. The author's position is traced, which I consider reasonable - you should not blindly and exactly follow any developmental methodology, something can be applied, something should be abandoned in favor of the natural development of the baby. Did I understand the main idea correctly? 🙂

  14. Maria Ledda

    I am “for” the Doman method, because I put it into practice for my 8-month-old daughter.

    The article is somewhat categorical and one-sided, since it did not take into account the positive experience of mothers from applying the Doman methodology. And the general general problem of bored moms is that they get hung up on one technique and put learning above the child.

    My daughter and I used many early development programs and did not take into account the opinions of "unfortunate specialists", but were guided solely by my own sanity. It is obvious without any scientists that dynamic gymnastics is nonsense and harm, showing cards a million times too. I chose my rhythm of learning for myself, based on the age and needs of my baby, and I did it. At the same time, we played many other games and spent 5-6 hours outside every day.

    Now my daughter is 5.5 years old. She is developed beyond her years - this is noted by educators, and other mothers, and everyone who knows her. Speaks fluently in 2 languages, a little in a third: plays the piano, can read in one language, can write in 2 languages, knows the score and simple math in three languages, curious, inquisitive, athletic, flexible in both mind and body. Of course, we can say that she was born like that. But I am convinced that developmental programs have played a role. The only secret is no fanaticism!!!

  15. Mother

    Dear mothers, believe me, no matter what you do with your child, it will only bring benefits. No one asks you to stupidly follow the methodology, add your own, "" put your soul ", so to speak. The results will be. none of the methods, believe me, is based on nothing.

    1. Post Author

      Mom, let's be realistic, there are many activities with a child that, if used UNTIMELY, can be harmful. “The results will come. none of the methods, believe me, is based on an empty place ”- I agree, but the results can be very different, including negative ones! That is why I am so careful about the use of techniques.

    2. Christina

      I completely agree.

  16. Christina

    And then Ostap suffered ... 🙂
    I'm probably going to be pelted with tomatoes now, but I'll write my own opinion, since this article is open for comments.
    After reading this article, my hair stood on end! I can imagine what kind of picture a mother sees, who is not familiar with the methodology: a small, unfortunate child is stuffed by parents who, no matter what, want to make him a genius. The baby is shown cards all day, which causes blood to constantly rush to the small head, causing illness. Moreover, apart from the cards, the mother does nothing else with the baby, limiting communication only to training. The child tries to crawl away from all this, they overtake him with the words “and now we will count!” Brrr! Dear mothers, why do you like to exaggerate so much? Yes, the Doman technique is described mechanically here. But, do you have your own head? Look again at Doman's physical development. Have you ever pushed the baby by the legs when he was lying on his belly? He tries to push off and every (yes, 100%) mother with a smile at least once tried to help. Put an emphasis under the legs so that the little caterpillar moves a few cm. It's just that Doman has a normal charge. It is not necessary to follow all the recommendations. Let it crawl, tired - turned over, and do not wait for the right distance. You don’t want to make him crawl 250 times, so don’t make him. Do not forget that Doman's technique is aimed at teaching special children. Yours are healthy. Haven't you seen in the room of a healthy child, at massages, at the orthopedist, pediatricians, how doctors and massage therapists take the child by the arms and begin to lift it (this is an exercise from the age of one month). This is the norm and a test of reflexes. Have you ever lifted a child above your head, twirled with it, rocked it? This is an exercise for the vestibular apparatus. All this you do, I'm sure. It's just not methodical. Rather intuitive. So, physical development according to Doman, we have the same exercises for babies and babies. at the expense of the intellectual part. Doman is an American physician. It is impossible to transfer his methodology to Russian-speaking children. Let's start with the fact that our language is much more complicated than English. We also have an updated method. Those who commented are familiar with it.
    I myself work with my baby on "Clever" and I know for sure that this is not at all the case. Why is early development opposed to ordinary childhood joys when activities are included in these children's joys? We look at cards, and listen to fairy tales, and swim, and hug in plenty - the child and I are completely happy. In fact, we don’t even do anything that the average mom wouldn’t do. Have you never read books to your child, played nursery rhymes, or looked at animals in pictures? And if you did, then quit immediately - it's terribly harmful! Let the child develop harmoniously by himself. Forgive my emotions, but, honestly, I'm tired of all-scientific and pseudo-authoritative statements about teaching a child from those people who have never studied it themselves. I respect your work, you have processed a large amount of information and concluded what is best for your baby. I respect your choice, although I do not fundamentally agree with the criticism of the methodology. You just need to understand the lessons. At the first stage, the child visually memorizes the cards. Agree. But the learning doesn't stop there! You then begin to play with the child in word formation. Compose phrases and sentences. A child who visually remembers the word mom will notice changes when it becomes mom in the phrase. . After some time, the child comes to the conclusion that all words consist of the same signs (letters). Perceiving both oral and written speech, the baby begins to independently build logical relationships between what he saw and heard, goes into the concept of a letter, i.e. understands that the sound "a" on the card is indicated by the icon "A". Subsequently, the baby can already read short simple words(for example, "home", "cat", "mother"), and then long and even unfamiliar words. And what is written here is simply taken out of the context of the methodology.
    I agree, fanatical adherence to the methodology, indeed, will bring little benefit, because. do not take into account the desire and mood of the child. But, if you watch the reaction of the baby, if you listen to his desires, then such a problem will not arise.
    Yes, and at this age it is very difficult to overload a child with information. Toddlers will not watch what you show, just out of respect. If they are tired or bored, they will simply leave, crawl away, turn away. All. No overload if mom looks at the reaction. But if she forcibly tries to shove all the planned information into him, then the mother’s ambitions are already playing, who wants to make a genius out of a child.
    Method not valid? And you ask these 9,000 mothers who share lessons, best practices, advice every day, because. arrived at their final destination. Dear Christina! Firstly, in my opinion, the Doman-Manichenko method has little relation to the Doman method. And if you first got acquainted with the Doman technique, there was really something to make your hair stand on end. Take the same fundamental fact of the Domanov technique - a huge number exercise age inappropriate. In general, this article only indirectly touches on the Doman-Manichenko methodology - in terms of early reading. Your position on reading with words (I remember words) is clear, but the specialists indicated in the article inspire confidence in me more. And you forgot to comment on “premature development of the frontal zone of the brain during early reading and counting”, for us moms this is a very critical moment.

    1. Alya

      I beg your pardon, but how is premature development of the frontal zone of the brain diagnosed? Can you post a link to studies of young children (not opinions, but research results) where this is clearly stated? What are the criteria or symptoms of premature maturation of the frontal lobes? Or how to distinguish, for example, the mathematical or linguistic inclinations of a child from the consequences premature development frontal lobes? I googled, articles about the neurophysiology of the frontal lobes in school-aged children, who study according to the school curriculum, mainly concern the IMMaturity of different centers in this area of ​​​​the brain in children with underachievement and other learning difficulties. And from everyday observations, I don’t notice special socialization and emotional maturity, as well as creative expressiveness in today’s preschoolers, hanging around the TV with cartoons, toys in tablets, but yes, freed from “malicious” methods.

    2. Christina

      At the expense of the methodology purely - Doman. Ay! It's for special kids! Of course, in order to bring a special child to the desired level, he must be forced to work. Such children cannot be spared, otherwise there will be no result in their development. Therefore, the tasks for them are difficult to pull in learning.
      But, you have normal kids. Therefore, no one uses the pure Doman method. It's even stupid (forgive me for this, shower me with slippers). Why force a child to crawl a lot if he has everything in order with the motor system? Crawl a little and that's enough. The same goes for everything else. Well, yes, during classes, the kids do not look as beautiful as in the photo. But, my daughter was able to confidently hold her head for a month already. And not a couple of minutes. Accordingly, the horizons expanded. What's bad about it? Doctors unanimously on the commission said NOTHING.
      At the expense of the frontal lobes ... If the mother has a goal to make a child out of a genius, then at least do something, at least give some authors and scientists as an example to her. Useless. This is ambition. And if the mother is adequate, then she will not drive her child all day long only in reading and mathematics. All the same, he will sing, in due time they will draw. so that the child will clearly develop harmoniously. Yes and physiological features age, undulating attention - no one has canceled them yet. To be honest, until you said, I didn’t even think about the frontal lobes. Played and played with the child. So me this question didn't care and don't care. And, judging by the commenting mothers, they are also not very interested in this issue.
      As in the previous post, I will once again specifically express my idea: Doman is for “special” children with disabilities. Who has healthy children - turn on your heads and leave ambitions. Children are not toys. If you are already taking up training, then go from the desires and interests of the child. Then there will be no problems with the frontal lobes, overload, nervous falling asleep. Since if a child takes exactly as much as he needs at the moment, then he is happy. And if mom gives as much as she planned, then this is her problem.

  17. masher

    Here's something I doubted. We have been reading for 3 weeks now. After your article, there was a desire to postpone it for a while. And study colors, look at pictures.

    Or maybe you can write an article about the lupan technique? too lazy to read the book

    1. Post Author

      I have now postponed our cards, I am experiencing my disappointment in the methodology :). Initially, I acquired them with the aim of acquainting myself with the outside world - i.e. not for 1-2 seconds to show as according to Doman, but for a full few minutes with discussions of the image. Probably, in such a full-fledged mode, I will continue to acquaint you with the pictures. I will definitely postpone reading until 3-ex-4-ex if I don’t find a refutation of information about its early harm (and this moment is critical for me - I really wanted my daughter to start reading early). I will definitely write about Lupan when I figure it out myself. I also read a lot of good things about Montesori. I agree with the opinions of experts about the dangers of using techniques. In fact, the use of one technique implies monotony - and this is already the wrong step. I think that some methods can be sources of classes to add variety to everyday life, so I will select classes that suit us with different methods.

      1. Irina

        My husband really enjoyed your post. said that for a woman)))) very logically and unemotionally stated. Do you have a liberal arts background?

        Do you have cards from the smart girl or some others? I really liked the description for their kits, the world on the palm of my hand, I thought to buy them to introduce animals, geography. Of course, you can watch all this on TV, but it seems to me that it is better to communicate with the child more.

        and by the way, I started reading with my son not so that he would learn to read or become a genius, but simply because I did not know how to kill time. son is bored doing the same thing. and it’s also hard for me without intellectual activity, so I got very excited about the idea of ​​early development. It turns out this irga is more for parents.

There are many - and each of them is worthy of respect. Today we will talk about the methodology of Glenn Doman, an American military doctor, neurophysiologist, who developed a unique system for the early development of children. How the Doman technique appeared, and what is its uniqueness - we will talk today.

Doman Method: how did it all start?

Initially, Doman developed his technique to treat children with brain damage that manifests itself with paralysis, developmental delays, inability to communicate and other complex symptoms. Doman believed that in order to cure a sick child, all efforts should be directed not to treating the body, but to treating the root cause - that is, the brain itself.

An individual program was developed for each child, based on copying the actions of an adult. The actions of adults were aimed at stimulating one of the sense organs - it was envisaged that after this the activity of the brain would be sharply activated. Let's take an example.

The children were shown cards with words written in large red print, after which they said these words out loud. Gradually, the children began to repeat - and, thereby, gradually learned to read.
For children with problems with the motor apparatus, there was a different type of activity. Parents showed the child the movements that he would have to do if he were healthy. So the children learned to crawl, and then to walk.

Each lesson on Glen Doman's method lasted no more than 10 seconds, but there were up to several dozen such lessons during the day. The result of the work according to the Doman method was a rather powerful leap in the development of children with brain disorders. Moreover, children who were lagging behind in physical development subsequently not only caught up with healthy peers, but also overtook them! Weight, height, head and chest circumference of children with disabilities exceeded those of healthy children.

The Doman technique was so popular that it began to be used for healthy children. As a result, children who were developed according to the Doman method, at the age of 3, read at the speed of fifth-graders, and the memory of such children caused only sincere admiration.

What are the basic principles of the Doman methodology and how to apply them to the development of your own child, we will tell you right now!

Basic principles of the Doman technique

Glen Doman identified several basic principles on which he built his methodology. These are the principles:

The best teachers for a child are his parents;

Young children want to learn, and they are sure that there is nothing better than studying;

Children want to learn everything they can, right now;

Children under 7 years of age have the best ability to learn;

Every child can become a genius, and early development will help him in this;

Teaching must take place in a form that must be stopped before the child gets tired;

Novelty and speed are the main ways to keep a child's curiosity alive;

The child does not need to arrange any checks of the learned material;

In order for the human brain to develop, you need to use it.

How to use the Doman technique?

Classes for Doman method can be characterized as follows. During the day, several times in a calm environment, the child is shown cards providing information from different categories. The display should take place very quickly - 6 seconds per card (1 second for the display itself and 5 seconds for pronunciation of the name). Ideally, the Doman technique involves daily demonstration of 5 cards from 5 different categories (25 cards in total). The demonstration should take place 3 times a day with a gradual decrease in the time of work with each card and an increase in the proposed categories. According to observations, the child completely absorbs information from one card in 30 displays.

On the cards, divided into categories, words can be written in large red letters, images of animals, people, objects are applied. Thus, the baby does not “get stuck” in the letter-sound stage (which, according to Doman, slows down his development), but immediately reproduces whole words.

Doman calls facts the minimum unit of information. Facts are the basis of any teaching or skill, facts are the basis of knowledge and intelligence in general. The facts used in teaching, Doman calls bits, comparing the human brain with computers. Assimilation by a child of specific bits with great speed is a direct path to the development of his intelligence.

Doman's goal is to introduce the child to a large number of accurate and interesting facts, which will be systematized by certain categories and sections of knowledge - as in a computer. The downside of this technique is the "computerization" of the child's brain, the assimilation of only clear concepts, without taking into account the shades of meaning. For example, a child will learn the thesis: "This insect is a beetle," but will not be able to learn the thesis: "This beautiful, shiny insect is a beetle."

Doman technique is aimed at the development of the child in four main areas: physical development, mathematics, encyclopedic knowledge.

1. Physical development according to the Doman method

The basis of the child's mental development is movement. In this regard, Glen Doman gave the physical development of the child the main place in his methodology. The main device for physical development the child according to the Doman method is a track for crawling. You can easily make it yourself - from plywood or hardwood.

The track is good in that it is wide enough for the baby to move his arms and legs freely, but at the same time narrow enough for the child to push off his legs from its walls. The advantage of the track is that it is straight, so the baby will only be able to move straight. Thanks to this design feature, even a newborn can be placed in the crawl track!

2. Learning to read according to the Doman method

Doman believes that it is easier for a child to remember the whole word, so you need to teach him to read with the help of cards on which the word is written in full. Traditional methods - reading by syllables - are recognized by Doman as ineffective. The words on the Doman cards are divided into syllables and letters by dashes, but are written in full to give the child the opportunity to remember it completely.

This is how Doman's method implements his principle: "Young children can and should learn to read words, sentences in the same way as they learn to understand oral speech."

Mathematics Doman saw as his assistant in the development of the intellect of children.

According to Doman's methodology, it is important to teach a child to perceive not abstract figures and numbers, but a real-life quantity that these numbers and numbers express. In this regard, teaching a child mathematics according to the Doman method occurs using cards on which red dots are depicted in an amount from one to a hundred.

4. Providing the child with encyclopedic knowledge according to the Doman method

Encyclopedic knowledge - that is, knowledge from different areas of life - Doman suggested giving children through daily displays of cards sorted by categories and topics. Each card is one bit of information shown to the child at a certain time and in a certain way. Such activities contributed to the development of the child's brain and prepared the basis for his future knowledge.

The Doman technique is remarkable in that it allows children to unobtrusively absorb an impressive amount of knowledge. Thus, the child gets used to assimilating new knowledge, his curiosity is stimulated. Yes, and parents, acting as teachers for their child, realize that only their mental development depends on them.

By the way, special attention is paid to the fact that more than a dozen Nobel laureates studied in childhood exactly according to the Doman method!

Article last updated: 03/30/2018

Today's parents devote a lot of time to early child development. Contribute to this and author's training programs, which have not lost their popularity for many years. Surely mothers have heard about Montessori materials or Doman cards.

Child psychologist

The system of the American physiotherapist Glenn Doman, which will be discussed in the article, is built on the principle of conveying large amounts of information to the child through visual perception. Special cards help in this process.

The method of early development of Doman, according to the author and his followers, can significantly expand the innate abilities of the baby and even bring up a real genius. However, opponents of this system are convinced that it can harm the child. Where is the truth?

If you are interested in early childhood development programs, be sure to read the article in which the psychologist explains what is and what are the basic principles of this popular educational system.

The future author of the popular developmental technique was born in 1919 in Philadelphia. In the early 40s, Doman began to practice physiotherapy in the clinic. The main goal of his work is to study the laws and features of the development of the child's brain.

However, the ongoing world war forced the scientist to stop work and go as a volunteer to the front. For military merit as part of a company of infantrymen, Doman was even awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the second-highest among American military awards.

After the end of hostilities, Doman returns to work and begins to specialize in babies with severe damage to the cerebral cortex and serious damage to the central nervous system.

In the mid-1950s, he organized the private Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential. The fundamental basis of this research institution was the methodology of Glenn Doman.

For two decades, the scientist, together with colleagues, conducted various studies, experimented, generalized information in order to create a system for the rehabilitation of children with mental and intellectual retardation.

Glen Doman was convinced that first of all it was necessary to cure the cause of mental difficulties - the imperfection of the brain, and only then deal with the consequences - weak speech, imperfect movements, etc.

In 1960, Doman published material in a specialized scientific publication on the features of his work with children diagnosed with brain damage and the results of their rehabilitation. This article brought him wide popularity in scientific circles.

It was from this time that Doman's early development technique began to be actively used not only by specialists, but also by parents, and its application was expanded - now healthy babies were also trained.

Full information about the development system can be found in author's books:

In these books the reader will find a "clean" system, without additions or corrections. In Russia, the Doman technique is popular, which is adapted to the domestic language and cultural specifics by Andrey Manichenko.

Children's opportunities will grow day by day, if you deal with the child constantly and on a regular basis. The author of the technique was convinced that the brain can develop only with daily training.

However this process runs unevenly. That is why up to 3 years it is necessary to transfer the maximum amount of information to the baby, and in the next 3 years - up to the age of six - to constantly maintain the child's skills and supplement his "baggage" with new knowledge.

Doman's child development methodology is based on several important principles:

  1. Early lessons. Classes with children to improve motor skills and intelligence should begin almost from the first days of life. Immediately after birth, Doman recommended incorporating exercise into the daily routine. It is necessary to stimulate the child to crawl, grab, turn over, stand. You should also teach your child to swim. The author argued that such reflexes are natural for children.

    intellectual development occurs with the help of card sets. The child grasps the picture, memorizing it at the subconscious level. This allows you to "upload" large amounts of information into the baby.

  2. Regularity of exercise. According to Doman, classes should be held daily, they cannot be missed. Only in this case, the children's brain will work and develop fully.
  3. Consideration of the interest of the child. Classes should be carried out only when the baby is interested in them. If he experiences any discomfort, you need to return to the exercises after 2 to 3 hours.
  4. Creation of conditions for learning. Doman cards - required condition child development. This toolkit consists of pictures, dots or words. Cards are introduced into the process gradually so that the baby can quickly remember everything.

Physical development according to Doman

The development system for the smallest includes a very serious set of physical exercises. Dr. Doman believed that there is a relationship between motor skills and intelligence.

Adults who regularly engage in certain exercises with the child produce stimulation of cognitive processes. Thus, the more developed the baby is physically, the higher his intelligence will be.

In order for the baby to be active, certain conditions are created. First of all, a special crawling track is required, which must be placed at a slight angle. The child during the exercises should be lightly dressed.

The complexity and duration of the exercises will depend on the age of the ward.

  • From the very first days of life, a child must, with the help of an innate repulsion reflex, crawl a short distance along a special track. Such charging is performed 10 times a day. Total duration - 4 hours a day;
  • development of manual skills. The child is offered an index finger or a smooth wooden pin of the same size for grasping. When the baby grabs a finger, mom lifts his torso. Perform lifting 10 times a day. Duration - 10 minutes;
  • balance development. This type of exercise involves the improvement of the vestibular apparatus. The parent shakes, rotates, throws the child in various planes. In total, this complex for newborns consists of 15 different exercises. Duration - 10 minutes.

2 to 7 months

  • development of motor skills. The child crawls like a plastuna for a toy. He needs to crawl a longer distance along the track than before (good level - one pause for the entire distance). The exercise is performed 15 times a day. Total duration: from 4 hours per day;
  • development of manual skills. The child grabs the parent's finger, and mom or dad raises the torso so that the baby hangs a little. Perform visas 15 times a day. Duration increased from 2 to 10 seconds;
  • balance development. Mom shakes, rotates and throws the baby in various planes. Again, the same 15 exercises are performed as in the early age period. Duration of improvement of the vestibular apparatus: 10 minutes.

7 to 12 months

  • development of motor skills. The child crawls on all fours. Up to 30 series of such exercises should be carried out per day. Total duration: minimum 4 hours, preferably up to 12 hours per day;
  • development of manual skills. The child hangs on the crossbar, and the parent insures him. Perform visas 15 times a day. The duration of each exercise is 20 seconds;
  • balance development. The child is pumped, rotated, tossed in various planes. At this age, a complex of 10 special exercises is performed. The duration of such a charge is 20 minutes.

From 1 year

  • development of motor skills. The child walks, and you need to start with one or two steps. Up to 30 walking sessions are carried out per day. Duration - at least 2 hours a day;
  • development of manual skills. The child hangs on the horizontal bar, and then gradually moves along it with the help of interceptions (this method must first be demonstrated). For a day, you need to perform 10 interception exercises and 5 series of sagging. Duration - 5 minutes;
  • balance development. A set of 10 exercises for the passive development of balance is performed. The parent shakes, twists, tosses the baby in various planes. Duration - 20 minutes.

So that nothing interferes with physical activity, Doman recommended that parents wear a minimum of clothes on a newborn. So the child will freely move his arms and legs, which will accelerate his physical maturation.

Read more about that in the article. child psychologist. From it you will learn how to create conditions for walking and what exercises will help increase the physical activity of the baby.

In his works, the author pointed out optimal age to master this skill - 12 months. In addition, in order to control the acquisition of knowledge, it is necessary to enlist the child’s ability to speak, because after a week of training, the baby must “read” the words shown.

Developing cards for children have a strictly defined size: 10 by 50 centimeters. The words on them must be bright red, and the height of the letters is approximately 7.5 centimeters.

According to the Doman method in teaching reading follow a certain pattern:

  1. First days: the child is shown 5 pictures with nouns four times. Pauses between classes are no more than half an hour.
  2. Second day: the parent performs three displays of 5 words, already shown yesterday, and three displays of 5 new words. The result is 6 lessons, during which 10 words are studied.
  3. Third day: mother carries out six sessions of 5 cards already shown on the first and second days, and three sessions of 5 new words. The result is 9 lessons, during which 15 words are studied.

It should be remembered that a 30-minute break is required between exercise sessions. In this case, the child's nervous system will have time to rest, and the result will be noticeable sooner.

As soon as the word has been learned within five days, it is removed from the demonstration, since the baby should already be able to remember it. The author recommended that for better control of the replacement of cards, write on them the date the presentation began.

Teaching a child to count according to Doman

According to the method of Glenn Doman, parents and children count differently: an adult imagines a specific figure, and a child sees the number of apples, sweets, etc.

That is why on the cards that will be shown to the child, the author did not depict numbers, but red dots that correspond to this number. This will make it easier for children to learn to count.

The demonstration material consists of white cards, which measure approximately 27 by 27 centimeters. The diameter of the red circles is slightly less than 2 centimeters. You will need 100 such cards, which will contain from 1 to 100 circles.

Learning to count is like learning to read and includes the following actions:

  • the child is shown quickly cards with circles;
  • the lesson consists of three sessions of 5 cards;
  • every day you need to add two new cards and remove 2 cards with familiar numbers from the session;
  • then the adult introduces additional pictures with a large number of circles and increases their number.

The Doman counting method suggests that if a child regularly looks at cards with circles depicted, then very soon he will learn to set the number of items automatically. This will allow him to perform mathematical operations on large numbers.

It is necessary to develop a child constantly, as Doman believed, the goal of life is to gain knowledge. Information materials consist of so-called "bits of intelligence", which is a certain fact.

The author of the technique believed that the explanations were of no particular interest and did not bear any benefit for the child, since his brain can only perceive pure facts - the same bit of information.

Cards for child development help to obtain deep and versatile knowledge if:

  • each element of the image is clearly visible;
  • only one item is shown on the map;
  • the parent pronounces the name of each subject;
  • before this image was unknown to the child;
  • the map is quite large;
  • it is clean, without noise images or dirt.

The formation of encyclopedic knowledge occurs as follows: the mother shows the child a card for 2 seconds, clearly pronouncing the name or description of the image.

Glen Doman believed that this technique is aimed at developing the speed of the nervous reaction. And if at first the child does not understand anything, then (subject to the regularity of classes) he has a faster memorization and photographic memory.

Initially, you need to show 10 cards three times a day, then gradually the number of cards shown increases to 120. As soon as the picture has been viewed 30 times, it should be replaced with a new one. Therefore, mom needs to keep a record of how much each card was shown.

Demonstration material is sold in stores, but many parents are increasingly choosing independent production cards, since hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures and images will be needed for training.

What else can be used at home? You can find out about this by reading an article by a child psychologist with the most detailed description of useful activities for kids by months.

Glenn Doman's technique allows cards to be made from improvised materials. The easiest and most reasonable option is to download for free from the site and print on thick quality paper using a color printer. You can make cards by cutting out pictures from magazines and newspapers.

The printed material, with careful use, will last a fairly long time if hard paper is additionally laminated. Such cards can even be loaned to friends who also want to teach their child using this technique.

Must be signed in advance reverse side cards, so as not to turn it over during the demonstration, because nothing should distract the baby from the process of contemplating the depicted object or word.

Cards need to be systematized and decomposed into certain sections. Eg:

  • poultry;
  • musical instruments;
  • body parts;
  • vegetables;
  • Russian writers, etc.

If for the smallest children 10 cards for each section are enough, then for older kids the number of pictures increases dramatically. In addition, subcategories appear in the sections. For example, in the category "birds" appear "waterfowl", "birds of the Arctic", "birds of prey".

Doman's technique in the words of the author

An American physiotherapist compared a child's brain to a perfect computer that collects and analyzes "bits of intelligence." The author believed that it is not common for children under 1 year old to perceive overly clever thoughts.

The child should be presented with specific, clear and as much information as possible. As an example, Doman suggests paying attention to the acquaintance of a baby with a dog.

When the baby looks at the passing Ball and asks what it is, parent can:

  • refer to employment and refuse to explain;
  • tell the child: “It’s yap-tyav”;
  • tell simply that it is a dog;
  • explain that this is a poodle dog;
  • show images with dogs;
  • show cards with different breeds of dogs and show where the St. Bernard, Shepherd, Dachshund, Setter, etc. are depicted.

The last explanation is the most complete, because without additional explanations the child can understand that all dogs have common features - four paws, a tail, wool. However, pets differ in size, color, etc.

That is, in a short time, the baby independently performs a lot of intellectual work and accelerates brain activity.

The early development of a child according to the Glen Doman system is popular with domestic mothers. Usually parents express positive opinions about the results of regular classes, as the baby is actively interested in bright images, words and dots.

Glen Doman's cards attract children's attention, so the child remembers a lot of facts and information that parents offer him.

However, many experts are not so optimistic about this technique, highlighting several serious disadvantages:

  1. The system is based only on visual and sound perception. The kid passively receives information, does not analyze it and is often unable to put it into practice.
  2. Lessons do not provide for development creativity. For example, without the formation of fine motor skills, it is impossible to improve the intelligence of a baby. However, when working with cards, the child does not draw, does not sculpt from plasticine, does not play.
  3. According to the method, the text is accompanied by a demonstration of cards. In the future, the child has difficulty reading texts without images and does not always understand the material read. Such training is fraught with a lack of desire in children to engage in uninteresting activities.
  4. Every kid is a bright personality with his own preferences. One wants to sculpt from plasticine, the other seeks to collect puzzles, the third - to active activities. Not every child will study Doman's cards without doing anything.

Increased load on nervous system often leads to undesirable consequences - mental disorders, changes in the emotional background, problems with appetite, communication skills, high anxiety, tearfulness.

The opinion of a neurologist

Many experts speak rather negatively about the Glenn Doman method. For example, the neurologist Yelizaveta Melanchenko opposes early developmental systems, including Domanov's.

Quite often, children with various problems in the form of tics, obsessive movements, and enuresis come to see neurologists. Such symptoms are the result of too early a child's education. What causes psychological and neurological disorders?

The maturation of the child's brain occurs gradually. First of all, centers are formed that are responsible for the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems, then for movement, emotions, volitional processes and reading.

In the event of a violation of this sequence (when a child is taught to read before he begins to walk), the development of the baby can deviate from the normative indicators.

Due to intellectual overstrain, spasm of the head vessels occurs due to blood flow to the brain. As a result, the child has a headache, tics, enuresis and simply increased emotional lability appear.

Unfortunately, some mothers do not listen to the advice of specialists and intellectually overload their babies. As a result, the child becomes uncontrollable, aggressive, cannot master the kindergarten program, after which he switches to home schooling.

In especially severe cases, children are even prescribed serious medications to reduce the manifestation of a neurological disease. The conclusion, as they say, is up to you.

Doman's cards are part of the popular developing system of the American physiotherapist. Some parents talk about obvious positive changes in the development of the baby, while other mothers are convinced that with age, the accumulated knowledge is forgotten.

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Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Children brought up according to the Glenn Doman system perform incredible gymnastic exercises at a very early age, can read from two, three, four years old, communicate excellently in several languages. foreign languages, excellently master mathematics, play musical instruments - in other words, they show the abilities inherent only in geniuses. What is the secret?

From the history

It all started when, in the late forties, a young military doctor, Glenn Doman, began treating children with brain injuries. They have developed techniques that give amazing results. "Sentenced" children developed rapidly and even overtook their healthy peers. The basis of all developments was the discovery: through healthy parts of the brain, it is possible to influence the damaged ones.

Having achieved amazing results, Doman tried out a system designed for sick children with healthy children. He headed the Human Potential Achievement Institute in Philadelphia. His methodology is used by parents in different parts of the world, since 1964 his books have been published in different languages.

Brain Functions

Glen Doman identified six functions of the brain, thanks to which a person differs from all other creatures. Three of them: motor (walking, running, jumping), speech, writing - are completely dependent on the other three, sensitive: vision, hearing, sensations. Only a person is capable of walking upright, can communicate in a symbolic, abstract, artificially invented language, write down this invented language, read what is written, understand spoken language and recognize an object through touch.

“It is the implementation of these six functions that serves as a life test for underdevelopment, normality, and giftedness. Moreover, excellence in these functions will almost inevitably lead to excellence in life. Each of these functions from birth to six years of age goes through seven stages of brain development. This is the basis on which the entire Doman teaching methodology is built.

It is important to note that, according to Doman, the main of these six is ​​the motor function (walking, running, jumping). Every parent who wants to see a child physically perfect should help him move as much as possible.

Crawling to records

The mobility and activity of the hands allows the child to quickly increase their mental potential. And the development of the baby must begin from birth. What does Doman offer? First of all, turn the newborn on his stomach. Babies are usually placed on their back, in this position they are helpless and cannot move normally. But not a single animal is in the position of paws or hooves up. This is the main and first mistake that limits the mobility of the newborn. Putting the baby on the tummy, we follow nature: the soft underbelly is protected by the floor, and the back is the natural frame of the skeleton, the baby freely moves his arms and legs, tries to hold his head.

The second mistake is to wrap babies in warm clothes that prevent them from moving. During pregnancy, the baby was at a temperature of 36.6 ° C, and the cool adult atmosphere of 20 ° C is not suitable for him. It is necessary to plan the nursery as a room for children, and not for educators-parents - therefore, make it warmer.

Cognition, according to Doman, is the same instinct of self-preservation; knowledge is the factor that is necessary for survival.

Doman offers special crawling tracks that can be used from the first birthday. They resemble long boxes, the walls of which touch the forearms and hips of a baby lying on his stomach. Pushing off with the legs, following the innate reflex, the baby will be able to crawl quite long distances. Crawling prone and on all fours plays an important role in the development of vision, speech and intelligence. Therefore, this technique recommends even older children to take part in teaching the baby to crawl with him!

Glen Doman is ready to place a child for physical activity on a warm, even, safe floor at least 24 hours a day. Here, of course, there are many opponents of this approach. No physical intelligence will ever replace live emotional contact, they will say, and they will be right in their own way. However, they do not take into account that his parents should be on the floor with the child!

In addition to crawling, you need to develop a grasping reflex in a baby by simply bringing your fingers to his handles 10 times a day for 1 minute. And the program of development of vestibular skills will accelerate the growth of the parts of the brain responsible for balance. Doman offers 15 types of such stimulation.

So, moving on your stomach will develop into 2.5 months into conscious crawling, into 3-4 months into crawling on all fours, then into walking, running, sprinting and running long distances. By training according to the Doman program, a kid at the age of six will run 20 meters downhill, then 100 meters, etc. up to 5 kilometers without stopping.

Studying, take what is right for you and your baby, do not limit yourself only to the scope of this program, even if it is absolutely yours. Listen to songs with your child, read poetry, play role-playing games and toys, get creative. Listen to your child and do things that both of you enjoy. Each time, reinforce the learning process with some caress, such as kissing or stroking.

Reading from birth

Doman considers teaching reading to be the most important and most important task. With the help of reading, a child can "inherit the knowledge of another person who lived in another country and 100 years before him." Having learned to read, the baby becomes free, he is no longer limited by what his parents know and give him. Teaching reading, mathematics and various other sciences is built in the Glen Doman system according to one principle. It is necessary to quickly show the child during the day cards of a certain size with whole words and sentences, points from 1 to infinity, animals, planets, historical figures, etc. and clearly pronounce the names of the depicted. And the earlier such training begins, the better. “A one-year-old is easier to teach than a seven-year-old,” says Glenn. And to the question: “At what age should training begin?” - replies: "From birth!"

The method of teaching reading begins with words divided into thematic groups, the first being "Body Parts". Many teachers note that this system must be good for those languages ​​where there are no endings, but the child will learn the Russian language incorrectly, will ignore the endings when reading or swallow them. On the other hand, at the second stage (after learning about 50 words), the baby gets the opportunity to see phrases (where he detects changes in endings), later simple sentences, common sentences.

Doman does not start teaching children with letters. “Reading the letters is very difficult, because no one has ever eaten, caught, carried or opened the “A”. But everyone ate a banana, caught a ball, wore a hat and opened a book. The letters that make up the word "ball" are abstract, but the ball itself is quite concrete, so it's easier to learn the word "ball" than the letter "M". This is contrary to the traditional approach, when children are first introduced to letters, sounds, syllables and warehouses, and only then to words and sentences. Doman, on the other hand, argues that the brain, like a computer, needs to be given a set of information and facts, and he will discover the laws that they obey.

Children love to learn, love to learn, and the younger they are, the greater their craving for knowledge. We can dampen this need by checking and testing children to find out what they don't already know. Doman opposes tests: the child must show what he knows, be a winner, and not a loser who is pointed out to his mistakes and problems. Praise your little genius more often, create situations of success, say that he is doing everything right!

Baby Encyclopedia

Weeks or months after learning to read, Doman adds encyclopedic knowledge. The program is built identically. A series of cards include knowledge from various fields of science. It does not even matter here that the child will remember a large amount of information, because when buying an encyclopedia, we also do not read it from cover to cover. Learning, the kid will allow his brain to grow, and will also be able to analyze objects and, like a real scientist, draw conclusions and find patterns. The "lessons" themselves do not take much time, although they require organization. The time here is calculated in minutes: one card should be shown for 1 second, and so on for 10 pieces of the 3rd series. Therefore, let's say, even with 20 approaches, it will take you only 10 minutes a day. However, making cards is a rather painstaking work. Indeed, in order to complete, for example, the assimilation of encyclopedic knowledge and proceed to intellectual program, you should already have about 1000 cards. Glen Doman, on the other hand, says that it is not necessary to complete everything completely, and if parents give at least some part of the material, it will be much better than nothing.

Many points

A child begins to learn mathematics from the number of objects, and not from signs (numbers), as is customary in traditional pedagogy. Indeed, first you need to introduce the baby to the concept of quantity, and only when he has a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat 5 cars or 10 geese are, he can be introduced to numbers. Doman does not show geese and pears to children and does not even count apples and cats with them, he shows cards with dots. He claims that according to his method, children can easily determine the number of points on the go, even if there are at least 50 of them, without counting, and this will help them perform arithmetic operations with large numbers in their minds.

And in mathematics, as you can see, you can achieve results that we call brilliant. And all because all children are brilliant, according to Doman, from birth, and each crumb has a mental potential no less than that of Leonardo da Vinci.

“We were trying to understand the origin of genius,” writes Doman, “and suddenly realized that this “origin” lies in the time period from birth to six years. The appearance of a genius depends on the opportunity given to the child to develop!